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P.G. Dept. of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana
BVVS Ayurved Medical College, Bagalkot
Email- [email protected]
• Introduction
• Definition
• Objective
• History
• Synonyms
• Types
• Properties
• Mechanism of action
• Anupana dravya with examples
• Modern corelation
• Research articles
• Own research view
• Summary
• Conclusion
• References
AlÉÑmÉÉlÉ = AlÉÑ + mÉÉlÉ
AlÉÑ = mɶÉÉiÉ mÉÉlÉ = ÌmÉoÉåiÉ
• The word anu indicates the meanings like
asyaathaha, pashchaat, sadrushyam, lakshanam,
bhaagaha, heenaha,sahaarthaha, aayaamaha,
sameepam and paripaatee.(after, afterwords, there
upon, again, further, behind, then, next, along,
alongside, lengthwise, over, through, etc)

“AlÉÑ xÉWû mɶÉÉiÉ uÉÉ mÉÏrÉiÉå CirÉlÉÑmÉÉlÉÈ”

Anupana is a substance, which is taken along with or after
the intake of oushadha or aahaara dravya.

तत्तद् रोगघ्न भैषज्यम् भेषजस्यानुपियते यच्च सहायकारी स्याद् अनुिानम्

तद् उच्यते। -Rasatarangini
The one which reduces the ailment by augmenting action of
medicine, when taken along with it is known as anupana.
• यद् नियतकालम ् विधििशात ् पीयते तत ् अिुपािम ्।
That which is taken at specific time and specific method
is anupana.

• The dictionary meaning of anupana is the one which is taken

along with or after medicine.

• The Paana which is consumed after Oushadha and

Bhakshana is anupana.

• To know about Anupana and its importance.

The reference of the word Anupana is not directly
available in Vedic period. But can be traced with the help
of different aspects like aachamana, the paana which is
taken for some of the regimens to cure the diseases.
 Vishnu puraana, it is mentioned that while consuming
aahaara, the jala has to be taken in between and after
the food. In Garuda puraana, shaali tandula choorna
with ksheera.
 In samhita kaal, all the samhita’s had explained
regarding anupana and its importance .
 In Ashtanga Hridaya it is mentioned in Matrasitiya

 In Ashtanga samgraha it is mentioned in Sutra Stana-


 In Susrutha samhitha there is a varga known as Anupana

varga is explained in sutrasthana.

 In Charaka sutrasthana, detailed description of different

anupana’s including asava’s mentioned.
 In the medevial period, Sarngadhara also mentioned
probable mode of action of anupana.
 In Kaiyadeva nighantu,a well description of anupana
 In Rasatarangini , anupana explained in relation with
 Compiled book of Anupana Darpana, Aunupana
manjari, anupana kalpataru also explains regarding
anupana in detail.
 Anupana
 Vaahana
 Sahayogi
 Maadhyama
 Anutarsha
 Anupeya
 Anupaneeya
 Oushadangapeya
Best Anupana
• तोयं वा सवव त्रेपत ।

• सवेषामनुिानानां महे न्द्रं तोयमुत्तमम् । अनुिान दिव न


Administration Form


Raj Nighantu Usage

Time of

Aadipaana Pashchatpaana

Madhyapaana Sahapaana

Raj Nighantu

Kraamana Paachana

That which is administered That which is administered

in delay i.e. after certain gap. in night.

Aaharopyogi Aushadhopyogi
पविररतं यदन्द्नस्य गुणैःै स्यादपवरोपि च ।
अनुिानं समासेन, सवव दा तत्प्रशस्यते॥ अ.हृ.८/५१
One which has quality opposite to anna but does not
produce the effect opposite to that such dravya is consider
to be anupana.
अनुिानं करोत्प्युजाां त्रुपतं व्यापतं रुढांगताम् ।
अन्द्नसंघातशैपिल्यपवपलिपत्तजरणापन च ॥ अ.हृ.८/५२
अनुिानं पहतं युक्तं तिव यत्प्याशु मानवम् ।
सुखं िचपत चाहारमायुषे च बिाय च ॥
च.स.ू २७/३२६

पस्िरतां गतमपलिन्द्नमन्द्नमर्विापयनाम् ।
भवत्प्याबािजननमनुिानमतैः पिबेत् ॥
कै.पन. पव.वगव २९१
Guna and Karma
• अनुिानकमव गुणान् रवक्ष्यामैः अनुिानं तिव यपत, रीणयपत,
ऊजव यपत, बंहयापत, ियाव पतमपभपनवव तवयपत, भुक्तमवसादयपत,
अन्द्नसंघातं पभनपत्त, मादव वमािादयपत, लिेदयपत, जरयपत,
सुखिररणापमतामाशुव्यवापयतां चाहारस्योिजनयतीपत ॥
च सू २७/३२५
यिा तैिं जिे पितं िणेनवै रसिव पत ।
अनुिानबिादंगे तिा सिव पत भेषजम् ॥ शा.र.ख ६

ु कर्म-
रोचनं बंहणं वष्यं दोषसंघातभेदनम् । तिव णं मादव वकरं
श्रमलिमहरं सुखम् ॥ पदिनं दोषशमनं पििासाछे दनं िरम् ।
बिवणव करं सम्यगनुिानं सदोच्यते ।
सु.स.ू ४६/४४२-४३
Mode of action
• Anupana dravya enhances the action of
original dravya with which it is administered
and thereby achieves the desired effect
quickly by carrying the oushadha dravya to
the target site and thereby increases its
bioavailability and facilitates easy absorption.
• In Bruhatrayee the matraa has not been explained but the later
authors and commentators added matraa for anupana based on
the doshas.
• Matra here is in pala per VPP, its upto 8pala.
Sl.No Dosha D.G.S Sha.S Deepika Goodhartha

1. Vata 2 3 3 2

2. Pitta 3 2 2 3

3. Kapha 1 1 1 1
Anupana Dravya Classification

Doshas Anupana Dravyas Dravya


 Vataj – Snighda and ushna dravya

 Pittaj – Madhra and sheeta dravya
 Kaphaj – Ruksha and ushna dravya
Su.Su 46/435
Rasa Anupana
Madhura Katu
Amla Lavana
Lavana Amla
Katu Tikta
Tikta Katu amla kashaya
Kashaya Madhura
Sarvarasa Ksheera
Yogaratnakar has explained the anupana dravya as per the
disease. .
e.g. –
Jwara- Kirat tikta, musta, parpata
Grahini- Takra
Arsha- Bhallataka, chitraka
Pandu- Sh.Mandura bhasma
Kshaya- Shuddha shilajatu
Shula- Fried Hingu and karanjabeeja majja
Pliha roga- Pippali churna
Nidrakshya- Mahish dugda with sharkara etc.


Single Drug Formulation

Single drug
• Acharya sushrutha explained anupana for individual
Ghrita- ushnodaka
Taila- yush and kanji
Masha- dhanyamla
Kushmanda- triphalasava
Saindhava- aranala
Amlaphala- padmotphal;a kandasava etc.
• Also in anupana darpana have explained for single
dravya for various vyadhis.

E.g.- Nirgundi
Gomutra- kushta
Ghrita- krushta
Ushnodaka- sarvaroga. etc
• Acharya Bhavamishra explained Rutuharitaki

Sharad rutu – Sharkara

Hemanta rutu – Shunthi
Shishir rutu – Pippali
Vasant rutu – Madhu
Grishma rutu – Guda
Varsha rutu – Saindhava
- Bh.Ni 1

Kalka, churna



Rasa dravya
Kalka Anupana

Madhu, Ghrita, Taila – Dwiguna matra

Other dravya – Chaturguna
e.g. rasone kalka – Tilataila
nimba kalka – Jala
Churna Anupana

Ghrita, madhu adi dravyas

for lehana – Dwiguna
for pana – Chaturguna
e.g. Sitopaladi churna – Madhu
Lavanabhaskara churna - Takra
Udara- takra
Gulma- badarakashaya
Vibandha- suramadya
Vatharoga- prasanna
Vitsanga- dadhimanda
Arsas- dadimambha
Ajirna- ushnambu
Kashaya Anupana

Ksheera, ghrita, guda, taila, mutra etc – 1karsha

e.g. Marasnadikadha – eranda taila
Dashamoola katutraaya - honey
Guggulu Anupana

 Guggulu is administerd with anupana based on the

various diseases. The general anupana for guggulu
kalpa are
 Triphala kashaya,
 Dashmoola kashaya,
 Vasa kashaya etc.
Kaisora guggulu

 Netraroga- Vasakashayam
 Gulma- Varunadikashaya
 Vrana,kushta- Khadirakashaya
 Vatharaktha- Manjishtadikashaya
Rasadravya Anupana
 Anupanas are having more function in rasa dravya. It
may be consider that it removes toxicity of rasa
dravya if present.
 It may decrease the potency and make suitable for
the body.
 Almost all rasaoushadis are having different
systemwise action based on anupana.

Aruchi – Nistushya dhanya ghrita bhrushta

Jwara – Dhanyaka and guduchi kwath
Atisara,grahini – Bhanga churna ,honey
Plihodara, arsha, chardi - Dadimapushpa rasa
Kasa,shwasa,swarabhanga – Madhu, sharkara, vasa
Vyadhi Anupana
Nava jwara Tulasi, Ardrak swaras
Jeerna jwara Dhanyak, Guduchi kwath
Prameha Jamburasa, Haridra kwath
Shwasa Kushmanda rasa, Vasa rasa
Arsha Baala Haritaki kwath
Kamala Darvi kwatha
Pandu Lohabhasma
Swayathu Punarnava kwath
Garbhashaya roga Kakolichurna + Narikela taila
Jeerna amavata Musta, Guducha, Pippali, Vacha,
Bhagandara Triphala, Vidanga kwath.
• Anupana dravya for dhatu:
Dhatu Anupana
Suvarna Haritaki + Sita
Rajata Sharkara + Madhu
Tamra Vanavrihi + Sita
Naga Hemaharitaki + Sita
Vanga Meshashringi + Sita
Aara Truti + Madhukhanda
Tridhatu Triphala
Sneha Anupana

Ghrita – Ushnodaka
Taila – Yoosha
Vasa & majja – Manda
Contraindications of Anupana

 Shwasa
 Kasa
 Urdwajatrugata roga
 Urakshata
 Praseka
 Swarabheda
Anupana Nishiddha kala

 Journey
 Too much talk
 Too much study
 Too much singing
 Too much sleep
 Exercise
Modern correlation

Adjuvant Vehicle Digestive

Appetiser Synergistic
 Assisting or aiding.
 A substance that aids another, such as an auxiliary
 A nonspecific stimulator of the immune response.

How anupana acts as adjuvant?

Eg: Honey
 It contain easily digestable fructose
 It aids easy absorption by active transport
 It augment the action of medicine by yogavahitva
 The term vehicles is derived from the latin word ’
vehiculum’ meaning that ‘which carrries’.
 It is a substance used for the administration of
 They form a reservoir of the ingredient
 They allow local release of suitable amounts of the
active drug
 Useful for physical actions like soothing,
lubricating, cooling etc
Digestant and Appetiser
 Digestant’s are drugs which enhance the process of
 Appetizers are drugs used for the treatment of loss
of appetite
 Induce appetite by increasing gastric secretion
 Anupana mentioned along with aharas are having
appetising and digestant action
 both these actions of anupana seen in food stuffs
 Thus it help in faster digestion
 Synergism means facilitation of a pharmacological
response by the concomitant use of two or more
 The word ‘synergism’ is derived from the two
greek words ergo(work) and syn(with) indicates a
pharmacologic co operation
 This results in a total effect greater than the sum of
their independent actions
 Rasnadi kwatha is told as anupana for
Yogarajaguggulu gulika in vata rogas
 Here the kashaya augment the action of yogaraja
 Thus act as synergist
Researchs on food stuffs
Application of cold water in wheat foods
 There is a protein called gluten common for yava
and godhuma
 Gluten is responsible for the texture of flour
 Gluten becomes hardened by the application of
hot water
 Solubility literally means digestibility
 Eventhough cold water decreses rate of digestion
generally , yava and godhuma can be easily
soluble and digestable in cold water
Cold water in curd digestion
 Curd is easily digestable than milk
 It contain high fractions of lactic acid
 Lactic acid formations during digestion is
responsible for heartburn
 Curd is culprited for heartburn in most of the
 While taking with cold water ,reduces the risk of
Alcohol and cold water
 Alcohol absorbs slowly in presence of cold water in
comparison with warm water
 Rapid absorption reduce the efficacy of liver, because
detoxification takes place at liver
 Absorption of alcohol from stomach causes irritation of the
 Cold water gives soothening effect to the mucous membranes
of stomach
Researchs on Drugs
 A study on Anupana W.S.R. to role of ghrita in
Vataja kasa.
 Study of synergistic anti inflammatory activity of
allamanda cathartika linn and piper nigrum linn.
 Synergistic action of piper longum extract with
ciprofloxacin in MRSA.
 Significance of anupana in diet and drug.
Own research view
 More number of studies must be carried out to
know about how anupana acts a major part in
declining the worsened conditions.

 Anupana is a unique concept that is gifted by

 Anupana is very essential part in ahara as well as
 Care should be taken in selecting anupana suitable
for getting all the beneficiaries from intake.
 Single drug can be used to treat most of the diseases
when given with suitable anupana.
Thank Q

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