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Case Report Med Surg Ophthal Res

A Chronic Post Cataract Surgery Endophthalmitis with

Suspended Intraocular Lens: A Case Report
Shuting Liang, Xianru Hou, Mingwu Li and Wenzhen Yu*
*Department of Ophthalmology, Peking University People’s Hospital, China

*Corresponding author: Wenzhen Yu, Beijing Key Laboratory of Diagnosis and Therapy of Retinal and Choroid Diseases; Center of Optometry,
Department of Ophthalmology, Peking University People’s Hospital, Beijing, China, Email:
Submission: October 30, 2017; Published: December 14, 2017


Purpose: Present a case of endophthalmitis that occurs after cataract surgery with suspended intraocular lens implantation.

Methods: Case report.

Results: Diagnosis of endophthalmitis caused by Staphylococci was confirmed by positive culture of aqueous humor. His visual outcome was
satisfactory with good preserved vision.

Conclusion: Bacteria from conjunctival sac can invade into the eyeball through underlying tunnel of the suture knot, leading to endophthalmitis.

In 2009, the patient referred to the ER, complaining of blurred
Endophthalmitis is one of the most devastating complications
vision in his right eye for one day after being hurt by somebody’s
of intraocular surgeries, leaving patients with permanently
finger. Visual acuity of right eye at presentation was 0.02 and IOP
poor vision. Since cataract surgery consists of a large part of
was 12 mmHg. Slit-lamp examination revealed IOL was decenterd
ophthalmic operations, the majority of literature reports about the
to the inferior and the superior optic edge remained above
endophthalmitis is focused on cataract surgery [1]. Chronic post
the central visual axis. Repositioning was performed with the
cataract endophthalmitis generally caused by propionibacterium
remaining IOL and superior haptic was re-fixed at ciliary sulcus
acnes, and this entity is an indolent form of endophthalmitis usually
with poly propylene suture and the knot was buried in the lamellar
presented 6 weeks or more after cataract surgery [2]. We display a
scleral flap. The inferior knot was covered by the conjunctival flap.
post traumatic cataract endophthalmitic case.

Case Report
A 45 year-old man presented to the emergency room (ER) of
Peking University People’s Hospital in June 2017, with sudden
vision loss accompanied by severe pain and redness in his right eye
for one day.

In 1999, the patient was hurt by an iron screw and had

undergone suture of corneoscleral laceration in a local hospital.
Several months after the first surgery, he was performed with
traumatic cataract extraction and pars plana vitrectomy. In 2002,
the patient came to the ophthalmology department, expecting to Figure 1
improve his right eye vision. In the absense of capsular/zoonular
support, posterior chamber-intraocular lens (PC-IOL) was He was found to suffer from type 2 diabetes one year ago and
suspended with double-armed polypropylene, size 10-0 for sutured did not use oral drug or insulin to control glucose. Fasting blood
scleral fixation at ciliary sulcus by an experienced cataract surgeon. glucose reached 10mmol/L.At this time, the visual acuity was hand
After the surgery, the BCVA of the affected eye improved from 0.01 motions and intraocular pressure was 8 mmHg of the right eye. The
to 0.6. visual acuity of the unaffected eye was 0.6 and IOP was 21mmHg.

Volume 1 - Issue - 1

Copyright © All rights are reserved by Li Wenzhen Yu. 1(1): MSOR.000503: 2017. 1/3
Medical & Surgical Ophthalmology Research Med Surg Ophthal Res

Slip-lamp examination revealed severe congestion in the right eye,

with an infratemporal knot at a distence of 3 mm from the limbus,
untransparent cornea with a scarring, numerous dust keratic
precipitates (KPs), anterior cells 4+, aqueous flare (++), no obvious
hypopyon and a PC-IOL. The fundus could not be visualized (Figure
1). B scan showed dispersed dot echoes throughout the vitreous
cavity with low to medium reflectivity and a posterior-temporal band
with high reflectivity (Figure 2). So, a diagnosis of endophthalmitis
was presumed and aqueous humor (AH) samples were immediately
obtained for pathogenic identification. At the same time, empirically
vancomycin (2mg) combined with dexamethasone (0.4mg) was
injected intravitreally and topical 0.5% levofloxacin eye drops 4 Figure 3
times one day were administered. AH smears were subjected to
Gram’s stain for detection of bacteria and showed Gram-possitive
cocci.On the 2th day, the anterior and posterior inflammation
was not improved. The conventional cultures characterized the
bacterium as a staphylococcus epidermidis on the basis of colony
morphology and convetional biochemical reactions. Meanwhile
genechip arrays verified Staphylococci in aqueous humor at genetic
level. Therefore, a complete pars plana vitrectomy combined with
intraviteous injection of vancomycin (2mg) and ceftazidime (2mg)
was performed. Massive white purulent clusters in the vitreous
body and on the posterior retinal surface were found during the
surgery (Figure 3). Neither retinal breaks nor retinal detachment
were found after the purulent clusters had been completely Figure 4
removed. Unexpectedly, we found the infratemporal suture knot
was loose which was used to fix the suspended IOL (Figure 4).
Weak iodine solution was used to disinfect the knot and topical In the absence of capsular support, the IOL could be implanted
area after exposing tropical sclera. Foreign sclera was applied to into the anterior chamber or sewn into the posterior chamber
cover the reinforced knot. Post-operative administration included ciliary sulcus. PC-IOL implantation is a more optimal choice
intravenous ceftazidime 1000mg once a day for three days, topical in eyes without capsular support, because of the long-term
0.5% levofloxacin and 1% prednisolone acetate eye drops 4 times postoperative complications of anterior chamber IOL such as
one day for two weeks. Medium intracameral inflammation was endothelial decompensation, secondary glaucoma and pupillary
observed three days after the operation, and BCVA improved to 0.1. ectopia [3]. Gram-positive bacteria are the most common cause of
According to the drug sensitive test result, an intraviteous injection postoperative endophthalmitis in the West [4]. Staphylococci was
of vancomycin (2mg) was performed again. A relatively normal the most frequent bacterial flora isolated from conjuctival sac of
fundus with slight intracameral inflammation was observed two patients prior to cataract surgery [5]. The conventional method is
days after the injection, and the BCVA recovered to 0.15. transscleral fixation of PC-IOL in the ciliary sulcus with a scleral
flap. In this case, the patient underwent PC-IOL through pars plana
fixation with inferior knot buried in the conjunctiva. After eigtht
years, the knot was loose and exposed above the conjuctiva, and
bacteria invaded into eyeball from the underlying tunnel of suture.
Meanwhile, diabetes mellitus was proposed as patient-associated
risk factor for the occurrence of endophthalmitis [6]. Intravitreal
antibiotics, IOL extraction and vitrectomy are treatment options
based on clinical course [7]. Above all, we prefer the knot beneath
a scleral flap to burries in the conjunctiva when performing a
suspended PC-IOL, because the knot is easier to expose without
a scleral flap. The report was supported by National Science
Foundation of China (No. 2101000263).

Figure 2 The report was supported by National Science Foundation of
China (No. 2101000263).

Volume 1 - Issue - 1
How to cite this article: Shuting L, Xianru H, Mingwu L, Wenzhen Y. A Chronic Post Cataract Surgery Endophthalmitis with Suspended Intraocular Lens: A Case
Report. Med Surg Ophthal Res. 1(1): MSOR.000504. 2017.
Medical & Surgical Ophthalmology Research Med Surg Ophthal Res

References bacterial endophthalmitis. Journal of cataract and refractive surgery

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Prevention, diagnosis, and management of acute postoperative

Volume 1 - Issue - 1
How to cite this article: Shuting L, Xianru H, Mingwu L, Wenzhen Y. A Chronic Post Cataract Surgery Endophthalmitis with Suspended Intraocular Lens: A Case 3/3
Report. Med Surg Ophthal Res. 1(1): MSOR.000504. 2017.

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