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Cathy Utzschneider, EdD

Human Kinetics
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Utzschneider, Cathy, 1955-
Mastering running / Cathy Utzschneider.
pages cm. -- (The Masters athlete series)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. Running for older people. 2. Long-distance running--Training. I. Title.
GV1061.18.A35U89 2014
ISBN: 978-1-4504-5972-3 (print)
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Acknowledgments vi
Introduction vii

Part I The Masters Runner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Chapter 1 Masters Running: The Never-Ending Pursuit . 3

Chapter 2 Understanding Running and Aging . . . . . . . . 11

Chapter 3 Meeting the Challenge of Aging . . . . . . . . . . 27

Chapter 4 Biomechanics of Good Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Chapter 5 Warding Off Injuries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Chapter 6 Flexibility and Stretching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Part II Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

Chapter 7 Goal Setting for Fitness and Competition . . . 85

Chapter 8 Getting Faster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

Chapter 9 Getting Stronger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

Part IIII Event-Specific Training Programs . . 137

Chapter 10 Back to Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

Chapter 11 Mile and 5K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

Chapter 12 10K and Half Marathon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159

Chapter 13 Marathon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171

Part IV Competing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193

Chapter 14 Race Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195

Chapter 15 Beyond the Standard Events . . . . . . . . . . . . 209

Appendix 219
References 226
Index 228
About the Author  232

Writers need readers. Athletes need coaches. Students need teachers. And vice
This book would not have been possible without others’ help. Thank you . . .
All my runners and members of the Liberty Athletic Club, a pioneer in masters
women running.
Sidebar contributors: Amby Burfoot, Dr. John Ratey, Pete Magill, Scott Douglas,
Dr. Mika Tapanainen, Bill Riley, Carmen Troncoso, Libby James, Sheri Piers,
Dr. Michael Joyner, Brian Pilcher, Kathy Martin, Linda Somers Smith, Kara
Haas, and Meghan Arbogast.
Photographer Michele McDonald and running models Kathleen Goodberlet,
Wayne Levy, Kathy Materazzo, Sarah Poe, and Ben Scherstein.
Boston College’s Caitriona Taylor and Eric Zeckman.
Joan Benoit Samuelson for endorsing this book and continuing to lead the run-
ning world as a masters runner.
Willie Banks and Bill Rodgers for their support.
Tim Ritchie, for his perspective and friendship.
Nancy Schuder for hours of reading, and Pete Schuder for his insights.
Don Lein and Ryan Lamppa for their knowledge about the running world.
Lesley Lehane, my running mentor and great friend.
Carmel Papworth-Barnum, owner of and
loyal colleague.
Steve Vaitones and Tom Derderian for overseeing the many programs offered
by USA Track & Field New England.
Human Kinetics editors Tom Heine and Amy Stahl. Both were terrific to work with.
Randy Sturgeon, Amanda Scotti, and Tish Ceccarelli from National Masters News,
which has introduced me to many incredible masters runners.
My mother, who has a better command of the English language than anyone.
My husband, Rob, a visionary and my ultimate supporter; and children, Will and
Annie, who have endured days, weeks, and months of writing.
Our dog Paco, aka Woz, who teaches us how to relax.

Are you a competitive runner over 35 who wants to get faster? Or a fitness runner
who might want to compete? Or a former competitive runner who’s thinking about
returning to running? Or someone over 35 who has never run or was an athlete in
another sport and now wants to run?
Based on 20 years of experience coaching masters and research on the physiol-
ogy of exercise and aging and performance, Mastering Running is a comprehensive
scientific and personal resource for masters runners, a group that Bill Rodgers
recently told me has been “the most underrepresented and most misunderstood
part of the sports world.”
While underrepresented, masters runners have not gone unnoticed. “I’ve always
noticed the masters runners,” Rodgers said recently, “even when I was in my 20s.”
The 20-something Liberty Athletic Club runners often say how inspired they are
by our masters members.
Mastering Running provides three levels of training plans for the mile (1.6 km)
to the marathon (chapters 11, 12, and 13), including road, track, and cross country
events, as well as discussions of topics related to performance and aging. These
include masters events and who masters runners are (chapter 1), the physiology
of aging and running (chapter 2), meeting the challenges of aging (chapter 3), the
biomechanics of good form (chapter 4), warding off injuries (chapter 5), flexibility
and stretching (chapter 6), setting running goals that fit into your life (chapter 7),
periodization and developing speed (chapter 8), developing strength (chapter 9),
specific issues related to masters training (chapter 10), race strategy (chapter 14),
and an overview of nonstandard running events: mountain, ultra, and trail running
and duathlons and triathlons (chapter 15).
Sidebars from experts—coaches, masters champions, doctors, and writers—
offer a unique perspective into masters running. Their insight will help you maximize
your performance and incorporate running into your already busy life. Topics in
the sidebars include these:
§§ Running and the meaning of life (Amby Burfoot)
§§ The effect of running on the brain (John Ratey, MD)
§§ Footwear and how to think about it (Scott Douglas)
§§ Practices for minimizing injuries and overcoming issues such as decreasing
stride length (Mika Tapanainen, DC)
§§ Strategies for elite (and all) masters runners to maximize performance
(Michael J. Joyner, MD)
These masters champions, some of whom are also coaches, share their training
plans and thoughts:
§§ Pete Magill
§§ Bill Riley
§§ Carmen Troncoso
§§ Libby James

§§ Sheri Piers
§§ Brian Pilcher
§§ Kathy Martin
§§ Linda Somers Smith
§§ Kara Haas
§§ Meghan Arbogast
Throughout the book other masters champions, masters runners of all levels, and
coaches share their unique perspectives and experiences.
The transformative nature of running draws us together. It improves our lives,
expectations, and our relationships. Carmel Papworth-Barnum, bronze medalist
among women 40 to 44 in the 2005 World Masters Championships and owner of, expressed views that are typical: “Running
has truly changed my life. It’s given me confidence and strength to take on chal-
lenges, opportunities to travel, and the chance to meet interesting and amazing
people,” she told me recently. “It’s given me deep and lasting friendships and the
love of my life!”
Our combined voices underscore the fact that masters running celebrates
individualism and community and the belief that improvement is always ahead,
a never-ending pursuit. These are ideals that we hope will draw more to our run-
ning community. As Joan Benoit Samuelson said in a recent conversation, “Our
demographic is only getting stronger and faster!”

Part I

The Masters Runner

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Chapter 1

Masters Running:
The Never-Ending Pursuit
Sometimes life doesn’t turn out as you expect. Sometimes it’s worse. But sometimes
it’s better, “beyond belief” better. You experience the fun and achievement you
hardly thought possible 30 years ago.
That’s the case with many masters runners. Depending on the country, govern-
ing body, and event—road, cross country, track, mountain, trail, or ultradistance
race—runners usually are considered masters when they reach the age of 35 or
40. In track and field events, some refer to those aged 30 to 34 as submasters.
Masters running has nothing to do with experience or performance. Masters
runners include everyone from beginners to Olympians, people through age 100,
and runners who are considered seniors and veterans (terms used for runners over
50 and 60, respectively). Masters running is both a category in itself, with events
for masters only, and also one that is included as a division in races for all ages.
Runners younger than masters age are considered open runners.

Who Are Masters Runners?

Masters runners come from a wide range of athletic backgrounds. Some, including
successful masters runners, were never involved in sports when young. One 2013

4  |  Mastering Running

world masters age group champion, 54, started running at 43. “I never participated
in sports when in high school or college. I was just 5 feet, 2 inches tall when I was
17 and too small for sports,” he said. Some runners who have jogged for decades
have decided to compete in their 50s and are now faster than they were in their 20s
or 30s. Some, like former semiprofessional soccer player Amanda Loomis, 31, came
to running from other sports. Some have returned to running after competing in
high school and college. Some have competed since their youths or even, like Jeff
Galloway, Colleen De Reuck, and Joan Benoit Samuelson, since they competed in
the Olympics. In November of 2013 four-time Olympian De Reuck, 49, qualified for
the 2016 U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials with a time of 2:39:22.
Masters runners train and race for different reasons. The sport offers many
rewards, satisfying many motivations. It gives objective, undisputable results that
quantify improved fitness and progress while aging. Want a masters ranking?
Masters running can satisfy competitive drives. Races like national champion-
ships, the Boston Marathon, and many other events provide a sense of community,
accomplishment, and prestige. Many masters combine running with altruistic
drives, raising money for charities. The number of masters in charity events has
increased dramatically. With hectic, pressured lives, many runners over 30 run
not just because running offers the rewards just mentioned but also because it is
efficient. If you have sneakers, you can run anywhere.
Finally, many masters run because the running community provides a sense
of balance and stability. “In our lives we can think of ourselves as supported by a
stable structure like a tripod,” said Tom Derderian, president of USA Track & Field
New England in a phone conversation in December of 2013. He has a broad per-
spective on the running community, gained by coaching and running competitively
for more than 50 years, including participation in the 1972 and 1976 U.S. Olympic
Marathon Trials. “Three supports can be family, work, and play. There are certain
ways you have to act in your family and in your job. But when you are in your
grown-up athletics you have a freedom with the people you train and compete
that you don’t have in the other parts of your life. That adds a stability to your life.”
Susan Zwerling Cohen, 51, is an example of thousands who run for stress relief
as well as stability. Shortly before her divorce, the mother of three ran her first
race at 48. She ran a personal best half marathon at 50 in 2:12:33. “Running gives
me time to reflect and is also a great anxiety reducer,” she told me in December
of 2013. “Reviewing my weekly mileage I feel a real sense of accomplishment and
well-being overall. My kids think it’s kind of cool too!”

Growth in Masters Running

To understand masters running today, it is helpful to understand the growth of
running as a sport. The first running boom hit the United States in the early 1970s,
inspired and promoted by a range of intense, elite runners and coaches—1972
Olympian Frank Shorter, marathoner Bill Rodgers, Dr. George Sheehan, Nike
cofounder and University of Oregon coach Bill Bowerman, among them. Their
followers were mainly highly competitive runners gifted with athletic talent and
obsessed with race performance. Times, not fitness, were their focus. Logging 70
miles (112 km) and more a week was a norm for this running era.
Masters Running: The Never-Ending Pursuit  |  5

From the mid-1980s to the present we’ve been in a second running boom, one in
which masters have played an increasingly large role. This boom is different from
the first one. This second boom is woven into mainstream culture; it is focused
on running for everyone interested not just in achieving a personal best but also
in fitness, overall health, life balance, community, and even fashion. Running
today—even racing—is a way of life for many people. It has become a subculture.
“Running is not just for skinny ectomorphs,” Ryan Lamppa, media director and
researcher for Running USA, told me in 2012. Running USA is a nonprofit organi-
zation that promotes distance running and racing to benefit athletes, events, and
running-related businesses. According to Running USA (2013), from 1990 to 2011
the number of road race finishers in this country grew by almost 300 percent (from
4,797,000 in 1990 to 13,974,000 in 2011). Within one year alone, from 2010 to 2011,
U.S. road race finishers increased by 7.4 percent. The increase continues.
Masters running is one of the main reasons that this second boom is still grow-
ing. Oprah Winfrey, who ran her first marathon at 40, was one of the first “faces”
of this boom. “More masters are doing road races than at any time in our country’s
history,” Lamppa told me in a 2012 e-mail. He also said that in 1976, 28 percent of
U.S. road race finishers were 40 or over. That jumped to 35 percent in 1990 and
then again to 40 percent in 2011.
A growing percentage of these masters runners are women. In 1992, 7.7 percent,
or 376,000, of U.S. road race finishers were women 40 and older. In 2011, approxi-
mately 19 percent, or 2.6 million, finishers were women 40 and older, according
to Lamppa.
You’ll likely see more and more older female runners in all races, including
the Boston Marathon. According to the Boston Athletic Association, from 2001
to 2011 the number of female entrants age 40 to 49 more than doubled (1,490 to
3,868 entrants), the number of female entrants age 50 to 59 increased more than
five times (280 to 1,416 entrants), and the number of female entrants age 60 to 69
increased almost six times (37 to 210 entrants).
The number of masters runners is increasing throughout the world as well. More
masters are entering marathons than ever. At the 2011 New York City Marathon,
25,004 of the 47,133 finishers, 53 percent, were 40 and older. International champion-
ships for masters running that include competitions in track, road races, and cross
country are attracting more masters than ever. The first such championships were
held in August of 1975 in Toronto, Ontario, and included 1,427 men and women
from 32 nations. The World Masters Athletics (WMA) championships are now held
indoors and outdoors on alternating years. The most recent championships, the
2013 World Masters Athletics (WMA) outdoor championships in Porto Alegre, Brazil,
hosted 4,158 competitors from 82 countries, said the event media representative,
Lisiane Machado, in October 2013.

Measuring Progress
Whether or not you want to compete, you’re a serious masters runner if you want
to better your performance. Three ways to measure your progress are through your
absolute times, your age-graded results, and how you place in your age group.
6  |  Mastering Running

Your Absolute Times

Some runners who started running in their 40s have reached their best times in
their 50s. No matter when you start, if you are starting, a personal best is waiting for
you. Dr. Anders Ericsson, a psychologist who specializes in the study of expertise,
states that it takes 10 years or 10,000 hours of focused practice in any field to achieve
extraordinary performance (Ericsson et al. 1993). This research is supported by
Bill Rodgers and Priscilla Welch, who write in their book, Masters Running and
Racing, that masters runners achieve personal bests between 7 and 10 years of
starting running, regardless of when they start. Welch started running at age 34
and ran a marathon in 3:26:12. At 42, 8 years later, she ran her fastest marathon,
2:26:51 (Rodgers and Welch 1991). My own research shows that masters who started
running after age 30 improved their absolute times after 7.5 years of training no
matter when they started running. Some of my athletes who ran casually in their
20s and 30s and who started focused training at 40 have achieved their personal
best times in their mid-40s and even mid- to late-50s.

Your Age-Graded Results

Age grading, used since the mid-1970s, has grown in popularity. In masters cham-
pionship races more prize money is often awarded to age-graded champions than
to top finishers. Many other races post age-graded results as well.
What is age grading and how does it work? Age grading measures your running
performance in a specific distance (e.g., 5K, 10K, half marathon) by taking into
account your age and sex. It enables you to compare your performance against
the performance of other runners in the same running distance, regardless of their
age or sex or the time and location of the event.
The age-graded calculation takes world record performances for each age and
distance, using data collated by the World Association of Veteran Athletics, to adjust
your performance for age and sex. Your calculated age-graded score shows your
performance as a percentage of the world record performance for your age and
sex and the distance of your event. Say you are a 40-year-old man who has run 10
miles (16 km) in 58:30. The age-graded calculator would base your performance
on the world record for a 40-year-old man running 10 miles, which is 46:31. Your
age-graded performance would be 79.5 percent (46:31 divided by 58:30).
Using the score, you can compare yourself against runners of different ages from
all over the world in the same event, even over a period of years. You can also
track your performances over time, compare your results with men and women
of all ages, identify your best events, and set goals for the future. (You can even,
for better or worse, compete with your children!)
Calculation of the age-graded score is straightforward, although it is important
to use the updated calculator, which you can find at
culators/ageGrading. The calculator requires you to insert your age and sex, the
event distance, and your finish time. The calculator then produces an accurate
age-graded evaluation of your performance. Standard track and field events as
well as long-distance running events are included in age-graded tables.
The following relative standards apply:
Masters Running: The Never-Ending Pursuit  |  7

100% = world record level

90% = world class
80% = national class
70% = regional class
60% = local class

How You Place in Your Age Group

If you’re already competing in races, you may want to improve how you place rela-
tive to others your age. Most races list place finishers by age category, breaking
masters into 5- or 10-year age divisions (e.g., 35 to 39 or 40 to 49, 50 to 59). Within
each of these categories awards are generally given to first-, second-, and third-
place finishers. Sometimes awards are given to the top five age group finishers.
If you now finish in the top half of your age division, you may aim to finish in
the top third or quarter of your division or in the top five or better. Who doesn’t
want to win?
With new divisions—and therefore competitions—beginning with advancing
ages every 5 or 10 years, masters runners often look forward to aging when it places
them in a new age category. They are inspired anew by a chance to “recompete”
and become the best as the youngest in a new division.

Masters Events
First, you need to choose which events to enter. Know that while, as a masters
runner, you can enter open races for all age groups, there are races for masters
only. Information on masters events can be found at the international levels through
World Masters Athletics (, and through national
organizations such as USA Track & Field (USATF), United Kingdom Athletics, and
Athletics Australia. Many of these, like USATF, have masters divisions themselves.
Furthermore, within USATF are 57 associations covering their respective geographic
regions. These associations, such as USATF New England, list regional and local
masters events. All categories of races are offered regionally, nationally, and inter-
nationally. You can access a list of these associations at
Associations.aspx. The remainder of this section lists events that you can enter.

Road Events
Road running is the sport of running on a measured course over an established
road (as opposed to track, trail, or cross country course). Generally, a road race
may be as short as a mile or as long as a marathon (26.2 miles [42 km]) or farther.
Numerous kinds of championship events specifically for masters are available.
These include 5K, 8K, 10K, 15K, half marathon, and marathon. Well-known races
popular among masters in the United States include the New York City Marathon,
Carlsbad 5000, Peachtree Road Race, Lilac Bloomsday Run, Boston Marathon,
Crescent City Classic, and the Twin Cities Marathon. Thousands of road races take
place all over the world.
8  |  Mastering Running

Cross Country Events

Cross country races are run outdoors over natural terrain (as opposed to a track or
the roads). The racing surface may include grass, dirt, mud, and sometimes gravel
roads and may pass through woodlands and open country over hills and flat ground.
Often occurring during the autumn and winter, cross country races are held in all
kinds of temperatures and weather conditions, including snow, sleet, hail, and rain.
Cross country events for masters generally include 5K, 6K, 8K, and 10K distances,
although there can be other distances. Cross country is both an individual and a
team sport. Individual results are based on times, and team scoring is based on
runners’ places. Cross country racing includes trail races; the major difference
between the two is that trail running often covers longer distances (12K or more).

Mountain Events
Mountain races are run up and down mountains, some smaller, some larger. In New
England, for example, you can try the 10K race up and down Wachusett Mountain.
Well-known, longer mountain runs in New England are Mount Washington (7.6
miles [12.2 km]) in Gorham, New Hampshire, and Mount Cranmore (7.2 miles [11.6
km] for men and 4.8 miles [7.7 km] for women) in North Conway, New Hampshire.
Both were recent sites for the U.S. Mountain Running Championships. Numerous
challenging mountain races are run throughout the world. The 2012 World Masters
Mountain Running Championships were held in Bühlertal, Germany, a 9.5-kilometer
(6 miles) race that climbs 776 meters (2,546 feet).

Track Events
Track events take place on outdoor and indoor tracks over standard distances and
can include obstacles such as hurdles and the water barrier in steeplechase. Track
events range from sprints such as 55 meters indoors and 60 meters outdoors to
distance events such as 3,000 meters indoors and 10,000 meters outdoors. Masters
track relays include 4 × 100, 200, 400, 800, and 1,600 meters and 4 × mile (1.6 km).
Track events also include the hurdles—60 meters indoors and 80, 100, 110, 200, 300,
and 400 meters outdoors—and the steeplechase, an event that combines distance
with hurdles and a water barrier. The steeplechase distance for women of all ages
is 2,000 meters. The steeplechase distance for men 30 to 59 is 3,000 meters, and
men 60 and older run 2,000 meters. The placement and height for hurdles and the
steeple barriers vary depending on sex and age groups. Another event, the pen-
tathlon, includes the 60-meter hurdles indoors and the 100-meter hurdles outdoors
along with high jump, shot put, long jump, and the 800-meter run.

Ultradistance Events
Ultradistance running events include races longer than a marathon, or 26.2 miles
(42 km). They may take place on paved roads, dirt roads, wooded trails, grass, or
mountain paths and involve obstacles or rugged terrain.
Generally, there are two types of ultradistance events: those that cover a specific
distance and those that take place during a specified time and the winner deter-
mined by who covers the most distance in that time. The most common distances
Masters Running: The Never-Ending Pursuit  |  9

are 50K (31 miles), 100K (62 miles), 50 miles (80 km) and 100 miles (161 km). Timed
events may last for hours—6, 12, 24, 48—or even 6 or 10 days.
One of the most popular ultradistance events, covering 89 kilometers (55 miles),
is the Comrades Marathon in South Africa, capped at 13,000 entrants. Others are
the Marathon des Sables, a ten-day, 149-mile (240 km) ultramarathon across the
Sahara Desert; the Spartathlon, the 246-kilometer (153 miles) ultramarathon held
annually in Greece since 1983 between Athens and Sparta; and the Western States,
the oldest and largest 100-mile (161 km) trail run in the United States.

Running and the Meaning of Life: Amby Burfoot

Cathy Utzschneider: You’re a legend in the
running world: runner, author, speaker, and
Runner’s World editor at large. Can you give a
bird’s-eye summary of your running and writing?
Amby Burfoot: I had the good fortune to
begin running at age 16 at Fitch High in Groton,
Connecticut, under the coaching of John J.
Kelley, the 1957 Boston Marathon winner, and

Victah Sailer/[email protected] 
most influential individual in my life. I won the
Boston Marathon in 1968, the first American
winner since Kelley, and have finished the
Manchester Thanksgiving Day Road Race 50
years in a row.
I began working at Runner’s World in 1978
and have been there ever since, currently as
editor at large. I have written four books, includ-
ing a popular little manual called The Runner’s
Guide to the Meaning of Life. It’s not heavy; it
just talks about themes that run through every
runner’s life.
Cathy: You write in The Runner’s Guide about meaning and connections. Can you elaborate
a bit?
Amby: Running gives us time to think about life’s important issues. I have always found that
my miles lead me to connect with the physical environment around me—land, water, air,
food—and the people I run with. I treasure both relationships and wouldn’t exchange one for
the other. Every run makes me richer, either through observation, internal conversations, or
actual exchanges with my running partners.
Cathy: What are your thoughts on winning?
Amby: Winning is great. I’ll take it every time. But it’s not essential. No one wins every race, no
one gets faster every year (certainly not after 20 or 30 years), and no one outruns Father Time.
So it seems to me that the essential issue in running is how to enjoy and appreciate it without
concern for performance, for winning. That’s why I tell everyone they should focus on building
their mental muscle even more than their cardiac and skeletal muscles. It’s all about motivation.

Amby Burfoot (continued)

Cathy: You talk also about running and losing. Can you share some thoughts here?
Amby: When I was young, I won more than my share of races. That was a glorious time, and
I’ll always treasure the memories. But the last 30 years, I’ve been losing way more than my
share. And that’s okay too. If you can’t learn how to be a good loser, in every sense of the
words, then you’re not going to continue running for long. For me, longevity was always the
goal. “Old John” A. Kelley, who finished Boston 58 times, was one of the first serious runners
I ever met and a great role model.
Cathy: What do we learn about courage from running?
\ Amby: We learn that courage has many forms. It takes courage and toughness to win races,
but it takes even more courage to keep running when you don’t win. I have absolutely as
much respect for people in the back of the pack—more or less where I am now—as I have
for winners. They differ much more in talent than they do in courage. Talent makes you fast.
Courage keeps you going.
Cathy: You write about materialism in a chapter called “What You Really Need, You Already
Have” and include a chapter on simplicity. Can you comment on these?
Amby: I learned about the value of simplicity from both John J. Kelley and from Charlie “Doc”
Robbins, who finished the Manchester Road Race 56 times. Kelley was a great follower of
Henry David Thoreau. I’m not sure who inspired Robbins, a psychiatrist, or where he got his
ideas from. I can’t speak for anyone else when I talk about materialism. I can only talk about
my own life. And I have always found that I am happiest when I focus on what I have, not
what I don’t have. I’ve been finding that tough of late. Everyone else seems to have lots of cool
Apple products and to do amazing things with them. I think I might like to do similar creative
things. But I remain happiest with my health, my family, my friends, my fitness, and a simple,
mostly vegetarian diet.

Chapter 2

Understanding Running
and Aging
Masters runners often ask how aging affects their running. They want context to
understand and appreciate their performance. If you’re over 30, and particularly
if you’re over 40 or 50, you’re probably beginning to encounter the effects of
senescence: normal physiological aging. While aging and the deterioration of the
various systems ultimately affect performance, masters runners who understand
it can learn to delay it to some degree.

Aging and the Physical Demands

of Running
Aging and running each places its own demands on our bodies. Understanding
their interrelated effects will help you plan your training and set your goals. You’ll
be able to remain optimistic but also realistic. If you’re just starting a training pro-
gram, you should always check with your physician first.

12  |  Mastering Running

Inevitable Effects of Aging

It’s true that some masters runners we read about turn out unforgettable, inspira-
tional performances that make us wonder, “Is that person immune to the aging
process?” How can Ed Whitlock, for example, run a 3:15:54 marathon at age 80?
But, we all know that no one—not you, me, or Ed—can escape the inevitable
effects of aging. Aging may not look the same from individual to individual, but
neither does growing. Given that the aging process follows general patterns—and
that knowledge is power—you might as well know what to expect.

Effects on Vital Signs

Masters runners should understand the basics about vital signs—heart rate, respira-
tion rate (the number of breaths you take in a minute), blood pressure, and body
temperature. Running obviously increases your body’s demand for energy, affect-
ing some of these signs. Knowing what happens to them during running as you
age can help you understand what is healthy and what isn’t, what to look out for.

Resting Heart Rate

Resting heart rate (RHR), the number of heartbeats per minute at rest, stays fairly
constant through adulthood, provided that fitness level stays fairly constant. (Rest-
ing heart rate generally reflects fitness level.) Sedentary adults have resting heart
rates of 60 to 100 beats per minute compared to 40 to 60 beats per minute for very
active adults. This is because the cardiovascular systems of active adults are more
efficient than those of sedentary adults.
Clearly, however, running increases your need for oxygen. To get enough of it,
your heart must pump blood more quickly. When you run fast or race, your heart
rate approaches maximum levels. Unlike RHR, maximum heart rate (MHR)—the
highest number of heartbeats per minute (BPM) experienced at the end of a race
or in maximal exercise—decreases with age. Whether you are sedentary or active,
MHR declines about one beat per minute each year, or about 40 beats per minute
between the ages of 20 and 60. A simple method to calculate your MHR, accurate to
within about 10 beats per minute, is the formula 220 minus your age. For example,
if you are 34, your predicted MHR is 186 BPM, or 220 minus 34.
Frankly, few masters runners from Liberty Athletic Club, where I coach, base
their efforts on heart rate, relying more on pace per mile or perceived exertion or
both. That said, if you are pacing your runs according to percentage of maximum
heart rate and incorporating intense sprints at an effort above 95 percent of your
maximum heart rate, check with your doctor first if you have health issues. That
intensity challenges the heart, joints, and muscles. I’ve also seen many masters
runners who race distances from the 5K and up limit the intensity of their hard
days to 90 percent of maximum heart rate, and they’re posting excellent results.
For an accurate measure of your maximum heart rate, take a 10- to 20-minute
stress test at a qualified facility, such as a hospital or fitness testing center. During
the test you will exercise to your limit—often on a treadmill while someone periodi-
cally increases its speed or slope—while you’re attached to a heart rate monitor
or electrocardiogram (ECG). One or the other will show your maximum heart rate
during the final moments of maximal exertion.
Understanding Running and Aging  |  13

Respiration Rate
Like heart rate, respiration rate—the number of breaths taken per minute—
increases with running. As you know, when you run you breathe faster and deeper
to supply your heart, lungs, and muscles with oxygen. While respiration rate remains
fairly constant with age, it’s harder for older runners to extract as much oxygen
with each breath than it is for younger runners.

Blood Pressure
And what about blood pressure? That’s also affected by running. Blood pressure
refers to the pressure of the circulating blood on blood vessel walls and is divided
into systolic and diastolic pressure. Systolic pressure refers to the force in the arteries
when the heart beats, pumping out blood. Diastolic pressure refers to the force in
the arteries when the heart relaxes between beats. In healthy adults, blood pressure
remains the same through the decades. Normal blood pressure is 120 over 80, and
ideally less than 120 for systolic and less than 80 for diastolic pressure. You may,
however, be among those 20 percent of adults or the almost half of adults over 65
who have slightly elevated blood pressure. In any case, running raises not your
diastolic, but your systolic blood pressure. Like other kinds of exercise that involve
intensity, running can cause normal blood pressure to increase to 200 over 80 and
as high as 300 over 80. These readings are dangerously high, indicating too much
pressure on the blood vessel walls. The bottom line is that your blood pressure
should be checked before you start a training program, and clearance from your
doctor is important.
If you’re at risk for developing high blood pressure, you can take routine mea-
sures in your training to moderate it. A warm-up before and cool-down after run-
ning help your blood pressure adjust gradually to different levels of stress. Warm
up by walking or jogging slowly for at least 10 minutes. Cool down by walking or
jogging for at least 10 minutes. (Stopping too suddenly after your run can cause a
sharp drop in blood pressure, resulting in lightheadedness and cramping.) Don’t
hold your breath while running because that can raise blood pressure. In terms
of diet, limit your salt intake and avoid caffeine, which can raise blood pressure
before and during a run.

Body Temperature
Body temperature stays constant throughout life, but a strenuous run can raise it.
In addition, running in hot and humid conditions can raise core temperature in
any runner, and masters are more affected by humid conditions than open run-
ners. Middle-aged bodies are less efficient at sweating, a cooling mechanism for
the body. Masters runners are also more sensitive to cold. Their skin is less likely to
constrict (shiver) to preserve body heat, and their metabolism is generally slower.

Decreased Cardiopulmonary Function

You can appreciate performance as a master most if you know the effects of aging
on your heart and lungs. You know the theme by now: heart and lung capacity
declines with aging, too. Of all the physiological declines, those in the heart and
lungs affect performance the most. One of the main reasons athletic performance
14  |  Mastering Running

decreases with age is that the heart and blood vessels become less efficient. As a
review, the cardiopulmonary system includes the heart, both a reservoir for blood
and a pump that circulates blood through the body, blood vessels, and the lungs,
which deliver oxygen to and eliminate carbon dioxide from tissues.
What’s useful to know about the heart, aging, and running? The heart weighs
about .8 pound (363 g) in young, healthy adults. It grows as we age, and as it does,
it decreases the size of the left ventricular chamber from which newly oxygenated
blood is pumped through the body. During maximal exertion, stroke volume—the
amount of blood pumped out with each heartbeat—also declines. Less blood
means less oxygen for energy for running. Cardiac output, the amount of blood
pumped out each minute, also diminishes with aging because our blood vessels
(veins, arteries, capillaries) become less able to stretch and pump blood.
Regarding the lungs, ventilation—taking in oxygen and expelling carbon
dioxide—decreases. The diaphragm, the muscle that helps the lungs expand and
contract and therefore draw air into the lungs, becomes weaker and stiffer. Also
the alveoli, tiny grapelike sacs where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged,
decrease in size and number. And the capillaries that carry blood to the alveoli
decrease in number as well. The result is that by the time you’re 80, your maximum
breathing capacity will be about 40 percent of what it was at 30. That looks like
more labored breathing, whether you’re running or walking to the mailbox.
Decreased VO2max
VO2max, the single best measure of overall cardiovascular performance or fit-
ness level, also
. declines. V represents volume, O2 represents oxygen, and max is
maximum. VO2max is usually expressed in relative terms, as milliliters of oxygen
. per kilogram of body weight per minute (ml/kg/min). Essentially,
VO2max is the greatest amount of oxygen that can . be used at the cellular level by
the entire body during physical activity. A high VO2max generally correlates with
high endurance performance.
How much does VO2max decline with aging? In terms of percentages, it declines
by an average of about 10 percent per decade in sedentary adults after ages 25 to
30. As an example, a 10 percent decline per decade translates to the equivalent
of adding 30 seconds to a 10K personal . best each year (or adding 5 minutes in 10
years). Despite the general decline in VO2max, though, continued vigorous training
can slow the rate of decline per decade from 10 to 5 percent (Joyner 1993; Marti and
Howald 1990). One 22-year longitudinal study found that while continued training
can lower that decline to 5 to 7 percent, two exceptional elite male runners had
declines of as little as 2 percent per decade between ages 22 and 46 (Trappe et al.
1996; Marti and Howald 1990).
Some studies of masters athletes have shown that this decline accelerates at
certain times, from the mid-50s to mid-60s, and then again in the mid-70s. One
study of 2,599 masters runners by Dr. Vonda Wright, orthopedic surgeon at the
University of Pittsburgh, pointed to an unusually sharp decline at age 75 (Wright
and Perricelli 2008).
Having watched women from their 20s to 70s run weekly quarter- and half-mile
intervals over 20 years, I can see this decline clearly on the track. Here’s just one
Understanding Running and Aging  |  15

example of two national-class middle-distance masters runners (with aliases) that

shows how the decline can accelerate from the mid-50s to the mid-60s. At 52, Sarah
typically ran 5 to 6 seconds behind 40-year-old Linda on half-mile (800 m) intervals.
Both trained similarly and were equally talented. On those same intervals 12 years
later, with similar continued training, Sarah, in her mid-60s, was 15 to 16 seconds
behind Linda, then in her early 50s. .
So what can you do to mitigate the decline in VO2max? Granted, some things are
out of your control.
. You can’t control genetics, which accounts for 25 to 50 .percent
of variance in VO2max. You can’t always control disease, which lowers VO2max.
And you obviously can’t control aging. But you can gradually raise your level of
. or speed—and you can control the quality of your diet. Excess
fat lowers VO2max (So and Choi 2010). So take heart (and make the most of it)!

Bone and Muscle Loss

The theme continues. With aging, you lose bone as well. Men and women alike
experience age-related bone loss sometime between ages 20 and 30, and that
loss continues in later decades. You lose bone strength and flexibility. The rate of
protein synthesis and the production of human growth hormone, both essential
for the strength and flexibility of bone, decrease and your bones begin to lose
minerals like calcium and phosphate. Your bones become more porous and more
susceptible to fractures. Bone loss is accelerated by a sedentary lifestyle, hormone
deficiencies, poor nutrition including calcium or vitamin D deficiency, excessive
caffeine and alcohol intake, and smoking.
Some of the effects of bone loss are visible and some aren’t. If you see some-
one whose spine is curved, you’re seeing the effects of bone loss; vertebral discs
become compressed and there’s less joint space between them. Older people
lose height. By age 80, you can expect to lose approximately two inches (5 cm)
of height (about half an inch [1.3 cm] per decade after 40). What is harder to see
is loss of bone density throughout the body, which is osteopenia or osteoporosis,
discussed later in this chapter.
Skeletal muscle begins to decline after age 30, particularly if you are sedentary.
The decline is more rapid after age 50, and still steeper after 60 (Williams et al.
2002; Booth et al. 1994; Grimby and Saltin 1983). Skeletal muscle fibers (muscle
mass) atrophy—they weaken and die—as you age. We are born with all the
muscle fibers we will have. A biceps muscle of a newborn contains about 500,000
individual fibers. An 80-year-old man has about 300,000 fibers. The term for the
age-related decline in the number of muscle fibers and in the strength per unit of
muscle is sarcopenia.
If you wonder why explosive running events seem more challenging as you age
than endurance events do, know that it’s related to what happens to the two basic
kinds of muscle fibers in our bodies: Type I (slow-twitch) and Type II (fast-twitch)
fibers. Type I fibers contract slowly and use oxygen efficiently and are used for
endurance events like marathons. Type II fibers, of which there are two kinds—
Type IIa and Type IIb—contract quickly and tire easily. These are used for strong,
explosive events like sprints. As we age, Type II fibers decrease in size and number
more than Type I fibers do.
16  |  Mastering Running

As you lose muscle fibers and mass, you lose strength and power, particularly
if you don’t strength train. From 30 to 80, you lose about 40 percent of the muscle
strength in the legs and back muscles and 30 percent in the arms (Grimby and
Saltin 1983; Holloszy and Kohrt 1995). The good news is that you maintain consid-
erable muscle mass in your legs just from running, and if you strength train a few
times a week with a focus on your other muscles, you can minimize that muscle
loss considerably. Chapter 9 discusses strength training.

Stress to Bones, Joints, Muscles, and Tendons

Yes, running is undeniably stressful on our skeletal muscles (all 640 of them), bones
(206), joints (360), tendons (4,000 plus), and ligaments (900). It’s said that we land
with two to four times our body weight on every step and that the average runner
takes approximately 1,500 steps per mile (1.6 km). That adds up. At 40 miles (64
km) a week, that’s 60,000 steps a week and 3,120,000 steps per year. That stress on
bones, joints, and muscles increases with age. I can see that at Tuesday-night track
practice. The masters runners in their 70s often call it quits on intervals before the
runners in their 30s, 40s, and 50s. They feel the impact of pounding earlier than
younger runners. And they’re smart to listen to their bodies, a skill to practice as
a masters runner. As a result, they’re successful runners. (One, Mary Harada, has
won numerous national age group titles and set several world age group records.
Another, Carrie Parsi, has won her age division in the Boston Marathon and set
single age group records 14 times in the Mount Washington road race.)
How does running challenge your joints in particular? First, joints include bone,
muscles, synovial fluid, cartilage, and ligaments. The repetitive motion of running
can wear away the cartilage, the substance that lubricates joints, cushioning the
ends of the bones. As cartilage erodes, bones rub together, causing a grating
feeling, inflammation, and stiffness. Synovial fluid, a viscous fluid that reduces
friction in joints, becomes thinner with aging. Despite these stressors, know that
weight-bearing exercise like running, if not overdone, can keep your cartilage
and ligaments healthy. It can promote absorption of nutrients into cartilage and
increase its hydration. Exercise can increase production of synovial fluid. Balance
and moderation are key.
As joints become stiffer, masters runners, as you probably well know, lose flex-
ibility. If you could touch the floor with your palms at 20, chances are you can’t at
age 50. Most likely, you’ve lost range of motion. You’re more limited in your ability
to extend and flex your hips. Older runners have shorter strides than younger run-
ners, as the results of one study showed, comparing strides in older and younger
male marathoners (Conoboy and Dyson 2006). The strides of 40- to 49-year-old
runners were 2.4 meters (7.8 feet). Those of the runners 60 and over were 2 meters
(6.6 feet). Following a regular, focused stretching routine, especially after a run
when your muscles are warm, can help you maintain flexibility. Chapter 6 discusses
flexibility and stretching.
Masters runners are also more likely than open runners to feel soreness, strains,
and tears in their muscles and tendons. As noted earlier, older muscles have lower
percentages of Type II muscle fibers than younger ones and the mitochondria (the
power centers in cells where nutrients are broken down to create energy) in older
Understanding Running and Aging  |  17

muscle fibers become increasingly dysfunctional. Hamstring and calf strains are
among the most common muscle injuries that plague masters runners. In tendons,
water content decreases with age, making them stiffer and less able to tolerate stress.
Like many masters runners, I’ve had recurring Achilles tendinitis (inflammation of
the Achilles) that sidelined me for four or five years in my late 40s. (I returned to
periodic competition in my 50s.) A progression of Achilles tendinitis, tendinosis is
a degeneration of the tendon that’s common among masters runners. To alleviate
soreness and help circulation, many masters swear by regular massages includ-
ing a technique called active release therapy, physical therapy, yoga, chiropractic
appointments, and acupuncture. If you follow a thoughtful training plan, listen to
your body, and avail yourself of the wide variety of practitioners in sports medicine,
you can meet most challenges you’ll face.

Less Energy and Slower Metabolism

Decline also occurs in our metabolism and thus our levels of energy as we age.
(That’s hard to see in masters runners, though. Most masters runners are lean and
energetic.) One of the main reasons basal metabolism slows is that the various
enzymes crucial to metabolism decrease. After about age 25, metabolism begins
to decline between 2 and 5 percent or more per decade. That feels like fatigue—
you get more tired over the decades—and without exercise, that looks like fat.
Between ages 25 and 75, sedentary adults can expect to see total body fat double
as a proportion
. of the body’s composition.
Like VO2max and muscle loss, declining metabolism and energy involve fac-
tors you can control and some you can’t. Age, size, and genetics determine 60 to
75 percent of your metabolism. You can, however, control what you eat and how
much you exercise. Clearly, running burns calories, which is one of the main rea-
sons many people start running in the first place. Of the 103 competitive masters
female runners studied in my doctoral dissertation (Utzschneider 2002), all began
running not for competition but for health and fitness. Furthermore, only 6 of the
103 runners, whose average age was 51, were unhappy with their weight. That’s
unusual for a population of middle-aged women. Formulae for calculating calories
burned while running vary (and some are complicated) and depend on several
factors, including speed, distance, body weight, genetics, and age. No one formula
fits everyone. One easy formula I use is to multiply your body weight by .65 by the
number of miles run. Say you weigh 120 pounds and run 5 miles. Multiplying 120
by .65 by 5 you can figure that you burn about 390 calories.

Prolonged Recovery
Recovery is one of the basic principles of training, particularly for masters runners.
If you want to get more fit—to “up the ante” in your workouts—you have to learn
how to recover. If you’re increasing the intensity, duration, or frequency of your
runs or races, you need more rest to let your muscles repair and grow stronger.
The swimmer Dara Torres is a good example of someone who recognized the
importance of prolonged recovery for a master. At 41 at the U.S. Olympic Trials for
the 2008 Beijing Olympics, she qualified for the individual 100-meter and 50-meter
freestyle, the 4 × 100-meter medley relay, and the 4 × 100-meter freestyle relay.

Running and the Brain: John Ratey, MD

Want to know about the effect of running on
the brain? Dr. John Ratey, who is a guru on the
topic, is the one to ask.
Psychiatrist and associate clinical professor
of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, Dr.
Ratey has been researching, speaking, and writ-
ing about the effect of exercise on the brain for
more than 30 years. He has published 60 peer-
reviewed articles on issues in neuropsychiatry
and written six books, including A User’s Guide
to the Brain, published in 2000, and Spark: The
Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the
Brain, published in 2008.
Ratey’s focus on exercise and the brain stems
from a lifelong interest in athletics and exercise.

John Ratey
Ratey was a competitive athlete, playing base-
ball, basketball, and tennis through high school,
and a nationally ranked tennis player at age 16.
Now he is a self-proclaimed gym rat. “I try to
do something every day,” he said. He lifts weights regularly, runs occasional 5Ks and sprints
on the treadmill three times a week. “I usually do five to six 30- to 60-second sprints (with a
walking break of two and a half minutes between efforts) at a setting of 8 and an incline of
8 depending on how I am feeling.”
Ratey began focused research on exercise and the brain in the 1980s when several Harvard
and MIT professors who happened to be marathoners, approached him, knowing he was a
psychiatrist. “They were marathon runners who had to stop running because of injury. As a
result they were depressed and couldn’t focus and didn’t know why. They were getting angry
and they were procrastinating for the first time in their lives, all symptoms of ADD (attention
deficit disorder).”
Cathy Utzschneider: What should masters runners (runners over 30) know about the effect
of running on the brain?
Dr. Ratey: They should know that running is what our genes are coded for. Since the hunter–
gatherer period, our brains have evolved to expect movement like running. We were expected
to be movers, foragers, joggers, sprinters. When you’re running, you’re the head-of-the-tribe
runner. What running and competition does is not just keep your weight down but also your
brain up.
Cathy: How does it keep your brain up?
Dr. Ratey: Evolution’s gift to us is that moving, more than any other activity, helps gener-
ate more brain cells. Moving increases the brain’s concentration of a protein called BDNF, or
brain-derived neurotrophic factor. I call it “Miracle-Gro for the brain” because it really is brain
fertilizer. We have stem cells in our brain, and BDNF is one of those important proteins that helps
the stem cells grow into new brain cells. BDNF also helps brain cells connect with each other.
Cathy: Isn’t this discovery about being able to grow new nerve cells fairly recent?

Understanding Running and Aging  |  19

Dr. Ratey: Yes, neurogenesis—the growth of brand-new nerve cells—in humans is something
we didn’t know about until 1999. Until then, it was thought that we were born with all the
brain cells we were ever going to have.
Cathy: I read in Spark that exercise improves our ability to learn. You mentioned a 2007 study
by German researchers whose subjects learned vocabulary words 20 percent faster after rather
than before exercising. Is this true?
Dr. Ratey: Yes, more means you can improve both your ability to learn and your rate of learn-
ing. Learning means wiring cells together in cell assembly lines that are selectively connected.
BDNF helps brain cells prepare to learn, learn new concepts, and develop new skills. Experi-
ments with rats and mice have shown that exercise helps learners be more alert, motivated,
and focused and less impulsive, more willing to overcome frustration.
Cathy: In Spark, you mention that regular exercise like running helps build up neurotransmit-
ters and receptors of neurotransmitters, which deliver the equivalent effects of drinking coffee
or taking Ritalin and Prozac.
Dr. Ratey: Yes, when you run, you release dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, and endor-
phins. Among other things, dopamine improves mood and motivation. Serotonin improves mood,
lessens impulsivity, and moderates anger. Norepinephine improves attention and perception,
and endorphins modulate pain, relieve anxiety, and calm the brain.
Cathy: You also mention that exercise helps us become more social. How is that?
Dr. Ratey: Exercise promotes our brains to be more receptive to others. It raises our neu-
rotransmitters and makes us less socially anxious and more motivated. And it raises our oxytocin
levels. Oxytocin is our love and bonding hormone. Exercise boosts our self-esteem, and exercise
in a pair or group automatically increases our interaction with others. Many people who get
involved in ongoing exercise with a trainer, a masters group, a running or walking partner, or
a CrossFit-type of environment make new connections that often become an important part
of their lives.
Cathy: I encourage runners to do drills requiring coordination before they start running. Do
they deliver benefits that are different from those derived from endurance and interval running?
Dr. Ratey: Yes. Exercise that incorporates coordination challenges actually uses the most of your
brain. Getting your heart rate up to a maximum of 90 percent for short periods is important,
but so are periods of exercise involving coordination challenges.
Cathy: What’s next for you?
Dr. Ratey: I’m working on three more books, one with a working title called Human 1.0 about
how we should be living according to our hunter–gatherer genes. It covers how we should eat,
exercise, love, live, and play. Another is called Spark in Action, and includes stories of people
who have triumphed over mental health problems (depression, anxiety, addictions, and stress).

But she withdrew from the 100-meter freestyle precisely because she knew that
prolonged recovery from so many events would hurt her chances of succeeding
in the 50 meters and the relays. The lesson: as a masters runner, be selective about
what and how much you do.
What qualifies as recovery for masters runners? It may mean time off before or
after a race, time easing off between seasons, cutback weeks when preparing for
a major event, or rest after a track interval. It may be running easy instead of hard,
20  |  Mastering Running

cross-training (riding a bike, swimming, or water running, for example), weight

lifting, or yoga, anything that gives your legs a break from intensive pounding so
you avoid injury and illness.
What about examples of recovery? First, know that genetics, training history, and
how you feel on a particular day all influence how much time you need for recovery.
Sometimes recovery doesn’t depend on age. I coach a world-class runner in her
late-60s who’s often ready for another interval sooner than some of the runners in
their 20s. The following are my guidelines regarding recovery.

The older you are, the more recovery you should take, no matter how fast you
run. Train yourself to listen carefully to your body. Your own judgment trumps any
rule. (If you’re on the track with others, don’t get distracted by their energy levels.)

Planning Your Race Year

Your year as a masters runner should include several periods of relaxed weeks to
recharge your mind and body and help you stay free of injury. There is no hard-
and-fast rule for what relaxed weeks should look like. That depends on you and
your race experience. Too much time off from running can make reentry difficult.
Some rest during the year is helpful. Too much is not. In relaxed weeks, my runners
typically reduce their mileage by 30 to 40 percent, cut out intense workouts and
races, cross-train, and focus on other life priorities.
John Barbour, 60, has perspective on that balance for masters, having run since
he was a freshman in high school; coached middle school, high school, college, and
club teams; and been named USATF runner of the year among men 45 to 49. His
personal bests are 14:42 for the 5K, 29:33 for the 10K, 1:07:05 for the half marathon,
and 2:19:25 for the marathon, he told me recently. Comparing his days of running
as an open runner to today, he said that “those days when everything clicks and
you feel smooth and easy are fewer and further between. I’ve learned that, while
rest is valuable, too much rest (i.e., long breaks) makes one more prone to injury
during the comeback, so maintain some level of running activity even on down
periods, whenever possible.”

Cutback Weeks
While you can generally increase mileage by 10 percent each week, also incor-
porate cutback weeks every fourth or at least every fifth week. These refresh your
training and prevent overload, not only in training but also in fitting it into the rest
of your life. In cutback weeks you might lower your training by 10 to 25 percent
and then return the following week to the level before the cutback week. If you’re
feeling unusually tired or if you feel a nagging soreness in a particular spot, have
the courage to lower your running by as much as 50 percent and either cross-train
or rest instead.

Hard Workouts of the Week

Some competitive masters runners include two hard workouts a week. Runners in
their 30s, 40s, and mid-50s should take at least two recovery days between intense
Understanding Running and Aging  |  21

workouts. A Tuesday track workout may be followed by a Friday track workout, for
example. Many runners in their mid-50s and older are better off with at least three
recovery days between intensive training.

Intervals (All Paces)

If you’re unsure whether or not you’re ready for another speed interval, check your
heart rate. It should be at least 120 beats per minute. If it’s over that, wait until it
returns to 120.

If you’re a woman and you need more recovery time than some of your male running
friends, know that hormonal differences give them an advantage. Men have more
testosterone, the hormone that helps not only protein synthesis but also muscle
repair and growth, including recovery from tough workouts.

Declining Motivation
You think? Who wouldn’t be surprised to hear that staying motivated can be a chal-
lenge for masters? Times slow, injuries threaten more often, and energy diminishes.
Numbers of participants in older masters age groups—55 and particularly 60 and
older—decline in all kinds of races. Running USA’s 2011 road race age group dis-
tribution records of male and female finishers confirm this.
What helps masters runners stay motivated? First, don’t take on too many respon-
sibilities. Too many responsibilities, not injury, was the major obstacle faced by
the masters runners in my doctoral study (Utzschneider 2002). Keep a journal and
write down goals. Find a club. Train with a partner. Ask your family to help you
stay motivated, schedule your runs, and eat healthily. I wrote my first book, MOVE!
How Women Can Achieve Athletic Goals, precisely because motivation is such a
major challenge for masters. It addresses the above issues.

Weather and Environmental Conditions

Here’s more not-so-good news about the effect of aging on our bodies. They’re more
susceptible to extreme heat and cold. Older bodies are less able to regulate core
temperature. In hot and humid conditions, they’re more susceptible to heatstroke.
Older bodies sweat less readily so they’re unable to cool down as efficiently. Begin-
ning signs of heatstroke vary but may include an extremely high body temperature
(above 103 degrees F or 39.4 degrees C); red, hot, and dry skin (with little or no
sweating); rapid, strong pulse initially, followed by a weak and rapid pulse; throb-
bing headache; dizziness; nausea; shortness of breath; and confusion. To avoid
heatstroke, stay out of the sun, drink plenty of water, slow down, and wear light-
colored clothing made of fabrics like CoolMax or Dri-Fit that wick moisture away
from your skin so cooling evaporation can occur.
Older athletes are also more sensitive to cold. They’re less able to differentiate
changes in temperature well and are more susceptible to hypothermia, which
occurs when core body temperature is less than 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 C).
In older people, vasoconstriction, the narrowing of blood vessels to maintain
22  |  Mastering Running

body heat, and shivering, a muscular response to generate heat, function less
efficiently (Collins et al. 1980; Young 1991; Young and Lee 1997). Beginning signs
of hypothermia are shivering and increased breathing rate, heart rate, and blood
pressure. Below a core body temperature of 95 degrees, symptoms worsen and
include confusion, lack of concentration, and slurred speech. At the worst stages,
the heart beats irregularly. Hypothermia can be fatal. Side effects include chilblains,
superficial ulcers of the skin, and frostbite.
Wearing the right kind of clothing in wet, cold, and windy conditions can help
you withstand the most adverse conditions. If you run in the rain or wind, you want
clothing that is water resistant or waterproof, breathable, and wind resistant. In
cold weather, you want thermal, breathable underwear (look for polypropylene
fabric). Breathable gear for everything—neck warmers, hats, socks, gloves, even
face masks—helps wick sweat away from your skin so it stays dry and you stay
warm. One winter during a three-week double-digit subzero cold spell, two of
my masters runners discarded their egos and donned face masks to train for the
February Hyannis Half Marathon. “We were toasty after 15 minutes!” one of them
said recently.
Dress for your run as if it’s 10 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the actual outside
temperature. You’ll be slightly chilled for the first 10 minutes or so, but then toasty
warm for the duration. Among materials that many runners like are Gore-Tex,
Activent, and Dryroad. Materials like these can keep you smiling on the coldest,
wettest, or windiest days.

Special Challenges for Women

Masters female runners face unique issues for a range of reasons. Women’s physiol-
ogy, with monthly hormonal changes and menopause, presents its own issues, one
being susceptibility to anemia from blood loss. Less obvious but also apparent are
societal pressures for women of all ages to be thin. Some women masters runners
do struggle to hold an “ideal” weight to race their best.

Female Athlete Triad

The female athlete triad—the three-part syndrome consisting of eating disorders,
amenorrhea, and premature osteopenia (a mild form of osteoporosis)—is not just
a young woman’s condition today. More and more women in their 30s and 40s
and even 50s are joining the ranks of young female runners, gymnasts, and skat-
ers who suffer from at least a few aspects of the triad. While there’s little research
on the triad in masters female runners, there are aspects of it in some who are
gaunt and apparently not fueling their bodies to the extent they should given their
activity level. Signs of the female triad are bony hips and shoulders, brittle hair,
and dry skin. Some women say that they appreciate the fact that light weight will
help them run faster, and many of them have had children, so irregular menses is
not a concern. These women generally take calcium, knowing that they don’t eat
enough calcium-rich foods, such as milk and cheese.
I’ve occasionally noticed what I’ll call a lemming effect in groups of female
runners, including masters: if a faster runner in a group starts losing weight, it’s
Understanding Running and Aging  |  23

not discussed but others around her also start losing weight. A Division I college
runner recently confirmed the lemming effect, saying that it works both ways with
female athletes. Her college team was unusually free of eating disorders because its
captain, one of the fastest runners, modeled and encouraged healthy eating habits.
Coaches shouldn’t hesitate to tell women whom they suspect are underfueling
themselves that eating enough and getting proper nutrition, including calcium and
fat, can mitigate signs of the syndrome. If you eat more calcium, you’ll be less sus-
ceptible to osteopenia. I’ve occasionally asked women who appear too thin—the
main sign of the triad—to check their body mass index (BMI). BMI is a number cal-
culated from your weight and height. According to the National Institutes of Health,
if your BMI is less than 18.5, you fall in the malnourished category. (A BMI of 18.5
to 24.9 is in the normal and healthy weight range.) You can calculate your BMI by
dividing your weight in pounds by your height in inches squared and multiplying
that result by 703. Using a metric equation to calculate BMI, divide your weight in
kilograms by the square of your height in meters. There are numerous web-based
BMI calculators to help you calculate your BMI, if you don’t want to do the math
yourself. Of course skinny doesn’t always mean healthy (something many women
already know), and it doesn’t always mean fast. Healthy nutrition and a body mass
index in the healthy range are the goals. Sometimes heavier is even faster. I’ve
seen quite a few masters runners post personal bests in races after gaining a few
extra pounds. (I ran my personal best mile and 5K carrying a few extra pounds.)

Diet and Self-Image

Related to the female athlete triad, diet (to achieve low weight) and self-image are
growing concerns for women in middle age. Driving the increase is a sometimes
unrealistic societal expectation that women should be too thin in middle age: the
skinny ectomorph is the ideal body image, our advertisements and movies suggest.
At the same time, slowing metabolisms and menopause threaten waistlines with
the midriff “spare tire.” Some women do everything possible—including running,
weight training, walking, and limiting caloric intake—to avoid it. Focus on diet and
thinness also gives a sense of control at a time when mounting responsibilities,
such as juggling the demands of a full-time job with the pressures of caring for
children, grandchildren, and ill parents, leave women little time for themselves.
Interestingly, more than a handful of elite masters female runners have said that
the “spare tire” of five additional pounds (2.3 kg) that appeared during menopause
miraculously disappeared 5 to 10 years later.
Increasingly, women of middle age are determining their self-worth by their
weight and body image. According to a study of 1,849 women 50 and older published
in the International Journal of Eating Disorders (Gagne et al. 2012), 62 percent said
their weight or shape negatively affects their life, and 64 percent think about their
weight at least once a day. They used several unhealthy methods to become thin,
including diet pills (7.5%) and excessive exercise (7%). “Fifteen years ago, it was
very rare to have a patient with an eating disorder at midlife,” said Ann Kearney-
Cooke, PhD, a Cincinnati psychologist who specializes in eating disorders. “Now,
half my patients are women 35 to 70.” (Moyer 2012, p. 1)
24  |  Mastering Running

One of the worst eating and control disorders, anorexia, is increasingly common,
unfortunately, among middle-aged women in many countries, including the United
States, Britain, and Australia. According to Holly Grishkat, PhD, director of The
Renfrew Center, an eating disorder treatment center, eating disorders among middle-
aged women have increased by 42 percent from 2001 to 2010 (Sheridan 2012). An
Australian study found that from 1995 to 2005 the rate of fasting and binge eating
increased significantly among women age 55 to 64 (Hay et al. 2008).

Iron Issues
With all that women masters runners are juggling in their lives, it’s not unusual for
them to be tired. While fatigue may be caused by many things, including crazy
schedules and insufficient sleep, you may find you’re anemic, or low in iron. If you
are, in addition to being generally exhausted, your running times are likely to rise
(you’ll get slower). Other symptoms of low iron levels are pale skin, headaches,
being unable to recover from a poor night’s sleep, and unexpected shortness of
breath during exertion. Iron deficiencies are also difficult to detect because they
develop gradually.
Masters female runners are more prone to anemia than many groups for several
reasons. First, not many of them (as far as I can see) eat a lot of red meat, one of the
best sources of iron. Second, foot strike during running destroys red blood cells,
the cells that “grab” oxygen and distribute it throughout your body. Third, iron loss
occurs not just through menses but also through sweating. Several runners I coach
at the Liberty Athletic Club found they were anemic after they felt unusually tired
and slow. All of a sudden their 5K running times increased. After learning from
blood tests that they were anemic, they took iron supplements and were back to
full energy levels and improved race times in three to six weeks.
To stave off anemia, be sure you’re consuming enough iron-rich foods. In general,
you should consume at least 15 milligrams of iron daily if you are a premenopausal
woman and 10 milligrams if you are postmenopausal.
How can you prevent iron depletion?
§§ Eat foods like liver, lean meat, oysters, egg yolks, dark-green leafy vegetables,
legumes, dried fruit, and whole-grain or enriched cereals and bread.
§§ Eat three to four ounces (85-113 g) of lean red meat or dark poultry a couple
of times per week.
§§ Eat or drink foods rich in vitamin C with meals to increase iron absorption.
§§ Know that drinking coffee and tea with meals reduces iron absorption.
§§ Use cast-iron pans for cooking. They increase the iron content in your food.
Finally, if you have found that you are low in iron, retest your blood every three
months. Three months gives you time to build up iron stores and evaluate progress.

Osteoporosis and Osteopenia

Masters female runners should be aware that they’re not immune to osteoporosis
and its milder precursor, osteopenia. These conditions result in low bone mass
(density) and diminished strength. Osteopenia and osteoporosis are common
Understanding Running and Aging  |  25

among both men and women over 50, 55 percent of whom have one or the other
(Pray and Pray 2004). If you are one of the many masters female runners who
don’t consume enough calcium, consider supplements. As always, consult your
physician first.
The causes of osteopenia and osteoporosis, considered silent diseases because
they have no obvious symptoms, are many and complex. They include genetics
and a history of irregular menses, stress fractures, taking corticosteroids for one
year or more, and smoking. Other causes include body weight less than 127 pounds
(58 kg) for women and inadequate nutrition, including too much caffeine, which
can strip calcium from bones, and getting too little protein, vitamins, and minerals
such as calcium and vitamin D (which helps your body absorb calcium). Excessive
exercise that leads to irregular or nonexistent periods and too little weight-bearing
exercise are also causes. Menopause, which causes women to lose the estrogen
that helps their bodies absorb calcium, is another cause.
The good news is that you can take action to ascertain your bone mass and to
reverse the effects.
§§ Check with your doctor and ask for blood work to check your calcium and vita-
min D levels and ask how much you should take given your medical history.
§§ Ask for a bone mineral density (BMD) test to learn the density of the hip bones
and spine. If you haven’t already, start a weight-lifting regimen at least twice
a week, particularly for the back, abdomen, and upper body.
§§ Limit alcohol intake to no more than two drinks a day and limit your coffee
or tea intake to three 8-ounce (237 ml) cups a day. (Limit those grandes!)
§§ Check your diet to be sure you’re eating enough calories.
§§ Eat at least .8 grams of protein per 2.2 pounds (1 kg) of body weight daily.
§§ Maintain a healthy body weight at a body mass index of 18.5 to 24.9.
§§ If you smoke (I don’t know a masters woman runner who does), give it up.

Mention menopause and women roll their eyes. (How many 45- to 55-year-old
women have nothing to say about menopause?) They visualize night—and day—
sweats, moods fluctuating because of hormones, sleepless nights, weight gain, and
bloating. Menopause is at the least a nuisance for most female masters runners.
The new bloating around their waistlines is irritating. Despite training and eating
well, they wonder where that tire came from. (Some say trying to maintain their
premenopausal weight feels like they’re fighting World War III). Even elite masters
female runners may put on two to five pounds (1 to 2.3 kg) that often disappear
by the late-50s.
The good news is that most masters female runners don’t think menopause
negatively affects their running times (which were slowing with age, anyway). In
fact, the average age of the 103 female runners in my doctoral study was 52, and
only 10 percent felt that menopause was an obstacle to competition (Utzschneider
2002). Most all masters runners feel that running helps alleviate the symptoms of
menopause. It helps them control their weight and, even more important, it helps
them sleep and regulate their moods.
26  |  Mastering Running

Female Endurance Advantage

With the long-term physiological challenges women face—childbirth being the
ultimate one—it’s no wonder women are particularly strong in events requir-
ing perseverance and patience. Given their smaller size relative to men, they’re
unusually strong in ultrarunning, distances longer than the marathon. Women are
quickly becoming the fastest-growing segment of endurance athletes, and they do
well against men in these races. Consider the 2010 Hardrock 100 Endurance Run
in Silverton, Colorado, where 39-year-old Diana Finkel finished second overall in
the 100-mile (160 km) race. Or the 2010 Vermont 100 Endurance Run where Kami
Semick placed third overall, just 41 minutes behind the overall winner (whose
winning time was 16:01:40). By contrast, how many marathons see women finish
second or third overall?
The reasons that women have advantages when running ultradistances are not
clearly understood. Perhaps one is that ultracourses often include considerable
downhill sections, which are less demanding on smaller bodies than on larger
bodies. Or perhaps women’s greater fat stores give them a competitive edge.
Increased body fat may be a fueling asset. We know that after about 18 miles (29
km) of running, the body begins to get low on glycogen and hits the wall, turning
increasingly to other energy stores to continue. Could women be more efficient
at using that body fat early in a race and saving the glycogen for the long haul?
Whatever the advantage, consider it.
Chapter 3

Meeting the Challenge

of Aging
Ask masters runners about the benefits of age and experience and the typical
response is a smile, shake of the head, shoulder shrug, and then, “There aren’t
any!” Later, they’re off for a run or they’ll tell you enthusiastically about their next
race. Masters runners are about as determined as any population, and most have
(and need) more than a minor dose of humor. Mary Harada, a former world record
holder for women 70 to 74 and 75 to 79 joked with me that she’s going to run until
she’s chasing after her casket. Others say the same (that’s one reason chapter 1 is
called Masters Running: The Never-Ending Pursuit). Facetiousness aside, masters
runners say there are advantages to years of experience.

Benefits of Age and Experience

Physiological declines aside, age has advantages. You know more now than you
did decades ago: either about your body, your habits that affect training and per-
formance, or what motivates you. Chances are that you are wiser and more patient
than you once were. These qualities will help you and you should use them to your
benefit. Occasionally, for example, masters runners have mentioned that young
personal trainers have demanded too much from them in terms of weight train-
ing. If even an expert asks you to do something that you feel is too much for you,

Runner Profile: Pete Magill
ill_ Date of birth: June 19, 1961
Personal Information
§§ Senior writer and columnist for Running Times
§§ Consultant for Seebach and Seebach legal
§§ Author of Build Your Running Body (The
Experiment, scheduled publishing date of
summer, 2014, with coauthors Tom Schwartz

Courtesy of Dianna Hernandez

and Melissa Breyer)
§§ Started focused training at age 14 and train-
ing included intermittent serious stretches
through age 29; started training for masters
at age 39
Open Personal Bests
§§ 1,500 meters 3:48.03 (age 28)
§§ Mile 4:07.3 (29)
§§ 2K (road) 5:09 (29) Personal Bests at 50 to 59
§§ 5K (road) 14:44 (34) §§ 5,000 meters 15:06.82 (50)
§§ 10K (road) 30:05 (29) §§ 5K (road) 15:02 (50)
Personal Bests at 40 to 49 §§ 10K (road) 31:11 (50)
§§ 1,500 meters 3:56.42 (40) §§ Half marathon 1:10:19 (51)
§§ 3,000 meters 8:31.08 (40) Age-Graded Personal Bests
§§ 5,000 meters 14:34.27 (46) §§ 5K (road) 98.10% (15:02 at age 50)
§§ 10,000 meters 31:27 (45) §§ 10K (road) 98.43% (31:11 at age 50)
§§ 5K (road) 14:47 (42) §§ Half marathon 96.03% (1:10:19 at age 51)
§§ 10K (road) 31:23 (42) §§ Numerous other marks 95-97%

Cathy Utzschneider: You clearly have a lot of talent. Are there other runners in your family?
Pete Magill: My son Sean ran high school track, winning his school’s “Frosh-Soph” sprinter award
when he was a sophomore. The next year, he trained with dad for eight weeks following football
season, dropping from 195 pounds to 175 and recording a 4:34.9 in his first 1,600 ever. His high
school coaches weren’t supportive of his new training focus, so he returned to sprints for one season
before dropping the sport to concentrate on football, which he continues to play in college.
Cathy: How often do you race?
Pete: I race far less than most of my masters peers. My focus is on big performances rather than
frequent racing. If I race a dozen times in a year, that’s a big year. Some years I only race five or six
times. While it increases pressure to run well every time out, it also allows me to build better fitness
between races and to recover more fully from previous efforts.
Cathy: What is your favorite distance?
Pete: My favorite distance isn’t a distance at all. It’s a type of race: cross country. I love cross country
because it takes the time out of the race and turns it into a true competition, racer against racer. It also
allows for the type of team experience that’s only available in relays on the track and rarely exists on the
roads. But if I have to pick an actual distance, it’d be the 5K. The 5K requires all elements of training:

endurance, strength, speed, and psychological control (pacing and effort), but the recovery is far less
than for other races. We can put all our training to the test without having to pay with a prolonged
recovery period postrace.
Cathy: What is your favorite race?
Pete: My favorite race is the USATF Club Cross Country Championships. Year after year, our men’s
masters race is the most highly attended of the day’s races (including open and masters divisions),
with 400 to 500 very serious distance runners spread across the start line. Top clubs from all over the
country make the annual trek to compete, creating friendships and rivalries that span decades. Best
of all, after competing head-to-head with our rivals, we can cool down on the course while watching
the top young open runners in the country battle it out.
Cathy: Do you have a coach?
Pete: I’ve coached myself since my early 20s, and I continue to do so today. After less-than-satisfactory
coaching experiences growing up, I decided to take the reins in my mid-20s. Starting up again at age
39, I expected to train and race for about two years, so it didn’t seem important to find a coach. A
few years later, I’d learned so much about masters training that I felt confident I could steer my own
training as well or better than anyone else. It’s worked well so far.
Cathy: Do you have a role model?
Pete: I don’t have a role model, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t people within the sport whom
I admire and from whom I draw inspiration. The third race I ever ran as a master, at age 40, was an
indoor mile. Finishing only a few seconds behind me in 4:25 was Nolan Shaheed, then 51 years old. I
couldn’t believe a 51-year-old could run that fast! It gave me hope that I might have a few years left
in me. Now 51 myself, I hope some younger masters feel the same way when they race me.
Cathy: How has your training changed over the decades? Can you give an example of a typical
training week for a 5K? Examples would be helpful.
Pete: When I was a youngster—teens and 20s—I trained like an idiot. If I ran 100 miles (162 km)
per week, I ran 100 hard miles per week. Interval workouts were like miniraces. Easy distance referred
to volume, not effort. Every day was a test. And every attempt to get race fit predictably resulted in
burnout, injury, or illness.
As a new master, at age 40, I emphasized lower volume, higher quality, and greater recovery. My
mileage varied from 35 to 70 miles (56-112 km) a week through my mid-40s, then began to climb as
I simultaneously climbed toward my late-40s. Now in my 50s, I’ve maintained volume (I don’t count
miles, but probably log 85 to 95 miles [137-153 km] per week in nonrace weeks), but I’ve drastically
eased up on easy days and lowered the intensity of quality days, favoring tempo intervals on the
road over faster intervals on the track and using short and longer hill reps in place of speed work.
Sample 5K Training (Two Weeks)
§§ Sunday – long run (90-150 minutes)
§§ Monday – easy 90 minutes
§§ Tuesday – a.m. easy 50 minutes, p.m. 3 × 10-minute tempo intervals with 3-minute jog rest
(70-80 total minutes)
§§ Wednesday – easy 90 minutes
§§ Thursday – a.m. easy 50 minutes, p.m. easy 90 minutes
§§ Friday – a.m. easy 50 minutes, p.m. short hill repeats: 8 × 8-10 seconds up steep hill at 95 percent
effort with walk back to start plus 8 × 12-15 seconds down steep hill at 95 percent effort with
walk back to start (includes 15-minute jog warm-up and 10-minute jog cool-down)
§§ Saturday – easy 80-90 minutes
§§ Sunday – long run (90-150 minutes)


30  |  Mastering Running

Pete Magill (continued)

§§ Monday – easy 90 minutes

§§ Tuesday – a.m. easy 50 minutes, p.m. 3 × (5-minute tempo interval, 1-minute jog recovery, 2
minutes at 5K effort), 3-minute jog recovery between sets (70-80 total minutes)
§§ Wednesday – easy 90 minutes
§§ Thursday – a.m. easy 50 minutes, p.m. easy 90 minutes
§§ Friday – a.m. easy 50 minutes; p.m. long hill repeats: 6 × 90-second repeats at 3K race effort
with jog back downhill then walk for 4- to 5-minute total recovery (includes 20- to 25-minute
jog warm-up and 10- to 15-minute jog cool-down)
§§ Saturday – easy 80-90 minutes
Cathy: What advice do you have for other masters?
Pete: Remember that the goal of training is to build better fitness, not to test the fitness we already
possess. And repeat over and over: the best workout we can run today is one that allows us to run
again tomorrow.

you’re probably right. Trust your judgment. It will serve you well. (And, if you can,
hire experts who have experience with masters athletes.)
Perspective and Wisdom
As a masters runner, you have both perspective and wisdom. You’ve seen more
of life, and scanning the general population of others your age, you probably feel
grateful that you’re able to run at all. You also know that running is for a lifetime,
and that at different stages in life—depending on what else is going on—running
can fulfill different goals. There are times when you’re fit and ready to race and
others when a training run with friends is all you want. Personal bests, friendships,
championship titles, vacations, and stress relief are all reasons to run.
You have more perspective regarding the challenges of running. Estimates of
percentages of all runners injured each year vary considerably, depending on the
study, usually ranging from about 40 to 70 percent of all runners (van Mechelen
1992; Jacobs and Berson 1986). As a masters runner, though, you have more per-
spective on setbacks and injuries. You can use your experience to your advantage.
If you have a setback, you know it’s not forever (whereas when you’re younger,
you think it’s the end). You’re more likely than open runners to back off when you
feel a warning twinge, and you know running is for a lifetime so you’ll be back.
Knowing Your Body
You know your body’s idiosyncrasies, its strengths and weaknesses. Each person
has his or her own vulnerabilities. Whether you have a muscle imbalance, a leg-
length discrepancy, or tight hamstrings or Achilles tendons, you know your weak-
nesses and are better at knowing how to weave around them than you were when
you were younger. You know whether you pronate or supinate, or you’ve found
running shoes that fit your feet or orthotics that help. You know what workouts
exacerbate a weakness or whether you’re more vulnerable to tight turns on the
indoor track, hill workouts, or long runs. You’re more likely than younger runners
to know whether or not a niggling spot in your foot or knee is a precursor to some-
thing more serious.
Meeting the Challenge of Aging  |  31

More Confidence and Trust in Your Own Judgment

As a masters runner, you probably have confidence in your own judgment. The
views of others, including your coach, teammates, and friends, matter less than
they used to. You do your own thing, in your own way. If you’re on the track and
feel you’ve had enough, you probably are confident in making that call regardless
of what others are doing.
Masters runners are also more discerning about advice from health specialists
and about whether a diagnosis feels right. If a specialist says something that doesn’t
feel right, masters are more likely to seek a second opinion. A second opinion has
saved many masters, including me. A well-known orthopedic surgeon told me
in my late 40s that I had arthritis and should only run two miles (3.2 km) a week
henceforth. I sought a second opinion from another doctor who said my bones
were those of a 30-year-old and I could continue to run 30 to 40 miles (48-64 km)
a week. The second diagnosis felt right. That was about eight years ago and I’ve
continued running since then. As a masters runner, have confidence in your judg-
ment regardless of the expertise of specialists.
Tried-and-True Strategies
When you have a question about training or racing, you know what’s worked in
the past. You know everyone is different and one size doesn’t fit all and that even
though your training partner might run four or five days a week, your body feels
best when you run six. You know what forms of cross-training work best, what you
enjoy, and how much you can reasonably handle.
More experience means you know how you race best. If you’re a middle-distance
runner or a marathoner, for example, you know what it feels like to be at mile 4 (6.4
km) of a 10K or at mile 20 (32 km) of the marathon. You may know that for you,
even splits work better than negative splits (where miles are run at increasingly
faster paces) or vice-versa. You know which eating and hydrating routines work.
More Disposable Income
“Towanda!” Kathy Bates says in the 1991 movie Fried Green Tomatoes, exclaiming
that she may not be in the prime of life but she’s proud that she has more disposable
income. Chances are you can spend more on running—clothing, GPS watches,
running shoes, and races—than you did when you were in your 20s or 30s. You
can occasionally pay for a trip to a race in a vacation destination or afford hotels
and restaurants that might once have been out of the question.
Advantage of Patience
As a runner over 30, you have a longer-term perspective than someone who’s
younger. You know—not just from running, but from other areas of life—that
achievement requires persistence and consistency through ups and downs. When I
started masters running, the best advice from a veteran runner was to have patience.
Ten Years or 10,000 Hours to Excellence
The importance of focused practice over many years has been demonstrated again
and again. Dr. K. Anders Ericsson, a professor at Florida State University and one of the
world’s leading theoretical and experimental researchers on expertise, has studied it in
most fields, including mathematics, athletics, and music. He and his colleagues have
32  |  Mastering Running

found that 10 years or 10,000 hours of deliberate practice leads to excellence (Ericsson
et al. 1993). Deliberate practice is practice aimed at reaching goals just beyond your pres-
ent level of competence; it involves focusing on your weaknesses and specific needs,
practicing your skills repeatedly, and continually adjusting them with feedback from a
coach or teacher.
The limited research that exists on numbers of years to personal bests in masters
running generally supports the rule of 10 years or 10,000 hours, showing that they are
achieved within 7 to 10 years, regardless of when you start. Masters runner Priscilla
Welch started running at age 34 and achieved her personal best in the marathon 8 years
later, at age 42, running 2:26:51 (Rodgers and Welch 1991). Older legs can be fresher
legs. It took the female masters runners in my doctoral dissertation an average of 7.5
years to reach their best times, whether they started running in their teens or after age
30 (Utzschneider 2002).
If you’re a masters runner who is starting really late—not just after 30, but after 40 or
50 or even 60—and if you have genetic ability as well, you can catch up to others after
10 years of deliberate practice. As Rodgers and Welch wrote in Masters Running and
Racing, “a 50-year-old novice racer is promised the same span of progress as a 15-year-old,”
(1991, p. 4). Figure 3.1 from my research found that after 10 years, masters runners who
started after 30 or even after 50 could be just as fast as those who started when young.
One reason it takes more than a few years to achieve one’s best result is simple: it takes
that long to figure out the mix of physical and mental training habits, including strength
training, patience, and race strategy that work best for you, and that mix changes over
time. Joe Navas, 43, started running at age 30. “It took me the better part of eight years
to even begin to wrap my head around the idea of patience in all aspects of running,”
he told me in December of 2013. When he first started running, “training meant running
faster every time out. How could one expect to get faster without running faster? I had
no concept of time or pace, beyond what I was beginning to learn about how to not just
plain blow up in a race, which still took a long time to wrap my head around. I was the
guy in the Cape Cod Athletic Club who could be counted on to lead for the first mile
and fade. Every time.”



Early Late Late

starters starters starters

10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Age (in years)
Figure 3.1  Late starting masters female runners can catch up to women who start
running in their earlier years.
E6001/Utzschneider/fig 3.1/482776/KH/R1
Meeting the Challenge of Aging  |  33

Personal bests for Joe came 8 to 10 years later. “I began to think that training more and
racing less could have benefits. I approached every race with an idea about pace,” he said.
At 38, he ran 1:10:26 at the New Bedford Half Marathon. That year he also ran personal bests
in the Lone Gull 10K (32:18) and in the Falmouth Road Race (36:63). In his ninth year of \INS
running, he ran a personal best marathon at the Boston Marathon (2:33:18) and in Fairhaven
Father’s Day 5K (15:29). Now, at 43, his perspective on running and racing is focused beyond figu
time. Personal bests don’t come forever. “Hubris is, essentially, the enemy,” he said. “I run
to reason, to examine, to enjoy what I am, not what I should, could, or would be.”

Practicing Healthy Living Habits

Just as 10 years or 10,000 hours of deliberate practice leads to excellence, so can
consistent, healthy living habits keep you at your best at any age. A good first step
to review your habits is to write down a schedule of your week to see how you are
spending your time. Are you trying to do too much? Do you have enough downtime?
When do you eat, sleep, work, and run? One habit affects another.
Better habits can be learned and less-healthy ones can be unlearned. Charles
Duhigg, author of The Power of Habit (2012), explains habits in terms of loops—cues,
routines, and rewards—and maintains that if you identify the cues and rewards, you
can change the routine, the behavior, or habit itself. In my own practice I’ve seen
people who once indulged regularly in ice cream substitute it for light ice cream,
which they then replaced with yogurt. (One person even replaced yogurt with 1
percent milk with honey.) Some runners who once refused even to step on what
they called the “dreadmill” now look forward to running fast intervals on it. Habits
can be changed.
You’re more likely to succeed if you choose an obvious cue and a clear reward.
If you want to get in the habit of running right after you get up in the morning, put
your running shoes and running clothes right by your bed (the cue). Reward yourself
consistently, whether a reward means a cafe latte afterward or a feeling of accom-
plishment when noting miles in a training journal.

Keeping your sleep consistent—whether that’s 6 or 10 hours a night—will help you
run your best. Of course, avoid extreme sleep deprivation of less than 4.5 hours. That
affects moods and lowers production of hormones important for performance, such
as human growth hormone essential for repairing sore muscles and other soft tissue.
A few nights of little sleep can interfere with glucose metabolism and raise levels of
the stress hormone, cortisol.
To help you sleep, avoid caffeine (coffee, tea, chocolate, soft drinks), a stimulant,
at least six hours before bed. If you drink alcohol, drink it four hours before you want
to sleep. Being a depressant, alcohol may initially put you into a deep sleep. As your
body absorbs the alcohol, however, you may experience mild withdrawal symptoms.
You may wake up before you ordinarily would. Because alcohol is dehydrating, you
may wake up at night, thirsty.
If you have problems falling asleep, try a simple muscle-relaxation exercise using
mainly your arms and hands. As you are lying down, create tension by pressing your
fingers into the palms of your hands and making fists. Focus on and feel the tension.
Then relax your hands and arms, allowing them to be heavy. Breathing slowly and
34  |  Mastering Running

deeply, think about the word relax each time you breathe out. You’ll find that that
your hands and arms relax more and more. Repeating this exercise has helped
many runners fall asleep.
As a masters runner, you’ll do best if you understand both how important recovery
is and what it actually means. You need more recovery than younger runners just
to ward off injury. The recovery phase of training, including rest and easy days, is
when you become more fit, when you adapt after the stimulus of hard workouts.
Regeneration occurs in this recovery phase. Depending on how intensely and how
much you run, muscle fibers and connective tissue that have been worked hard
need at least 48 hours to repair and rebuild. Fluids, enzymes that help muscles
contract and relax, and muscle glycogen need to be replaced. The older you are,
the more time you need. Working muscles again too soon leads to tissue breakdown
and injury instead of buildup. Without recovery, adaptation may occur in the short
term, but ultimately it will fail. And because most injuries come from overuse, a day
of yoga, rest, massage, or easy miles can prevent three- or four-week forced breaks.
Chapter 2 mentions recovery as it applies to hard and easy running, and chapter
5 discusses recovery in depth as it applies to staving off injury. What about recovery
days after a race? Here are general guidelines based on age and race distances.
I don’t recommend recovery days by age groups because readiness for the next
workout depends more on fitness, although, generally speaking, the older you are,
the more days you should take. Knowing your own body is key.
Race Distance Recovery Days Between Race and Next Workout
1 mile 3-4
5K 5-6
5 miles to 10K 6-8
15K to half marathon 10-14
Marathon 35 or more
The point here is that knowing the many forms of recovery and building in time
for it will keep you healthy. Recovery includes cooling down, stretching, soft-tissue
work, cross-training, napping, body work, steams, and saunas. As a rule of thumb,
masters runners should take 15 to 30 minutes of recovery for every hour of training.
Many masters runners see some kind of body worker, whether that’s a massage
therapist, chiropractor, or acupuncturist, at least once every two to four weeks.
You need recovery not just after running but in life in general after stressful peri-
ods at work or at home. While positive stress (eustress) can benefit the body, too
little recovery can turn training into negative stress (distress). Don’t overschedule
yourself. If you have more than three major obligations in your life in addition to a
serious running goal, you have too much on your plate. Cut out something.

You need to drink enough fluids, particularly water, to run your best at any age.
Not drinking enough can lead not just to dehydration but to slower running as well.
A 2 percent drop in body weight during a run often correlates with a 10 percent
decline in performance.
Meeting the Challenge of Aging  |  35

General hydration guidelines for daily living follow:

§§ Thirst is sometimes, but not always, a good indicator that you need to drink.
If you’re thirsty, you may well already be dehydrated.
§§ According to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies (2004), of
people who are adequately hydrated, women consume an average of 2.7 liters
(92 oz, about 11.5 cups) and men consume an average of 3.7 liters (125 oz,
about 15.5 cups) of water from all beverages, including caffeinated beverages
and foods daily. Given that about 20 percent of those amounts come from
food, the average adequately hydrated woman drinks about 74 ounces or 9
cups of water daily and the average adequately hydrated man drinks about
100 ounces or 12.5 cups of water daily.
How much should you hydrate while running? That depends on the following:
§§ How much you run. The more miles, the more fluid you should drink.
§§ The weather. Drink more when it’s hot and humid.
§§ Altitude. The higher the altitude, the more you should drink.
§§ Your weight. The more you weigh, the more you should drink. Because men
generally weigh more than women, they should drink more, and, of course,
pregnant women should also drink more.
§§ Your sweat rate, the amount of fluid you lose through sweat in an hour of
running. The more you sweat, the more you should drink.
While hydrating is important for all distance races, the marathon is where it’s
most important to follow a hydrating pattern, as opposed to drinking when you
feel thirsty. A recent study (Dion et al. 2013) on hydrating and performance during
a half marathon found that performance was just as strong in those who drank
according to thirst as in those who drank according to a set plan. The runners who
drank according to thirst did, however, experience more physiological stress than
those who drank regularly; they lost 3 percent of their body weight and experienced
higher heart rates and body temperatures than those who followed a set plan.
If you’re looking for a set hydrating plan and don’t know your sweat rate, drink
four to eight ounces (118-237 ml) of fluid every 15 to 20 minutes of running. As a
general rule, faster or heavier runners competing in warmer climates should drink
more than slower or lighter runners competing in cooler climates (American Col-
lege of Sports Medicine 2007). Know also that cool water is absorbed faster than
warm water, so drinking plain cool water for runs of one hour or less is the best
option. Sport drinks help you maintain energy on runs of more than one hour.
While many sport drinks are 6 to 8 percent carbohydrate, many runners dilute these
with water, using 50 percent sport drink and 50 percent water, for easier digestion.
Avoid carbonated beverages, sugary drinks, and highly concentrated fruit juice;
they may cause stomach cramps, nausea, and diarrhea. The issue of hyponatremia,
the result of drinking too much fluid, is also discussed in chapter 13.
One way to assess whether you’re drinking enough is to check your urine.
Although bladder size is a consideration, you should urinate five to eight times a
day, and the color should be light straw yellow. If it’s bright yellow, that’s the first
stage of dehydration and it’s time to drink a glass of water.
36  |  Mastering Running

Nutrition and Weight Control

Eating a balanced diet and maintaining a healthy weight are essential not just
for good health but for peak performance as well. Almost every issue of Runner’s
World has a cover feature related to nutrition: healthy seasonal meals, nutrition
tips, strategies for losing five pounds. To see results, your diet doesn’t have to be
perfect. Use the 80/20 rule by eating well 80 percent of the time. Numbers of calo-
ries you consume will vary depending on several factors, including your weight
and activity level.
How many calories should you consume to maintain weight and fuel workouts?
The most efficient, accurate way to answer that question is to use an online calcula-
tor that asks you to input not simply your sex, age, weight and height in either U.S.
or metric units and your level of daily activity (sedentary, somewhat active, active,
or very active), but also your calories burned from additional exercise and from
training for different sports. A calculator that can tell you how many calories you
burn not just from running but more specifically from running 6 miles in 12-minute
miles (5 miles per hour) versus 5.5-minute miles (10.9 miles per hour), as well as
how many calories you burn in over 100 activities including walking, swimming,
biking, weight lifting, hatha yoga, jumping rope, and even basketball at different
levels of intensity will give you the closest answer to the question. The calculator at incorporates all these variables.
If you play golf, you can even calculate how many calories you burn using a power
cart versus how many you burn walking and carrying your clubs.
If you want to lose weight, an average of one to two pounds (.4 to .9 kg) a week is
a reasonable goal. To average one pound lost per week, you need to create a daily
500-calorie deficiency, either through exercise or calorie cutting or a combination
of both. In the previous example, if the runner continues with running four miles
(6.4 km) a day and limits her caloric intake to 2,150 calories, she’ll lose about a
pound (.4 kg) a week.
Major Nutrients
If you regularly follow a few dietary guidelines, you’ll increase your chances of
staying healthy and running optimally. A balance of the three major nutrients—
carbohydrate, protein, and fat—will minimize the need for supplements.
About 55 to 60 percent of your daily calories should come from carbohydrate. It
provides energy for exercising muscles, regulates the metabolism of fat and protein,
and digests easily. Carbohydrates are essential because all food—whether steak,
broccoli, or chocolate—is broken down into glucose, which is used for immediate
energy or stored as glycogen in the muscles and liver.
There are two kinds of carbohydrate, and your body needs both. Simple carbo-
hydrates are absorbed quickly into your bloodstream, and can give you fast fuel.
Simple carbohydrates can also cause dramatic swings in blood sugar levels if taken
in large amounts quickly. Examples of simple carbohydrates are fruit, fruit juice,
jams and jellies, milk, table sugar, honey, molasses, and candy. Complex carbohy-
drates have more nutritional value than simple carbohydrates; many contain iron,
antioxidants, B vitamins, and fiber. Complex carbohydrates also take longer to be
broken down into glucose, so their effect on blood sugar levels is much less dra-
matic and variable. Sources of complex carbohydrates are bread; pasta; legumes
Meeting the Challenge of Aging  |  37

like beans, peas, and lentils; cereals; and grains such as corn, rice, and oats. About
45 percent of your daily calories should come from complex carbohydrates and
10 to 15 percent from simple carbohydrates.
While recommendations for daily protein intake call for 10 to 15 percent every
day, protein needs should be based on your body weight, not your caloric intake.
(If your caloric intake is unusually high, 10 to 15 percent of that equals too much
protein.) While the recommended protein intake for the average American is .4 gram
of protein per pound body weight (.8 g/kg), runners need to replenish the amino
acids oxidized during exercise and to replace exercise-induced muscle damage
by consuming .5 to .8 grams of protein per pound (1.2 to 1.7 g/kg).
In addition to helping to build and repair body tissues, including muscles,
protein also replaces red blood cells, facilitates hormone production, helps with
muscle contractions, forms antibodies for disease protection, and regulates water
balance. Because many masters runners are vegetarians, it’s helpful to remember
that protein is made up of building blocks called amino acids. Twenty amino acids
join to make all kinds of protein. While the body can make most of these, there
are several it cannot. These are the essential amino acids (EAA), which you must
include in your daily diet.
If you eat meat, getting enough protein is not complicated. Protein from ani-
mals—meat, poultry, fish, milk, eggs, and cheese—is considered complete because
it provides all the essential amino acids. If you are a vegetarian, you get much of your
protein from incomplete protein sources, such as legumes, grains, nuts, and seeds.
These are low in one or more of the essential amino acids and should therefore
be eaten with other complementary proteins. As an example, rice and dry beans
are complementary proteins. Eaten together, they provide adequate amounts of
all the essential amino acids the body needs. Other complementary proteins are
peanut butter and whole-wheat bread and bean soup and bread.
About 20 to 30 percent of your daily calories should come from fat, found in
meat, cheese, eggs, nuts, seeds, oils, butter, margarine, desserts, and snacks. Fat
is critical for everyone and especially athletes because it provides a concentrated
source of energy, helping to delay fatigue. Fat also helps satisfy hunger; absorbs
fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K; supports vital organs; and helps maintain body
heat. While fat is necessary, focus on consuming more unsaturated, or healthy, fat:
sources that come mainly from vegetables and are usually liquid at room tempera-
ture. Limit saturated fats, those that are usually solid at room temperature because
a high intake can lead to high cholesterol, some cancers, and heart disease. Also
limit trans fats, those created when liquid fat is processed into semisolid fat and
used to increase the flavor and shelf life of foods. Like saturated fat, trans fat raises
LDL, or bad, cholesterol and increases the risk of heart disease. But unlike saturated
fat, trans fat lowers HDL, or good, cholesterol and may do even more damage. To
see percentages of monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, saturated, and trans fats
in various oils and spreads, see figure 3.2.
Few masters runners have difficulty maintaining a healthy weight, although the
challenge to be at your leanest to run your fastest is greater as metabolism slows
with the decades. No more all-you-can-eat nachos. If you’re in your 40s, 50s, or 60s,
you may not be able to eat as much as you could decades earlier without gaining
weight. As mentioned in chapter 2, you can use body mass index, a calculation that
Types of fat in various oils, spreads

Safflower oil

Canola oil

Flaxseed oil

Sunflower oil

Corn oil

Olive oil

Sesame oil

Peanut oil


Cottonseed oil

Chicken fat

Smart Balance

Stick margarine

Vegetable shortening


Palm oil

Beef fat


Palm kernel oil

Coconut oil

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Polyunsaturated Monounsaturated Saturated Trans

Figure 3.2  Percentages of monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, saturated, and trans

fats in various oils and spreads.
E6001/Utzschneider/fig 3.2/487717/KH/R2-alw
Adapted with permission from the Harvard Heart Letter and © Harvard University. For more information

Meeting the Challenge of Aging  |  39

uses your height and weight to estimate your body fat, to determine whether you’re
at a healthy weight. If your BMI is 18.5 to 24.9, you’re in the normal and healthy
weight range. If you’re over that and are carrying a few extra pounds, losing a few
could help your running times. The following guidelines from an article in Runner’s
World may help you (Burfoot 2007).

How Does Losing Weight Affect Your Running Times?

If you want to lose weight, seek the advice of a professional (sport nutritionist, your doctor)
and lose weight gradually.
§§ Losing 2 pounds (.9 kg) can take off 12.4 seconds in a 5K, 25 seconds in a 10K, 52 seconds
in a half marathon, and 1:45 minutes in a marathon.
§§ Losing 5 pounds (2.3 kg) can take off 31 seconds in a 5K, 1:02 minutes in a 10K, 2:11
minutes in a half marathon, and 4:22 minutes in a marathon.
§§ Losing 10 pounds (4.6 kg) can take off 1:02 minutes in a 5K, 2:04 minutes in a 10K, 4:22
minutes in a half marathon, and 8:44 minutes in a marathon.
§§ Losing 20 pounds (9 kg) can take off 2:04 minutes in a 5K, 4:08 minutes in a 10K, 8:44
minutes in a half marathon, and 17:28 in a marathon.

Vitamins and Minerals

Knowing why vitamins and minerals are important can help you be sure you’re
eating a healthy diet. Table 3.1 shows the roles and sources of vitamins and min-
erals essential for runners. Obtaining vitamins and minerals from whole foods is \INS
preferable to supplementation; there’s no strong evidence that taking supplements
improves either health or athletic performance. If you’re concerned that you’re
not getting enough of a vitamin or mineral, check first with your doctor and ask
about the amount that’s best for you. Even with minerals like calcium and iron,
I’ve learned that the right amounts vary from person to person.
Reframing is one of my favorite words, and one that masters runners seem to like.
It’s a concept that helps them meet the challenges of aging and the demands of
life while they continue to run. Reframing means looking at running goals with
a new set of eyes, considering new circumstances and interests. Say you have a
family reunion and others in your family like to run. Reframing might mean setting
a goal not of running a personal best but of corralling family members to run. You’re
reframing also if you’ve been a road runner and you want to try cross country or
you have a friend who’s been ill and you want to run for a cause. Regardless of the
situation, reframing is a skill that you can use to your advantage in infinite ways,
given your experience, perspective, and wisdom.
Table 3.1  Vitamins and Mineral Chart
Vitamin Role Best sources
Vitamin A It helps develop bones and prevent stress fractures. It also helps Dark-green leafy vegetables;
maintain eyesight by providing nutrients to the retina and it con- yellow-orange vegetables and
tributes to the function of the immune system. fruits such as carrots, sweet
potatoes, cantaloupe, and
peaches; liver; milk; butter
Vitamin Broken into eight types of vitamins (e.g., B1 B 6 , B12), vitamin Whole-grain cereals, green
B-complex B-complex helps convert carbohydrate into glucose; promotes the vegetables, poultry, fish
growth of red blood cells, which prevents anemia; helps metabolize
fat and protein; and assists in growth.
Vitamin C Boosts the immune system. It helps prevent the common cold, and, Oranges, tomatoes, broccoli,
as an antioxidant, it assists in cancer prevention and warding off grapefruit, cantaloupe
heart disease. Vitamin C also helps the body form scar tissue.
Vitamin D Develops bone and bone strength, helps maintain a normal and Sunshine, fortified milk, egg
strong heartbeat, strengthens the immune system, and assists in yolks, tuna
blood clotting.
Vitamin E Lessens damage to the muscle tissues in the body after hard train- Vegetable oils, rice, leafy veg-
ing. It also helps the immune system and prevents lung damage etables
from many kinds of pollutants.
Vitamin K Helps bone metabolism and prevents blood clotting. Green leafy vegetables, veg-
etable oils, fish
Mineral Role Best source
Calcium Builds and maintains bone strength, helps regulate heart function, Milk and fortified juices, beans,
and prevents muscle cramps. oranges, broccoli
Chloride Maintains the body’s nerve impulses that control muscles. As an Table salt (sodium chloride)
electrolyte, it plays a key role in maintaining water balance in the
body. (One of the ingredients of sport drinks is chloride, which is
easily lost through sweat.) Chloride also is needed for the produc-
tion of stomach acid.
Iron Helps form hemoglobin, essential for carrying oxygen from the Beef, lamb, pork, leafy green
lungs to the muscles. Low iron levels lead to anemia, characterized vegetables, nuts, shrimp, scal-
by lack of energy and general lethargy. lops
Magnesium Plays a key role in generating energy, helping bone growth, and Bananas, green vegetables,
regulating body temperature. Magnesium works as a counter to corn, apples, whole-wheat
calcium’s role of facilitating muscle contraction by assisting in bread
muscle relaxation. Cramped muscles are sometimes caused by
magnesium deficiency. Magnesium’s role in muscle relaxation also
helps in relieving overall stress in the body.
Phosphorous Assists in almost every chemical reaction in the body and assists in Meat, fish, chicken, eggs, whole
using carbohydrate, fat, and protein for energy. Phosphorus also grains, chocolate
stimulates heart and muscle contractors and prevents tooth decay.
Potassium Helps to convert glucose to glycogen, the main energy source for Bananas, green leafy vegeta-
muscles. Also stimulates the kidneys to get rid of body wastes. bles, oranges, potatoes, raisins
Sodium Helps the body retain fluids to prevent dehydration and helps cause Table salt (sodium chloride),
the thirst sensation, alerting us to drink fluids. seafood, poultry, carrots, beets
Zinc Helps remove carbon dioxide from exercising muscles, boosts the Beef, lamb, chicken, sunflower
immune system, and protects the body from pollution. seeds

Chapter 4

Biomechanics of Good Form

Let’s face it. Just the word biomechanics might make you want to skip this chapter.
Why care about good running form? You’re fast enough. Who cares about dorsi-
flexing? Truth is, knowing about and practicing good form will help you when you
need it most: at the three-quarter section of a race, the slowest section of any race,
quarter mile to marathon. Knowing correct biomechanics will help them become
more of a habit, and a habit of correct biomechanics will make you faster.
Running brings out the uniqueness in all of us, including our unique form. From
a distance, you can pick out your friends running even if you can’t see their faces.
Our form, or gait, is hard wired into us, dictated by nature, not something we’re
taught. It depends on many variables, not the least of which are the curve of the
spine, musculature, height, leg length, foot structure (Are you flat footed? Do you
have a high arch?), and flexibility. And not one of those alone predicts good form.
Some long-legged runners have short strides, for example.
Talk about biomechanics and you enter controversial territory. Coaches and
other experts debate about what correct form is, including ideal foot strike. Some
say runners should be taught to run correctly. Others say let nature take care of
itself: run the way it feels best, they say.
My view is that tweaking your form can be helpful, although I don’t advise chang-
ing it radically unless you are injured frequently or are uncomfortable. Over the
years, I’ve helped runners who wanted to change an aspect of their form: everything

42  |  Mastering Running

from foot strike to breathing patterns. Sometimes runners naturally change their
foot strike from a heel- to a mid-foot strike as they develop greater muscle, tendon,
and ligament strength. One asthmatic runner insisted on breathing only through
her nose. She ran slower and continued to breathe through her nose. If you want
to change your form, learn what you’re doing first. Look at your image in the next
store window you run by. Better yet, ask a friend to video you from different angles
(phones work well for this). Still better, ask an exercise physiologist to analyze
your gait.
Reminding yourself of the principles of optimal running biomechanics can help
you adjust your running form, optimize your performance, and lower your risk of
running injuries. In general, I tell runners of events from the mile up to focus on
§§ tall,
§§ relaxed,
§§ with economy of motion, and
§§ quietly.
Or I suggest they remember the acronym TREQ: tall, relaxed, economy, quietly.
Running tall means running with an erect posture so your head and upper body
are aligned properly. If your weight is balanced so that your head is over your
shoulders, hips, and legs, your lower body and stride are more likely to be correct.
Your diaphragm will also be open so breathing is easier. You’ll be less likely to
jut out your head, slouch your shoulders, or stick out your rear end. Periodically
shaking tension out of your arms and hands can help you relax, preventing your
face, shoulders, and neck from tensing and consuming energy. Running with
economy of motion helps you minimize movements that don’t propel you forward.
Avoid bouncing, for example, because too much up-and-down movement wastes
energy and can be hard on your feet and legs. Think of running with a beanbag
on your head. Exaggerated pumping of arms (except on hills) also wastes energy.
If you imagine running on eggshells (and trying not to break them) your feet are
likely to hit the ground quietly and lightly. If you hear thumping, you’re probably
putting undue stress on joints, tendons, bones, and muscles. Running should be
quiet, soft, and springy.

Enhance Your Unique Form

In addition to knowing the principles of optimal running biomechanics, it is helpful
to know correct posture. This includes the position of the head, shoulders, and hips.
Knowing how to drive the arms, including hand position, and to stride forward,
including ankle position, and knowing the possible foot strikes (there are several)
also contribute to correct posture.

Hold your head high and your back straight, imagining a string attached to the top
of your head. If you look ahead about 10 to 20 feet (3-6 m) you’ll straighten your
neck and back. Looking down can lead to fatigue and tightness in your neck. Keep
your head as steady as possible without bobbing or rotating side to side. Relax your
Biomechanics of Good Form  |  43

jaw and neck. Too much tension there can create tension throughout your body. An
exaggerated yawn can help relax your jaw and face. Practice smiling as you run;
this helps relieve overall tension. Keep your shoulders low and loose rather than
high and tight. Carrying your shoulders too high can lead to fatigue, a shorter stride
length, and increased shoulder tension;
carrying them too low can lead to bounc-
ing and a forward lean. If your shoulders
feel tight, shake them out to release tension.
Shoulders should remain level and not dip
from side to side with each stride.
Your entire body should have a slight
forward lean (but do not bend at the waist).
Keep your head in line with your shoulders.
If you think about running tall, you will
stretch yourself to your fullest height with
your back straight. If you begin to slouch,
take a deep breath and feel yourself natu-
rally straighten. Leaning your head too far
forward leads to fatigue and tightness in
the neck, shoulders, back, and even ham-
strings. A slight forward lean means that
your head is balanced over your shoulders,
which are balanced over your hips, which
are balanced over your legs (see figure 4.1).
Figure 4.1  Proper running form
Your hips are the center of gravity.
includes proper positioning of the head,
shoulders, and hips.
Arm Drive
Arms should swing mostly forward and back, not across the midline of your body,
between waist and lower-chest level (see figure 4.2a). Tuck elbows in, and bend
them at about a 90-degree angle. On the back swing, your wrists should be next
to the side of your pelvis, grazing your hips as if you are reaching for your wallet.
Let your arms fall naturally back to the forward position. If you feel your forearms
tensing, drop your arms to your sides and shake them out to release tension.
Keep your wrists loose, and lightly cup your hand as through you’re holding an
egg or a potato chip that you don’t want to crush. Don’t make a tight fist or keep
your hands so loose that they become floppy (see figure 4.2b).

Forward Stride
Unlike sprinters who need to lift their knees high to achieve maximum leg power,
efficient distance runners don’t need an exaggerated knee lift. It requires too much
energy over a long period. Efficient endurance running requires a slight knee
lift, quick leg turnover, and a shorter stride than that of a sprinter (see figure 4.3).
Your feet should land directly under your hips, not too far ahead of them. The knee
of the leg striking the ground should be slightly flexed. Allowing your lower leg to
extend in front of your body means your stride is too long. When your foot hits the
ground, your ankle should be flexed to allow your foot to roll forward to create more
force for push-off. You should feel your calf muscles powering your forward steps.
a b
Figure 4.2  (a) Arms should swing straight back and forward; (b) lightly cup your hand
as if holding an egg you don’t want to break.

Figure 4.3  A distance runner’s forward stride requires

slight knee lift, quick leg turnover, and a shorter stride
than a sprinter’s.

Biomechanics of Good Form  |  45

Foot Strike
As mentioned earlier, foot strike—how, where, and when the foot hits the ground—
is somewhat controversial. There’s some disagreement about what is best, and
unless a runner is frequently injured or clearly lands with a heel strike in front of
his or her body (which is often the case), I don’t generally suggest trying a new foot
strike. The three types of foot strike are heel, midfoot, and forefoot. Most distance
runners are heel or midfoot strikers.
§§ Heel strikers land lightly first on the heel of the foot, usually the outside of
the heel, with the ankle dorsiflexed (toes pointed up) and then roll forward
to push off with the toes. Avoid jamming your heel into the ground. This can
result in overstriding and landing in front of the body and center of gravity,
which creates a braking effect and slows you. Overstriding stresses your body
and increases the risk of injury (Daoud et al. 2012).
§§ A midfoot striker lands on the heel and ball of the foot simultaneously,
although the ball of the foot handles most of the impact. The heel touches the
ground just slightly, and the runner lands with a bent leg, which offers greater
shock absorption and more momentum for push-off than the heel strike does.
§§ A forefoot striker, more common among sprinters than distance runners,
lands lightly on the outside ball of the foot with the ankle plantarflexed (toes
point downward) and the foot slightly inverted (sole angled inward) to main-
tain balance. The ankle then begins to dorsiflex and the heel lands, controlled
by the Achilles tendon and calf muscles. The runner then pushes off with
the big toe. Strong and flexible Achilles tendons and calves are essential for
a healthy forefoot strike.
Because running form often breaks down with fatigue, it’s helpful to visualize it
or remind yourself of the acronym, TREQ, periodically on long runs. For example,
visualizing correct form once every mile can remind you to run tall and keep your
arms from swinging across the midline of your body.

Steady, relaxed breathing is essential for running rhythm. If you find yourself
breathing too quickly or hyperventilating or if you can hear your breath, you are
probably running too fast or feeling out of control and you should slow until your
breath is quiet.
Some runners find it helpful to breathe in time to their foot strike, while others
find it annoying. If you want to try to establish a cadence, count footsteps in time
with your breathing. I recommend trying a 2-2 breathing pattern. Force your breath
out and then slowly breathe in. Breathe in while stepping right foot, left foot, and
then breathe out while stepping right foot, left foot. Continue the pattern. If you feel
out of control, either because of your breathing or your pace, try different breath-
ing patterns. Practice patterns such as 3-2, 3-3, 2-3, or 3-4 to see what works best.
Breathe in and out of your mouth from your diaphragm or belly. Your abdomen
should expand as you breathe in and flatten as you breathe out. You can get more
air in and out of your mouth than your nose. As your abdomen expands, your
46  |  Mastering Running

diaphragm is fully lowered and your lungs are inflated to the maximum, allowing
more oxygen intake. Getting enough oxygen also helps ward off side stitches that
result when the diaphragm does not get enough oxygen.

Stride Length Versus Stride Rate

Knowing about stride length and stride rate will help you as a masters runner. You
can run faster by increasing one or both, because both determine speed. They
depend on numerous variables including flexibility, height, weight, hip mobility,
and biomechanics and cannot be attributed to one factor alone. Some shorter run-
ners, for example, have longer strides than taller runners do. As a general rule, the
more fit you become, the more your stride length and rate are likely to increase.
Stride rate (cadence or frequency) is the number of times your feet hit the ground
and it is usually measured in right or left foot strikes per minute. As a general rule,
cadences of 80 to 85 foot strikes per minute are common in recovery and easy-pace
runs, cadences of 90 foot strikes per minute are more common in moderate running
paces and races of 5K or longer, and cadences of 95 or more foot strikes per minute
are seen during speed work on the track and in races under 5K. Many elite runners,
including masters, have a stride rate of 90 to 95 foot strikes per minute. A higher
stride rate, or turnover, is ideal because it pushes you forward quickly and strongly.
Stride length measures the distance from where the right heel (or left) hits the
ground to where the same heel hits the ground again. Stride length depends on
running technique, including foot strike, and leg length. It also depends on strength:
how much force you can produce in the push-off and knee drive. Stride length is
generally longest during 100-meter sprints and shorter in distance events. Studies of
elite marathon runners show that they have run the second half of their marathons
faster by shortening their stride length and increasing their stride rates (Conoboy
and Dyson, 2006).
One of the main reasons masters runners become slower is that generally
declining muscle mass and flexibility and slower reflexes contribute to shorter
strides and slower stride rates. Stride length in masters runners decreases because
rear-leg propulsion is weaker. The masters runner’s return phase of the free leg as
it leaves the ground and travels to a forward position for the next foot strike is less
dynamic and responsive than it is in younger runners. The free leg needs to fold
up toward the rear end and pull quickly and powerfully forward, relying on hip,
gluteus, and hamstring strength. One study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine
(Conoboy and Dyson 2006), for example, found that average stride length in male
marathoners was 2 meters (6.6 feet) at age 60 and older compared to 2.4 meters
(7.9 feet) for men 40 to 49.
Masters runners should focus more on increasing stride rate than stride length,
which can lead to overstriding. Forcing a long stride length usually does not improve
running speed or efficiency. The opposite happens. Instead of landing directly under
your body with every step, when you overstride you reach out in front of your body
with your foot and land heavily on your heel, causing a braking action. This will
excessively stress your knees, hips, and back, in addition to slowing you down.
Know that you can work on increasing both stride rate and length with hill sprints,
speed work, and weight training. Training with weights set at about 75 percent of
one repetition maximum—the maximum amount of weight you can lift one time
Shoes? No Shoes? Minimalist Shoes?:
Scott Douglas
You can’t talk about biomechanics without
thinking about feet and what we put on them
when we run. Nothing? Barefoot shoes? Flats?
The big bulky variety? Scott Douglas is an
expert on running, editor, journalist, author,
and accomplished runner. He is editor of Run-
ner’s World Newswire and a former editor of
Running Times and has been covering running
professionally since the early 1990s. He has
written or cowritten six books, including two
editions of Advanced Marathoning (2008) and

Courtesy of Stacey Cramp

the Runner’s World Complete Guide to Mini-
malism and Barefoot Running (March 2013). A
runner himself (of course), he has run more than
100,000 miles (160,934 km) and competed in
distances from 800 meters to the marathon.
Above and beyond those credentials, Scott
knows footwear and his feet. “I’ve tried every-
thing from running barefoot to the FiveFingers
to more substantive minimalist shoes,” he said. “I’ve ‘wear tested’ at least 400 pairs of shoes
in the past couple of decades.”
Cathy Utzschneider: What sparked your interest in shoes?
Scott Douglas: It stems from my own running. I’ve always instinctively gravitated to running
in light, low shoes. Especially in the late 1990s and early 2000s, shoes were getting bigger
and bigger, both in terms of how high they were off the ground and in how much higher the
heel was than the forefoot. I found it harder to find normal running shoes that didn’t feel as
if I was suspended off the ground and tilted forward. When Born to Run became a bestseller
in 2009, suddenly everyone became aware of a topic that a lot of longtime runners had been
grappling with for years.
[In Born To Run, author Christopher McDougall—motivated in part by injuries he incurred
while running—explores the history and benefits of and joy derived from barefoot running. He
travels to Mexico to find the Tarahumara, a tribe known for running long distance barefoot. He
visits science labs at Harvard University to understand the biomechanics of running. McDougall
himself trains for a 50-mile race with the Tarahumara. The book is a journey and celebration
of barefoot running which inspires readers to consider the possibility that they were born with
all the foot gear needed for running.]
Cathy: What’s a way we can begin thinking about what kind of shoe to wear—if at all?
Scott: First, think about functionality. My interest is in people being healthy and happy runners.
Shoes are a tool to help you achieve that goal, whether that’s a minimalist shoe or barefoot.
Other things help too, such as having a body with the right strength and flexibility for running,
dedication, a healthful diet, and not being 50 pounds overweight.
Cathy: What do you think about barefoot running?
Scott: It’s a great tool for learning good running form and strengthening the ankles and feet.
But on a daily, real-world basis, it’s not the most practical thing for most people. Who wants


Scott Douglas (continued)

to spend entire runs worrying about every rock or piece of glass in the road? And it’s hard to
run barefoot when it’s cold or snowy outside, obviously. In the real-world sense, minimalist
shoes are a more worthy topic of discussion.
Cathy: What does minimalist running mean, really?
Scott: Very broadly, it means making a conscious decision to try to be able to run comfortably
and injury free in shoes that are lower to the ground and are more level than many conventional
running shoes. Many today have a lot of stack height—they’re high off the ground—and have
a high heel-to-toe drop, meaning there’s a large difference in the height of the heel compared
to the height of the forefoot. Both of those features of conventional running shoes can alter
your running form in negative ways. Minimalists argue that a shoe that’s close to the ground
makes for more, not less, stability because your feet are closer to the ground and are better
able to function naturally. After all, do people feel unstable when they walk around the house
in socks? The same sort of thinking applies to stability in running shoes.
Cathy: How do you choose a minimalist shoe?
Scott: Think about the shoes you’ve felt best and most enjoyed running in. Think about their
characteristics. Rather than looking for a particular shoe or category of shoe, it’s better to
look at the characteristics you’re looking for since the categories of shoes are bleeding into
one another. For example, you also could consider racing shoes, including a road racing flat,
which is lower to the ground, a minimalist shoe. It’s worth looking into everything that a shoe
company might offer.
Cathy: What kinds of shoes might those include?
Scott: Vibram FiveFingers are the poster child for barely there shoes, but for most people,
those are pretty extreme in terms of a transition from normal running shoes. All the running
shoe companies have something would-be minimalists could consider; I include racing flats
in that broad sweep.
Cathy: What points or questions should masters raise regarding what shoes to wear, or not?
1. Why should you care about this topic? It’s possible that learning to run well in lighter,
lower shoes could lead to improved running form, which could lead to better perfor-
mance and feeling better running. For me, at 48, feeling good on my daily run is more
important than 20 years ago when I was trying to set PRs. It’s possible that minimalist
shoes could give you that feeling.
2. For how long have you run in conventional running shoes? The more years in those,
the more cautious you should be in experimenting with minimalist shoes because your
body has adapted to that kind of running shoe. Your calves and Achilles tendons have
become tighter and shorter. Suddenly switching to a lower, flatter shoe would put
strain on your muscles and tendons that they’re not used to.
3. For a masters runner, are you at a good running weight? Lots of people could be at a
better running weight. While they’re using minimalist shoes they might also experiment
with getting leaner if, like many masters runners, they’ve seen their weight creep up
over the years.
4. If you’re thinking about trying a minimalist shoe, think about what aspects of a shoe
you like, and transfer that to what you like in minimalist models. Do you like a shoe

Biomechanics of Good Form  |  49

that’s firm or one that has some softness in the middle of the shoe? Do you like a wide
forefoot or a snugger fit? Find a minimalist shoe that you feel comfortable wearing.
Cathy: Can runners who wear orthotics because they overpronate or supinate wear minimal-
ist shoes?
Scott: There’s not enough hard data that this one thing—how much you do or don’t pro-
nate—should be the determining factor in how you should buy shoes. And even if pronation
were the key to picking the right running shoe, a lot of people don’t accurately describe how
their foot lands when they run. People who have orthotics should consider whether they still
have the original problem they got orthotics to address. If not, most sport podiatrists would
say it’s probably worth trying to wean yourself off them.
Cathy: What does your book add to the discussion about running?
Scott: I talked about the pendulum swing and how after the publication of Born to Run, people
flocked too quickly from big, bulky shoes to barefoot running. Drawing on the knowledge of
longtime running experts, I explain why minimalism is worth looking into while at the same
time keeping it in perspective in terms of the overall performance of running. Some people
spend more time debating minimalist shoes than they do running! Being in the right shoe is
important, and many people can benefit from learning to run well in less shoe, but it’s also
important to pay attention to the many other factors that contribute to good running.

performing a specific exercise—helps offset the shrinkage of fast-twitch muscle

fiber. You can also increase your stride rate through plyometric exercises, such as
bounding and skips to build strength, activate reflexes, and stimulate fast-twitch
muscle fibers.

Form Drills to Activate Your Muscles

With all the miles you run, spending 10 minutes a few times a week to practice
drills will ultimately help not just your form but your speed as well. Drills imitate
specific aspects of sound running form, including upright posture, arm drive, knee
drive, leg action, the coordinated dynamic balance involved in the forward stride,
and shifting weight from one leg to the other.
Drills also help strengthen the specific muscle groups essential for running. The
ankle, knee, and hip joints undergo considerable flexion and extension during the
running stride, and each of these joints is exercised through a similar, or greater,
range of motion during the various drills. My runners perform the following drills
after their warm-ups and before speed workouts on the track.
50  |  Mastering Running

Heel Walk
1 × 10 meters: Walk on your heels, dorsi-
flexing your toes (raising them toward your
shins). As you look straight ahead, point
your toes forward, and hold your arms at
your sides, walk tall as if a string is holding
your head to the ceiling. Variations of this
drill include walking with your toes turned
in and then with your toes turned out. This
drill strengthens your feet, ankles, calves,
and particularly the tibialis anterior, the
muscles on the front of your lower legs.
This drill helps prevent shin splints.

Toe Walk
1 × 10 meters; Rise onto your toes and
walk with the toes pointed forward. Look
straight ahead and again, walk tall, with
your arms at your sides. Variations of this
drill include walking with your toes turned
in and then your toes turned out. Toe walk-
ing strengthens your feet, ankles, calves,
tibialis anterior, and posterior muscles.

High Skip With Arm

1 × 20 meters; Skip while moving your
arms first in forward circles and then in
backward circles, taking the shoulders
through a full range of motion.
Biomechanics of Good Form  |  51

Side Slide With Arm

1 × 20 meters; Focused on lateral move-
ment, this drill activates the iliotibial band
and vastus lateralis on the outside of the
legs. Begin by stepping to the right with
your right leg and bring your left leg to its
side. At the same time, swing the arms up
and out to the side until they reach shoul-
der height. Then swing them across your
body as if you are hugging yourself and
repeat. Next move in the reverse direction,
first stepping to the left and then bringing
your right leg to its side.

A March
1 × 20 meters; The marching high-knee
drill emphasizes correct running mechan-
ics: a driving knee lift, upright posture, and
a coordinated arm swing. This drill should
be performed deliberately and slowly.
Stand tall, holding your chin and chest up
and feet shoulder-width apart. Hold your
hands at your sides. Simultaneously lift
your right knee, keeping your lower leg
under the knee, and lift your left hand to
the level of your mouth. As you step with
your right leg your right hand and arm will
swing back, grazing your hip, as if you are
throwing down a rock. Be sure that your
arms don’t cross the midline of your body.

A Skip
2 × 20 meters; The A skip follows the same
form as the A march, except that you skip
on the balls of your feet rather than walk-
ing. This makes it more challenging. The
drill improves coordination, balance, and
strength in your feet, core, and legs. Be
patient with yourself as you gain coordi-
nation, and then focus on balance as you
build momentum. Stand tall, holding your
chin and chest up and your feet shoulder-
width apart. Lift your right knee, and then
extend your lower leg as far and high as
possible while keeping your core straight.
52  |  Mastering Running

While you raise your left knee, raise your right hand to the level of your mouth and
then swing it back, passing your hip. Then make the same motion with your right leg
and left arm. Be sure that your arms don’t cross the midline of your body.

B March
1 × 20 meters; An extension of the A
march, the B march stresses hamstring
flexibility as well as knee lift and general
running mechanics. Stand tall, holding
your chin and chest up and feet shoulder-
width apart. Do not bend at the waist.
Raise your right knee to hip level and then
extend your lower leg and foot to almost
full extension so they are nearly parallel to
the ground. Swing your leg back and down
below your center of gravity, scuffing the
floor as if you’re scraping a wad of gum
off the bottom of your shoe. You’ll hear
a pawing sound as your foot brushes the
floor. While you raise and extend your right
leg, raise your left hand to the level of your mouth. When you right leg swings back
down, swing your left arm down and back, passing your hip. Keep your elbows close
to your body. Then perform the same movement with your left leg and right arm.

B Skip
1 × 20 meters; This B skip drill stresses an
active foot strike to improve stride length.
The drill also strengthens the hamstrings
and gluteal muscles, improving coordina-
tion, balance, and upright running pos-
ture. This drill involves the same motion
and coordination as the B march except
that you are on your toes and it is faster.
It is challenging to maintain a balanced,
upright position while you master the coor-
dination. Be patient while you practice this
drill. Trying to do it slowly is a good way
to begin. As with the B march, raise your
right knee to hip level and then extend
your lower right leg and foot to almost full
extension so they are almost parallel to the
ground. Swing your leg forcefully down past your center of gravity, scuffing the floor
as if you’re scraping a wad of gum off the bottom of your shoe. You’ll hear a pawing
sound as your foot brushes the floor. While you raise and extend your right leg, raise
your left hand to the level of your mouth. When your right leg swings back down,
swing your left arm down and back, passing your hip. Keep your elbows close to your
body. Then perform the same movement with your left leg and right arm.
Biomechanics of Good Form  |  53

1 × 20 meters in each direction; This drill focuses on lateral movement to loosen your hip
flexors and increase their flexibility, which can improve stride length. You can practice
this drill first by walking through it before you turn it into a skip. Hold your arms out to
your sides and walk sideways, placing the right foot over the left. After the right foot
goes over the left, the left foot steps in the direction you’re moving. Your arms and
upper body should rotate from your hips in the direction opposite your moving leg.
Gradually turn this walk into a skip by speeding up and landing on the balls of your
feet. After 20 meters, change direction and lead with the left foot.

a b

High Knee
1 × 20 meters; This drill improves knee lift
and leg turnover. Start by jogging slowly,
and then with your feet dorsiflexed, try to
raise first your right and then left knee to
90 degrees or as high as possible. Focus on
landing on your midfoot or forefoot, and
try to increase the cadence while maintain-
ing an upright stance. As with the A and B
drills, your left arm should swing down as
your right leg comes down. Maintain an
upright posture, aiming to maximize the
number of steps.
54  |  Mastering Running

Butt Kick
1 × 20 meters; Butt kicks strengthen the
hamstrings and focus on the recovery
stage of your stride, helping increase leg
turnover. Start by jogging slowly and then
begin to kick your butt with your feet while
holding an upright stance and landing on
the balls of your feet. Don’t worry if your
feet do not hit your butt. Try to increase
your stride rate, landing on the balls of
your feet. Do not bend forward. Be careful
with butt kicks if you have knee problems.

Running Backward
1 × 20 meters; Running backward helps
restore balance to your body by using a
counter (backward) movement. Standing
in an upright posture and looking straight
ahead, begin running in place. Slowly
begin running backward, landing on the
balls of your feet and swinging your arms
as you would while running forward. Do
this drill on a flat surface that’s free of

10 steps per leg; Bounding develops bal-
ance, power, and strength, all of which
improve stride length. After jogging a few
yards to gain momentum, forcefully push
your foot off the ground, bringing that foot
forward and upward with a high knee lift
while reaching forward with the opposite
arm. Continue by alternating your push-
off foot and arm, increasing your stride
length and the time that you are airborne.
Concentrate on keeping your head up and
driving with your arms.
Biomechanics of Good Form  |  55

Shin Grab
1 × 20 meters; This drill stretches the
gluteus and hamstring muscles and also
focuses on balance. Stand tall and still, and
look straight ahead. With your weight on
your left leg, use your hands to pull your
right knee to your chest. Lower the right
leg and repeat with the left leg. Don’t
worry if you lose your balance at first. This
drill takes practice.

Fast Feet
1 × 10 to 20 seconds; This drill activates
muscles to prepare them for quick turn-
over. Taking as many steps as possible,
move your feet up and down quickly and
lightly, keeping them low to the ground
and leaning slightly forward. Move your
arms in time with your feet. It can help
to say to yourself, “Quick, quick, quick.”

“Hmmmm,” you may think if you don’t do drills now, “What else will motivate
me to do drills?” Do them with a friend or a group. Do them after a warm-up and
before a speed workout if it’s a day for intensity. Running is one sport that is almost
too simple to practice. Because many of us spend so many minutes running, it’s easy
to lose sight of our form. Our arms may cross the midline of our body. As we get
tired, our shoulders start to slump. Focusing on drills at least once a week reminds
us that running well and fast requires good form. Drills are the answer to that.
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Chapter 5

Warding Off Injuries

Injuries are the bane of runners, their unwanted companions. Both younger and
older runners get injured. If you have friends who are runners, chances are you
know someone who is injured. One metanalysis that presented findings from many
studies on the incidence of injury among runners reported that between 37 and 56
percent of all runners are injured every year (van Mechelen 1992). Masters runners
are more susceptible to injuries than open runners (McKean et al. 2006). Wanting to
seize the moment before the aging process interferes more with their performance,
masters may forget sometimes that their flexibility and shock-absorbing capacity
are not what they used to be.
As common as injuries are, they are challenging. First, runners are so afraid of
injuries that they’ll often deny them until the pain becomes so uncomfortable that
they can’t run. Often runners will wait to tell me for the first time about a discom-
fort they’ve been feeling for weeks. Determining their cause and diagnosing them
are often more questions of art than science. Injuries often arrive suddenly from a
unique combination of factors. It’s a challenge to figure out what caused them and
why they occurred at that time. Solving an injury mystery involves time, sometimes
several opinions from different specialists, often tests (MRIs, X-rays, and so on),
and trust in your own judgment. Different kinds of specialists often have different
opinions on what the injury is and why it happened.

58  |  Mastering Running

Listening to Your Body

Although it’s obvious that you should listen to your body, sometimes it’s not easy.
It’s difficult to maintain perspective on yourself, and listening to your body requires
just that. There’s no one else to confirm how you feel. Feel a discomfort, and you
wonder whether you’re imagining something. You focus intently on listening, but you
may not want to hear. Hearing can lead to bad news: Yes, there is something wrong!
If you think you feel pain, track it immediately in a daily logbook on a scale of
1 to 5, with 1 being awareness and 5 being too painful to run and time to see the
doctor. You’ll know whether the pain is lessening or increasing. As soon as you
feel even an awareness (a 1) in the same place for three days in a row, take off the
next two days and cross-train. You’ll stay in great shape, and save yourself a lot of
time and needless pain in the future. The sooner you have the discipline to stop
running—and it takes more discipline to stop than to continue—the less likely you
are to aggravate the injury and the sooner you’ll be back to running.

Cross-Training: Part of the Plan

Cross-training for running—participating in alternative forms of exercise such as
biking, aquarunning, swimming, cross-country skiing, rowing—should be part of
your plan whether or not you’re injured. If you think from the beginning of your
training that cross-training will be part of your success, and that it should be part
of your plan to incorporate variety and build balance into your training, you’ll be
able to turn easily and confidently to cross-training when you’re injured.
If you have to stop running, choose the cross-training activity that is most avail-
able, most similar to the specific movement of running, and the most “friendly”
given your injury. Have plantar fasciitis? Try pool running. Pulled your hamstring?
Try swimming or biking. Try various kinds of exercise until you find one you like.
Many runners I coach have found great success with deep-water pool running.
One year I trained three U.S. Olympic Trials marathon qualifiers with aquarunning
for three months until the last month before the marathon, when they were able
to begin running again. In the Trials, they performed as well as their counterparts
who had not been injured. In terms of how long each cross-training workout should
last, I generally recommend that you spend as much time cross-training as you
would running.

Yoga can help prevent injuries because it complements running and masters run-
ning in particular. Whereas running works in one direction with high impact, yoga
works muscles in all directions without stress. While running strengthens muscles
in the lower body, yoga builds overall body strength. Flexibility is not something
running builds, but something yoga does. Many masters runners who practice yoga
find their stride lengthens. Whereas racing can be intense, yoga encourages focus
and relaxing under pressure.
The challenge for many masters is determining which kind of yoga you should
practice and how you can fit it into your schedule. Do you take a class or practice it
at home? If you can’t find a class, I recommend a 10- to 15-minute practice at home
Warding Off Injuries  |  59

two or three times a week. My favorite yoga routine involves a relaxation and then
an abridged version of a sun salutation with eight poses that stretch, strengthen,
and relax all muscles, including your back, quadriceps, hamstrings, and upper
body. You can find this routine in chapter 6.

Low-Impact Machines
Low-impact machines like a cross-country ski machine, Arc Trainer, rowing
machine, bicycle, and elliptical trainer are among cross-training equipment that
help prevent injury and are therefore wise options to incorporate into your routine
training. Some high-end physical therapy facilities also offer use of an excellent
but expensive machine, the Alter-G antigravity treadmill, which allows you to run
at 20 to 100 percent of your actual body weight. Low-impact equipment allows you
to put minimal strain on your bones and joints, while still providing an effective
cardiovascular workout.

Varying Your Training Distance

Varying your distances offers both physical and psychological benefits. Interspers-
ing longer runs with shorter runs builds in variety to prevent monotony and bore-
dom. Short runs give your body a chance to recover while long runs burn more
calories and build a sense of accomplishment as well as endurance.

Varying Your Running Terrain

Your body is an all-terrain vehicle. Ideal training includes running on varied sur-
faces. Too much unevenness, though, carries risks such as a turned ankle. Vary
your training to include roads, grass, dirt, and gravel trails. Your feet, shins, knees,
and hips will thank you. While no studies have found a clear association between
running surface and injury rate (particularly between running on concrete and
injury), running on concrete is more jarring than running on asphalt, grass, or dirt.
Pounding on a hard surface can lead to repetitive strain injuries such as stress
fractures of the tibia, iliotibial band syndrome, medial tibial stress syndrome, and
compartment syndrome. Even worse than pounding, the continuity of the surface
may be just as bad or worse. A hard, flat surface exaggerates the stress of impact
because the mechanics of every stride are exactly the same, stressing your muscles
and joints in exactly the same way.
If possible, find a softer surface to run on at least once a week, be it a trail in
the woods, grass field at your local high school, or path through the park. The
advantage of irregular surfaces such as grass, trails, and even gravel is that no two
steps are the same, which provides slight variations in the impacts on your body,
reducing the chance of an overuse injury. Irregular surfaces engage more muscles,
including lateral stabilizers like the gluteus maximus and minimus, which control
side-to-side movement of the hips, and tiny muscles like the peroneus brevis and
the flexor hallucis brevis. The peroneus brevis muscle wraps around the fibula and
around the lateral and under side of the foot, helping to control lateral movement
of the foot, and the flexor hallucis brevis, a small muscle on the sole of the foot,
helps move the big toe and arch the foot. These muscles aren’t needed much on a
60  |  Mastering Running

flat surface. The softer surface of trails and gravel roads not only keep the stresses
of impact down but also allow faster recovery.

Training on a Treadmill
When it’s snowy or icy outside, running on a treadmill can be a great alternative,
and it’s useful for logging miles, speed work, or tempo runs in a controlled setting.
You may well find your pace on the treadmill faster than your pace outdoors. In
addition to the absence of wind resistance, the treadmill belt assists leg turnover,
making it easier to run faster. The treadmill provides a controlled, exact setting to
run intervals interspersed with recovery jogs or walks.
Certain rules of form on the treadmill will help you avoid injury.
§§ Warm up by walking and then jogging for at least 10 minutes. Cooling down
with a slow jog for at least 10 minutes will help prevent dizziness when you’re
§§ Avoid leaning forward at the waist and holding onto to the handrail or console.
§§ If you’re a beginner on the treadmill, begin with no incline before you start
running at 1 percent. Because there’s no wind resistance indoors, a treadmill
setting of 1 percent best reflects the energy cost of outdoor running. Don’t set
the incline too steep. And don’t run at an incline of more than 2 percent for
your entire run; this may lead to Achilles tendon or calf injuries.

Training on a Track
Tracks have helped many masters achieve their best times. Know, though, that
some tracks have kinder, softer surfaces than others. Indoor tracks, just 200 meters
in circumference as opposed to outdoor tracks that are 400 meters, can present
particular challenges because their curves are tighter than the curves on outdoor
tracks. When running intervals or in competition, athletes run counterclockwise.
Running in the opposite direction during warm-ups and cool-downs balances
your muscles and minimizes your risk for repetitive stress injuries. Look for softer
surfaces. Most rubberized all-weather tracks provide enough cushion, although
many masters distance runners find Mondo surfaces to be too hard. Dirt tracks
lead to slipping and poor footing, which in turn can lead to injury.

Warming Up and Cooling Down

Masters runners require a longer warm-up than younger runners. Warm-ups should
include 15 to 20 minutes of easy jogging, dynamic stretching, and four to six strides
(runs at 70 to 80 percent of maximum effort over 50 to 80 meters). Dynamic stretch-
ing can include jumping jacks (shown to cut Achilles injuries up to 50 percent),
skipping, marching with high knees, and butt kicks. Cooling down by jogging for
10 to 15 minutes and then stretching helps prevent injury and enhances future
workouts, allowing your body to return to a resting state slowly.
Incorporating myofascial release (MFR) into cool-downs by rolling muscles,
ligaments, and tendons with a foam roller, stick, or body-rolling ball can help break
up tight areas of your body, decreasing muscle soreness and preventing injury.
Warding Off Injuries  |  61

Static and dynamic stretching, stretching while moving, particularly after a run,
helps prevent injury and decrease muscle soreness. While a total-body stretching
program is ideal, targeting the hips, hamstrings, quadriceps, hip flexors, and calves
is crucial after each workout.

Symptoms of Overtraining
While inadequate warming up or cooling down can lead to injury, so can overtrain-
ing. Overtraining is running so many miles and including so many hard miles that
not only do you fail to progress, you regress. You may find it harder to maintain
the pace you were used to running. Know the signs of overtraining:
Headaches Digestive issues such as constipation
Fatigue Elevated morning rested pulse
Reduced concentration Increase in injuries
Apathy Chronic muscle soreness
Insomnia or troubled sleep Weight loss
Irritability Frequent or never-ending minor
Depression infections or colds
Decreased performance Appetite loss
Delayed recovery from training Decreased enthusiasm for training
Decreased libido

Dealing With Injuries

Once injured, be your own best advocate in seeking professional advice. Inform
yourself about your injury by reading and speaking with others. (The website is an interactive tool and one of many resources
that can help you identify your injury). If you’re not satisfied with advice from one
professional, get a second or third opinion.
If, for example, you’re not happy with the advice from an orthopedist, consult
a chiropractor, physical therapist, or acupuncturist or get a second opinion from
another orthopedist. As an example, four years ago one of my runners who was
getting frequent shin splints was told at 41 by an orthopedist that she should stop
running her usual 35 miles a week. She had rather flat feet which led to recurring
shin splints. Rather than stop running, she sought out a second opinion from a
physical therapist, who encouraged her to spend four weeks strengthening her
feet with exercises (which included walking in sand) and then gradually build up
her mileage. She has been running 40 miles a week since—without shin splints.
An injured runner has many treatment options. The following are approaches
to healing injuries.

RICHE—rest, ice, compression, heat, and elevation—should be started as soon
as possible after an injury.
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§§ Rest recharges you and allows your injury to heal. The amount of rest needed
depends on your injury and its severity.
§§ Ice, when applied to the injured area, reduces inflammation. Generally, cold
should be applied as soon as possible after an injury. Cold compresses reduce
bleeding within the tissues and stop the swelling, whether they’re due to acute
injuries or overuse syndromes.
§§ Compression, or applying slight pressure or a pressure bandage to the
injured area, limits bleeding into the tissues and swelling. Wrap the injured
area with an elastic bandage, but not tight enough to cut off the blood. Take
off the bandage every four hours and reapply it.
§§ Heat widens the blood vessels (causes a vasodilation) after the initial inflam-
mation has subsided with rest and ice. Vasodilation delivers more blood to
the area to remove injured tissue and helps repair the damage. Moist heat
increases the effect of heat.
§§ Elevation also reduces inflammation and swelling. The injured extremity
should be propped so it is above 12 inches (30 cm) above your heart.

Contrast Baths
Contrast baths, or alternating heat and cold (hihi: heat-ice-heat-ice), is an effective
method of relieving inflammation. You can submerge the injured area in hot water
for one to two minutes and then in cold water for one to two minutes, repeating that
a few times. Hot water should be 95 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit (35-38 degrees C),
cold water 55 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit (13-18 degrees C). End by putting the injured
area in cold water for four to five minutes. Do this daily for 20 minutes.

Ice Baths
Particularly after long events like the marathon, ice baths help reduce swelling and
inflammation by constricting the blood vessels and decreasing metabolic activity,
flushing harmful metabolic debris out of the muscles. Cold-water immersion gener-
ally produces a greater and longer-lasting change in deep tissues than individual
ice packs and is more efficient for cooling large groups of muscles simultaneously.
Though many wince at the idea of sitting in a bathtub of 52 to 60 degrees Fahr-
enheit (11-16 C) water for 10 minutes, strategies like filling the tub waist deep and
then putting on a down vest or fleece and a hat make you feel warm at least in
your upper body. And you can sip a cup of hot tea at the same time. After you’re
out, your tissues warm up, causing a return of faster blood flow that helps repair
damaged tissue more quickly.

Using a whirlpool with water at of 98 to 105 degrees Fahrenheit (37-41 C) helps
reduce inflammation because of the heat and the massaging of the water coming
from the jets, which increase circulation in the injured area. Use the whirlpool
daily for 20 minutes.
Warding Off Injuries  |  63

Massage reduces adhesions between muscle fibers and helps remove accumula-
tions of fluid. You can administer massage yourself with your hands, a tennis ball,
a foam roller, a stick roller, and so on. Or a licensed massage therapist can provide
the massage. Many athletes with specific areas of tightness or pain feel that active
release technique (ART) and trigger-point therapy are the most effective at releasing

Checklist for Possible Causes of Injury

Injuries are a challenge to figure out. What you might think at first is one injury may turn out to
be another. Think you have strained your hamstring? Later you may learn you have a strained
piriformis or iliotibial band. One of my runners thought she pulled her quadriceps. Later she
learned she had a stress fracture in her femur. To diagnose your injury, you usually need the
expertise of a professional for confirmation, and it helps you and your physician if you can figure
out what might have caused the injury. Following is a list of questions to ask so you can learn
what might have contributed to it. If you answer yes to any of these questions, consult your
primary care physician, physiatrist, or physical therapist. The latter, for example, will suggest
exercises to improve a structural weakness or an imbalance.
Your Biomechanics
§§ Is there a structural weakness in your feet and legs? Do you have a leg-length
§§ Do you have structural abnormalities? Structural conditions like lumbar lordosis, a forward
curve in the lower spine, or patella alta, a kneecap that’s higher than usual, are examples
of abnormalities that can lead to running injuries.
§§ Are your opposing muscle groups (hamstrings and quadriceps) equally strong and flexible?
§§ Is your running form correct, and is your foot strike appropriate for your body weight?
§§ Have you changed your running gait when running in snow?
Your Training
§§ Do you warm up and cool down enough?
§§ Are you stretching enough and not too much?
§§ Have you made sudden changes in the quantity or quality of mileage or speed or changed
the amount of training on hills or other surfaces? Are you running too much on concrete
or are your ankles not strong enough to run on grass?
§§ Do you take enough time to rest and recover after long runs, workouts, and races? Are
you racing too much?
§§ Have you increased your mileage by more than 10 percent a week?
§§ Do you hydrate enough and is your diet adequate for your training level?
§§ Are your running shoes giving you enough support?
§§ Has your weight changed significantly?
§§ Are you under additional stress?
§§ Have you been involved in other physical activities that might affect your running?
§§ Have you been getting enough sleep?
Minimizing Injuries and Maximizing
Biomechanics: Chiropractor Mika Tapanainen, DC
Cathy Utzschneider: You were a runner
before you became a chiropractor. Can you
talk about that?
Dr. Tapanainen: My love for running and
running-related injuries goes far beyond my two
decades of sports chiropractic. I grew up playing
all the sports but at an early age realized my
talents as a sprinter. I trained with Esbo-IF Track
Club (actually at the time it was a subsidiary of
Mazda Track Club) and ended up running as part
of the Finnish Junior National Team and youth
Olympic Program. My injuries stacked up and

Courtesy of Chris Morin

throughout my own experiences with the chi-
ropractor, physical therapist, and rehabilitation
professional, I found my passion and everlasting
interest in solving running injuries.
Cathy: As a chiropractor, how do you help
runners most?
Dr. Tapanainen: As a chiropractor I’ve had the fortune to travel and work with the Finnish
Olympic athletes and the Finnish National Ballet for almost a decade and of late, the Boston
Ballet, for another decade. In Boston, I discovered a wonderful, active running community that
has proven to supply plentiful injuries relating to running. In my experience, most running injuries
are related to form, alignment, and overuse; therefore, during my sessions we try to understand
the essence and root of the injury. Why is there an injury to begin with? It’s often a simple
truth with a complicated history. Clinical examination begins with an anatomical overview: a
gait evaluation, which gives the clinician a basic understanding of your body mechanics during
movement. Frequently there is a need for more precise evaluation of an athlete’s running, which
can be done on a treadmill and preferably videotaped for further analysis. The anatomical
overview evaluates active and passive joint ranges of motion and muscle strength, balance,
and flexibility and includes a palpatory examination to determine joint and the muscular static
and dynamic relationship. During my two decades of working with athletes who present with
various neuromusculoskeletal injuries, one thing rises above all during the initial evaluation:
realization. Learning about your own biomechanics empowers you to improve as a runner by
minimizing the faults and maximizing your potential.
Cathy: Working with runners on form and alignment, what are the common difficulties you
Dr. Tapanainen: The biggest challenges lie in changing form or improving alignment. Align-
ment is driven by anatomical structure determined by genetics and later by learned movement
patterns and muscular imbalances. Therefore, to change alignment, we are faced with a mul-
titude of factors that are against the change. The earlier these are detected and dealt with,
the better the outcome, in general. Alignment work is time consuming and frustrating at first,
but the long-term prospect of fewer injuries and improved performance persists. Form is all
about efficiency. Efficiency equals energy storage. I like going back to basics with drills known

Warding Off Injuries  |  65

as running ABC’s developed by coach Gerard Mach in the 1950s. Of late, the big question has
involved minimalist running, which I find useful both for form as well as alignment. Forcing a
midfoot contact associated with a shorter stride results in lesser loads to proximal joints and
structures. My recommendation is time. Slowly build up with speed drills and striders as well
as using minimalist shoes during the day. Get your body used to a minimalist shoe. Achilles
tendon and plantar fascia pad injuries are commonly seen in my office as a result of a too
aggressive changing to minimalist shoes.
Cathy: Several studies have found that stride length decreases over the decades more than
stride frequency. Do you have suggestions for preserving stride length?
Dr. Tapanainen: Several studies suggest that aging results in reduction in stride length
and increase in contact time. To battle the effects of time, we’ll have to look at an umbrella
approach: efficiency during running gait minimizes energy expenditure. Mix it up: intervals,
fartleks, and striders to “get you off your heel;” yoga, Pilates, or Gyrotonics to improve dynamic
flexibility; and cross-training to minimize overuse and maximize overall strength. Plan your
runs: include a warm-up and dynamic stretching with a foam roller before the run and static
stretching after the run. Include strength training and plyometrics as well as agility work to
your weekly training regimen.
Cathy: If you had words of advice for masters runners, what would they be?
Dr. Tapanainen: The current research supports the notion that running prolongs overall health
and slows the decline in physiological function. In my practice I’ve seen patients from age 4
to 96, and in my opinion if there is one truth that I’ve found it is as follows: keep moving!

tension to decrease pain and increase range of motion. The active release tech-
nique focuses on healing scarred muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and nerves
by applying deep pressure to the affected area, evaluating tissue texture, tightness,
movement, and function and by trying to remove or break up the fibrous adhesions
through stretching motions. Trigger-point therapy is similar to ART in that it targets
injuries. Trigger points are essentially muscle knots to which therapists apply deep
pressure to break them up and bring blood flow and oxygen to the injured area.
Once a trigger point has been smoothed out, a nearby joint will likely have a greater
range of motion.

Causes and Treatment of Common Injuries

RICHE is helpful for all injuries listed in this section and, depending on the sever-
ity of the injury, physical therapy, massage, acupuncture, chiropractic, and other
treatments may well be necessary.

Achilles Tendinitis
Achilles tendinitis is the inflammation or irritation of the Achilles tendon, a cord
that connects your heel to your calf muscle. It is one of the most common injuries
in runners, and particularly masters runners. If you’ve been running and racing
since your youth, by the time you are 35 you may well be familiar with Achilles
tendinitis. Many masters who were once sprinters or track racers switch to middle- or
66  |  Mastering Running

long-distance running precisely to avoid reigniting Achilles tendinitis, which may

be aggravated by sprints, by the sudden movements common in tennis or soccer,
or by shoes with little heel support. Achilles tendinitis may result from running-
and nonrunning-related activities. A sudden increase in mileage and too much
hill running are two main causes of Achilles tendinitis. In addition, if the muscles
and tendons of your legs and feet are tight, or if you have flat feet that can cause
excessive stretching in your muscles and tendons, you may be prone to Achilles
tendinitis. Finally, high heels aggravate Achilles tendinitis. I’ve coached many run-
ners who were sidelined for weeks or months with inflamed Achilles, the result of
hours on the dance floor in high heels.
Achilles tendinitis presents as pain, swelling, and stiffness in the Achilles and
sometimes in the calf as well. As someone susceptible to Achilles tendinitis from
years of tennis and squash, I can say that it may feel so tender that a simple touch
can startle you with a twinge. In general, pain from Achilles tendinitis diminishes
as you warm up. Sometimes it completely disappears later in the run. Be careful,
however. The pain may return afterward and feel even worse. You may aggravate
it with running.
Although rest is critical, prolonged inactivity may cause stiffness. Move the
injured ankle through its full range of motion and perform gentle calf and ankle
stretches to maintain flexibility. If self-care doesn’t work, seek treatment because
if the tendon continues to sustain small tears through movement, it can rupture
under excessive stress. A temporary shoe insert that elevates your heel may relieve
strain on the tendon. Strengthen your calf muscles with exercises such as toe raises.
Avoid hill running.

Ankle Sprains
Ankle sprains, or stretching or tearing of ligaments around the ankle, often occur
when the foot twists or rolls inward. They may result after running on soft or uneven
surfaces. If you twist your ankle, stop running. It’s safe to resume running if the
pain disappears completely after walking for a few minutes. In addition to apply-
ing the RICHE principle, wrap your ankle with an elastic bandage or even a boot
for support. If swelling lasts for more than three days, get an X-ray to rule out the
possibility of a fracture.

Black Toenails
Black toenails are caused by your toes rubbing against the front of your shoe. A
blood blister forms under the toenail and the nail eventually falls off. High mileage
and a lot of downhill running may cause black toenails, as may running in warmer
weather when feet swell more. It helps to trim your toenails regularly and to wear
wicking socks to keep your feet dry.
Once you have a black toenail, leave it alone. The pain is usually the worst on
the first day and then lessens after that. The damaged part of the nail is gradually
pushed off, and a new nail will replace it. Don’t force the old nail off; it will fall off
on its own. If you notice redness and infection, see a doctor.
Warding Off Injuries  |  67

Small bubbles of skin caused by friction between skin and sock can form anywhere
on the foot and fill with clear fluid. Some are painless, while others can cause
enough pain to force you to stop running. Excessive moisture caused by sweat or
wet conditions and wearing running shoes that are too tight can lead to blisters.
Some runners wear a double layer of socks to deter blisters. The friction occurs
between the two sock layers instead of your skin and the sock.
If you already have a blister and it’s not painful, just leave it alone since the skin
protects it. It will eventually break and the fluid will drain. If the blister is painful,
you can boil a needle for 5 to 10 minutes in water and once cool, carefully pierce
the blister. Press the fluid out and use an antiseptic cream on it. Cover the area
with a blister blocking product or moleskin to protect against infection and provide
cushioning. You can also spread antichafing balm or petroleum jelly on affected
areas. As a preventive measure, some runners also put moleskin or athletic tape
over hot spots on their feet that are prone to blisters. Make sure the moleskin or
tape is applied smoothly with no wrinkles and is not too tight.

Chafing caused by skin rubbing repetitively against loose fabric results in a painful
stinging or burning sensation and usually a red and raw area. Chafing most often
occurs at the inner thighs and under the arms and around the bra line for women
and nipples for men. Moisture, either from sweat or rain, can worsen chafing.
Apply diaper rash ointment, antichafing balm such as BodyGlide, or petroleum
jelly to the chafed areas before your run. Because chafing can be caused by loose
clothing and clothes made of cotton, which stays wet once wet, wear running
clothes that are snug and made of synthetic materials that wick away moisture.
Some runners wear spandex bike shorts to prevent chafing between their legs.

Iliotibial Band Syndrome

Iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) is a common running injury that may result from
overtraining, running on a banked surface, inadequate warm-up or cool-down, and
certain physical abnormalities. The iliotibial band is a fascia, a thick membrane,
that runs along the outside of the thigh from the top of the hip to the outside of
the knee. It stabilizes the knee and hip during running. When the band becomes
tight, it rubs on the bone. ITBS is marked by sharp, burning knee or hip pain. Most
people feel the pain on the outside of the knee as the iliotibial band becomes
inflamed or the band itself may become irritated.
In addition to following the RICHE principles, taking anti-inflammatory drugs
such as ibuprofen can reduce the swelling. Cut back on hill work, and make sure
you run on even surfaces. Perform leg-raise exercises to strengthen your hips, and
be conscientious about stretching your IT band.

Muscle Pulls or Strains

A muscle pull causes a sudden, searing pain and tightness in the muscle. You may
not be able to bear full weight on the affected limb or bring it through the normal
68  |  Mastering Running

range of motion. Unlike a sprain, which affects ligaments, a strain is an injury to a

muscle or tendon. Whether in the hamstring, quadriceps, or other muscle, strains
or pulls may be caused by inflexibility, overexerting specific muscles, insufficient
warm-up, too much hill work, or suddenly increasing your mileage.
RICHE is the best treatment for mild to moderate strains. If you don’t see improve-
ment within two weeks, you could have a muscle pull, in which case you should
see your doctor.

Runner’s Knee
Runner’s knee, a common complaint among long-distance runners and also aggra-
vated by climbing stairs, results in soreness around and sometimes behind the
kneecap. Your knee may feel stiff and sore after sitting for long periods, and you
may hear a clicking sound when you bend or extend your knee. Runner’s knee is
usually caused by weakness in the middle quadriceps muscles and tight hamstrings
or IT band and sometimes overpronation (your feet roll inward when you run).
Treatment should include strengthening your quadriceps muscles with exercises
such as forward lunges and straight-leg raises to help support and stabilize your
kneecap. Stretching your hamstrings and IT bands also helps. In addition, make
sure you have the right kind of running shoes for your foot type and that your shoes
are not worn out. Replace your shoes every 300 to 400 miles (483-644 km). You
may also want to buy over-the-counter arch supports. If you’re still experiencing
pain, see a doctor about getting custom-fitted orthotics.

Plantar Fasciitis
Do you feel severe pain in your heel, especially when you first step out of bed in
the morning? Most commonly, heel pain is caused by inflammation of the plantar
fascia, the tough band of tissue that supports the bottom of your foot and runs from
the heel bone to the toes. Plantar fasciitis may be caused by wearing worn-out
running shoes or ones that lack arch support, overpronation (when your feet roll
inward too much), or tight calf muscles. Having flat feet or high arches may also
add stress. High-heeled shoes may also lead to plantar fasciitis because they make
your Achilles tendon contract and shorten, straining the tissue around your heel.
The stabbing or burning pain of plantar fasciitis is usually worse in the morning
because the fascia tightens overnight. As you warm up during your run, the pain nor-
mally decreases and is more tolerable, but it may return after an hour or so of running.
Decrease your mileage until the pain subsides, cross-training until the pain gradu-
ally improves or disappears. In addition to RICHE, stretching your plantar fascia,
Achilles tendons, and calf muscles may also provide relief. An anti-inflammatory
such as ibuprofen may ease pain and inflammation, although it won’t treat the
underlying problem. You can also apply pressure to your heel by rolling a golf ball
or tennis ball with the arch of your foot while you are standing and stabilized. This
can help reduce pain and increase blood flow.
If self-treatment doesn’t work, see a doctor for orthotics or night splints. A physical
therapist can help you stretch your plantar fascia and strengthen lower-leg muscles,
which stabilize your ankle and heel, and show you how to apply athletic tape to
support the bottom of your foot.
Warding Off Injuries  |  69

Shin Splints
A pain in the front or inside of the lower leg along the shin bone (tibia), shin splints
are common among beginning runners who increase their mileage too quickly.
Shin splints may be caused by weak anterior tibialis muscles on the front of your
lower leg, which are responsible for flexing the foot upward and are often under-
developed in nonrunners. Running on hard surfaces and wearing shoes with poor
support may put added strain on the muscles on the front of your leg. People with
flat feet are also more likely to develop shin splints.
In addition to applying the RICHE principles, stretch your calf and shin muscles
with toe and heel raises several times a day. Also, try inserting over-the-counter heel
lifts so that your calves don’t have to stretch as far, and make sure you use good
running form. If you lean forward too much when you run, you may be pulling too
hard on your calf muscles. If the pain does not go away after a few weeks of rest,
check with an orthopedist to rule out a stress fracture. Otherwise, you can return
to running after several weeks of healing.

Side Stitch
A side stitch is a sharp, intense pain under the lower edge of the ribcage, more
often on the left side. It’s more common in novice runners who take quick, shallow
breaths. The cause of side stitches is not known, although some runners notice
they get them when they eat just before their run. Running in extremely cold tem-
peratures may induce side stitches because it’s less comfortable to take in deep
breaths with lungs full of frigid air until you’re thoroughly warmed up.
Avoid eating within one hour of running. Drink plain water rather than sugary,
carbonated drinks. Always warm up before your runs and when running, breathe
deeply from your belly, not from your chest. Deep belly breathing allows you to
take in more air.
If you’re running in cold weather, try breathing through a scarf or neck warmer.
Finally, practice good running form, maintaining good posture so you’re not
hunched over. If you do feel a stitch, gently pushing your fingers into the affected
area and altering your breathing pattern may relieve some pain. Take a deep breath
in as quickly as you can, to force the diaphragm down. Hold your breath for a couple
of seconds and then forcibly exhale through pursed lips. If you get a cramp in the
middle of a run, try changing your breathing pattern. If you always exhale when
your right foot strikes the ground, try exhaling on the left foot strike. If all else fails,
you may have to stop and walk briskly for a few seconds while concentrating on
deep breathing. Continue running after the stitch goes away.

Stress Fractures
Stress fractures are tiny cracks in the surface of a bone and most often occur in the
lower leg or the foot. They occur most frequently when runners increase the inten-
sity and volume of their training over several weeks to a few months. A shortage of
calcium or a biomechanical flaw in running style or body structure may contribute
to the injury. Stress fractures commonly appear in the tibia (the inner and larger
bone below the knee), the femur (thigh bone), the sacrum (triangular bone at the
70  |  Mastering Running

base of the spine), and in the metatarsal (toe) bones. You’ll notice gradual muscle
soreness, stiffness, and a pinpoint pain on the affected bone. Early diagnosis can
prevent the injury from spreading and becoming a complete fracture. Pain gets
worse with running, but you can maintain fitness by cross-training.
If you have symptoms of a stress fracture, stop running immediately. Ask a doctor
for an X-ray or bone scan. A bone scan is more precise than X-rays for diagnosing
stress fractures. You may also want to test bone mineral density to see whether it is
low. Your doctor may recommend supplements to improve it, such as calcium and
vitamin D, which is necessary for calcium absorption. Your injury will keep you
off the roads for 6 to 10 weeks depending on the severity of the stress fracture, and
you may need a cast. Cross-training will keep you in great shape, particularly if you
incorporate workouts equivalent in time and intensity to what your running efforts
would have been. Return to running gradually and when you do, don’t increase
your weekly mileage by more than 10 percent each week. You may want to have
your gait analyzed at a running shop to ensure that you’re wearing the right shoes
for your foot and running style. As previously mentioned, replace your shoes every
300 to 400 miles (483-644 km). Finally, strengthening the muscles around your
bones can keep them strong enough to prevent stress fractures. If, for example,
you have a tibial stress fracture, strengthening your shin muscles and calves with
toe and heel raises helps.
As much as you try to avoid injury and practice safe running, you may become
injured at some point. My best advice is to “listen” carefully for pains that reoccur
three days in a row. Runners don’t like to acknowledge pain and many continue
to run, refusing to accept the inevitable. The result is significant, sidelining inju-
ries. If a pain is significant and persists in the same spot, back off from running
immediately even if it’s for a day or so. Cross-train or rest instead. And while you
are cross-training, remember that you are still training. If the pain persists, see your
primary care doctor or a sports medicine expert such as a chiropractor or physical
therapist. The sooner you back off, the sooner you’ll be running again.
Injuries do go away. Liberty Athletic Club runner Jan Holmquist, 70, has been
plagued with Achilles tendinitis and sidelined several times over the last 10 years
and was unable to run from two weeks to two months with her first flare-up. And
that’s not all. “Over the years, I have been sidelined with a broken neck, broken
wrist (once the left and once the right), shin splints, stress fracture, sprained and
fractured ankle (three times),” she said. “Never give up” is her motto. Why would
she? She’s running better than ever today, having been the top age-graded per-
former (over 100%) in several national masters road championships and the one
mile outdoors. Her outstanding achievements are many. Jan, at the age of 69 in
2013, was named USATF masters athlete of the year for women 65 to 69. She’s also
been named number one runner in her age group in Running Times and by USATF
at 60, 62, and 68.
Chapter 6

Flexibility and Stretching

“Stretching is my lifeline. I think that’s probably the main reason I’ve
kept a long stride and rarely get injured.”

“Me? Stretch? I haven’t stretched since the 1970s. And I just won my
age group in a 10K recently.”

Stretching evokes all kinds of reactions from masters runners, and it’s a topic that’s
been debated for decades among all runners, all athletes, and physical fitness
professionals. What kind of stretching should you do and when? How much does
stretching really help your running? How can it help the range of motion possible
in a joint? These questions and others may contribute to the fact that many runners,
including masters, take little time to stretch. “I have so little time! Stretching is the
first thing to go,” I’ve often heard.
For masters runners in particular, though, and as the earlier chapter on physiol-
ogy and aging notes, flexibility rather than tightness helps performance. Remember
that with aging you lose elasticity in the soft tissues—an older muscle is inherently
stiffer than a younger one—and limited range of motion limits stride. Between
the ages of 30 and 80, you lose 20 to 30 percent of range of motion. And range of
motion, along with leg turnover, is a central component of speed.

72  |  Mastering Running

Many of you masters runners, particularly if you’ve run or been involved with
other sports for decades, may be more confused than open runners about stretch-
ing. You have seen the change in opinions about what type of stretching is right
to do when. You remember 20, 30, and 40 years ago when all kinds of athletic
practices began with static stretches. Remember the years of reaching toward your
toes or leaning against a wall to lengthen your hamstrings and calves, of holding
those poses without moving for 30 seconds to a minute or more before a workout?
The belief was that static stretching, muscles remaining stationary in the stretched
position, as opposed to dynamic stretching, stretching while moving, was the
best preparation for lengthening muscles, increasing flexibility, and enhancing
But that belief is no longer held so strongly in the performance and physical fit-
ness world. Beginning more than a decade ago, considerable research has found
that static stretches— particularly those held for a minute or more—before intensive
running or other demanding workouts actually make performances worse (Kay
and Blazevich 2012). Studies found that subjects who performed static stretches
before intense exercise, could not jump as high, sprint as fast, or swing a tennis
racket as powerfully as they had before. Static stretches appeared to cause the
nervous system to react and tighten, not loosen, the stretched muscle, the research
showed (Young and Behm 2003; Wilson et al. 2010; Kay and Blazevich 2012). Static
stretching before a workout can overextend those muscles and actually rob them
of the power and strength necessary for the actual workout. In 2010 the American
College of Sports Medicine warned against static stretching before workouts and
competitions. The best time for static stretching is after a workout. Before a workout,
practice dynamic, or active, stretching.
The benefits of stretching and of consistent stretching for masters runners are
significant and several. Many runners, including masters, who often train on their
own and are pressed for time, don’t take the extra 10 or 15 minutes to stretch. If
you remind yourself of the following benefits of stretching for masters runners, as
for all runners, you will be more inclined to reserve time for it.
Stretching provides the following benefits:
§§ Increases range of motion and stride length. Those are essential for masters
runners. Watch other masters run. Their strides are most likely shorter than
those of younger runners. Stretching to help develop a longer stride ultimately
can help speed and results.
§§ Improves your running form and posture while running, standing, and sitting.
Stretching your back, shoulders, and neck relaxes those muscles so you can
hold an upright, relaxed stance when running. Ever see runners holding their
shoulders too high? That consumes energy and can be the result of tight
shoulder, back, and neck muscles. Dynamic stretching can help you loosen
those muscles.
§§ Helps you become aware of muscle tension you hadn’t realized you had.
How many times do you come to a workout after a day of being sedentary?
By targeting all parts of your body, dynamic stretching helps you identify
Flexibility and Stretching  |  73

an area that is particularly tight and that may be susceptible to a pull in an

intense workout.

Prerun Dynamic Stretching

The best warm-up routine begins with 10 to 15 minutes of easy jogging followed by
dynamic stretching. Dynamic stretches move your muscles through full, exagger-
ated motions, many of which mimic running. These stretches increase blood flow
to your muscles, activate your central nervous system, decrease muscle tightness,
and increase your heart rate.
You can dynamically stretch your muscles three ways in a warm-up: drills, sun
salute poses from yoga, and leg swings. Many of the drills are plyometrics: exercises
involving jumping or skipping. They increase the power in your muscles by rapidly
lengthening and then shortening them. Drills and leg swings are part of every
warm-up for runners in the club I coach, the Liberty Athletic Club. Sometimes we
also incorporate some of the sun salute poses, like the downward dog.
1. Running drills, such as high knees and butt kicks, coordinate muscles, liga-
ments, and joints, challenging your flexibility, mobility, strength, and stability.
(See chapter 4 for a full description of these running drills.) Allow 5 to 10
minutes for these.
2. Sun salutes, the yoga sequence that combines yoga poses, loosens your
muscles, balancing all muscle groups in a relaxed effort. Relax into the stretch
rather than making it an effort and never stretch it farther than the muscle
wants to go. (See the Sun Salutes sidebar for photos of each pose in a sun
salute yoga sequence.)
3. Leg swings loosen the hip flexors, hip extensors, hip adductors, and hip
abductors, increasing stride length and frequency. Perform forward straight-
leg swings, forward bent-leg swings, and side-to-side swings, doing 5 to 10 on
each leg. Simple directions follow.
§§ For forward straight-leg swings, brace your body against a wall or other
support by holding one arm out to the side at shoulder height. Start with
both feet directly under the hips and swing the outside leg forward and
backward (figure 6.1a).
§§ For forward bent-leg swings, perform the same motion as a straight-leg
swing except allow your knee to bend (figure 6.1b).
§§ For side leg swings, face a wall or other support, bracing your body with
both arms outstretched and shoulder high. Swing one leg to the side of
your body, extending to a comfortable height. Swing the leg back, cross-
ing in front of the body (figure 6.1c).
During all leg swings, both legs should be fairly straight but your knees
shouldn’t be locked. Swing your legs fluidly without bouncy or jerky actions.
Gradually increase the range of motion until your leg swings as high as it
will comfortably go.
74  |  Mastering Running

a b c
Figure 6.1  (a) forward straight-leg swing, (b) forward bent-leg swing, (c) side leg swing.

Postrun Static Stretches

After a run, static stretches held for 10 to 30 seconds at most help maintain flexibility
and relax tight muscles. Studies have shown that there’s no need to hold a stretch
for longer than 30 seconds and that stretches held for more than one minute result
in lower performance afterward (Kay and Blazevich 2012; Bandy et al. 1997). Like-
wise, you achieve benefits in the first stretch, and after four stretches, the muscle’s
length changes little. There’s no extra benefit from stretching a muscle 10 times in
one session. One reason to do static stretching after a workout is that your muscles
are warm. Stretching cold, tight muscles or improper stretching can lead to muscle
strains, tears, and other injuries. Be careful not to overstretch. Breathe easily, and
don’t hold your breath.
Everyone has different needs, so you may want to focus on the stretch that
targets your tightest, weakest areas. Of the following 13 stretches, the first 10 are
the most critical.

Standing Calf
Tight calf muscles, consisting of the gas-
trocnemius and soleus muscles, lead to
common injuries in all runners. Strained
calves are painful and result in shortened
Stand about an arm’s length from a
wall. Stand facing a wall with the forearms
against it and your head resting on your
hands. Bend one leg and place your foot
on the ground in front of you, leaving the
other leg straight, behind you. Slowly move
your hips forward until you feel a stretch in
the calf of your straight leg. Keep the heel
of the foot on the straight leg on the ground and your toes pointed straight ahead.
For a deeper stretch, move your foot farther back.
Sun Salutes Yoga Sequence
Doing even one sun salute before a workout is enough. “Sun salutes are my ‘secret weapon,’ if
I have one,” said Sue Gustafson, age group winner among women 50 to 59 in the 1997 Boston
Marathon. “I do a dozen of these every morning before running or getting on with the day. Sun
salutes harmonize and warm the body in a gentle, powerful way.” Following are the yoga poses
included in a sun salute yoga sequence.

Raised arms position. Hand to foot position.

Equestrian position Mountain pose.

(lunge with right foot forward).

Cobra position. Return to equestrian position.

Return to hand to foot position. Return to raised arms


76  |  Mastering Running

Heel Dip
Heel dips target the calf muscles
(soleus and gastrocnemius) as
well as the Achilles tendons, a
prime area of vulnerability for
masters runners. Tight calves
and Achilles tendons also con-
tribute to plantar fasciitis.
Balance on your toes on a
platform or step. Your heels
extend over the edge. You may
need to hold onto something
to keep your balance. Put all
your weight on one foot, then
slowly lower the heel of that
foot, lengthening the calf. Rise
back to your starting position.
Start with 3 to 5 repetitions, and
gradually build to 20 to 30. Repeat with the other foot.

Iliotibial Band
One of the most common running injuries
is iliotibial band syndrome. The IT band, a
layer of connective tissue on the outside
of the thigh, becomes irritated from rub-
bing over the bump of the thigh bone
near the knee. A tight IT band, along with
tight muscles in your hip, pelvis, or leg and
uneven leg length are among the causes
of IT band syndrome.
Stand with your left leg crossed in front
of your right leg. With your right arm
extending overhead, reach to the left. Put
your left hand on your hip. Push slightly on
your left hip until you feel a slight stretch
along the right side of your torso, hip, upper thigh, and knee. For a deeper stretch,
keep your feet farther apart, bend the knee of your forward leg, and keep the back
knee straight.
Flexibility and Stretching  |  77

Shoulder Stretch
Tight shoulders lead to slouching, fatigue,
and limited range of motion.
Stand up straight with shoulders relaxed
and back. Reach your right arm over your
head, bend your elbow and reach your
hand behind your neck. With your elbow
pointing toward the sky, slide your right
palm down to your back. With your left
hand, grip your right elbow and gently
pull it toward your ear. Continue sliding
your right palm down your back without
straining. Keep your head up and resist the
urge to bend your neck forward. Repeat
with the opposite arm.

Plantar Fascia Stretch

Inflammation of the plantar fascia—the connective tissue that runs from your heel to
the base of your toes—is a common running injury. Stretching the fascia and massag-
ing and icing it help stave off plantar fasciitis.
Sit barefoot. Use an elastic band to pull the ball of the foot and toes back toward
you. You will feel a stretch on the underside of the foot. Hold for a count of 10. Release.
Repeat 4 times.

Upper-Back Stretch
Stretched back muscles contribute to upright running posture.
Grab your elbow with the opposite hand and gently push the elbow up and across
your body until your hand reaches down to “scratch” your back. Gently push on your
elbow to guide your hand down your back as far as it will comfortably go, stretching
your triceps and shoulders. Stretch both arms.
78  |  Mastering Running

Hamstring Stretch
Runners are notorious for tight hamstrings that can cause low-back problems and lead
to pulled muscles. Tight hamstrings also limit your range of motion, which can affect
running stride, form, and speed.
Lie with one leg straight up in the air, the other bent with the foot flat on the
ground. Loop a rope or towel over the arch of the lifted foot, and gently pull on the
towel as you push against it with your foot. Push only to the point where your muscles
contract. Repeat with the opposite leg.

Quadriceps Stretch
For powerful running, the quadriceps
muscles (the vastus lateralis, vastus
medialis, vastus intermedius, and rectus
femoris) should not be tight. They are
critical for stride length and responsible
for extending the knees and flexing the
Kneel on your knees (without rest-
ing back on your heels). Lean back with
your body erect and your arms hanging
down to the side. Hold the position for
15 seconds. Do this stretch 2 or 3 times.
Flexibility and Stretching  |  79

Hip and Back Stretch

Relaxed hip and back muscles help you maintain balance and keep you from slouch-
ing when you run. Upright posture with a slight forward lean contributes to good
running form.
Sit with your right leg straight. Bend your left leg, and cross your left foot over and
rest it outside your right knee. Bend your right elbow and rest it on the outside of
your left thigh, just above the knee. During the stretch use the elbow to keep this leg
stationary with controlled pressure to the inside. With your left hand resting behind
you, slowly turn your head to look over your left shoulder and at the same time rotate
your upper body toward your left hand and arm. As you turn your upper body, think
of turning your hips in the same direction (although your hips won’t move because
your right elbow is keeping the left leg stationary). Stretch both sides.

Groin Stretch
Tight groin muscles, also known as the
adductors, may limit your ability to move
your hip joints in all directions, including
hip flexion and extension, hip adduction
(toward the body), and abduction (away
from the body), and hip rotation. Some
masters runners are sidelined for months
from running because of tight groin
Seated, put the soles of your feet
together. With your elbows on the inside
of your knees, gradually lean forward
and gently press your knees toward the
80  |  Mastering Running

Piriformis Stretch
Your piriformis muscle is responsible for rotating your hip. If the piriformis becomes
too tight or has spasms, it can irritate the sciatic nerve, causing pain in your gluteal
muscles, low back, and thighs.
Lie on the ground with the left leg bent at the hip and knee and right ankle crossed
at the knee in a number 4. Slowly bring your left knee (and, along with it, your right
ankle) toward your chest. If and when your left knee gets close enough to your chest,
clasp your hands around your left hamstring, just below your left knee, and slowly
bring your left knee (and, along with it, your right ankle) toward your chest. Use your
hands and your left hip flexors to pull your left knee and right ankle toward your chest
even more until you feel a firm stretch in your left buttock. Just do one stretch per side
per day. Repeat on the other side.

Hip Flexor Stretch

The hip flexors bring the legs up
toward the trunk; their strength is
essential for best sprint performances
and for running uphill. These muscles
also become tight when you sit a lot
at your desk or when driving. Tight
hip flexors often lead to low-back and
hip pain.
Begin in a forward lunge position
and drop your back knee to the floor.
Place your hands on your hips and
look up. Press your hips forward and
down toward the floor and feel a
stretch through your torso, hip, groin,
and thigh. Release and repeat on the
other leg.
Flexibility and Stretching  |  81

Hamstring and Back Stretch

This is the final stretch to ensure upright posture and optimal stride length.
Lie on your back with your knees bent. Hug your knees to your chest to stretch your
hamstrings and low back.

Runner Profile: William Riley

Date of birth: May 29, 1936
Personal Information
§§ Insurance and banking. Most recently, senior
underwriter at Commercial Union Assurance
Co. in Boston, Massachusetts.
§§ Loan officer at two banks on Cape Cod.
§§ Married to Deborah, two adult children from
a previous marriage.
§§ Starting focused training at 40. Was a swim-
mer briefly at Brown University.
Courtesy of D. McSorley

Personal Best
Marathon: 2:44 (46)
Age-Graded Personal Bests
§§ 5K (road): Five over 90% at age 76, best 92%
§§ 10K (road): Two over 89% at ages 70 and 76
§§ 15K (road): One at 91.99% at age 73
§§ Half marathon: Three over 89%, best 90.96% at age 73
Cathy Utzschneider: How did you get into training and competition?
William Riley: A routine stress test indicated a high VO2max and my doctor suggested I take
up endurance running.
Cathy: How do you explain your success?

82  |  Mastering Running

William Riley (continued)

William: Good genes (my mother lived to 100), good luck healthwise, remaining injury free until
about five years ago when I had meniscus surgery, and being a late starter.
Cathy: How often do you race?
William: About every three weeks but more often in the fall’s shorter races.
Cathy: What is your most memorable win and why?
William: In 1988 when I was 52 I entered the Bud Light Endurance Triathlon, an Ironman
Triathlon on Cape Cod in September. It was my first race at this distance. This qualified me for
the Hawaii Ironman World Championships, which was only six weeks later. I did go and won
my age group and set an age-group record in 11:04.51, just 15 minutes off the course record.
That was my most memorable win.
Cathy: In a peak training week for a marathon, what is your mileage and how much weekly
speed work do you do?
William: I am no longer doing marathons. My last marathon was in Boston at age 66, when
I ran 3:21. Then I averaged 25 to 30 miles (40-48 km) a week with a track or tempo run.
Cathy: What is the greatest challenge as a masters runner?
William: Continuing motivation and keeping speed without getting injured.
Cathy: How do you maintain motivation?
William: I enjoy the competition and camaraderie more than the training. My nerves are still
on edge before every race.
Cathy: What has been the greatest surprise?
William: I am still challenged and motivated despite my slower times.
Cathy: Have you had injuries and how have you dealt with them?
William: I have had three arthroscopic knee surgeries that kept me from running, but I bike
and swim a great deal, especially in winter.
Cathy: What advice do you have for other masters?
William: Vary your training regimen, course, and races and stay with the healthy lifestyle as
long as you can.
Cathy: What is a sample training week?
§§ January to May: Run 26-28 miles (42-45 km), bike 70 miles (113 km), swim 2-3 miles (3-5 km)
§§ May to December: Run 26-30 miles (42-48 km), swim 2-3 miles (3-5 km)

You may say, having read this chapter, “It’s hard to motivate myself to stretch!” I
understand. But stretching is important. It enhances range of motion and that enhances
speed, and it becomes more important as we age. If you’re cramped for time—who
isn’t?—reserve at least five minutes before and after your run for this miniroutine: the
three leg swings described in this chapter and the A march, A skip, B march, B skip,
and the side slides described in chapter 4 before your run. After you run, perform the
standing calf, hamstring, quadriceps, hip flexor, and IT band stretches.
Part II

Chapter 7

Goal Setting for Fitness

and Competition
Runners of all ages need goals, the right goals. Right is the loaded word. It depends
on so much: your fitness, experience, interests, work, everything in your life. The
word goal itself stirs up mixed feelings: excitement, fear, and questions. Will you
meet it? Do you really want it? Why not another race or distance over this one?
Should you try something new or improve on a familiar course?
If you find choosing the right goals challenging, you’re in good company. Post-
collegiate and Olympic Trials runners have sought my help precisely because it’s
difficult to set goals outside a structured setting where the main focus is running,
one where the coach and culture dictate daily schedules. Having graduated from a
collegiate team or professional running, these “in-between” runners are unfamiliar
with balancing running with work and maybe family. It can be hard to figure out
goals that feel new and exciting, with personal bests most likely behind them.
Matt Kerr, 38, director of Boston College men’s track and field team, understands
the challenges as a runner himself, husband and father of two, and also a coach.
A 3:43 1,500-meter runner in high school and later a two-time NCAA steeplechase
champion and four-time steeplechaser for the Canadian national team, Kerr stopped
competing at age 31. The next year he became a coach at Boston College.

86  |  Mastering Running

Now, focused on coaching, he said he might consider masters running sometime,

if he finds the “right” (motivating) goal that fits with work and family. He reflected
on the fact that many postcollegiate and professional runners stop running com-
petitively at 24 or 25. “There’s an endpoint,” he said. “A time when they enter the
normal, real world and don’t know how to translate their experience running into
their everyday life. In college, for example, they’re either studying or running. To
go from being a full-time athlete to being competitive and a regular person is hard.
You don’t know how to set goals or how to fit running into your life. You’re used to
a system where everything is fairly rigid—with a coach who oversees everything
on a competitive basis. There’s a huge gap afterward,” Kerr told me.
As you consider your own goals, it’s helpful to think about them as an experi-
ment, particularly at first. There is no one “right” goal anyway. That’s the fun and
challenge. It’s up to you, unlike preset running goals in school or college. If it’s a
particularly stressful time (you have a new job or you’ve just moved, for example)
you might decide it’s the year to set a fitness goal, one based on consistency and
not performance. Maybe this year your goal is to run consistently, an average of
30 miles (48 km) a week for at least 45 weeks of the year. Or maybe you want a
performance goal, one focused on doing your best. If so, the options may feel
infinite. You can pick from many events. A performance goal encourages you to
plan carefully and periodize your training. Periodization means you divide your
overall training into periods, each with its own focus, such as endurance, strength,
or speed (explained in more detail in chapter 8); incorporate specific workouts
to meet each focus; and rest occasionally for recovery. A performance goal also
rewards you for your efforts with a result and time. There’s nothing like applause
from the clock—a personal best!

Setting Goals and Writing Them Down

The mere act of setting a goal is powerful. That alone can boost your mood. A
goal provides a sense of purpose, focuses your energies in areas of your interests,
reinforces persistence through tough times, and punctuates the rhythm of your life
so there’s an ending and a time to sit back, assess your achievement, celebrate,
and recover. According to the fathers of goal-setting research in business, Edwin
Locke and Gary Latham (2002; 1990), the most challenging goals produce the
highest levels of effort and performance; they’re better than moderate goals. The
following story speaks for many runners. I encouraged a locally competitive runner
and doctor in her 60s to enter the World Masters Track and Field Championships.
Anyone can enter. She was petrified, knowing she’d be competing with some
national- and world-class runners. Despite finishing last, she competed and loved
the experience. She ran a personal age-graded best. A most challenging goal
inspired her best training.
When mulling over goals, it’s helpful to keep in mind the acronym SMART. Goals
are more effective if they meet the following criteria:
§§ Specific. Strive for a certain time over a certain distance by a particular date.
§§ Measurable. If a goal is measurable, it can be controlled.
§§ Attainable. High goals are worth setting, but you should be able to reach them.
Goal Setting for Fitness and Competition  |  87

§§ Relevant. Pick a goal that you care about.

§§ Time bound. Give yourself enough, but not too much, time. A deadline helps
you focus and commit.
Setting “A” (highest), “B” (higher), and “C” (high) goals in terms of ranges and
levels helps you set SMART goals. Say, for example, that you have run a 41:15 10K
and your goal might be to run a 10K in 39:30 to 40:00 minutes. An ‘A’ goal might
be to run a 10K in 39:30 to 40 minutes. A ‘B’ goal might be to run it in 40 to 40:30
minutes, and a ‘C’ goal might be to run it in 40:30 to 41. The faster you are, the nar-
rower the ranges of your goals.
Goals are meaningful if you write them down. (Also, if you’re like many, you
may forget your goals after a few weeks.) In research for my doctoral dissertation
on over 100 national- and world-class female masters runners, I learned that 100
percent of them set goals (Utzschneider 2002). Ninety-six percent of them wrote
them down. Writing down goals—even if you eventually have to change them—
raises the level of commitment that will carry you through the inevitable hurdles
and tough times. You’re more likely not only to focus on goal-related activities, but
you’re also more likely to avoid distractions (Locke and Latham 2002).

Keeping Your Goals Flexible

Not everything goes according to plan, either in your training or in a race. Keeping
goals and plans flexible is par for the course. Whatever goals you set, feel free to
reset them if circumstances suggest the timing isn’t right. If, for example, your goal
has been a half marathon that’s a month away but you’ve recently been feeling tired
and run down, reset and postpone that goal to later in the year. If you can adapt
your goals to your circumstances, they’ll work for you, not against you.

Integrating Running Goals Into Your Life

In our hectic world where most masters runners juggle multiple demands, goals
provide a sense of perspective and control. Figure 7.1 is a pyramid completed by a
runner to give you an example of how you might use it, and a blank goal pyramid
is provided in figure 7.3 later in this chapter. However, when you set them, you
need to keep in mind all your life commitments. Kids have graduations, parents
have anniversaries, you have conferences and family vacations, and your house
may need to be painted. If you don’t consider energies needed for them, your goals
may disappear into thin air, as fleeting as many New Year’s resolutions. My first
book, MOVE! How Women Can Achieve Athletic Goals at Any Age, focuses on the
four stages of achieving goals: preparing for goals, setting goals, managing goals,
and then assessing goal achievement. Preparing for goals is critical and often not
considered. Use a calendar or the big-picture calendar (see figure 7.2) to note all
your upcoming obligations around which you can plan your running workouts and
events. Keep these three questions in mind as you fill out your big-picture calendar:
1. What is my long-term goal?
2. How will the commitments listed affect my pursuit of that goal?
3. How will I handle distractions so they’re compatible with my life as a whole?
88  |  Mastering Running

first in
Boston Marathon
age group

Eat red meat 3 times

per week and drink
64 ounces of water

Do hill workouts every 10 days
e\ with my coach once per week.

Leave work by 6:00 p.m. daily, and ask my spouse

to drive kids to school.

See my physical therapist every week, and track

Achilles situation daily. Do dynamic stretching for 15 minutes daily.

Build to running 70 miles a week with 2 speed workouts, stretching,

and upper body weight training.

Start date: _________________

End date: _________________

Figure 7.1  Sample goal pyramid.

Adapted, by permission, from C. Utzschneider, 2011, Move! How women can achieve athletic goals at any age (Natick, MA:
Cedar Crest Books). E6001/Utzschneider/fig 7.1/487718/KH/R3-alw

Assess Your Fitness

If you’re an experienced runner, you know your fitness level. You have recent race
results. It’s more challenging to determine your fitness if you are new to running
or coming back after a long absence. Fitness depends on many factors, including
your recent activity, medical history, genetics, and body weight (the leaner you
are, generally the more fit you are). If you haven’t been active recently, seeing your
physician is a wise first step. After confirming your health, figure out your fitness
Goal Setting for Fitness and Competition  |  89

Responsibilities January February March April May June

Family and friends




Responsibilities July August September October November December ID:
Family and friends





Figure 7.2  Big-picture calendar.

From C. Utzschneider, 2014, Mastering running (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics). Adapted, by permission, from C.
Utzschneider, 2011, Move! How women can achieve athletic goals at any age (Natick, MA: Cedar Crest Books).

baseline. Go to an outdoor track and see how long it takes you to walk and jog—or
just walk, if you can’t jog—12 laps. That’s three miles (4.8 km). Or you might enter
A: a 5K road race, which you can either walk and jog or jog easily. You’ll have a time
for a 5K and a starting point.

Guidelines for Progress

If you are starting or coming back to running after a layoff or injury, moderately
increase your mileage and effort. A useful guideline for increasing mileage is the
10 percent rule. Increase your weekly mileage by no more than 10 percent over
the previous week. Following that rule, you’ll likely get stronger and more fit, while
minimizing the chances of injury and overtraining.
I encourage the runners I coach to incorporate cutback weeks, reducing mile-
age by 15 to 25 percent every fourth week. Say you want to increase your weekly
90  |  Mastering Running

mileage from 20 to 30 miles (32-48 km) while including cutback weeks. Here’s a
sample of a 10-week schedule:
Week 1 – 20 miles (32 km)
Week 2 – 22 miles (35 km)
Week 3 – 24 miles (39 km)
Week 4 – 20 miles (32 km)
Week 5 – 24 miles (39 km)
Week 6 – 26 miles (42 km)
Week 7 – 28 miles (45 km)
Week 8 – 24 miles (39 km)
Week 9 – 28 miles (45 km)
Week 10 – 30 miles (48 km)
Tracking your resting heart rate (RHR) as you become more fit can help you
measure progress. While RHR stays fairly constant with aging, if your level of activity
stays the same, your RHR slows as your fitness improves. Good places to measure
your heart rate are the radial artery in your wrist or the carotid artery in your neck.
If you take your pulse at the radial artery, use the tips of your index and middle
fingers to locate your pulse. First feel for the wrist bone at the base of the thumb
and then slowly move toward your wrist. Start the watch and begin counting your
pulse. After a minute you should have an accurate reading. (Know also that such
factors as hot weather, too little sleep, caffeine, and over-the-counter medicines
may increase heart rate.) As a rule of thumb, a normal resting heart rate for aver-
age adults ranges from 60 to 100 beats per minute. For an experienced runner or
an athlete in training, however, resting heart rate may decline to an average of 40
to 60 beats per minute. The trained athlete’s heart and cardiovascular system are
so efficient that the heart beats fewer times per minute to achieve sufficient blood
flow to the body.

Tracking Goals and Progress

You can’t evaluate your goals without tracking your training, whether in a journal,
on your smart phone, with a GPS watch or foot pod, or an infinite assortment of
online computer programs. No one I’ve ever met remembers his or her training
without recording it somewhere. How much you track in terms of details is up to
you. At the very least, note your mileage goals and speed workouts. If you experi-
ence pains or soreness, note that too. The runners I coach note pains on a scale of
1 to 5, with 0 representing no pain, 1 representing awareness, 2 representing mild
soreness, 3 representing intermittent pain, 4 representing pain, and 5 representing
pain too great for running. Consult an expert if you’ve felt mild soreness for more
than a week of running. As a final note, beware of writing down so much you get
lost in the details. Records should be brief.
Goal Setting for Fitness and Competition  |  91

Types of Goals
The five kinds of goals are performance, outcome, and process goals on the one
hand and short- and long-term goals on the other. Because all goals are flexible
and because successive short-term goals lead to long-term goals, medium-term
goals are unnecessary. If you familiarize yourself with these goals, you’ll know
what kind you are ready to set.

Performance Goals
Guidelines are helpful, but goals are more specific and will motivate you more.
Always set performance (or mastery) goals, goals based on your results, indepen-
dent of other runners’ goals. A performance goal might be to achieve a certain
time in a distance you’ve run before or to run a new distance, a half marathon or
marathon, for example. Of course, unless you’re racing on a track with a consistent
surface, you’ll need to adjust performance goals related to time according to how
challenging the course is (the number of hills and turns), the weather (allow more
time for extreme cold, heat, and humidity), footing (grass is slower than asphalt),
and your recent training.
You can use several tools, all of which will produce similar results, to set
a performance goal: a race time predictor, an age-grading calculator, or a VO2max
predictor chart. A race time predictor, found online at various websites (www.,, and, estimates what you might achieve if
you trained appropriately for the distance. These estimates are based on an average
reduction of speed as the race distance increases.
The age-grading calculator found at
and used by World Masters Athletics, the official international governing body for masters
runners, can help you set a goal based on an age-graded percentage for the distance
and your age and gender. If you know you have run a 5K in an age-graded percentage
of 80 percent, you can insert different values for a 10K race to find the pace that equates
to an 80 percent..
My favorite VO2max predictor chart was developed by exercise physiologist, .
Olympian, author, and coach Jack Daniels, who popularized the concept of VO2max
in his book Daniels’ Running Formula, first published in 1998 with the third and
latest edition published in 2014. I include a few pages from his book in the appendix.
Know that a margin of error exists in all tools, varying by person and training. That
margin of error is also greater the larger the gap between the distance you know
and the distance you’re aiming for. For example, a time for a half marathon will
typically better predict your marathon time than a time for a one-mile (1.6 km) race.
If you have trained for a 5K and achieved a good race time, you will achieve the
corresponding time in a marathon if you train appropriately. In any case, together
the three prediction tools can give you a good idea of how to set your goal.
So let’s set a sample performance goal using the three tools: the Runner’s World/
Running .Times race time predictor, the USATF age-grading calculator, and Jack
Daniels’ VO2max prediction chart. All give similar results in terms of setting reason-
able goals. Say you’re a 55-year-old man who has run a 10K in 40 minutes and you
want to set a goal for a half marathon.
92  |  Mastering Running

§§ A race time predictor shows that if you run a 10K in 40 minutes, 6:26 per mile
pace, you will run a half marathon in 1:28:15 (6:44 per mile pace).
§§ The USATF age-grading calculator asks you to input not only the distance but
also the time, your age, and gender. Age and gender also affect this calculation.
After inserting the data that you are 55 years old, a man, that the distance is
a 10K, and that your recent time is 40:00, you click on “age-grade” and learn
that your age-graded performance for the 10K is 79.95 percent. That’s 79.95
percent of the world record speed for your age and sex. The age-grading
concept assumes that you would run, if correctly trained, 79.95 percent for
all distances, including a half marathon. If you insert “half marathon” in the
calculator’s distance box and insert various times, you will find that the time
of 1:27:28 is closest to an age grading of 79.95 percent.
. .
§§ A VO2max prediction chart estimates your times based on VO2max levels asso-
ciated with different distances. I have found Daniels’ charts reliable, having
used them
. since his book was first published in 1998. See the appendix for
these VO2max prediction charts.
Let’s say you’ve just run a 40-minute 10K, or 10,000 meters. Using the Jack
Daniels’ chart, look under the 10,000 column and find the time closest to 40
minutes. You’ll.find 39:59 and you can look to the left to find the value closest
to your actual VO2max (without having to have it tested in a lab on a treadmill
and hooked up. to tubes with a face mask). That value in the chart is VDOT,
your effective VO2max. The VDOT value corresponding to a 39:59 10,000 is 52.
To see the half marathon time you are capable of, look to the half marathon
time listed for a VDOT of 52 under half marathon. It is 1:28:31.
There is not a great deal of difference between the three times:.1:28:15 (race time
predictor chart), 1:27:28 (age-grading calculator), and 1:28:31 (VO2max predictor

Outcome Goals
Under certain circumstances, you may also want to set outcome goals. Unlike per-
formance goals, outcome goals are focused on winning or performance relative
to others. Maybe you’ve placed in the top three of a local race and want to place
second. Or you’ve won a regional race and want to take a shot at a national or even
world age-group championship.
Outcome goals can be motivating in the long term, but they’re not as much under
your own control so it’s wise to set process and performance goals as well. While
you can set outcome goals in any event, many use them in events like cross country,
trail, or mountain competitions where the terrain is uneven and the course distances
sometimes irregular, making time goals difficult to set. If you set outcome goals,
know your competition. Search online for competitors’ past performances on the
track or in road races to compare their relative times, if they’re available, to yours.

Process Goals
Always set process goals, critical to achieving both performance and outcome
goals. They are short-term, often weekly tasks, that you have to complete to meet
Goal Setting for Fitness and Competition  |  93

your performance goal and over which you have control. Process goals for a half
marathon might include the number of peak weekly miles you plan to reach and
the number of miles of speed work you hope to run each week. A 55-year-old man
who wants to improve his 40-minute 10K might include process goals of peaking
at 48 to 52 miles (77-84 km) a week, distributing mileage over six days of running
so there’s a day of rest, drinking 64 ounces (2 L) of water daily, getting to bed by
10:30 p.m., and so on. Process goals are often personal. “No more Triscuits and
Havarti cheese for midnight snacks!” was a process goal one runner recently noted.

Successive Short-Term Goals

Successive short-term goals of 6 to 12 weeks are the key to long-term success,
whether you’re a beginner or an elite runner. Short-term goals help you focus on
immediate details and then measure and evaluate your results before too long.
That span of time allows for several levels of improvements in fitness and in your
habits. Physiological adaptations occur generally in 21 to 28 days and new habits
of various kinds can usually be adopted within two months. After achieving your
first short-term goal, you can build on that to set another short-term goal, and you
may also have an idea of a long-term goal as well.
If you’re setting a running goal for the first time, it helps to consider it as an experi-
ment. Let’s say you haven’t run for a few years and you’ve just tested yourself by
alternating minutes of walking and jogging over three miles (4.8 km). You covered
the distance in 35 minutes, faster than you would have just walking it. Setting a
10-week performance goal of running a 5K in 32 to 33 minutes and a process goal
of jogging and walking for 35 to 45 minutes five days a week gives you a sense of
immediacy so you can focus on the details. Ten weeks is soon enough that you
know you will feel a sense of accomplishment before too long.
Because diagrams are often more powerful than words, many of the runners
I coach record their short-term goals in a goal pyramid that they can put on their
refrigerator, bathroom mirror, or desk. It’s simple and powerful visually. It captures
in one place both a performance or outcome goal and process goals and reflects
their relative order of importance. Write your performance or outcome goal in the
pyramid’s top triangle and the process goals in the layers below it. In the bottom
strip, which is the widest strip of the pyramid, write the most important process
goal, with goals of descending importance written in strips of descending width.
Figure 7.3 provides a blank pyramid for your use.

Long-Term Goals
Sometimes you know your long-term goal from the start. Sometimes you don’t.
Long-term goals, major goals you aim to achieve over six months to a few years,
are worth setting along with successive short-term goals. Having both a short- and
long-term goal allows you to keep both goals in perspective and to stay on track as
you move toward your major goal. Writing down your long-term goal on an index
card, noting the event and time goal and the date by which you want to achieve it
is powerful. Tape it to anywhere you will see it daily.
94  |  Mastering Running

Start date: _________________

End date: _________________

Figure 7.3  Blank goal pyramid.

From C. Utzschneider, 2014, Mastering running (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics).
E6001/Utzschneider/fig 7.3/487720/KH/R2-alw

Postgoal Analysis
After meeting most important short- or long-term goals, my runners find evaluating
them enormously helpful. Postgoal analysis provides a snapshot of your experience
that can be used as an invaluable resource for improving your training for your
next goal. Use your own judgment to determine how many of the questions you
find helpful to answer. This is for you, so use it as you like.
Postgoal Analysis
If the question is not applicable, note N/A after the question.

1. What was your event goal and date? _________________________________


2. What was your actual result? _________________________________________


3. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 representing highest and 1 representing lowest,

how would you rate the following?
•• Physical readiness before the race: ________________________
•• Mental readiness before the race: _________________________

4. Recall circumstances on the day of the event that affected your results
(e.g., logistics, heat, humidity, cold), if any._____________________________

5. When did you start training for this event and how many weeks of training
did you complete? __________________________________________________

6. In how many races did you participate to prepare for this goal and were
they helpful? _______________________________________________________

7. Describe the volume and intensity of a sample week of your peak training;
include speed workouts:

Monday: ____________________________________________________________

Tuesday: ___________________________________________________________

Wednesday: ________________________________________________________

Thursday: __________________________________________________________

Friday: _____________________________________________________________

Saturday: _________________________________________________________

Sunday: ___________________________________________________________

Did you take periodic rest days, and how often did you take them? ______

8. Summarize your weekly strength training and stretching routine; include

yoga, Pilates, and other classes: ____________________________________

9. What other life events (e.g., work, personal life) have helped or hindered
your training? _______________________________________________________

10. Did you have injuries or pain while training, and if so, how did this
affect it? ________________________________________________________

11. What did you learn during the training process and race that you might
incorporate into your next training plan and race? _______________________

12. Other comments: ____________________________________________________

From C. Utzschneider, 2014, Mastering running (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics). Adapted, by permis-
sion, from C. Utzschneider, 2011, Move! How women can achieve athletic goals at any age (Natick, MA:
Cedar Crest Books).

Goal Setting for Fitness and Competition  |  97

Finding Running Friends or

Others Who Support You
Surrounding yourself with people who believe in your goals, both runners and
nonrunners, will help you meet your goals and have fun along the way. While you
may sometimes want to run alone, running with others is motivating and interest-
ing. Sweat and trust go together. You’ll make some of the best friendships of your
life training with others. You’ll hear their stories and share yours. You’ll double the
pleasure and halve the pain on the challenging runs. Friends who aren’t runners
but who are interested in your goals can be important supporters, too. An Olympian
client of mine has always said one of her best supporters is her elderly neighbor
who uses a wheelchair. The importance of emotional support for all athletes was
documented in a study with 170 Division I college athletes on the value of emo-
tional support. They reported that emotional support from friends and family was
more important than technical support from coaches or teammates (Rosenfeld
et al. 1989).
Take time to find these friends. Like developing other friendships, finding run-
ning friends can take time. Running is not just about running. It may take a while
to find kindred spirits.

Finding a Coach
A coach will help you meet challenging goals by supporting you along the way
and steering you in the most efficient direction to avoid overtraining and injury. A
coach can help you maximize your potential and achieve your goals sooner than
you could without one. Your challenge may be to figure out how to find the best
coach for you. Begin by asking yourself what you are looking for. Do you want a
group or individual setting? Do you want to meet with someone, and if so, do you
want to talk and strategize or run with that person? Do you want a coach who
watches you run? Or do you want to be coached online? Do you want a younger or
an older coach? A male or female coach? Do you want someone who understands
the pressures of the business world? Your needs are individual. Find someone with
whom you click. No one can quantify that.
Once you know the answers to some of those questions, the following checklist
of considerations may help your search:

§§ Credentials. Is the coach certified by organizations like USA Track & Field and
the Road Runners Club of America? Is the person certified in CPR and first aid?
§§ Education. Does the coach have at least an undergraduate education in
physical education, exercise physiology, health and wellness, or an allied
health field such as nursing or physical therapy? What is the highest degree
the coach holds?
§§ Experience. How many years has he or she been a coach? Does he or she
have a history of coaching a club, high school, or college team? Can you
check? In what distances has the coach trained runners to compete? What
is the coach’s experience as a runner?
98  |  Mastering Running

Running and Discipline

You can’t be a strong runner without discipline. Running is a discipline in itself, as are the healthy
habits that support it. If you want to be a good runner, you have to get out the door, regularly.
You have to be disciplined just to fit it in. Sometimes you have to run when you don’t feel like it.
If you want to run at an optimal weight, you have to eat and drink healthily. Ninety-six percent of
the masters female runners I studied were happy with their weight, far more than most women
their age. More than half said that improved self-discipline helped them break bad eating or
drinking habits (Utzschneider 2002).
The discipline of running increases discipline in other areas of life as well. (Discipline is con-
tagious!) It helps you to manage your time, set goals in other areas, and endure discomfort.
Eighty-eight percent of the women in the study for my dissertation reported that running increased
their ability to focus. Seventy percent reported an improved ability to handle hardships, and 67
percent said running helped them organize their time. Forty-nine percent reported that running
success improved their career progress (Utzschneider 2002). This discipline affects the rest of
life from daily activities to things that occur over a long span of time. “During my morning run, I
reorganize all my thoughts, set priorities, and strategize how to solve issues. I’m calm when I get
home,” Francesca Dominici, Harvard University senior associate dean of public health told me.
“My brain is refreshed and I am ready to hit the ground with a highly packed day with meetings
and strategic decisions.” Speaking at a Harvard University panel on tenure, she said that mental
“marathon” habits such as skills persisting toward a long-term goal and having a vision are the
same as those required for securing tenure. Another runner who applied the discipline of setting
and achieving goals in running to other areas of life is internist Barbara Stewart, MD, who said,
“Goal setting in running supported my courage to conceptualize and thus revise and improve
my entire medical practice.” Still another runner who told me about how she transferred the
discipline needed for running to other aspects of her life is entrepreneur Felice Shapiro, who found
that setting short- and long-term goals for her first Boston Marathon at age 55 led to what she
called an inconceivable success. After completing the marathon, Shapiro used the same goal-
setting technique to launch, an online magazine for women over 50.

§§ Services and cost. What does he or she charge? Will you be training with a
group or alone? Will the coach provide a training schedule? If you become
injured and cannot complete the terms of your contract, is the money refund-
able if you opt out?
§§ Communication. Will you communicate in person, by e-mail, phone, Skype,
or all of these? Does it cost extra if you need to contact the coach outside a
scheduled training session?
§§ Insurance. Does the coach carry liability insurance? Do you have to sign a
contract or waiver? If so, make sure you read the fine print regarding terms
and conditions.
§§ Logistics. If you’re meeting with a coach, or even if you’re e-mailing, Skyping,
or talking on the phone, find a coach whose schedule fits yours.
§§ Coaching style. Running coaches have different personalities and styles.
Some are more authoritarian, making decisions for you, and others are more
Goal Setting for Fitness and Competition  |  99

cooperative, allowing you to share in the decision-making process. Find a

coach who is interested in coaching your event, and someone who listens well.
Once you know what you’re looking for, ask runners in your area for names of
coaches, or check out local running clubs and associations through USA Track &
Field. Ask local middle school, high school, and college coaches for suggestions.
Many local running stores have groups and coaches. USA Track & Field (www. and
the Road Runners Club of America ( also list coaches
throughout the country.

Runner Profile: Carmen Troncoso

Date of birth: April 2, 1959
Personal Information
§§ Coach of Rogue Running, a running club in
Austin, Texas
§§ Bachelor’s degrees in community development
and in sports management
§§ Master’s degree in exercise physiology
§§ Married for 30 years, no children
§§ Started focused training at 27, started run-
ning at 20
Open Personal Bests

© Adolfo Isassi
§§ 1,500 meters 4:21 (35)
§§ 3,000 meters 9:12 (35)
§§ 5,000 meters 15:50 (36)
§§ 5K (road) 16:00 (37)
§§ 10K (road) 33:25 (36) Personal Bests at 50 to 59
Personal Bests at 40 to 49 §§ 800 meters 2:29 (50)
§§ 1,500 meters 4:27 at 40 §§ 1,500 meters 4:57 (51)
§§ 1,500 meters 4:46 (46, masters national record) §§ 3,000 meters 10:05 (51, record)
§§ 3,000 meters 9:27 (41, masters national record) §§ 5,000 meters 17:29 (50)
§§ 5,000 meters 16:02 (41, masters national record) §§ 5K (road) 17:36 (50)
§§ 10,000 meters 33:50 (41) §§ 10K (road) 36:50 (50)
§§ 5K (road) 16:09 (40), 16:50 (46) Age-Graded Personal Bests
§§ 8K (road) 27:45 (46, record) §§ 3,000 meters 98.49% (10:05 at age 51)
§§ 10K (road) 34:46 (44), 35:26 (46) §§ 5,000 meters 96.83% (17:29 at age 51)
§§ Half marathon 1:14:46 (44) §§ 5K (road) 95.23% (16:50 at age 46)
§§ 10K (road) 93.20% (36:52 at age 50)

Carmen Troncoso (continued)

Cathy Utzschneider: What do you think has made you such a successful runner?
Carmen Troncoso: I think it is my patience to see a goal through. I also have a very narrow
set of goals that involve only running (good or bad?), so I have been able to focus on that for
many years. A little bit of luck and a little bit of good genes help. I have never been in a hurry
to check anything off a list and move on. I like running. I like competing, so I see no point in
hurrying the process. I might as well enjoy all of it and for as long as I can. In summary, I love
it, and I don’t think I can quit at this point in my life. It is a good addiction.
Cathy: Having run at elite levels in your 20s, 30s, 40s, and now in your 50s, what changes
have you noticed in your training and racing?
Carmen: The recovery time increases. So in order to train as hard as you did in your 30s on any
given week, month, and year, you need to rest a lot longer between hard days. I also learned
that injuries take a lot longer to heal, so patience becomes much more important as you get
older. Up to my 40s I could train hard two or three days per week. In my late 40s I was doing
a solid twice-a-week hard workouts. Now in my 50s I can do about one and a half workouts
per week. I haven’t change the way I race, but in my 50s I race much less. I need about three
weeks to recover well. If I have two races back-to-back, I train for them, but in general I race
less. I also started to do some cross-training in my 50s. As far as weight training, I have always
done that two or three times per week, and I believe it is much more important as I get older
to keep doing that.
Cathy: How has your motivation changed over the decades?
Carmen: Luckily, my motivation has been constant throughout. But an important aspect of
staying motivated has been to adjust my goals a little bit as I get older. If my goals fit the
energy I put in (or can put in), I can stay motivated just like when I was younger. My husband,
Ricardo, also runs so we motivate and support each other during the good and bad periods.
We do a lot of the training together and know each other well as runners.
Cathy: What has surprised you most about performance and aging?
Carmen: In all honesty, not much has surprised me. I believe that if you are going to try to do
something well, you need to be informed, and the more knowledge you have about the subject,
the fewer the surprises. In this case, the more you know about your own body and how it
responds to training, the easier it is to be flexible to make the right decisions. But having said
all that, in my 50s I have had a very hard time predicting performances based on workouts. It
could be the fact that it is harder to put together a string of good workouts that can predict
an outcome; thus, the data might be insufficient. It could also be attributed to the menopause
changes. Purely hormonal? I will know more about this in a couple of years.
Cathy: You recently had an injury. Can you describe it briefly, and have you learned anything
from it?
Carmen: It was more an accident than an injury. I fell during an 800 race on the track. I broke
my right wrist, but amazingly for as bad as that was, it was the only thing I had to deal with.
Everything else was intact. I was able to do all the leg weights, most of the core work, and
some minimal cardio on a stationary bike. What I learned is that accidents happen when you

least expect them. (I find that funny, because if you are expecting it, it is not really an accident,
I suppose.) I try to deal with it as quickly as possible, get through the “why me,” figure out
how quickly I can get over this to resume my life, and move on. I also try to find the positive in
the situation as soon as I can and just hold on to that. Otherwise the negative starts to sneak
in and you lose focus.
Cathy: As a coach of Rogue Running, how do you motivate masters runners?
Carmen: I’m very lucky to coach a bunch of very self-motivated runners (masters or open).
I’m not a very vocal coach and not very good at cheerleading, but I try to motivate them by
example. So I stay in shape to race well. I have been surprised throughout the years by how
much my experience helps me coach runners, especially my age or younger. I have gone
through all of it, so I can pass it along. Trust and communication are the key to keeping my
runners motivated. My first goal is to keep them healthy. My second goal is getting them to
run as fast as they can given their set of circumstances. If I stay true to those principles, we
can usually succeed together.
Cathy: As a coach, do you have words of wisdom for masters runners?
Carmen: Age grading is a beautiful thing. Accept that we get slower with age, but don’t give
in to it completely. You need to be twice as smart when you plan your season and make sure
you follow that plan through. We need to listen to our bodies, because our injuries will set
us back a lot longer than when we were in our 30s. We are the pioneers of this thing called
masters running, so we need to be good role models.
Cathy: What is a sample training week for a 5K these days?
Carmen: I am training for cross country at the moment, so most of this is run on grass.
Monday: a.m. weight session (mostly legs and core); p.m. spin for 40-60 minutes,
depending on energy or jog easy for 40 minutes
Tuesday: 60 minutes easy on the road or trail; p.m. light core and upper-body weights
Wednesday: a.m. overall weight session; p.m. 3 × 7 minutes of running 30 seconds fast
and 30 seconds easy (average pace is 10K pace), two-minute recovery between sets
Thursday: stretching and core-work session
Friday: rest or 65-minute run (This will build to 90 minutes later in the season.)
Saturday: 4 miles (6.4 km) easy plus strides
Sunday: 3 × 2K at 5K pace, jog 2 minutes, 200 meters at 3K pace, jog 4 minutes.
This workout is done after I have finished with a few weeks of base, hill work, tempos and
progressive downtype workouts (workouts that involve running faster as distance progresses).
I usually do this sequence for about six weeks in preparation for a season’s goal.
I will of course vary the intensity workouts, and hopefully the pace will get a little faster
as I go along.

102  |  Mastering Running

Join a Running Club

A running club provides a chance to meet other runners, get motivated, find training
partners, learn training and racing strategies, and obtain at least general feedback
from a coach. USA Track & Field and the Road Runners Club of America are estab-
lished organizations that provide lists of clubs. Clubs have unique personalities.
Some are more focused on competition, others on recreation, some on younger
age groups, some on older age groups, some on all age groups, some on track,
some on trail and mountain running, and some on men and some on women. Most
clubs will let you try a few meetings before committing to membership. If you don’t
find a club in one of those categories that appeals to you, you may want to join a
group focused on a cause like the Team to End Aids or the Team in Training for
the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
In conclusion, because setting goals increases your chances of achieving them,
and because achieving goals is a catalyst for achieving more goals, why not set
them? And why not write them down and find a coach or at least a friend who
can help hold you accountable? If your experience is like that of others, your
accomplishments will probably end up being those you previously thought, as
Felice said, “inconceivable.”
Chapter 8

Getting Faster
You enjoy running, and now you have a goal. You want to get faster, test yourself in
a race, and organize your training for best results. How should you start? Without
playing fields, opponents, and rule books (and with little equipment), running is
easy. It should be as simple as just run and run more. But don’t do that. You need a
plan to run faster and avoid injury. It’s helpful to understand speed and periodization
and principles of training. The more you know, the more you’re in the driver’s seat.

Building a Mileage Base

If you are not running now, start by building a mileage base. That’s easiest to do
if you think of running as part of an overall healthy lifestyle, not just running but
also eating, drinking, sleeping, and of socializing with others who value exercise,
especially running occasionally with other runners. A base of weekly miles allows
you to focus on a goal from a solid foundation.
How do you build a base if you don’t have one now? As long as you are in good
health, start by walking for at least 5 minutes and then by alternating minutes of
walking and minutes of jogging for 30 to 40 minutes. For example, after a warm-up
walk, see if you can maintain a pattern of jogging for 3 minutes and then walking
for 2 minutes. Repeat the process six times so that you’ve held the pattern for 30
minutes after the warm-up. If you can’t do that, try a pattern of alternating 2 min-
utes of running with 1 minute of walking over a 30-minute period. Following is an

104  |  Mastering Running

eight-week program that has worked for many beginners. It entails running for four
days each week, say, Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. Or pick days
that work for you as long as you allow a few rest days.
Week 1: Walk 2 minutes, jog 1 minute 10 times
Week 2: Walk 1 minute, jog 2 minutes 10 times
Week 3: Walk 1 minute, jog 4 minutes 6 times
Week 4: Walk 2 minutes, jog 6 minutes 4-5 times
Week 5: Walk 2 minutes, jog 8 minutes 4 times
Week 6: Walk 2 minutes, run 10 minutes 3 times
Week 7: Walk 2 minutes, jog 15 minutes 2 times
Week 8: Jog 30 minutes
Once you can jog for 30 consecutive minutes, begin measuring your running
in miles rather than minutes and work up to running at least 20 miles (32 km) a
week. Whether you’re starting with minutes or miles, don’t increase your running
by more than 10 percent a week to avoid injury.

Periodizing Your Training

Once you have a short-term goal, perhaps your first mile, 5K, or even 10K race,
and once you have built up a base of 20 miles (32 km) of running, the next step is
to periodize your training.
So what is periodization? Periodization is a progressive training method that
divides your training into phases that build on each other to achieve peak fitness.
Each phase has a particular focus, such as to incorporate long, moderately intense
efforts for strength or short, very intense efforts for speed. Together, all phases
improve the three main determinants of speed:
§§ VO2max, your maximum level of oxygen consumption
§§ Lactate threshold, the point during moderately intense exercise at which
lactic acid is produced faster than the body can absorb it, causing fatigue
and muscle. soreness (In most athletes, that is generally between 60 and 85
percent of VO2max.)
§§ Running economy, a measure of how efficiently
. you use oxygen at a given
. (Two runners may have the same V O2
max, but if one uses less of the
VO2max than the other, the pace feels easier so the first can run faster before
feeling tired.)
Periodization depends on age, fitness level, current mileage, your goal race,
and also on the philosophy of your coach. (Coaches, like teachers, have their own
perspectives and approaches. A variety of periodization methods work.) Periodiza-
tion may involve macrocycles of three months to one year, mesocycles of two to
four weeks, and microcycles of 4 to 10 days. The simplicity of my periodization
method makes it easy to adjust to your own circumstances. No one size fits all.
Periodization plans incorporate the following training principles that help you
tailor any plan to your own needs:
Getting Faster  |  105

§§ Specificity is the training that most closely simulates the speed and move-
ment of your goal event. It offers the greatest gains. Runs of five or six miles
(8 or 9.6 km) and 200-meter sprints alone may improve your performance in
the half-mile or mile, but not in the marathon. Your training for that needs to
include long runs.
§§ Overload produces a greater than normal stress or load on your body and is
needed to run faster.
§§ Adaptation is your body’s ability to adapt to new levels of training through
repeated practice.
§§ Rest and recovery help you adapt to higher levels of fitness. Take off a day
from running every week. After building mileage for three weeks, incorporate
a week of lower mileage.
§§ Hard–easy rule dictates that a day of hard running should be followed by at
least two days of easy running to prevent injury and help recovery.
§§ Variety and flexibility should be built into your workouts to prevent boredom
and injury. Don’t force the miles if you don’t feel well.
§§ Individualism should be taken into account because everyone responds to
training differently. Respect your own rate of progress.

Four Phases of Periodization

My periodization plans outlined in chapters 11, 12, and 13 are meant to begin after
you have established a routine of running 20, 30, or 40 miles (32, 48, 64 km) a week.
You can adjust them to bases of less than 20 miles or more than 45 miles (72 km).
Periodization plans are longer as the race distance increases. The plan for the mile
is 8 weeks, and the marathon plan takes 16 weeks to complete.
The plans for each distance are the same length no matter what your baseline
mileage is. For example, a periodization plan for the half marathon is 12 weeks,
whether you are running 20, 30, or 40 miles a week.
Generally, the plans reflect four phases regardless of whether you are aiming
for a mile or a marathon (see figure 8.1):
§§ Endurance
§§ Strengthening
§§ Sharpening
§§ Tapering
The two plans that are exceptions are for runners who are already running 40
miles and aiming to race the mile. These plans begin with the strengthening phase
because those runners have already built the necessary endurance.

Focus of the Four Phases

The endurance phase focuses on building mileage through easy runs according
to the 10 percent rule (increase weekly mileage by no more than 10 percent over
the previous week’s mileage) and also building the length of the long run. Long
runs should be no more than about 25 percent of your weekly mileage. If you run
Marathon 16 weeks
Endurance 1-5 Strengthening 6-11 Taper 14-16
Sharpening 12-13

Half Marathon 12 weeks

Endurance 1-4 Strengthening 5-9 Taper 12
Sharpening 10-11

10K 10 weeks
Endurance 1-3 Strengthening 4-7 Sharpening 8-9
Taper 10

5K 8 weeks Sharpening 6-7

Strengthening 3-5
Endurance 1-2 Taper 8

1 Mile 40 mile base Taper 8

Strengthening 1-4
Sharpening 5-7

1 Mile 20 or 30 mile base Taper 8

Strengthening 3-5
Endurance 1-2 Sharpening 6-7


Tapering phase
Lower mileage
Targeted speed work
Limited strength training

Sharpening phase
Twice weekly speed work
with higher intensity
Begin to reduce mileage
Strength training

Strength phase
Continue building mileage
Twice weekly speed work, including hills
Strength training

Endurance phase
Build mileage (10% rule)
Strides and “plus pace” running
Strength training

0 2 4 6 8 9 12 14 16

Figure 8.1  Periodization plans for specific distances.

E6001/Utzschneider/fig 8.1/489383/alw/R3

Getting Faster  |  107

40 miles (64 km) a week, for example, your long run should be no more than 10
miles (16 km). During the endurance phase begin building strength with weight
training, as discussed in chapter 9. Light, casual speed work called strides—short,
fast runs focused on form—should be included twice a week.
The strengthening phase focuses on building mileage, except in the case of the
plans for the mile. It incorporates two speed workouts a week, including intermittent
hill workouts; lengthens the long run depending on the race distance; substitutes
a race for a speed workout; and continues weight training and strides.
The sharpening phase focuses on reducing mileage slightly; continuing the two
speed workouts a week, including one of more intense speed work; and entering
a race to prepare for the goal race. Weight training and twice weekly strides are
The tapering phase focuses on limited short, intense speed work, a significant
reduction in mileage, and rest. Figure 8.1 shows the focus of each phase.

Getting Faster: It’s Not Just About Speed

While you need to train fast to race fast, know that all kinds of running—fast and
slow as well as days of complete rest—are part of an effective weekly training plan.
Running fast every day, for example, leads to injury. Respecting the hard–easy rule,
you need a few days of easy running before and after hard running. A rest day once
a week gives you a chance to recover, which will help you run better on your “on”
days. Understanding the different kinds of runs now helps you better understand
speed workouts later.
For the sake of simplicity, running can be divided into two categories: running
that’s less intense and speed training, which is more intense. In the less intense cat-
egory are easy short runs, long runs, plus-pace runs, and recovery jogs. Easy short
runs—runs during which you can carry on a conversation—allow for recovery and
still strengthen your cardiovascular and muscular systems. Long runs strengthen
these systems, too, and also teach your body to metabolize and spare glycogen.
Consider a long run anything over 10 miles (16 km), unless you are an elite half
marathoner or marathoner, and limit those to once a week. Plus-pace runs are
performed at a slightly faster pace than your usual easy runs. While plus-pace runs
don’t have a quantified physiological benefit and they are not difficult, they add
mental variety and encourage you to speed up a bit more than on easy-run days.
Recovery jogs are run more slowly than your usual runs and are good for cooling
down at the end of a workout or getting back into running after extended time off.

Speed Training
More intense, or speed, training includes threshold runs, intervals, sprints, repeti-
tions, hill repeats, fartlek, and strides. As shown in table 8.1, threshold runs are
comfortably hard to raise the level at which lactic acid builds up so you can hold
a faster speed over a longer distance. While threshold runs are less intense than
intervals, for example, many runners feel they are more challenging because they
last longer. A threshold run might last 20 to 40 minutes or as long as 60 minutes
compared to the 14 to 20 minutes of intense running broken up by rest intervals,
for example. Threshold runs include tempo workouts held for a continuous stretch
of time and cruise intervals, which are 4- to 8-minute efforts interspersed with a
minute of easy jogging.
108  |  Mastering Running

Table 8.1  Getting Faster

Type of running Goal VO2max RRPE*
Short Enable recovery. Maintain conversational 70% 5-6 (easy)
Long Maintain conversational pace. 70% 5-6 (easy)
Build confidence.
Improve blood supply.
Teach body to metabolize and spare glycogen.
Strengthen heart and legs.
Plus pace Add mental variety. 75% 6-7 (slightly faster
Focus on form and pace. than easy)
Increase pace of easy runs.
Take as little recovery as needed.
Threshold: Runs of 20 to 40 min Improve running economy, strength, and 86-88% 7 to 8.5
and sometimes as long as 60 min anaerobic capacity. (comfortably
that include the following: Boost lactic threshold for faster, longer runs hard)
1. Tempo workouts, continuous without lactic acid build-up and fatigue.
runs at threshold pace Recovery periods of 1 min or less keep blood
2. Cruise intervals, repeats of 4 to lactate levels fairly constant.
8 threshold-pace min interspersed
with a min of easy jogging
Intervals: Repeated runs over 200 Increase VO2max and endurance. 95-98% 8.5 to 9 (hard)
m to one-half to three-quarters Develop sense of pace.
of a mile or 30 sec to three to five Rest between intervals can be one-third to
minutes. equal the time of the interval.
Sprints or repetitions: Very fast Improve power, speed, and endurance. 98-100% 9 to 9.8
running of 20 sec to 1 min Reinforce good form. (very hard)
Rest between sprints should be a full recovery
or up to five times the time in effort.
Hill repeats: Runs of 10 sec to 3 Build strength and speed. 95-100% 8.5 to 9.8 (hard or
min Encourage proper form. very hard)
Recovery should be equal to the efforts.
Fartlek: Swedish word for “speed Build endurance and speed. 86-88% 7 to 8.5
play,” informal speed work of Add variety. (comfortably hard
20–30 min run off the track and at Improve running economy and strength by or hard)
different intensities running over hills.
Recovery varies depending on effort.
Strides: Short, fast runs of 20 sec Focus on form and quick leg turnover. 95-100% 8.5 to 9 (hard)
to 1 minute Recovery should be at least equal in time or
distance to the efforts.
Easy jog Warm up before or cool down after a workout <70% 3–5 (very easy)
or recover between harder efforts.
Adapted from J. Daniels, 1998, Daniels’ running formula (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics), 51, 53, 94.
*RRPE=running rate of perceived exertion

Fartlek running is informal speed work at a comfortably hard or hard pace. It

takes place wherever you are, roads, trails, fields, or hills. Workouts generally last
20 to 30 minutes and are broken into segments that you determine depending on
what you feel like doing. Fartlek runs build endurance and speed and offer variety.
Interval training improves your VDOT maximum and endurance. Intervals are
run at hard effort for 30 seconds to 3 or at most 5 minutes. Sprints repetitions are
very fast running and build power, speed, and endurance and also reinforce good
Getting Faster  |  109

form. Because they are so intense, they should be run at most once a week and
only after drills, leg swings, and a 20-minute warm-up to prevent injury.
Hill repeats are hard or very hard efforts of 30 seconds to three minutes and
should also be limited to once a week at most. They help build strength and speed
and encourage you to practice good form. Strides are hard, not very hard, runs of
20 seconds to one minute that help you focus on form and speed. They are run 20
to 30 minutes before a race or at the end of an easy day of running. Strides can be
run up to three days a week.

Masters and Speed Training

For masters runners, speed training can be more challenging physically, psychologi-
cally, and logistically than for open runners. Unless you are a masters runner who is
new to running, you’re probably running slower times than you were 10 years ago.
That can be disheartening, until you judge your workouts according to age grading.
Finding other masters runners who are able to train at your pace and where and
when you can is not easy.
If you are focusing on speed for the first time, check with your physician first and
be sure you have built a base of 20 miles (32 km) a week. Then consult a coach
in addition to this or other books before incorporating one speed session a week.
After three to four weeks of one speed session you may add a second, allowing
at least two recovery days between them. (While some the open runners I coach
incorporate three speed sessions a week, with the exception of strides, masters
should include no more than two each week.) As an example, if you run intervals
on Tuesday, run fartlek on Friday. Even a few runners in their 70s try to fit in two
speed workouts, cutting out a few easy days of running if they’re tired.

Master’s Method: A Mix of Measures

The method my masters use for speed work is a combination of two measures: the
quantitative, or objective, testing system of monitoring timed distances on the track
and a qualitative, or subjective, testing system of monitoring effort, or perceived
exertion, for units of time you can use on a business trip, in your neighborhood,
in a park, on a trail, or anywhere. My method, which you can alter, suggests two
speed sessions a week with one timed track session and another perceived exertion
session. During particularly hectic weeks, you can skip the track altogether, run-
ning both speed sessions based on perceived exertion, and then, when life settles
down, return to the track to check your progress. The perceived exertion session
gives you control and challenge. Life’s pressures can be overwhelming, making
more than once-a-week track workouts impractical. Also, you may only have one
group workout on a track a week (unlike school, college, or professional runners
who train with a group and coach two to five times a week). As a master, you may
not even have a group, track, or coach. (Or the coach is Mr., Ms., or Mrs. Garmin.)
Speed sessions based on effort allow you to be creative, relieve stress, and offer
flexibility, variety, and fun without the pressure of the track. Current Liberty Athletic
Club president Dru Pratt-Otto achieved her personal best in the 5K at the North
American, Central American and Caribbean World Masters Athletics Champion-
ships with speed sessions at least once a week based on perceived exertion. “It
Runner Profile: Libby James
Date of birth: July 12, 1936
Personal Information
§§ Widow since November 1991
§§ Two sons and two daughters
§§ Six granddaughters and six grandsons ages 8 to 24
§§ Taught in a program for low-income single mothers
for 15 years, also taught sixth grade and com-
munity college
§§ Newspaper and magazine feature writer and editor,
currently reporter for a small monthly newspaper
serving north Fort Collins, Colorado, and the sur-
rounding mountain communities
§§ Hold the doubtful distinction of never having held a
job that offered benefits (but I’m not complaining)
§§ Started focused training at 40

Courtesy of Don Hajicek

Personal Bests at 40 to 49
§§ 5K (road) 21:11 (age 41)
§§ 10K (road) 42:06 (45)
§§ Half marathon 1:32:33 (49)
§§ Marathon 3:24:18 (47)
Personal Bests at 50 to 59
Personal Bests at 70 to 79
§§ 5K (road) 22:10 (58)
§§ 5K (road) 23:30 (75)
§§ 10K (road) 47:10 (58)
§§ 10K (road) 48:54 (72)
§§ Half marathon 1:46:17 (58)
§§ Half marathon 1:45:52 (76)
Personal Bests at 60 to 69 §§ Marathon 4:23 (75)
§§ 5K (road) 23:50 (69)
Age-Graded Personal Bests
§§ 10K (road) 47:53 (64)
§§ 5K (road) 103.24% (23:53 at age 76)
§§ Half marathon 1:50:44 (61)
§§ 10K (road) 100.2% (50:15 at age 75)
§§ Marathon 4:05 (63)
§§ Half marathon 103.75% (1:45:52 at age 76)
§§ Marathon 90.55% (4:23 at age 75)
Cathy Utzschneider: Having started to focus on running and racing at 40, you’ve raced for nearly
four decades now and had your greatest success in your 70s. How do you explain that?
Libby James: It’s a bit of a puzzle. Maybe over time, I’ve learned how to race smarter, to pace myself
better, and to avoid injuries by training fewer miles and mixing it up with biking. I think I pay a bit
more attention to diet as well.
Cathy: How is your training different today, in your late 70s, from what it was in your 40s? Can you
give an example?
Libby: I train fewer miles a week, but run more frequently. My preference is to run every day, though
I end up taking a day off every 10 days or so. My training pace is pretty slow, somewhat under
10-minute miles.

Cathy: You have said that your approach to running is rather informal.
Libby: Yes, I don’t do things like RunKeeper and I don’t use a Garmin. As another example, I don’t go
to the track regularly. I’ll take a half-mile (800 meters) road near my house and run as fast as I can,
nothing planned or formal. I prefer to run from home rather than driving somewhere to run, though
I do that occasionally to run with friends. I don’t do any specific strength training or stretching in a
gym or with a trainer. I do a brief Pilates session at home several times a week. I get some upper-body
workout from doing home maintenance such as putting up storm windows and gardening.
Cathy: How has your motivation changed over the decades?
Libby: I do remember being pretty obsessed during the first few years that I competed. I ran two
marathons every year. I really don’t think my motivation has changed a great deal since those first
few years. I enjoy competition and trying to do my best, but I truly love running just for the joy of it.
I’m so very grateful for the good things that have come my way because of running—the friendships,
opportunities to travel, and the fun of writing a monthly column in our local paper about my favorite
sport. Sharing runs with my children and grandchildren is always a special treat.
Cathy: What has surprised you most about performance and aging?
Libby: I guess I’m surprised and delighted that I can still run. I’m beating some people at races who
wonder what in the world I’m doing there, but most people are supportive and encouraging and say
things like, “I want to be like you when I’m older.”
Cathy: Through the inevitable ups and downs of life, including the death of your husband, how has
running helped you?
Libby: A few days after my husband’s open heart surgery in 1982, I remember getting up at 4:30 a.m.
to do a 19-mile run in the foothills near our home. It must have been my way to release tension. The
morning after he died, nine years later, my brother called and said, “How about a run?” I remember
exactly where we went. I so appreciated that. My husband was a great supporter of my running and
regularly checked the finishing board before I got there. He always encouraged me and never resented
my running time, something I didn’t fully appreciate until many years later. Running has always been
good “thinking time” for me. Maybe that is why I so often run alone.
Cathy: At 40, would you have predicted that you would still be running in your late 70s?
Libby: Probably not. I remember making a plan to quit when I turned 70, but when that day came,
I changed my mind. I was having fun and could find no good reason to stop. I’m thankful, because
the last seven years have been a blast!
Cathy: What has been your experience with injuries?
Libby: In 2004 I was having some knee issues until I spent nine months in Africa where it was so
hot that I regularly ran two miles (3.2 km) and then swam a kilometer every day. No knee troubles
since then. The rest cure, I guess. I did have an Achilles problem that took a full year to get over
completely, but it is fine now. Long ago I pulled a hamstring water skiing that kept me from running
any distance for about six months.
Cathy: Do you plan to run forever?
Libby: I’m not good at planning ahead.
Cathy: What is a sample peak training week for a half marathon these days?
Libby: For me, these days, training for a half marathon includes maintaining my four miles (6.4 km) a
day and getting serious about adding miles—up to 12 (19.3 km)—on my weekend long run. When I
was younger, I figured if I did my regular mileage and made sure I cut my toenails, I was ready to go.

112  |  Mastering Running

takes the pressure and stress out of speed work,” she told me. “For some workouts
focused on a particular time, the experience can be negative if you don’t achieve
that time. PE [perceived exertion] is a wonderful way to relax into effort, to work
on relaxing in the intensity.” Commenting on the fact that speed based on per-
ceived exertion is flexible and within your control, Liberty Athletic Club runner
Pam Linov —told me that “if you are training to a pace it can be frustrating when
you can’t make the splits you usually can due to weather, terrain, or how you feel
on that day. While your literal speed might change from one day to the next, you
can still determine the level of effort. To run a PE of 8 might be slower on a day
when I’m tight, or faster on a day that I’m loose, but it can still be 80 percent of my
effort either way.”

Running Rating of Perceived Exertion

To give masters guidelines for runs based on perceived exertion, I created a
10-point running rating of perceived exertion (RRPE) scale. Unlike Gunnar Borg’s
(1982) 10-point rating of perceived exertion scale, which is based on exertion in
any activity, my scale is based on perceived exertion in running only. Perceived
exertion (PE) reflects your own judgment of how hard you are running based on
heart rate, breathing rate, sweating, and muscle fatigue. Because training based
on PE reflects your judgment, it changes as you age. A pace that you feel is hard
at age 75 is different from a pace you felt was hard at age 40.
Here’s an example of how it works. Say you are asked to run five sets of three
minutes at a hard pace: a PE of 8. After warming up for 20 minutes at a PE of 5,
a pace that you feel is your average conversational pace, run three minutes at a
pace that you feel is hard, your PE of 8. After three minutes, jog for two minutes
at your easy recovery pace, your PE of 3. You have then run your first set. Repeat
that four more times.
10-Point Running Rating of Perceived Exertion Scale
1 = brisk walk
3 = recovery jog between or after intense efforts, run easier than your average
conversational pace
5 = average conversational pace
6 to 7 = plus pace, a little faster than usual
7 to 8.5 = comfortably hard efforts for threshold runs with jog recovery from one
to two minutes
8.5 to 9 = hard efforts for intervals that last from 30 seconds to 3 or at most 5
minutes, interspersed with periods of rest or slow jogging that may last as
long as the effort
9 to 9.8 = very hard efforts (particularly for sprints and occasional hill workouts)
lasting from 20 seconds to two minutes and followed by a walk or slow jog
three or four times as long as the exertion in duration
Getting Faster  |  113

Trusting Perceived Exertion

Runners like numbers, their ultimate and objective rewards. Trusting the effective-
ness of perceived exertion, a subjective measure, takes time to try it out and experi-
ence positive results. Give yourself at least three or four weeks of running perceived
exertion workouts to feel comfortable with them. At first it will be hard to gauge the
difference between your comfortably hard, hard, and very hard paces, for example.
(If you want objective feedback, you can always run perceived exertion workouts
on a track or known distance to check your pace until you develop confidence in
your judgment.) Of course, perceived exertion paces will vary according to how
you feel that day, the terrain, and the weather, for example.
Perceived exertion workouts have comprised at least 50 percent of speed train-
ing for personal bests for many elite open and masters times. Boston College track
and field and cross country assistant coach Tim Ritchie, 26, ran a personal best
marathon at the 2013 Twin Cities Marathon (2:14:50) using perceived exertion as a
major part of his training mix and also during the marathon itself. “The perceived
exertion system is ideal because it removes expectations so you can run freely,”
he recently told me in an e-mail. Perceived exertion workouts have helped Jan
Holmquist, now 70, run her fastest age-graded workouts ever (over 100 percent).
Several of the runners I coach have won national masters age group championships
for 5K and longer, having run speed workouts based only on perceived exertion.
Daniels’ VO2max Charts
Jack Daniels’ VO2max pace charts provide exact times to aim for in speed workouts
or the track. Having used them with runners for the past 20 years, I’ve found them
particularly helpful for intervals when we’re checking for progress and want to
ascertain readiness to run at goal race pace. Daniels’ charts, which appear in the
appendix, have helped thousands of runners.
. Daniels has found that a runner’s time
can determine his or her approximate VO2max. He assigns what he calls a VDOT
number to that time. His charts show a VDOT number that corresponds to times
for many distances, including the mile, 5K, 10K, half marathon, and marathon. Say
you have recently run a 5K in 20:00. Looking at the chart, you’ll find your VDOT is
a 50. (If you feel discouraged scanning the chart, remembering that you used to
run a 5K in 17:20, remember that age grading is more important than actual time.)
Daniels’ charts tell you not only your VDOT, but also exact times that you should
run for different kinds of speed work. So you ran a 5K in 20:00? Daniels’ charts say
you should be running about 8:14 per mile pace for your easy long runs, threshold
1,000s at 4:15, interval 400s at 93 seconds, and repetition 400s at 87 seconds.
The science of Daniels’ pace charts and the art of PE provide a combination
of flexibility, fun, and exactitude. (Other methods for measuring speed are paces
based on a percentage of heart rate, either maximum or working heart rate, and
speed as a percentage of race pace. I don’t use heart rate because it varies person
to person and according to weather, dehydration, blood sugar, and excitement, and
basing speed work on pace requires making mental calculations that sometimes
feel cumbersome.)
114  |  Mastering Running

Table 8.1 explains the different kinds of running as defined by both running rating
of perceived exertion and Jack Daniels’ chart, though some of his definitions have
been adapted for masters runners.

Final Notes on Speed

Intense training should be treated with respect by all runners. Key points to remem-
ber are the following:
§§ Before you begin speed training consult not just your physician, if you have
medical issues, but also a coach. A coach is helpful for beginners and can
help experienced runners maintain perspective (since we often lose that).
§§ Periodize your training, particularly for major races, so you can peak for race
day, and don’t rush speed. I’ll never forget the advice an experienced runner
gave me when I first started running: Be patient.
§§ Speed and recovery (through an easy run or rest) are both important.
§§ Balanced, effective plans include running at different intensities, which chal-
lenge you in different ways.
§§ Use your head as well as your heart. Masters runners often want to do more
speed work than they should.
§§ Speed training is often hard, but fun and rewarding, too. Consider running
fast using perceived exertion. It may take a while to get used to and trust, but
it offers flexibility and a feeling of control. And it has helped runners achieve
world-class age-graded results.
Chapter 9

Getting Stronger
As a masters distance runner, building strength—whether it’s through resistance
training or hill running—will help you run faster. Remember that beginning at about
age 30, most of us lose about 1 percent, or a third of a pound (.15 kg), of muscle
every year. A study of age-related decline in track and field, swimming, rowing,
cycling, triathlon, and weight-lifting performance found the fastest and greatest
decline in weight lifting. Comparing weight-lifting records for masters with the
world best by lifters 30 to 35 years old, the researchers found that weight-lifting
performances dropped to 75 percent of the world best by age 49 in women and by
age 60 in men (Baker and Tang 2010). A stronger body overall—core, upper, and
lower body—not only staves off muscle loss but also improves running economy,
time to exhaustion, stride length and frequency, and neuromuscular coordination.
Finally, stronger muscles reduce your chances of injury.

Weekly Strength Work

There’s no doubt that strength training is essential for masters runners and no
doubt that it’s challenging to schedule. If pressed for time (which most masters are)
and given the choice of either running or strength training, 10 out of 10 runners
from milers to marathoners will choose running over strength training. “Strength
training is hard for a lot of runners,” said Ben Shersten, 35, a marathoner whose

116  |  Mastering Running

personal best is 2:33:48. “We came to running because of the running part, not
getting to lift. Training that is actual running (hills, tempo, intervals, and so on) is
fun; it’s what we signed up for. Even if it’s hard, it’s fun. But weights are different.
They represent the part of training we don’t like, so it’s easy to ignore it. It’s easy to
say we don’t have time for it. For many runners, the same is true for stretching. But
it’s vital. As we get older, we need to support all areas of our bodies. I always tell
people, strength training probably won’t make you faster, but it will keep you from
getting hurt, and if you’re healthy you can run more miles and harder workouts
and that will make you faster,” he recently told me.
This chapter reviews how strength training helps runners, the strength-training
debate about using machines vs. your own body weight, and scheduling so you
can fit strength training into your day. It also outlines two strength-training options.
The first is a 45-minute routine consisting of 13 exercises that use body weight, free
weights, and isometric exercises. The second is the 10 minutes of strength circuit
for which you need only a chair, rock, or bench. The chapter also explains how
to run hills to build strength.

Signs That You Need Strength Training

“I’m running well,” you might think. “How might I know whether strength training
can help my running?” Here are a few signs that you would benefit.
§§ Running up a slight hill affects the rhythm and length of your stride. (All run-
ners feel an increase in effort on a hill, but strong ones are able to maintain
their rhythm.)
§§ You are frequently outkicked in races.
§§ You end long runs at an uncomfortable shuffle because of discomfort in your
thighs and around your knees (stronger quads are needed).
§§ You regularly get hip or leg injuries.
§§ You have an unusual running style, suggesting a muscle imbalance.
§§ You’ve hit a plateau in your running.

Strength-Training Debate
For years experts have debated how athletes should best build strength: whether
with machines or functional strength exercises that use just body weight. Machines
isolate one muscle group working in one plane of motion. Functional exercises
focus on several muscles and require balance and coordination, sometimes mim-
icking specific movements in sport or daily life. Often these exercises work in
several planes of motion. The leg curl machine, for example, focuses on strength-
ening the hamstring alone. On the other hand, the lunge, a functional exercise,
strengthens the gluteal muscles, hamstrings, quadriceps, and hip flexors, requiring
balance and coordination. When you run up a hill you are performing modified
lunges. Machines are considered safer than functional exercises performed with
free weights, although that is mainly true if you are lifting heavy weights without
a spotter present.
Because masters runners find scheduling strength training a greater challenge
than the lifting itself, I recommend functional training because you can do it more
easily at home. This makes it more convenient and flexible and easier to work into
a busy schedule.
Getting Stronger  |  117

Fitting It In
Scheduling strength training can be a challenge, even functional weight training.
Here are suggestions that might help you.
§§ Weight train year-round. It’s good for general health as well as performance,
particularly as you age. Weight training year-round will help it become habit.
§§ A program of strength training for 45 minutes twice a week or at most three
times a week is plenty for masters to peak in distance racing. Allow at least
a day of rest for each muscle group.
§§ To integrate weight training most effectively into training that also includes
speed work, plan your strength training on the days after speed workouts
or later in the same day of a speed workout. For example, if you do speed
work on Tuesdays and Fridays and run long on Sundays, strength train on
Wednesdays and Fridays.
§§ Following are two sample schedules showing how you might balance speed
work and strength training. As always, use your judgment. Are you too tired to
strength train after a long run? Postpone it for another day. Alter the schedule
to your needs.
Strength Schedule: Twice a Week Strength Schedule: Three Times a Week
Monday – Off Monday – Off
Tuesday – Speed work Tuesday – Speed work
Wednesday – Easy run and strength Wednesday – Easy run and strength
train train
Thursday – Easy run Thursday – Easy run
Friday – Speed work Friday – Speed work and
strength train afterward
Saturday – Easy run and strength train Saturday – Easy run
Sunday – Long run Sunday – Long run and strength train

Exercises for Masters Runners:

45-Minute Program
The weight training exercises listed here will strengthen your entire body. Complet-
ing all 13 exercises takes about 45 minutes. (If you have a weakness in a joint or
muscle, such as the knee or hamstring, consult a physical therapist before beginning
a weight-training program.) You can do these exercises at home with free weights.
A few of them, such as the bench press and the bent-over row are best done on
a weight bench. As with any strength-training exercise, if you feel an intense or
sudden unexpected pain in your chest or shoulders, stop immediately. Remember
to exhale on exertions and inhale during the easy part of the lifting or lowering.
The exercises are organized into three types:
§§ A exercises. These require just your body weight: lunge, squat, straight- and
bent-leg donkey kick, push-up, dip with a chair, seated running arms, heel
raise, and toe raise.
118  |  Mastering Running

§§ B exercises. These require free weights: bench press and bent-over row.
§§ C exercises. These do not require visible movement and are also known as
isometric exercises: front and side plank.
For A and B exercises, begin with one set of 12 repetitions. While there is no
absolute rule about when to increase repetitions and sets, my masters runners of
all ages add a second set, or at least half a second set, within two or three weeks of
being able to perform one set of 12 repetitions. While two sets of 12 repetitions with
a one-minute rest between sets are plenty, if you want to add a third set, consider
adding that after you’ve performed two sets for three weeks.
For B exercises, choose a weight you can only lift 12 times. Once you have been
lifting a weight for four to six weeks, add enough weight that you can only do one
set of 10 to 12 repetitions. Continue to progress by adding a few repetitions each
week until you can lift two sets of 12 repetitions. Control the dumbbells during the
lift and recovery, and don’t allow gravity to take over.
For the planks, begin by trying to hold a position once for at least 20 seconds.
Build up to holding each plank three times for one minute, taking up to a minute
of rest between holds. Breathe normally.
Getting Stronger  |  119

A: Body Weight Exercises

1. Stand upright, facing forward. Place your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly
wider. Extend your hands straight out in front of you to help keep your balance.
2. Sit back and down as if you’re sitting into an imaginary chair. Keep your head
facing forward as your upper body bends forward a bit. Rather than allowing your
back to round, let your low back arch slightly as you descend.
3. Lower so your thighs are as parallel to the floor as possible, with your knees over
your ankles. Press your weight back into your heels.
4. Keep your body tight and push through your heels to bring yourself back to the
starting position.
5. You may prefer a single-leg variation as shown in figure c.

b c
120  |  Mastering Running

1. Stand with hands on your hips. Lunge forward on one leg, keeping the front knee
aligned with the foot. Land on the heel first, and then the forefoot.
2. Lower your body by flexing the knee and hip of the front leg until the knee of
the rear leg is almost in contact with floor. Don’t lean forward, and do not allow
the front knee to go in front of that foot’s toes.
3. Return to standing position by forcibly extending the hip and knee of the forward
leg. Repeat with the opposite leg.

Safety tip: If you have knee pain, try taking smaller steps as you lunge
or seek another leg-strengthening exercise.

a b
Getting Stronger  |  121

Straight-Leg Donkey Kick

1. Kneel on all fours.
2. With your foot flexed, extend one leg back so that only the toes touch the floor.
Maintaining that angle, slowly raise your leg as high as you can directly upward.
Keep your torso flat so it doesn’t twist in the direction of the lift.
3. Lower your leg until your toes touch the floor and repeat. Repeat on the opposite

122  |  Mastering Running

Bent-Leg Donkey Kick

1. Kneel on all fours, with your hands directly below your shoulders and your arms
2. Bend one knee to 90 degrees. Maintaining that angle, slowly raise your leg as
high as you can directly upward. Keep your torso flat so it doesn’t twist in the
direction of the lift.
3. Lower your leg until your thigh is parallel with the floor and repeat. Repeat on
the opposite leg.

Getting Stronger  |  123

Push-Up (Full or Bent Knee)

1. Assume a prone position on the floor, with palms on the floor, approximately
shoulder-width apart. Extend your thumbs toward each other. For full push-ups,
support your weight on your hands and the balls of your feet. For bent-knee
push-ups support your body weight on your hands and knees. Make a straight
line from your head to your heels. This is the beginning and the ending position
of a single push-up.
2. Without swaying your hips, raise yourself with your arms by pushing away from
the ground. Continue the push until your arms are straight but not locked. Think
of keeping your body in a straight line from your head to your ankles so your rear
end, head, and neck don’t sag.
3. Slowly lower your body to the ground until your elbows form a 90-degree angle.
Keep your elbows close to your body and your nose pointed at the floor. Draw a
breath as you lower yourself.

Safety tip: If you find yourself shaking slightly or dropping your hips,
the exercise may be too difficult for you. The wider your arms are apart,
the easier it is.

124  |  Mastering Running

Chair Dip
1. Sit on the edge of a chair with your hands on the edge and close to your sides.
Place your feet together with your legs straight in front of you.
2. With your heels on the floor and your hands on the chair’s edge, lower yourself
toward the floor until your elbows form a 90-degree angle.
3. Slowly raise yourself so your arms are straight. Your arms and not your legs do
the work.

Getting Stronger  |  125

Seated Running Arms

1. Sit on the ground with your legs extended straight in front of you. Bend your
elbows to 90 degrees.
2. Drive your arms back and forth vigorously as if you are running. Keep your elbows
close to your body. As they swing back and forth, your hands should pass just
above the level of the ground.

126  |  Mastering Running

One- or Two-Leg Heel Raise

1. Stand on a box or step with your weight on the balls of the feet. You may also
do this exercise on one leg, putting all your weight on one foot.
2. Raise your heels as high as you can, then lower your heels back down to starting

a b

Toe Raise
1. Sit on a chair with your knees
bent and feet on the floor.
With a towel holding a light
weight just on top of your toes,
lift your toes and forefoot of
either one or both feet off the
ground, keeping your heels on
the ground.
2. Return to the starting position.
3. Switch feet.
Getting Stronger  |  127

B: Free Weight Exercises

Bench Press
1. Lie back on the bench and use your thighs to help you push the dumbbells up to
your chest. Straighten your arms over your chest (keeping a slight bend in elbows),
palms facing forward. Keep your feet flat on the floor and your back in a neutral
position (no more than a slight arch).
2. Lower the dumbbells by bending your elbows out to the sides until they are just
below your shoulders and your biceps are parallel with the ground.
3. Press the dumbbells back up, bringing them close together at the top but not
touching, and angled slightly inward. Keep a slight bend in your elbows so they
don’t lock.

128  |  Mastering Running

Bent-Over Row
1. Kneeling over the end of a bench, place the right knee and right hand on the
bench for support. Your back should be parallel to the floor. Position the left
foot on the ground and slightly back. The left hand should hang straight down,
perpendicular to your body. Grasp a dumbbell in the left hand.
2. Keeping your torso horizontal—and without rotating it—pull the dumbbell up to
your side until it is parallel with your rib area or until the upper arm is just beyond
horizontal. Keep your elbow in and pointed up.
3. Extend the arm and stretch the shoulder downward. Repeat the exercise on the
other arm.

Getting Stronger  |  129

C: Isometric Exercises
Front Plank
1. Lie facedown on a mat, resting your forearms on the mat. Keep legs straight and
together with the toes on the floor. Keep your eyes focused on the floor.
2. Raise your body and hold it in a straight line.

130  |  Mastering Running

Side Plank
1. Lie on your side on a mat, resting the lower forearm on the mat under you and
perpendicular to your body. Your top arm should be parallel to your torso with
your elbow bent with your hand at your waist. Place your upper leg directly on
top of your lower leg and straighten your knees and hips.
2. Raise the body by straightening your waist so the body is rigid from head to toes.
Hold this position. Repeat on the other side. (You can also begin performing the
side plank with your legs bent at the knees. Support yourself on your forearm
and knee instead of forearm and feet.)

Runner Profile: Sheri Piers
Date of birth: May 15, 1971
Personal Information
§§ Nurse practitioner
§§ Divorced, now lives with boyfriend
§§ Three children: Conner, 12; Noah, 11; Karley, 9
§§ Started focused training at age 35
Personal Bests
§§ 5K (road) 16: 46 (41)
§§ 10K (road) 34:17 (38)
§§ Half marathon 1:14:16 (41)

§§ Marathon 2:36:59 (41)
Age-Graded Personal Bests
§§ 5K (road) 92.07% (16:46 at age 41)
§§ 10K (road) 92.02% (34:23 at age 41)
§§ Half marathon 93.12% (1:14:16 at age 41)
§§ Marathon 91.43% (2:36:59 at age 41)
Cathy Utzschneider: How did you get into training and competition?
Sheri Piers: I ran cross country and track throughout high school (Westbrook High) and was actually
a state champion my junior year and runner-up my sophomore and senior years. Because of pressure
I put on myself to succeed during that time, I decided to play basketball (my first love) in college. I
participated all four years at Saint Joseph’s College. However, I continued running three to five miles
(5-8 km) daily for exercise and peace of mind. Later, I got married and had three children, each 18
months apart. I continued running for peace of mind and entered a few fun local races as my children
grew older. In 2005, I attended a local turkey trot in Cape Elizabeth where I met my current training
partner Kristin Barry. Although she was a few years younger and attended South Portland High, she
remembered me and the success of our high school team. We talked about running and racing and
in May of 2006 we attended the Freihofer’s 5K. Then we began training together and racing. It was
her idea to try and qualify for the Olympic Trials in the marathon for 2008. The training began and
it hasn’t stopped!
Cathy: How do you explain your success?
Sheri: Success is difficult to define. I am very driven (to a fault I would say) and goal oriented. I have
individual goals that I have never shared with anyone. I don’t or won’t ever feel success until I am
able to check them off as complete. They motivate me to be the best I know I can and want to be.
I put in whatever needs to be done to succeed. If I have to get up at 2:30 a.m. to run or work out,
then that’s what I do. I want to be the best at everything I do. I want to win. For me, winning doesn’t
mean crossing the finish line first. It’s checking off my own individual goals.
Meeting Kristin has been the best thing that has ever happened. As we train together and race
against each other, it doesn’t matter who wins. You can feel successful in running through training
and seeing your partner perform well.
Cathy: How often do you race?
Sheri: I typically have three goal races for which I taper throughout the year. Other races are just
stepping stones to get to the goal race. Some races are “workouts,” and some I race full throttle but
are typically on tired legs. My three goal races are usually a spring marathon (usually Boston), Beach
to Beacon, and a fall marathon (the Medtronics Twin Cities Marathon the last few years). During the
Olympic Trial years there were a couple extra marathons squeezed in.

Sheri Piers (continued)

Cathy: What is your most memorable win and why?

Sheri: My most memorable race was the 2007 Philadelphia Marathon when Kristin and I qualified
for the 2008 Olympic Trials. We ran the entire thing together and finished in 2:45:37. I will never
forget how happy we both were and the happiness lasted for more than a day. Typically, if I race
well, I am happy for a very short period because my mind starts drifting to the file of “reach goals.”
I have attainable goals and then, of course, “reach” goals that are a little more difficult to attain.
Cathy: In a peak training week for a marathon, what is your mileage and how much weekly speed
work do you do?
Sheri: Marathon peak weekly training has been anywhere from 120 to 130 miles (193-209 km) for
five to seven weeks. Recently my peak mileage has been 100 to 110 miles (161-177 km) per week.
Speed work usually consists of two days a week followed by a weekly long run.
Cathy: What is the greatest challenge as a masters runner?
Sheri: My greatest challenge is to stay focused on masters runners. Most of the races I attend include
most of the best runners in the country, young and old. I constantly say to myself, focus on your
own age group and let the young group go. When you’re as competitive as I am, it’s tough to settle.
Cathy: What has been the greatest surprise?
Sheri: When I started running competitively again I didn’t realize that I would be competing with
some the greatest runners in the country or the world for that matter.
Cathy: Have you had injuries and how have you dealt with them?
Sheri: I have been extremely blessed to have never been injured. A lot of that has to do with my
mind-set. I don’t have the time to be injured, and I believe positive thoughts will always bring positive
outcomes. In marathon training I walk the fine line between injury and just fatigue, but I believe I have
worked so hard that it just can’t happen. I also believe that never taking a break from running helps.
Even after a marathon, though I take a break from speed workouts, my running itself never stops. I
take maybe one day off. When I look back at my logs, I have more than one year in which I have had
one or two days off in a calendar year. I believe if I stop, I won’t get started again!
Cathy: What advice do you have for other masters?
Sheri: Age is only a number. You can run at any age. Everyone can create his or her own destiny by
creating goals for themselves. I have been blessed to have attained some of my goals. Anyone who
attains his or her goal is a winner. A PR (personal record) is a PR. It doesn’t matter how old you are,
and it doesn’t matter if it’s by a minute or half a second. Keep running if your body allows. It’s an
amazing sport with amazing outcomes. Success will come if you put everything you’ve got into the
preparation phase (the training): You will always get out what you put into something.
Cathy: What is a sample training week?
Sheri: This was what I did the week of March 5 (six weeks out from Boston).
March 5 – a.m. 16 miles (26 km), p.m. 4 miles (6.4 km)
March 6 – a.m. 11 miles (17.7 km), p.m. 4 miles (6.4 km)
March 7 (quality day) – a.m. 3-mile (4.8 km) warm-up, 4 × 3-mile (4.8 km) tempo, with 4
minutes between sets at 6:40 pace, (6:00, 5:56, 5:52) (5:56, 5:52, 5:49) (5:52, 5:49, 5:46)
(5:46, 5:39, 5:36), 2-mile (3.2 km) cool-down, total 18 miles (29 km); p.m. 6 miles (9.6 km)
March 8 –14 miles (22 km)
March 9 – a.m. 8 miles (13 km), p.m. 5 miles (8 km)
March 10 (quality day) – 6-mile (9.6 km) warm-up, 12-mile (19 km) cutdown (3 miles [4.8 km]
at 6:20 pace, 3 miles at 6:05, 3 miles at 6:00, 3 miles at 5:50)
March 11 – 10 miles (16 km) easy
Total for the week: 120 miles (193 km)

Getting Stronger  |  133

10 Minutes of Strength Circuit

Whoa, you might think. There’s no way I’m fitting in all those exercises in addi-
tion to running, at least not now at this stage in my life. Then try the 10 minutes of
strength circuit. It’s simple. Cut 10 minutes off your run four to six times a week and
perform each of the following exercises for the length of time indicated:
1. Squat – 1 minute
2. Lunge – 2 minutes (1 minute leading with each leg)
3. Bent-leg donkey kick – 1 minute (working each leg for 30 seconds)
4. Straight-leg donkey kick – 1 minute (working each leg for 30 seconds)
5. Front plank – 1 minute
6. Side plank – 1 minute (on each side for 30 seconds)
7. Push-up – 1 minute
8. Dip with a bench or chair – 1 minute
9. Seated running arms – 1 minute
“I’ve added this quick 10-minute strength circuit to my training. No matter how
busy my day is, I know I can always find 10 minutes to do something positive for
myself,” said Mary Kate Shea, one of the Liberty Athletic Club runners. A mother of
four whose full-time work in sports sponsorship involves frequent travel (including
trips to the Olympics, major world marathons, and the World Championships) and
who has also run the past 17 Boston Marathons as a qualifier. “Whether I add the
circuit after a run or fit it into a rest day, it’s an immediate and tangible activity that
makes me feel stronger while also providing me confidence that I can achieve the
big goals,” she told me recently.

Hill Running
Hills are runners’ friends, as long as you treat them with respect and as long as
you don’t have calf or Achilles injuries. Running hills is the best way to combine
getting stronger with practicing good form. They are nature’s form of plyometrics,
exercises that involve jumping to exert maximum force quickly for increased speed
and power. Hill running improves not just speed and endurance (by increasing
leg strength and turnover) but also ankle flexibility. Ultimately, running on hills
improves your ability to shift gears in races. Hill running also offers the variety of
a different venue for training and prepares you for cross country and hill racing.

Running hills—up and down them—requires correct running form, and hills offer
an excellent opportunity to practice it. Because all runners tend to get tired and
lose their form on hills, it is helpful to focus on form when you’re running on them.
Running Uphill
§§ Lean into the hill from your hips, with your head and chest up. The steeper
the hill the more you should lean forward (see figure 9.1).
134  |  Mastering Running

§§ Shorten your stride and lift your

knees. Push your legs off and up
the hill rather than into it. Drive off
your back foot and think of spring-
ing up the hill.
§§ If you think of running on eggshells
without breaking them or on hot
coals, you’ll keep your contact
time as short as possible.
§§ Pump your arms but do not exag-
gerate the action. Keep your hands
§§ Look straight ahead and visualize
the top of the hill as being about
20 meters above where it is to help
maintain your pace. Figure 9.1  When running uphill, pump
§§ Maintain the same breathing rate as your arms and look straight ahead.
you would on level ground.
Running Downhill
§§ Look down the hill, not at your feet.
Let gravity pull you down the hill
(see figure 9.2).
§§ Try to maintain an upright body
posture, keeping your torso per-
pendicular to the horizontal.
§§ Emphasize quicker turnover rather
than longer strides, though they
will be slightly longer than normal.
Running downhill increases leg
turnover and speed.
§§ Think of running on eggshells or
hot coals.
§§ Try to land on the middle of your
Figure 9.2  When running downhill,
foot, not on your heels. Maintain a
keep your body posture upright and your
bend in your knee when landing to head up.
absorb the shock and think about
landing lightly.
§§ Control your arms to maintain bal-
ance. Don’t throw them around.
You can gain the benefits of hill training by doing one hill session per week for
five to seven weeks. You can do hill training in place of speed training or a track
Getting Stronger  |  135

workout in the strengthening and sharpening phases of race preparation. You can
choose one of these types of hill workouts:
§§ Hill repeats are strenuous efforts of 10 seconds to three minutes on a moder-
ate hill (4 to 5 percent grade) at a perceived exertion of 8.5 to 9.8 (hard or
very hard; see chapter 8). Given masters runners’ increased susceptibility to
calf or Achilles injuries, avoid repeats on steep hills (8 to 10 percent grade).
§§ Hill fartlek consists of informal runs at a perceived exertion of 7.0 to 8.5 (com-
fortably hard to hard) on gradual hills (2 to 3 percent grade).

Six-Week Progression for Hill Repeats

As noted earlier, it’s safest for masters to run hill repeats on gradual or moderate
hills to avoid calf or Achilles tendon strains. A warm-up of at least 15 minutes with
a few 20-second strides and dynamic stretching before the repeats help prevent
injury as well. Hill repeats run at a running rating of perceived exertion (RRPE)
of 8.5 should total no more than 5 percent of your weekly mileage and allow for
recoveries at least equal in length to your efforts. Take more time if you need it. Hill
repeats run at a RRPE of 9.5 (very hard) build your anaerobic capacity and muscle
strength, although I don’t recommend more than six 10-second repeats with jog
recoveries of 1 minute or more. You can also judge when you’re ready for the next
repeat by your heart rate. Generally speaking, if your heart rate is at 120 beats per
minute or lower, you are ready for the next hill repeat.
Following is a six-week progression for hill repeats run at a hard, not at a very
hard, perceived exertion.
Week 1: 8 × 30 seconds
Week 2: 6 × 45 seconds, 4 × 30 seconds
Week 3: 6 × 45 seconds, 6 × 30 seconds
Week 4: 3 × 1 minute, 4 × 45 seconds, 4 × 30 seconds
Week 5: 4 × 1 minute, 4 × 45 seconds, 4 × 30 seconds
Week 6: 5 × 1 minute, 4 × 45 seconds, 4 × 30 seconds

Six-Week Progression for Hill Fartlek

As an alternative to hill repeats, you may prefer running hill fartleks. First, find a
course with frequent rolling hills. Then, after a 20-minute easy run warm-up, when
you find a moderate uphill, pick up the pace to an RRPE of 7.5 (comfortably hard).
When you choose to ease up, whether it’s after 30 seconds or 3 minutes, begin
running easy again. Take as much recovery as you need before the next effort on
the next gradual hill. Table 9.1 suggests approximate minutes of hill fartleks based
on mileage of 20, 30, and 40 miles (32, 48, 64 km) a week. (Don’t worry if you
lose track of the exact number of fartlek minutes.) Because these runs combine
hills with comfortably hard efforts, limit them to no more than 8 percent of your
weekly mileage.
136  |  Mastering Running

Table 9.1  Approximate Minutes of Hill Fartlek

Weekly mileage 20 30 40
Week 1 8-10 10-12 14-16
Week 2 8-10 10-12 14-16
Week 3 10-12 12-14 16-18
Week 4 10-12 12-14 16-18
Week 5 12-14 14-16 18-20
Week 6 12-14 14-16 18-20

Building strength is an important component of masters training, and you can

build and maintain strength in various ways. As one example, a few of my run-
ners combine the 10 minutes of strength circuit with an Ashtanga (power) yoga
practice twice a week. When you plan your hill sessions, choose different hills to
run. The best training plan that combines strength training and hill running is the
one you actually do, one that fits your unique schedule. Whatever keeps you moti-
vated works, whether that’s lifting weights during the news hour or your favorite
television series, lifting with a friend, or changing your routine every three to six
months for variety.
Part III

Training Programs
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Chapter 10

Back to Basics
The best runners—like the best in any field—go back to basics. Before focusing
on training plans for specific race distances such as the mile or the 5K (chapter
11), the 10K or half marathon (chapter 12), or the marathon (chapter 13), you can
gain a greater understanding of your own running times and of the training plans
by reviewing the fundamentals of masters performance, advantageous attitudes,
guidelines for training, and characteristics of the plans.

Masters Performance:
Doing Your Best as a Runner
While age grading—the best measure of masters performance—puts your results
in a universal perspective, knowing when your times will increase with aging is
impossible. Decline through the decades is hard to predict; it’s more individual than
growth. “Why am I suddenly getting slower?” one runner might ask at 47, having
raced at the same pace for the past four years, and then, plunk! Another 47-year-
old runner with a similar history may slow gradually. Although I’ve coached and
researched performance of masters runners of all levels for more than 20 years—
and watched runners of all ages continuously compete for several decades—I
can’t predict when a runner’s times will slow down. Masters performance depends

140  |  Mastering Running

on several factors besides chronological age, which varies widely from the 30s to
50s to 70s and up. It also depends on variables that are hard to quantify: genetics
(your parents), physiology, the process of aging, the culture and environment, and
training load, including cumulative mileage. No simple formula determines per-
formance. Some world champions have parents who were smokers or sedentary.
The contribution of genetics to performance is tough to pinpoint.
Also, the process of aging is individual and difficult to predict. Biological aging,
determined by changes in physiology and the physical structure of the body, is
different from chronological aging, the number of years a person has lived. For
example, take two women as they age from 62 to 65. During this period, both age
three years, but one feels the onset of arthritis while the other does not. Just as
runners make sudden improvements through training, signs of decline may be
unpredictable as well. It is heartening to note, however, that since I began masters
running in 1995 at 40, I’ve learned that masters runners can handle a greater volume
of speed work than I thought back then. (As an example, when I started at age 40
training for the mile, one interval workout in a strengthening phase might consist
of six to eight 200-meter repeats, up to one mile of speed. Today I give some milers
of the same age and level three times that workload.)
Furthermore, masters runners have diverse training histories. Take two 55-year-
olds. One may have been running competitively since his teens while the other may
have taken up running two years ago. The former has the advantage of experience,
while the latter has the advantage of fresh legs. Many who have been running for
decades speak about tired or stale legs.
With so many variables, genetics included, our best performance years in age-
graded terms and most appropriate mileage vary widely. Joan Benoit Samuelson
has been running superbly for almost four decades. Some others are not so for-
tunate. I’ve coached several runners who ran the Olympic Trials in their 20s and
now in their mid-40s are unable to compete, mainly because of injury. Although
some masters runners race as often as every other weekend (or more frequently),
picking just a few main competitions each year—and a few training races along the
way—increases the chances of preserving the body for a longer running lifespan.
It’s also impossible to prescribe the most appropriate mileage for maximizing race
performance by age groups. Aging and running history vary. Runners in their 60s
who train for 25 miles (40 km), 35 miles (56 km), and 50 miles (80 km) a week for
a 5K may run times similar to those of runners in their 40s who train for 45 miles
(72 km), 55 miles (88 km), and 70 miles (113 km) for a marathon. Clearly this rep-
resents a wide range of mileage.

Five Advantageous Attitudes

While it is impossible to say that one training plan fits all masters runners (or
runners of any age, for that matter), adopting an advantageous attitude can help
any runner. The following five general attitudes will help ensure your success as
a masters runner.
1. Reframe once a year or at least every few years. If you refresh your run-
ning annually with new running goals, training venues, and training partners
Performance Running and Aging:
Michael J. Joyner, MD
The physiology and performance of elite
aging runners, including world record hold-
ers, is a major area of interest of physician
and researcher Michael J. Joyner, MD. An
anesthesiologist and the Frank R. and Shari
Caywood Professor of Anesthesiology at the \INSE
Mayo Clinic and consultant to the National
Institutes of Health and NASA, Dr. Joyner is Joyne
one of the world’s leading experts on human 10.1,
performance and exercise physiology. He was
named a Distinguished Investigator by the Mayo

Courtesy of Teri Joyner

Clinic in 2010. Dr. Joyner knows running, having
been a member of his college track team at the
University of Arizona, a 2:25 marathoner, and
a triathlete.
Cathy Utzschneider: In 1993 you wrote an
article called the “Physiological Limiting Factors
and Distance Running: Influence of Gender and
Age on Record Performances” in which you studied race results of 10,000-meter runners to
marathoners over 40, analyzing world age group records and performance records from USA
Road Running rankings, Track & Field News, and Runner’s World. That was 20 years ago and
I’d like to address some of the same questions you raised then to get an update on the answers.
Mastering Running focuses on training for the mile to the marathon. Related to different dis-
tances, how do you summarize the difference between age-related decline in a sprint, like the
400 meters, and the mile, the 10K, and the marathon? Should runners expect more decline in
sprint or endurance events, and if it’s one or the other, why?
Michael J. Joyner, MD: The first thing that everyone has to realize is that there are a lot
more competitive opportunities from 5K up in distance running. This is primarily because
there are just so many more road races than track races. However, when you look at the really
elite times, there are a limited number of sprinters who have continued to run fast over many
years. One person who comes to mind is Bill Collins. To do well in masters distance running
you have to do some higher-intensity training. To do well at distances of a mile or less you
have to do hardcore speed work and for whatever reason fewer people continue to do this
type of training as they age. An interesting contrast is with swimming where almost all of the
training is interval based and you don’t have the pounding factor associated with running. In
general sprint times for elite older swimmers are pretty fast. The key in running is how to train
hard and fast and avoid injury.
Cathy: What is the difference in decline in performance between men and women?
Dr. Joyner: For the top male performances it is about 6 percent per decade until people are
in their 70s, and there are some impressive outliers in their 70s. For women it looked like the
decline was more dramatic, but as the “girls of Title IX” age and become the women of Title
IX, the rates of decline are looking pretty similar. I expect a wave of women’s records in the


Michael J. Joyner, MD (continued)

60-plus age groups in the coming 10 to 15 years. Joan Benoit is a good example of a person
on the leading edge of this trend. Joani, as she is popularly called, was a gold medalist in the
1984 women’s Olympic marathon, the first marathon for women ever in the Olympics. She
has continued to compete and in 2011 at age 53 participated again in the Boston Marathon,
placing first in her age group (women 50 to 54) and completing the course in 2:51:29.
Cathy: Is the decline in performance consistent or does it drop in certain decades? Do you
know why that decline stays fairly constant for years and then drops suddenly?
Dr. Joyner: The decline in records is pretty constant into the 70s. However, estimating the
decline using records means that you are using snapshots of gifted people at times when they
were very fit. When runners are considered over many decades, only a very few people are
close to 6 percent, and for most people it is more like 8 to 10 percent per decade. My guess is
that there are different factors for different runners. People may develop other interests, they
may have an injury and never bounce back after the injury, the motivation to push it every day
might change, and weight gain is always a challenge. Things might change for us all at some
point in our 70s and certainly in our 80s. For people in these age groups, the basic biology of
maintaining muscle mass becomes a challenge even for the most motivated person.
Cathy: Can men and women do anything specific to offset that decline? Are specific kinds of
speed work for distance runners more valuable? Do you recommend threshold workouts over
sprint workouts, for example?
Dr. Joyner: There are a couple of studies and all sorts of anecdotal reports. For men, the
studies show that people who keep their intensity up with traditional longer (3- to 5-minute)
intervals and speed work (fast 200s) seem to lose the least over time. Total volume is not
that critical. There is less information for women, but examples like Kathy Martin, who has
set multiple American and world records in her 40s and 50s (see profile in chapter 12) would
suggest that the same principles apply. The other key is to keep your lean muscle mass up,
watch what you eat, and avoid weight gain.
Cathy: If you were 30 and planning a career as a masters runner, would you start focusing
on shorter or longer events?
Dr. Joyner: I would try to keep my 3K (2 miles) and 5K times. as fast as I could. To do your best
at these distances you have to train in a way that keeps your VO2max at its upper limit.. Running
economy (efficiency) and the lactate threshold seem to change less with aging than VO2max. I
think this is also a general principle for all distance runners who stay fast at the shorter races
and then do enough mileage to prepare for the longer races. People forget that 1972 Olympic
marathon champion Frank Shorter used to compete in a number of indoor two-mile races and
was in fact very good at distances from two miles up.
Cathy: Knowing what you know and being a masters athlete yourself, how do you maintain
your performance?
Dr. Joyner: I mostly do Olympic distance triathlons now. I was born in 1958. I had some
hamstring problems in the late 1990s and switched almost exclusively to swimming for about
10 years. Now I am running, cycling, and swimming. Essentially, I do 5 × four-minute intervals
on the trainer followed by 20 minutes of minute-on, minute-off running two or three times
per week. On alternate days I swim 1,000 to 2,000 meters and do a lot of push-ups, dips, and
burpees. On the weekends I might do a bit more, and one or two days a week I do some active
rest which might be 30 minutes of spinning. My focus is mostly about health and keeping my

Back to Basics  |  143

exercise capacity and lean muscle mass high. As I have gotten older our family has made a
concerted effort to get the junk food (chips, soft drinks, sweets) out of the house.
Cathy: What has helped you maintain motivation?
Dr. Joyner: I probably have exercised an average of 360 days per year or more since the late
1970s. Motivation has never been an issue for me. I get it done first thing in the morning before
the day catches up with me. I also try to plan my life so that the healthy choice is the default
choice and save the decision making for other things. When I was younger my motivation had
a major competitive element. Now it is more about being fit and robust as I age. The data are
pretty clear that physical activity, watching your weight, eating a healthy diet, never smoking,
and not drinking too much are the keys to healthy aging. Almost everyone knows of a “crazy”
aunt or uncle who is in their 80s and fit enough to instigate with the teenagers at family events.
My goal is to be the crazy uncle.

and practices, you’ll reenergize your training for better results, variety, and
more fun. How about the steeplechase, a mountain run, or a trail race, for
example? Find different running routes. If you haven’t already, why not add
pool running, biking, or yoga or try an elliptical bike, for example?
Reframing each year can help training feel like a new game. Some of my
runners give new training years names like Mountain Year to help them focus.
One of my runners in her 60s, Leni Webber, has been training seriously since
age 49. Reframing each year has helped her improve her training so that more
than 15 years after starting running she is more competitive than ever. While
her age-graded race result percentages used to be in the low 70s, they are
now in the 80s. In 2013, her 16th year of training, she reframed by gradually
adding hill repeats, trail runs, and twice-a-week workouts on an Arc Trainer
into her training mix. “Tweaking my training to reach a new level is my focus
and it’s more fun,” she told me. “It’s amazing how little changes can make a
big difference in your results.” Her name for this year is the Tweaking Year.
2. Plan your race year ahead, to a reasonable degree, given everything
going on in your life. Who doesn’t have many obligations to family, friends,
work, and community, who depend on you to support their priorities? My
runners like the big picture calendar, found in chapter 7, because they can
note all their obligations in one place and plan around it.
3. Be flexible. Don’t worry if your best-laid plans are interrupted. They’re rarely
followed exactly. Life happens. Unexpected work obligations postpone a long
run. You feel a slight pain so you decide to take off a few days.
4. Trust your body. No matter what an expert or plan suggests, if you’re feeling
dog tired or not up to it, trust your judgment. If a plan calls for a nine-mile (14
km) run on a Saturday, and you are not feeling well, don’t do it. Dump the
guilties and pick up the plan on Sunday. Don’t try to make up for lost mileage.
5. Be patient. If you are patient, your best times will come to you. Impatience
can lead to disappointment or injury.
144  |  Mastering Running

Guidelines for Masters Training

The following training guidelines form the foundation of plans from the mile to
the marathon. They address specific elements such as speed and weight training.
1. Although there is an inevitable decline in performance over the decades, a
combination of both volume and intensity can significantly slow that decline.
It’s possible for the best runners in their 40s and even 50s to compete with
the best open runners.
2. Incorporating intensity each week into your . running—at a minimum of
threshold level or at 85 percent or more of VO2max—is a better recipe for
improved performance than running more easy miles.
3. If you have gained weight or been inactive or are ill, expect a decline in per-
formance until you are healthy again and have lost the weight and resumed
4. Focus on building muscle with some form of strength training, particularly
after age 40. Many age group champions find the 10 minutes of strength rou-
tine, mentioned in chapter 9, sufficient to maintain muscle mass.
5. Rest and be consistent in your training. While my plans suggest taking off just
one day before a race, if you’re in your 50s or older, consider taking off two
days before a race. Many masters over 50 have run personal bests after taking
off two days. Consistency generally leads to more focused training over time.
You get to know what works and what doesn’t.
6. Consider decreasing your weekly mileage every 5 to 10 years if you are con-
sistently feeling tired. (If you are a vegetarian, and even if you are not, ask
your physician to check your blood chemistry, including your ferritin, hema-
tocrit, and hemoglobin levels. If those are low, you may have iron deficiency
anemia.) Many runners decrease their weekly mileage as they age. A runner
who ran 60 to 70 miles (97-113 km) a week when in the 30s may run 45 to 60
miles (72-97 km) in the 40s, 35 to 50 miles (56-80 km) in the 50s, 20 to 50 miles
(32-80 km) in the 60s, and 15 to 35 miles (24-56 km) or less in the 70s. Those
ranges are of course broad; everyone is different. Many successful runners
also decrease their number of weekly running days as they age, particularly
in their 60s and older. Running three or four days a week is enough for some
in their 70s and older. They lift weights, cross-train, or rest on alternate days.
By contrast, some runners in their 70s run six or seven days a week.

My Training Plans
My training plans for all distances, mile through the marathon, are based on prin-
ciples of training and tried-and-true strategies. While there are many excellent train-
ing plans, these have worked well for beginner to elite masters runners. The plans
reflect a combination of art and science and are similar in the following respects:
§§ To accommodate the diversity of masters ages, levels, and running back-
grounds, they are based on three common mileage bases: 20, 30, and 40 miles
(32, 48, 64 km) a week. (If you’re not running 20 miles yet, you can build to
Back to Basics  |  145

that by following the eight-week plan suggested in chapter 8.)

§§ Most all the training plans are divided into endurance, strengthening, sharpen-
ing, and tapering phases. The only exception is the mile plan for those with a
40-mile (64-km) base that starts with a strengthening phase because there’s
no need for runners to build more endurance.
§§ Mileage does not increase weekly by more than 10 percent, give or take a
mile or two, and there are occasional cutback weeks to allow for recovery.
§§ Generally, weeks include one longish run and after the endurance phase, two
speed workouts a week (strides do . not count as speed workouts), one track
workout based on Jack Daniels’ VO2max charts, and a second off-track work-
out based on perceived exertion. I schedule at least two easy days between
speed workouts. I’ve also introduced plus-pace running both on easy days and
after sprints or repetitions because it adds variety and interest, encourages
focus on form and pace, and increases the pace of easy runs.
§§ While my plans recommend running six days a week, if you run only four
days—and therefore less mileage—cut out two easy days, leaving two speed
workouts, one long run, and one easy day. You won’t build up to the same
weekly mileage, but you will be in your best shape to race the distance.
§§ All the plans recommend at least one race midway through the schedule
to give you a chance to see your progress and learn from race experience.
If you like to race more frequently, feel free to substitute a race for a speed
workout. In general, unless you can run a race as a workout and not as a
peak performance, I don’t recommend racing a mile more than once every
two weeks, a 5K more than once every three weeks, a 10K more than once
a month, a half marathon more than once every six weeks, and a marathon
more than once every three months. To repeat, those are generalizations.
§§ These plans are guidelines that you can adjust to your own needs. Your sched-
ule most likely varies more than that of runners on school or professional
teams. (I suggest mileage for each day rather than recommend a weekly
total because, more often than not, people want specific suggestions.) If you
feel stressed or if you’ve been feeling rundown, take a day or several days
off, cross-train, or repeat an earlier week. Depending on your recent train-
ing, you can begin a plan in the middle of it. If you are not close to a track,
exchange a track workout for equivalent intervals or repeats on the roads or
level trails instead. Use your VDOT number to find the time you should run
for an interval or repetition. Then run that amount of time plus five seconds at
the corresponding intensity. If, for example, your VDOT is 48 and training calls
for four 800-meter intervals, instead of running them in 3:12 on the track, run
for 3:17 on the roads, allowing yourself up to 3:17 for an easy jog or brisk walk
recovery because intervals call for a 1:1 exertion-to-recovery ratio. Using the
treadmill chart, you can also do your running on a treadmill. See the tread-
mill pace conversion chart in the appendix. The point is, you are in control.
§§ Warm-ups and cool-downs are essential, particularly on days with speed
work. On those days warm up and cool down for at least 10 to 15 minutes at
a perceived exertion of 5.
146  |  Mastering Running

Reading the Plans

As you read the plans, you may want to review chapters 6, 8, and 9 to refresh your
understanding of stretching, types of training, and strengthening. A key that appears
below each plan reminds you of different recovery lengths for different kinds of runs.
One main difference between the plans for your goal race is their length: while
the mile and 5K plans both last 8 weeks, the plans for the 10K, half marathon, and
marathon last 10 weeks, 12 weeks, and 16 weeks respectively. Once again, if you
are already training and have been racing regularly, you don’t have to begin the
plan at week one. As an example, you may want to cut the first two weeks of a plan
and begin with the third week.

A Few What Ifs?

What if, for example, you want to add more miles? You can add an early-morning
or late afternoon run for a double on one or two days a week. Or maybe you know
you can handle running seven days a week.
What if, on the other hand, you find yourself too tired to run six days a week?
Cross-train at least one day a week: swim, bicycle, work out on the elliptical, or
row. Just allow the same amount of time for cross-training that you would spend
running that day. If the plan calls for five miles (8 km) of running that takes 50
minutes, combine rowing with cycling so your total activity lasts for 50 minutes. An
excellent day for cross-training is generally Wednesdays, the day after the Tuesday
speed workout.
Perspective, perspective, perspective. I could repeat that again. You can’t get
enough of it. Having returned to the basics and reviewed the fundamentals of
masters performance, advantageous attitudes, guidelines for training, and char-
acteristics of the plans, you are in the driver’s seat. Peruse the next chapters. What
event are you considering?
Chapter 11

Mile and 5K
In this and the next two chapters, you’ll find training plans. This chapter is focused
on plans for the middle-distance races, the mile (1,609 meters) and the 5K. They
offer challenges different from the longer distances. You’re not going to run out of
endurance if you’ve trained at least moderately. “Running at the edge” refers to the
experience during both the mile and the 5K. Joe Navas, 43, has run 14 marathons
and has a personal best of 2:33:18 at 40. He has run close to 100 5Ks and has a
personal best of 15:29 at 41. He has run the mile just twice, including the New Bal-
ance Indoor Grand Prix masters mile, where he ran 4:33 at 40. For Joe, the mile is
the most difficult, tougher than the marathon. “With the mile you go beyond the
edge,” he told me. “It’s this desperate speed, no matter how fast you’re running,
you feel as if you can’t possibly keep that and you’re trying to go faster at the same
time. With the 5K it’s a balance of going close to the edge. In both races, though,
you may risk running too fast too soon.”

Runner Profile: Brian Pilcher
Date of birth: August 23, 1956
Personal Information
§§ Earned an MBA in 1979 from Tuck School
of Business at Dartmouth University

Courtesy of Dave Waco, Editor, Tamalpa Gazette

§§ Served as options market maker on the
floor of the Pacific Options Exchange
§§ Worked on Wall Street as a Co-CEO of
Nomura’s Commercial Real Estate Finance
§§ Married with three children
§§ Started focused training at age 50
Personal Bests and Age-Graded
§§ 5K (road) 15:46 (52)
§§ 5K (road) 94.5% (16:24 at age 56)
§§ 10K (road) 97.12% (32:56 at age 55)
§§ 10 mile (road) 96.16% (54:42 at age 55)
§§ Half marathon 95.98% (1:12:52 at age 55)
§§ Marathon 94.22% (2:34:57 at age 55)
Cathy Utzschneider: How did you get into training and competition?
Brian Pilcher: I had run some in high school. I started running again when I was 50 and my
youngest went out for cross country and I ran once with the team. Then I raced three weeks
later and found out about masters competition in the Pacific Association. I have always been
more about racing than just running.
Cathy: How do you explain your success?
Brian: My success comes from 1) good genetics, particularly lean muscles and virtually no
calves, 2) fresh legs from not running until I was 50, and 3) aging well compared to my peers.
Cathy: How often do you race?
Brian: I run 20 to 25 races a year.
Cathy: What is your most memorable win and why?
Brian: I care more about times than wins. My best race was the 32:56 10K because it is on
my local course and I was able to go out fast and keep it going even with some wind. The
next best race was the 10 mile (16 km) in 54:42. Both were just real good times, and I felt like
I got all I could get out of myself.
Cathy: In a peak training week for a marathon, what is your mileage and how much weekly
speed work do you do?
Brian: 80 to 90 miles (129-145 km). When I am training for a marathon I do three or four × 2
miles (3.2 km) at 5:27 to 5:30 pace only once a week. I might have another workout that would
include doing something like this: 8 miles (13 km) easy, 1 mile (1.6 km) tempo pace (5:32), 2
miles (3.2 km) marathon pace (5:50), 1 mile tempo pace, 2 miles marathon pace, 1 easy, for a
total of 15 miles (24 km). When I do track once a week, I am probably doing a 3-mile (4.8 km)

Mile and 5K  |  149

warm-up, 4 to 6 miles (6.4-9.6 km) of work, depending on whether it is shorter stuff or miles,
and a 3-mile cool-down.
Cathy: What is the greatest challenge as a masters runner?
Brian: Staying healthy. There is always something going on and it is tough deciding when to
let injuries heal and when to keep running.
Cathy: What has been the greatest surprise?
Brian: I thought I could be this good. The surprise was that I actually got the chance to do it.
Cathy: Have you had injuries and how have you dealt with them?
Brian: My biggest injury was my hips in 2010. I was told that I had a torn labrum and had
lost all my cartilage in the left hip. I found a doctor who did arthroscopic surgery on both hips,
and I was going up two stairs at a time a day or so after surgery. I still had knee tendinitis that
kept me out for the rest of 2010.
Cathy: What advice do you have for other masters?
Brian: A race is the best workout.
Cathy: What is a sample training week?
Sunday: long run
Monday: easy or elliptiGO
Tuesday: track: 5 × 1,200, 3 × 400, 6 ×200
Wednesday: 10-12 miles (16-19 km)
Thursday: 10-12 miles
Friday: 3 × 2 mile at threshold pace
Saturday: 10-12 miles

The gold standard of track events, the mile is considered the shortest of the middle-
distance indoor events. (The 800 meters or half mile is usually considered the longest
sprint.) The mile is generally featured at indoor events on the track in the United
States and outdoors on the roads, while its cousin, the 1,500 meters—just about 109
meters shy of the mile—is featured at outdoor track meets in the United States and
at indoor and outdoor track meets in Europe and in world masters championships.
The mile and 1,500 are so similar that you can follow the same plans for either. No
matter how fast you run the mile, more than 50 percent of the energy required is
aerobic—more than from anaerobic energy pathways, so you need not only strength
and speed but also considerable aerobic endurance. Training for the mile therefore
requires strength, speed, and endurance.
Why run the mile? Why not? First, with age grading, you’re never too old for the
mile. You may be in your 50s, 60s, or 70s and it’s never too late to run your fast-
est mile time. One of the Liberty Athletic Club runners, Mary Harada, set a world
record in the mile in her age group at 70 and 75, running her fastest age-graded
150  |  Mastering Running

mile times ever. While a distance runner in earlier decades, she had never set a
world record before. If you’re a sprinter, you can use your speed to help you in the
mile and also work on your endurance as well. If you’re a distance runner, racing
the mile or 1,500 meters will help you to improve your ability to handle speed in
the 5K, 10K, half marathon, and even marathon. The mile is getting more popular
with masters who run the distance on the track or on the roads. If you’re a begin-
ner, you can find many mile races with 5- and 10-year age divisions for masters.
Why not see what you can do? You might surprise yourself, and no time is too slow.
You’re out there and in the game.
If you’re an elite masters runner, you can find mile and 1,500-meter races at
state, regional, national, and international masters track and field championships,
including state and national senior games. The Hartshorne Memorial Masters Mile
at Cornell University, held each year in January, attracts top-caliber masters. In 2013,
the top 10 male masters competitors, age 40 to 52, finished under 5:00, clocking

Mile Training From a 20-Mile (32 km) Base*

Phase Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Endurance 1 Off 3 miles**, 5 × 30-sec strides (PE 8.5) 3 miles easy*** 2-4 miles easy

Endurance 2 Off 4 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 3 miles easy 3-5 miles easy
(PE 8.5)
Strengthening 3 Off 5 miles, 6 or 7 × 400 meter intervals 4 miles easy 2-4 miles easy
(PE 8.5-9)
Strengthening 4 5 miles, 6 or 7 × 400 4 miles easy 4 miles, 5 × 30-sec 3-5 miles easy
meters intervals strides (PE 8.5)
(PE 8.5-9)
Strengthening 5 Off 4 miles easy 4 miles easy 3-5 miles, 5 × 20-sec
strides (PE 8.5)
Sharpening 6 Off 4 miles, 2 × 800 meters plus 4 × 400 4 miles easy 2-4 miles easy
meters (PE 8.5-9)
Sharpening 7 Off 4 miles, 2 sets: 800, 400, 200 meter 3 miles easy 2-4 miles easy
intervals (PE 8.5 to 9), 3-5 min
between sets
Tapering 8 5 miles, 4-6 × 200- 3 miles easy 3 miles easy 2-4 miles, 5 × 30-sec
meter reps (PE 9.5) strides (PE 8.5)
* Use a site such as to calculate metric conversions.
** Daily mileage totals include recommended speed work.
*** All easy running should be done at a PE of 5.
Mile and 5K  |  151

times from 4:23:39 to 4:55.31. The top 10 women masters, age 44 to 55, finished in
5:17:55 to 6:03:68. The top age-graded performances were scored by a man and
woman, not in their 40s or 50s, but their 60s: Nolan Shaheed, 63, ran 5:07:54, for
an age-graded time of 92.41 percent (the equivalent of running a 4:00 open mile)
and Coreen Steinbach, 61, ran 6:15:73, for an age-graded time of 92.5 percent (the
equivalent of running a 4:32 open mile).
I suggest that before you start the training plan, you run the mile on a track,
if possible, as fast as you can, to obtain a baseline time. You can then find your
VDOT on Jack Daniels’ charts in the appendix for the paces at which you should
run for track intervals and repetitions in the strengthening, sharpening, and taper-
ing training phases. You’ll also notice that a 5K race is recommended at the end
of the fourth week. While a 5K will feel long compared to a mile, it will help you
build endurance, making you feel a mile is short. If you can’t find a race, you can
time yourself for one to three miles (1.6-4.8 km) just to check on your progress.

Friday Saturday Sunday Total weekly mileage

4 miles, 6 × 2 min plus pace 3 miles easy 5 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 20-22 miles
(PE 6.5) (PE 8.5)
4 miles, 5 × 3 min plus pace (PE 4 miles easy 6 miles 23-25 miles
5 miles, 10-12 min of hill fartlek 3 miles easy 7 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 26-28 miles
(PE 7.5) (PE 8.5)
3 miles easy Off 5K race, 7 miles total 26-28 miles

4 miles easy 7 miles, 5 × 4-min cruise 4 miles easy 26-28 miles

intervals (PE 7.5)
5 miles, 8 × 30-sec hill repeats 4 miles easy 7 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 26-28 miles
(PE 8.5) (PE 8.5)
3 miles, 5 × 30-sec sprints 3 miles easy 7 miles 22-24 miles
(PE 9.5)

3 miles easy Off Mile race 16-18 miles before race

Length of easy jog or walk recovery: Hill repeats: equal the effort (PE of 8.5 to 9) or up to four times the
Cruise intervals: one to two minutes effort (PE of 9 to 9.8)
Intervals: one-third to equal the interval Fartlek, including hill fartlek: one to four minutes
Repetitions and sprints: up to five times length of the repetition Strides: equal the effort
Mile Training From a 30-Mile (48 km) Base*
Phase Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Endurance 1 Off 5 miles**, 5 × 30-sec strides 5 miles easy*** 4-6 miles easy
(PE 8.5)
Endurance 2 Off 5 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 5 miles easy 4-6 miles easy
(PE 8.5)
Strengthening 3 Off 5 miles, 2 × 800 meter, 4-6 × 5 miles easy 4-6 miles easy
400 meter intervals (PE 8.5)
Strengthening 4 6 miles, 4 or 5 × 800 meter 6 miles easy 5 miles easy 4-6 miles, 5 × 30-sec
intervals sprints (PE 9.5)
(PE 8.5- 9)
Strengthening 5 Off 5 miles easy 5 miles easy 4-6 miles, 5 × 30-sec
strides (PE 8.5)
Sharpening 6 Off 5 miles, 3 × 800 meter, 4 or 5 × 4 miles easy 3-5 miles easy
400 meter intervals (PE 8.5-9)

Sharpening 7 Off 4 miles, 2-3 sets: 2 × 400 meter, 4 miles easy 3-5 miles easy
4 × 200 meter intervals (PE 8.5-
9), 3-5 min between sets
Tapering 8 4 miles 2 sets: 600, 400, 200 4 miles easy 4 miles, 4-6 × 200-meter 3-5 miles easy
meter intervals (PE 8.5-9), reps (PE 9.5)
3-5 min between sets
* Use a site such as to calculate metric conversions.
** Daily mileage totals include recommended speed work.
*** All easy running should be done at a PE of 5.

Mile Training From a 40-Mile (64 km) Base*

Phase Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Strengthening 1 Off 6 miles**, 4 × 800 meter, 2-6 × 6 miles easy*** 5-7 miles easy
200 meter intervals (PE 8.5)
Strengthening 2 Off 6 miles, 5 or 6 × 800 meter inter- 6 miles easy 5-7 miles easy
vals (PE 8.5)
Strengthening 3 Off 6 miles, 3 or 4 sets: 600, 400, 6 miles easy 5-7 miles easy
200 meter intervals (PE 8.5-9),
3-5 min between sets
Strengthening 4 6 miles, 6-8 × 400 meter 6 miles easy 6 miles easy 5-7 miles, 5 × 30-sec
intervals (PE 8.5-9) sprints (PE 9.5)
Sharpening 5 Off 5 miles easy 8 miles easy 4-6 miles, 5 × 30-sec
strides (PE 8.5)
Sharpening 6 Off 5 miles, 4 × 800 meter, 4-6 × 7 miles easy 4-6 miles easy
400 meter intervals (PE 8.5-9)

Sharpening 7 Off 5 miles, 4 sets: 600, 400, 200 7 miles easy 4-6 miles easy
meter intervals (PE 8.5-9)
Tapering 8 5 miles, 6 × 400 meter 5 miles easy 4 miles, 5 or 6 × 200- 3-5 miles easy
intervals (PE 8.5-9) meter reps (PE 9.5)
* Use a site such as to calculate metric conversions.
** Daily mileage totals include recommended speed work.
*** All easy running should be done at a PE of 5.

Friday Saturday Sunday Total weekly mileage
5 miles, 7 × 2 min plus pace 5 miles easy 7 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 31-33 miles
(PE 6.5) (PE 8.5)
6 miles easy, 6 × 3 min plus pace 5 miles easy 8 miles 33-35 miles
(PE 6.5)
6 miles, 14-16 min of hill fartlek 5 miles easy 8 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 33-35 miles
(PE 7.5) (PE 8.5)
c 4 miles easy Off 5K race, 8 miles total 33-35 miles

c 4 miles easy 8 miles, 6-7 × 4-min cruise 5 miles easy 33-35 miles
intervals (PE 7.5)
4 miles, 4 × 45-sec, 2 × 30-sec hill 3 miles easy 8 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 31-33 miles
repeats (PE 8.5), 2 × 10-sec hill (PE 8.5)
repeats (PE 9.5)
4 miles, 3 × 400-meter reps plus 2 4 miles easy 8 miles 31-33 miles
× 200-meter reps (PE 9.5)

3 miles easy Mile race 18-20 miles before


Length of easy jog or walk recovery: Hill repeats: equal the effort (PE of 8.5 to 9) or up to four times the
Cruise intervals: one to two minutes effort (PE of 9 to 9.8)
Intervals: one-third to equal the interval Fartlek, including hill fartlek: one to four minutes
Repetitions and sprints: up to five times the length of the repetition Strides: equal the effort

Friday Saturday Sunday Total weekly mileage

7 miles, 7-8 × 4-min cruise intervals 6 miles easy 8 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 38-40 miles
(PE 7.5) (PE 8.5)
7 miles, 16-18 min of hill fartlek 5 miles easy 9 miles easy 38-40 miles
(PE 7.5)
7 miles, 18- to 20-min. hill fartlek 5 miles easy 9 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 38-40 miles
(PE 7.5) (PE 8.5)

6 miles easy Off 5K race, 9 miles total 38-40 miles

6 miles easy 9 mile, 8 or 9 × 4-min 6 miles easy 38-40 miles

cruise intervals (PE 7.5)
5 miles, 4 × 45-sec, 2 × 30-sec hill 6 miles easy 9 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 36-38 miles
repeats (PE 8.5), 2 × 10-sec hill repeats (PE 8.5)
(PE 9.5)
5 miles, 4 × 400-meter reps (PE 9.5), 5 5 miles easy 8 miles 34-36 miles
× 5 min plus pace (PE 6.5)
3 miles easy Mile race 20-22 miles before race

Length of easy jog or walk recovery: Hill repeats: equal the effort (PE of 8.5 to 9) or up to four times
Cruise intervals: one to two minutes the effort (PE of 9 times 9.8)
Intervals: one-third to equal the interval Fartlek, including hill fartlek: one to four minutes
Repetitions and sprints: up to five times the length of the repetition Strides: equal the effort

154  |  Mastering Running

The 5K is run on the roads. When it is run on the track, mostly outdoors, it is des-
ignated as a 5,000-meter run. One of the most popular race distances today, you
can find a 5K almost every weekend not too far from you. Most races have 5- or
at least 10-year age divisions. The popularity of the 5K means that you can follow
your progress easily. State, regional, national, and international track meets offer
competitive 5,000 meters for masters only. Several well-known road 5K races offer
elite masters divisions. These include the Freihofers 5K race for women, held in
early June each year in Albany, New York, and the Carlsbad 5000, held in April
most years. The top Carlsbad male and female masters finishers in 2012 were two
outstanding runners, Kevin Castille, who ran the course in 14:57, and Dorota Gruca,
who ran the course in 16:58.

5K Training From a 20-Mile (32 km) Base*

Phase Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Endurance 1 Off 4 miles**, 5 × 30-sec strides 3 miles easy*** 2-4 miles easy
(PE 8.5)
Endurance 2 Off 4 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 3 miles easy 2-4 miles easy
(PE 8.5)

Strengthening 3 Off 4 miles, 6 or 7 × 400 meter inter- 4 miles easy 2-4 miles easy
vals (PE 8.5)
Strengthening 4 4 miles easy 5 miles, 4 × 45-sec, 4 × 30-sec 4 miles easy 2-4 miles, 5 × 30-sec
hill repeats (PE 8.5) strides (PE 8.5)
Strengthening 5 Off 3 miles easy 4 miles easy 2-4 miles, 5 × 30-sec
strides (PE 8.5)
Sharpening 6 Off 4 miles, 3 × 800 meter intervals 4 miles easy 2-4 miles easy
(PE 8.5 to 9), 3 or 4 × 200 meter
repetitions (PE 9-9.8)
Sharpening 7 Off 4 miles easy, 2 × 800, 2 × 400, 2 3 miles easy 2-4 miles easy
× 200 meter intervals (PE 8.5)
Tapering 8 5 miles easy 3 miles, 4 × 200-meter reps 3 miles easy 2-4 miles, 5 × 30-sec
(PE 9.5) strides (PE 8.5)
* Use a site such as to calculate metric conversions.
** Daily mileage totals include recommended speed work.
*** All easy running should be done at a PE of 5.
Mile and 5K  |  155

As mentioned, the 5K programs are 8 weeks long, whether based on weekly

mileage of 20, 30, or 40 miles (32, 48, 64 km). The endurance phase is two weeks,
the strengthening phase three weeks, the sharpening phase two weeks, and the
tapering phase one week. You’ll see that over those weeks are suggestions for two
5K to 8K training races on the way to your goal race: one at the end of the fourth
and the other at the end of the eighth week. A 5K competition can help you practice
racing for your goal event, and a longer race of 5 miles (8 km) can help build your
race endurance, making your ultimate 5K race feel short.
As with the mile, time yourself over a 5K before beginning training so you have
a baseline.

Friday Saturday Sunday Total weekly mileage

4 miles, 6 × 2 min plus pace (PE 6.5) 3 miles easy 5 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 21-23 miles
(PE 8.5)
5 miles, one set: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 min 3 miles easy 6 miles easy 23-25 miles
plus pace (PE 6.5), with a 1-min jog
5 miles, 4 or 5 × 5-min cruise intervals 4 miles easy 7 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 26-28 miles
(PE 7.5) (PE 8.5)
4 miles easy Off 5K to 5-mile race, 7 miles 26-28 miles
4 miles easy 5 miles, 12-14 min of hill 8 miles easy 26-28 miles
fartlek (PE 7.5)
5 miles, 4 or 5 × 5-min cruise intervals 3 miles easy 8 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 26-28 miles
(PE 7.5) (PE 8.5)

4 miles, 5 × 30-sec sprints (PE 9.5) 3 miles easy 7 miles easy 23-25 miles

3 miles easy Off 5K race 16-18 miles before race

Length of easy jog or walk recovery: Hill repeats: equal the effort (PE of 8.5 to 9) or up to four times
Cruise intervals: one to two minutes the effort (PE of 9 to 9.8)
Intervals: one-third to equal the interval Fartlek, including hill fartlek: one to four minutes
Repetitions and sprints: up to five times the length of the repetition Strides: equal the effort
5K Training From a 30-Mile (48 km) Base*
Phase Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Endurance 1 Off 5 miles**, 6 × 30-sec strides 6 miles easy*** 3-5 miles easy
(PE 8.5)
Endurance 2 Off 6 miles, 6 × 30-sec strides 5 miles easy 4-6 miles easy
(PE 8.5)
Strengthening 3 Off 6 miles, 8 × 400 meter intervals 5 miles easy 5-7 miles easy
(PE 8.5)
Strengthening 4 6 miles easy 6 miles, 4 × 45-sec, 5 × 30-sec 7 miles easy 4-6 miles, 6 × 30-sec
hill repeats (PE 8.5) strides (PE 8.5)
Strengthening 5 Off 6 miles easy 5 miles easy 5-7 miles, 5 × 30-sec
strides (PE 8.5)
Sharpening 6 Off 6 miles, 2 or 3 × 800 and 400 5 miles easy 5-7 miles easy
meter intervals (PE 8.5 to 9), 3 or
4 × 200 meter repetitions (PE 9.5)
Sharpening 7 Off 6 miles easy, 5 × 1,000 meter 5 miles easy 4-6 miles easy
cruise intervals (PE 7.5)
Tapering 8 4 miles easy 4 miles, 1 set: 400 meters, 3 × 4 miles easy 3-5 miles, 5 × 30-sec
200 meter repetitions (PE 9.5) strides (PE 8.5)
* Use a site such as to calculate metric conversions.
** Daily mileage totals include recommended speed work.
*** All easy running should be done at a PE of 5.

5K Training From a 40-Mile (64 km) Base*

Phase Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Endurance 1 Off 7 miles**, 5 × 30-sec strides 6 miles easy*** 5-7 miles easy
(PE 8.5)
Endurance 2 Off 7 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 7 miles easy 6-8 miles easy
(PE 8.5)
Strengthening 3 Off 7 miles, 2 × 800 meters, 4 × 400 7 miles easy 6-8 miles easy
meter intervals (PE 8.5)
Strengthening 4 7 miles easy 7 miles, 4 × 45-sec, 6 × 30-sec 6 miles easy 5-7 miles, 5 × 30-sec
hill repeats (PE 8.5) strides (PE 8.5)
Strengthening 5 Off 7 miles easy 8 miles easy 5-7 miles, 5 × 30-sec
strides (PE 8.5)
Sharpening 6 Off 6 miles, 6 or 7 × 5-min cruise 7 miles easy 5-7 miles easy
intervals (PE 7.5)

Sharpening 7 Off 6 miles easy, 5 or 6 × 800 meters 5 miles easy 4-6 miles easy
(PE 7.5)
Tapering 8 4 miles easy 5 miles, 1 × 400 meters, 3 × 200 4 miles easy 4-6 miles, 5 × 30-sec
meter repetitions (PE 9.5) strides (PE 8.5)
* Use a site such as to calculate metric conversions.
** Daily mileage totals include recommended speed work.
*** All easy running should be done at a PE of 5.

Friday Saturday Sunday Total weekly mileage
5 miles, 7 × 2 min plus pace 5 miles easy 7 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 31-33 miles
(PE 6.5) (PE 8.5)
6 miles, 8 or 9 × 2 min plus pace 6 miles easy 7 miles 34-36 miles
(PE 6.5)
6 miles, 5 or 6 × 5-min cruise 6 miles easy 8 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 36-38 miles
intervals (PE 7.5) (PE 8.5)
5 miles easy Off 5K to 5-mile race, 8 miles 36-38 miles
6 miles easy 6 miles, 14-16 min of hill 8 miles easy 36-38 miles
fartlek (PE 7.5)
6 miles, 5 or 6 × 5-min cruise inter- 6 miles easy 8 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 36-38 miles
vals (PE 7.5) (PE 8.5)

5 miles, 5 × 30-sec sprints 5 miles easy 8 miles easy 33-35 miles

(PE 9.5)
3 miles easy Off 5K race 18-20 miles before race

Length of easy jog or walk recovery: Hill repeats: equal the effort (PE of 8.5 to 9) or up to four times the
Cruise intervals: one to two minutes easy jog effort (PE of 9 to 9.8)
Intervals: one-third to equal the interval Fartlek, including hill fartlek: one to four minutes
Repetitions and sprints: up to five times the length of the repetition Strides: equal the effort

Friday Saturday Sunday Total weekly mileage

7 miles, 10 × 2 min at plus pace 6 miles easy 9 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 40-42 miles
(PE 6.5) (PE 8.5)
7 miles 12 × 2 min at plus pace 7 miles easy 9 miles 43-45 miles
(PE 6.5)
7 miles, 6 or 7 × 5-min cruise inter- 7 miles easy 9 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 43-45 miles
vals (PE 7.5) (PE 8.5)
5 miles easy Off 5K to 5 mile race, 8 miles 38-40 miles
7 miles easy 7 miles, 16-18 min of hill 9 miles easy 43-45 miles
fartlek (PE 7.5)
6 miles, 4 × 45-sec, 2 × 30-sec hill 7 miles easy 9 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 40-42 miles
repeats (PE 8.5), 4 × 10-sec hill (PE 8.5)
repeats (PE 9.5)
5 miles, 7 × 30-sec sprints 6 miles easy 9 miles easy 36-38 miles
(PE 9.5)
3 miles easy Off 5K race 20-22 miles before race

Length of easy jog or walk recovery: Hill repeats: equal the effort (PE of 8.5 to 9) or up to four times the
Cruise intervals: one to two minutes easy jog effort (PE of 9 to 9.8)
Intervals: one-third to equal the interval Fartlek, including hill fartlek: one to four minutes
Repetitions and sprints: up to five times the length of the repetition Strides: equal the effort

158  |  Mastering Running

One Last Thought

Because the mile and 5K are relatively short distances, whether you are a begin-
ner or experienced runner, you don’t need as many weeks to train for them. And
it’s easier to jump in a mile or 5K than it is a 10K or longer race. The more you run
them, the better you’ll race them. There’s hardly a weekend in most areas when
you can’t find at least a local, casual 5K event for your first race ever or to use as
a tune-up for a 10K, half-marathon, or marathon. You can also use it to replace a
workout if you missed a track session during the week, enjoy a weekend event with
your kids, run off your Thanksgiving dinner, or raise money for a charity.
Chapter 12

10K and Half Marathon

As with the mile and 5K, three plans are outlined for the 10K and half marathon,
based on a foundation of 20, 30, and 40 miles (32, 48, 64 km). As you look through
both the 10K and the half marathon programs, keep in mind that they are guidelines.
No one plan fits all. For example, the number of ideal training miles for a particular
distance varies with the runner. A 10K runner of mine who logs 35 miles (56 km)
a week may run the same time as another who logs 55 miles (88 km) a week. As
with the mile and 5K plans, a day of rest once a week is built into every plan. In the
first phase, the endurance phase, running is almost all easy with the exception of
30-second strides run at a comfortably hard pace and plus-pace running. It takes
a while to get used to running at a plus pace, a pace just a tiny bit faster than your
usual pace. The tendency is to run too hard. Resist that temptation.
You may be surprised that the weekly mileage, expressed as ranges, is not a
great deal higher for the 10K and half marathon than it is for the mile and 5K. The
training plans in this chapter show how little weekly mileage increases in prepara-
tion for longer race distances. As an example, the plan for someone who runs a
base of 30 miles (48 km) a week peaks for the half marathon at 46 miles (74 km) a
week compared to 42 miles (68 km) for the 10K, 38 miles (61 km) for the 5K, and
35 miles (56 km) for the mile.
Weekly mileage is just one component of building. The long run is another. For
example, whereas the long run for the mile for runners beginning from a 30-mile (48

160  |  Mastering Running

km) base builds to 8 miles (13 km), the long runs for the 5K, 10K, and half marathon
plans build to 9, 10, and 14 miles (15, 16, 22 km) respectively. Speed workouts and
tempo runs increase in length. A moderate increase in overall mileage along with
an increase in the long run of the week, increased speed work, strength training,
and a day of rest (with the exception of two weeks in the half marathon plan for
those with a 40-mile [64 km] base) allow for the building and recovery needed
for best performance. Some masters runners log unnecessary junk miles that hurt
rather than help performance. A few longitudinal studies of masters athletes have
shown that in general better performance with aging occurs through a combina-
tion of volume and intensity than through too many easy miles. Some rest keeps
your legs springy!

The 10K is a great option for masters, whether you’re moving up from the 5K or 5
mile (8K) distance or down from the 10 mile (16 km) or half marathon. The lon-
gest standard racing distance on the track for the Olympic Games (referred to as
the 10,000 meters when it’s run on the track), the 10K is a very popular road race
distance, although it is also contested on the track at some masters meets.

10K Training From a 20-Mile (32 km) Base*

Phase Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Endurance 1 Off 4 miles**, 5 × 30-sec strides (PE 8.5) 3 miles easy*** 2-4 miles easy

Endurance 2 Off 3 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides (PE 8.5) 3 miles easy 2-4 miles easy

Endurance 3 Off 4 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides (PE 8.5) 4 miles easy 2-4 miles easy

Strengthening 4 Off 5 miles, 2 × 800, 3 or 4 × 400 meter intervals 4 miles easy 2-4 miles easy
(PE 8.5)
Strengthening 5 6 miles easy 4 miles easy, 4 × 45-sec, 4 × 30-sec hill repeats 4 miles easy 3-5 miles, 5 × 30-sec
(PE 8.5) strides (PE 8.5)
Strengthening 6 Off 4 miles easy 4 miles easy 4-6 miles easy

Strengthening 7 Off 5 miles easy, 25-30 min tempo run (PE 7.5) 4 miles easy 3-5 miles easy

Sharpening 8 Off 4 miles, 4 × 45-sec, 2 × 30-sec hill repeats (PE 3 miles easy 3-5 miles easy
8.5), 2 × 10-sec hill repeats (PE 9.5)
Sharpening 9 Off 5 miles, 4 × 5-min cruise intervals (PE 7.5) 3 miles easy 2-4 miles easy

Tapering 10 4 miles easy 4 miles, 6 × 200-meter reps (PE 9.5) 4 miles easy 3-5 miles, 5 × 30-sec
strides (PE 8.5)
* Use a site such as to calculate metric conversions.
** Daily mileage totals include recommended speed work.
*** All easy running should be done at a PE of 5.
10K and Half Marathon  |  161

Among the 10 largest U.S. races in 2012 were four 10Ks. The Peachtree Road Race
in Atlanta, Georgia, was largest, with 50,918 finishers. The other most popular 10Ks
in 2012 were the Bolder Boulder 10K in Boulder, Colorado; the Cooper River Bridge
Run in Charleston, South Carolina; and the Monument Avenue 10K in Richmond,
Virginia. If you compete in a national masters 10K road race championship, awards
are given not only to individuals and teams based on absolute results but also to
individuals based on age grading. Of the 186 entrants in the 2013 U.S. national 10K
road race championships held in Dedham, MA, Liberty Athletic Club runner Jan
Holmquist, 68, placed first in the age grading, covering the distance in 46:06 for
an age-graded percentage of 95.87 percent.
The 10K plans that follow are 10 weeks long, with a 3-week endurance phase,
4-week strengthening phase, 2-week sharpening phase, and a week of tapering. A
5K race is suggested for the end of week five.

Friday Saturday Sunday Total weekly mileage

4 miles, 6 × 2 min plus pace (PE 6.5) 3 miles easy 5 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 21-23 miles
(PE 8.5)
5 miles, 1 set: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 min plus pace 3 miles easy 6 miles easy 23-25 miles
(PE 6.5)
5 miles, 8 × 2 min plus pace (PE 6.5) 4 miles easy 7 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 26-28 miles
(PE 8.5)
5 miles easy, 5 × 5-min cruise intervals 4 miles easy 8 miles easy 28-30 miles
(PE 7.5)
3 miles easy Off 5K race, 8 miles total 28-30 miles

4 miles easy 5 miles, 3 × 800 meters, 4 × 9 miles easy 30-32 miles

400 meter intervals (PE 8.5)
4 miles, 1 set: 400, 800, 1,200. 800, 400 5 miles easy 9 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 30-32 miles
meter intervals (PE 8.5-9) (PE 8.5)
5 miles, 2 × 1,000 meter, 2 × 800 meter, 2 4 miles easy 9 miles easy 28-30 miles
× 400 meter intervals (PE 8.5-9)
4 miles easy, 3 × 400-meter reps 4 miles easy 8 miles easy, 5 × 30-sec 26-28 miles
(PE 9.5), 2 × 5-min plus pace (PE 6.5) strides (PE 8.5)
3 miles easy Off 10K race 18-20 miles before race

Length of easy jog or walk recovery: Hill repeats: equal the effort (PE of 8.5 to 9) or up to four times the
Cruise intervals: one to two minutes effort (PE of 9 to 9.8)
Intervals: one-third to equal the interval Fartlek, including hill fartlek: one to four minutes
Repetitions and sprints: up to five times the length of the repetition Strides: equal the effort
10K Training From a 30-Mile (48 km) Base*
Phase Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Endurance 1 Off 6 miles**, 5 × 30-sec strides (PE 8.5) 4 miles easy*** 4-6 miles easy

Endurance 2 Off 6 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides, (PE 8.5) 5 miles easy 5-7 miles easy
Endurance 3 Off 6 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides (PE 8.5) 5 miles easy 5-7 miles easy

Strengthening 4 Off 7 miles, 4 × 800 meter, 2-4 × 400 meter inter- 6 miles easy 4-6 miles easy
vals (PE 8.5)
Strengthening 5 7 miles easy 6 miles, 4 × 45-sec, 5 × 30-sec hill repeats 6 miles easy 5-7 miles, 5 × 30-sec
(PE 8.5) strides (PE 8.5)
Strengthening 6 Off 7 miles easy 6 miles easy 4-6 miles easy

Strengthening 7 Off 7 miles easy, 30-35 min tempo run (PE 7.5) 6 miles easy 4-6 miles easy

Sharpening 8 Off 6 miles, 3 × 1-min, 4 × 30-sec hill repeats 5 miles easy 4-6 miles easy
(PE 8.5), 2-4 × 10-sec hill repeats (PE 9.5)
Sharpening 9 Off 7 miles, 4 × 6-min cruise intervals (PE 7.5) 5 miles easy 4-6 miles easy

Tapering 10 4 miles easy 4 miles, 6 or 7 × 200-meter reps (PE 9.5) 5 miles easy 4-6 miles, 5 × 30-sec
strides (PE 8.5)
* Use a site such as to calculate metric conversions.
** Daily mileage totals include recommended speed work.
*** All easy running should be done at a PE of 5.

10K Training From a 40-Mile (64 km) Base*

Phase Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Endurance 1 Off 7 miles**, 5 × 30-sec strides (PE 8.5) 8 miles easy*** 5-7 miles easy

Endurance 2 Off 7 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides (PE 8.5) 9 miles easy 5-7 miles easy
Endurance 3 Off 7 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides (PE 8.5) 9 miles easy 5-7 miles easy

Strengthening 4 Off 7 miles, 4 × 800 meters, 2-4 × 400 meters 7 miles easy 5-7 miles easy
(PE 8.5-9)
Strengthening 5 7 miles easy 7 miles, 4 × 45-sec, 5 × 30-sec hills (PE 8.5) 8 miles easy 6-8 miles, 5 × 30-sec
strides (PE 8.5)
Strengthening 6 Off 8 miles easy 7 miles easy 6-8 miles easy

Strengthening 7 Off 7 miles easy, 35-40 min tempo run (PE 7.5) 7 miles easy 5-7 miles easy

Sharpening 8 Off 7 miles, 4 × 1-min, 4 × 30-sec hill repeats 5 miles easy 5-7 miles easy
(PE 8.5), 2-4 × 10-sec hill repeats (PE 9.5)
Sharpening 9 Off 8 miles, 5 × 6-min cruise intervals (PE 7.5) 5 miles easy 4-6 miles easy

Tapering 10 4 miles easy 4 miles, 6 or 7 × 200-meter reps (PE 9.5) 5 miles easy 4-6 miles, 5 × 30-sec
strides (PE 8.5)
* Use a site such as to calculate
metric conversions.
** Daily mileage totals include recommended speed work.
*** All easy running should be done at a PE of 5.

Friday Saturday Sunday Total weekly mileage
5 miles, 7 × 2 min plus pace (PE 6.5) 5 miles easy 7 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 31-33 miles
(PE 8.5)
5 miles, 9 × 2 min plus pace (PE 6.5) 5 miles easy 8 miles easy 34-36 miles
5 miles, 10 × 2 min plus pace (PE 6.5) 5 miles easy 8 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 34-36 miles
(PE 8.5)
7 miles easy, 5 × 6-min cruise intervals 5 miles easy 9 miles easy 38-40 miles
(PE 7.5)
5 miles easy Off 5K race, 9 miles total 38-40 miles

7 miles easy 6 miles, 2 × 1,200 meter, 2 10 miles easy 40-42 miles

× 800 meter, 2 × 400 meter
intervals (PE 8.5)
7 miles, 1 set: 400 meter, 800 meter, 6 miles easy 10 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 40-42 miles
1,200 meter, 800 meter, 400 meter (PE 8.5)
intervals (PE 8.5-9)
7 miles, 3 × 800 meter, 6 × 400 meter 4 miles easy 10 miles easy 36-38 miles
intervals (PE 8.5-9)
6 miles easy, 3 × 400 meters (PE 9.5), 2 × 5 miles easy 9 miles easy, 5 × 30-sec 36-38 miles
5 min plus pace (PE 6.5) strides (PE 8.5)
3 miles easy Off 10K race 20-22 before race

Length of easy jog or walk recovery: Hill repeats: equal the effort (PE of 8.5 to 9) or up to four times the
Cruise intervals: one to two minutes effort (PE of 9 to 9.8)
Intervals: one-third to equal the interval Fartlek, including hill fartlek: one to four minutes
Repetitions and sprints: up to five times the length of the repetition Strides: equal the effort

Friday Saturday Sunday Total weekly mileage

7 miles, 7 × 2 min plus pace (PE 6.5) 6 miles easy 9 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 42-44 miles
(PE 8.5)
8 miles, 9 × 2 min plus pace (PE 6.5) 7 miles easy 10 miles easy 46-48 miles
8 miles, 10 × 2 min plus pace (PE 6.5) 7 miles easy 10 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 46-48 miles
(PE 8.5)
6 miles easy, 5 or 6 × 6-min cruise intervals 5 miles easy 12 miles easy 42-44 miles
(PE 7.5)
8 miles easy Off 5K race, 10 miles total 46-48 miles, race

7 miles easy 6 miles, 2 × 1,200 meters, 3 12 miles easy 46-48 miles

× 800 meters (PE 8.5)
7 miles, 1 set: 400, 800, 1,200, 800, 400 6 miles easy 10 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 42-44 miles
meter intervals (PE 8.5-9) (PE 8.5)
6 miles, 3 × 1,200 meter, 3 × 400 meter 5 miles easy 10 miles easy 38-40 miles
intervals (PE 8.5-9)
5 miles easy, 3 × 400 meters (PE 9.5), 2 × 5 miles easy 9 miles easy, 5 × 30-sec 36-38 miles
5-min plus pace (PE 6.5) strides (PE 8.5)
3 miles easy Off 10K race 20-22 before race

Length of easy jog or walk recovery: Hill repeats: equal the effort (PE of 8.5 to 9) or up to four times the
Cruise intervals: one to two minutes effort (PE of 9 to 9.8)
Intervals: one-third to equal the interval Fartlek, including hill fartlek: one to four minutes
Repetitions and sprints: up to five times the length of the repetition Strides: equal the effort

164  |  Mastering Running

Half Marathon
Since 2003, the half marathon has become the fastest growing race distance in the
United States, both in terms of number of finishers and in the number of new races,
according to Running USA. For seven consecutive years (2006-2012), the number
of 13.1-mile finishers has grown by 10 percent or more each year. From 2011 to 2012
alone, the number of half marathon finishers increased by 14.9 percent, from 1.61
million to 1.85 million finishers. For the first time, 60 percent of U.S. half marathon
finishers were women (approximately 1.11 million). According to Running USA’s
2013 National Runner Survey, the half marathon is the favorite distance among
both men and women (38% men, 43% women).
If you’re competitively minded, USA Track & Field also offers a half marathon
national masters championship every year. Like the USATF 10K road race national
championships, the half marathon national championships awards prizes based
on absolute performances and age-graded results. In the 2013 championships, 9 of
the top 10 finishers completed the race in age-graded times of 90 percent or higher.

Half Marathon Training From a 20-Mile (32 km) Base*

Phase Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Endurance 1 Off 4 miles**, 5 × 30-sec strides (PE 8.5) 3 miles easy*** 2-4 miles easy

Endurance 2 Off 4 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides, (PE 8.5) 3 miles easy 3-5 miles easy
Endurance 3 Off 5 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides (PE 8.5) 3 miles easy 3-5 miles easy

Endurance 4 4 miles easy 5 miles, 7 × 2 min plus pace (PE 6.5) 4 miles easy 3-5 miles easy, 5 ×
30-sec strides (PE 8.5)
Strengthening 5 Off 5 miles easy 4 miles easy 5-7 miles easy

Strengthening 6 Off 8 miles easy, 7 or 8 × 5-min cruise intervals 4 miles easy 4-6 miles easy
(PE 7.5)
Strengthening 7 Off 7 miles easy, 35-40 min tempo run (PE 7.5) 4 miles easy 4-6 miles easy
Strengthening 8 5 miles easy 7 miles, 4 × 45-sec, 4 × 30-sec hill repeats (PE 4 miles easy 4-6 miles easy, 5 ×
8.5), 2 × 10-sec hill repeats (PE 9.5) 30-sec strides (PE 8.5)
Strengthening 9 Off 4 miles easy 7 miles easy 4-6 miles easy

Sharpening 10 Off 5 miles, 2 × 800 meters, 4 × 400 meter intervals 4 miles easy 4-6 miles easy
(PE 8.5-9), 2 × 100-meter sprints (PE 9.5)
Sharpening 11 Off 5 miles, 4 × 6-min cruise intervals (PE 7.5) 5 miles easy 4-6 miles easy

Tapering 12 3 miles easy 6 miles easy 3 miles easy 3-5 miles easy, 6 ×
20-sec strides (PE 8.5)
* Use a site such as to calculate
metric conversions.
** Daily mileage totals include recommended speed work.
*** All easy running should be done at a PE of 5.
10K and Half Marathon  |  165

Preparing for the half marathon is similar to preparing for a marathon. Chapter
13 includes valuable information about planning for a marathon that would also
be helpful for a runner planning to participate in a half marathon. Chapter 13 also
includes details on what to eat and how to plan your running in the days and weeks
after a long race that would also apply to a half marathon race.
The half marathon training plans included here are 12 weeks long. They include
a 4-week endurance phase, 5-week strengthening phase, 2-week sharpening phase,
and a week of tapering.
Feel free to adapt these plans to your own interests. If you like to aqua run, sub-
stitute an easy-run day for a day in the pool. Or take a spinning class. Tailor these
plans to your interests, listen to your body, and stay in the driver’s seat. Having
gotten to the end of this chapter, are you wondering whether you feel like taking
on the marathon?

Friday Saturday Sunday Total weekly mileage

4 miles, 6 × 2 min plus pace (PE 6.5) 3 miles easy 5 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 21-23 miles
(PE 8.5)
4 miles, 7 × 2 min plus pace (PE 6.5) 3 miles easy 6 miles easy 23-25 miles
5 miles, 8 × 2 min plus pace (PE 6.5) 3 miles easy 7 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 26-28 miles
(PE 8.5)
4 miles easy Off 10K race, 8 miles total 28-30 miles

5 miles easy 4 miles easy, 5 × 800 meters 9 miles easy 32-34 miles
(PE 8.5)
5 miles easy, 2 × 1,200 meter, 2 × 800 3 miles easy 10 miles easy, 5 × 30-sec 34-36 miles
meter, 1 × 400 meter intervals (PE 8.5-9) strides (PE 8.5)
6 miles, 5 × 1,000 meter intervals (PE 8.5) 3 miles easy 12 miles easy 36-38 miles
6 miles easy Off 10K to 10-mile race, 10 miles 36-38 miles
4 miles easy 4 miles easy, 6 × 30-sec 13 miles easy 36-38 miles
strides (PE 8.5)
8 miles, 35-40 min tempo run (PE 7.5) 3 miles easy 10 miles easy, 5 × 30-sec 34-36 miles
strides (PE 8.5)
6 miles easy, 4 × 45-sec, 2 × 30-sec hill 3 miles easy 9 miles easy 32-34 miles
repeats (PE 8.5), 2 × 10-sec hill repeats
(PE 9.5)
3 miles easy Off Half marathon 18-20 miles before race

Length of easy jog or walk recovery: Hill repeats: equal the effort (PE of 8.5 to 9) or up to four times
Cruise intervals: one to two minutes the effort (PE of 9 to 9.8)
Intervals: one-third to equal the interval Fartlek, including hill fartlek: one to four minutes
Repetitions and sprints: up to five times the length of the repetition Strides: equal the effort
Half Marathon Training From a 30-Mile (48 km) Base*
Phase Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Endurance 1 Off 6 miles**, 6 × 30-sec strides (PE 8.5) 4 miles easy*** 4- 6 miles easy

Endurance 2 Off 6 miles, 6 × 30-sec strides (PE 8.5) 4 miles easy 5-7 miles easy
Endurance 3 Off 6 miles, 6 × 30-sec strides (PE 8.5) 3 miles easy 5-7 miles easy

Endurance 4 6 miles easy 8 miles, 8-9 × 2 min. plus pace (PE of 6.5) 4 miles easy 4-6 miles easy, 6 × 30-sec
strides (PE 8.5)
Strengthening 5 Off 8 miles easy 6 miles easy 5-7 miles easy

Strengthening 6 Off 9 miles easy, 8 or 9 × 5-min cruise intervals 7 miles easy 4-6 miles easy
(PE 7.5)
Strengthening 7 Off 8 miles easy, 40-45 min tempo run (PE 7.5) 6 miles easy 5-7 miles easy
Strengthening 8 6 miles easy 8 miles, 4 × 45-sec, 4 × 30-sec hills (PE 8.5), 2 × 6 miles easy 5-7 miles easy, 5 × 30-sec
10-sec hill repeats (PE 9.5) strides (PE 8.5)
Strengthening 9 Off 8 miles easy 6 miles easy 5-7 miles easy

Sharpening 10 Off 6 miles, 5 × 800 meter, 4 × 200 meter intervals 5 miles easy 5-7 miles easy
(PE 8.5-9), 2 × 100-meter sprints (PE 9.5)
Sharpening 11 Off 8 miles, 5 × 6-min cruise intervals (PE 7.5) 4 miles easy 3-5 miles easy

Tapering 12 5 miles easy 6 miles easy, 4 × 400 meter intervals (PE 8.5-9) 5-7 miles easy 3 miles easy, 6 × 20-sec
strides (PE 8.5)
* Use a site such as to calculate metric conversions.
** Daily mileage totals include recommended speed work.
*** All easy running should be done at a PE of 5.

Half Marathon Training From a 40-Mile (64 km) Base*

Phase Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Endurance 1 Off 7 miles**, 5 × 30-sec strides (PE 8.5) 6 miles easy*** 6-8 miles easy

Endurance 2 Off 7 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides (PE 8.5) 8 miles easy 7-9 miles easy
Endurance 3 Off 7 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides (PE 8.5) 8 miles easy 6-8 miles easy

Endurance 4 7 miles easy 7 miles, 9 or 10 × 2 min plus pace (PE 6.5) 7 miles easy 6-8 miles, 6 × 30-sec
strides (PE 8.5)
Strengthening 5 Off 8 miles easy, 4 × 45-sec, 5 × 30-sec hill repeats 7 miles easy 6-8 miles, 5 × 30-sec
(PE 8.5) strides (PE 8.5)
Strengthening 6 Off 8 miles easy, 9 or 10 × 5-min cruise intervals 8 miles easy 7-9 miles easy

Strengthening 7 4 miles easy 8 miles easy, 45-50 min tempo run (PE 7.5) 7 miles easy 6-8 miles easy

Strengthening 8 7 miles easy 7 miles, 6 × 1-min, 4 × 30-sec hill repeats 8 miles easy 6-8 miles easy, 5 × 30-sec
(PE 8.5), 2 × 10-sec hill repeats (PE 9.5) strides (PE 8.5)
Strengthening 9 5 miles easy 7 miles easy 7 miles easy 5-7 miles easy

Sharpening 10 Off 7 miles, 6-8 × 800 meter intervals (PE 8.5-9.0), 2 8 miles easy 6-8 miles easy
× 100-meter sprints (PE 9.5)
Sharpening 11 Off 8 miles easy, 6-7 × 6-min cruise intervals 5 miles easy 6-8 miles
(PE 7.5)
Tapering 12 5 miles easy 5 miles, 4 × 400 meter intervals (PE 8.5-9) 4 miles easy 5-7 miles, 6 × 20-sec
strides (PE 8.5)
* Use a site such as to calculate metric conversions.
** Daily mileage totals include recommended speed work.
*** All easy running should be done at a PE of 5.
Friday Saturday Sunday Total weekly mileage
5 miles, 7 × 2 min plus pace (PE 6.5) 5 miles easy 7 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 31-33 miles
(PE 8.5)
6 miles, 9 × 2 min plus pace (PE 6.5) 5 miles easy 8 miles easy 34-36 miles
7 miles, 10 × 2 min plus pace (PE 6.5) 7 miles easy 10 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 38-40 miles
(PE 8.5)
ec 5 miles easy Off 10K race, 11 miles total 38-40 miles

7 miles easy 6 miles easy, 6 × 800 meter 10 miles easy 42-44 miles
intervals (PE 8.5- 9)
6 miles easy, 4 × 1,200 meter intervals 6 miles easy 12 miles easy, 5 × 30-sec 44-46 miles
(PE 8.5- 9) strides (PE 8.5)
7 miles, 4 × 1,200 meter strides (PE 8.5) 5 miles easy 13 miles easy 44-46 miles
c 5 miles easy Off 10K to 10-mile race, 12 miles 42-44 miles
6 miles easy 5 miles easy, 5 × 30-sec 14 miles easy 44-46 miles
strides (PE 8.5)
9 miles easy, 40-45 min tempo run (PE 7.5) 6 miles easy 11 miles easy, 5 × 30-sec 42-44 miles
strides (PE 8.5)
5 miles easy, 4 × 1-min, 2 × 30-sec hill 3 miles easy 9 miles easy 38-40 miles
repeats (PE 8.5), 2-4 × 10-sec hills (PE 9.5)
3 miles easy Off Half marathon 22-24 before race

Length of easy jog or walk recovery: Hill repeats: equal the effort (PE of 8.5 to 9) or up to four times the
Cruise intervals: one to two minutes effort (PE of 9 to 9.8)
Intervals: one-third to equal the interval Fartlek, including hill fartlek: one to four minutes
Repetitions and sprints: up to five times the length of the repetition Strides: equal the effort

Friday Saturday Sunday Total weekly mileage

7 miles, 7 × 2 min plus pace (PE 6.5) 6 miles easy 9 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 42-44 miles
(PE 8.5)
7 miles, 9 × 2 min plus pace (PE 6.5) 7 miles easy 10 miles easy 46-48 miles
7 miles, 10 × 2 min plus pace (PE 6.5) 6 miles easy 12 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 46-48 miles
(PE 8.5)
7 miles easy Off 10K race, 10 miles total 44-46 miles

6 miles easy 5 miles easy 14 miles easy 46-48 miles

8 miles easy 7 miles, 5 × 1,000 meter 12 miles easy 50-52 miles

intervals (PE 8.5-9)
7 miles, 1 set: 400, 800, 1,200, 1,200, 800, 5 miles easy 13 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 50-52 miles
400 meter intervals (PE 8.5-9) (PE 8.5)
ec 6 miles easy Off 10K to 10-mile race, 12 miles 46-48 miles
6 miles easy 5 miles easy, 5 × 30-sec 15 miles easy 50-52 miles
strides (PE 8.5)
9 miles easy, 45-50 min tempo run (PE 7.5) 4 miles easy 12 miles easy, 5 × 30-sec 46-48 miles
strides (PE 8.5)
6 miles easy, 4 × 30-sec hill repeats 7 miles easy 10 miles easy 42-44 miles
(PE 8.5), 4 × 10-sec hill repeats (PE 9.5)
3 miles easy Off Half marathon 22-24 miles before half
Length of easy jog or walk recovery: Hill repeats: equal the effort (PE of 8.5 to 9) or up to four times the
Cruise intervals: one to two minutes effort (PE of 9 to 9.8)
Intervals: one-third to equal the interval Fartlek, including hill fartlek: one to four minutes
Repetitions and sprints: up to five times the length of the repetition Strides: equal the effort 167
Runner Profile: Kathy Martin
Date of birth: Sept. 30, 1951, in Ontario, Canada
Personal Information
§§ I served as a nurse in Ottawa and moved to
United States in 1975.
§§ I met my husband, Chuck Gross, skiing in
Canada and it was easier for me to relocate
as a nurse. He had his own business on Long
Island. He was divorced and had a 9-year-
old son, Chris, who thought he had found
a new playmate when I arrived.
§§ Worked as nurse and went to C.W. Post for a
bachelor of science degree and then worked
in the emergency room and intensive care
unit. I was going to go to law school to
become a patient ombudsman but could not

John Keklak.
face so many more years of school.
§§ In 1981, I began a real estate career and
I am currently employed as broker. I just
transferred listening and people skills from
one profession to another.
§§ I started running at age 30, having realized the lack of cardio even though I was not
Open Personal Bests
§§ 5K (road) 17:23 (38)
§§ 10K (road) 36:54
Personal Bests at 50 to 59
§§ 5,000 meters 17:49
§§ 5K (road) 17:43
§§ 10K (road) 36:31 (51)
§§ Half marathon 1:23:27
Age-Graded Personal Bests
§§ Syracuse at 60 yrs old 100+%; 5K (road): 100.35% (19:04 at age 60)
§§ Marathon: Set new American record for a 60-year-old woman in the Chicago 2011 mara-
thon; Marathon: 97% (3:10:27 at age 60, American record)
Cathy Utzschneider: Can you list your American or world records and national masters titles?
Kathy Martin: 20 to 25 American and national records and five or six indoor world records.
Cathy: Were your parents runners and are there other runners in your family?
Kathy: There were no runners in my family. They are all smokers and couch potatoes. My
husband always ran and I just thought I could run with him. He is the one who has been my
biggest advocate. I don’t think I would have discovered the hidden talent or passion if he had

not led the charge. There are so many other athletes I admire, particularly masters athletes. I
love the camaraderie and truly believe we are all so happy to see our friends and competitors
at these events, to see them healthy and pursuing fitness for life. They are so inspiring.
Cathy: In a typical year, how often do you race?
Kathy: I race probably 12 to 15 times a year.
Cathy: What is your favorite race distance or event?
Kathy: I love the 5K. You run hard but not for long. I do not enjoy the long runs. I’m too
impatient to get it done and get on with other events of the day. I guess you could say I have
a short attention span.
Cathy: How has your training changed over the decades?
Kathy: My training has changed to include more stretching and cross-training. For years, I
would just run and then you begin to notice changes—a little more stiff, a longer warm-up
needed. I used to do back-to-back hard workouts but now recognize that I need an easy day
between. Recovery time is noticeably longer. I include massage, chiropractic, and occasionally
physical therapy as needed to ensure good running form and longevity. Stretching is crucial as
is some form of cross-training.
Cathy: Can you give an example of a typical training week for a 5K?
Kathy: My typical week is about 35 to 40 miles (56-64 km) when I am in good running form. I
am currently building up to that postinjury. Running the 10K in Dedham (national 10K masters
championship), I recognized I had no business racing a 10K with so little mileage. Lesson learned.
Monday: yoga
Tuesday: speed of some sort, (e.g., repeat miles or 3:50 repeats)
Wednesday: trail run
Thursday: short speed workout (Went to the track for first time postinjury in one and
half years. Oh my! Tough.)
Friday: easy 5 miles (8 km)
Saturday: 5-7 miles (8-11 km)
Sunday: long run of 10-12 miles (16-19 km)
Cathy: What advice do you have for masters runners?
Kathy: Listen to your body! Do not try to run through injuries. You will be stronger and run
longer if you take care of the assets. Remember the old adage that our mothers taught us
about moderation in everything
Cathy: You recently had one of your first injuries. What was it and do you have any idea how
you became injured?
Kathy: I had a fractured left femoral condyle and could not run for three months. I had just
started to train hard and about six months later I had a fractured right femoral condyle. The
only variable in my training over 30 years was the addition of a trainer for weight workouts. I
truly believe too much weight lifting contributed to the fractures. After the second fracture, I
was told absolutely not a step of running as the fracture was contained. If it broke through the
capsule, I would be looking at a knee replacement. Yikes. That got my attention so absolutely,
I didn’t run a step. I had a lot of extra time on my hands but really felt as if life was out of sync.
After the first fracture I was swimming at least three days per week and running in the pool. I


Kathy Martin (continued)

was not allowed to do the same thing with the right leg so I gained a few pounds. Of course,
the first thing everyone thought was osteoporosis, but I had always had the DEXA scans for
bone density, and there were no changes, so that was not the cause.
Cathy: How long was your break from racing and running?
Kathy: Basically a year.
Cathy: How was life different, given that you were away from running and racing?
Kathy: It was a tough year mentally, but I just kept telling myself I was in it for longevity. I
walked a lot. I had a lot more time, but I am not sure I used it constructively. I have run most
mornings for over 30 years, so I felt out of sync and at odds for a while. I also believe that
affected my business. As we all know our economy took a hit and the real estate business was
anything but normal. So it all coincided with being able to work more and focus on business
and family. My grandson is 11 so I got to spend more time with him.
Cathy: What advice do you have for other masters regarding bouncing back from injuries?
Kathy: Listen to your body. It tells you what it needs. Know your body. Incorporate other
modalities into your training. Do not just run. Have patience. You will prevail. A year ago I
thought I might not return to the previous level of fitness but now believe I am on my way.
It truly is a long road back but we have time. Perhaps patience was the lesson to be learned.
Cathy: Do you have other thoughts to offer?
Kathy: Keep on keeping on. We are the role models for the upcoming generation. Continue
to have fun and keep fit for life.

Chapter 13

Is the marathon for you? It is a favorite race among masters runners for many rea-
sons: performance, a test of endurance, a streak showing consistency over years,
or contributing to a charity and cause larger than oneself. Running for charity has
been a popular reason to run marathons for decades. According to a 2010 story in
the New York Times, nearly 80 percent of the 36,550 participants in the 2010 London
Marathon ran for charities, raising $81 million (Robbins). According to Running
USA (2013), in 2012 46 percent of marathon finishers were over age 40. Fifty-nine
percent of 2012 Boston Marathon finishers were over age 40.
As a young masters runner, it’s possible to compete at elite levels. According
to a 2011 story in Running Times, of the more than 300 men and women who
qualified for the 2012 U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials, 22 were 40 or older, and 21
of them were women. Three—Colleen De Reuck, Linda Somers Smith, and Sheri
Piers—surpassed the women’s A standard of 2:39:00 (De Reuck also qualified at
49 for the 2016 Olympic Marathon Trials with a time of 2:39:22). The only male,
Mbarak Hussein, qualified for his second straight U.S. Olympic Trials Marathon as
a masters runner with a 2:16:58 in 2010, well under the men’s A standard of 2:19:00
(Kissane 2011).

172  |  Mastering Running

Plan, But Be Flexible

Chapter 10 stressed the importance of planning and more planning. That is nowhere
more true than in the case of the marathon, which because of its length, requires
more planning and practice than the shorter races. Put it this way: you can’t plan
too much. You need to look months ahead and consider many factors beyond those
related to running: work commitments, family obligations, community involvement.
They may determine which marathon you choose.
Once you’ve picked your marathon, begin by planning dates for your long runs.
Just sneaking in an 18 or 20 miler (29 or 32 km) doesn’t usually work. You probably
want to find others to run with. And you want to plan to back off just a bit before
and after those long runs. In short, you need to plan, plan, plan. A form that can
help you plan ahead is the big-picture calendar found in chapter 7.
Just as important as planning is flexibility. I’ve yet to see a marathon plan fol-
lowed exactly. Over three or more months stuff happens. You pull a calf muscle.
A parent falls ill. Work pressures mount unexpectedly. Like the plans for shorter
distances, the marathon plans later in this chapter are guidelines for you to tailor to
your needs. Like the other plans for shorter races, the marathon plans are guidelines
based on a foundation of 20, 30, and 40 miles (32, 48, 64 km).
So what choices do you have? First, you might lengthen these 16-week plans,
which include a 5-week endurance phase, 6-week strengthening phase, 2-week
sharpening phase, and 3 weeks of tapering. Should you want more time to build
to your marathon, repeat several weeks. Say you want 20 weeks to build to your
marathon: repeat weeks 5 and 6 and then also 6 and 7, so you add 4 weeks to the
existing 16. Second, you may want to add more mileage per week by adding, for
example, 2 to 6 miles (3.2-9.6 km) in the middle of each week. While the three plans
peak at 44, 54, and 64 miles (71, 87, 103 km) per week, you can add mileage for a
higher peak. If you want to lower weekly mileage a bit, rest on a short or medium
easy-run day or use it for cross-training.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Practice for the marathon includes not just running but many other considerations
as well. Focus on long and tempo runs and staying hydrated and fueled. Pay atten-
tion to recovery, learning how much rest you need before and after long runs and
maintaining healthy sleep habits. Stretching and injury-prevention measures and
continuing to say “no” to too many other life commitments so you can stay focused
on your training are also important. Three weeks before your marathon consider
a dress rehearsal of race logistics. Gather together and try on race accessories
and clothing, including shoes, so you have time to buy and run in new ones. Also
think about prerace meals to eliminate last minute questions. The less uncertainty
before your race, the better.

Long Runs and Tempo Runs

Long runs and tempo runs are essential for a strong marathon for a variety of
reasons. Faster running, such as intervals at a perceived exertion (PE) of 8.5, is
Marathon  |  173

important, but long runs and tempo runs are essential and particularly challeng-
ing. It helps to know why they are so important. (Most runners would prefer to run
shorter, more intense intervals at a PE of 8.5 or higher than shorter intervals at a
comfortably hard pace, or perceived exertion of 7.5.)
First, the principle of specificity applies. Long runs at a moderately intense pace
will prepare you to run 26.2 miles (42 km). Tempo runs, usually 15 to 20 seconds
per mile faster than goal marathon pace, make marathon pace feel easier and
more manageable.
Second, fat and carbohydrate are our two main sources of fuel for exercise. Fat
provides an unlimited source of fuel for lower-intensity exercise while carbohy-
drate provides a limited source that fuels exercise at a moderate to high intensity,
such as a 5K. Tempo runs—longer runs at higher rates of exertion—teach your
body to use fat for fuel. If you rely just on carbohydrate to fuel a marathon, you’ll
become tired when you run low on it. (The energy supply of carbohydrate and
fat is inversely related. The more carbohydrate you burn, the less fat you burn.)
Burning more fat and delaying burning carbohydrate produces a more stable and
longer energy supply. Even if you have just 6 percent body fat, you have plenty of
fat to fuel running for many hours.
How do long and tempo runs help? These runs increase the number and size
of mitochondria, the organelles that convert fat in the presence of oxygen into
energy. The more mitochondria you have, the more fat you metabolize, the more
you produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a molecule that exists in all cells. The
body’s major currency of energy, ATP temporarily stores energy and then releases
in its high phosphate bonds. The more ATP you have, the more energy you have.
Long runs of 90 minutes produce more mitochondria than 60-minute runs and more
mitochondria than you’d build by splitting your 90-minute run into two 45-minute
runs (Schulman 2000). Some research has shown that in highly trained endurance
athletes, the activity of enzymes that break down fat is as much as 100 percent
higher than in untrained subjects (Schulman 2000). Endurance athletes then have
a much greater ability to regenerate the ATP that fuels muscle contraction than do
untrained subjects who rely more on carbohydrate.
Third, both long runs and tempo runs build strength. Speed comes from strength.
Joan Miller, 57, one of my masters athletes who ran her first marathon at age 56, was
concerned that she would lose her 5K speed. Hardly. Running in the Freihofer’s 5K
race just six weeks after the Boston Marathon she ran her fastest 5K ever, thanks
to her marathon training.
All of this is not to say that short intervals are unnecessary. They should be
included in training to help increase raw speed, stride rate, and running economy.
Trusting perceived exertion on long and tempo runs can be especially chal-
lenging because you’re running so many miles. In marathon training and racing,
focusing on effort, or perceived exertion, for long or tempo runs can give you a
feeling of control, confidence, and motivation that is essential for performance. By
contrast, focusing on pace can be demoralizing because it is outside your control:
it will vary depending on how you feel, the weather, your sneakers, or the course,
for example.
Not only masters but also elite open runners have reported that focusing on
effort rather than pace in marathon training and in the race itself resulted not just
174  |  Mastering Running

in increased confidence, control, and motivation but also in improved results.

Boston College assistant men’s track and field coach, Tim Ritchie, 26, described
his experience of focusing on pace while training for his first marathon, the 2013
Boston Marathon, and his experience focusing on effort for his second marathon,
the 2013 Twin Cities Marathon:
On the buildup for Boston I did a series of long runs at a pace believed
to be my potential marathon pace. Most of these runs were done on the
Boston course and began at a steady-run pace and quickly progressed to a
fast sustainable pace over 10 to 20 miles (16-32 km). Although this without
a doubt increased my fitness, it also brought along expectations of what a
certain minute per mile pace felt like and the incorrect assessment that a
certain pace one day would feel the same the next. I sacrificed long runs
over two hours for fast runs under two hours. The result was facing the
unknown when I found myself running 2:10 into the marathon, and I still
had 2 miles to go.
Many things on race day influence your perceived effort: the crowd, the
hype, the weather, the course, your emotions, and so on. When I was hit-
ting mile splits slower than I had been in training, but feeling worse, it was
detrimental to my confidence going forward in the race. The marathon is
quite long and there are good miles and bad miles, but my expectations
of a certain pace prevented me from racing based on effort.
Going into the Twin Cities Marathon, I opted for long runs for time or mile-
age instead of pace. To balance this I added in more races and a few key
quality workouts. This balance allowed me to get used to both running fast
(pace) and running long. All of my long runs and workouts were based
on effort to the point where I was aware of what a comfortable marathon
pace felt like, but did not have a specific minute per mile pace tied to that.
For the race itself, I began to run at a familiar effort (not time) and let the
splits be what they were. I let that effort dictate how I ran up the hills and
down the hills, how I ran the first 10 miles (16 km) compared to how I ran
the last 10 miles. I was very much in control of my effort; whereas, splits
are much harder to control. The marathon being what it is, means control
is a key element of success. When you lose control, the battle to the finish
line becomes a much more difficult one.
The result in Boston was a 2:21:31, after coming through the half in 1:06:30
and bonking the whole way down Beacon Street. The result in Twin Cities
was a 2:14:50, coming through the half in 1:07:40, feeling consistent and
controlled from mile 1 to mile 26.

Recovery and Sleep

As you put in more miles of training, you may well need more sleep. Over the
years, masters have reported that they need an hour more of sleep each night
during peak marathon training, a time when they’re often running 20 more miles
Marathon  |  175

(32 km) a week than their usual mileage. Establish consistent sleep habits if you
haven’t already. Plan to leave social occasions before 10:30 p.m. the week before
the marathon. On the night before the marathon, it’s hard for many runners to get
a full night’s sleep, given race day anxiety and the logistics of waking up early to
get to the start. Don’t worry if you get just five hours of sleep that night. It’s still
possible to run a fast marathon the next day. While a completely sleepless night
may adversely affect performance because it can limit the muscles’ ability to use
glucose, as little as four and a half hours of sleep have no negative effect on glucose
metabolism (Schmid et al. 2008).

Habits for Injury Prevention

Get used to listening to your body and respecting its needs. If it’s telling you to
take a day off or back off, do that. If you miss a day or two of training, don’t try to
make up missed mileage. See a chiropractor or massage therapist—if possible,
the same person, so he or she knows your body—at least once every two weeks.
Make a practice of massaging your legs with a stick or roller after long runs. Don’t
forget to stretch. Buy new shoes at least once every 300 to 500 miles (482-805 km).
Cross-train if your body is telling you not to run. All these habits will help you get
to the marathon starting line healthy.

Hydrating Habits
Like everything related to the marathon, hydrating is something to practice. Stay-
ing hydrated is essential not just for running performance, but it also prevents
heat-related illnesses: dehydration (which leads to fatigue), headaches, impaired
coordination, and muscle cramping. While losing 2 percent of your starting body
weight in a marathon is expected, losing more than that through dehydration
often results in slower performance. If, for example, you weigh 140 pounds (63
kg) at the beginning of a marathon and finish weighing 137 pounds (62 kg), you
have kept your weight nearly neutral for body water loss and hydrated adequately.
If your weight drops significantly below 137 pounds, however, your performance
may be impaired.
Marathon hydrating guidelines follow and reiterate and expand on the general
hydrating guidelines outlined in chapter 3. First, limit consumption of alcohol
during the two or three days before the marathon. Alcohol dehydrates the body,
inhibiting its ability to store glycogen. Alcohol also impairs sleep. Second, don’t
always trust thirst as the perfect indication of a fluid deficit.
Sometimes you need fluids before you start to feel thirsty. If you don’t know your
sweat rate (discussed later), depending on the weather conditions and your size,
sip four to eight ounces (118-237 ml) of fluid every 15 to 20 minutes, or every two
to three miles (3.2-4.8 km). Third, foods or sport drinks containing 5 to 6 percent
carbohydrate and containing electrolytes such as sodium and potassium help pro-
mote fluid retention. You’re well hydrated if you void large volumes of pale urine
(the color of light lemonade, not apple juice) at least six times a day.
You can practice learning specifically how much fluid you should ingest in a
marathon by figuring out your sweat rate. It’s simple.
Runner Profile: Linda Somers Smith
Date of birth: May 7, 1961
Personal Information
§§ Attorney in San Luis Obispo, California
§§ Married to Scott Smith
§§ One daughter, Monica
§§ Started focused training at age 27
Open Personal Bests
§§ 5K (road) 15:48 (35)
§§ 10K (road) 31:40 (35)
§§ Half marathon 1:11:01 (36)
§§ Marathon 2:30:06 (35)

Courtesy of Scott Smith

Personal Bests at 40 to 49
§§ 5K (road) 16:14 (48)
§§ 10K (road) 33:39 (49)
§§ Half marathon 1:13:32 (49)
§§ Marathon 2:36:33 (48)
Personal Bests at 50 to 59
§§ 10K (road) 34:14 (51)
§§ Half marathon 1:15:18 (50)
§§ Marathon 2:37:36 (50)
Cathy Utzschneider: Since you started running, what lessons have you learned about masters
running that you would want other masters to know?
Linda Somers Smith: I started running at 21 and actually was much stronger in my 30s
than in my 20s. After turning 30, I had almost seven years of running behind me (I didn’t run
from 23 to 26) and could handle a lot more work. In addition, life had progressed where it
was more stable—stable job, not moving around—so I had the opportunity and ability to
join a consistent training group, combined with a stable lifestyle. I did a great deal of heavy
training and racing in my 30s, and the real change came when I hit about 38. Whether it was
the miles, age, or genetics (or all three), I am not sure, but I started to have chronic problems
that limited training and reduced my enjoyment of running considerably. I had assumed the
chronic conditions were permanent and struggled through the next four to five  years, not
enjoying running much. When I assumed I would be OK with not running again, I decided to
try the surgeries recommended. These actually addressed both my chronic problems, by which
time I was 45. I feel like I missed years 39 to 45 in terms of exploring my real running potential
at those times; but at 45, not having the pain felt so great, it was like starting over and I felt
younger and better than before.
Cathy: Do you have a favorite race distance and if so, what is it?
Linda: My favorite distance has changed over time. It used to be 5 miles (8 km), then the
marathon, and now it is the half marathon. The marathon is just so hard on my body, but I
can get through a half pretty well.

Cathy: Injuries are part of our lives as runners. How do you view them when you encounter
Linda: I have had an injury-plagued career, which may be a reason I have run as long as I have;
I’ve had a lot of time, years, off. My attitude toward injuries depends on the injury. I have been
running so long, I am pretty good, not always right but close, at gauging pain and its signifi-
cance. I can tell if an injury is serious right way or one that just requires training modifications.
That is not to say I don’t cross the line. For example, when the 2012 marathon trials were
coming up, I had an Achilles and ankle injury that required modification at a key time in train-
ing, but I pushed through it, knowing after the marathon it would be a true injury. I would not
recommend a younger athlete with plenty of time do this, because significant injuries can risk
a career. Basically, I treat injures in a hierarchy from treatment and complete time off to run-
ning through them. I am very good at cross-training, so if I can’t run I don’t find it difficult to
cross-train. I don’t like not being able to run, but if you can’t, you can’t and there is no sense
being miserable about it.
In terms of cross-training, I used to be much better at it, and would hit the pool, bike, or
gym immediately. Now, I am less intense, maybe because I don’t have the energy or sense of
urgency to maintain fitness. I figure the fitness will come back when I start running, and I don’t
feel as if it is going to give me a make-or-break performance if I stay in the best shape I can.
Cathy: Many masters today enter marathons. Can you give a sample week of peak training
for a marathon?
Monday – easy 8-12 miles (13-19 km), off, or swim
Tuesday – tempo 4-12 miles (6.4-19 km) at below marathon pace
Wednesday – easy 8-12 miles
Thursday – easy 12-13 miles (19-20.9 km) with pickups or, if feeling good, run last 4
miles (6.4 km) at tempo pace (marathon pace plus 20 seconds)
Friday – intervals on track (400 to 1,600 meters or 3,200-meter reps), total of 6 miles
(9.6 km)
Saturday – easy 8-12 miles and swim
Sunday – easy 16-22 miles (26-35 km) and swim
On alternate weeks:
Monday – easy 8-12 miles (13-19 km)
Tuesday – interval workouts (400 to 1,600 meters or 3,200-meter reps), total of 6 miles
(9.6 km)
Wednesday – easy 8-12 miles
Thursday – 8-12 miles, last 6-8 miles (9.7-13 km) run at tempo pace (marathon pace
plus 20 seconds)
Friday – easy 5-8 mile (8-13 km) run or swim 1 hour and 10 minutes
Saturday – bike 30-40 miles (48-64 km) at effort followed by 8-10 miles (13-16 km) at
marathon pace
Sunday – 16-22 miles (26-35 km) plus swim
Cathy: What advice would you give masters runners who want to set a marathon possible
goal, train for it, and reflect on it afterward?


Linda Somers Smith (continued)

Linda: Depending on your level of commitment and your goal, the marathon can be a hard
event to train for as a master and can also be difficult to recover from. Keep in mind, I say this
as a competitive runner, so I don’t run a marathon unless I train for it. As a master, you can run
a marathon off basic training if you do so in a relaxed fashion and set a realistic goal; however,
if you want to set a time goal, then that requires discipline in training, type of training, rest,
and managing all that with the rest of your life. You can do it—plenty of people do—but you
have to stay organized. Most masters runners have jobs and families, so all training has to be
integrated into one’s life. I use my training both for training and also as a social outlet. If you
truly want to train and set goals as a masters runner, I recommend training with a consistent
training group. The training group helps you improve and also allows you to set realistic goals.
For example, if you are running with 2:50 marathoners in training and races, you have a good
idea of what you can do; however, if you are running with the 3:20 group, it probably isn’t
wise to set a goal of a 2:50 marathon until you can complete the workouts that would suggest
that goal is achievable.
Cathy: If there’s a day when you’re unusually tired or stressed, do you adjust your training
and, if so, can you give an example?
Linda: Inevitably during any one week, I have a day with too much going on, too much stress,
or not enough time to run. I try to run in the early morning so my day doesn’t get away from
me. However, some days, if I have an early-morning meeting, I can’t fit the run in without
getting up at a ridiculously early hour. I don’t ever set a day off, but allow myself a floating
day off each week. I let the week dictate which day I will take off. It might be a day I had a
workout planned, and if so, I just move it to the next day. If I don’t do it this way and have a
planned day off, I sometimes end up having to take two off.
Cathy: Do you have recommendations regarding sleep during preparation for the marathon?
Linda: Sleep is probably the most difficult issue for me because I love to sleep and hard training
increases the need; however, there are sometimes just not enough hours in the day. I tend to
sleep in on weekends, which makes it difficult to meet a training group, but if I didn’t do that,
I would not get enough sleep.
Cathy: Any thoughts on the marathon and fueling and hydrating?
Linda: I have never put much thought into this, because fueling and hydration seem like easy
issues. However, having watched my husband in triathlons, I understand that the type of fuel
and hydration, as well as timing, can be crucial. I have always had the luxury of having my
own water bottles on my marathon courses, so I haven’t had to worry too much. My bottles
have my drink in the mixture I prefer and have tested in training runs. In a marathon I carry
one or two power gels with me, so I can take those at 15 to 21 miles (24-34 km). I try to take
the gels regardless of whether I want to, because your body’s signals aren’t always timed to
need in a marathon. For example, by the time you are thirsty, you have probably gone too
long without hydration.
In terms of prerace fueling, I eat sensibly the day before. I do not carbo-load. If I am going
to stuff carbs, I’ll do it two or three days before the race, not the day before. The day before,
I eat lightly and avoid heavy foods. Some people can drink the night before a race, maybe a
glass of wine; I can’t. I avoid all alcohol for two to three weeks leading up to a race.
Cathy: Do you have a perspective on the marathon that can help with training and racing
the distance?

Marathon  |  179

Linda: In term of perspective, just run what makes you happy. If running the local 10K with
friends leaves you refreshed and keeps you motivated, then enjoy that. If traveling to London,
combined with a marathon, sounds like fun, plan that. If you want to set a time goal, pick a flat
course and consider the weather. There is no one-size-fits-all advice except to keep putting one
foot in front of the other and stay uninjured. I find a marathon takes care of itself, provided you
prepare. The best way to prepare is to do the necessary training, in particular the longer tempo
runs. I find longer tempo runs much more helpful than marathon long runs for performance.
Ideally, you should do both, but if you can’t do both, 8- to 16-mile (13-26 km) tempo runs in
the weeks leading up to the race will get you ready more than just long slow runs.
Masters running is about perspective and balance. Once you are over 40, you have to accept
that your best times are behind you. You don’t see a lot of really great runners racing later in
life because the return is so minimal. With some exceptions, you will not win races or make a
living at it, and the investment compared to rate of return just isn’t worth it. However, if you
continue to incorporate running into your life, socially or for health, you can continue it despite
knowing there are no PRs ahead and it might not always be easy or pain free.
I also think it is important to listen to experts and avoid fads. I have been running so long
that when someone tells me I should try barefoot running, I can smile and politely decline the
recommendation. If someone tells me yogurt is the secret to PRs, I don’t need to hang out in
the dairy section of the grocery store. Again, masters running is one foot in front of the other,
maintaining proper nutrition, staying uninjured, hanging out with other runners who help you
maintain your motivation, and working it into a busy lifestyle so that it augments you, not
takes away. It can be easy, not always, but usually.

1. Weigh yourself nude before a run.

2. Run (at race pace) for one hour. Do not drink during that hour.
3. After the run, reweigh yourself nude, having toweled off sweat.
4. Subtract your weight after the run from your weight before the run and con-
vert to ounces.
5. To determine how much you should drink about every 15 minutes, divide that
number by four. If you have lost 32 ounces (946 ml), drink about 8 ounces
(237 ml) of fluid every 15 minutes.
6. Because the test reflects sweat loss based on environmental conditions that
day, repeat the test under different conditions to see how they affect your
sweat rate. You’ll likely get different results under different temperatures,
altitudes, and paces.
As important as drinking enough is, make sure you are not overhydrating. Over-
hydrating can lead to hyponatremia, dangerously low blood salt levels caused by
abnormal fluid retention. Such low levels make it difficult for your kidneys to clear
extra body fluid. If your weight after a marathon is higher than it was when you
started, you have drunk too much. If you are running longer than four hours for the
marathon and you do not know your sweat rate, drink each time you feel thirsty
to avoid both hyponatremia and dehydration. Also, ingesting snacks like pretzels
or fluids with sodium will help promote fluid retention and prevent hyponatremia.
180  |  Mastering Running

Warning Signs of Dehydration

§§ Feeling faint or light-headed while standing
§§ Rapid heart rate
§§ Sunken eyes
§§ Dry mouth
§§ Feeling very thirsty
§§ Dull headache
Warning Signs of Hyponatremia
§§ Feeling like water is sloshing in your stomach
§§ Severe and worsening headache and confusion
§§ Feeling puffy or bloated in the hands and feet
§§ Nausea and vomiting
§§ Upset stomach
§§ Wheezy breathing
§§ Fatigue
§§ Irritability
§§ Muscle spasms or cramps
§§ Seizures and even unconsciousness

Balanced Nutrition
Balanced nutrition throughout the year and particularly throughout the marathon
training months is essential for promoting good health and preventing disease.
Months of daily focus on a diet that includes a balance of whole grains, fresh fruits,
vegetables, protein-rich foods, and specific polyunsaturated fat will contribute to
your best marathon. Balanced nutrition is discussed in chapter 3.

Fueling on Long Runs

Fueling on long runs is individual. During runs longer than 10 miles (16 km), you
should consume enough carbohydrate to maintain normal blood sugar levels
and to spare your muscle glycogen. Fueling depends to a certain extent on your
weight and your preferences. A rule of thumb is to take in about 100 calories of
carbohydrate after an hour of running, and then another 100 calories every 40 to
45 minutes after that either as a carbohydrate drink or as food. Find food that is
easy to carry and digest, whether a gel, gummies, a sport bar, or sport beans. Many
are offered in 100-calorie packets.

Carbohydrate Loading During Training

Your marathon training will help you run better on fat metabolism and store more
carbohydrate (CHO) as glycogen. The purpose of carbohydrate loading is to store
even more glycogen in your muscles after the normal stores are used up. Normal
stores will last for one and a half to two hours of running. Carbohydrate loading is
useful for anything longer, such as a marathon.
Marathon  |  181

Loading complex carbohydrate for the three days before the marathon by
increasing their percentage to 70 to 80 percent of your daily caloric intake while
significantly reducing your training load works as well as any method. Complex
carbohydrate produces greater muscle glycogen storage than simple carbohydrate,
and the more carbohydrate eaten, the more will be stored. Complex carbohydrate
includes whole wheat pasta, spaghetti squash, wild or brown rice, potatoes, sweet
potatoes, and grains such as barley. As always with dietary changes, try carbohy-
drate-loading methods before you use them in your marathon. Table 13.1 outlines
a carbohydrate-loading method.

Carbohydrate Loading During Marathon Week

The first day of loading—Thursday, on table 13.1—is the most important. Begin with
a breakfast high in carbohydrate, such as pancakes or French toast. This is the day
for the traditional pasta dinner of spaghetti and bread. Try to eat as much complex
carbohydrate as possible in these two meals. Taper the bulk as the days progress.
Do not load on large quantities of fruit or other foods that you don’t normally eat.
Because fiber in fruit takes longer to digest, eating too much fruit, particularly
the night or day before a long run or race, can lead to an upset stomach. The last
major meal should be 12 to 15 hours before the race and should not include too
much bulk. It should be easily digestible so that it will pass through your system
before the race. How will you know if you are effectively loading? If you are keep-
ing a record of your daily weight, you may notice a weight gain of a few pounds
over the three-day period. As carbohydrate is stored, water is also stored in your
muscles. That leads to weight gain. This water storage may make your legs feel
sluggish during your few miles of easy runs, but it may come in handy during the
marathon as a source of sweat. You may also feel sleepy, cranky, or tired because
of the blood sugar and insulin responses to the carbohydrate. During the race,
however, you should feel charged and ready to go.

Table 13.1  Carbohydrate Loading During Marathon Week

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Regular exercise Low exercise
Regular diet High-carbohydrate diet Race
(55–60% CHO) (70–80% CHO)
Loading carbohydrate coincides with reduced exercise.

Day Before the Marathon

The day before the marathon do nothing but hang around with your feet mostly
elevated. Read a book; watch a movie. A runner I know spent the day before the
marathon shopping for several hours with her daughter. That was a mistake. She
didn’t consider shopping exercise, but the day before a marathon it is. Save all extra
energy for your race. Also, 24 hours before the marathon, drink 64 to 88 ounces
(2-2.6 L). Your body will appreciate the hydrating the next day.
182  |  Mastering Running

Make a checklist of everything you’ll need on race day. Of course you’ll need
your number and pins to attach to your singlet and the timing chip. Other items
you might want to put in your bag include the following:

Clothing for rainy or cold conditions: Extra pair of socks

gloves and a hat or compression Sunglasses
tights if you wear them
Small towel
Adhesive strips
Water bottle
Small plastic bags for snacks
Toilet paper, tissues such as jelly beans, energy
Petroleum jelly or Bodyglide to gel, peanut butter and jelly
prevent chafing and blisters sandwiches, sport bars
Pain reliever Old clothing and something to
Second pair of running shoes to sit on while waiting for the
walk around in before the start of marathon to start (These items
the race are usually discarded and
donated to charity.)

Know before race day where you will plan to meet family and friends after the

Last Dinner:
The Night Before the Marathon
Many runners feel nervous the night before a marathon. Because nervousness
can upset and hinder the digestive process, it can be helpful to eat a very large
snack rather than a full dinner the night before. Smaller meals digest faster than
larger ones. Components of a good meal the night before the marathon include
the following:
§§ More carbohydrate and small amounts of fat and protein. Fat and protein take
much longer to digest than carbohydrate.
§§ Foods that are rather bland. Avoid foods that are spicy and that produce gas
and may upset the digestive system, such as pepper, broccoli, carbonated
beverages, chili powder, cabbage, broccoli, and onions.
§§ Low-fiber foods. Avoid foods like nuts, raw vegetables, bran, and beans.
§§ Foods with which you’re familiar. Never try new foods during the few days
before your marathon.

Race Day Fueling and Hydrating

Never try anything new on race day. If you usually have a cup of coffee or tea in
the morning, have it on marathon day. However, caffeine decreases your ability
to spare glycogen so limit it. Two to four hours before your race, eat a light, low-
fiber carbohydrate meal that is easily digested, such as a bagel or cereal and a
banana. No carbohydrate, especially simple sugars, should be ingested within two
Marathon  |  183

hours of the start; this could lead to a blood insulin reaction, causing weakness
and fatigue. About two hours before the start, drink 12 to 20 ounces (355-591 ml)
of water, giving your body time to process extra fluid. It takes one to one and a
half hours to eliminate excess fluids through urination. Ideally, you don’t want to
have to use the portable toilet at the starting line or soon after you start. Ten to
20 minutes before the race start, drink 6 to 10 ounces (177-296 ml) of cool water.
Because your kidneys slow when you start running, last-minute fluid intake will
remain in your body, available for sweat and to improve the stomach’s ability to
digest fluids (Bergeron et al. 2007).
As mentioned earlier, in the marathon itself every 15 to 20 minutes try to drink
four to eight ounces (118-237 ml) of water or a combination of water and a sport
drink (or the amount you have calculated necessary based on your sweat rate test).
Many of my marathoners drink fluids that are 50 percent water and 50 percent sport
drink because their stomachs often don’t tolerate sport drinks at full strength. Sport
drinks are helpful because they enter the bloodstream rapidly and provide water,
energy, and electrolytes. Additionally, sip, don’t gulp, the fluid to avoid choking.
Some runners carry straws for sipping while running.
In terms of fueling, consume about 100 calories of carbohydrate after an hour
of running and then another 100 calories every 40 to 45 minutes after that either as
a carbohydrate drink or as food. That will help you maintain normal blood sugar
levels and avoid bonking. If you’re carrying food such as sport bars or sport beans,
you can put them in a plastic bag and pin that to your shorts or put it in your bra.

Marathon Training Plans

The endurance phase in all plans (weeks 1 through 5) focuses on plus-pace run-
ning, strides, building mileage, and on introducing a first tempo run. These are all
defined in table 8.1. Besides, plus-pace running builds psychological and physi-
cal variety into your runs, and strides wake up your fast-twitch muscle fibers and
help you focus on form. The endurance phase includes . a 10K race at the end of
the third week to establish a time to find your current VO2max. The strengthening
phase (weeks 6 through 11) continues to build mileage and includes speed work,
including intervals and tempo runs longer than those for shorter-distance events, a
10-mile race at the end of week 6, and a half marathon at the end of week 10. The
two-week sharpening phase (weeks 12 and 13) focuses on more tempo running
and more intensive speed work. The three-week tapering phase (weeks 14 through
16) includes some speed work and lowers mileage. In this phase, weekly mileage
is lowered from maximum mileage to about 80 percent in week 14, 60 percent in
week 15, and about 30 percent in the last week leading to the marathon.
The plan for runners with a base of 20 miles (32 km) builds to a maximum of
44 miles (71 km) per week and includes one 18-mile (29 km) and two 20-mile (32
km) runs. The plan for runners with a base of 30 miles (48 km) builds to a maxi-
mum of 54 miles (87 km) per week and includes one 18-mile, two 20-mile, and one
22-mile (35 km) runs. The plan for runners with a base of 40 miles (64 km) builds
to a maximum of 64 miles (103 km) per week and includes two 18-mile runs, one
20-mile run, and two 22-mile runs.
Marathon Training From a 20-Mile (32 km) Base*
Phase Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday**
Endurance 1 Off 4 miles**, 5 × 30-sec strides 3 miles easy*** 2-4 miles easy
(PE 8.5)
Endurance 2 Off 4 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 3 miles easy 3-5 miles easy
(PE 8.5)
Endurance 3 3 miles easy 5 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 3-5 miles easy 3 miles, 8 × 3 min (PE
(PE 8.5) 6.5)
Endurance 4 Off 5 miles easy 4 miles easy 3-5 miles easy

Endurance 5 Off 4 miles easy 7 miles, 7 × 5-min cruise 3-5 miles easy
intervals (PE 7.5)
Strengthening 6 4 miles easy 5 miles, 3 × 800 meter, 2-4 × 400 4 miles easy 5-7 miles easy
meter intervals (PE 8.5-9)

Strengthening 7 Off 7 miles easy 4 miles easy 4-6 miles easy

Strengthening 8 Off 7 miles, 3 × 1,000 meter cruise 9 miles easy 6 miles easy
intervals (PE 7.5), 2 × 1,000 meter
intervals (PE 8.5-9)
Strengthening 9 Off 7 miles easy 8 miles, 5 or 6 × 1 mile 5 miles easy
cruise intervals (PE 7.5),
10 min plus pace
Strengthening 10 5 miles easy 6 miles, 4 × 45-sec, 4 × 30-sec 7 miles easy 6-8 miles, 5 × 30-sec
hill repeats (PE of 8.5), 2 × 10-sec strides (PE 8.5)
hill repeats (PE 9.5)
Strengthening 11 Off 5 miles easy 8 miles easy 4-6 miles easy
Sharpening 12 3 miles easy 8 miles, 6-mile tempo run (PE 7.5) 4 miles easy 3-5 miles easy

Sharpening 13 Off 7 miles, 5-6 × 1-mile cruise 4 miles easy 5-7 miles, 3 × 800 meter
intervals (PE 7.5) intervals (PE 8.5- 9), 2 ×
200-meter reps (PE 9.5)
Tapering 14 Off 5 miles easy 8 miles, 8 × 2 min 3-5 miles easy
intervals (PE 8.5- 9)
Tapering 15 Off 5 miles, 8 × 1 min strides 5 miles easy Off
(PE 8.5)
Tapering 16 Off 5 miles, 4 × 45 sec (PE 7.5) 6 miles easy Off
* Use a site such as to calculate metric conversions.
** Daily mileage totals include recommended speed work.
*** All easy running should be done at a PE of 5.

Friday Saturday Sunday Total weekly mileage
3 miles, 6 × 3 min plus pace 3 miles easy 6 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 21-23 miles
(PE 6.5) (PE 8.5)
4 miles, 7 × 3 min plus pace 3 miles easy 7 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 24-26 miles
(PE 6.5) (PE 8.5)
3 miles easy Off 10K race, 9 miles total 26-28 miles

4 miles easy 4 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 10 miles easy 30-32 miles

(PE 8.5)
5 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides (PE 8.5) Off 14 miles easy 33-35 miles

3 miles easy Off 10-mile race, 12 miles total 35-37 miles

4 miles easy 3 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 18 miles easy 38-40 miles

(PE 8.5)
8 miles, 5 × 8-min cruise intervals Off 14 miles easy 42-44 miles
(PE 7.5)

4 miles easy, 5 × 30-sec strides Off 20 miles easy 42-44 miles

(PE 8.5)

4 miles easy Off Half marathon race, 14 miles 42-44 miles


5 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides (PE 8.5) 4 miles easy 16 miles easy 42-44 miles
6 miles, 5 × 1-min, 4 × 45-sec hill Off 14 miles easy 38-40 miles
repeats (PE 8.5), 4 × 10-sec hill
repeats (PE 9.5)

r Off Off 20 miles easy 36-38 miles

4 miles, 6 × 30-sec strides Off 14 miles easy 34-36 miles

(PE 8.5)
6 miles, 6 × 30-sec strides Off 10 miles easy 24-26 miles
(PE 8.5)
3 miles easy Off Marathon 14 miles before race
Length of easy jog or walk recovery: Hill repeats: equal the effort (PE of 8.5 to 9) or up to four times the
Cruise intervals: one to two minutes effort (PE of 9 to 9.8)
Intervals: one-third to equal the interval Fartlek, including hill fartlek: one to four minutes
Repetitions and sprints: up to five times the length of the repetition Strides: equal the effort

Marathon Training From a 30-Mile (48 km) Base*
Phase Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Endurance 1 Off 6 miles**, 5 × 30-sec strides 5 miles easy*** 3-5 miles easy
(PE 8.5)
Endurance 2 Off 7 miles. 5 × 30-sec strides (PE 8.5) 5 miles easy 3-5 miles easy

Endurance 3 5 miles easy 7 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides (PE 8.5) 5-7 miles easy 5 miles, 10 × 3 min plus
pace (PE 6.5)
Endurance 4 Off 5 miles easy 5-7 miles easy 8 miles easy

Endurance 5 Off 7 miles, 8 × 5-min cruise intervals 5-7 miles easy 8 miles easy
(PE 7.5)
Strengthening 6 7 miles easy 7 miles, 4 × 800 meter, 2-4 × 400 7-9 miles easy 6-8 miles easy
meter intervals (PE 8.5)
Strengthening 7 Off 7 miles easy 6-8 miles easy 7 miles easy

Strengthening 8 7 miles easy 8 miles, 4 × 1,200 meters, 4 × 400 9 miles easy 8 miles, 6 × 8-min
meter intervals (PE 8.5-9) cruise intervals (PE 7.5)
Strengthening 9 5 miles easy 7 miles easy 9 miles: 6 or 7 × 1 mile 5-7 miles easy
cruise intervals (PE 7.5),
10 min plus pace
Strengthening 10 4 miles easy 8 miles, 4 × 1-min, 4 × 30-sec hill 9 miles easy 5-7 miles, 5 × 30-sec
repeats (PE 8.5), 2 × 10-sec hill strides (PE 8.5)
repeats (PE 9.5)
Strengthening 11 Off 7 miles easy 4-6 miles easy 9 miles easy

Sharpening 12 Off 7 miles easy 9 miles: 6-8 mile tempo 5-7 miles easy
run (PE 7.5)
Sharpening 13 5 miles easy 9 miles: 6-7 × 1-mile cruise intervals 6 miles easy 6-8 miles, 4-5 × 800
(PE 7.5) meter intervals (PE 8.5-
9), 2 × 200-meter reps
(PE 9.5)
Tapering 14 Off 6 miles easy 10 miles, 8 × 2 min 3-5 miles easy
intervals (PE 8.5-9)
Tapering 15 Off 6 miles, 8 × 1 min strides (PE 8.5) 4 miles easy 3-5 miles easy
Tapering 16 Off 7 miles, 5 × 45 sec strides (PE 8.5) 5 miles easy Off
* Use a site such as to calculate metric conversions.
** Daily mileage totals include recommended speed work.
***All easy running should be done at a PE of 5.

Friday Saturday Sunday Total weekly mileage
6 miles, 7 × 3 min plus pace (PE 6.5) 4 miles easy 8 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 32-34 miles
(PE 8.5)
6 miles, 9 × 3 min plus pace (PE 6.5) 4 miles easy 10 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 35-37 miles
(PE 8.5)
4 miles easy Off 10K race, 12 miles total 38-40 miles

5 miles easy 5 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 14 miles easy 42-44 miles

(PE 8.5)
6 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides (PE 8.5) 4 miles easy 16 miles easy 46-48 miles

7 miles easy Off 10-mile race, 14 miles total 50-52 miles

6 miles easy 6 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 18 miles easy 52-54 miles

(PE 8.5)
6 miles easy Off 14 miles easy 52-54 miles

6 miles easy, 5 × 30-sec strides Off 20 miles easy 52-54 miles

(PE 8.5)

4 miles easy Off Half marathon race, 16 miles 46-48 miles


6 miles easy 4 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 22 miles easy 52-54 miles

(PE 8.5)
8 miles, 6 × 30-sec strides (PE 8.5), 2 5 miles easy 16 miles easy 50-52 miles
× 30-sec sprints (PE 9.5)
Off Off 20 miles easy 46-48 miles

4 miles easy 3 miles, 6 × 30-sec strides 14 miles easy 40-42 miles

(PE 8.5)
7 miles, 6 × 30-sec strides (PE 8.5) Off 10 miles easy 30-32 miles
4 miles easy Off Marathon 16 miles before race
Length of easy jog or walk recovery: Hill repeats: equal the effort (PE of 8.5 to 9) or up to four times the
Cruise intervals: one to two minutes effort (PE of 9 to 9.8)
Intervals: one-third to equal the interval Fartlek, including hill fartlek: one to four minutes
Repetitions and sprints: up to five times the length of the repetition Strides: equal the effort

Marathon Training From a 40-Mile (64 km) Base*
Phase Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Endurance 1 Off 8 miles**, 5 × 30-sec strides 5 miles easy*** 6-8 miles easy
(PE 8.5)
Endurance 2 Off 9 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 5 miles easy 6-8 miles easy
(PE 8.5)
Endurance 3 9 miles easy 9 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 6-8 miles easy 7 miles, 10 × 3 min plus
(PE 8.5) pace (PE 6.5)
Endurance 4 Off 6 miles easy 5-7 miles easy 9 miles easy

Endurance 5 Off 7 miles easy 10 miles, 9 × 5-min 5-7 miles easy

cruise intervals (PE 7.5)
Strengthening 6 8 miles easy 8 miles, 5 or 6 × 800 meter 7-9 miles easy 8 miles easy
intervals (PE 8.5- 9)
Strengthening 7 5 miles easy 7 miles easy 8-10 miles easy 8 miles easy

Strengthening 8 8 miles easy 8 miles easy 9 miles easy, 4 × 1,200 6-8 miles easy
meter, 2 × 800 meter
intervals (PE 8.5-9)
Strengthening 9 7 miles easy 5-7 miles easy 10 miles: 7 or 8 × 1 mile 5 miles easy
cruise intervals (PE 7.5),
10 min plus pace
Strengthening 10 8 miles easy 9 miles, 6 × 1-min, 4 × 30-sec hill 8 miles easy 7-9 miles, 5 × 30-sec
repeats (PE 8.5). 2 × 10-sec hill strides (PE 8.5)
repeats (PE 9.5)
Strengthening 11 6 miles easy 9 miles easy 7 miles easy 8-10 miles easy

Sharpening 12 5 miles easy 9 miles, 6 × 30-sec strides 6-8 miles easy 11 miles: 8- to 9-mile
(PE 8.5), 2 × 30-sec sprints tempo run (PE 7.5)
(PE 9.5)
Sharpening 13 5 miles easy 10 miles: 7-8 × 1-mile cruise inter- 4 miles easy 8 miles, 5-6 × 800 meter
vals (PE 7.5) intervals (PE 8.5-9),
2 × 200 meter reps
(PE 9.5)
Tapering 14 Off 5 miles easy 6 miles easy 8-10 miles, 10 × 2 min
intervals (PE 8.5-9)
Tapering 15 Off 6 miles, 10 × 1 min strides 9 miles easy 4-6 miles easy
(PE 8.5)
Tapering 16 6 miles easy 7 miles, 5 × 45 sec (PE 7.5) 5 miles easy Off
* Use a site such as to calculate metric conversions.
** Daily mileage totals include recommended speed work.
*** All easy running should be done at a PE of 5.

Friday Saturday Sunday Total weekly mileage

8 miles, 7 × 3 min plus pace (PE 6.5) 5 miles easy 10 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 42-44 miles
(PE 8.5)
8 miles, 9 × 3 min plus pace (PE 6.5) 6 miles easy 12 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 46-48 miles
(PE 8.5)
7 miles easy Off 10K race, 14 miles total 50-52 miles

5 miles easy 5 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 16 miles easy 46-48 miles

(PE 8.5)
6 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides (PE 8.5) 4 miles easy 18 miles easy 50-52 miles

7 miles easy Off 10-mile race, 16 miles total 54-56 miles

7 miles easy 5 miles, 5 × 30-sec strides 18 miles easy 58-60 miles

(PE 8.5)
8 miles easy 7 miles easy 16 miles: 7 or 8 × 8-min 62-64 miles
cruise intervals (PE 7.5)

5 miles easy, 5 × 30-sec strides Off 22 miles easy 54-56 miles

(PE 8.5)

6 miles easy 4 miles easy Half marathon race, 16 miles 58-60 miles

8 miles easy 4 miles easy, 5 × 30-sec 20 miles easy 60-64 miles

strides (PE 8.5)
7 miles easy 6 miles easy 16 miles easy 58-60 miles

r 5-7 miles easy Off 22 miles easy 54-56 miles

6 miles easy 7 miles, 6 × 30-sec strides 16 miles easy 48-50 miles

(PE 8.5)
7 miles, 6 × 30-sec strides (PE 8.5) Off 12 miles easy 38-40 miles

4 miles easy Off Marathon 20 miles before race

Length of easy jog or walk recovery: Hill repeats: equal the effort (PE of 8.5 to 9) or up to four times the
Cruise intervals: one to two minutes effort (PE of 9 to 9.8)
Intervals: one-third to equal the interval Fartlek, including hill fartlek: one to four minutes
Repetitions and sprints: up to five times the length of the repetition Strides: equal the effort

190  |  Mastering Running

Finishing a marathon might come as a shock once it’s over. The buildup is so long
that the finish takes days and weeks to process. Recovery in the immediate and
near terms should be on your mind amid the excitement of the huge accomplish-
ment. Main tasks of recovery are rehydrating, replenishing depleted glycogen stores,
repairing and regenerating muscle tissue, replacing electrolytes, and rebuilding
your immune system.

Immediate Refueling
Fueling within 30 minutes after finishing the marathon helps replenish glycogen
stores and lost electrolytes. For about 30 minutes after exercise the body secretes a
hormone called glycogen synthase that converts carbohydrate to muscle glycogen.
Secretion of glycogen synthase begins to decline significantly after 30 minutes of
exertion, so these minutes are an opportune time for ingesting carbohydrate to
replenish glycogen stores along with protein to start the process of protein synthesis,
or muscle rebuilding. Consuming protein along with carbohydrate stimulates even
greater protein synthesis. According to the International Society of Sports Nutrition,
consuming four grams of carbohydrate for each gram of protein (a carbohydrate
to protein ratio of 3-4:1) may increase endurance performance and maximally
promote protein synthesis (Kerksick et al. 2008). Studies have shown that as early
as two hours after exertion, muscle glycogen resynthesis is already 50 percent less
effective (Betts and Williams 2010). Lost electrolytes can be replaced by eating
salty foods like pretzels or nuts.
Examples of healthy and replenishing postmarathon snacks include the fol-
§§ Chocolate milk
§§ Bread with peanut butter and jam or honey
§§ Smoothie made with fruit, yogurt, and milk or juice
§§ Sport bar and sport drink or water
§§ Yogurt
§§ Cereal with milk
§§ Banana with peanut butter
Refueling with a liquid option allows you to achieve glycogen replenishment,
electrolyte replacement, and rehydration quickly, although solids can be just as
effective. Your choice may depend on convenience and texture preferences. Just
make sure to focus on high-glycemic, glucose-rich carbohydrate sources, such as
fruit and yogurt, a peanut butter sandwich, or cereal with milk or yogurt. Low-fat
chocolate milk and Accelerade are two drinks that have the recommended 3-4:1
carbohydrate-to-protein ratio. In terms of rehydrating, drink at least 8 ounces (237
ml) of fluids every two hours for 24 hours after your marathon.
Marathon  |  191

Refueling a Few Hours Postmarathon

Two to three hours after the marathon, eat a full meal that includes a balance of
fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and protein. Stay away from alcohol and caffeine,
which are dehydrating. It is normal to feel unusually hungry after the marathon.
Without a doubt, during the first two to seven hours after the marathon you can
expect to feel delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS), caused by damage to muscle
fiber from eccentric muscle contractions, particularly if you ran a lot of downhills.
Muscle soreness peaks 24 to 48 hours after the marathon and may last 7 to 10 days.

Postmarathon Running Plan

The following rebuilding plan will help you recover after running a marathon. It’s a
reverse marathon taper over four weeks. Generally, the rule is to take one recovery
day for each mile of the race. If you come back too soon after a marathon, you will
pay for it later with chronic calf, hamstring, and quadriceps pain.
§§ Week 1 postmarathon: Immediately afterward, you should consider an ice bath
as discussed in chapter 5. Fill the tub with ice and cold water; 55 degrees F (13 C)
is optimal, but anything under 60 degrees F (16 C) works. Submerge your lower
body for 10 minutes. After the ice bath, rest or take a short, easy walk to loosen
the legs. At this point, you’ve done about all you can do for the day. Celebrate your
In the first three days after the marathon, do not run or cross-train. Continue
to drink water, at least 64 ounces (2 L) per day. For the next few days, eat lots of
fruit, carbohydrate, and protein to help repair muscle damage and restore muscle
glycogen. Soak in a hot tub for 10 to 15 minutes or soak in a tub with Epsom salt
and stretch afterward. Sitting in a whirlpool for 20 minutes can also help increase
circulation and reduce inflammation. Massage your legs with a stick or roller.
Get a light massage to help loosen your muscles. In the second half of the week,
cross-train at an easy effort for 30 to 40 minutes to promote blood flow to your legs.
§§ Week 2 postmarathon: Return to easy running only. Limit your running to 40
percent of your maximum marathon mileage.
§§ Week 3 postmarathon: Run 60 percent of your maximum marathon mileage.
All running should still be easy.
§§ Week 4 postmarathon: Run 80 percent of your maximum marathon mileage,
which may be where you want to remain until you start your next marathon train-
ing plan. During this week, try running 15 minutes once or twice a week at a PE of
7.5, comfortably hard. Otherwise run easy. This week you can start thinking about
racing again, as long as you don’t feel any muscle soreness.
Once is not enough for most marathoners. Neither is twice. There’s so much to
learn. One of our Liberty Athletic Club members has run the Boston Marathon 38
times. Whirlaway Racing Team member, Reno Stirrat, 60, is one of many runners
who continues to strive to perfect marathon performance.
192  |  Mastering Running

I have run 28 marathons and try to make them all count. The marathon
distance is not for everyone, but when someone decides to attempt it, it
should be respected and the proper training done for it. I was born on
April 19, the true Patriots Day when the Boston Marathon was always run.
With a name like Reno, I was meant to run the marathon. The marathon
is not so forgiving, but run the race you prepared to run and the returns
are satisfaction beyond one’s wildest dreams. I have run sub-three hours
for five decades, and this accomplishment makes me a member of a very
small club that includes Olympians and a Boston Marathon champion. I
still enjoy each and every marathon, and when I do finish one, it’s with
a smile knowing that I have finished and completed the distance to the
best of my abilities.
Part IV

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Chapter 14

Race Strategy
A great race is never the result just of luck and good training. Strategy is important,
too. It is also very individual—and best with doses of humor and perspective. Every
runner and coach has his or her own best strategy. So what if one strategy doesn’t
work? You learn from what went wrong and move on, now more informed. As a
masters runner, strategy includes race tactics, travel arrangements (your coach
won’t be arranging those), the right shoes, fueling, hydrating, and pacing. This
chapter provides a timetable that spans the months before the race to recovery
weeks afterward. These are suggestions; there are many other strategies.

Four or More Weeks Prerace:

You’ve Entered Your Race
Once you’ve entered the race—maybe it’s 4, 8, 10, or even 16 weeks before the race,
if it’s a marathon—read the race website carefully. Race websites provide infor-
mation about travel and flights, hotels, the course, race history with past results,
the race schedule, and information on packet pickup. If the race is a national or
world championship, the website contains information on when and where to
declare your entry, eligibility requirements (e.g., your age division based on your
birth date, which you may have to verify with a passport or birth certificate), and
yes, drug testing. If you’ve entered a race that requires travel, make flight and hotel

196  |  Mastering Running

reservations as soon as possible to ensure they are convenient and you get the best
prices. Determine if you have to be a member of USA Track & Field or your national
organization. If you’re competing, you want to know whether there are age group
awards, and if so, whether they are in 5- or 10-year age brackets.
Race websites may tell you a lot about the race course. If you’ve entered a road,
cross country, mountain, ultra, or trail race, the race website may offer details about
elevation increases or decreases. Say you’re running a 10K road race. Is the course
a loop that begins and ends in the same place? Is it an out-and-back course that
starts and finishes in the same location, following a linear route to a halfway point
before making a 180-degree turn and returning the same way? Is it a point-to-point
course that ends quite a distance from the start, or is it a course with multiple out-
and-back sections or multiple loops?

Write Down Your Goals

Once you’ve entered the race, it’s a good time to set process goals and also prelimi-
nary performance goals (based on time) or outcome goals (based on place) in the
goal pyramid discussed in chapter 7. (You may want to review the discussion of
performance, outcome, and process goals in that chapter.) Although performance
or outcome goals set now will be preliminary, they will help you with pacing and
give you a sense of control. Even if you are an experienced runner, check with a
coach or more experienced runner to see whether your thoughts are reasonable.
In the triangle at the top of the goal pyramid found in chapter 7, write an estimate
of your performance or outcome goal. If this is your first race ever, set a perfor-
mance goal of finishing the race and enjoying the experience. That will likely lure
you back to another race.

Guidelines for Performance Goals

In general, performance goals are more useful for track and road races than for
mountain or cross country races. Following are guidelines for setting performance
§§ Set performance or time goals based on your recent training times or most
recent road race result. For example, if you are about to race a 10K and you
recently ran a 5K in 20:35. The Jack Daniels VDOT chart found in the appen-
dix shows that your VDOT number is 48. That corresponds with a 42:50 10K
at a 6:54 per mile pace.
§§ Setting performance goals in terms of ranges allows for variability and unpre-
dictable circumstances. Runners who I coach sometimes set A (highest),
B (higher), and C (high) goals, even though goal setting is hardly an exact
science. The range for setting performance goals is individual, depending on
your level of experience, the race course, and the distance. In general, the
more experienced runner you are, the narrower the range. And the longer the
race distance, the wider the range. For example, if you are racing the mile,
you might set A, B, and C goals spanning 2 to 3 seconds. An A goal might be
6:00 to 6:03, a B goal might be 6:03 to 6:06, and a C goal might be 6:06 to 6:09.
A, B, and C goals might span 6 to 8 seconds each for a 5K, 10 to 15 seconds
Race Strategy  |  197

each for a 10K, 1 to 3 minutes each for a half marathon, or 3 to 8 minutes or

more for a marathon. Even though setting range goals is not an exact science,
doing so encourages you to consider everything that contributes to your per-
formance and increases the chances that you’ll evaluate your performance
objectively afterward.
§§ Many masters runners prefer to set performance goals based on age grading.
Say you’re a 45-year-old woman who has just run a 10K in 46:00 and you’re
about to run a 5K. Looking at the masters age-grading calculator (www.usatf.
org/statistics/calculators/agegrading), you see that your 46:00 age grades to
70.76 percent. You might set an A goal of running the 5K in an age-graded
time of about 72 percent (22:00), a B goal of running of 71 percent (22:20),
and a C goal of 70 percent (22:58).
As mentioned, performance goals are worth setting even if you don’t achieve
them. Weather—snow, cold, ice, heat, rain, and humidity—on race day can thwart
your plans. One of my runners recently ran a 5K road race and didn’t meet her
goals. The conditions were unusually hot and humid. Even though she was not
able to achieve her goals, she ran a smart race. She ran each mile progressively
faster. Her pace goals gave her a sense of control for her best possible result that
day. Accept and expect the unexpected on race day.

Guidelines for Outcome Goals

Outcome goals—those based on your place relative to others (Do you want to win?
Place in the top 10 percent of finishers?)—are useful if you are experienced and
know your competition. While you can set preliminary outcome goals now, know
that you will revise them a week before the race when and if the race website lists
the entrants. You can usually find past performances of runners on the Internet.

Guidelines for Process Goals

Writing down process goals—the tasks you will complete each week—will help you
identify what you are focusing on. If you are an experienced racer who has raced
a distance many times before, consider adding new training tasks to energize your
training plan. Focused on strengthening her hip flexors, one of my experienced
racers added strength-training exercises, including hill runs every 10 days, lunges,
and step-ups with weights to her weekly process goals. These additions improved
her age-graded performance from 88 to 89 percent.

One Month Before Your Race: Find the

Right Shoes for Your Race
Having reviewed the race website, you know something about the course. That
will help you select race day sneakers, which you should wear several times before
your race to make sure that they are comfortable and allow your feet to move
naturally. The following generalities about choosing sneakers hold. The stronger
and healthier your feet and ankles are (you have no bunions or Achilles tendon
issues, for example), the less cushioning you need in your shoes, and the lighter
198  |  Mastering Running

they will be. There are many kinds of lightweight racing flats and spikes, and it’s
important to consult a coach and the race website before choosing a pair (longer
spikes are not allowed on some tracks, for example). During longer races such as
the half marathon and marathon, feet tend to swell and fatigue, so you may want
to shy away from a snug-fitting minimalist shoe and opt for a more cushioned
lightweight trainer with a modest-sized toe box and with supplemental support.
Last but not least, all things being equal, as long as the shoe provides adequate
support, the lighter it is, the faster you’ll race. The rule of thumb is that you’ll save
one second per mile for every “saved” ounce (28 g) in your running shoes. If you,
then, normally train in a 12-ounce (.34 kg) shoe, and you switch to a 5.5-ounce
(.16 kg) shoe, you reduce the shoe weight by 6.5 ounces (.18 kg), roughly saving 6
seconds per mile. Over a 10K that adds up to 40 seconds.
Ultimately, the correct shoe depends on you, your level of experience, and your
feet. More experienced runners often have stronger feet and require less cushion-
ing, and therefore lighter sneakers. Everyone is different, though, needing different
levels of cushioning in the heel, support in the forefoot, and general flexibility.
Some of my masters run best in their lightweight training shoes because they have
bunions, which need a wider toe box, or they have flat feet, which require more
arch support. While many runners wear sneakers with support in longer races,
some experienced runners wear very light shoes even for the marathon.
Options that are lighter than everyday training shoes, which weigh 11 or 12
ounces (.31 or .34 kg), follow:
§§ Lightweight trainers have the same look and benefits of a regular-weight shoe
but generally weigh approximately 3 ounces (.08 kg) less. They range from 8 to 10
ounces (.23-.28 oz).
§§ Spikes, roughly 5 ounces (.14 kg) per shoe, have sharp metal or ceramic spikes
that are screwed into the sole. Some cross country spikes have rubber spikes
attached to the sole. Because they are designed for minimal weight and high trac-
tion, spikes can improve times in races on the track as well as in cross country
races. Spikes encourage you to run on your toes, helping you achieve maximum
traction on the track surface, and cross country spikes provide better traction on
dirt, loose gravel, mushy snow, and sandy surfaces than any other type of running
shoe. Because spikes are generally narrow and offer little or no support or stabil-
ity, be sure you spend extra time stretching your hamstring, calves, and Achilles
tendons beforehand. Spikes can lead to pulled calves or Achilles if you are not
used to them.
Also, spikes come in various lengths and types. Most racing venues and organi-
zations dictate which spikes are legal for their events, and some meets don’t allow
spikes. Know what’s allowed and what’s not. Three-eighths-inch spikes (9 mm)
are fairly standard for cross country races, while quarter-inch (6 mm) spikes are
standard for track races. Bring to the race not only spikes in a variety of lengths
but also extras in case some are lost.
§§ Flats, about five to eight ounces (.14-.23 kg) per shoe, offer less cushioning
and a lower heel than lightweight trainers. Many runners wear flats on all kinds of
surfaces—track, roads, and cross country, particularly if the footing is hard and
dry—and in distances from the mile to the marathon.
Race Strategy  |  199

§§ Minimalist or “barely there” shoes—unlike flats, which provide a little cushion-

ing—have no cushioning and no drop between the heel and forefoot. They offer
no medial or lateral support and are very flexible. Few masters choose minimalist
shoes. This is not surprising given that many of them need more support than
younger runners do given increased vulnerability to injuries such as Achilles ten-
dinitis, plantar fasciitis, and calf strains.

Two Weeks Before Your Race

Beginning now, and continuing through race day, you may want to practice a daily
five-minute visualization that can help you steady your breathing during challenging
moments of the race, whether that is the third quarter of the race, often the slowest
section, or laps on a track when you are bunched up with others in a mile. Consult
with your coach or more experienced runners about challenges to visualize.
Wear your racing shoes on portions of your runs at least three times during the
two weeks before your race so you know they’ll be comfortable on race day.

Race Week
During this taper week, focus on gentle stretching, reducing mileage, and getting
more sleep, if possible, than usual. Go to bed half an hour earlier than you normally
do, even if that’s to read or watch television.
Drink plenty of fluids (an average of 11.5 cups [2.7 L] for women and 15.5 cups
[3.7 L] for men, as discussed in chapter 3), and as mentioned in chapter 13, if you
are preparing for a marathon, begin fueling with more complex carbohydrate
beginning four days before the race. Begin checking the weather prediction for
your race so you can plan your race day clothing.

Refine Your Goals

During the week of your race, refine your goals based on your training over the
last few weeks and months. Again, ask a coach or a more experienced runner for
advice about attainable goals. Setting A, B, and C goals will give you guidelines for
pace and also for evaluating your race and your training after the event. It will help
you avoid reacting only emotionally to your race, by providing a built-in framework
for judging your race objectively.

Choose a Segmenting Plan

Even though you have an idea of your goals, you’ll be more prepared to race if you
have a segmenting plan that divides the race into parts. Each plan has advantages
and disadvantages and depends on your strengths, your weaknesses, experience,
race distance, course conditions, and race logistics. Segmenting a race helps you
focus on where you are in a race, whether it’s a mile or a marathon. You can focus
on even pacing, even effort, negative splits, or surges, for example.

Even Pacing
Many runners like even pacing, maintaining roughly the same pace per mile or
kilometer throughout the race. Studies have shown that the top runners in most
Runner Profile: Kara Haas
Date of birth: Oct. 10, 1970
Personal Information
§§ Elementary school computer teacher and
§§ Middle school cross country coach
§§ Married, with a 2-year-old daughter, Ella
§§ Started focused training at 19
Open Personal Bests
§§ Mile (downhill) 4:41 (22)
§§ 1,500 meters 4:40 (22)
§§ 5K (road) 16:48 (23)

Courtesy of Mike Haas

§§ 10K (road) 35:06 (23)
§§ Half marathon 1:18:54 (24)
§§ Marathon 2:54:17 (38)
Personal Bests at 40 to 49
§§ Mile (downhill) 4:38 (42)
§§ Mile (indoor track) 5:06 (40)
§§ 3,000 meters 9:49 (41)
§§ 5K (road) 16:28 (42)
§§ 10K (road) 37:41 (42)
§§ Half marathon 1:19:41 (40)
Age-Graded Personal Bests
§§ 5K (road) 94.36% (15:41 at age 42)
§§ 10K (road) 86.4% (35:06 at age 23)
§§ Half marathon 86.15% (1:16:25 at age 40)
Cathy Utzschneider: You started to focus on running in college and have stayed with it
since. As you’ve learned more about running over the years, what has surprised you most?
Kara Haas: The friendships, connections, and sense of belonging that is stronger than in any
other community of people. Runners are just such special, unique people and I’m so proud to
call myself a runner!
Cathy: What would you want collegiate runners and other runners to know about masters
Kara: It’s a lifelong sport. When you are 19 years old and have a bad race, it feels like the end
of the world. The older you get, you realize there will always be another race, and at the end
of the day, it’s just a race.
Cathy: What was your favorite win as a runner under 30?
Kara: I was running and working for Saucony, and I won the 3.5-mile World Corporate Chal-
lenge Championship in NYC. I ran out of my tree that day, and then got to have breakfast with
Grete Waitz. That is one of my fondest memories as a runner. She was an amazing, classy lady.
Cathy: What was your favorite win as a runner under 40?

Kara: The Falmouth Road Race. The masters win at Falmouth, in the inaugural year of the
separate women’s elite start, was simply magical. It was one of those days you know will
probably never happen again, so you just savor the moment.
Cathy: People often say that masters runners look forward to aging, to entering a new arena
of competition. Given that you race a lot on the roads, where masters is usually defined as
beginning at age 40, in your late 30s were you looking forward to turning 40?
Kara: Yes and no. I’ve tried all my life to live in the moment and not focus on what might be
next. That being said, it’s still so inspirational to see people in their 60s, 70s, and 80s running
amazing times and simply loving to compete. My father is 73 and he has won the 70-plus
division at Falmouth the last three years in a row, and I love how he continues to find such joy
in running and competing. That is really what it is all about.
Cathy: You have one child and gave birth at 41. Did you take time off during your pregnancy?
Kara: I continued to run 40 to 50 miles (64-80 km) up until the last six weeks of my pregnancy
and biked the last six weeks. I was running again three days after Ella was born. I really think
being in such good shape helped me recover so quickly and was part of the reason I had such
an easy, healthy pregnancy.
Cathy: You won the masters division of New Bedford Half Marathon at 41 just five months
after having given birth to your first child. How did you do that?
Kara: I was so fortunate to recover really quickly after childbirth. I ran my 3,000-meter PR
(9:49) and dipped under the American indoor record 11 weeks after Ella was born. I felt fan-
tastic running after childbirth, but I also was able to stay home for five months. I had always
worked at least one job, so to not have the stressors of multiple jobs was a huge factor. I think
the happiness factor played a huge role, too. I was thrilled to have a child and to be able to
spend some time at home with her.
Cathy: As a 43-year-old, do you think more in terms of personal bests or in terms of age grading?
Kara: Definitely personal bests. For me, every race is an internal competition against my
22-year-old self.
Cathy: As a fairly young masters runner, have you noticed differences yet between running as
a college student and running in your early 40s, and if so, what are they?
Kara: In college, there is so much time to devote to training, nutrition, rest, and so on. Once
you graduate and are working crazy hours, taking care of a household, then a family, running
is just an outlet for sanity.
Cathy: What is a sample peak training week for a 10K these days?
Sunday: 10- to 15-mile (16-24 km) long run
Monday: easy 8-9 miles (13-15 km)
Tuesday: speed work: 2- to 3-mile (3.2-4.8 km) warm-up, four × 1 mile (1.6 km) at 5K
race pace, 2-mile (3.2 km) cool-down, strides
Wednesday: easy 8-9 miles (13-15 km)
Thursday: easy 8-9 miles (13-15 km) plus strides
Friday: 2-mile warm-up (3.2 km), 4- to 5-mile (6.4-8 km) tempo run at marathon pace,
2- to 3-mile (3.2-4.8 km) cool-down
Saturday: easy 10-12 miles (16-19 km)

202  |  Mastering Running

races tend to run the first half and the second half of the race in nearly equal
times. This is a good plan for long races like the marathon where it is difficult to
run negative splits.

Even-Effort Pacing
Even-effort pacing relies more on effort than it does on actual pace per mile or
kilometer. Runners try to maintain the same perceived, not actual, effort throughout
the race. Many beginning runners use this plan because it allows them to finish
comfortably. If you plan on even-effort pacing, anticipate that your perceived
effort level will increase with fatigue. Even-effort pacing is often a good strategy
for more experienced runners in mountain races, some cross country races, or
very hilly events.

Negative Splits
Aiming for negative splits means trying to run the second half of a race faster than
the first. A negative-split plan is excellent for race distances from the mile to the
half marathon, as long as the second half of the course is not more difficult than
the first. This strategy often results in top performances. It also keeps you from
going out too fast at the race start (one of the biggest mistakes in racing), causing
you to burn through your stored energy too quickly.
You can run negative splits by dividing the race into two, three, or four segments,
running each progressively faster. Divide the race distance into segments that are
progressively shorter as you intensify the pace. For example, if the race is a mile,
or eight laps on an indoor track, run the first five laps at a hard perceived exertion
and the last three at a very hard perceived exertion. If the race is a 5K, run the
first 1.5 miles (2.4 km) at a comfortably hard perceived exertion, the next mile (1.6
km) at a hard perceived exertion, and the last .6 mile (1 km) very hard. With a 10K
you might run the first 3 miles (4.8 km) comfortably hard, the next 2 miles (3.2
km) hard, and the last 1.2 miles (2 km) very hard. In a half marathon, my runners
might run the first 8 miles (13 km) comfortably hard, the next 3 (4.8 km) hard, and
the last 2 (3.2 km) very hard. An easier start gives you strength for a faster finish.
Many masters think that segmenting their races with cue words—words that
describe feelings or evoke images—instead of perceived exertion helps them
run negative splits, maintain focus, and also feel in control. In a 5K, for example,
instead of focusing on running the first 1.5 miles (2.4 km) comfortably hard, you
might focus on the words relaxed and steady. You might focus on the word strong
until about 2.5 miles (4 km), and on quick and smooth for the final .6 miles (1 km).

When you surge, you change your pace suddenly at different points in the race
depending on course conditions and where your competitors are. If you are in
a competitive masters race hoping for a top position, surging can surprise and
demoralize other runners, particularly if you can hold or accelerate your pace.

Front Running
Front running means starting strong and trying to lead throughout the race. Unless
you are in an age group competition or know you’re one of the fastest in the field,
Race Strategy  |  203

this is not a good strategy for most masters runners. During front running, you open
a large lead in an attempt to discourage other runners. However, be prepared to
be in a great deal of pain in the last part of the race.
Sometime during the week before the race, create a race day checklist. Include
your race day schedule, including what time you will wake up and what time you
will eat. Then list everything you’ll need for the day. Lay out everything so you are
sure you have it. These are things you should have:
Information about where to pick up Gels and food
your bib number and timing chip, if Tissues
you haven’t picked it up already Adhesive strips
Identification Petroleum jelly or anti-chafing
Cash cream such as Bodyglide
A raincoat or plastic trash bag Pain relievers
(if it might rain) Hat
Water or carbohydrate beverage Gloves
Towel Sunglasses
Shoes Sunscreen
Safety pins

Day Before
If you’re running a mountain, cross country, or road race, familiarize yourself with
the race course. If you can, go to the race venue to see the start and to walk or
jog parts of the course. Course conditions change from day to day. The course
terrain—whether packed dirt, uneven grass, gravel, mud, snow, loose rubble, or
sand—will affect your choice of racing shoes. If you are running a trail or cross
country race and it’s been wet and there are places with snow and mud, you will
want to wear spikes rather than flats. If you can’t visit the race site, review the
course on the website again and speak with others who have seen the course in
the last day or so.
If you are racing on a track and not familiar with its banking or the surface, it’s
worth visiting the track the day before you race on it. If you’re running a mile, 5K,
or 10K on the track, make sure you know how many laps you’ll be running. A mile
is approximately eight laps around a standard indoor track (200 meters) and four
laps around a standard outdoor track (400 meters). (Because a mile is 1,609 meters,
it is actually nine meters more than eight indoor and four outdoor laps.) The 5,000
meter race is 25 laps around a standard indoor track (200 meters) and 12.5 laps
around a standard outdoor track (400 meters). The 10,000 meter race, the longest
outdoor track event, is 25 times around a 400 meter outdoor track.
Always check the race website the day before a race for any changes. Some-
times start times, course routes, and parking areas are altered at the last minute
to accommodate weather or unforeseen circumstances.
Double-check all the steps for getting to the start of the race. You’ll be excited
and nervous on race day, so the more familiar you are with what you should do
and when you should do it, the more you can focus on your race.
204  |  Mastering Running

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

So you’ve settled on a segmenting plan. And you’re still nervous. Progressive muscle relax-
ation—tensing specific muscle groups and then relaxing them to create awareness of tension
and relaxation—can help. Relaxing one muscle group at a time eventually leads to total muscle
relaxation. Here are the steps.
1. Lie in a comfortable position, loosen any tight clothing, close your eyes, and be quiet. Tune
out all other thoughts.
2. Tense each muscle group for five seconds and then relax it as follows:
§§ Forehead: Wrinkle your forehead, trying to make your eyebrows touch your hairline.
§§ Eyes and nose: Close your eyes as tightly as you can. Relax.
§§ Lips, cheeks, and jaw: Draw the corners of your mouth back and grimace. Feel the
warmth and calmness in your face. Relax.
§§ Hands: Extend your arms in front of you. Clench your fists tightly for five seconds. Feel
the warmth and calmness in your hands. Relax.
§§ Forearms: Extend your arms out against an invisible wall and push forward with your
hands for five seconds. Relax.
§§ Upper arms: Bend your elbows. Tense your biceps for five seconds. Feel the tension
leave your arms as you relax them. Relax.
§§ Shoulders: Shrug your shoulders up to your ears for five seconds. Relax.
§§ Back: Arch your back off the floor for five seconds. Relax. Feel the anxiety and tension
§§ Abdomen: Tighten your abdominal muscles for five seconds. Relax.
§§ Hips and buttocks: Tighten your hip and buttock muscles for five seconds. Relax.
§§ Thighs: Tighten your thigh muscles by pressing your legs together as tightly as you can
for five seconds. Relax.
§§ Feet: Bend your ankles toward your body as far as you can for five seconds. Relax.
§§ Toes: Curl your toes as tightly as you can for five seconds. Relax.
3. Focus on any muscles that may still be tense. Tighten and relax that muscle three or four times.
4. Fix the feeling of relaxation in your mind.

The day before your race is the time to eat your last large meal. It should be
eaten at least 12 hours before your race. The following are guidelines for your last
meal before your race:
§§ High in carbohydrate, which digests more quickly than fat and protein
§§ Rather bland
§§ Low in fiber
§§ Taken without alcohol or caffeine
Race Strategy  |  205

Race Day
All day long, from the time you wake up to the end of the race, repeat a positive
mantra to counteract negative thoughts and race day jitters. “Only positive thoughts”
is a theme that works for many. Others are “I’m so lucky to be here,” “I am so well
prepared,” “I have lots of energy,” and “I know I can do this.”
Be sure that your wake-up plan is foolproof. Don’t just rely on an alarm clock.
Perhaps ask a friend to call you also.

Tips for Starting the Race

Being smart and prepared at the start is an important part of a successful race, even
though you’re probably thinking more about the finish than the start. Here are tips
to consider. Some of them have been discussed in earlier chapters:
§§ If you are already registered and the race is not too large, get to the start at
least an hour early, especially if you need to pick up your race packet. If you
haven’t registered, arrive an hour and a half early. For large marathons, plan
to arrive two to three hours early.
§§ Eat your last light meal two to four hours before your race. It should be low-
fiber food that is easily digested, such as cereals, toast, and a banana.
§§ About two hours before the start, as mentioned in chapter 13, drink 12 to 20
ounces (355-591 ml) of water, giving your body time to process extra fluid.
Then drink 6 to 10 ounces (177-295 ml) of cold water 10 to 20 minutes before
the race start.
§§ Allow plenty of time for portapotty lines. They can be long, particularly at
big races.
§§ Warm up 40 to 45 minutes before the race starts. A prerace warm-up is espe-
cially important in cold weather. Begin with easy running for one and a half
to two miles (2.4-3.2 km). If you’re running a marathon, a one-mile (1.6 km)
warm-up is enough. After you’ve run a mile, stop and do dynamic stretches
and leg swings for 5 to 10 minutes. Then complete your run, incorporating
four times 20-second strides, focusing on your form. The strides help elevate
your heart rate and get your body ready for racing.
§§ When you’re done with your warm-up, relax—whether that means listening
to music, doing light stretching, reading, meditating, or talking with others.
§§ For marathons and other big races, get to your corral early (that means you’ve
already checked your race bag with your extra layers). If you’re going to be
waiting at the starting line for a while, wear an old long-sleeve shirt (that you
can throw away at a water stop) over your race clothes for warmth. If it’s rainy
or windy, a garbage bag with holes cut for your arms and neck is handy also
and easy to discard once the race begins.
§§ Line up in the right spot. Faster runners line up closest to the starting line, and
slower runners are farther back. Some races, especially big half marathons
and marathons, have corrals based on estimated pace. Your race bib should
indicate the corral to which you’ve been assigned. If the race doesn’t have
206  |  Mastering Running

corrals, look for pace-per-mile signs. If there aren’t any, seed yourself near
runners whose anticipated pace is close to yours. If theirs is faster than yours,
move farther back. (You don’t have to worry about the minutes it takes to
cross the starting line because most races use timing chips.)
§§ Be cautious once you start running. Starts are often crowded and chaotic, and
runners jostle each other. Pay attention to other runners, and watch out for
discarded items so you don’t stumble. If you have to throw something away,
make sure you toss it off to the side, away from other runners.
§§ Take advantage of drafting or trailing directly behind or just off to the side of a
runner. This lowers wind resistance, allowing you to run at least four seconds
per mile faster at the same effort (Davies 1980).
§§ Run the tangents, meaning cover the shortest distance possible by running
straight from one curve to the next. Even though race courses are measured
accurately, many racers run a longer distance (and therefore a slower finish
time) by following every curve in the road. A tangent is a straight line that
just touches a curve.

Hydrating and Fueling During the Race

If you don’t know your sweat rate, as discussed in chapter 13, then during the
race, depending on the weather conditions and your size, you should sip four to
eight ounces (118-237 ml) of fluid every 15 to 20 minutes. You can save time on
the water stops if you pass the first table, which is usually the most crowded, and
head for a table toward the end of the row and on the left-hand side if there are
tables on both sides of the street. (Most people are right handed and naturally go
to the tables on the right side.)
As mentioned in chapter 13, in races of 10 miles (16 km) or longer consume
about 100 calories of carbohydrate after an hour of running and then another 100
calories every 40 to 45 minutes after that either as a carbohydrate drink or as food.
If you are racing for 90 minutes or more, or a race longer than 10 miles (16 km),
some of your fluid intake should include a sport drink consisting of 5 to 6 percent
carbohydrate and electrolytes that will replace lost sodium and other minerals as
well as help the fluids absorb faster.

Postrace Fueling and Hydrating

Replacing fluid after a race, be it the mile or the marathon, is important, particularly
if you’ll begin training again soon. As mentioned in chapter 13, replace fluids and
carbohydrate within 30 minutes of exercise. That applies not just to the marathon
but the shorter distances as well. The American College of Sports Medicine (2007)
recommends drinking 2 cups (.5 L) of fluid for every pound (.4 kg) of body weight
lost while running (ACSM 2007). Check your urine for a day or two after the event
to help you determine whether you are hydrated. It should be pale yellow.
As also mentioned in chapter 13, replace muscle and liver glycogen stores
within 30 to 60 minutes of finishing exercising because, within that period, the
body secretes a hormone called glycogen synthase that converts carbohydrate
Race Strategy  |  207

to glycogen. Ingesting carbohydrate and protein in a ratio of 4:1 (4 grams of

carbohydrates for every gram of protein) helps increase muscle glycogen recovery
(Ivy et al. 2002). Low-fat chocolate milk provides this 4-to-1 carbohydrate-to-protein
ratio, as does a piece of whole grain bread with peanut butter and jelly or yogurt
and granola. (Consuming protein along with carbohydrate stimulates even greater
protein synthesis for muscle rebuilding.) You can easily replenish lost electrolytes
through a balanced diet. Sodium almost never needs to be supplemented because
a balanced diet containing salty foods such as pretzels or nuts provides enough
sodium. Potassium is found in many foods, including orange juice, bananas, pota-
toes, cantaloupe, yogurt, and apricots.
Within a half an hour of finishing your race, stretch gently, focusing on your major
muscle groups. You can use a foam roller or a stick roller to break up tightness.
Within about two hours after your race, eat a well-balanced meal, and then
rest. While ice baths, discussed in chapter 13, are worth taking after a marathon,
a bath in Epsom salt, also known as magnesium sulfate, can ease pain and relieve
inflammation. Epsom salt is absorbed through the skin (avoid using soap with it
because it blocks its effectiveness). Put two cups of Epsom salt in warm water and
soak for 10 minutes. If you also want to moisturize your skin, add half a cup (118
ml) of olive or baby oil.

Postgoal Analysis
Your race is over. You’re exhausted, relieved, thrilled, or, perhaps, disappointed.
How do you think about your race objectively? The postgoal analysis described in
chapter 7 can help you evaluate your training and the race objectively for future
improvement. The form asks you to summarize your training over the past months,
comment on particular circumstances related to race day, and recall recent life
events that occurred over the course of your training. It also asks you to identify
how you would improve your training for a similar race in the future.

Recovery and Rebuilding

How much should you run after a race? Your return depends largely on your age
and experience. For suggestions on recovery from the marathon refer to chapter
13. For all other distances, take a day or even two days off after the race and run
easy the following week, lowering your mileage by 50 to 75 percent. The following
list suggests when you might consider running 10 single minutes at a comfortably
hard pace again.
Race Distance Time Until 10 × 1 Minute of Comfortably Hard Running
Mile 1 week
5K 10 days
10K 2 weeks
Half marathon 3 weeks
Marathon 4 weeks
208  |  Mastering Running

Perseverance, patience, and passion—not perfection—are components of the

best strategy. You always learn from experience and mistakes. So, as Nike says,
Just do it! Every race is an excellent teacher as long as you remember and analyze
past details for your next strategy and improved race.
Chapter 15

Beyond the Standard

You’ve achieved your goals: run the races, distances, times, the age-graded percent-
ages you aimed for. You’ve run the mile, 5K, 10K, half marathon, and marathon.
You’re ready for a change. You love running—the joy of moving, its efficiency, the
feeling of freedom, the satisfaction of having covered a distance—and you know
you don’t want to stop. And you enjoy the challenge, the excitement and challenges
of racing. What about trying a triathlon or duathlon or a mountain, trail, or ultra
run? Clearly some of these events require learning more new skills than others.
This chapter presents an overview of these events, beginning with a few thoughts
about making the transition to these events.

Shifting to Other Events

Maybe you’ve run for decades. You want to keep running but would also like to try
something new, and yet you may hesitate. I like my training routine. I’d like to try
a new event but I’m not sure which one, not sure how to make adjustments to my
routine, you might think. True, transitions take time and also involve uncertainty. But
they are invigorating. As William Bridges (2004) writes about all kinds of changes

210  |  Mastering Running

in Transitions: Making Sense of Life’s Changes, transitions are “the difficult process
of letting go of an old situation.” They involve a “natural process of disorientation
and reorientation marking the turning points in the path of growth” (p. 4). If you
allow time to experiment and have patience and perspective (and trust the 10-year
or 10,000-hours-to-excellence rule), you can relax as you try a new event.
Running is the best preparation for a mountain, trail, or ultrarun and an excellent
base for a triathlon or duathlon. Many runners are amazed at how well they’ve done
after taking on these events. Jody Dushay, 46, experienced success in her first major
triathlon, having competed in cross country and track throughout high school and
college and then in marathons with a personal best of 2:53. She enjoyed biking
and swimming recreationally and decided to devote more time to these and try
the triathlon experience. She entered the Miami Half Ironman, finished second in
her age category (45 to 49), and qualified for the World Age Group Championship
in September 2014. While Jody’s initial success is unusual, many report that taking
on a new event is inspiring. “Competing in marathons was starting to take a toll on
my body, especially the very long runs. I was also finding marathon training more
of a chore than a positive experience day after day. The addition of swimming and
biking, in combination with reduced running, has been absolutely invigorating,”
Jody told me recently.
If you undertake a duathlon or triathlon or mountain, ultra, or trail run, consult
a coach or at least an athlete experienced in the discipline. He or she can help you
navigate the transitions in your training based on your current level of fitness and
experience. Next, consider your strengths and weaknesses as an athlete as well
as resources available, equipment required, clubs available, and your current life
commitments. If a triathlon interests you, basic first questions include: Can you
swim? Do you have access to a pool? Where can you get coaching if you want to
improve your swimming? Do you have a bike and if not where can you buy one
and where can you ride it? If mountain or trail running interest you, are trails
nearby? Where can you run regularly on inclines? Events and training courses
are listed on national websites ( and for duathlons and triathlons) and regional websites usually
include listings of experts from whom you can gain information about coaches
and clubs. Local running and bike stores, other books, and running and swim
coaches at high schools and colleges can also be sources of information. Specific
considerations for first-timers in each event are covered in the following sections.

What about trying a tri? The triathlon—the most common form includes swim-
ming, cycling, and running—is surging in popularity, and many new entrants to
the sport are masters runners. Overall, triathlon participation in the United States
is at an all-time high, following unprecedented growth over the past 10 to 15 years.
USA Triathlon membership in 2012 was 550,446 compared to 100,000 to 130,000
from 1998 to 2000. Masters runners have contributed to the growth in number of
triathletes: 55 percent are between 30 and 49 years old. In 2012, 11 percent of USA
Triathlon members were 30 to 34, 14 percent were 35 to 39, 17 percent were 40 to
44, and 13 percent were 45 to 49 (USA Triathlon 2013).
Beyond the Standard Events  |  211

Triathlon races vary in distance. Consider starting with a shorter event:

§§ The sprint triathlon consists of a .5K to .75K (.3 to .5 mile) swim, 20K to 22K
(12.4-13 miles) bike, and 5K run. Of all triathlon race distances, the sprint
triathlon has seen the largest growth in the United States: 818 races held in
2004 compared to 1,507 in 2010 (USA Triathlon 2013). Because they are short,
sprint triathlons are a good first-time triathlon choice for runners. (Supersprints
are slightly shorter races, consisting of a .4K (.25-mile) swim, 10K bike, and
2.5K (1.5 miles) run.
§§ The Olympic distance triathlon consists of a 1.5K (.9 mile) swim, 40K (24.9
miles) bike, and 10K run.
§§ The Half Ironman, also known as an Ironman 70.3 because it refers to the
total distance in miles (113K) covered in the race, consists of a 1.9K (1.2-mile)
swim, a 90K (56-mile) bike ride, and a 21.1K (13.1-mile) run. Each distance of
the swim, bike, and run segments are half the distances of those segments
in an Ironman triathlon. Half Ironman events are used as qualifiers for Iron-
man triathlons.
§§ The Ironman consists of a 3.8K (2.4 miles) swim, 180K (111.8 miles) bike, and
42K (26.2 miles) run (a marathon). Each leg alone in this event challenges
even an experienced endurance athlete. Train for an Ironman distance only
after you’ve had experience in shorter races and have completed at least one
Half Ironman.
General recommendations for first-time triathletes—and also for duathletes—
begin with anticipating the gear you’ll need. For your first triathlon, even your own
Schwinn Varsity bike will work. If you happen to have a road bike, use it. Otherwise
a mountain bike will serve, although it will not go as fast. You can improve its speed
by replacing the fat, knobby tires with smooth, thinner tires meant for street riding.
If you need to buy equipment, contact the closest triathlon club or the best local
bike shop that specializes in serving triathletes. Most important is that the bike fits.
To get properly fitted for your bike, a knowledgeable mechanic or cyclist can help
you set your seat height, handlebar height, and other adjustable parts of the bike
to give you the most comfortable and efficient riding position. You’ll also want to
get your bike tuned. Clean and lubricate the drive train, replace worn parts, and
check the brakes and tires, for example. In addition, ask an expert about basic
maintenance tasks such as how to fix a flat and oil the chain.
You can adjust your bike further for a race in several ways. If your bike has a
kickstand, for instance, take it off. It just adds weight. Also, consider adding a clip-
on aerobar. This will enable you to ride in an aerodynamic “time trial” position
that saves a lot of energy by reducing wind drag. Also, consider replacing your flat
pedals with a pair of clipless pedals and wearing bike shoes.
Other items you may need to purchase include padded bike shorts, bike shoes
to increase pedal efficiency, a helmet, cycling glasses, a tire pump, a spare tube,
and a hex wrench set for tightening and loosening bolts. If you are beginning tri-
athlon training when you can’t bike outside, start on a stationary bike in the gym
or purchase a wind trainer, a stand that holds your bike and provides resistance
so that you can ride indoors.
212  |  Mastering Running

Essential gear for swimming includes a swimsuit, goggles, and a swim cap (if
you have long hair). Consider buying a racing suit. Choose goggles that fit the
shape of your face so they don’t leak. (To prevent lens fogging, spread a tiny drop
of baby shampoo on the inside of the lenses the night before your event and then
rinse them out the morning of your race.)
For running, you can keep using the gear you have been using. You may want to
purchase a triathlon suit, which combines a swimsuit with cycling shorts. Nothing
beats it for this purpose.
In terms of training for your first triathlon, you should do equal numbers of swim,
bike, and run workouts. Because the time during a triathlon is generally divided
so that half is spent cycling, about 30 percent running, and 20 percent swimming,
adjust your training time to reflect those percentages. That simply means that
biking should take more time than running, which should take more time than
swimming. The amount of actual time you spend training depends, of course, on
your current level of fitness as well as your skill level. Once you have adjusted to
the three disciplines, begin incorporating one and then two bricks (training two
of the disciplines) a week: a swim and then bike, and a bike and then run because
the order of triathlon events is swim, bike, run. If you are a beginning swimmer
who needs lessons, figure on more time swimming. If you are afraid of open water,
try a triathlon in a pool. In cold, snowy weather install an indoor trainer, which is
more specific to biking than a stationary or spin bike. If you don’t want to install a
trainer, a spin class will keep you in shape until you can ride outside. When you
get closer to your race, practice the transitions from swimming to biking and then
from biking to running. As mentioned, consult a coach on all aspects of your first-
time training.

If you hate to swim, you may want to try a duathlon: a race with a run, bike, run
sequence. Duathlons may be found through USA Triathlon, the national governing
body for duathlon (as well as for aquathlon [swim and run] and aquabike [swim
and bike]). Duathlons vary a great deal. The following are typical distances:
§§ The supersprint duathlon consists of a 2.5K (1.6-mile) run, 10K (6.2-mile)
cycle, and 2.5K (1.6-mile) run.
§§ The sprint duathlon consists of a 5K (3.1-mile) run, 20K (12.4-mile) cycle, and
a 5K run.
§§ The standard-distance duathlon consists of a 10K run, 40K (24.9-mile) cycle,
10K run.
§§ The long-distance duathlon, an example of which is the world’s premier
duathlon, the Powerman Zofingen in Switzerland, is a 10K run, 150K (93.2-
mile) cycle, and a 30K (18.6-mile) run.
The world’s largest duathlon to date is the London Duathlon in Richmond Park
in southwest London. It offers four individual competitions and one team challenge:
a supersprint (5K run, 11K [6.8-mile] bike, 5K run), sprint (10K run, 22K [13.7-mile]
bike, 5K run), classic (10K run, 44K [27.3-mile] bike, 5K run), ultra (20K run, 77K
[47.9-mile] bike, 10K run), and classic relay (10K run, 44K bike, 5K run).
Beyond the Standard Events  |  213

General recommendations for a first-time duathlon are to begin by dividing

weekly workouts to include three cycling workouts and three runs. Consult with
a duathlon coach to learn how to incorporate intervals and endurance training.
Follow the suggestions about biking from the triathlon discussion.

Mountain, Ultra, and Trail Races

More and more runners, masters among them, are turning to mountain, ultra, and
trail races for variety and challenge. In the United States, these events are repre-
sented by the Mountain, Ultra and Trail (MUT) Sport Council, which assists USA
Track & Field. MUT recognizes not just open but also masters runners of the year.

Mountain Races
Internationally, the World Mountain Running Association, the sport’s global govern-
ing body, is responsible for world mountain running competitions, which include
events for all ages. Mountain races, some of which may also be considered ultra
and trail races, take place over a variety of distances, ascents, descents, and ter-
rain, with courses for all abilities and age groups. While some mountain runs are
staged on roads or semipaved surfaces, all must include significant elevation gains
to be considered mountain runs. Significant elevation gains are the distinguishing
difference between mountain and trail runs.
If you check your regional USATF division, you might find schedules for moun-
tain races, including race series, in your area. Many of my New England runners
participate in the shortest mountain races in the series, such as the Wachusett
Mountain Race to prepare for larger races such as the Mount Washington Road
Race. Awards are given in five-year age divisions. One of our Liberty Athletic Club
runners, Carrie Parsi, has run Mount Washington 17 times, winning her age divi-
sion numerous times. In 2013 she won the female 70 to 74 age group. The oldest
age group winner that year was George Etzweiler, age 93.
Mountain races may also be ultradistances. The Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc, for
example, is a mountain ultramarathon that covers 166 kilometers (103 miles). The
total elevation gain is about 9,400 meters (30,840 feet), held in the Alps across
France, Italy, and Switzerland. It’s known as the most difficult footrace in Europe.
The best runners complete the loop in a little over 20 hours, while most take 30 to
45 hours to finish.
General recommendations for training for your first mountain race include
incorporating runs on hills or roads up small mountains, at first once and then at
least twice a week. Add cycling to your training to strengthen your quadriceps,
which are critical for mountain running. Strengthen your arms and abdominals,
both of which work harder as you run uphill. Consider buying mountain running
shoes with a reinforced toe bumper.

Ultradistances are anything longer than a marathon, and even more than the
marathon, they reflect a lifestyle, requiring many miles and hours of running to
prepare for them. Ultradistances may also be trail or mountain runs. In general,
there are two types of ultradistance events: events that cover a specified distance
214  |  Mastering Running

and events that take place during a specified time (with the winner covering the
most distance in that time). The most common ultradistances are 50K (31 miles),
100K (62 miles), 50 miles (80K), and 100 miles (161K), although many races are
run other distances. The 100K is an official International Association of Athletics
Federation (IAAF) world record event. Other races include double marathons
and timed events that range from 6, 12, and 24 hours to 3 to 10 days or even more.
The format of these events and the courses vary, including single or multiple
loops, point-to-point road or trail races, and cross country orienteering, which
involves both route planning and navigation between checkpoints using a variety
of map types. Many ultramarathons, especially trail challenges, incorporate major
course obstacles, including elevation changes over mountain paths and rugged
terrain covering dirt and rocky roads. Aid stations are usually set up at regular inter-
vals, where runners can replenish food and drink, supplies, or take a short break.
This is also where race organizers track runners’ progress, record their numbers,
and make sure the runners are healthy and able to continue running.
General recommendations for your first ultramarathon are to consider an ultra
only after you have run a few marathons and to choose an ultra that allows you
to train on the terrain on which you expect to race. Perfect the art of fueling and
hydrating, given the fact that even an easy 50-mile (80 km) run takes the average
runner 8 to 11 hours to complete. Practice skills that develop the mental toughness
required to withstand the hours of challenge. Focus your workouts not on the dis-
tance covered but rather on the hours on your feet. If you are working from a base
of being able to run 15 miles (24 km), allow six months to train for your first ultra.

Trail Races
Trail races cover distances from 5K and up and are becoming increasingly popular.
The sport is still fairly young. The American Trail Running Association, a member
of USATF, was founded as recently as 1996 to represent trail races in the United
States. Trail races include mountain single-track trails and may also include paved
pathways in rural and even urban areas. Many trail races are held in national
parks, and many overlap with mountain and ultrarunning if they traverse and
climb mountains.
Short-course trail racing gives you a chance to try trail running without commit-
ting to long distances. The Cascadia Trail Series in Orem, Utah, offers race distances
from 5K to 15K. The Georgia State Parks Trail Series just north of Atlanta, Georgia,
includes race distances from 5K to 9.9 miles (16 km). The Endless Summer Trail
Run Series in Minneapolis, Minnesota, features race distances from the 5K to 7
miles (11 km), and the Cougar Mountain Trail Run Series in Seattle, Washington,
includes races from 5 to 26 miles (8-42 km).
Many of the most high-profile trail races are longer than marathons. Two famous
trail runs in the United States, for example, are the Western States Endurance Run
(commonly known as the Western States 100), a 100-mile (161 km) ultramarathon
on trails in California’s Sierra Nevada Mountains, and the Badwater Ultramarathon,
which describes itself as the world’s toughest footrace. It is a 135-mile (217 km)
course from California’s Death Valley to the trailhead at Mount Whitney.
While many trail races take place in a single day, some are divided into multiple
stages and take place over several days because of their length. In both single-
Runner Profile: Meghan Arbogast
Date of birth: April 16, 1961
Personal Information
§§ Licensed massage therapist
§§ Widowed
§§ One daughter, born October 4, 1986
§§ Started focused training in mid-20s (I started competitive running with just the occasional
and local 5K or 10K. I gradually worked up to running my first marathon at age 33. I was
a high school “jock” and played volleyball and basketball and ran track.)
§§ Running is focused on ultra-endurance events: 50K to 100 miles (31 miles - 161 km)
Personal Bests at 40 to 49
§§ 5K (road) 17:56
§§ 10K (road) 36:57
§§ Half marathon 1:20
§§ Marathon 2:45
Personal Bests at 50 to 59
§§ 5K (road) 18:35
§§ Marathon 2:52
Cathy Utzschneider: When did you begin ultra-endurance running?
Meghan Arbogast: I ran my first ultra in the late 90s (I think I was 36 years old) but didn’t
like it. It was too much steep terrain for fast running, and I was still pursuing a fast marathon
time. When I finally reached the Olympic Marathon Trials level in 2000, I was beginning to
feel the call to get on the trails more. So, I came back to what I consider my real beginning to
ultrarunning in 2003 at a 50K (31 miles) in Ashland, Oregon.
Cathy: What motivated you to start ultra-endurance running?
Meghan: The lure of the trail, the stories I would hear from my ultrarunning friends.
Cathy: How many ultra-endurance events do you do in a year?
Meghan: I probably run about 10 ultras a year: a couple of 50Ks (31 miles), a handful of 50
milers (80 km), a couple of 100Ks (62 miles), and one or two 100 milers (161 km).
Cathy: Do you run shorter races as well?
Meghan: Yes, I still like to run a fast marathon once or twice per year, and I love cross country,
so I’ll sometimes hop into a 5K cross country race, the occasional 5K and 10K road race, and
a rare half marathon.
Cathy: What’s the longest, most difficult ultra event you’ve done?
Meghan: The longest is the Western States 100-Mile Endurance Run. I have run it seven times.
It isn’t the most difficult, but it is the one I love the most.
Cathy: And how did you manage fueling and hydrating during it?
Meghan: I’m always learning. Now I try to consume a gel every 30 minutes, keep drinking
whatever I’m carrying, and at every aid station I eat another gel or some fruit and drink from
the cups while they refill my hydration pack. I’ll usually drink Coke from the aid station for the


Meghan Arbogast (continued)

extra sugar and caffeine boost. Soup starts to be really good at later stages as well, which I
get from aid stations.
Cathy: Have you found that it’s a certain kind of runner who is attracted to ultra-endurance
Meghan: People who are really happy in the outdoors, not worried about getting dirty or
pooping in the woods.
Cathy: Are you ever scared when competitors are spread out and you’re alone with wild animals?
Meghan: Ha! Nope. I’m more concerned about that on a training run when there may not
be very many people out on a trail and I might be miles away from civilization. During a race
I figure there are so many people out there before or behind me and lots of commotion with
aid stations that the animals are hiding far away.
Cathy: What in your ultra-endurance competitions have been highlights for you and why?
Meghan: Crossing the finish line is usually the best. The entire event is then a story that I can
share with everyone else who just did it, or anyone who wants to listen.
Cathy: Is there anything about ultra-endurance events that has surprised you?
Meghan: Maybe at how much I love them?
Cathy: How do you train for the longest events?
Meghan: I generally pick two or three races that I want to focus on every year: Western States
100-Mile, 100K World Championships (I’m a member of Team USA, who races every year,
usually in Europe), and maybe another one. Other races leading up to the goal races are used
as my long training runs. So by the time Western States 100 gets here, I’ll have run a couple
of 50Ks, a 50 miler, and a 100K in the four months leading up but each spread out by about
one month. I also go to the Western States course for a long weekend either in April or May
to get practice on the trail with my great training partners.
Cathy: How many miles do you run and where do you train?
Meghan: Anywhere from 50 to 100 miles (80-161 km) or more a week. I train wherever I am
at the time. I travel a lot.
Cathy: As a massage therapist, you have to manage patients and a demanding training
schedule. How do you do that?
Meghan: I work about half time at the most, so it isn’t that hard to juggle.
Cathy: Have you had injuries during training or competition?
Meghan: No injuries during a competition, but I have had lots of injuries in the past. I’ve
learned from each one, and now I work with a physical therapist once a month to keep my
joints working smoothly and to keep working on my mechanics.
Cathy: I understand that you lost your husband in 2010 to brain cancer. I also gather he was
a great supporter of yours. Do you have any perspective on endurance running and dealing
with hardship that might be unique?
Meghan: I believe that in hard times, one must hold tight to their passions because they offer
solace and remind us that time doesn’t stop just because A, B, or C is happening in our world.
My husband and I both believed that everyone else around him needed to keep living their
lives. It gave him something to live through vicariously.

Beyond the Standard Events  |  217

Cathy: For those who are not ultrarunners, is there an event that you’d recommend as a great
one for first-timers?
Meghan: I would suggest finding a local and low-key 50K that you can get out on and run
some of before the race.
Cathy: Do you have a final thought or story to share?
Meghan: I hope that folks recognize that the human species is incredibly able to adapt to
a given situation, and that the only way to adapt is to stress ourselves. Through baby steps,
most people can patiently train and build up to running ultramarathons. I don’t feel like I’m
more able than anyone else. My speed is something I was lucky to get from my parents, but
determination and belief in human capacity keep me wanting to improve and uncover what I
am ultimately capable of.

stage and multiday stage races, competitors are timed over the duration of their
run, including stops at aid stations that supply food and beverages at intervals,
often every 5K to 10K, along the course. Some multiday races like the TransRock-
ies Run in Colorado offer support and runner amenities as complete as luggage
service, medical stations, hot showers, tents, toilets, waste management, recycling
services, and a catered dinner at the end of the day. The TransRockies Run offers
two point-to-point courses. The three-day trail race covers 59 miles (95 km) and
gains 8,400 feet (2,560 meters) of elevation. The six-day trail race covers 120 miles
(193 km) and gains 20,000 feet (6,096 meters) of elevation. Runners can compete
as individuals or as a team. A team consists of two runners whose ages combine
to 80 years or more.
General recommendations for first-time trail runners are to recognize that trail
running is slower and more difficult than running on a smooth surface because
you are covering uneven surfaces through mud, rocks, tree roots, and sand and
sometimes jumping over obstacles such as streams. Buy trail shoes that offer lateral
support. Measure your workouts in terms of minutes rather than miles. Also begin
incorporating trail running gradually by running the last mile or so of your workout
on trails a few times a week. Strengthen your ankles, hips, quadriceps, and gluteal
muscles. Perform exercises on a balance board or BOSU ball to improve balance.
Standing on one leg for 30 to 60 seconds holding your body tall and your hips under
your shoulders strengthens your ankles.

You Have Options

All these nonstandard events remind us that running is a foundation not just for
track, cross country, and road events but also for those events which incorporate
new challenges—different terrain or additional sports. As a runner you have choices
to vary your goals, to expand your skills and experience. If you’ve been used to
entering the same events for years, you may be energized by novelty. Why not step
outside your comfort zone of the familiar and try something new? You may discover
a new passion—or at least a new twist to your passion for running!
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Table A.1  VDOT Values Associated With Running Times of Some Popular Distances
VDOT 1,500 Mile 3,000 2 mile 5,000 10K 15K marathon Marathon VDOT
30 8:30 9:11 17:56 19:19 30:40 63:46 98:14 2:21:04 4:49:17 30
31 8:15 8:55 17:27 18:48 29:51 62:03 95:36 2:17:21 4:41:57 31
32 8:02 8:41 16:59 18:18 29:05 60:26 93:07 2:13:49 4:34:59 32
33 7:49 8:27 16:33 17:50 28:21 58:54 90:45 2:10:27 4:28:22 33
34 7:37 8:14 16:09 17:24 27:39 57:26 88:30 2:07:16 4:22:03 34
35 7:25 8:01 15:45 16:58 27:00 56:03 86:22 2:04:13 4:16:03 35
36 7:14 7:49 15:23 16:34 26:22 54:44 84:20 2:01:19 4:10:19 36
37 7:04 7:38 15:01 16:11 25:46 53:29 82:24 1:58:34 4:04:50 37
38 6:54 7:27 14:41 15:49 25:12 52:17 80:33 1:55:55 3:59:35 38
39 6:44 7:17 14:21 15:29 24:39 51:09 78:47 1:53:24 3:54:34 39
40 6:35 7:07 14:03 15:08 24:08 50:03 77:06 1:50:59 3:49:45 40
41 6:27 6:58 13:45 14:49 23:38 49:01 75:29 1:48:40 3:45:09 41
42 6:19 6:49 13:28 14:31 23:09 48:01 73:56 1:46:27 3:40:43 42
43 6:11 6:41 13:11 14:13 22:41 47:04 72:27 1:44:20 3:36:28 43
44 6:03 6:32 12:55 13:56 22:15 46:09 71:02 1:42:17 3:32:23 44
45 5:56 6:25 12:40 13:40 21:50 45:16 69:40 1:40:20 3:28:26 45
46 5:49 6:17 12:26 13:25 21:25 44:25 68:22 1:38:27 3:24:39 46
47 5:42 6:10 12:12 13:10 21:02 43:36 67:06 1:36:38 3:21:00 47
48 5:36 6:03 11:58 12:55 20:39 42:50 65:53 1:34:53 3:17:29 48
49 5:30 5:56 11:45 12:41 20:18 42:04 64:44 1:33:12 3:14:06 49
50 5:24 5:50 11:33 12:28 19:57 41:21 63:36 1:31:35 3:10:49 50
51 5:18 5:44 11:21 12:15 19:36 40:39 62:31 1:30:02 3:07:39 51
52 5:13 5:38 11:09 12:02 19:17 39:59 61:29 1:28:31 3:04:36 52
53 5:07 5:32 10:58 11:50 18:58 39:20 60:28 1:27:04 3:01:39 53
54 5:02 5:27 10:47 11:39 18:40 38:42 59:30 1:25:40 2:58:47 54
55 4:57 5:21 10:37 11:28 18:22 38:06 58:33 1:24:18 2:56:01 55
56 4:53 5:16 10:27 11:17 18:05 37:31 57:39 1:23:00 2:53:20 56
57 4:48 5:11 10:17 11:06 17:49 36:57 56:46 1:21:43 2:50:45 57
58 4:44 5:06 10:08 10:56 17:33 36:24 55:55 1:20:30 2:48:14 58
59 4:39 5:02 9:58 10:46 17:17 35:52 55:06 1:19:18 2:45:47 59
60 4:35 4:57 9:50 10:37 17:03 35:22 54:18 1:18:09 2:43:25 60
61 4:31 4:53 9:41 10:27 16:48 34:52 53:32 1:17:02 2:41:08 61
62 4:27 4:49 9:33 10:18 16:34 34:23 52:47 1:15:57 2:38:54 62
63 4:24 4:45 9:25 10:10 16:20 33:55 52:03 1:14:54 2:36:44 63
64 4:20 4:41 9:17 10:01 16:07 33:28 51:21 1:13:53 2:34:38 64
65 4:16 4:37 9:09 9:53 15:54 33:01 50:40 1:12:53 2:32:35 65

Table A.1  (Continued) Ta
VDOT 1,500 Mile 3,000 2 mile 5,000 10K 15K marathon Marathon VDOT
66 4:13 4:33 9:02 9:45 15:42 32:35 50:00 1:11:56 2:30:36 66
67 4:10 4:30 8:55 9:37 15:29 32:11 49:22 1:11:00 2:28:40 67
68 4:06 4:26 8:48 9:30 15:18 31:46 48:44 1:10:05 2:26:47 68 3
69 4:03 4:23 8:41 9:23 15:06 31:23 48:08 1:09:12 2:24:57 69
70 4:00 4:19 8:34 9:16 14:55 31:00 47:32 1:08:21 2:23:10 70 3

71 3:57 4:16 8:28 9:09 14:44 30:38 46:58 1:07:31 2:21:26 71

72 3:54 4:13 8:22 9:02 14:33 30:16 46:24 1:06:42 2:19:44 72
73 3:52 4:10 8:16 8:55 14:23 29:55 45:51 1:05:54 2:18:05 73 3
74 3:49 4:07 8:10 8:49 14:13 29:34 45:19 1:05:08 2:16:29 74
75 3:46 4:04 8:04 8:43 14:03 29:14 44:48 1:04:23 2:14:55 75 3
76 3:44 4:02 7:58 8:37 13:54 28:55 44:18 1:03:39 2:13:23 76
77 3:41+ 3:58+ 7:53 8:31 13:44 28:36 43:49 1:02:56 2:11:54 77
78 3:38.8 3:56.2 7:48 8:25 13:35 28:17 43:20 1:02:15 2:10:27 78
79 3:36.5 3:53.7 7:43 8:20 13:26 27:59 42:52 1:01:34 2:09:02 79
80 3:34.2 3:51.2 7:37.5 8:14.2 13:17.8 27:41 42:25 1:00:54 2:07:38 80 3
81 3:31.9 3:48.7 7:32.5 8:08.9 13:09.3 27:24 41:58 1:00:15 2:06:17 81
82 3:29.7 3:46.4 7:27.7 8:03.7 13:01.1 27:07 41:32 :59:38 2:04:57 82
83 3:27.6 3:44.0 7:23.0 7:58.6 12:53.0 26:51 41:06 :59:01 2:03:50 83
84 3:25.5 3:41.8 7:18.5 7:53.6 12:45.2 26:34 40:42 :58:25 2:02:24 84
85 3:23.5 3:39.6 7:14.0 7:48.8 12:37.4 26:19 40:17 :57:50 2:01:10 85 4
Reprinted, by permission, from J. Daniels, 2014, Daniels’ running formula, 3rd ed. (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics),
81-82. Table created by Jack Daniels’ Running Calculator designed by the Run SMART Project. 4

Table A.2  Training Intensities Based on Current VDOT
E (easy) / (marathon T (threshold
L (long) pace) pace) I (interval pace) R (repetition pace)
VDOT Km Mile Km Mile 400 Km Mile 400 Km 1.200 Mile 200 300 400 600 800
7:27- 12:00-
30 7:03 11:21 2:33 6:24 10:18 2:22 — — — 67 1:41 — — —
8:14 13:16
7:16- 11:41-
31 6:52 11:02 2:30 6:14 10:02 2:18 — — — 65 98 — — —
8:02 12:57
7:05- 11:24-
32 6:40 10:44 2:26 6:05 9:47 2:14 — — — 63 95 — — —
7:52 12:39
6:55- 11:07-
33 6:30 10:27 2:23 5:56 9:33 2:11 — — — 61 92 — — —
7:41 12:21
6:45- 10:52-
34 6:20 10:11 2:19 5:48 9:20 2:08 — — — 60 90 2:00 — —
7:31 12:05
6:36- 10:37-
35 6:10 9:56 2:16 5:40 9:07 2:05 — — — 58 87 1:57 — —
7:21 11:49
6:27- 10:23-
36 6:01 9:41 2:13 5:33 8:55 2:02 — — — 57 85 1:54 — —
7:11 11:34
6:19- 10:09-
37 5:53 9:28 2:10 5:26 8:44 1:59 5:00 — — 55 83 1:51 — —
7:02 11:20
6:11- 9:56-
38 5:45 9:15 2:07 5:19 8:33 1:56 4:54 — — 54 81 1:48 — —
6:54 11:06
6:03- 9:44-
39 5:37 9:02 2:05 5:12 8:22 1:54 4:48 — — 53 80 1:46 — —
6:46 10:53
5:56- 9:32-
40 5:29 8:50 2:02 5:06 8:12 1:52 4:42 — — 52 78 1:44 — —
6:38 10:41
5:49- 9:21-
41 5:22 8:39 2:00 5:00 8:02 1:50 4:36 — — 51 77 1:42 — —
6:31 10:28
5:42- 9:10-
42 5:16 8:28 1:57 4:54 7:52 1:48 4:31 — — 50 75 1:40 — —
6:23 10:17
5:35- 9:00-
43 5:09 8:17 1:55 4:49 7:42 1:46 4:26 — — 49 74 98 — —
6:16 10:05
5:29- 8:50-
44 5:03 8:07 1:53 4:43 7:33 1:44 4:21 — — 48 72 96 — —
6:10 9:55
5:23- 8:40-
45 4:57 7:58 1:51 4:38 7:25 1:42 4:16 — — 47 71 94 — —
6:03 9:44
5:17- 8:31-
46 4:51 7:49 1:49 4:33 7:17 1:40 4:12 5:00 — 46 69 92 — —
5:57 9:34
5:12- 8:22-
47 4:46 7:40 1:47 4:29 7:09 98 4:07 4:54 — 45 68 90 — —
5:51 9:25
5:07- 8:13-
48 4:41 7:32 1:45 4:24 7:02 96 4:03 4:49 — 44 67 89 — —
5:45 9:15
5:01- 8:05-
49 4:36 7:24 1:43 4:20 6:56 95 3:59 4:45 — 44 66 88 — —
5:40 9:06
4:56- 7:57-
50 4:31 7:17 1:41 4:15 6:50 93 3:55 4: 40 — 43 65 87 — —
5:34 8:58
4:52- 7:49-
51 4:27 7:09 1:40 4:11 6:44 92 3:51 4:36 — 43 64 86 — —
5:29 8:49
4:47- 7:42-
52 4:22 7:02 98 4:07 6:38 91 3:48 4:32 — 42 64 85 — —
5:24 8:41


Table A.2  (continued)
E (easy) / (marathon T (threshold
L (long) pace) pace) I (interval pace) R (repetition pace)
VDOT Km Mile Km Mile 400 Km Mile 400 Km 1.200 Mile 200 300 400 600 800 V
4:43- 7:35-
53 4:18 6:56 97 4:04 6:32 90 3:44 4:29 — 42 63 84 — — 7
5:19 8:33
4:38- 7:28-
54 4:14 6:49 95 4:00 6:26 88 3:41 4:25 — 41 62 82 — — 7
5:14 8:26
4:34- 7:21-
55 4:10 6:43 94 3:56 6:20 87 3:37 4:21 — 40 61 81 — — 7
5:10 8:18
4:30- 7:15-
56 4:06 6:37 93 3:53 6:15 86 3:34 4:18 — 40 60 80 2:00 — 7
5:05 8:11
4:26- 7:08-
57 4:03 6:31 91 3:50 6:09 85 3:31 4:14 — 39 59 79 1:57 — 8
5:01 8:04
4:22- 7:02-
58 3:59 6:25 90 3:46 6:04 83 3:28 4:10 — 38 58 77 1:55 — 8
4:57 7:58
4:19- 6:56-
59 3:56 6:19 89 3:43 5:59 82 3:25 4:07 — 38 57 76 1:54 — 8
4:53 7:51
4:15- 6:50-
60 3:52 6:14 88 3:40 5:54 81 3:23 4:03 — 37 56 75 1:52 — 8
4:49 7:45
4:11- 6:45-
61 3:49 6:09 86 3:37 5:50 80 3:20 4:00 — 37 55 74 1:51 — 8
4:45 7:39
4:08- 6:39-
62 3:46 6:04 85 3:34 5:45 79 3:17 3:57 — 36 54 73 1:49 — 8
4:41 7:33
4:05- 6:34- Re
63 3:43 5:59 84 3:32 5:41 78 3:15 3:54 — 36 53 72 1:48 — cre
4:38 7:27
4:02- 6:29-
64 3:40 5:54 83 3:29 5:36 77 3:12 3:51 — 35 52 71 1:46 —
4:34 7:21
3:59- 6:24-
65 3:37 5:49 82 3:26 5:32 76 3:10 3:48 — 35 52 70 1:45 —
4:31 7:16
3:56- 6:19- Ta
66 3:34 5:45 81 3:24 5:28 75 3:08 3:45 5:00 34 51 69 1:43 —
4:28 7:10
3:53- 6:15-
67 3:31 5:40 80 3:21 5:24 74 3:05 3:42 4:57 34 51 68 1:42 —
4:24 7:05
3:50- 6:10-
68 3:29 5:36 79 3:19 5:20 73 3:03 3:39 4:53 33 50 67 1:40 —
4:21 7:00 9
3:47- 6:06- 9
69 3:26 5:32 78 3:16 5:16 72 3:01 3:36 4:50 33 49 66 99 —
4:18 6:55
3:44- 6:01-
70 3:24 5:28 77 3:14 5:13 71 2:59 3:34 4:46 32 48 65 97 — 1
4:15 6:50
3:42- 5:57- 1
71 3:21 5:24 76 3:12 5:09 70 2:57 3: 31 4:43 32 48 64 96 —
4:12 6:46 1
3:40- 5:53- 11
72 3:19 5:20 76 3:10 5:05 69 2:55 3:29 4:40 31 47 63 94 —
4:00 6:41
3:37- 5:49-
73 3:16 5:16 75 3:08 5:02 69 2:53 3:27 4:37 31 47 63 93 — 11
4:07 6:37
3:34- 5:45- 1
74 3:14 5:12 74 3:06 4:59 68 2:51 3:25 4:34 31 46 62 92 —
4:04 6:32 1
3:32- 5:41- Re
75 3:12 5:09 74 3:04 4:56 67 2:49 3:22 4:31 30 46 61 91 —
4:01 6:28 cre

E (easy) / (marathon T (threshold
L (long) pace) pace) I (interval pace) R (repetition pace)
0 VDOT Km Mile Km Mile 400 Km Mile 400 Km 1.200 Mile 200 300 400 600 800
3:30- 5:38-
76 3:10 5:05 73 3:02 4:52 66 2:48 3:20 4:28 30 45 60 90 —
3:58 6:24
3:28- 5:34-
77 3:08 5:02 72 3:00 4:49 65 2:46 3:18 4:25 29 45 59 89 2:00
3:56 6:20
3:25- 5:30-
78 3:06 4:58 71 2:58 4:46 65 2:44 3:16 4:23 29 44 59 88 1:59
3:53 6:16
3:23- 5:27-
79 3:03 4:55 70 2:56 4:43 64 2:42 3:14 4:20 29 44 58 87 1:58
3:51 6:12
3:21- 5:24-
80 3:01 4:52 70 2:54 4:41 64 2:41 3:12 4:17 29 43 58 87 1:56
3:49 6:08
3:19- 5:20-
81 3:00 4:49 69 2:53 4:38 63 2:39 3:10 4:15 28 43 57 86 1:55
3:46 6:04
3:17- 5:17-
82 2:58 4:46 68 2:51 4:35 62 2:38 3:08 4:12 28 42 56 85 1:54
3:44 6:01
3:15- 5:14-
83 2:56 4:43 68 2:49 4:32 62 2:36 3:07 4:10 28 42 56 84 1:53
3:42 5:57
3:13- 5:11-
84 2:54 4:40 67 2:48 4:30 61 2:35 3:05 4:08 27 41 55 83 1:52
3:40 5:54
3:11- 5:08-
85 2:52 4:37 66 2:46 4:27 61 2:33 3:03 4:05 27 41 55 82 1:51
3:38 5:50
Reprinted, by permission, from J. Daniels, 2014, Daniels’ running formula, 3rd ed. (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics), 84-87. Table
created by Jack Daniels’ Running Calculator designed by the Run SMART Project.

Table A.3  VDOT Values and Training Intensities for Beginning and Rehabilitating Runners
R (repetition I (interval
Race times pace) pace) T (threshold pace) M (marathon pace)
Mile 5K VDOT 200 m 300 m 200 m 400 m 400 m Km Mile Time min/ min/
(hr:min) km mile
9:10 30:40 30 1:08 1:42 1:11 2:24 2:33 6:24 10:18 4:57 7:03 11:21
9:27 31:32 29 1:10 1:45 1:14 2:28 2:37 6:34 10:34 5:06 7:15 11:41
9:44 32:27 28 1:13 1:49 1:17 2:34 2:42 6:45 10:52 5:15 7:27 12:02
10:02 33:25 27 1:15 1:53 1:19 2:38 2:46 6:56 11:10 5:25 7:41 12:24
10:22 34:27 26 1:18 1:57 1:22 2:44 2:51 7:09 11:30 5:35 7:56 12:47
10:43 35:33 25 1:21 2:02 1:24 2:48 2:56 7:21 11:51 5:45 8:10 13:11
11:06 36:44 24 1:24 — 1:27 2:55 3:02 7:35 12:13 5:56 8:26 13:36
11:30 38:01 23 1:27 — 1:30 3:01 3:08 7:50 12:36 6:08 8:43 14:02
11:56 39:22 22 1:30 — 1:33 3:07 3:14 8:06 13:02 6:19 8:59 14:29
12:24 40:49 21 1:33 — 1:36 3:13 3:21 8:23 13:29 6:31 9:16 14:57
12:55 42:24 20 1:37 — 1:40 3:21 3:28 8:41 13:58 6:44 9:34 15:26
Reprinted, by permission, from J. Daniels, 2014, Daniels’ running formula, 3rd ed. (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics), 88. Table
created by Jack Daniels’ Running Calculator designed by the Run SMART Project.

Table A.4  Treadmill Pace Conversions
Equivalent paces by incline
Treadmill Pace per
MPH setting mile 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10%
5.0 12:00 12:31 11:44 11:05 10:32 10:03 9:38 9:16 8:56 8:38 8:22 8:07
5.2 11:32 12:02 11:18 10:42 10:11 9:44 9:20 8:59 8:40 8:23 8:08 7:54
5.4 11:07 11:35 10:55 10:20 9:51 9:26 9:03 8:43 8:25 8:09 7:55 7:41
5.6 10:43 11:10 10:32 10:00 9:33 9:09 8:48 8:29 8:12 7:56 7:42 7:29
5.8 10:21 10:47 10:12 9:42 9:16 8:53 8:33 8:15 7:58 7:44 7:30 7:18
6.0 10:00 10:26 9:52 9:24 9:00 8:38 8:19 8:02 7:46 7:32 7:19 7:07
6.1 9:50 10:15 9:43 9:16 8:52 8:31 8:12 7:55 7:40 7:26 7:14 7:02
6.2 9:41 10:05 9:34 9:08 8:44 8:24 8:06 7:49 7:34 7:21 7:08 6:57
6.3 9:31 9:56 9:26 9:00 8:37 8:17 7:59 7:43 7:29 7:15 7:03 6:52
6.4 9:23 9:46 9:17 8:52 8:30 8:10 7:53 7:37 7:23 7:10 6:58 6:47
6.5 9:14 9:37 9:09 8:45 8:23 8:04 7:47 7:32 7:18 7:05 6:53 6:43
6.6 9:05 9:29 9:01 8:37 8:16 7:58 7:41 7:26 7:13 7:00 6:49 6:38
6.7 8:57 9:20 8:53 8:30 8:10 7:52 7:35 7:21 7:07 6:55 6:44 6:34
6.8 8:49 9:12 8:45 8:23 8:03 7:46 7:30 7:15 7:02 6:50 6:40 6:29
6.9 8:42 9:04 8:39 8:17 7:57 7:40 7:24 7:10 6:58 6:46 6:35 6:25
7.0 8:34 8:56 8:32 8:10 7:51 7:34 7:19 7:05 6:53 6:41 6:31 6:21
7.1 8:27 8:49 8:25 8:04 7:45 7:29 7:14 7:00 6:48 6:37 6:27 6:17
7.2 8:20 8:41 8:18 7:58 7:40 7:23 7:09 6:56 6:44 6:33 6:22 6:13
7.3 8:13 8:34 8:12 7:52 7:34 7:18 7:04 6:51 6:39 6:28 6:18 6:09
7.4 8:06 8:27 8:05 7:46 7:28 7:13 6:59 6:46 6:35 6:24 6:14 6:05
7.5 8:00 8:20 7:59 7:40 7:23 7:08 6:54 6:42 6:31 6:20 6:11 6:02
7.6 7:54 8:14 7:53 7:34 7:18 7:03 6:50 6:38 6:26 6:16 6:07 5:58
7.7 7:48 8:07 7:47 7:29 7:13 6:58 6:45 6:33 6:22 6:12 6:03 5:55
7.8 7:42 8:01 7:41 7:24 7:08 6:54 6:41 6:29 6:18 6:09 5:59 5:51
7.9 7:36 7:55 7:36 7:18 7:03 6:49 6:37 6:25 6:15 6:05 5:56 5:48
8.0 7:30 7:49 7:30 7:13 6:58 6:45 6:32 6:21 6:11 6:01 5:52 5:44
8.1 7:24 7:43 7:25 7:08 6:54 6:40 6:28 6:17 6:07 5:58 5:49 5:41
8.2 7:19 7:38 7:20 7:04 6:49 6:36 6:24 6:13 6:03 5:54 5:46 5:38
8.3 7:14 7:32 7:15 6:59 6:45 6:32 6:20 6:10 6:00 5:51 5:42 5:35
8.4 7:09 7:27 7:10 6:54 6:40 6:28 6:16 6:06 5:56 5:47 5:39 5:32
8.5 7:04 7:22 7:05 6:50 6:36 6:24 6:13 6:02 5:53 5:44 5:36 5:29
8.6 6:59 7:16 7:00 6:45 6:32 6:20 6:09 5:59 5:49 5:41 5:33 5:26
8.7 6:54 7:11 6:55 6:41 6:28 6:16 6:05 5:55 5:46 5:38 5:30 5:23
8.8 6:49 7:07 6:51 6:37 6:24 6:12 6:02 5:52 5:43 5:35 5:27 5:20
8.9 6:44 7:02 6:46 6:32 6:20 6:09 5:58 5:49 5:40 5:32 5:24 5:17
9.0 6:40 6:57 6:42 6:28 6:16 6:05 5:55 5:45 5:37 5:29 5:21 5:14
9.1 6:36 6:52 6:38 6:24 6:12 6:01 5:51 5:42 5:34 5:26 5:18 5:11
9.2 6:31 6:48 6:34 6:20 6:09 5:58 5:48 5:39 5:31 5:23 5:16 5:09

Equivalent paces by incline
Treadmill Pace per
MPH setting mile 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10%
9.3 6:27 6:44 6:29 6:17 6:05 5:55 5:45 5:36 5:28 5:20 5:13 5:06
9.4 6:23 6:39 6:25 6:13 6:02 5:51 5:42 5:33 5:25 5:17 5:10 5:04
9.5 6:19 6:35 6:22 6:09 5:58 5:48 5:39 5:30 5:22 5:14 5:08 5:01
9.6 6:15 6:31 6:18 6:06 5:55 5:45 5:35 5:27 5:19 5:12 5:05 4:59
9.7 6:11 6:27 6:14 6:02 5:51 5:42 5:32 5:24 5:16 5:09 5:02 4:56
9.8 6:07 6:23 6:10 5:59 5:48 5:38 5:30 5:21 5:14 5:07 5:00 4:54
9.9 6:04 6:19 6:07 5:55 5:45 5:35 5:27 5:19 5:11 5:04 4:58 4:51
10.0 6:00 6:15 6:03 5:52 5:42 5:32 5:24 5:16 5:08 5:02 4:55 4:49
10.1 5:56 6:12 6:00 5:49 5:39 5:29 5:21 5:13 5:06 4:59 4:53 4:47
10.2 5:53 6:08 5:56 5:45 5:36 5:27 5:18 5:11 5:03 4:57 4:50 4:45
10.3 5:50 6:04 5:53 5:42 5:33 5:24 5:16 5:08 5:01 4:54 4:48 4:42
10.4 5:46 6:01 5:50 5:39 5:30 5:21 5:13 5:05 4:58 4:52 4:46 4:40
10.5 5:43 5:57 5:46 5:36 5:27 5:18 5:10 5:03 4:56 4:50 4:44 4:38
10.6 5:40 5:54 5:43 5:33 5:24 5:15 5:08 5:00 4:54 4:47 4:41 4:36
10.7 5:36 5:51 5:40 5:30 5:21 5:13 5:05 4:58 4:51 4:45 4:39 4:34
10.8 5:33 5:48 5:37 5:27 5:18 5:10 5:03 4:56 4:49 4:43 4:37 4:32
10.9 5:30 5:44 5:34 5:24 5:16 5:08 5:00 4:53 4:47 4:41 4:35 4:30
11.0 5:27 5:41 5:31 5:22 5:13 5:05 4:58 4:51 4:45 4:39 4:33 4:28
11.2 5:21 5:35 5:25 5:16 5:08 5:00 4:53 4:46 4:40 4:34 4:29 4:24
11.4 5:16 5:29 5:20 5:11 5:03 4:55 4:49 4:42 4:36 4:30 4:25 4:20
11.6 5:10 5:24 5:14 5:06 4:58 4:51 4:44 4:38 4:32 4:27 4:21 4:17
11.8 5:05 5:18 5:09 5:01 4:53 4:46 4:40 4:34 4:28 4:23 4:18 4:13
12.0 5:00 5:13 5:04 4:56 4:49 4:42 4:36 4:30 4:24 4:19 4:14 4:10
Reprinted from Available: [March 10, 2014].

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Note: Page numbers followed by italicized f and t indicate information contained in figures and tables, respectively.
A Carlsbad 5000 7, 154
absolute times 6 Cascadia Trail Series 214
Accelerade 190 Castille, Kevin 154
Achilles tendinitis 17, 65-66 chafing 67
adaptation 105 chiropractic 64-65
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) 173 chocolate milk 190
age grading 6-7, 101 clothing, temperature and 22
age-grading calculators 91-92 coaches, finding 97-99
age groupings 7 Cohen, Susan Zwerling 4
aging effects Comrades Marathon 9
advantages to performance of 27-33, 100 confidence 31
blood pressure and 13 cool-downs 60-61
body temperature and 13 Cooper River Bridge Run 161
bone and muscle loss and 15-16 Cougar Mountain Trail Run Series 214
brain and 18-19 Crescent City Classic 7
cardiopulmonary function and 13-14 cross country events 8
effects of 12-21 cross-training 58, 175, 177
heart rate and 12 cruise intervals 107, 108t
metabolism and 17
motivation and 21, 100 D .
performance decline 139-140 Daniels’ VO2max and VDOT charts 108t, 113, 196, 219-223
recovery time and 17-21, 100 dehydration 180
respiration rate and 13 Derderian, Tom 4
. on body 16-17 De Reuck, Colleen 4, 171
VO2max and 14-15 discipline 98
weather and environment and 21-22 Dominici, Francesca 98
women and 22-26 Douglas, Scott 47-49
alcohol 33, 175, 178 downhill form 134
A march 51 duathlons 212-213
anemia 24 Dushay, Jody 210
ankle sprains 66
anorexia 24 E
aquarunning 58 eating disorders 22-24
Arbogast, Meghan 215-216 Endless Summer Trail Run Series 214
arm drive 43, 44f Ericsson, K. Anders 31-32
A skip 51 Etzweiler, George 213
even-effort pacing 202
B even pacing 199-202
Barbour, John 20 events, masters running 7-9
barefoot running 47-48 expertise 31-33
Barefoot Running (Douglas) 47
Barry, Kristin 131, 132 F
big-picture calendar 87, 89f fartlek runs
biomechanics. See form, biomechanics of about 108, 108t
blisters 67 hill fartlek 135-136, 135t
blood pressure, and aging 13 fast feet 55
B march 52 fat
BMI (body-mass index) 23, 39 in diet 37, 173
body temperature, and aging 13 types in various oils and spreads 38f
Bolder Boulder 161 female athlete triad 22-23
bone loss, and aging 15-16 1500 meter race 149. See also mile race
Borg, Gunnar 112 5K race
Born to Run (McDougall) 47 about 147
Boston Marathon 4, 5, 7, 173 periodization plan 106f
bounding 54 training plan for 154-155, 154t-157t, 158
Bowerman, Bill 4 flats, racing 198
brain, running and 18-19 flexibility. See also stretching
breathing 45-46 about 71-72
B skip 52 yoga for 58-59, 73, 75
Burfoot, Amby 9-10 foam rollers 60, 175
butt kick 54 foot strike 45
forefoot strike 45
C form, biomechanics of
cadence 45 about 41-42
caffeine 33 analyzing 64-65
calories, burned 17 arm drive 43, 44f
carbohydrate 36-37, 173 breathing 45-46
cardiopulmonary function, and aging 13-14 drills 49-55
carioca 53 foot strike 45

Index  |  229

forward stride 43, 44f Hussein, Mbarak 171

and injuries 63 hydration
posture 42-43, 43f about 34-35
stride length and rate 46-49, 65 dehydration 180
tension 42-43 in marathon race 182-183
form drills in marathon training 175-180
A march 51 postrace 206-207
A skip 51 in races 206
B march 52 hyponatremia 179, 180
bounding 54 hypothermia 21-22
B skip 52
butt kick 54 I
carioca 53 ice baths 62, 191
fast feet 55 Iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) 67
heel walk 50 injuries
high knee 53 Achilles tendinitis 65-66
high skip with arm circles 50 ankle sprains 66
running backward 54 black toenails 66
shin grab 55 blisters 67
side slide with arm swings 51 causes and treatments of common 65-70
toe walk 50 chafing 67
Freihofers 5K 154, 173 checklist for possible causes 63
front running 202-203 contrast baths 62
ice baths 62, 191
G Iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) 67
gait. See form, biomechanics of massage 63-65
Galloway, Jeff 4 muscle pulls or strains 67-68
Georgia State Parks Trail Series 214 plantar fasciitis 68
glycogen synthase 190 RICHE treatment 61-62
goals and goal setting runner’s knee 68
about 85-86 shin splints 69
big-picture calendar 87, 89f side stitch 69
flexibility in 87 stress fractures 69-70
goal pyramids 87, 88f, 94f whirlpool 62
integrating running goals into life 87-90, 88f, 89f injury prevention
long-term goals 93 about 57
postgoal analysis 94-96 chiropractic and 64-65
setting and writing down 86-87, 196 cool-downs 60-61
setting outcome goals 92, 197 cross-training 58
setting performance goals 91-92, 196-197 low-impact machines 59
setting process goals 92-93, 197 overtraining 61
SMART criteria 86-87 recovery 34
successive short-term goals 93 running terrain 59-60
support team for 97-102 track work 60
tracking goals 90 training distances 59
Gruca, Dorota 154 treadmills 60
warm-ups 60
H yoga 58-59
Haas, Kara 200-201 interval training runs 108-109, 108t
half marathon
about 159-160 J
hydration 35 James, Libby 110-111
periodization plan 106f joints, aging and 16
training plan for 164-165, 164t-167t Joyner, Michael J. 141-143
Harada, Mary 16, 27, 149-150
hard-easy rule 105 K
Hartshorne Memorial Masters Mile 150-151 Kelley, John J. 9, 10
healthy living habits Kerr, Matt 85-86
about 33
hydration 34-35 L
nutrition and weight control 36-39, 38f, 40t lactate threshold 104
recovery 34 Lamppa, Ryan 5
reframing 39 lemming effect (weight loss) 22-23
sleep 33-34 Lilac Bloomsday Run 7
heart rate, resting 12 Linov, Pam 112
heat, and aging 21 long runs 107, 108t, 159-160, 172-174
heel strike 45 Loomis, Amanda 4
heel walk 50
high knee 53 M
high skip with arm circles 50 Magill, Pete 28-30
hill running marathon
downhill form 134 about 171
form 133-135 checklist of items to pack 182
hill fartlek 135-136, 135t day before activity 181-182
hill repeats 108t, 109, 134, 135 delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) 191
uphill form 133-134 hydration 35
Holmquist, Jan 70, 113, 161 periodization plan 106f
230  | Index

marathon (continued) endurance phase 105-107, 106f

postrace refueling 190-191 sharpening phase 106f, 107
postrace running plan 191-192 strengthening phase 106f, 107
prerace dinner 182 tapering phase 106f, 107
race day fueling and hydrating 182-183 periodization plans
recovery 190-192 5K race 106f
stride rate versus length 46 half marathon 106f
Marathon des Sables 9 marathon 106f
marathon training mile race 106f
carbohydrate loading 180-181, 181t 10K race 106f
hydration habits 175-180 personal best times 6
injury prevention 174-175 Piers, Sheri 131-132, 171
long and tempo runs 172-174 Pilcher, Brian 148-149
long run fueling 180-181 plantar fasciitis 68
nutrition 180 plus pace runs 107, 108t, 159
planning 172 plyometric exercises, and stride rate 49
recovery and sleep 174-175 posture 42-43, 43f
training plans 183, 184t-189t The Power of Habit (Duhigg) 33
Martin, Kathy 168-170 Pratt-Otto, Dru 109, 112
massage 63-65 progress, measuring
Masters Running and Racing (Rodgers and Welch) 6, 32 absolute times 6
maximum heart rate (MHR) 12 age-graded results 6-7
metabolism, and aging 17 age group placement 7
midfoot strike 45 protein 37, 190
mile race
about 147 R
periodization plan 106f race time predictors 91-92
training plan for 149-151, 150t-153t, 158 racing. See also specific race distances
Miller, Joan 173 about 195-196
minimalist running 48-49, 65, 199 day before plan 203-204
mitochondria 173 hydration and fueling 206
Monument Avenue 10K 161 postrace goal analysis 207
motivation, and aging 21, 100 postrace hydration and fueling 206-207
Mountain, Ultra and Trail Sport Council 213 race day checklist 203
mountain events 8, 213 race week 199-203
Mount Washington Road Race 8, 16, 213 recovery and rebuilding 207-208
MOVE! How Women Can Achieve Athletic Goals (Utzschneider) segmenting plan 199-203
21, 87 setting goals 196-197, 199
muscle pulls or strains 67-68 shoes 197-199
muscles starting tips 205-206
aging and 16-17 Ratey, John 18-19
delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) 191 record keeping 90
foam rollers and sticks 60 recovery time
muscle loss and aging 15-16 and aging 17-21, 100
myofascial release (MFR) 60 guidelines for 34
progressive muscle relaxation 204 rest and recovery 105
myofascial release (MFR) 60 relaxation exercises 33-34, 204
respiration rate, and aging 13
N rest and recovery 105
Navas, Joe 32, 147 resting heart rate (RHR) 12, 90
negative splits 202 Riley, William 81-82
neurogenesis 19 Ritchie, Tim 113
New York City Marathon 5, 7 road events 7
nutrition and weight control Rodgers, Bill 4
about 36-39 roller sticks 60, 175
fat types in various oils and spreads 38f The Runner’s Guide to the Meaning of Life (Burfoot) 9
long run fueling 180-181 runner’s knee 68
major nutrients 36-39 Runner’s World 9
marathon post-race refueling 190-191 Runner’s World Complete Guide to Minimalism (Douglas) 47, 49
marathon race day fueling and hydrating 182-183 running backward 54
postrace hydration and fueling 206-207 running clubs 102
racing hydration and fueling 206 running economy 104
vitamins and minerals 39, 40t 61
weight and running times 39 running terrain, and injuries 59-60
weight control 37-39 Running USA 5

overload 105 Samuelson, Joan Benoit 4, 140
overtraining 61 segmenting plans for racing 199-203
self-knowledge 30
P Shaheed, Nolan 151
pain, tracking 90 Shapiro, Felicia 98
Parsi, Carrie 16, 213 Sheehan, George 4
patience 31 shin grab 55
Peachtree Road Race 7, 161 shin splints 69
perceived exertion 109, 112-114, 173-174 shoes
periodization barefoot running 47-48
about 86, 104-105 flats 198
aging and 20 minimalist shoes 48-49, 199
Index  |  231

orthotics 49 track events 8

racing 197-199 track work 60
Shorter, Frank 4 trail races 214-217
side slide with arm swings 51 training
side stitch 69 attitude toward 140-143
sleep 33-34
cutback weeks
. 89-90
Smith, Linda Somers 171, 176-179
Daniels’ VO2max charts 108t, 113, 219-220
Spartathlon 9
specificity 105 guidelines for masters 144
speed training increasing mileage 89-90
about 107-109,112,
. 108t, 114 mileage base 103-104
Daniels’ VO2max charts 108t, 113, 219-223 perceived exertion 109, 112-114
determinants of speed 104 periodization 86, 104-107, 106f
perceived exertion 109, 112-114 speed training 107-109, 108t
training intensities charts 221-223 strength training 115-116
spikes 198 training intensities charts 221-223
sprints 108t training plans
Steinbach, Coreen 151
about 144-146
Stewart, Barbara 98
strength exercises 5K 154-155, 154t-157t, 158
bench press 127 half marathon 164-165, 164t-167t
bent-leg donkey kick 122 marathon 171-192
bent over row 128 mile 149-151, 150t-153t, 158,
chair dip 124 160-161, 160t-163t
front plank 129 Transitions: Making Sense of Life’s Changes (Bridges) 209-210
lunge 120 treadmill pace conversions 224-225
one- or two-leg heel raise 126 treadmills 60
push up 123 TREQ form 42
seated running arms 125 triathlons 210-212
side plank 130
Troncoso, Carmen 99-101
squat 119
straight-leg donkey kick 121 Twin Cities Marathon 7, 174
toe raise 126 Type II (fast-twitch) muscles 15
strength training Type I (slow-twitch) muscles 15
about 115-116
body weight exercises 119-126 U
45-minute program 117-130 ultradistance events 8-9, 213-214
free weight exercises 127-128 Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc 213
hill running 133-136 uphill form 133-134
indicators for 116
isometric exercises 129-130
machine versus functional 116
vegetarian diet 37
scheduling 117
for stride length 46-49 Vibram Five Fingers 48
10-minute circuit 133 videos of running form 42
stretching. See also form drills vitamins
. and minerals 39, 40t
groin stretch 79 VO2max
hamstring and back stretch 81 and aging 14-15
hamstring stretch 78 Daniels’ VO2max charts 108t, 113, 219-223
heel dip 76
and speed 104
hip and back stretch 79 .
hip flexor stretch 80 VO2max predictor charts 91-92
Iliotibial band stretch 76
leg swings 73, 74 W
piriformis stretch 80 weather and environment 21-22
postrun static stretching 74-81 weight control. See nutrition and weight control
prerun dynamic stretching 73 weight training 46-49
quadriceps stretch 78 Western States Endurance Run 9, 214
shoulder stretch 77 Whitlock, Ed 12
standing calf stretch 74 Winfrey, Oprah 5
sun salutes yoga sequence 73, 75
wisdom 30
upper-back stretch 77
stride length and rate 46-49, 65 women
strides 108, 108t, 109 age at start of running career 32f
surging 202 and aging 22-26
sweat rate 175-179 diet and self-image 23-24
endurance advantage of 26
T female athlete triad 22-23
tempo workouts 107, 108t, 172-174 iron issues 24
tendons, aging and 16-17 as masters runners 5
10K race menopause 25
about 159-160
osteoporosis and osteopenia 24-35
periodization plan 106f
recovery time and 21
training plan for 160-161, 160t-163t
10-point running rating of perceived exertion 112 World Masters Athletics (WMA) championships 5
10,000 hours to excellence 31-33 World Mountain Running Association 213
threshold runs 107, 108t
toe walk 50 Y
Torres, Dara 17-19 yoga 58-59, 73, 75
About the Author
Ma ster s r unner and coach Dr. C at hy
Utzschneider began running competitively at
age 40. Between the ages of 40 and 50 she was
ranked fifth in the world in her age group and
won six USA Track and Field age-group titles
and a silver medal at the Nike World Masters
Games. She also placed third female overall
and first in her age division in the 8K cross
country race at the North, Central American,
and Caribbean World Masters Athletics. For
the past 20 years she has trained hundreds
of runners ranging from beginners to Olympi-
ans and served as Boston Marathon coach to
employees of John Hancock Insurance.
As head coach of the Liberty Athletic
Club, the first and longest-operating all-
women’s running club in the country, Cathy
has coached members to three world and
six American age-group records, three world
age-group gold medals, and 46 national mas-
ters age-group championships since accept-
ing the position in 2006. She also served
as president of the club for three years. In
2010, she and three other Liberty teammates
set an American age-group record in the
4 × 1600-meter relay.
Cathy is certified as a level 1 USA Track and
Field coach and in levels 1 to 3 in the Burdenko
method of water and sports therapy. She is a
national site coach for www.women-running-, for which she has written train-
ing programs for the 5K through the marathon.
John Keklak

In addition to coaching, Cathy writes a column

for National Masters News, is a contributor
to Running Times Online and New England
Runner, and is a professor of competitive
performance and goal setting at Boston College. Topics of study include exercise
physiology, goal setting, theories of excellence, and human development. She also
published Move! How Women Can Achieve Athletic Goals at Any Age.
Cathy lives in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts.


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