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Bonifacio vs.

RTC of Makati The criminal action and civil action for damages
in cases of written defamations, as provided for
Facts: in this chapter shall be filed simultaneously or
Jessie John Gimenez (Gimenez) filed in behalf of separately with the RTC of the province or city
Yuchenco Family of Yuchenco Group of where the libelous article is printed and first
Companies (YGC) and Malayan Insurance Co., published or where any of the offended parties
(Malayan), a criminal complain for 13 counts of actually resides at the time of the commission
libel under Art. 355 in relation to Art. 353 of the of the oofense. xxxx”
RPC against the members of Paents Enabling
Parents Coalition Inc (PEPCI), a group of That venue of libel cases where the
discontented planholders of Pacific Plans, Inc complainant is a private individual is limited
(PPI) which is owned by the Yuchengco’s, for only to:
they previously purchased traditional pre-need
educational plans but were unable to collect
thereon or avail of the benefits of such after 1. Where the complainant actually
PPI, due to liquidity concerns, filed for resides at the time of the commission
corporate rehabilitation with prayer of of the offense; or
suspension of payments. 2. Where the alleged defamatory article
was printed and first published.
That PEPCI members owns and moderates a
website and a blog with web If the circumstances as to where the libel was
domains:, ww printed and first published was used as basis for, the venue of the action, the Information must
and [email protected]. Gimenez allege with particularity where the defamatory
alleged that upon accessing such websites in article was printed and first published. The
Makati he red various article containing highly same measures cannot be reasonably expected
derogatory statements and false accusations when it pertains to defamatory material
attacking the Yuchengco Family. appearing on a website on the internet as there
would be no way of determining the point of its
Since the article was first published and printing and first publication. TO give credence
accessed by Gimenez at Makati City, pursuant to Gimenez’s argument would spawn the very
to Art. 360 of the RPC as amended by RA 4363. ills that the amendment to Art. 360 of the RPC
sought to discourage and prevent. It would do
Issue: chaos wherein website author, writer, blogger
How should an online article be treated in or anyone who post messages in websites could
relation to a written defamation/libel with be sued for libel anywhere in the Philippines.
respect to jurisdiction of the case provided by
law specifically Art. 360 of the RPC? The information is quashed and the case is
Art. 360 of the RPC provides:

“Any person who shall publish, exhibit or cause

the publication or exhibition of any defamation
in writing or by similar means, shall be
responsible for the same.

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