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A Guide to Flexibility Training

Fourth edition

by Thomas Kurz

Published by:
Stadion Publishing Company, Inc.
Post Office Box 447
Island Pond, VT 05846, U.S.A.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or
by any means without written permission from the publisher, except for brief
quotations included in a review.

Copyright © 1987, 1990, 1991, 1994, 2003, 2015 by Thomas Kurz

Printed in the United States of America

ISBN 978-0-940149-15-1

Editing by R. Scott Perry

Cover Design by TLC Graphics © 2003,
Cover Photo by Chuck Shahood
Book Design by Eva Chodkiewicz-Swider
Drawings by Eva Chodkiewicz-Swider
Photography by Chuck Shahood and Don Whipple

I dedicate this book to the late Antoni Zagorski and the late Tadeusz
Sadowski. Without their help it would have never been written.

The author and Stadion Publishing Company are not liable or responsible to
any person or entity for any damage caused or alleged to be caused directly
or indirectly by the information contained in this book.

Consult your physician before starting any exercise program.

Due to the rapid increase of range of motion some martial artists experience
while using this method of flexibility training, they may kick higher than they
are used to and miss their targets. With a little practice, however, they will
regain their accuracy.

Whenever there are particular cautions for you to observe, they are signaled
for you like this:

Caution: Pick only one isometric stretch per muscle group and
repeat it two to five times, using as many tensions per repetition as
it takes to reach the limit of mobility that you now have.

Getting the Most Out of This Book

1. Flexibility in Sports
Injury prevention and flexibility

2. How to Stretch
Methods of stretching
Early morning stretching
Stretching in your workout
The use of partners in stretching
Children and flexibility training
The elderly and flexibility training

3. Dynamic Stretching

4. Static Active Stretching

5. Isometric Stretching
When you are not ready for isometrics
When you are ready
How to select your stretches

Arms, shoulders, chest
Stretches leading to the side split
Stretches leading to the front split
Splits and high kicks

6. Relaxed Stretching
Arms, shoulders, chest
Stretches leading to the side split
Stretches leading to the front split

7. Sample Workout Plans

8. All the Whys of Stretching

Anatomy, physiology, and flexibility
Tests of flexibility potential
Practical conclusions for sports training

9. Questions and Answers on Stretching

Does This Method Really Work? And How?
Body Alignment for Hip Stretches

Dynamic Stretches and Morning Stretch
What and When
Stretching in Workouts for Various Sports
Flexibility and Other Athletic Abilities
Age and Stretching
Gender and Stretching
Sounds in and around Joints
Pain or Soreness and Stretching
Injuries and Stretching
No Success
Stretching Machines and Other Strange Practices
Resources for Further Study

10. Appendix A: Hip Joint and Shoulder Joint

11. Appendix B: Normal Range of Motion

12. Bibliography

Getting the Most Out of This Book
The essence of flexibility training presented in this book is the simultaneous
development of strength and flexibility, working with your body (especially
the nervous system), for full flexibility with no warm-up.

The method of accomplishing these goals can be summed up in a single

paragraph: Tense your muscles prior to relaxing and stretching them, and
tense them every time when you want to increase your range of motion
during a stretch. To simultaneously develop strength and flexibility, tense
your muscles while they are fully stretched. As your strength in stretched
positions increases, so does your range of motion and your ability to use
increasingly greater range of motion without a warm-up. To develop the
ability to instantaneously show full flexibility in dynamic movements, do
dynamic stretches (such as arm or leg swings) for a few minutes twice every
day. That is all. The rest are details, but these details make all the difference
between effective training and fruitless drudgery. That is what the rest of
this book is about.

How to use this book

This book gives you all the information you need to accomplish the
maximum flexibility permitted by the bone structure of your joints and by
their ligaments. You will be able to display your increased flexibility
without any warm-up in both dynamic movements such as kicks and in static
positions such as splits.

Read chapter 1, “Flexibility in Sports,” for fundamental information about

the kinds of flexibility. Think of it as the basic definitions you need to know.
In addition you will find key principles regarding injury prevention and
some cautions about possible causes of difficulties you may encounter.

You will find many exercises here, but you need only a few of them to gain
all the flexibility you need for your sport. Which exercises you need
depends mainly on your sport and on your personal characteristics.

If you are a gymnast you need all types of flexibility, so you will select
needed exercises from chapters 3 (“Dynamic Stretching”), 4 (“Static Active
Stretching”), 5 (“Isometric Stretching”), and 6 (“Relaxed Stretching”).

If you are a karateka, kickboxer, taekwondo player, or an athlete of any

combat sport that calls for full-extension kicks, you will select from among
the exercises shown in chapters 3 (“Dynamic Stretching”), 5 (“Isometric
Stretching”), and 6 (“Relaxed Stretching”).

If you are a swimmer or track-and-field athlete you will select exercises

from chapters 3 (“Dynamic Stretching”), 5 (“Isometric Stretching”), and 6
(“Relaxed Stretching”).

If you are a wrestler (Greco-Roman, free-style, judo, sambo, or other), you

will need exercises mainly from chapters 5 (“Isometric Stretching”) and 6
(“Relaxed Stretching”). If your technique calls for great dynamic flexibility
of the legs, such as the inner thigh rip of judo and other styles of jacket
wrestling, you will also need one or more exercises from chapter 3
(“Dynamic Stretching”).

No matter what sport you participate in, you should read chapter 2, “How to
Stretch.” It tells when to do which exercises and how to arrange them in any
single workout. Chapter 7, “Sample Workout Plans,” shows how to apply
the principles of arranging the exercises in practice. These examples are not
for slavish imitation but to illustrate a rational selection and flow of

Chapter 8, “All the Whys of Stretching,” will give you a full understanding
of this method of flexibility training. Knowing the theory, why the exercises
are to be done in some particular way and what their effect is on the body,
helps with designing training programs.

Chapter 9 of the book, “Questions and Answers on Stretching,” consists of

typical questions on flexibility training from athletes. If you read the whole
book you will know answers to nearly all these questions, in which case the
content of this chapter will serve primarily for your amusement.

1. Flexibility in Sports
There are six kinds of flexibility, with classification depending on the
character of the muscles' action and on the presence or absence of an
external force that aids moving through the range of motion or assuming and
maintaining a stretched position (Tumanyan and Kharatsidis 1998). These
six kinds are:

dynamic active flexibility (only using the muscles of the moving body
dynamic passive flexibility below the pain threshold (using as much
external assistance as needed to reach the painless limit of motion);
dynamic passive flexibility over the pain threshold and up to pain
tolerance (using as much external assistance as needed to reach the
maximal limit of motion permitted by pain tolerance);
static active flexibility (only using the muscles of the stretched body
part to hold a stretched position);
static passive flexibility below the pain threshold (using as much
external assistance as needed to reach the painless maximum stretch);
static passive flexibility up to pain tolerance (using as much external
assistance as needed to reach the maximal stretch permitted by pain

Practically speaking, however, in training practice usually three kinds of

flexibility are deliberately developed—dynamic active, static active, and
static passive (below the pain threshold).

Dynamic active flexibility. This is the ability to perform dynamic

movements within a full range of motion in the joints. It is best developed
by dynamic stretching. This kind of flexibility depends on the ability to
combine relaxation of the extended muscles with contraction of the moving

Examples of dynamic active flexibility

Static active flexibility. This is the ability to assume and maintain extended
positions using only the tension of the agonists and synergists while the
antagonists are being stretched. One example is lifting the leg and keeping it
high without any support. An athlete's static active flexibility depends on the
athlete's static passive flexibility and on the static strength of the muscles
that stabilize the position.

Examples of static active flexibility

Static passive flexibility. This is the ability to assume and maintain

extended positions using your weight (splits), or using strength not coming

from the stretched limbs, such as lifting and holding a leg with your arm or
by other external means.

Examples of static passive flexibility

Passive flexibility usually exceeds active (static and dynamic) flexibility in

the same joint. The greater this difference, the greater the flexibility reserve
and the greater the possibility of increasing the amplitude of active
movements. This difference diminishes in training as active flexibility
improves. Doing static stretching alone does not guarantee an increase of
dynamic flexibility proportional to the increase of static flexibility
(Matveyev [Matveev] 1981).

The principles of flexibility training are the same in all sports. Only the
required level of a given kind of flexibility varies from sport to sport.

The flexibility of an athlete is sufficiently developed when the maximal

reach of motion somewhat exceeds the reach required in competition. This
difference between an athlete's flexibility and the needs of the sport is
called “the flexibility reserve” or “tensility reserve.” It allows the athlete to
do techniques without excessive tension and prevents injury. Achieving the
maximum speed in an exercise is impossible at your extreme ranges of
motion, i.e., when you have no “flexibility reserve.”

The training of flexibility, as well as of any other motor ability, should

proceed in form from general to sport-specific—reflecting the needs of
particular sports. In choosing stretches, you should examine your needs and

the requirements of your activity. For example, if you are a hurdler, you
need mostly a dynamic flexibility of hips, trunk, and shoulders. To increase
your range of motion, you need to do dynamic leg raises in all directions,
bends and twists of the trunk, and arm swings. You can perfect your
technique by doing various dynamic exercises consisting of walking or
running over the hurdles. The hurdler's stretch, a static exercise, does not fit
into your workout because it strains your knee by twisting it. Simple front
and side splits are better for stretching your legs. The explanation that in the
hurdler's stretch your position resembles the one assumed while passing the
hurdle is pointless. You cannot learn dynamic skills by using static
exercises, and vice versa. The technique of running over the hurdles is
better developed in motion.

In karate or kickboxing, punches, blows, and kicks should hit their targets
with maximum speed. Some targets require nearly fully stretched muscles of
the hitting limb (in the case of kicks, also of the supporting leg). Your
nervous system has a way of making sure that a stretch, particularly a
sudden one, does not end abruptly, causing a muscle tear. But a gradual
slowing down before the moment of contact will spoil the impact.
Therefore, you have to train your nervous system so you can have maximal
speed at the moment of contact even if it is close to the maximal reach of
motion in this movement. In the case of kicks, you can learn this skill by
using your hand as a target for them. Centers in your brain that regulate
coordination and rapid movements know about the hand. They know where
it is and that it can stop the kick, so the leg does not have to be slowed down
gradually to prevent overstretching.

Examples of exercises developing the ability to kick with maximum speed

at the ranges of motion required in fighting

You must first develop the ability to move your limbs with moderate speed
within a full range of motion in joints in order to do these specific kicking
drills. You should start at a lower height to avoid injury from any sudden
contraction of rapidly stretched muscles. You can use this exercise only in a
warm-up because of the limited variety of kicks that you can practice this

Fighters relying on high kicks as their combat techniques should spend a few
minutes in the morning on the dynamic stretching of their legs. Starting
slowly, they should gradually raise the legs higher. Later they should
increase the speed of their movements, perhaps even using the previously
described “hand-kicking” drill. Practical experience (North Korean, Soviet
bloc's commando units) shows that doing the actual combat kicks in this
morning stretch is not necessary to be able to do them later in a day without
a warm-up.

Wrestlers (freestyle, Greco-Roman, judo, and others) need especially great

static strength in extreme ranges of motion to get out of holds and locks.
They will best develop this strength by isometric stretching and lifting
weights through the full range of motion along appropriate paths.

Gymnasts and acrobats must display a high degree of development of all

kinds of flexibility, with greater emphasis on static active flexibility than in
any other sport. Training for and displaying static active flexibility requires
good strength in the trunk muscles, especially in the lower back.

Rowers should have hamstrings long enough to allow them to lean far
forward at the catch phase of the rowing stroke without flexing the lumbar
spine much. If the hamstrings are short, the rowers compensate by flexing
the spine more than 50% of its maximum range of flexion. Such flexing,
combined with the high compressive and shearing forces acting on the spine
during rowing, contributes to hyperflexion of the spine—which correlates
strongly with low back pain (Reid and McNair 2000; Howell 1984).

Swimmers should have long hamstrings and chest muscles. When doing the
breaststroke, if you go up and down in the water instead of moving just
under the surface, it means that your chest muscles are too short. In the
backstroke this shortness also causes your face to submerge when the arm
enters the water, which is when you want to take a breath. In the crawl, short

hamstrings pull your feet out of the water and make your legwork inefficient.
Poor flexibility of ankles and toes makes a swimmer ride low in the water.
(Ankle flexibility can be improved by wearing fins while doing kick sets,
and toe extensions and curls improve flexibility and strength of the toes.)

You should be careful in choosing your stretches, however, because too

much flexibility in some parts of the body can be detrimental to your sports
performance or just unhealthy. For example, even though swimmers need
more than a normal range of motion in the shoulders, their internal rotators'
stretches should not go beyond the frontal plane of the body to avoid
damaging the joint capsule and cartilage at the front of shoulder joint, which
would lead to shoulder instability (Bak and Magnusson 1997). Forced
stretching—past the point where you can move using the stretched muscles
—can damage the capsule of the shoulder joint, leading to shoulder
instability and pain (McMaster and Troup 1993; McMaster et al. 1998).
Female gymnasts with symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders of the lower
back can touch the floor behind their feet in a standing position farther than
those without symptoms (Kirby et al. 1981). This may be caused by having
weak or overstretched (inhibited by excessive stretching) hamstrings or
muscles of the buttocks (Walther 2000). Another possible cause of the low
back discomfort, in gymnasts who can touch the floor very far behind their
heels in a standing position, could be poor form in performing stretches for
lumbar flexion, such as the toe-touching stretches— rounding the back when
leaning forward. During such stretches the spine should be kept “straight”—
with its normal, natural curves just like when you are standing upright—so
the movement occurs mainly in the hip joints. Rounding the lower back can
overstretch its muscles and ligaments and cause a lifetime of back pain
(Alter 1996).

Some Olympic weightlifters may need to tighten the muscles surrounding the
hip and knee joints for the proper execution of lifts. Muscles that are too
relaxed at long length let the weightlifter “sink” too deep on the legs while
getting under the barbell. This makes it difficult to stand up and complete the

Running economy has been associated with decreased flexibility. Stiffness

of the calf muscles and Achilles tendon enhances “elastic energy storage
and return” during every running step, and the small range of motion of
external rotation in the hip reduces the metabolic cost of the muscular
activity needed for stabilizing the pelvis during long-distance running

(Craib et al. 1996). Excessive mobility in the joints diminishes stability of
the body, causing scattering of the forces acting on it. This in turn
necessitates additional muscular tension in movements where parts of the
body have to be stabilized to support heavy loads (Raczek 1991). Such
scattering of forces—for example, caused by an excessively loose trunk at
the moment of takeoff—reduces performance in jumping (Wazny 1981b).

Maximal force production in bench press, one of the events of powerlifting,

is positively related to the stiffness of prime movers if the bench press is
done without a rebound (Wilson et al. 1994), so flexibility training could
affect it adversely, but performance in a bench press done with a rebound
benefits from flexibility training (Wilson et al. 1992). Performance in sprint
(a speed-strength effort) improved when both weight training and stretching
were included with sprint training as compared to sprint training alone
(Dintiman 1964). At the very least Dintiman's experiment showed that
adding stretching to sprint training did not lower the running speed.

To take advantage of a rebound, the stiffer the muscles and tendons the
better, provided you have the required range of motion (Kubo et al. 1999). If
your range of motion is less than required for full utilization of the rebound,
then high stiffness does not help and it may be economical to increase range
of motion, even at the cost of lowering somewhat the stiffness of your
involved muscles and tendons (Wilson et al. 1992).

Having muscles so short and stiff they limit the range of motion required in
your sport may cause an overuse injury (Krivickas 1997; Howell 1984).

Another fact to consider while deciding whether to stretch: Saxton and

Donnelly (1996) showed that resistance exercises consisting of eccentric
muscle actions (in which muscles tense as they are being stretched) caused
loss of strength at short muscle length. According to them this loss of
strength at short length suggests that an increase in muscle length has
occurred, perhaps due to elongation of the sarcomeres, or elongation of
connective tissue of the muscle and tendon, or both.

Injury prevention and flexibility

Whether high or low flexibility prevents or predisposes for injuries in
sports depends on the sport and on the athlete's favorite techniques. In some
sports, poor flexibility in some movements may cause overuse injuries,

while in others, a less than average flexibility improves performance. Here
is what Gleim and McHugh (1997) say.

“It is possible that flexibility patterns which represent risk factor for one
sport may not do so for another. . . . No clear relationship can be described
between flexibility and injury that is applicable to all sports and levels of
play. While increased flexibility is important for performance in some
sports that rely on extremes of motion for movement, decreased flexibility
may actually increase economy of movement in sports which use only the
midportion of range of movement” (Gleim and McHugh 1997).

Most muscle strains “are believed to occur during eccentric

contractions, which can cause damage within the normal range of
motion. . . . If injuries usually occur within the normal range of
motion, why would an increased range of motion prevent injuries?”
(Shrier 2000).

A muscle does not have to be maximally stretched to be torn. Muscle tears

are the result of a special combination of a stretch and a contraction at the
same time (Garrett 1996), and neither the stretch nor the contraction has to
be maximal. Sometimes the contraction is really a spasm, resulting from a
chronic weakness of the muscle. Even the most flexible athlete can develop
an overuse injury that manifests itself as a muscle spasm. If the athlete
continues to exercise with a muscle spasm, eventually a strong tension of the
affected muscle may (and often does) tear it. So you see that great flexibility
alone will not prevent injuries. Actually, excessive development of
flexibility leads to irreversible deformation of the joints, which distorts
posture and adversely affects performance (Matveyev [Matveev] 1981). For
example, repeated forceful hyperextensions of the back may damage
vertebra in adolescents (Harvey and Tanner 1991). In baseball and
swimming, laxity of the glenohumeral joint predisposes the joint for injuries
(Fleisig et al. 1995; McMaster et al. 1998; Pappas et al. 1985).

Low back pain may result from laxity of joints other than those of the
back—lax ligaments of ankle and knee joints increase the risk of
low back pain (Nadler et al. 1998). You can compensate for lax
ligaments by strengthening the muscles crossing a given joint
(Krivickas 1997; Zelisko et al. 1982).

There are four main causes of injuries: great differences in strength between
two opposing muscle groups; strength and flexibility imbalances between
the same muscle groups on both sides of the body; a difference of
fatigability (muscle endurance) between the limbs; and imbalances in
activity of muscles (Burkett 1970; Knapik et al. 1991; Murphy 1991;
Orchard et al. 1997; McMaster et al. 1991; Rudy 1987; Tyler et al. 2001).
According to Murphy (1991) imbalances in activity are more likely to cause
an injury than imbalances in strength.

Differences in strength of the same muscle groups on both sides of

the body, when measured at a given velocity, should not exceed 10
percent (Feiring and Derscheid 1989).

More specific information on the proper ratios of strength among muscle

groups is in Science of Sports Training: How to Plan and Control Training
for Peak Performance.

Unbalanced flexibility, i.e., an abnormally large range of motion in some

movements but less than normal in other movements in the same joint, may
contribute to injuries. In classical ballet, where dancers have an
extraordinary range of external rotation and abduction of the hip combined
with less than normal internal rotation and adduction, 30% of dancers
complain of lateral knee pain and 33% of anterior hip pain (Reid et al.
1987). In nonathletic people, a range of external rotation in the hips greater
by more than 10 degrees than the range of internal rotation is associated
with low back pain (Ellison et al. 1990). So, for safety's sake, do some
stretches in directions that are not typical for your sport or at least do some
of your stretches in the full range of motion. For example, do leg swings
from full adduction (across your body) to full abduction or arm rotations
from full external rotation to full internal rotation.

Balancing the flexibility of all the muscles in a joint and improving the
strength and endurance of the weaker muscles are the easiest measures for
prevention of injuries. A careful analysis of your form of movement may
also hold the key to injury prevention. A good technique feels effortless.
Eliminate those moments in your technique in which you use the maximal
tension of already stretched muscles to counter the fast movement of a
relatively big mass. Such movements may lead to tears in the muscles of a
supporting leg in kicking, for example. Likewise, if you abruptly strain
against great external resistance, or against the inertia of your body, it may

lead to a muscle strain—for example, a hamstring tear in starting a sprint
from the starting blocks.

If one muscle group, or muscles of one limb or one side of the body are
more tensed than other muscles, you may have a nerve problem or
misaligned bones. For example, a twisted pelvis will cause one hamstring
to be more tensed than the other. Stretching overly tensed muscles cannot fix
the cause of their abnormal tension. In this example, it neither realigns the
pelvis nor addresses the cause of this misalignment, which can be
neurological or mechanical. While stretching may temporarily make you feel
better, it will not remove the threat of potential injury. This is why static
stretching before working out does not prevent injuries. Research bears this
out—the majority of studies show static stretches before working out to be
detrimental or of no benefit for injury prevention (Shrier 2000). Pre-
exercise static stretching does not prevent soreness, tenderness, or the force
loss that follows eccentric exercise (Johansson et al. 1999).

In instances of excessive tension (excessive neural stimulation) or weakness

(excessive neural inhibition) caused by misaligned joints or neurological
problems, typical strength training exercises will not help you either.
Typical strength exercises will either overstress the overly tensed muscles
or will bypass the weak ones by recruiting others to do their job. To fix such
problems you need the help of a physical therapist proficient with muscle
testing and activation techniques who, among other modes of treatment, may
prescribe special exercises for normalizing the tension of muscles.

The fact that static stretching, or any strenuous stretching, right before
exercising is useless or even harmful does not mean that you may not stretch
strenuously at all. Just do it after the other exercises. In the case of exercises
that do considerable damage to the muscles, such as very hard resistance
exercises, do stretches several hours later. Stretching during the acute phase
of muscle damage would compound the damage. Even static stretching can
put enough stress on the muscle fibers to damage them. For persons just
beginning a workout program, stretching alone—either ballistic or static—
may cause delayed onset muscle soreness, which is a symptom of muscle
damage (Smith et al. 1993).

This is a how-to-do-it book about stretching, but you needed to know a little
why-to-do-it before you got started. Now you are ready to begin.

2. How to Stretch
The right stretching method will let you have great flexibility even without a
warm-up. Such flexibility is essential for coaches so they can demonstrate a
technique immediately when it is needed. A lack of this ability indicates
either that the stretching method you use is incorrect, you are chronically
fatigued, or both.

Caution: In spite of having this ability you should not abuse it. It is
fine to do a few full range-of-motion moves without warm-up, but
not many. Take kickboxing or karate kicks, for example—kicks
involve sudden twisting or bending of the trunk, so not warming up
can result in back pain. The back is wrapped in deep layers of
muscles, and the larger and deeper the mass of muscles, the more
time it takes to warm it up. Warming up before effort facilitates
recovery after it.

Developing great flexibility is one of the easiest tasks in athletic training. It

takes little time and effort to reach an exceptional level. With rational
training flexibility improves from day to day (Ozolin 1971). Why then do so
many people spend hours weekly, year after year, and get such meager
results? Here are the most common causes of difficulties in developing
athletic form, flexibility in particular.

The wrong warm-up. Doing static stretches does not sufficiently raise
muscle temperature, it does not increase blood flow through muscles, it
does not warm up joints, or prepare you for further effort.

The wrong training load. Training loads that are too great without enough
rest cause chronic fatigue. If you begin your workout still sore after the
previous one, you are asking for an injury or at least you hamper your
further progress.

The wrong sequence of efforts. If you use the wrong sequence of efforts in a
workout or in a microcycle, it may double or triple your recovery time. (A
microcycle is a set of workouts. It usually lasts one week. Information on
how to arrange workouts in microcycles is in Science of Sports Training:

How to Plan and Control Training for Peak Performance.)

The wrong methods. Incorrect methods of teaching skills may result in too
many repetitions of a given exercise and chronic local fatigue. Choosing
methods that develop athletic abilities and skills in ways that interfere with
the development of flexibility as well as total athletic development is really
an umbrella difficulty that covers all the problems.

Applying the methodology you find advocated here in your training will
prevent you from making any of the preceding mistakes. These principles
are included in the descriptions of stretching methods. If you follow the
instructions to the letter, you will not go wrong.

Methods of stretching
There are several methods for improving flexibility. In this book you will
find only the safest and most efficient of these. Your choice of method (or
combination of methods) depends on your sport and the shape you are in.

Dynamic stretching. Dynamic stretching involves moving parts of your

body and gradually increasing reach, speed of movement, or both. Perform
your exercises (for instance, leg raises or arm swings) in sets of eight to
twelve repetitions. If after a few sets you feel tired—stop. Fatigue causes a
decrease in the amplitude of your movements. Do only the number of
repetitions that you can do without diminishing your range of motion. More
repetitions will only set the nervous regulation of the muscles' length at the
level of these less than best repetitions and may cause you to lose some of
your flexibility. What you repeat more times or with a greater effort will
leave a deeper trace in your memory! After reaching the maximal range of
motion in a joint in any direction of movement, you should not do many
more repetitions of this movement in a given workout. Even if you can
maintain your current maximal range of motion over many repetitions, you
will set an unnecessarily solid memory of the range of these movements.
You will then have to overcome these memories in order to make further

Dynamic stretches do not involve stopping and holding the stretched

position. Such holding is the feature of static active stretches (see definition
below on this page).

One relatively recent study (Bandy et al. 1998) confuses the issue somewhat
by misnaming certain static active stretches as “dynamic range of motion
exercises.” A reader misled by that term, which Bandy applies to raise-and-
hold stretches, might wrongly conclude that dynamic stretching doesn't
measure up to what it is supposed to do.

What is dynamic stretching supposed to do? It increases dynamic active

flexibility. Your body in motion increases its speed of movement, or its
range, or both. These are results you measure in dynamic motions, not in
static positions.

Do not confuse dynamic stretching with ballistic stretching either. In

ballistic stretches, you use the momentum of a fast-moving body or a limb to
forcibly and abruptly increase the range of motion. Ballistic movement
cannot be adjusted or corrected once started. Ballistic or bounce stretches
may result in immediate as well as residual pain—the symptom of “minute
injury to soft tissue involved in the stretching,” which the subsequent
strenuous exercises may aggravate “to the point of serious muscle damage”
(Logan and Egstrom 1961). Nelson and Kokkonen (2001) showed that
maximal force in knee flexion declined on the average by 7.5% and in knee
extension by 5.6% after six 15-second ballistic stretches—bobbing in a
stretch—even though more than 10 minutes passed between ballistic
stretching and strength tests.

In dynamic stretching (as opposed to ballistic stretching) there are no

bobbing, bouncing, or jerky movements and the movements are controlled
thoroughly even though they are quite fast. In dynamic stretching the stretch
is not sudden, unlike in ballistic stretching.

Practically, the same dynamic stretch (for example, a leg swing) can be
performed with control through the whole range of movement or with no
control over a substantial part of the movement when the stretch takes place,
or as anything in between.

Static active stretching. Static active stretching involves moving your

body into a stretch and holding it there through the tension of the muscle-
agonists in this movement. You may notice that the harder you tense the
agonistic muscles the less resistance you feel from the stretched muscles.

Static active stretches increase both your static active range of motion and
your static passive range of motion (Bandy et al. 1998; Roberts and Wilson

1999). Longer (15 seconds) static active stretches are more effective for
increasing an active range of motion than shorter (5 seconds) ones. Both
durations (5 seconds and 15 seconds) cause similar increases in the passive
range of motion—which exceed the static active range (Roberts and Wilson

Relaxed stretching for static passive flexibility. Relaxed stretching

involves relaxing your body into a stretch and holding it there by the weight
of your body or by some other external force. This type of stretching is more
effective than dynamic stretching for increasing the static passive range of
motion and decreasing the amount of force needed to hold a stretch—the
tension in a static position (McNair and Stanley 1996; McNair et al. 2001).
Relaxed stretches increase static passive range of motion more than static
active stretches (Bandy et al. 1998).

Relaxed stretches relieve cramps of overstimulated muscles. Slow and light

relaxed static stretching is useful in relieving spasms occurring in muscles
that are healing after an injury or are just sore (deVries 1961). Stretching of
sore muscles, however, may further damage them. After all, soreness is a
sign of muscle tissue damage and Smith et al. (1993) showed that stretching
may cause delayed onset muscle soreness. So, if you feel that a stretch may
relieve spasms in the sore muscles, to be safe stretch lightly—only as much
as it takes to feel relief.

Caution: After an injury you should not exercise or stretch at all

until you have healed sufficiently and you have checked it with your

For increasing static range of motion the most effective duration of relaxed
stretches is 30 seconds, and the most effective frequency is once per day
(Bandy and Irion 1994; Bandy et al. 1997).

Isometric stretching for static passive flexibility. Using positions similar

to those in static passive stretching and adding the strong tensions of
stretched muscles, you can cause postcontractive relaxations and,
subsequently, increases in the stretch. (These relaxations following strong
tensions feel just like Dr. Jacobson's Progressive Relaxation.) For a greater
effect as you relax the stretched muscle, you can tense its antagonists, i.e.,
the muscles that oppose it (Etnyre and Abraham 1986a). Eventually, when
you achieve your maximal (at this stage of training) stretch, you hold the last

tension for several seconds. This increases the strength of the muscles in
this position. Even without these last tensions, contract-relax stretching
improves your range of motion both in passive and active movements as
well as your strength in concentric, isometric, and especially in eccentric
actions (Handel et al. 1997).

Isometric stretching is the fastest and the most efficient method of increasing
static passive range of motion (Etnyre and Abraham 1986a; Holt et al. 1970;
Lucas and Koslow 1984; Sady et al. 1982; Tanigawa 1972). Because of the
strong and long tensions in this type of stretching, apply it according to the
same principles as other strength exercises. You should allow sufficient
time for recovery after exercising, depending on your shape and on the total
volume of exercises, their intensity, and the sequence of efforts. Do not
exercise so hard as to make your muscles sore and do not exercise sore
muscles strenuously. Muscle soreness is accompanied by loss of strength
and of range of motion (Miles and Clarkson 1994), so if you make your
muscles sore often you will reduce your flexibility. Muscle shortening is
most pronounced 2 days after performing the exercises that caused muscle
soreness (Clarkson et al. 1992). It is a good idea to do isometric stretches in
strength workouts and, on days when recovering from these workouts, do
either static relaxed stretches or replace the last, long tension in your
isometric stretches by just holding the relaxed muscles in the final stretch.

To increase static passive flexibility do isometric stretches at least twice a

week, depending on your recovery, though. Wallin et al. (1985) recommends
isometric or contract-relax stretching from three to five times a week. The
best time for isometric stretching is the end of a workout—this is the time
when isometric stretches are most effective (Moller et al. 1985). For
maintaining flexibility it may be enough to do isometric (contract-relax)
stretching once per week (Wallin et al. 1985). You will get help in sorting
these varying recommendations in chapter 5.

Doing both isometric and static active stretching, you will most quickly
develop static forms of flexibility.

To develop passive mobility up to 90% of what is anatomically possible,

for ankle and knee joints it usually takes up to 30 days; for joints of the
spine, up to 60 days; and for hip joints, from 60 to 120 days (Starzynski and
Sozanski 1999).

Tumanyan and Dzhanyan (1980) in their research on passive and active

forms of static flexibility showed that:

—passive stretching, which increases passive range of motion, causes

parallel increases in active range of motion with the difference between
them unchanged;

—strength exercises done throughout the full range of motion increase active
range of motion and so reduce the difference between passive and active
range of motion; and

—doing both passive stretching and strength exercises increases both

passive and active range of motion while decreasing the difference between

Strength exercises for increasing flexibility are similar to stretches, except

that what would be the final position of a stretch is the initial position of a
strength exercise. For example, strength exercises for increasing shoulder
flexibility are done from stretched positions, with resistance light enough to
stretch the exercised muscles without the danger of overstretching them
(Platonov 1997; Platonov and Fesenko 1990). Making 3- to 5-second stops
at the maximal stretch increases the effectiveness of these exercises
(Platonov 1997). When the resistance is just right (not too heavy), the range
of motion increases in each successive set of such exercises. If the strength
exercises merely involve all muscles around a joint but do not put them on a
stretch in every possible direction, they may cause loss of flexibility in the
unexercised directions (Girouard and Hurley 1995).

Early morning stretching

If you need to perform movements requiring considerable flexibility with no
warm-up, you ought to make the early morning stretch a part of your daily
routine (Ozolin 1971; Wazny 1981b). Early morning stretching, which you
would do before breakfast, consists of a few sets of dynamic movements—

for example, arm swings and leg raises to the front, rear, and sides. Before
doing these dynamic stretches, warm up all your joints with easy
movements. Do the stretching before breakfast because after the meal blood
flow in the muscles is diminished, which decreases flexibility, and because
doing dynamic stretches, such as high leg raises, with a full stomach is not
good for digestion.

Do not do isometric stretches in the morning if you plan to work out on

strength or flexibility later in the day. Isometric stretches may be too
exhausting for your muscles if you do them twice a day. You must allow a
sufficient time for recovery between exercises.

The whole early morning routine can take about 30 minutes for beginners
and only a few minutes for advanced—after reaching the desired level of
flexibility, you will need less work to maintain it. You should not get tired
during the morning stretching. The purpose of this stretching is to reset the
nervous regulation of the length of your muscles for the rest of the day.
Remember: Do not work too hard because fatigue reduces your range of
motion in dynamic movements, and if you overdo it, you will defeat the
purpose of this exercise.

Usually, no special cool-down is needed after the early morning stretching.

If, in doing a great number of repetitions, you manage to considerably raise
your temperature and pulse rate, slow down the pace of the last sets and
then spend a minute or two walking. If you have lots of time in the morning,
you can also do some relaxed static stretches at the end of your morning

Stretching in your workout

In your training, use dynamic stretches right after waking up as your morning
stretch, and later, at the beginning of your workout, as a part of a warm-up
(Wazny 1981b). Do static stretches after dynamic exercises such as running,
jumping, throwing, kicking, or wrestling that make up the main part of your
workout, preferably in a cool-down. If you need to display static flexibility
in the course of your workout or event, then do these exercises at the end of
the warm-up.

A properly designed workout plan includes the following parts.

1. The general warm-up, including cardiovascular warm-up and general,
dynamic stretching (no static stretches unless you are a gymnast and the
routine you practice includes static flexibility displays, such as splits and

2. The specific warm-up, in which movements resemble more closely the

actual subject of the workout

3. The main part of the workout, in which you realize your task for this

4. The cool-down

The whole warm-up should take no more than 30 minutes. Dedicate about
10 minutes of this time to dynamic stretching. Warming up should involve a
gradual increase in the intensity of your exercises. Toward the end of a
warm-up, use movements that resemble more closely the techniques of your
sport or the task assigned for this workout.

In New York City I have seen people sitting on heaters in order to warm up
before a kickboxing workout. Apparently they did not realize that warming
up has to prepare all systems of the body in order for you to perform at top
efficiency. It has to affect the heart, blood vessels, nervous system, muscles
and tendons, and the joints and ligaments—certainly not just one area of the
body! One of the best books on physical therapy (Hertling and Kessler
1996) has it right: “Warm-up is an increase in body heat by active muscle
use for the purposes of lowering soft-tissue viscosity and enhancing body
chemical and metabolic functions, to protect and prepare the body for more
aggressive physical activity. . . . Active muscle [warm-up] is likely to be
more productive than passive means of heating, because passive heating
does not [adequately] enhance the metabolic and cardiac factors, which are
also important.”

Begin your warm-up with limbering up, such as joint rotations, starting
either from your toes or your fingers. Make slow circular movements until
the joint moves smoothly, then move to the next one. If you start from your
fingers, move on to your wrists, followed by your elbows, shoulders and
neck. Continue with twisting and bending of your trunk followed by
movements in the hips, the knees, the ankles, and finally, the toes. If you start
from your toes, the order is reversed. The principles are: from distant joints
to proximal (to the center of the body); from one end of the body to the other

(top to bottom or vice versa), ending with the part of the body that will be
stressed most in the next exercise. This last principle applies to all parts of
a workout.

Next engage in five minutes of aerobic activity such as marching or jogging

combined with trunk twists, leans, arm swings, skips, knee raises, or
shadowboxing—anything having a similar effect on the cardiovascular
system. Flexibility improves with an increased blood flow in the muscles
(Wazny 1981b).

Follow this with dynamic stretches—leg raises to the front, sides and back,
and arm swings, for example. Do leg raises in sets of ten to twelve
repetitions per leg. Do arm swings in sets of five to eight repetitions. Do as
many sets as it takes to reach your maximum range of motion in any given
direction. The total number of repetitions needed for reaching the maximal
range of motion increases with age. It may take 15-25 repetitions for 8-year-
olds to reach the maximum range in shoulder and hip joints but 30-45
repetitions for 17-year-olds (Raczek 1991). For properly conditioned
athletes, even those who are much older, usually one set in each direction is
enough warm-up, however.

Doing static stretches in the warm-up for a workout that consists of dynamic
actions is counterproductive, and it certainly does not prevent injuries
(Shrier 1999; Pope et al. 2000). The goals of the warm-up are: an increased
awareness, improved coordination, improved elasticity and contractibility
of muscles, and a greater efficiency of the respiratory and cardiovascular
systems. Static stretches, isometric or relaxed, just do not fit in here.
Isometric tensions will only make you tired and decrease your coordination.
Passive, relaxed stretches, on the other hand, have a calming effect and can
even make you sleepy. A proper warm-up improves the mechanical,
chemical, and neural aspects of your muscles' function and thus prevents
injuries, but an improper warm-up, including wrong stretching, may
predispose you to injuries (Safran et al. 1989).

Some reasons not to do static stretches before exercise according to

Shrier (1999; 2000):

—There is no scientific evidence that static stretching before

exercise reduces the risk of injury.

—Even mild static stretching can damage muscle cells.

—Static stretching increases pain tolerance.

In the words of Dr. Shrier (2000), “It does not seem prudent to
increase one's tolerance to pain, possibly create some damage at the
cytoskeletal level, and then exercise this damaged anesthetized

For a period from several seconds up to five minutes following a static

stretch you cannot display your top agility or maximal speed because your
muscles are less responsive to stimulation—your coordination is off.
Relaxed static stretches decrease strength by impairing activation of the
stretched muscles for up to five minutes after the stretch and contractile
force for up to one hour (Fowles et al. 2000). Relaxed static stretches
impair the activity of tendon reflexes—several 30-second static stretches of
the calf muscles reduce the peak force, the force rise rate, and the half
relaxation rate of the Achilles tendon reflex (Rosenbaum and Hennig 1995).

Maximal force production is impaired for several minutes after strenuous

stretching, whether static or ballistic bouncing. (Stretching is strenuous
when you do it at the pain threshold and it is light when you feel a sensation
of stretch, but not pain.) Kokkonen et al. (1998), showed that maximal force
in knee flexion declined on the average by 7.3% and in knee extension by
8.1% after six 15-second static stretches even though 10-25 minutes passed
between static stretching and strength tests. Maximal force of the legs may
decline less or not at all if an athlete walks for a few minutes following
static stretching and prior to resistance exercise, an inadvertent revelation
due to poor design of a study by Morgan (2000). Reduction of activation, or
imbalance in activity, that follows static stretching is more likely to cause an
injury than a reduction in strength (Murphy 1991). (This applies to a single
workout and not to long-term training. A long-term [3-12 weeks] stretching
program may improve strength performance [Kokkonen and Lauritzen 1995;
Wilson et al. 1992; Worrell et al. 1994].)

All of the above notwithstanding, East European sports training authorities

consider alternating stretches with sets of resistance exercises (for either
maximal strength or for muscular endurance) a very effective means for
developing both flexibility and strength (Platonov 1997; Platonov and
Fesenko 1990). You have to keep in mind that a) exercises developing

maximal strength need not involve overcoming maximal resistance nor
moving at a high velocity, and b) an athlete who wants to alternate
resistance exercises with stretches needs to be well attuned to the effects of
either of these exercises on his or her muscles. In such alternating work each
set of stretches causes an increase of the range of motion over the initial
value and each following set of resistance exercises causes a reduction in
the range of motion, but the increases are larger than reductions so the final
range of motion is considerably greater than the initial range (Platonov

Static stretching reduced drop jump performance and tended to decrease

explosive force production. Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation
(PNF) stretching has a similar effect but not statistically significant—mean
drop jump performance reduced by 3.2% and mean explosive force
production reduced 3.3% (Young and Elliott 2001). In Young and Elliott's
study, just as in Morgan's, the tested athletes also walked for a few minutes
between stretches and jumps, which may be the reason for such small
decreases in performance.

Caution: If you try to make a fast, dynamic movement immediately

after a strenuous stretch, whether static or bouncing, you may injure
the stretched muscles.

After the general warm-up you can move on to a sport- or task-specific

warm-up. The choice of exercises in the specific warm-up depends on your
sport and on the subject of the workout—different if developing strength is
the subject, different if developing endurance, and different yet if learning a
technique, with each technique requiring different warm-up and lead-up
exercises. (Structuring workouts for developing those and other abilities
and skills is explained in Science of Sports Training: How to Plan and
Control Training for Peak Performance.)

A specific warm-up should blend with the main part of your workout. When
the main part is over, it is then time for the cool-down and final stretching.
Usually you would only use static stretches here. You can start with the
more difficult static active stretches that require a relative “freshness.”
After you have achieved your current maximum reach in these stretches,
move on to either isometric or relaxed static stretches, or both, following
the isometric stretches with relaxed stretches.

Caution: Pick only one isometric stretch per muscle group and
repeat it two to five times, using as many tensions per repetition as
it takes to reach the limit of mobility that you have at this stage of
your training.

After all the isometric stretches, you can do relaxed stretches for the same
muscle groups—if you feel like it. The relaxed or static passive stretches
permit staying in maximally extended positions longer than the isometric
stretches. Doing relaxed static stretches after isometric stretches may
increase your passive range of motion and reduce tension in static stretches
further than using either type of stretches alone. After the final stretches,
march or walk around the gym or track for a few minutes to help the neural
regulation of your muscles return to normal.

This is the end of your workout. If you do not participate in any sports
training, but still want to stretch, just skip the specific warm-up and the main
part of workout. Do only the stretches, starting with the dynamic and ending
with the static.

Question: I am 29 years old, I do the strength workout twice a week

and I use the following exercises:

warm-up: 5 minutes
dynamic stretches
squat (3 x 12)
isometric stretch
adductor flies (100 reps)
good morning lift (3 x 12)
relaxed static stretch

I pick only one exercise per muscle group both in isometric and
static and I do it 3-5 times tensing in each time 3-5 times for three to
five seconds. Is this sequence and method correct?

Answer: Yes, this is an example of a good sequence of exercises.

If you follow my advice to the letter, and the rest of your athletic training is
run rationally, you should be able to display your current level of flexibility
within a month without any warm-up. By current level of flexibility, I mean

the level you normally display during a workout when you are sufficiently
warmed up. Of course, it is still better to warm up before any exercises.
Being able to do splits and high kicks without a warm-up does not mean that
you are ready to exercise. Warming up lets you perform efficiently during
your workout or sports event and speeds up the recovery afterward.
Muscles prepared for work do not get as much mechanical and chemical
damage as the unprepared ones.

After you attain the required reach of motion, you may reduce the amount of
work dedicated to maintaining this flexibility. Much less work is needed to
maintain flexibility than to develop it. You will have to increase the amount
of “maintenance” stretching as you age, however, to counter the regress of
flexibility related to aging.

The use of partners in stretching

The practice of using partners in stretching is a waste of time, and it is
dangerous. The helper is neither stretching nor resting. The danger of using a
partner in stretching is obvious. The partner does not feel what you feel. He
or she can easily stretch you a bit more than you would like. If you feel pain
and let your partner know about it, by the time the partner reacts, it can be
too late.

Children and flexibility training

Preschool children (ages 2 to 5) do not need to dedicate as much time to
flexibility exercises as older children and adults, who may have to spend as
much as 5-15 minutes per workout on flexibility. Their bodies are so pliable
that in the course of natural play they will put their joints through the full
range of motion (Drabik 1996).

From the age of 6 to 10, the mobility of shoulder and hip joints is reduced.
To prevent this reduction of mobility, children in this age range must do
dynamic stretches for shoulders (arm raises and arm rotations in all
directions) and hips (leg raises in all directions). Flexibility of the spine
reaches its natural maximum at ages 8-9 (Drabik 1996). Striving to increase
the spine's range of motion beyond the natural maximum, as well as
repetitive bending and twisting of the spine, may cause all sorts of problems
—stress fractures to the growth plates of the vertebrae, spondylolysis,

spondylolisthesis, and slipped discs—resulting in lifelong back problems
(Micheli 1990). Some gymnasts pay for their spine's great flexibility by
wearing body braces and spending the rest of their life in pain.

Avoid static stretches of all kinds (passive, active, isometric) in children's

training because excitation dominates over inhibition in a child's nervous
system. This means that it is hard for children to stay still, relax, and
concentrate properly on feedback from their muscles for periods as long as
static stretches require (Drabik 1996). Isometric stretches require
concentration and body consciousness to properly interpret sensations
coming from the stretched and strongly tensing muscles so as not to injure
them. Isometric stretches that start from the standing position, leading to the
side split put sideward force on the knees. This force can, with repeated
application, stretch the ligaments and deform joint surfaces of the knees and
thus cause loose and knocked knees (Alter 1996).

Caution: Do not do ballistic, isometric, and strenuous relaxed

stretches before the second stage of adolescence because children's
muscles do not resist stretching as much as those of adults and these
kinds of stretches cause their ligaments to be stretched (Raczek
1991). Ballistic stretches, in which you bounce to increase your
maximum stretch, are risky (Ciullo and Zarins 1983) and mostly

Static active stretches, especially lifting the leg and holding it high without
any support, compress the spine and may increase lordosis because they
bend and twist the spine while the hip flexor (iliopsoas) of that lifted thigh
is pulling at the lumbar vertebrae. If you have to do such leg lifts, as might
be the case in gymnastics, for example, you should immediately follow them
with exercises and stretches that correct lordosis (pelvic tilts, forward

Ages 10 to 13 (before the growth spurt) is when you intensify flexibility

training because children, by gaining mass faster than height, get stronger
and more active. Increased activity without an increased amount and
intensity of stretches may reduce their flexibility (Drabik 1996).

During the growth spurt (13 to 15), height may increase nearly one inch in a
month. Micheli (1990) states that muscles and tendons do not elongate as
quickly as growing bones and the resulting loss of flexibility leads to

overuse injuries. Specifically, Micheli says, an excessive lumbar lordosis,
leading to back injuries, results from bones of the spine growing faster than
its muscles, and that pain in the kneecap, and eventually destruction of its
cartilage, is caused by doing too much knee-bending when the quadriceps is
tightened by the rapid growth of thigh bones (Micheli 1990). A large study
on more than 900 high school students, however, suggests that loss of
flexibility is not caused by growth but only associated with it (Feldman et
al. 1999). In any case, stretches should target these muscles that are overly
tight, otherwise the child will develop bad posture or get injured (Micheli
1990). During this first stage of adolescence all bones, ligaments, and
muscles are weakened and you should therefore avoid stressing the trunk by
many repetitions of bends and twists.

In the second stage of adolescence, after the growth spurt (15 to 19), you
can intensify flexibility training once again and do sport-specific stretches
in quality and quantity similar to those for adults (Drabik 1996).

L. P. Matveev (Matveyev [Matveev] 1981) points out that the effectiveness

of flexibility training is greatest during childhood and teenage years, and
warns against exceeding the ranges of motion permitted by normal joint
structure. “Excessive development of flexibility leads to irreversible
deformation of joints and ligaments, distorts stance and adversely affects
motor abilities,” he says.

The elderly and flexibility training

Can you improve your flexibility if you are fifty or sixty years old? Why
not? Eighty-year-old people can. How far you can improve in absolute
terms, i.e., what range of motion you can achieve, depends on the initial
level of your flexibility and strength.

Past maturity both flexibility and strength decline, partly due to aging and
partly due to inactivity (Bassey et al. 1989; Gersten 1991; James and Parker
1989). Strength and flexibility training can decrease the age-related loss of
strength and maintain or restore flexibility (American College of Sports
Medicine Position Stand 1998; Buckwalter 1997). Strength training alone,
without any stretching—with resistance permitting maximally 6-10
repetitions without straining, at a full range of motion—can increase
flexibility of the elderly (Barbosa et al. 2002).

Even elderly men and women over seventy years old can increase their
flexibility (Brown et al. 2000; Lazowski et al. 1999). With strength training
the elderly, even in their 90s, can increase their strength and muscle mass—
not as fast and as much as young people, but they can (Fiatarone et al. 1990;
Lexell et al. 1995), and the responsiveness to strength training determines
the effectiveness of isometric stretches—the most intense stretches—as long
as the structure of the person's joints is not an obstacle.

Ultimately, whether an elderly person can increase his or her flexibility

depends on the individual.

To see if the structure of joints (shape of bones and length of ligaments)

permits reaching the extremes of normal range of motion, perform tests such
as those shown in the chapter 8, “All the Whys of Stretching.” To see if a
given kind of stretches works for you—try them and see. For example, to
see if isometric stretches are effective and safe, try them. If contracting a
stretched muscle helps to increase the range of motion upon relaxing this
muscle, then the isometric stretches are effective. If repeating these stretches
every couple or every few days does not cause a persistent muscle soreness,
or pain, or weakness—then most likely they are safe. Similar trials can be
made with other kinds of stretches.


In the following chapters you will find a practical demonstration of

principles discussed up until now. The exercises are shown in the sequence
that you should use in a workout: from dynamic movements to static ones,
gradually moving from a vertical to a horizontal position, each exercise
evolving from a previous one. You will find more than the absolutely
essential number of stretches for a particular group of muscles. This way, in
planning a workout, you have many exercises to choose from and arrange in
a methodically correct sequence that suits the subject of the workout. This
does not mean that you should do all of them in any of your workouts—one
of each type of stretch for a given group of muscles is usually enough. So, in
a workout you would do one dynamic, one isometric, and one relaxed
stretch for the hamstring, for example. Consider the facilities where you
will work out and what kind of exercises will precede and follow each
stretch. You do not want to sit in a puddle to stretch your hamstring, for
example. You do not want to directly change position from standing to lying
down (or vice versa) without stretching in the intermediate positions.

Most photographs in the following chapters show only the final positions of
stretches. To start doing any of these stretches you do not have to lean your
trunk, spread your legs, or twist your arms as far as these photographs show.

3. Dynamic Stretching
Dynamic flexibility, the ability to perform dynamic movements within a full
range of motion in the joints, is best developed by dynamic stretching. This
kind of flexibility depends on the ability to combine relaxing the extended
muscles with contracting the moving muscles. Besides perfecting
intermuscular coordination, dynamic stretching reduces passive resistance
to movement throughout the range of motion (McNair and Stanley 1996;
McNair et al. 2001).

Fatigue usually reduces dynamic flexibility, so do not do dynamic stretching

when your muscles are tired, unless you want to develop a specific
endurance and not flexibility. Dynamic stretching is most effective when you
carry it out daily, two or more times a day (Ozolin 1971). Russian
researcher L. P. Matveev (Matveyev [Matveev] 1981) cites one experiment:
One group of athletes did two sessions of dynamic stretching every day for
five days, with thirty repetitions per session. Results (increases in dynamic
range of motion) for that group were twice as great as for the group that
followed a regimen the same in every respect except with a day of rest
following each working day.

According to Matveev eight to ten weeks is sufficient to achieve

improvement resulting from acting on the muscles. Any further increase of
flexibility is insignificant, and it depends on long-term changes of bones and
ligaments. Such changes require, not intensive, but rather extensive training,
i.e., regular loads over the course of many years (Matveyev [Matveev]

Dynamic stretches are performed in sets, gradually increasing the amplitude

of movements in a set. The number of repetitions per set is 5-15. The
number per session needed to reach the maximal range of motion in a joint
depends on the mass of muscles moving it—the greater the mass, the more
repetitions. A reduction of range is a sign to stop. A well-conditioned
athlete can usually make a set of 40 or more repetitions at maximal
amplitude (Matveyev [Matveev] 1981).

Do dynamic stretches in your early morning stretch and as a part of the

general warm-up in a workout. (Stretching in the morning is just as effective

as at any other time—provided you warm-up well [Matveyev {Matveev}
1981; Wazny 1981b].) On days you do not work out you still should do
dynamic stretches twice every day—once in the early morning stretch and
once more later in the afternoon. The afternoon stretching session can
include the same dynamic stretches as the morning stretch. If you work at
night and sleep during the day, do two sessions of dynamic stretching too,
one after you wake up and one more a few hours later.

Start your movements slowly, gradually increasing the range and the speed
of movements. Do not “throw” your limbs, rather, “lead” or “lift” them,
controlling the movement along the entire range. Then, after you have nearly
reached your full range of motion, you can increase the velocity of the limb
so the last few inches of its trajectory can be less controlled—but still, the
stretch should not be sudden. Logan and McKinney (1970) apply the
principle of specific adaptation to imposed demands in the case of
flexibility. This principle means that eventually, either at the end of the first
set of dynamic stretches or in other sets, you should stretch at a velocity not
less than 75% of the maximal velocity used in your actual skill, a kick, for

As a rule, synchronize your breath with stretches so you breathe out with
flexing your spine or compressing your rib cage and breathe in when
extending your spine and expanding your rib cage. This is how it is done in
dynamic exercises of yoga—Suryanamaskar (Grochmal 1986). For
example, breathe out when bending your trunk forward so you end your
exhalation at the greatest stretch, but when bending your trunk to the back,
breathe in.

Dynamic stretches

Usually you use no special dynamic stretches for the neck. What you have
done at the beginning of your warm-up (doing joint rotations) should be


Swing your arms backward at varying angles.

Crossing your arms in front, touch your shoulder blades with your hands,
then straighten the arms and touch your hands behind your back. To increase
the range of motion to the back, you can rotate your arms inward so the
palms of your hands face out.

Beginners may have to start with a great number of repetitions—four to five
sets of ten to twelve repetitions per leg in any given direction, very slowly
increasing the height at which the leg is raised. You can switch the leg after
each repetition or after a set. After a month or two, you will notice that it
takes less repetitions to reach a maximum range of motion. Eventually one
set of twelve repetitions in each direction, per leg, will be enough.

Leg raise to the front. With your hand as a target it is easy to evaluate your
progress. Maintain good posture (straight trunk) and your hand can serve as
a stop for very dynamic (explosive) leg raises. Start as low as feels
comfortable. Keep your supporting leg straight, its heel on the ground if

Leg raise to the side. The leg raise to the side is the same as a front raise,
except your arm is stretched to the side and you raise your leg sideways.

Another form of the side raise. This form is useful for martial artists. The
foot of the leg about to be raised points forwards and contact with your
palm is made by the side of the foot. Your hips will have a tendency to move
to the back and your trunk will lean forward, which is all right, but do not
lean forward any more than necessary. Gradually increase the height at
which you place your hand, starting at hip level.

If the outside of your hips hurts when you do high leg raises to the side or

side kicks, you need to tilt your pelvis forward while you kick. If you don't,
you will jam the neck of your thigh bone into the cartilage collar at the upper
edge of the hip socket. If you have coxa vara (a bending of the neck of the
femur), you could also jam the greater trochanter against your hip bone.

Leg swing from the outside to the inside. You can again use your hand as a
target. Try to bring the leg as far as possible across your front.

Leg raise to the back. Using any form of support at about your hip height,
raise the leg as high as possible. Feel the stretching in front of your thigh.

If using a support lets you raise your legs higher to the front and sides—use

If your sports discipline requires a rapid twisting and bending (with great
amplitude) of the trunk, add the following set of exercises to your stretching
routines. You can expect to reach full mobility of the trunk (the joints of your
vertebral column) in a given direction after 25-30 repetitions of a given

You can do dynamic stretches for the trunk standing or sitting. A sitting
position is better because it isolates the joints of the trunk (vertebral
column) from the leg joints. Also, rapid front and side bends in a standing
position can become ballistic stretches and injure you.

Rotations. Sit down and twist your trunk from side to side. Try to keep your
hips and legs immobile.

Side bends. While sitting down, lean from side to side.

Forward bends. Lean forward from a sitting position. Do not keep your
back straight. Let it get round. If you keep it straight, you will stretch your
hamstrings instead of your back.

Bends to the back. Lie on your stomach and raise your trunk using your arms
and the muscles of the back.


B. V. Sermeev (1968) studied dynamic stretches and recommends the

following numbers of repetitions per set and per workout.

Arms: Maximal range of motion (ROM) is reached after 5-10 arm swings in
any given direction, therefore these are minimum numbers per set; for
developing dynamic flexibility the total numbers of repetitions
recommended per workout are 30-40 for flexion-extension of the arm and
15-30 for arm circles; for maintaining flexibility 15-25 repetitions of full-
range movements per workout are enough.

Legs and hips: Maximal ROM in any given direction of hip movements is
reached after 10-15 leg raises in a given direction; for developing
flexibility the total numbers of repetitions recommended per workout are
30-40 for flexion-extension of the thigh and the same for abduction of the
thigh; for maintaining flexibility 15-25 repetitions of leg raises per workout
are enough.

Trunk: Maximal ROM of the trunk (the joints of your vertebral column) in
flexion and extension is reached after 25-30 repetitions of dynamic trunk
stretches; for developing flexibility the total numbers of repetitions
recommended are 40-70 per workout; for maintaining flexibility 30-40
repetitions per workout are enough.

4. Static Active Stretching
It is difficult to develop static active flexibility to the level of your dynamic
or static passive flexibility. You have to learn how to relax stretched
muscles and you have to build up the strength of the muscles opposing them,
so that parts of your body can be held in extended positions. Although this
kind of flexibility requires isometric tensions to display it, you should also
use dynamic strength exercises for its development. In training to hold your
leg extended to the side, for example, keep raising and lowering it slowly in
one continuous motion. When you can do more than six repetitions, add
resistance (ankle weights, pulleys, or rubber bands). After dynamic strength
exercises, do a couple of static active stretches, holding the leg up for six
seconds or longer, then do static passive flexibility exercises like isometric
or relaxed stretches. Your static active flexibility depends on your static
passive flexibility and static strength.

Caution: In the case of holding leg extensions, you must have a

strong lower back. My rule of thumb for back strength is lifting
comfortably—without psyching up and teeth grinding—at least
twice your body weight in the deadlift. If you consider this
excessive you are welcome to learn from your own experience.

If your sport requires only dynamic flexibility—for kicking, say—then you

do not need static active stretches. Holding the leg up is not developing
dynamic flexibility nor dynamic strength. It is developing a static active
flexibility and static strength required of gymnasts but not something that
kickers need.

Static active stretches that involve muscles of the back, such as leg
extensions and trunk exercises, compress the spine, squeeze intervertebral
discs, and may increase lordosis. This compression is especially harmful
because it occurs when the spine is already bent, or bent and twisted. To
minimize damage, do stretches such as forward bends and pelvic tilts
immediately after these exercises. These stretches will relieve spasms of
the back muscles and increase the amount of space between vertebrae.

Static active stretches and strength exercises
In the line drawings that follow, you will see examples of strength exercises
and static active stretches, each example followed by a photo of its result.

Arm extension to the back

Leg flexion

Leg abduction

Leg extension

Hamstring and back stretch

Side bend

Trunk rotation

Back extension

5. Isometric Stretching
In this chapter and in chapter 6, “Relaxed Stretching,” you will learn how to
develop static passive flexibility. Passive flexibility usually exceeds active
(static and dynamic) flexibility in the same joint. The greater this difference,
the greater the reserve tensility, or flexibility reserve, and the possibility of
increasing the amplitude of active movements. This difference diminishes in
training as your active flexibility improves. Doing static stretching alone
does not guarantee an increase of dynamic flexibility equal to the increase
of static flexibility.

Static flexibility may increase when your muscles are somewhat fatigued.
This is why you should do static stretching at the end of a workout.

Isometric stretching is the fastest method of developing static passive

flexibility. It also improves active flexibility as well as strength in
concentric, isometric, and eccentric actions (Handel et al. 1997). There are
indications that it causes longitudinal growth of muscle fibers (Handel et al.

Isometric stretching is not recommended for children and adolescent

athletes whose bones are still growing. Your bones should be mature and
your muscles have to be healthy and strong for you to use isometric

Caution: If you neglected your strength training, or were doing it

incorrectly, isometric stretches may harm your muscles.

When you are not ready for isometrics

When a muscle is weak, due to improper strength training, or when it is
stretched with too much force, it can become excessively damaged.
Depending on the amount of stress and also on the strength of the muscle,
this damage at a microscopic level can announce itself as muscle soreness,
or it can amount to a complete muscle tear (muscle strain). To make the
muscle stronger, you should do strength exercises with light resistance and a

high number of repetitions. Do these exercises slowly. Make full stops at the
beginning and at the end of each movement. You should do at least three
sets, with a minimum of 30 repetitions per set, exercising the muscles that
are most likely to be overstretched in your sport, or the ones that you intend
to stretch isometrically in the near future. Good results are also brought
about by doing long single sets of 100 to 200 repetitions.

You should do these high repetition exercises at the end of your strength
workouts, after the regular heavy weights/low repetition exercises. After
these high repetition exercises, you should do relaxed stretches for the same

Typically strength workouts or strength exercises for a given muscle group

are done two or three times per week. How often you should do strength
exercises depends on your reaction to them. If your muscles are sore the
next day after every strength workout, even if you make some progress, it
means that you exercise too often or too much. If you do not get muscle
soreness but make poor progress, it may mean that you should exercise more

Be self-observant. Trial and error will teach you by what increments you
can increase resistance and how frequently you can work out without getting
sore. Muscle soreness is accompanied by loss of strength and by shortening
of the muscles—most pronounced on the second day after the overly
strenuous exercise (Clarkson et al. 1992). Those who exercise on a rigid
schedule—for example, every other day—despite being sore after the
previous workout may see their flexibility getting progressively worse
rather than better.

It is difficult to state how long you need to perform the high repetition
exercises after you have found out that your muscles are too weak for
isometrics. To find out, you have to periodically test the reaction of your
muscles to isometric stretches. If your muscles get sore, it means that they
are still too weak.

When you are ready

Remember the caution in chapter 2: Pick only one isometric stretch per
muscle group and repeat it two to five times, using as many tensions per
repetition as it takes to reach the limit of mobility that you now have.

Russian researcher Matveev (Matveyev [Matveev] 1981) recommends
doing isometric exercises four times a week, ten to fifteen minutes per day,
using tensions lasting five to six seconds. The amount of tension should
increase gradually and reach a maximum by the third and fourth second. In
the particular case of isometric stretching you can hold the last tension,
applied at your maximal stretch, much longer, for up to thirty seconds or
sometimes even a few minutes. If you are just beginning isometric training,
you should start with mild tensions, lasting two to three seconds. Increase
the time and the intensity of tension as you progress. Any attempt to develop
strength by isometric exercises only may lead to a stagnation of strength in
only six to eight weeks. To develop exceptional strength as well as
flexibility, combine isometric stretches with dynamic strength exercises
such as lifting weights, using the same muscles. After a few weeks you may
hit a plateau—regulating the tension and length of muscles will stop
bringing any improvements in your stretches. Do not worry. Do your
exercises concentrating on the strength gains you will achieve. These gains
are shown by the increased time you can maintain a position, the amount of
weight you can support, or the ability to stand up (slide up, walk up) from
your attempts at splits. After some time, when your strength improves, you
will notice a great increase in your flexibility.

If, as a result of isometric stretching, or any other exercises, your muscles

hurt, reduce the intensity of the exercises or stop working out so you can
heal completely. When the pain is gone, if isometrics as stretches or as
strength exercises were the cause of the problem, prepare yourself for using
them again by doing normal, dynamic strength exercises, gradually
increasing resistance. If, for example, stretching your legs by isometric
stretches caused pain in any of the leg muscles, stop exercising. Wait till the
pain is gone, then try marching, running, running up an incline, climbing
stairs, or doing squats. Later you can also do isolated strength exercises
using the previously described method (see subchapter “When you are not
ready for isometrics”) of low weight and a high number of repetitions. Do
these exercises focusing on your weak or previously injured muscles. After
these exercises and at the end of regular workouts, use relaxed stretches
instead of isometric ones until you fully recover. Reintroduce isometrics
into your training gradually, adjusting the number and the strength of the
tensions, as well as the frequency, in the training week. Make adjustments
according to what you feel in your muscles. When everything is all right,
you will not feel any pain or soreness.

Several studies have been conducted to determine the number and frequency
of the isometric tensions needed for the greatest strength gain (keep in mind
that an increase of strength in isometric stretches means an increased length
of muscles). In one study (Hettinger and Müller 1953), subjects with once-
per-day sessions, using 66% of maximum contraction, had results equal to
subjects using 80% of maximum contraction performed five times per day.
Another study (Müller and Röhmert 1963) shows the greatest strength
development when using five to ten maximal contractions per day, five days
per week. Still other researchers (Fox 1979) report that using maximal
contractions every other day is best. Russian researcher Matveev
(Matveyev [Matveev] 1981) recommends doing isometrics four times a
week, using maximal tension held for five to six seconds, and repeating each
exercise three to five times. This is the method I followed because my body
responded to it well. You may need a different number, strength, and weekly
schedule of isometric tensions.

Isometric stretches, to increase flexibility, should be done at least twice a

week, but it all depends on your recovery. If your muscles are sore then no
isometric stretching should be done as long as soreness is felt. Wallin et al.
(1985) recommends isometric or contract-relax stretching from three to five
times a week for increasing flexibility, and for maintaining it only once per

Following is my weekly schedule, which suited me well at the time I posed

for the photographs in this book. It may be less suitable for someone who
works on endurance more often or does more or less resistance training than
I did. This schedule serves primarily as an illustration of the overarching
principle of training methodology, which can be summed up: “Work on
speed or technique before working on strength, work on strength before
working on endurance.” Violating this principle leads to chronic fatigue,
overtraining, or even injuries. Considerably fatigued muscles are less
flexible than rested ones.

Monday—a technical workout dedicated to learning or practicing sports

techniques, followed by light isometric stretching. Right after stretching, or
later in the day, 20-30 minutes of aerobic running.

Tuesday—a strength workout consisting of strength exercises for the sport,

followed by isometric stretching.

Wednesday—an endurance workout that develops endurance for the sport;

no isometric stretching, although I might do relaxed stretches after the

Thursday—day off

Friday—a technical workout followed by light isometric stretching. Right

after stretching, or later in the day, 20-30 minutes of aerobic run.

Saturday—a speed-strength workout consisting of strength exercises with

stress on speed of movements, followed by isometric stretching.

Sunday—day off

On Monday and Friday my stretching, as well as my whole workout, was

lighter than on the following day (Tuesday, Saturday).

As you see in my schedule a technical or speed workout precedes a strength

or endurance workout, a strength workout precedes an exhausting endurance
workout, which is followed by a day of complete rest or active rest—some
easy, fun activity.

A technical or speed workout should not be done on the day immediately

following either an exhausting strength or an exhausting endurance workout,
and a strength workout is not to be done after an exhausting endurance
workout because such sequences of efforts lead to overtraining. Science of
Sports Training gives the in-depth explanation of why the same exercises
give different results depending on their sequence in a workout and in the
weekly sequence of workouts.

If you lift weights, or do some other type of dynamic resistance training, do

isometric stretches after your dynamic resistance exercises. On days when
you work your legs, end your workout with one or two isometric stretches
for your legs. On days when you work your upper body, do isometric
stretches for arms and shoulders, for example.

If you “listen” to your body, you will be able to find the combination of
exercises that works for you. For example, you may get best results doing
isometric stretches every other day, or every third day. Any muscle soreness
or pain is a signal to stop exercises. Do not resume your training if you feel
any discomfort or even a trace of pain.

Isometric stretches
There are three methods of doing isometric stretches.

First method: Stretch the muscles (not maximally, though) and wait several
seconds until the mechanism regulating their length and tension readjusts,
then increase the stretch, wait again, and stretch again. When you cannot
stretch any more this way, apply short strong tensions, followed by quick
relaxations and immediate stretches (within the first second of relaxation) to
bring about further increases in muscle length. The force of these tensions is
from 50 to 100% of maximal voluntary contraction (Enoka et al. 1980).
Hold the last tension for up to 30 seconds.

Second method: Stretch as much as you can, tense the stretched muscles and
hold this stretched and tensed position until you get muscle spasms, then
decrease the stretch, then increase it, tense it, and so on. The last tension
should be held for up to five minutes. It makes some people scream.

Third method: This is the one I used to get the results shown in this book.
Stretch the muscles, but not to the maximum, then tense for three to five
seconds, then relax, and preferably within the first second and no later than
the fifth second, stretch again. Alternatively, prior to stretching, maximally
tense the muscles about to be stretched for a few seconds and then relax and
within the first second stretch them. At the near maximal stretch, tense again
for a few seconds to once again trigger the postcontractive stretch reflex
depression and lower resistance to a stretch. Stretch further and further until
you cannot increase the stretch.

Tensing the muscles in a position in which they are neither

maximally stretched nor maximally shortened—in which their
tension can be greatest—is followed by a greater range of motion
increase than tensing of already considerably stretched muscles.

Experiment to find out what strength and duration of the tension gives you
the most stretch upon relaxation. For the greatest effect during a stretch tense
the muscles opposing the stretched ones (Etnyre and Abraham 1986a). Some
stretches—for example, standing stretches for the legs—cannot be done in
this manner.

Gradually, in the course of several workouts, increase the time of the last
tension to about 30 seconds. After a minute of rest, repeat the same stretch.
Do three to five repetitions of a whole stretch per workout.

In all these methods, you should concentrate on the strength gains in a

stretched position. When you cannot increase the stretch, concentrate on
tensing harder or longer, or both. In time it will translate into a greater
stretch. To increase the tension of a muscle at any given length—put more
weight on it. In splits, not supporting yourself with your arms will help.

No matter which method of isometric stretching you choose, when doing the
stretches, breathe naturally with deep and calm abdominal breaths. Inhale
prior to tensing, exhale or hold the breath during maximal tension, inhale at
the beginning of relaxation and, if convenient, exhale with further relaxation
and stretch. (Of course, if you tense much longer than your normal
exhalation, then you have to inhale and exhale several times during a
tension.) In some positions it may not be convenient to exhale while relaxing
and increasing the stretch between the tensions. In such cases inhale during
relaxation and stretching. During the last stretch, if you end it with the phase
of relaxation, try to exhale as you increase your range of motion.

How to select your stretches

Choosing the isometric stretches you should do depends on the form of the
movements in which you need greater range of motion. Choosing which one
to do first depends on the muscle group that you feel is the first obstacle.
For example, you want to do a full front split and, as soon as you assume the
initial position for the stretch, you feel the most stretch in the calf of the
front leg. This signals that your first stretch should be for your calf. Another
example: If you want to bring your outstretched arms behind your back
while holding a stick in a narrow grip and the first resistance comes from
elbow flexors—it means that the elbow flexors are the ones to stretch first.


Following are examples of isometric stretches for various parts of the body.
Don't make the mistake of thinking you are supposed to do all these stretches
(see the penultimate paragraph of chapter 2).


Turn your head to the side, block it with your hand, and try turning it back
against the resistance of your arm. Relax and turn further in the same
direction. Tense again. Hold the last tension for up to 30 seconds. Change

A stretch for muscles of the neck and the upper back: trapezius,
sternocleidomastoideus, splenius capitis et cervicis, rectus capitis posterior
major, semispinalis capitis et cervicis, obliquus capitis inferior, multifidus

Lean your head toward the shoulder and block it with your arm. Tense the
stretched muscles of the neck as if you are trying to straighten your head.
Relax and bring it closer to the shoulder. Tense again. Hold the last tension
for up to 30 seconds. Change sides.

A stretch for muscles of the neck and the upper back:

sternocleidomastoideus, splenius capitis, scalenus anterior, scalenus
medius, scalenus posterior, splenius cervicis, iliocostalis cervicis,
longissimus capitis, levator scapulae


Bend your wrist. Hold your hand, tense, relax, flex more. Hold the last
tension for up to 30 seconds. Change hands.

A stretch for the flexors of the hand: flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus,
flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor digitorum sublimis, flexor digitorum profundus

Bend your wrist in the opposite direction. Tense, relax, flex again. Hold the
last tension for up to 30 seconds. Change hands.

A stretch for the extensors of the hand: extensor carpi radialis longus,
extensor carpi radialis brevis, extensor digitorum communis, extensor carpi

Arms, shoulders, chest

These stretches are for tennis players, swimmers, gymnasts, basketball
players, team handball players, golfers, discus and javelin throwers, and
hockey players. Students of certain martial arts (Indian muki boxing, wushu,
sambo) that require a great mobility of the shoulders will find these
exercises useful. Judo and sambo wrestlers, cyclists, skaters and hockey
players can use stretches 2 and 4 as corrective exercises for a rounded

1. Hold the stick vertically in front of you. Tense the arm that holds the top
end, as if to pull the stick down. Relax and, to stretch the raised arm, push
the stick up with the arm that holds its bottom end. A stretch for the muscles
of shoulder, chest, and upper back: teres major, teres minor, deltoideus,
pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, rhomboideus, trapezius, latissimus dorsi

2. Starting from this position, bring the stick to the position behind your
back and tense all the stretched muscles. Relax, bringing the stick to the
front. Making your grip narrower, bring the stick to the back and tense again.
When the grip is so narrow that you cannot lower your arms any more, stop
and tense the stretched muscles for up to 30 seconds. This exercise stretches
the front of the arms, shoulders and the chest: brachioradialis, biceps
brachii, coracobrachialis, deltoideus, pectoralis major, pectoralis minor,
teres major, serratus anterior, subscapularis.

Caution: Do not force the stretch back beyond the point at which you can

still tense the stretched muscles. Forced stretching can damage the
shoulder joint capsule, which leads to shoulder instability and pain.

Outside rotation of your arms makes it easier to move them back or up. This
is similar to rotating the thighs outside when spreading your legs. Rotating
your arm externally makes the greater tuberosity of the humerus pass behind
the acromion (a bone on top of the shoulder) instead of hitting it, so you can
move the arm further back or up. Stretch both arms together so movements
of your spine do not compensate for the range of movement in the shoulder
girdle as they would in a single-arm stretch.

3. Change the grip. Twist the stick. Tense your upper back, shoulders and
triceps. Relax. Move your hands further apart on the stick. Twist it again and
tense the stretched muscles. Hold the last tension for up to 30 seconds. A
stretch for the muscles of the upper back: trapezius, rhomboideus, latissimus

4. Through successive tensions and relaxations, crawl your hands toward

each other. Hold the last tension for up to 30 seconds. Switch the position of
your hands and repeat the exercise. A stretch for muscles of arms, shoulders,
chest and upper back: triceps, anconeus, deltoideus, pectoralis major,

latissimus dorsi, teres major, supraspinatus

The velocity of overarm pattern movements, such as baseball throws or

volleyball serves and spikes, is related to the range of outward rotation of
the arm (Sandstead 1968). The position of maximum outward rotation of the
shoulder is where anterior shoulder injuries happen, however, so work on
your shoulder flexibility with exercises that develop both flexibility and
strength. Inward (internal) rotation of your arm with a bungee cord, or
spring, or weight on a pulley, starting from a position of nearly maximal
outward (external) rotation, will develop strength through the whole range
of motion. Do this exercise with your arm bent at the elbow and keep your
elbow close to your side. Hold the bungee cord or handle of the weight
cable so its pull rotates your arm and moves your forearm away from your
abdomen. Tense your muscles and bring your forearm to your abdomen.

If you let the bungee cord pull your arm to the limit of its outward rotation
and tense from there, your tension can be used to override the stretch reflex
(postcontractive stretch reflex depression) and so let you stretch the muscles
that resist outward rotation of the shoulder. To stretch, first tense very hard
in the position near the limit of the motion, then relax and within the first
second of that relaxation let your arm be pulled or rotated further. Then you
can repeat the cycle of tension and relaxation until you can't stretch any
more. You can apply this type of stretching, which simultaneously
strengthens muscles in the extreme range of motion, in other movements in
the shoulder and in other joints.

Inward (internal) rotation of the arm with a bungee cord starting from a
position of nearly maximal outward (external) rotation (top drawing).
This exercise should be balanced with outward (external) rotation of the
arm (bottom drawing).


Stretches leading to the side split

If you have tried the test of flexibility potential (in chapter 8, “All the Whys
of Stretching”), you already know whether or not your joints will permit a
side split. Here are some stretches leading to the side split. They are useful
to martial artists, soccer players, skiers, hurdlers, dancers, skaters,
gymnasts, and wrestlers (especially of jacket wrestling styles such as judo
and sambo).

To do a side split from a standing position, flex your hips and knees in the
same way and at least as much as when you are sitting on a low chair. This
is similar to the so-called horse-riding stance. Your thighs should be
parallel to the floor at any width, toes point forward, and chest up. At the
beginning of a side split attempt, while you are standing in the horse-riding
stance, your buttocks should be at the same level as your knees.

Inner thigh stretches. From this horse-riding stance, tense the inside of your
thighs as if trying to “pinch” or squeeze the floor between your feet. Relax
and spread your legs further. Keep repeating this cycle of tension and
relaxation until you cannot lower yourself any more without pain. Hold the
last tension for up to 30 seconds. When doing this exercise do not support
yourself with your arms. Get out of the stretch without using your arms. This
is a stretch for muscles of the inner thigh: adductor magnus, adductor brevis,
adductor longus, gracilis, pectineus.

If you are a properly trained athlete you should not have any difficulty
standing in a low horse-riding stance. After all, stances similar to it are
encountered in many sports, for example, wrestling, weightlifting,
volleyball, skiing, karate, basketball—just to name a few.

If you find this stance difficult, then gradually develop the flexibility and
strength of your thighs, hips, and lower back in the horse-riding stance. Start
high and with feet only shoulder-width apart and gradually progress lower
and then wider. Keep your toes pointing straight ahead—if you let your toes
point to the sides as you widen the stance you will be grinding your knee
cartilage (specifically the medial menisci). At all stages (heights, widths)
you must be able to do deep and calm abdominal breathing. If you rush and
progress to wider and deeper stances before becoming comfortable at the
current stage, you may hurt your knees, subluxate or lock your sacrum, and
get lower back and neck pains. Bones of the pelvis—the innominate bones,
sacrum, and coccyx—move in relation to each other in concert with phases
of breathing (Walther 2000). (Yes, they move, even though medical students
are often taught that there is no movement in the sacroiliac joint.) The
muscles that stabilize the pelvis or cross the sacroiliac joint should not be
kept tensed hard in positions or at a time when that would interfere with

those movements.

You are ready to do an isometric side-split stretch when you can stand
comfortably at least a couple of minutes in a horse-riding stance twice as
wide as your shoulders with your thighs parallel to the floor.

Question: When I attempt to do side splits, even though I believe I

am using the correct posture, I feel a pain in the outer part of my hip
joints. Even though I feel that the muscles of my inner thighs might
stretch further, I feel severely limited by this pain. It almost feels as
though my joints are “locked,” preventing any further movement. Is
this condition normal?
Answer: Your complaint is typical for those who, while attempting
the side split, do not flex their hip joints enough. When your hips are
not flexed enough they jam, and the only way to spread your thighs
wider is to tilt your pelvis forward (the same way as when you lean
your trunk so it is parallel to the floor).
To do a side split from a standing position, the hip joint should be
flexed in the same way and at least as much as when you are sitting
on a low chair. This is similar to the so-called horse-riding stance.
The horse-riding stance averts irritation of the upper brim of the hip
socket and the resulting pain above the hip joint.

To get from this position to the full side split should take you about one
month. At this stage people with weak knees may experience problems. In
such cases, strength exercises for the muscles stabilizing the knees will

Another version of the inner thigh stretch. Gradually increase the height of
the support or the distance from the supporting leg to the support. In the
latter case, use something stable and not too high—for example, a pile of
gymnastic pads—as your support.

A full side split. Spend 30 seconds or more in this position tensing the
inside of your thighs. Try lifting yourself off the floor by the sheer strength
of your legs. Eventually you should be able to slide up from the split to a
standing position without using your arms. Then you can try a full side split
in suspension.

An exercise for a different kind of a side split—a side split with toes
pointing upward. This is a stretch for the muscles of the inner thigh:
adductor magnus, adductor brevis, adductor longus, gracilis, pectineus; and
muscles of the buttocks: gluteus medius and gluteus minimus.

Two more versions of the previous stretch. Tense the muscles that feel
stretched and relax them to increase the angle between your legs. Keep
repeating this cycle of tension and relaxation until you cannot stretch any
more without pain.

A side split with toes pointing upward

A full side split in suspension

Caution: A loss of balance may put your muscles out of commission for a
year or more. Your first attempts should be done on objects low enough
so that you can rest on the floor without tearing the muscles should you
happen to lose your balance.

Side splits are not difficult. Anybody with normal range of motion in the
joints of the hips and lower back can do them once learning the correct hip-
pelvis alignment and with a little strength training of the adductors.
Weakness of the adductors is the main obstacle to doing side splits. Weak
adductors tense very strongly when you try to spread your legs in the
straddle stance. The stronger they are the less tension, pain, and resistance
there is while spreading your legs all the way to the floor. Generally the
stronger the muscle the less activation it needs to support any given load

(deVries 1980).

Another full side split in suspension

To balance stretches for the side split, which stressed the thigh adductors
and internal rotators, do the following stretches for the muscles moving the
thigh away from the body (thigh abductors) and muscles turning the thigh
outward (external rotators of the thigh).

Outer thigh and hip stretches. Bring one leg across your center line. Tense
the muscles of your outer thigh and hip as if you wanted to move your thigh
up and out, then relax and bring the leg further across and down to feel more
stretch. To feel the stretch mainly in the outer part of buttocks, bring the thigh
up toward your chest. To stretch the front-outer hip (more stretch on the
tensor fasciae latae), point the thigh down. These are stretches for muscles
abducting the thigh: gluteus minimus, gluteus medius, gluteus maximus,
tensor fasciae latae, piriformis.

A stretch for muscles rotating the thigh outward. Bend your knee and turn
your thigh and foot inward. Grab your thigh just above the knee and hold as
you try to turn your thigh outward. Relax and turn your thigh (and your foot)
more inward. This is a stretch for external rotators of the thigh (the muscles
that limit its internal rotation): piriformis, obturatorius internus, obturatorius
externus (only up to 40º of internal rotation of the thigh), quadratus femoris,
pectineus (only up to 40º of internal rotation of the thigh), gluteus maximus,
gluteus medius (posterior fibers), gluteus minimus (posterior fibers).

Stretches leading to the front split

If you have tried the test of flexibility potential (in chapter 8, “All the Whys
of Stretching”), you already know whether or not your joints will permit a
front split. Here are some stretches leading to the front split. These stretches
are important for cyclists, dancers, gymnasts, skaters, skiers, track and field

athletes, wrestlers (especially judoka and sambo wrestlers), and martial

Front of the thigh stretches.

Tense the muscles that bring your thigh forward and straighten your knee.
Relax, stretch, tense again. Hold the last tension for up to 30 seconds.
Change sides. These are stretches both for the muscles that bring the thigh up
and forward (hip flexors), for example, in running, and for the muscles that
straighten the knee: iliacus, psoas major, pectineus, obturatorius internus,
adductor magnus, adductor longus, adductor brevis, gracilis, quadriceps
(rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius),
sartorius, gluteus minimus, tensor fasciae latae.

Calf stretches. Grab and pull your toes toward yourself. Point your foot
forward against the resistance of your arms. Relax, pull the toes closer to
yourself and start pointing the foot forward again. Hold the last tension for
up to 30 seconds. Change legs. These are stretches for muscles of the calf:
gastrocnemius, soleus, plantaris, flexor hallucis longus, tibialis posterior,
flexor digitorum longus, peroneus longus, peroneus brevis. If you do these
stretches with your knee bent, you stretch the soleus and with the knee
straight you stretch both the soleus and gastrocnemius.

To strengthen and stretch muscles of the calf that limit the dorsiflexion of the
ankle, as well as all muscles of your thighs and buttocks, do deep squats
with feet kept flat on the ground. Do not bounce, just go down as low as
possible and then raise up, tensing the stretched muscles. Do front and side
lunges in the same fashion. If you cannot squat with your feet fully on the
floor, it means that your soleus is too short. The remedy is to do increasingly
deep squats or to do the calf stretches shown above.

Good forward range of motion in the ankle (dorsiflexion) permits you to

lean more and reach with your arms further forward in a deep squat—like
making a volleyball save or performing a wrestling leg pick.

Hamstring stretches. Using one of the positions shown above, stretch your
hamstring by decreasing the angle between your thigh and your trunk (in the
sitting stretch) or increasing the angle between your thighs (in the standing
and in lying stretches). Keep your spine straight to stretch your hamstrings
and not your lower back and tilt your pelvis forward (push buttocks to the
rear) to feel more stretch. Tense the hamstring as if to bring it back down,
and then relax it. Pull your leg toward yourself, or if using a support, move
the supporting leg further back. Tense again, relax and stretch more. Hold
the last tension for up to 30 seconds. Change the leg. These are stretches for
hamstrings, buttocks, and some of the pelvic muscles: biceps femoris,
semimembranosus, semitendinosus, adductor magnus, gluteus maximus,
gluteus medius (posterior fibers), gluteus minimus (posterior fibers),

To increase the range of forward flexion in your hips and at the same time
to strengthen muscles of the lower back, buttocks, and hamstrings do
“good mornings” and stiff-leg deadlifts. Use weights light enough to let
you move through the full range of motion.

Pinch the floor, tensing the hamstring of your front leg, your quadriceps and
the so-called runner's muscles of the rear leg. Relax and lower your hips.
Tense again. Hold the last tension for up to 30 seconds. Change sides. These
are stretches for muscles of the thighs, buttocks, and pelvis: iliacus, psoas
major, quadriceps (rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus
intermedius), sartorius, adductor magnus, adductor longus, adductor brevis,
gracilis, pectineus, tensor fasciae latae, obturatorius internus, gluteus
maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus.

Full front split in suspension

Splits and high kicks

As a kicker, why should you be interested in doing a front split—a static
stretch nonspecific for kicking that requires static flexibility while kicks
require dynamic flexibility? Being able to do the front split facilitates
(though it is not necessary for) learning high side and roundhouse kicks—the
position of legs in a front split is the same as in high side and roundhouse
kicks (the rear leg in this split corresponds to the kicking leg and the front
leg to the supporting leg). If you can do the front split, you can practice the
high side and high roundhouse kicks slowly enough to control and correct
your body alignment, especially of the supporting leg in relation to the
kicking leg and of the trunk in relation to the legs.

Front split (rotated) and a high roundhouse kick

The side split, if done according to my method of developing flexibility and

strength both at the same time, strengthens the muscles of the inner thigh.
These are the muscles of the supporting leg that are stressed when you do
high kicks. During a kick the kicking leg displays only dynamic flexibility
but the stretch on the supporting leg is more like a static stretch, albeit short,
even abrupt. The inner thigh of the supporting leg tenses while being
stretched by the momentum of your whole body moving toward a target. To
strengthen the muscles of the inner thigh you can either tense them in a wide
straddle stance and eventually in a side split or you can do resistance

exercises such as adductor flyes and adductor pulldowns (shown on the
video Secrets of Stretching available from Stadion Publishing).

Following are stretches for track and field athletes (throwers), wrestlers,
judoka, gymnasts, dancers, and tennis players.

Side bends. Do not twist or lean forward. Move only to the side. Tense the
stretched side as if to straighten up, relax and try leaning further to the side.
Hold the last tension for up to 30 seconds. Change sides. These are stretches
for muscles of the side of the abdomen and of the back: quadratus
lumborum, longissimus dorsi, iliocostalis, obliquus abdominis externus,
obliquus abdominis internus, psoas major.

Lower back and hamstring stretches. Grab your legs and tense your back as
if trying to straighten up. Relax, lean forward, and tense again. Hold the last
tension for up to 30 seconds. To feel the stretch in the muscles of your back,
round it slightly. Keeping your back straight stretches mostly your

These are stretches for the muscles of the back, buttocks, and hamstrings:
longissimus dorsi, iliocostalis, multifidus, gluteus maximus, gluteus medius,
adductor magnus, biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus,
piriformis, and muscles of the calves.

Trunk rotations. Twist (rotate) your trunk and grab your foot or put your
hands on the ground. Tense the stretched muscles of your trunk, relax, and
twist further. Tense again, relax, stretch and hold the last tension for up to 30
seconds. Change sides. These are stretches for muscles of the back and the
abdomen: semispinalis, multifidus, transversospinalis, obliquus abdominis
externus, obliquus abdominis internus.

Abdomen stretch. Tense your abdomen as if trying to pull your hips forward
and down. Relax, lower your hips, and tense again. Hold the last tension for
up to 30 seconds. This is a stretch for the front of the abdomen, muscles on
the front of the spine and the inside of the pelvis: rectus abdominis, obliquus
abdominis externus, obliquus abdominis internus, quadratus lumborum,
iliacus, psoas major, psoas minor.

A more intense version of the previous stretch also affecting the front of the
thighs. Usually your lower back will get very tense while you do these
abdomen stretches. You can even get cramps. To relax the back, do the
following “counterstretch,” which you can do without tensing.

Isometric stretches are strenuous exercises requiring adequate rest between
applications. For best results, supplement them with dynamic strength
exercises as described in subchapter “When you are not ready for
isometrics.” In the workout, all dynamic exercises must precede the
isometrics with few exceptions. (One example of an exception: You can
include isometric tension involving multiple joints before speed-strength
actions because such tensions can act as a stimulating factor [Gullich and
Schmidtbleicher 1996; Siff and Verkhoshansky 1999]. If you elect to do this,
the isometric tension has to be done in a position similar to that in which the
maximal force is to be generated in the following speed-strength action.)
You should do the isometric stretches after all the dynamic exercises rather
than before because of the adverse effect on coordination that isometrics

Remember—a partner in stretching can cause an injury. If you need

someone's help in doing any stretches, it means that you are not
ready for them. It is better to go slowly but steadily.

6. Relaxed Stretching
Relaxed stretches are yet another means of developing static passive
flexibility. Although much slower than isometric stretches, relaxed stretches
have some advantages over isometrics. They do not cause fatigue and you
can do them when you are tired. Problems are unlikely. There are two major
drawbacks: your muscular strength in extended positions for all practical
purposes does not increase as a result of relaxed stretching; and relaxed
stretches are very slow. The same person who, in using isometrics, gets into
a full side split in 30 seconds without a warm-up may take up to ten minutes
of relaxed stretching (with no warm-up) to get to this same level. Within a
couple of months of doing relaxed stretches this time gets shorter. After
some more months it may take you from one to two minutes to do a full split.
(With a good warm-up, of course, you can do it at once.)

In your workout, do relaxed stretches at the end of a cool-down just before

the final walk or march. Do them after isometric stretches or instead of
them. If you have enough time in a day, you can also do them whenever you
feel like it, without a warm-up.

Relaxed stretches decrease strength by impairing activation of the stretched

muscles for up to five minutes after the stretch and the contractile force for
up to one hour (Fowles et al. 2000).

In doing these stretches, assume positions that let you relax all your muscles.
This is the opposite of what you do in isometric stretches. Some isometric
stretches are done in positions designed to maximally tense the stretched
muscles—for example, by placing your weight on them as in side and front
split stretches. In relaxed stretching you want as little weight on your
muscles as possible. In splits, lean the body forward and support it with
your arms. Relax completely. Think about slowly relaxing all your muscles.
Do not think about anything energetic or unpleasant. Look in the direction of
the stretch and breathe calmly, with deep abdominal breaths.

Usually it is easier to increase a stretch during exhalation—except when a

stretch involves bending the spine backward. This is how it is done in yoga
postures (Grochmal 1986). So, if you twist your back and neck, or just your
neck, and raise your head to look up and behind yourself as far as you can,

you will stretch and see further at inhalation. If during the same twist you
look down (tip your head down), you will stretch and see further at

Relaxing into a stretch, at some point you will feel resistance. Wait in that
position patiently and after a while you will notice that you can slide into a
new range of stretch. After reaching the greatest possible stretch (greatest at
this stage of training), hold it; feel the mild tension in stretched muscles. Get
out of the stretch after spending about 30 seconds in the final position. You
can stay in the stretch longer—a minute or two—but for increasing the range
of motion the most effective duration of relaxed stretches is 30 seconds
(Bandy and Irion 1994), and the most effective frequency is once per day
(Bandy et al. 1997). Do not stay in a stretch until you get muscle spasms.
You can repeat the stretch after a minute.


Following are examples of relaxed stretches for various parts of the body.
Don't make the mistake of thinking you are supposed to do all these stretches
(see the penultimate paragraph of chapter 2).

Relaxed stretches
Most of the following relaxed stretches look similar to the isometric
stretches for the same muscles. The difference is that in the relaxed stretches
the stretched muscles are not tensed to override the stretch reflex. In relaxed
stretches, you pull gently and continuously on the stretched (and relaxed)
body part, unlike in isometric stretches in which you pull strongly against
the alternately tensed and relaxed muscles.


Put your hand on your cheek or your chin. Turn your head to the side. Gently
pull with your hand to increase the range of motion.

Muscles stretched: trapezius, sternocleidomastoideus, splenius capitis et

cervicis, semispinalis capitis et cervicis, rectus capitis posterior major,
obliquus capitis inferior, multifidus cervicis

Put your hand on the side of your head. Lean your head toward the shoulder.
Gently pull with your hand to increase the stretch.

Muscles stretched: sternocleidomastoideus, splenius capitis et cervicis,

scalenus anterior, scalenus medius, scalenus posterior, iliocostalis cervicis,
longissimus capitis, levator scapulae


Bend your wrist, gently pulling with your other hand to increase the stretch.

A stretch for the flexors of the hand: flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus,
flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor digitorum sublimis, flexor digitorum profundus

Bend your wrist in the opposite direction, gently pulling with your other
hand to increase the stretch.

A stretch for the extensors of the hand: extensor carpi radialis longus,
extensor carpi radialis brevis, extensor digitorum communis, extensor carpi

Arms, shoulders, chest

Hold the stick vertically in front of you. Relax the raised arm, and to stretch
it, push the stick up with the arm that holds its bottom end.

A stretch for the muscles of shoulder, chest, and upper back: teres major,
teres minor, deltoideus, pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, rhomboideus,
trapezius, latissimus dorsi

Bring the stick to the position behind your back, using the narrowest grip
possible. Do not force the stretch beyond the sensation of a pleasant stretch.

Caution: Forced stretching can damage the shoulder joint capsule,

which leads to shoulder instability and pain.

A stretch for muscles of the front of the arms, shoulders, and the chest:
biceps brachii, brachioradialis, coracobrachialis, deltoideus, pectoralis

major, serratus anterior, subscapularis

You can stretch the same muscles doing this stretch. Note the outside
rotation of the arm, which makes it easier to move the arm back or up.

Change your grip on the stick and twist it.

A stretch for muscles of the upper back: trapezius, rhomboideus, latissimus


This is another form of the upper back stretch. Crawl your hands on your
back as far as you can.

Grab your hands behind your back. If you cannot, use a piece of rope or a
stick to crawl your hands toward each other. In turns, pull down the upper
hand, then pull up the lower hand to feel a good stretch.

Muscles stretched: triceps, anconeus, deltoideus, pectoralis major,

latissimus dorsi, teres major, supraspinatus

Remember that stretching both your arms together eliminates the influence of
movement in the spine on the range of motion in your shoulder girdle.


Stretches leading to the side split

Place your leg on any support. Either lean toward this leg or move the other
leg away from the support if this support is stable enough.

You can also lift your leg with your hand.

Stretches for muscles of the inner thigh: adductor magnus, adductor brevis,
adductor longus, gracilis, pectineus

Stretch the muscles of both your inner thighs in this position. Shift your
weight between your legs and arms to get the best stretch. When your legs
tense, help them relax by putting most of your weight on your arms. When
the legs relax, slide into a greater stretch by shifting your weight back.

Here is one more, even milder inner thigh stretch. Sit down, bend your
knees and pull your feet together. Now, lower the thighs using only the
strength of the muscles that abduct and rotate them externally. Do not push
with your hands.

Stretches for muscles of the inner thigh: adductor magnus, adductor brevis,
adductor longus, gracilis, pectineus

To balance stretches for the side split (stretches for the thigh adductors and
internal rotators), do the following stretches for the thigh abductors and the
external rotators of the thigh.

Outer thigh and hip stretches. Bring one leg across your center line to feel

a stretch in your outer thigh and hip. To stretch the front-outer hip (more
stretch on the tensor fasciae latae), point the thigh down. To feel the stretch
mainly in the outer part of buttocks, bring the thigh up toward your chest. A
stretch for muscles abducting the thigh: gluteus minimus, gluteus medius,
gluteus maximus, tensor fasciae latae, piriformis

Stretches for muscles rotating the thigh outward. Standing upright bend
your knee and turn your thigh and foot inward. Alternatively, you can stretch
the same muscles while sitting with legs bent at the knees and feet about
shoulder width apart. Lean back a little and support your trunk with your
arms by placing your hands on the floor behind your hips. Attempt to touch
the floor between your legs with the knee. These are stretches for external
rotators of the thigh (the muscles that limit its internal rotation): piriformis,
obturatorius internus, obturatorius externus (only up to 40° of internal
rotation of the thigh), quadratus femoris, pectineus (only up to 40° of
internal rotation of the thigh), gluteus maximus, gluteus medius (posterior
fibers), gluteus minimus (posterior fibers).

Stretches leading to the front split

Calf stretches. Pull your toes toward yourself. Feel the stretching in the
muscles of the calf: gastrocnemius, soleus, plantaris, flexor hallucis longus,
tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus, peroneus longus, peroneus

Hamstring stretches. Using any of the above shown positions, stretch your
hamstrings. Keep your back straight to make sure you stretch mainly the
hamstrings. Tilt your pelvis forward (push buttocks to the rear) to feel more

Muscles stretched: biceps femoris, semimembranosus, semitendinosus,
adductor magnus, gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, piriformis

Front of the thigh stretches. These are stretches for the muscles of the front
of the thigh and the so-called runner's muscles (hip flexors) originating
inside the pelvis and in front of the spine: iliacus, psoas major, rectus
femoris, quadriceps (vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius),
sartorius, adductor magnus, adductor longus, adductor brevis, gracilis,
pectineus, tensor fasciae latae, obturatorius internus, gluteus minimus.

Sit in the front split. Lean your trunk forward and backward to stretch all the
muscles of the thigh, buttocks, and pelvis.

Muscles stretched: iliacus, psoas major, rectus femoris, vastus lateralis,
vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, sartorius, adductor magnus, adductor
longus, adductor brevis, gracilis, pectineus, tensor fasciae latae,
obturatorius internus, gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus,
biceps femoris, semimembranosus, semitendinosus, piriformis


Side bends. Bend your trunk to the side. Do not twist or lean your trunk

These are stretches for the muscles of the back and the side of the abdomen:
quadratus lumborum, longissimus dorsi, iliocostalis, obliquus abdominis
internus, obliquus abdominis externus, psoas major.

Trunk rotations. Rotate your trunk as far as it takes to feel a mild stretch.
You can increase the stretch and help yourself keep it by putting your hand
on your leg or on the floor.

Muscles stretched: obliquus abdominis externus, obliquus abdominis

internus, semispinalis, multifidus, transversospinalis

Abdomen stretches. These stretches are for the front of your abdomen and
the muscles on the front of the spine and the inside of the pelvis: rectus
abdominis, obliquus abdominis externus, obliquus abdominis internus,
quadratus lumborum, iliacus, psoas major, psoas minor.

Lower back stretches. Stretch as much as it takes to relax the muscles of the
back and not stretch its ligaments. Stretching the ligaments of the back
weakens it. This is why you will not see here a relaxed stretch for the back
in a standing position. The weight of the upper body hanging on your
rounded and relaxed spine can stretch its ligaments. In the sitting stretch, to
feel stretching in the muscles of your back, round it slightly. In the sitting
stretch, keeping your back straight stretches mostly your hamstring.

Muscles stretched: longissimus dorsi, iliocostalis, multifidus

7. Sample Workout Plans
Here you get examples of how to choose exercises depending on the task of
your workout and when to do them in the course of the workout. You will
find several sport disciplines listed. Each is represented by one workout
with the task common for that discipline.

These are just examples and not prescriptions. In a professionally run

training process, no workout is the same. Each workout has either a
different task or the task is realized by a different means every time.
Different tasks and different means of their realization are assigned to
workouts depending on the age, class, and condition of the athletes. In
planning a workout the coach has to take into consideration the workouts
done thus far, the next tasks that need to be done, when the athletes need
their form to peak, and much more. To put it simply: your skill level and
condition change from workout to workout, and so do your exercise needs.

The proper sequence of stretches in a workout is: dynamic, static active,

isometric, relaxed. You do not have to do all these types of stretches in a
workout. You can skip the ones that you do not need but do not alter the
order unless you have a good reason and know what you are doing. For
example, it sometimes may make sense to do a static stretch before dynamic
stretch (but not before some high power or maximal force movements, such
as powerful kicks).

In the following examples you will see only the flexibility exercises related
to the task of the workout. The exercises of the main part of the workout are
not shown.

Discipline: Track and Field—Hurdles. Task of the workout: The technique

of passing the hurdles; no work on the start from the blocks or on the finish

Discipline: Gymnastics. Task of the workout: The development of
flexibility and the perfection of the handstand (a task usually realized with
children nine to ten years old)

Discipline: Kickboxing. Task of the workout: The high roundhouse kick

Discipline: Judo. Task of the workout: Teaching O-Soto-Gari (big outside

Discipline: Bodybuilding. Task of the workout: Developing strength in the
upper back, chest, forearms and lower legs

Discipline: Swimming. Task of the workout: Speed in the butterfly stroke

8. All the Whys of Stretching
In this chapter, you will learn the whys of flexibility and stretching. This
method of developing flexibility works for you regardless of whether or not
you understand its physiological basis, as long as you do the exercises
exactly as prescribed in chapters 1-6. Nevertheless, the more you know, the
better your choice of exercises and the greater the likelihood of getting the
results you want. Information—good information!—also gives you the basis
for countering bad advice you may receive. Note this well: Mental rigidity
—the inability to abandon fixed ideas while solving problems, a sign of low
intelligence—is usually accompanied by a low level of physical flexibility
—perhaps due to the connection between flexibility and coordination
(Matveyev [Matveev] 1981). Coordination is considered a motor
expression of intellect (Wazny 1981a).

Flexibility is the ability to perform movements of any amplitude (extent, or

range) in a joint or a group of joints. Greater range means greater flexibility.

A high level of overall flexibility helps one to perform economically in

fencing, and in various types of wrestling—Greco-Roman, freestyle, judo,
sambo, shuai-chiao.

Certain sports—e.g., gymnastics, javelin throw, kickboxing—require a

maximal development of flexibility in all or some of the major joints just for
the execution of their basic techniques. Just the reverse is true in some
others. The greater the flexibility of some joints, the worse performance.
For example, long-distance runners lose running economy with greater
dorsiflexion of the foot and external rotation in the hip joint (Craib et al.

In sports calling for a generation of maximum power in movement, before

punching, jumping, throwing or hitting a ball, or putting the shot athletes
instinctively make a movement in the opposite direction, knowing that a
prestretch will increase their power. This is called stretch-shorten cycle. In
dynamic concentric actions muscles work best if you contract them from an
optimal stretch. Longer or more extended muscles can exert force on the
object (ball, shot, fist) on a longer path and thus for a longer time,
accelerating it more.

Poor flexibility of some muscles may contribute to injuries in some
activities or sports. For example, in a study by Witvrouw et al. (2001)
athletes with patellar tendinitis (jumper's knee) tended to have lower
flexibility of their quadriceps (range of motion 86.0° [standard deviation
12.4°]) than athletes without patellar tendinitis (132.6° [standard deviation
14.9°]). In the case of rowing, hamstrings too short to permit as much
anterior rotation of the pelvis as it takes to keep the lumbar spine from
flexing more than 50% of its maximum range of flexion at the catch phase of
the rowing stroke contribute to hypermobility of the lumbar spine (Reid and
McNair 2000). Hypermobility of the lumbar spine correlates strongly with
low back pain in rowers (Howell 1984). Increasing hamstring flexibility
lowered the number of overuse injuries of lower limbs in military basic
training (Hartig and Henderson 1999).

Flexibility is joint-specific. Some joints of an individual can have a

flexibility greater than average while some other joints can have less than
average flexibility—the same person can have normal mobility in the hip
joints but suffer from impingement of the shoulder, and one joint of any pair
of joints may be more mobile than the other. Flexibility in a joint is the sum
of joint mobility. It depends primarily on the shape of joint surfaces, the
length and pliability of ligaments and joint capsules, the length or the
compliance of muscles associated with that joint. Flexibility also depends
on your emotional state, on the temperature of your body, the time of day, on
the warm-up, initial position of the exercise, rhythm of movements,
preparatory tensing of your muscles, and on your strength (Marciniak 1991;
Tumanyan and Kharatsidis 1998).

Warm-up exercises have a very specific effect on the flexibility of various

joints. For example, jogging for five minutes prepares well for ankle
stretches but is a poor preparation for trunk stretches. People who did not
jog prior to trunk stretches improved trunk flexibility more than people who
jogged (Williford et al. 1986). Jogging puts most stress on the muscles
moving the ankles, and the ankles go through most of their range of motion,
but during jogging the muscles of the trunk keep its movements to a

Flexibility, just like coordination, is affected by the emotions because of the

connection between the cerebellum and the areas of the brain responsible
for emotions. This becomes obvious when an athlete (or anyone, for that
matter) attempts juggling, balancing, or stretching when emotionally upset.

Flexibility increases during excitement (Wazny 1981b).

Some motor qualities are inborn, such as speed; others, such as balance,
have to be developed at a certain age to reach an exceptional level.
Flexibility is like strength and endurance, however, in that it can be brought
to high levels by anybody and at any time in a person's life as long as the
joint surfaces permit normal mobility (Wazny 1981b). Ozolin, a renowned
Russian authority on sports training, says, “Flexibility improves from day to
day, strength from week to week, speed from month to month, endurance
from year to year” (Ozolin 1971). Outside of pathological cases,
exceptional flexibility is not inborn and requires work. If a more than
natural range of motion is needed—for example, more than 50 degrees of
turn-out (external rotation) in a hip joint, which is desired in ballet—then it
may be necessary to elongate ligaments of the joint (Reid 1988). The earlier
one starts flexibility exercises the easier it is to stretch the ligaments of the
hip. In the case of the hip joint, it is best to start before the age of 11, before
the angulation of the neck of the thigh bone becomes stable and before the
ligaments become stronger and tighter (Ryan and Stephens 1988). By the
way, researchers, some using X-rays, have found that dancers' unusually
large range of external rotation in the hip joint is due to stretched-out
ligaments and not to an abnormal shape of their thigh bone, i.e., femoral
retroversion (Reid 1988).

Caution: Flexibility can be worsened by spending most of your

training time moving joints through a shortened range of motion, as
with some basketball players who spend most of their playing time
in a crouched position, neglect general exercises, and end up with
shortened hip and knee flexors (Orlikowska 1991).

You can improve flexibility by doing exercises such as running, swimming,

and lifting weights as long as your limbs go through the full range of motion
(Tumanyan and Dzhanyan 1980; Williams et al. 1988). (Lifting heavy
weights does not reduce flexibility as long as the exercises are done in the
full range. Powerlifters who do deadlifts have a greater range of hip flexion
than people who do not do deadlifts [Chang 1988]. Even the elderly can
increase their flexibility as a result of strength training at the full range of
motion, with resistance permitting 6-10 repetitions without straining—and
without any additional stretching exercises [Barbosa et al. 2002].)

For resistance exercises to increase flexibility, they have to be performed
along the same path as the movement in which the increase of range of
motion is sought, with the muscles that limit the range of motion overcoming
resistance when stretched in every repetition. Resistance exercises for
increasing flexibility have to look like stretches, in other words, but with the
active movement done in the opposite direction and against resistance. The
amount of resistance must be such as to permit the full range of motion in
most repetitions of the exercise, of course. For example, to increase
shoulder flexibility, do strength exercises from a stretched position, with
resistance light enough to stretch the exercised muscles without danger of
overstretching or of wrenching the shoulder (Platonov and Fesenko 1990).
Resistance exercises may cause loss of flexibility if the

muscles to be stretched are not the prime movers in the exercise,

exercises are done along a different path than that in which range of
motion is to be increased, or
resistance is too heavy to permit the full range of motion.

Even static passive stretches done for 30 seconds before and after the
resistance exercises may not offset this effect, as shown in the elderly by
Girouard and Hurley (1995).

Not all athletes can always lift weights or run with long strides to move
their legs through a full range of motion, though. At some stages of training,
these exercises can interfere with the development of their sport-specific
form. Properly chosen stretching exercises are less time- and energy-
consuming than such indirect methods as lifting weights or running.

Apart from increasing the range of movement in your joints, stretching has
other functions in your workout. At the beginning of the workout, some
dynamic stretches can be good warm-up exercises. At the end of it, as a part
of the cool-down, stretching facilitates recovery. It regulates muscular
tension and relieves muscle spasms (deVries 1961). After stretching, blood
flow in muscles is improved.

Relaxed static stretches relieve muscle cramps. Cramps happen to

excessively tensed muscles, especially to chronically used muscles (Miles
and Clarkson 1994), which is why they are relieved by passive stretching of
the cramped muscles or by tensing their antagonists. (Prolonged profuse
sweating may result in such electrolyte imbalance as to cause cramps too,
but then more than just a stretch is needed to relieve them.)

Anatomy, physiology, and flexibility
Skeletal muscle consists of many muscle fibers (cells) arranged in parallel
bundles. Muscle cells can grow in diameter by increasing the thickness and
number of myofibrils, and in length by forming additional sarcomeres—the
contractile elements of a muscle cell, lined end to end within each
myofibril. Muscle cells have the ability to contract, and if relaxed, are very
extensible. When a muscle contracts, two kinds of protein (actin and
myosin) in the sarcomeres of its cells slide along one another. In the body, a
muscle can be contracted to 70% or stretched to 130% of its normal resting
length (Vander, Sherman, and Luciano 2001). “Normal resting length” is the
length that the muscle takes up in the body in a typical resting attitude.
Outside the body, the muscle can be contracted to 60% of its length and
stretched more than 130%. As a muscle is stretched beyond its resting
length, its force of contraction gradually drops, nearing zero at 200% of
resting length (Wilmore and Costill 1999). Muscle contracts with greatest
force at its normal resting length.

Amount of overlap of actin and myosin in a sarcomere—the contractile

element of a muscle cell—a) contracted, b) resting, and c) stretched

When a muscle is stretched, the sarcomeres in the middle of the muscle

fibers are more elongated than the sarcomeres at the ends of the muscle
fibers (Goldspink 1968).

Exercises in which muscles tense as they are being stretched, for example,
eccentric tensions and contract-relax stretches, cause changes in the muscle
fibers that indicate an addition of new sarcomeres and thus lengthening the
muscle fibers (Fridén 1984; Handel et al. 1997; Lieber and Fridén 2000).
So far, the actual increase in the serial sarcomere number has been shown in
rats that did eccentric exercise (Lieber and Fridén 2000).

Research suggests that the bigger the muscles around a joint, the greater is
the passive resistance to movement throughout the range of motion
(Magnusson et al. 1997; Chleboun et al. 1997). This passive resistance can
be decreased very effectively by continuous movements, such as dynamic

stretches or resistance exercises done throughout the full range of motion
(McNair et al. 2001; McNair and Stanley 1996; Wilson et al. 1992).
Resistance training of calf muscles (resistance 70% of 1RM, 5 sets of 10
reps for 8 weeks) without stretching, for example, increases passive
resistance to movement throughout the range of motion, but adding static
stretching avoids this increase (Kubo et al. 2002a). Isometric strength
exercises, if they are the sole mode of strength training, increase the
hamstring's passive resistance throughout the range of motion, even when
done together with passive static stretches (Klinge et al. 1997). A rational
strength training is never limited to a single type of exercise, however, so
this effect of isometric exercises (detrimental for some athletes) is offset by
the influence of all the other types of exercises. For example, stretching and
doing resistance exercises throughout the full range of motion lowers the
stiffness of muscle-tendon unit (Wilson et al. 1992).

A fibrous connective tissue sheath (epimysium) encases the whole muscle.

Bundles of muscle cells and even single cells are also surrounded by the
same tissue (perimysium and endomysium). The tension generated by
muscle cells is transferred to the fibers of connective tissue.

Tendons are cordlike extensions of this tissue. Collagen fibers, a major

element of fibrous connective tissue, have great strength, little extensibility,
and no ability to contract. These fibers are arranged in wavy bundles
allowing motion until the slack of these bundles is taken up. Extension of a
tendon beyond four percent of its length breaks cross-links between
collagen fibers and starts irreversible deformation. Further extension,
beyond eight percent of the tendon's length, weakens the tendon as more
cross-links break until it eventually ruptures (Renström and Johnson 1986).
With age, molecules of collagen change by becoming more rigid, which is
reflected in general body stiffness. An improper use of isometric or
eccentric tensions can put too much stress on muscle cells and collagen
fibers, damaging them and causing delayed onset muscle soreness.

Collagen fibers surrounding muscle fibers at their junction with the

The stiffer the tendons, the better use of elastic energy in stretch-shorten
cycle movements, provided you have the required range of motion (Kubo et
al. 1999). If your range of motion is less than that required for taking full
advantage of the stretch-shorten cycle, then it may be beneficial for you to
increase the range of motion at the cost of lowering the stiffness of involved
muscles and tendons (Wilson et al. 1992). Doing dynamic resistance
training together with static stretching gives the benefits of increased tendon
stiffness and increased reuse of elastic energy in a stretch-shorten cycle,
without changing or increasing the passive resistance to the stretch (Kubo et
al. 2002a).

Isometric strength training increases the stiffness of tendons and the longer
the isometric contractions the greater the increase in stiffness (Kubo et al.
2001b; Kubo et al. 2001a).

You can permanently elongate tendons and connective tissue sheaths, with
minimal structural weakening by low-force but long-duration stretching with
temperatures of the tendons at more than 103°F. To increase the amount of
permanent elongation, you maintain this stretch while tendons and sheaths
cool down. This fits the description of a relaxed stretch done after the main
part of your workout during the cool-down, with this qualifier: the stretch
must be at the range of motion at which muscle fibers pose less resistance
than the fibrous connective tissue.

Resistance exercises with movements of maximal amplitude, developing

both strength and flexibility, are an effective means of increasing length and
extensibility of tendons and connective tissue sheaths of muscles (Platonov

The joint capsule is a connective tissue sleeve that completely surrounds

each movable joint. Immobilization for a few weeks causes chemical
changes in the collagen fibers of the joint capsule that will restrict your

The ligaments holding your joints together are made primarily of collagen
fibers. They have more elastic fibers, made of the protein elastin, than do
tendons. Stretching ligaments leads to loose-jointedness and can be
effectively applied only with children. In adults, an age-related increase in

the rigidity of collagen fibers makes any stretches aimed at elongating
ligaments hazardous. When children stretch ballistically or statically, their
muscles do not contract as strongly as an adult's, and their softer ligaments
can be stretched (Raczek 1991). If a ligament is stretched more than six
percent of its normal length, it tears. There is no need to stretch ligaments to
perform even the most spectacular gymnastic or karate techniques. The
normal range of motion is sufficient. Stretching ligaments destabilizes joints
and thus may cause osteoarthritis (Beighton et al. 1983).

One can have tight ligaments and good muscle flexibility or loose
ligaments and poor muscle flexibility (Krivickas and Feinberg

Bone is a dynamic, living tissue made of collagen fibers associated with

crystals of calcium and phosphorus. Exercises can change the density and
shape of bones. The forms of joint surfaces, covered by a glasslike, smooth
and elastic cartilage, also change in the long-term process of exercise, e.g.,
dynamic stretching or lifting weights. Depending on the amount of stress
(exercise, for example), bones and joints can adapt to it or be destroyed by

Tests of flexibility potential

Here are simple tests you can do to see if the structure of your joints and the
length of ligaments will not keep you from doing splits.

Front split. If the angle between the front and rear leg is less than 180
degrees with the front leg straight, flex the knee of your front leg and see
what happens.

Front split with front leg straight

Deep lunge. The knee of the front leg is flexed and the angle between
thighs is 180 degrees.

If you started to stretch past the age when elongating ligaments was feasible,
you probably have difficulty touching the ground with the front thigh of the
rear leg in this split. What keeps you from doing this is usually not a muscle,
but a ligament (lig. iliofemorale) running in front of your hip joint. It is
tightened by an extension of the hip (posterior tilting of the pelvis or moving
the thigh to the back while keeping the pelvis straight). Flexing the hip
(tilting the pelvis forward or moving the thigh to the front) relaxes this
ligament. To achieve a nice, flat front split you need to stretch the hamstring
of the front leg and the muscles of the lower back so you can tilt the pelvis
forward while keeping the trunk upright.

To make sure that the muscles (hip flexors) pulling your thigh forward are
not exceptionally short, do this test: Lie on a table, on your back, with your
lower legs hanging over the edge. Pull one leg, with its knee flexed, toward
your chest. Keep your back flat on the table. If the other leg, left lying on the
table, is lifted by this movement before the angle between your thighs
reaches 120 degrees, your iliopsoas (hip flexor) needs some stretching.

Iliopsoas length test

Side split. A person unable to do a complete split can bring one of the thighs
into the position it would have in relation to the hip in the split, or at least
get it much closer to this position than when spreading both legs at the same
time. No muscles run from one leg to another. If you can do one half of the
split, only the reflexive contraction of the muscles (and not the ligaments, or
the muscles' connective tissue sheaths) prevents you from doing a complete
split with equal ease. People with thick thigh bones and large and broad
pelvises may not have enough range of motion in the hip joint to position
their leg as shown in the following test and so cannot do a complete side
split (Kapandji 1987).

If you think that the structure of your hips will not let you do side splits,
try this test. The leg resting on the chair is in the position it would have in
a split.

One more test of the potential to do a side split—it is not as comprehensive

as the preceding test, but it is informative nonetheless.

Outside rotation of the thigh in first ballet position. Nearly 90 degrees of

turnout of the foot are achieved by 50 to 70 degrees of external rotation at
the hip, plus about 20 degrees of external rotation at the knee and ankle
(Reid 1988; Ryan and Stephens 1988). Note the relation of the angle (less
than 90 degrees from the centerline) in this position, to the angle (less
than 180 degrees) between the thighs in a side split.

The amount of outside rotation of the femur in the hip decides the quality of
your side split (Kushner et al. 1990). This rotation is limited by the length of

the ligaments of your hip joints, by the muscles that rotate the thigh inside,
and in a few cases by the configuration of thigh bones.

Normally adductors pull the thigh inward and rotate it outward, but if the
thigh is rotated outward as much as it takes to do a side split or a first ballet
position, adductors also help to rotate it inward (Geselevich 1976), which
means that, in addition to being stretched by abduction, adductors are also
stretched by extreme outside rotation and can thus limit this rotation.

Note that in doing a side split you not only spread your legs sideways, but
also you tilt your pelvis forward (the same way as when you lean forward
so your trunk is parallel to the floor, pushing your buttocks to the rear) and
rotate your thighs outward.

In a side split with the feet pointing up, you tilt your pelvis a little but rotate
the thighs maximally outward. In a side split with the feet pointing forward,
you tilt your pelvis strongly forward, and your thighs rotate outward as they
are spread apart. The alignment of the hips and thighs in both types of the
side split is the same. You cannot do this split without some combination of
rotating your thighs outward and tilting your pelvis forward. Spreading the
legs without these additional movements twists and tightens the ligaments of
the hip and jams the tops of the necks of your thigh bones against the
cartilage collar (labrum acetabulare) at the upper edge of your hip socket.
It may also—if the angle between the neck and the shaft of the thigh bone is
less than 125° (coxa vara)—jam the greater trochanters against the hip bone
above the joint socket. Stretching the ligaments at the front and bottom of the
hip joint (iliofemoral and pubofemoral ligaments) lets the head of the thigh
bone slip partially downward out of the joint socket during abduction. This
permits a greater angle of abduction before the neck of the thighbone
contacts the upper edge of the joint socket (Ciszek and Smigielski 1997).
The downside is a less stable hip joint.

This jamming of either the neck of the thigh into the cartilage or, in
the case of people with coxa vara, of the greater trochanters against
the hip bones is the cause of pain and limits sideways movement in
both the side split and the raising side kick.

The forward tilt of the pelvis (hip flexion) unwinds all capsular ligaments
of the hip, among them the pubofemoral ligament, which resists abduction
and outward rotation, and the iliofemoral ligament, which resists outward

rotation (Kapandji 1987). Both the tilt and the outward rotation of the thigh
reposition the socket of the hip joint in relation to the neck of the thigh bone
so the brim of the joint cavity is faced with the flat frontal surface of the
thigh-neck (the neck of the thigh bone is flattened front-to-back) and the
greater trochanter faces the space behind the joint socket (Ciszek and
Smigielski 1997). See figures 4-6 in Appendix A. (A similar ease-of-
movement technique happens in the shoulder joint—you can move your arm
a little further up sideways without moving your shoulder blade if you rotate
your arm outward so the greater tuberosity of the arm bone does not hit the
acromion or the ligament that stretches between the acromion and coracoid

Another way of finding the correct alignment is to use the horse-riding

stance as the initial position for your isometric stretches leading to the side
split. The horse-riding stance averts irritation of the upper brim of the hip
socket and the resulting pain above the hip joint. Just make sure that your
stance is correct, with your thighs parallel to the floor at any width, toes
pointing forward, and chest up.

Correct alignment of thighs and pelvis in side splits

To sum it all up, you cannot do the side split without combining the
outward rotation of your thighs with a forward tilt of your pelvis.
And yes, there are people whose hip joints may not have enough
range in these motions to permit doing a side split. Those are the
people with thick thigh bones and large and broad pelvises
(Kapandji 1987).

In the examples of joint mobility tests (in chapter 8, “All the Whys of
Stretching”), relieving the tension of the muscles around the joint increases
its range of motion. If you can perform these tests of joint structure and
ligament length, this means that only muscular tension prevents you from
doing splits. Muscular tension has two components: the tension actively
generated by the contractile elements of stimulated muscle fibers; and the
passive tension present even in an inactive, denervated muscle, due mainly
to the connective tissues associated with the muscle and, to a much lesser
degree, the microstructure of myofibrils (resting tension). Some authors (M.
J. Alter, H. A. deVries, S. A. Sölveborn) declare the connective tissue
tension to be the main factor restricting flexibility. They advocate slow
static stretching, even in a warm-up, as if muscles were pieces of fabric to
be elongated to a desired size. In the muscle stretched to well over 100% of
its resting length, however, the resting tension is a small fraction of the
tension due to active contraction. Eventually, at approximately 120% of a
muscle's resting length, the two components of muscle tension contribute
about equally to total tension (Schottelius and Senay 1956). (Remember that
130% of resting length is usually the maximum stretch of a muscle in the
body.) At greater lengths the resting (passive) tension increases while the
active tension, generated by contracting muscle fibers, decreases.

Recent research gives conflicting answers as to what limits flexibility or

range of motion—neural factors or the mechanical properties of a muscle
with its connective tissue. In the case of single stretches of the hamstrings
Magnusson et al. (1998) conclude that either a slow dynamic passive stretch
or a static passive stretch increases range of motion “by increasing stretch
tolerance [a neural factor] while the viscoelastic characteristics
[mechanical properties] of the muscle remain unaltered.” Halbertsma et al.
(1996) showed a similar result after one 10-minute session of static passive
stretches. In another study Magnusson et al. (1996a) showed that
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) stretching of hamstrings
increased range of motion more than passive static stretching and concluded
that PNF stretching altered stretch perception (again, a neural factor). This
differs from the conclusion of McHugh et al. (1998) that flexibility is
determined by mechanical properties of muscles rather than by neural
factors because in the case of slow static stretches of the hamstring, with
muscles of the thigh completely relaxed, “seventy-nine percent of variability
in maximum . . . range of motion could be explained by the passive
mechanical response to stretch.”

Long-term studies are similarly ambiguous. Magnusson et al. (1996b)
conclude that three weeks of slow static stretching of hamstring muscles
increased range of motion as “a consequence of increased stretch tolerance
[a neural factor] . . . rather than a change in mechanical or viscoelastic
properties of the muscle” because the passive resistance to stretch did not
change. Also similar was the conclusion of Halbertsma and Goeken (1994)
after four weeks of passive static stretching of hamstrings. In contrast, Kubo
et al. (2002b) concluded that three weeks of static passive stretching of the
calf muscles lowered passive resistance to stretch by affecting the
connective tissue in the muscle. Three weeks of stretching the calves using
the contract-relax method also resulted in lowering the passive resistance to
stretch in an experiment by Toft et al. (1989). Wilson et al. (1992) showed
that eight weeks of stretching chest muscles increased flexibility and
reduced stiffness of musculo-tendinous unit—probably by reducing stiffness
of the tendons.

None of these studies shows with absolute certainty that flexibility is

decisively determined either by the neural factors or by the mechanical
properties of the muscle, especially of its connective tissue.

There are certainly arguments for the considerable role of the nervous
system in determining flexibility. For instance, three different types of
stretches increase the static range of motion in varying degrees, both in a
single stretch as well as in several sessions of stretching (Holt et al. 1970;
Tanigawa 1972). So, a contract-relax stretch increases range of motion more
than a static passive stretch, and a contract-relax-antagonist-contract stretch
increases range of motion more than a contract-relax stretch (Etnyre and
Abraham 1986a). These stretches differ in the utilization and sequence of
muscle tensions—actions that affect the nervous regulation of stretched
muscles. Further, Tanigawa (1972) showed that while the subjects who used
contract-relax stretching for three weeks twice per week gained more range
of motion than those doing passive stretches, they also lost more range
during one week of not stretching. If connective tissue were the chief
determinant of flexibility these different gains and losses with the two types
of static stretches wouldn't make sense.

For practical purposes, as long as you feel your muscles contract in

response to a stretch, it means that relaxing the muscles can improve your
stretch and that you should concern yourself more with nervous regulation of
your muscles' tension and less with your muscles' connective tissue.

The nervous system regulates tension and thus the length of your muscles by
influencing the contractile element. (The illustration below sums up what

Structures and nerve pathways involved in control of a muscle at the level

of its corresponding segment of spinal cord

Several nerve cells receive signals from and send signals to each muscle.
Nerve cells receiving the signals are called sensory neurons. Directly, or
through other neurons, they contact nerve cells that send signals to the
muscles. The cells whose nerve fibers conduct signals to the muscles are
called motoneurons. Their cell bodies are located in the spinal cord or in
the brainstem. Other neurons contact and influence motoneurons. Some can
stimulate the motoneurons, which causes a contraction of the muscle fibers
innervated by them. Some can inhibit (block) motoneurons, causing a
relaxation of muscle fibers. In movements, when the motoneurons of one set
of muscles are stimulated, motoneurons of the muscles opposing them are
inhibited. This is called reciprocal inhibition. It allows you to move.

Neurons causing contraction of muscles are called motoneurons Alpha.

Doing dynamic stretches as a warm-up for a dynamic action requires
stimulating motoneurons of the moving, contracting muscles in a way that is
similar to the stimulation they will receive during the action. During static

stretches those motoneurons are not stimulated in such a way.

Muscle spindles are embedded within a muscle at the midpoints of some

muscle fibers. They consist of special kinds of muscle fibers (intrafusal
muscle fibers) that can contract only at their ends. At their center are the
stretch receptors. There are two kinds of stretch receptors: one responding
only to the magnitude of the stretch; and another that responds to both the
magnitude and the speed of stretching (Bishop 1982). Stretch receptors in a
stretched muscle send signals that reach a motoneuron Alpha and cause it to
send impulses to the muscle. For example, when a muscle is stretched by
tapping its tendon as in testing the knee-jerk reflex, receptors in the spindles
send impulses that reach motoneurons Alpha, stimulating the contraction of
this muscle and its synergists, or cooperating muscles. The same impulse,
sent by stretch receptors, inhibits muscles antagonistic to it, and so your leg
kicks. This knee-jerk reflex is an example of a myotatic or stretch reflex. A
quick stretch causes a contraction preventing further stretching. This
contraction lowers the stimulation of the spindles.

During an isometric contraction the frequency of signals from the muscle

spindle is decreased (Bishop 1982; Orlikowska 1991; Vander, Sherman,
and Luciano 2001). This may be the neural mechanism behind your not
feeling stretching when you are tensing a muscle stretched below the pain
threshold, such as during the tensing phase of an isometric stretch. This
effect, together with what happens to a muscle as it is stretched and tensed,
may also explain why it is easier to increase range of motion after an
isometric tension than without it. As a stretched muscle is tensed, the
sarcomeres in the middle of muscle fibers shorten and stretch the
sarcomeres at the fibers' ends together with the fibrous connective tissue in
series with them, picking up the slack. Relaxing after such tension releases
the slack and this could be why you can extend the range of motion further
before feeling a new stretch limit.

The Golgi organs are located in the tendon at its junction with the muscle
and detect changes in tension generated either by contracting a muscle or by
stretching it. The most effective stimulus for Golgi organs is an active
muscle contraction (Houk et al. 1971). Each Golgi organ is connected with
from five to twenty-five muscle fibers. As the contracting muscle pulls on
the tendon it causes the Golgi organs to fire impulses in relation to the force
of contraction (Bishop 1982). These impulses activate association neurons,
which then send their impulses to inhibit the motoneurons Alpha of the

contracting muscle. This stops the flow of impulses from the motoneurons
Alpha to the muscle. (This is the usual explanation for the mechanism of
PNF [Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation] and isometric stretching.)
The Golgi organs may also influence motoneurons Gamma (Bishop 1982).

Renshaw cells are small nerve cells located close to the motoneurons
Alpha. They are connected through synapses with motoneurons and are
activated by the impulses that these motoneurons send to muscle fibers.
Renshaw cells through their axons synapse back both on the motoneurons
that activate them and on others. Impulses from the Renshaw cells inhibit
motoneurons. This circuit regulates the frequency of impulses received by
muscles and keeps them from making contractions that are too strong.
Renshaw cells are connected with both the small (tonic) motoneurons Alpha
innervating slow-twitch muscle fibers and with the large (phasic)
motoneurons Alpha innervating fast-twitch muscle fibers. Renshaw cells are
more strongly excited by impulses from phasic motoneurons activated in
voluntary contractions than by impulses from tonic motoneurons, but when
excited they inhibit tonic motoneurons, which are most responsive to the
stretch reflex, much more so than are phasic ones (Bishop 1982). This is
another possible explanation of PNF and isometric stretching.

There are neural circuits and pathways that may cause lessened resistance to
stretch, more formally called postcontractive reflex depression.
Postcontractive reflex depression follows a strong voluntary contraction of
the muscle. It permits a greater range of motion increase than stretching
without a preceding contraction. No matter what the exact cause of lessening
the resistance to stretch, the resistance is smallest immediately upon
relaxation following a contraction of the muscles about to be stretched.
(Moore and Kukulka [1991] have shown that reflexes are weakest within
the first second of relaxation after a contraction of the muscle and then
recover to nearly 70% of their normal values by the fifth second. This may
be why your stretch is easiest within the first second after the end of a
contraction.) Resistance to stretching can be reduced even more by
immediately following the relaxation of the stretched muscles with
contraction of their antagonists (Etnyre and Abraham 1986a; Etnyre and
Abraham 1986b; Etnyre and Abraham 1988).

Motoneurons Gamma are located in the spinal cord, close to motoneurons

Alpha. These neurons regulate the tension of intrafusal fibers in muscle
spindles, so that if the whole muscle is shortened, the spindle can adjust and

still be able to detect changes in muscle length. There are two types of
motoneurons Gamma: static and dynamic. Static Gamma determine length
sensitivity of receptors in the muscle spindle with little effect on velocity
sensitivity. Dynamic Gamma determine velocity sensitivity with little effect
on length sensitivity (Bishop 1982).

The brain, through its pathways of nerve fibers conducting impulses

downwards, similarly affects motoneurons Alpha and Gamma, but the
Gamma are more sensitive. Static Gamma motoneurons, which regulate the
muscle spindles' detection of the magnitude of a stretch, are stimulated by
the cold center and inhibited by the heat center in your hypothalamus
(Bishop 1982). Static motoneurons Gamma are thus easier to activate when
your body temperature is low and so your flexibility worsens then. (When
cold is applied locally, for example, to a single muscle group, the effect may
be opposite—the stretching may become easier. This is because local
cooling reduces the sensitivity of muscle spindles but not of the Golgi
organs [Meeusen and Lievens 1986; Strzelczyk 1996].)

Mental stress, pain, anxiety, and fear, thanks to these same descending
pathways, activate motoneurons Gamma, which increase the stretch reflex,
thus making you less flexible (Sölveborn 1989). This is one more reason not
to do static passive stretches during a warm-up when you may be excited or
even anxious about the challenging activities ahead. (The ways of warming
up to deal with prestart anxiety and prestart apathy are described in the
book Science of Sports Training.)

Descending pathways, motoneurons Gamma, spindle muscle fibers, stretch

receptors (in a particular spindle), sensory neurons (innervating a particular
spindle), and a motoneuron Alpha are collectively called the Gamma loop.
The Gamma loop activity measures and influences the length and tension of
a muscle. Thanks to this loop, the same weight can be supported by different
lengths of a muscle or, the same length can support different weights. The
Gamma loop regulates the sensitivity of muscle spindles. If, because of
lowered tonus, an insufficient amount of impulses comes from stretch
receptors, the Gamma loop compensates, making the muscle spindles
shorter. This may be why people experience stiffness upon first awakening.

Your kinesthetic, or muscle and joint, sense is served by more than the
already-described kinds of receptors (muscle spindles and Golgi organs).
There are receptors of pain, pressure, joint position, and movement located
in the joint capsules, ligaments, tendons, muscles and their fasciae, and in


The combined input from all the receptors influences your reflexive
reactions to changes in your body position and muscular tension. Your actual
reflexes are never as simple as the oversimplified description of a knee-
jerk. Usually the whole body responds to any stimulus. Recall the test (see
the tests of flexibility potential earlier in this chapter) where you could see
whether the bones and ligaments of your hips would let you do a side split.
There is no muscle or ligament running from one thigh to another, yet, even
if you have passed the test, you cannot do a complete side split without
some training. When you spread both legs at the same time, the reflexive
contraction of the muscles, on both sides of the body, gets in your way.
Reflexes serve useful purposes in normal circumstances and, when your
legs slide sideways, the tension of the adductors and their synergists on both
sides of the body is needed to maintain upright posture.

So much for the reflexive regulation of muscular tension. Now consider the
brain's role in control of muscular tension through either stimulating or
inhibiting the motoneurons.

Some of the nerve fibers conducting kinesthetic information go to the

cerebellum where, without your being aware of it, your tonus, coordination,
and balance are regulated. Other fibers go to the cerebral cortex, the outer
layer of the brain, which contains higher centers that interpret and correlate
sensory data. These fibers provide you with sensory data you are conscious
of: the data you feel. The neurons located in the cerebral cortex contact
motoneurons through the descending pathways.

Descending pathways consist of nerve fibers originating in the cerebral

cortex and ending in the spinal cord. These fibers either directly contact the
motoneurons Alpha, Gamma, or association neurons in the spinal cord (the
direct descending), or first synapse with neurons in nerve centers below the
cortex and in the cerebellum. In turn, those neurons eventually synapse on
motoneurons Alpha, Gamma, or on association neurons (the multineuronal
descending pathways). The direct pathways govern precise, voluntary
movements. Through conscious decisions to make certain movements or to
contract groups of muscles, you can override some of your reflexes.

The multineuronal descending pathways are responsible for the control of

rapid movements, postural mechanisms, the coordination of simultaneous
movements of locomotion, and the coordination of fine voluntary movements

with postural mechanisms. The connection between the cerebellum and the
areas of the brain governing emotions (hippocampus, amygdala, septal
areas), makes muscular tonus and coordination dependent on emotions, and
vice versa (Grochmal 1986). Mental stress increases amplitude and
decreases the frequency of muscle tremor possibly by increasing the gain of
the stretch reflex (Growdon et al. 2000).

Yoga uses this connection. Yoga exercises (asanas) do not use tension in a
stretched position. By holding relaxed muscles in a position just short of
pain and reflexive contraction, Yogis (in a long-term process) gradually
lower the sensitivity of the mechanisms regulating the tension and length of
the muscles. Yoga stretches seem to be a litmus test, or a sort of biofeedback
monitor, telling the practitioner how proper (from a Yoga point of view) his
or her state of mind is.

Practical conclusions for sports training

Muscle fibers are very stretchable but in the muscle they are connected with
the less stretchable fibrous connective tissue. This fact is used to explain the
loss of flexibility solely as a result of the shortening of the connective tissue
in and around the muscles. Such shortening can be caused by lack of
movement or by exercising regularly within less than a full range of motion.

But there is more to it than that. Different stretching methods bring about
differing results: dynamic stretching improves dynamic flexibility (dynamic
range of motion and resistance to stretching throughout the range of motion);
static stretching improves static flexibility (static range of motion) and, to a
limited extent, dynamic flexibility (Moscov and Lacourse 1992). Continuous
movements decrease resistance to stretching throughout the range of motion
more effectively than static stretching, while static stretching more
effectively increases the range of motion and decreases the amount of force
needed to hold a stretch or tension in a static position (McNair and Stanley
1996; McNair et al. 2001). Furthermore the stretching method you choose—
ballistic (bobbing up and down in a stretch, not advisable), static relaxed,
or isometric—affects the amount of time to reach the current maximum in
each stretching session and time to achieve desired results (Etnyre and
Abraham 1986a; Holt et al. 1970; Lucas and Koslow 1984; Sady et al.
1982; Tanigawa 1972). After exercises increasing range of motion through
active movements (for example, dynamic stretches or static active
stretches), the increase of flexibility lasts longer than after passive

stretching (Starzynski and Sozanski 1999). The possible changes in
connective tissues resulting from stretching by any of these methods do not
explain all the differences. These differences are most likely the result of
the way a given kind of exercise acts upon the nervous system.

Muscles are usually long enough to allow for a full range of motion
permitted by the structures of joints. It is the nervous control of their tension,
however, that has to be reset for the muscles to show their full length. This
is the most likely explanation why ten minutes of dynamic stretching in the
morning lets you display your full range of motion in dynamic movements
later in a day without a warm-up. Regularly repeating movements that do not
use a full range of motion in the joints (e.g., bicycling, certain exercises of
Olympic weightlifting, standard push-ups on the floor), however, sets the
nervous control of length and tension in the muscles at the values repeated
most often or most strongly and so diminishes the range of motion
(Orlikowska 1991). Immediately after a fatiguing jog or a slow run in which
the athlete's legs moved at a reduced range of motion, both dynamic and
static flexibility of the hips and knees are temporarily diminished. It seems
to be the result of increased sensitivity of stretch receptors—neural
compensation for the effects of fatigue on the muscles' contractions. While
this compensatory mechanism is supposed to work in all fatigue-inducing
and high-tension exercises (Hayes 1976) it does not cause such a drastic
reduction of flexibility if in these exercises limbs move through their full
range of motion. So, displaying your full range of motion while fatigued (but
not extremely fatigued!) after doing heavy deep squats is easier than after a
long run.

The other factor in diminishing the range of motion, relevant to many

successive workouts, is shortening of muscle fibers (loss of serial
sarcomeres) in the muscles that work only over a reduced range of motion
(Williams et al. 1988). Eastern European coaches will not let their gymnasts
ride bicycles as a means of endurance training, for example, even though
they seem to have all the flexibility they need.

Strenuous workouts slightly damage the fibers of connective tissue in the

muscles. Usually these micro-tears heal in a day or two, but a loss of
flexibility is supposedly caused by these fibers healing at a shorter length.
To prevent this, some physiologists recommend static stretching after
strength workouts. All this sounds very good, but the same gymnasts who
are kept from bicycling, run with maximal accelerations to improve their

specific endurance. Such running is a strenuous, intensive strength effort for
leg muscles, but in fast running, lower limb muscles work through a full
range of motion in the hip and knee joints, and because of that there is no
adverse effect on flexibility. If connective tissue were a factor, then
stretching after a workout would be enough and these gymnasts could ride
bicycles with the same result. The situation with standard push-ups is very
similar. If you do a couple of hundred a day, on the floor, so the muscles of
your chest, shoulders, and arms contract from a shortened position, no
amount of static stretching will make you a baseball pitcher or a javelin

There are two types of stretch receptors, one detecting the magnitude and
speed of stretching, the other detecting magnitude only. Sensitivity of each
type of receptor is determined by the respective type of motoneurons
Gamma (through regulating tension of either type of intrafusal fibers in
muscle spindles [Bishop 1982; McArdle, Katch, and Katch 1996]). This
may explain why flexibility training is speed-specific.

Static stretches improve static flexibility and dynamic stretches improve

dynamic flexibility, which is why it does not make sense to use static
stretches as a warm-up for dynamic action. There is considerable, but not
complete, transfer from static to dynamic flexibility (Moscov and Lacourse

Dynamic stretching by movements similar to the task—for example, leg

raises before kicking, lunges before fencing, arm swings before playing
tennis—done with gradually increasing range and speed of motion facilitate
neural pathways that will be used in the task. (Facilitation means increased
excitability of neurons by means of repetitive use or the accumulation of
impulses arriving from other neurons.) These movements of gradually
increasing range and speed of motion require muscular contractions
increasingly similar to those of the task (kick, fencing attack, serve). These
contractions cause arterioles and capillaries in the working muscles to
dilate in proportion to the force of contraction (McArdle, Katch, and Katch
1996). Flexibility improves with an increased flow of blood in stretched
muscles (Wazny 1981b).

Static stretches do not facilitate these pathways, do not prepare the nervous
system and blood vessels in muscles for the dynamic task. You even sweat
differently when warming up with dynamic actions than when doing static
stretches. During dynamic exercises you sweat all over and your sweat is

hot. During static stretching you sweat little, mainly on the face. This tells
you that static stretching is a poor warm-up.

Flexibility training is also position-specific. Research done by Nicolas

Breit (1977), comparing the effects of stretching in the supine and the erect
position, shows that:

a) subjects who trained in an erect position tested better in this position than
subjects who trained in a supine but tested in an erect position.

b) greater gains were recorded for both groups in a supine test position than
in an erect test position. The subjects tested in the erect position had to
overcome an extra amount of tension in the muscles they stretched because
of the reflexes evoked by standing and bending over.

You can use the postcontractive reflex depression or increased

“stretchability” (lower resistance to a stretch following a strong
contraction), caused by any of the explained mechanisms by contracting a
muscle before relaxing and stretching it. This increases the amount of
possible stretch. The contraction can be short—3 seconds may be enough
(Nelson and Cornelius 1991). The stretch has to be done within five
seconds of relaxation after contraction and preferably in the first second.

After reaching a maximal stretch (maximal for you at a given stage of your
training), tensing the muscle to hold this position longer than the few
seconds typically used to cause the postcontractive relaxation further
increases your static strength in this maximal range of motion or stretch. A
strength increase in extreme ranges of motion (caused by systematic
isometric stretching or resistance exercises in a full range of motion) seems
to be a result, at least to a degree, of the longitudinal growth of muscle
fibers. Long-term exercise, in which human muscles tense as they are
stretched, causes changes in the muscle fibers that indicate their lengthening
through adding new sarcomeres (Fridén 1984). Handel et al. (1997)
conducted a study in which athletes did contract-relax stretches (stretches
with isometric contractions) for eight weeks and showed changes in strength
displayed throughout the range of motion that indicated longitudinal growth
of muscle fibers by the addition of sarcomeres. The opposite happens when
exercises are done exclusively at a reduced range of motion—there is loss
of sarcomeres and muscles shorten (Williams et al. 1988).

Strong muscles tense less than weak ones to support the same load

(Moritani and deVries 1979; Ploutz et al. 1994). The strong muscles can be
more elongated while still comfortably overcoming resistance. In the
muscles of strong people, who regularly overcome high resistance, motor
units (several muscle fibers and a nerve cell activating them) synchronize
their action even when overcoming low resistance (Hayes 1976). This may
be why athletes whose thigh muscles are strong enough to slide up from a
split to standing upright can slide down into a split with less muscle tension
and resistance to the stretch than weaker persons. Perhaps when all motor
units tense together even moderately, the stretch reflex is more depressed
than if only some motor units were tensing very hard, either because of
stimulating a greater number of Golgi organs, or because of the mechanical
effect on all the muscle fibers and the connective tissue in series with them.

As people age, changes occur in their muscles that are associated with a
decrease in strength and flexibility—loss of muscle mass and increased
stiffness of fibrous connective tissue. Does that mean that the elderly cannot
effectively use isometric stretches? No, it does not—because these changes
can be offset by strength training—even in very old age (Fiatarone et al.
1990; Evans 1999). As long as your joints are not deformed and permit
normal range of motion, and there is no contraindication for strength
training, you can benefit from isometric stretches. What range of motion you
can achieve and how fast depends on the initial level of your flexibility and
strength. If your muscles are long enough for splits (you can check it with
tests shown earlier in this chapter), you might be able to make them strong
enough to support you in a split—even though gains in absolute terms may
come more slowly than in the case of young people.

Coordination and flexibility depend on your emotions too, because of the

connection between the cerebellum and the areas of the brain responsible
for emotions. Try juggling, balancing, or stretching when you are upset!

The opening caution you read is worth repeating: Mental rigidity—the

inability to abandon fixed ideas, a sign of low intelligence—is usually
accompanied by a low level of physical flexibility—perhaps due to the
connection between flexibility and coordination (Matveyev [Matveev]
1981), and coordination is considered a motor expression of intellect
(Wazny 1981a).


The following factors are listed in order of their importance in improving

The greatest and fastest gains are made by resetting the nervous control
of muscle tension and length.
Special strength exercises can stimulate the muscle fibers to grow
longer and elongate the fibrous connective tissue associated with the
Stretching the ligaments and joint capsules and ultimately reshaping
joint surfaces takes years and brings about the smallest amount of
improvement (Matveyev [Matveev] 1981).

9. Questions and Answers on
These are typical questions from readers of this book. Among them may be
just the type that you want to ask. Study the answers, and perhaps you will
be able to apply them to your situation.

Does This Method Really Work? And How?

People who don't believe what they see ask the variations of the question
“Is it truly possible . . . ?” because, I guess, they were not exposed to
rational sports training.

Question: Is it truly possible to produce a permanent, instantly accessible

flexibility that requires no warm-up or any other preparation?

Answer: Yes. Otherwise what is the point of practicing martial arts

techniques such as high kicks if they require a warm-up? I personally know
many athletes who can display much greater flexibility without a warm-up
than what I show in this book. Of course, I can do everything that you see in
this book also without a warm-up. If your coach or instructor cannot teach
you how to have such flexibility, then it tells you something about his or her
knowledge of human physiology and of the methodology of sports training.

Question: How long it takes to do full front and side splits using your

Answer: It depends on your strength and initial flexibility. Some people

reach splits within a month while others need several months.

Question: Why does the body have a natural tendency to prevent one from
doing a split? I know that I have the ability to do a split because when I do
side lunges (one leg extended and one leg pulled in, supporting my body) I
can do a “half-split.” That is, I can fully abduct (extend to the side) one leg
till my pelvis hits the floor—but with my other leg pulled in underneath me.
I can do this with both legs but not at the same time. Why does the nervous

system have to be trained to allow for fully abducting both legs at the same

Answer: To find out more about the nervous system read about the reflexes
in neurology textbooks or read chapter 8 of this book.

Apart from your nervous system not being used to spreading both legs at the
same time, your adductors may be weak. Weak adductors tense harder and
stop your legs' sidewise movement earlier than strong adductors when
sliding your legs apart in a straddle stance. The wider the angle between
your legs, the less efficient is your adductors' leverage, and the harder they
tense to keep the legs from sliding apart.

Question: I wonder about the results of your method in people past thirty
years of age. I started taekwondo in my late 30s and currently I am 42 years
old. I would like to know if it is possible for me to do the splits without
injuring myself.

Answer: As long as your muscles are responsive to strength training (you

feel they are getting stronger), they are also responsive to stretching. We
have plenty of testimonials from people past their 30s saying and showing
that they just achieved a full side split.

Question: Most of the stretches you show are practiced daily at my martial
arts school. In fact most of them were taught to us in high school. Also,
isometrics or dynamic tension is nothing new to this country. So why should
your results be better?

Answer: It is not exercises alone that make my method effective. It is the

way of arranging them in the proper sequence during a workout, during a
day, and during a weekly cycle of workouts. Doing the same exercises in the
wrong order reduces their effectiveness. I explain how various
coordination, speed, strength, endurance, and flexibility exercises influence
each other. Some exercises should follow each other and some should not.

Question: I practice karate and my teacher can lift a leg and hold it steady
above his shoulder. Will your static active stretches let me achieve this type
of strength so I can kick higher and with more power?

Answer: Yes and no. Static active flexibility exercises will help to develop
your ability to lift and hold the leg but not to make your kicks more

powerful. Specific strength for a kicker is the strength that lets you pack a
wallop in a kick, not to hold a leg up! Specific strength for kicking is
developed by kicking a heavy bag, kicking into layers of sponge, kicking
with bungee cords attached to legs, and other dynamic exercises similar to
kicking. Strength, just like flexibility, is specific to the speed of movement,
its angle, and range of motion (McArdle, Katch, and Katch 1996).

Question: Do you have a schedule of what, when, and in which order

stretches are done to achieve a full split? I have Stretching Scientifically
but I think a specific routine would be better.

Answer: While the book does not give specific (specific for whom and
when?) routines, it explains the principles of selecting and sequencing
exercises so readers who studied chapters 2 and 7 know when to do what
type of stretches depending on their needs and limitations.

Question: How do you get on those chairs?

Answer: One way is to stand on them when they are close to each other and
then spread your legs with the chairs. Another way is to place the chairs so
they are as far apart as your feet in a split and then do a handstand between
them, lower your legs onto the chairs and push off the floor with your hands
to assume the final position. When trying to learn this skill, you should start
by using two books or small blocks of wood.

Question: How often should suspended splits be tried, and how do you
maintain your strength and flexibility once you have achieved a suspended

Answer: Every time you can lift yourself off the floor while sitting in a split
you are proving that you have enough strength to do a suspended split. I do
not see any reason for most athletes ever to try an actual suspended split. I
did it to catch your attention, but as far as strengthening legs goes there are
many better and safer exercises.

Question: I have purchased [Stretching Scientifically] and your video

Secrets of Stretching. While my side splits have improved, my front splits
are still lacking. In my style of Chinese martial arts, we must be able to drop
into front and side splits. I can slowly lower into a full side split, but if I try
to drop into one I can only come within one foot of the floor. As for my front
splits, I am stuck at less than six inches from the floor. What can I do to

remedy this?

Answer: One of the ways of training for the ability to drop into splits is
developing such strength as to be able to slide up from a split to a standing
position. You already know the exercises you need for this purpose and the
method of using them because they are shown on the video Secrets of

Question: Are the side split and the front split independent or dependent? I
mean that if I can't do a side split, I can't do a front split and vice versa. Can
I do an isometric stretch for a side split only without developing my front
split ability?

Answer: Flexibility is joint- and muscle-specific. One can be able to do a

flat side split without being able to do a flat front split and vice versa. If
your hip joints have normal mobility, then you can achieve sitting flat in both
splits but only if you work on both of them. Isometric stretching for one of
the splits will help somewhat with the other. There is some transfer of the
training effect between the two splits because some muscles are stretched
by both of them—but not to the same degree.

Body Alignment for Hip Stretches

Question: What is the difference between suspended side splits with toes
pointing forward and with toes pointing upward?

Answer: The split with toes pointing forward stresses mainly the thigh
adductors and requires less outside rotation of the hip joint than the split
with toes pointing upward. The suspended split with toes pointing upward
stresses your hamstrings in addition to thigh adductors and, for maintaining
balance, requires greater outward rotation of the hip joint than the split with
toes pointing forward.

Question: My goal is to do a complete side split with the toes pointing

upward. Can I do isometric stretches with my heels on the floor and my toes
pointing upward? Will this strengthen the correct muscles or will it throw
my hips out of alignment for splits?

Answer: The safe isometric stretch for the side split with the toes pointing
upward is shown in subchapter “Stretches leading to the side split” of

chapter 5, “Isometric Stretching.”

Turning your toes up while sliding down into a side split without holding on
to some firm support is asking for a muscle tear or worse (a joint capsule
tear or a ligament sprain) because of having no control over the sliding legs
and the precarious balance. (See the section on “Injuries and Stretching”
later in this chapter for descriptions of outcomes with such a stretch.) The
most vulnerable muscle seems to be the adductor magnus because in the
toes-up position, abduction is combined with the external rotation of the
thigh so the adductor magnus is stretched more than in the normal side split
with soles of the feet on the ground.

Question: I have read Stretching Scientifically and find it helpful. I cannot

do the side splits, however. I am beyond the starting position you show in
your book, but not at a side split. I am not clear on the position of the feet.
When going into a side split, should the soles of my feet remain planted on
the ground, or should I allow the inner sides of my feet to be on the ground,
which would result in the soles of my feet not being planted on the ground?
When I allow the inner sides of my feet to be on the ground, my legs tend to
bend at the knees, causing pain. How important is the position of the feet in
the straddle position?

Answer: The position of your feet in the straddle stance (or the horse-riding
stance) is important for reasons explained in subchapter “Stretches leading
to the side split” of chapter 5, “Isometric Stretching.” Plant your feet as
shown on the first two photos in that subchapter, as long as you are in the
horse-riding stance—however wide. When you spread your legs so wide
that you are no longer in even the widest horse-riding stance, then your feet
will turn and your weight will be supported by the insides of your lower
legs and feet. When you are so low in the split that your weight is supported
by the insides of your lower legs your knees should not hurt.

Question: In one of my Kung-Fu training sessions, I was told by a fellow

student that practicing leg raises in the morning was good for flexibility. I
tried it out only to find that I had pain in my knees and hips from trying it.
After reading your book, I discovered that my hips were in the wrong place
and I was keeping my leg too straight. Not surprisingly, the pain went away
and I've started to make progress. My problem now is that when I'm in the
wide horse-riding stance, I get pain in my knees. Could it be that I'm making
a similar mistake and causing the pain?

Answer: Knee pain in the horse-riding stance may be caused by a wrong
position of the feet (not pointing forward) and by doing too much too soon
(stance too deep, standing too long). In the correct horse-riding stance you
cannot have your legs straight.

Question: When I stand in kiba dachi (the horse-riding stance) and try to go
lower I get a pain in my lower back and the only way to relieve this is to
lean forward. Could you recommend any stretches to relieve the pain? Also
I lose the strength to pinch the floor after a couple of cycles of tensing and
spreading my legs.

When I do the side split, I can't do the split with toes pointing forward, I
have to lean my whole upper body forward. If I try to do the split with toes
pointing forward while keeping my body upright, I feel pain in the upper
outside region of the thighs.

Answer: These problems are slightly different, but the answer is the same
for both. A tendency for leaning forward when standing in a straddle stance
is normal. You lean forward because your pelvis positions itself for greater
range of hip abduction, but the weakness or inflexibility of your lower back
(or both) keeps you from keeping your upper body upright as your pelvis
tilts forward. How straight you can keep your trunk depends on the strength
of your back erectors and alignment of your legs. Even at the lowest
position in the split they should be aligned like the horse-riding stance. To
develop flexibility and strength of your thighs, hips, and lower back in the
horse-riding stance, start high and with feet only shoulder-width apart and
gradually progress lower and then wider. If you want to make faster
progress, do deep squats with weights. When doing these squats, stand with
your feet a shoulder-width apart and try to keep your toes pointing forward.

Feeling pain in the outside of the hip joint results from not tilting the pelvis
during abduction (sideways movement) of the thighs. Not having enough
strength of the inner thighs for tensing them while standing firmly in the
straddle stance (“pinching the floor”) can be remedied by squats and
exercises that specifically target inner thighs, such as the adductor flys and
adductor pulldowns shown on the video Secrets of Stretching.

Question: I seem to be very tight in the hips so when I keep my back

straight and tilt my pelvic forward I can't get as close to the floor as I can
when I lean forward onto a small chair. Is this OK?

Answer: It is OK but it is better to develop the ability to stand in the proper
horse-riding stance as the strength and flexibility of the thighs, hips, and
spine comes in handy in other exercises. Also, when you lean on a chair in
your isometric stretches you take the load off the thighs so you do not
strengthen them as much as when they carry your whole weight.

Question: In my martial arts classes I have students who have started a

little late in life (28-50). The majority of the adult students have moderate to
severe hip pain or discomfort during kicking drills and stretching exercises.
Please note that some of these students have been with me for two years and
longer, and they still have pain with only a moderate increase in flexibility.
Is there anything that we can do with them or show them so as to alleviate
this pain and discomfort? Should they be taking anything—for example,
shark cartilage or some other joint building supplement? And will they ever
get over this hurdle?

Answer: They should learn the proper alignment of the hips for static and
dynamic side stretches. See the second form of leg raise to the side in
chapter 3, “Dynamic Stretching” and static stretches in subchapter
“Stretches leading to the side split” of chapter 5, “Isometric Stretching.”

Question: Although I come within one foot of a full side split, my range of
motion in dynamic stretches (when I swing my leg out to the side) is much
worse. Why is this?

Answer: Make sure that you let your pelvis tilt forward (or move buttocks
to the rear) when you raise your leg to the side. This action permits raising
your leg higher—just as tilting your pelvis forward helps in the side split.

Many people experience quite a bit of discomfort, even pain, in attempting

this dynamic stretch. They can only raise each leg to about 45 degrees (and
it hurts them when they do that).

Their problem? They try to keep their leg straight, and to raise it straight
sideways while attempting to keep their whole body straight too. This is
typically the cause of difficulties and hip pain among beginners attempting
this leg raise.

To dramatically increase the height of the leg raise to the side, you need to
tilt your pelvis forward as you raise your leg sideways. The alignment of
hip, thigh, lower leg, and foot in a raising side kick should be the same as

shown in a side view of the horse-riding stance (see subchapter “Stretches
leading to the side split” of chapter 5, “Isometric Stretching”). To learn its
proper form do this: Stand with your feet together, extend your right arm to
the side, hand at your hip level, palm down. Slightly bend your right leg in
the hip and knee joints. Form your foot correctly (knife foot, sokuto in
karate, balnal in taekwondo) for the side kick (big toe up, rest of toes down,
edge of foot horizontal and tensed). Raise the right leg such that you kick
your palm with the side of your foot. Start from hip level, and gradually
increase the height of leg raises. Make sure that you lean forward and your
knee is slightly bent, and that it raises ahead of your foot. Kicking your palm
forces you to align your trunk, pelvis, and thigh just right for the greatest
range of motion in your hip joints. Note especially the amount and direction
of the forward lean in the drawings below.

Leg raise to the side

Another purpose of kicking your palm is to keep this dynamic stretch from
turning into a ballistic, uncontrolled stretch and to prevent overstretching.

Question: I am into my second week of doing the early morning stretch, i.e.,
the leg swings. The only problem is that when I swing my leg to the side

(and sometimes the front) my back clicks in about the center of my spine. I
do not click when I bend my knee when I bring my leg back down. Will I get
the same stretch if I bend my knee when bringing my leg down from the

Answer: Yes. I would suggest checking the strength of your back muscles to
see if their weakness relative to the psoas causes the clicking.

[Two weeks later the same reader wrote: By the way my back is better. For
the side swings I don't think I was leaning forward or twisting my upper
body in the direction of the swing enough. Doing that seems to have done the

Question: I find that any extended use of lateral movement in the hips, such
as for the side kick or the roundhouse kick, causes a dull ache in my hips.
This is even true when I try to do morning dynamic stretches. It seems my
hips interfere more than my muscles. They seem to pop a lot too, when
doing the morning dynamic stretch. Do I have any hope to work through this
to achieve flexibility for taekwondo kicking? Is there some way to help my
hip strength and mobility?

Answer: Make sure that you align your thighs, hips, and trunk as shown in
the picture above (Leg raise to the side) and on the video Power High Kicks
with No Warm-Up! for side and roundhouse kicks. If your hips ache even
though you do these movements as shown in this book and on the video, then
see an orthopedic surgeon.

Question: When I try to raise my leg to the side my foot turns outward. Is
this due to the tightness of the muscles in the leg and hip? How do I get over

Answer: Turning of the foot outward during leg raises to the side may be
caused by tightness of the muscles that rotate your thigh outward (external
rotators of the hip). Try to increase your hips' internal rotation by stretching
your external hip rotators. See the stretches at ends of subchapters
“Stretches leading to the side split” in chapter 5, “Isometric Stretching” and
in chapter 6, “Relaxed Stretching.”

Question: What is the difference between leg raises or front splits with the
front leg straight and bent at the knee?

Answer: The angle between the thighs in a front split and in front raise
(kick) is greater, or it is easier to increase it, when the front leg is bent at the
knee because your hamstring is relaxed then. Exercise with your front leg
straight to better stretch the hamstring.

Hamstrings originate above the hip joint and attach below the knee joint.
Bending your knee relieves the tension of the hamstring and thus permits a
greater range of flexion in the hip joint. In a full front split, your pelvis is
always tilted to the front in relation to the front thigh no matter what you do
with your knees. Tilting of the pelvis is necessary for relaxing the
iliofemoral ligament of the hip joint of the rear thigh. You can achieve a
greater amount of forward tilt when the knee of the front leg is bent because
then the hamstring of your front leg is more relaxed.

Question: I can do a front split but when I attempt a side split I get a certain
amount of inches off the ground and when I try to slide further into a deeper
position I can't because my hips won't let me and the next workout session
the outside of my hips are sore and tight. How can I increase the flexibility
of my hips so that I may complete the side split?

Answer: Your problem is addressed in subchapter “Stretches leading to the

side split” of chapter 5, “Isometric Stretching” and in subchapter “Tests of
flexibility potential” of chapter 8, “All The Whys of Stretching.” If you can
align the hips and thighs as shown on the Test of Flexibility Potential then
all you need to do is to rest until your hips are not sore anymore and then
practice your stretches starting from the 3-steps horse-riding stance (see
photo below). If you cannot perform the test or assume the 3-steps horse-
riding stance then perhaps the structure of your hip joints (the length and
angulation of the neck of your thigh) does not allow sufficient mobility for
side split. In that case you better stop trying before you injure your hips.

3-steps horse-riding stance

Question: I practice hamstring stretches lying on my back, but I am a bit

confused as to whether it is a good idea to flatten the back or to maintain the
curve in the lower back. Can you shed some light on this?

Answer: In such a stretch keeping your back straight or maintaining normal

lumbar lordosis stretches mainly the hamstrings. Arching your back (the
opposite of lumbar lordosis) will put considerable stretch on the back

Dynamic Stretches and Morning Stretch

Question: When you describe “leg raises,” you refer to a slow, controlled
lifting of the leg, not a quick swinging action, correct?

Answer: Controlled, yes, but not very slow. See the beginning of chapter 3,
“Dynamic Stretching.”

Question: I am 39 years old and I am a relatively new student of taekwondo

(4 months). I have been using your book Stretching Scientifically with much
success. My concern is with my leg raises to the side (dynamic stretches). I
am unable to kick my hand, as it seems that my legs are too long (or my arm
too short) to do this on the side. I can do so with the front stretches, but
when I try with the side I usually only reach my calf at best. I have tried
holding something in my hand that “extends” my reach, but I don't always
have something available, and this feels awkward. When I have nothing, I
usually try to fix a level to attain such as a mark on the wall, to use as a

reference point. I don't seem to have any problems, but it seems that my
stretches could be moving into ballistic territory without a fixed target.

Answer: Having a stop, for example, the hand, for your leg raises or kicks,
is important only at high velocities of movement. When you do your leg
raises slow you do not need any stop.

When you do the raises fast you can try bending the knee of the raising leg
more and you can make contact with the lower part of the shin, or use a
kicking paddle instead of your hand if your legs are “too long.” The higher
you raise your leg sideways over your head, the closer you are to kicking
your hand.

Question: When I do the leg raises to the back (dynamic stretches), I feel
the stretch in the hamstring of my supporting leg, as opposed to the quad of
the leg that is being worked. Is this normal?

Answer: Yes. The “weakest link” is the first to respond in any exercise.

Question: If doing dynamic stretches every morning resets the nervous

control of muscular length, can't static stretches be done in the morning to
achieve the same effect, except for static flexibility rather than dynamic? So
then if every morning I did static stretching, I wouldn't need a warm-up to
achieve full static flexibility, would I?

Answer: Perhaps, but I do not know. The athletes who use the method of
stretching explained in the book Stretching Scientifically for a few months
can display their maximal static flexibility at any time anyway.

To find out the effect of doing a static stretch in the morning would take an
experiment that is not likely to be ever conducted. Why? Because from the
viewpoint of practice-oriented coaches not every question is worthy of

You see, doing dynamic stretches in the morning gives an observable

increase in athletes' dynamic flexibility later in the day whether or not the
athletes do any full ROM (range of motion) static stretches in their morning
or evening workouts.

But athletes who do full ROM static stretches invariably do dynamic

stretches (or fast movements throughout the full range of motion) too. So
finding out what helps them show large ROM in static stretches—whether it
is due to dynamic stretches done in the morning, or to static stretches done
in the morning, or just an effect of static stretches done during their regular
workouts—requires conducting an experiment that could interfere with their

Those who achieve full ROM through isometric stretches after a few months
of continuing training can display their full range of motion (for example, do
a split) anytime—even though initially this did require warming up. This is
much like lifting weights—for a beginner establishing a new personal
record may require carefully warming up, but with continuous training, after
a few months, the same weight may be lifted cold.

What and When

For every rule there is an exception—but you need to know the “why” of the
rule and the “why” and “how” of the exception.

Question: When do I do dynamic stretches, when strength exercises, and

when isometric stretches?

Answer: Do dynamic stretches at least twice per day, once in the morning
and once during a warm-up for your workout.

Do strength training 2-3 times per week, ending with isometric stretches.

Question: What sequence of stretches do I follow since some kicks hurt my

back (I have had back surgery)?

Answer: Eliminate stretches that hurt your back.

Question: Do I do the stretch routines after my cardio [endurance workout]

or after my weights?

Answer: After both. After a strength workout include isometric stretches in

your stretching routine. After an endurance workout do not do isometric
stretches but rather static relaxed stretches.

Question: Can I do an early morning stretch after having my breakfast?

Answer: Yes, if you can perform a sufficient number of leg raises with
adequate intensity and height without throwing up your breakfast.

Question: Can I do any kinds of stretches (relaxed, for example) after my

morning workout?

Answer: Yes, you can do relaxed static stretches after the morning workout.
It will not do any harm if you will not do any full power or maximal force
movements for a couple of hours afterward.

Question: I jog or run every morning. Will running or jogging after the early
morning stretch adversely affect my whole day's flexibility?

Answer: For the running or jogging done after the early morning stretch to
adversely affect your flexibility, you would have to considerably fatigue the
muscles of your legs.

Question: How long should you rest between sets of dynamic stretches?

Answer: What for? If you need to rest between sets of dynamic stretches
you should see a doctor!

Question: While I do not do static stretching to warm up, but rather

dynamic (by the by, this has really improved my warm-up time, thanks), I
was wondering if it is necessary after the end of a workout (especially if I
did isometric stretching) to do relaxed static stretches? Or is it safe to skip
them? Are there any real benefits to performing them?

Answer: The benefit of doing isometric and relaxed static stretching is

increased passive range of motion and a reduced amount of force needed to
hold a stretch—that is, the tension in stretched-out positions. The relaxed
stretches permit staying in maximally extended positions longer than the
isometric stretches. Doing the relaxed static stretches after isometric
stretches may augment these benefits.

If you are not interested in increasing your static flexibility, then do not do
static stretches.

Question: How many static stretches should I do in my workout?

Answer: Pick one or two isometric stretches—for example, one for

adductors and one for hamstrings—and one or two relaxed stretches for the
same muscles. Do as many sets of isometric stretches as you need to reach
your current maximum range of motion, but do not force yourself if your
muscles are tired and stale. Three to five sets per stretch should be enough.
Then, after isometric stretches, you can do relaxed stretches for one or two
minutes each.

Question: Is it safe to do six or seven sets of isometric stretches in one


Answer: It should be safe as long as you do not feel pain while exercising. I
would not be surprised, though, if you were so sore after this workout that
you would have to rest the stretched muscles for a few days. In isometric
stretches, as with most strength exercises, it is neither safe nor necessary to
exhaust the muscles.

Question: In your opinion, is it better to separate the isometric stretching of

the front and side splits (on alternate days, for example)?

Answer: Isometric stretches for both splits can be done in one workout
either in the way shown in chapter 7, “Sample Workout Plans,” or as is
shown on the video Secrets of Stretching where after a set of stretches
leading to the side split I stand in a deep lunge and tense the legs. You may
also work on one of the splits until you reach your desired ROM. It all
depends on the individual.

To make the right decision you need to pay attention to your body and not
disregard its warnings. You also need to be in good shape. Isometric
stretches require normal strength, which in the case of legs means being able
to comfortably do at least 10 squats with a barbell of a weight equal to your
body weight. Even with normal strength you need to be well rested to
attempt isometric stretches. By the way, proper strength preparation
(resulting in greater than the above described minimum strength) before
learning the techniques of kicking prevents knee problems and other joint
problems too.

Question: The mornings are the best time of the day for my karate
workouts. Can I do isometric stretches at the end of those morning karate
workouts or do I have to do isometric stretches in the evening?

Answer: It depends on your objective. If having great dynamic flexibility

without a warm-up during the day is not your objective, then you can do
isometrics in the morning. If you want to be flexible during the remainder of
the day after your morning karate workout, you can postpone isometrics as
well as other strenuous strength exercises until late afternoon or evening.
Just make sure that you warm up well. You always have to monitor your
progress; if your strength and flexibility keep improving while you do
isometrics in the morning workouts, then it is fine to do them then.

Question: I know that you have recommended many times not to do static
stretches before dynamic martial art practices. Unfortunately, most martial
arts schools that I have seen do static stretches as part of their warm-up,
mine included. For numerous reasons, I do not want to leave the school, so I
have adapted a “system” to get around this problem and would appreciate
your comments. First, I arrive at class early, and I spend about 5-10 minutes
warming up, and then I do my dynamic leg stretches. I then go out to class,
which usually starts with some running in place or around the dojang, push-
ups, sit-ups, and then some static stretching. When this part comes, I simply
get into the positions, but I don't really push the stretch at all. Sometimes I
will feel a very minor stretch in some of the positions, but that is all. Is this
an effective way to get around the stretching issue, or are there problems
even with this “light” stretching?

Answer: Yes, it is an effective way of dealing with an ignorant instructor.

Just standing in a position and pretending to stretch will do you no harm. It
is not what the thing is called—for instance, a static stretch—but what it
does that matters. If you stretch not at all or very little, then you will not
weaken your muscles.

Be very cautious when you actually stretch statically at the end of the
workout, or any time you assume a “stretching” position, because some
morons have been known to approach a stretching athlete and push him or
her into a greater stretch.

Question: Do static stretches have to be part of a workout, or can I do them

by themselves?

Answer: It is better to do them at the end of the workout when your muscles
are well warmed up. This applies particularly to isometric stretches. You
can do relaxed stretches by themselves, when you have already cooled
down from a workout, but do them slowly so you do not hurt unprepared

muscles. Such stretching will be more difficult and less effective than
stretching when you are warmed up.

Question: Since reading your book and viewing the video Secrets of
Stretching, I have decided to redo my workout routines. Even though I want
to develop a workout that will improve my karate skills and flexibility, I
also want to maintain and even improve my muscle mass in my upper body.

Here is what I have come up with:

Days 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6: Dynamic Stretching A.M. & P.M.

Day 1 & 6: Technical/Speed (techniques & kicking drills,


Day 2 & 5: Strength. I have listed the exercises in the order I do them.
[The list of resistance exercises shows isolation exercises before complex
movements (leg extensions and leg curls before squats and deadlifts),
exercises for stabilizing muscles before the prime movers (deadlifts before
hip adductors and hip flexor exercises, abdomen exercises before back

Day 3: Aerobics (jump rope, running/sprints, relaxed stretching)

Day 4: Off

What do you think?

Answer: Both the video Secrets of Stretching and the book Stretching
Scientifically (chapter 5, “Isometric Stretching”) explain how to schedule
workouts, but you managed to miss it. Your Technical or Speed workout
must precede your Strength or Endurance workout, a Strength workout must
precede any Endurance workout, which is followed by a day of complete
rest or active rest (easy, fun activity). Do not do a Technical or Speed
workout on the day immediately following either an exhausting Strength or
an exhausting Endurance workout, and do not do a Strength workout before
fully recovering after an exhausting Endurance workout because such
sequences of efforts lead to overtraining.

In single workouts do not work on endurance before any other ability with
the exception of static passive flexibility, which is developed by relaxed

stretches. Study Science of Sports Training for an in-depth explanation of
why the same exercises give different results depending on their sequence in
a workout and in the weekly sequence of workouts.

Regarding your strength exercises, I suggest that, instead of leg curls and
extensions, you do more squats and deadlifts since they are better for your
knees. By doing the deadlifts before adductor exercises, and abdomen
crunches before back extensions, you break the rule of never fatiguing the
stabilizers—in this instance, your back, which stabilizes your legs, or
abdomen muscles, which stabilize your back—before the prime movers.

Question: The best time for me to do my isometric stretches and

strengthening exercises is late at night, around 23:30 or midnight. Will this
have any effect on my flexibility gains or does it matter?

Answer: Late night is not the best time for working out but if the exercise
does not interfere with your sleeping well, then perhaps it is fine for you.

The importance of getting enough of high quality sleep for making progress
is explained in the new edition of Science of Sports Training. In that book
you will also find information on the best times during the day for
developing different abilities and skills.

Generally it is better to have a few hours between the end of the workout
and going to bed to “walk off” the fatigue, tension, and excitement of the
workout. You may want to try doing your strengthening and stretching
exercises in several short sessions, each dedicated to one body part, during
the day rather than in one long session late at night. For example, squats and
isometric stretches in the first session, deadlifts and relaxed stretches in the
second session, or deadlifts alone in the second session, and relaxed
stretches in the third, final session.

Stretching in Workouts for Various Sports

Athletes who ask me what stretches they should do astound me. Don't they
practice their sport and know their moves? Don't they feel which of their
movements are restricted by tight muscles? A typical question goes: I have
your book Stretching Scientifically; however, I was hoping for something
geared solely for a ___ [name of any sport here]. Do you have anything on
stretching that is designed for ___? My answer: Stretching Scientifically

shows stretches for most muscle groups and so anyone can find in it
stretches to suit any sport or individual need. Nevertheless, readers keep
asking, so here are some specifics.

Question: Is it recommendable to do relaxed (static passive) stretches

during a bodybuilding workout, e.g., stretching the pectoralis muscles
between two sets of bench presses?

Answer: It depends on the amount of resistance in your lifts and on how

strenuously you stretch. The greater the resistance the more dangerous it is
to do strenuous static stretches between sets. Maximal force production is
impaired for several minutes after strenuous static stretching. Your own
lifting experience should tell you that. Research confirms it too (Kokkonen
et al. 1998).

Maximal force production in purely concentric (from a standstill) bench

press, one of the events of powerlifting, is positively related to the stiffness
of prime movers (Wilson et al. 1994), so flexibility training could affect it

Question: I lift weights and have boxing practice in a day. Which one—
lifting or boxing—should I use dynamic and isometric stretches before and

Answer: Dynamic stretches in warm-ups for either workout, isometric

stretches after lifting. Boxing practice as a rule (with very few exceptions)
should precede lifting, and the reasons why are explained in the second
edition of Science of Sports Training.

Question: I want to know if your methods will help increase my flexibility

in regard to dance (ballet and jazz). For example, most technical dance
kicks require an upright posture with a turned out straight leg from the hip
with the pelvis tilted forward. Would following your method be appropriate
for the kind of body alignments I need to achieve or would they work
against my goals?

Answer: The method of stretching described in Stretching Scientifically

affects primarily the neural control of muscles and, in the case of isometric
stretching, also strengthens muscles in extended positions. It works
regardless of the form of your movements as long as the movements
themselves are not injurious.

Question: I have been using your stretching techniques for years (off and on
since 1989) and have had good results with them. What I am now interested
in is stretching methods specifically to enhance the golf swing, i.e., to
improve the shoulder turn and increase speed and strength throughout the

Answer: During your golf swing practice you feel which muscle groups
limit your mobility and in which positions. Find in this book the stretches
that give you a similar feeling, or using the principles of stretching you
know from the book, design stretches to suit your need.

Question: Would doing all stretches for all the body parts be too much
flexibility training for karate?

Answer: I think it would be too much for any sport and for anybody's

Question: How should I introduce this method into my martial arts


Answer: Do dynamic stretches at the beginning of your workout, after the

aerobic part of the warm-up. Then do your techniques or sparring. At the
end of the workout, do your strength or conditioning exercises, then do
isometric stretches and follow them with relaxed stretches. If you do your
strength exercises in a separate workout, then do dynamic stretches in the
warm-up, and isometric stretches at the end of that workout. Do relaxed
stretches in the cool-down of any workout, either after isometric stretches or
instead of them. I do not recommend doing isometric stretches every day.
Two to four times per week, depending on the reaction of your muscles, is

Question: I do martial arts and, two to three times a week, after each gym
workout with weights, I run for cardiovascular conditioning. This being the
case, when should I incorporate isometric, and relaxed stretches, after
lifting and before running, or at the end after both? (This first session I did, I
stretched after the run, as my final exercise, and did not seem to experience
anything untoward.) I've always thought stretching is to be done at the very
end, to return muscles to their original relaxed length after training.

Answer: First, an endurance run (even only 20 minutes long) after a strength
training workout, reduces gains in strength. This is because of the

conflicting demands that strength work and aerobic endurance work put on
the body in general and on the muscle fibers in particular. This issue is
explained in several standard texts on exercise physiology. This conflict is
most pronounced if you use very heavy resistance, such as when attempting
to increase maximal strength, and less pronounced when you are using
moderate resistance in a high number of reps, such as when working on
muscular endurance.

Usually athletes do their strength workouts on different days than aerobic

endurance workouts, with a period of rest between these workouts such that
fatigue from one kind of work does not impair the ability to perform the
other. The preferred arrangement is with aerobic endurance done right after
the technical or speed workout and maximal strength work done in a
separate workout on a different day—but it all depends on the current
priorities and on your speed of recovery, which depends on how much you
run and lift. Dedicating a separate workout to strength is usually done when
developing maximal strength is the priority. In this event, work on the
aerobic endurance is reduced so fatigue from it does not interfere with
strength workouts and the strength workout is the first or second (after
technique) in the weekly schedule.

All this notwithstanding, if your schedule works for you, then stick to it—as
long as you are satisfied with your progress.

Second, isometric stretches are strength exercises so they may lose some
effectiveness (as far as increasing strength in the stretched positions) if done
after an endurance run. I think it is best to do them at the end of a strength
workout, after other strength exercises. If you want to do isometric stretches
together with your running, then it may be better to do them before the run,
and relaxed stretches after the run.

Question: What stretches do you recommend doing before and after


Answer: Before long-distance running you can forgo stretching and then do
all your stretches after running. For middle distances and sprints I suggest
the following warm-up and stretches: light jogging plus arm circles and arm
swings, light jogging plus kick heels to buttocks, march with heel to toe
raises, leg raises to the front, leg raises to the back, leg swings front to back
while standing on one leg. After the run do either isometric or relaxed
stretches—one for the calves, then one for the hamstrings, and one for hip

flexors. If you are not very fatigued after your run, you can also do dynamic
stretches for legs before the relaxed stretches.

If some of your muscles are so tight before any run that you think you need to
stretch them just to run well—then I think you should see a doctor and not be

Question: Are you aware of any long-term adverse effects of running or

strength training on flexibility?

Answer: No, running or strength training have no adverse effect on

flexibility provided you train rationally, do exercises in the correct
sequence, and provide adequate rest to your body.

Question: I skate. What stretches would you suggest for in-line skating?

Answer: Before putting the skates on do leg raises to the front, back, and
sides. With the skates on get a hold on some support (a bench or rail), and
do squats and deep lunges to stretch the muscles that limit your range of
motion. Gradually increase range of motion by either extending legs further
back or lowering hips more. After skating do either isometric or relaxed
stretches—one for the hip flexors that also stretches the shins (see Front of
the thigh stretches in chapter 5 and in chapter 6), then one for your
hamstrings, and finally one for your inner thigh muscles.

Question: How should skiers warm-up and stretch?

Answer: Stretches for cross-country skiers: First warm-up with walking

and then running with some side-to-side agility movements to warm up
ankles and knees. Then do dynamic stretches such as leg raises before
putting the skis on. After putting the skis on, do turns and twists in one spot,
and then get into a deep lunge position and switch legs sliding them back
and forth. Do not get tired doing this before the run. After the run you can do
it until your legs are tired.

Stretches for downhill skiers: First warm-up with walking and then running
with some agility movements (side to side hops or jumps). Then do dynamic
stretches such as leg raises before putting the boots on, then with boots and
skis on do turns and twists in one spot. After skiing, while still on the skis,
go down on a very gentle slope spreading legs wide and then bringing them
together several times, which is similar to isometric stretches.

Question: What would be proper warm-up and stretches for swimmers?

Answer: Warm-up and stretches for swimmers: arm circles and swings first
out of water then in the water (so a part of the movement is done against
resistance). After swimming: take a towel or a rope or a stick and do
isometric or relaxed stretches for the arms. Then do isometric or relaxed
stretches—one for hip flexors and quads, then one for hamstrings or one for
both lower back and hamstrings, and one abdomen and hip flexors stretch.

Question: Would doing weightlifting and all kinds of stretches in a workout

be too much for one's muscles?

Answer: This depends on the person and the selection of exercises

(including stretches). If you do not feel sore after such workouts then they
are probably okay.

Flexibility and Other Athletic Abilities

Question: Sometimes when I try to do isometric stretching to my maximum
reach, my leg starts to shake. Do you have any idea why that might happen?

Answer: Perhaps the shaking is caused by impaired inter- and intramuscular

coordination due to fatigue. If so, then it might be remedied by improved
muscular strength or muscular endurance.

Question: How many times per week should one do isometric stretches? Is
it the same as with lifting weights, in which case each body part is
exercised 2 or 3 times per week?

Answer: Both isometrics and lifting weights are strength exercises. They
both should be done during the same workout (strength workout). More
information on this and on related subjects is in the book Science of Sports

Question: I am the only person at my club who lifts weights, so your

methods are really convenient for me, but can the others expect to attain
maximum flexibility without entering the gym?

Answer: Strength training is necessary for martial arts and it helps with
developing flexibility but it does not have to be done with iron weights.

Bodyweight exercises and exercises with a partner—for example, during
and at the end of a typical martial arts workout—can be done instead of
standard exercises with weights.

Question: I want to increase my vertical jump and maximize my flexibility.

My coaches tell me I have to stretch my hamstrings, calf muscles and
Achilles tendon to reach peak jumping ability. Is it true?

Answer: I do not think that improved flexibility of the legs will be of any
help in jumping up if you have normal range of motion in the hips, knees,
and ankles.

If you want to know how to combine exercises developing strength, jumping

ability, flexibility, and other abilities in your workouts for optimum results,
read Explosive Power and Jumping Ability for All Sports.

Question: Do you believe that larger muscles make you less flexible than
smaller ones?

Answer: If you define flexibility as a passive range of extension (how far

can you extend your joints passively), then no—larger muscles do not make
you less flexible. If you define flexibility as a passive range of flexion (how
much can you flex your joints passively), then yes—larger muscles can
make you less flexible than smaller ones.

Question: Can relaxed stretching exercises prevent muscles from becoming

bulky or big?

Answer: No.

Question: How do my isometric stretches change once I am able to lift

myself up from the floor while in a split?

Answer: If you want to further increase the strength of your hamstrings and
adductors, you can try to increase their tension by holding weights in your
hands, or put a weighted belt on, or press or pull against some immovable

Question: To increase resistance and thus the tension of my muscles in a

split, I hold a long stick and press it against the ceiling while trying to lift
myself from the split. What do you think about such a way of increasing


Answer: Your idea of using a long stick that touches the ceiling to add
resistance has an advantage over my method of holding weights—it allows
you to apply resistance at precise angles and in moments that you choose. It
also seems safer than holding weights because you can apply tension
gradually and release it faster than you can throw down the dumbbells. The
drawback, comparing the use of the stick to dumbbells, is that you do not
know precisely how much resistance you apply.

Question: You say that in an attempt to develop exceptional strength and

flexibility one should combine isometric stretches with dynamic strength
exercises such as lifting weights. If lifting weights, what exercises do you

Answer: Squats, lunges, step-ups, deadlifts, good mornings.

Question: I would like to know how you feel about free weights for
someone who plays tennis and is studying aikido [or trains for any two or
more sports]. Do you recommend using free weights as a supplementary
form of exercise for these athletic endeavors, or do you feel that doing all
three forms of stretching is sufficient? If you do believe in using free
weights, what routine would you recommend for the above sports?

Answer: Resistance exercises are necessary in sports training, even if the

particular sport seems to require little strength, as a means of injury
prevention and of preparing the body for intensive technical workouts. No
stretches can replace free weights as a means of graduated resistance
training. I cannot give you any “routine” for use of free weights because the
choice of exercises depends on too many constantly changing factors for any
routine to be useful and I cannot teach you the methodology of sports
training in a few sentences. Instead, I recommend the video Secrets of
Stretching, which covers the principles of general athletic conditioning,
strength, and flexibility training, or the book Science of Sports Training.

Question: Yesterday I did a workout with a lot of kicking and today my

hamstrings are sore. Is this due to my muscles not being strong enough? Or
not flexible enough? What should I do to stop my hamstrings from getting
sore? They do not get sore after lifting weights—only after kicking.

Answer: Muscle soreness is a sign that the structural strength of muscles is

not comfortably above the demand put on these muscles. Kick less and lift
more. Make sure that you move through the full range of motion and
gradually add more weight in such exercises as squats, good mornings, and
stiff-legged deadlifts. Increase the number of kicks in your workouts

Question: Why do you advise doing long sets of exercises with low
resistance as a preparation for low-repetition and high-resistance strength
exercises and isometric stretches?

Answer: My recommendations increase the structural strength of the

muscles so they are less likely to be excessively damaged by strenuous
exercises. (Excessive muscle damage announces itself as delayed-onset
muscle soreness, or a muscle strain, even a complete muscle rupture.) The
structural strength of a muscle is determined by the strength and cross-
sectional area of the slow-twitch muscle fibers and by the strength of the
connective tissue within the muscle. Slow-twitch muscle fibers have
relatively greater structural strength than fast-twitch fibers, especially the
fast-twitch fibers with low oxidative capacities (Fridén and Lieber 1992;
Lieber and Fridén 2000). It takes more force to stretch, and ultimately to
rupture, the slow-twitch fibers than the fast-twitch fibers. This is because
the slow-twitch fibers are smaller than the fast-twitch fibers and have a
greater ratio of cellular scaffolding to the contractile elements (which are
built of long, thin proteins that are easy to tear).

Endurance training, that is, doing many repetitions per set against low
resistance, increases the structural strength of slow-twitch muscle fibers
(Gleim and McHugh 1997). Such training also increases the structural
strength of the connective tissue within the muscle, probably through the
anabolic action of hormones that are delivered to the muscle with the
increased blood flow (Tipton et al. 1975). The connective tissue damage is
considered another one of the causes of delayed-onset muscle soreness
(McArdle, Katch, and Katch 1996).

Question: Don't you reduce the flexibility of your legs when you do kicking
endurance training for your legs?

Answer: Not if you maintain your flexibility with an increased amount of

stretching—as much as it takes to reach your normal range of motion in the
cool-down stretches after the workout and next day in the dynamic stretches

of the morning stretch.

Question: I know you recommend deep and heavy squats for leg strength. I
train at home and don't have a spotter; nor do I have time to go to a gym. I'm
a kickboxer and would like to improve my leg strength for use in my sport,
and I was wondering what alternative to very heavy squats I might use,
seeing as how it's not feasible to squat heavy without a spotter. Are there
other exercises I could do that would produce a similar level of leg

Answer: Squats and deadlifts are the easiest lifts to self-spot. If you need a
spotter for a squat, then you are lifting too much—especially in that you are
a kickboxer and not a powerlifter. A person who trains progressing
gradually can self-spot squats with the help of a rack or, in emergency, can
easily dump the bar weighing more than one's body weight.

Question: I don't have any weights to do squats or deadlifts. Can I

substitute doing a high number of repetitions of weight-free squats (3 sets of
100 repetitions)?

Answer: Weight-free squats may strengthen your whole body, but mainly
your thighs. The weight-free squats will have little effect on the muscles of
your lower back which are best strengthened with deadlift-like movements
against considerable resistance.

Question: When one does dynamic strength exercises for the groin and
hamstrings in preparation for isometric stretches, is it better (or necessary)
to do the exercises using the full range of motion? For example, regular
hamstring curls use a very limited range of motion, whereas stiff-legged
deadlifts work the muscle in a stretched position.

Answer: Generally, yes, do the strength exercises in the full range of

motion. You may consider doing heavy deadlifts after all your isometric
stretches for hips. Isometric stretches leading to the side split and the front
split involve strong tensions of psoas muscles that attach to the front of the
lumbar spine. Back erectors are fatigued by doing stabilizing work during
heavy deadlifts, back extensions, or “good mornings” and so may spasm
during isometric stretches for the splits.

Question: I dare not do normal squats with a barbell because my whole hip
and inner thigh areas tighten up for around ten days, despite stretching in the

morning, before and after training. If I just do hack squats I can wake up in
the morning and do a full front and side split. Doing hack squats alone
avoids targeting the inner thigh muscles (this is why I am very flexible,
without touching the inner thighs). If I don't touch any weights I drop into
splits most times of the day.

Answer: The most likely cause of this excessive soreness and tightness
after strength exercises is that you are not starting with sufficiently low
weights to match the weakness of your muscles and then you are not
progressing gradually enough so as not to overwork them. Every time you
feel tightness, you become alarmed and abandon the exercise that exposed
your weakness, and then wonder why you stay weak in that area. For the
short-time satisfaction of being able to do splits without warm-up now, you
forsake any further development of both strength and flexibility.

Question: If a lack of strength in the adductor muscles prevents doing a side

split, does this suggest that a junior high cheerleader who does splits easily
has typically stronger adductors than, for example, an Olympic decathlete
who cannot?

Answer: The lack of strength in the adductors of the thigh prevents

achieving and performing on demand a side split if you are using isometric

Yes, typically a little girl who can slide down into a split and then can raise
herself up from that split can have thigh adductors stronger (in relation to
her body weight) at the angles and extensions occurring in the split than a
decathlete who can't, even though his absolute muscular strength may be
greater. For explanation of the difference between relative muscular strength
and absolute muscular strength see Science of Sports Training.

Question: A few months ago, I began training to do the Olympic lifts

(snatch and clean and jerk). I am so stiff that I can't receive the bar correctly
in the clean. The main problem seems to be my inability to flex my hips fully
while keeping my lower back extended. This prevents me from keeping my
torso upright, and the bar falls forward off my shoulders. Two lesser but
still significant problems are getting my elbows high enough; and flexing my
ankles far enough in the low squat so as to remain balanced front to back
without leaning forward. The net effect of these problems is that I simply
can't do a correct clean. Can you suggest any exercises or warm-ups to help

with these problems?

Answer: Your problems can be remedied by doing lots of deep and wide
squats without a barbell and with a barbell in both front squat and back
squat positions. For dynamic flexibility do these squats fast with light
weights and for static flexibility do them slow but with heavier weights.

You might benefit from reading up on an analysis of the lifts. Some of the
better books on this subject are available from IronMind (

Question: I had never done much in the way of weight training before, and
late last year I suffered a shoulder injury. I was told that I was probably not
stretching my shoulders properly before and after weight training. (I was
having most problems with the incline bench press.)

Having studied Stadion's video on kicking (Power High Kicks with No

warm-Up!) I am uncertain that the stretching methods I have been shown are
the most effective. These are static stretches resisting against a wall. Your
“law of specificity” makes me wonder if there is a better way. Can you
enlighten me?

Answer: I never do any form of static stretching prior to weight lifting or

any resistance exercises. Static stretches temporarily weaken and
predispose to injury the stretched muscles. Static stretches are to be done
after and not before resistance exercises but I am not aware of any
detrimental effect of not stretching the shoulders after the resistance
exercises. After all, if the resistance exercises are done within normal range
of motion, they will not reduce it.

Your problem may have more to do with doing too much too soon, improper
form of movements, or improper balance of exercises.

Question: You don't like hanging back stretches because of possible

ligament stretching, but you recommend stiff-leg deadlifts. So, do you
recommend only bending over to a certain extent when deadlifting, i.e., the
weight lowered only to knee or midcalf?

Answer: When done correctly, the deadlift does not stretch lower back
ligaments nor even the lower back muscles. Information on how to do a
deadlift is in article “Advanced Strength Exercises for Lower Back—Your
Best Insurance against Back Pain” posted at


Question: I have been doing taekwondo for seven years now and the
stretching done in class (far too quick and not in the correct sequence that
you recommend) has never really improved my flexibility. I find that if I
skip training in any form for about a week or two I am more flexible but then
get sore later after resuming my taekwondo workout. Even when following
your guide, after a taekwondo session I am too sore and stiff (in my
hamstrings) to work out daily by your method. What is the cause of my
soreness and lack of progress in flexibility?

Answer: There are two possible causes of your lack of progress in

flexibility development:

1. The taekwondo workouts are run by a possibly good fighter but a lousy
coach. (You said that exercises are not done in the correct sequence.)

2. Your muscles are too weak for these workouts. Soreness after a workout
indicates it.

My advice is to stop attending taekwondo workouts and gradually bring

your flexibility, strength, and endurance to such a level that after a few
months you can safely return to taekwondo.

Your training has to be systematic, with gradually increasing workloads.

Follow the advice from this book or the video Secrets of Stretching.

Question: How many times a week should I do strength exercises before I

perform the isometric stretches?

Answer: The most accurate answer is: As many times as it takes to get
strong enough for the isometric stretches.

Strength training is not treated in depth in Stretching Scientifically because

it is a guide to flexibility training for athletes—people already familiar with
strength training. This book is for athletes who want to update their
knowledge of flexibility training and maximize its effectiveness. For
strength training information, see either chapter 6, “Strength,” of the book
Science of Sports Training or the book Explosive Power and Jumping
Ability for All Sports. All you need to know about strength training as it
relates to isometric stretches is in chapter 5, “Isometric Stretching.” of this


A simple rule for those new to strength training: Typically, strength

exercises for a given muscle group are done two or three times per week.
How often you should do strength exercises depends on your reaction to
them. If your muscles are sore the next day after every strength workout,
even if you make some progress, it means that you exercise too often or too
much. If you do not get muscle soreness but make poor progress, it may
mean that you should either exercise more often or increase the number of
repetitions or the resistance.

Question: You recommend using dynamic strength exercises until the

muscles are ready for isometric stretches. I do two sets of 30 repetitions for
each muscle group (groin, hamstrings) three times every two weeks. Is this
often enough? I get sore if I do the exercises any more frequently than that.
Which is better: A hard workout once a week, or a lighter workout twice a

Answer: Slow but steady is better.

Question: When I stretch out for a taekwondo class, I find that for the next
two days I am sore and stiff in groin muscles. From your book, I read that
this is a sign that those muscles are too weak. This is the case where long
sets of high reps to the point of burn are used, correct?

Answer: Perhaps they are too weak, or perhaps you do too much. Long sets
of movements at full range of motion will help if the muscles are too weak,
but not if you already do too much.

Question: Here is my general workout week. Dynamic stretch every

morning and evening. I do no isometric stretches yet as I fear that my
muscles and tendons are unprepared for them. I am anxious to begin to help
my gross inflexibility problems.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday: Weight training, kicking drills, 1-2 mile run.
Tuesday, Thursday: Taekwondo class. Saturday: Light endurance workout.
Sunday: Off

Answer: Doing weight training prior to kicking drills as well as weight

training for lower body and running on the same day are strange practices.
In your case, because you run so little, running on the same day as lifting

weights may have no adverse effect on your strength. But if you are serious
about your fighting form, why do you run so little? Proper arrangements of
workouts are explained in the book Science of Sports Training.

Question: I'm 45 and getting back into taekwondo after a 20-year layoff
(red belt then). I'm in good shape, but even 20 years ago my flexibility
wasn't that great. My goal of course is to do the side split. What do you think
of my workouts?

My workout week: morning warm-up, then 1-2 sets leg raises all three
directions, some kicking practice, 2 wall squats (lean back against wall,
lower down and hold for 60 seconds). Then relaxed static stretches in this
order: front of the thigh stretch, inner thigh or butterfly stretch (PNF and
relax on this one), lower back stretch, calf and hamstring stretch (PNF and
relax style on this also). Then I try doing a side split. Some light jogging and
I'm on my way to work as a mailman.

During breaks at work I stretch arms and shoulders, do 2 wall squats

leaning against my truck for 60 seconds each, then I do 2 sets of lower back
and hamstring stretches. I also do 2 sets of leg stretches, each about 40 sec.
After I get home, eat, and shower I do at least one set of 12 dynamic leg
raises all three directions. Twice a week I have taekwondo class (usually
Monday and Thursday), Wednesday I do Tae-Bo aerobics class. Friday,
Saturday, and Sunday are light workout days, no classes but same routine
otherwise. I don't work on Sunday and on one other day, it rotates. On my
light days I try and squeeze in what I need to know for taekwondo besides
kicking, forms, and self-defense.

Answer: I think you do too much. You work out every day of the week as if
you did not know that rest is an integral and necessary part of training. A
morning stretch should consist of dynamic stretches, perhaps one or two
relaxed stretches for some particularly inflexible muscle group, but no
isometric or PNF stretches—especially before long physical efforts.

You do too many isometric stretches for too many muscle groups—five
muscle groups just in the morning. One isometric stretch per one muscle
group, up to three muscle groups stretched per workout is plenty. Change the
stretch for a more effective one once it no longer increases range of motion.
To reach your goal of a side split, you have to do exercises that are
specifically designed for reaching it. You also have to observe your reaction
to these exercises and adjust your training accordingly.

Question: You say that bicycling is bad for flexibility of lower limbs.
Having been an avid cyclist, I believe you! And you suggest that running is a
better alternative for cardiovascular conditioning. True, compared to biking,
the range of motion is much greater, but wouldn't using your full range of
motion while running introduce a “braking” effect as your front knee would
be significantly in front of your center of gravity, in turn causing harmful
stress to the knee?

Also, what other cardiovascular activities do you think are not detrimental
to flexibility? I can't think of any that use the full range of motion of all the
body parts involved.

Answer: My answer to your first question (on the braking effect): No. To
see why, view the slow-motion run on the video Secrets of Stretching. To
have this problem a person would have to be pathologically discoordinated.

Answer to your second question: The activities do not have to use the full
range of motion of involved joints—it is enough that the muscles that cross
these joints are at or close to their resting length. So, for example, jumping
rope does not reduce the range of motion in hip joints, unlike cycling, where
most muscles that cross the hip joint work continuously while considerably
shortened. Examples of exercises, other than running and rope jumping, that
are not detrimental to flexibility are shadow boxing, running up stairs, and
cross-country skiing.

Running on skis, whether on the snow or using a Nordic Track or other ski
machine, permits full extensions in hip and knee joints, so it does not have
the same effect on flexibility as biking.

Age and Stretching

Question: I've seen your ads on learning to do splits after 50, but I'm a bit
skeptical. After all, George Dillman [who demonstrates a side split
suspended between two chairs, which he achieved at age 50] has been
doing martial arts for a long time. I've only been at it 1 year and am over 50.
How will your system overcome my lack of flexibility?

Answer: Our method of stretching depends on making your muscles stronger

in stretched out positions. It means that you can improve your flexibility as
long as you as you can increase your muscular strength. So, if you can make

progress lifting more and more weights or overcoming more resistance in
any strength exercises, you can stretch more too. To see if your bone
structure or ligaments are not going to limit your ability to do splits try our
simple Tests of Flexibility Potential shown in chapter 8, “All the Whys of

Question: I am 15 years old and I am anxious to start isometrics as I know

that isometric stretches are the quickest way to achieving splits. I have been
very inflexible most of my life and I am starting martial arts (taekwondo). I
want to know, from a physiological standpoint, why I can't do isometrics. I
haven't grown significantly in quite a while. Does this mean I'm ready for
more intense training?

Answer: Maybe you can do isometrics and maybe you cannot. It depends on
your skeleton's maturity (whether you have finished growing or not) and
your physician should be able to tell you one way or the other. My general
recommendation is that young people whose bones are still growing do not
do isometric stretches, and it's based on the advice from world-renowned
authorities (see Children and Sports Training and Science of Sports

It is recommended that fifteen- and sixteen-year-olds lift weights no heavier

than 100% of their body weight. (The rationale is given in Science of Sports
Training.) For a normal adolescent lifting 100% of his or her body weight
in common lifts such as the squat, deadlift, or bench press requires much
less than the maximal muscular contraction, but in isometric stretches
muscles are tensed up to the maximal voluntary contraction. That would
exceed the magnitude of tension that is considered safe for an immature

Because your sport requires kicking and not doing gymnastic splits, I
recommend that you concentrate on dynamic stretches as the main means of
developing flexibility and do some relaxed static stretches at the end of a
cool-down after your workouts.

Question: What should I focus on with the young students—more

strengthening, or should I still be focusing on stretching?

Answer: That depends on how young the students are. With little children
do mainly dynamic stretches. With older children you can add static relaxed
stretches, with young people past puberty you can do all kinds of stretching

as long as they are strong enough. Information on strength training for
children and youth is in the book Children and Sports Training: How Your
Future Champions Should Exercise to Be Healthy, Fit, and Happy.

Gender and Stretching

Question: I've seen your ad. How come there are no pictures of women
doing the chair (or any) splits?

Answer: Because no woman took the trouble of sending a photo of her side
split between chairs. You can be the first.

But seriously—it appears that in martial arts there are even fewer women
who undertake serious training than the small number of men who do. In
other sports, such as gymnastics, the situation is different and many women
gymnasts display such splits easily. This may have to do with the lesser
quality of the majority of instructors in martial arts as compared to
instructors of gymnastics as well as with the athletes' selection process.
Women gymnasts who are rationally trained by well-educated coaches have
no need to study my book or video and so do not send testimonials.

Question: Is it true that females are generally more flexible than males?

Answer: It is true only if comparing, for example, hip flexibility of the

sexes in the general population, but it is not true for individuals and not
necessarily true for other joints. Don't you know men who are more flexible
(in all major joints) than many women?

Females all over the world tend to have a greater range of motion in the hip
joint and in the elbow (Alter 1996). But results of studies of differences in
flexibility done in different countries may vary for other joints. For
example, a study done in the U.S.A. by R. E. Koslow (1987) shows that 17-
and 21-year-old women have greater range of motion than 17- and 21-year-
old men in the shoulder, while a study done in Italy by F. Repice et al.
(1982) shows the opposite.

From observation of gymnasts—athletes who are both selected for

flexibility and work a lot on flexibility—you can see that women gymnasts
tend to be more flexible than men of the same skill level. It has to do with
differences in the bone structure and perhaps with women gymnasts having

more compliant ligaments and usually less muscle mass around all joints
than men gymnasts.

Question: Is women's ability to kick high much better than men's?

Answer: If you refer to high martial arts' kicks—delivering hard impact

when kicking high—then, based on my observations, I would say no. If you
mean dance-like kicks, then women show greater range of motion than men.

Sounds in and around Joints

Questions (from more than one person)

1. I have been doing one of the stretching routines from the book for the past
week and have noticed a 10% increase in my flexibility. However, I have
noticed that my hips click more than they used to. It doesn't hurt but it does
click. Is this a sign that the hip joint is loosening up or do you think I am
doing something incorrect in the stretching method?

2. Sometimes when I am stretching, I hear a popping noise in my hip area.

After the noise, I seem to be able to stretch a little further. I was just
wondering what the popping noise is?

3. Just recently my hip has been popping a lot. At times I have to make it
pop in order to feel better. It also sometimes pops just by me walking. Also
my knee does the same thing. What's wrong and should I see a doctor?

4. I am very flexible and fit. However, for the past month or so I have
noticed that when I do straight leg front raises or what we call `axe kicks,'
while my foot is coming back down I will feel and hear a popping in my hip
joints. What is this from and what should I do about it?

Answer: The nature of noises in the joints is best determined by a

competent physician.

Increased flexibility (range of motion) may cause greater frequency of joint

clicking or popping, resulting from an enhanced leverage of the joint's

Painless clicking or cracking in the joints themselves is harmless, especially

if followed by the feeling of release of tension and by increased mobility. It
usually happens when a joint is pulled or bent into a greater range of motion
than usual.

There is a negative pressure in the joints. It keeps joint surfaces fitting

closely. Joint surfaces normally do not touch each other. A thin layer of
synovial fluid between joint cartilages protects them from rubbing against
each other and there is gas (of a composition similar to air) dissolved in this

The cracking sound is caused by this gas dissolving out of the synovial fluid
and forming a bubble between joint surfaces when the bones are pulled
apart far enough. After several minutes the gas redissolves into the fluid
(Alter 1996). Popping or cracking of joints is not harmful per se but may be
a sign of joint tightness caused by overly or unevenly tensed muscles—from
an improper strength training or a neurological dysfunction.

Popping or snapping outside of the joint cavity may be caused by a ligament

or a tendon catching on and then slipping over a bony prominence or by
degenerative changes in the joint.

Some noises may be caused by tight muscles. For example, clicking or

snapping outside of the hip joint (on the outside of the pelvis) may be
caused by a tight iliotibial band and may be relieved by stretches of the hip
abductors (gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, tensor fasciae latae,
piriformis). Clicking or snapping to the inside of the hip joint (front of the
pelvis) may be caused by a tight psoas. Muscles can become tight as a result
of too much effort or too frequent exercise and not enough rest.

Another cause of sounds in a joint is osteoarthritis. When joint surfaces are

diseased and the cartilage is eaten away, the ligaments and tendons crossing
the joint get slack. Their slack lets them move in and out of their grooves,
making popping sounds.

Loose bodies in a joint, making creaking noises particularly in the knee and
hip joints, can be a result of chondromalacia (softening of the articular
surfaces). This type of degeneration is accompanied by inflammation, pain,
and swelling.

Kneecaps may “pop” when they snap in and out of alignment with the thigh
bone as knees are bent and straightened. This may be caused by weak

quadriceps. Check with a doctor if the knees hurt, swell, or get sore after
working out or after walking up or down the stairs.

Clicking in the hip when extending the hip joint (as when dropping the leg
after an axe kick) and adducting the thigh (bringing it back inward) after
abducting it (raising it to the side while standing) may be caused by the
tendon of the iliopsoas coming back over the hip joint capsule. It is not
painful unless one has inflammation of the bursa (bursa iliopectinea) that
lies in front of the hip joint and beneath the iliopsoas tendon. Also the
tendon of the tensor fascia lata may snap forward over the greater trochanter
of the femur as one makes sweeping semicircular movements with the lower
limb or does squats with feet pointing out. This may indicate weakness of
the thigh abductors. Such snapping is seldom painful but degeneration of the
greater trochanter may result when it is experienced over a long period. To
remedy this problem, strengthen the abductor muscles of the hip and stretch
the tensor fascia lata—one of the abductors (Arnheim 1986).

Falls or blows to the outside of the hip can damage the superficial
trochanteric bursa (a sack with fluid that lies between the greater trochanter
and tensor fascia lata and prevents them from rubbing against each other).
Major bleeding in the bursa may result in a clot that with time will change
into adhesions or loose bodies. These adhesions and loose bodies can cause
inflammation of the bursa and make creaking noises during hip movement.
Inflammation of the bursa is very painful, even when one is not moving. See
an orthopedic surgeon or a physician knowledgeable in applied kinesiology
to make sure that all is okay.

Snapping sounds from the hip may be caused by the iliofemoral ligament
moving over the head of the femur during either hip flexion or abduction.

Pain or Soreness and Stretching

I keep getting questions showing that the “no pain, no gain” fallacy still

Question: I bought your book Stretching Scientifically and I am eager to try

your method. I don't want to hurt my muscles and so decrease my flexibility.
However, I am still not quite sure how to determine when I am not
overstretching, especially during dynamic stretching and isometric
stretching. What are some of the feelings or signs to tell when I have

stretched enough for a particular set? If pain is one of them, does that mean I
should stretch till it hurts every time?

Answer: You have stretched enough when you reach the maximal painless
range of motion possible at the given stage of your training. In both dynamic
and in static (isometric and relaxed) stretching you are overstretching if you
feel pain.

Question: Should I feel a slight soreness the next day or two after isometric
stretching (3 reps of 30 sec split holds, both front and side)? And since I do
feel soreness after this activity what should I do to stretch isometrically
without feeling pain in my muscles?

Answer: Slight soreness once in a while is to be expected in training but

soreness occurring after every application of the same exercises, in your
case isometric stretches, is a sign that you are not ready for these exercises.
See the beginning of chapter 5, “Isometric Stretches” for how to prepare for
isometric stretches.

Question: Can I do dynamic stretches when I am sore?

Answer: I think that you can do dynamic stretches such as relaxed leg raises
and arm swings. I would do only as many repetitions and sets as I'd feel
relaxing and not tiring.

Question: One year ago I had a ligament injury in my knee which took 6
months to heal. Also I met with an accident due to which I had to stop my
training for 6 months. Now that I'm trying to come back, stretching is
becoming very painful. Even with a minor stretch I experience ripping pain
at the back of the knee. I was never good at stretching. I experience normal
pain while stretching the left leg but I feel something tearing at the back of
the right knee.

Is there a way I can improve my stretching even with a bad knee? Is it

possible to do splits even with an a knee like mine?

Answer: A careful reading of Stretching Scientifically would tell you there

is no such nonsense as “normal pain while stretching.” If you stretch through
pain you may achieve your splits but you will regret it later. Whether you
can achieve splits with a bad knee depends on the exact nature of the injury,
on effectiveness of rehabilitation, and on the rational method of flexibility


Question: Within the two months that I have been following your program
my flexibility has improved a great deal. In the side split I am lower than I
have ever been in all my [five] years of [karate] training. Upon receiving
your videotape I stopped going to karate because I wanted to concentrate
only on my splits. I did not want to go through the pain of stretching in class.
In other words I did not want to mix the two different styles of stretching.
Now that my flexibility has improved I started to attend karate workouts
again and my joints are sore. When I kick I feel some pain, even when the
kick is below the belt. Is this normal? I know for a fact that my joints are
more tight than most people's. Is it possible to change this?

Answer: Regarding your question on the cause of joint pain or soreness

after returning to karate training, I cannot give you a definite answer because
I do not know enough about you and your training. Some of the possible
causes may be:

a) poor kicking technique such as bad body alignment, not leaning back in
roundhouse and side kicks (see the video Power High Kicks with No Warm-
Up! for the proper technique and drills);

b) inadequate strength preparation (as shown and explained in the video

Secrets of Stretching);

c) not enough (or wrong) dynamic stretching in the morning and later in the
day (it has to be done twice a day, on workout days during your warm-up);

d) doing too much too soon; or

e) abnormal or injured joints (consult your doctor).

Question: Although the book and the video go into depth about stretching, I
found that they did not fully explain the stretches to be performed by those
who suffer from “weak knees.” What strength exercises will strengthen the
muscles that stabilize the knee?

Answer: If your knees hurt when you do a stretch, change it so your knee
bears less or no weight. For example, in hamstring stretches or adductor
stretches leading to a front or side split, place the lower end of your thigh on
a chair or on any support. If bending your knees is not a problem you may do

the exercise shown below.

The strength exercises that stabilize the knee are all those that affect muscles
that originate above and attach below the knee joint. These exercises are
squats, step-ups, deadlifts, and good mornings. If you cannot do these
exercises because your knees were injured, then you can do isometric
tensions with your knees held at angles at which you do not feel pain.

Question: My groin gets very sore when I do the side split exercises. Is
there anything I can do about that?

Answer: Strengthen your inner thigh muscles.

Question: When I try to go down into the side splits I hurt very bad in my
hips for up to 2 weeks. Is this normal?

Answer: It is to be expected if you are not ready for side splits and do not
know how to position your pelvis. See subchapter “Stretches leading to the
side split” chapter 5, “Isometric Stretching,” and the drawing Correct
alignment of thighs and pelvis in side split in chapter 8, “All the Whys of
Stretching” for information on the proper alignment of pelvis and thighs. If
applying this information does not help, then see a doctor.

Question: After a hard squash game . . . my shoulder is sore and is

becoming chronically sore. Also, my shoulder joints make all kinds of
noises as I move my arms—creaks, snaps, pops, etc. It feels like ligaments
and tendons are catching on things and then suddenly snapping free. This
can't be normal, is it? So I am doing the stretching routine for the shoulders.

Answer: I do not believe that stretching your shoulders will help you.
Soreness of your shoulder that becomes chronic can be caused by working
out too often, by weakness of some muscles of the upper body that causes

misalignment of the shoulder joint and thus forces some of its muscles to
work inefficiently, and by overworking of the biceps brachii (which may
cause swelling of its long head's tendon and grind against its groove in the
arm bone).

Whenever ligaments or tendons “are catching on things,” there is a

possibility of inflammation and eventual damage to inflamed structures. An
inflamed tendon of the long head of the biceps swells, rubs against the bony
groove in which it moves, and pops out of it. As a result you get bone spurs
in this groove. Also the ligament that holds the tendon in the groove gets
overstretched so the tendon pops out of it easier and gets further aggravated.
The bone spurs irritate the tendon and may eventually fry it.

Shoulder problems usually start with the impingement syndrome—when the

biceps tendon or rotator cuff muscles are squeezed between the head of the
arm bone and top parts of the shoulder blade (the coracoacromial arch).
This impingement causes inflammation of the subacromial bursa and the
muscles passing under the coracoacromial arch. Eventually you can get
rotator cuff tears (partial or complete) and biceps tendon inflammation
possibly ending with its complete tear or avulsion (detachment) from its
origin. When your muscles and subacromial bursa are inflamed, the
cartilage in your shoulder joint may also be inflamed and badly damaged
(ripped and shredded to the point where it does not even resemble joint
cartilage). You won't feel the damage to your joint cartilage until the joint
mechanics change drastically because joint cartilage has no pain receptors.

Partial tears of muscles and bone spurs may require surgery to prevent more
serious injuries to the joint and muscles. A surgical repair of a rotator cuff
or biceps tear (often both are present) may put you out of your sport for at
least six months if not forever. I suggest you read Management of Common
Musculoskeletal Disorders: Physical Therapy Principles and Methods by
Darlene Hertling and Randolph M. Kessler. This excellent book should help
you evaluate qualifications of physical therapists or even design your own
program of therapy.

Another cause of the swelling of the biceps tendon may be a digestive

problem. In some digestive problems the lymphatic system is overwhelmed
by toxins and cannot remove metabolic waste from tired muscles. Muscles
then recover poorly and stay painful, weak, and sometimes tense. Digestive
causes of your shoulder problems can be accurately diagnosed and removed
by a doctor specializing in applied kinesiology. To find such a doctor in

your area, visit

Injuries and Stretching

Many people write to me with questions that can be summed up thus: “I
have a boo-boo . . . I have overdone my exercises . . . I have torn this or
broke that . . . what should I do now?” Being polite I answer to this effect:
“I think you shouldn't be doing it, but now that you have done it, you should
see a doctor.” I have no clue why they think it makes sense to ask what to do
of someone who has never seen them and who is not a physician but a
physical education teacher. The best I know about treating injuries is this:
Look for the best specialist you can find and do not bother with people
who do not come across as competent and fully committed to do the best
that can be done. Then follow the doctor's orders without second-
guessing. A good injury specialist can tell you in advance how your
symptoms will change over time as you heal, when you will feel
improvement, and how long it will take for full recovery.

Question: One day while stretching in a taekwondo dojang [gym] in Korea,

I was doing “butterflies” [see picture below].

When my instructor saw that my knees were not touching the floor, he came
up behind me and forced them hard and quickly to the floor. The muscle was
pulled in the left groin. Since then I have been very hesitant to stretch
because of dull pain in that area. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?

Answer: Yes—you were doing something wrong. You were putting up with
too much nonsense from a stupid “instructor.” Now you should contact an
Applied Kinesiologist, or a Muscle Activation Techniques practitioner or a
very good orthopaedic surgeon and hope for the best. My experience with
physicians specializing in applied kinesiology and with MAT practitioners

has been very good, and those that I have met are less conservative as far as
exercise recommendations go and more knowledgeable, patient-oriented,
and effective than all the “sports medicine specialist” that ever treated me.

The safest course of action is to also see an orthopedic surgeon specializing

in sports injuries.

Question: About 4 months ago I was stretching and injured the back of left
leg. I was doing the splits with my left leg forward and tried to sink down
farther than my body would allow. I felt a sudden “pop!” precisely where
my leg meets my butt. I felt a dull pain but thought I would be okay. I
couldn't run or walk fast for a long time. Now 4 months later I can run but
the injury still persists. Sometimes I have a dull pain in the area or feel
some discomfort. What might this injury be and do you have any advice?

Answer: Feeling a pop indicates that you had a third or fourth degree strain
(muscle tear). This is serious damage—many muscle fibers are completely
torn, fascia is damaged (in the fourth degree strain the fascia, and so the
whole muscle, is torn apart). The gap in the muscle is filled with blood. The
blood clots and is then replaced with a stiff scar. The bigger the clot the
greater the scar, the loss of muscle's function, and the likelihood of repeat
injury. Internal clots can also calcify—turn into sharp bonelike bodies—and
keep cutting the surrounding muscle tissue. To minimize the damage, muscle
strains must be taken care of immediately. If not, the loss of muscle strength
and elasticity may be such that full function will never be regained and
further injuries will occur because of it.

You say that after four months the injury still persists, so I assume that it was
not treated by a medical professional. (If it had been, you would be fully
recovered by now.) After four months of neglect there is little chance of
regaining most of the pre-injury function. If your muscle was torn
completely, by now nothing can be done—stitching and reattaching is done
within two weeks of the strain. If it was not torn completely, then maybe it
needs removal of the excessive scar tissue or of calcification. To see what
you can do to regain what function you can, see an orthopedic surgeon and a
physician specializing in applied kinesiology. In any case, do not dream that
stretching is the solution to your problem.

Question: You say not to exercise until an injury or problem is totally

solved. Does that mean avoiding stretching routines until a joint is healed?

Answer: Unless told by a doctor otherwise, I would avoid all exercise with
strong tension of muscles around that joint as well as any movements at the
maximum range of motion. This may still leave slow dynamic stretches,
static active stretches, and gentle relaxed static passive stretches available
to you.

Question: I was doing very well for about a month following your method.
Then I tried adding the front split isometrics after completing my four sets of
30-second side splits and I strained my gracilis muscle. It seemed that I just
overworked it. Any suggestions?

Answer: Your gracilis could have been exhausted by the four sets of
isometric stretches for the side split, and so the following isometric stretch
for the front split was more than it could take. It is worth knowing that the
gracilis is weakened by adrenal stress that can arise from work or family
stress or from training loads exceeding one's ability to adapt.

To speed up recovery and to have a chance of regaining full strength and

function in cases of muscle strains or ligament sprains, I recommend seeing
immediately a doctor who knows applied kinesiology. A good applied
kinesiologist will be able to help you recover from this injury and possibly
teach you how to avoid it in the future.

Question: I just recently pulled a hamstring in my right leg doing the front
split. I rest it for a while till the pain is gone, but it is the same thing all over
again when I resume isometric stretches.

Answer: Absence of pain does not mean that recovery is complete. When
the pain is gone the rehabilitation begins—and that is a long way from being
ready for the pre-injury level of activity. Another possible cause for the
recurrence of your muscle strain is that resting your injured hamstring does
not remove the cause of the injury. Here is my advice:

a) See an applied kinesiologist or an orthopedic surgeon concerning your

hamstring (or whatever injury) and do what your doctor advises you to do.

b) When permitted by your doctor, start doing the following exercises in this
order: walking, climbing stairs, running uphill, squats, hamstring curls, stiff-
legged deadlifts (or other exercises appropriate for whatever muscles you
have to rehabilitate). Progress from one exercise to another only when
feeling no discomfort performing the previous one.

c) Only after complete recovery (when hamstrings or other injured muscles
of both legs are equally strong, equally flexible, and have equal endurance)
can you try isometric stretches involving those muscles.

Question: After reading about your stretching technique in a magazine I

decided to get your book Stretching Scientifically and see if it would work
for me. I started in and got to isometric splits. Things were going okay for a
while and suddenly I felt my groin muscle give way and a lot of pain. I
guessed that I tore a muscle and it took about two weeks before I stopped
feeling pain in my groin. I put the book back on the shelf (after that
experience who wouldn't) and decided to pick it back up tonight. Well, once
again, I got to isometric splits. I started really high (almost in a wide leg
stance with my legs straight) and tensed my inner thighs. Without warning I
felt a pop and again the pain returned. Now my groin hurts standing
normally and when pulling thighs to the inside. I'm 18 and I love
weightlifting. What have I been doing wrong? Every time I've tried
isometric stretches I've torn something and it's taken me out of commission.
There must be some way to correct what I'm doing wrong and achieve full
(or even close to full) splits.

Answer: What have you been doing wrong? I suspect that you have not gone
through the exercise program of preparing for isometric stretches that is
described at the beginning of chapter 5, “Isometric Stretching.” The same
program of exercises will help with the final stages of rehabilitating your
muscle tears.

You write that you love weightlifting. Do you do most of your lifts
explosively or with near maximal weights? If so, you may be capable of
tensing your muscles very strongly and very quickly. If you do that with
muscles of the inner thigh, which most people do not exercise for strength
and muscular endurance in adduction movements, you can tense them harder
than their structure can withstand and rip them. (If you tense a muscle or pull
on it very quickly, its tendon—if healthy—stiffens and so the energy is
absorbed mostly by the muscle's belly, which stretches or tears—depending
on the amount of the energy.)

Other causes: Muscles that are tired or inflamed are easier to tear than well-
rested and healthy muscles. If you take steroids, or supplements that
increase the force of your muscles' contractions, the structural strength of the
muscles may lag behind their contractile strength and muscle belly or even

tendon tears are likely.

It is bad to tear a muscle. It is much worse to tear it again. You can find out
the nature of your injury and how to fully rehabilitate it by studying books on
injuries that are listed at The Athlete's Bookshelf. I especially recommend
Management of Common Musculoskeletal Disorders: Physical Therapy
Principles and Methods because this book explains how to rehabilitate
after an injury as well as what the lifetime consequences are of not letting an
injured muscle heal, not rehabilitating it fully, and reinjuring it. Another title
I recommend is Complementary Sports Medicine.

Question: I got your book Stretching Scientifically a while back and have
seen great progress. However, I've developed an injury to my pectineus
muscle on my inner left thigh. I injured it some time back; exactly how I
injured it or what I did to injure it, I truly don't remember. It's been nagging
me for a while, and when I try to do the side split it positively kills me with
pain. I was down to about 1-2 inches off the floor, before the pain from this
injury came back and prevented any serious further attempts. I paid my first
visit to an applied kinesiologist today. The doctor pointed to a strained (or
possibly slightly torn) left pectineus. He suggested replacing my running
program with lots of swimming, frequent icing, no weight exercises at all,
and laying off the stretching. I guess I have two questions:

1. In your experience, does this sound reasonable, or perhaps do you know

of any other exercises I can try?

2. I was so close to the side split. I can wait a while longer to allow an
injury to heal, but in a general sense I guess I'm asking . . . is there hope?
Will I ever be able to do it?

Answer: Yes, it sounds very reasonable. I do not second-guess a physician

specializing in Applied Kinesiology who has examined you. If you want to
keep stretching before your pectineus heals you will cripple yourself for

Do not be so eager to preserve your “pride and joy”—your near-side split

stretch—at the risk of a permanent injury. First heal completely, then
rehabilitate carefully, and then start working out and stretching—after all
with the right stretching method, the silly side split takes only from a few
weeks to a few months.

Question: I am fifty-one years old, in good shape. For several years I have
noticed that my right leg is much tighter than the left and recently I have
noticed definite pain in the middle of the right buttock that also radiates
down the leg. A week ago I was doing a static hamstring stretch sitting on
the floor when I felt a stab of pain across my lower back. I have had pretty
bad spasms ever since and I have trouble straightening up after sitting. Do
you have any suggestions as to how can I overcome this and get back to

Answer: It looks like you have a lower back problem that was developing
for several years—even before you first noticed that your right leg is tighter
than the left. To find out when and if you can exercise again see an applied
kinesiologist or a someone trained in muscle activation techniques.

Question: I have recently recovered from a low-back strain and have been
told to do sit-ups, back extensions, and leg extensions to keep the muscles in
this area strong. I would like to know if doing these exercises after my
morning stretch would defeat the purpose of the dynamic and relaxed

Answer: No, these exercises would not ruin the effect of the stretches. To
maximize the effect of both exercises and the stretches, you may start your
morning with dynamic stretches, then do the exercises for your back, and
then do relaxed stretches.

Question: In subchapter “Stretches leading to the side split” of chapter 5,

“Isometric Stretching,” you state that people who experience knee problems
should do strength exercises. What are these strength exercises?

Answer: Climbing stairs, squats, and deadlifts.

Question: What sort of injury could result from doing the side split, toes up
position? I believe that my thigh was not rotated enough while I was very
close to the ground; when I rotated my toes more to the ceiling I felt a
popping in my left hip. Subsequent to this I have experienced extremely
sharp pain (which I assume is the result of nerve damage of some sort) ever
since. The pain in sitting runs from my sit bones [ischium] through my
hamstring and into the calf and ankle areas. The injury was almost a year
ago, and the pain of sitting is the worst but it has subsided—at first I could
only sit for 10 minutes before having to get up, now it is an hour. I have

dutifully done physiotherapy exercises and submitted myself to chiropractic
treatment, and I have had my pelvis x-rayed (no problem there). Specialists
can find nothing wrong except to say that it could be pressure on the sciatic
nerve. I took plenty of time off immediately after the injury and slowly
introduced my martial arts and stretching routine again. All of this, and it is
still not healed. Do you have any suggestions?

Answer: To do a side split with toes up one has to start spreading the legs
while sitting and not slide into this split. You would not get into this trouble
if you had used the stretches shown in the Stretching Scientifically.

It seem like the specialists that you have seen are right and the sciatic nerve
is pressed or irritated by something. To find out what causes the irritation
and what to do about it you need to see someone who knows how to treat
musculoskeletal injuries.

Question: You recommend avoiding relaxed lower back stretches in a

standing position so as not to stretch ligaments. Unfortunately, when I first
started training in martial arts the standing toe touch was one of the most
common stretches and I didn't know any better at the time as I was unaware
of your methods.

Is there any way of knowing whether you have stretched the ligaments of the
spine and are there any corrective exercises that can reshorten them?
Furthermore, can hanging from a bar, as in hanging leg raises, also stretch
lower back ligaments?

Answer: To find out whether you have stretched the ligaments of the spine,
see an orthopedic surgeon. Overstretched ligaments may be associated with
back pain because of hypermobility of back joints or because of entrapment
of the tissues that normally would be kept out of the joint by the ligaments
(Hertling and Kessler 1996).

I do not know if it is possible to fully reshorten the overstretched ligaments.

With age, ligaments of the spine become shorter, but so do the vertebral
disks, and the end result may be ligamentous laxity and back pain from the
causes given above. Rehabilitation of overstretched ligaments consists of
refraining from stretching them and doing strength exercises for the muscles
supporting the spine. In time, the ligaments may regain some of their
integrity (Hertling and Kessler 1996).

Unless you already have weakened ligaments and muscles of the back,
hanging from a bar should not overstretch them. For healthy people, hanging
from a bar does not put such stress on the ligaments as bending forward with
a hunched back. It is like pulling on a stick versus bending it.

No Success
Many problems described here arise from not paying attention to what is
written in this book and from neglecting strength training/preparation prior
to starting intensive stretching program.

Question: I tried to determine my flexibility potential for a side split. I can't

tilt the pelvis forward and rotate my thigh outward. If I can't do that, then do
I have a hip structure problem or is it just that my hip ligaments are very
tight? What should I do to overcome this problem?

Answer: I think that you have misunderstood the side split test. It seems that
you tried to simultaneously tilt your pelvis forward and rotate your thigh
outward. That must be really difficult. I tried it and I could not do it either.

The test does not require tilting your pelvis forward—only rotating your
thigh and raising it to the hip level. Read the subchapter “Tests of flexibility
potential” in chapter 8, “All the Whys of Stretching” carefully and do the
test as shown.

Question: I have been using isometric stretches for the front and side splits
for three months and had made some progress, although not as much as I
would have liked. However, recently I seem to have “hit the wall” so to
speak and can progress no further. I am still ten inches from a front split and
14 inches from a side split. I have done the “split test” and have the right
range of motion. Are weak adductors holding me back, and would adductor
flies be the best method of targeting these areas? My overall leg strength is
very good otherwise.

Answer: If indeed you pass both split tests (tests of hip joints mobility and
thigh muscles' length) then “hitting the wall” may be caused by weakness of
the muscles stretched in the splits (thigh adductors, psoas, hamstrings), so
strengthening them may help. In your strength workouts do squats, front and
side lunges, deadlifts, and good mornings. Make sure you do your strength
exercises in the full range of motion. “Hitting the wall” may also be caused

by doing the isometric stretches all the time the same old way—with the
same amount of tension, in the same body alignment, on the same surface.
Try tensing harder, leaning your trunk and bending knees more or less, and
stretching on more or less slippery surface, perhaps even sliding up and
down in stretched out stances.

Question: I have your book Stretching Scientifically and the video. I

believe that my problem is my hip. As a child I dislocated my hip and have
been more flexible in one leg than the other. When I do the stretching
exercises, I feel pain in my hips before I even begin to feel any type of
stretch in my leg muscles. When I first start to do a side split I can only
move my feet apart 2-3 feet until I get warmed up, and the tightness is from
my hips. When I sit to do butterflies my legs do not even come close to
touching the floor. Is there anything that you can tell me to help?

Answer: Your problem is addressed in subchapter “Stretches leading to the

side split” chapter 5, “Isometric Stretching,” and in chapter 8, “All the
Whys of Stretching” (see the drawing Correct alignment of thighs and
pelvis in side split). If you can align the hips and thighs as shown on the
Test of Flexibility Potential then all you need to do is to strengthen and
stretch the muscles controlling your hip joints by practicing your stretches in
positions shown on those pages. If even with a good warm-up you cannot
perform the Test of Flexibility Potential then perhaps the structure of your
hip joints (the length and angulation of the neck of your thigh) does not
allow sufficient mobility for a side split. In that case you better stop trying
before you injure your hips.

The fact that the tightness of your hips is relieved by warming up may mean
that the cause of tightness is a soft tissue resistance rather than the bone
structure. To find out for sure see either a good orthopedic surgeon or a
physician knowing Applied Kinesiology.

Question: I am twenty years old and am extremely inflexible, particularly

in the shoulders and hips. I have been interested in and worked at martial
arts off and on for the past three years, but as much I want to be good at it, I
am always disheartened by my inflexibility. I am almost positive that I do
not have, and never have had, normal joint rotation, and I cannot do the
side-split test in Stretching Scientifically while keeping my hips and raised
leg in a straight line. The book assumes that most people would pass this
test and says nothing about what do to if someone does not have “normal”

range of motion in their hip joints. I realize that since the book does not
mention it, I probably will never be able to have full, proper joint rotation,
but I just want to improve it as much as possible, not necessarily for martial
arts, but most importantly for my health.

Answer: If you do the side-split test properly and cannot pass it, then you
may not have normal mobility of your hip joints. If the mobility of your hip
joints is limited by their bone structure, then you will not be able to do the
full side split. Still, if you keep working on your flexibility (but without
forcing your joints), you may achieve a greater range and ease of motion
than if you don't.

Question: Is it possible to increase the outside rotation of the thigh with

strength and/or stretching exercises?

Answer: That depends what limits the outside rotation of the thigh. It may
be limited by the bone structure of your hip joint (nothing can be done about
that), or tightness of soft tissues (ligaments and muscles—this can be
worked on). If ligaments at the front of the hip joint restrict your range of
outside rotation and abduction, then flexing the hip joint (leaning your trunk
forward) should let you spread your legs wider because it relaxes those
ligaments. If the muscles that resist outward rotation are too short, then
exercises may elongate them. Try sumo squats or ballet squats (with feet
pointing out, but without twisting the knees!) and stretches in positions of
maximal outward rotation of the thigh or combined maximal outward
rotation and abduction of the thigh.

A sample initial position for a stretch for outside (external) rotation of the
thigh: lie face down, bend one knee 90 degrees so the shin is vertical, let
that shin fall inward and down so it is as close as possible to the other,
straight leg.

A sample initial position for a stretch for combined outward rotation and
abduction of the thigh: sit in half lotus (half Indian squat), grab the ankle of
the bent leg so you can pull it up, put the other hand on the knee of the bent
leg so you can push it down.

Another option is to patiently work on the horse-riding stance—starting high

and with feet only shoulder-width apart and gradually progressing lower
and then wider. Just make sure that your stance is perfect, with your thighs
parallel to the floor at any width, toes pointing forward, and chest up. The

wider and lower your stance, the more forward you will have to tilt your
pelvis. At all stages (heights, widths) you must be able to do deep and calm
abdominal breathing. If you rush and progress to wider and deeper stances
before becoming comfortable at the current stage you may hurt your knees,
subluxate or fix your sacrum, and get lower back and neck pains.

Question: I am finding it quite difficult to assume the half lotus position

(used for meditation in Shorinji Kempo [a martial art]) although I am very
close to being able to do full side and front splits. I wonder if you could
recommend any stretches or strength exercises to help me get into the lotus

Answer: To increase the range of abduction and external rotation in the hip,
try using this stretch:

It can be made more effective by putting sandbags on your thighs close to

your bent knees. You can also stretch one thigh at a time, sitting with one leg
straight in front of you and the other bent with its ankle resting on the thigh
of the straight leg. In such a half-butterfly stretch press your bent knee down
with your arm or use a sandbag to increase range of motion and provide
resistance as in isometric stretches. I think it is not a good idea to increase
your range of motion by stretching the ligaments of your ankles and knees as
this will predispose you to injuries. It is better not to do the lotus position
right than to have lax ligaments. Also, I have noticed that the people who
can do lotus position do not have much muscle mass on their thighs. Slim
thighs may make it easier to cross the legs and put the tops of feet or ankles
on the thighs than massive thighs.

Question: I have tried your stretching methods and I find that the tension in
my adductors is great and I cannot really get any closer to the floor in the
side splits position. (Sliding down from the horse-riding stance I am at least
16 inches [40 centimeters] from the floor.)

Having done sprints for 17-odd years and 10 years of weights (including
power lifting and Olympic lifting movements) I know I have the strength but
find I am currently stuck. I cannot do the side-split test and have my foot
pointing upwards; as I move to try and have my hips in line, my foot wants
to point to the side. I can get quite low doing a front split but have a little
trouble getting the hips to straighten.

I'm not quite sure if I have reached as far as I can go. Is it just my body?

Answer: What is the maximal range of outside rotation of your thigh (see
photo below)?

If it is less than 50 degrees in the hip joint (or less than 70 degrees of foot
turnout), then perhaps that is what keeps you from sliding lower into the side
split. The fact that your foot turns inward during the side-split test seems to
indicate that you do not have enough range of motion in the outside rotation.
This may be caused by the bone structure of your hip joint, or tightness of
your soft tissues—ligaments and muscles. For solutions see my answer to
the preceding question.

Your strength from sprinting and lifting weights may be specific for the
sprinting and lifting movements you have done but not for standing in the
very wide stances when thigh adductors have to tense in a near maximal
stretch. Doing sumo squats, ballet squats, deep front and side lunges, and the
horse-riding stance should improve your adductors' ability to support your
weight in wide straddle stances.

By having “a little trouble getting the hips to straighten” in the front split, I
assume you mean keeping the pelvis from tilting forward (keeping hips from
flexing). If so, then you try to do the near impossible. In the front split the
pelvis should be tilted forward, toward the front leg.

Question: I am a 36-year-old martial artist who has been practicing about

eight years. I have been an athlete all my life, and have used many strength
and stretching techniques. Your methods have been the most effective for
me. After using your methods I find my kicks are stronger than before and I
can “recall” my maximum stretch with very little warm-up. The problem I
seem to have now is that I have reached a “sticking point” in my side splits
and can't get further down than what you show in the third photo of
subchapter “Stretches leading to the side split” in chapter “Isometric
Stretching” (see photo below). I maintain my body in the upright position
when doing side splits and don't use my hands for balance. I usually do three
to five sets holding each tension for 20-30 seconds and concentrate on
strength gains as you suggest. I have reread your book several times and it
appears to me that I'm using your methods correctly. Why, then, can't I
progress beyond the sticking point?

Answer: The cause of a sticking point may be any one of the following:

a) lack of strength of all muscles of the thigh (try low squats, one-legged
squats, deadlifts, adductor flys, adductor pulldowns);

b) not tilting pelvis forward while spreading legs into a split, as shown by
the drawing Correct alignment of thighs and pelvis in side split in chapter
8, “All The Whys of Stretching.” (Your pelvis moves on the axis joining
both hip joints. A forward tilt makes the inlet of the pelvis face front more
than in a natural position, a backward tilt makes it face more upward.);

c) not getting enough rest between workouts (see the Science of Sports
Training for methods of evaluating sufficiency of recovery or readiness for
working out); or

d) doing isometric exercises too often (2-4 times per week is enough).

Question: I am stuck at my current flexibility range. I'm a bit sore after my
isometric stretches, I don't have any sharp pains, my muscles just feel stiff. I
feel this soreness in the area above my thighs [in front of my pelvis]; my
inner thighs don't bother me. In adductor flyes I currently use a weight boot
with about 12 lb. on each foot. I use 27 lb. for the adductor pulldown load.

Answer: Your problem may have to do with weakness of your psoas

muscles—the soreness in front of your pelvis indicates it. It may be caused
by overworking them, by not having sufficiently strengthened them with leg
raises before starting adductor exercises (see the video Secrets of
Stretching), or by a wrong diet. This may be checked by very specific tests
of Applied Kinesiology.

Question: I am almost twenty years old, in good shape, and exercise

regularly, and eat very well. I can reach a front split almost perfectly with
no warm-up, but my range of motion in a side split is only a little over
ninety degrees. After jogging and then stretching isometrically for thirty
minutes, including holding my side split with no hands for two minutes, my
range of motion increases significantly (about nine inches off the floor),
however, the next day my flexibility is as if I had never stretched at all.

Answer: The fact that you can get so close to the side split (only nine inches
above the floor), even though it takes a long session of stretching, means that
the most likely limitation of your ROM prior to this session and on the day
after is the weakness of your muscles and not the structure of your hip joints.
I recommend that you follow the whole program of strength exercises for
hips and thighs that especially emphasizes the muscles that limit sideways
motion in the hip joint, shown on the video Secrets of Stretching.

If you stretch isometrically for 30 minutes then no wonder you cannot make
progress. Doing this much strenuous effort is counterproductive. Look at the
video Secrets of Stretching and see how and for how long the stretches are

Also, consider if the jogging that you do prior to stretching is too intensive
or too long. As I mention in Stretching Scientifically, fatiguing endurance
work should not be done before strength efforts. Aerobic endurance work
should not be done before strength efforts for reasons explained in the
Science of Sports Training, but light aerobic efforts can be engaged in after
any strenuous efforts (speed, strength, anaerobic endurance) as a means of

speeding up recovery. This is why most of the sample workouts shown in
Stretching Scientifically end with marching or jumping rope.

Do you start your isometric stretch for a side split from the horse-riding
stance position shown in the photo below (it is from the subchapter
“Stretches leading to the side split” (chapter 5, “Isometric Stretching”)? If
not, then you may be overstraining your thigh adductors so they cannot
recover fully between workouts and so you are stuck at the same range of

So many ask “Are we there yet? How much longer?” as if they had no
experience with any physical training and no sense of its effects on their

Question: I am within one foot of doing a complete side split. How do you
feel when you can do it? I mean do you one day start your isometrics and go
down all the way to a full side split for the first time? Is there anything else I
can do to get over the hump and be able to do the side split?

Answer: You will notice that you slide lower and can stand lower or in a
wider straddle without much change in the effort and without discomfort. To
“get over the hump” keep training and let small changes accumulate until
you find to be easy what was once difficult.

Question: What determines the speed of progress in stretching?

Answer: The speed of progress in stretching depends on your initial
strength level and initial flexibility level, and on how rational your total
training program is. Normally it takes well under a year to develop the
ability to perform splits. I would like to take this opportunity to give you
one essential training tip: Consider isometric stretches to be strength
exercises and apply them as such. Use sufficient rest between workouts. Do
not do more exercises than you need, i.e., do not do more than two isometric
stretches per workout (you may do a few repetitions of a stretch but do not
do many various stretches). Do not overwork any group of muscles.

Question: When can I expect to do a side split via isometric stretches

without a warm-up? I have been able to do a side split at the end of my
isometric workout for about two months now, but it takes about 3 sets of
stretches to get that far down and I still start from nearly the same height
above the floor.

Answer: The reasons for you having to warm up before you can do a full
side split may be that:

1. Your exercises, although effective enough to let you do the side split, did
not have enough time to change the muscles of your legs as much as it takes
to do splits without any warm-up; or

2. Your body has not “learned” yet that sliding into a split is safe. (This
possibility cannot be considered separately from the first one.)

In my experience an instant split (with isometric stretch or without it) can

take from a couple of months to a few months after being capable of doing a
full split.

I would advise doing heavy squats, lunges, and deadlifts (normal and sumo)
until you can lift weights heavier than your body weight in the squat and
about twice the body weight in deadlifts, and using isometric tensions to
raise up from the straddle stance (extremely low horse-riding stance), and
ultimately from the side split.

Question: What are the possible causes of inconsistency in flexibility? My

own flexibility is often very inconsistent. From week to week, sometimes
even day to day, it varies anywhere from near split to that of a rank
beginner. I seem to have the worst flexibility and most soreness a day or
two after a particularly good kick workout in which my legs were very

limber and relatively free of pain.

Answer: You say “relatively free of pain.” Does this mean that most of the
time your legs hurt? If so, no wonder your flexibility suffers—tired or hurt
muscles are less flexible than rested and healthy ones. From what you say it
seems that the inconsistency in the level of flexibility you display is caused
by irrational training. You do not have enough strength and muscular
endurance for your kicking workouts and so after such a workout you are
sore and inflexible.

Question: I'd like to ask you why after achieving a great stretch my muscles
seem to tighten again. For example, I get myself into a full lotus, and then for
a whole week after I can't get even close to it.

Answer: I think that there are two possible reasons for your problem:

1. You may be overstretching your muscles.

2. You may be overworking them with other exercises.

Question: You indicate that soreness after isometric exercises is the result
of overdoing the exercises. After an isometric workout, I can really “feel”
the muscles of my hamstrings and inner thighs when I flex them, but there is
no pain. Does this mean I am overtraining?

Answer: It depends how long after the workout you feel the soreness. Use
the same judgment as you would in the case of lifting weights.

Question: In the event that I train my hip flexors or glutei very hard, and
they feel tired or sore, should I skip dynamic stretches since I would use
those muscles to raise my legs?

Answer: Usually not, if you do dynamic stretches correctly, but ultimately it

depends on how sore you get. You should not be in such a poor shape as to
have difficulties with a few leg raises next day after a hard workout.

Question: When one has a couple of days off—due to muscle soreness or

just rest days—does it cause flexibility to decrease and set one back in
training schedule?

Answer: Flexibility usually does not decrease much, and may even increase

because of the rest the muscles got. If you do isometric stretches or any
strength exercises even when you are sore because you are so anxious not to
lose your flexibility temporarily, you may injure yourself and lose it
permanently. You can do relaxed stretches, however, even if your muscles
are sore as long as doing these stretches does not cause pain.

Question: I've been using your techniques for a month now, with good
improvement when I slide down into a side split. However, when I sit down
and try to spread my legs into a straddle there doesn't seem to be any
improvement there. Why is this?

Answer: The reasons why you can stretch your legs further while standing
in a straddle stance than while sitting are these:

1. To slide down from a straddle stance you use alternating tensions and
relaxations to suppress your stretch reflex and so to slide your legs further
apart. When you are sitting you do not tense your inner thighs and even if
you wanted to there is nothing to give you an adequate resistance.

2. When you stand, the muscles of your thighs are tensed and so the stretch
reflex may be depressed. (During an isometric tension the stretch reflex is
depressed.) When you are sitting your thighs are relaxed and so the stretch
reflex is not depressed.

3. You have used isometric stretches for only a month and that is not enough
time to show much improvement in your range of motion in a static active
stretch. (Spreading legs while sitting, with no pressure against the inside of
the legs, amounts to a static active stretch.)

Question: I have been trying for a couple of months to do the side split. My
problem is that I still seem to be about the same distance off the floor now
as I was then.

My training routine consists of going to the gym 3-4 times a week and lifting
weights for all parts of the body. I do squats, leg curls, lunges, and hack
squats for my legs. Then when I go home and just before I go to bed at night
I do the 100 reps [of adductor flys] for the inside of my leg and then I do the
isometric exercises for the side split.

Answer: You may be doing too much. If you do 100 adductor flyes and
isometric stretches every evening, or even just on the evenings after lifting

weights in the gym, then no wonder you have tight hips and other problems.
At least four times per week you are doing two strength workouts for the
same muscle groups on the same day—if you lift serious weights it is only a
matter of a short time before you get injured.

You may need to decrease or increase the resistance, or change the

frequency of your workouts—depending on your reaction. For methods of
matching your training to your recovery see Science of Sports Training.

Stretching Machines and Other Strange

Question: I have heard it said by many martial artists that staying in a full
side split for hours at a time increases flexibility. Is this true or just a myth?

Answer: Judge it yourself. What do they have to show for it?

Question: Can a stretching machine be used to aid stretching?

Answer: There is no need for using stretching machines. In relaxed

stretches for the hips and thighs, you can as easily relax into a stretch on
your own on a smooth floor. If you try doing isometric stretches for hips and
thighs in a stretching machine, the machine will make it more difficult for
you to tense your muscles because it prevents the weight of your body from
pressing on your thighs and thus forcing them to tense more. The harder you
tense in isometric stretches, the greater is the following relaxation and the
resulting stretch.

In my 25 years of living in Poland I have not seen even one stretching

machine and I worked out in the best equipped training halls in Warsaw (at
AWF—the University School of Physical Education), and in several other
cities. I didn't see a stretching machine anywhere because athletes do not
need stretching machines. (Actually, I have never heard or seen any mention
of stretching machines in any country of the Soviet Bloc. I think there was
not a single stretching machine in the whole Soviet Bloc—who would need

For able-bodied persons the stretching machines are a waste of money as

simple stretches on the floor do just as well or better.

If you want to stretch the muscles of your shoulders and arms, then a rope
with knots held behind your back and worked with your hands like a rosary
or prayer beads is all you need.

Stretching machines “may be particularly helpful for special populations,

such as the elderly and those with physical problems that prevent them from
executing certain stretches by themselves” (“Stretching Machines” 1999).
Unless you have been severely injured or have a crippling disease, you do
not need a machine to increase your flexibility. Manufacturers of stretching
machines know it too. The editors of Georgia Tech Sports Medicine &
Performance Newsletter report a study of stretching machines conducted at
the University of Oregon and funded by a company that manufactures
stretching machines. The study showed flexibility gains among people who
stretched on the machines but their gains were not compared to the people
who stretched without machines (“Stretching Machines” 1999).

Question: What is the difference between your book and your video on
stretching? Do I need the video? Should I buy your video to get my full

Answer: Stretching methods shown in the book and on the video are the
same. The book shows stretches for the whole body. It only mentions but
does not show exercises other than stretches that develop strength and
endurance while promoting flexibility. The book tells you all that you must
know about flexibility but you have to devise your own exercise program on
the basis of the provided (and abundant) information.

The video shows stretches as well as recommended endurance and strength

exercises for your legs and trunk. The video is of the “do-along” type. If you
do not know much about strength training, if your flexibility suffers because
of lack of strength, if doing stretches makes your back tired, if you are often
sore after a workout—then the video may help you.

Question: Why don't you make a video for athletes who have a particular
level of flexibility, for example, those who cannot reach their toes?

Answer: This method works regardless of anybody's level of flexibility.

Exercises are demonstrated at a fairly high range of motion, but one can do

them at any range, no matter how low, and increase it gradually.

Resources for Further Study

Science of Sports Training: How to Plan and Control Training for Peak
Performance by Thomas Kurz (Island Pond, VT: Stadion Publishing
Company), 2001.

This comprehensive text delves deeply into topics such as speeding up

recovery, using time- and energy-efficient training methods, avoiding
overtraining and injuries, applying proven methods of training to specific
sports, and maintaining a high level of condition and skills for years. You
will learn ways to plan and control training for each workout, over a span
of years.

Secrets of Stretching: Exercises for the Lower Body (DVD, 98 min.),

featuring Tom Kurz (Island Pond, VT: Stadion Publishing Company), 1990.

This video features an introduction to general conditioning and follows that

with four exercise routines—one for beginners, one for intermediate, and
two for advanced athletes. You will learn plenty of how-tos. The focus is on
combining flexibility training with strength training.

Power High Kicks with No Warm-Up! (DVD, 80 min.), featuring Mac

Mierzejewski (Island Pond, VT: Stadion Publishing Company), 1996.

This video teaches everything there is to know about kicks: body alignments
that allow kicking high and with power without any warm-up, footwork,
drills, and developing power. Simple exercises make sure that your hips and
knees don't hurt when you throw high side and roundhouse kicks. You will
learn the “little” details of kicking techniques that let you kick high and with
power without a warm-up while at the same time reducing your chance of

Explosive Power and Jumping Ability for All Sports: Atlas of Exercises by
Tadeusz Starzynski and Henryk Sozanski (Island Pond, VT: Stadion
Publishing Company), 1999.

How well you jump and how powerfully you punch, pull, or throw depends
on your explosive power, on your special endurance for explosive

movements, and on your speed, coordination, and flexibility. Explosive
Power and Jumping Ability for All Sports tells you how to develop each of
these abilities.

Children and Sports Training: How Your Future Champions Should

Exercise to Be Healthy, Fit, and Happy by Józef Drabik (Island Pond, VT:
Stadion Publishing Company), 1996.

Here is what Lyle J. Micheli, M.D., Director of Sports Medicine at

Children's Hospital, Boston; President of the American College of Sports
Medicine; and Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics said about
this book:

“This book represents the cumulative knowledge and experience of the

author and many of his [East European] colleagues related to the
progressive preparation and training for children in organized sports.”

Appendix A: Hip Joint and
Shoulder Joint in Abduction
The following photographs taken by Prof. Ciszek and Dr. Smigielski (1997)
show configuration of the bones and ligaments of the hip joint and the
shoulder joint in pure abduction and in abduction with external rotation.

Fig. 1. Bones of the hip joint in maximal abduction—front view

1. femoral head
2. femoral neck
3. greater trochanter
4. roof of joint socket

Fig. 2. Bones of the hip joint in maximal abduction—back view

1. roof of joint socket
2. femoral neck

Fig. 3. Bones of the hip joint in abduction with external rotation—front
1. femoral head
2. femoral neck
3. greater trochanter
4. lesser trochanter

Fig. 4. Bones of the hip joint in abduction with external rotation—back

1. greater trochanter
2. lesser trochanter
3. femoral head

Fig. 5. Bones of the hip joint in abduction with more external rotation—
back view
1. roof of joint socket
2. greater trochanter
3. lesser trochanter

Fig. 6. Bones of the hip joint in abduction with external rotation—top

1. iliac fossa
2. femoral head
3. femoral neck
4. greater trochanter

Fig. 7. Bones, cartilage, and ligaments of the hip joint in maximal

abduction—front view
1. iliac crest
2. insertion of rectus femoris
3. iliac fossa
4. greater trochanter
5. labrum acetabulare
6. pubofemoral ligament

Fig. 8. Hip joint in maximal abduction with external rotation—back view

1. femoral head
2. capsule
3. roof of joint socket
4. free space in the joint cavity

Fig. 9. Bones of the shoulder joint in glenohumeral abduction—front view

1. head of humerus
2. rim of the glenoid cavity
3. coracoid process
4. acromion process
5. greater tubercle
6. lesser tubercle
7. coraco-acromial ligament

Fig. 10. Bones of the shoulder joint in abduction with external rotation—
front view
1. head of humerus
2. rim of the glenoid cavity
3. coracoid process
4. acromion
5. greater tubercle
6. lesser tubercle
7. coraco-acromial ligament

Appendix B: Normal Range of
(Kapandji 1974, 1982, 1987; Potter 1986)


Extension 55° ................. Try to point up with chin.

Flexion 40° ................. Touch sternum with chin.

Lateral bending 35° ................. Bring ear close to shoulder.

Rotation 70° left and right ................. Turn head far to the left, then right.

Lumbar Spine

Extension 30° ................. Bend backward.

Flexion 60° ................. Bend forward at the waist.

Lateral bending 20° ................. Bend to the side.


Abduction 180° ................. Bring arm sideways up.

Adduction 30°-45° ................. Bring arm toward the midline of the body.

Horizontal extension 30°-40° ................. Swing arm horizontally backward.

Horizontal flexion 130° ................. Swing arm horizontally forward.

Vertical extension 45°-50° ................. Raise arm straight backward.

Vertical flexion 180° ................. Raise arm straight forward.

External rotation 80° ................. Bend arm and move forearm away from

Internal rotation 110° ................. Bend arm and bring forearm behind and
away from back.


Extension 180° ................. Straighten out lower arm.

Flexion 150° ................. Bring lower arm to the biceps.

Pronation 80°-85° ................. Turn lower arm so palm faces down.

Supination 90° ................. Turn lower arm so palm of the hand faces up.


Extension 70° ................. Bend wrist so back of hand nears outer surface of
lower arm.

Flexion 80°-90° ................. Bend wrist so palm nears inner surface of

lower arm.

Radial deviation 15° ................. Bend wrist so thumb nears radius.

Ulnar deviation 30°-50° ................. Bend wrist so small finger nears ulna.


Extension 30° ................. Move thigh backward without moving pelvis.

Flexion 110°-130° ................. Flex knee and bring thigh close to abdomen.

Abduction 45° ................. Swing thigh away from midline.

Adduction 30° ................. Bring thigh toward and across the midline.

External rotation 45° ................. Flex knee. Swing lower leg toward

Internal rotation 40° ................. Flex knee. Swing lower leg away from


Extension 5°-10° beyond 180° ................. Straighten out knee as much as

Flexion 160° ................. Touch calf to hamstring.


Extension (Dorsiflexion) 20° ................. Bend ankle so toes point up.

Flexion (Plantar flexion) 45° ................. Bend ankle so toes point down.

Eversion 20° ................. Turn foot so the sole faces out.

Inversion 30° ................. Turn foot so the sole faces in.

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Table of Contents
Introduction: Getting the Most Out of This Book 9
1. Flexibility in Sports 11
Injury prevention and flexibility 17
2. How to Stretch 21
Methods of stretching 22
Early morning stretching 26
Stretching in your workout 27
The use of partners in stretching 33
Children and flexibility training 33
The elderly and flexibility training 35
3. Dynamic Stretching 38
Arms 39
Legs 41
Trunk 44
4. Static Active Stretching 47
5. Isometric Stretching 52
When you are not ready for isometrics 52
When you are ready 53
How to select your stretches 58
Neck 59
Forearm 59
Arms, shoulders, chest 60
Legs 64
Stretches leading to the side split 64
Stretches leading to the front split 71
Splits and high kicks 76
Trunk 77
Recap 80
6. Relaxed Stretching 81
Neck 82

Forearm 83
Arms, shoulders, chest 84
Legs 87
Stretches leading to the side split 87
Stretches leading to the front split 90
Trunk 93
7. Sample Workout Plans 96
8. All the Whys of Stretching 106
Anatomy, physiology, and flexibility 110
Tests of flexibility potential 113
Practical conclusions for sports training 125
Recap 129
9. Questions and Answers on Stretching 131
Does This Method Really Work? And How? 131
Body Alignment for Hip Stretches 134
Dynamic Stretches and Morning Stretch 141
What and When 143
Stretching in Workouts for Various Sports 148
Flexibility and Other Athletic Abilities 153
Age and Stretching 163
Gender and Stretching 165
Sounds in and around Joints 166
Pain or Soreness and Stretching 168
Injuries and Stretching 173
No Success 180
Impatience 187
Stretching Machines and Other Strange Practices 191
Other 192
Resources for Further Study 193
Appendix A: Hip Joint and Shoulder Joint in Abduction 195
Appendix B: Normal Range of Motion 200
Bibliography 203


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