Contemporary Art Lesson Plan

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VISUAL ARTS GRADE: 9-12 (mixed)


What can you find, what do you collect? Collecting, Studying, and Installing/Displaying
Artists collect (found) objects over time from various places of the earth and natural environment. They use, transform, and arrange these materials to create impressive,
meaningful artworks or installations.
Grade Hs accomplished Collect/gather multiples of found/free or discarded objects. Teacher will require students to bring in a collection of objects
VA:Cr1.2.HSII (# of items will depend on what they can fit onto a 22” x 28”
Choose from a range of materials and poster size paper – anywhere from 20-50 items or more) to
methods of traditional and contemporary class and will be checked off for completion of task.
artistic practices to plan works Arrange, rearrange and study their collection of objects, identifying possible
of art and design. personal significance, cultural/religious importance, and/or ideas that could Students will generate several different sketches with notes to
be communicated through artful assemblage. document their project ideas and discuss these ideas with the
Grade Hs proficient
Explain how traditional and non-
(Examine how pollution and excess waste has impacted our natural Students will need to conduct research by collecting
traditional materials may impact human health
and the environment and demonstrate safe environment and critically think about how waste/garbage can be put to found/free materials in a natural or built environment. They
handling of materials, tools, and equipment. use, transformed or elevated into art.) will be photographing/documenting the existence of the
materials in their natural context as part of their research.

Grade Hs accomplished Visit the local museum/gallery/art library to critically study and analyze During critique, not everybody will get a chance to speak. So,
VA:Pr6.1.HSII Gabriel Orozco and other artists’ work like El Anatsui. They will make there will also be post-it notes where students will need to
Make, explain, and justify connections predictions about what the artists are trying to convey and then learn and write an anonymous suggestion or comment next to each (at
between artists or artwork and social, cultural, read more about their work. least 3) diff student’s work. Students will also write
and political history. accompanying artist’s statements that will be displayed
Conduct research on El Anatsui and Gabriel Orozco to understand their (printed) next to their work to inform the viewer/audience.
work in relationship to their social, cultural, and political contexts. Study and discuss the work of Gabriel Orozco and other found
object artists like El Anatsui in smaller groups.
Grade Hs accomplished Students will respond to contemporary art they see or study at the Students will be required to write (1-2 page) reflection papers
VA:Re7.2.HSII museum/gallery/library through sketchbook observations/notes. about their visit to the museum/gallery/library.
Evaluate the effectiveness of an image or
images to influence ideas, feelings, and
behaviors of specific audiences.
Grade Hs proficient Students will participate in a class critique at the end of the lesson, where Students will fill out self-evaluation forms and assess how they
VA:Re9.1.HSI they will have created their own methods of display/installation for their did on their projects, depending on the directions and
Establish relevant criteria in order to evaluate
projects in the school gallery. requirements of the project.
a work of art or collection of works.
Grade Hs proficient Document their artistic process through taking photos of found objects in Teacher will check for documentation through sketching,
VA:Cn10.1.HSI original context (just using cellphones), taking notes on lecture and the researching ideas in contemporary art, reading/reflecting, and
Document the process of developing ideas museum visit, note taking, and making sketches/noting observations. discussing with each student one on one what their ideas and
from early stages to fully elaborated ideas. findings are.


Learner Modifications, supports, adaptations

English language learners Check in with ELL students one on one to make sure they understand directions/see their progress.
Could speak in their own language in class and write in English later.

IEP Special Learning Needs Make sure that the museum/gallery/library is designed universally for access to the physical space.
Adaptations to the project – don’t need to go outside and collect objects/document but instead can collect things from home (and
perhaps have a paraprofessional help photograph objects, if applicable.)
Whole group misunderstandings/confusion Make sure to check in with students one on one and answer questions, help guide them with ideas/concerns for their projects.
Try to plan ahead and prepare other steps/projects for those who finish early and modify/simplify project for those who are slower


Vocabulary Language Function (describe, explain, critique, compare) Discourse/syntax (discussion, writing)
Found object art, multiples/collecting, Students will describe what found object art and Vocabulary will be used in class discussions, on
consumption/conservation/waste, conservation is, they will study and analyze handouts, evaluations, reflections, and during critique.
contemporary/abstract art, elevating/transformation of contemporary and conceptual art, explain and compare (Also integrate other important ideas/words like
materials, assemblage, installation, how different artists transform materials and assemble micro/macro, attention to scale/detail/composition,
display/presentation them into something massive, extraordinary or context and concept, overall theme/message,
significant, and critique each other’s work too. craftsmanship, etc.)

Day 1
“What do you collect? What do you value? What is significant to you?”
“If not, how can we use discarded materials left out in the environment and make something impactful/meaningful out of those
found objects? There’s so much waste that you can collect and discover anywhere you walk around, outside, really..” Artist Books/Art Magazines
-Show books of Gabriel Orozco’s artwork and El Anatsui ‘s - use VTS to get students engaged and guess Orozco creates his artwork
and where he might find his materials. Also relate similarities/correlations to El Anatsui’s installational work. Discuss as a class what Museum
they think both artists are trying to convey in their artwork and any similarities/differences between their styles/methods.
-Go on a field trip to the local museum/gallery/library and see Orozco’s work or other contemporary artists’ work that use
assemblage and installation techniques with many found objects and analyze their techniques, display choices, and overall Students will bring in materials for next
concept/underlying messages/themes. “How has excess waste/garbage impacted our natural environment? How have artists today class that they feel safe to bring into the
used or created messages regarding waste/consumption/garbage in art? What about recycling/reusing?” classroom and that they feel have
-Ask students to go outside into the natural environment (outside of class) like a familiar or new place and gather materials in groups potential to be woven into their projects
of two/three, and photograph or sketch (document) them in their own natural existence as a study (in action). If this is not doable and worked on.
due to time restraints or lack of interest, then students will search or bring in items they already have at home lying around like
personal objects of significance to arrange/display that they collected over time or garbage/waste that they could put to use or play
around with. Items will be brought to the next class day. “Please only bring in what you are comfortable taking apart or permanently
displaying to use for your art projects!”
Day 2
“How might you simply display/arrange your collection of objects to attract the viewer, provide a new perspective of value perhaps?” Informational Handout,
“Or how might you manipulate and transform your material in a way to elevate it into something beautiful?” Power-point presentation
-Have a class discussion and talk about their findings from the museum/gallery/library at the start of class. “What is art?”
-Then show a powerpoint of Orozco and Anatsui’s work and ideas/examples of how artists might present or arrange their objects to *Students can access Google Classroom
create meaning, whether it be a social/political/religious/other message (through Google Classroom). and references/resources in ppoint to
-Mention the beauty in the poetic arrangement of mundane objects of Orozco’s work. “What is contemporary art?” Explain what check out links and also view digital
conceptual art is about and how to learn to appreciate it, like the massive scale or attention to detail, precision, and order. handouts too, whenever they want*
-Talk about the repeating materials and elements in Anatsui’s work – engaging the audience/viewer, providing a cultural context as
well as historical symbolism of colonialism, etc. Here too, lies beauty in discarded objects as massive shimmering textile wall pieces.
“Think about scale & how this could make a powerful impact on the audience…”
-Have students conduct research and play around with their materials, write down any helpful notes or ideas/sketches to help their
thought process. Do they want to manipulate and transform multiples of the same material or arrange similar items together?
-Provide one on one checkins with students and see what they’re thinking of doing with their objects, whether it be an
installation/wall piece/hanging, 2D framing of objects, or a 3D sculpture/mobile. Demo materials/supplies – glue,
scissors, nails, mod podge,
Days 3-6 (or longer, if needed) thread/string/fabric, wire
Demonstrate in class some collage (paper) & assemblage (nails/pins/wire working) techniques (2d & 3d) Work time/work days…
-Demonstrate various display techniques to the class – arranging, framing, gluing on wood, making mobile sculptures, etc. Demo materials/supplies – framing
-Mention importance of craftsmanship or attention to detail/order/organization and composition. materials, string & wire, super glue,
-Class work time to finish assembling pieces and start working on the display/presentation portion of the project. thicker paper, wood, nails, etc.
“Any suggestions you have for your classmates?” – (informal in-class critique/small group discussions – problem solving)
Individual class work time and one on one checkins for finishing touches and display ideas/solutions. Students work on Handouts - also provide one for
Critique Guidelines
Artist Statements – (see handout for examples of other artist statements and general guidelines).
Class Critique with Artist Statements printed out next to each student’s work. “Okay class, so remember we’re only providing Post-it notes for peer evaluations for
positive, constructive criticism.” Formal college-level type critique will be performed – teacher acts as facilitator and students students to take home.
provide the feedback/comments/questions/concerns. Self-evaluation forms to be filled and
turned in to teacher.

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