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CM and OCD Assignment

1. You are in upper management for a mid-sized manufacturing company. Recent

economic changes forced upper management to move much of the manufacturing to a
foreign country. As a result, many of the state-side employees will be forced to work
directly with foreign counterparts. There is great concern that the existing employees may
not embrace the change, and you have been tasked with creating a plan to minimize the
Changes are always the hardest to handle but if handled properly can lead to the success of the
organization. Since the management is moving their manufacturing unit to foreign country,
employees are now be dealing with foreign counterparts which would be a bit difficult but could be
resolved with proper planning for the employees and their training.
Lewin’s 3 stage model of change could be very helpful to the organisaion by providing
guidelines to change. 3 stage model of change :

1. Unfreezing:

Before we can cook a meal that has been frozen, we need to defrost or thaw it out. The same can be
said of change. Before a change can be implemented, it must go through the initial step
of unfreezing. Because many people will naturally resist change, the goal during the unfreezing
stage is to create an awareness of how the status quo, or current level of acceptability, is hindering
the organization in some way.
So at this stage we will talk to the people and educate them that how this change will be beneficial
for them. Untill and unless people don’t find their personal benefit into anything, they will not
change. So getting them agreed onto this is very important and on this stage communication plays a
very important role to inform everyone about the eminent change.

2. Changing:
Now that the people are 'unfrozen' they can begin to move. Lewin recognized that change is a
process where the organization must transition or move into this new state of being.
This changing step, also referred to as 'transitioning' or 'moving,' is marked by the implementation
of the change. This is when the change becomes real. It's also, consequently, the time that most
people struggle with the new reality. It is a time marked with uncertainty and fear, making it the
hardest step to overcome. During the changing step people begin to learn the new behaviors,
processes and ways of thinking. The more prepared they are for this step, the easier it is to
Now people will be given training on how to handle the foeign clients and everything related to
their work. No stone will be left unturned during their training.

3. Refreezing:
Lewin called the final stage of his change model freezing, but many refer to it as refreezing to
symbolize the act of reinforcing, stabilizing and solidifying the new state after the change. The
changes made to organizational processes, goals, structure, offerings or people are accepted and
refrozen as the new norm or status quo. Lewin found the refreezing step to be especially important
to ensure that people do not revert back to their old ways of thinking or doing prior to the
implementation of the change. Efforts must be made to guarantee the change is not lost; rather, it
needs to be cemented into the organization's culture and maintained as the acceptable way of
thinking or doing.
Since people are adopting the change but to ensure they don’t get back. So in order to ensure
refreezing positive rewards and acknowledgment of individualized efforts will be used as it is
believed that positively reinforced behavior will likely be repeated.

1. You are an executive-level manager for a large marketing firm. Up until recently, your
marketing executives enjoyed a myriad of perks including travel to meet with clients,
laptop computers, free gym memberships, and company cars. However, after your firm
lost a high producing account, marketing executives will lose some of the important
benefits to which they have grown accustomed. It is your job to get the executives to buy
into the changes. These changes include: restricted use of personal vehicles, limited
travel benefits, elimination of tele-commuting and return of smart phones and tablets. You
know this will not be easy.

Taking back the benefits that people have already enjoyed is very difficult but during economic
imbalance companies do have to do certain changes to their policies regarding perks and benefits
people are enjoying. So my company is undergoing these changes and my plan to handle these
problems will be :
1. Communication of the change will be made directly and clearly by the managers or team
As the company is facing some economic difficulties but still not going for retrenchment or layoff.
This is a problem for short duration as we are working on to resolve all the issues and get back to
the path of achievements but till the time company doesn’t get stable or back to its position we
require your cooperation and dedication. In order to comply with the same management have
suggested some change for a period of time, i hope we all will comply to it and cooperate to our
2. Although we are taking back some of the benefits but have some alternatives for them such as :

 Instead of company car, employees would be asked to use public transports and the expenses
would be reimbursed after the submission of pay receipt.
 Travel benefit would now be limited but company will provide complete travel benefit to the
executives who will convert the clients or crack the deals.
 Elimination of tele-commuting – people are advised to have a Jio sim for the official purpose.
 Company will be providing only the personal computers for work. Employees will be asked to
bring and use their personal smart phones and tablets and need to return those of company.
 Instead of company car, employees would be asked to use public transport and the expenses
would be redeemed after the submission of pay receipt.
 Instead of gym membership employees will be having yoga and zumba session within the
organization on certain days.

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