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Akose Ifa(Spell) For Protection, Against Attacks from Spirits, Ghosts and Demons

This work will explain the Akose Ifa from Odu Ifa Ejiogbe, It will reveal the Ifa
preparation that can be used to secure protection against attack from ghosts,
,demons, and evil spirits. The nature of attack from the aforemetions can be against
individual person, Home or place of business, in most cases it is usually home or
dwelling place and mostly in the night, so the Akose ifa from holy odu Ejogbe that will
be explain in concluding part of this work, can guarantee maximum security for
individual and their home from any form of ghosts, demons or any evils spirits hunting

The signs that you are likely to be under intense ghosts or demons hunting or attacks as
an individual, are quite different from the signs you will observe when it is your home or
place of Business that is been affected. hence each will be discuss separately in turns.

As an individual these signs that will be explain below has been

mutually agree on by spiritualists of both African and Western extractions ,to be signs of
ghost or spirit are putting influence either positive or negative on the individual life. those
signs are:

•A feeling of being watched . You can be alone in the room or mere open space,and be
getting the feeling and sensation that some one is watching you and looking at you.
•A feeling someone touch when no one is present,you can be feeling as if some one touch
•Hearing disembody voices, you can be hearing some strange voices.
•Sudden changes in personality and behavior for no reason
• A loss of self-confidence
•Irrational fear, anger or sorrow
•Sudden depression without an apparent reason
• Sudden and irrational difficulties with relationships
•Feeling you have been cut or scratched, when no one is there
•Icy cold sensation on your body.
• Feeling drained or a sudden loss of energy
• Fatigue for no reason
•Memory and/or time loss
•Unable to think clearly or make logical decisions
• Frequent or recurring nightmares
•Imagining monsters, animals or frightening shadows
• Visions or hallucinations that are disturbing
•Strange recurring accidents that can seem like bad luck
•Sudden illnesses that elude diagnosis and cannot be explained
•A negative obsessive thought, desire or fetish that won’t go away
•A discomfort or fear in a specific room or area in your home

When it come to your dwelling place,That is your home,some of the explanation given
below are unversaly aggreable signs by most spuritualists and diviners globaly that your
home is under the hunting of ghost or evil spirits.they are:
•Mild psychokinetic occurrence - If your home is haunted you might hear doors being
closed or opened, you might even see it happen when actually no one is standing close to
the door. Seeing lights turning on and off all by themselves is yet another symptom.
•If you witness windows and doors locking and unlocking on their own, or your child's
power toy moving on its own, something is surely wrong and often points to that of a
haunting. A feeling of being touched - you might suddenly feel something has touched
your hand, shoulder, arm or legs; Most often the same sensation felt by that of a living
person or animal.
•Whispers and cries - Sudden crying and whispering can be heard. All of a sudden music
is heard from an unknown source, and you might hear your name being called. If more
than one person hears such thing at the same time, this helps to know you're not going
•Known voices - Sometimes people hear voices of someone they know, but when the
voice is heard that particular person is not present in the area.
•Cold or hot spots - Cold spots are one of the most common haunting symptoms, and if
any sudden variation in temperature is felt without any cause, this can be evidence. It's
more common that a cold spot is felt whether than a warm spot however.
•Unexplained smells - The sudden smell or fragrance of cologne or perfume which is not
present in your house.
•The smell comes and goes without any cause and can be accompanied by other
occurrences like hearing of voices, seeing shadows and so on. Foul smell like that of a
rotten egg can also be one of the symptoms of a poltergeist haunting.
•Physical assault - One can experience sudden hard shoves, scratches and even a slap.
This type of physical assault is quite rare, but is definitely very disturbing.
•Levitating or moving objects - You suddenly will be able to see pictures flying off from
the walls, dinner plates moving on the table on its own, furniture moving on the floor and
doors opening and closing with great force with no logical explanation.
•Physical illnesses with no relief from medication - on shifting to places that are haunted,
people suddenly are diagnosed with rare illnesses. They also experience fatigue, sleep
disturbances, stress and get no relief until they leave the suspected haunted area.
•Frequent nightmares - Nightmares keep on increasing, sleep walking and sleep
disturbances also are experienced.
•Objects missing and found in unexpected places - At times, objects like jewelry, car keys
and money disappear from where they are kept and are then suddenly found in
unexpected places like on kitchen stove, beneath the burner and other unusual places.

Akose Ifa(Spell) For Protection, Against Attacks from Spirits, Ghosts and Demons

Ewe Mafiowokan omomi(Leopad tongue leaves with scientific name Acanthospermum

Hispidium),Ewe taba gidi gbigbe(tobacco leaves with scientific name Nicotina
Tobbacum),Grind to powder form and mix it with Iyerosun(Ifa divination powder).Use it
to imprint Odu Ejiogbe .
Then recite the following ifa incantation on it.It goes thus:
Olúmini jìnmini,
Ló dífáfún ỌỌrúnmìlà
Níjọọ tí tíkú àti àrùn ń kan ilé rẹ re
Tí gbogbo Ajogún ikú ń kán ilé bàbá lọ
Tí bàbá ń f’oojojúmó lá àlá kálàá
Tí ó ń fi ojojúmọọ sùn orun ìsùn kúusùn,
Wọọn ní kí ỌỌrúnmìlà rú ẹbọ;
Bàbá gbé ẹbọ, ó rúbọọ,
Ïjẹọ ikú wòlé, ikú o le fọhùn
Olúmini jìnmini;
Àrùn wọlé, àrùn kò lee fọhùn
Olúmini jìnmini;
Ibi gbogbo wọlé, wọọn ò le fọhùn
Olúmini jìnmini,
Rírú ẹbọ ló maa ń gbeni
Kòrú kò tù kìí gbènìyàn
Kò pẹọ, kò jìnna
Ifá yíò bá ní ní jẹỌbútú ire
Ibi ire ni wọọn yío bá ni lẹọsẹỌ Ọbàrìsà


Olúmini, Jìnmini, (owner of forgiveness)

Divine for ỌỌrúnmìlà,
The day that Ikú (Death) and Àrùn
(Sickness) were in his house;
when all negativity was going to the father’s house
when Bàbá was having nightmares
When he was having bad sleep;
ỌỌrúnmìlà was asked to make sacrifice;
Father headed and made sacrifice
When Death enters his house, death
became dumb;
Olúmini, Jìnmini
All negativity came into ỌỌrúnmìlà’s house but couldn’t speak
Olúmini, Jìnmini (owner of forgiveness)
Making sacrifice befits and saves one from evil;
Making sacrifice does not pay one
Not to long; not too far
Ifa will find one in abundance of possibilities
In a good place we will be found at the foot of Ọbarìṣà
After recitatation is done.the powder can be make into bracelet,or put in hide or leather as
pendant for chain,it can also be put in art work to be hang around the house

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