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Social Finance Programme

Employment-intensive Investment Branch

Working paper No. 28

Equipment finance for small contractors in public work


Linda Deelen
Kwaku Osei Bonsu

Employment Sector
International Labour Office Geneva
Equipment finance for small contractors in public work programmes

Linda Deelen
Kwaku Osei Bonsu

March 2002


Access to finance is one of the major constraints for the market entry and growth of small
construction companies tendering for public work contracts in developing countries. This
paper gives an overview of how small contractors finance the necessary construction
equipment, and how public work programmes are involved in facilitating access to finance
for these firms. The financial mechanisms include bridge finance, credit guarantees, pre-
financing of equipment by public work programmes and above all leasing. It is
recommended to seek and facilitate the involvement of local financial institutions – amongst
which micro- finance institutions – in the delivery of leasing services to small contractors.

JEL classification: O16, H54, G29

Keywords: Access to credit, employment- intensive investment, leasing
Mailing address: Linda Deelen, Social Finance Programme, Employment Sector,
International Labour Office, 4, Route des Morillons, 1211 Geneva 22, Switzerland. Fax:
+41-22-799-6896. Phone: +41-22-799-7511. E-mail: [email protected]. Kwaku Osei Bonsu,
Eastern Africa Multi Disciplinary Advisory Team, P.O. Box 2532, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Fax: +251-1-513-633. Phone: +251-1-444-409. E-mail: [email protected]

Table of Contents

I Introduction ……………..………………………………………….……………... 3

II Equipment finance for small contractors ………………………………………. 4

1. Small contractors ………………………………………………………………... 4

2. How contractors finance their equipment ……………………………………….. 4
3. Guiding principles to support contractor finance ………………….…………….. 4
4. What are the options……………………………………………………….……... 6

III Leasing ………………………………………………………………………….….. 6

1. What is leasing? …………………………………………………………………… 6

2. Types of leasing …………………………………………………………………… 7
3. The lease arrangement …………………………………………………………….. 8
4. Tax incentives …………………………………………………………………….. 8
5. Experiences involving leasing companies in contractor finance …………………. 9
6. Establishment of a leasing service ………………………………………………… 10
7. Leasing – the legal and regulatory environment ………………………………….. 10

IV Pre-payment of equipment by the project ……………………………………….. 11

1. Deduction of equipment costs from the work payments ………………………… 11

2. Administration of the scheme by a financial institution …………………………. 12

V Equipment pools ……………………………………………………………………. 13

VI Bridge financing and guarantees …………………………….…………………… 13

1. Bridge financing ………………………..………………………………………… 13

2. Guaranteeing work ……………………………………………………………….. 14
3. Guaranteeing work payments …………………………………………………….. 14
4. Guaranteeing loans ……………………………………………………………….. 15

VII Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………. 16

Case study 1: Equipment leasing in Uganda ………………………………………….... 18

Case study 2. Equipment loans in Zambia ………………………….………..………… 22

Bibliography ……………………………………………………………………………… 24

I Introduction

Small contractors working on labour based public works programmes often ha ve limited
access to formal financial services. Operating in countries where interest rate ceilings and
collateral requirements generate a gap between small businesses and banks, contractors are
bound to rely on informal and ad-hoc types of financial services. The most prominent
constraint contractors face in this situation is the difficulty to find appropriate financing for
the acquisition of construction equipment. Less obvious but associated problems relate to
the absence of savings, money transfer and insurance facilities.

The difficulties that contractors have in attracting finance can strongly affect the outcome of
the public works programmes. They lead to a variety of sub-optimal situations where
construction companies delay operations, work with the wrong type of equipment and pull
out because of sudden illiquidity problems. Faced with these realities, contracting agencies
are often obliged to facilitate contractors’ access to financial services. They either pre-
finance operations, take some of the financial risk by guaranteeing bank loans or set up
leasing or hire-purchase arrangements. The success of these interventions largely depends
on the nature of the public works programme, on the specifics of the local financial market
and on the degree to which the design of the arrangements is adapted to the local

This paper aims to guide governments, donors and consultants involved in public works
programmes in finding the best possible solution for the financing of construction
equipment. The paper provides an overview of the various financial services one could opt
for and explores ways to identify local financial partners.

II Equipment finance for small contractors

2.1 Small contractors

The ILO assists governments in developing countries in the design and implementation of
employment- intensive public works programmes that increase the employment impact of the
investments. The use of labour-based methods in infrastructure programmes spreads the
income benefits over the community, reduces foreign exchange risks and strengthens the
domestic construction sector.

One of the objectives in employment- intensive programmes is the strengthening of small

contracting firms that employ local resources to implement the works. The local contractors
receive technical training as well as assistance in business management and contracting
procedures. Through the combination of training and consecutive work contracts, the firms
get the opportunity to establish themselves in the domestic market for civil works. At the
medium term they will be able to compete with well-established construction companies that
do the same work using capital- intensive methods based on heavy imported equipment.

2.2 How small contractors finance their equipment

Small contractors tendering for labour based construction contracts mostly use their own
funds and family savings to invest in equipment. Using predominantly light equipment like
trucks and tractors the contractors are flexible as to the type of work they undertake. A large
share of the financial resources used for procurement comes from non-construction
activities, such as transport and trade. In situations where the entrepreneur has insufficient
funds to purchase new equipment, he/she will look for second-hand trucks and machines on
the local market.

Suppliers credit seems to be the most common source of external financing of equipment
amongst small contractors. Competition on the suppliers market defines whether equipment
vendors sell on credit and what they charge in terms of down payment and interest. In many
developing countries however, equipment firms only provide suppliers credit to larger firms
operating in urban areas. The facility is restricted to trustworthy clients that have an
established relation with the firm.

Some of the more general equipment used in infrastructure construction, like trucks and
tractors, can often be rented on the local market. The facilities and conditions to rent
equipment differ from country to country and from region to region. In many rural areas the
demand for rentals exceeds supply, making it difficult for the contracting firms to rent
appropriate and well- maintained equipment.

2.3 Guiding principles to support contractor finance

Under-equipment of contractors can pose serious threats to the quality of the work
performed and to the objectives of the public works programme. Therefore in many labour
based public works programmes the contracting agency facilitates the procurement of
equipment by the contractors. The contracting agency either pre- finances equipment, stands

guarantee for bank loans or sets up a leasing scheme. The decision to opt for any of these
mechanisms should be based on the following three principles.

Market rates
First of all the contractors should be faced as much as possible with a ‘real- life situation’.
One of the common objectives of labour-based programmes is to build the capacity of
contractors and to help them turn their business into viable enterprises. This means the
contractors should be charged market interest rates, they should be required to arrange their
own affairs and they should establish their own contacts with financial institutions. Any
diversion from the situation the contractors will be faced with after the completion of the
programme will diminish their chances to sustain their business successfully. A proven
credit history and repayment record with a professional financial institution is a valuable
asset for any contractor wanting to expand business.

Reimbursement capacity
A second principle is that the investment in equipment by the contractor should be
justifiable from the income expected. In other words, contractors involved in the programme
need to make a projection of their reimbursement capacity. Such a projection is based on the
amount of income the contractors will be able to realise through future work contracts,
taking into account that the companies should maintain sufficient working capital to run the
operations. The assessment of reimbursement capacity of contractors under the rural roud
project in Vakinankaratra and L’Amorono’I Mania Provinces of Madagascar is presented in
box 1.

The time and money spent by the programme to set up an adequate financial scheme for the
contractors has to correspond to the vo lume of works. Negotiations with possible financial
partner institutions can be slow and can cause enormous delays in the actual works to be
executed. Financial constructions tend to become more creative but also more complicated
and expensive during negotiations that involve both donor agencies, contracting agencies
and financial institutions.

Box 1: Madagascar: An assessment of borrowing limits for small contractors

Local commercial banks were willing to provide loans to small contractors provided that these met
certain pre-established conditions, and in a situation where an external project guaranteed a certain
minimum workload to the entrepreneurs concerned. Both the contractors and the banks estimated the
loan reimbursement capacity of the borrowers to be in the order of 15% of their turnover. The financial
condition applicable for medium-term loans or hire -purchase schemes were identical: 20% down
payment, a two-year credit period for second-hand equipment or a four-year credit period for new
equipment, monthly repayments and an interest rate of 25%. The study concluded that under these
conditions small enterprises with a turnover of some $ 120,000 per year and a three-year workload
could afford to buy a second-hand truck and second-hand compaction equipment, while keeping a 40-
day cash flow reserve. For an enterprise to be able to afford to buy the same equipment new and to
reimburse the loan while keeping an adequate cashflow, a minimum annual turnover of $ 350,000 and a
three-year workload would be required.

Source: ILO: Employment-Intensive Infrastructure Programmes: Capacity building for Contracting in the
Construction Sector, Bentall, Beusch, de Veen, 1999

2.4 What are the options?

The following paragraphs describe the different ways of fina ncing equipment for small
contractors. The possibilities are:

- leasing or hire purchase schemes

- pre-payment of equipment by the project
- equipment pools
- bridge financing
- guarantees on work, on payments or on credit

In many donor- funded public work programmes the necessary equipment is initially
procured and financed by the donor. The equipment is then registered as property of the
agency that implements the programme, which could be either a Ministry of Public Works
or Transport. When the equipment is registered in the name of a ministry, the options to set
up a financing scheme to equip the contractors are limited. Firstly a government agency will
legally not be allowed to sell the equipment to a financial intermediary such as a leasing
agency. Secondly, when the government plays a double role as both contracting agency and
owner of the equipment, conflicts or interest can arise. Whether the best option is a leasing
arrangement, a pre-payment of equipment or a guarantee for bank finance will therefore
depend on ownership issues and on whether the equipment has already been procured by the

III Leasing

3.1 What is leasing?

One of the possibilities for contractors to finance their equipment is to look for a leasing
arrangement. Leasing is a common way for small and medium sized enterprises around the
world to finance vehicles, machinery and equipment. In OECD countries up to a third of
private investment is financed through leasing. Over the last decade the leasing industry in
developing countries has seen a spectacular growth, with even micro- finance institutions
becoming interested in the concept.

Financial leasing is a contractual arrangement that allows one party (the lessee) to use an
asset owned by the leasing company (the lessor) in exc hange for specified periodic
payments. During the lease period legal ownership of the asset is retained by the lessor.
Most leasing contracts will include the option for the lessee to purchase the asset at the end
of the lease term for a nominal price.

The great advantage of lease finance for contractors is the absence of collateral
requirements. The equipment itself will serve as security for the transaction since the
ownership of the asset is retained by the leasing company. In case the contractor is unable to
make the periodic payments the leasing company can simply repossess the asset. A leasing
arrangement can be concluded quicker and simpler than a bank loan. Rather than looking
into the credit history and the asset structure of the client, leasing companies will focus on
the clients’ ability to generate sufficient cash through the investment financed in the leasing

The down payment in a lease arrangement is often low and the percentage of capital cost of
the equipment financed high. Whereas banks often require clients to finance up to 40% of
the investment from their own funds, the up- front payment in a typical lease arrangement
accounts for only 10% of the total cost. This enables contractors to keep their resources as
working capital for the payment of salaries and construction materials. Another advantage of
leasing over hiring of equipment is the incentive that contractors have to properly maintain
the equipment.

3.2 Types of leasing

Four different types of leasing can be distinguished 1 :

A. Financial leasing is an alternative to bank loan financing for equipment purchases. The
lessor buys the equipment chosen by the client, who then uses it for a significant period
of its useful life. Financial leases are also called full-payout leases because payments
during the lease term amortize the lessors’ total purchase costs (residual value is
typically between 0% - 5% of original acquisition price), cover his interest costs and
provide him profit. The lessee carries the risk of obsolescence, the costs of maintaining
the asset and insurance. The lessee typically has the right to purchase the asset at the end
of the lease contract for a nominal fee.

B. Hire-purchase is a hybrid instrument also providing an alternative to bank financing for

the purchase of equipment. The instrument is typically used for retail or individual
financing of motorcycles, sewing machines, refrigerators, and other small items. The
lessee pays a higher down payment (sometimes up to 30% of the purchase price) and,
with each lease payment an increasingly higher percentage of ownership is transferred to
the lessee, thus building up equity. Ownership transfer is automatic once all required
payments are made. Compared to a financial lease, this arrangement is judicially less
secure for the lessor because the lessee is part owner of the asset. On the other hand,
lessees have a sufficiently large stake in the equipment being acquired to avoid the risk
of losing that stake through default.

C. An operating lease is not a means to finance equipment purchase. The lessee signs a
contract with a leasing company for short-term use of a piece of equipment the leasing
company has on hand, e.g. car rentals. The lessor recovers the capital cost of the
equipment from multiple, serial rentals and the final sale of the asset. Maintenance costs
and risks of obsolescence are borne by the leasing company.

D. A sale and lease-back arrangement is like a financial lease, with the difference that the
client initially owns the piece of equipment. The client sells the equipment to the lessor,
in order to acquire funds for working capital. At the same time the client signs a lease
contract to lease back the equipment through regular lease payments.

IFC, Leasing in emerging markets, 1996

3.3 The lease arrangement

In a standard financial lease the lessee – in this case the small contractor - selects the
equipment and negotiates the main purchase terms with the supplier. In case the lessor
selects the equipment a fee can be charged for this service.

While the asset itself serves as collateral under a lease arrangement, some leasing companies
will ask for additional collateral in the form of marketable securities, trade receivables or
third party guarantees. Most lease contracts will contain a clause requiring the lessee to
provide the lessor with certified financial statements during the period of the lease.

Leasing rates are often slightly higher than bank interest rates. On top of the leasing rates the
lessor will charge the client a nominal fee for the administrative costs related to the lease
arrangement. The lessee is usually responsible for the costs of maintenance, servicing and
repairs of the equipment. In most cases the lessee is obliged to insure the equipment.
Leasing arrangements still remain attractive as the up-front down payments are low and as
contracts can be structured to match the cash flow generation of the contractors business.

Leasing companies offer different options for the client at the end of the lease term:

- The equipment can be purchased at residual value. The residua l value is estimated at the
beginning of the lease term, based on the likely market value at the end of the period.
- The client can renew the lease at a significantly reduced rental. Rentals during a
secondary period are lower than in the primary period, us ually about 5% of the original
capital expenditure as a total annual secondary rental.
- The client receives a share in the profits of the equipment sale. At the end of the lease,
the equipment will be sold to a third party and the client will be allowed to share in the
benefit of the sale proceeds according to a distribution of proceeds defined in the lease

The end-of-lease option is an important part of the lease contract. A pre-set purchase price
stated in the contract enables the contractor to foresee how much funds he needs for the final
purchase. Contractors who have the intention to buy the asset at the end of the lease term
have an incentive to maintain the equipment properly.

3.4 Tax incentives

Tax incentives lie at the basis of the rapid expansion of the leasing sector in industrialised
countries. In order to facilitate entrepreneurs’ access to finance for productive equipment,
many countries have embraced a tax system that is conducive for both lessor and lessee. The
lessor, treated as the owner of the equipment, registers the full lease payment (principal and
interest) as income but takes the depreciation of the asset, usually on an accelerated
schedule. The lessee claims the lease payment as deduction from taxable income. Since the
lease term is usually shorter than the economic life of the equipment, the lessee in fact
“depreciates” the equipment more rapidly than it would in case of purchase of the
equipment. Since both parties accelerate depreciation of the asset, total tax payments are
decreased, to the benefit of the leasing industry.

While similar tax incentives might exist in developing countries, they are not the main
reason for the expansion of leasing companies in Africa and Asia. The advantages of
accelerated depreciation are less relevant when small and medium sized enterprises are able
to avoid paying income tax. Simpler security arrangements and low down payments are
more likely explanations for the growing importance of leasing.

3.5 Experiences involving leasing companies in contractor finance

Although developing countries are driving most of the growth of the leasing industry today,
the operations of leasing companies are still limited to urban areas. Leasing contracts
between town-based leasing companies and small contractors operating in the rural areas are
less common. Limiting factors to urban-rural leasing are the following:

- The cost of monitoring the status of the leased equipment and the financial performance
of the enterprise is high when it involves traveling to the country side;
- Contractors who keep the equipment in rural areas far from suppliers shops and
workshops have more difficulty maintaining it;
- The cost of repossession of the equipment in case of non-payment is high when the
equipment is kept far from the lessor’s premises.

Box 2 explains the reluctance of Ugandan financial institutions to lease equipment to

contractors working in the rural areas of Uganda.

Box 2: Uganda: Selection of financial institution

The Uganda Transport Rehabilitation Project invited six different financial institutions to lease
equipment to contractors. All development banks and leasing companies approached were initially
reluctant for a set of obvious reasons:

q The financial institutions have no branch offices in the rural areas and are therefore unable to
monitor the performance of the contracting companies;
q The selection of contractors is done by the project on the basis of a different set of criteria than
those that would be used by the financial institution to screen their clients;
q The contractors are first-time borrowers that lack expertise in financial management and book-
q Maintenance of the equipment becomes an issue when the project site is far from dealers and

The involvement of the Ministry of Transport in most projects as implementing partner discourages the
financial institutions as delays in payments to the contractors are foreseen.

Source: Republic of Uganda, Ministry of Local Government: Report on contractors’ equipment leasing
options, 1995

What makes leasing easier within the framework of labour-based contsruction programmes,
is that the programmes can guarantee work to the contractors involved. Those enterprises
that have been trained within the framework of a programme can be registered as certified
labour-based contracting companies. These should be the only ones allowed to tender for
labour-based works, at least during the implementation of a given 4-5 years programme,
during which time the contractors are technically supported by the programme. The
programme can guarantee work, not necessarily to an individual, but rather in terms of the

use of the equipment. If the contractor is doing well, he may access the equipment through
the leasing arrangement. In case of default, the lessor and the programme could give the
equipment and the contracts to another labour-based trained and registered contracting
company. Hereby the risk for the lessor to end up with obsolete pieces of equipment is

3.6 Establishment of a leasing service

In areas where no leasing company exists the establishment of an equipment leasing service
can be supported through the programme. The selection of an adequate financial institution
that is willing to deliver the service is crucial. Possible partner organisations could be local
commercial banks, financial NGOs or micro- finance institutions. In order for the selected
partner institutions to have enough time to go through all legal and financial details,
preparations to set up such a service have to start at least ten months before the equipment is
needed. To avoid dead ends in the negotiations with partner institutions it is advisable for
the programme or contracting agency to study how conducive the regulatory framework is
for the establishment of a leasing service.

In general, the setting up of a leasing service is only feasible under the following

- The partner institution is legally allowed to enter leasing contracts or can easily obtain a
leasing permit;
- The equipment to be purchased has a stable market value;
- The registry system for debt obligations and security rights is well- functioning;
- The institution can freely convert local currency into foreign currency.

3.7 Leasing – the legal and regulatory environment

An enabling legal and regulatory framework is necessary for the leasing industry to offer a
competitive alternative to bank finance. The rights and duties of both lessor and lessee have
to be clearly stated in the legal framework, providing lessors with straightforward
procedures to repossess leased assets in case of default. A certain degree of regulation in
terms of prudential conditions for operation is generally considered beneficial for the
development of the leasing sector.

Leasing companies do not take deposits from the general public and are therefore less
stringently regulated than other financial institutions. How easy or difficult it is for a micro-
finance institution to start a leasing scheme depends on the leasing law in the country. In
some countries deposit-taking micro- finance institutions could be required to set up a
subsidiary to do the leasing.

Table 1 gives some characteristics of a leasing- friendly regulatory environment.

Table 1: Characteristics of a regulatory environment friendly to leasing

Banking regulations Actions to promote leasing industry

Licencing • Recognise existence of leasing
• Restrict leasing to licensed institutions and require banks to set
up separate subsidiaries to do leasing
• Permit leasing companies to mobilise only term deposits
Prudential requirements • Minimum capital requirements may be lower than for many
other financial institutions
• Other prudential requirements may be less strict than those for
traditional deposit-taking institutions
Legal framework
Lessor’s ownership • Clearly stated with simple, effective and timely procedures for
repossession if lessee defaults
Lessee’s rights • Clearly stated uninterrupted use of leased asset for the lease
period if lease rental payments are current
Central registry • Registry system and procedures for debt obligations and
security rights, especially movable property
Tax treatment
Lessor • Allowed to depreciate assets; lease payment taxed as income;
asset depreciated over a time period shorter than or equal to
lease contract
Lessee • Lease payments treated as deductible expense for tax purposes
Sales tax • Post-contract sale of leased asset exempt from sales tax
Capital allowances • Given to lessor or lessee; equal treatment compared to other
Foreign investment regime
Convertibility of leasing co’s paid-in • Free convertibility to foreign currency-denominated deposit
capital account
Corporate tax treatment • Comparable to other financial institutions
Dividends and royalties • Free transferability and remittance; possible exemption from
withholding tax
Capital equipment imports (for on- • Should receive same customs and tax treatment as if imports
leasing) were undertaken directly by end-users
Source: International Finance Corporation, Leasing in emerging markets, The World Bank and International
Finance Corporation, Washington, DC, 1996

IV Pre-payment of equipment by the project

4.1 Deduction of equipment costs from the work payments

In many labour-based public work programmes the equipment needed for the work is
purchased and pre- financed by the project. From the point of view of preparing contractors
to sustain operations in real- life situations, the option of pre- financing equipment is second-
best. The contractors are not faced with the procedures and realities of financial institutions
and do not build up track records with the bank. However for the sake of simplicity pre-
financing equipment seems a viable option for small public work programmes.

In most schemes the Ministry of Transport or Public Works becomes the de facto owner of
the equipment. At the moment the equipment is handed over to the contractors, a loan
agreement is signed between ministry and the contractor. The agreement allows the
contracting agencies to deduct loan repayments from the work payments. In case of

exclusion of a contractor from the work for whatever reason, the ministry will attempt to
repossess the equipment and hand it over to new contractors entering the scheme.

Pre-payment arrangements and loan contracts with the Ministry of Transport or Public
Works can run into problems as soon as the ministry becomes unable to either provide work
or to pay the contractors in time. More complications arise when delays in payment are due
to bad or slow performance of the contractors or to circumstances beyo nd the control of both
the contracting agencies and the contractors. A loan contract will have to stipulate clearly in
which circumstances the contractors are allowed to suspend their repayment schedule.

Box 3: Uganda: Obligations of the client

The lease agreements signed by contractors working on the feeder roads component of the Ugandan
Transport Rehabilitation Project contain a clause that obliges the Ministry to provide civil work
contracts to the contractors until the lease term is over. In case the Ministry is unable to provide these
contracts, the repayments on the lease are frozen for the interrupted period that the contractor is without
work. This clause shifts part of the debt risk from the contractor to the contracting agency.

Source: ILO, Ugandan Transport Rehabilitation Project

When contractual payments are made in local currency, the loan agreement would normally
have to be stated in local currency as well. Repayments, however, can rapidly loose their
value, certainly if installments are suspended due to factors mentioned above. In some
public work programmes, funds accumulated are used for either new construction or
maintenance of constructed works.

4.2 Administration of the scheme by a financial institution

In some cases the project or contracting agency opts to subcontract a financial institution for
the administration of the credit scheme. The involvement of the financial institution would
ensure efficient financial management and administration of the credit scheme. The
construction has the advantage of bringing the contractors in contact with a financial
institution that could eventually render them financial services after the completion of the
project. The cost of hiring the services of a financial institution though can be high and can
easily off- set the advantages in smaller schemes.

The credit arrangement could resemble a leasing arrangement where ownership of the
equipment goes to the contractor only after the last payment has been made. However, since
the financial institution is not the de facto owner of the equipment and therefore runs no real
financial risk, monitoring from the side of the financial institution will not be as thorough as
it would be in a real lease arrangement. It is doubtful whether the financial institution would
enter complicated and expensive legal procedures after the default of a client as it would in a
straightforward debtor/creditor situation.

Case study 2 on equipment loans in Zambia shows the importance of selecting a

professional partner ins titution for the administration of the loan scheme. Local NGOs that
have goodwill but do not have the experience and procedures to follow up the type of loan
schemes involved, do more harm than good in preparing the contractors for real market

V Equipment pools

In some labour-based public works programmes ownership of the equipment is retained by a

local government agency that sets up an equipment pool. The establishment of an equipment
pool at a government agency has many disadvantages compared to other options described

- The equipment is usually not properly maintained. Local government agencies in

developing countries have enough problems maintaining their own car park, let alone
an equipment pool used by contractors.

- Contractors will understand that the equipment they need for the execution of the work
will always be available at the equipment pool in a good state at the moment they need
it. Where the contracting agency is at the same time owner of the equipment pool, the
uneasy situation can occur where the ministry c.q. contracting agency itself is blamed
for delays in the execution of work.

- The rental rates set by government equipment pools are often set too low to cover the
costs of maintenance and amortization2 . Rates tha t don’t reflect market hire rates do
not prepare contractors to compete in real market situations. Contractors will tender
using the official government hire rates for equipment, even though they realize that
defaults may occur. When some of the equipment is not available in the equipment
pool, contractors will be unwilling to hire the equipment from the private sector.

Box 4: Sudan: Equipment pool or hire-purchase scheme

A labour-based road construction project in South Darfur State procured rollers, trailers and water-
tankers to be used by the contractors working on the road. Towards the end of the project, the Ministry
of Architectural Planning and Public Utilities favoured the setting up of an equipment pool instead of
transferring the equipment purchased by the project to the private sector through a hire-purchase
scheme. The argument was that an equipment pool provides the Ministry with a regular income that
can be used for the maintenance of the road. At the same time the equipment pool would leave the
option open to execute road maintenance works through force account. The status of the equipment
procured by earlier projects however, still standing on the Ministerial compound, gave evidence that
materials are generally better maintained in the hands of the private sector.

Source: ILO, Proposal for hire-purchase arrangement project SUD/97C01 and SUD/97/007, 2001

VI Bridge financing and guarantees

6.1 Bridge financing

In bridge financing large loans for short terms are given out, using a secured future income
as guarantee. Bridge financing is often used in the agricultural sector to bridge the period

Bentall, P., Beusch, A., de Veen, J., Employment-Intensive Infrastructure Programmes: Capacity Building for
Contracting in the Construction Sector, International Labour Organisation, 1999

from investment in the crop until harvest. Contractors on labour-based public work
programmes can use the construction contract as guarantee to obtain bridge financing.
Experience shows, however, that banks are disinclined to provide bridge finance to
contractors when the contracting agency is a public entity. Work contracts as such do not
guarantee work payment, which ultimately depends on the performance of the contractor
and the administrative procedures of the contracting agencies.

In general, commercial banks in developing countries are reluctant to lend to small

contractors operating in rural areas for a set of obvio us reasons:

- The contractors are often first-time borrowers without any track records at the bank;
- They are unable to fulfill the collateral requirements of the bank;
- They can not present their last years’ financial statements to the bank;
- They are unable to finance 20-50 % of the investment from their own resources as
required by the bank.

Banks will generally require collateral or third party guarantees as compensation for the
perceived higher risk involved in lending to small contractors. In these situations a
contracting agency can facilitate contractor’s access to bank finance by providing them with
guarantees. For a contracting agency there are three different possible ways to stand
guarantee for a contractor: guaranteeing work, guaranteeing work payments or guaranteeing

6.2 Guaranteeing work

The most simple solution from the perspective of the contracting agency is to prepare a
letter guaranteeing the contractor a certain amount of work. By showing this letter to the
bank the contractor will provide the bank with evidence of liquidity during the period that
the work is guaranteed. Such a letter could be combined with other third party guarantees
the contractors could find on their own behalf.

In most instances a document guaranteeing work by itself will not be sufficient for
contractors to access credit for the procurement of equipment. A contracting agency can
only guarantee work for a certain period, not for the duration of the whole programme.

Guaranteeing work to facilitate a lease arrangement as described in paragraph 3.5 makes

more sense than guaranteeing work in order for the contractor to obtain a bank loan. The
difference is that in leasing both equipment and work contracts can be transferred relatively
easy to another contractor that has been trained in labour-based technology.

6.3 Guaranteeing work payments

In cases where banks consider letters of guarantee as described above as insufficient, the
contracting agency could agree to make payments to the contractors through the bank,
allowing the bank to withhold parts of the payments in case of bad loan repayment by the
contractor. In many countries, however, the bank is legally not allowed to withhold such
payments and in all instances the consent of the contractor has to be sought. Any contract,

signed by the three parties, would have to state clearly the conditions under which the bank
can withhold payments, for example:

- Arrears and non-payment reach at least 90 days;

- The defaulting contractor has been appropriately warned.

The contract would have to state clearly which sums the bank would be allowed to withhold
at what moments:

- Missed installments only;

- Penalty interest;
- Outstanding principal;
- Legal expenses.

Care should be taken in using this method even in countries where the legal framework
supports it. The advantage of the method is that the contractors are backed in their efforts to
establish contacts with a formal financial institution at no additional costs. The risk is that
when payments are withheld, contractors are not able to pay the wages to the workers. ILO
Convention 173 “Protection of Workers’ Claims” stresses the importance of the protection
of workers’ claims in the event of the insolvency of their employer. The withdrawal of funds
by the bank at the cost of salary payments would be a violation of the Convention that states
that “In the event of an employer’s insolvency, workers’ claims arising out of their
employment shall be protected by a privilege so that they are paid out of the assets of the
insolvent employer before non-privileged creditors can be paid their share.”

Another factor to take into account when pursuing a guarantee arrangement, is that banks do
not always regard government agencies as the most reliable financial partners. A bank could
ask for additional certainty that payments will be in time such as the existence of earmarked
government funds or dedicated donor- fund accounts.

6.4 Guaranteeing loans

A third possible way to facilitate contractors’ access to bank finance is to guarantee the
loans that contractors take to finance their equipment. In practice this means that the
programme would set up a guarantee fund on the basis of which it can provide the
contractors with letters of guarantee. In a letter of guarantee the programme agrees to share
the loan risk with the bank. In case the contractor fails to repay the loan, the programme
pays part of the outstanding debt instead.

In a guarantee arrangement the loan risk has to be shared between the bank, the contractor
and the guarantee fund. In situations where the guarantee fund of the programme covers
more than 80% of the risk, the bank is likely to become lax in monitoring and loan follow-
up. At the other hand, banks will usually not agree on a coverage of less than 50%. Good
risk sharing arrangements are in between 60% and 80%.

A letter of guarantee is a legal document that states exactly what sums the bank can claim
from the guarantee fund when the contractor defaults on the loan, for example:

- The guarantee fund will be liable for a percentage of outstanding loan capital and
contractual interest.
- The guarantee fund will not be liable for penalty interest and legal expenses.
- The bank can call in the claim after 90 days of arrears, after a warning letter has been
sent to the contractor and after legal action has been initiated.
- The bank will take legal action against the defaulter and will be responsible for legal
costs incurred.
- The guarantee fund will have a right to a certain percentage of collateral proceeds
collected after the claim has been paid out.

In order to assure themselves that the guarantee fund has enough liquidity to pay out claims,
banks will often require that at least part of the guarantee fund be deposited in the bank.
Although in most instances this is a reasonable requirement, the bank should never be
permitted to withdraw funds on its own behalf and without the consent of the programme.
Interest on the fund should be reasonable, that is comparable to medium-term deposit rates.

Guarantee funds provide a good shield against currency exchange risk for the guarantor. The
guarantee deposit can be kept in foreign currency, while the loans extended to the
contractors are noted in local currency. Since possible claims on the guarantee fund would
be based on the exchange rate at the moment of default, banks carry the full risk of currency
devaluation over the term of the loan contract.

There are some costs and efforts involved in the establishment of a guarantee fund that
might be unnecessary when other solutions are cheaper and simpler. Moreover, the existence
of the guarantee fund could provoke moral hazard on the side of the contractor who knows
his bank loan to be guaranteed by a donor agency. The establishment of a guarantee fund
however is an option in countries where efforts to set up a leasing scheme or to facilitate
finance through other types of guarantees have stranded.

VII Conclusion

Already at the design stage of an employment- intensive public work programme an

assessment has to be made of possible ways for the contractors to finance the necessary
equipment. This would include an inventory of the local financial landscape to see whether
there are institutions available and interested to provide equipment finance to the
contractors. Negotiations with partner institutions have to start at an early stage to leave the
institutions enough time to sort out the legal and financial details. Any financial scheme
would have to start at an early implementation stage of the project to enable contractors to
finance the equipment from the income earned during the implementation of the works.

Where possible, it is preferable to leave contractor finance up to the market, i.e. to involve
an institution that would provide credit. Possible options are equipment suppliers, banks or
leasing companies. Leasing would in most cases be the preferred option, for the following

- Down payments in leasing are low, meaning that contractors can keep more of their
resources as working capital to pay for wages and materials;
- In case of default it is relatively simple to transfer both equipment and work
contracts to other contractors trained in labour-based technology;

- Contractors have an incentive to insure and maintain the equipment.

When necessary, the programme or contracting agency can facilitate negotiations with a
lessor by providing the contractors with guarantees on work.

Second-best options are the pre- financing of equipment or the setting up of a credit
guarantee fund. In these situations it is still advisable to confront the contractors as much as
possible with a real market situation. Handing over the administration of the scheme to a
bank, as done in the Uganda case study, is a valid option.

Whatever financial mechanism is chosen, it is important to avoid contractors running into

liquidity problems. Estimations have to be made of (1) the type of equipment contractors
can afford (2) the loan terms such as down payment and interest rate (3) the currency of the
loan. Experience in all countries shows that with a scheme conveniently adapted to the
investment capacity of the entrepreneur, repayment rates are satisfactory. Most contractors
trained in labour-based technology will try to live up to their debts in order to expand their
business and improve their competitive position.

Case study 1: Equipment leasing in Uganda

1 Introduction

The feeder roads component of the Ugandan Transport Rehabilitation Project (UTRP) had
amongst its objectives, the introduction of labour based /light equipment supported methods
for feeder road maintenance and rehabilitation. In pursuit of this objective, the project set
out to train and employ small and medium sized contractors to use the labour-based
approach in executing civil works.

The Government of Uganda (GOU) with assistance from the International Development
Association (IDA) and Nordic Development Fund (NDF) agreed to provide, through a
leasing arrangement, light equipment support to selected contractors upon successful
completion of a structured training programme. Under the signed lease agreement, an
international consultancy firm (Norconsult) which managed the project implementation was
also entrusted with the administration of the lease services whereas the financial and
business management services were sub-contracted to the East African Development Bank
(EADB). EADB in fulfilling its obligations under the contract conducted business and
management courses for the contractors to address the deficiencies observed with their

2 Principal features of the lease agreement

The lease agreement basically had the following features.

a) Procurement of equipment

The government had the sole right in the selection and purchasing of the equipment. The
equipment package (listed below) is leased directly to the contractor for 48 months.

b) Collateral security

No collateral security is required from the contractor. However, the equipment is registered
in the name of the Government until the lease is fully paid back.

c) Insurance

The contractor has the responsibility of comprehensively insuring all equipment.

d) Maintenance

The contractor is responsible for maintaining the equipment at his/her expense.

e) Repayment schedule

The cost of the equipment is denoted in the local currency and is not affected by foreign
exchange fluctuations that may occur in the course of repayment of the lease. Interest on the
facility is charged at a fixed rate of 12% during the tenancy of the facility (Commercial rates

prevailing at the time of executing this agreement were 5- 15% higher than the rate charged
for the lease).

f) Obligations of the client

The client is obliged to provide civil works contract to the contractor until the lease is over.
Should the client default in providing a contract to the contractor, the repayment has to be
frozen for the interrupted period that the contractor is without work.

3 Equipment packages

The equipment types and quantities procured by the project for the contractors were as

Table C1: Equipment procured by UTRP

Description Quantity
Tipper trucks 12
Tractors 8
Trailers 16
Water Bowsers (towed) 8
Pickup Vehicle 7
Pedestrian Rollers 24
Motor Cycles 12
Water pumps 8
Poker Vibrators 4
Concrete Mixers 4
Culvert Moulds 36

The above equipment was initially packaged for the first batch of 10 contractors who
successfully completed the training programme. Each of the contractors was thus given a set
of equipment costing between USD 96,000-191,000 depending on the management ability
and performance of the company during the training programme.

Table C2: Equipment packages for the first batch of 10 contractors

Category No. of contractors Package

Least equipped 2 A*
Moderately equipped 4 B**
Most equipped 4 C***

* Package A comprises: 1 Tipper truck, 1 Pickup vehicle, 1 Motor cycle, 2 Pedestrian rollers

** Package B comprises: 1 Tipper truck, 1 Tractor, 2 Trailers, 1 Water Bowser, 1 Pickup

vehicle, 2 Pedestrian rollers, 1 Motor cycle, 1 Water pump

*** Package C comprises: 1 Tipper truck, 1 Tractor, 2 Trailers, 1 Water Bowser, 1 Pickup
vehicle, 2 Pedestrian rollers, 1 Motor cycle, 1 Water pump, 1 Poker Vibrator, 1 Concrete
mixer, 9 Culvert moulds

The project management, after observing the initial perfo rmance of the contractors, came to
the conclusion that the difference in output between the least and the more equipped
contractors did not justify the retention of the additional equipment availed to the
contractors. It therefore recommended the retrieval and reallocation of the under- utilized
equipment from the ‘over equipped’ contractors to the second batch of six contractors.

Following the implementation of this measure, only 4 contractors maintained their original
set of equipment whilst 5 contractors had pieces of equipment costing between USD 40,000-
85,000 withdrawn from their equipment holdings. Ironically, the least equipped contractor
of the batch performed creditably during the trial contract and had his equipment holding
value increased from USD 96,000 to 140,000.

The equipment values for the second batch of contractors ranged from USD 47,000 –

4 Recovered rental analyses

The lease agreement for the first and second batch officially commenced in November 1997
and April 1999 respectively. Both agreements were concluded in December 2000 (38
months and 21 months lease periods) in consonance with the project completion date.

The effective lease period for the two batches fell short of the figures above due to the
client’s default in awarding contracts on time to the contractors and coupled with late
payment of certificates for works accomplished. The rentals from both batches therefore had
to be frozen by the project management for the interrupted periods (5-7 months).

4.1 First batch

The analysis considers 8 out of the 10 contractors originally equipped in lieu of the fact that
one contractor was disqualified from the programme whilst the other took possession of the
equipment for 21 months. The latter contractor is thus grouped with the second batch for the

The recovered rental over the 38 months period (less the interrupted periods) for the batch
averaged 74% of the loan value. Two contractors with equipment holding estimated at USD
140,000 managed to fully repay the loan whilst the most equipped contractors had serviced
62% of the loan.

4.2 Second batch

The recovered rental for this batch including one contractor from the first batch was 62%.
The least equipped contractor managed to fully repay the loan whilst the most equipped in
the batch serviced only 47% of the loan.

The recovery rate for the second batch was quite impressive. An estimated 86% of rental
due had been recovered from the contractors whilst that for the first batch was 75%.

5 Revolving fund account

Recovered rental funds accrued in the revolving fund account at the close of the project in
December 2000 could only provide on the average 5 km contracts to each of the 15
contractors. This implied that some of the contractors would be unable to finish paying off
the equipment loan unless the Government made adequate budgetary allocations to sustain
the programme.

As highlighted in paragraph 4.1, the recovery rates could have been between 95-100 % for
both batches had the leasing scheme been implemented for 48 as envisaged by the project.

Case study 2: Equipment loans in Zambia

1 Introduction

The UNDP/UNCDF funded Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Reeder Roads project in

Zambia was designed to improve the quality of life in Eastern Province through
rehabilitation and sustainable use of roads. The project trained small contractors in labour-
based technology and employed them for the rehabilitation of 570 kilometers of feeder
roads. The development of local contracting capacity, both for rehabilitation and
maintenance, was one of the major objectives of the programme.

The contractors that were trained and selected did not have the equipment needed for the
rehabilitation work. UNCDF and the Ministry of Local Government and Housing (MLGH)
decided therefore to procure seven sets of equipment and hand tools for the contractors.
Table C3 gives the list and the value of the equipment procured for each contractor.

Table C3: List of Equipment procured for contractors (prices in USD)

Item Qty Price Item Qty Price

Water pump 1 839 Stone crusher 1 1,471
Trailer 3 12,696 Culvert moulds 3 5,100

Waterbowser 1 4,460 Concrete mixer 2 800

Tractor 2 46,779 Hand tools Set 5,293

Pick-up 1 21,981 Tractor tools Set 667

Smooth roller 1 4,759 Survey equipment Set 1,587

Vib roller 1 11,535 Logistics LS 13,658

Auto hitch 2 2,300 Total cost: 133,925

2 The loan scheme

A loan scheme was set up to facilitate loan repayments by the contractors. The loan scheme
was designed for contractors to pay off the equipment package over a period of four years.
The paid back principal would flow back to the feeder road fund of the project and be used
for rehabilitation work. The interest earned on the loans scheme would be used train the
contractors in business management.

A local NGO called Village Industry Service (VIS) was selected by MLGH to manage the
loan scheme and to provide training to the contractors. The agreement that was signed
between MLGH and VIS in July 1998 provided for two major outputs:

- Firstly, VIS was expected to support contractors in upgrading their bus iness
management skills so as to prepare them for competition after the phasing out of the
- Secondly, VIS was mandated through this agreement to collect the equipment loans on
behalf of the Ministry and to remit the loan principal to the feeder road fund of the

project at the end of every quarter. The interest charged at 1% per month would be
retained by VIS to cover its expenses and fees for the assignment. VIS took over a total
loan principal of USD 818,369 and produced 30-month loan schedules for all seven

3 Results

The choice of the NGO turned out to be unfortunate. VIS failed to achieve satisfactory
performance in loan recovery and contractors ended up accruing huge arrears. VIS made no
efforts to actively collect payments due and outstanding. The registration of payments was
done, but no penalties were applied. At the same time the NGO didn’t provide a satisfactory
level of technical assistance to the contactors.

By end of December 1999, arrears had accrued to USD 94,855. In order to address the
situation, MLGH decided to suspend the agreement and transfer responsibilities to the
Feeder Road Project. Following the take-over of responsibilities in January, the project
managed to bring all contractors back on course by the end of December 2000. At the end of
the 4-years period 99.7% of the total loan amount was recovered.

4 Lessons learnt

The selection of an institution for the management of a credit scheme has to be based on an
in-depth assessment of the experience and the expertise of the staff. VIS had no experience
in credit operations. While the NGO had a good enough incentive to collect payments since
they could keep part of the interest of the scheme, it simply didn’t have the procedures and
structures in place to play the role of financial institution.

The decision to bring together the loan management function and the contractor support
function in one institution was unfortunate3 . At the one hand, the NGO would have to put
constant pressure on the contractors to collect repayments, with the application of penalties
in case of default. This role of “loan” shark makes it difficult to build up at the same time
the relationship of sympathetic and well- intentioned counselor to the business.

The ability of the Feeder Road Project to collect payments and arrears gave strong evidence
that earlier repayment problems were not caused by unwillingness on the side of the
contractors. With proper procedures in place, the contractors were eager to pay off the loans
and obtain the equipment packages.

Rademaker, P., Feeder Roads Project: An assessment of the performance of VIS, the implementation of the
hire-purchase scheme and the provision of assistance and training to contractors, International Labour
Organisation, 1999


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