Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) of Electronics

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Multiple Choice Question

(MCQ) of Electronics
1.The VTVM can be used to measure

a) d.c. voltage only

b) a.c. voltage of high frequency only
c) d.c. voltage and a.c. voltage upto the order of 5 MHz frequency
d) a.c. voltage of low frequency

Ans: (a)

2. An oscillator cannot be used as an X-Y plotter.

a) true
b) false

Ans: (b)

3. The forward resistance of the diode will be

a) zero
b) small
c) infinity
d) high

Ans: (b)

4. The vacuum tubes are

a) high voltage devices

b) low voltage and low current devices
c) high current devices
d) low current devices

Ans: (b)

5. The transistors are

a) high voltage devices

b) low voltage and low current devices
c) high current devices
d) low current devices

Ans: (b)

6. The voltage at which the electrons flow starts from the anode to cathode is called

a) breakdown voltage
b) peak inverse voltage
c) peak voltage
d) pinch off voltage

Ans: (b)

7. The energy needed to disrupt the bonds of pure germanium is

a) 1.12 eV
b) 0.75 eV
c) 0.6 eV
d) 7.5 eV

Ans: (b)

8. The lifetime of an electron of hole before recombination will be

a) ½ minute
b) ½ second
c) Less than microseconds to more than milliseconds depending on circumstances
d) ¼ second
e) Milliseconds

Ans: (c)

9. Which of the following doping will create the “p-type” semiconductor?

a) Germanium with phosphor

b) Silicon with Indium
c) Germanium with antimony
d) Germanium with Indium

Ans: (d)

10. The triode has

a) Two electrodes
b) Three electrodes
c) Four electrodes
d) None of the above

Ans: (b)

11. The input to the triode is given between

a) Plate and grid

b) Plate and cathode
c) Grid and cathode
d) Plate and heater

Ans: (c)

12. The grid in the triode has

a) Negative potential
b) Positive potential
c) Negative potential but more positive than cathode
d) Negative potential but more negative than cathode
Ans: (c)

13. When the grid of the triode is negative

a) The plate current will increase

b) The plate current will decrease
c) The plate current will not be affected
d) The grid will attract more electrons

Ans: (b)

14. The term “No Signal” related to electron tubes usually indicates

a) Open grid circuit

b) Open plate circuit
c) Open cathode circuit
d) Signal of zero volt

Ans: (d)

15. The amplification of a signal by triode common-cathode amplifier will cease if

a) The grid is more positive

b) The grid is more negative than cutoff voltage
c) The plate is more positive
d) The plate is more negative

Ans: (b)

16. The unit of the amplification factor is

a) decibels
b) volt
c) neper
d) none of the above
Ans: (d)

17. To define the amplification faction of the tube which of the following quantity remains

a) Plate voltage
b) Plate current
c) Grid voltage
d) Grid current

Ans: (b)

18. The bypass capacitor used in self-biased amplifier must have

a) Very high capacitance

b) Very low capacitance
c) Low capacitance for low frequency signal
d) Low capacitance for high frequency signal

Ans: (a)

19. The unit of the transconductance is

a) ohm
b) mho
c) henry
d) none of the above

Ans: (b)

20. In the pentode the screen grid is placed closer to

a) plate
b) cathode
c) heater
d) heater than suppression grid
Ans: (b)

21. The pentode cannot be used for the amplification purposes.

a) true
b) false

Ans: (b)

22. The p-n junction behaves like a

a) diode
b) triode
c) tetrode
d) pentode

Ans: (a)

23. In the n-p-n transistors under forward biased condition, p layer is extremely thin because

a) The material used for p-type semiconductor is very costly

b) The p-type semiconductor requires more energy to disturb the electrons in the
valence band
c) 90% electrons can be collected at the collector
d) 90% electrons can be controlled at the emitter

Ans: (c)

24. The function of the base in the transistor is analogous to

a) Plate in the triode

b) Cathode in the triode
c) Grid in the triode
d) Heater in the triode

Ans: (c)
25. In many ways the base transistor is more analogous to the screen grid of a pentode than the
grid of the triode.

a) true
b) false

Ans: (a)

26. The screen grid in the pentode carries

a) Zero current
b) Small current
c) High current
d) Current equal to control grid

Ans: (b)

27. The characteristic curves of the transistor are much more like those of

a) diode
b) triode
c) pentode
d) tetrode

Ans: (c)

28. The choice of the bias voltage of the transistor will depend on

a) Emitter current
b) Collector current
c) Nature of the signal source
d) Nature of the output

Ans: (c)

29. The impedance of the operational amplifier is

a) infinite
b) zero
c) very small but not zero
d) very high

Ans: (c)

30. The input impedance of the operational amplifier is

a) infinite
b) zero
c) very high but not infinite
d) very small

Ans: (c)

31. The output voltage of an operational amplifier is

a) 90° out of phase from the input

b) 180° out of phase from the input
c) 45° out of phase from the input
d) - 90° out of phase from the input

Ans: (b)

32. If the current gain and voltage gain of common-emitter amplifier are given, the power gain
cannot be found with given data.

a) true
b) false

Ans: (b)

33. The collector current in the transistor will

a) Increase if the temperature increases

b) Decrease if the temperature decreases
c) Not change with the temperature variation
d) None of the above

Ans: (a)

34. The phenomenon “Thermal Runaway” is connected with

a) the diode
b) the transistor
c) tetrode
d) pentode

Ans: (b)

35. The electrons are the majority carrier in the

a) N-p-n transistor

b) P-n-p transistor
c) N-type semiconductor
d) P-type semiconductor

Ans: (a)

36. Why the bias is used in the transistor amplifier circuit?

a) To increase the current capacity of the transistor

b) The biased circuit will saturate at the high current
c) To avoid the use of separate power source for the input and output circuit of the
d) None of the above

Ans: (c)

37. A measure of an amplifier’s stability against temperature thermal runaway is the ratio of
a) (change in collector current)/(change in collector leakage current)
b) (change in emitter current)/(change in collector leakage current)
c) (change in emitter current)/(change in collector current)
d) (change in collector leakage current)/(change in collector current)
e) (change in collector current)/(change in emitter current)

Ans: (a)

38. The emitter-follower is

a) Common collector amplifier

b) Common emitter amplifier
c) Common base amplifier
d) None of the above

Ans: (a)

39. The output in the cathode follower is taken across

a) The bias resistance R connected to the cathode of the triode

b) Between the plate and cathode
c) Between the grid and plate
d) Between the grid and cathode

Ans: (a)

40. In the cathode-follower the output voltage

a) Is in phase with the input voltage

b) Is 180° out of phase from the input voltage
c) Is 90° out of phase from the input voltage
d) Is 45° out of phase from the input voltage

Ans: (a)

41. If the grid current in the cathode follower is increased the plate current
a) will increase
b) will decrease
c) will not change
d) will be zero

Ans: (a)

42. The voltage gain of the cathode-follower is

a) unity
b) less than unity
c) more than unity
d) any one of the above

Ans: (c)

43. The common base amplifier is used

a) In very high frequency circuits

b) In low frequency circuits
c) In medium frequency circuits
d) In low current circuits

Ans: (a)

44. The bipolar transistors have

a) Low input resistance compared to FET

b) High input resistance compared to FET
c) Zero input resistance
d) Infinity resistance

Ans: (a)

45. The field effect transistors contain

a) holes carrier only
b) electrons carrier only
c) either (a) or (b)
d) (a) and (b) both

Ans: (c)

46. Which of the following transistor is unipolar?

a) n-p-p transistor
b) p-n-p transistor
c) field2 effect transistor
d) none of the above

Ans: (d)

47. The field-effect transistor can be used as

a) A variable capacitance
b) A variable reactance
c) A variable inductance
d) A variable resistance
e) None of the above

Ans: (d)

48. In the field effect transistor the drain voltage above which there is no increase in the drain
current is called

a) pick off voltage

b) critical voltage
c) pinch off voltage
d) breakdown voltage

Ans: (c)
49. The RC coupled amplifier is used in radio receiver

a) To minimize the noise

b) To increase the bandwidth
c) To isolates a.c. signal from d.c. signal
d) None of the above

Ans: (c)

50. The phase shift between the input and output signals in the RC coupled amplifier for high
pass network can be expressed in terms of lower frequency response limit f1 or upper frequency
response limit f2.

a) true
b) false

Ans: (a)

51. If the gain of the RC coupled amplifier decrease

a) The phase shift will increase

b) The phase shift will decrease
c) The phase shift will not vary
d) The phase shift has no relation with gain

Ans: (a)

52. If three amplifiers having same bandwidth are cascaded, the bandwidth of resulting amplifier
will be

a) Better than that of each stage

b) Worse than that of each stage
c) Same as that of each stage
d) None of the above

Ans: (b)

53. The bandwidth of the resulting amplifier in above question will

a) Increase as the number of identical amplifier stages increases
b) Decrease as the number of identical amplifier stages increases
c) Not change as the number of identical amplifier stages increases
d) Be very high as the number of identical amplifier stages increases

Ans: (b)

54. The transformer coupling of the amplifiers provides a more efficient signal transfer than RC
coupling because

a) The problem of impedance matching is solved

b) There is a little power loss in the transformer winding
c) The use of transformer is cheaper than the RC coupled network
d) Of easy control of voltage output

Ans: (b)

55. Which of the following amplifier is used to operate a loudspeaker?

a) Audio voltage amplifier

b) Audio power amplifier
c) Audio current amplifier
d) Any one of the above

Ans: (b)

56. If the triode is used as an amplifier the maximum power will be developed in the load when

a) Plate resistance is equal to the load resistance

b) Plate resistance is less than the load resistance
c) Plate resistance is more than the load resistance
d) Load resistance is very high

Ans: (a)

57. The transformer coupling of amplifier will provide proper impedance matching between
a) True
b) False

Ans: (a)

58. Sometimes the power required for the load is more than can be handled by convenient
amplification elements. Which of the following amplifiers is called for?

a) RC coupled amplifier
b) Transformer coupled amplifier
c) Push-pull amplifier
d) Audio power amplifier

Ans: (c)

59. The two input signals applied to push-pull amplifier are

a) 60° out of phase

b) 180° out of phase
c) In phase
d) 90° out of phase

Ans: (b)

60. The amplifier which provides the push-pull output stage with equal but opposite signals is

a) Phase-converter amplifier
b) Phase-inverter amplifier
c) Phase-diverter amplifier
d) None of the above

Ans: (b)

1. Zener breakdown of p-n junction will occur if

a) The electrons drifting through the depletion region pick up sufficient K.E. to ionize
other atoms with which they collide and produce sudden large reverse current
b) There is large forward bias current to cause breakdown
c) There is large reverse bias current to break covalent bonds and produce free electron-
hole pairs
d) None of the above

Ans: (c)

62. If the diode is reversed biased, the sudden increase of the current in the diode is attributed to

a) Zener breakdown only

b) Avalanche breakdown only
c) Either (a) or (b)
d) (a) or (b) both

Ans: (d)

63. The output of thermocouple is

a) D.C. voltage
b) A.C. voltage
c) Square wave
d) Sinusoidal voltage

Ans: (a)

64. The chopper amplify d.c. signal

a) Without converting it to alternation current

b) First converting to alternating current and amplify it, then reconverts to direct current
c) Either (a) or (b)
d) None of the above

Ans: (b)
65. Which of the following amplifier has the largest bandwidth?

a) RC coupled amplifier
b) Transformer coupled amplifier
c) Direct-coupled amplifier
d) Difference amplifier

Ans: (c)

66. If one which to amplify the potential difference between two points in a circuit when neither
of these points is grounded.

Which of the following amplifiers will be used?

a) RC coupled amplifier
b) Transformer coupled
c) Difference amplifier
d) Audio power amplifier

Ans: (c)

67. Any electrical conductor acts as an antenna for the reception of the electromagnetic radiation
in the radio frequency range.

a) True
b) False

Ans: (a)

68. If a mechanical movement is converted into an electrical signal in an instrument and acts as a
noise to the system, this effect has been given the name

a) Stereophonic
b) Microphonic
c) Electro-chemical conversion
d) Vibrational echo
Ans: (b)

69. The thermal noise in the electronic tubes is completely eliminated at a temperature of

a) 0° C
b) Absolute zero
c) 0 °F
d) 273° K

Ans: (b)

70. In a cascaded amplifier the last stage contributes the most towards the total noise in the
amplifier output

a) True
b) False

Ans: (a)

71. The upper cutoff frequency of the RC coupled amplifier is mainly due to

a) Coupled capacity
b) Cathode bypass capacity
c) Output capacitance of the signal source
d) Inter-electrode capacitance and stray capacitance

Ans: (d)

72. If the bandwidth of an amplifier is reduced, the thermal noise in the amplifier will

a) Increase
b) Decrease
c) Not be affected
d) Become random in the nature

Ans: (b)
73.The temperature coefficient for forward voltage drop across a p-n junction is

a) Positive
b) Negative
c) Zero
d) Unity

Ans: (b)

74. The noise factor of an amplifier which contributes no noise will be

a) Zero
b) One
c) Infinity
d) Less than zero

Ans: (b)

75. The tuned amplifier can be used for

a) The ratio range of frequency only

b) The audio range of frequency only
c) (a) and (b) both
d) Video range of frequency only

Ans: (c)

76. The negative feedback is applied in many oscillator circuits to

a) Increase its output impedance

b) Decrease its output impedance
c) Stabilize the frequency of the oscillators
d) Stabilize the output amplitude

Ans: (d)

77. The negative feedback used in the amplifiers will reduce the noise by the same factor as gain
a) True
b) False

Ans: (a)

78. Enumerate the four benefits of negative feedback used in the amplifiers

a) Increased input impedance

b) Reduced output impedance
c) Improved gain stability
d) Extended bandwidth

Ans: ()

79. When the same amount of current can be controlled from the low impedance source to high
impedance source then this is called

a) Power amplification
b) Current amplification
c) Voltage amplification
d) Gain amplification

Ans: (c)

80. When the signal feedback to the amplifier circuit is proportional to the output current rather
than output voltage, an amplifier is said to have

a) Power feedback
b) Voltage feedback
c) Current feedback
d) Signal feedback

Ans: (c)

81. An element is said to have negative resistance when

a) The element has negative temperature
b) The current/voltage curve has negative slope
c) The element has negative specific resistance
d) The current/voltage curve has positive slop

Ans: (b)

82. The feedback oscillator would oscillate at all frequencies for which

a) Aβ = 0
b) Aβ ≤ 1
c) Aβ ≥ 1
d) A β= 1

Ans: (c)

83. The phase-shift network fulfills the oscillation condition of regenerative feedback for only
one frequency

a) True
b) False

Ans: (a)

84. When R and C are same for all three high pass filters in series the frequency of oscillation of
oscillator will be

a) fo+4 = 1/2π √RC

b) f0+4 = 1/2π √3RC
c) f0+4 = 1/2π √6RC
d) f0+4 = 1/√RC

Ans: (c)

85. The turned circuit in the oscillator may be connected to

a) The grid circuit only
b) The plate circuit only
c) (a) or (b)
d) None of the above

Ans: (c)

86. The grid has no control over the electrons activities when the ionization of gas has occurred
in the thyratron tube because

a) Grid becomes more negative

b) Reid because more positive
c) Grid is neutralized as it is surrounded by positive ions
d) Grid is disconnected from the circuit

Ans: (c)

87.The unijunction transistor can be used as a voltage divider

a) True
b) False

Ans: (a)

88. What will happen if the emitter current increases in the unijunction transistor

a) The junction resistance increases and emitter voltage decreases

b) The junction resistance decreases and the emitter voltage decreases
c) The junction resistance decreases and emitter voltage increases
d) The junction resistance decreases and emitter voltage increases

Ans: (b)

89. The tunnel diode cannot be used as a very stable relaxation oscillator

a) True
b) False
Ans: (a)

90. A grounded shield used in choppers ( to convert the d.c. balance signal in potentiometer to
a.c. signal ) helps

a) To reduce the vibrational noise

b) To reduce the noise component from pick-up and leakage
c) To avoid the electrical shocks
d) To avoid the need of earth wire

Ans: (b)

91. How many thyratron tubs will be used to have directional rotation of d.c. motor
when speed of the motor is being controlled?

a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four

Ans: (b)

92. Which of the following statement is true?

a) When the speed of the d.c. motor is controlled by using thyratron, the plate voltage
determines the armature current and the motor speed.
b) When the speed of the d.c. motor is controlled by using thyratron, the grid voltage
determines the armature current and the motor speed.
c) When the speed of the d.c. motor is controlled by using thyratron, the type of gas
used in the tube will determine the armature current and the motor speed.
d) When the speed of the d.c. motor is controlled by using thyratron, the size of the
thyratron will determine the armature current and the motor speed.

Ans: (b)
93. An operational amplifier should have

a) Zero output impedance

b) Low output impedance
c) High output impedance
d) Infinity impedance

Ans: (b)

94. The operational amplifiers are seldom used for differentiation because

a) The problem of drift exists with the differentiating circuits

b) The noise pulses are amplified and this can be significant in the output
c) The problem of drift does not exist in the differentiating network
d) The differentiating circuits are not economic

Ans: (b)

95. The problems of drift exists in the differentiating network when the operational amplifier is
used in the circuit

a) True
b) False

Ans: (b)

96. When it is necessary to sum signals at any amplifier input operational feedback is used and
with operational feedback

a) The signal potentials are being added

b) The signal current are being added
c) Either (a) or (b)
d) (a) and (b) simultaneously

Ans: (b)

97. A operational amplifier cannot be used as voltage or current amplifier

a) True
b) False

Ans: (b)

98. Enumerate the three major sources of error in the integrator circuit where an operational
amplifier has been used to fabricate the integrator

a) Zero-level offset
b) Current leakage of the summing point
c) Capacity leakage

Ans: ()

99. If the gain of the chopper amplifier is 1000 and the operational amplifier gain is 50,000, the
d.c. gain of the chopper stabilized operational amplifier will be

a) 50,000
b) 50 × 106
c) 1000
d) 50

Ans: (b)

100. The chopper amplifier detects offset by measuring the potential at the summing point of the
operational amplifier.

a) True
b) False

Ans: (a)

101. In some cases the operational amplifier can be used as a precision waveform generator

a) True
b) False
Ans: (a)

102. The term “fly back” is associated with

a) CRT
b) Transistor
c) Operational amplifier
d) Rectifier
e) Electronic tube

Ans: (a)

103. Which of the following waveform is referred as “sweep”

a) Square waveform
b) Sinusoidal waveform
c) Triangular waveform
d) Sawtooth waveform

Ans: (d)

104. The silicon Zener diode has a theoretical switching time of about

a) 1 × 10-6 seconds
b) 1 × 10-8 seconds
c) 8 × 10-6 seconds
d) 1 × 10-12 seconds

Ans: (a)

105. The diode-resistor circuit can be used as a limiter by connecting the load

a) In series with the diode only

b) In shunt with the diode only
c) (a) or (b)
d) None of the above
Ans: (c)

106. The “d.c. resistor” is the name given to

a) Clipper
b) Clamper
c) Limiter
d) Shunt limiter

Ans: (b)

107. Enumerate the four advantages of SCR over the thyratron?

a) No filament current is required

b) Smaller size
c) Higher current handling capacity
d) Much smaller voltage across the “on"SCR

Ans: ()

108. The thyristors are not made of the germanium because

a) Germanium is costlier than the silicon

b) Germanium is not used as semiconductor
c) The leakage current is high in germanium
d) The current handling capacity of germanium is less than the silicon

Ans: (c)

109. A voltage amplifier is shown below. What is the highest voltage gain accurate to one per
cent obtainable with an amplifier whose open loop gain is 1000?

a) 100
b) 10
c) 1000
d) 10,000
Ans: (b)

110. The circuit diagram of the Question 109 is used measure d.c. voltage of 10 volts having a
source resistance of 1 kilo-ohm. If Rin = 10 kilo-ohms and Rf = 100 kilo-ohms, what will be the
value of e0 ?

a) – 90 volts
b) – 91 volts
c) – 10 volts
d) – 100 volts

Ans: (b)

111. The operational amplifier shown in figure below is said to limit when the current output or
voltage reaches values of ± 1 mA or ± 50 volts respectively, eref= 10 volts, Z2 is a resistive load,
and Z1= 0. What is the voltage across Z2 ?

a) 7.5 volt
b) 5 volt
c) 100 volt
d) 10 volt
e) 2.5 volt

Ans: (d)

112. When the transistor is saturated

a) The emitter potential is more than base and collector

b) The collector potential is more than the emitter and base potential
c) The base potential is more than the collector and emitter potential
d) The base, emitter and collector are all at essentially the same potential

Ans: (d)

113. The transistors are seldom used as switching devices because

a) Use of transistors as switching device is not economic
b) They can handle only high voltage but not high current
c) Of slowness of response and inability of withstand high voltage
d) They need separate circuitry when used as switching device

Ans: (c)

114. Which of the following multivibrator is called the flip-flop

a) Astable multivibrator
b) Monostable multivibrator
c) Bistable multivibrator
d) (a) or (b)

Ans: (c)

115. The external triggering is not needed for the transition of state in the

a) Bistable multivibrator
b) Monostable multvibrator
c) Astable multivibrator
d) (b) and (c) both

Ans: (c)

116. The term “free running” is associated with

a) Bistable multivibrator
b) Monostable multivibrator
c) Astable multivibrator
d) (b) or (c)

Ans: (c)

117. Astable multivibrator cannot be used for frequency division.

a) True
b) False

Ans: (b)

118. The blocking oscillator can perform many of the same functions as multivibrators and can

a) An astable multivibrator
b) A monostable multivibrator
c) A bistable multivibrator
d) (a) or (b)

Ans: (d)

119. A 10 volts rectangular plus with a 1 m-sec plus is applied at time to to a series RC circuit
shown below with R = 100 kilo-ohms and C = 1000 pF, what will be the voltage across R at t
=to ?

a) 10 volts
b) 5 volts
c) 7.5 volts
d) 2.5 volts

Ans: (a)

120. A 100 volts peak to peak sine wave is applied to the circuit shown below. Z2 is a 30 volts
Zener-diode. The output voltage is 55 volts peak to peak. What will be the breakdown voltage of
Z2 ?

a) 100 volts
b) 155 volts
c) 30 volts
d) 25 volts
e) 85 volts

Ans: (d)
121. For a carbon–composition resistor colour-coded with yellow. Violet, orange and
silver stripe from left to right, the resistance with tolerance is

a) 740 ohms ± 5%
b) 4700 ohms ± 10%
c) 7400 ohms ± 1%
d) 47,000 ohms ± 10%

Ans: (d)

122. With input frequencies from zero upto 16 kHz, a high pass filter allows the maximum
voltage to be developed across the load resistance for which of the following frequencies?

a) Direct current
b) 16 Hz
c) 160 Hz
d) 16,000 Hz

Ans: (d)

123. With input frequencies from zero upto 16 kHz, a low pass filter allows the most output
voltage to be developed across the load resistance which of the following frequencies?

a) Direct current
b) 160 Hz
c) 16Hz
d) 16,000 Hz

Ans: (a)

124. An R-C coupled circuit is a high pass filter for pulsating d.c. voltage because

a) C has high reactance for high-voltages

b) C blocks d.c. voltages
c) C has low reactance for low voltages
d) None of the above
Ans: (b)

125. A transformer with isolated secondary winding is considered as high pass filter pulsating
direct primary current because

a) The d.c. primary current has no magnetic field

b) Working component of primary current has the strongest field
c) The secondary voltage is maximum for direct current in the primary
d) Only variations in the primary current can induce secondary voltage

Ans: (d)

126. Which of the following statement is true?

a) L-type filter with series C and shunt L is low pass filter

b) π-type filter with series C and shunt L is low pass filter
c) T−type filter with series C and shunt L is low pass filter
d) L-type filter with series C and Shunt C is low pass filter

Ans: (d)

127. With input frequencies from zero to 100 kHz for which of the following frequencies output
voltage is developed is a bandpass filter for a audio frequencies is cut off at 20 Hz at the low and
20 kHz at the high end?

a) Zero to 20 Hz
b) 20 cps to 20 kHz
c) Zero 20 kHz
d) 20 cps to 100 kHz

Ans: (b)

128. A power-line filter for rejecting of interference has

a) R.F. coupling capacitor in series with the power line

b) 50 Hz chokes in series with the power line
c) R.F. capacitors in shunt across the power line
d) R.F. chokes in shunt across the power line

Ans: (c)

129. Which of the following L-type filter is the best bandstop filter?

a) Parallel resonant L-C circuits in series and in parallel with the load
b) Series resonant L-C circuit in series and in parallel with the load
c) Series resonant L-C circuits in series with the load and parallel resonant L-C circuit in
d) Parallel resonant L-C circuit in series with the load parallel resonant L-C circuit in

Ans: (d)

130. The plate current in a triode, tetrode or pentode will increase if

a) Control grid is made more negative

b) Plate voltage is made less negative
c) Control grid voltage is made less negative
d) Screen grid voltage is made less negative

Ans: (c)

131. The screen grid in the pentode is used to

a) Make the plate current more dependent on plate voltage

b) Have the same potential as cathode
c) Decrease the grid-plate capacitance as compared with triode
d) Eliminate the problem of secondary emission from the plate

Ans: (c)

132. The suppression grid in the pentode is used to eliminate the problem of secondary emission.
a) True
b) False

Ans: (a)

133. In the half-wave rectifier diode conducts when the

a) A.C. input voltage is at its average value of zero

b) Anode is made positive by positive alteration of the a.c. input voltage
c) Plate is made negative by negative alteration of the a.c. input voltage
d) Cathode is made positive

Ans: (b)

134. With an indirectly heated cathode in the tube the heater voltage

a) Is applied to cathode
b) Is separate from the cathode circuit
c) Must be steady voltage
d) Is equal to the capacitor bias voltage

Ans: (b)

135. The transistor has no heater and hence it presents

a) High power rating upto 10 kW

b) Long warm up time in amplifier circuit
c) No hum from heater cathode leakage
d) Short service life because of solid construction

Ans: (c)

136. When the germanium is doped with a controlled amount of purity

a) P-type semiconductor with excess holes is produced by doping with arsenic

b) N-type semiconductor with excess electrons is produced by doping with arsenic
c) N-type semiconductor with excess electrons is produced by doping with indium
d) N-type semiconductor with excess hold is produced by doping with arsenic

Ans: (b)

137. The hold current is the movement of

a) Positive charges in the opposite direction from electron current

b) Positive charges in the same direction from electron current
c) Neutral changes in the opposite direction from electron current
d) Negative charges in the opposite direction from electron current

Ans: (a)

138. The barring voltage at p-n or p-n junction is approximately

a) 5 volt aiding forward current

b) 0.2 volt opposing forward current
c) 2.5 volts opposing forward current
d) 2.5 volts opposing reverse current

Ans: (b)

139. The collector circuit in a transistor amplifier circuit is

a) Forward bias at all times

b) Reverse bias for p-n-p and forward bias for n-p-n transistor
c) Rever bias at all times
d) Reverse bias for n-p-n forward bias for p-n-p transistor

Ans: (c)

140. Which of the following circuit is mostly used as an amplifier?

a) Common base circuit because it has high voltage gain

b) Common emitter circuit because it has high voltage and current gain
c) Common collector circuit because it has high gain
d) Common emitter circuit is of a little use because it has extremely low input resistance

Ans: (b)

141. The arrow in the symbol for a transistor indicates the direction of

a) Hole current in the collector

b) Electron current in the emitter
c) Hole current in the emitter
d) Electro current in the collector

Ans: (c)

142. When a change in base current from 40 to 50 mA change the collector current from 600 to
1000 mA, the β factor of this power transistor equals

a) 800
b) 400
c) 3
d) 40

Ans: (d)

143. A heat sink is often used with transistors and semiconductor diodes to

a) Increase the forward current

b) Increase the reverse current
c) Prevent excessive temperature rise
c) Compensate for excessive doping

Ans: (c)

144. The skin effect will produce the least losses with r.f. current flowing in a

a) Square thin wire

b) Round thin wire
c) Hollow tubular conductor of large diameter
d) Long thin wire

Ans: (c)

145. Which of the following is the best bypass a 1 MΩ resistor at 50 MHz?

a) 100 μμF ceramic capacitor

b) 1 μF paper capacitor
c) 1 μF electrolyte capacitor
d) 40 μF electrolyte capacitor

Ans: (a)

146. For a r.f. electromagnetic field the best shield is

a) Iron enclosure
b) Farady screen
c) Permalloy
d) Copper or aluminium enclosure

Ans: (d)

147. The current through an external plate load resistor is the same as the internal electron flow
in tube to the plate.

a) True
b) False

Ans: (a)

148. The emitter is always forward biased which the collector has the reverse bias in the

a) True
b) False

Ans: (a)
149. The input characteristic of the transistors in the ratio of the collector current to the base

a) True
b) False

Ans: (b)

150. The + make on the silicon diode power rectifier indicates where positive d.c. output voltage
is obtained

a) True
b) False

Ans: (a)

151. The “slide rule” is said to be

a) Analog computer
b) Digital computer
c) Hybrid computer
d) Tele-type machine

Ans: (a)

152. The series combination of the resistance and capacitance is put across the thyristor to
protect it from

a) High current
b) High voltage
c) High rate of change of voltage
d) High rate of change of current
e) Thermal runaway

Ans: (c)

153. A radar measures the distance by measuring the

a) Voltage amplitude of the transmitted r.f. pulses
b) Voltage amplitude of an echo
c) Time between transmitted r.f. pulses
d) Time between its r.f. pulse and its echo

Ans: (d)

154. Inductors are not common in ICs.

a) True
b) False

Ans: (a)

155. Sio2 is a conductor.

a) True
b) False

Ans: (b)

156. In semiconductor ICs a resistance is made when the base of the transistor is made.

a) True
b) False

Ans: (a)

157. In semiconductor ICs a diode is similar to a capacitor.

a) True
b) False

Ans: (a)

158. It is easy to make n-p-n and p-n-p transistors on the same chip.
a) True
b) False

Ans: (a)

159. Hybrid ICs are generally cheaper than other type ICs.

a) True
b) False

Ans: (b)

160. In triggering triac with a gate pulse a low current has a long turn on time and a high current
a short turn on time.

a) True
b) False

Ans: (a)

161. A 4-volt change in control grid voltage is equal to a 4-volt change in plate voltage on the
amount of electrons reaching plate.

a) True
b) False

Ans: (b)

162. All electrons emitting materials are placed on the filaments.

a) True
b) False

Ans: (b)

163. An increase in grid bias of thyratron will require an increase in anode voltage to make it
a) True
b) False

Ans: (a)

164. What is the distance between crests of a radio wave whose frequency is 3 × 108 Hz?

a) 1 m/cycle
b) 1 cm/cycle
c) 40 cm/cycle
d) 10 cm/cycle

Ans: (a)

165. The phototubes are relatively high resistance devices even when they conduct.

a) True
b) False

Ans: (a)

166. The reverse bias in the semiconducting devices will

a) Increase the potential barrier

b) Decrease the potential barrier
c) Not affect the potential barrier
d) Make the potential barrier zero

Ans: (a)

167. The bipolar transistors have larger voltage gain than JFET for a given supply voltage.

a) True
b) False

Ans: (a)
168.MOSFET is

a) A current-driven device
b) A voltage-driven device
c) A low input impedance
d) An inefficient switching device
e) A power driven device

Ans: (b)

169. MOSFETs essentially require dual polarity power supply to turn them ON and OFF.

a) True
b) False

Ans: (b)

170. The typical value of leakage current for MOSFET is

a) 10-14 A
b) 10-4 A
c) 10-10 A
d) 10-12 A

Ans: (a)

171. MOSFETs are suitably used where source resistance ranges from

a) A few ohms to thousand ohms

b) 10 to 100 MΩ
c) 100 MΩ and above
d) Milliohms to a few ohms

Ans: (c)

172. Which of the following device is the best for improving switching speeds of bipolar
a) Speed-up capacitor
b) Transistor with higher cut-off frequency
c) Clamping diode
d) Clamping diode with zero storage time

Ans: (d)

173. Which of the following makes an active circuit?

a) inductor
b) resistor
c) Field effect transistor
d) Bipolar transistor
e) (c) and (b) both
f) Capacity

Ans: (e)

174. Which of the following displays has minimum power consumption?

a) Light emitting diode (LED)

b) Liquid crystal display (LCD)
c) Nixie tubes
d) Fluorescent

Ans: (b)

175. Which of the following displays has slowest switching speed?

a) LEDs
b) LCD
c) Nixie tubes
d) Fluorescent

Ans: (b)
176. A transistor is faster switching device than silicon controlled rectifier of same capacity.

a) True
b) False

Ans: (a)

177. For the operation of FET with TTL logic, the threshold voltage of FET shall be

a) 4 V
b) -12 V
c) -4 V
d) 2.2 V

Ans: (d)

178. An operational amplifier shall have zero voltage output for zero input voltage.

a) True
b) False

Ans: (b)

179. The output offset of an operational amplifier is attributed to

a) An input-voltage offset
b) An input current offers
c) Either (a) or (b)
d) (a) and (b) both

Ans: (c)

180. Offset voltages of an amplifier are dependent of circuit gain.

a) True
b) False
Ans: (b)

181. The conduction in JEFT is always by the

a) Majority carriers
b) Minority carriers
c) Holes
d) Electrons
e) Holes and electrons simultaneously

Ans: (a)

182. Which of the following can be used as an adjustable temperature coefficient device?

a) Zener diode
b) Gas filled tubes
d) P-n-p transistor

Ans: (c)

183. The “pinch off” voltage of a JFET can range from

a) 4 to 8 V
b) -4 to -8 V
c) 0.4 to -0.8 V
d) -0.4 to -8 V
e) 0.4 to 8 V

Ans: (d)

184. Multiplexer is an electronic device which is used for

a) Multiplication of two or more quantities

b) Superimposition of two or more electrical signals of different frequencies for their
parallel transmission through one channel
c) Scanning of analog or digital inputs on “Time-Sharing” basis
d) (b) and (c) both

Ans: (d)

185. MOSFETs are not suitable for low voltage switching.

a) True
b) False

Ans: (b)

186. Enumerate five special features of MOSFETs

a) Fast switching
b) Low drive current
c) No second breakdown
d) Ease of paralleling
e) Excellent temperature stability

Ans: (c)

187. What is the critical range of conduction-angle control of a thyristor outside which the
conduction-angles have very little effect on percentage applies power to the load?

a) 30° to 90°
b) 0° to 90°
c) 40° to 140°
d) 0° to 180°
e) None of the above

Ans: (c)

188. If an SCR is manufactured for maximum junction temperature of 130°C, ambient

temperature of 85°C and thermal resistance (from junction to ambient) of 1.5°C per watt, what
will be the maximum internal power dissipation?
a) 30 watts
b) 60 watts
c) 175 milliwatts
d) 300 milliwatts

Ans: (a)

189. An SCR cannot be brought in conduction state without gate current.

a) True
b) False

Ans: (b)

190. The disease “sleeping sickness” is observed in

a) Junction transistors
b) Coated cathodes valves
c) (a) and (b) both
d) Integrated circuits

Ans: (c)

191. If the diagonal measure of television screen in 50 centimetres, what will be the width of
screen as per American Standard?

a) 30 cm
b) 40 cm
c) 50 cm
d) 35 cm

Ans: (a)

192. Which of the following diodes has almost zero minority carrier storage time?

a) Rectifier
b) Schottky
c) PIN
d) Zener
e) Tunnel

Ans: (b)

193. Schottky diode essentially consists of

a) P-n junction
b) Metal-to-semiconductor junction
c) P and n regions separated by an intrinsic region
d) P-n junction with every heavy dropping

Ans: (b)

194. Schottky diode is a majority carrier device.

a) True
b) False

Ans: (a)

195. The UJT often reduces the number of components necessary to perform a given function to
less than half that required if bipolar transistors are used

a) True
b) False

Ans: (a)

196. In which of the following device the base resistors are not added in the package but
added externally?

a) UJT
c) PUT
d) None of the above
Ans: (c)

197. Diodes are somewhat analogous to

a) Toggle switches
b) Relays
c) Circuit breakers
d) Fuses

Ans: (a)

198. Transistors are analogous to

a) Toggle switches
b) Relays
c) Circuit breakers
d) Fuses

Ans: (b)

199. The oscillator circuits with only d.c. power source can produce

a) A.C. wave only

b) Square wave only
c) Sawtooth wave only
d) Any of the above

Ans: (d)

200. With no voltage applied between the gate and source electrodes in MOSFETs, the
impedance between the drain and source terminals very low.

a) True
b) False

Ans: (b)
201. The Thermionic Integrated Micro-Module (TIMM) is the trade name for

a) Vacuum diodes
b) Vacuum tubes
c) Vacuum diodes and tubes with no heaters
d) Triodes
e) Pentodes

Ans: (c)

202. The forward resistance of Thermionic Diodes is

a) Zero
b) Very small
c) In range of 100 to 1000 ohms
d) Very large

Ans: (c)

203. The interlectode capacitance of thermionic diode is

a) Small
b) Zero
c) Of the order of 5 pf
d) Very large

Ans: (c)

204. The plate characteristics of triode plotted with positive and negative grid voltages will have

a) Same slopes
b) Completely different slopes
c) Almost same slopes
d) Positive and negative slope respectively

Ans: (c)
205. The reciprocal of slope of plate characteristics of the triode will generate

a) Plate resistance
b) Amplification factor
c) Mutual conductance of triode
d) Penetration factor

Ans: (a)

206. The plate-grid capacitance in triode is

a) Less than that of tetrode

b) More than that of tetrode
c) Equal to tetrode
d) Zero

Ans: (b)

207. In the cathode follower the voltage drop across cathode is

a) Positive
b) Negative
c) Zero
d) None of the above

Ans: (b)

208. The “grid base” of the tube is

a) Dependent on the peak voltage of the plate

b) Independent of the peak voltage of the plate
c) Dependent on the cathode voltage
d) None of the above

Ans: (a)
209. A triode tube has an amplification factor 8 and operated at plate voltage of 240 volts. What
grid potential is required to reduce the plat current to zero?

a) 30 volts
b) -30 volts
c) 5 volts
d) -5 volts
e) -15volts

Ans: (b)

210. The following circuit will behave as

a) Triode with high amplification factor

b) Triode with medium amplification factor
c) Tetrode with high amplification factor
d) Tetrode with medium amplification factor

Ans: (a)

211. The materials whose electrical conductivity is usually less than 1 × 10 6 mho/m are

a) Semiconductors
b) Conductors
c) Insulators
d) Alloys

Ans: (c)

212. The Hall Coefficient for p-type semiconductors is

a) Negative only
b) Positive only
c) Either positive or negative
d) Not applicable
Ans: (b)

213. The Hall Coefficient will be zero for

a) Insulator
b) N-type semiconductor
c) Conductor
d) P-type semiconductor

Ans: (a)

214. Fermi Level is the energy where the probability of a state occupied in conduction and
valance band is

a) 0.1
b) 0.5
c) 1.0
d) 0.33

Ans: (b)

215.The average energy of an electron in the conduction band of a metal at 0° K as a function of

Fermi Level (EF) will be

a) 1/5 EF
b) 2/5 EF
c) 3/5 EF
d) 4/5 EF

Ans: (c)

216. The thickness of depletion region in semiconductor diode is of the order of

a) 1 × 10-4 micron
b) 1 × 10-6 micron
c) 1 micron
d) 1 × 10-6 cm

Ans: (c)

217. In certain semiconductors including transistors, the electrons pass freely in both directions
between semiconductor and terminals with expenditure of little or on energy. When this happens,
transition is called

a) Ohmic
b) Non-rectifying
c) Either (a) or (b)
d) None of the above

Ans: (c)

218. Which of the following transistor configuration will give both current and voltage gain?

a) Common emitter
b) Common collector
c) Common case
d) None of the above

Ans: (a)

219.Why n-p-n transistors are preferred over the p-n-p transistors?

a) N-p-n transistors have low heat dissipation

b) N-p-n transistors are cheap and easily available
c) N-p-n transistors have high mobility of holes
d) N-p-n transistors have higher mobility of electrons than holes in p-n-p transistors

Ans: (d)

220. How many valence electrons will be there in the atoms of elements of the 4th group
(column) in the periodic table?
a) Two
b) Three
c) Four
d) Six

Ans: (c)

221. Where is the largest mass of an atom?

a) In the protons
b) In the electrons
c) In the neutrons
d) In the atomic nucleus which contains protons and neutrons

Ans: (d)

222. How many similar and dissimilar atoms can be combined in the molecule of a substance?

a) Only two atoms

b) Only one atom
c) Only four atoms
d) Any number of atoms

Ans: (d)

223. Which of the following statement is true when atoms are electrically neutral?

a) The number of electrons is equal protons

b) The number of electrons isles than protons
c) The number of electrons is more than protons
d) The number of protons is equal to neutrons

Ans: (a)

224. In which shells the electrons have more accommodating space?

a) In the shells closer to the atomic nucleus
b) In the outer shall
c) In any position of the shells
d) None of them

Ans: (a)

225. If the pairs of electrons are shared by adjacent atoms in a covalent both, the atoms

a) Remain neutral
b) Become electrically charged
c) Become negatively charged
d) Become positively changed

Ans: (a)

226. Which of the following statement is correct?

a) Inner electrons are always present in the semiconductor.

b) Bound electrons are always present in the semiconductor.
c) Free electrons are always present in the semiconductor.
d) Inner and bound electrons are always present in the semiconductor.

Ans: (d)

227. Intrinsic semiconductors have

a) More electrons than holes

b) More protons than holes
c) More holes than electrons
d) Electrons equal holes

Ans: (d)

228. Why the valence electrons are specifically important in semiconductors?

a) Because they are negatively charged
b) Because they can contribute to current flow in certain situations
c) Because they can produce bonds with other atoms
d) Because they make covalent bonds

Ans: (b)

229. Which electrons are important in holding atoms in crystal together?

a) The inner electrons of the atoms

b) The valence electrons that are in outer shells of atoms
c) (a) and (b) both
d) All the electrons irrespective of location

Ans: (b)

230. The reciprocal of slope of a line joining the operating the operating point to the origin in the
volt-ampere characteristics curve of diode is defined as

a) Dynamic resistance of diode

b) Static resistance of diode
c) (a) and (b) both
d) Reverse resistance

Ans: (b)

231. Which of the following resistance is important in case of diode?

a) Dynamic resistance
b) Static resistance
c) Reverse resistance
d) None of the above

Ans: (a)

232.If the reverse voltage in a diode is increased, the barrier capacitance would
a) Increase
b) Decrease
c) Remain constant
d) Increase proportional to applied voltage

Ans: (b)

233. The diode used for voltage regulating purposes below 2 V it usually chosen to conduct

a) In forward direction
b) In reverse direction
c) In either forward or reverse direction
d) In both direction depending on the polarity of applied voltage

Ans: (a)

234. Which of the following combination will be chosen to use the diodes for higher voltage

a) The diodes shall be connected in series

b) The diodes shall be connected in parallel
c) Some diodes in series and a few in parallel
d) Such above combinations are not possible and only single diode shall be used of the
rated voltage

Ans: (a)

235. Diodes manufactured specially for voltage tuning of the LC resonant circuits are called

a) Tunnel diodes
b) Zener diodes
c) Varactors
d) Varicaps
e) Voltacaps
f) (c) or (d) or (e)
Ans: (f)

236. The degree of doping in a semiconductor material is commonly expressed in terms of

a) Drift
b) Diffusion
c) Conductivity
d) Resistivity
e) Conductivity or resistivity

Ans: (c)

237. Which of the following assumption is taken into consideration if the transistor alpha is
defined as the product of the transport factor and emitter efficiency?

a) Collector multiplication ratio is zero

b) Collector multiplication ratio is positive
c) Collector multiplication ratio is negative
d) Collector multiplication ratio is unity

Ans: (d)

238. The transistor can provide

a) Current amplification
b) Voltage amplification
c) Power amplification
d) Current, voltage and power amplification

Ans: (d)

239. Which of the following condition must be satisfied to operate a p-n-p transistor in active

a) The collector and the emitter junction are biased in the forward direction
b) The collector junction is biased in the forward direction and the emitter junction is
biased in reverse direction
c) The collector junction is biased in reverse direction and emitter junction is biased in
forward direction
d) The collector and emitter junction are biased in reverse direction

Ans: (c)

240. If the transistor is used as an amplifier without appreciable distortion with common
configuration, it should be restricted to operate in

a) Cut-off region
b) Action region
c) Saturation region
d) Either of the above

Ans: (b)

241. Which of the following statement is true?

a) The saturation voltage VCF of silicon transistor is more than germanium transistor.
b) The saturation voltage VCE for germanium transistor is more than silicon transistor.
c) The saturation voltage VCE for silicon transistor is same as that for germanium.
d) The saturation voltage VCE for silicon transistor is lower than germanium transistor.

Ans: (a)

242. If the DC current gain of a transistor is given, can it be decided how much input base
current will be required to saturate the transistor?

a) Yes
b) No

Ans: (a)

243.The equation hƒe = hFe/(1-(ICBO+ IB ) ∂hFE/(∂IC )) is valid

a) In the saturation region of the transistor
b) In the cut-off region of the transistor
c) In the active region of the transistor
d) In any of the above regions of the transistor

Ans: (c)

244. The stability factor of transistor in action region is

a) Very small
b) Very high
c) Usually less than unity
d) Always greater than one

Ans: (d)

245. The germanium transistors are seldom used above

a) 60°C temperature
b) 75°C temperature
c) 175°C temperature
d) 125°C temperature

Ans: (b)

246. The power dissipation at the collector junction cause increase in collector current and
subsequent increase in more power dissipation at the junction. This phenomenon is known as

a) Thermal gradient
b) Thermal instability
c) Thermal runaway
d) Thermal dissipation
e) Thermal coefficient
f) Thermal stability

Ans: (c)
247. The amplifiers invariably described based on the

a) Frequency range
b) Method of operation
c) Ultimate use
d) Type of load
e) All the above points

Ans: (e)

248. In which of the following amplifier the output signal is zero for less than half a cycle if
input signal voltage is sinusoidal?

a) Class A
b) Class B
c) Class AB
d) Class C

Ans: (c)

249. The application of a sinusoidal signal to the input of an ideal Class A amplifier will result in
a sinusoidal output wave.

a) True
b) False

Ans: (a)

250. In the high frequency region i.e., above midband, an amplifier state may behave like

a) Low-pass filter
b) High-pass filter
c) Current amplifier
d) Power amplifier

Ans: (a)
251. If a 50 Hz square wave is applied to amplifier circuit and output is desired with less than
10% tilt, than lower 3 dB frequency must not exceed

a) 2 Hz
b) 1.6 Hz
c) 1.6 kHz
d) 1 Hz

Ans: (b)

252. If the amplitude response is plotted on log-log paper for five stage amplifier, with will be
the slop of plotted straight line?

a) 30 dB per octave
b) 6 dB per octave
c) 100 dB per decade
d) (a) or (c)
e) 10 dB per decade

Ans: (d)

253. The Johnson noise in amplifiers is

a) Electrical noise
b) Thermal noise
c) Vibrational noise
d) Frequency noise

Ans: (b)

254. The noise for which the frequency spectrum is flat i.e., such a distribution which gives the
same noise per unit bandwidth of the amplifier anywhere in frequency spectrum is called

a) Blue noise
b) White noise
c) Red noise
d) Black noise
Ans: (b)

255. The noise in the amplifier which varies approximately as reciprocal to frequency at low
frequencies is called

a) Shot noise
b) White noise
c) Flicker noise
d) Excess noise

Ans: ()

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