Bahria University: PHD in Economics Admission Is Open

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Admission is open
The purpose of the PhD program in Economics is to educate scientists who will
advance the frontiers of economic knowledge through research and teaching.
The program is designed to provide students with sound training in economic
theory, and the quantitative tools required for innovative research on economic
problems. Equally important, the program is structured to allow students both
time and guidance for research activities.
Amongst other things this means attending seminars organized by the
Department thereby helping expose doctoral researchers to new ideas emerging
from outside their own area of specialization. It also requires actively
participating in PhD workshops and conferences organized by Research Groups
and institutions outside the University.

The objectives of the doctoral program are to prepare scholars to: Conduct high
quality research in the field of economics and disseminate it to scholarly and
other audiences; Teach economics research techniques, inside or outside the
classroom; Engage in service and outreach that enhances scholarship and its
public impact; and Excel in a variety of institutional settings, including
universities, industry and government research labs, and think tanks particularly
focusing on the economics related fields. There is an intense awakening that
sound economic policies for any country require the services of highly trained
economists, having analytical ability and problem-solving skills. It is a well-
recognized fact that application of new ideas and economic theory leads to
create new knowledge; one of the main objectives and contribution of
universities for which these institutions are meant for. This program will
strategically train up ambassador learners to build knowledge, skills,
competencies and experiences. This program will meet market demands and
also enhance intellectual ability of students.

 The primary objective of the PhD in Economics is to produce research
economists of the international standard. The scholars will acquire the
background and skills necessary for careers as university teachers and as
practitioners of economics. The curriculum includes a comprehensive
treatment of modern theory and empirical techniques. Students are exposed
to a broad range of applied fields and select specializations. The typical
student can expect to spend two full years completing the required course
work. The remaining time in the program is usually spent engaging in
dissertation research and participating in seminars. The program will
produce research economists who will
 Demonstrate an understanding of microeconomic and
macroeconomic theory.
 Be able to Identify and synthesize existing body of knowledge.
 Be able apply economic theory to issues in fields of economics
 Be able to conduct empirical research in the diver’s fields of
 Present economic theory and applications in written and oral
And most importantly be able to make significant contributions to the current
state of knowledge in the field of economics.
 After finishing their degree, the scholars can either choose academics, pure
research, corporations or government jobs. Choosing Academic can have
three facets. Teaching, research and consultancy. Some can choose pure
research careers and join government or private think tanks. The research
in academic institutions is driven by one's own choices; whereas, here, you
are given a task or an assignment, which matches the purpose of the
organization and is monetarily sound to them.
 They have an opportunity to open their own advisory and consultancy
services. After completing the degree, they can join corporations for
advisory and consulting roles. Some graduates can also join government
organizations for public policy advisory roles. They can also join regulatory
authorities like the central banks or the finance ministry.

The eligibility criteria for Ph.D. Economics program is as follows:
 MS/ M-Phil economics degree (17.5/18 years of education) with
consistently good academic record and minimum of 60% marks in the
annual system or CGPA of 3.0 out of 4.00 in the semester system.
 A minimum of 60% marks in the GAT- subject test conducted by the
National Testing Service (NTS) or Candidates must have at least 70%
score in university based subject test.
 HEC’s attestation on the candidate’s local degrees (on the back of the
original degrees).
 HEC’s equivalency certificate for the candidate’s foreign degrees.
Dr. I. Ramy
Dr. Abdul Sattar
Dr. Sarwar Zahid
Dr. Samreen Babar
Dr. Khalil Ur Rehamn

For information contact:

Dr. Faisal Aftab
Head of Department
Mangement Sciences
Phone: + 92-51-9262635
Shangrila Road, Naval Complex E-8, Islamabd-Pakistan

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