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“Good afternoon, sports fans! Jim Johnson here, welcoming you to a brand new
season of Blood Bowl. Here’s Bob Bifford, to talk you through what’s in store.
Take it away, Bob!”
“Thanks, Jim. For starters, we’ve got a whole load of new teams
lining up to smash some skulls.”
“Or running away to avoid getting their skulls smashed,
by the looks of some of them.
“It’s like I’ve always said, Bob. Armour might be optional, but so’s breathing.”
“Speak for yourself, Jim. Those teams aren’t the only thing that’s new, though.
The league rules have been updated for the new season, so you can expect some
surprises over the coming weeks. And teams are going to be spoilt for choice,
with all the star players and coaching staff offering their services.
It’s an exciting time to be alive, Jim.”
“I’ll have to take your word for it, Bob! But enough chatter. Let’s play ball!”
All-new Teams.............................................................3 Coaching Staff...........................................................38
Skaven Teams ........................................................4
Nurgle Teams ........................................................6 Exhibition Play..........................................................39
Dwarf Teams .........................................................8 Setting up an Exhibition Match ..........................39
Elven Union Teams .............................................10 Drafting Teams....................................................39
High Elf Teams....................................................12 Playing an Exhibition Match...............................39
Dark Elf Teams....................................................14
Wood Elf Teams ..................................................16 Hall of Fame..............................................................40
The Bright Crusaders 2472-2473 Squad ............40
New Official Rules ....................................................18 The Orcland Raiders 2489-2490 Squad .............42
Blood Bowl Leagues ............................................18
Getting Started ....................................................18 Official Reference Guide...........................................44
League Seasons....................................................18 Dark Elf Teams....................................................44
League Teams......................................................19 Dwarf Teams .......................................................44
Casualties.............................................................19 Elven Union Teams .............................................44
Star Player Points.................................................21 Human Teams .....................................................45
Playing League Matches......................................23 Nurgle Teams ......................................................45
Expensive Mistakes..............................................25 High Elf Teams....................................................45
Season’s End........................................................25 Orc Teams ...........................................................46
Play-offs ...............................................................26 Skaven Teams ......................................................46
Glittering Prizes...................................................26 Wood Elf Teams ..................................................46
Last Game ...........................................................26
Starting a New Season ........................................27 Star Player Summary ................................................47
Inducements in Detail .........................................28 League Roster Sheet..................................................48

Optional League Rules .............................................29 What’s Next...............................................................51

Skills ..........................................................................30

© Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2016. Blood Bowl, Blood Bowl The Game of Fantasy Football,
Citadel, Games Workshop, GW and all associated logos, names, races, vehicles, weapons and characters are either
® or TM and/or © Games Workshop Limited. All Rights Reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.

This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to
real people or incidents is purely coincidental. British Cataloguing-in-Publication Data. A catalogue record for this
book is available from the British Library.

ISBN: 978-1-78572-580-7

Games Workshop Web site:

Forge World Web site:
“Hey Bob, you know the best thing about a new season of Blood Bowl?”
“Well, back when I was a player, it was the generous bribes…
I mean, sponsorship deals, Jim.”
“No doubt, Bob, no doubt, but what I’m most looking forward to is seeing
which teams will be taking to the pitch. Which old stalwarts will be back and
which new names we will be singing in a few months time. So without further
delay, let’s take a look at the teams hoping to earn fame and fortune in the
coming season…”
The Skavenblight Scramblers: This is the only team ever
Skaven society is highly stratified and bound up in complex to have won the Blood Bowl trophy two years in succession,
rituals, but on the Blood Bowl pitch, all barriers drop away winning Blood Bowls XVII and XVIII back-to-back. Since
as every player gives their all for their team’s complete and then, however, the Scramblers had proved a fairly lack-lustre
utter victory. The game has become very popular in all side until they were taken over by new head coach Sandch
fields of Skaven life – the Skaven loving any opportunity Blackpelt. Under Blackpelt’s exacting leadership, the team
for mindless violence. In fact, it has been very difficult has proved almost unbeatable, winning the last three Open
to persuade them that there is any other purpose to the tournaments one after the other, and being elected Team of
game once they are on the field, or even when they are just the Year for 2493 by Spike! Magazine.
spectating in the stands! Some of the great all-time Player
Death and Crowd Death records have occurred in games The Underworld Creepers: The Creepers are not a pure
in which the Skaven have been on the pitch. Skaven team, but an unlikely combination of Skaven and
Goblins. They are famous for their innovative dirty tricks
True to their warped nature, the Skaven have adapted and dastardly tactics, and for the acrimonious and violent
the game to their own special ways. A new clan has been arguments that break out in their dugout when their overly
formed to govern and control the game – Clan Rigens ambitious plans backfire (as they almost invariably do).
– which consists of over 20 teams. The most famous are These two qualities have made them a big hit with the fans,
the Skavenblight Scramblers, twice winners of the Blood even if they are rarely awarded success on the Blood Bowl
Bowl trophy. Several other teams have achieved successes field itself!
in other, lesser leagues and competitions, and there are
mixed teams with a large proportion of Skaven competing Warpfire Wanderers: This team has yet to make an
at various levels. Of course, their close association with impact on the mainstream leagues, but is well known
warpstone and the resulting mutations have helped with among Skaven fans for their success in the Skaven-only
this success, but even the basic Skaven player has a lot ‘Clan Bowl’. They currently hold the record for Most
going for them. It’s only a matter of time before a Skaven Entertainingly Slaughtered Team, making it rare indeed to
team makes it to the top again. see the same player fielded two seasons in a row.


It has been many years since Tarsh Surehands wowed the multitudes of Skaven fans, and since those heady days
the masters of Clan Rigens have devoted every effort to creating another player in his image. For long decades they
laboured in their secret underworld laboratories, developing all manner of horrors. Some had four legs and no head,
others had limbs reversed, while many more were simply too horrible to describe. Eventually however, the long years of
toil and experimentation bore fruit. The result was Hakflem Skuttlespike, a player cast in the image of Tarsh Surehands
upon whose shoulders Clan Rigens immediately placed the future of the Skaven game of Blood Bowl.

But it was not to be, or not as the hidden masters planned at least. Hakflem Skuttlespike did indeed prove to be the
unsurpassed player it was hoped he would be, but he was also petty, jealous and vicious, even for a Skaven! He ensured
that no other player would be created to rival him, killing any Clan Rigens experiment or creation that looked like a
potential equal. What heights of victory the Skavenblight Scramblers and other teams in which Skuttlespike has played
might have scaled will probably go unseen, scuppered by the petty jealousies that so bedevil the entire species.

Age: 25 Height: 5 ft 9 inches

Weight: 96 Ibs Position: Blitzer
Career Totals: 16 rushing touchdowns, 39 catching touchdowns, 72 kills/serious injuries
Awards: Most Vicious Player 2489, The Big Cheese 2491, Forewarned is Four-armed 2493
Spike! Magazine Star Player Rating: 296
Team Colours: Yellow
Owner: The city of Skavenblight
Head Coach: Vytik the Many Headed
Players: Skaven

Rising from the foulest sewers of the land, the Skavenblight Scramblers are the world’s premier Skaven team. Three
times winners of the Blood Bowl, the team possesses a vicious mixture of the natural speed of the Skaven and the
brutal raw power of its Rat Ogres. It can only be a matter of time before the Scramblers reach the top again.

2442 The Skaven invest numerous chunks of warpstone into a minor team in Clan Rigens – the Scramblers. The
team immediately finds success (as well as numerous mutations), and the Scramblers become the top team
in Clan Rigens in a matter of months. They even finish as the Warpstone Bowl champions (an all-Skaven
tournament) – a title they hold for five consecutive years.
2461 After an exhibition game on the eve of the 2461 season between the NAF’s Potbelly Piemen and the now
Skavenblight Scramblers in the deepest pits of Skavenblight, the thoroughly beaten Halflings are sold into
slavery because they were unable to pay the suddenly introduced, “Warpstone tax for teams beaten by the
Scramblers on the eve of the new NAF season”. Without a team to replace the Piemen at such short notice, the
NAF duly award the newly vacated spot in the league to the Scramblers.
2493 The Scramblers hold aloft another record as they become the only team to win the Blood Bowl and the Chaos
Cup in the same year, and are promptly elected ‘Team of the Year’. Their success is attributed to the introduction
of a fearsome Rat Ogre into the team. Early experiments with these wild creatures had initially met with more
fatalities for the Scramblers than their opponents, but after selective breeding by Clan Moulder, the Rat Ogres
eventually understand the rudimentary concepts of the game. Rat Ogres have now become a regular feature on
most successful Skaven teams – many sporting mutations such as additional limbs or tentacles.
Now The Scramblers and fellow Skaven side, the Doomfire Warphunters, were due to play each other in the
opening game of the Blood Bowl tournament. However, the game was so highly anticipated by the Skaven
fans that many had to be turned back at the turnstiles. So the Skaven did what any self respecting mutated,
five foot tall rats would do… they dug underground to try to sneak into the stadium. When the opening
kick-off arrived, the ground underneath was so unstable that the entire pitch collapsed (inflicting 14
fatalities). The Warphunters suffered the worst of the damage, but even the Scramblers couldn’t put their
team back together in time for the Blood Bowl Championship.

Team Honours: Blood Bowl Winners 2477 (XVII), 2478 (XVIII), 2493 (XXXII); Chaos Cup Winners 2493;
Orcidas Team of the Year 2478, 2493
Hall of Fame: Tarsh Surehands, Breeet Braingulper, Rasta Tailspike
Spike! Magazine Rating: 146 points – it plummeted after the tunnelling disaster!

Qty Title Cost (gp) MA ST AG AV Skills Normal Double
0-16 Linemen 50,000 7 3 3 7 None G ASPM
0-2 Throwers 70,000 7 3 3 7 Pass, Sure Hands GP ASM
0-4 Gutter 80,000 9 2 4 7 Dodge, Weeping Dagger GA SPM
0-2 Blitzers 90,000 7 3 3 8 Block GS APM
0-1 Rat Ogre 150,000 6 5 2 8 Frenzy, Loner, Mighty S GAPM
Blow, Prehensile Tail,
Wild Animal
0-8 Re-roll counters 60,000 gold pieces each
The Subterranean Slimeballs: This team came
The followers of Chaos have been involved in Blood Bowl together at the height of the Rotters’ popularity, and for
since the earliest days of the sport. Although most teams many years was seen as a cheap attempt to cash in on
started as a conglomerate of followers of all of the Chaos the better known team’s success. However, they soon
gods, it didn’t take long for teams to be more selective in revealed themselves to be arguably the better team, often
their choice of deity. Nurgle’s Rotters are the most famous using actual tactics and scoring touchdowns! Wherever
team devoted entirely to the god of decay, but they are they go, their small but loyal fanbase follows, cheering
far from the only one. They are fairly unique, however, each time team mascot/star Blocker Big Grotsy devours
in that they were an established Blood Bowl team before a player, or wannabe Thrower ‘Sickly’ Stefan pitches the
they pledged themselves to Nurgle. Most teams draw their ball upfield.
players from shadowy plague cults or wandering bands of
diseased prophets – in fact, nowadays, even the smallest Diseased Destroyers: The Destroyers have been around
cabal is likely to have an amateur team that heads to the almost as long as the Rotters, but have been hampered
local waste ground every weekend for a quick kickabout. by an especially virulent strain of the Rot which has
resulted in their players mutating into mindless piles of
On the field, Nurgle teams are a terrifying prospect to face. protoplasmic gloop extremely quickly. It’s not uncommon
What they lack in agility and coordination, they more than for all of the players on the Destroyers to end up this way
make up for with brute strength, a natural resilience to harm by the end of a match, which can make fielding a full team
and a whole playbook of stomach-churning tactics devised to in the next match rather difficult to say the least!
bring the other team to its knees. Though Nurgle teams defy
conventional definition (making the task of official almanac- The Plaguebearers: This is a new Nurgle team, and
scribes a nightmare), they tend to be made up predominantly although they are still often mistaken for the Rotters, they
of Rotters – players who have only recently contracted are now starting to carve a name out for themselves. This is
Nurgle’s Rot; Bloaters – players so swollen with disease, they helped in no small part by the antics of the Plaguebearers’
are walking hives of decay; Pestigors – Beastmen attracted to cheerleading squad, who have created an entertaining half-
the smell; and Rotspawn – players so blessed by the Plague time routine involving the squad members, a very large
God that they have devolved into hideously mutated beasts. cloud of flies and a home-made idol of Nurgle.


Way back in the dim and distant past, before Guffle Pusmaw made a name for himself, he was third reserve Catcher for
the Rocktown Rumblers. He was saved from a future of backwater mediocrity when he naively agreed to swap shirts
with his opposite number after a match against the Rotters, and (rather predictably) contracted a vast swathe of diseases.
Resigned to his fate, he accepted the love of Nurgle into his heart and became the Rotters’ newest signing. He must have
done something to please his new patron, because as well as the expected physical changes that wracked his body, he
awoke one morning to find that his swollen gut had split open to reveal a drooling, snaggle-toothed maw. Understanding
that he had a duty to put this gift to good use, he trained night and day until he could catch a ball between the blubbery
lips better than he ever could with his hands. Opposing teams also found out that once he’d taken possession, it was nigh
impossible to retrieve the ball. Almost overnight, Pusmaw went from a complete nobody to a highly sought-after player,
receiving offers from teams in all corners of the league circuit.

Age: 25 Height: 6 ft 3 inches

Weight: 417 Ibs Position: Catcher
Career Totals: 35 rushing touchdowns, 7 passing touchdowns, 11 fatalities.
Awards: Most Unique Mutation 2489, Spike! Magazine’s Defensive Catcher Award 2490.
Spike! Magazine Star Player Rating: 158
Team Colours: Green and purple
Owner: The God of Plagues, the Putrid Grandfather… Nurgle himself, in other words
Head Coach: Captain Sven ‘four-eyes’ Erikksen
Players: Humans… well, more or less, Beastmen.
Nurgle’s Rotters are famous for the fact that all of its players were afflicted by a horrible and extremely infectious disease
known as Nurgle’s Rot. It is not uncommon for opponents to simply refuse to play against them. Unfortunately (or
fortunately for the Rotters), the team did not survive the collapse of the NAF in 88. Without a regular supply of victims
to recruit they, quite literally, fell to pieces. However, Spike! Magazine recently identified an outbreak of an advanced and
incurable decomposition disease amongst some Blood Bowl players and declared that the Rotters were back!

2402 The Nurgle’s Rotters team is formed from the diseased survivors of an outbreak of Nurgle’s Rot. The team
leaves a trail of destruction behind it before the NAF enforce a strict quarantine before, during and after every
match the Rotters take part in.
2468 The Rotters pull off an extraordinary and quite unexpected win against the much fancied Naggaroth
Nightwings. It transpired that the lodgings the Nightwings had taken during their training period before the
final was owned by a secret worshipper of the Chaos god Nurgle. When the time came for the match, several
Nightwings players had already been infected with the Rot and mutated into horrific, slug-like beasts at the
half-time break. After the ensuing pitched battle, only six Nightwings players were able to take to the field.
2480 The Rotters lose Blood Bowl XX against the young Elfheim Eagles team. How the Eagles pulled off the
win is by no means certain as investigations were hampered by the fact that investigators kept dying after
interviewing the relevant Rotters players. However, rumours persist of widespread use of Elven high magic,
animated grass, a huge vat of antiseptic and a team of covert apothecaries.
2488 The collapse of the NAF leaves the Rotters with a sparse fixture list and, surprisingly quickly, they begin to fall
apart. The decimated team departed to take part in a match against the Arctic Cragspiders at the end of 2488,
but never made it across the desolate and frozen iceflows to the Cragspiders home stadium in the far north.
Present The crew of a fishing vessel discover the frozen body of one of the Rotters from 2488. The fishing crew foolishly
take the body on board, where it defrosts and quickly infests the crew with the Rot. By the time the ship arrived
at its home port, the crew had become the new Nurgle’s Rotters, including Tiddles, the ship’s cat, who had been
transformed into a spawn of Nurgle. Although not back to Blood Bowl winning form, the Rotters are going from
strength to strength, and it can only be a matter of time before they win another major championship.

Team Honours: Most Virulent Newcomers 2436; Borak’s Choice Award 2468; Blood Bowl Winners 2468 (VIII)
Hall of Fame: Ivan Bouldercrusher, ‘Smelly’ Pete, Goran ‘the Tentacle’ Svengard, Tiddles (ex-ship’s cat, now a Rotspawn).
Spike! Magazine Rating: 198 points

Qty Title Cost (gp) MA ST AG AV Skills Normal Double
0-16 Rotters 40,000 5 3 3 8 Decay, Nurgle’s Rot GM ASP
0-4 Pestigors 80,000 6 3 3 8 Horns, Nurgle’s Rot, GSM AP
0-4 Bloaters 110,000 4 4 2 9 Disturbing Presence, Foul GSM AP
Appearance, Nurgle’s Rot,
0-1 Rotspawn 140,000 4 5 1 9 Disturbing Presence, S GAPM
Foul Appearance, Loner,
Mighty Blow, Nurgle’s
Rot, Really Stupid,
Regeneration, Tentacles
0-8 Re-roll counters 70,000 gold pieces each
Dwarf Warhammerers: Arch-rivals of the Dwarf Giants,
Dwarfs were one of the very first races to play Blood Bowl and the Warhammerers insist on breaking the rules in the
many Dwarf teams can trace their history to the early years most obvious and flamboyant ways possible. Their exploits
of the game. Dwarfs tend to use a running game, grinding include mining under the opposing team’s dugout and
their opponents into the ground as they go and working on blowing it up at half-time, using a hot air balloon to get
the principle of high casualty rates opening up the game. past their opponent’s front line, and using, not one, but 11
Weakness both with and against the passing game has been Dwarf Deathrollers on the same play!
a feature of the Dwarf playbook for many centuries. There
are, however, so many Dwarf teams around that it is possible The Grudge Bearers: This team was formed in 2492
to find one to suit any taste. One Dwarf team, Durum’s from members of the Dwarf Scribes and Book-keepers
Destroyers, have even built up a good passing game, thanks to Guild who had become fed-up with writing about the game
the inspired leadership of Bran ‘Long Bomb’ lronson. and wanted to take part. All of the years hunched over
books and manuscripts paid off and the Grudge Bearers
It is, however, the Dwarfs’ reputation for flamboyant quickly become famous for their intricate and well-planned
illegality that makes them such a big hit with the fans. plays, as well as never forgetting an insult or dirty trick
Since it was a Dwarf, now immortalised by the name Roze- carried out by an opponent, of course!
El, who first discovered Nuffle’s sacred laws and brought
the game into being, most Dwarf teams believe they have a Zhufbar Amateur Eleven: The Dwarf Guild of Engineers
lasting right to alter the laws as they choose. is rumoured to have a secret brotherhood devoted solely to
the more creatively destructive side of Blood Bowl. Whatever
The Dwarf Warhammerers, for example, frequently bend the truth, the formidable weapons of war that are brought
the rules of the game, and then claim Roze-El authorised to bear by such teams as the Zhufbar Amateur Eleven are
their illicit amendments. enough to make even the most hardy opponent think twice.


The Slayer Cult is a strange but well-documented aspect of life for a Dwarf, seen as the only option for those who have
committed a shameful act. Shedding their worldly possessions and symbolically greasing their hair with pig fat, these
contrite Dwarfs seek only a pure death in combat against the most terrifying foes imaginable. Traditionally, they had
sought their fate on the battlefield, but all of that changed when Grim Ironjaw joined the Black Mountain Blades.

In retrospect, it’s difficult to believe that it took as long as it did for a Slayer to take to the Blood Bowl pitch. Where
better to seek a glorious death than in an arena surrounded by baying fans, where a team of hulking brutes are doing
their very best to break your bones? The Blades were a particularly well-suited team, one of the few non-Orc teams in
the Thunder Valley League, and Ironjaw regularly came face to face with snarling Trolls and fearsome Black Orcs. As
news spread of his prowess, ever more Slayers began to seek out the game, resulting in the current state of play where
most Dwarf teams boast one or two of these doom-crazed maniacs.

Following a successful first season, Ironjaw spent several years moving from team to team, always striving to move up in
the league rankings. After all, as he saw it, the most glorious death to be found on the pitch must surely be at the Blood
Bowl itself, facing off against one of the NAF’s most accomplished teams. In the years since he has yet to compete in the
fabled tournament, but with each passing season, his chances are greater and his legend grows ever more impressive.
Who knows – maybe this is his year!

Age: 306 Height: 5 ft 2 inches

Weight: 162 Ibs Position: Troll Slayer
Career Totals: 3 rushing touchdowns, 102 kills/serious injuries
Awards: Spike! Magazine’s Anger Management Award 2392, Most Brutal Outburst 2436, Lauriel Elflock’s Fabulous
Follicles Award 2469 (refused to accept)
Spike! Magazine Star Player Rating: 318
Team Colours: Blue and gold
Owner: Thorn Durinsgold III
Head Coach: Gudrun Wolfric
Players: Dwarfs

The Giants are an old team with a very long and distinguished history. They were one of Roze-El’s original Blood
Bowl sects, and they have been present for every major development in the game’s history. In more recent times,
thanks to the motivation of team owner and patron King Durinsgold, they have consolidated their talents and re-
launched themselves into the fully modernised, up-to-the-minute, high-tech Blood Bowl game of today.

2381 When they realise their religion is getting in the way of having a good time, the Illuminated Seers of the Sacred
Orb of Nuffle change their name, update their rather stuffy image, and become the Dwarf Giants. Retiring
captain Varak Varaksson becomes head coach, and sets about instituting a ruthless retraining program.
2400 After numerous modest successes, the Giants’ good fortunes reach a peak when they end the season as league
champions. However, a long and bloody underground war against various Orc and Goblin armies by Argvak
Pentel begins soon after, and the entire team are drafted. When the war ends – thirty-six years later – the team
is all but forgotten. However, thanks to some serious determination from new coach Karrag (Varaksson died
heroically in the war), the team are soon ready for action again, winning the NFC league championship in 2438.
Now In more modern times, the Giants have consolidated their skills with typical Dwarf patience. Under the tuition of
youthful new coach Wolfric, and the inspired (and some would say quite crazy) captaincy of Grimwold Grimbreath
(‘the Helmsmasher’!), the team are regularly setting new records for fatalities and touchdowns alike.

Team Honours: Blood Bowl Winners 2462 (II), 2484 (XXIV); Orcidas Team of the Year 2484
Hall of Fame: Durgul ‘the Killer’ Hilliman, Coach Farakhan Karrag, Varak Varaksson
Spike! Magazine Rating: 289 points

Qty Title Cost (gp) MA ST AG AV Skills Normal Double
0-16 Blockers 70,000 4 3 2 9 Block, Tackle, Thick Skull GS AP
0-2 Runners 80,000 6 3 3 8 Sure Hands, Thick Skull GP AS
0-2 Blitzers 80,000 5 3 3 9 Block, Thick Skull GS AP
0-2 Troll Slayers 90,000 5 3 2 8 Block, Dauntless, Frenzy, GS AP
Thick Skull
0-1 Deathroller 160,000 4 7 1 10 Break Tackle, Dirty Player, S GAP
Juggernaut, Loner,
Mighty Blow, No Hands,
Secret Weapon,
Stand Firm
0-8 Re-roll counters 50,000 gold pieces each


Myopic Halfling Thrower Rondo Magoo recently founded a
campaign to make the game less violent, stating that he might
have made a completion or two if everyone hadn’t
been trying to pull his arms off the whole time.
A memorial service will be held
next weekend…
Elfheim Eagles: Founded from the ashes of the Dar-
The story of High Elves in Blood Bowl is a long and Ellerath Beechtrees and the Ashvale Valar in 2468, the
interesting one, full of juicy scandals and long-running Elfheim Eagles soon gained a reputation as one of the
disputes between larger-than-life characters. There’s finest passing play teams in the world. Nonetheless, they
just something about them that generates the kind of were dangerously vulnerable to opponents who ran the
behaviour that sells tabloid news, a fact that most teams ball, which hampered their chances in the wider game, and
are reluctant to shy away from. One of the biggest suffered a serious blow when captain Valen Swift quit in
scandals in their history came in the years following 2501, taking several of the more experienced players with
the collapse of the NAF, when teams suddenly found him. If the team wishes to live up to their early promise,
themselves indebted to noble backers from the Elven they have a long road ahead of them.
kingdoms, who – thanks to a lot of small print – began
to make their way onto the pitch, shunting established Celestial Comets: Initially brought together by the College
players to the sidelines. Outrage abounded among players of Celestial Wizards to compete in the Dungeonbowl, the
and fans alike, and it was only a matter of time before Comets made a name for themselves thanks to their fondness
someone did something about it. for hit-and-run tactics. Following a string of victories, they
decided to transition to a proper pitch in 2476. Although it
When it finally happened, the formation of the Elven took them a while to get used to playing in a well-lit open field,
Union came as a surprise to no one. A loose federation without a single teleporter in sight, their surprising brutality
of Elven teams, made up primarily of disgruntled former and unconventional tactics won them a significant following.
High Elf players but including the odd Wood Elf and
even Dark Elf, the Union seeks to repair the damaged
“We’re here to play Blood Bowl, not to look good. Of course,
reputation of Elven teams and show that they can take
we can’t help it if we do anyway…”
Blood Bowl seriously. What the teams lack in funding, they
Valen Swift, Elfheim Eagles
make up for with experience and stubborn determination.


Eldril Sidewinder has played Blood Bowl as long as most can remember, partly due to the incredibly long life span of his
race, but mainly thanks to his sheer skill on the pitch. The secret of his success (and longevity) lies in his belonging to a
singular class within Wood Elf and Sea Elf society – the Wardancers. These warriors combine athleticism and deadly skill,
and are capable of dashing through a melee, weaving and leaping about their opponents while transfixing them with their
grace such that foes are unable to react or even to think clearly. So beguiling are the movements of a skilled Wardancer that
some claim it to be some manner of boon from the dark gods, a misconception that Sidewinder is ever keen to refute.

Throughout his long career, Eldril Sidewinder has featured in the line-ups of many different Elf teams, many long
forgotten, others riding high in the leagues. He has played for such teams as the Caledor Dragons, the Codillian
Clarions, the Laurelorn Paladins and the Athelorn Avengers, and has even played for Dark Elf teams, including the
Ashbane Vendettas and the Darkside Cowboys. Following the appearance of the so-called Elven Union teams, he was
offered the captaincy of several newly-formed outfits, in particular the Sea Elf team, the Unsettled Sea.

As of 2493, Eldril Sidewinder holds numerous records and continues to go from strength to strength, beguiling opposing
players as well as their fans. He once performed such a stunning wardance right into the End Zone that 100,000 rowdy
Greenboyz fans were reduced to tears of wonder – a spectacle not seen before or since.

Age: 169 Height: 6 ft 6 inches

Weight: 158 Ibs Position: Catcher
Career Totals: Rushing 1,006 paces, receiving 91 passes for 2,612 paces, throwing 37 passes from 55 for 406 paces,
65 touchdowns, 41 interceptions returned for 506 paces, 19 player fatalities.
Awards: Delightful Decapitation Award 2490, Artful Assailment Award 2493, Mesmerising Mutilation Award 2472
Spike! Magazine Star Player Rating: 278
Team Colours: White/purple/orange/red/magenta (seems to change from game to game!)
Owner: Lasen Waterfall
Head Coach: Perellian Ashblade
Players: Elves

When the Elven Union initially came about, its first few teams struggled to stay afloat. Even though their players rejected
the opulent ways of their old teams, old habits die hard, and more than one team was scuppered when its players decided
en masse that they simply had to have new designer haircuts. The Eagles were born out of two such teams. Spearheading
a new, business-focussed direction for the Union, they eschewed fancy outfits and extravagant parties in favour of drills,
training sessions and even more drills. Although the fans disapproved at first, the results of their dedication soon began to
show on the pitch. In 2480 they edged out Nurgle’s Rotters to win Blood Bowl XX, an achievement that even the High Elf
teams had to acknowledge. Today, they are deservedly held as one of the finest passing play teams in the Old World.

2468 One tale of the origins of the Eagles claims they were formed when the struggling Dar-Ellerath Beechtrees and
the Ashvale Valar are bought out and merged in a clever business move brokered by the half-Elven entrepreneur
Valahar Galantë (the standing joke is that his mother was an Elf and his father was a Cost Accountant).
2471 Scandal breaks out after Orcidas take over sponsorship of the Chaos Cup – one of their conditions being
that all Elf teams are immediately excluded from the competition. After a petition is signed by thousands of
outraged Chaos and Orc fans, livid at the thought of not seeing Elf teams getting a good kicking that season,
Orcidas are over-ruled. Outraged, they pass up the chance to renew their sponsorship in the following season,
but the damage is done and the Eagles vow never to play in the Chaos Cup again.
2480 When the Eagles make it through to the finals of Blood Bowl XX, Elves across the land bet on the team
to win despite spectacular odds against them. Incredibly, they manage to beat Nurgle’s Rotters without
taking a single fatality, and betting agencies are bankrupted left, right and centre. An investigation into this
suspiciously fortuitous win is still ongoing, in particular regarding the stories of a vat of antiseptic ointment
being delivered to the stadium hours before kick-off.
2488 The investigation didn’t slow the Eagles’ rise, as evidenced by their winning streak. Team captain Valen Swift
proved to be as charismatic and skilled a leader as his brother Lucien, captain of the Galadrieth Gladiators,
and continued building a strong team. The Eagles become known not just for their impressive plays, but for
their willingness to get their hands dirty when they need to.
Now The Eagles are going from strength to strength, and are fighting to outshine the High Elf teams that many of
its players originated from. Of course, the eventual aim is a Blood Bowl trophy, but in the meantime they’re
content to work on their game, promote their brand and push their increasingly popular merchandise.

Team Honours: Most Promising Newcomers 2469, Blood Bowl Winners 2480 (XX), Spike! Magazine Charisma Cup
(V. Swift) 2483, Spike! Open 2486,
Hall of Fame: Valen Swift, Soaren Hightower, Fennel Tallelm
Spike! Magazine Rating: 278 points


Qty Title Cost (gp) MA ST AG AV Skills Normal Double
0-16 Linemen 60,000 6 3 4 7 None GA SP
0-2 Throwers 70,000 6 3 4 7 Pass GAP S
0-4 Catchers 100,000 8 3 4 7 Catch, Nerves of Steel GA SP
0-2 Blitzers 110,000 7 3 4 8 Block, Side Step GA SP
0-8 Re-roll counters 50,000 gold pieces each
Galadrieth Gladiators: The Gladiators are probably
When Blood Bowl was first played, High Elves disdained the most famous High Elf team of them all. They won the
the game. They believed there was no more to Blood Bowl Blood Bowl in 2470 and were always top contenders thanks
than two teams of uncivilised yobs pummelling each other to the best Elven Blitzer to grace the pitch, Lucien ‘the
senseless in a display of mindless violence. It didn’t take Silver Bullet’ Swift. The team includes some of the richest
them long, however, to realise that there is nothing to beat Elves in the kingdom, allowing them to literally buy success,
seeing your team wipe out the opposition and win a hard- and they have come close to the finals of several major
fought Blood Bowl game! tournaments. Swift’s recent retirement has left them a little
short, but it can only be a matter of time before the richest
High Elf teams, of which there are now quite a few in the team in Blood Bowl lures another star onto their roster.
NAF, are renowned for their passing game. Elf teams have
many advantages when it comes to winning (as opposed to Caledor Dragons: The Dragons are another team who used
slaughtering the opposition, which isn’t always the same to play in a minor league until the collapse of the NAF opened
thing…), and their fine players are the epitome of the more up the game to all-comers. They have proved remarkably
graceful side of the game. successful, beating several of the old established teams and
almost making it into the Blood Bowl semi-finals last year.
The only real problem with High Elf teams is that they can
be very picky about who, when or where they play – who can
forget the Eagles refusing to play the Bright Crusaders because
a) it was raining, b) the pitch was muddy, and c) the Crusaders’ “Elves might not have discovered Blood Bowl, but you’d better
costumes were designed in the worst possible taste! Still, it’s a believe we’re the best at it!”
miracle the Elves play the game at all, so we must be thankful Prince Moranion, Caledor Dragons
– High Elves find close proximity to others so galling…


An Elven noble of impeccable breeding and ancient blood, Prince Moranion was at one time fated to lead his people as
ruler. Then however, the young prince (500 years old or so – which is young for an Elf) acquired a taste for Blood Bowl. At
that time it was considered quite unseemly for a High Elf of his standing to show interest in a past time as crude as Blood
Bowl and by all accounts it caused quite a stir at court. Being something of a young rebel however, Moranion refused to be
deterred from his interest in the sport and to his parents’ horror inspired a band of his contemporaries to form a team of
their own, utterly sure in the knowledge that their flashy armour and disdainful attitude would see them through.

The sight of the flower of High Elf youth arrayed in Blood Bowl armour so horrified their parents that the matter came
to a head. The mothers and fathers of the noble players threatened to disown their wayward children if they played but
one game, unless that game was played against a rival team of equal social standing, a demand to which the Dragon
Princes, as the team had named itself, acquiesced, albeit grudgingly. It was a cunning ruse indeed, for their parents had
calculated that no such equals existed who would sully themselves by playing Blood Bowl, and so the Dragon Princes
were disbanded almost as soon as they had been founded.

Though he was once again a lone figure of rebellion, his friends having taken up other fashionable pursuits less likely to
ruin their delicate features, Moranion was determined to pursue the sport. He eventually signed up (in fact he bought
up) the Caledor Dragons, and to the surprise of the fans and the chagrin of his noble parents proved a highly capable
player indeed, taking the Caledor Dragons to numerous memorable victories.

Age: 562 Height: 6 ft 3 inches

Weight: 135 Ibs Position: Blitzer
Career Totals: Rushing 1,926 paces; receiving 50 passes for 1,207 paces; 56 touchdowns; 29 fatalities.
Awards: Finest Form 2464, Filthiest Richest Player 2451, Golden Phoenix 2470
Spike! Magazine Star Player Rating: 331
Team Colours: Blue/red
Owner: The Court of the Eagle
Head Coach: Ilithrion Vael
Players: High Elves

The Galadrieth Gladiators have made a name for themselves as being a High Elf team that tends to eschew passing
plays in favour of running the ball up the field. They even managed to make it through the 2471 season with not a
single completion to their name! Led by the legendary Lucien Swift, they went from strength to strength throughout
the 70s and 80s, but struggled to stay afloat following the collapse of the NAF. Somehow, they managed to find
financial backing, but the demands made by their princely patrons have taken a toll on the team. If they hope to win
another trophy, they might need to find another way to fund their game.

2468 The Dar-Ellerath Beechtrees and the Ashvale Valar are purchased by Valahar Galantë and amalgamated into
the Elfheim Eagles. Galantë seems keen to keep only the youngest and freshest-faced players, so the Gladiators
eagerly snap up several veteran players to add to their roster. The following three seasons are generally held as
the high point of the team’s career.
2470 The Gladiators take on the Gouged Eye at Blood Bowl X, having seen off the Middenheim Marauders in the
semi-finals with a close-fought 2-1 victory. Although the post-match party goes down in history as one of the
most extravagant ever seen, the team are too busy seeing apothecaries and remedial hairstylists to make an
appearance themselves.
2489 The collapse of the NAF has hit the Gladiators where it hurts – right in the petty cash! Without big-league
backing, the players are forced to fund themselves. Hot spring saunas, chimera skin kitbags and private
teleportation spells become a thing of the past, and the team becomes increasingly desperate. After a big money
sponsorship deal falls through (and the team is roundly mocked by fans and sports media alike the first and only
time they enter a stadium as the McMurty’s Big Murt Gladiators), they are bailed out by a consortium of Elf
princes. Eager to get back to the lifestyle to which they are accustomed, the Gladiators don’t bother to check the
fine print, and unwittingly give their backers the all-clear to their way into the starting line-up.
Now The Gladiators still have their share of fans, thanks to the constant stream of advertising campaigns and pledge
rallies organised by the Court of the Eagle, but most Blood Bowl spectators agree that the glory days are over.
Many of the old star players have moved on, leaving behind a team made up mostly of privileged princelings.
Things were compounded when Lucien Swift retired, leaving the team without strong leadership, but thanks
to almost unlimited funding, it can only be a matter of time before a suitable replacement is found.

Team Honours: Blood Bowl Winners 2470 (X), Most Aesthetic Pass 2483, Best Post-match Party 2470, Heaviest
Match Programme 2471, Elf Lord’s Commendation for most Spectacular Offensive Magic 2489
Hall of Fame: Lucien ‘the Silver Bullet’ Swift, Pierrot Rainforest, Tharion the Bright
Spike! Magazine Rating: 135 points


Qty Title Cost (gp) MA ST AG AV Skills Normal Double
0-16 Linemen 70,000 6 3 4 8 None GA SP
0-2 Throwers 90,000 6 3 4 8 Pass, Safe Throw GAP S
0-4 Catchers 90,000 8 3 4 7 Catch GA SP
0-2 Blitzers 100,000 7 3 4 8 Block GA SP
0-8 Re-roll counters 50,000 gold pieces each
Darkside Cowboys: The Cowboys are, many say, the
Thousands of years ago, the Dark Elves were little more than best of the Dark Elf teams. Their combination of high
a small group within High Elf society who turned their back intelligence, natural grace, degenerate violence and hatred
on traditional Elven ways. They eschewed nobility and grace of all living things (or unliving things, for that matter!) has
for power and glory, believing their immortality marked them helped them to the top several times.
out as the most powerful of all the world’s races. When their
thirst for conquest led to a bitter civil war that rocked the Elven Naggaroth Nightmares: This is a new team that was
kingdoms – which they lost – the Dark Elves were banished founded after the collapse of the NAF. Many of its players
from their homeland. This enforced exile only strengthened come from the disbanded Naggaroth Nightwings, who went
their resolve, and to this day they make every effort to prove to bankrupt when the head coach took flight with the team
their former kin that they were right all along. treasury. With such a wealth of talent, the team has already
proved to be a living nightmare for more than one opponent!
And, by Nuffle, can they play Blood Bowl!
Khaine’s Killers: A team known more as a bunch
Dark Elf teams exhibit similar strengths and weaknesses to of deranged blood-thirsty zealots than actual players,
their Elven cousins, but are distinctly more aggressive in their Khaine’s Killers treat the game of Blood Bowl not as a
game. But sheer spite makes the Dark Elves enjoy the running sport, but as an act of devotion to the Dark Elves’ god of
game, particularly when a team includes a remarkable player murder. They have repeatedly attempted to field entire
like Jeremiah Kool. In fact, it is hard to believe that the teams of Witch Elves, but have in each instance fallen afoul
Flashing Blade won’t be tempted out of retirement – if not by of NAF player regulations, much to the chagrin of their
the Darkside Cowboys, then by some other team. love-struck fans.


Bored by her life of blood and cruelty in the Sisterhood of Khaine, Roxanna Darknail set her black heart on becoming
a Blood Bowl player as a means of finding some small thrill in life. Like all of her kind, Roxanna was raised to be far
more than a deranged killer – she’s a religious zealot on the side! As a devotee of the god of murder, she saw in the sport
of Blood Bowl a means of expressing her devotion to the Dark Elves’ bloody-handed god, Khaine. For this however, she
has been branded a heretic by her sisters, who claim that she has been drawn to the worship of the god Nuffle. Only
Roxanna knows the truth, and she isn’t telling.

As one of the Darkside Cowboys’ most successful players, Roxanna makes such a show of spilling the blood of her foes
that it is rare indeed when she does not end a match with her skin slick with the blood of fallen opponents. And the
fans love it, especially the cruel-hearted Dark Elves and other, equally mean-spirited types. Some however claim that
Roxanna uses her status and role as a means of retaining her youthful features and soft, pale skin, and indeed several
cosmetics brands have sought to sponsor her in order to be associated with such a starkly beautiful player. Others
whisper that as a Witch Elf, Roxanna is compelled to bathe in the blood of her enemies lest she age and wither into a
stooped crone – none to have voiced such a suspicion have lived to repeat it.

Age: A lady doesn’t tell Height: 5 ft 11 inches (out of heels)

Weight: A gentleman doesn’t ask Position: Receiver
Career Totals: Rushing 45 paces, 22 catching touchdowns, 301 fatalities.
Awards: Most Blood Spilled 2492, Sudden Death Award 2490, Flawless Skin Commendation 2480-94
Spike! Magazine Star Player Rating: 363
Team Colours: Black and blue
Owner: Prince Derren ar-Lolovia
Head Coach: Luxen Tuentir
Players: Dark Elves

The twisted, degenerate Dark Elf race is infamous for its worship of weird and deviant violence, and Blood Bowl fits
into their religious beliefs very well indeed. The Cowboys are a cruel, ultra-violent team, and consequently do very
well at the game. The combination of high intelligence, natural grace, degenerate violence and hatred of all living
things has helped them to the top several times.

2422 The Old World first learns of the existence of the Darkside Cowboys when the Halfling Pinkfoot Panthers
visit them for a friendly match and don’t return!
2438 Several teams threaten to boycott the Cowboys when they apply to join the official NAF league, but the pale-
skinned assassins are admitted anyway. Instantly, sordid revelations start to appear about their peculiar habits,
such as using small trussed-up Troglodytes as balls to save wear on expensive imported squigskins. These
rumours only seem to heighten the Cowboys’ mystique with thrill-starved fans.
2461 The Cowboys play in the very first Blood Bowl, beating the Chaos All-Stars in a very sloppy game (literally –
the Cowboys used illegal magic to turn most of the All-Stars’ front row into slugs!).
2473 The Cowboys nearly disband after the infamous match against the Kishago Werebears – which lasted for 19
days before being abandoned at 2-2 on the death of the last player on either side. New NAF rules limiting the
time of games come too late to save the Werebears, but the Cowboys manage to reform and rebuild their team
under the skilled leadership of Jeremiah Kool. Their drive culminated in glory when they win Blood Bowl
XXI, during which Kool set their unbroken passing record.
Now Although Kool retired in 2487, his place was more than filled by Hubris Rakarth, the latest in a long line of
glamorous Darkside players. In their first season, team captain Hubris earned immortal fame by leading the
Cowboys all the way to the Blood Bowl Championships that were to prove to be the last organised by the old
NAF league. While the match was in progress, the NAF commissioner disappeared, along with the entire NAF
treasury and most of the Cowboys cheerleaders! The Cowboys recovered from their loss very quickly – the NAF,
unfortunately, did not and went into receivership before the next Blood Bowl Championships were held.

Team Honours: Blood Bowl Winners 2461 (I), 2481 (XXI), 2488 (XXVIII), Orcidas Team of the Year 2481
Hall of Fame: Rokudan Fey, Jeremiah ‘Flashing Blade’ Kool
Spike! Magazine Team Rating: 294 points


Qty Title Cost (gp) MA ST AG AV Skills Normal Double
0-16 Linemen 70,000 6 3 4 8 None GA SP
0-2 Runners 80,000 7 3 4 7 Dump-off GAP S
0-2 Assassins 90,000 6 3 4 7 Shadowing, Stab GA SP
0-4 Blitzers 100,000 7 3 4 8 Block GA SP
0-2 Witch Elves 110,000 7 3 4 7 Dodge, Frenzy, Jump Up GA SP
0-8 Re-roll counters 50,000 gold pieces each
The Athelorn Avengers: This is one of the old NAF
Wood Elves are elves who shun city life in favour of living in teams that has taken extremely well to the new open
the forest. They are physically identical to High Elves, but tournament style of play. The Avengers insist that this is
prefer not to wear much armour, favouring a simple garb because the open tournaments suit their free-wheeling
of natural colours such as green or ruddy browns. Their and easy-going style, though less kind critics say that it’s
kingdom is far older than the human realms that surround because they are no longer stuck in the same division
it, and on the whole it is avoided by humans – who know as their far more successful arch-rivals, the Darkside
that any creature that enters the forest with evil intent invites Cowboys! Whatever the reason, the Avengers are on a roll
a swift death from an unseen arrow or a sudden sword at present, especially since they took their first trophy at
strike. This means that Wood Elves are rarely seen by other Blood Bowl XXXVI.
races, except when one of their teams and its fans arrive as
if from nowhere to play a match, disappearing back into the The Laurelorn Paladins: The Laurelorn Paladins are a
countryside just as mysteriously once the game is over! relatively new Wood Elf team that has caused something
of a storm by including two Treemen to its line-up. The
Wood Elves make natural Blood Bowl players, although their Longbark brothers are cuttings from one of the most
refusal to wear heavy armour does leave them vulnerable to famous Treeman players ever, Longbark Earthroot of the
some of the more hard hitting opposing teams. Generally, Galadrieth Gladiators, and have proven to be two chips
however, the Wood Elves’ natural athletic ability is enough to off the old block. The Longbark brothers have given the
keep them out of trouble – it takes a fast or cunning foe to lay Paladins a hard hitting edge that most Wood Elf teams
a hand on a Wood Elf player! In any case, no decent Wood lack, and many commentators are tipping them as the
Elf would be seen in bulky, shapeless armour, let alone be Wood Elf team to watch.
forced to lurk across the pitch like a filthy Skaven. For Wood
Elves the long pass is everything, even more so than for their Bil Bali Archers: For many years, the Archers were
High Elf cousins, and all of their effort goes into becoming known more for the lyrical skills of their fans than the
expert at throwing or receiving. The one exception to this are sporting abilities of their players. One game at a time
the Wood Elf Wardancers. These extremely athletic warriors however, the Archers have turned their fortunes around,
are trained in the deadly arts of hand-to-hand combat and largely thanks to the lilting tones of their adoring fans
are a match for almost any foe. inspiring them to ever more spectacular victories.


Jordell is regarded by many as not only the greatest player currently in the game, but one of the greatest ever to have
taken to the pitch. The secret of his success is a combination of speed and dexterity that makes him nigh impossible
to stop. This skill is born of Jordell’s essential nature – as a Wood Elf Wardancer he is able to draw upon and
channel the aspect of the silent, unseen wind after which he is named, passing through gaps in the opposition’s line
and around players before he is even seen. There is one downside to Jordell’s incredible skills though – his amazing
achievements are sometimes missed by commentators and official statisticians, and can only be formally confirmed
after lengthy investigation.

Age: 137 Height: 6 ft 6 inches

Weight: 151 lbs Position: Blitzer
Career Totals: Rushing 3,000 paces, receiving 1 pass for 16 paces, throwing 9 from 61 passes, 27 interceptions
returned for 196 paces, 137 touchdowns, 137 player fatalities, 91 civilian fatalities, 48 referee fatalities.
Awards: Blink and You Missed It! 2476-94, Silent but Violent All Time Champion
Spike! Magazine Star Player Rating: 347
Team Colours: Yellow and green
Owner: Caesyn Dyn-Athron
Head Coach: Aed Hothriss
Players: Wood Elves

The Avengers have had a varied and interesting career, but have come to prominence since the mid 80s. Between the
collapse of the NAF and their successful drafting of a number of promising new players, they began to build a head of
steam that resulted in victory at Blood Bowl XXXVI. The archetypal Wood Elf team, they are as graceful as they are
stylish, effortlessly evading clumsy blocks and flashing perfect smiles as they dance around infuriated opponents. They
have become increasingly well-known for their complex passing plays, the ball changing hands so often that the other team
usually gives up trying to keep track of it and instead concentrates on breaking the Avengers’ famously brittle bones.

2429 The Athelorn Avengers make their debut in the Elven Kingdoms league, winning their first few games. It’s all
looking good for the newcomers until they take to the field against the Darkside Cowboys. After forty-three
increasingly foul-fuelled minutes, the Avengers are forced to concede, having lost over half of their starting
line-up to what the press release later calls “career-limiting injuries”. They swear vengeance, and one of Blood
Bowl’s most famous rivalries is born.
2472 The Avengers start to get noticed in the NAF league, but consistently find themselves in the same division
as their bitter Dark Elf rivals. The Darkside Cowboys realise that their presence is just about the only thing
that can shake the Avengers’ otherwise limitless confidence, and are quick to inform their fans. The Avengers
suffer a number of embarrassing losses when Cowboys fans start turning up to their games to jeer, chant and
generally be as much of a nuisance as possible.
2491 The Firebrand Ingots set a new record for Most Interceptions in a Single Game while facing off against the
Avengers, thanks to a devious ploy involving powerful magnets and a tampered ball. Head coach Hothriss
lodges a complaint, but it falls on deaf ears and the record stands. The Ingots are later bankrupted when their
home stadium is taken over by a grove of several hundred tanglethorn trees. Team owner Caesyn Dyn-Athron
declines to comment, suggesting only that he could recommend a number of highly qualified horticulturalists.
Now After a lot of time spent in training, and even more time spent having open and honest discussions with a series
of incredibly well-paid counsellors, the Avengers seem to have defeated their hang-ups regarding the Darkside
Cowboys. They’re unlikely to be sharing a drink any time soon, but they’ve faced each other across the line of
scrimmage several times now without the Wood Elves going to pieces. Fans are hoping that this was all that
was holding them back, and that they can now make a push for the trophy they deserve.

Team Honours: Most Improved Hairstylist 2392, Spike! Magazine’s Most Punctured Player Award 2465
Hall of Fame: Jordell Freshbreeze, Jem Goldstar, Luarn Proudbow
Spike! Magazine Rating: 142 points


Qty Title Cost (gp) MA ST AG AV Skills Normal Double
0-16 Lineman 70,000 7 3 4 7 None GA SP
0-4 Catchers 90,000 8 2 4 7 Catch, Dodge, Sprint GA SP
0-2 Throwers 90,000 7 3 4 7 Pass GAP S
0-2 Wardancers 120,000 8 3 4 7 Block, Dodge, Leap GA SP
0-1 Treeman 120,000 2 6 1 10 Loner, Mighty Blow, Stand S GAP
Firm, Strong Arm, Take
Root, Thick Skull, Throw
0-8 Re-roll counters 50,000 gold pieces each
The following section represents the official and sacred word of the great god Nuffle on the subject
of running Blood Bowl leagues. You’ll also find an updated list of skills and several new game options to try out.

BLOOD BOWL LEAGUES It is quite rare for a Blood Bowl team to own a stadium. Most
“What’s this, Jim? New league regulations too?” belong to the Colleges of Magic or are run by the nearest city
“That’s right, Bob, how else could we work out which team is or town, but there are a few wealthy landowners with private
the best of them all?” stadiums on their estates. As a result, teams aren’t tied to one
“Well, Jim, back in my day we kept going ’til all the teams but place, and tend to spend most of their time travelling from
one were dead!” stadium to stadium, and playing matches against any teams
“Indeed, Bob, and I think you’ll find that clause still exists in that cross their path.
the Great Book of Regulations, but there’s a few other things
to learn first…” The League rules are designed to recreate this slightly anarchic
system, keeping the structure light and (for the most part)
Any experienced Blood Bowl coach will tell you that while putting coaches in charge of setting up their own matches.
one-off games may be fun, running a team over the course
of a series of games is far more exciting. Not only do you
have to worry about the tactics that your team will use in HOW LEAGUES WORK
a single game, but you can also watch your team develop To play a league, you will need at least four teams. At the start
and grow into a real powerhouse to rival even the mighty of the league, each coach needs to create a league team as
Reikland Reavers or the Gouged Eye. Joining a league can described on page 19. The league plays out over a number of
be quite a commitment, and involves learning a few more seasons, during which each team will play each other team at
rules, but the glory of leading your team through a long least once. At the end of each season is a short Tournament,
season to the Blood Bowl final is well worth the effort! consisting of two semi-finals and a final, at the end of which
one team will emerge victorious! A new season can then begin
GETTING STARTED (after a period of out-of-game downtime), giving new teams
In order to set up the league, the first thing you need to do a chance to join the league and letting coaches step down if
is appoint a League Commissioner. An ideal Commissioner they wish to take a break. After the season break, coaches will
should be a highly organised individual with a flawless grasp need to reassemble their teams, coaxing their most successful
of the Blood Bowl rules and the ability to herd cats, but players back with stacks of gold and promises of fame and
anyone enthusiastic and dedicated enough to get a league glory, then rounding out the numbers with a few rookies.
up and running probably stands a good chance of keeping
it trundling along. The Commissioner has the responsibility DIVISIONS
of making sure that the league runs smoothly, and, most If the league contains eight or more teams, the Commissioner
importantly, organising any tournaments that are played. should divide them into divisions. Each division should
Some Commissioners like to keep a central database of contain as equal a number of teams as possible, but a division
teams to keep track of how well everyone is doing, and some should have no fewer than four teams and no more than eight.
even write regular newsletters featuring match reports, The larger the divisions are, the longer a season will take. The
league tables and anything else they can think of! There’s teams can be split however the Commissioner decides, but
nothing stopping the Commissioner from taking part in the drawing team names out of an upturned Blood Bowl helmet
league, just so long as they don’t abuse their power. (or similar receptacle) is most traditional. Once the divisions
have been split, the season can begin!
There are many different ways to run a league, with the
one presented here being just one example. It is up to the LEAGUE SEASONS
Commissioner to decide how to run their league, and they There are two types of game a team can play during a
are free to change or modify any of the Blood Bowl rules as league: competition games and friendlies. The difference
they see fit. A sensible Commissioner will discuss any potential between the two is described in more detail later, but
changes with their coaches beforehand, so that everyone broadly, competition games affect the league stats, while
involved knows what they’re getting into, but at the end of the friendlies exist mainly to make some gold and increase
day, the Commissioner’s word is law! It’s not easy running a your team’s reputation – and to give you an excuse to play
league, and ultimate power is one of the few perks of the job. more Blood Bowl!
During a season, each team must play two competition
High Elf teams are famous for demanding kit changes
games against each other team in their division. They can
at every opportunity. I once faced an overseas
play as many friendlies as they like against teams from
team that had to leave half their players
their own division, from another division, or even (at the
at home so they could fit enough outfits on
Commissioner’s discretion) against teams that aren’t part
the ship.
of the league. As an aside, this is a great way to recruit
new players. Get someone playing a few friendlies and you
might find they want to join your league next season!
It is recommended that you set a time limit for each season. Each coach starts with a Treasury of 1,000,000 gold pieces
This is up to the Commissioner, of course, but it prevents the with which to draft their team. If a coach does not spend
league stalling because two players can’t seem to get their their full Treasury, they should note down any remainder
schedules to line up. A good rule of thumb for deciding a in the Treasury box of their roster. These gold pieces go
time limit is to assume that each team can play two games into the coffers, ready to be spent later in the league.
in a week. A league with a single division of six players
would have a season consisting of ten matches per team (two TEAM VALUE
against each of the other teams), so would last for five weeks. In leagues, the ‘value’ of a team affects whether it receives
Any competition games that have not been played by the end inducements for playing a match (see page 23) and how many
of the time limit count as a loss for both teams. If a coach Special Play cards will be drawn (see page 23). The value of
is thought to be gaming the system, and avoiding games a team (‘Team Value’, or TV) is worked out by adding up
that they know they’re going to lose just to prevent their the value of the players that will play for the team in its next
opponent from getting a win, the League Commissioner has match, including extra value from improvements, to the
our permission to fine the no-good cheaters and dock their cost of coaching staff, team re-rolls, and Fan Factor. Record
League points – at the very least! the value of your team in the appropriate space on the team
roster. Note that gold in the Treasury and players missing the
Once all of the season’s games have been played (or the time game due to an injury do not count towards the Team Value.
limit has been reached), the season ends in spectacular fashion
with the Play-offs (see page 26). Then there is a period of CASUALTIES
Downtime (see page 26), followed by the start of a new season. Blood Bowl is a rough and dangerous sport, and players
are often injured or killed while playing the game. Many
LEAGUE TEAMS Blood Bowl players sport scars from old injuries, while
DRAFTING YOUR TEAMS some have lost eyes, ears, noses and even whole limbs!
Each coach taking part in a league must create a team, Although most injuries can be recovered from given a bit
following the rules on page 22 of the Blood Bowl rulebook. of time, some are so serious that they can permanently
They can also add coaching staff to their team, as detailed affect a player. In one-off games this is not important – all
on page 38 of this book. Coaches can choose from any of the you need to know is that the player is off the pitch for the
team lists available: the Orcs and Humans in the rulebook, rest of the game, but in a league, it is vital to know exactly
the seven teams included in this book, or any other teams what type of injury a player has suffered. This is where the
that are made available in future supplements. If the League Casualty table on page 20 comes in.
Commissioner wishes to include other teams, for example by
porting them across from previous editions of Blood Bowl, If you roll a ‘10-12 – Casualty’ on the Injury table, roll on
they are welcome to do so. the Casualty table once the player has been moved to the
Dead & Injured box of their Dugout. To roll on the Casualty
For league play, you should use the team roster presented table, roll a D6 and a D8. Treat the D6 result as ‘tens’ and
on page 48 instead of the one found in the Blood Bowl the D8 as ‘units’. For example, if you score a 3 on the D6
rulebook. This lets you track all of the information which is and a 7 on the D8, the result would be 37. Then look up the
pertinent to your league. result on the table on page 20.

Teams created for a league cannot include Star Players; The table lists exactly what has happened to the player, and
during league play they do not join teams on a permanent describes any special effects the injury may have. The majority
basis, preferring to rake in inordinate amounts of cash by of the results simply cause the player to miss the next match,
acting as free agents. You’ll still be able to hire them on a though some have more long-lasting effects, as described below
game-by-game basis through inducements. the table on page 20.
D68 Result Effect
11-38 Badly Hurt None
41 Broken Ribs Miss Next Game
42 Groin Strain Miss Next Game
43 Gouged Eye Miss Next Game
44 Broken Jaw Miss Next Game
45 Fractured Arm Miss Next Game
46 Fractured Leg Miss Next Game
47 Smashed Hand Miss Next Game
48 Pinched Nerve Miss Next Game
51 Damaged Back Niggling Injury
52 Smashed Knee Niggling Injury
53 Smashed Hip -1 MA
54 Smashed Ankle -1 MA
55 Serious Concussion -1 AV
56 Fractured Skull -1 AV
57 Broken Neck -1 AG
58 Smashed Collar Bone -1 ST
61-68 Dead! Dead!

Miss Next Game: The opposing coach puts a tick in that player’s Miss Next Game column on the team roster. The
player cannot take part in the next match. Remove the tick at the end of the next match.

Niggling Injury: Miss next game as above. In addition, the opposing coach writes an ‘N’ in the Injuries box on the
team roster. Each Niggling Injury adds 1 to any subsequent Injury rolls made against this player.

-1 MA, ST, AG, and AV: Miss next game as above. In addition, the opposing coach records the characteristic
change on the team roster. No characteristic may be reduced by more than 2 points, or below a value of 1. Any
injuries that could reduce it further are ignored (the player must still miss the next game).

Dead! The opposing coach removes the player from their roster. They won’t be playing Blood Bowl any more unless
an Undead team is hiring!
STAR PLAYER POINTS Casualty (CAS): If a player blocks or is blocked by an
Players are able to earn Star Player points (SPPs) in opponent, and subsequently causes a roll on the Injury table
Competition Matches. These are earned for scoring for that opponent which results in a Casualty, they earn
touchdowns, making complete passes, making 2 Star Player points. Casualties inflicted in any other way
interceptions, killing or injuring opposing players, and for (including fouls, injuries inflicted by the crowd, chainsaws,
earning Most Valuable Player awards. Once a player has bombs, or the Stab skill) do not count for Star Player points.
earned enough Star Player points, they become entitled to
an improvement and may roll on the Improvement table. Most Valuable Player (MVP): At the end of the match,
Players who survive long enough will progress to become each coach nominates three players from their team and
Legendary Players, with special characteristics and skills rolls a D3 to choose one at random. That player is awarded
that they have picked up over the course of their long a Most Valuable Player award, earning 5 Star Player points.
career on the Blood Bowl pitch.
IMPORTANT: A team that concedes a match must give
The team roster includes boxes so coaches can keep track its MVP to the opposing team (i.e., the winning coach gets
of the number of Star Player points their players earn two MVPs and the losing coach gets none).
during a match. Each time a player does something that
earns them any Star Player points, their coach should put a IMPROVEMENT ROLLS
tick in the appropriate box on the roster for each point they As players earn Star Player points, they go up in levels of
have earned. At the end of the match, count up the number experience and make Improvement rolls. All players start
of new ticks for each player and upgrade their total score of out as Rookies with no SPP. Once a player has earned 6
Star Player points accordingly. points, they become ‘Experienced’ and are entitled to their
first Improvement roll. Each time they go up another level
EARNING STAR PLAYER POINTS on the table below, they are entitled to another Improvement
Star Player points are earned for performing the roll. The Star Player Points table lists the number of Star
following Actions: Player points that are required to reach each different level.

Completion (COMP): A player who makes an accurate Star Player Points Table
pass that is caught by a receiver from their own team in SPPs Title
the targeted square of the pass when the ball comes to rest 0-5 Rookie
earns 1 Star Player point. This is called a completion. 6-15 Experienced
16-30 Veteran
Touchdown (TD): A player who scores a touchdown earns 31-50 Emerging Star
3 Star Player points. If a team is awarded a touchdown 51-75 Star
because their opponent has no players to set up at the start 76-175 Super Star
of a drive, no Star Player Points are awarded. 176+ Legend

Interception (INT): If a player successfully makes an At the end of the match, work out how many Star Player
interception of the ball after making an Interception roll points each of the players in your team has earned, and
then they earn 2 Star Player points. look up their scores on the Star Player Points table. If the
player has earned enough points to go up a level, then
immediately make a roll for them on the Improvement
table (see page 22). To make the Improvement roll, roll two
D6, add the scores together, and look up the result on the
Improvement table.


Vizgrak Pigzit still holds the record for Most
Officials Killed in One Game. Retch Gutheave
of Da Green Machine made a good effort
this season, but was hampered by his
insistence on trying to eat them all.
IMPROVEMENT TABLE Every player has a value. This amount is recorded when they
2D6 Result are hired. As they get better (eg, gain skills or characteristic
2-9 Give the player a New Skill increases), their value increases. To reflect this, whenever a
10 Give the player a New Skill, or Increase the player rolls on the Improvement table, their value must be
player’s MA or AV characteristic by 1 point increased on the team roster by the amount shown on the
11 Give the player a New Skill, or Increase the table below. Note: Injuries the player suffers that reduce a
player’s AG characteristic by 1 point characteristic do not reduce the value of the player.
12 Give the player a New Skill, or Increase the
player’s ST characteristic by 1 point
NEW SKILLS New Skill from the Normal column +20,000 gp
New Skill from the Double column +30,000 gp
Improvement rolls can grant players new skills. There
+1 MA or +1 AV +30,000 gp
are four categories of skills: General (G), Agility (A),
+1 AG +40,000 gp
Strength (S) and Passing (P). There are also Mutations
+1 ST +50,000 gp
(M), which a pedant might argue aren’t really ‘skills’
as such, but they’re treated in exactly the same way
from a rules perspective.

On each team list, the columns Normal and Double

The Human and Orc team lists in the Blood Bowl
tell you which skills are available to that player.
rulebook do not contain the Normal and Double
Whatever the result of your Improvement roll, you
columns, but don’t panic! You can find them in the team
can give your player a skill from one of the categories
summaries on pages 45 & 46 of this book.
in their Normal column. If an Improvement roll
is a double, you can choose a skill from one of the
categories in either the Normal or Double column.


For example, a High Elf Lineman can normally take
A lot of people are still convinced that Skaven are
General and Agility skills, but on a double can also take
little more than a myth, a fact which has put a
Strength and Passing skills.
dampener on the Skavenblight Scramblers’
promotional tours season after season.
When a player gains a skill, record this on your team
roster. A player can never lose a skill.

An Improvement table roll of 10-12 might increase
one of the player’s characteristics. The entry will list
the characteristics that may be improved – simply
pick one and record the new value on the team roster.
Alternatively, the coach may choose to take a new skill
instead, as described previously. No characteristic may
ever be increased by more than 2 points over its starting
value or to a value greater than 10. Any additional
increases must be taken as new skills instead.
PLAYING LEAGUE MATCHES their Treasury, and is wasted if it is not spent immediately.
League Matches have their own sequences of play, which For example, if a team with a value of 1,000,000 gp goes up
involve some pre-match and post-match action, as well as the against a team with a value of 1,250,000 gp, the first coach
actual game. Follow this sequence for each match you play: would be able to spend an extra 250,000 gold pieces on
inducements. The team with the higher Team Value must
Pre-Match Sequence purchase inducements first; once they have finished, the other
team can purchase inducements.
1. Roll on Weather Table
2. Choose Inducements
Inducements are selected from the following list:
3. Draw Special Play Cards
• 0-2 Bloodweiser Kegs – 50,000 gold pieces each
4. Flip for the Kick
• 0-3 Bribes – 100,000 gold pieces each
The Match • 0-4 Extra Team Training – 100,000 gold pieces each
• Mercenaries (Unlimited) – Various prices
1. Work out the number of Fans and FAME
• 0-2 Star Players – Various prices
2. Kick-off
• 0-2 Wandering Apothecaries – 100,000 gold pieces each
3. Play the Game!
• 0-5 Special Plays – 100,000 gold pieces each
Post-Match Sequence
Detailed descriptions of these inducements can be found on
1. Improvement Rolls
page 28. Note that limitations and special rules from the
2. Update Team Stats
team lists apply. As some coaches can take a very long time
3. Record Fortune and FAME
deciding which inducements to take, there is a four-minute
4. Hire and Fire
time limit on selecting them.
5. Prepare for Next Match

All inducements that you purchase are lost at the end of the
match. No inducement can ever become a permanent part
PRE-MATCH SEQUENCE of your team.
The Pre-match sequence must be used before every League
Match that is played. This is split into the following 3. Draw Special Play Cards
separate steps that are described below: Instead of using the rules for drawing Special Play cards
on page 25 of the Blood Bowl rulebook, consult the chart
1. Roll on Weather Table below to see how many cards are drawn and kept based
Both coaches roll a D6 and look up the total on the Weather on the highest Team Value out of the two teams. First, the
table to see what the weather will be like for the match. player with the higher Team Value draws a number of face-
down cards according to the Draw value, from any decks
2. Choose Inducements they wish in any combination. Then they look at the cards
There are plenty of hangers-on around a Blood Bowl stadium, and choose which ones to keep (according to the ‘Keep’
from corporate sponsors and free agents to licensed wizards value) returning any others to the bottom of their decks.
and apothecaries. They are willing to offer their services to The other player then does the same. Each ‘Special Play’
the teams for a price, but the stadium itself will often foot the inducement adds 1 to both the number of cards you can
bill to give a disadvantaged team a leg-up and make for a draw and the number you can keep.
more interesting match.
4. Flip for the Kick
Each team can spend gold from their Treasury to purchase The coaches flip a coin or roll off, with the winner deciding
any of the inducements listed below. The team with the lower whether they will kick or receive for the first drive.
Team Value is granted an additional amount of ‘petty cash’
equal to the difference in Team Values; this is not added to Highest TV Draw Keep
Up to 1,000,000 gp 2 1
1,000,000 gp to 1,990,000 gp 3 2
2,000,000 gp to 2,990,000 gp 4 3
3,000,000 gp or greater 5 4
You must go through the following phases in order after each and every League Match that you play:
1. Improvement Rolls
• In Competition Matches, each coach awards their team’s MVP as described on page 21. In friendly matches, no MVP
is awarded.
• Roll for improvements for any players who have earned enough Star Player points to gain one. Record any changes to
player values as a result of improvements (see page 22).

2. Update Team Stats

• If this was a Competition Match, record any League points you have scored. If you won the game, you score 3 League
points. If you drew, you score 1 League point. You score no League points for a loss. In friendly matches, you do not
score any League points.
• Add any touchdowns your team scored during the game to the Touchdown section, and add any casualties you
inflicted to the Casualties section – casualties only count if they qualified towards earning one of your players Star
Player points, as per page 21.

3. Record Fortune and FAME

• Each coach generates winnings for the match by rolling a D6 and adding their team’s FAME. The team receives
this amount x 10,000 gold pieces as winnings for the match. If you won or tied the match, you receive an additional
10,000 gold pieces. If you won the match, you may also choose to re-roll your D6, but you must accept the second
result even if it is worse than the first. Remember that teams who concede a match do not receive any winnings. Note:
In friendly matches, each coach rolls a D3 instead of a D6.
• If you won the match, roll 3D6 and increase your team’s Fan Factor by 1 if the result is greater than your current Fan
Factor. If you lost the match, roll 2D6 and reduce your team’s Factor by 1 if the result is lower than your current Fan
Factor. If the match was a draw, roll 2D6; your team’s Fan Factor goes up by 1 if the result is higher than your current
Fan Factor, or down by 1 if the result is lower than your current Fan Factor.

4. Hire and Fire

• Remove any dead players from your roster.
• Each coach can now spend any gold in their Treasury to buy new players and coaching staff, and/or fire any players or
coaching staff who are no longer wanted. You do not get any gold back! In addition, each coach can choose to spend
gold from their Treasury to increase their team re-rolls. Adding a re-roll costs double the amount shown on the team
list, but only adds the basic (un-doubled) cost to the total value of the team. You can also remove any number of team
re-rolls from your roster at this stage, if you wish – again, you don’t get their cost back!
• If a team has any Journeymen (see step 5 – Prepare for Next Match) on the roster, the coach must either fire them
from the team or you may permanently hire them by paying their Rookie cost. Note that a team must have fewer than
16 players on its roster to hire Journeymen. If hired, a Journeyman loses the Loner skill but may retain any Star Player
points they earned or skills received from Improvement table rolls.

5. Prepare for Next Match

• If either team has at least 100,000 gold pieces in their Treasury, their coach must roll for expensive mistakes (see
page 25).
• If a team can only field 10 or fewer players for the next match, the team may add Journeymen onto the roster for free
until the team can field 11 players for the next match. A Journeyman is always a player from a 0-16 or 0-12 allowed
position on the team’s roster. They count their normal Rookie cost towards the total Team Value, but have the Loner
skill as they are not used to playing with the team. Journeymen may take the total players on the team (including
injured players) to more than 16 at this point.
• Work out the total value of each team and record it on their roster. The value of a team is worked out by adding
up the value of the team’s players (including extra values for improvements), coaching staff, team re-rolls and Fan
Factor. Do not include the value of gold in your Treasury or any players that will be forced to miss their next match
due to injury.
Any Blood Bowl coach will tell you that there’s nothing more risky than a large sum of gold in the team treasury. It seems to
be the case that whenever a team has money to burn, someone will come along with a tinderbox! Whether the tabloids need
paying off to avoid a scandal, a wealthy local demands compensation for being flattened by a boozed-up blitzer or an errant
cheerleader bets the treasury on a squig fight, most coaches agree that it’s not worth holding onto big sums of cash.

If you have at least 100,000 gold pieces in the Treasury at step 5 – Prepare for Next Match of the Post-match sequence, roll
a D6 on the following table, applying the result from the column that corresponds to the amount of gold in your Treasury.

D6 Up to 190,000 200,000 to 290,000 300,000 to 390,000 400,000 to 490,000 500,000+

1 Minor Incident Major Incident Catastrophe Catastrophe Catastrophe
2 Minor Incident Minor Incident Major Incident Catastrophe Catastrophe
3 Crisis Averted Minor Incident Minor Incident Major Incident Catastrophe
4 Crisis Averted Crisis Averted Minor Incident Minor Incident Major Incident
5 Crisis Averted Crisis Averted Crisis Averted Minor Incident Minor Incident
6 Crisis Averted Crisis Averted Crisis Averted Crisis Averted Minor Incident

Crisis Averted: Thanks to some careful management, your team behaves itself for once!
Minor Incident: The team gets up to some mischief, and you lose D3 x 10,000 gold pieces.
Major Incident: Half the gold in your Treasury (rounding up to the nearest 10,000 gp) is lost to an unfortunate mishap.
Catastrophe: Your Treasury is emptied, except for 2D6 x 10,000 gold pieces which you sensibly squirreled away for
just such an occurrence.

CONCEDING The League Commissioner sets a date for the end of the
A coach who concedes before setting up for a kick-off season, making sure there is enough time for at least two
where they could only field two or fewer players suffers no sessions – the play-offs followed by the finals. The time
additional penalties. If one coach concedes the match for between now and then makes up the Season’s End period.
any other reason then the winner gains all of the loser’s Although no more League points can be scored, teams can
winnings and MVP from this match. In addition, the loser still play friendlies – this is a great chance for teams to play
automatically loses one Fan Factor (do not roll for it), and rivals in different divisions, to revisit old grudges, or just
any players in the loser’s team that have 51 SPPs or more to boost the Treasury and attract some more fans ahead of
will leave the team on a D6 roll of 1-3. Roll separately for next season.
each player with 51 SPPs or more to see if they leave.

Once all of a season’s Competition Matches have been
played, or the predetermined time limit has been reached,
the League Commissioner announces that the season is
coming to a close, and no more results can be submitted –
give people a bit of notice, so they can get any last games
in. Once all the scores are in, the Commissioner ranks the
teams in order of League points, from highest to lowest,
using total touchdowns as a first tiebreaker and total
casualties as a second decider. The top four teams will go
through to the play-offs as follows:
The play-offs take place during the Season’s End period, After the finals, there is a period of downtime during the
and are made up of two stages: semi-finals and finals. In off-season. Players rest and recuperate, spend their hard-
the semi-finals, the team in 1st place on the League table earned gold, or go on elaborate tours to promote the latest
plays the team in 4th place, and the team in 2nd place plays edition of their increasingly unbelievable autobiographies.
the team in 3rd place. The winners of the semi-finals then
go on to play in the final, battling it out for 1st and 2nd place In the Post-match sequence of your last game of the season,
overall, while the losers face off for 3rd and 4th place. the Prepare for Next Match phase is replaced with the
Downtime phase, which consists of these steps:
Finals and semi-finals cannot be drawn – in the case of
a draw, you must go to Sudden Death Overtime, and a • For each player on your roster that has completed at least
penalty shoot-out if this does not result in a winner. Also, two seasons, roll a D6. If you score less than the number
outside help is strictly forbidden during the finals and of seasons they have completed, they have had enough
semi-finals, so teams cannot enlist the services of Star violence for a while and want to retire. Put a tick in the
Players or Mercenaries using inducements. Wants to Retire column – you’ll come back to this later.
• Remove any Miss Next Game ticks, then roll a D6 for
GLITTERING PRIZES each Niggling Injury on your roster. On a roll of 4 or
Prizes are awarded to the teams who finish in 1st, 2nd and more, some time away from the field works wonders and
3rd place, in addition to any winnings that they get during the injury is removed from the roster. If you have any
the Post-match sequence. The team in 3rd place receives Apothecaries on your roster, add 1 to each result.
30,000 gold pieces; the team in 2nd place receives 60,000 • Roll 2D6. If the score is lower than your Fan Factor, a
gold pieces; and the team who finished in 1st place, the number of your fair-weather fans lose interest during the
season’s champions, are awarded 100,000 gold pieces and off-season, and your Fan Factor is reduced by D3.
the League Trophy! The Trophy is theirs until the end • If you wish to take part in the next season, determine your
of the next season, when it will be awarded to the new new starting Treasury – see Raising Funds, below.
champions. While your team has a Trophy, make a note of • Re-draft your team for the new season (see page 27).
it on your team roster. While you are holding it, you can
add an additional team re-roll to your roster at no cost – its RAISING FUNDS
value is still added to your Team Value. At the start of each new season, each team gets a Treasury
of 1,000,000 gold pieces. This represents money doled out
LAST GAME by the league, the team’s sponsors, fan clubs and generous
During the Pre-match sequence of any game during patrons. Returning teams then add anything they had left in
Season’s End, a coach can declare that this will be their their Treasury from the previous season, plus the Treasury
last game of the season. The game is played as normal, Bonuses listed below. Once you have added everything up,
but the Post-match sequence is modified as explained round your Treasury down to the nearest 10,000 gp:
later. Unless a coach playing in the finals specifically states
otherwise, that will always be their last game of the season. • 10,000 gp for each match the team played last season
(both friendlies and competition games).
• 5,000 gp for each touchdown the team scored last season.
• 5,000 gp for each casualty the team caused last season.


Standardised bribery has legitimised one of the oldest
tactics in Blood Bowl. In exchange for 100,000
gold pieces, the ref will find his shoes incredibly
interesting for a count of three. Money well
spent, I say!
While many players are eager to return to the pitch when After the excitement of Season’s End and the thrill of the
the new season comes about, others might find their finals, the obvious question from most players is: when’s
priorities changing during the off-season, or find themselves the next season starting? The answer, as ever, is up to the
unceremoniously dropped from the roster by coaches keen League Commissioner. Starting a new season is as easy as
to keep their costs down. These players usually disappear following these three steps:
quietly, heading off to seek their fortune in the backwater
leagues, to become sports pundits on the interview circuit, • The League Commissioner establishes who will be taking
or to host Cabalvision shows about redecorating your hovel. part in the next season. This is a good chance for coaches
to step down from the league if they’re struggling to find
To redraft your team, take a new team roster then create the time to play, and it’s an ideal spot for new teams to
your team again – just as you did when you first joined the join in the fun.
league. The following three changes apply to the rules for • Each coach who is taking part in the new league needs to
when you are creating a team: submit a roster. Returning teams will have their re-drafted
team rosters, which were completed during the Post-
• Your Fan Factor carries over from your previous roster, at match sequence of their last game. New coaches draft a
no cost (its value is still added to your Team Value). If you team from scratch, with a starting budget of 1,000,000
wish to increase it, you can do so at a cost of 10,000 gp gold pieces. If a returning coach wishes, they can abandon
per point of Fan Factor. their existing team and submit a new one.
• As well as hiring new players from your team list, you • Teams are divided into divisions (if necessary) and dates
can re-hire players that were in your team last season are set. The season begins anew!
by paying the cost shown for them on that season’s
roster. Copy across their entire row from your old roster,
including any Niggling Injuries, Star Player points, and
whether they want to retire, and add 1 to the number of
seasons they have completed.
If you wish to re-hire a player who wants to retire, they
will require an extra incentive to stay on (usually a sneaky
envelope full of gold!). For each season the player has
completed, it costs an extra 20,000 gold pieces to re-hire
them. This is a one-off extra payment that does not affect
the Cost column of your team roster.
• For each player on your old roster that wants to retire, and
which you do not re-hire, you can add an Assistant Coach
to your new roster, at no cost – their value is still added to
your Team Value.
INDUCEMENTS IN DETAIL Special Plays: There are all sorts of ways an enterprising
Bloodweiser Keg: Nothing says “get back in the game” like a coach can prepare for a gruelling match. Everything from
frosty Bloodweiser Magic Ale served straight from the keg. praying for assistance to booby-trapping the pitch – if
There’s probably an official rule regarding drinking during you can think of it, it’s been done. Each Special Play you
a game, but hey, why should the crowd have all the fun? purchase lets you draw and keep an additional Special Play
For each Bloodweiser Keg you purchase, you can add 1 to card in the Pre-match sequence.
the result of all dice rolls you make during this match to see
whether one of your players recovers from being KO’d. Star Players: These are the heroes of the Blood Bowl
arena, the most resourceful and talented players in the sport.
Bribes: If you’re planning to misbehave, you’d better slide Star Players act as free agents, playing single matches for any
the ref a bag or two of gold before the match. Each Bribe team that can afford their high fees (and that they are willing
allows you to attempt to ignore the call when one of your to assist in the first place), and then moving on to play for
players is sent off for committing a foul or using a Secret another team. A team may hire up to two Star Players
Weapon. Roll a D6. On a roll of 2-6, the Bribe is effective that are allowed to play for the team. Unless the League
and the player stays where they are (you do not suffer a Commissioner decides otherwise, deaths and serious injuries
turnover), but on a roll of 1 the Bribe is wasted and the call inflicted on Star Players are waived after the match – they
still stands! Each Bribe may be used once per match. can afford all the resurrection spells they need!

Extra Team Training: Getting all of your players in the Star Players may not take the number of players in the
same place is hard enough on match day, but if you flash team to more than 16. However, players that are missing
some cash, you can probably organise a training session. the game due to injury do not count towards the number of
Each Extra Team Training session grants you an extra players on the team, so they are not counted when working
team re-roll for each half of this match. out how many Star Players you can have. It is possible
(though unlikely) for both teams to hire the services of the
Mercenaries: For every player safely employed by a same Star Player. If this happens then neither may use
team, there are dozens of freelance players who will wear them and the Star Player keeps both sets of hiring fees!
anyone’s colours in exchange for hard currency. You can
add Mercenary players to your team for one match at a Star Players can never earn Star Player points even if
time, chosen from your team list, at 30,000 gold pieces they are awarded the MVP for the game. Star Players
more than what they would normally cost. For example, a can never gain Improvement rolls. Finally, purchased/
Mercenary Human Lineman would cost 80,000 gold pieces induced Apothecaries may never be used on Star Players.
to hire for a match. Star Players employ their own personal trainers and
apothecaries who travel with them to heal them from
The normal limits on the total number of players allowed almost any injury (including death) and to help them get in
on a team and in each position apply to Mercenaries, but shape for their next match, and will therefore not use the
players that are missing the game due to injury do not team’s amateur physicians.
count towards the number of players on the team, so they
are not counted when working out how many Mercenaries Wandering Apothecaries: Any team that can normally
you can have. purchase an Apothecary may hire a Wandering Apothecary
or two to help during the match. Often these Apothecaries
All Mercenaries have the Loner skill as they are unused to are powerful priests of the local deity. While they would
playing with the rest of the team. In addition, a Mercenary never allow themselves to be a permanent part of a heathen
may be given one additional skill selected from those Blood Bowl team, they have been known to assist for a
available to a player of that position on a Normal roll, at single match for a generous donation to their faith. The
an additional cost of 50,000 gold pieces. For example, a rules for Wandering Apothecaries are identical
Mercenary Human Lineman could be given Tackle for to the rules for purchased Apothecaries
a total cost of 130,000 gold pieces to hire for a match. on page 38. Only one Apothecary
Mercenaries can never earn Star Player points even if they may be used to re-roll each
are awarded the MVP for the game. Mercenaries can Casualty roll.
never gain Improvement rolls.
The easiest way for a League Commissioner to tweak a SPIRALLING EXPENSES
league is to change the starting Treasury that can be used This additional rule restricts the earnings of high level
to draft a team. For example, you could say that at the start teams, providing a slight handicap:
of the league, all teams have 1,000,000 gp, but that this
increases by 100,000 gold pieces each season. Once a team’s value equals or exceeds 1,750,000 gp, it must
deduct an amount from its winnings during step 3 – Record
Another way to personalise your league is to change the Fortune and FAME. This starts at 10,000 gp, but each time the
prizes that are awarded at the end of the season. The Team Value increases by another 150,000 gp above 1,750,000
winner of the Dungeonbowl, for example, gets to add a gp, the deduction increases by 10,000 gp. In other words,
Wizard to their permanent coaching staff for the duration deduct 10,000 gp for teams with a value between 1,750,000
of the following season, while the winner of the Spike! gp and 1,890,000 gp; deduct 20,000 gp for teams with a value
Magazine Trophy gets a boost to their Fan Factor (thanks between 1,900,000 gp and 2,040,000 gp; deduct 30,000 gp for
to all the press coverage). teams between 2,050,000 gp and 2,190,000 gp, and so on.

Here are some other variants you might wish to try out. EXCLUDING INDUCEMENTS IN
NEW SKILL: PILING ON A Commissioner is allowed to remove any specific
This skill can be found in previous editions of Blood Bowl, inducement(s) from the list of allowed inducements that
but has been removed from this edition as it can lead to are on page 23 that they feel do not work for their league
some very nasty combos. Some Commissioners will want it environment. Common inducements that might be
though… so here it is! excluded include disallowing Star Players or Bribes.


The player may use this skill after they have made a block Instead of allowing teams to purchase Fan Factor when they
as part of a Block or Blitz Action, but only if they are are created, they may have Fan Factor for free. All teams
currently standing adjacent to the victim and the victim under this rule would start with a Fan Factor of 5 for no cost.
was Knocked Down. You can use a team re-roll to re-roll Fan Factor never adds to a team’s value and changes in Fan
the Armour roll or Injury roll; if the blocking player has Factor from Post-game rolls do not affect Team Value.
the Loner skill, they must roll as normal to see whether
they can use the re-roll. Then the Piling On player is UNDERSUBSCRIBED DIVISIONS
Placed Prone in their own square – no Armour roll is made If the teams in your league cannot be divided into equal
for them. Piling On does not cause a turnover unless the divisions, teams in smaller divisions will have less chance to
Piling On player is carrying the ball. Piling On cannot be score points. To address this, a team in a division that has
used with the Stab or Chainsaw skills. fewer teams than another division gets 2 free League points.
For example, a league of 17 teams is split into three divisions –
two of six teams and one of five. The five teams in
the smaller division each start the season with
2 League points.
The following list includes all of the skills available to the teams in Death Zone Season 1. It also includes the skills that are
in the Blood Bowl rulebook, and some additional skills which can be taken by players if you’re using the League rules.
It’s worth noting that although some of the ‘skills’ listed could more accurately be described as traits or physical features
(especially the mutations!), they are referred to as skills for the sake of simplicity.

To save you flicking back and forth while searching for a skill for your newly levelled-up player, here’s a handy
summary of the Agility, General, Mutation, Passing and Strength skills:
Agility General Mutation Passing Strength
Catch Block Big Hand Accurate Break Tackle
Diving Catch Dauntless Claw/Claws Dump-off Grab
Diving Tackle Dirty Player Disturbing Presence Hail Mary Pass Guard
Dodge Fend Extra Arms Leader Juggernaut
Jump up Frenzy Foul Appearance Nerves of Steel Mighty Blow
Leap Kick Horns Pass Multiple Block
Side Step Kick-off Return Prehensile Tail Safe Throw Stand Firm
Sneaky Git Pass Block Tentacles Strong Arm
Sprint Pro Two Heads Thick Skull
Sure Feet Shadowing Very Long Legs
Strip Ball
Sure Hands

the team-mate down, which kills the team-mate without

EXTRAORDINARY SKILLS opportunity for recovery (Apothecaries, Regeneration or
anything else cannot be used). If the team-mate had the
Some skills are listed as Extraordinary. These are unique
ball, it will scatter once from the square that the team-mate
traits which are more the result of a player’s nature than
was in. If the second roll is 2-6, the team-mate squirms
something they can learn. As a result, if a player does not
free and the Pass Action is automatically treated as a
start with a particular Extraordinary skill, they can never
fumbled pass. Fumble the player with the Right Stuff skill
get it unless a rule explicitly states otherwise.
as normal.


The player may add 1 to the D6 roll when they pass the ball. One of the player’s hands has grown monstrously large,
yet remains completely functional. The player ignores
ALWAYS HUNGRY (EXTRAORDINARY) modifier(s) for enemy tackle zones or Pouring Rain weather
The player is always ravenously hungry – and what’s results when they attempt to pick up the ball.
more, they’ll eat absolutely anything! Should the player
ever use the Throw Team-mate skill, roll a D6 after they BLOCK (GENERAL)
have finished moving, but before they throw their team- A player with the Block skill is proficient at knocking
mate. On a 2+, continue with the throw. On a roll of 1, opponents down. The Block skill, if used, affects the
they attempt to eat the unfortunate team-mate! Roll the results rolled with the Block dice, as explained in the
D6 again – a second 1 means that they successfully scoff Blocking rules.
The player is not noted for their intelligence. Because of this, Staying on the pitch is difficult when your rotting body is
you must roll a D6 immediately after declaring an Action for barely held together. When this player suffers a Casualty
the player, but before taking the Action. On a roll of 1, they result on the Injury table, roll twice on the Casualty table
stand around trying to remember what it is they’re meant and apply both results. The player will only ever miss one
to be doing. The player can’t do anything for the turn, and future match as a result of their injuries, even if they suffer
the player’s team loses the declared Action for the turn. For two results with this effect. A successful Regeneration roll
example, if a Bone-head player declares a Blitz Action and will heal both results.
rolls a 1, then the team cannot declare another Blitz Action
that turn. The player loses their tackle zones and may not DIRTY PLAYER (GENERAL)
catch, intercept or pass, assist another player on a block or A player with this skill has trained long and hard to learn
foul, or voluntarily move until they manage to roll a 2 or every dirty trick in the book. Add 1 to any Armour roll or
better at the start of a future Action or the drive ends. Injury roll made by a player with this skill when they make
a Foul as part of a Foul Action. Note that you may only
BREAK TACKLE (STRENGTH) modify one of the dice rolls, so if you decide to use Dirty
The player may use their Strength instead of their Agility Player to modify the Armour roll, you may not modify the
when making a Dodge roll. For example, a player with Injury roll as well.
Strength 4 and Agility 2 would count as having an Agility
of 4 when making a Dodge roll. This skill may only be used DISTURBING PRESENCE (MUTATION)
once per turn. This player’s presence is very disturbing, whether it is
caused by a massive cloud of flies, sprays of soporific musk,
CATCH (AGILITY) an aura of random chaos or intense cold, or a pheromone
A player who has the Catch skill is allowed to re-roll the D6 that causes fear and panic. Regardless of the nature of this
if they fail a Catch roll. It also allows the player to re-roll the mutation, any player must subtract 1 from the D6 when
D6 if they fail to catch a hand-off or make an interception. they pass, intercept or catch for each opposing player with
Disturbing Presence that is within three squares of them,
CLAW/CLAWS (MUTATION) even if the Disturbing Presence player is Prone or Stunned.
A player with this skill is blessed with a huge crab-like claw
or razor sharp talons that make armour useless. When DIVING CATCH (AGILITY)
an opponent is Knocked Down by this player during a The player is superb at diving to catch balls others cannot
block, and the result of the Armour roll is 8 or more after reach and jumping to more easily catch perfect passes.
applying modifiers, make an Injury roll regardless of the The player may add 1 to any Catch roll from an accurate
opponent’s AV. pass targeted to their square. In addition, the player can
attempt to catch any pass, kick-off or crowd throw-in, but
DAUNTLESS (GENERAL) not bouncing ball, that would land in an empty square in
A player with this skill is capable of psyching themself up so one of their tackle zones as if it had landed in their own
they can take on even the very strongest opponent. The skill square without leaving their current square. A failed catch
only works when the player attempts to block an opponent will bounce from the Diving Catch player’s square. If there
who is stronger than themself. When the skill is used, the are two or more players attempting to use this skill then
coach of the player with the Dauntless skill rolls a D6 and they get in each other’s way and neither can use it.
adds it to their strength. If the total is equal to or lower than
the opponent’s Strength, the player must block using their DIVING TACKLE (AGILITY)
normal Strength. If the total is greater, then the player with The player may use this skill after an opposing player attempts
the Dauntless skill counts as having a Strength equal to their to dodge out of any of their tackle zones. The opposing player
opponent’s when they make the block. The Strength of both must subtract 2 from their Dodge roll for leaving the player’s
players is calculated before any defensive or offensive assists tackle zone. If a player is attempting to leave the tackle zone of
are added, but after all other modifiers. several players that have the Diving Tackle skill, then only one
of the opposing players may use Diving Tackle. Diving Tackle
BUGMAN’S BOOK OF RECORDS with Jim Johnson may be used on a re-rolled dodge if not declared for use on
The Arctic Cragspiders recently broke the record the first Dodge roll. Once the dodge is resolved but before any
for Most Decapitations in a Single Match, Armour roll for the opponent (if needed), the Diving Tackle
collecting an astonishing 26 skulls from the Player is Placed Prone in the square vacated by the dodging
Magralath Mutants starting line-up. player but do not make an Armour roll or Injury roll for the
Diving Tackle player.
A player with the Dodge skill is adept at slipping away from A player with this skill is fond of grabbing their opponent and
opponents, and is allowed to re-roll the D6 if they fail to dodge throwing them around. To represent this, only while making a
out of any of an opposing player’s tackle zones. However, the Block Action, if the player’s block results in a push back, they may
player may only re-roll one failed Dodge roll per turn. In choose any empty square adjacent to their opponent to push back
addition, the Dodge skill, if used, affects the results rolled on them into. When making a Block or Blitz Action, Grab and Side
the Block dice, as explained in the Blocking rules. Step will cancel each other out and the standard push back rules
apply. Grab will not work if there are no empty adjacent squares. A
DUMP-OFF (PASSING) player with the Grab skill can never learn or gain the Frenzy skill
This skill allows the player to make a Quick Pass when an through any means. Likewise, a player with the Frenzy skill can
opponent declares that they will throw a block at them, never learn or gain the Grab skill through any means.
allowing the player to get rid of the ball before they are hit.
Work out the Dump-off pass before the opponent makes GUARD (STRENGTH)
their block. The normal throwing rules apply, except that A player with this skill assists an offensive or defensive block
neither team’s turn ends as a result of the throw, whatever even if they are in another player’s tackle zone. This skill may
it may be. After the throw is worked out, your opponent not be used to assist a foul.
completes the block, and then carries on with their turn.
Dump-off may not be used on the second block from an HAIL MARY PASS (PASSING)
opponent with the Frenzy skill or in conjunction with the The player may throw the ball to any square on the playing
Bombardier or Throw Team-mate skills. pitch, no matter what the range – the range ruler is not used.
Roll a D6. On a roll of 1, the player fumbles the throw, and the
EXTRA ARMS (MUTATION) ball will bounce once from the Thrower’s square. On a roll of
A player with one or more extra arms may add 1 to any 2-6, the player may make the pass. The Hail Mary Pass may not
attempt to pick up, catch or intercept. be intercepted, but it is never accurate – the ball automatically
misses and scatters three squares. Note that if you are lucky, the
FEND (GENERAL) ball will scatter back into the target square! This skill may not be
This player is very skilled at holding off would-be attackers. used in a Blizzard or with the Throw Team-mate skill.
Opposing players may not follow-up blocks made against
this player even if the Fend player is Knocked Down. The HORNS (MUTATION)
opposing player may still continue moving after blocking if A player with Horns may use them to butt an opponent. Horns
they had declared a Blitz Action. adds 1 to the player’s Strength for any block(s) they make
during a Blitz Action.
The player’s appearance is so horrible that any opposing HYPNOTIC GAZE (EXTRAORDINARY)
player that wants to block the player (or use a special attack The player has a powerful telepathic ability that they can use to
that takes the place of a block) must first roll a D6 and stun an opponent into immobility. The player may use Hypnotic
score 2 or more. If the opposing player rolls a 1, they are Gaze at the end of their Move Action on one opposing player in an
too revolted to make the block and it is wasted (though the adjacent square. Make an Agility roll for the player with Hypnotic
opposing team does not suffer a turnover). Gaze, with a -1 modifier for each opposing tackle zone on the
player with Hypnotic Gaze other than the victim’s. If successful,
FRENZY (GENERAL) then the opposing player loses their tackle zones and may not
A player with this skill is a slavering psychopath who attacks catch, intercept or pass the ball, assist another player on a block or
their opponents in an uncontrollable rage. Unless otherwise foul, or move voluntarily until the start of their next Action or the
overridden, this skill must always be used. When making a drive ends. If the roll fails, then the Hypnotic Gaze has no effect.
block, a player with this skill must always follow up if they
can. If a Pushed or Defender Stumbles result is chosen, the JUGGERNAUT (STRENGTH)
player must immediately throw a second block against the A player with this skill is virtually impossible to stop once they
same opponent so long as they are both still standing and are in motion. If this player takes a Blitz Action, the opposing
adjacent. If possible, the player must also follow up this player may not use their Fend, Stand Firm or Wrestle skills
second block. If the frenzied player is performing a Blitz against the Juggernaut player’s blocks. The Juggernaut player
Action then they must pay a square of movement and must may also choose to treat a Both Down result as if a Pushed
make the second block unless they have no further normal result has been rolled instead for blocks they make during a
movement and cannot Go For It again. Blitz Action.
JUMP UP (AGILITY) roll with the exception of the bonus for having Very Long
A player with this skill is able to quickly get back into the Legs. The player does not have to dodge to leave the square
game. If the player declares any Action other than a Block they start in. If the player successfully makes the D6 roll
Action, they may stand up for free without paying the three then they make a perfect jump and may carry on moving.
squares of movement. The player may also declare a Block If the player fails the Agility roll then they are Knocked
Action while Prone – which requires an Agility roll with Down in the square that they were leaping to, and the
a +2 modifier to see if they can complete the Action. A opposing coach makes an Armour roll to see if they were
successful roll means the player can stand up for free and injured. A player may only use this skill once per turn.
block an adjacent opponent. A failed roll means the Block
Action is wasted and the player may not stand up. LONER (EXTRAORDINARY)
Loners, through inexperience, arrogance, animal ferocity or
KICK (GENERAL) just plain stupidity, do not work well with the rest of a team.
The player is an expert at kicking the ball and can place As a result, a Loner may use team re-rolls but has to roll a
the kick with great precision. In order to use this skill, the D6 first. On a roll of 4+, they may use the team re-roll as
player must be set up on the pitch when their team kicks normal. On a roll of 1-3, the original result stands without
off. The player may not be set up in either wide zone or on being re-rolled but the team re-roll is lost (i.e., used).
the line of scrimmage. Only if all these conditions are met
is the player then allowed to take the kick-off. Because their MIGHTY BLOW (STRENGTH)
kick is so accurate, you may choose to halve the number Add 1 to any Armour or Injury roll made by a player
of squares that the ball scatters on kick-off, rounding any with this skill when an opponent is Knocked Down by
fractions down (i.e., 1 = 0, 2-3 = 1, 4-5 = 2, 6 = 3). this player during a block. Note that you only modify one
of the dice rolls, so if you decide to use Mighty Blow to
KICK-OFF RETURN (GENERAL) modify the Armour roll, you may not modify the Injury
One player on the receiving team that is not on the line of roll as well. Mighty Blow cannot be used with the Stab or
scrimmage or in an opposing tackle zone may use this skill Chainsaw skills.
when the ball has been kicked. It allows the player to move
up to three squares after the ball has been scattered but MONSTROUS MOUTH (EXTRAORDINARY)
before rolling on the Kick-off table. This skill may not be A player with a Monstrous Mouth is allowed to re-roll
used for a touchback kick-off and does not allow the player the D6 if they fail a Catch roll. It also allows the player to
to cross into their opponent’s half of the pitch. re-roll the D6 if they drop a hand-off or fail to make an
interception. In addition, the Strip Ball skill will not work
LEADER (PASSING) against a player with a Monstrous Mouth.
The player is a natural leader and commands the rest of
the team from the backfield as they prepare to throw the MULTIPLE BLOCK (STRENGTH)
ball. A team that has one or more players with the Leader At the start of a Block Action, a player who is adjacent to
skill gains one additional team re-roll each half, which at least two opponents may choose to throw blocks against
can only be used if they have at least one player with two of them. Make each block in turn as normal, except
the Leader skill on the pitch (even if they are Prone or that each defender’s strength is increased by 2. The player
Stunned). Do not track this extra re-roll on the Team Re- cannot follow up either block when using this skill, so
rolls area of your Dugout; instead, take an unused Blood Multiple Block can be used instead of Frenzy, but both
Bowl coin and place it in your Reserves box at the start of skills cannot be used together. To have the option to throw
the game and at half time. Remove it from your Dugout the second block, the player must still be on their feet after
once you have used it. The Leader re-roll can be carried the first block.
over into Overtime if not used, but the team does not
receive a new one at the start of Overtime. NERVES OF STEEL (PASSING)
The player ignores modifiers for enemy tackle zones when
LEAP (AGILITY) they attempt to pass, catch or intercept.
A player with the Leap skill is allowed to jump to any
empty square within two squares – even if it requires NO HANDS (EXTRAORDINARY)
jumping over a player from either team. Making a leap The player is unable to pick up, intercept or carry the ball
costs the player two squares of movement. In order to and will fail any Catch roll automatically, either because
make the leap, move the player to any empty square one they literally have no hands or because their hands are full.
or two squares from their current square and then make If they attempt to pick up the ball then it will bounce, and
an Agility roll for the player. No modifiers apply to this D6 will cause a turnover if it is their team’s turn.
If a player with the Nurgle’s Rot skill kills an opponent A player with this skill is allowed to move up to three
during a Block, Blitz or Foul Action, and that opposing squares when the opposing coach announces that one of
player is subsequently removed from its team’s roster their players is going to pass the ball. The opposing coach
during step 4 – Hire and Fire of the Post-match sequence may not change their mind about passing once Pass Block’s
(see page 24), they contract Nurgle’s Rot instead of dying use is declared. The move is made out of sequence, after
and can join your team for future games. Note that players the range has been measured, but before any interception
with Strength 5 or more and/or the Decay, Regeneration or attempts have been made. A player may not make the
Stunty skills cannot contract Nurgle’s Rot. The player joins move unless able to reach a legal destination and may
the Nurgle team as a Rotter with no Star Player points or not follow a route that would not allow them to reach a
improvements, regardless of what they had before, and can legal destination. A legal destination puts the player in a
be added to the team roster for free as long as the team position to attempt an interception, an empty square that
has an open roster slot. This new Rotter still counts at full is the target of the pass, or with their tackle zone on the
value towards the total value of the Nurgle team. Thrower or Catcher. The player may not stop moving until
they have reached a legal destination, have been held fast
PASS (PASSING) by Tentacles or been Knocked Down. The special move
A player with the Pass skill is allowed to re-roll the D6 if is free, and in no way affects the player’s ability to move
they throw an inaccurate pass or fumble. in a subsequent Action. The move is made using all of the
normal rules and skills (for example, having to dodge in
order to leave opposing players’ tackle zones). Players with
Pass Block may use this skill against a Dump-off pass.
If a player performing a Pass Block in their own turn is
Knocked Down then this is a turnover, no other players
may perform Pass Block moves, and your turn ends as soon
as the results of the pass and the block are resolved.
PREHENSILE TAIL (MUTATION) a player with this skill is thrown or fumbled and ends up in
The player has a long, thick tail which they can use to trip an unoccupied square, they must make a Landing roll unless
up opposing players. To represent this, opposing players they landed on another player during the throw. A Landing
must subtract 1 from the D6 roll if they attempt to dodge roll is an Agility roll with a -1 modifier for each opposing
out of any of the player’s tackle zones. player’s tackle zone on the square they land in. If they pass
the roll, they land on their feet. If the Landing roll is failed
PRO (GENERAL) or they landed on another player during the throw, they are
A player with this skill is a hardened veteran. Such players Placed Prone and must pass an Armour roll to avoid injury.
are called professionals or ‘Pros’ by other Blood Bowl players If the player is not injured during their landing, they may
because they rarely make a mistake. Once per turn, a Pro take an Action later this turn if they have not already done
is allowed to re-roll any one dice roll they have made other so. A failed Landing roll or landing in the crowd does not
than Armour, Injury or Casualty rolls, even if they are Prone cause a turnover, unless they were holding the ball.
or Stunned. However, before the re-roll may be made, their
coach must roll a D6. On a roll of 4, 5 or 6, the re-roll may SAFE THROW (PASSING)
be made. On a roll of 1, 2 or 3, the original result stands and This player is an expert at throwing the ball in a way that
may not be re-rolled with a skill or team re-roll; however you makes it even more difficult for any opponent to intercept
can re-roll the Pro roll with a team re-roll. it. If a pass made by this player is ever intercepted then the
Safe Throw player may make an unmodified Agility roll. If
REALLY STUPID (EXTRAORDINARY) successful, the interception is cancelled out and the passing
This player is without doubt one of the dimmest creatures to sequence continues as normal. In addition, if this player
ever take to a Blood Bowl pitch (which considering the IQ fumbles a pass of a ball (not a bomb or thrown team-mate)
of most other players is really saying something!). Because on any roll other than a natural 1, they manage to keep
of this, you must roll a D6 immediately after declaring hold of the ball instead of suffering a fumble and the team
an Action for the player, but before taking the Action. If does not suffer a turnover.
there are one or more players from the same team standing
adjacent to the Really Stupid player’s square, and who aren’t SECRET WEAPON (EXTRAORDINARY)
Really Stupid, then add 2 to the D6 roll. On a result of 1-3, Some players are armed with special pieces of equipment
they stand around trying to remember what it is they’re that are called ‘secret weapons.’ Although the Blood Bowl
meant to be doing. The player can’t do anything for the rules specifically ban the use of any weapons, the game has
turn, and the player’s team loses the declared Action for that a long history of teams trying to get weapons of some sort
turn (for example, if a Really Stupid player declares a Blitz onto the pitch. Nonetheless, the use of Secret Weapons is
Action and fails the Really Stupid roll, then the team cannot simply not legal, and referees have a nasty habit of sending
declare another Blitz Action that turn). The player loses their off players that use them. Once a drive ends that this player
tackle zones and may not catch, intercept or pass the ball, has played in at any point, the referee orders the player to be
assist another player on a block or foul, or voluntarily move sent off to the dungeon to join players that have been caught
until they manage to roll a successful result for a Really committing fouls during the match, regardless of whether
Stupid roll at the start of a future Action or the drive ends. the player is still on the pitch or not.


If the player suffers a Casualty result on the Injury table, The player may use this skill when a player performing an
then roll a D6 for Regeneration after the roll on the Casualty Action on the opposing team moves out of any of their tackle
table and after any Apothecary roll, if allowed. On a result zones for any reason. The opposing coach rolls 2D6, adding
of 1-3, the player suffers the result of this injury. On a 4-6, their own player’s Movement Allowance and subtracting the
the player will heal the injury after a short period of time Shadowing player’s Movement Allowance from the score. If
to ‘re-organise’ themself, and is placed in the Reserves box the final result is 7 or less, the player with Shadowing may
instead. Regeneration rolls may not be re-rolled. Note that move into the square vacated by the opposing player. They do
an opposing player still earns Star Player points as normal not have to make any Dodge rolls when they make this move,
for inflicting a Casualty result on a player with this skill, and it has no effect on their own movement in their own turn.
even if the result doesn’t affect the player in the normal way. If the final result is 8 or more, the opposing player successfully
avoids the Shadowing player and the Shadowing player may
RIGHT STUFF (EXTRAORDINARY) not move into the vacated square. A player may make any
A player with the Right Stuff skill can be thrown by another number of shadowing moves per turn. If they have left the
player from their team who has the Throw Team-mate skill tackle zone of several players who have the Shadowing skill,
– see page 37 for details of how the player is thrown. When only one of the opposing players may attempt to shadow them.
A player with this skill is an expert at stepping neatly out The player may add 1 to the D6 when they pass to Short,
of the way of an attacker. To represent this ability, their Long or Long Bomb range.
coach may choose which square the player is moved to
when they are pushed back, rather than the opposing coach. STUNTY (EXTRAORDINARY)
Furthermore, the coach may choose to move the player to any The player is so small that they are very difficult to tackle.
adjacent square, not just the three squares shown on the Push When you make a Dodge roll for a player with this skill,
Back diagram. Note that the player may not use this skill if ignore any modifiers for enemy tackle zones on the square
there are no open squares on the pitch adjacent to this player. they are moving to (unless they also have the Secret
The coach may choose which square the player is moved to Weapon skill, in which case they are too busy using it to
even if the player is Knocked Down after the push back. take advantage of their size). Unfortunately, Stunty players
struggle to throw the ball any great distance, so there is an
SNEAKY GIT (AGILITY) additional -1 modifier when they make a pass. Finally, when
This player has the quickness and finesse to stick the boot into making an Injury roll against a Stunty player, a result of 7
a downed opponent without drawing a referee’s attention – (after modifiers) is counted as Knocked Out, and a result of
unless he hears the armour crack! During a Foul Action, a 9 (after modifiers) is counted as Badly Hurt – they are put in
player with this skill is not ejected for rolling doubles on the the Dead & Injured box and miss the rest of the match, but
Armour roll unless the Armour roll was successful. you do not need to make a Casualty roll for them.


The player may attempt to move up to three extra squares The player may re-roll the D6 if they are Knocked Down
rather than the normal two when Going For It. Their when trying to Go For It. A player may only use the Sure
coach must still roll to see if the player is Knocked Down Feet skill once per turn.
in each extra square they enter.
STAB (EXTRAORDINARY) A player with the Sure Hands skill is allowed to re-roll the
A player with this skill is armed with something very good D6 if they fail to pick up the ball. In addition, the Strip
for stabbing, slashing or hacking up an opponent with, like Ball skill will not work against a player with this skill.
sharp fangs or a trusty dagger. This player may attack an
opponent with their stabbing attack instead of throwing a TACKLE (GENERAL)
block. Make an unmodified Armour roll for the victim. If Opposing players who are standing in any of this player’s
the score is less than or equal to the victim’s Armour value tackle zones are not allowed to use their Dodge skill if they
then the attack has no effect. If the score beats the victim’s attempt to dodge out of any of the player’s tackle zones, nor
Armour value then they have been wounded and an Injury may they use their Dodge skill if the player throws a block
roll must be made. This Injury roll ignores all modifiers at them and uses the Tackle skill.
from any source – including Niggling Injuries. If Stab is used
as part of a Blitz Action, the player cannot continue moving TAKE ROOT (EXTRAORDINARY)
after using it. Casualties caused by a stabbing attack do not Immediately after declaring an Action with this player, roll
count for Star Player points. a D6. On a 2 or more, the player may take their Action
as normal. On a 1, the player ‘takes root’, and their MA is
STAND FIRM (STRENGTH) considered 0 until a drive ends, or they are Knocked Down
A player with this skill may choose to not be pushed back as or Placed Prone (and no, players from their own team may
the result of a block. They may choose to ignore being pushed
by Pushed results, and to be knocked down in the square they
are in by Defender Down and Defender Stumbles results. If
a player is pushed back into a player using Stand Firm then BUGMAN’S BOOK OF RECORDS with Jim Johnson
neither player moves. One of the highest-rated Skaven players of all time was the
two-headed and four-armed Tarsh Surehands. Sadly, in a
STRIP BALL (GENERAL) crucial game against the Kureshi Kobras snakeman
When a player with this skill blocks an opponent with the team, a missed pass led to a furious argument
ball, applying a Pushed or Defender Stumbles result will between his heads, and before anyone could
cause the opposing player to drop the ball in the square stop him, he had strangled himself to death!
that they are pushed to, even if the opposing player is not
Knocked Down.
not try to block them in order to try to knock them down!). A TIMMM-BER! (EXTRAORDINARY)
player who has taken root may not Go For It, be pushed back This player spends so much time on the floor that their
for any reason, or use any skill that would allow them to move team-mates have developed a knack for helping them up.
out of their current square or be Placed Prone. The player If a player with this skill attempts to stand up after being
may block adjacent players without following up as part of a knocked over, other players from their team can assist if
Block Action. However, if a player fails their Take Root roll as they are adjacent, standing and not in any enemy tackle
part of a Blitz Action, they may not block that turn – they can zones. Each player that assists in this way adds 1 to the
still roll to stand up if they are Prone however. result of the dice roll to see whether the player stands
up, but remember that a 1 is always a failure, no matter
TENTACLES (MUTATION) how many players are helping! Assisting a player to stand
The player may use this skill when an opposing player up does not count as an Action, and a player can assist
attempts to dodge or leap out of any of their tackle zones. regardless of whether they have taken an Action.
The opposing coach rolls 2D6, adding their player’s ST
and subtracting the Tentacles player’s ST from the score. TWO HEADS (MUTATION)
If the final result is 5 or less, then the moving player is Having two heads enables this player to watch where they
held firm, and their Action ends immediately. If a player are going and look out for any opportunistic opponents at
attempts to leave the tackle zone of several players that the same time. Add 1 to all Dodge rolls the player makes.
have the Tentacles skill, only one may attempt to grab
them with Tentacles. VERY LONG LEGS (MUTATION)
The player is allowed to add 1 to the D6 roll whenever they
THICK SKULL (STRENGTH) attempt to intercept or use the Leap skill. In addition, the
This player treats a roll of 8 on the Injury table, after any Safe Throw skill may not be used to affect any Interception
modifiers have been applied, as a Stunned result rather rolls made by this player.
than a KO’d result. This skill may be used even if the
player is Prone or Stunned. WEEPING DAGGER (EXTRAORDINARY)
This player keeps a warpstone-tainted dagger hidden in their
THROW TEAM-MATE (EXTRAORDINARY) kit, and is an expert at keeping it out of the referee’s sight! If
A player with this skill has the ability to throw a player from this player inflicts a casualty during a block, and the result
the same team instead of the ball – this includes the ball if of the Casualty roll is 11-38 (Badly Hurt) after any re-rolls,
the player being thrown already has it! The throwing player roll a D6. On a result of 4 or more, the opposing player must
must end the movement of their Pass Action standing next miss their next game. If you are not playing a league,
to the intended team-mate to be thrown, who must have the a Weeping Dagger has no effect on the game.
Right Stuff skill and be standing. The pass is worked out
exactly the same as if the player with Throw Team-mate was WILD ANIMAL (EXTRAORDINARY)
passing a ball, except the player must subtract 1 from the D6 Wild Animals are uncontrollable creatures that rarely do
roll when they pass the player, fumbles are not automatically exactly what a coach wants of them. In fact, just about all
turnovers, and Long Pass or Long Bomb range passes are you can really rely on them to do is lash out at opposing
not possible. In addition, accurate passes are treated instead players that move too close to them! To represent this,
as inaccurate passes, thus scattering the thrown player immediately after declaring an Action with a Wild Animal,
three times as players are heavier and harder to pass than a roll a D6, adding 2 to the roll if taking a Block or Blitz
ball. The thrown player cannot be intercepted. A fumbled Action. On a roll of 1-3, the Wild Animal does not move
team-mate will land in the square they originally occupied. and roars in rage instead, and the Action is wasted.
If the thrown player scatters off the pitch, they are beaten
up by the crowd in the same manner as a player who has WRESTLE (GENERAL)
been pushed off the pitch. If the final square they scatter The player is specially trained in grappling techniques.
into is occupied by another player, treat the player landed This player may use Wrestle when they block or are
on as Knocked Down and roll for Armour (even if already blocked and a Both Down result on the Block dice is
Prone or Stunned), and then the player being thrown will chosen by either coach. Instead of applying the Both
scatter one more square. If the thrown player would land on Down result, both players are wrestled to the ground.
another player, continue to scatter the thrown player until Both players are Placed Prone in their respective squares
they end up in an empty square or off the pitch (i.e., they even if one or both have the Block skill. Do not make
cannot land on more than one player). See the Right Stuff Armour rolls for either player. Use of this skill does not
entry to see if the player lands on their feet or head-down in cause a turnover unless the active player was holding
a crumpled heap! the ball.
A team’s coaching staff provides vital back-up to the team’s successfully argued and the player is sent to the Reserves
players. Coaching staff are never allowed on the pitch. box, a Turnover is still caused.
Instead, models representing your coaching staff must be
placed on your Dugout during the match. Any team may ASSISTANT COACHES
include the following coaching staff on their roster: (10,000 GOLD PIECES EACH)
Assistant Coaches include offensive and defensive
HEAD COACH (FREE!) coordinators, special team coaches, personal trainers for
This model represents you, and so does not cost any gold your legendary players and numerous others. As a team
to hire for the team. During a match, your main job is to becomes more successful, the number of Assistant Coaches
yell and shout at the players in your team in order to inspire on its roster just seems to grow and grow.
them and, more importantly, to yell and shout at the referee
if they make a call against your team. If you have a suitable If a ‘Brilliant Coaching’ result is rolled on the Kick-off
miniature representing your Head Coach, you can argue table, each Assistant Coach gives you a +1 bonus on
the call when one of your players is sent off for committing a the dice roll you make to see who gets the extra re-roll.
foul or using a Secret Weapon. Roll a D6. On a roll of 6, the Assistant Coaches do not have to be represented by models,
referee accepts your argument (or, at the very least, believes but it’s much more fun if they are!
your thinly-veiled threats) and the player in question is only
sent to the Reserves box instead of being sent off entirely. On CHEERLEADERS
a roll of a 1, the referee has had enough of your lip and ejects (10,000 GOLD PIECES EACH)
you from the game! Remove your Head Coach from the Most Blood Bowl teams have a troupe or two of
Dugout. For the rest of the game you cannot argue any calls, Cheerleaders both to inspire the team’s players and their
and if the ‘Brilliant Coaching’ result is rolled on the Kick-off fans. It’s the team’s Cheerleaders’ job to whip the fans into
table, subtract 1 from your dice roll. Note that if the call is a state of frenzy and lead the chanting and singing as the
crowd’s shouts and howls build up to a deafening crescendo.

If a ‘Cheering Fans’ result is rolled on the Kick-off table,

each Cheerleader gives you a +1 bonus on the dice roll you
make to see who gets the extra re-roll.

Cheerleaders cost 10,000 gold pieces each. Cheerleaders do

not have to be represented by models, but it’s much more
fun if they are!


An Apothecary is a wise healer who looks after the injured
players in a Blood Bowl team – a strenuous full-time job!
A team may purchase a maximum of one Apothecary. Nurgle
teams cannot hire Apothecaries... for obvious reasons.

Once per match, an Apothecary may attempt to cure a player

who has suffered a Casualty or been KO’d. If the player
was KO’d, leave them on the pitch Stunned or, if they were
not on the pitch, put them in the Reserves box. Otherwise,
immediately after the player suffers the casualty, you can
use the Apothecary to make your opponent roll again on the
Casualty table and then you choose which of the two results to
apply. If the player is only Badly Hurt after this roll (even if it
was the original Casualty roll), the Apothecary has managed
to patch them up and pump them full of painkillers so that the
player may be moved into the Reserves box.
During the off-season, and sometimes during a season if PURCHASING INDUCEMENTS
there’s nothing particularly exciting going on, stadium owners You can purchase the following inducements (described in detail
will organise exhibition matches to draw in the crowds on page 28):
and make some money. These showcase games are usually • 0-2 Bloodweiser Kegs – 50,000 gold pieces each
between two teams which are brought together specifically • 0-3 Bribes – 100,000 gold pieces each
for the match. Sometimes a stadium will hire an entire team • 0-5 Special Plays – 100,000 gold pieces each
(or two, if there’s a famous grudge between them to settle) • 0-2 Wandering Apothecaries – 100,000 gold pieces each
but more often than not, the teams are brought together for a
short time only, in exchange for a significant fee. PLAYINGANEXHIBITIONMATCH
Once both coaches have drafted their teams, they are both revealed.
SETTING UP AN If the same Star Player has been chosen by both coaches, they will
EXHIBITION MATCH play for the coach that paid them the most. If both coaches paid them
When you set up an Exhibition Match, the first thing to do the same amount, they refuse to play for either, and the gold spent on
is decide a budget for the match. The higher the budget, the them is wasted.
more spectacular the match will be, but be aware that at
higher budgets, the number of skills in play might slow things If one of your Star Players decides to play for the other team, remove
down a bit as the coaches spend more time squinting at their them from your roster. You can immediately spend their value on
rosters! 1,750,000 gp is a good starting point for a mid-level additional re-rolls and coaching staff, at the standard costs.
Exhibition; this is enough to put together an interesting pair of
teams without things getting too bogged down. With this resolved, the match can begin! Play this as you would a
normal game of Blood Bowl. At the end of the game the teams are
DRAFTING TEAMS disbanded; players do not gain SPPs, and no winnings are recorded.
Each Coach picks a team list and creates a team of 11-16
players, just as they would for a league or one-off match.
They can include coaching staff (see page 38) as normal.
However, there are a few exceptions:

You should not let your opponent see what’s in your roster
until you’ve finished drafting your team!


When you purchase a player, you can buy improvements
for them, at the cost shown on the Value Modifiers table on
page 22 – note their total cost on your roster. You can buy
a maximum of six improvements per player.


You can add any number of Star Players to your roster.
Of course, there is always the chance that both players will
want the same Star Player – so to sweeten the deal, you can
pay them more than their standard cost. In their Cost box
on your roster, write the total you are paying them (and
deduct this from your budget).
In the history of Blood Bowl, there are certain teams whose careers have stood out for one reason or another. For each of those
teams, there was one magical season that summed up everything you’d need to know about what makes them so special.

In this section, you will find a team roster for the Bright Crusaders’ 2472-2473 squad. As more famous teams are released,
we will be producing rosters that represent them in their heyday. These teams are intended for use in Exhibition Play (their
total value is deducted from your Budget, and you can spend any additional gold on inducements or Star Players), but an
enterprising League Commissioner could probably find a way to fit them into a league and spice things up!

Each famous team has its own roster, like any other team, often with an additional special rule that makes them play in a unique
fashion. They are treated like a regular team of their type for the purposes of hiring Star Players, and so on.


The Bright Crusaders were set up in 2441 by Ingrid the teachings of her beloved lord. She had witnessed just three
Pious, a former priestess of Nuffle. Orphaned at birth, games before a crisis of faith led her to abandon both the
Ingrid had been taken in by the Order of the Unchallenged pilgrimage and the priesthood. Three years later, having
Call (a particularly puritanical sect of Nufflites) and raised secured a substantial sum of money from a coterie of like-
under the exacting scrutiny of its high priests. Even from minded individuals, she founded her own team and swore
a young age she felt blessed in the eyes of her god and that they would bring order and justice to the pitch.
took to her studies with gusto, memorising the Thirty-two
Sacred Playsbefore she could walk and treating the Great Ingrid’s recruitment process was legendarily fierce. Players
Book of Amorical Football as her infallible guide. She was not only had to be in peak fitness and of sound body and
soon marked out as a novice of great potential, excelling at mind, as per the Holy Guidelines of the Sixth Appendix, but had
everything from cheerleading and half-time ritual to the to demonstrate an expert knowledge of the rules of Blood
divination of the most holy stats. Bowl. It took her a further eight years to find enough players
to field a legal team, but her efforts were not in vain. In 2449
When Ingrid began a pilgrimage along the Prime Stadium the Crusaders marched out to their first match, resplendent
Circuit on her twenty-first birthday, she was appalled at the in silver and white, to face their opponents. If it hadn’t been
lax approach a great many players (and officials) took to the the Lowdown Rats, they might have got off to a better start!

The subsequent seasons would have been a lesson in

humility for any other team, but not for the Crusaders.
Under Ingrid’s stern leadership they battled on, through
adversity, humiliation and the indifference of countless
fans. Their luck began to change finally in 2463, when the
Rostov Renegades star Blitzer Peter Lowenhart announced
that he believed in what the Crusaders were doing. Even
more surprisingly, he quit his team and joined the Crusaders
the following month (famously refusing a transfer fee). His
experience on the field, and his preference for brutal-but-fair
tactics, brought a new lease of life into the struggling team.

Over the course of the next decade, the team built a stable
of skilled players, culminating in their impressive 2472
starting line-up. Across the land, faded reproductions of
the team painting still hang in pride of place on young fans’
walls, even if the modern players struggle to match up with
the Crusaders’ legacy. Analysts and sports historians agree
that the squad’s success came down to the tight-knit trio at with a single blow. Brandan van Sant completed the trio, a
its core. Lowenhart was the ideal defensive Blitzer, calling skilled catcher and an expert at avoiding harm. Combining
out plays while hounding any players that broke through such capable players with a strong sense of comradeship
the pack. His opposite number in the front line was the among the team as a whole, it seemed for a time like there
taciturn Ulfric Holzfeller, who once felled a Storm Giant was nothing that could stop the Bright Crusaders.

















Pious Followers of Nuffle: The Crusaders can never

make Foul Actions or use Dirty Tricks Special Play cards.
They will never play alongside a Star Player with the Dirty
Player skill. If, for any reason, a Bright Crusaders player
is ever sent off, you cannot argue the call with the referee!
However, such dogged devotion to the holy book pays off,
and this season in particular, the team seemed to be blessed
by Nuffle himself. At the start of each of your turns, if your
opponent is winning, roll a number of dice equal to the
difference in score – for example, if the score is 2-4 in your
opponent’s favour, roll 2D6. If at least one of the dice scores
a 5 or 6, you gain a team re-roll.
Wherever the Orcland Raiders play, head coach Cruel-eye way, either! They developed their ‘dirty hurty’ playstyle (a term
hangs a large sign on the locker room wall. It’s as battered coined by team captain Grishnak Goblin-Throttler) over
and as well-travelled as any of the players, and seems to have several decades and an impressive number of roster changes,
started its life as one half of a bench in a long-forgotten dugout. eventually reaching a zenith in the 2472-2473 season. As far
Gouged into the ageing wood in large, clumsy letters is a simple as Raiders fans are concerned, there was never a finer season!
inscription which sums up the Raiders team in just four lines.
That was the year when teams across the league were
Raiders Rules: terrorised by the Raiders’ impressive offense, with Grom
1) Cheat. Mad’un and ‘Rabid’ Foamface turning the scrimmage
2) Cheat some more. line into an abattoir. Anyone who dared to step within the
3) While yer at it, lay the boot in. Blockers’ reach soon found themselves on the ground. But
even there, they weren’t safe; the Raiders’ second line was
Ever since the Orcland Raiders were founded in 2435 (as a vipers’ nest of dirty players, from ‘Toofless’ Vug – whose
the Severed Heads), they’ve forever sought out new ways insane antics off the pitch were almost as horrifying as his
to punish enemy players for daring to stand on both feet. fouls – to Rotten Razfang, famed for his rather impressive
They’ve never let anything as trivial as ‘the rules’ stand in their knack of stamping on fallen players’ tongues.


Team Colours: Black and yellow
Head Coach: Cruel-eye
Players: Orcs

The Orcland Raiders started out as the Severed Heads, but changed their name following a relocation to Orcland after
franchise and financial trouble. Sadly, the Raiders had little time to settle into their new home before the collapse of the
NAF in 2489 forced them to sell up their stadium and take to the open road.

2435 After a visit from the AFC champions the Gouged Eye, the warriors of the Severed Heads tribe decide that
football would be a great way of establishing their supremacy over all the lily-livered Elves and Humans who
were constantly annoying them with their raids. The team is accepted into the conference in 2437, its owner
registering it as the Severed Heads tribe.
2459 After a short period of near-misses, the Heads beat off all challengers and meet the Schaffen Stallions in what
was then the equivalent of today’s Blood Bowl final. Unfortunately, they lose 3-0 in seven minutes. After a
lengthy enquiry, it is revealed that the Stallions’ sorcerous coach mindwiped the entire Heads team as they
lined up for the kick-off. The result stands, but the Stallions are closed down.
2469 After almost a decade spent carefully rebuilding their team, the Severed Heads finally make it to the top,
decimating the Middenheim Marauders in the Blood Bowl. Man of the Match that day was new arrival
Grishnak Goblin-Throttler, who got two touchdowns and three fatalities.
2487 The Severed Heads unexpectedly go bankrupt after some corrupt dealing by tribal chieftains and a half-Orc
property speculator. A short period of uncertainty comes to an end when King Ironclaw of Orcland invests
some of the profits from his healthy Elf-stabbing operation and buys himself a football team.
Present The collapse of the NAF forces King Ironclaw to sell the Raiders and their newly built stadium. Perhaps
because they never really settled in their new home, the Raiders take to life on the road very easily and are
rewarded by winning Blood Bowl XXX, the very first of the open tournaments. A second open title must be
on the cards in the near future.

Team Honours: Blood Bowl Winners 2469 (IX), 2483 (XXIII), 2490 (XXX). Orcidas Team of the Year 2483
Hall or Fame: Gorbag ‘Rabid’ Foamface, Urgar Rancid, Coach Lefthand Wolfstab
Spike! Magazine Team Rating: 302 points
It could almost be said that the team turned fouling into of Nuffle’s sacred rules proved so entertaining to the crowds
an art form. If they weren’t kicking players when they were that officials were asked to look the other way wherever
down, they were smearing dung on their hands to catch the possible, much to the chagrin of the other teams in the
ball easier, or sneaking deadly squigs into the other team’s league. But as Bob Bifford always says, “It ain’t cheating if you
dugout at half time. In fact, their constant circumnavigation don’t get caught!”

















Dirty Ploys. At the start of each drive, after rolling to see

whether KO’d players recover but before either coach sets
up, roll a D6 and look up the result below:

D6 Result
1 Caught Out! The other team caught one of the lads
sniffing around their dugout, and weren’t too happy!
A random Raiders player is Knocked Out.
2-5 Distracting Antics: The Raiders do their best to
disrupt the other team. Roll a D6. On a 4 or more,
the other team loses a team re-roll.
6 Mysterious Disappearance… A random opposing
player doesn’t turn up for the drive. Roll a D6 again.
On a 1-5, they cannot be set up this drive, and must
be put in the Reserves box. On a 6, they miss the rest
of the match!

The Ref don’t mind: The first time in each half that an
Orcland Raiders player makes a foul and the Armour roll
and/or Injury roll is a double, the referee looks the other way
and the player is not sent off.
This section provides a handy, up to date summary of the current range of teams, as well as a summary of the Star Players
presented earlier in the book.


Qty Title Cost (gp) MA ST AG AV Skills Normal Double
0-16 Linemen 70,000 6 3 4 8 None GA SP
0-2 Runners 80,000 7 3 4 7 Dump-off GAP S
0-2 Assassins 90,000 6 3 4 7 Shadowing, Stab GA SP
0-4 Blitzers 100,000 7 3 4 8 Block GA SP
0-2 Witch Elves 110,000 7 3 4 7 Dodge, Frenzy, Jump Up GA SP
0-8 Re-roll counters 50,000 gold pieces each

Qty Title Cost (gp) MA ST AG AV Skills Normal Double
0-16 Blockers 70,000 4 3 2 9 Block, Tackle, Thick Skull GS AP
0-2 Runners 80,000 6 3 3 8 Sure Hands, Thick Skull GP AS
0-2 Blitzers 80,000 5 3 3 9 Block, Thick Skull GS AP
0-2 Troll Slayers 90,000 5 3 2 8 Block, Dauntless, Frenzy, GS AP
Thick Skull
0-1 Deathroller 160,000 4 7 1 10 Break Tackle, Dirty Player, S GAP
Juggernaut, Loner,
Mighty Blow, No Hands,
Secret Weapon, Stand Firm
0-8 Re-roll counters 50,000 gold pieces each


Qty Title Cost (gp) MA ST AG AV Skills Normal Double
0-16 Linemen 60,000 6 3 4 7 None GA SP
0-2 Throwers 70,000 6 3 4 7 Pass GAP S
0-4 Catchers 100,000 8 3 4 7 Catch, Nerves of Steel GA SP
0-2 Blitzers 110,000 7 3 4 8 Block, Side Step GA SP
0-8 Re-roll counters 50,000 gold pieces each
Qty Title Cost (gp) MA ST AG AV Skills Normal Double
0-16 Linemen 50,000 6 3 3 8 None G ASP
0-4 Catchers 60,000 8 2 3 7 Catch, Dodge GA SP
0-2 Throwers 70,000 6 3 3 8 Pass, Sure Hands GP AS
0-4 Blitzers 90,000 7 3 3 8 Block GS AP
0-1 Ogre 140,000 5 5 2 9 Bone-head, Loner, S GAP
Mighty Blow, Thick Skull,
Throw Team-mate
0-8 Re-roll counters 50,000 gold pieces each

Qty Title Cost (gp) MA ST AG AV Skills Normal Double
0-16 Rotters 40,000 5 3 3 8 Decay, Nurgle’s Rot GM ASP
0-4 Pestigors 80,000 6 3 3 8 Horns, Nurgle’s Rot, GSM AP
0-4 Bloaters 110,000 4 4 2 9 Disturbing Presence, Foul GSM AP
Appearance, Nurgle’s Rot,
0-1 Rotspawn 140,000 4 5 1 9 Disturbing Presence, S GAPM
Foul Appearance, Loner,
Mighty Blow, Nurgle’s
Rot, Really Stupid,
Regeneration, Tentacles
0-8 Re-roll counters 70,000 gold pieces each


Qty Title Cost (gp) MA ST AG AV Skills Normal Double
0-16 Linemen 70,000 6 3 4 8 None GA SP
0-2 Throwers 90,000 6 3 4 8 Pass, Safe Throw GAP S
0-4 Catchers 90,000 8 3 4 7 Catch GA SP
0-2 Blitzers 100,000 7 3 4 8 Block GA SP
0-8 Re-roll counters 50,000 gold pieces each
Qty Title Cost (gp) MA ST AG AV Skills Normal Double
0-16 Linemen 50,000 5 3 3 9 None G ASP
0-4 Goblins 40,000 6 2 3 7 Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty A GSP
0-2 Throwers 70,000 5 3 3 8 Pass, Sure Hands GP AS
0-4 Black Orc 80,000 4 4 2 9 None GS AP
0-4 Blitzers 80,000 6 3 3 9 Block GS AP
0-1 Troll 110,000 4 5 1 9 Always Hungry, Loner, S GAP
Mighty Blow, Really Stupid,
Throw Team-mate
0-8 Re-roll counters 60,000 gold pieces each

Qty Title Cost (gp) MA ST AG AV Skills Normal Double
0-16 Linemen 50,000 7 3 3 7 None G ASPM
0-2 Throwers 70,000 7 3 3 7 Pass, Sure Hands GP ASM
0-4 Gutter 80,000 9 2 4 7 Dodge, Weeping Dagger GA SPM
0-2 Blitzers 90,000 7 3 3 8 Block GS APM
0-1 Rat Ogre 150,000 6 5 2 8 Frenzy, Loner, Mighty S GAPM
Blow, Prehensile Tail,
Wild Animal
0-8 Re-roll counters 60,000 gold pieces each


Qty Title Cost (gp) MA ST AG AV Skills Normal Double
0-16 Lineman 70,00 7 3 4 7 None GA SP
0-4 Catchers 90,000 8 2 4 7 Catch, Dodge, Sprint GA SP
0-2 Throwers 90,000 7 3 4 7 Pass GAP S
0-2 Wardancers 120,000 8 3 4 7 Block, Dodge, Leap GA SP
0-1 Treeman 120,000 2 6 1 10 Loner, Mighty Blow, S GAP
Stand Firm, Strong Arm,
Take Root, Thick Skull,
Throw Team-mate
0-8 Re-roll counters 50,000 gold pieces each
Name Skills Teams Cost MA ST AG AV
Eldril Sidewinder Catch, Dodge, Hypnotic Dark Elf, 200,000 gp 8 3 4 7
Gaze, Loner, Nerves of Steel, Elven Union,
Pass Block High Elf,
Wood Elf
Griff Oberwald Block, Dodge, Fend, Loner, Human 320,000 gp 7 4 4 8
Sprint, Sure Feet
Grim Ironjaw Block, Dauntless, Frenzy, Dwarf 220,000 gp 5 4 3 8
Loner, Multiple Block,
Thick Skull
Guffle Pusmaw Foul Appearance, Nurgle 210,000 gp 5 3 4 9
Loner, Monstrous Mouth,
Nurgle’s Rot
Hakflem Dodge, Extra Arms, Loner, Skaven 200,000 gp 9 3 4 7
Skuttlespike Prehensile Tail, Two Heads
Jordell Freshbreeze Block, Diving Catch, Dodge, Elven Union, 260,000 gp 8 3 5 7
Leap, Loner, Side Step, Wood Elf
Mighty Zug Block, Loner, Mighty Blow Human 260,000 gp 4 5 2 9
Morg ‘n’ Thorg Block, Loner, Any except 430,000 gp 6 6 3 10
Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Khemri,
Throw Team-mate Necromantic
and Undead
Prince Moranion Block, Dauntless, Loner, High Elf, 230,000 gp 7 4 4 8
Tackle, Wrestle Elven Union
Roxanna Darknail Dodge, Frenzy, Jump Up, Dark Elf, 250,000 gp 8 3 5 7
Juggernaut, Leap, Loner Amazon
Varag Block, Jump up, Loner, Orc 290,000 gp 6 4 3 9
Ghoul-Chewer Mighty Blow, Thick Skull
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Halfling Referee Skaven Blitzer Skaven Thrower

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