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Alexis Hopkins

Grade 7 Core French: <<Food Trucks>> Camion de Nourriture

This unit will take students through from basic vocabulary acquisition toward independent
group design of an entire food truck from recipes to promo material! Throughout students
will practice asking one another about food preferences and develop entire dialogue of a
meal ordering interaction between server and customer. Students will learn new descriptive
vocabulary to give create feedback to the chef!

When I think of french culture I automatically think of food! Everybody eats and everyone
loves food so it is a topic which is easily engaging for students of all ages. The process of
creating a food truck design gives students many varied interactions with food vocabulary
and sentence structures.

Core Competencies

Communication: “​Collaborate to plan, carry out, and review constructions and activities”
Thinking: ​“Develop and design”
Person & Social: ​“Relationships and cultural contexts”

U Big Ideas/Concepts Essential Questions

d -”Using strategies helps us understand How can I order food in french?
e and acquire language.” How can I refuse food in french?
r -”With simple French, we can discuss How can I translate a recipe in french?
s our interests.“ How can I give feedback on food in french?
t -”Reciprocal interactions are possible How can I collaborate with others to create a
a even with limited French.” food truck design?
n -”Deepening our knowledge of
Francophone communities helps us
develop cultural awareness.”

D Curricular Competencies (Skills)

“Understand increasingly complex key information and supporting details in slow,
clear speech and other simple texts
Follow instructions to complete a task, including responding to questions or asking
relevant follow-up questions
● ask and answer questions in context
● describe locations and give simple directions
● explain reasons for likes, dislikes, and preferences
● make simple comparison
Demonstrate basic awareness that there are Francophone communities around the

K Content (Learning Standards)

n “Common, high frequency vocabulary and sentence structures for communicating
o meaning:
w ● describing locations and giving directions
● explaining reasons for likes, dislikes, and preferences
● making simple comparisons
● describing cultural aspects of communities.”

A Formative Summative
es Worksheets Food Truck Project:
s Conversations Recipes
m Games Menu
e Promotional material
n Map and directions

Learning Intentions Instructional Activities Assessment

Lesson #1: Vocabulary Lesson #1: Vocabulary Lesson #1: Vocabulary

(Food) (Food) (Food)

Introduce vocab
-How can I discuss my food Practice pronunciation
likes and dislikes in french? (I do, we do, you do) Ticket out the Door:
Groups race to complete
vocab puzzle Add 3 food words to your
Bingo: vocab list.
quelle est ta nourriture
Ma nourriture préférée est

*Can’t show anyone their

Add 3 food words to your
vocab list.
Lesson #2:Verb Conjugation Lesson #2:Verb Conjugation Lesson #2:Verb Conjugation

How can I describe people Give out verb sheet

eating and drinking in Practice pronunciation
french? (I do, we do, you do)
Groups are formed and
pantomime scenes are
quickly created. Hand in the fill in the blanks
Audience must say a
sentence of what’s going on
in the proper verb

Each student has a fill in the

blank sheet of possible
Fills it out as we go

Lesson #3:Positives to Lesson #3:Positives to Lesson #3:Positives to

Negatives Negatives Negatives

How can I order food in Intro lesson to negatives

Practice worksheet
How can I refuse food in Hand in completed
french? Find a person who answers worksheet
the questions positively and
negatively for each question

Write their names down

Aimez-vous manger des

cornichons sur un

Je n'aime pas manger des

cornichons sur un

Lesson #4: Dialogue Lesson #4: Dialogue Lesson #4: Dialogue

Ordering at a Restaurant Ordering at a Restaurant Ordering at a Restaurant

How can I order food in Real French Menus

french? In partners, create a script Interaction will be recorded
How can I refuse food in from entering to exiting the on ipad or just written in
french? restaurant. script.
How can I critique food in There must be at least one
french? negative sentence.
Food and drink must be
A compliment or critique
must be given to the

Some Adjectives will be

suggested for the final

Lesson #5: Create a Menu Lesson #5: Create a Menu Lesson #5: Create a Menu

How can I collaborate with In pairs or groups of 3,

others to create a food truck students will create a menu
design? for their Food Truck! A rough draft menu is
What do we need to created in collaboration with
consider when designing a Each person is responsible the group
restaurant? for 2 items for each course:
Appetizer, Drink, Entree, Each person will make their
Dessert own brochure as a part of a
cumulative task.

Lesson #5:Vocabulary Lesson #5:Vocabulary Lesson #5:Vocabulary

(Recipe Verbs) (Recipe Verbs) (Recipe Verbs)
Translate a recipe Translate a recipe Translate a recipe

How can I collaborate with Students will bring a recipe Students will bring a recipe
others to create a food truck for something on their menu and translate it into french
design? and translate it into french for their final project
What do we need to for their final project.
consider when designing a Students must consider the
restaurant? Prices should be considered prices of the items and
for each recipe estimate how much their
recipe costs to make and
how many items it makes.

Lesson #6: Promotional Lesson #6: Promotional Lesson #6: Promotional

(Descriptive Words) (Descriptive Words) (Descriptive Words)

How can I collaborate with Introduce a list of

others to create a food truck descriptive words that may
design? be used in promotional Each student must write 4
What do we need to material sentences using 4 different
consider when designing a literary devices. At least one
restaurant? Literary devices are used to of these sentences will end
create stimulating sentences up in the final promo.
In the same groups, students
write a promo script for their
food trucks.

Lesson #7: Record a Lesson #7: Record a Lesson #7: Record a

Commercial Commercial Commercial

How can I collaborate with On iPads, students record Must be outlandishly

others to create a food truck their commercials descriptive and sell sell sell
design? the product!
What do we need to OR
consider when designing a
restaurant? Create flyers


??? (convince me)

Lesson #8:Vocabulary Lesson #8:Vocabulary Lesson #8:Vocabulary

(Giving Directions) (Giving Directions) (Giving Directions)

What do we need to Students are given

consider when designing a directional vocabulary (turn,
restaurant? left, stop, etc) A route is decided
How can I give directions in
french? Google maps is used to A link is shared
explore France or Quebec
Where will your food truck Directions are written and
travel? What parts of town handed in.
are hungry for your food?

Lesson #9: Group Projects Lesson #9: Group Projects Lesson #9: Group Projects

How can I collaborate with Students will need at least Recipes

others to create a food truck one working block to Menu
design? complete this large Promo
assignment. Direction/route
Model of truck

Lesson #10:Presentations Lesson #10:Presentations Lesson #10:Presentations


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