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Proposed League Schedule

2/1 - Nothing

9/1 - Infinity Round 1

16/1 - Kings of War round

23/1 - Infinity Round 2

30/1 - Nothing

6/2 - Infinity Round 3

13/2 - Kings of War round

20/2 - Closed

27/2 - Infinity Round 4

6/3 - Kings of War round

13/3 - Infinity Round 5

20/3 - Closed

27/3 - Infinity Round 6

3/4 - Kings of War round

10/4 - Infinity free play/ tournament practise

17/4 - Closed
Outpost 6030 Infinity Escalation League 2018

Welcome to the Outpost Infinity Escalation League 2018! The aim of this league is to offer an
opportunity to get a full 300-point Infinity army together, to get it painted to a standard that you're
happy with, and to come out the other end ready to play in the Skulls tournament in April. The goal
is expressly not to 'win at all costs' - while there will be some incentive to win your games, there will
equally be an incentive to achieve a wide range of secondary objectives, as well as to have your army
assembled and painted as we go.


Games will be played every second week at Outpost 6030. Only one game each week can be
counted, even if the game is over really quickly (at which point, play another game for fun). You
should have known that Aleph was watching, and would surreptitiously leak the footage to your
commanders... There is no cost to participate in the league outside of standard entry to the club,
and there is likewise no requirement that you play in every round of the event. It would obviously be
great to have people playing in every round, but there are a lot of wonderful games out there at the
moment, so if you feel like you need to scratch a different itch as we're going along, you're more
than welcome to.

It should be noted, however, that you will need to nominate a faction or sectorial and play that
faction or sectorial for the entire league. The grass may be greener, but having the opportunity to
get the most out of your chosen list and models is a key element of learning Infinity.

Documents to consult:

Throughout the league, we'll be referring to the official ITS rules document for our missions each
round. A copy of these rules can be found here, on the official Corvus Belli website. This is not the
sole document that you will need for the league, however. You will also need to print off and keep
updated a checklist of 'secondary' objectives to achieve over the course of the league. Bookkeeping
for this is based on trust, much like many other things in Infinity are.

Scoring in the league:

Scoring in the league will take place on three different matrices. Firstly, you will earn tournament
points as per set out in the ITS document. That means that you get 0 points for a loss, 1 point for a
draw, 2 points for a minor victory and 3 points for a major victory (defeating your opponent by 5
objective points or more). This gives us a grand total of 18 possible points through generalship.

The second matrix for scoring points will come from painting your miniatures. For every miniature
painted, up to a maximum of 10, you will earn 1 point. These miniatures do not need to be painted
during the league - if you wish to enter with an already-painted force, you are more than welcome
to. There are only 10 points available this way, as some lists will struggle to match the same number
of models as others, and people shouldn't be disadvantaged for playing an elite force.

The remaining 8 points available will be divided in the following ways. If all of your miniatures are
not only painted, but have fully-finished bases, you will earn an additional 3 points. This simply
requires that you have used some kind of basing material that you've painted to a finished standard.

The final 5 points will be awarded based on a peer review. In the final week of the league, players
will set out their armies for other participants to view, and each player will award anonymously a
mark out of 5 for each army. This will only require players to display models that they have painted -
if you haven't completed the entire army but only some miniatures, you are still eligible to enter.
The following marking rubric will be used by players, and the results from all players will be averaged
to determine the number of points awarded:

Player Name 1: 3 Colour 2: Developing 3: Tabletop 4: Above 5: Display

Minimum the Basics Tabletop Standard
Player A [tick]
Player B [tick]

Lastly, there will be a checklist attached at the end of the document outlining a series of 'secondary'
objectives for you to complete over the course of the tournament. These objectives are broken
down into 3 categories of 5, with a bonus point included for completing a full set. Not all of these
objectives may be achievable for each player or their army, but there should be enough variety here
that scoring all of the objectives ought to require a concerted effort, one which may detract from
competing in the game as optimally as possible. How many orders you wish to spend pursuing these
objectives is entirely up to you.

Determining the Winner:

Once the league has finished and all of the scores have been tallied, the winner will be announced.
The current plan is to announce this the week after the league has finished (10/4), so that I have
time to crunch the numbers and don't make mistakes. There will be a total of 4 prizes available: one
for the overall winner, and one for the top scorer in each category. In the case of draws in these
categories, the winner will be randomised amongst all of those engaged in the draw. While prize
support is yet to be determined, these prizes should not be the goal of this league (they should be a
secondary consideration); instead, learning Infinity, teaching new players, and having a great pool of
opponents with fully painted armies should be the main reward.

So, welcome to the first official Outpost 6030 Infinity Escalation League! I hope everyone has an
excellent time in this league, playing one of the most appealing tabletop games around at the
moment. If anyone has any questions, feel free to either post them on the Outpost Facebook group,
send me a PM, or email me here. Good hunting everyone!

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