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TO: Bob Stefanowski For Governor Campaign Team

From: John McLaughlin & Brian Larkin

RE: CT Republican Primary Executive Summary – May 2018
Date: May 8th, 2018

McLaughlin & Associates just completed a statewide Republican Primary survey for Bob Stefanowski for
Governor. The survey was an n=400 sample survey of likely Republican Primary election voters in the State of
Connecticut on May 4th – May 6th.


This survey of political attitudes was conducted among 400 likely Republican primary election voters in
Connecticut from May 4th – 6th, 2018. All interviews were conducted by professional interviewers via telephone.
Interview selection was at random within predetermined election units from the database of all recent past
Republican primary voters. These units were structured to statistically correlate with actual Republican primary
election voter turnout. The accuracy of the sample of 400 likely Republican primary election voters in Connecticut
is within +/- 4.9% at a 95% confidence interval.

This survey was a scientifically and statistically valid survey of likely Republican primary voters. McLaughlin &
Associates makes every effort to ensure we are speaking with registered voters with a history of voting, or
newly registered voters who indicate they are likely to vote. Thirty percent (30%) of all interviews were
conducted on cell phones.

Survey Highlights:

• At this time, Bob Stefanowski is clearly the Republican frontrunner and currently leads the crowded
Republican primary with three times the level of support, at 33%, compared to his next closest
opponent at 11%. The other candidates are in single digits on the multi-candidate ballot. Important to
note, we tested 11 viable candidates on the ballot. (See chart below)

If the Republican primary election for Governor of Connecticut were held today, for
whom would you vote?
• Only one candidate is known to the majority of Republican primary voters – Bob Stefanowski.
Bob’s name is recognized by 73% of the voters and he has a very positive ratio of 42% to 3%
favorable to unfavorable.

• No other Republican candidate is recognized by the majority of Republican primary voters, and no one
has a favorable rating at Stefanowski’s level.

Other Findings:

• Economic issues dominate the race for Governor: Taxes 31%, budget / finances 21%, the economy 20%,
and jobs 4%.
• Voters approve of phasing out the state income tax and cutting business taxes, 89% to 9%.
• Sixty-eight percent (68%) of the voters prefer a political outsider, over someone with a career in elected
office at 20%.


As a political outsider and a Connecticut native with a specific plan to reduce taxes, cut spending and create
jobs, Bob Stefanowski has taken a commanding lead in the race for Republican candidate for governor. Bob’s
early and aggressive digital, print and television media campaign has produced significantly higher name
recognition over all other Republican candidate and three times as much support on the ballot. With a well-
funded campaign not reliant on taxpayer funding, a strong and resonating message and a growing field
organization, Bob is very well positioned to expand on his substantial primary lead in the coming months

About McLaughlin & Associates:

McLaughlin & Associates is a national survey research and strategic services company whose personnel have
played a key role in assisting successful organizations in the United States, Canada, Europe, Asia and Latin
America. We specialize in public opinion research, media planning and buying services, and strategic consulting

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