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Appendix 2.


Licensing Questions 
Directions: Consult the ​NC Child Care Handbook​ for answers to the following questions about 
licensing centers in this state. The handbook is available online at​. Record answers from the handbook. 
Then use the “Paraphrased for conversation” section to rewrite the information as you would tell it 
to another person in conversation. 

1.​ Why are child day care centers in North Carolina required to be licensed?
To make sure the safety and developmental well being of the children while in out of
home care.

2.​ Who is the licensing agency, and who must apply for a permit to operate?
Division Child Development and Early Education and the DHHS and whoever wants to
apply for licenses.

3.​ What should be done BEFORE one applies for a permit to operate a center?
Contact Division of Child Development for book, then go to pre-licensing workshop
before you apply.

4.​ What is required of religious-sponsored child care centers?

Notice of compliance

5.​ Can a license be transferred from one owner to another? From one location to another? ​A
licensed cannot be bought or sold or from one location to another

6.​ When is a temporary license issued? How long is this type of license in effect? ​Temporary
license may be issued to operator of new center, or to operater of previous licensed
center when change of ownership or location happens.
7.​ When is a provisional license issued? How long is this type of license in effect?
A Provisional license is a permit that may be issued for up to one year to child care
providers who fail to to meet minimum licensing requirements.

8.​ When is a special provisional license issued? What must be posted with this license?
May be issued for up to six months to child care providers when it is determined that
child abuse or neglect has occurred in a center. For the reasons for its issuance must be
posted in a prominent place in the center

9.​ When is a probationary license issued? How long is this type of license in effect?
May be issued for up to one year to child care providers when it is determined that a
violation of the child care law or rules has been willful, continual or hazardous to the
health and safety of children.

10.​ On what three types of criteria are rated licenses issued? When are rated licenses
issued? ​Program standards, Education, and Compliance. After your annual compliance
visit and the environmental rating scales have been completed with a passing score to
determine what rating you will receive.

11.​ How do centers earn a One Star Rated License? What is the minimum compliance
score?​ Based on program standards and education levels of staff, Licenses indicates the
child care operator meets minimum child care requirements and can be issued after
being a operation for a minimum of six months.

12.​ How do centers earn Higher Level Rated Licenses? How is the number of stars figured?
Increase education levels or reduce ratios.

13.​ What is a center’s compliance history? How does it affect their license?
Sheet used to calculate the compliance history percentage. Points are assigned for the
occurrence of specific violations.
To maintain a license or Notice of Compliance, a child care facility must have a
compliance history of at least 75% for the past 18 months or during the length of time the
facility has operated. Points are assigned for the occurrence of specific violations. The
point value is based on the potential threat to the health of the safety of children.

14.​ What is meant by building codes? What kind of inspection is required for this? ​A
building code is a set of rules that a specify the standards for constructed objects such
as buildings and nonbuilding structures.

15.​ What is meant by fire codes? What kind of inspection is required for this?
Codes tell you what requirements need to be met, and what features of fire protections
need to be installed. An inspections from a fire department.

16.​ What is meant by sanitation codes? What kind of inspection is required for this?
Sanitation codes is when people come to make sure things are in order, and cooked
properly and is at the right temperature and making sure everything is clean.

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