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-iru / -eru verbs

Consonant-stem verbs ending in -iru[edit]

Note: Homophone verbs listed above are not repeated here.

Kanji and/or
Verb English

aburagiru 脂ぎる to be greasy

bibiru びびる to be surprised

chigiru 契る to pledge

chiru 散る to scatter

dojiru どじる to mess up

guchiru 愚痴る to grumble

hairu 入る to enter

hashiru 走る to run

hojiru 穿る to pick, dig out

hotobashiru 迸る to gush, spurt

ibiru いびる to torment, roast

ijiru 弄る to fiddle with

kagiru 限る to limit

kajiru 齧る to gnaw

kashiru 呪る to curse

kishiru きしる to become misty

kishiru 軋る to squeak, creak

kojiru 抉る to gouge, wrench

kubiru 括る to grip, strangle

kujiru 抉る to gouge, scoop

mairu 参る to come/go - humble

majiru 混じる to mingle

meiru 滅入る to feel depressed

mikubiru 見縊る to belittle; to despise

minagiru 漲る to overflow

mogiru 捥る to wrench

mojiru 捩る to parody, to twist

mushiru 毟る to pluck, to pick, to tear

najiru 詰る to rebuke

nejiru 捩じる to twist

nigiru 握る to grasp

nijiru 躙る to edge forward

nonoshiru 罵る to abuse verbally

ochiiru 陥る to fall, sink

omoiiru 思い入る to ponder, to contemplate

to dare to (usually in the form omoikitte (思い切って)

omoikiru 思い切る
or omoikitta (思い切った).)

sebiru せびる to pester for

shiru 知る to know

soshiru 謗る to slander

sujiru 捩る to wriggle

tagiru 滾る to boil, to seethe

tamagiru 魂消る to be frightened

tobashiru 迸る to gush

tochiru とちる to muff lines

yajiru 弥次る・野次る to jeer at

yogiru 過る to pass by, to drop in

yojiru 捩る to twist, distort

yokogiru 横切る to traverse

Consonant-stem verbs ending in -eru[edit]

Note: Homophone verbs listed above are not repeated here.

Verb Kanji and/or hiragana English

azakeru 嘲る to ridicule

daberu 駄弁る to chatter

haberu 侍る to attend on

hirugaeru 翻る to turn over, to wave

hoteru 火照る to flush, to feel hot

kageru 陰る to become dark, to be in shadow or shade

keru 蹴る to kick

kuneru くねる to be crooked

kutsugaeru 覆る to be overturned

numeru 滑る to be slippery

omoneru 阿る to flatter

seru 競る to compete

seseru 挵る to pick, play with

shaberu 喋る to talk, to chat

shigeru 茂る to grow thick

shikeru 湿気る to become damp

soberu そべる to lie sprawled

teru 照る to shine

tsumeru 抓める to pinch

tsuneru 抓る to pinch

uneru うねる to undulate

yomigaeru 蘇る to be brought back to life, to be refreshed

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