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Arteries of

the Upper
Artery Origin Branches Vaskulaisasi
anterior axillary a., 3rd part unnamed muscular deltoid m.; arm muscles
circumflex branches near the surgical neck of
humeral the humerus
anterior common muscular brs.; a. of the flexor pollicis longus m.,
interosseous interosseous a. median nerve flexor digitorum
profundus m., pronator
quadratus m., radius,
ulna, carpal bones
anterior ulnar ulnar a. unnamed muscular brs. medial side of elbow and
recurrent proximal ends of forearm
flexor mm.
arch, deep palmar radial a., deep br. of palmar metacarpal aa. deep palm, digits
ulnar a. (2nd-4th), perforating brs. including the dorsum of
the distal phalangeal
arch, dorsal radial a., ulnar a. dorsal metacarpal aa. dorsum of the hand and
carpal arterial digits, excluding the
distal phalangeal
arch, superficial ulnar a., superficial common palmar digital aa. superficial palm, palmar
palmar palmar br. of the (3) surface of the digits
radial a. excluding thumb, dorsum
of the distal phalangeal
segments of digits 2-5
axillary subclavian a. 1st part: superior thoracic pectoral region, shoulder
(axillary a. is the a.; 2nd part: region and upper limb
continuation of the thoracoacromial a., lateral
subclavian lateral to thoracic a.; 3rd part:
the 1st rib) anterior humeral
circumflex a., posterior
humeral circumflex a.,
subscapular a.
brachial axillary a. (brachial deep brachial a., superior arm, forearm and hand
a. is the continuation ulnar collateral a., nutrient
of the axillary a. a., inferior ulnar collateral
distal to the teres a.; terminal branches are
major m.) the radial a. and the ulnar
brachial, deep brachial a. ascending br.; terminal muscles and tissues of
branches are the middle the posterior
collateral a. and radial compartment of the arm
collateral a.
brachiocephalic aortic arch right common carotid a., right side of the head and
trunk right subclavian a. neck; right upper limb
and right side of the chest
carpal arterial radial a., ulnar a. dorsal metacarpal aa. dorsum of the hand and
arch, dorsal digits, excluding the
distal phalangeal
cervical, thyrocervical trunk unnamed muscular trapezius muscle and
transverse branches, possibly the surrounding tissues
dorsal scapular a.
circumflex axillary a., 3rd part unnamed muscular deltoid m.; arm muscles
humeral, anterior branches near the surgical neck of
the humerus
circumflex axillary a., 3rd part unnamed muscular deltoid; arm muscles near
humeral, branches the surgical neck of the
posterior humerus
circumflex subscapular a. unnamed muscular teres major m., teres
scapular branches minor m., infraspinatus
collateral, inferior brachial a. unnamed muscular lower medial arm
ulnar branches
collateral, middle deep brachial a. unnamed muscular medial head of triceps,
branches anconeus
collateral, radial deep brachial a. unnamed muscular lower lateral arm
collateral, brachial a. unnamed muscular medial arm muscles
superior ulnar branches
common ulnar a. anterior interosseous a., deep structures of the
interosseous posterior interosseous a. forearm
common palmar superficial palmar proper palmar digital aa. palmar aspect two
digital arterial arch (2) adjacent digits
deep brachial brachial a. ascending br.; terminal muscles and tissues of
branches are the middle the posterior
collateral a. and radial compartment of the arm
collateral a.
deep palmar arch radial a., deep br. of palmar metacarpal aa. deep palm, digits
ulnar a. (2nd-4th), perforating brs. including the dorsum of
the distal phalangeal
digital, common superficial palmar proper palmar digital aa. palmar aspect two
palmar arterial arch (2) adjacent digits
digital, proper common palmar no named branches palmar aspect of each
palmar digital a. digit
dorsal carpal radial a., ulnar a. dorsal metacarpal aa. dorsum of the hand and
arterial arch digits, excluding the
distal phalangeal
dorsal digital, of dorsal metacarpal a. no named branches dorsal aspect of 1/2 digit,
hand excluding the distal
phalangeal segment
dorsal metacarpal 1st: radial a.; 2-4: dorsal digital aa. (2) dorsum of 2 adjacent
dorsal carpal arterial digits, excluding the
arch distal phalangeal
dorsal scapular subclavian a., 3rd unnamed muscular levator scapulae m.,
part branches rhomboideus major m.,
rhomboideus minor m.
humeral, anterior axillary a., 3rd part unnamed muscular deltoid m.; arm muscles
circumflex branches near the surgical neck of
the humerus
humeral, axillary a., 3rd part unnamed muscular deltoid; arm muscles near
posterior branches the surgical neck of the
circumflex humerus
inferior ulnar brachial a. unnamed muscular lower medial arm
collateral branches
interosseous posterior unnamed muscular anconeus m., elbow joint
recurrent interosseous a. branches
interosseous, common muscular brs.; a. of the flexor pollicis longus m.,
anterior interosseous a. median nerve flexor digitorum
profundus m., pronator
quadratus m., radius,
ulna, carpal bones
interosseous, ulnar a. anterior interosseous a., deep structures of the
common posterior interosseous a. forearm
interosseous, common interosseous recurrent muscles of the posterior
posterior interosseous a. (extensor) forearm
compartment: supinator
m., abductor pollicis
longus m., extensor
pollicis longus m.,
extensor pollicis brevis
m., extensor indicis m.
lateral thoracic axillary, 2nd part unnamed muscular serratus anterior m., parts
branches of adjacent muscles, skin
and fascia of the
anterolateral thoracic
metacarpal, 1st: radial a.; 2-4: dorsal digital aa. (2) dorsum of 2 adjacent
dorsal dorsal carpal arterial digits, excluding the
arch distal phalangeal
metacarpal, deep palmar arch proper palmar digital aa. interosseous mm., deep
palmar hand
middle collateral deep brachial a. unnamed muscular medial head of triceps,
branches anconeus
palmar arch, deep radial a., deep br. of palmar metacarpal aa. deep palm, digits
ulnar a. (2nd-4th), perforating brs. including the dorsum of
the distal phalangeal
palmar arch, ulnar a., superficial common palmar digital aa. superficial palm, palmar
superficial palmar br. of the (3) surface of the digits
radial a. excluding thumb, dorsum
of the distal phalangeal
segments of digits 2-5
palmar digital, superficial palmar proper palmar digital aa. palmar aspect two
common arterial arch (2) adjacent digits
palmar digital, common palmar no named branches palmar aspect of each
proper digital a. digit
palmar deep palmar arch proper palmar digital aa. interosseous mm., deep
metacarpal hand
pectoral thoracoacromial unnamed muscular pectoralis major m.,
trunk branches pectoralis minor m.
posterior axillary a., 3rd part unnamed muscular deltoid; arm muscles near
circumflex branches the surgical neck of the
humeral humerus
posterior common interosseous recurrent muscles of the posterior
interosseous interosseous a. (extensor) forearm
compartment: supinator
m., abductor pollicis
longus m., extensor
pollicis longus m.,
extensor pollicis brevis
m., extensor indicis m.
posterior ulnar ulnar a. unnamed muscular medial side of the elbow,
recurrent branches forearm flexor mm.
princeps pollicis radial a. two brs. to the thumb palmar aspect of the
thumb including the
dorsum of the distal
phalangeal segment
proper palmar common palmar no named branches palmar aspect of each
digital digital a. digit
radial brachial a. radial recurrent a., palmar posterior elbow, posterior
carpal br., superficial forearm, posterior hand,
palmar br., dorsal carpal deep portion of palmar
br., 1st dorsal metacarpal side of the hand, thumb
a., princeps pollicis a.,
radialis indicis a., deep
palmar arterial arch
radial collateral deep brachial a. unnamed muscular lower lateral arm
radial recurrent radial a. unnamed muscular lateral side of the elbow
branches and adjacent extensor
radialis indicis radial a. no named branches lateral (radial) side of the
index finger
recurrent, anterior ulnar a. unnamed muscular brs. medial side of elbow and
ulnar proximal ends of forearm
flexor mm.
recurrent, posterior unnamed muscular anconeus m., elbow joint
interosseous interosseous a. branches
recurrent, ulnar a. unnamed muscular medial side of the elbow,
posterior ulnar branches forearm flexor mm.
recurrent, radial radial a. unnamed muscular lateral side of the elbow
branches and adjacent extensor
scapular, subscapular a. unnamed muscular teres major m., teres
circumflex branches minor m., infraspinatus
scapular, dorsal subclavian a., 3rd unnamed muscular levator scapulae m.,
part branches rhomboideus major m.,
rhomboideus minor m.
subclavian brachiocephalic a. 1st part: vertebral a., neck, brain, spinal cord,
(right), aortic arch thyrocervical trunk, thyroid gland, larynx,
(left) internal thoracic a.; 2nd shoulder, chest muscles,
part: costocervical trunk; upper limb
3rd part: dorsal scapular a.
subscapular axillary a., 3rd part circumflex scapular a., subscapularis m., teres
thoracodorsal a. major m., teres minor m.,
infraspinatus m.
superficial palmar ulnar a., superficial common palmar digital aa. superficial palm, palmar
arch palmar br. of the (3) surface of the digits
radial a. excluding thumb, dorsum
of the distal phalangeal
segments of digits 2-5
superior thoracic axillary a., 1st part unnamed muscular muscles of intercostal
branches spaces 1 and 2
superior ulnar brachial a. unnamed muscular medial arm muscles
collateral branches
suprascapular thyrocervical trunk muscular supraspinatus &
infraspinatus, shoulder
thoracic, lateral axillary a., 2nd part unnamed muscular serratus anterior m., parts
branches of adjacent muscles, skin
and fascia of the
anterolateral thoracic
thoracic, superior axillary a., 1st part unnamed muscular muscles of intercostal
branches spaces 1 and 2
thoracoacromial axillary a., 2nd part pectoral br., clavicular br., pectoralis major m.,
acromial br., deltoid br. pectoralis minor m.,
subclavius m., deltoid m.,
shoulder joint
thoracodorsal subscapular a. unnamed muscular latissimus dorsi m.
trunk, aortic arch right common carotid a., right side of the head and
brachiocephalic right subclavian a. neck; right upper limb
and right side of the chest
trunk, subclavian a., 1st inferior thyroid a., lower neck, posterior
thyrocervical part transverse cervical a., shoulder, thyroid gland
suprascapular a.
Ulnar brachial a. anterior ulnar recurrent a., medial side of the
posterior ulnar recurrent a., anterior forearm,
common interosseous a., posterior forearm,
palmar carpal br., dorsal superficial palm, fingers
carpal br., deep palmar br.,
superficial palmar arterial
ulnar collateral, brachial a. unnamed muscular lower medial arm
inferior branches
ulnar collateral, brachial a. unnamed muscular medial arm muscles
superior branches
ulnar recurrent, ulnar a. unnamed muscular brs. medial side of elbow and
anterior proximal ends of forearm
flexor mm.
ulnar recurrent, ulnar a. unnamed muscular medial side of the elbow,
posterior branches forearm flexor mm.

Table of Lower Limb Muscles

Artery Origin Branches Vaskularisasi

anterior anterior tibial no named branches lateral side of the
lateral a. ankle
anterior anterior tibial no named branches medial side of the
medial a. ankle
anterior popliteal a. anterior tibial recurrent a., anterior leg; dorsum of
tibial posterior tibial recurrent a., foot and deep foot
anterior malleolar a., medial
malleolar a., lateral malleolar
a., dorsalis pedis a.
anterior anterior tibial no named branches anterior side of the
tibial a. knee and adjacent
recurrent muscles
aorta, the inferior phrenic aa. (2), celiac abdominal wall;
abdominal continuation of trunk, middle suprarenal aa. gastrointestinal tract;
the (2), lumbar aa. (4 pairs), body below the level
descending superior mesenteric a., renal of the respiratory
thoracic aorta aa. (2), testicular/ovarian aa. diaphragm
(2), inferior mesenteric a.,
median sacral a., common
iliac aa. (2)
arch, plantar lateral plantar plantar metatarsal aa. (4) deep foot; its plantar
arterial a. metatarsal brs. and
their brs. supply the
toes, including the
dorsum of the distal
phalangeal segment
arcuate dorsalis pedis dorsal metatarsal aa. (3) dorsum of the foot,
a. excluding the pollex
and the distal
phalangeal segments
of the digits
circumflex deep femoral ascending br., transverse br., lateral thigh and hip
femoral, a. descending br.
circumflex deep femoral ascending br., descending br. medial thigh and hip
femoral, a.
circumflex anterior tibial unnamed muscular branches proximal portion of
fibular lateral leg
circumflex femoral a. unnamed muscular branches superficial fascia of
iliac, lower abdomen and
superficial thigh
deep femoral a. unnamed muscular branches origins of pectineus
external m., adductor longus
pudendal m.; scrotum/labium
deep femoral a. medial circumflex femoral a., hip joint, proximal
femoral lateral circumflex femoral a., thigh, posterior thigh
perforating aa. (3 or 4)
deep plantar dorsalis pedis plantar metatarsal aa. (4) deep foot; its plantar
metatarsal brs. and
their brs. supply the
toes, including the
dorsum of the distal
phalangeal segment
descending femoral a. saphenous br., articular brs. skin and superficial
genicular structures of the
medial aspect of the
knee and upper leg
digital, plantar no named branches plantar aspect of each
proper metatarsal a., digit
plantar from the
plantar arterial
dorsal dorsal no named branches dorsal aspect of 1/2
digital, of metatarsal a. digit, excluding the
foot distal phalangeal
dorsal dorsalis pedis dorsal digital aa. (2) dorsum of digits,
metatarsal (1st), arcuate excluding the distal
(2nd-4th) phalangeal segment
dorsalis anterior tibial lateral tarsal a., medial tarsal dorsal aspect of the
pedis a. a., arcuate a., 1st dorsal foot;
metatarsal a., deep plantar a.
external iliac common iliac inferior epigastric a., deep lower limb
a. circumflex iliac a., femoral a.
external femoral a. unnamed muscular branches origins of pectineus
pudendal, m., adductor longus
deep m.; scrotum/labium
external femoral a. no named branches skin and superficial
pudendal, fascia of the upper
superficial medial thigh, skin of
the pubic region
femoral external iliac superficial epigastric a., thigh, leg and foot
a. superficial circumflex iliac a.,
superficial external pudendal
a., deep external pudendal a.,
deep femoral a., descending
genicular a., popliteal a.
femoral, femoral a. medial circumflex femoral a., hip joint, proximal
deep lateral circumflex femoral a., thigh, posterior thigh
perforating aa. (3 or 4)
femoral, deep femoral ascending br., transverse br., lateral thigh and hip
lateral a. descending br.
femoral, deep femoral ascending br., descending br. medial thigh and hip
medial a.
fibular posterior tibial nutrient br., lateral malleolar muscles and fascia of
a. a., communicating br., the lateral leg ankle
perforating br.
genicular, femoral a. saphenous br., articular brs. skin and superficial
descending structures of the
medial aspect of the
knee and upper leg
genicular, popliteal a. no named branches lateral aspect of the
inferior knee
genicular, popliteal a. no named branches medial aspect of the
inferior knee
genicular, popliteal a. no named branches cruciate ligaments and
middle deep structures of the
genicular, popliteal a. no named branches lateral aspect of knee
genicular, popliteal a. no named branches medial aspect of knee
gluteal, internal iliac unnamed muscular branches gluteus maximus m.,
inferior a., anterior hip joint
gluteal, internal iliac, superficial br., deep br. gluteus maximus m.,
superior posterior gluteus medius m.,
division gluteus minimus m.,
hip joint
iliac, abdominal external iliac a., internal iliac a. pelvis, lower limb
common aorta
iliac, common iliac inferior epigastric a., deep lower limb
external a. circumflex iliac a., femoral a.
iliolumbar internal iliac iliac br., lumbar br. iliacus m., psoas
a., posterior major m., quadratus
division lumborum m.
inferior external iliac cremasteric a. lower rectus
epigastric a. abdominis m.,
pyramidalis m., lower
abdominal wall
inferior internal iliac unnamed muscular branches gluteus maximus m.,
gluteal a., anterior hip joint
inferior popliteal a. no named branches lateral aspect of the
lateral knee
inferior popliteal a. no named branches medial aspect of the
medial knee
lateral posterior tibial proper plantar digital a. to deep foot; the plantar
plantar a. lateral side of 5th digit arterial arch and its
brs. supply the toes,
including the distal
phalangeal segment
lateral tarsal dorsalis pedis no named branches tarsal bones and joints
a. of the lateral foot
lumbar abdominal anterior br., posterior br., psoas major m., psoas
aorta spinal br. minor m., quadratus
lumborum m., spinal
cord and vertebral
column, deep back
malleolar, anterior tibial no named branches lateral side of the
anterior a. ankle
malleolar, anterior tibial no named branches medial side of the
anterior a. ankle
malleolar, fibular a. calcaneal brs. lateral side of the
posterior ankle
malleolar, posterior tibial no named branches medial side of the
posterior a. ankle
medial posterior tibial digital brs. (3) medial side of the sole
plantar a. of the foot
medial tarsal dorsalis pedis no named branches tarsal bones and joints
a. of the medial side of
the foot
metatarsal, dorsalis pedis dorsal digital aa. (2) dorsum of digits,
dorsal (1st), arcuate excluding the distal
(2nd-4th) phalangeal segment
metatarsal, plantar arterial perforating br., plantar digital interosseous mm.,
plantar arch aa. (2) deep portions of the
foot; digits including
the dorsum of the
distal phalangeal
middle popliteal a. no named branches cruciate ligaments and
genicular deep structures of the
obturator internal iliac pubic br., acetabular br., medial thigh and hip
a., anterior anterior br., posterior br.
plantar lateral plantar plantar metatarsal aa. (4) deep foot; its plantar
arterial arch a. metatarsal brs. and
their brs. supply the
toes, including the
dorsum of the distal
phalangeal segment
plantar plantar arterial perforating br., plantar digital interosseous mm., .
metatarsal arch aa. (2) deep portions of the
foot; digits including
the dorsum of the
distal phalangeal
plantar, dorsalis pedis plantar metatarsal aa. (4) deep foot; its plantar
deep metatarsal brs. and
their brs. supply the
toes, including the
dorsum of the distal
phalangeal segment
plantar, posterior tibial proper plantar digital a. to deep foot; the plantar
lateral a. lateral side of 5th digit arterial arch and its
brs. supply the toes,
including the distal
phalangeal segment
plantar, posterior tibial digital brs. (3) medial side of the sole
medial a. of the foot
popliteal femoral a. anterior tibial a., posterior tibial knee, leg and foot
a., 5 genicular brs.
posterior fibular a. calcaneal brs. lateral side of the
lateral ankle
posterior posterior tibial no named branches medial side of the
medial a. ankle
posterior popliteal a. fibular a. (peroneal), posterior and lateral
tibial circumflex fibular a., nutrient a. leg, plantar aspect of
of the tibia, communicating br., the foot
posterior medial malleolar brs.,
medial calcaneal brs., lateral
plantar a., medial plantar a.
posterior anterior tibial no named branches posterior knee,
tibial a. popliteus m.
proper plantar no named branches plantar aspect of each
plantar metatarsal a., digit
digital from the
plantar arterial
pudendal, femoral a. unnamed muscular branches origins of pectineus
deep m., adductor longus
external m.; scrotum/labium
pudendal, femoral a. no named branches skin and superficial
superficial fascia of the upper
external medial thigh, skin of
the pubic region
recurrent, anterior tibial no named branches anterior side of the
anterior a. knee and adjacent
tibial muscles
recurrent, anterior tibial no named branches posterior knee,
posterior a. popliteus m.
superficial femoral a. cutaneous brs. superficial fascia and
epigastric skin of the lower
abdominal wall
superficial femoral a. no named branches skin and superficial
external fascia of the upper
pudendal medial thigh, skin of
the pubic region
superior popliteal a. no named branches lateral aspect of knee
superior popliteal a. no named branches medial aspect of knee
sural popliteal a. unnamed muscular aa. gastrocnemius m.,
soleus m., plantaris m.
tarsal, dorsalis pedis no named branches tarsal bones and joints
lateral a. of the lateral foot
tarsal, dorsalis pedis no named branches tarsal bones and joints
medial a. of the medial side of
the foot
tibial anterior tibial no named branches anterior side of the
recurrent, a. knee and adjacent
anterior muscles
tibial anterior tibial no named branches posterior knee,
recurrent, a. popliteus m.
tibial, popliteal a. anterior tibial recurrent a., anterior leg; dorsum of
anterior posterior tibial recurrent a., foot and deep foot
anterior malleolar a., medial
malleolar a., lateral malleolar
a., dorsalis pedis a.
tibial, popliteal a. fibular a. (peroneal), posterior and lateral
posterior circumflex fibular a., nutrient a. leg, plantar aspect of
of the tibia, communicating br., the foot
posterior medial malleolar brs.,
medial calcaneal brs., lateral
plantar a., medial plantar a.

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