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Biomedical Research 2018; 29 (3): 465-471 ISSN 0970-938X

Therapeutic effectiveness of toric implantable collamer lens in treating ultra-

high myopic astigmatism.
Dekun Li#, Mei Li#, Zhenkai Liu, Jiaojiao Ling, Feng Ke, Fang Li, Hongmei Gu, Jie Shao, Jinqiang Yu*
Department of Ophthalmology, Renmin Hospital, Hubei University of Medicine, Shiyan, Hubei Province, PR China
#These authors contributed equally to this work

With a rapid increase in the prevalence of Ultra-High Myopic Astigmatism (UHMA), especially in the
youth, there have been many studies on visual correction. In our study, we investigated the clinical value
of the Toric Implantable Collamer Lens (TICL) in UHMA. We conducted a retrospective study between
2011 and 2013. TICL implantation was performed on fifteen UHMA patients (30 eyes), and all these
patients were regularly followed up for 12 months. The preoperative and postoperative data, including
Uncorrected Visual Acuity (UCVA), Best Corrected Visual Acuity (BCVA), Intraocular Pressure (IOP),
and corneal endothelial counts, were all analysed using the paired-sample t-test. The 12-month spherical
mirror (SPH) of the surgical eye was -0.25~+0.25 D, and the Cylinder mirror (CYL) was 0~-0.50 D.
Twenty patients exhibited an increase in UCVA by one level in comparison to the preoperative BCVA,
amounting to a 66.7% increase; 20.0% of patients exhibited an increase in UCVA by two levels. A
comparison between the preoperative and postoperative IOP showed no statistically significant
difference. No difference was also found in mean corneal endothelial counts before and after the
operation. A decrease in visual acuity was observed in one eye at the 3rd-month of review; this was
corrected by TICL position adjustment. Precisely measuring the preoperative parameters, selecting the
appropriate TICL, more thoroughly aspirating sodium hyaluronate intraoperatively, and maintaining a
stable IOP were important for maintaining the effectiveness, safety and stability of TICL in treating

Keywords: Ultra-high myopia, Astigmatism, I/A, Posterior chamber TICL.

Accepted on November 2, 2017

Introduction recommended for certain patients, such as those with corneal

pannus, dry eye, and thin corneas, among others. Second, in
Worldwide, Refractive Error (RE), particularly myopia, is the most patients with high myopia, more corneal tissues need to
primary cause of visual impairment [1]. Presently, the be cut, and this would involve the removal of normal corneal
incidence of myopia, particularly high myopia, has been tissues. Clinical efficacies of this, however, are poor, and might
increasing quickly [2,3] with a corresponding increase in lead to serious complications after the surgery, such as
clinical costs [4]. As this decrease in vision influences the postoperative aberrations, refraction rollback, and corneal
studies, work, and life of myopic patients [5] correcting high ectasia, among others [9]. Corneal refractive surgery is thus not
myopia is always an important research topic in the field of suitable for these patients.
ophthalmology [6]. With improvements in excimer laser
equipment and the microkeratome, the treatment of With the improvements in intraocular lens material
nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism using the technologies and surgical techniques, the developments in lens
excimer laser has achieved a good clinical efficacy, where the refractive surgery expand the indications of refractive surgery.
effects of treatment on low to moderate myopia are Consequently, lens refractive surgery has received more
overwhelmingly positive. Excimer laser treatment is also attention from clinicians and is used for more clinical
favored by doctors and patients for its significant clinical applications. Lens refractive surgery includes crystalline lens
effects, safety, and reliability. With treatment expansion, its removal in addition to intraocular lens implantation and phakic
disadvantages have also become more prominent [7]. First, intraocular lens implantation. Crystalline lens removal with
corneal refractive surgery with excimer laser is highly intraocular lens implantation is suitable for myopic patients
dependent on the pupil size, corneal thickness, corneal over 50 y old. After the surgery, the patient would also have
curvature, and non-matching cutting areas [8], so it is delimited the intraocular lens. Shortcomings include the loss of normal
to correct myopia only within -10.0 D or less, and is not regulatory functions, cystoid macular edema, and after-

Biomed Res 2018 Volume 29 Issue 3 465


cataract, among others. Phakic intraocular lens implantation Methods

includes the anterior chamber angle-support type, iris-fixation
type, posterior chamber ciliary groove-fixation type, and General information
ciliary groove-suspension type. The anterior chamber angle-
support type and iris-fixation type were prone to cause the TICL implantation was performed in our department from
continuous loss of corneal endothelium and iris injury; hence, March 2011 to March 2013, on fifteen UHMA patients (30
their clinical applications have reduced. Because the posterior eyes), including seven males (14 eyes) and eight females (16
chamber ciliary groove-fixation type and ciliary groove- eyes), between 20 and 35 y of age (mean age: 26.42 ± 5.15 y).
suspension type use longer distances to the corneal Inspections were performed after 6 weeks for patients with
endothelium, the risks are relatively smaller. Although lens rigid corneal contact lenses, and after 4 w for those wearing
opacification is a concern, an opaque lens can be replaced soft corneal contact lenses, and the results were as follows:
surgically. The intraocular lens material of the two former SPH -8.0~-21.0 D (mean -12.42 ± 3.86 D), CYL-1.50~-6.50 D
types is Polymethacrylates (PMA); hence, the incision is larger, (mean -2.56 ± 1.32 D), and equivalent SPH -14.56 D. The
and surgically-induced astigmatism occurs easily. Toric preoperative Best Corrected Visual Acuity was (BCVA)
Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL) is formulated with a new 0.25~1.0, and among those six eyes were ≤ 0.4 (15%), 25 were
intraocular lens material, collamer, which is a copolymer of from 0.5 to 0.8 (62.5%), and nine eyes were ≥ 1.0 (22.5%).
dihydroxyethyl methacrylate and collagen and has good optical
properties and biocompatibilities. It is also flexible and could Patient screening
be injected through a 3.2 mm incision Hence, this material All the patients with UHMA fully understood and signed the
would overcome the shortcomings of the two former types of informed consent form before the TICL implantation, and
lens refractive surgeries. Furthermore, because of rotation could be regularly followed up after the surgery. All the
stability, the astigmatic correction through the ciliary groove- patients were strictly screened, and excluded if accompanied
suspension type is limited. A better alternative for patients with with other eye diseases such as eye infection, severe dry eye,
middle-high complex myopic astigmatism is the use of the irregular astigmatism, keratoconus, glaucoma, pigment
ciliary groove-suspension type toric implantable collamer lens dispersion syndrome, and uveitis, and retinopathy, which might
(TICL) which offers rotational stability [10,11]. With affect the central vision. Those with macular degeneration,
continuous developments in TICL implantation, an increasing intraocular surgery, cataracts, glaucoma, Fuchs’ corneal
number of patients with middle-high myopic astigmatism endothelial dystrophy or other corneal diseases, diabetes, other
could select TICL as a treatment modality. Numerous studies systemic collagen allergic diseases, patients with only one eye,
have shown that astigmatism correction using TICL were pregnant patients and breast-feeding patients were also
significant. The patients could not only obtain substantially excluded. Ophthalmic inspection showed that the corneal
increased Uncorrected Visual Acuity (UCVA), but also gain endothelial cell count was greater than 2500/mm2, and the
high-definition visual quality. In addition, the operation safety depth from the corneal endothelium to the anterior chamber
was high, and the operations were reversible [12]. TICL was greater than 3.2 mm.
implantation could correct high myopic astigmatism in patients
not suitable for treatment with excimer laser, and it is currently
Preoperative inspections
one of the ideal refractive surgery methods. Not only does it
have good predictability, safety, and stability, it also has a wide Preoperative inspections included UCVA, BCVA, subjective
adaptive range of refraction, causes minimal damage to optometry, mydriatic optometry, slit lamp inspection,
endothelial cells, and preserves the natural regulatory functions Intraocular Pressure (IOP) by non-contact tonometer (NT-510,
of human eyes [13]. At present, it has been widely used in DINEK), UBM inspection, ultra-ocular axial measurement,
clinical practice. For patients with high myopic astigmatism three-mirror fundus inspection, corneal endothelial cell count,
due to a limited corneal thickness or a possible abnormal corneal thickness inspection, corneal topography, and corneal
corneal shape, TICL implantation should be selected first as it white-white distance (WTW). All the data were registered and
could not only avoid cornea-related complications but also filed in detail.
result in better visual qualities [14]. Owing to the
accompanying astigmatism, TICL implantation needs to Preoperative preparations
strictly position the astigmatic axis; the axis must be stably
fixed inside the posterior chamber ciliary groove to ensure The surgical eye preparation was performed with an Yttrium
optimal postoperative treatment effects. Aluminium Garnet (YAG) laser drilling 2 w before the surgery,
which ideally penetrated the iris root at the 10:00 and 2:00
Since 2011, our department has performed TICL implantation position around the iris to form the undercut hole (diameter at
on 15 ultra-high myopic astigmatism (UHMA) patients (30 least 0.6 mm). Before the surgery, 5 g/L cravit eye drops were
eyes) and achieved good results. administered 4 times a day consecutively for 3-5 d. The tear
duct of the surgical eye was rinsed with 0.9% sodium chloride
injection once daily for 3 d. Mydriasis was performed 60 min
before the surgery with mydrin eye drops. One drop was
administered to each patient on the surgical eye every 10 min;

466 Biomed Res 2018 Volume 29 Issue 3

Therapeutic effectiveness of toric implantable collamer lens in treating ultra-high myopic astigmatism

this was repeated three times. Oxybuprocaine hydrochloride Long-distance UCVA, slit-lamp microscopy, IOP by non-
eye drops were applied 30 min before the surgery with one contact tonometer (NT-510, DINEK), corneal endothelial cell
drop every 5 min for three or four times. The 0º and 180º of the inspection, chamber angle inspection by UBM, refraction
eye were positioned around the corneal limbus 5 min before status, mydriatic TICL vault, axial position, and lens were all
the surgery with a marker pen under a slit lamp microscope. tabulated.
Lastly, the TICL axis was adjusted during surgery when
necessary. Statistical analysis
The comparisons between the preoperative and postoperative
Determination of IOL degrees
inspection results were performed using SPSS17.0 statistical
TICL (collagen-copolymer material, STAAR collamer) used in software; all data before and after the surgery were analysed
the surgery can be folded into dual-concave one-piece shapes; using the paired t-test, with P<0.05 considered as a statistically
four models (M115, 120, 125, and 130) were manufactured by significant difference.
STAAR (Swiss). The calculation software provided by STAAR
was used to adjust the diameter, refraction degree, and Results
astigmatic degree of TICL after referring to the anterior
chamber depth, WTW, and other parameters measured before Surgical results
the surgery. Furthermore, angle rotations along the horizontal
axis and its schematic diagrams were also calculated to select The patients’ UCVAs before and after the surgery within
the appropriate TICL. different equivalent SPH ranges were shown in Table 1.
Equivalent SPH (-8.0~-21.0 D) were divided into -17.0~-16.75
Surgical procedures D, -12.0~-16.75 D and -8.0~-11.75 D, respectively. In -17.0
D~-16.75 D, the preoperative BCVA was 0.25~0.5; in -12.0
All the surgeries were performed by the same skilled surgeon: D~-16.75 D, the preoperative BCVA was 0.5~0.8; in -8.0
the surgical eye was focally disinfected, regularly paved the D~-11.75 D, the preoperative BCVA was more than 1.0. We
towels, and TICL installation parameters re-checked. A 3.2 observed changes in vision, during D1, W1, M1, M3 and M12
mm incision and an auxiliary incision at the 12:00 position was after the surgery. Twenty eyes had preoperative UCVA<0.1
made along the temporal transparent corneal edge. Sodium (20/30); 10 eyes were within the range of 0.1 to 0.3 (10/30).
hyaluronate was injected into the anterior chamber, and one On postoperative D1, 5 eyes had UCVA ≤ 0.5 (5/30), while 25
disposable pusher was used to inject TICL into the anterior eyes had UCVA ≥ 0.5 (25/30). One week after the surgery, 2
chamber through the main incision. After the TICL was eyes had UCVA ≤ 0.5 (2/30), while 28 eyes had UCVA ≥ 0.5
naturally spread out, the microscopic re-positioning hook was (28/30). One month after the surgery, 28 eyes had UCVA ≥ 0.5
used to place the four loops of TICL between the iris and lens, (28/30), and this was kept stable from M3~M12. Twelve
and fixed afterward inside the ciliary groove. The TICL was months after the surgery, 20 eyes had UCVA ≥ 0.5, accounting
finely adjusted, kept in the center of the lens, and then rotated for 83.3% (20/30), and six eyes had UCVA ≥ 1.0, accounting
to the corneal edge marker with reference to its unique for 20% (6/30). The preoperative and postoperative (M12) IOP,
diamond logo. The sodium hyaluronate of the anterior chamber corneal endothelial count, SPH, and CYL are shown in Table
was flushed with Advanced Medical Optics (AMO) 2. In M12, SPH was within -0.25~+0.25 (mean ± standard
phacoemulsification instrument I/A. The anteroposterior deviation: 0.21 ± 0.11D); CYL was within 0 to 0.50 (mean ±
balance of TICL was adjusted afterward, and the incision standard deviation: 0.19 ± 0.08 D). Twenty eyes exhibited an
completely closed. TobraDex eye drops and ointment were increase in UCVA by one level compared with the preoperative
applied to the surgical eye for 1 w. BCVA, accounting for 66.7%. 20.0% increase in UCVA by two
levels. A comparison between preoperative and postoperative
Postoperative follow-up SPH showed a statistically significant difference (t=105.36,
All the patients were followed up regularly for 12 months. The P<0.01); in addition, the comparison of preoperative and
patients were followed up in the following order: postoperative postoperative CYL also showed a statistically significant
day 1 (D1), day 2 (D2), day 3 (D3), week 1 (W1), month 1 difference (t=3.89, P<0.01).
(M1), month 3 (M3), month 6 (M6), and month 12 (M12).

Table 1. Comparison of preoperative and postoperative UCVA within different equivalent SPH ranges.

Equivalent SPH Preoperative BCVA Postoperative D1 Postoperative W1 Postoperative M1 Postoperative M3 Postoperative M12

-17.0~21.0 0.25~0.5 10 9 2 3 2

-12.0~16.75 0.5~0.8 15 15 22 21 22

Biomed Res 2018 Volume 29 Issue 3 467


-8.0~11.75 ≥ 1.0 5 6 6 6 6

Table 2. Comparison of the mean values before and after the surgery (x̄ ± s).

Before surgery Postoperative M12 t p

IOP (mmHg) 15.49 ± 1.07 15.40 ± 1.04 0.33 0.74

Corneal endothelium count (cells/mm2) 2840.75 ± 83.04 2837.75 ± 82.95 0.15 0.88

SPH (D) -12.42 ± 3.86 0.23 ± 0.21 105.36 P<0.01

CYL (D) -2.56 ± 1.32 0.15 ± 0.16 3.89 P<0.01

IOP femtosecond laser in particular, excimer laser corneal

refraction correction surgery has become the mainstay in
The average IOP was 15.49 ± 1.07 mmHg preoperatively, current ophthalmic refraction correction surgery for the
while it was 15.7 ± 1.32 mmHg on D1. The difference between treatment of low to moderate myopia [16]. However, this
these values was not statistically significant (t=0.42, P=0.67, surgical technique has limited application in high myopia,
D1). The average IOP at M12 was 15.40 ± 1.04 mmHg, especially ultra-high myopia, and it cannot be performed in
showing no statistically significant difference (t=0.33, P=0.74). patients with thin corneas, corneal pannus spots, and large
No patient exhibited an increase in IOP postoperatively. astigmatism. Laser surgery for high myopia requires cutting
away the excess corneal tissue, resulting in large changes in the
Cornea tissue morphologies of the anterior corneal surface and
Four eyes had mild corneal endothelial edema around the potentially causing serious complications such as aberration
incision 4 h after the surgery, which faded after local rollback, corneal ectasia, keratoconus, and significantly
application of TobraDex eye drops and ointment for 2-3 d. The decreased visual quality [17]. Furthermore, patients with a high
average preoperative corneal endothelial count was 2865 ± long-term risk of developing a corneal flap, such as athletes
252.5/mm2, while it was 2828 ± 269.3/mm2 at M12 (t=0.15, and stuntmen, should not be considered for laser surgery. The
P=0.88); the difference was not statistically significant. complementary elements in excimer laser corneal refraction
correction surgery, Implantable Contact Lenses (ICL), have
TICL and lens been clinically implemented for more than ten years, and have
obtained increasing favor with clinicians. TICL was developed
The patients were regularly followed up until M12. Mydriatic from ICL, and it could simultaneously correct myopia,
inspection revealed that all the patients’ own lenses were intact astigmatism, and farsightedness. TICL is made with a new
and transparent, and had no appearance of spotty or patchy artificial lens material and shows better optical performance
turbidity. The TICL optical zone surface of several patients and a softer texture, which allows it to be fixed in the ciliary
exhibited spot-like pigment adhesions, and the TICL central groove, stably rotated, and exhibit good long-term effects in
optical zone was kept about 0.5~1 CT gap away from the treating astigmatism. It uses micro-incisions and is reversible,
patients’ own lens. The TICL vaults were uniform and stably with a large refraction adaptation range, while only causing
balanced, and the two eyes were symmetric. During M3 of minor injury to the endothelial cells, thereby reducing its
regular follow-up, one patient complained that the visual acuity effects on the autoregulatory functions of human eyes [18].
of his right eye declined. A mydriatic inspection revealed that Currently, it is being used widely in clinical scenarios and has
the right TICL vault was imbalanced, with the refraction noted become the mainstream in correcting high and ultra-high
as +1.25/-3.50 × 145º. This indicated that the right TICL myopia.
rotated 45º. The patient was re-anesthetized in order to adjust
the right TICL through slight rotation, thus returning the TICL One of the major postoperative complications of TICL use was
to the exact position. Postoperative visual acuity was restored high IOP [19], and the main reasons for high IOP in these
to 0.8, with the right eye refraction being +0.25/-0.25 × 10º. patients were as follows: (1) sodium hyaluronate was
The rest of patients did not complain of rotational TICL intraoperatively left in the posterior chamber and pupil area,
displacement. thus blocking the chamber angle; and (2) the use of steroids
induced ocular hypertension. During the surgery, we used the
I/A system (AMO phacoemulsification instrument). The
aspiration handle was extended into the anterior chamber
Ophthalmic refraction correction surgery can be divided into through the 3.2 mm incision, with a negative vacuum of 300
corneal refraction correction surgery and lens refraction mmHg and 30% flow, so the perfusion and aspiration would be
correction surgery, based on the surgical site involved [15]. much more thorough with little residual sodium hyaluronate.
Due to the continuing improvements in excimer laser No patient exhibited high IOP in the early stages after the
equipment and surgical instruments, with the emergence of all- surgery. YAG laser drilling two weeks before the surgery was

468 Biomed Res 2018 Volume 29 Issue 3

Therapeutic effectiveness of toric implantable collamer lens in treating ultra-high myopic astigmatism

performed on the surgical eye, which penetrated the iris root at endothelial cells decreased slightly in comparison with the
the 10:00 and 2:00 positions around the iris to form the preoperative endothelial cell count, the difference was not
undercut hole (with a diameter at least 0.6 mm). Even if the statistically significant (P=0.88>0.05).
TICL optical zone caused a pupillary block, the outflow of
During the follow-up assessments, one patient complained of a
aqueous humor would not be affected, thus ultimately avoiding
decline in the visual acuity in his right eye in the third month
the pupillary block that causes an increase in IOP. The period
of regular review. Mydriatic inspection revealed that the right
of routine postoperative local application of TobraDex eye
TICL vault and position were imbalanced, with the refraction
drops and ointment did not exceed one week in order to avoid
being +1.25/-3.50 × 145º. This indicated that the right TICL
the high IOP caused by long-term local hormone usage. The
rotated 45º. After rotation and readjustment of the right TICL,
patients had no postoperative ocular hypertension during the
the postoperative visual acuity was restored to 0.8. The rest of
follow up.
the patients did not complain of rotational displacement of
Generally, patients with high myopia may also show TICL. UBM was performed to check the TICL and chamber
astigmatism. As a result, these patients may not benefit from angle, which revealed that the TICL vault and position were
the correction effects of frame glasses. Because the frame imbalanced, with uneven gaps between its four loops and the
glasses are some distance away from the cornea, the objects chamber angle. This was considered to be caused by an
refracted by the lens would be shrunk by various degrees when inclination during TICL implantation that led to TICL rotation,
projected onto the retina. As narrowing of the magnification is which was followed by significant astigmatism and decreased
positively correlated with the lens degrees, the zoom-out times vision. After re-adjusting the TICL position, this patient’s
of objects in ultra-high myopia would be large. This in turn astigmatism and visual acuity were corrected. The rest of the
made it difficult for the glasses-corrected visual acuity to reach patients showed uniform TICL vaults and stable balance in the
BCVA. When TICL is implanted into the eye, it would be close routine postoperative reviews. The optical part was parallel and
to the node of the refractive system, so that the changes in the equivalent to the corneal plane. UBM inspection revealed that
object magnification ratio would be extremely small, which the TICL’s loops uniformly contacted with the chamber angle,
would reduce the aberrations, and magnify the objects, with no compression or bending, and that the gaps were
subsequently improving the patients’ visual quality [20]. uniform, indicating that the TICLs implanted were suitable for
Compared with frame glasses, the postoperative UCVA after the patient’s ciliary groove’s diameter. Consequently, we
the TICL implantation could be increased by one or two levels believe that accurately measuring the anterior chamber depth
compared to the preoperative BCVA. The follow-up and WTW is critical in ensuring postoperative stability of
assessments in this study showed that 20 patients exhibited TICL implantation. When measuring WTW preoperatively,
UCVA increase by one level compared to the preoperative UBM inspection should be performed simultaneously, and it
BCVA, accounting for 66.7%, with 20.0% showing an increase should always be performed by the same surgeon to guarantee
of two levels over the baseline. This indicates that the TICL the identity, continuity, and precise measurement for the
implantation had good effects. objective selection of IOL with the right diameter. Accurately
determination of the IOL diameter was important for achieving
Cataracts have been reported to be complications of TICL
postoperative stability of TICL implantation. When necessary,
implantation in studies in China and abroad [21-23]. With the
however, a panoramic UBM could be performed to directly
constant improvements in TICL materials, however, the
measure the distance between the two ciliary grooves, which
procedure has become safer and with fewer side effects. TICL
would make the implantation even more accurate and reliable.
is made of Collamer material, which adds collagen into silica
gel. As a result, the material is more hydrophilic and lighter, In light of these findings, we suggest that precise measurement
with more elasticity, and is closer to the physiological state. and objective selection of IOLs with a suitable diameter should
After folding, it could be injected through the 3.2 mm corneal be performed to ensure the safety and effectiveness of TICL
limbal incision, and then fixed behind the iris’s ciliary groove. implantation in treating UHMA and restoring the patient’s
This would form an ideal optical zone equivalent to the corneal visual acuity. We summarized “seven preconditions,” or “seven
plane with long-term rotational stability. TICL could also be goals” for treatment success: select the appropriate patient
used to correct astigmatism and limit the off-axis incident light. (good condition); reserve the right lens (good measurement);
The incidence of glare and halos would be less, thereby prepare fully (good peri-iris incision); install the lens smoothly
allowing normal functions of the iris to be maintained. Its (good preview); perform skilled specification (good practice);
optical unit exhibits a convex shape, and the unit is far away handle the emergency properly (good IOP); and perform close
from both the corneal endothelium and lens. The unit only postoperative observation (good postoperative observation).
contacts the peripheral zones of the iris and the front surface of All of these steps must be followed to ensure surgical quality.
the lens. The TICL optical part, thus, is in a state of We believe that ICL and TICL implantation had significant
suspension, which reduces damage to the corneal endothelial effects on ultra-high myopia, and the indications might be
cells, and reduces mechanical injury from the TICL on the appropriately extended to moderate and high myopia. TICL
anterior capsule of the lens. All the operations were performed could be used not only for artificial lens implantation for
by an experienced surgeon. The operations were gentle enough hyperopia and cataracts, but also for the treatment of post-
to avoid surgically induced lens damage as well as the excimer laser residual refraction [24] and stable keratoconus
occurrence of cataracts. Though the average number of corneal [25]. The present study, however, only sampled UHMA

Biomed Res 2018 Volume 29 Issue 3 469


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