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Introduction 1


By Jeff Martin

Copyright Notice

Copyright © 2012 Jeff Martin,

All rights reserved.

All content contained within the “The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook” is
copyright © 2005-2012 Jeff Martin of Higher Ways Publishing, Inc.

All literary work contained within The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook” belongs
to and is the sole property of its respective authors and is reprinted with
permission. Reproduction, copying, or any other form of use of the pieces
contained within the book is strictly forbidden without express permission from
the author, him or herself.

Note: The owner of this book is permitted to print one hardcopy of this e-manual
for his personal use. These rules have been established to protect the rights and
ownership of the authors and to ensure that their work is upheld as their own.

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 1

Introduction 2

Table of Content
Introduction ............................................................................................... 7
Chapter 1- Food Combining, Meal Planning, and Sample Menus........................ 9
Food Combining.......................................................................................... 9
Five Principles of Anti-Reflux Meal Planning.................................................. 11
Principle #1- Food Ratio ......................................................................... 11
Principle #2 -Rotation............................................................................. 11
Principle #3 –Number of Meals Per Day .................................................... 11
Principle #4 –Daily Food Intake ............................................................... 11
Principle #5 - Heavy Foods ..................................................................... 12
Four Sample Daily Menus ........................................................................... 13
Easy To Digest Menu .............................................................................. 14
Breakfast ........................................................................................... 14
Lunch ................................................................................................ 14
Dinner ............................................................................................... 14
Snacks (between meals) ...................................................................... 14
Vegetarian Menu.................................................................................... 15
Breakfast ........................................................................................... 15
Lunch ................................................................................................ 15
Dinner ............................................................................................... 15
Snacks (between meals) ...................................................................... 15
Meat Menu ............................................................................................ 16
Breakfast ........................................................................................... 16
Lunch ................................................................................................ 16
Dinner ............................................................................................... 16
Snacks (between meals) ...................................................................... 16
Low Carbohydrates Menu........................................................................ 17
Breakfast ........................................................................................... 17
Lunch ................................................................................................ 17
Dinner ............................................................................................... 17
Snacks (between meals) ...................................................................... 17
14 Days Sample Eating Plan ....................................................................... 18
1st Week ............................................................................................... 18
2nd Week .............................................................................................. 19
Chapter 2- Food Substitutions, Organic Foods, Time, Money and Energy Saving
Ideas ....................................................................................................... 20
Food Substitutions .............................................................................. 20
Organic Foods .................................................................................... 23
Time, Money and Energy Saving Ideas .................................................. 25
Chapter 3 – Specialized Anti-Acid Reflux Condition Recipes ............................ 27
Breakfast ................................................................................................. 27
Mediterranean Chickpea Muffins .............................................................. 28

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 2

Introduction 3

Sesame Pancakes .................................................................................. 29

Buckwheat Grits..................................................................................... 29
Cauliflower Pancakes .............................................................................. 30
Cinnamon Muffins .................................................................................. 31
Non Gluten Bread .................................................................................. 32
Breakfast Potatoes ................................................................................. 33
Cream of Quinoa.................................................................................... 34
Steamed Brown Rice with Vegetables ....................................................... 35
Vegetarian Omelet ................................................................................. 36
Appetizers ................................................................................................ 37
Baked Tofu Bites.................................................................................... 38
Tofu and Onions Stir-Fry......................................................................... 39
Chop Suey ............................................................................................ 40
Stuffed Avocado Halves .......................................................................... 41
Asparagus with Garlic and Sesame Seeds ................................................. 42
Alkaline Vegetable Cocktail...................................................................... 42
Green Bean Stir-Fry................................................................................ 43
Rice with Red peppers ............................................................................ 44
White Bean Pate .................................................................................... 45
Salads & Dressings .................................................................................... 46
Cold Barley Salad ................................................................................... 47
Rice Salad ............................................................................................. 49
Red pepper, Avocado and Celery Salad..................................................... 50
Sliced Cucumber & Onion Salad ............................................................... 50
Red pepper & String Bean Salad .............................................................. 51
Cabbage Salad ...................................................................................... 52
Cabbage & Celery Salad.......................................................................... 53
Breakfast Salad...................................................................................... 54
Winter Salad ......................................................................................... 55
Summer Salad ....................................................................................... 56
Cauliflower & Red pepper Salad............................................................... 57
Peas & Celery Salad ............................................................................... 58
Asparagus Salad .................................................................................... 59
Turnip Salad.......................................................................................... 60
Fish Salad ............................................................................................. 61
Chicken Salad ........................................................................................ 62
Chicken Spring Salad.............................................................................. 63
Another Bean Salad................................................................................ 64
Artichoke Salad...................................................................................... 65
Bean and Tuna Salad ............................................................................. 66
Bean Salad ............................................................................................ 67
Black & White Bean Salad ....................................................................... 68
Black Bean With Pepper Vinaigrette ......................................................... 69
Chicken Broccoli Salad ............................................................................ 70

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 3

Introduction 4

Cilantro Slaw ......................................................................................... 71

Cucumber and Avocado Salad ................................................................. 72
Cucumber and Onion Salad ..................................................................... 73
Cucumber-Mint Salad ............................................................................. 73
Dilled Cucumber Salad............................................................................ 74
Essig Krautersauce ................................................................................. 75
Guacamole Salad ................................................................................... 76
Hot Potato & Broccoli Salad..................................................................... 77
Italian Bean-And-Red pepper Salad.......................................................... 78
Jambalaya Salad .................................................................................... 79
Lentil Salad ........................................................................................... 80
Quinoa Super Salad................................................................................ 81
Red Kidney Bean Salad ........................................................................... 82
Rice Salad Mold ..................................................................................... 83
Rio Grande Quinoa Salad ........................................................................ 84
Simple Iranian Salad .............................................................................. 85
Spicy Black Bean & Lentil Salad ............................................................... 86
Citrus Tahini Dressing............................................................................. 88
Red pepper-Basil Dressing ...................................................................... 89
New You Salad Dressing ......................................................................... 90
Main Courses ............................................................................................ 91
Sprouted Basmati Rice with Red Bell Peppers ............................................ 93
Angel Hair Zucchini Spaghetti .................................................................. 94
Pad-Thai ............................................................................................... 95
Chilli Fish Cakes ..................................................................................... 96
Living Buckwheat Flat Bread.................................................................... 98
Easy Vegetarian Pasta ............................................................................ 99
Indian Dal ........................................................................................... 100
Spicy Zucchini Bake.............................................................................. 101
Lentil and Spinach Stew........................................................................ 102
Buckwheat Soba Noodles with Saut‫י‬ed Vegetables ................................... 103
Lemon Zucchini ................................................................................... 104
Cajun Veggie Chili................................................................................ 105
Bean Burgers with Bite ......................................................................... 106
Garlic Shrimp....................................................................................... 107
Halibut with Lime and Cilantro............................................................... 109
Snapper with Saut ‫י‬ed Red pepper-Pepper Sauce ..................................... 110
Steamed Salmon with Black Beans ......................................................... 111
Steamed Salmon with Vegetables .......................................................... 112
Turnip Sauté ....................................................................................... 113
Chicken Parm ...................................................................................... 114
Mediterranean Monk Fish ...................................................................... 115
Chicken with Vegetables in Chinese Sauce .............................................. 116
Ginger Chicken Kebab .......................................................................... 117

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 4

Introduction 5

Stuffed Bell Peppers ............................................................................. 118

Lemonade Organic Chicken ................................................................... 119
Yogurt Crust Salmon ............................................................................ 119
Baked Salmon Steaks with Ginger Ratatouille .......................................... 120
Cedar Plank Salmon ............................................................................. 121
Vegetable Stir-Fry ................................................................................ 122
Soups .................................................................................................... 123
Asparagus Soup................................................................................... 124
Artichoke Soup .................................................................................... 124
Black Bean Soup .................................................................................. 125
Cabbage Soup ..................................................................................... 125
Clear Soup .......................................................................................... 126
Clear Celery Soup ................................................................................ 126
Green Pea Soup ................................................................................... 127
Rich Lentil Soup................................................................................... 128
Simple Lentil Soup ............................................................................... 129
Potato Soup ........................................................................................ 130
Spinach Soup ...................................................................................... 130
Spring Soup ........................................................................................ 131
Turnip Soup ........................................................................................ 132
Winter Vegetable Soup ......................................................................... 133
Roasted Vegetable Soup ....................................................................... 134
Asian Soup.......................................................................................... 135
Asian Black Bean Soup ......................................................................... 136
Carrot Asparagus Soup ......................................................................... 137
Butternut Squash Soup ......................................................................... 138
Italian Fresh Garden Pea Soup .............................................................. 139
Green Soup ......................................................................................... 140
Cucumber Avocado Soup ...................................................................... 141
Parsley Soup ....................................................................................... 142
Lava Soup ........................................................................................... 143
Vegetable Bean Soup ........................................................................... 144
Carrot and Coriander Soup.................................................................... 145
Gazpacho Soup.................................................................................... 146
Creamy Cauliflower Soup ...................................................................... 148
Home Made Veggie Stock ..................................................................... 149
Side Dishes ............................................................................................ 150
Cinnamon Rice .................................................................................... 151
Broiled Red pepper Halves .................................................................... 152
Green Beans Italian Style ...................................................................... 153
No Bean Humus................................................................................... 154
Zucchini Rolls ...................................................................................... 155
Hummus............................................................................................. 156
Oriental Lettuce Wraps ......................................................................... 157

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 5

Introduction 6

Nut Pate ............................................................................................. 158

Greek Lettuce Wraps ............................................................................ 159
Red pepper Cups ................................................................................. 159
Beverages .............................................................................................. 160
Lime Water ......................................................................................... 162
Herb Tea ............................................................................................ 162
Iced Herb Tea ..................................................................................... 163
Lemon Grass Tea ................................................................................. 163
Angostura Bitters Soda Water................................................................ 163
Vegetable Juices .................................................................................. 164
Cocoa ................................................................................................. 164
Chilli Cocoa ......................................................................................... 165
Vanilla & Cinnamon Milk Tea ................................................................. 166
Detox Juice ......................................................................................... 166
Spicy Tea ............................................................................................ 167
Green Smoothie................................................................................... 168
Desserts................................................................................................. 169
Lemon Quinoa Cookies ......................................................................... 170
Vanilla Milkshake ................................................................................. 171
Lovely Lemon Curd .............................................................................. 172
Hot Chocolate...................................................................................... 173
Ginger Cake ........................................................................................ 174

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 6

Introduction 7


Each of the recipes in this book has been carefully designed, tested and
optimized specifically for Acid Reflux and heartburn sufferers. The majority of
recipes are easy to prepare and with little time and practice you will be able to
quickly pick the recipes that appeal to you or suit your requirements and easily
incorporate them into your diet.

Like everything worthy, it takes time and persistence to shift from old eating
habits to new more healthy and digestion friendly eating style. But choosing low
calorie foods with high nutritional value and avoiding foods that can trigger
problems or aggregate your existing condition, along with adhering to the 6
dietary Principles outlined in the Heartburn No More book can be extremely
rewarding. In most cases, you may experience positive results, feelings of well-
being and relief from previous health problems almost immediately.

Important notes:

1.The meal planning, daily menus and recipes outlined in this book are merely
suggestions. Always use your judgment and consult your doctor prior to planning
and building your meals based on the recipes and menus outlined in the book. It
is important to carefully choose the recipes that suit the severity of your Acid
Reflux condition, while avoiding foods and ingredients that you’re allergic to.

2. Choose natural methods of cooking (avoid microwave heating or cooking at all

costs). Do not overcook your food. Never fry or deep-fry your food and aim for
consuming raw food as much as possible (approx 70% of your daily diet).

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 7

Jeff Martin 8

3. Choose organic or natural, fresh and good quality foods whenever possible.
This is especially important when it comes to red meat and chicken.

4. Eating at least 3 meals a day is the basic rule of thumb for healthy nutrition.
Always make sure you adhere to the dietary Principles and food combining/
digestion optimization guidelines outlined in the Heartburn No More book. Try to
break your meals into small portions, never drink while eating and remember to
chew your food slowly to optimize digestion.

5. Some of the recipes contain cooked beans, lentils, and peas. While beans,
lentils, and peas are rich sources of protein, potassium, and fiber which can
benefit a GERD diet, they are also gas forming foods. People with severe GI
disorders, gas forming foods may negatively react to even the smallest amounts
of gas formation, which can lead to IBS and spasm in the esophagus and thus
aggravate GERD. If you suffer from chronic GI disorders, or have a tendency to
produce gas after consuming beans and legumes, I suggest that you either
substitute these foods with less gas forming foods (see the food substitution list)
or avoid recipes which contain these food elements altogether.

Bon Appetite,

Jeff Martin

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 8

Chapter 1- Food Combining, Meal Planning, and Sample Menus 9

Chapter 1- Food Combining, Meal

Planning, and Sample Menus

Food Combining
Food combining especially during Acid Reflux treatment can be very beneficial for
the body and can dramatically help the healing process. While there are many
conflicting points when it comes to proper food combining, let’s try and separate
the wheat from the chaff and outline the most important food combining
principles for optimal digestion:

Principle one: Protein digested foods such as red meat; eggs, fish and

dairy should be taken separately from carbohydrate digested foods. This rule
does not apply on most protein that comes from vegetable sources such as
legumes (vegetarians can eat legumes such as lentils with brown rice for
example). However, when eating animal protein digested foods, starches such as
pasta, potatoes and bread should be taken separately.

Principle two: Neutral foods such as vegetables, butter and sprouts can

be eaten with protein digested foods or with carbohydrate-digested foods but not
with both.

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 9

Food Combining 10

Principle three: Eat the hard to digest protein first at every meal. Raw

vegetables and salads should be taken first in vegetarian meals, and red meat,
fish, dairy or eggs should be eaten before salads in a non-vegetarian meal.

Principle four: While raw fruit should be strictly limited or avoided during

the first stages of the program, when you do eat fruit, make sure it is taken first
thing in the morning before meals. Never mix fruit with your meal or take it
after a meal or at night.

Principle five: Do not drink any liquids with your meals. You can take a

few sips before a meal or during your meal only in ‘emergency’ cases. (You want
to avoid these cases since one of the main principles of optimizing digestion is
chewing your food well).

Principle six: To assist the digestive process, chew your food well and mix
it with lots of saliva. Make sure you eat small pieces of food at a time.

Protein Digested Foods (Partial List):

Most dairy products, eggs, red meat, poultry (chicken, turkey, hens) and fish

Carbohydrate Digested Foods (Partial List):

Brown rice, wild rice, barley, buckwheat, quinoa, rye, legumes (beans, peas and

Neutral Foods (Partial List):

All vegetables, avocados, butter, cooked nuts, sprouts, water chestnuts

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 10

Five Principles of Anti-Acid Reflux Meal Planning 11

Five Principles of Anti-Acid Reflux

Meal Planning

Principle #1- Food Ratio

The average Acid Reflux diet should have the following food ratio: about 50
percent vegetables, about 20 percent legumes, approx 15 percent whole grains
(no yeast and preferably no gluten), and 15 percent meat, fish, natural oils, nuts
and seeds.

Principle #2 -Rotation
For optimal digestion and to prevent allergies, you must rotate your foods. No
food should be eaten more than five days a week. Even your most favorite foods
should not be eaten every day.

Principle #3 –Number of Meals Per Day

While you can certainly avoid breakfast, make sure you at least 3 times a day.
For optimal digestion, try to break your meals into small portions.

Principle #4 –Daily Food Intake

Your daily menu should include: approx 4-5 servings of vegetables and green
juices (focus on green leafy non-starchy vegetables, sprouts, orange vegetables
wheatgrass, barley greens), 2 servings of complex carbohydrates (cooked whole
non-yeasty grains or starchy vegetables such as winter squash, yams and

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 11

Five Principles of Anti-Acid Reflux Meal Planning 12

turnips), 1 serving of legumes and 1 serving of nuts, seeds and natural oils.
Optional: 1 serving of fish/red meat/chicken.

Principle #5 - Heavy Foods

Avoid eating too many heavy foods in one meal as it will worsen your digestion,
make you feel sluggish and interfere with the natural healing capabilities of your

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 12

Four Sample Daily Menus 13

Four Sample Daily Menus

The following menus are sample meal guidelines. Instead of following them
exactly as outlined, try to use these menus as suggestions while planning your
wholesome meals to include all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that your
body requires.

I have included five different daily menus aimed at different audiences. Each of
these daily menus contains raw outline of three meals (breakfast, lunch and

Make sure that you consult a health specialist and food allergist, in order to
choose the best food combination that suits your requirements and special
condition while altering the menus to suit your personal needs.

You can also find plenty of snack ideas in the Snack and Dessert recipe section.

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 13

Four Sample Daily Menus 14

Easy To Digest Menu

Green smoothie

Breakfast Steamed orange yams

Breakfast salad
Clear celery soup

Lunch Stuffed avocado halves

Lemon zucchini
Rice with red peppers

Dinner Steamed butternut/asparagus

Turnip salad

Baked Tofu bites

Snacks ( bet ween meals) Acidophilus Yogurt

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 14

Four Sample Daily Menus 15

Vegetarian Menu

Mediterranean Chickpea Muffins

Breakfast Vegetarian Omelet

Winter Salad
Alkaline Burger

Lunch Cajun Veggie Chili

Lentil Soup
Green Bean Stir-Fry
Cabbage & Celery Salad
Dinner Steamed Broccoli
Cinnamon Rice

Nut Pate
Snacks ( bet ween meals) Acidophilus Yogurt

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 15

Four Sample Daily Menus 16

Meat Menu

Buckwheat Grits

Breakfast Cauliflower Pancakes

Green Smoothie
Baked Salmon Stakes With Ginger

Lunch Gazpacho Soup

Summer Salad
Ginger Chicken Kebab

Dinner Celery Salad

Oriental Lettuce Wraps

No Bean Humus
Snacks ( bet ween meals) Acidophilus Yogurt

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 16

Four Sample Daily Menus 17

Low Carbohydrates Menu

Zucchini Roles

Breakfast Asparagus W/ Sesame Seeds

Chicken Broccoli Salad

Garlic Shrimp
Lunch Vegetable Stir-Fry

Winter Salad

Dinner Asian Soup

Mediterranean Monk Fish

Green Bean Italian Style

Snacks ( bet ween meals) Acidophilus Yogurt

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 17

14 Days Sample Eating Plan 18

14 Days Sample Eating Plan

1st Week

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Sesame Breakfast Cream of Steamed Rice & Vegetarian Cauliflower Cinnamon

Breakfast Pancakes Potatoes Quinoa Vegetables Omelet Pancakes Muffins

Baked Tofu Green Bean Stuffed Lettuce

Chop Suey Hummus Zucchini Rolls
Snack Bites Stir-Fry Avocado Wraps

Vegetarian Halibut Chicken

Chicken Parm
Pasta + Chicken Indian Dal + Cajun Chili + Lime + Kebab +
+ Turnip
Lunch Jambalaya Salad Artichoke Salad Celery Salad Cabbage Asparagus
Salad Salad Salad

Green Soup Cajun Chili + Pea Soup +

Asian Soup + Garlic Shrimp + Celery Soup Spring Soup
+ Lemonade Vegetable Green
Dinner Brown Rice Clear Soup + Brown Rice + Fish Salad
Chicken Soup Living Rolls

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 18


2nd Week

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Tofu and Buckwheat Chickpea Vegetarian Breakfast Vegetable Cream of

Breakfast Onions Grits Muffins Omelet Potatoes Cocktail Quinoa

Asparagus & White Bean Gazpacho No Bean Red pepper
Lemon Zucchini Vegetable
Snack Garlic Pate Soup Hummus Halves

Alkaline Garlic Shrimp Steamed Bean Burgers Pad Thai + Brown Rice +
Lentil &
Burger + + Summer Salmon + + Turnip Guacamole Cabbage
Lunch Spinach Stew
Winter Salad Salad Breakfast Salad Salad Salad Salad

Lemonade Asparagus Lava Soup + Green Pea Indian Dal Alkaline

Spring Soup
Chicken + Soup + Lentil Buckwheat Soup+ Brown + Clear Burger +
Dinner + Brown Rice
Spinach Soup Salad Noodles Rice Soup Parsley Soup

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 19

Chapter 2- Food Substitutions, Organic Foods, Time, Money and Energy Saving Ideas 20

Chapter 2- Food Substitutions,

Organic Foods, Time, Money and
Energy Saving Ideas

Food Substitutions

Since the vast majority of Acid Reflux sufferers have temporary or chronic food
sensitivity/allergy, and since I could not have outlined all the food alternatives
within the recipes outlined in this book, I have included the following chart
detailing possible food substitutions to the more common allergy triggering
foods. If you’re allergic or have sensitivity to a certain type of food not listed in
the chart below, feel free to email me and I will try me best to provide a proper
not less tasty alternative.

Instead of Use the Following Alternative

Adzuki beans Brown lentils, kidney beans
Almonds Pine nuts and seeds
Artichokes Water chestnuts
Asparagus Broccoli, celery
Barley Millet, quinoa

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 20

Chapter 2- Food Substitutions, Organic Foods, Time, Money and Energy Saving Ideas 21

Basil Oregano, dill

Beets Orange yam, winter squash
Broccoli Zucchini, Brussels sprouts
Buckwheat Brown pot barley
Butter Natural oil
Cabbage Brussels sprouts, Broccoli
Cauliflower Turnips
Cayenne Garlic, wasabi
Cheese Feta cheese, Tofu, Cooked ricotta
Chickpeas Fava beans, pintos
Cucumbers English cucumbers, zucchini
Eggplant Chestnuts, mung sprouts
Eggs Powdered egg replacers
Feta Cheese Ricotta cheese, Tofu cheese
Flax oil Fish oil
Garlic Shallots, onions
Grapefruit juice Lemon or lime juice
Kasha Brown hot barley
Kidney beans Adzuki, pinto beans
Legumes Nuts, seeds
Lentils Adzuki beans
Lettuce Spinach, grated zucchini
Millet Quinoa
Oats, whole Brown rice
Onions, green Chives
Peas Green beans, mung beans
Pine nuts Brazil nuts, almonds
Potatoes Jerusalem artichokes, turnips, yams
Sea kelp Sea weed

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 21

Chapter 2- Food Substitutions, Organic Foods, Time, Money and Energy Saving Ideas 22

Sesame seeds Sunflower seeds

Soy Chickpeas, fava beans
Spinach Lettuce, exotic greens, kale
Sprouts Water chestnuts, snow peas
Cane sugar, beet sugar Stevia, Maple syrup
Tahini Sunflower nut butter, almond butter
Tofu Legumes, feta cheese
Red peppers Red bell peppers
Turnips Winter squash
Water chestnuts Jerusalem artichokes, pine nuts
Yams Turnips, winter squash
Zucchini Cucumber, squash, celery

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 22

Chapter 2- Food Substitutions, Organic Foods, Time, Money and Energy Saving Ideas 23

Organic Foods

Organic foods are foods grown without growth hormones, pesticides or

chemicals on a clean pure soil where the air and water are clear. In order for
food to be labeled organic, each state has legislated different set of rules and
conditions. The basic rule of thumb when it comes to buying organic food is to
first check with your local department of agriculture to become familiar with the
organic food requirements of your country.

In addition to the above, prior to purchasing organic foods, it would be best to

adhere to the following guidelines:

Organic Tip #1: In most countries organic foods packages will be labeled

as “certified organic”. Make sure you avoid buying foods labeled “ transitional
organic foods”. These foods are not organic in nature as they have been grown
in areas/soil that work towards being organic.

Organic Tip #2: When buying organic foods, always choose the freshest

quality. Avoid foods with bruised surfaces or spotted/wrinkled skins and

underripe or overripe foods. The same goes for any food carrying the signs of
poor quality: misshapen produce, or even partly rotten, damaged or spoiled

Organic Tip #3: Make it a priority to buy brand name organic products.

You can find out what the common best brand products are from your local
health food store or check it with your health specialist.

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 23

Chapter 2- Food Substitutions, Organic Foods, Time, Money and Energy Saving Ideas 24

Organic Tip #4: Being free from chemicals and growth hormones,

organic fruit and vegetables will often carry familiar characteristics such as:
stronger aroma or scent, small size, darker colors and thicker skins. Make sure
you also look at these differences between organic foods and regular foods when
you search for meats as well, as organic meat, or free range poultry are often
less fatty, have more muscle and are more flavorful.

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 24

Chapter 2- Food Substitutions, Organic Foods, Time, Money and Energy Saving Ideas 25

Time, Money and Energy Saving


Following the guidelines below will save you loads of time, energy and money
when buying, cooking and organizing your daily anti-Acid Reflux diet plan:

Saving Tip #1: When cooking, make sure you cook only as much as you
can eat or store. This may sound elementary, but you would be surprise how
much money you can save by using large batches to be eaten or freezed before
they spoil.

Saving Tip #2: Whenever possible, buy foods in large quantities or in

bulk. The prices are often cheaper. You can also buy multiple items. Most food
stores will allow discounts and bargains when buying multiple packages of the
same food item.

Saving Tip #3: Make sure you alternate between fancy dishes with

expensive ingredients (artichokes, wild rice, nut butters, meats) with dishes
containing cheaper ingredients such as legumes and whole grains.

Saving Tip #4: Especially in the summer and if possible, it would be wise
to grow your own organic vegetables, sprouts and fruit. This garden activity can
not only save your money, it will also be highly beneficial for your health.

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 25

Chapter 2- Food Substitutions, Organic Foods, Time, Money and Energy Saving Ideas 26

Saving Tip #5: Prepare large batches of meat dishes, sauces, whole

grains and legumes. Legumes and whole grains can be stored in a refrigerator
for up to 8 days. Meat dishes can be kept in the fridge up to 2-3 days. You can
cook even quadruple the amount of recipes and freeze half or more in freezing
jars or plastic containers. Make sure your label the batches and containers with
the date the food was prepared. Also, do not double or triple the amount of salt
when preparing double recipes as salt spreads further in larger batches.

Saving Tip #6: Herbs mixtures with measured quantities for common
recipes can be prepared in advance and stored in a jar. Pouring the content of
the herbs to a recipe rather than measuring everything bit by bit can save a lot
of time.

Saving Tip #7: Plan your meals In advance and buy all ingredients in
large batches needed for a week recipes.

Saving Tip #8: Do not cook or reheat food in a microwave. In addition to

the health risks associated with microwave cooking, microwaves do not kill all
the bacteria in food when heated and this can significantly aggregate you Acid
Reflux Condition.

Saving Tip #9: When freezing foods do not use plastic containers that
have had household cleaning products or soap in them. Always use clean jars
and plastic containers.

Saving Tip #10: Add some extra seasoning to a dish when freezing as

foods tend to lose their flavor this way.

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 26

Chapter 3 – Specialized Anti-Acid Reflux Condition Recipes 27

Chapter 3 – Specialized Anti-Acid

Reflux Condition Recipes


© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 27

Breakfast 28

Mediterranean Chickpea Muffins

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

3 cups cooked chickpeas

3large florets cooked cauliflower
1 table spoon tahini
3 cups chickpea flour (or whatever you prefer)
1-cup sunflower seeds
1 cup of your preferred oil
tsp baking soda
tsp cumin (ground or seeds)
tsp ground ginger
tsp coriander (ground or seeds)
lemon juice to taste

Blend all ingredients until a thick paste forms, this should be thick enough to
need a little shake to get it off the spoon.
Spoon an inch and a half depth into muffin pans, and cook for 45 mins at 120
centigrade (350f) or until a toothpick comes out clean.

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 28

Breakfast 29

Sesame Pancakes

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1-cup sesame meal

1/2-cup arrowroot powder
2 tsp. baking powder
1 1/2 Tblsp coconut oil
1/2-cup water

Combine the first 5 ingredients. Add the oil and water. Stir gently. Cook them in
the pan.

Buckwheat Grits

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1/2-cup buckwheat grits

1-cup water

Boil the water, add the grits and cook (stirring often) for about 10 minutes.
You can use chicken stock instead of water and add some frozen peas at the
end. You can also add some vanilla, cinnamon and Stevia.

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 29

Breakfast 30

Cauliflower Pancakes
Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 head of cauliflower, washed.

4 organic or free-range eggs.
Salt and pepper to taste.

In a food processor, puree cauliflower, add eggs, and blend thoroughly. Aim at
light colored and fluffy texture. Brown approximately 4 minutes on each side.
Note: make size small, they will be easier to flip.

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 30

Breakfast 31

Cinnamon Muffins
Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

Preheat over to 375F

Mix in a bowl:
3/4 C rice bran
3/4 C buckwheat flour
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. stevia extract
3 tablespoons chicolin

Mix in a separate bowl:

1/3 C melted ghee
1/3 C vegetable glycerin
1 C zucchini (grated)
1 tsp. non-alcohol vanilla

Combine both in large bowl, dropping in a few tablespoons of water to make a

muffin-like consistency (about 2-3 tablespoons), and add ground nuts.

Grease your muffin pan, plop the mix in the cups, and put in the oven for around
20 minutes. Let them set for 15 minutes.

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 31

Breakfast 32

Non Gluten Bread

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

2 Cups buckwheat flour (this is NOT wheat and has no gluten).

If you prefer, substitute another type of non-gluten flour.
1-teaspoon baking powder
1/4-teaspoon sea salt
1/4-teaspoon coriander (optional, but adds a nice flavor)
2 cups cooked cabbage that has been pureed in a blender to a smooth mush.
The 2-cup measurement is after pureeing.
3 Tablespoon oil of your choice

Mix dry ingredients together in one bowl, and wet ingredients together in
another. Then begin to stir together the dry ingredients combination with the
wet ingredients combination, adding water as you mix, using just enough water
to create thick dough. Not to the point of a thin batter, you want it to be quite

Transfer the dough to an oiled baking pan that is large enough to spread out the
dough to roughly an inch thick. Bake at 350 degrees until a fork poked into the
center comes out clean.

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 32

Breakfast 33

Breakfast Potatoes

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 large baking potato, scrubbed and chopped medium size

1/2 medium yellow onion, chopped
4 or more collard green leaves, washed and chopped coarsely. Remove stems.
2 Tbsp olive oil for frying
2 tsp (or to taste) Italian Seasoning
1/2 tsp (or to taste) dill weed
Garlic powder
Curry powder
1/4 to 1/2c water.

In a large skillet, heat oil over medium until warmed. Sauté onion and potato,
stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes. Add herbs, water and greens. Turn to high,
bring water to a boil, cover, turn to low and let simmer until potatoes are soft.
Season with salt to taste, or Bragg's to taste.

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 33

Breakfast 34

Cream of Quinoa

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

½ cup quinoa
1 cup filtered water
½ teaspoon sea salt
3 tablespoons raw almonds
½ cup apple, chopped
¼ teaspoon pure vanilla extract

Bring quinoa and salted water to a boil. Cover and simmer for 15 minutes or until
quinoa is done. Mix in the rest of the ingredients. Stir until creamy.
Garnish with apple slices and cinnamon powder.

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Breakfast 35

Steamed Brown Rice with Vegetables

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 cup uncooked brown short-grain rice

3 bamboo shoots, sliced
1 Japanese short cucumber
1 daikon, small
1-teaspoon cayenne powder
1-tablespoon olive oil

Cook rice according to directions on the package. While rice is cooking, sauté ‫י‬
bamboo shoots, cucumber, daikon in the large sauté ‫י‬pan for 5 minutes. Add
cayenne powder to taste. Serve over rice.
Preparation time: 5 min, cook time: 30 min, serving: 4

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Vegetarian Omelet

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

4 pieces scrambled tofu

3-4 small onion, diced fine
1-teaspoon chili powder
Salt to taste
Pinch of parsley

Mash tofu. Add onion, chili powder and salt. Mix together to make a slightly thick
Grease a skillet, pour the mixture in the skillet and spread it like an omelet. Let it
heat thorough.
Remove from the skillet and serve hot. Sprinkle parley on top of the omelet and
serve with red pepper sauce (made with fresh red peppers only).

Preparation time: 5 min, cook time: 5 min, serving: 2

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Appetizers 37


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Appetizers 38

Baked Tofu Bites

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 package firm plain tofu, diced in small eatable pieces

1-cup onion, minced
3 clove garlic minced
½ cup olive oil
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1-teaspoon paprika
1-teaspoon ground cumin
1-teaspoon ground coriander

Reheat oven to 450oF.

Arrange tofu bites on a large non-stick baking sheet.
In a small bowl combine onion, garlic, black pepper, paprika, cumin, coriander,
and olive oil. Mix well.
Pour the mixture over the tofu bites.
Bake in the oven for 20 minutes or until tofu bites turn golden brown and crispy.
Remove and let cool. Stick a toothpick in each tofu bite and arrange it nicely
large dinner plate.

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 38

Appetizers 39

Tofu and Onions Stir-Fry

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking
½ package firm tofu, sliced
1 white onion, thinly slice
2 green onions, cut into 2 inch strips
2-4 red chilies
3 garlic cloves diced
Sea salt and pepper to taste
1-teaspoon Bragg’s Liquid Aminos
3-4 tablespoons olive oil

Heat oil in a large frying pan. Add garlic and red chilies and sauté ‫ י‬for 3 minutes.
Add tofu and white onions. Season with salt and pepper. Stir and cook the
mixture for 2 to 4 minutes or until all ingredients are cooked.
Stir in green onions and serve.
Preparation time: 10 min, cook time: 10 min, serving: 2

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Appetizers 40

Chop Suey
Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

2 cups bean sprouts

2 celery stalks, sliced
3 dry chilies break in half
2 garlic cloves diced
3 tablespoons olive oil
Sea salt to taste

Heat oil in the wok. Add in garlic, dry chilies, celery, and bean sprouts. Season
with salt and sauté ‫ י‬for 3 to 5 minutes.
Preparation time: 5 min, cook time: 5 min, serves: 2

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 40

Appetizers 41

Stuffed Avocado Halves

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking
2 avocados
1 red pepper, diced
1 onion, diced
1 clove garlic, minced
2 tablespoons olive oil
Juice of one lime
Pinch of coriander or oregano
Sea salt and pepper to taste

Cut the avocados in half. Remove the pits. Remove the flesh of one of the
avocados and dice it. Sprinkle the other two avocado halves with the juice of the
half of the lime and set aside.
In the bowl combine the diced avocado with the remaining ingredients and fill
the two avocado halves with the mixture.
Preparation time: 15 min, cook time: 0 min, serves: 4

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 41

Appetizers 42

Asparagus with Garlic and Sesame

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 bunch fresh asparagus, chop the bottom tips off

3 cloves garlic, minced
1-tablespoon sesame oil
2 teaspoons sesame seeds

Heat up oil in a large pan.

Toss in the asparagus and cover it with oil. Mix in the garlic and sesame seeds.
Cook for 5 minutes until the asparagus starts to soften. Serve immediately.
Preparation time: 5, cooking time: 10 min, serves: 2-4

Alkaline Vegetable Cocktail

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking
¼ small cabbage
1-tablespoon parsley, chopped
2 cucumbers
½ cup alkaline water

Blend all ingredients in the blender. You can add 1 teaspoon of green alkaline
powder to the drink and drink it 3 times a day.

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 42

Appetizers 43

Green Bean Stir-Fry

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 lb. fresh green beans, trimmed

1 large clove garlic, coarsely chopped
1/4-1/2 cup water
1-tablespoon olive
1 teaspoon toasted sesame oil
2 tablespoons Bragg’S Liquid Aminos to taste

Heat oil in a large frying pan or wok. Add garlic and sauté ‫ י‬for 2 or 3 minutes,
until fragrant. Add green beans and toss to coat in oil, cook for a minute or two
more. Add water and cover pan to steam the green beans. Cook until water has
boiled off and green beans are to desired tenderness (you may have to add more
water)- about 10 minutes.

Add Bragg’s Liquid Aminos and toasted sesame oil, cooking a minute or so longer
to blend the flavors and heat the Bragg Liquid Aminos. Serve with rice.
Preparation time: 15 min, cook time: 15 min, serves: 4

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 43

Appetizers 44

Rice with Red peppers

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1-cup brown rice, uncooked

1 small red peppers, diced
1 green pepper, diced
1 small onion, diced
2 green chilies, diced
1-teaspoon gingerroot, grated
2-3 clove garlic, minced
Coriander, fresh or ground
2-½ cup water or vegetable broth

In a large saucepan combine onions, green pepper, ginger, garlic, coriander, and
salt, and saut‫ י‬for 10 minutes until vegetables are soft.
Add red peppers and saut‫ י‬for few more minutes. Add washed and drained rice,
stir and saut‫ י‬for 5 minutes until rice starts to brown. Add water and bring to
boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 40 minutes or until all liquid is gone.
Preparation time: 10 min, cook time: 40 minutes, serves: 6

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 44

Salads & Dressings 45

White Bean Pate

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 (15oz.) can cannelloni beans, drained

1 large (about 1/2 pound) onion, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, pressed or minced
1/2-cup regular strength vegetable stock
1/4 cup lemon juice
Salt and pepper

Chop and mince the onion and garlic. Add to a 10 - 12 inch frying pan and
combine with ¼ cup of the broth. Stirring often, saut‫ י‬over a medium-high heat
until a brown film forms on the pan bottom (about six minutes). Deglaze the pan
by adding the lemon juice, stirring again to release the brown film. Repeat the
browning and deglazing process once or twice, using 2 tablespoons of broth each
time, until the vegetables are richly browned.

Add beans to onion/garlic mixture and coarsely mash while still in the pan. If
needed, add a little more broth to give the beans the texture of creamy mashed
potatoes. Add salt and pepper to taste. Remove from the pan and arrange on a
serving plate in an attractive shape. Serve hot with buckwheat bread toast,
crackers or crudit‫ י‬or chill by refrigerating for 4 hours and serve cold. It’s
delicious either way.

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Salads & Dressings 46

Salads & Dressings

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Salads & Dressings 47

Cold Barley Salad

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1-cup raw barley

1-diced celery stem
2 cups organic chicken stock
2 tablespoons olive oil
3 small carrots sliced thinly (note: carrots can be added only at the later stages
of the program or in very mild cases of Acid Reflux overgrowth)
1 medium red onion, diced
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
11/2 cups water

Cook the barley in the organic chicken broth and water until te liquid is absorbed
and the barley is tender. 2 Stir the apple cider vinegar and olive oil into the mix.
Chill the mixture. Stir the celery, carrot, and onion into the cooled barley mixture.

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Salads & Dressings 48

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Salads & Dressings 49

Rice Salad

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

2.5 cups cooked brown rice

1 cup cooked wild rice
1/4-cup parsley, chopped
2 carrots sliced on diagonal (note: carrots can be added only at the later stages
of the program or in very mild cases of Acid Reflux overgrowth)
1 large green pepper sliced


2 teaspoons Dijon-style mustard

5 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
/4 teaspoon dried tarragon
Pinch of basil
Pinch of thyme
3 tablespoons olive oil

Mix the salad ingredients in large serving bowl. Mix dressing ingredients
and pour over the salad. Cool the salad for several hours before serving.

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 49

Salads & Dressings 50

Red pepper, Avocado and Celery Salad

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

5 red peppers, chopped

1 avocado, chopped
3 sticks celery, chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
Juice and rind of a lemon
2 tbsp olive oil

Combine all the ingredients in a bowl. Serves 2 people.

Sliced Cucumber & Onion Salad

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

This is an attractive way in which to serve sliced cucumbers and onions. A single
large cucumber should be selected for this salad.

With a sharp knife, peel the skin from the cucumber in narrow strips back to the
stem end, but do not cut the strips loose from the end. After the peeling has all
been removed, place the cucumber on a board and cut it into thin slices. Place
on a small platter, as shown, arrange slices of onion around the edge, and pour
French dressing over the whole. Dust with paprika and serve. A number of slices
of cucumber and one or two slices of onion should be served to each person.

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 50

Salads & Dressings 51

Red pepper & String Bean Salad

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

Besides being appetizing in flavor and appearance, red pepper and string-bean
salad has the advantage over some salads in that it can be made of either fresh
or canned vegetables. For the salad here shown, red peppers and beans canned
by the cold-pack method were used. If it is desired to duplicate this salad, place
a canned red pepper or peeled fresh red peppers in the center of a plate
garnished with lettuce and around it place several piles of three or four canned
or freshly cooked beans. Serve with French dressing or any other desired salad

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 51

Salads & Dressings 52

Cabbage Salad
Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

A salad that always finds favor is made by combining cabbage with a boiled
salad dressing or with an uncooked sour cream dressing. To make cabbage
salad, select a firm head of cabbage, pull off the outside leaves, and wash. Cut
the head in half down through the heart and root and cut each half into quarters.
Place each quarter on a cutting board and with a sharp knife shave off the

If desired, however, the cabbage may be shredded with a cabbage cutter. If the
cabbage, upon being cut, is found to be wilted, place it in cold water and let it
stand until it becomes crisp. Drain off the water carefully and allow the cabbage
to drip in a colander or dry it between pieces of old linen. With the cabbage thus
prepared, season it with salt and mix it with the desired dressing. Serve on
lettuce in a salad dish, on individual salad plates.

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Salads & Dressings 53

Cabbage & Celery Salad

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

Cabbage and celery combine very well, for they are similar in color and
crispness. They can be procured at the same time of the year, and while celery is
not cheap, cabbage is a comparatively inexpensive food and the two combined
make an inexpensive salad. Because the color of both is very much the same,
pimiento is added to give a contrasting color.

1-cup cabbage
1-cup celery
1 pimiento or green pepper
1/2 teaspoon. salt
2 Tablespoon. apple cider vinegar

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Salads & Dressings 54

Breakfast Salad
Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

2 Red peppers
1 Cucumber
1 tablespoonful Oil
1 Spring Onion
Half a Lettuce
2-tablespoonful apple cider vinegar

Scald the red peppers and take off the skin, and put them into cold water or on
to the ice until quite cold. Cut them up the same as an orange; peel and cut up
the cucumber into very thin slices and mince up the onion. Sprinkle these with
pepper and salt, pour over the oil and apple cider vinegar. Shred up the lettuce
and lay on the top, it is then ready to serve.

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Salads & Dressings 55

Winter Salad
Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

A salad made entirely of winter vegetables may be prepared when there are no
fresh vegetables in supply. If any of the vegetables are left over, the others may
be prepared to use with the left-over ones.

A good plan to follow when carrots, turnips, or potatoes are being prepared for
a meal is to cook more than is necessary for the one meal and then set aside
part of them for a salad to be served at another meal.

1-cup turnips, diced

1 cup carrots, diced (note: carrots can be added only at the later stages of the
program or in very mild cases of Acid Reflux overgrowth)
1 cup. potatoes, diced
1 Tb. chopped onion
French dressing

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Salads & Dressings 56

Summer Salad
Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

3 lettuces
2 handfuls of mustard-and-cress
Young radishes
A few slices of cucumber.

Let the herbs be as fresh as possible for a salad, and, if at all stale or dead-
looking, let them lie in water for an hour or two, which will very much refresh
them. Wash and carefully pick them over, remove any decayed or worm-eaten
leaves, and drain them thoroughly by swinging them gently in a clean cloth. With
a knife, cut the lettuces into small pieces, and the radishes and cucumbers into
thin slices; arrange all these ingredients lightly on a dish, with the mustard and
cress, and pour under, but not over the salad. Add sauce as necessary. Do not
stir it up until it is to be eaten. It may be garnished with hard-boiled eggs, cut in
slices, sliced cucumbers, nasturtiums, cut vegetable-flowers, and many other
things that taste will always suggest to make a pretty and elegant dish. In
making a good salad, care must be taken to have the herbs freshly gathered,
and thoroughly drained before the sauce is added to them, or it will be watery
and thin.

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 56

Salads & Dressings 57

Cauliflower & Red pepper Salad

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

A salad in which cauliflower and red peppers are combined is attractive in

appearance if it is nicely made. It also has the advantage of being simple to
prepare. When cauliflower is cooked for salad, care must be taken not to cook it
so long as to discolor it or cause it to fall to pieces.

3 red peppers
6 cauliflower flowerets

Select firm, ripe, medium-sized red peppers. Place them in boiling water to scald
them, and then dip them quickly into cold water and remove the skins. Cut out
the stem ends and slice each red pepper half way between the stem and
blossom ends. Place each half red pepper on a salad plate garnished with a
lettuce leaf, stick a stem of the cauliflower into the center, and serve with boiled
salad dressing. Sufficient to Serve Six.

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Salads & Dressings 58

Peas & Celery Salad

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

Peas may be freshly cooked for this salad, but canned peas will do just as well.
Left-over peas not prepared with cream sauce may also be utilized nicely in this
way, or if a portion of a can of peas is needed for the meal, the remainder may
be used for a smaller quantity of salad than here stated. Boiled salad dressing
will be found to be best for this combination of vegetables.

1 c. peas
Boiled salad dressing
1 c. diced celery

Drain canned peas as dry as possible and mix with the diced celery. Just before
serving, add the salad dressing and mix thoroughly. Serve on salad plates
garnished with lettuce.

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Salads & Dressings 59

Asparagus Salad

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

Salad in which asparagus is the chief ingredient is one that may be served during
the entire year, for either freshly cooked or canned asparagus may be used; in
fact, the canned asparagus is considered by many persons to be better than that
which is freshly cooked.

1 pimiento
1 can asparagus
Salad dressing

Garnish salad plates with the lettuce. Place the asparagus tips in an orderly pile
on the lettuce leaf. Cut a thin strip of the pimiento, and place this across the tips
in the center. Just before serving, pour a spoonful or two of any desired salad
dressing over this or place the salad on the table and serve the dressing,
allowing each person to take what is desired. Sufficient to Serve Five.

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Salads & Dressings 60

Turnip Salad
Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

4 Young Turnips
2 Spring Onions
2 Boiled Potatoes
Half a Lettuce
Salad Dressing

Peel and slice up the turnips and boil them for twenty minutes, or until soft. Let
them get quite cold. Shred up very small the onions, and slice up the potatoes.
Break up half a lettuce. Arrange these neatly in a bowl and pour over a simple
salad dressing.

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Salads & Dressings 61

Fish Salad
Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 fresh salmon or tuna fish

1 cupful shredded cabbage or sliced celery

Drain the oil from the fish; remove the bone and bits of skin. Add the cabbage or
celery, and Salad Dressing. Arrange on lettuce and garnish as desired. The
salmon may be marinated before adding the other ingredients. When this is
done, the salad dressing may be omitted. Salmon contains so much fat that it is
not well to add more oil after marinating.

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Salads & Dressings 62

Chicken Salad
Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

The remains of cold roast or boiled chicken

2 lettuces
A little endive
1 cucumber
A few slices of boiled beetroot

Trim neatly the remains of the chicken; wash, dry, and slice the lettuces, and
place in the middle of a dish; put the pieces of fowl on the top, and pour the
salad-dressing over them. Garnish the edge of the salad with hard-boiled eggs
cut in rings, sliced cucumber, and boiled beetroot cut in slices. Instead of cutting
the eggs in rings, the yolks may be rubbed through a hair sieve, and the whites
chopped very finely, and arranged on the salad in small bunches, yellow and
white alternately. This should not be made long before it is wanted for table.

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Salads & Dressings 63

Chicken Spring Salad

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

Spinach is an excellent source of Vitamins A and C, as well as potassium and

magnesium. When you eat it uncooked, as in this recipe, dentists say spinach is
a detergent food, helpful to dental health.

3 cups cooked chicken, cut in chunks

1 package (10-ounces) raw spinach, washed and drained with stems removed
and torn into small pieces
1 small clove garlic, minced
1 tablespoon chives, snipped, fresh or frozen
1 teaspoon salt or to taste
1/8-teaspoon ground pepper
3/4 cup chopped pecans
2 apples, chopped
1/2-cup oil
1/4-cup apple cider vinegar
In a salad bowl combine all ingredients and toss lightly. Serves 6 to 8.

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Salads & Dressings 64

Another Bean Salad

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1/2 teaspoon Salt

1-cup apple cider vinegar
16 ounces Green beans, can -- drained
16 ounces Yellow beans, can -- drained
16 ounces Lima beans, can -- drained
16 ounces Garbanzo beans, can -- drained
16 ounces Red kidney beans -- drained
1 each Green pepper -- slivered
4 each Celery -- sliced
3 each Onions, medium -- sliced thin

Combine salt and apple cider vinegar in pan, bring to boil for 1 min. Cool.
Toss all other ingredients together and pour the vinegar mixture over them.
Marinate for 24 hrs in refrigerator, stirring occasionally.

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Salads & Dressings 65

Artichoke Salad
Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

4 Each Fresh artichoke hearts

1 Tablespoon apple cider vinegar
2 Cups Artichoke hearts, quartered
1 Teaspoon Louisiana hot sauce
1 Each Small garlic clove
2 Teaspoons Salt
1-Teaspoon Lea
3 Tablespoons Olive oil
1 Tablespoon Lemon juice

In a wooden salad bowl, mash garlic and salt with a strong fork. Add
fresh artichoke hearts, and mash with the garlic and salt. Add olive
oil, stir, add lemon juice, stir, add apple cider vinegar, stir, add hot
sauce, stir, add Lea, Mix well. Put artichoke hearts in dressing and let marinate
for 1 hour, then eat as is or serve on a bed of greens.

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Salads & Dressings 66

Bean and Tuna Salad

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

3 cups Water
2 cans Cannellini beans
1/3 cup Olive oil
3 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon Salt
Fresh pepper to taste
1 medium Red onion
12 ounces Tuna – drained

Mix together oil, vinegar, salt and pepper. Pour over beans and onion in a
shallow bowl. Cover and refrigerate at least 1 hour.
Transfer bean mixture to serving platter with slotted spoon. Break tuna into
chunks and arrange on bean mixture.

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Salads & Dressings 67

Bean Salad
Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 cup kidney beans -- dry

1 cup lima beans -- dry
1 cup pinto beans -- dry
1 cup garbanzo beans -- dry
1 cup green beans
1 red onion -- chopped
3 tablespoons fresh chopped parsley
freshly ground black pepper -- to taste
1/3 cup virgin olive oil
3/4 cup apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon dry mustard
3 cloves garlic -- minced
2 teaspoons oregano

Soak all dry beans overnight in water to cover. Rinse and place in a large pot
and fill with water to cover. Cook for 1 hour until done, then turn heat off and
add green beans. Let sit in the hot water for 30 minutes. Drain. Mix in the onion,
parsley, pepper and vinaigrette.
Refrigerate overnight.

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 67

Salads & Dressings 68

Black & White Bean Salad

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

2 cups Red onions -- finely chopped

2 tablespoons Olive or Vegetable Oil
1/3-cup apple cider vinegar
1/4 cup Chopped Red Pepper
2 tablespoons Minced Parsley
20 milliliters Garlic -- Minced
1/4 teaspoon Salt
1/4 teaspoon Pepper
1 cup 15 oz. Great Northern Beans -- Rinsed and
1 cup 15 oz, Black Beans -- Rinsed and Drained

Saute Onions in oil until crisp-tender in a medium skillet; Remove from heat and
cool until warm. Stir in vinegar, red pepper, parsley, garlic, stevia, salt and
In a serving bowl put the beans, (both types) and pour the onion mixture over
them. Mix well and serve.
Makes 8 servings

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Salads & Dressings 69

Black Bean With Pepper Vinaigrette

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 1/4 cups Dried black beans -- soaked

4 cups Water
1 each Bay leaf
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1-tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1 each Clove garlic -- minced
1/4 teaspoon Cumin
1 teaspoon Hot pepper sauce
1 tablespoon Chopped cilantro
2 tablespoons Olive oil
1/2 each Red pepper -- diced
1/2 each Yellow pepper -- diced
1/2 each Green pepper -- diced
1 each Red onion -- diced
4 each Scallion -- thinly sliced

Drain beans & rinse well. Put in a large pot with the water & bay leaf.
Bring to a boil & simmer for 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Drain.
Combine salt, vinegar, garlic, cumin, hot pepper sauce, cilantro & olive oil in a
small bowl. Pour over warm beans. Toss well. Add remaining ingredients. Toss
gently, garnish with fresh cilantro & serve at room temperature.

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Salads & Dressings 70

Chicken Broccoli Salad

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking
1/3 cup Uncooked Bulgur
(1 C. Cooked Brown Rice
May Be Substituted For
2 2/3 cups Boiling Water Divided
10 milliliters Garlic Crushed
1 (10 Oz.) organic Chicken Breast
1/2 cup Broccoli Flowerets
2 tablespoons Minced Green Onions
1 teaspoon Lime Juice
1/4 teaspoon Pepper
1/4 teaspoon Crushed Red Pepper Flakes
1 teaspoon Minced Gingerroot

Combine Bulgur & 2/3 C. Boiling Water in A Large Bowl; Let Stand 30 To
45 Min. OR Until Liquid Is Absorbed. Set Aside.
Combine Bouillon Granules, Garlic, & Remaining 2 C. Boiling Water in A
Medium Saucepan. Bring To A Boil Over High Heat; Add Chicken. Cover,
Reduce Heat & Simmer 20 Min. OR Until Chicken Is Tender. Remove Chicken &
Let Cool. Discard Broth. Bone Chicken & Cut Into Bite Side Pieces, Combine With
Reserved Bulgur. Steam Broccoli 5 Min. OR Until Crisp Tender.

Add To Chicken Mixture. Add Green Onions, Lime Juice Pepper, Red
Pepper flakes & Gingerroot To Chicken Mixture, Tossing Well. Cover &
Chill 2 To 3 Hours.

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Salads & Dressings 71

Cilantro Slaw
Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 Small Head Of Cabbage -- finely shredded

1 Small Onion -- minced
2 Tablespoons Fresh Cilantro -- minced
1 European Cucumber -- about 1 pound
Lime And Garlic Dressing:
1/2-Cup Salad Oil
1/3-Cup Lime Juice
2 Cloves Fresh Garlic -- minced, or pressed

Mix cabbage, onion, and cilantro. Peel and seed cucumber; cut into
3-inch-long sticks. (At this point, you may cover and refrigerate cabbage mixture
and cucumber separately for up to 1 day.)
Dressing: Whisk together 1/2-cup salad oil, 1/3-cup limejuice, and 2 cloves of
minced or pressed garlic. If made ahead, cover and refrigerate for up to 2 days;
stir to re-blend before using. Stir dressing into cabbage mixture; pile into a bowl
or onto a platter.
Garnish with cucumber; season to taste with salt and pepper.

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Cucumber and Avocado Salad

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 each English Seedless Cucumber

Chili Pepper
1 tablespoon Fresh Lime Juice
1 teaspoon Minced Onion
Slices -- Sweet Red Pepper
1 each Ripe Avocado -- sliced
Fresh Parsley

Peel and slice the cucumber paper-thin. Season with salt, chili pepper and
limejuice. Sprinkle with onion and red pepper slices.

Arrange lettuce on 6 serving plates. Pile cucumber mixture in center of each

plate. Add avocado slices and parsley. 6 servings.

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Cucumber and Onion Salad

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 medium cucumber -- sliced

1 medium onion -- sliced
2 teaspoons salt
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
1-cup cold water
1/4-teaspoon pepper
Mix together and chill before serving.

Cucumber-Mint Salad
Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking
1 large cucumber
1 small onion -- chopped fine
1 tablespoon fresh mint -- chopped
1/4-cup apple cider vinegar
1/2-teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon lemon pepper seasoning

Peel cucumber and chop into 1/4-inch cubes. Combine all ingredients in bowl and
mix. Serve at room temperature. Serves 4.

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Dilled Cucumber Salad

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 cup cucumber -- peeled seeded, dice

1-pint sour cream
1-tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1/2-teaspoon salt
1/8-teaspoon cayenne
1-tablespoon onion -- grated
3 tablespoons fresh dill – chopped

Mix sour cream, vinegar, salt, cayenne, and grated onion. Stir in chopped dill and
diced cucumber. Refrigerate two hours before serving.

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Essig Krautersauce
Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 tablespoon Shallots -- chopped

1 tablespoon Capers -- chopped
1 tablespoon Parsley -- chopped
1 tablespoon Chervil -- chopped
1 tablespoon Chives -- chopped
1 cup Olive oil
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon Salt
1/2 teaspoon Pepper

Mix the first five ingredients with the oil and let stand for at least
1 hour. Add the vinegar, salt and pepper. This dressing may be used with meat,
fish, vegetables or salad. Rice one hard-cooked egg over the dish if desired, or
egg may be added to the dressing. 2 Tb. green onion, chopped may be
substituted for the shallots. Great over fresh chopped red pepper! It may be
served hot or cold.

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Guacamole Salad
Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

5 each Large avocados

1 each Medium garlic clove -- minced
1 each Medium red pepper -- chopped
4 ounces Can chopped green chili
2 1/2 tablespoons Lemon or limejuice
1 teaspoon Salt

Peel and chop avocados into a bowl. Mash with garlic and lemon juice.
Add remaining ingredients, mixture will be chunky. To prepare individual salads,
spoon mixture on shredded or whole lettuce leaves.
Top with diced red pepper for garnish and serve with tortilla chips. If made
ahead of time, save pit and put in dip until time to serve to prevent darkening.

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Hot Potato & Broccoli Salad

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

4 each Potatoes, medium -- peeled

1 each Bunch broccoli -- broken flore
1/4 cup Vegetable or salad oil
1/4 cup Lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon Garlic powder
3/4 teaspoon Salt
1 teaspoon Basil
1/4 teaspoon Liquid hot pepper sauce
2 each Green onions – sliced

Cook potatoes until tender, then dice; cook broccoli until tender.
Keep both hot. Combine remaining ingredients. Bring to boil, stirring.
Pour over the vegetables and toss gently. (May be served hot or cold.)

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Italian Bean-And-Red pepper Salad

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 1/2 cups romaine lettuce -- shredded

1/2-cup red pepper -- seeded, coarsely-- chopped, unpeeled
1/2-cup great northern beans, canned -- drained
1/4 teaspoon dried rosemary -- crushed
1/4-teaspoon pepper -- fresh-ground
2 tablespoons low sodium organic chicken broth
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
1-teaspoon olive oil

Combine first 3 ingredients in a bowl; toss gently. Combine rosemary and next 4
ingredients; stir well. Pour over lettuce mixture, and toss gently.

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Jambalaya Salad
Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

3/4 Cup Salad dressing, Italian

1/2 Cup Celery -- sliced
1/2 Cup Green pepper -- chopped
1/4 Cup Onion -- chopped
1-Teaspoon Thyme
1/4 Teaspoon Pepper, red -- ground
1/4-Teaspoon Salt
1 Each Garlic clove -- minced
2 Cups Rice -- cooked
1/2 Cup Ham -- cubed
6 Ounces Shrimp, tiny -- cooked
1 Cup Red pepper -- chopped
6 Each Bacon slices – crumbled

Combine first eight ingredients. Add remaining ingredients except bacon.

Chill and add bacon just before serving.

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Lentil Salad
Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1/4-cup fresh lemon juice

2/3-cup olive oil
1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
1 clove garlic -- mashed
2 cups dried lentils
1/2 cup diced celery
2 whole red ripe red peppers – chopped

Whisk together lemon juice and olive oil. Beat in Italian seasoning and garlic.
Wash lentils and boil in a quart of water until barely tender, about
30 minutes. Drain. While warm, toss with lemon dressing. Cool to room
temperature. Add celery and red peppers. Serve immediately or chill and serve

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Salads & Dressings 81

Quinoa Super Salad

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

5 ups quinoa, cooked -- (basic recipe)

1 cup carrots – chopped (note: carrots can be added only at the later stages of
the program or in very mild cases of Acid Reflux overgrowth)
3/4-cup parsley -- minced
1 cup sunflower seeds
4 cloves garlic, minced -- or to taste
1/4 cup olive oil -- or less
1/4-cup soy sauce or tamari -- Try braggs aminos
1/2 cup lemon juice
Red peppers
Black olives

Cook quinoa. let cool. Add carrots, parsley sunflower seed and garlic to quinoa.
Mix thoroughly. Combine liquids, pour over quinoa and toss well. Garnish with
red pepper wedges and olives.

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Red Kidney Bean Salad

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

2 cups kidney beans, canned

4 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
3 tablespoons olive oil
1/4 teaspoon Oregano
1/4 teaspoon Salt
2 dashes Pepper
4 tablespoons Celery -- diced
2 tablespoons Onion – chopped

Drain kidney beans, combine beans with a mixture of apple cider vinegar, olive
oil, oregano, salt and pepper. Blend in celery and onion.
Chill in refrigerator, serve in crisp lettuce cups.

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Rice Salad Mold

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 cup long-grain rice

Black pepper
1/4-cup olive oil
2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
2 cups mixed vegetables -- cooked
1/2 green bell pepper -- finely diced
1 cucumber -- peeled and diced

1. Place rice, salt and pepper in small heavy pan with tight fitting lid. Add 2 cups
water; bring to a boil, cover, then simmer for 20 minutes without lifting lid.
2. Put cooked rice in mixing bowl; add oil, vinegar and mustard.
Toss with a fork to mix well.
3. Gently fold in cooked vegetables. You will need 2 cups total so use your choice
of green peas, green beans, etc. Add the diced green pepper and cucumber.
4. Lightly oil a decorative mold; do not use olive oil for this.
Pack rice mixture into mold and refrigerate until thoroughly chilled.
Unmold just before serving.

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Salads & Dressings 84

Rio Grande Quinoa Salad

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

3 tablespoons Lemon juice

3 tablespoons Olive oil
3 tablespoons Cilantro -- minced
Sea salt
Freshly ground black pepper
1/2 cup Quinoa -- rinsed well
1/2-teaspoon Cumin seeds -- toasted
1-cup Cooked black beans
1 medium Red pepper -- diced
3 tablespoons Red onion – minced

Whisk together lemon juice, olive oil, cilantro, and salt and pepper to taste; set
In a small saucepan, bring 1-1/2 cups water to a boil.
Reduce heat.
Bring cooking liquid to a boil and add quinoa and cumin. Cover, reducing heat,
and let simmer until liquid is absorbed (about 10 minutes). Remove pan from
heat and leave undisturbed for 5 minutes.
Fluff quinoa with a fork and allow cooling slightly.
In a bowl, combine cooled quinoa, black beans, red pepper and onion.
Pour dressing over and toss gently to mix. Refrigerate salad until ready to serve.

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Simple Iranian Salad

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 cucumber -- peeled and chopped

1 medium red pepper -- chopped
1 small onion -- chopped
1-tablespoon parsley -- minced
1-tablespoon olive oil
Juice of one lime
Salt and pepper to taste

Mix together. Chill before serving.

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Spicy Black Bean & Lentil Salad

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

2 cups Cooked black beans

2 cups Cooked red lentils
1-teaspoon Dry mustard
3 tablespoons Minced garlic
1 tablespoon Fresh parsley -- minced
1/2-cup apple cider vinegar
Juice from 1 lemon
1 teaspoon Salt
3 tablespoons Olive oil
1-teaspoon Crushed red peppers
1 small Butterhead lettuce -- torn
2 large Red bell peppers -- sliced
2 large Red potatoes, cooked -- sliced
1/2 cup Grated carrots (note: carrots can be added only at the later stages of the
program or in very mild cases of Acid Reflux overgrowth)

Put legumes in separate bowls. Whisk together mustard, garlic, parsley, vinegar,
lemon juice, salt, oil & red pepper. Divide mixture evenly between legumes.
Marinate covered in the fridge for 1 hour.
Line salad plates with lettuce, top with peppers. Arrange small piles of potatoes,
carrots & legumes on each plate. Drizzle marinade over the meal.

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Lemon Garlic Dressing

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

2 tablespoons powdered flax seeds

2 cloves garlic
Pinch salt
¼ cup cider vinegar
¼ tsp. pepper
1large red pepper
½ tsp. Celery seed
1 lemon
½ cup water

Place all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth.

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Citrus Tahini Dressing

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 cup of sesame seeds

1 lemon
Cup of water
2 Tbs. of flax
1 tsp. of garlic powder
Few drops cider vinegar
1 tsp. of sea salt

Grind the sesame seeds into fine powder in your coffee grinder. Add all other
ingredients and blend well until smooth.

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Red pepper-Basil Dressing

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 medium cluster red pepper

1/4-cup fresh basil leaves
2-4 TB Apple Cider Vinegar
1/2 cup organic extra virgin olive oil
1/2 clove garlic, minced
Salt, to taste
Freshly cracked black pepper, to taste

Combine all ingredients in a food processor. Blend until creamy. Adjust flavors if

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Salads & Dressings 90

New You Salad Dressing

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

This dressing offers all the benefits of flax, sunflower and evening primrose oils
with a flavor that complements winter greens. Try it drizzled over salad greens or
steamed vegetables.

Serves 4 (2 tablespoons per serving)

3 TB apple cider vinegar or lemon juice
1/2 tsp dry mustard
1 TB chopped parsley
1 TB chopped chives
1 large garlic clove, roughly chopped
1/2 tsp dried oregano
1/2 tsp dried basil
3 TB flaxseed oil blend
Pinch of cayenne
Sea salt & freshly ground black pepper

In a blender or food processor, combine vinegar, mustard, herbs and garlic.

Blend until smooth. Slowly add oil in a fine stream. Blend until slightly creamy.
Season with cayenne, salt and pepper. Makes about 1/2 cup.

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Main Courses

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Alkaline Burger

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 cup almonds, soaked 12-48 hours

1 cup sunflowers, soaked 6-8 hours
¼ cup onion, minced
½ cup fresh parsley, chopped
Juice of 1 lemon
1-teaspoon coriander
1-teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon fresh cilantro, chopped
3-4 tablespoons sesame tahini

In a food processor, puree nuts and onion. Add remaining ingredients and puree.
Form the mixture into 2-4 inch burger patties.
Dehydrate the patties for 8 hours at 105o. If patties are not done, dehydrate for
additional 2 hours.
Place each burger between two slices of buckwheat bread and add your favorite
Makes 8 medium burgers

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Sprouted Basmati Rice with Red Bell

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 cup basmati rice, sprouted

2-½ cup filtered water
2 scallions, chopped finely
2 red bell peppers, diced
¼ cup olive oil
2 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice

Preparing this recipe take some pre-planning because basmati rice needs to be
soaked for 12 to 24 hours. Begin by placing the basmati rice in a fine mesh
colander and rinse well with cold water. Transfer the rinsed rice to a medium
bowl and add enough water to cover the rice by an additional one inch. Set the
bowl aside and leave the rice to soak at room temperature for 12 hours. Drain
the soaked rice in a fine mesh colander, rinse the rice with cold water, and leave
it to drain. Return the rice to the bowl, cover it with enough water to cover the
rice by an additional one-inch, and then soak for additional 12 hours.
Repeat the soaking process until rice has soften and started to split. When the
rice has begun to split and it is tender enough to eat, transfer it to the fine mesh
colander, and drain well. Place the rice in a large bowl and set aside while
preparing the vegetables.
Combine soaked rice, scallions, red bell peppers in large bowl and mix well. Pour
olive oil over the rice and vegetables and mix well.

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Angel Hair Zucchini Spaghetti

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

4 medium zucchinis
4 cuts cubed red peppers
1-cup sun-dried red peppers
2 teaspoons peeled gingerroot
3 peeled garlic cloves
2 hot peppers
½ cup fresh basil leaves
½ cup fresh oregano leaves
½ cup olive oil
Juice of 1 lemon

For angel hair zucchini spaghetti shred 4 medium zucchinis in the spiral slicer.
For sauce: Blend all the ingredients in the blender until well liquefied.
For garnish: Top with fresh basil leaves and cubed red bell peppers and red

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Main Courses 95

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

2 cucumbers
4 zucchinis
2 teaspoons peeled gingerroot
1-teaspoon sesame seeds
2 clove garlic
1 medium red pepper, sliced
¼ cup fresh parsley
¼ cup olive oil
Juice of 1 lemon

Blend the ginger, olive oil, sesame seeds, lemon juice, parsley and garlic in a
blender until well liquefied.
Shred zucchinis and cucumbers into fine angle hair spaghetti with spiral slicer.
Toss the noodles with the sauce.
Garnish with sliced red peppers and parsley.

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Chilli Fish Cakes

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

500g white fish meat, minced

2 cloves garlic 3 shallots, diced finely
1-teaspoon parsley
1-tablespoon coriander
Juice of ½ a lemon
Iodized salt
Ground pepper
Olive oil for frying
2 teaspoons tamari soy sauce
1-teaspoon fresh ginger
1 small red chilli

Finely chop the chilli, garlic, parsley, coriander and ginger. Place all the
ingredients in a large bowl and mix well (until the mixture sticks together).
Heat oil in a fry pan. Shape the mixture into small flat patties about 3 cm in
diameter. Fry the cakes in oil until golden brown on each side.

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Green Living Rolls

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking
1-bunch collard greens
2 tablespoons sprouted alfalfa
2 tablespoons sprouted lentils
2 tablespoons sprouted sunflower seeds
2 tablespoons sprouted soybeans
Olive oil to taste
Lemon juice to taste

Carefully cut out the stem of collard greens, so that you have two halves.
In a medium bowl, combine sprouts. Mix gently.
Place 1 to 2 tablespoons of mixture evenly over the half of the leaf. Sprinkle the
sprout mixture with olive oil and lemon juice.
Start at the end and toll the leaf up with filling mixture tucked inside.

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Living Buckwheat Flat Bread

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 ½ cup sprouted buckwheat grouts

¼ cup olive oil
½ cup flax seeds, soaked
¼ cup red bell peppers, chopped
¼ cup onion, chopped
¼ cup fresh herbs (cilantro, parsley, basil)
½ cup organic sun-dried red peppers
1-teaspoon jalapeno, minced
1-tablespoon garlic, minced
1-tablespoon olive oil
1-cup flax seeds
1-cup sunflower seeds

Place bell peppers, herbs, organic sun-dried red peppers, jalapeno, garlic, olive
oil in a food processor and blend until smooth.
Transfer content into a bowl and mix in flaxseeds and sunflower seeds. Spread
the mixture onto oiled solid dehydrator sheet. Dehydrate for 4 hours until top of
the mixture is dry.’

Cut the mixture into desired shapes and place them back into dehydrator.
Dehydrate until bread is crisp.

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Easy Vegetarian Pasta

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 package of vegetable pasta

1 zucchini cut into cubes
1-cup broccoli
5 garlic cloves, chopped
2- 3 red peppers cut into cubes
¼ cup organic sun dried red peppers
Chilies, crushed, to taste
6-7 red basil leaves, fresh
½ teaspoon tahini powder
1-tablespoon olive oil

Cook vegetable or spelt pasta, drain, and put it aside.

Heat oil in a skillet. Add garlic, basil, crushed chilies, sun-dried red peppers and
tahini powder. Saut‫ י‬for about 2 minutes. Add remaining vegetables. Cook for
about 4-5 minutes. Add pasta to vegetables and mix well. Stir constantly for
about 2 minutes until heated thoroughly.
Preparation time: 10 min, cook time: 10 min, serves: 4

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Indian Dal
Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1/3 cup orange lentils

1/3 cup yellow split peas
1/3 cup black split peas
5 garlic cloves, crushed
2-tablespoon fresh grated ginger
1 green chili, minced
6 plum red peppers, chopped
1-teaspoon turmeric

In pressure cooker or a large pot, put soaked, rinsed dals in 2-½ cup of water
along with red peppers, garlic, ginger, chili, and turmeric. Bring to a boil and seal
pressure cooker or cover pot. Lower heat to simmer and cook 20 minutes, if
using pressure cooker, or cook 1 ½ hours, if using pot. Set aside to cool. Heat oil
in small saucepan, add mustard seed, and when it sputters, add cumin, onion,
curry leaves, asafetida and onion. Stir and remove off the heat. Add mixture to
cooled dal. Garnish with fresh cilantro and lime juice. Serve with steamed
basmati rice. For soupy consistency, add 1 cup boiling water or vegetable stock;
adjust salt.
Preparation time: 10 min, cook time: 20 min, (1 1/2 hour), serving: 6

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Spicy Zucchini Bake

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

2 zucchini, cut lengthwise in half

1 yellow squash
1 tbsp olive oil
¾ teaspoon curry powder
½ teaspoon sea salt
¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8-teaspoon ground cumin
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
¼ cup raisins

Heat oven to 350o degrees. Cut zucchini lengthwise in half. Scoop centers from
zucchini; reserve shells. Chop zucchini pulp and yellow squash. Heat oil, curry
powder, salt, cinnamon, cumin and garlic in a skillet over medium heat. Add
zucchini and yellow squash. Cook for 3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove
from heat. Stir in raisins and mix well.
Stir in raisins and mix well. Spoon mixture into zucchini shells. Place zucchini
shells in a deep casserole and place it in the oven. Bake for about 30 minutes or
until zucchini shells are tender.
Preparation time: 15 min, cooking time: 30 min, serving: 2

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Lentil and Spinach Stew

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking
½ lb. lentils
1/3-cup brown rice
1 onion, chopped
2-tablespoon vegetable broth
1 small package spinach, fresh, chopped
2 red peppers, large
½ teaspoon garlic powder, optional
Sea salt to taste

Rinse lentils and add to rice with 7 cups of boiling water. Cook until barely
tender, 15-20 minutes. Meanwhile, fry onion in a vegetable broth until onion
starts to turn brown. Add onion and fresh spinach to lentils and rice. Cover and
allow simmering for 15 minutes. Add red peppers and garlic powder and simmer
another 5-10 minutes or until rice is cooked.
Preparation time: 5 min, cook time: 30 min, serving: 8

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Buckwheat Soba Noodles with Saut‫י‬ed

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking
½ package Buckwheat Soba Noodles
2-3 tablespoon Bragg Liquid Aminos
1-tablespoon olive oil
3 teaspoons ginger, graded
Black pepper to taste
1 cup chopped carrots (note: carrots can be added only at the later stages of the
program or in very mild cases of Acid Reflux overgrowth)
1/3 cup chopped celery
2/3 cup chopped cabbage
2/3 cup sliced or whole snow peas
1/2 cup sliced onions

Cook Soba Noodles as directed on the package.

While Soba Noodles are cooking, combine carrots, celery, cabbage, snow peas,
and onion in a large saut‫ י‬pan. Add Bragg Liquid Aminos and saut‫ י‬vegetables for
5 to 6 minutes or until vegetables are tender. Sample them to match your taste.
Add 2-3 pinches of black pepper and 1-2 teaspoon of grated ginger for flavor.
When vegetables reach their desired state, place them in a separate glass
container and set aside. Add another olive oil to the wok. Place noodles in the
wok and toss well to mix with oil. As noodles are simmering, add vegetables
back in the wok and mix well with noodle. Heat for 2-3 minutes on medium heat
until vegetables and noodle are mixed and heated thoroughly.

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Lemon Zucchini
Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

3 or 4 small zucchini, sliced length way

1 large or 2 small lemons
Sea salt
Black pepper
1 tablespoon fresh parsley, chopped
1-tablespoon olive oil
1 clove garlic, minced

Prepare a marinade with the juice and pulp of 1 large or 2 small lemons, sea
salt, black pepper, garlic, parsley and olive oil.
Thinly slice zucchini. Put a layer of zucchini slices in a bowl and pour a little of
the marinade on the top, do the same for all the layers of zucchini slices. Keep
the bowl in a cool place and marinate it for 6 to 8 hours, occasionally pouring
some of the lemon marinate from bottom on to the top layers of the zucchini.
Grill the zucchini for a couple of minutes until they become tender. Keep the
marinade and use it as a dressing for the grilled zucchini.
Preparation time: 15 min, cook time: 5 min, serving: 4

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Main Courses 105

Cajun Veggie Chili

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking
2-tablespoon olive oil
1 large onion, diced
1 green bell pepper, diced
1 red bell pepper, diced
2 red peppers, crushed
2 (15 oz.) cans black beans
1 bunch spinach, stems removed,
Washed and chopped
1-tablespoon garlic, minced
2½-tablespoon chili powder
1-tablespoon cumin
2-teaspoon thyme
2 tablespoon lemon juice
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste

Heat oil in a large saucepan. Add onions, red and green pepper and cook on low
heat for about 10 minutes or until vegetables are soft.
Add garlic and cook for 2 more minutes. Add chili powder and cumin; cook,
stirring for 1 minute. Add red peppers and thyme; simmer over medium heat for
10 minutes. Add the beans. Cook stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes longer.
Remove from the heat. Add spinach and stir until it is well combined and wilted.
Add lemon juice and additional seasoning to taste. This dish goes well with
grains such as quinoa or basmati rice. Add chopped scallions for garnish.

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Main Courses 106

Bean Burgers with Bite

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1-cup kidney beans

½ cup of chopped green bell pepper
½ cup of chopped onion
1 sliced carrot (note: carrots can be added only at the later stages of the
program or in very mild cases of Acid Reflux overgrowth)
2 cups of salsa
1 cup of dried buckwheat bread crumbs
½ cup of whole-buckwheat flour
1 pinch chili powder
½ teaspoon of ground black pepper
Salt to taste

Preheat the oven to 425oF Wash and chop the carrot. Steam or cook until soft.
Mash together with the beans in a large bowl. Next, chop the onion and pepper
and mix in to the bean and carrot mash along with salsa, and whole buckwheat
flour. Season with salt, black pepper, and chili powder.
Form the burger mixture into eight patties, place on a lightly greased baking
sheet. These burgers are also great barbecued. Cook for twenty minutes or until
the burgers a lightly browned. Serve with salad, buns and a wrap.

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Garlic Shrimp

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

3/4 lb shrimp (try to find some that are ecologically farmed and anti-biotic free)
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon fresh parsley (I used 1 tsp dried)
1 tablespoon lemon juice
6-8 cloves garlic
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper

1. Heat the olive oil over medium heat.

2. Add the garlic and sauté for 1 minute.
3. Add the shrimp (peeled).
4. Sautee for 3minutes.
5. Add the lemon juice, parsley, salt, pepper and cook for an additional minute.

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Quinoa with Green Peas & Almonds

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1/2-cup quinoa (can use sprouted quinoa and then cooks way faster...five
minutes or so)
1 cup water
1/2 cup green peas
1/4 cup blanched slivered almonds
Rock salt to taste
1 tsp ghee

Wash the quinoa thoroughly by rinsing it several times. Drain.

Heat a pan and roast the quinoa dry for about 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
Add water, stir and bring to a boil.
Cover, reduce heat and cook at a gentle simmer for about 10 minutes.
Add the green peas and almonds and cook for a further 5 minutes.
Stir in the salt and ghee.

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Halibut with Lime and Cilantro

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking
2 tablespoons lime juice
1-tablespoon cilantro, fresh, chopped
1-teaspoon olive oil
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
2 halibut or salmon steaks
Freshly ground pepper to taste
1/2-cup salsa

Mix limejuice, cilantro, oil and garlic in a medium bowl. Add fish, turning several
times to coat with marinade. Cover and refrigerate 1 hour, turning once. Set
oven control to broil.
Spray broiler pan rack with nonstick cooking spray. Remove fish from marinade;
discard marinade.
Place fish on rack in broiler pan. Broil with tops 4 inches from heat 8 to 12
minutes, turning once, until fish flakes easily with fork. Sprinkle with pepper.
Serve with salsa.

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Snapper with Saut‫י‬ed Red pepper-

Pepper Sauce
Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1-pound red snapper, cod or other lean fish fillets

1-cup red peppers, chopped
1/2 cup green bell pepper, chopped
1 small onion, sliced
2 tablespoons parsley or cilantro, finely chopped
1/4-teaspoon sea salt
1/4-cup vegetable broth

Wash and cut fish fillet into 4 serving pieces.

Spray a medium nonstick skillet with cooking spray; heat over medium heat.
Arrange fish in single layer skillet. Cook uncovered 4 to 6 minutes, turning once,
until fish flakes easily with fork. Remove fish fillets to warm platter; keep warm.
Cook remaining ingredients except vegetable broth in same skillet over medium
heat for 3 to 5 minutes, stirring frequently, until bell pepper and onion are crisp-
tender. Stir in broth; cook until hot.
Spoon red pepper mixture over fish.
Preparation time: 15 min, cook time: 20 min, servings: 4

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Steamed Salmon with Black Beans

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

4 salmon fillet, serving size

1-teaspoon gingerroot, peeled, grated
1/4-teaspoon sea salt
1 garlic clove, pureed
2 tablespoons scallions or green onions, thinly sliced
1 tablespoon fermented black beans, coarsely chopped
1-teaspoon sesame seed oil
Cilantro or parsley sprigs, for garnish

Wash the fish well. Place the fish in a heatproof dish at least 1 inch deep, such
as a glass pie plate.
Stir together the gingerroot, sea salt and garlic in a small bowl. Pour this mixture
onto the fish and rub generously on both sides. Let stand for at least 15 minutes.
Spread the scallions and black beans evenly on top of the fish. Drizzle with
sesame seed oil.
Bring the water in the steamer to a boil. Place the pie plate on the steamer tray
and cover. Steam for 10 minutes, checking for doneness at about 8 minutes. The
fish will look opaque and feel springy to the touch.
It is better to slightly undercook than overcook since the heat in the fish itself
will finish the cooking for you. Serve directly from the steaming dish or transfer
to a warm platter with the juices.

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Steamed Salmon with Vegetables

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 salmon filet, cubes

4 carrots, diced (note: carrots can be added only at the later stages of the
program or in very mild cases of Acid Reflux overgrowth)
¼ cup celery, thinly sliced
¼ cup red cabbage, finely shredded
3 clove garlic, chopped
1 onion, chopped
¼ cup olive oil
1 tablespoon fresh parsley, chopped

In a steamer, steam salmon until thoroughly cooked, about 50 to 10 minutes, or

until fish flakes when tested with a fork. Remove and set aside.
In a steamer, steam carrots, about 10 minutes, until slightly soft. Add celery,
onions, garlic and red cabbage and cook 2 to 3 minutes, until all the vegetables
turn soft.

In a large serving bowl, combine salmon and vegetables. Add chopped onion.
Sprinkle with olive oil and parsley.

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Turnip Sauté
Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

2 small turnips, peeled and sliced thin

1/4 sweet red pepper, diced
2 plum red peppers, or 2 slices large red pepper, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
Salt to taste
Olive oil

Pour a little oil in a pan, add the garlic and sauté for a few seconds until
fragrant. Add the rest of the ingredients, easy on the salt at first, stir to
distribute. Sauté for a couple of minutes, then cover the pan and cook over
medium heat until the turnips and tender and most of the juices have
evaporated. Adjust salt.

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Chicken Parm

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 pound of organic chicken breast

2 large red peppers
6 fresh basil leaves
2 teaspoons dried basil
half cup of minced onions (optional)
quarter of minced red pepper (optional)
6 bulbs of minced fresh garlic (more or less to taste)
Sea salt and pepper to taste
Extra virgin oil

Season the breasts with salt and pepper and dry basil leaves.

Put extra virgin olive oil in pan (or whatever you're cooking it in) place breasts in
pan to cook. In a separate pan place diced red peppers, minced peppers, garlic,
onion. Cook them with extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper and a pinch of dried
basil. Cook until it has a tender a sauce consistency.

Cut the fresh basil leaves into ribbons. Add it to the sauce at the end and mix
well. Cook the breasts a little on each side and take them off and put them on a
baking tray. Place the red pepper sauce on top of the breasts. Bake at 350 for
about 10 minutes.

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Mediterranean Monk Fish

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

11/2 pounds monkfish drained

1-tablespoon capers
15 black olives, chopped
2 red peppers, sliced
2 teaspoons dried basil
3 teaspoons olive oil

Preheat oven to 350°. Cut a square of aluminum to hold the monkfish. Brush oil
over the foil. Place fish in center of foil. Rub basil into fish and Top the fish with
olives, capers, and red peppers. Seal the aluminum foil. Bake the fish for about
20 minutes. Serve.

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Chicken with Vegetables in Chinese

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 large red pepper, cut into strips

½ cup water chestnut, slices
1/3 cup green or yellow onion, chopped
1/2-cup bean sprouts, fresh
½ cup broccoli
½ cup cauliflower
4 boneless skinned organic chicken breasts, serving size

Chinese Sauce
1-tablespoon sesame seed oil
½ teaspoon ginger root, grated
1 clove garlic, minced
3 tablespoons Bragg’s Liquid Aminos

Preheat oven to 500o degree. Lightly oil the baking dish.

Place red peppers, chestnuts, green or yellow onions, bean sprouts, broccoli, and
cauliflower in the baking dish.
Wash and place chicken fillets on top of vegetables.
In a small bowl, stir together oil, gingerroot, garlic, and Bragg Liquid Aminos.
Pour the sauce over chicken fillets. Cover and bake in 500o degree oven for 15
Remove from the oven and serve with rice.
Preparation time: 15 min, cook time: 15 min, serving: 4

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Ginger Chicken Kebab

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 tbsp. grated, peeled ginger root

1 clove garlic, pressed
1-teaspoon sesame oil
Juice of 1 large lime
1/2-pound skinless and boneless organic chicken breast
8 cherry red peppers
1 medium green bell pepper, cut into 8 strips

Combine ginger, garlic, oil and lime in a bowl. Mix thoroughly. Add chicken and
toss to coat. Refrigerate and let marinate for 30 minutes, turning once or twice
in the marinade.
Preheat oven to broil. Dividing portions equally, thread chicken, red peppers, and
pepper strips onto four skewers. Place skewers on a broiling pan and spoon
marinade over all.
Broil, turning skewers twice, for 8 to 10 minutes or until chicken is lightly
browned and cooked through. Place skewers on platter and serve.
Preparation time: 30 min, cook time: 10 min, serving: 4

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Stuffed Bell Peppers

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

5 large bell peppers

1/2-cup quinoa
2 cups red pepper puree
3 tablespoons chopped onion
1/2-pound tofu, cut into small cubes
1 tablespoon grated carrots (note: carrots can be added only at the later stages
of the program or in very mild cases of Acid Reflux overgrowth)
1 cup cooked brown rice
1-tablespoon olive oil
2 tablespoons green pepper, finely chopped
2 tablespoons celery, finely chopped
1-tablespoon oregano

Preheat oven to 350°. Wash the peppers, core them and steam the peppers for
20 minutes and set them aside. Soften the onion in large skillet and add the tofu
cubes until browned. Add 11/2 cup of red pepper puree, celery, diced green
pepper and the spices and herbs. Cook for about 10-15 minutes and add the rice
and quinoa. Stir the mixture. Fill the peppers with the mixture and place in
casserole. Top the stuffed peppers with 1/2 cup red pepper puree and pour /4
inch water in bottom of pan.

Bake for 25-30 minutes. Remove from oven and top the peppers with grated
carrots. Serve.

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Lemonade Organic Chicken

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

3 pounds organic chicken pieces, skinned

3/4-cup natural lemonade
1/4-teaspoon ground ginger
1/4-cup reduced-sodium soy sauce

Place the skinned organic chicken in glass ovenproof pan. Combine lemonade,
ginger and soy sauce and pour over the chicken. Leave overnight. In the
morning, remove chicken from marinade. Broil the chicken for about 15 minutes
per side and serve.

Yogurt Crust Salmon

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

4 salmon steaks.
(2/3 cup)low fat natural sheep’s milk yogurt,
1 garlic clove, crushed (optional)
3cm piece root ginger, peeled and grated,
1/2-teaspoon ground cumin (for each)
Sweet paprika
Small bunch fresh coriander, leaves and stalks finely chopped,

Preheat oven to 350°. Mix the crust ingredients and top the salmon steaks. Cook
for about 15-20 minutes, until fish is cooked through. Serve.

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Baked Salmon Steaks with Ginger


Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

4 salmon steaks
1-tablespoon olive oil
1 small onion, sliced thinly
2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh ginger
1 large red pepper, seeded and diced
1 Salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste
2 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley
1/2 cup each diced eggplant, zucchini and red pepper
2 garlic cloves, minced

Preheat oven to 350°F. Heat oil in a large skillet; add the onion,
and ginger, and stir until onions are soft. Add the eggplant, zucchini and
peppers. Reduce heat to minimum and cook for another 7minutes until
vegetables are tender; pour the red peppers and season the mixture with salt
and pepper.

Place salmon steaks in a baking dish pour lemon juice over the salmon stakes.
Spoon reserved ratatouille over the salmon steaks; add the vegetable mixture,
cover the dish and bake for 20 minutes. Garnish with parsley.

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Cedar Plank Salmon

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 salmon fillet, about 11/2 lbs (750 g)

1/3-cup olive oil
1 tsp freshly ground black pepper
1/2 tsp salt
1 lemon juice and zest
1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil

Mix the olive oil, black pepper, salt, lemon juice and fresh basil and marinate the
salmon in the mixture. Soak a piece of untreated cedar plank in cold water for
about 2 hours and place in a 450°F heated oven for 10 minutes. Remove the
salmon from the marinade and bake on the cedar plank until cooked. Serve.

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Vegetable Stir-Fry

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

Small broccoli
1 red pepper
1 carrot (note: carrots can be added only at the later stages of the program or in
very mild cases of Acid Reflux overgrowth)
100g/4oz bean sprouts
Bunch spring onions
1tbsp sesame seeds
1tbsp vegetable oil
1tsp sesame oil
2tbsp tamari
1/2-teaspoon stevia
3tbsp vegetable stock

Peel and chop the carrot into thin slices, chop the broccoli into small pieces.
Thinly slice the pepper. Slice the spring onions into inch long lengths. Heat the
vegetable oil in a wok or frying pan. Add the carrots and broccoli and stir-fry for
2-3 minutes. Add the pepper and cook for 2 minutes. Add the spring onion and
cook for a further minute. Mix together the sesame oil, tamari, stevia and stock
and pour into the pan. Cover and cook for 2 minutes. Serve and sprinkle the
sesame seeds on top.

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Asparagus Soup

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

Wash two bunches of fresh asparagus carefully, and cut into small pieces. Put to
cook in a quart of boiling water, and simmer gently till perfectly tender, when
there should remain about a pint of the liquor. Turn into a colander, and rub all
through except the hard portion. To a pint of asparagus mixture add salt and
one cup of thin cream and a pint of soymilk; boil up for a few minutes, and

Artichoke Soup

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 lb. each of artichokes and potatoes, 1 Spanish onion, 1 oz. of butter, 1 pint of
soy milk, and pepper and salt to taste. Peel, wash, and cut into dice the
artichokes, potatoes, and onion. Cook them until tender in 1 quart of water with
the butter and seasoning. When the vegetables are tender rub them through a
sieve. Return the liquid to the saucepan, add the soymilk, and boil the soup up
again. Add water if the soup is too thick. Serve with small dice of buckwheat
bread fried crisp in butter or vege-butter.

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Black Bean Soup

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

Soak a pint (0.5 quart) of black beans over night in cold water. When ready to
cook, put into two and one half quarts of fresh water, which should be boiling,
and simmer until completely dissolved, adding more boiling water from time to
time if needed. There should be about two quarts of all when done. Rub through
a colander, add salt, a half cup of cream, and reheat. When hot, turn through a
soup strainer, add two or more teaspoonfuls of lemon juice, and serve.

Cabbage Soup

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 fair-sized cabbage, a large Spanish onion, 1-1/2 oz. of butter, pepper and salt
to taste, 1/2 salt spoonful of nutmeg, 1-1/2 pints of soy milk. After preparing and
washing the cabbage, shred up very fine, chop up the onion, set these two in a
saucepan over the fire with 1 quart of water, the butter and seasoning, and let
all cook gently for 1 hour, or longer it the vegetables are not quite tender. Add
the soymilk and thickening when the vegetables are thoroughly tender, and let
all simmer gently for 10 minutes; serve with little squares of toasted buckwheat

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Clear Soup
Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 large Spanish onion, 1 teaspoonful of mixed herbs, 1/2 head of celery, 1-1/2
oz. butter, 1 carrot (note: carrots can be added only at the later stages of the
program or in very mild cases of Acid Reflux overgrowth), 1 turnip, and pepper
and salt to taste. Chop the onion up fine, and fry it brown in the butter, in the
saucepan in which the soup is to be made, and add 5 pints of water. Prepare
and cut into small pieces the carrot, turnip, and celery; add these, the nutmeg,
herbs, and pepper and salt to the water, with the fried onions. When the
vegetables are tender drain the liquid; return it to the saucepan, and boil the
soup up.

Clear Celery Soup

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 head celery
2 tablespoons sago
2 qts. water.

Wash the celery, chop into small pieces, and stew in the water for 2 hours.
Strain. Wash the sago, add it to the clear liquid, and cook for 1 hour. For those
who prefer a thick soup, pea-flour may be added. Allow 1 level tablespoon to
each pint of soup. Mix with a little cold water, and add to the boiling soup. One
or two onions may also be cooked with the celery, if liked.

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Green Pea Soup

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

Gently simmer two quarts of shelled peas in sufficient water to cook, leaving
almost no juice when tender. Rub through a colander, moistening if necessary
with a little cold soymilk. Add to the sifted peas an equal quantity of soymilk and
a small onion cut in halves. Boil all together five or ten minutes until the soup is
delicately flavored, then remove the onion with a skimmer; add salt if desired,
and serve. If preferred, a half-cup of thin cream may be added just before
serving. Celery may be used in place of the onion, or both may be omitted.

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Rich Lentil Soup

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

4 breakfast-cups lentils
1 carrot (note: carrots can be added only at the later stages of the program or in
very mild cases of Acid Reflux overgrowth)
1 turnip
2 onions
4 quarts Water
4 sticks celery
2 teaspoons herb powder
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 oz. butter.

Either the red or the green lentils may be used for this soup. If the latter, soak
overnight. Stew the lentils very gently in the water for 2 hours, taking off any
scum that rises. Well wash the vegetables, slice them, and add to the soup. Stew
for 2 hours more. Then rub through a sieve, or not, as preferred. Add the lemon
juice, herb powder, and butter (nut or dairy), and serve.

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Simple Lentil Soup

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 lb. each of lentils and potatoes

1 large Spanish onion
1 medium-sized head of celery (or the outer pieces of a head of celery, saving
the heart for table use)
1/2 lb. of fresh red peppers
1 oz. of butter, pepper and salt to taste

Chop the onion up roughly, and fry it in the butter until beginning to brown. Pick
and wash the lentils, and set them over the fire with 2 quarts of water or
vegetable stock, adding the fried onion. Peel, wash, and cut up the potatoes,
prepare the celery, cut it into small pieces, and add all to the lentils. When they
are nearly soft add the red peppers. When all the ingredients are quite tender
rub them through a sieve. Return the soup to the saucepan, add pepper and
salt, and more water if the soup is too thick.

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Potato Soup
Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

Peel thinly 2 lbs. potatoes. (A floury kind should be used for this soup.) Cut into
small pieces, and put into a saucepan with enough water to cover them. Add
three large onions (sliced), unless red peppers are preferred for flavoring. Bring
to the boil, and then simmer until the potatoes are cooked to a mash. Rub
through a sieve or beat with a fork. Now add 3/4-pint water or 1-pint soymilk,
and a little nutmeg if liked. Boil up and serve. If the soymilk is omitted, the juice
and pulp of two or three red peppers may be added, and the onions may be left
out also.

Spinach Soup
Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

2 lbs. of spinach
1 chopped up onion
1 oz. of butter
1 pint of soymilk
Juice of 1 lemon
Pepper and salt to taste

This will make about 3 pints of soup. Wash the spinach well, and cook it in 1 pint
of water with the onion and seasoning. When the spinach is quite soft, rub all
through a sieve. Mix the melted butter, stir into it the spinach, add the soymilk;

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boil all up, and add the lemon juice last of all. If the soup is too thick, add a little

Spring Soup
Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

2 carrots (note: carrots can be added only at the later stages of the program or
in very mild cases of Acid Reflux overgrowth)
1 turnip
1/2 head celery
10 small spring onions
1 teacup of cauliflower cut into little branches
Heart of small white cabbage lettuce
Small handful of sorrel
1 leaf each of chervil and of tarragon
1/4 pint of peas
1/4-pint asparagus points
1/4-pint croutons
1 quart of water

Cut the carrots and turnip into small rounds, or to shape; add them with the
chopped-up celery, whole onions, and cauliflower, to a quart of water, and bring
to the boil; simmer for 1/2 an hour. Stamp the sorrel and lettuce into small
round pieces, and add them with the leaf of chervil and tarragon to the soup,
together with Stevia. When all is quite tender add the peas and asparagus
points, freshly cooked; serve.

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Turnip Soup
Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1/4 lb. Turnip

1 small onion
2 oz. of potato
1-teaspoon butter and seasoning
1/2-pint water

Wash, peel, and cut up the vegetables, and cook them in the water until tender.
Rub them through a sieve, return the mixture to the saucepan, add butter and
seasoning, boil up, and serve.

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Winter Vegetable Soup

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

Scrape and slice three turnips and three carrots (note: carrots can be added only
at the later stages of the program or in very mild cases of Acid Reflux
overgrowth) and peel three onions, and fry all with a little butter until a light
yellow; add a bunch of celery and three or four leeks cut in pieces; stir and fry all
the ingredients for six minutes; when fried, add one clove of garlic, two stalks of
parsley, two cloves, salt, pepper and a little grated nutmeg; cover with three
quarts of water and simmer for three hours, taking off the scum carefully. Strain
and use.

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Roasted Vegetable Soup

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

2-cups vegetable broth

1-cup yams cut in cubes
1-cup potatoes cut in cubes
½ cup bell peppers, cup in cubes
1 tbsp. ginger root, grated
½ cup celery, sliced
1-tablespoon olive oil

Reheat oven to 475oF. Place vegetables in a deep casserole. Sprinkle vegetables

with olive oil and mix until all the vegetables are covered in oil. Place the
vegetables in the over and roast for about 20 minutes or until vegetables are
Heat up 2 cups of vegetable broth. Remove roasted vegetables from the oven
and place them in the heated vegetable broth. Bring vegetable mixture to boil,
reduce heat to low and simmer for 30 minutes. Remove soup from the heat and
let it cool off. When mixture is cooled off, put in through the blender. Serve hot.

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Asian Soup
Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

6-8 oz. bean threads

1 shallot, chopped
2 tablespoons chopped fresh ginger
1 clove garlic, minced
1 can vegetable broth
1-cup fresh coconut milk
1/4-cup cilantro, chopped
Juice of 1 lemon
A few drops of chili sauce to taste
2 tablespoons Bragg Liquid Aminos
1-cup snow peas
1-cup water chestnuts

Cook bean threads as directed on the package and set aside.

In a medium saucepan, saut‫ י‬shallots, garlic and ginger in a small amount of
olive oil, until thoroughly mixed. Add coconut milk and vegetable broth. Bring
mixture to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes. Add cilantro, lemon juice, chili sauce,
Bragg’s Aminos, and vegetables. Simmer until snow peas and vegetables are
tender, for approximately 10 minutes. Add bean threads to vegetable mixture
and stir.

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Asian Black Bean Soup

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

2 cups water
2 vegetable bouillon cubes
2 cans black beans
1/8-cup sesame oil
2 large yellow onions, chopped
1 medium white onion, chopped
1-tablespoon cumin
1-tablespoon turmeric
2 tablespoons parsley
1 bay leaf
1-tablespoon basil

Boil water and bouillon till cubes are dissolved. Add remaining ingredients except
½ the white onion. Simmer for 1/2 hour, then add remaining onion and cook for
5-10 more minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste.

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Carrot Asparagus Soup

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

Hand full of asparagus cut in small pieces

3 medium carrots cut in cubes (note: carrots can be added only at the later
stages of the program or in very mild cases of Acid Reflux overgrowth)
2-½ cups vegetable broth
Sea Salt to taste
Black pepper to taste
Cilantro - 3 strands (for garnish)
Sesame oil for garnish

Bring vegetable broth to a boil, and add carrots and asparagus. Add sea salt and
pepper. Boil for 3 to 5 minutes or until vegetables are cooked. Pour soup in an
individual bowls and garnish with cilantro and with few drops of sesame oil.

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Butternut Squash Soup

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 medium onion, chopped

2 cups vegetable broth
3 cups butternut squash, peeled, seeded, and chopped
2 pears, pared and sliced
1 teaspoon fresh thyme, snipped
¼ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon ground black pepper
1-tablespoon cilantro for garnish
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 pear, pared and sliced
½ cup toasted pecan halves

Heat oil in a large stockpan over medium high heat. Stir in onion and saut‫ י‬for 5
minutes, or until soft.
Stir in broth, squash, 2 sliced pears, thyme, salt, and pepper. Bring to boil;
reduce heat. Cover and simmer until squash is tender, about 10 to 15 minutes.
Pour about half of the soup into food processor and process until smooth. Return
to the stockpan. Heat stirring frequently, until hot.
Pour soup into individual bowls and garnish with sliced pears and toasted pecan

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Italian Fresh Garden Pea Soup

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1-½ cups dry yellow or green split peas

½ cup dried navy beans
1 (12 oz.) fresh red pepper juice
1 small can of red pepper sauce
½ cup chopped onion
½ cup sliced celery
1-cup zucchini, cubed
1 cup carrots, diced (note: carrots can be added only at the later stages of the
program or in very mild cases of Acid Reflux overgrowth)
1 garlic clove, minced
1-teaspoon sea salt
½ teaspoon pepper

Bring beans to a boil in 3 1/2 cups water and boil gently for 1 minute. Cover pan
and let stand for 2 hours.
After 2 hours, add 8 1/4 cups more water. Add peas and bring to a boil. Reduce
heat. Cover and simmer 1 hour or until peas and beans are tender. Add
remaining ingredients and cook for 8 to 10 minutes. Remove from heat and

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Green Soup
Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1-tablespoon olive oil

1 medium-sized onion, sliced
1-tablespoon garlic, minced
1-bunch collard greens, cleaned and cut into 1 ¼ inch thick strips, 3 inches long
½ head green cabbage, cored, and cut into 1-¼ inch thick strips
1-bunch mustard greens, cleaned and cut into 1 ¼ inch thick strips, 3 inches

Blend all the above ingredients in the blender or food processor. Serve in serving
bowl or individual serving bowls.

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Cucumber Avocado Soup

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 cucumber, unpeeled
1 cucumber, peeled
½ cup fresh basil
¼ cup fresh cilantro
¼ cup fresh mint
¼ cup fresh parsley
1 clove garlic, minced
1-tablespoon ginger, grated
1 ½ teaspoon jalapeno
¼ cup olive oil
1 cup lemon juice
4 cups cucumber water
4 avocados, peeled and seeded

For cucumber water:

2 cucumbers, peeled
½ cup freshly squeezed lemon juice

Combine all above ingredients in a large bowl.

Take 1/3 of the mixture and blend until smooth. Pour blended mixture back into
a bowl. Pour soup into individual bowls.
Garnish with cilantro.

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 141
Soups 142

Parsley Soup

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

5 medium red peppers

1/2 cup of nuts (ground)
1 bunch parsley
1-teaspoon marjoram
1/2-teaspoon thyme
3 stalks celery
3 lemons freshly squeezed
2 Chinese water chestnuts
½ teaspoon stevia

Blend the parsley, celery and red peppers and strain the mixture. Add lemon
juice, stevia, nuts, herbs and the water chestnuts. Stir well. Serve.

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Soups 143

Lava Soup

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

4 avocados
5 cloves garlic
2/3 quart of carrot juice (note: carrots can be added only at the later stages of
the program or in very mild cases of Acid Reflux overgrowth)
2 Tbsp. of tamari
2 inch ginger root
1 tsp. paprika
Pinch of cayenne (optional)

Blend all ingredients using a blender until smooth. Serve cold or at room

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 143
Soups 144

Vegetable Bean Soup

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

16 cups water
1/3 cup long grain brown rice
1/2 cup dried kidney beans
2 cloves garlic, chopped
2 red peppers, cut in wedges
1 tsp. Oregano
1 onion
1 tsp. Basil
2 sweet potatoes
¼ cup parsley
1 carrot (note: carrots can be added only at the later stages of the program or in
very mild cases of Acid Reflux overgrowth)
1/8 tsp. Celery seeds
1 zucchini
1/4tsp. Marjoram
1/4lb. Cabbage

Place beans in pot with 2 quarts of water. Bring to boil, remove from heat and let
stand for one hour. Pour off water and add 3 cups of water. Cook for 30
minutes. Add cooked vegetables except red peppers and seasoning and simmer
for 20 minutes. Chop peeled sweet potatoes in large chunks. Add red peppers in
last 10 min. of cooking.

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Soups 145

Carrot and Coriander Soup

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

2 tbsp olive oil

2 chopped carrots (note: carrots can be added only at the later stages of the
program or in very mild cases of Acid Reflux overgrowth)
2 chopped leeks
1 tbsp ground coriander
1-pint vegetable stock

Stir-fry the carrots and leeks in olive oil add the stock and the ground coriander
for 30 minutes.

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Soups 146

Gazpacho Soup

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1/2 Cup red pepper

1/2 Cup cucumber
1/4 Cup zucchini
1/4 Cup onion
2 Tbsp parsley
1 Tbsp cilantro
1/2 clove garlic, chopped
1/2-teaspoon water

Blend the red pepper and strain it in a blender. Add the cucumber and blend
until smooth. Add the rest of the ingredients and blend thoroughly.

Place handful of sunflower sprouts in a large bowl and diced red pepper. Pour
the soup over. Garnish with parsley.

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Soups 147

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Soups 148

Creamy Cauliflower Soup

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1-tablespoon olive oil

1 medium onion
6-8 scallions
1 clove garlic
2 celery stalks
2 medium cauliflowers
½ tspn salt
½ tspn curry powder (optional)
Ground black pepper to taste
Pinch; thyme, sweet marjoram, basil
Nutmeg (optional)
6 cups of stock

Heat oil in heavy based saucepan. Sauté onion & garlic until transparent.
Add celery and cauliflower and stir briefly, add water, herbs and seasonings.
Bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer until cauliflower is soft.

Allow cooling enough to go in blender. Process until smooth.

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Soups 149

Home Made Veggie Stock

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1-cup carrot tops

1-cup celery tops plus 1 ½ cups celery stalks
1-cup beetroot tops
1-cup red skin potato skin peelings
1 small zucchini
1 quart filtered water
Salt to taste

Chop all ingredients small, place with water in heavy based saucepan, bring
to boil, reduce heat and simmer 20-30 mins. Strain. This stock is high in
potassium and you can drink it as warming clear broth or use as a soup base.

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 149
Side Dishes 150

Side Dishes

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Side Dishes 151

Cinnamon Rice

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

2 cups raw brown rice

6 cups water
1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 cinnamon sticks

Use a 3-quart and mix all ingredients together. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to
low and cover the mixture. Cook for about 40 minutes or until all the liquid is
absorbed. Serve

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 151
Side Dishes 152

Broiled Red pepper Halves

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

2 large red peppers

4 tablespoons whole quinoa/amaranth bread crumbs
1-teaspoon oregano
2 teaspoons Apple Cider vinegar

Preheat broiler. Cut the red peppers in half. Mix the breadcrumbs, apple cider
vinegar and oregano and spread over the red pepper halves. Broil the red
pepper halves 4 inches from heat source for about 5-7 minutes. Serve.

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Side Dishes 153

Green Beans Italian Style

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

2 cups green beans

1/2-cup organic chicken stock
1 cup chopped red pepper
1/2 cup chopped onion
1-teaspoon oregano

Mix all ingredients in saucepan. Cook over medium heat for about 10 minutes, or
until the green beans are tender. Serve.

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Side Dishes 154

No Bean Humus

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

3/4-cup sesame seeds

2 medium zucchini
1-cup tahini
2 teaspoon Celtic salt
1/2 cup lemon juice
1-teaspoon ground cumin
1-teaspoon paprika
1/4-cup olive oil

Process the zucchini and olive oil in a food processor. Add the tahini and then
all remaining ingredients. Process until smooth. Serve.

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Side Dishes 155

Zucchini Rolls

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

Squash or zucchini
Olive oil

Mix lemon, oil and spices together. Slice lengthwise, into flat bacon strips.
Marinate squash in lemon oil. Dehydrate with arrugula. Pin roll with toothpick.

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Side Dishes 156


Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 cup chick pea sprouts

Juice of 1 lemon or lime
1 clove garlic
2 tbsp raw tahini

Optional seasonings: ground cumin, spike or sea salt to taste, chives, paprika.
Blend all of the ingredients. Add water to thin to desired consistency.

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 156
Side Dishes 157

Oriental Lettuce Wraps

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

Oriental Lettuce Wraps dice small or grate: carrots, celery, broccoli stalks,
cauliflower or any variety of veggies that you prefer.

Toss with a good oyster sauce or an organic tamari. Add fresh bean sprouts and
toss. Spoon veggies into fresh, washed lettuce leaves of your choice. Roll
cabbage roll style and enjoy.

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Side Dishes 158

Nut Pate

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1/4-cup sesame seeds (soak the seeds for 8 hours and rinse)
1 cup sunflower seeds (soak the seeds for 8 hours and rinse)
1 cup almonds, soaked 12-48 hours and blanched
1 red bell pepper, finely chopped
3 stalks celery, finely chopped
1 small leek, finely chopped
2 tablespoon lemon juice
1-2 teaspoons powdered kelp

Process almonds, sunflower seeds, and sesame seeds in a juicer. Add celery, red
bell pepper, leek, lemon juice, kelp and Bragg. Mix well and serve.

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Side Dishes 159

Greek Lettuce Wraps

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

2 Red peppers diced small

2 Cucumbers diced small
1 small onion diced small
¼ cup olive oil
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Romaine Lettuce
10-pitted olives
Fresh basil
Grated firm tofu

Mix the red peppers, cucumbers, onions and lemon oil. Add fresh basil, olives
and the grated tofu and spoon the mixture into the washes romaine lettuce
leaves. Roll cabbage roll style and serve.

Red pepper Cups

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 159
Beverages 160

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

6 medium red peppers

1/2 cucumber
2 celery sticks
2 spring onions
1/2 cup fresh parsley
1 tablespoon fresh mint
2 teaspoons kelp
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon olive oil

Cut red peppers in half scoop out center. Add red pepper pulp to the other
Finely chop all ingredients, mix well and fill red pepper halves. Great for a side
dish or for finger food use cherry or small red peppers .


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Beverages 161

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Beverages 162

Lime Water
Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 glass water
Half a lemon squeezed
Combine all ingredients in a glass and drink.

Herb Tea
Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

Herbal tea bag

Boiled water

Boil water and add to a herbal tea bag e.g. Pau D’arco, rosehip, ginger,
peppermint, chamomile.

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Beverages 163

Iced Herb Tea

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

2 teabags lemon slices (or lime)

Minced ginger

To a 2-liter jug of water (half filled with boiled water) add 2-3 teabags. Add
slices of lime, lemon and minced ginger. Allow cooling. Use Stevia drops are
sweetening is required. Serve cold.

Lemon Grass Tea

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

Place fresh lemon grass into a teapot. Pour over boiling water and wait for a few

Angostura Bitters Soda Water

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

Slice of lime Angostura bitters

Soda water
Mix a few drops of Angostura bitters with soda water and a slice of lime. This is a
great mixture for your digestion.

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Beverages 164

Vegetable Juices
Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

Vegetables juices can be made with most vegetables.

Try these combinations:

Celery, parsley & Ginger
Mint, celery and beetroot
Garlic, beetroot
Red pepper and parsley
Mix in a blender or processor and serve over ice.


Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

Soy or rice milk Cocoa Stevia drops

Mix 1 tspn of sugar-free cocoa in a cup, with hot water & some drops of stevia to
Add soy or rice milk.

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Beverages 165

Chilli Cocoa
Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

Soy or rice milk

Sugar free Cocoa
Stevia drops
1 chilli
1 stick of cinnamon

Crush the chilli and place with the cinnamon stick, into a small saucepan. Add 2
cups of water and bring to boil. Place 1 tspn of cocoa into a cup. Strain the chilli
and cinnamon liquid into the cup. Add some stevia to sweeten and some soy or
rice milk.

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Beverages 166

Vanilla & Cinnamon Milk Tea

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 cup or rice or soymilk ½ tspn vanilla

1 piece of cinnamon stick

Place 1 cup of rice or soy milk into a saucepan. Add the cracked cinnamon stick
and vanilla. Heat the soymilk over a hotplate. Simmer for a few minutes.
Remove from the heat and strain into a cup. Serve hot.

Detox Juice

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1 small beetroot
4 cabbage leaves
3 sticks celery
Lemon or limejuice to taste

Place all ingredients in a juicer and drink.

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Beverages 167

Spicy Tea

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

5 cm cinnamon stick
Orange peel
Squeeze or lemon or lime juice 4 cloves
1cm chopped ginger Cardamom pods

Place all ingredients into a teapot. Add some boiling water.

Wait for a few minutes then strain into a cup. Serve hot or allow cooling and
serving over ice.

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 167

Green Smoothie

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

2 cups of cut raw broccoli

2 cups of slices cut lightly boiled leek
1 cup of the boiled leek juice
1 cup of clean fresh cut raw spinach leaves
1/2 cup of clean fresh cut raw parsley
1/4 spoon Curcuma

Put in the blender the leek juice, the vegetables with curcuma. Start on low
speed 20 seconds and then higher speed.

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Desserts 169


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Desserts 170

Lemon Quinoa Cookies

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1-cup quinoa flour

1/3 c flax gel
2 TBSP melted clarified butter
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp sea salt
1/4 tsp vitamin C crystals
1/2 tsp cinnamon
4 TBSP fresh squeezed lemon juice
grated lemon rind- of one lemon
1/4 cup vegetable glycerin

Mix all together, bake on 350 for 6 minutes. Makes 4 servings.

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Desserts 171

Vanilla Milkshake
Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

Light coconut milk

Vegetable glycerin
vanilla flavoring
ice cubes

Combine them in a blender and you've got a delicious milkshake.

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Desserts 172

Lovely Lemon Curd

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1/3-cup ghee
5 tsp Stevia mix
3 large organic eggs
Zest and juice of 2 organic lemons
3 tbsp vegetable glycerin
1 dessertspoon arrowroot mixed with water

1. Sterilize the jar and lid as follows. Wash in hot soapy water, rinse and dry
without using a towel. When they’re dry, turn off the heat and leave them there
till you’re ready to fill the (still warm) jar.
2. Melt the ghee in a non-stick saucepan.
3. Add all the other ingredients and whisk to a custard over a gentle heat. Don’t
go away and leave it, or else you’ll get scrambled eggs.
4. Taste and adjust sweeteners as necessary.
5. Pour the curd into the warm sterilized jar. Leave to cool then put the lid on
and keep the jar in the fridge.

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Desserts 173

Hot Chocolate

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

Place the following in a blender jug:

1-2 tsp carob powder
1/8 tsp cinnamon
2 scoops flaxseed meal
1 tsp almond butter
One large mug full of cold water
Stevia mix

Blend all the ingredients except the sweetener, then taste and add the
sweetener. Once you have reached the sweetness at which you would drink the
drink unheated, add some more sweetener so that it becomes a lot sweeter.
When you heat the drink, the sweetness will diminish. Add the sweetener when
the drink is cold.

Pour the drink into a non stick saucepan. Turn on the heat and bring to the boil,
stirring occasionally. Stir while boiling for 1-2 minutes. Turn the heat down and
continue stirring while simmering until you reach the temperature and thickness
you require.

Pour the drink into the mug. If you wish, sift some carob powder over the top of
the drink. If you have, by any chance, made any mock whip cream, you could
spoon some of this on top, then sift over the carob powder.

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Desserts 174

Ginger Cake

Ingredients, Preparation & Cooking

1/2-cup ground sunflower seeds

1/2-cup buckwheat flour
1/2-cup brown rice flour
1/2-cup quinoa flakes
1/2 cup melted butter
2 small organic eggs
1/4 cup ground flax
1/4 cup psyllium
Stevia mix
1 tsp cream of tartar
1/2 tsp bicarbonate soda
1 - 2 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp mixed spice
tsp vanilla essence
1/4 cup whole sunflower seeds milk

Mix all the dry ingredients together, then stir in melted butter as best you can,
add the eggs and combine roughly. Start adding milk a little at a time, beating as
you go. Continue until you have a thick pancake batter. Stir in the sunflower
seeds. Pour into a small cake tin and bake on 340f for approx 30 mins until a
toothpick comes out clean.

© 2005-2012 |The Complete Acid Reflux Cookbook | Jeff Martin Page 174

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