SQL Practical 6

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1.) Create table salesman;
----- -------------------- --------------- ---------------
1001 Piyush London 12%
1002 Niraj Surat 13%
1003 Miti London 11%
1004 Rajesh Baroda 15%
1005 Anand New Delhi 10%
1006 Ram Patan 10%
1007 Laxman Bombay 09%

SNUM : A Unique number (Give Primary Key) assign to each salesman.

SNAME : The name of salesman.
CITY : The location of salesman.
COMMISSION: The salesman commission on order.

2.) Create table customer;

----- --------- -------- ------- -------------------------------------
2001 Hardik London 100 1001
2002 Gita Rome 200 1003
2003 Laxit Surat 200 1002
2004 Govind Bombay 300 1002
2005 Chandu London 100 1001
2006 Champak Surat 300 1007
2007 Pratik Rome 100 1004

CNUM : A Unique number (Give Primary Key) assign to each customer.

CNAME : The name of customer.
CITY : The location of customer.
RATING : A level of preference indicator given to this customer.
SNUM : A salesman number (Give Foreign Key) assign to this customer.

3.) Create table order;

--------- --------- --------- --------- -----------------------------
3001 18.96 10-MAR-99 2007 1002
3002 767.19 10-MAR-99 2001 1001
3003 1900.1 10-MAR-99 2007 1004
3004 5160.45 10-MAR-99 2003 1002
3005 1098.25 10-APR-99 2007 1007
3006 1713.12 10-APR-99 2002 1003
3007 75.75 10-MAY-99 2004 1002
3008 4723 10-MAY-99 2006 1001
3009 1309.95 10-MAY-99 2004 1002
3010 9898.87 10-JUN-99 2006 1001

ONUM : A Unique number (Give Primary Key) assign to each Order.

AMOUNT : Amount of order in Rupees.
ODATE : The date of order
CNUM : The number of customer making the order. (Give Foreign Key)
SNUM : The number of salesman credited with the sale. (Give Foreign Key)


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1) Show the name of all customers with their salesman's name.
2) List all customers and salesmen who shared a same city.
3) List all orders with the names of their customer and salesman.
4) List all orders by the customers not located in the same city as their salesman.
5) List all customers serviced by salesman with commission above 12%.
6) Find all pairs of customers having the same rating with our duplication.
7) List all customers located in cities where salesman Niraj has customers.
8) Find all pairs of customers served by a single salesman with the salesman's name and no.
9) List all customer/salesmen living same city.
10)Produce the name and city of all the customers with the same rating as Hardik.
11)Extract all orders of Miti.
12)Extract all orders of Baroda's salesmen.
13)Find all orders of the salesman who services 'Hardik'.
14)List all orders that are greater than the average of April 10, 1997.
15)Find all orders attributed to salesmen in 'London'.
16)List the commission of all salesmen serving customers in 'London'.
17)Find all customers whose cnum is 1000 above than the snum of Niraj.
18)Count the no. of customers with the rating above than the average of 'Surat'.
19)List all orders of the customer 'Champak'.
20)Find all customers with orders on 3rd Oct. 1997 using correlate sub query.
21)List the name and number of all salesmen who has more than Zero customers.
22)Using correlated sub query find the name and number of all customers with rating equal to maximum
for their city.
23)Select the name and number of all salesmen who have customers their cities.
24)Find all salesmen who have customers with rating > 300.
25)List all salesmen with customers located in their cities.
26)Find all salesmen for whom there are customers that follow them alphabetical order.
27)Find all customers having rating greater than any customer in 'Rome'.
28)List all order that has amount greater than at least one of the orders from 6th October 1997.
29)Find all orders with amounts smaller than any amount for a customer in 'Rome'.
30)Find all the customers who have greater rating than every customer in 'Rome'.
31)Select all customers whose rating doesn't match with any rating customer of 'Surat'.
32)List all customers whose ratings are equal to or greater than ANY 'Niraj'.
33)Remove all orders from customer Chandresh from the orders table.
34)Set the ratings of all the customers of Piyush to 400.
35)Suppose we have a table called sales Manager with the same definition as Salesmen table. Company
decides to promote salesmen having total order more than 5000 to Sales Manager. Fill up the Sales
Manager table.
36)Assume that we have a table called smcity. Store the information of all salesmen with the customers
in their home cities into smcity.
37)New Delhi office has closed. Remove all customers assigned to salesmen in New Delhi.
38)Delete all salesmen who have at least one customer with a rating of 100 from salesmen table.
39)Delete the salesmen who produce the lowest order for each day.
40)Find the smallest order for each day. Reduce the commission of all salesmen by 2% who produce
this order.
41)Delete all customers with no current orders.
42)List all salesmen in London who had at least one customer located there as well.
43)List all salesmen in London who didn't have any customer there.
44)Create a union of two queries that shows the names, cities and ratings of all customers. Those with
rating of >=200 should display 'HIGH RATING' and those with < 200 should display 'LOW RATING'.
45)Create a table Multicustomer containing the salesmen with more than one customer.

Note: Write down all queries with output in file before practical exam.

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