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001 0522 tue:0522 tue 235 5/21/18 9:28 PM Page 1



Leading local news coverage on the Peninsula

Tuesday • May 22, 2018 • XVIII, Edition 235

NDNU officials approve cuts

Board affirms support for embattled president; stays course on budget plan
By Austin Walsh administrators. under a belief the reductions were school head’s job. to concerns regarding the program
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF The school necessary to address budget strug- “We continue to seek President cuts and enrollment reductions, as
board approved gles invited by dwindling enroll- Greig’s leadership and guidance as well as allegations of opaque poli-
cutting pro- ment numbers, according to a we strive to move the institution cymaking and an overall lack of
Notre Dame de Namur University
grams in musi- Monday, May 21, press release. forward,” said Hannig in a pre- sound leadership. Faculty mem-
officials finalized a round of
cal perform- pared statement. bers have been steadfast in their
course reductions designed to Chair Frank Hannig also
ance, fine arts, criticism of Greig following their
improve the Belmont school’s affirmed the board’s faith in The declaration follows a letter
graphic design decision to organize a labor union
financial footing, despite con- school President Judith Greig, in addressed to the board late last
and liberal arts two years ago.
cerns shared by faculty members the wake of recently unionized fac- month from faculty members who
Judith Greig evening classes
who are increasingly critical of ulty members calling for the called for Greig’s resignation, due See NDNU, Page 20

State may expand

law on gun violence
restraining orders
Bill would let school employees ask
judges to temporarily strip gun rights
from potentially dangerous people
By Sophia Bollag Phil Ting’s bill,
extend that abil-
SACRAMENTO — California ity to more peo-
lawmakers took steps Monday to ple, including
let school employees ask judges school employ-
to temporarily strip gun rights ees and co-
from potentially dangerous people workers.
in the wake of a mass school De m o c r a t i c
shooting in Texas. lawmakers sup-
Phil Ting
California is already one of a porting the bill
handful of states that allow imme- invoked the Friday shooting at
ANNA SCHUESSLER/DAILY JOURNAL Santa Fe High School in Texas that
diate family members and law
East Palo Alto resident Theresa Richard fills out forms with the help of her Chihuahua Precious and Mental Health enforcement officials to request killed 10.
Association case manager Isabel Pimentel in preparation for her move into one of the 15 Waverly Place studios gun violence restraining orders “I ask that we don’t just send
available to individuals with serious mental illnesses. against people who show warning thoughts and prayers, that we actu-

Landing a home of her own

signs of violence. Assemblyman See BILL, Page 20

Woman to find home, services in supportive housing project Millbrae set to discuss
By Anna Schuessler
strategies for spending the night
in her car. Depending on whether
she finds an open parking lot in
will move into next week in the
unincorporated North Fair Oaks
neighborhood, Richard, 43, is
short-term rental rules
With a strong memory for dates East Palo Alto or San Francisco, thinking about how the chal- Council weighing policy aimed to prevent
and numbers, East Palo Alto resi-
dent Theresa Richard knew upon
Richard keeps close tabs on when
the nearest restaurants close so
lenges she’s faced in managing
diabetes, asthma and regular
another unruly party at online rental home
hearing the date she would move she can use the restroom one last check-ins following brain surgery By Austin Walsh The Millbrae City Council is
into the first apartment she can time before they reopen in the she had in 2011 will be different DAILY JOURNAL STAFF slated Tuesday, May 22, to exam-
call her own home would be three morning. She said she keeps a when she’s in her new home. ine a variety of policies more
days after her daughter’s birthday. crowbar and a wooden baseball bat “Now I could be comfortable, I’ll To address community concerns clearly defining allowable uses for
“I can actually cook her birthday under the seat of her car and sleeps get more sleep, I could go in when in the aftermath of a raucous and rental properties listed on Airbnb
dinner,” she said. “What a great roughly five hours a night with I get ready, I could open up the dangerous house party, Millbrae or other, similar platforms.
Memorial holiday.” one eye open to ensure she and her front door — wow, I could cook,” officials will consider a variety of The proposals to ramp up the
Having lived in her Chevrolet 22-year-old daughter are safe. she said. “I could smile more. I policies designed to better regu- city’s ability to collect fees on the
Tahoe for the last three years, Though she has yet to see the late the local online short-term
Richard has developed a set of furnished studio apartment she See WAVERLY, Page 18 rental market. See RULES, Page 18
002 0522 tue:0522 tue 235 5/21/18 8:19 PM Page 1


Thought for the Day

“It is the people who can do nothing
who find nothing to do, and the secret
to happiness in this world is not only to be
useful, but to be forever elevating one’s uses.”
— Sarah Orne Jewett, American author

This Day in History

The nuclear-powered submarine USS

1968 Scorpion, with 99 men aboard, sank

in the Atlantic Ocean. (The remains of
the sub were later found on the ocean
floor 400 miles southwest of the
In 1 7 6 1 , the first American life insurance policy was issued
in Philadelphia to a Rev. Francis Allison, whose premium
was six pounds per year.
In 1 8 6 8 , a major train robbery took place near Marshfield,
Indiana, as members of the Reno gang made off with $96,000
in loot.
In 1 9 1 3 , the American Cancer Society was founded in New
York under its original name, the American Society for the
Control of Cancer.
In 1 9 3 9 , the foreign ministers of Germany and Italy,
Joachim von Ribbentrop and Galeazzo Ciano, signed a “Pact
of Steel” committing the two countries to a military alliance.
In 1 9 4 7 , the Truman Doctrine was enacted as Congress
appropriated military and economic aid for Greece and REUTERS
Turkey. Deaf and hard of hearing people perform a Buddhist Guanyin Thousand Hand dance to mark Sunday’s National Day for
In 1 9 6 0 , an earthquake of magnitude 9.5, the strongest ever Helping the Disabled in Kunming, Yunnan province, China.
measured, struck southern Chile, claiming some 1,655 lives.
In 1 9 6 9 , the lunar module of Apollo 10, with Thomas P.
Stafford and Eugene Cernan aboard, flew to within nine miles
In other news ...
of the moon’s surface in a dress rehearsal for the first lunar an off-duty sheriff’s deputy. Three Sundays earlier at the same
landing. Plane makes forced landing in site, an unidentified woman called
Police say the suspect had been
In 1 9 7 2 , President Richard Nixon began a visit to the Utah after woman passes out drinking on Saturday when he got 911 to report a family using a char-
Soviet Union, during which he and Kremlin leaders signed the into an altercation at the establish- coal barbecue.
OGDEN, Utah — Officials say a Salt
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. The island nation of Ceylon ment in downtown Redlands.
Lake City-bound Southwest flight A video posted on social media by
became the republic of Sri Lanka.
made an emergency landing in north- Officials say the man left and went an onlooker sparked a national con-
ern Utah after a pregnant woman home to retrieve an AR-15 and a versation about racism.
Birthdays passed out.
Ogden-Hinckley Airport manager
loaded 30-round magazine. Police say
he threatened three people in the
The woman has been parodied on
Saturday Night Live and the incident
Jon Greiner told the Standard- parking lot and then tried to re-enter has become a social media meme with
Examiner the flight coming from San the bar wielding the gun. That’s the hashtag #BBQBecky.
Jose, California was in a holding pat- when, officials say, a bar worker and
tern for nearly an hour due to bad an off-duty deputy wrestled the rifle U.S. Postal Service issuing
weather when she lost consciousness away and held him for officers.
on Sunday afternoon. Police say the pair likely prevented scratch-and-sniff stamps
Greiner says the crew landed in a tragedy. WASHINGTON — Letter writers will
Ogden so she could get medical atten- The 36-year-old suspect could face soon be able to express their senti-
tion. She is expected to make a full charges including attempted assault ments in words and smells.
Former CNN Singer Morrissey is Model Naomi recovery. with a deadly weapon.
The U.S. Postal Service announced
anchor Bernard 59. Campbell is 48. Greiner says the delay was extended
Monday that it will soon issue its
Shaw is 78. because the pilots had exceeded their Hundreds turn up at ‘BBQing first scratch-and-sniff stamps. The
Singer Charles Aznavour is 94. Actor Michael Constantine maximum working hours and new While Black’ event in Oakland stamps feature illustrations of ice
is 91. Business magnate T. Boone Pickens is 90. Conductor pilots had to fly the plane to Salt
OAKLAND — Hundreds of people pops. The agency says the stamps
Lake City.
Peter Nero is 84. Actor-director Richard Benjamin is 80. Actor gathered for a weekend cookout in will “add the sweet scent of summer”
Frank Converse is 80. Actress Barbara Parkins is 76. Retired Fire Chief Mike Mathieu says the to letters.
flight was grounded for about three Oakland, California dubbed “BBQing
MLB All-Star pitcher Tommy John is 75. Songwriter Bernie While Black.” It is the latest response The 20 stamps depict watercolor
Taupin is 68. Actor-producer Al Corley is 63. Sen. Lisa hours in Ogden, about 40 miles (64
kilometers) north of Salt Lake City. to a white woman’s now infamous call illustrations by California artist
Murkowski, R-Alaska, is 61. Actress Ann Cusack is 57. to police to report African Americans Margaret Berg. Each of the 10 stamp
Country musician Dana Williams (Diamond Rio) is 57. Rock designs includes two different treats.
musician Jesse Valenzuela is 56. Actor Mark Christopher
Worker, off-duty deputy wrestle barbecuing at a public park.
The words “FOREVER” and “USA”
The San Francisco Chronicle
Lawrence is 54. Former White House Press Secretary Jay AR-15 from angry bar patron reports that the festival-like event appear along the bottom of each
Carney is 53. Rhythm-and-blues singer Johnny Gill (New REDLANDS — Authorities say a Sunday on the shores of Lake Merritt stamp.
Edition) is 52. Rock musician Dan Roberts (Crash Test man who got in a fight at a Southern was organized to rally against racism. The stamps will be issued on June
Dummies) is 51. Actress Brooke Smith is 51. Actor Michael California bar and later returned with a Music played and vendors cooked up 20 at a children’s museum in Austin,
Kelly is 49. Actress Anna Belknap is 46. Actress Alison rifle was disarmed by an employee and racks of ribs, sausages and chicken. Texas.
Eastwood is 46. Singer Donell Jones is 45.
by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek Lotto Local Weather Forecast
Unscramble these four Jumbles, May 19 Powerball Fantasy Five Mo nday : Mostly cloudy in the morning
one letter to each square,
to form four ordinary words. 3 6 9 17 56 25 1 10 32 34 36 then becoming partly cloudy. Breezy.
Highs near 60. West winds 10 to 20 mph
SMOTP Daily Four increasing to 20 to 30 mph in the after-
Check out the new, free JUST JUMBLE app

May 18 Mega Millions noon.

9 26 53 64 66 11 4 4 3 3 Mo nday ni g ht: Partly cloudy in the
©2018 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
All Rights Reserved. Mega number
Daily three midday evening then becoming mostly cloudy.
Lows in the lower 50s. West winds 10 to 20 mph with gusts
IRREV May 19 Super Lotto Plus 4 4 3 to around 35 mph.
23 22 25 30 37 24 Daily three evening Tues day : Mostly cloudy in the morning then becoming
Mega number
partly cloudy. Highs in the mid 50s to lower 60s. Southwest
5 7 9 winds 10 to 20 mph.
UDONEF The Daily Derby race winners are Gold Rush , No. 1, in Tues day ni g ht: Partly cloudy in the evening then becom-
first place; Gorgeous George, No. 8, in second place;
ing mostly cloudy. Lows in the lower 50s.
and Winning Spirit, No. 9, in third place.The race time
Wednes day : Mostly cloudy in the morning then becoming
partly cloudy. Highs in the upper 50s.
was clocked at 1:43.82.
Now arrange the circled letters The San Mateo Daily Journal Phone:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (650) 344-5200 Fax: (650) 344-5290
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Jumbles: HAVOC BLURB DONKEY PALACE As a public service, the Daily Journal prints obituaries of approximately 200 words or less with a photo one time on the date of the family’s choosing if space allows. To submit
Answer: The trail the twins walked on had ended, so obituaries, email information along with a jpeg photo to [email protected]. Free obituaries are edited for style, clarity, length and grammar. If you would like to have an
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003 0522 tue:0522 tue 235 5/21/18 8:07 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL Tuesday • May 22, 2018 3

Man alleged to pose as officer, steal pot Police reports
Convicted robber in custody for Redwood City marijuana burglary An unknown person left 100 nails on a
resident’s front porch and slashed their
By Anna Schuessler ing to prosecutors. tion magazine, the stolen handgun under the tires on Wellesley Crescent Circle in
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF Pita is said to have told the victim his seat of his car, $1,240 in cash and 13 grams Redwood City, it was reported at 7:21
home would be raided later that day and of marijuana. He allegedly told officers he p.m. Thursday, April 19.
A San Mateo man accused of posing as a directed him to give him all the marijuana he thought the victim was a marijuana dealer
police officer and taking marijuana, $1,500 had and he would keep it for the victim. Pita and wanted to put him out of business
in cash and a handgun from the home of a allegedly told the victim he knew the man’s because he was concerned his younger fami- REDWOOD CITY
Redwood City man after he warned him of a cousin and wanted to help him out because ly members may be obtaining drugs through
him. He denied telling the victim he was a Petty theft. A man stole a bag full of
police raid was charged with residential bur- he’s a good guy, according to prosecutors. clothes on El Camino Real, it was reported
glary and possession of a firearm and ammu- Believing Pita, the victim allegedly gave police officer and said he identified himself
as a bounty officer instead, according to at 11 a.m. Friday, May 11.
nition as a felon Monday, according to the him a half pound of marijuana, $1,500 in Arres t. A driver was arrested after hitting a
San Mateo County District Attorney’s cash and a 9 mm Beretta handgun he pur- prosecutors.
house with their vehicle on Farm Hill
Office. chased for $1,200 off the street. Four days Pita was sentenced to five years probation Boulevard, it was reported at 5:09 a.m.
Danny Pita, 24, was on probation for a later, when Pita didn’t return with the items, and one year in county jail for the 2014 rob- Friday, May 11.
2014 armed robbery in which he stole the victim called police, who reviewed sur- bery conviction. Investigators were never Petty theft. An unknown person stole a
$1, 000 from a Kentucky Fried Chicken in veillance footage of his home and asked able to recover a gun from the incident, and bicycle on Jefferson Avenue, it was reported
Daly City when, on May 13, he allegedly officers to be on the lookout for a man of Pita maintained he didn’t use a real gun dur- at 8:44 p.m. Thursday, May 10.
visited the home of a 20-year-old man Pita’s description and a Honda Civic with a ing the incident, according to prosecutors. Burg l ary . A vehicle’s window was found
and told him he was Officer Manu Lotu cracked windshield, according to prosecu- He pleaded not guilty to his charges smashed and a purse containing a wallet,
and that the victim had been the subject tors. Monday and will next appear June 4 for pre- credit cards and money were stolen from it
of a Redwood City Police Department Later that day, Pita was arrested during a liminary hearing. Pita is in custody on on Broadway, it was reported at 1:17 p.m.
investigation for the past year, accord- traffic stop and found with a loaded ammuni- $50,000 bail, according to prosecutors. Thursday, May 10.

Man dies after Tesla crashes into San Francisco area pond Po s s es s i o n. A San Carlos resident was
cited and released on a promise to appear in
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS spokesman for the Alameda County authorities after hearing a noise and seeing
Sheriff’s office. damage to his fence and tire tracks. court for being found in possession of a con-
CASTRO VALLEY — A man was killed Kelly said it was too soon to know if the trolled substance on Walnut Street, it was
The car was traveling at a speed “great reported at 4:17 p.m. Monday, May 7.
when the Tesla automobile he was driving vehicle’s semi-autonomous Autopilot mode enough to leave the roadway, hit a fence,
veered off a road, crashed through a fence was engaged when the crash occurred or Arres t. A Redwood City resident was arrest-
keep going down an embankment and into a ed for being in possession of a controlled
and plunged into a pond, authorities said whether the driver may have been speeding pond on the property,” Jacowitz said.
Monday. or intoxicated. substance after verbally threatening a
California Highway Patrol spokesman Photographs of the car show that its back- Federal transportation authorities have woman for a misunderstanding on Cherry
Daniel Jacowitz said rescuers pulled the end was destroyed, its hood crumpled and been investigating if the Tesla’s Autopilot Street, it was reported at 1:30 p.m. Sunday,
Tesla Model S from the pond early Monday windows shattered. mode has played a role in other recent crash- May 6.
and found the man’s body inside. The crash occurred near the cities of San es.
The driver was identified as Keith Leung, Ramon and Danville on Sunday evening,
34, of Danville, said Sgt. Ray Kelly, Jacowitz said. A property owner contacted
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004 0522 tue:0522 tue 235 5/21/18 8:12 PM Page 1

4 Tuesday • May 22, 2018 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

Legislators seek to ban prosecutors. custody after posting a

Local briefs The dog was suffering $130,000 bail bond and
gun sales at Cow Palace “We should not have gun shows in the from third-degree burns, faces felony grand theft,
State Sen. Scott Weiner and heart of the Bay Area,” Weiner said. “The which investigators felony and misdemeanor
Assemblyman Phil Ting, D-San Francisco, Cow Palace gun shows should have ended a believe was consistent elder theft and petty
announced new legisla- long time ago. Better late than never.” with the dog being low- theft for incidents in
tion Monday that would ered or placed in scald- which he allegedly took
ban gun shows at the Man dies after falling ing liquid. The dog died a jewelry from bedrooms
Cow Palace in Daly few hours later despite where he was installing
from SFO mezzanine level Paul Souter an attempt to save him Christian cable equipment,
Senate Bill 221 will A man died at San Francisco International by the clinic, according Monroy according to prosecu-
ban sales of guns and Airport after falling from the mezzanine to prosecutors. tors.
ammunition at the Cow level to the baggage claim level Monday Souter is charged with two felonies for Monroy is believed to have been unsu-
Palace with an exemp- morning, an airport spokesman said. inflicting harm on the animal and failing pervised for short periods of time in each
The man fell at about 8:45 a.m. and he to provide care after the April incident. He of the three incidents dating back to
Scott Weiner tion for gun buyback was in his late 50s to early 60s, according was arrested in Bend, Oregon, and was September of 2016 and August of 2017. On
programs organized by
law enforcement. to airport spokesman Doug Yakel. The cir- extradited to San Mateo County. Aug. 13, he allegedly stole a ring from a
“Our country is awash cumstances surrounding the death are under Lujan has also been charged with one 54-year-old Daly City woman while
in guns and school chil- investigation. felony count of animal cruelty for failing installing equipment in her bedroom. On
dren are dying,” Weiner The San Mateo County Coroner’s Office to provide care to her 2-year-old Aug. 7, Monroy is believed to have taken
said in a statement. identified the man as Dale Robert Finn, 53, Maltese/poodle mix, or Maltipoo, accord- $4,900 in gold and diamond bracelets from
The announcement of South San Francisco. ing to prosecutors. the home of a 68-year-old woman in Half
came after a school Last year, a condition that the pair not be Moon Bay. The thefts were linked to
shooting at Santa Fe
Trial for alleged dog allowed to live with pets was lifted so they Monroy after the women reported the miss-
High School in Texas on killers set for October could live with their parents, who alleged- ing items to Comcast and police and he
Phil Ting Friday where 10 people A Oct. 1 jury trial was set Monday for a ly own pets, as long as they do not own or allegedly acknowledged responsibility in
died. man and woman accused of killing a 2- care for the pets. Both Souter and Lujan these thefts, according to prosecutors.
Students from Daly City’s Jefferson year-old dog named Sprocket by allegedly posted bail and are out of custody, accord- A 72-year-old woman noticed her watch
High School who protested gun shows at lowering it into scalding liquid close to ing to prosecutors. was missing from her bedroom after
the Cow Palace in April were also present two years ago, according to the San Mateo Monroy worked on equipment there Sept.
at a news conference with Wiener, Ting and County District Attorney’s Office. Former Comcast technician 14, 2016, but didn’t report the item miss-
other elected officials and community It was the sixth time a trial date was set charged in thefts during home visits ing until nearly a year later. Monroy denied
members at the Bayshore Community for San Bruno resident Paul Souter, 26, and involvement in this theft, alleging the
Center Monday. A Redwood City resident arrested last woman was difficult to work with and her
his girlfriend, Shelby Lujan, 23, since month as a suspect of thefts in Comcast
The state-owned venue’s most recent gun their Superior Court arraignment last year, home was messy, according to prosecutors.
show was in April, according to Wiener’s customers’ homes was charged with three Monroy pleaded not guilty to his
according to prosecutors.
office. The legislators emphasized that felony and two misdemeanor charges relat- charges Monday and will next appear in
Lujan brought Sprocket to an emergency
gun shows are a small portion of the ed to three home visits in 2016 and 2017 court June 20 for Superior Court review
veterinary clinic May 1, 2016, about 12
venue’s programming and they hope the days after Lujan claimed he was injured Monday, according to the San Mateo conference. His preliminary hearing has
space will remain a vital part of the com- when a cup of boiling water accidentally County District Attorney’s Office. been set for July 5, according to prosecu-
munity. spilled onto the dog’s crate, according to Christian Arias Monroy, 31, is out of tors.

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005 0522 tue:0522 tue 235 5/21/18 7:36 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL NATION Tuesday • May 22, 2018 5

U.S. files plea deal in deadly
airport shooting in Florida
By Curt Anderson International Airport
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS with a 9mm handgun in a
checked weapons box in
on Jan. 6, 2017.
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Federal Santiago loaded the gun
prosecutors filed court documents Monday in a bathroom and came
in which an Alaska man agreed to plead out firing, emptying two
guilty to a Florida airport shooting rampage ammunition clips before
that killed five people in exchange for a life lying on the floor and
prison sentence. surrendering to police.
The agreement says that Esteban Esteban
Santiago Fifteen bullet casings
Santiago, 28, will plead guilty to 11 of the were recovered.
22 counts against him in the attack that also “He recounted how he entered a stall,
left six wounded. Prosecutors reached a deal removed the gun from the box, loaded it, and
with Santiago’s defense lawyers not to seek put it in his waistband,” prosecutors wrote
the death penalty in exchange for the guilty of Santiago’s confession to investigators.
plea. Instead, Santiago would serve a life “He confessed that, after he left the men’s
prison sentence plus 120 years, according restroom, he shot the first people he
REUTERS to the documents, and will waive his right to encountered.”
Lava flows into the Pacific Ocean southeast of Pahoa during ongoing eruptions of the Kilauea appeal the sentence. Santiago, an Iraq war veteran who has
Volcano in Hawaii. The deal is expected to be finalized been diagnosed as schizophrenic, initially
told the FBI he was acting under some form
Toxic cloud caused by Hawaii Wednesday in Miami federal court before
U.S. District Judge Beth Bloom.
The mentally troubled Santiago, of
Anchorage, Alaska, acknowledged in the
of government mind control. Then, he
changed his story to claim that he shot his
victims in support of the Islamic State

volcano emerges over ocean and works about 3 miles (5 kilometers) from
document that he flew on a one-way ticket
from Alaska to Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood
extremist group, but no ties to terrorist
groups have been found.


PAHOA, Hawaii — White plumes of acid

where lava dropped into the sea, said the flow School shooting may not change gun-loving Texas
luckily did not head toward him. At one point,
and extremely fine shards of glass billowed
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the killings of eight students and two teach-
it was about a mile (asterisk)1.6 kilometers)
into the sky over Hawaii as molten rock from ers by calling for a series of roundtable dis-
upslope from his property in the coastal com- AUSTIN, Texas — Texas has more than
Kilauea volcano poured into the ocean, creat- cussions on school safety, starting Tuesday
munity of Kapoho. 1.2 million licensed handgun owners who
ing yet another hazard from an eruption that in Austin.
Residents can only stay informed and be can openly carry their weapons in public.
began more than two weeks ago: A toxic He said last week that he wants to find
ready to get out of the way, he said. The state hosted the National Rifle
steam cloud. ways to keep guns away from those who
“Here’s nature reminding us again who’s Association’s annual meeting two weeks
Authorities on Sunday warned the public to pose an “immediate danger to others.”
boss,” Kekedi said. ago. And until Monday, the governor’s re-
stay away from the cloud that formed by a But the state’s 20-year dominance by the
Scientists said the steam clouds at the spots
chemical reaction when lava touched seawa- election website was raffling off a shotgun. Republican Party all but guarantees the
where lava entered the ocean were laced with
ter. Guns are so hard-wired into Texas culture meetings will be dominated by calls to
hydrochloric acid and fine glass particles that
Further upslope, lava continued gushing that last week’s deadly rampage at Santa Fe boost school security and “harden” campus-
can irritate skin and eyes and cause breathing
out of large cracks in the ground in residential High School is considered unlikely to result es — an idea backed by the NRA — instead
neighborhoods in a rural part of the Big in any significant restrictions on access to of demands for gun restrictions, said Cal
The lava haze called “laze” from the plume
Island. The molten rock made rivers that weapons in the Lone Star State. Jillson, political science professor at
spread as far as 15 miles (24 kilometers) west
bisected forests and farms as it meandered Republican Gov. Greg Abbott reacted to Southern Methodist University.
of where the lava met the ocean on the Big
toward the coast. Island’s southern coast. It was just offshore
The rate of sulfur dioxide gas shooting from and running parallel to the coast, said U.S.
the ground fissures tripled, leading Hawaii Geological Survey scientist Wendy Stovall.
County to repeat warnings about air quality. Scientists said the acid in the plume was
At the volcano’s summit, two explosive erup- about as corrosive as diluted battery acid. The
tions unleashed clouds of ash. Winds carried glass was in the form of fine glass shards.
much of it toward the southwest. Getting hit by it might feel like being sprin-
Joseph Kekedi, an orchid grower who lives kled with glitter.

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006 0522 tue:0522 tue 235 5/21/18 8:13 PM Page 1


U.S. demands changes

in Iran policies after
nuke deal withdrawal
By Josh Lederman and Matthew Lee

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Monday

demanded that Iran make wholesale changes in its military
and regional policies or face “the
strongest sanctions in history,” as it
sought to turn up heat on Tehran after
President Donald Trump’s decision to
withdraw from a landmark nuclear deal.
In speech that called Iran out for a wide
range of “malign activities” apart from
its nuclear program, Secretary of State
Mike Pompeo called for the negotiation
Mike Pompeo of a new deal that would go far beyond Pope Francis arrives to lead a general audience in Saint Peter’s square at the Vatican.
the single focus of the 2015 agreement

LGBT community cheers pope’s

and would have the status of a formal treaty. The 2015 deal
concluded under the Obama administration dealt only with
the nuclear program and was not a treaty but rather a U.N.-

‘God made you like this’ remark

endorsed executive agreement between the parties.
Unless such a treaty can be reached, Pompeo warned that
Iran would face tough sanctions that would leave it “bat-
tling to keep its economy alive.” But he laid out no strate-
By Nicole Winfield Cruz said he told Francis how Chile’s though, has sought to make the church
gy for convincing Iran, the other participants in the origi-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS bishops used his sexual orientation as a more welcoming to gays, most famous-
nal deal — Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and
weapon to try to discredit him, and of ly with his 2013 comment “Who am I to
the European Union — or others to open such a negotia-
VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis’ the pain the personal attacks had caused judge?” He also has spoken of his own
reported comments to a gay man that him. “He said, ‘Look Juan Carlos, the ministry to gay and transgender people,
“These will end up being the strongest sanctions in his-
“God made you like this” have been pope loves you this way. God made you insisting they are children of God, loved
tory by the time we are complete,” Pompeo said at the con-
embraced by the LGBT community as like this and he loves you,”’ Cruz told by God and deserving of accompani-
servative Heritage Foundation in his first major policy
another sign of Francis’ desire to make the Associated Press. ment by the church.
speech since taking over as top diplomat.
Pompeo vowed Trump’s approach would ensure Iran gay people feel welcomed and loved in The Vatican declined to confirm or As a result, some sought to downplay
would never develop a nuclear weapon. A new pact should the Catholic Church. deny the remarks in keeping with its the significance of the comments as
Juan Carlos Cruz, the main whistle- policy not to comment on the pope’s merely being in line with Francis’ pas-
require that Iran stop enrichment of uranium, which was
blower in Chile’s clerical sex abuse and private conversations. The comments toral-minded attitude.
allowed within strict limitations under the previous deal. first were reported by Spain’s El Pais
Iran would also have to walk away from core pillars of its cover-up scandal, said Monday he spoke In addition, there was a time not so
to Francis about his homosexuality dur- newspaper. long ago when the Catholic Church offi-
foreign policy, including its involvement in Syria, Yemen,
ing their recent meetings at the Vatican. Official church teaching calls for gay cially taught that sexual orientation was
Lebanon and Afghanistan, he said. The pope invited Cruz and other victims men and lesbians to be respected and not something people choose, the
“This list may seem long to some, but it is simply a of a Chilean predator priest to discuss loved, but considers homosexual activi- implication being it was how God made
reflection of the massive scope of Iranian malign behav- their cases last month. ty “intrinsically disordered.” Francis, them.
ior,” Pompeo said. “America did not create this need for
changed behavior. Iran did.”
Divided Supreme Court sides with businesses over workers
By Mark Sherman forced to use arbitration, not the Workers who want to take action
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS courts, to air complaints about wages against sexual harassment, pay dis-
and overtime. Four dissenting liberal crimination, pregnancy discrimina-
WASHINGTON — A divided Supreme justices said the decision will hit low- tion and racial discrimination “may
Court ruled Monday that businesses wage, vulnerable workers especially now be forced behind closed doors into
can prohibit their workers from band- hard. an individual, costly — and often
ing together in disputes over pay and While the complaints in Monday’s secret - arbitration process, ” said
conditions in the workplace, a deci- decision involved pay issues, the out- Fatima Goss Graves, president and
sion that affects an estimated 25 mil- come also might extend to workplace CEO of the National Women’s Law
lion non-unionized employees. discrimination and other disputes if Center.
With the court’s five conservative employee contracts specify that they Lawyers representing management
members in the majority, the justices must be dealt with in one-on-one arbi- said the decision protects businesses
held that individual employees can be tration. from endless, costly litigation.
007 0522 tue:0522 tue 235 5/21/18 6:56 PM Page 1


Can the ‘dealmaker’ president deliver on North Korea?
By Catherine Lucey and Zeke Miller Going into the North Korea meeting, sen-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ior administration officials say, the presi-
dent has been almost singularly focused on
WASHINGTON — Weeks before his the pageantry of the summit —including
planned North Korea summit, President the suspenseful roll-out of details. He has
Donald Trump is staring down a dealmaker’s not been deeply engaged in briefing materi-
worst nightmare: overpromising and under- als on North Korea’s nuclear program, said
delivering. three people with knowledge of the White
As the Singapore meeting with North House efforts. They were not authorized to
Korean leader Kim Jong Un draws near, the speak publicly.
president and his allies are growing increas- Scott Snyder, director of the Program on
ingly anxious about how he can score a win U. S. -Korea Policy at the Council of
on the world stage. While Trump has not Foreign Relations, said there’s a risk that
suggested he wants to back out, he has “the ceremony and the historic nature of the
struggled to define his objectives for the meeting be allowed to overshadow the
historic sit-down and last week he drew deliverables.”
fresh criticism from his foreign foil. Driven by gut instinct, Trump rarely dives
“I think that Trump imagined he would go deep as he prepares to meet with foreign
into this meeting and be able to have a his- counterparts. For the North Korea meeting,
toric breakthrough with a deal, but it’s clear insiders say, he is motivated by the idea of
he’s starting to realize it won’t be as easy as scoring a historic deal and is tickled by sug-
he imagined,” said Jean Lee, director of the gestions he could win a Nobel Peace Prize
North Korea program at the Woodrow REUTERS FILE PHOTO — especially since Barack Obama won the
Wilson Center and a former Associated Donald Trump speaks at swearing in ceremonies for new CIA Director Gina Haspel. honor early in his presidency. Trump has
Press bureau chief in Pyongyang. maintained publicly that his goal is to see
America’s trade deficit with China — but months overdue and facing a more skeptical
Trump, who has pitched himself as the the Korean Peninsula denuclearized, and the
few details. He recently withdrew the U.S. audience than ever.
ultimate negotiator, has focused on ambi- from the international Iran-nuclear deal — North has agreed to put its nuclear program
Supporters stress that sometimes Trump’s
tious deals as president but has struggled without outlining a path forward with his ambitious efforts do pay off, as with the on the negotiating table as a condition for
with the fine print. He just hit the pause but- allies. And his Middle East peace plan, massive tax cut bill he signed into law late the talks. But the two sides are still miles
ton on his threatened trade war with China, which he deputized his son-in-law to lead, is last year. apart on defining what might be mutually
announcing an agreement to reduce acceptable.

Result of U.S.-China talks: Short-term relief, long-term risks

By Paul Wiseman destructive trade war between the world’s those where we are most able to move the stepped back from the brink.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS two biggest economies. Chinese,” said Mary Lovely, a Syracuse The celebration could prove premature.
A vague statement the two countries University economist who specializes in “We are not out of the danger zone yet,”
WASHINGTON — In the short run, a truce released said next to nothing about the issue trade. said Nick Marro, a China analyst with the
in the trade conflict between the United at the heart of the dispute between In exchange for the United States agree- Economist Intelligence Unit. “There is still
States and China has lightened tensions, Washington and Beijing: The hardball tac- ing to hold off on tariffs on up to $150 bil- a high risk of a trade war, even if the time-
halted the immediate threat of U.S. tariffs tics China uses to challenge U.S. techno- lion in Chinese goods, Beijing did agree to line to getting there has been extended.”
on China’s goods and cheered stock mar- logical supremacy. Those tactics include “substantially reduce” America’s huge trade Beijing refused to knuckle under to a U.S.
kets. The long-run picture may not be so outright cyber theft of trade secrets and deficit with China. But Beijing made no demand to slash the U.S. trade gap by a spe-
sunny. demands that American companies hand specific commitment. cific amount: $200 billion, a figure seen by
The outcome of last weekend’s talks upset over some of their technology in exchange Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s dec- most economists as wildly unrealistic any-
supporters of Donald Trump’s American for access to the Chinese market. laration that the American tariffs would be way. The U.S. ran a deficit with China in
First policies, left key differences “They failed to drill down on the biggest suspended contributed to a sense of relief in goods and services last year of $337 bil-
untouched and kept alive the risk of a frictions facing U.S. businesses and on global markets that the two countries had lion.
008 0522 tue:0522 tue 235 5/21/18 7:03 PM Page 1

8 Tuesday • May 22, 2018 WORLD THE DAILY JOURNAL

Venezuela’s opposition scrambles to

regroup after Nicolas Maduro win
By Joshua Goodman accused him of tak- more than 140 deaths.
and Scott Smith ing Venezuela down Opponents of the socialist revolu-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the path toward tion installed by the late President
“dictatorship.” The Hugo Chavez have few options, said
CARACAS, Venezuela — election registered Jennifer McCoy, a Georgia State
Venezuela’s fractured opposition the lowest turnout University political scientist who led
emerged even more powerless in decades — five electoral missions to Venezuela REUTERS
Monday, a day after an election it around 46 percent on behalf of the Carter Center until Syrian army soldiers ride on a motorbike at a damaged site in
boycotted propelled socialist — as many voters 2013. al-Hajar al-Aswad, Syria.
President Nicolas Maduro to an easy Nicolas Maduro stayed home while “The opposition for some time has
victory amid a crushing economic cri-
the opposition
warned the election was rigged.
been waiting for something to save
them,” she said.
Syrian government declares
The coalition’s strategy to sit out
the vote succeeded at exposing declin-
It’s an outcome likely to further
weaken Maduro’s legitimacy in the
eyes of many, though not necessarily
In one minor protest Monday, 30
opposition activists marched onto a
major highway that a year ago was
capital fully under its control
ing support for the government. Yet it By Zeina Karam
also leaves Maduro’s opponents even his grip on power. filled with tens of thousands of anti- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
more dependent on international There has been no sign of wavering government protesters. They unfurled
pressure seeking to force change in support from the leadership of a giant Venezuelan flag shouting, BEIRUT — Syria’s military on Monday captured an
this South American oil-exporting Venezuela’s military, which long was “This was a farce — not an election.” enclave in southern Damascus from Islamic State militants
nation where people struggle to find the arbiter of Venezuela’s political Then they rolled up the flag and dis- following a ruinous monthlong battle, bringing the entire
food and are migrating in mass. disputes. And Venezuelans busy try- persed. It lasted 10 minutes. capital and its far-flung suburbs under full government con-
Even before the government-con- ing to survive amid widespread food “It’s so hard to mobilize people trol for the first time since the civil war began in 2011.
trolled National Election Council shortages and hyperinflation seem who are desperately trying to survive The gains freed President Bashar Assad’s forces to move
declared Maduro the overwhelming too demoralized to engage in protests or figure out how to leave the coun- with allied militiamen on remaining rebel-held territory in
winner, nations around the world had like the ones that last year resulted in try,” McCoy said. the south near the border with Israel, as Syria’s chief ally
Iran comes under growing pressure from the Trump adminis-
tration to withdraw its troops from the country.
Iranian-backed militias, including the Lebanese group
Hezbollah, have been instrumental in helping Assad’s over-
Skylawn Funeral Home, Memorial Park & Crematory offers

stretched forces recapture huge areas around Damascus and
in the country’s center and north, building a military pres-
ence that has alarmed Israel and its U.S. ally, which is now
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Iranian officials have vowed to stay on in Syria for as
complimentary meal provided. long as needed, setting the stage for a potential confronta-
tion as Washington seeks to tighten the screws on Tehran

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deal brokered with Iran under President Barack Obama and
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009 0522 tue:1030 FRI 64 5/21/18 8:09 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL OPINION Tuesday • May 22, 2018 9

Letters to the editor Winning is a choice
Speaking up statewide measure to force the retention of
property tax revenue for local use. In the
Gary is uniquely positioned to lead an
“W inning is a choice we make long
before the game begins.”
That is the faithful belief that my older
Editor, interim, I’ll withhold my contributions to organization with 450 employees and an brother and head coach of the Hillsdale
In response to the anti-development the Democratic party to pay my property annual budget of $90 million. It’s why Knights has championed throughout his
voices, I must speak up. assessments. leaders like Jackie Speier, Anna Eshoo, coaching career.
I have a vision for a San Mateo that Kevin Mullin and nearly every County You may be surprised to learn that the
builds on its compact, livable and walkable Supervisor and State and Federal elected Hillsdale Knights — one of the many talent-
backbone. I am not a developer and I do Brian Buckley
official in San Mateo County have endorsed ed high school baseball teams of San Mateo
not have outside interests. Belmont him. — made history this year by achieving a
I have lived in San Mateo since 1996 and Gary is the leader San Mateo County season-high record of 18 wins and 8 losses
have run my own clinic, the Laurelwood needs to helm the Office of Education. He’s during the regular season and clinching a
Veterinary Clinic, in this town since 2002. Vote for Gary Waddell got my vote. division record of 10 wins and 4 losses.
I have lived downtown in the Ryan Tower Editor, 2018 marks one of the single best seasons
apartments for over 10 years and have seen As former San Mateo County superin- on record since the baseball program’s
my rent double in the last four years. tendents of schools, we are in a unique Shelly Masur inception. Six of Hillsdale’s 15 players
Once you live on the sixth floor of a position to make a recommendation to the received All-
Redwood City
well-built, centrally located high rise, you voters regarding our choice for the next League awards for
The letter writer is a member of the
will never want to live anywhere else. I County Superintendent. Dr. Gary Waddell their outstanding
Redwood City Council.
have views to die for and a well insulated has our unconditional support. league perform-
building that requires little heat and no air We both spent our educational careers in ances. Beyond an
conditioning to be comfortable. I am safe, San Mateo County. Our commitment to the 101 Managed Lanes experienced
unlike people I know who have died in vio- success of this county’s students was the coaching staff
lent home invasions. I have an elevator so cornerstone of our efforts over the decades
Project must be protected and talented play-
I don’t have to use stairs unless I want to. I we served. The years we spent at the helm Editor, ers, many have
don’t hear my neighbors unless my window of the county office gave us great insight In response to Supervisor David attributed the
is open. The library is a few doors down into the amazing results that can come Canepa’s recent op-ed and his suggestion team’s phenome-
and practically anything I want is a five- from strong partnerships between the that the 101 Managed Lanes Project creates nal success to the
minute walk downtown, including the train county office and teachers, students, par- an equity issue, recent Metropolitan head coach,
to take me to the city. ents and the community. We know that Transportation Commission data suggest James Madison,
However, come August, I have to find Waddell will continue that strong tradition. people of all socioeconomic strata are opt- who I am blessed Jonathan Madison
somewhere else to live because I can’t This race is important to the future of ing to use express lanes, not merely the to call my older
afford it anymore. education in our county. Every vote mat- wealthy. The critics miss the point that the brother. However, few have had the benefit
ters! Join us in voting for Gary Waddell for Highway 101 Corridor is an economic of knowing James the way I have over the
Dani Weber San Mateo County superintendent of engine, not just for the Bay Area, but for years.
schools. the entire state. Recent funding allocations James coached me through some of life’s
San Mateo most critical lessons throughout my child-
for the Highway 101 Corridor, including
hood and adult life, many of which were
$233 Million from Senate Bill 1’s
Dr. Floyd Gonella learned through the trial and error process in
Democrats in the state government Congested Corridor program, as well as
the game of baseball. At a very young age, I
Dr. Jean Holbrook Caltrain electrification funding, and
Editor, quickly learned how to compete, win and
San Mateo SamTrans Express Bus service support, lose — and most of the time, it was not by
Getting residents to pay for the same
The letter writers are both retired San underscore our region’s importance to the choice. You see, James consistently and
thing twice has become a curiously perva-
sive practice of San Mateo county politi- Mateo County superintendents of schools. state’s overall economy. Combined, these effortlessly beat me in baseball.
cians. Six June ballot initiatives — all three projects represent an investment of We were often considered troublemakers in
heartily supported by the Democratic party nearly $433 million by the state to our small neighborhood in Pacifica — not
— add annual assessments to further under- Gary Waddell for superintendent improve mobility in multiple modes. because we caused any real harm, but because
write local school systems. Funding for Editor, Funding of this magnitude is rare, unlikely we frequently played baseball long after
schools is intended to be covered by prop- The next San Mateo County to be repeated in the foreseeable future and dark, startling our sleeping neighbors with
erty taxes, and would be if it were not for Superintendent of Schools must have a big opens the door to leveraging private sector competitive chants and broken windows.
the application of a funding formula that picture vision, successful leadership expe- contributions. San Mateo County is I am frequently reminded of the nights my
reallocates property tax revenues to other rience and deep knowledge of how County responsible for a fraction of the total father was forced to stop us from playing
districts. Offices of Education operate to thrive in the costs, while reaping significant benefits. I after dark as my cries of defeat would wake
Our politicians blame Sacramento for role. Dr. Gary Waddell has all those qualifi- have been working on and advocating for others in our neighborhood. I learned with
this reallocation of our tax dollars. cations. congestion relief for the Highway 101 maturity that my brother’s relentless com-
Interesting. How did the formula get incor- Currently Anne Campbell’s Deputy, Gary Corridor for several years, convening a petitiveness with which he beat me in base-
porated into state law and practice? has earned the support of rank-and-file staff working group, encouraging public and ball was much more reflective of his commit-
Through an assembly controlled by across the organization due to his steady private partnerships, authoring AB 1889 ment to the game, rather than any desire to
Democrats, a Senate controlled by leadership as Deputy Superintendent. which ensured Caltrain electrification fund- beat his younger brother.
Democrats and a governor’s office/execu- As a former school board member and the ing was legally protected and co-authoring As my high school baseball coach, he
tive staff comprised almost entirely of current CEO of an education non-profit, I SB 1, last year’s landmark statewide trans- would often suggest that winning is a choice
Democrats. know his extensive experience means he portation package, funded by an incremen- we make long before each game. Sometimes,
These measures will likely pass because understands the critical fiscal and program- tal increase in the gas tax and other fees. my teammates would appear doubtful of his
they have been placed on the June ballot, matic oversight role the County The complexity of large scale infrastructure statement. Perhaps I was the only teammate
when overall voter turnout is low and spe- Superintendent plays for our local districts. projects cannot be overstated. When align- who could fully understand what he meant.
cial interest turnout is high. (Curiously, He has occupied nearly every role in edu- ment occurs and funding materializes that My brother and coach instilled in me that
this ballot gerrymandering is acceptable cation and child development in his over can make a vision a reality, we move for- failure was not an option, and that success
when used to sneak through tax initiatives, 30 years in the field at the elementary, mid- ward. San Mateo County has too much at was mandatory. This went for every chal-
but it is frowned upon when it comes to dle, high school and university levels. He stake to undermine our collective efforts to lenge that I faced and it rings true to me
filling local council seats). is a collaborative leader who is committed keep the County moving. today. Whether it was a knockdown in judo,
But we should ask ourselves: “Rather to our county’s children. In addition to a bad grade on a test, or yes, even a loss in
than asking us to pay for the same school earning a Doctorate in School Leadership, baseball, he insisted continually to leave
system twice, why don’t our elected repre- his deep experience includes serving as Kevin Mullin nothing on the field — that mental prepara-
sentatives focus on restoring integrity to school principal, guidance counselor, South San Francisco tion and confidence are crucial components
the use of our property taxes?” teacher, graduate level university professor The letter writer is the speak er pro tem- to victory. With maturity, I have found great
success in applying this approach to virtual-
Perhaps we should help them out with a and foster parent for children with special pore of the California Assembly.
ly every aspect of my life — law school, the
bar exam, representing clients, and ministry,
OUR MISSION: among other things. I have certainly
It is the mission of the Daily Journal to be the most encountered my fair share of failures in life.
accurate, fair and relevant local news source for those Nevertheless, I truly believe that mental
who live, work or play on the MidPeninsula.
By combining local news and sports coverage, analysis preparation and confidence enables us to find
Jerry Lee, Publisher BUSINESS STAFF: and insight with the latest business, lifestyle, state, resilience in temporary moments of defeat.
Jon Mays, Editor in Chief
Moe Alshafie Michael Davis national and world news, we seek to provide our readers My brother’s track record as a coach speaks
Charles Gould Paul Moisio with the highest quality information resource in San to his fearless mind-set. The Hillsdale
Nathan Mollat, Sports Editor Joe Rudino Joy Uganiza Mateo County. Our pages belong to you, our readers, and
Todd Waibel we choose to reflect the diverse character of this Knights were not the first team he led to his-
Erik Oeverndiek, Copy Editor/Page Designer INTERNS, CORRESPONDENTS, CONTRACTORS: dynamic and ever-changing community. toric victories. In Wisconsin, James led
Nicola Zeuzem, Production Manager Robert Armstrong Charlie Chapman Western Tech Community College to a record
Jim Clifford Elizabeth Cortes of 19 wins and 16 losses within one year as
Kerry McArdle, Marketing & Events Talia Fine Robert Hutchinson SMDAILYJOURNAL.COM
Priscilla Jin Tom Jung head coach, while the team was previously in
Austin Walsh, Senior Reporter Connor Lin Laurel Lujan Follow us on Twitter and Facebook: a slump of 8 wins and 34 losses.
REPORTERS: Jeanita Lyman Brigitte Parman While the student athletes under his
Terry Bernal, Zachary Clark, Anna Schuessler Sophie Penn Nick Rose instruction see the older, wiser coach he is
Joel Snyder Gary Whitman
Susan E. Cohn, Senior Correspondent: Events today, I will always remember the journey it
Online edition at took for him to become that coach. I look
Dave Newlands, Production Assistant
forward to seeing my older brother lead
Letters to the Editor be accepted. those of the individual writer and do not necessarily represent Hillsdale to another history-making season
Should be no longer than 250 words. • Please include a city of residence and phone number where the views of the Daily Journal staff. next year.
we can reach you. Correction Policy
Perspective Columns • Emailed documents are preferred: [email protected] The Daily Journal corrects its errors. If you question the A native of Pacifica, Jonathan Madison
Should be no longer than 600 words. • Letter writers are limited to two submissions a month. accuracy of any article in the Daily Journal, please contact
• Illegibly handwritten letters and anonymous letters will not Opinions expressed in letters, columns and perspectives are the editor at [email protected] or by phone at: worked as professional policy staff for the
344-5200, ext. 107 U.S. House of Representatives, Committee
on Financial Services, from 2011-2013.
010 0522 tue:0522 tue 235 5/21/18 5:44 PM Page 1

10 Tuesday • May 22, 2018 BUSINESS THE DAILY JOURNAL

U.S.-China trade progress sends stocks higher

By Marley Jay lot of investors’ attention for the
DOW JONES INDUSTRIALS last two months. Stocks have ral-
High: 25,086.49 lied on signs progress was being
Low: 24,883.06 made, only to fall back when the
NEW YORK — Industrial and
technology companies led stocks Close: 25,013.29 situation appeared to worsen.
to solid gains Monday after the Change: +298.20 Hackett said Wall Street could get
U.S. and China appeared to make over its trade worries relatively
OTHER INDEXES quickly if talks go well.
significant progress in trade S&P 500: 2733.01 +20.04
talks. That helped ease concerns If that happens, he said stocks
NYSE Index: 12,804.01 +86.59 could be set for further gains
among investors that the world’s
two biggest economies might be Nasdaq: 7394.04 +39.70 because they are still below their
headed for a trade war. NYSE MKT: 2735.13 +14.93 early 2018 highs and analysts
After another round of talks, the Russell 2000: 1637.44 +10.81 expect stronger earnings growth,
two countries agreed not to place Wilshire 5000: 28,498.68 +232.09 which makes stock prices seem
tariffs on goods imported from the less expensive.
10-Yr Bond: 3.07 -0.00 General Electric rose 1.9 percent
other. The Chinese government
said it will buy more U.S. goods, Oil (per barrel): 72.57 +1.29 to $15.26 after announcing that
including energy and agricultural Gold : 1,292.00 +0.70 its train engine division will com-
products, while Treasury Secretary bine with railroad equipment
Steven Mnuchin said the U. S. sibility of a trade war and they lic sphere by both sides.” it jumped 10.81 points, or 0.7 maker Westinghouse Air Brake
postponed its proposal to put tar- may be slowly learning to take a The S&P 500 index climbed percent, to 1,637.44. Technologies in deal worth $11.1
iffs on up to $150 billion in more patient approach with state- 20.04 points, or 0.7 percent, to All 11 sectors in the S&P 500 billion. It’s the latest step by GE’s
goods from China. The two sides ments by the Trump administra- 2,733.01. The Dow Jones indus- index finished higher. Among CEO, John Flannery, to break off
gave no indication of how much tion and other nations, which is a trial average rose as much as 371 industrials, Boeing gained 3. 6 parts of the conglomerate. GE will
progress they had made toward good thing, Hackett says, because points during the morning and fin- percent to $363.92 and construc- get $2.9 billion in cash and will
ending their dispute entirely and future administrations may borrow ished with a gain of 298. 20 tion equipment maker Caterpillar own 50.1 percent of the combined
both said hostilities could from Trump’s aggressive style. points, or 1. 2 percent, to rose 2.1 percent to $158.92. In company, and the deal will help it
increase again. “Treating Trump literally is 25,013.29. The Nasdaq composite the financial sector, Bank of New narrow its business down to the
Mark Hackett, chief of invest- destructive for investors,” he said. gained 39.70 points, or 0.5 per- York Mellon added 1.3 percent to aviation, health care and energy
ment research at Nationwide “There’s a lot of these issues cent, to 7,394.04. The Russell $57.72 and JPMorgan Chase rose industries.
Investment Management, said where there are going to be hyper- 2000 index of smaller-company 0.9 percent to $112.15. Wabtec gained 3.5 percent to
investors overreacted to the pos- bolic statements made in the pub- stocks set another record close as Trade disputes have occupied a $98.55.

General Electric continues Business brief

transformation; $11B rail deal approved by the boards of both companies,
NEW YORK — General Electric will tie its General Electric Co. will get $2.9 billion in
train engine division to the railroad equip- cash. The deal is expected to close early
ment maker Wabtec in deal worth about $11 next year.
billion as GE CEO John Flannery continues GE plans to split-off the company after it
to break off parts of the conglomerate. closes the deal, essentially giving Wabtec
Wabtec CEO Raymond Betler will lead the shareholders ownership, with 49.9 percent
combined company and its chairman, Albert of the new company. GE shareholders will
Neupaver, will be executive chairman. hold a 40.2 percent stake and GE will own
9.9 percent.
Under the deal announced Monday and


A Tesla Model 3 car is displayed during a media preview.

Consumer Reports raises concerns

over Tesla Model 3 braking system
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS tors. It also says it continually does soft-
ware updates to improve factors such as
DETROIT — Long emergency stopping stopping distance.
distances, difficult-to-use controls and a The Model 3 is Tesla’s first attempt to
harsh ride stopped Tesla’s Model 3 electric appeal to mass-market buyers. The car that
car from getting a recommended buy rating starts at $35,000 but can run as high as
from Consumer Reports. $78,000 has been plagued by production
While the magazine said the car has exhil- delays.
arating acceleration and handling, testers
were troubled by its 152-foot average stop- Consumer Reports said it tested the car at
ping distance from 60 miles per hour in its track on pavement monitored for consis-
emergency braking tests. The magazine said tent surface friction, using industry standard
the distance was worse than any modern car test procedures. The car was tested with the
it has tested, and is about 7 feet longer than same 18-inch Michelin tires that were used
a Ford F-150, a full-size pickup truck that in Tesla’s test, the magazine said.
weighs about twice as much as a Model 3. On the first Consumer Reports test, the
Tesla said in a statement that its own tests Model 3 stopped in about 130 feet, similar
found 60-to-zero braking distances averag- to Tesla’s findings, according to the maga-
ing 133 feet. It says stopping distances are zine. But testers could not repeat that dis-
affected by road surface, weather, tire tem- tance even after letting the brakes cool
perature, brake conditioning and other fac- overnight, it said.
011 0522 tue:0522 tue 235 5/21/18 10:48 PM Page 1


<<< Page 13, LeBron scores 44

as Cavs even series with Celtics
Tuesday • May 22, 2018

Iguodala doubtful for Game 4 with sore knee

By Janie McCauley Rockets 2-1 in the fourth quarter Sunday.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS best-of-seven series. “I think it was like a knee-on-knee type
The Warriors won of thing,” coach Steve Kerr said after the
OAKLAND — Warriors forward Andre Sunday’s game 126- game. “He said he would be all right. But
Iguodala is listed as doubtful for Game 4 of 85, with the 41- when we’re right, when we’re playing how
the Western Conference finals Tuesday night point victory margin we are supposed to play, Andre’s right in
against Houston because of a sore left knee. Blowouts the trend
the largest in fran- the middle of it. His defense and being
There was a chance Iguodala’s status could through three games chise history in a smart, making good decisions. Andre is
be upgraded later Monday, the team said. of conference finals postseason game. one of the guys who seems to set the tone
The 2015 NBA Finals MVP has been start- See Page 13 Without Iguodala, for that for us, and I thought he did a great
ing regularly this postseason, including the the Warriors would job of that tonight.” TROY TAORMINA/USA TODAY SPORTS
first three games of the West finals with the lose one of their top defenders and play- Andre Iguodala is doubtful for Game 4 of the
defending champion Warriors leading the makers. He banged his knee during the See INJURY, Page 13 Western Conference finals Tuesday in Oakland.

When life gets in

’Cats claw back W
Cerreta’s homer Athlete of the Week
the way of work
hen I go out to cover a game, I
like to get there at least 20
minutes early. That gives me
time to track down lineups for the game
ignites Mateo’s and just gives me a sense of calm.
Anything later than that and I feel
rushed and discombobulated.
big comeback So, as I was heading out the door
Saturday morning for Half Moon Bay High
By Terry Bernal
School and a Central Coast Section
Division II baseball quarterfinal game
between Burlingame and Mitty, life struck.
Cinderella seasons need unlikely As I said goodbye to my wife in the bed-
heroes. San Mateo softball’s No. 9 room and headed down the hall, our year-
hitter Julia Cerreta certainly fits and-a-half old dog, Beau, had a sneezing
the bill. fit, accompanied by a bloody nose.
The Lady Bearcats have enjoyed Seven, eight,
quite the Cinderella run this sea- nine, 10 sneezes
son. In moving up the Peninsula in a row.
Athletic League Bay Division, the I’ve seen this
’Cats proved they belonged by before and knew it
taking third place and surging into was going to cost
the Central Coast Section a pretty penny at
Division I playoffs in the process. the vet. I was
Drawing a No. 11 seed, San about 95 percent
Mateo wasn’t expected to make sure he had a fox-
much noise in the program’s fourth tail up one of his
all-time CCS appearance. But with nostrils. He had a
a pair of wins last week — 5-2 over similar experience
No. 6 Santa Teresa, and 9-8 over last year but, after
No. 14 Presentation — the Bearcats that initial sneez-
advanced to the CCS semifinals for ing fit, he seemed fine. As we debated on
the first time in program history. whether to take him to the vet, I left it up
“We’re really trying to prove to my wife. After all, I had work to do.
we’re supposed to be up in this So I jumped in my car and headed for
league and that nobody should the freeway, I was nearing the onramp
underestimate us,” Cerreta said. when I decided to make a U-turn and head
Cerreta has earned Daily Journal back to the house. Loaded up the dog and
Athlete of the Week honors for her headed to the vet.
pivotal home run in San Mateo’s It was a good decision because as soon
comeback win Saturday over as we walked into the vet office, Beau
Presentation. With the Bearcats started the sneezing fit again. The vet
trailing 6-0 in the bottom of the techs confirmed my suspicions and they
fifth, Cerreta stepped to the plate took him in back. The good news was, I
with two runners on. Then, facing got to drop him off and pick him up later.
a 1-2 count, she squared one up and Back to the freeway and now my race
rode it out over the left-field fence against the clock.
for a three-run homer, giving San I was surprised the traffic on the San
Mateo its first runs of the game. Mateo-Hayward Bridge was as light as it
It was a monumental homer for was, given the Maker Faire was happen-
Cerreta, who in 108 previous varsi- ing this past weekend at the San Mateo
ty at-bats had never hit a home run. NANCY CERRETA
San Mateo sophomore Julia Cerreta hit her first varsity home run to spark a comeback from six runs
See AOTW, Page 12 down in the Bearcats’ 9-8 victory over Presentation Saturday in the CCS Division I quarterfinals. See LOUNGE, Page 16

Goodell details NFL’s stance on sports gambling

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS In suggesting four core have the resources, monitoring and enforce- efforts include supporting common sense
principles that should be ment tools necessary “to protect our fans legislation that protects our players, coach-
NFL commissioner Roger Goodell says maintained for any form and penalize bad actors here at home and es and fans and maintains public confidence
Congress should enact uniform standards of legalized sports bet- abroad.” in our games.”
for any states that plan to legislate sports ting, Goodell stressed After emphasizing the importance of pro- The NFL has long opposed any forms of
betting. that leagues can “protect tecting the integrity of his sport, Goodell gambling on its games, though it has
Goodell detailed the league’s position in a our content and intellec- noted the NFL has been planning for the approved the move of the Oakland Raiders
statement Monday that reiterated the NFL’s tual property from those potential of legalized sports gambling in to Las Vegas in 2020, and has strong ties to
stance that legalized sports gambling in the who attempt to steal or states other than Nevada. fantasy football, which is not tied to the
United States should be governed by federal Roger Goodell misuse it.” He also said “(We) are prepared to address these Supreme Court decision.
law rather than state law. The Supreme Court guidelines must provide changes in a thoughtful and comprehensive Many sports leagues have expressed con-
ruled last week to strike down a 1992 law substantial consumer protections; ensure way, including substantial education and cerns about the varied betting rules each
that barred most state-authorized sports fans will have access to official, reliable compliance trainings for our clubs, players,
gambling. league data; and that law enforcement will employees and partners,” he said. “These See NFL, Page 16
012 0522 tue:0522 tue 235 5/21/18 11:33 PM Page 1

12 Tuesday • May 22, 2018 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Honor roll
Jes s i ca Eag l e, Menl o -Atherto n 1:54.98, a new personal record and the
g i rl s ’ track. The junior sprinter qualified for fifth-best time in CCS this season. He also
the CCS track and field finals in three events helped the 4x400 team to the third-best
with a big showing at Saturday’s preliminar- time in CCS this year, teaming with
ies. She helped the girls’ 4x100 relay team to Jonaven Kuhn, Caleb Ahn and Ryan Wilson
a time of 48.34 seconds, and also earned a top- to finish in 3:24.06.
eight time in the 200. But her biggest show- Bro o ks Taner, Serra bo y s ’ s wi m-
ing came in the 100 as Eagle not only set a mi ng . The junior brought home a pair of
personal record, she ran the fastest time in bronze medals from the CIF State Swim and
CCS this year with a finish in 12.02. Dive Championships Saturday in Clovis.
Si d Chari and Bo Les chl y, Menl o He opened the boys’ 200 medley relay and,
bo y s ’ tenni s . Fronting Menlo’s undefeat- along with Alec Cullen, Riley Scanlan and
ed 29-0 record, Chari and Leschly each fin- Daniel Gilmartin, notched a time of
ished off individual undefeated seasons 1:32.32, breaking their own school record
Saturday at the CIF Northern California set the previous week at the CCS finals.
boys’ tennis finals. The Knights reveled in Then in the 100 fly, he took third in 47.61,
a 6-1 victory over Bellarmine to take the falling just shy of his school record from
program’s 13th all-time Nor Cal crown, the previous week of 47.59.
with Chari at No. 1 singles winning 6-1, 6- Carl ee Mi l l er, No tre Dame-Bel mo nt
1, while Leschly paired with Clark Safran at s o ftbal l . The infielder closed out her jun-
No. 1 doubles to win 6-3, 6-1. ior season on a hot streak that culminated in
Emma Le p i s o v a an d Val e ri y a a 3-for-7 performance in CCS, with two
Mitchell Scott earned a complete-game win Nas edki na, San Mateo g i rl s ’ s wi m- RBIs and two runs scored. She had only one M-A’s Izzi Henig earned a silver medal in the
in Serra’ CCS Open Division opener. mi ng . Lepisova, a junior, and Nasedkina, a hit in the CCS opener against Westmont, 100 free at the CIF state swim championships

i tchel l Sco tt, Serra bas e- senior, were the only two swimmers to rep- but it was a two-run knock that helped the who had led off the game with a triple.
b al l . Entering the Central resent the San Mateo Union High School Tigers to a 6-3 win. In a 7-3 season-ending Lopiccolo also opened CCS with a 2-for-4
Coast Section Open Division District at the state swimming champi- loss to Santa Catalina Saturday, she went 2 day in Burlingame’s 14-0 win over Aptos,
playoffs as the No. 8 seed, Serra needed a onships and both had strong showings. for 3 with a run scored. driving in two and scoring two runs as well.
big-game performance to match up with Lepisova finished fifth in the girls’ 100 Carl o Lo pi cco l o , Burl i ng ame bas e- Izzi Heni g , Menl o -Atherto n g i rl s ’
top-seed Willow Glen. Scott delivered that back with a time of 55.03. Nasedkina made bal l . Despite taking a 3-1 loss to Mitty in s wi mmi ng . Henig’s final individual swim
performance as the senior right-hander the “B” final in the 50 free, finishing 13th the CCS Division II quarterfinals, the senior for M-A was a silver-medal performance at
went the distance in Serra’s 4-1 victory. overall with a time of 23.63. pitcher did everything to keep his team in it. the CIF State Swim and Dive
Scott allowed just one run (none earned) on Tanner Anders o n, Carl mo nt bo y s ’ He threw a complete game, allowing only Championships in the girls’ 100 free, as the
four hits, while walking two and striking track. The senior qualified for the CCS three runs while scattering eight hits. He senior took second in 49.35 seconds. She
out seven to improve his career CCS play- track finals in two events, including an also drove in the Panthers’ first-inning run also took fourth place in the 50 free with a
off record to 3-0 in three starts. exemplary time in the boys’ 800 of with an infield hit, plating Savaun Brown, time of 22.95.

though, San Mateo still had plenty of work new relief pitcher issued a four-pitch walk to was dropped for the third error of the inning.

AOTW to do. The three-run bomb cut into

Presentation’s lead, sure, yet the Bearcats
still trailed 6-3. But the big swing was just
Monet Scheller to start the comeback rally.
Kylie Galea followed with a single then
Kendall Richards reached on an error to load
“It was a really good hit,” Cerreta said.
“We all thought she was going to catch it.
But I just ran and everything worked out for
Continued from page 11 the wakeup call the team needed, according the bases. Then, after an RBI walk to the best.”
to head coach Alyssa Jepsen. Charlotte Velasquez, Cerreta stepped to the More drama ensued in the top of the sev-
“In high school this is her first home run plate again. enth though. Bearcats starting pitcher Sage
In fact, the sophomore said even through her and it could not come at a better time,” “We had the momentum,” Jepsen said. “I Hager was battling through an up-and-down
travel ball career with the Foster City Flash Jepsen said. preach this to my girls, sports are all about day. The freshman had opened the playoffs
Elite, she had never hit a regulation homer. San Mateo added another run in the inning momentum. At any point if you don’t like with something of a gem against Santa
“I can’t remember the last time I hit it with a single by Jada Walker and an RBI what’s going on, you press the reset button Teresa, pitching through a pair of Bearcats
over the fence physically,” Cerreta said. “It double by Izzy Borges. But Presentation and go the other way … and that’s exactly errors to allow just two runs (none earned)
was surprising.” answered with two runs in the top of the what happened.” on four hits while striking out eight.
It came as such a surprise, Cerreta was the sixth, extending the lead to 8-4, backed by This time Cerreta hit an infield grounder, Against Presentation, though, the road
last one on the diamond at Los Gatos High sophomore Jade Henry’s second home run but again it resulted in a Presentation error, was a little rockier to the tune of eight runs
School to realize she had gone yard. of the game. scoring Galea from third. Cerreta was credit- (five earned) on 13 hits. Still, Hager came
Knowing San Mateo had a lot of ground to It was a tough inning to stomach for the ed with her fourth RBI of the day. More through in the clutch, pitching through
make up on the scoreboard, she went tearing Bearcats. But nobody said living the importantly, with the score 8-6 and the back-to-back two-out singles in the sev-
out of the batter’s box. It wasn’t until she Cinderella story was easy. bases still loaded, the sophomore repre- enth to induce a grounder to Borges at short-
was halfway to second base she noticed her “It’s really hard, especially in softball, sented the go-ahead run. stop to end it.
teammates flooding out of the dugout to when you’re out in the field and you’re like, And after back-to-back RBI groundouts by It took a nice charging play and sharp
meet her at home plate. ‘are we going to be able to come back from Walker and Borges to tie it 8-8, Cerreta throw on the run from Borges to get the
“I didn’t know it was a home run,” Cerreta this?’” Cerreta said. “But I knew we could do scored what proved to be the game-winner. It final out, a fitting ending to a grand chapter
said. “I was sprinting around and everyone it.” was San Mateo’s leading hitter, Giuliana in San Mateo’s Cinderella run.
was saying slow down. It was really excit- Needing four to tie and five to take the Selvitella, who put the ball into play, lash- “[Borges] just made the play and it was
ing.” lead, San Mateo caught a break to open the ing a liner to the outfield. The ball was great feeling,” Cerreta said. “I don’t know if
After Cerreta got mauled at home plate, bottom of the sixth when Presentation’s playable for the Presentation outfield, but I’ve ever screamed that loud before.”






013 0522 tue:0522 tue 235 5/21/18 9:13 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Tuesday • May 22, 2018 13

A roller coaster of blowouts Cavs draw even

By Josh Dubow
Rockets vs. Warriors, Tuesday, 6 p.m., TNT 2-2 with Celtics
SAN FRANCISCO — One thing is clear By Tom Withers
through three games of the power-packed THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Western Conference finals between a
Golden State team that has won two of the CLEVELAND — LeBron James knows the
past three championships and a Houston path to the NBA Finals better than anyone
team that had a league-best 65 wins. in today’s game.
If either team is off its game, a blowout And unless the Boston Celtics do some-
could ensue. thing soon, he could get there again.
The Rockets found themselves on the James bullied his way to 44 points, sur-
wrong end of that equation in a 126-85 USA TODAY SPORTS passed Kareem Abdul-
defeat in Game 3 that was the most lopsided James Harden, above, and Steph Curry have Jabbar atop a postseason
loss in their postseason history and the seen an average point differential of 25.3 list and helped the
biggest win ever for the Warriors, who took through three conference final games. Cleveland Cavaliers even
a 2-1 series lead. Star Kevin Durant has another theory for long range after intermission Sunday, the Eastern Conference
Now the big question heading into Game why there have been so many lopsided games including a 30-footer. finals at 2-2 on Monday
4 on Tuesday night is which team has the this postseason. There has been only one “I work on it all the time, and I made it night with a 111-102 vic-
edge if both are clicking. Western Conference playoff game this month before,” Curry said. “I had amnesia, really. In tory over the Celtics,
“I kind of expected that yesterday, that it decided by fewer than eight points and there that moment, in my head am I 0-for-0, or am I who are looking forward
would be that type of game,” Rockets coach hasn’t been a single playoff game in either 10-for-10 in my head? I’m feeling good in LeBron James to getting home before
Mike D’Antoni said. “We didn’t bring our conference decided by single digits since May that moment. Just shoot it. You can’t second- their adoring fans.
best game. But I’m hoping for the best. I 9 heading into Monday night’s action. guess your first instinct in that moment. So Pushed by a raucous crowd that wasn’t so
hope we play great and them bad. Never “The 3-pointer’s such a huge part of the it’s obviously good to see it go down, and we confident a few days ago, the Cavs held off
know.” game now that it could easily go from six to got a little boost from that possession.” Boston’s comeback in the fourth quarter and
In a possible bit of gamesmanship, 16 or 17 in a matter of seconds in the game,” That type of short-term memory is just squared a tight series that is now a best-of-
D’Antoni said the pressure in Game 4 is three.
Durant said. “So I wouldn’t say ... the games what the Rockets need after the Game 3
squarely on Golden State’s shoulders despite Cleveland is trying to become the 20th
aren’t good. It’s just the fact that the style of blowout, even if D’Antoni did plan to hold a
the fact Houston trails in the series. He hopes team — out of 300 — to overcome a 2-0
play causes teams to pull away a little faster.” film session to go over the mistakes for his
that helps his players stay loose and play deficit and James, who has already orchestrat-
The Warriors might have to take the court in own sanity more than as a teaching tool.
with an extra “giddy-up” in their step. ed two such rallies and is seeking his eighth
Game 4 without a key contributor. Forward His players know they weren’t aggressive
“We should always have a swagger,” star straight Finals, is a step closer to a third.
Andre Iguodala is doubtful with a sore left enough on both ends and lacked the focus
guard James Harden said. “But even more But to do it again the Cavs will have to
knee. If Iguodala can’t go, the Warriors will be needed to beat a Warriors team that is nearly win in Boston, where the Celtics are 9-0
importantly, tomorrow. They’ve got to try down a key defender against Harden and a play- unstoppable when at its best this time of this postseason.
to take a 3-1 lead going on the road. Tie this maker on offense, forcing Kerr to make anoth- year. But the Rockets have the confidence “It’s a hostile environment,” James said.
thing up going back to our crib.” er adjustment after the move to put Iguodala in built in a stellar regular season and first two “We understand that, we know that there’s
Warriors coach Steve Kerr said he wel- the starting lineup provided a spark in the sec- rounds to believe they have the tools to pull no love in there. If you ain’t got on green, if
comes the pressure, knowing his team has ond round against New Orleans. it off. you don’t play for that team, if you don’t
shown a tendency to lose focus when there’s One factor in Golden State’s favor is that “Just go out there and do it,” Harden said. bleed green, they got no love for you. So
not as much on the line. That may have con- Stephen Curry might have found his outside “It’s pretty simple. Not try to overcomplicate we’ve got to come out with a bunker mental-
tributed to Golden State coming out flat in a shot in the second half Sunday. After mak- things. Just go out there and do what we do. ity and understand it’s just us it’s going to
127-105 loss in Game 2 after winning the ing just 3 of 20 3-pointers in the first 10 Obviously, do the opposite of what we did
series opener by 13 points. quarters of the series, Curry hit 4 of 5 from last game, but it’s not hard at all.” See CAVALIERS, Page 15

when Ariza shoved Green as they traded words.

INJURY “I thought it was unfair but we’ll take it up

with the league,” Kerr said after Monday’s
practice. “He committed a hard foul but he
Continued from page 11 held Ariza up and didn’t allow him to get
hurt, and then Ariza shoved him. It didn’t
Since 2014-15, Golden State is 14-4 in seem like a double-technical to me, so we’ll
postseason games started by Iguodala. Kerr take it up with the league and we’ll see what
could go with much-improved big man happens.”
Kevon Looney — he blocked two shots in With Green involved and the stakes so
the first quarter alone Sunday — to keep a high at this stage, it probably won’t be the
couple of key wing players available off the last time this series turns testy, either.
bench in Nick Young and Shaun Livingston. “Two guys are fiery and want to win. Two
Also Monday, Kerr said the team plans to guys like Trevor and Draymond are just the
speak to the league regarding Draymond ultimate competitors,” Kevin Durant said.
Green’s double-technical with Trevor Ariza “Stuff happens out there. They’ve both got
issued at the 6:49 mark of the fourth quarter enough money to pay for it.”
014 0522 tue:0522 tue 235 5/21/18 8:13 PM Page 1

14 Tuesday • May 22, 2018 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

French Open organizers won’t give Serena Williams a seeding

By Andrew Dampf and Samuel Petrequin The WTA is considering “It’s normal to give birth. It’s normal to additional year from the date of return to uti-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS a rule change to add pro- have protected ranking. ... It’s more than ten- lize the special ranking.
tected seeding for highly nis,” top-ranked Simona Halep said. “So the “Historically, WTA players have not been
PARIS — Serena Williams’ return to Grand ranked players returning people will decide what seed she will get. But supportive of the use of special rankings for
Slam tennis from maternity leave just got from maternity leave but in my opinion it’s good to protect the ranking seeding purposes,” the WTA said in a state-
even tougher. the earliest that could take when someone is giving birth.” ment to The AP. “The rule is currently under
French Open organizers announced on effect is next year. Williams returned to the tour briefly in further review as part of our 2019 rules
Monday they will not give Williams a seeding. Several of Williams’ March after a 14-month absence. She was not process. We remain committed to evolving
“This year again, tournament officials will biggest rivals believe she seeded at tournaments in Indian Wells and with the needs of our players and are very sup-
establish the list and ranking of the women’s Serena deserves a seeding. Miami, and compiled two wins and two loss- portive of those players returning from mater-
seeds based on the WTA ranking,” the French Williams “I would like to see that es. nity leave to the tour.”
Tennis Federation said in a statement to The (rule) change,” Maria Williams has recounted the difficulties she Fourth-ranked Elina Svitolina, who retained
Associated Press. “Consequently, (the seeds) Sharapova said at the Italian Open last week. faced in childbirth, and a pulmonary her Italian Open title on Sunday, was also sup-
will reflect this week’s world ranking.” “It’s such an incredible effort for a woman to embolism made it hard for her to breathe portive of seeding Williams.
Williams, a three-time French Open cham- come back from physically, emotionally. ... shortly after her daughter was born. But after a “If you’re like finished or you stopped
pion, is expected to play in her first major There’s just another whole dimension to the period of training, coach Patrick Mouratoglou because you’re going to have a child and
since giving birth to her daughter in travel, to the experiences, to the emotions to last week told the WTA tour website, “Serena you will be in top eight, I think you should
September. the physicality of every single day. will play the French Open to win it.” have this kind of thing, to have protected
While Williams can enter Roland Garros “Tennis is such a selfish sport but I think Current rules covering maternity leave and seeding,” Svitolina said. “She was No. 1 so
under the WTA’s protected or “special” rank- when there’s a child in your life you lose a lit- injuries allow a protected or “special” ranking she deserves seeding.”
ing rule, it’s up to Grand Slam organizers to tle bit of that, because there’s something to be utilized for entry into tournaments but William has won the French Open more
give her a seed. that’s so much more important,” added not for seeding purposes regardless of the rea- than any current player, and last year’s cham-
While she was No. 1 when she left the tour Sharapova, who has lost three Grand Slam son for a player’s absence. pion, Jelena Ostapenko, is looking forward to
to give birth, Williams is currently ranked finals to Williams. “So, yeah, I definitely However, this past year the WTA adjusted her return.
No. 453. think that would be a nice change.” the rule so that absences for maternity leave “She’s someone who the tour was miss-
Without a seeding, the 23-time Grand Slam The French Open draw will be made on are treated the same as those for injury and ill- ing, because she’s a great champion, ”
champion risks facing highly ranked players Thursday, with the tournament starting on ness by providing all players a two-year win- Ostapenko said. “She was my idol since I
in the early rounds. Sunday. dow to begin using a special ranking, plus an was growing up.”

Raiders brief Allegedly abused Olympian sues USA Swimming

Draft picks Parker, Nelson signed By Phuong Le “This lawsuit is about Ariana Kukors’ bravery in stepping forward
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS holding people account- and sharing her story,” USA Swimming said
ALAMEDA — The Raiders have signed able who should have pro- in a statement Monday. “We have been in reg-
third-round T Brandon Parker and fourth- tected a 15-year-old girl,” ular contact with her legal team over the last
round CB Nick Nelson to rookie contracts. SEATTLE — Olympic swimmer Ariana
Kukors Smith sued USA Swimming on Kukors Smith told several months and will continue to work
Only third-round defensive end Arden Key is reporters, adding, “I need- with them and Ariana through this process.”
unsigned of the Raiders’ nine draft picks. Monday, alleging the sport’s national gov-
erning body knew her former coach sexually ed help and there were The lawsuit says top USA Swimming offi-
Parker was selected 65th overall after play- people in positions of cials were well aware in 2005 that Hutchison
ing four seasons at North Carolina A&T. He abused her as a minor and failed to protect her
while shielding him. power that could have was in an inappropriate relationship with
started all 48 games of his career at left tack- helped me.” Kukors Smith, who was then 16. The lawsuit
le and was a three-time FCS All-American. Kukors Smith alleges Sean Hutchison, who Ariana
began coaching her at a swim club near Kukors Smith Hutchison has denied alleges officials did not report it to authori-
Nelson was drafted 110th overall. He played the allegations, which ties and didn’t protect her.
two seasons at Hawaii before playing his Seattle, groomed her for sexual abuse when
emerged earlier this year when Kukors Top officials at the organization, according
final college season at Wisconsin. Nelson led she was 13, started touching and kissing her
Smith, now 28, posted an emotional essay to the lawsuit, also manipulated a background
the nation and set a school record with 21 when she was 16, and engaged in sexual online. Hutchison, assistant coach on the screening system to shield coaches, includ-
passes defensed last season for the Badgers. activity with her when she was 17. 2008 U.S. Olympic team, has not been ing Hutchison, from a negative background
charged with a crime. The office of his attor- check.
ney, Brad Meryhew, said he had no com- They “secretly agreed that Hutchison
ment on the lawsuit. should be specifically protected from the
The case marked another scandal for USA background check process due to the fact that
Swimming and for the sports world, which pervasive rumors of his inappropriate sexual-
has faced accusations that coaches and oth- ly motivated behavior towards minors such
ers, including former USA Gymnastics sports as the plaintiff would inevitably surface
doctor Larry Nassar, exploited their posi- through contacts with prior employers,” the
tions to sexually abuse athletes in their care. lawsuit said.
The U.S. governing body of swimming Kukors Smith said “organizations like USA
said it first learned of the underage abuse alle- Swimming have long been in a position to
gations when Kukors Smith, the 2009 world deter, detect and discipline sexual abuse and
champion in the 200-meter individual med- have done little or nothing to do such in an
ley who placed fifth in that event at the 2012 effort to protect their public image. By doing
Games, posted her essay in February. nothing, it enabled Sean Hutchison to abuse
“As expressed earlier this year, we respect me for a decade.”
015 0522 tue:0522 tue 235 5/21/18 9:31 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Tuesday • May 22, 2018 15

Capitals force Game 7 in East Conference final

By Stephen Whyno out Lightning players.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS From Wilson’s big hit on Paquette on his
first shift through the time Smith-Pelly
WASHINGTON — Facing elimination at scored with 9:58 left, the physical play took
home, the Washington Capitals looked deter- a toll on the Lightning, who didn’t have the
mined to hit everything that moved in Game energy left to muster a late comeback. Tampa
6 of the Eastern Conference final. Bay captain Steven Stamkos said simply the
The goal was to finish checks on Tampa Capitals “executed their game plan” and the
Bay Lightning players as much as possible, Lightning didn’t respond.
though at one point Devante Smith-Pelly “They played with that desperate hockey
decked Dan Girardi and took teammate Jay and we should have matched it and we didn’t,”
Beagle down with him. winger Ryan Callahan said. “They played like
“I apologized to him,” Smith-Pelly said. “I their lives were on the line, and we played
said sorry. He didn’t seem to care.” like we had another chance and that’s unfortu-
Sorry, not sorry. nate, but we’ve got to change the script now
The Capitals made no apologies for taking in Game 7.”
the body and grinding out a physical 3-0 vic- Tampa Bay had no answer for the physical-
tory Monday night that tied the playoff series ity with a hit disparity coach Jon Cooper
and set up a deciding Game 7. T.J. Oshie had a chalked up as, “Somebody was engaged and
goal on the power play and into an empty net, somebody wasn’t.” The Lightning also
Smith-Pelly scored a back-breaker and Braden couldn’t solve Holtby, who was at his best on
Holtby stopped all 24 shots, but it was the a handful of deflection attempts to record his
bruising style that kept the Capitals alive and first shutout of these playoffs.
could still pay more dividends. “I was just trying to stay in the moment,
“You’ve got to wear them down,” Smith- focus on one puck at a time,” Holtby said. “I
Pelly said. “Every game, if guys are going to AMBER SEARLS/USA TODAY SPORTS try and stay the same level through the
be playing 25, 30 minutes, it’s tough when Capitals defenseman Brooks Orpik knocks Lightning center Cedric Paquette onto the ice game.”
you’re getting hit every single shift. We’ve while battling for the puck Monday during in Game 6 of the Eastern Conference finals. The Lightning missed a chance to close out
been on the body all game and all series. If it human wrecking balls. Orpik separated That’s probably one area where we have an an opponent for the first time in these play-
shows up in Game 7 where guys are starting to Cedric Paquette from the puck twice on one edge is the size and physical play.” offs. They eliminated New Jersey and Boston
get tired, then it was all worth it.” shift, Ovechkin leveled rookie Yanni Gourde That edge was noticeable in Game 6 when in five games apiece but are now on the brink
Game 7 is Wednesday night at Tampa Bay. and Wilson was his usual self, dishing out a Washington fired up an already-raucous crowd themselves.
The winner faces the Vegas Golden Knights, handful of crushing body checks. well before Oshie’s power-play goal 15:12 The Capitals improved to 10-2 in the
who are in the Stanley Cup Final in their first The Capitals outhit the Lightning 39-19 into the second period. While Tampa Bay Ovechkin/Nicklas Backstrom era when fac-
season. and outshot them 34-24, bruising and batter- goaltender Andrei Vasilevskiy was again on ing elimination any time before Game 7.
Alex Ovechkin, Tom Wilson and Brooks ing them all over the ice. top of his game in stopping 31 of 33 shots, They’re 3-7 in Game 7 over that time but will
Orpik led the charge in the grueling Game 6, “It’s desperation, really,” Orpik said. “You Orpik said the Capitals wanted to give back obviously take their chances after grinding
throwing their bodies around all night like try to empty the tank as much as you can. to fans for their energy and did so by laying their way back to 3-3 in the series.

CAVALIERS Wickens crashes in Indy 500 practice run

By Michael Marot
out of the second
turn, then hit it
life-threatening leg injury he sustained
at Indy in 2015 gave him the idea.
Continued from page 13
again in the back The popular 2016 Indy pole winner
INDIANAPOLIS — Robert Wickens straightaway when and the face of a national Honda adver-
be a great atmosphere. crashed Monday during the second-to- the No. 6 car made tising campaign did not answer ques-
Game 5 is Wednesday night at TD Center, and Celtics last practice for the Indianapolis 500, an abrupt right turn tions about finding a ride. He is fifth in
coach Brad Stevens was asked what message he would give another headache for Schmidt Peterson because of a broken the points standings and missing Indy,
his team. Motorsports just two days after top right front suspen- a double points race, could take him out
“It’s the best two out of three to go to the NBA Finals. driver James Hinchcliffe failed to make sion and rolled to a of championship contention. He said
Doesn’t get better than that,” he said. “Ultimately, anybody the field for the showcase race. Robert Wickens stop in the third Sunday he didn’t expect to have a car in
that didn’t think this was going to be tough, I mean, every- In addition to finding a way to get turn. Phillips called the race and Schmidt didn’t sound any
thing is tough. In this deal, it’s a blast to have to grit your one of its two Canadian drivers into the the car a “mess” and said there was more optimistic a day later. IndyCar
teeth, get up off the mat and go after it again.” 33-car starting field, the team now must “fairly severe” damage to the right has said it will not expand the field,
Kyle Korver added 14 points and the 37-year-old added repair Wickens’ car, too. The final prac- side. As for Wickens, it was his first meaning his only option would be to
several hustle plays, outrunning three Celtics and diving for tice is Friday, two days before the race. taste of real taste of trouble on the 2.5- take the ride of a driver already in the
a loose ball. Tristan Thompson had 13 points and 12 “It’s been a very rough two weeks, to mile oval. lineup, perhaps teammate Jay Howard
rebounds for Cleveland. Kevin Love had just nine points on be honest,” team general manager There was no sign of a new ride for in the No. 7 that qualified 19th.
3-of-12 shooting and was in foul trouble, but he made a big Pierre Phillips said. “There’s a long Hinchcliffe. As the drivers rolled out to Wickens only turned three laps
3-pointer and follow shot in the fourth quarter. way to go to race day, so we’ll be pit lane for practice, he walked around before the crash and wound up 25th on
Jaylen Brown scored 25 and Boston had all five scorers in there.” in street clothes promoting a blood the practice speed chart at 222.325
double figures, but the Celtics fell behind by 19 in the first Wickens hit the outside wall coming drive in the Gasoline Alley suites. A mph. Howard was 22nd at 222.795.
half and didn’t have enough to catch Cleveland.
And, of course, they didn’t have James, who moved past
Abdul-Jabbar (2,356) for the most field goals in playoff his-
tory. James also recorded his 25th career postseason game
with at least 40 points — his sixth in this postseason.
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016 0522 tue:0522 tue 235 5/21/18 10:54 PM Page 1

16 Tuesday • May 22, 2018 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Nats rookie homers in debut MLB brief fielder, who played for three the crowd and the teenager debut since Dodgers pitcher Julio
minor league teams this season, responded by taking a curtain call. Urias in 2016. He entered that
WASHINGTON — Juan Soto, the home runs for the Nationals, who hit the first pitch from Robbie Per, Soto game in the eighth inning as a
youngest player in the majors at snapped a three-game losing Erlin (1-3) over the Nationals became the first teenager to hit a pinch-hitter and struck out.
19, hit a three-run homer in his streak. Bryce Harper had a homer bullpen in left-center field. Soto home run in a major league game Washington’s starting left field-
first career start as the Washington and an RBI double. also singled. since Harper on Sept. 30, 2012. er began the season at Class A
Nationals defeated the San Diego Soto’s drive highlighted a five- Soto’s homer traveled an esti- Called up to Washington on Hagerstown. He hit a combined
Padres 10-2 on Monday. run second inning for mated 442 feet at Nationals Park. Sunday, Soto became the first 19- .362 with 14 homers and 52 RBIs
Mark Reynolds had two solo Washington. The promising out- He earned a standing ovation from year-old to make his major league in his three minor league stops.

Burlingame leadoff hitter Savaun

East Division
W L Pct GB
East Division
W L Pct GB
LOUNGE Brown rifled a triple into the left-
field corner.
I quickly make my way down the
Division I semifinals New York 31 13 .705 — Atlanta 28 18 .609 — Continued from page 11 stairs, flash my CCS pass at the
No. 5 Carlmont (17-11) vs No. 1 Bellarmine (24-7) at Boston 32 15 .681 1/2 Philadelphia 27 18 .600 1/2
Washington Park-Santa Clara, 7 p.m. entrance gate and pulled out my
Tampa Bay 22 23 .489 9 1/2 New York 24 19 .558 2 1/2
No. 11 Los Altos (16-14) vs No. 2 Piedmont Hills (21-
Washington 25 21 .543 3 camera just in time to snap Carlo
6) at Washington Park-Santa Clara, 4 p.m. Toronto 22 25 .468 10 1/2 County Event Center, but the back- Lopiccolo’s RBI infield hit.
Baltimore 15 32 .319 17 1/2 Miami 17 30 .362 11 1/2
up was minimal. I still had a Nothing like working on the run.
Division II semifinals Central Division Central Division chance to make the game on time.
No. 3 Half Moon Bay (15-10) vs No. 2 Santa Catalina
But for once, I didn’t feel rushed.
(19-1) at PAL Stadium-San Jose, 4:30 p.m.
Cleveland 22 23 .489 — Milwaukee 29 19 .604 — But first I had to swing by the I got the lineups rather quickly — it
Minnesota 20 23 .465 1 St. Louis 26 19 .578 1 1/2
No. 1 Hillsdale (22-6) vs No. 5 Carmel (16-6) at PAL Chicago 25 19 .568 2
office to pick up my scoresheets certainly helps when CCS events
Detroit 20 27 .426 3
Stadium-San Jose, 7 p.m.
Kansas City 14 33 .298 9 Pittsburgh 26 20 .565 2 and a camera and still had about 25 are held at Peninsula schools,
WEDNESDAY Chicago 13 31 .295 8 1/2 Cincinnati 16 32 .333 13 minutes to get over to the hill on because invariably I’ll know the
Baseball State Route 92. Normally a 15- announcer. As is usually the case at
Open Division semifinals West Division West Division
No. 8 Serra (23-8) vs. No. 4 Los Gatos (22-8) at San
minute ride from the office, the trip tournament games hosted by HMB,
Houston 30 18 .625 — Colorado 26 22 .542 —
Jose Muni Stadium, 7 p.m. Seattle 27 19 .587 2 Arizona 25 22 .532 1/2 to HMB has become more and more Terra Nova boys’ basketball head
No. 3 Valley Christian (27-3-1) vs No. 2 San Benito congested, costing me more time.
(23-5) at San Jose Muni Stadium, 4 p.m.
Angels 26 21 .553 3 1/2 Giants 24 24 .500 2 coach Kenny Milch was on the
A’s 25 22 .532 4 1/2 Los Angeles 20 27 .426 5 1/2 I pulled into the Half Moon Bay
Texas 18 31 .367 12 1/2 San Diego 20 29 .408 6 1/2
call. After chatting with Milch for a
THURSDAY High parking lot at about 10:55
Softball couple minutes, I settled in for the
Division I semifinals Monday’s Games Monday’s Games a.m. for the 11 o’clock start, but rest of the game, which turned out
No. 11 San Mateo (13-9) vs No. 15 San Benito (16-13)
N.Y. Yankees 10, Texas 5
Philadelphia 3, Atlanta 0 the walk from the parking lot to to be an entertaining 3-2 Mitty vic-
at PAL Stadium-San Jose, 4:30 p.m. Washington 10, San Diego 2
Baltimore 3, Chicago White Sox 2 N.Y. Mets 2, Miami 0
the field takes a couple minutes. tory.
FRIDAY Minnesota 4, Detroit 2 Milwaukee 4, Arizona 2 The Cougars’ baseball field, like About the third inning, got a
Baseball St. Louis 6, Kansas City 0 St. Louis 6, Kansas City 0
Open Division championship game, TBD the football field, is down in a val- call from the vet. Two foxtails up
Tuesday’s Games Colorado 2, L.A. Dodgers 1
Tuesday’s Games ley, but the scoreboard is visible as the nose. Cost to remove? About
SATURDAY Angels (Richards 4-2) at Jays (Happ 5-3), 4:07 p.m.
Baseball Atl. (McCarthy 4-2) at Phils (Velasquez 4-4), 4:05 p.m. one walks to the field. I heard the $400. And to compound things,
Boston (Sale 4-1) at Tampa Bay (Faria 3-2), 4:10 p.m.
Division I/Division II/Division III championship NYY (German 0-1) at Texas (Hamels 2-4), 5:05 p.m.
Tribe (Bauer 3-3) at Cubs (Chatwood 3-3), 4:05 p.m. announcer, faintly, and I pulled out our 19-year-old cat needed blood
S.D. (Lauer 1-2) at Nats (Hellickson 1-0), 4:05 p.m.
games at San Jose Muni Stadium, TBD
O’s (Gausman 3-3) at ChiSox (Shields 1-4), 5:10 p.m. Miami (Smith 2-5) at NYM (Wheeler 2-3), 4:10 p.m. my scorebook and watched the work done Monday for another
Softball Detroit (Boyd 2-3) at Minnesota (Lynn 1-4), 5:10 p.m. Bucs (Taillon 2-3) at Reds (Harvey 0-2), 4:10 p.m. scoreboard. A ball goes up on the cool four bills.
Open/Division I/Division II championship games, S.F. (Suarez 1-3) at Houston (Cole 4-1), 5:10 p.m. Arizona (Koch 2-2) at Brews (Chacin 3-1), 4:40 p.m. board. I guess the game has started. Guess I won’t be retiring any
at PAL Stadium-San Jose, TBD Seattle (Leake 4-3) at A’s (Cahill 1-2), 7:05 p.m. S.F. (Suarez 1-3) at Houston (Cole 4-1), 5:10 p.m. time soon.
K.C. (Hammel 0-5) at St. Louis (Weaver 3-3), 5:15 p.m. I record the second pitch, a
Wednesday’s Games
DUBS PLAYOFF GLANCE Detroit at Minnesota, 10:10 a.m.
Colorado (Bettis 4-1) at L.A. (Maeda 3-3), 7:10 p.m.
Wednesday’s Games
strike, and now I’m standing at
the top of the staircase that leads
Kansas City at St. Louis, 10:15 a.m. Arizona at Milwaukee, 10:10 a.m. Nathan Mollat can be reached by email:
WESTERN CONFERENCE FINALS San Francisco at Houston, 11:10 a.m. Kansas City at St. Louis, 10:15 a.m. to the field. [email protected] or by
Warriors 2, Houston 1
Monday, May 14: Warriors 119, Houston 106 N.Y. Yankees at Texas, 4:05 p.m. San Francisco at Houston, 11:10 a.m. Before I take that first step, phone: 344-5200 ext. 117.
Wednesday, May 16: Houston 127, Warriors 105 L.A. Angels at Toronto, 4:07 p.m. San Diego at Washington, 1:05 p.m.
Sunday, May 20: Warriors 126, Rockets 85 Atlanta at Philadelphia, 4:05 p.m.
Boston at Tampa Bay, 4:10 p.m.
Miami at N.Y. Mets, 4:10 p.m. The easiest way to arrange for a cut

Tuesday, May 22: Houston at Warriors, 6 p.m. Cleveland at Chicago Cubs, 5:05 p.m.
Thursday, May 24: Warriors at Houston, 6 p.m. Pittsburgh at Cincinnati, 4:10 p.m.
x-Saturday, May 26: Houston at Warriors, 6 p.m. Baltimore at Chicago White Sox, 5:10 p.m. Cleveland at Chicago Cubs, 5:05 p.m. of the proceeds would be negotiat-
x-Monday, May 28: Warriors at Houston, 6 p.m. Seattle at Oakland, 7:05 p.m. Colorado at L.A. Dodgers, 7:10 p.m. ing with Congress rather than
deals with individual states. If it
Continued from page 11 passed a nationwide bill,
Congress could require casinos,
state could pass, where bets could tracks or state governments to

Five Stunning K
be placed, and who would be over- share some of their revenue with
seeing them. the sports leagues — or pay the
itchens Those leagues also believe they
are entitled to an “integrity fee.”
integrity fees, designed to cover
the costs of policing betting.

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017 0522 tue:0522 tue 235 5/21/18 12:36 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL Tuesday • May 22, 2018 17

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018 0522 tue:0522 tue 235 5/21/18 9:02 PM Page 1

18 Tuesday • May 22, 2018 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

and rental permits as well as transient occu- which could result in additional nuisances, added attempts to disallow short-term

Continued from page 1
pancy taxes from those listing their prop-
erties for rent online.
Councilmembers will also examine an
among other efforts.
While beefing up the city’s regulations,
the proposal stops far short of the calls
rentals are often ineffective, as the variety
of outlets available to interested property
owners are too vast for most municipalities
opportunity to require property owners to from some frustrated residents for banning to track.
keep an agent locally who can respond to all online home rentals in Millbrae. For the company’s part, Airbnb said it is
rentals while also preserving community reports of an emergency at a Millbrae list- Papan said the measured approach is committed to working with Millbrae offi-
safety and neighborhood quality of life ing within an hour. The representative could borne from an interest among officials to cials in an effort to draft a set of regulations
come in the wake of a raging party hosted at allow police onto a property, if there was enhance their ability to monitor the indus- best designed to meet the needs of the local
an online rental property which ended in reasonable suspicion that a crime was being try while also observing the property community.
gunshots. committed, according to a city report. rights of responsible hosts. “Home sharing is very important for
While no one was injured in the incident, Such an authorization would address con- “We have to be able to protect the rights many Millbrae residents who use their earn-
fears shared by residents alarmed over the cerns raised by residents frustrated that of these homeowners who I think have a ings from Airbnb to supplement their
threat of another similar party occurring their repeated reports of the unruly party right to, given the cost of living in our income and get by in an ever more expen-
compelled officials to take action and draft yielded no intervention from police, who region, access additional revenue, ” she sive city, ” said Airbnb spokeswoman
more stringent regulations. were limited in their power to enter the said. “As long as they are not negatively Jasmine Mora in an email. “We want to
Mayor Gina Papan suggested she felt property. impacting their neighbors and we are able continue working with the city of Millbrae
some of the proposed policies would work Following the incident, police officials to assure public safety overall, I don’t see to ensure there are fair rules that help locals
toward ameliorating the concerns raised by said they could not shut the event down that as a problem.” share their home while protecting neigh-
residents after the party last month on because they could not reach the property Papan’s perspective recognizes the con- borhood quality of life.”
Lombardi Lane. owner and the occupants would not allow cerns raised at a previous discussion of the Meanwhile, Papan said she believes offi-
“It appears that we will be able to have officers to enter the house. They could not issue by Millbrae residents who hosted cials will ultimately approve a policy
greater public safety measures on the books force entry because there was no visible short-term rentals and were willing to designed to address Airbnb, and the variety
that will allow law enforcement to respond sign of illegal activity, and action could adhere to enhanced regulations, but of other websites offering similar services.
in a stronger manner,” she said, while not- only be taken after shots rang out. opposed bans on the industry. “We are going for a global approach to all
ing she had not yet reviewed the entirety of The proposed policy would extend to Ban critics claimed the services offered the companies out there,” she said.
the proposal. offer parking restrictions, limitations on by Airbnb or other similar websites
Under the policies up for approval, coun- the amount of renters, property mainte- allowed them to supplement their income The Millbrae City Council meets 7 p.m.
cilmembers may broaden the city’s capaci- nance requirements and prohibitions on by renting additional spaces in their home. Tuesday, May 22, in City Hall, 621
ty to generate revenue by seeking business commercial events hosted at the properties An Airbnb representative also previously Magnolia Av e.

fall of 2014. Though Richard had moved in I can’t continue to go on like this,’” she ant history checks has disqualified many.

Continued from page 1
with her parents in Hayward to care for her
mother, she moved back to her hometown
of East Palo Alto after her mother’s death
said. “If you’re grieving, you can’t grieve
like that for the rest of your life.”
In connecting with groups like Life
“You have to catch the neediest but also
the ones that are ready to be helped and the
ones that are going to be good members of
and worked as a bakery sales cashier clerk at Moves and East Palo Alto Mental Health, the community as well,” she said. “It has
Safeway. But she soon found herself living Richard said she was able to see a therapist, been a great effort, it’s been some intense
don’t have to worry about being in pain.” out of her car and having trouble control- last couple months for us.”
One of 15 apartments available to indi- psychiatrist and case manager with the
ling feelings of anger that could crop up at a Mental Health Association of San Mateo Dedicated to reducing homelessness and
viduals with serious mental illnesses, the moment’s notice, whether it was because enriching the quality of life for those affect-
studio Richard will move into at Waverly County to help her find housing. Combined
another driver cut her off on the road or hear- with medication to help her manage stress ed by mental illness, the Mental Health
Place — a supportive housing project at the ing someone say the word “Mom.” Association purchased the property out of
intersection of Fifth and Waverly avenues and depression, she said she has been able
Richard said she took to drinking alcohol foreclosure in 2013 and broke ground on the
— will not only provide her with housing to work part time at the Stanford University
almost every day of the week and said she project a little more than a year ago after
but it will also give her access to on-site dining halls and stay sober for more than a
felt like she was going to lose her mind. years of assembling funds from federal,
occupational therapists and nurses who can year.
Even though she had long believed mental state, county and city agencies, as well as
help her stay on track with the therapy, health resources weren’t designed for people Isabel Pimentel, a case manager with the private funders and local foundations.
medication and nutrition regimens she’s like her, Richard finally decided to explore Mental Health Association, said a commit- Pimentel said those who have been select-
leveraged to ensure her life is on the rise. them when her own situation felt unsustain- ment to managing what can be severe men- ed for Waverly Place apartments will not
Richard said her life took a turn for the able. tal illnesses was among the most important pay more than 30 percent of their incomes
worse after her mother died of cancer in the “Then I start saying, ‘You know what? … criteria officials considered when selecting toward rent, and that the remainder will be
the 15 soon-to-be-residents of Waverly subsidized. Though Richard acknowledged
Place. She said more than 100 people the move will come with many new experi-
throughout the county matched with the ences, she’s determined to keep her life on
property initially, but an intensive, multi- the upward trajectory it’s taken since she
step process verifying those considered for started focusing on her mental and physical
a spot have been homeless for more than a health.
year, qualify for financial assistance with “If it’s something I really want to do, I’ma
rent and pass criminal background and ten- go do it,” she said. “You only live once.”

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019 0522 tue:0522 tue 235 5/21/18 5:19 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL HEALTH Tuesday • May 22, 2018 19

Congo Ebola vaccinations begin with health workers
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS special care to all Ebola victims
and their relatives.
KINSHASA, Congo — Congo The U.S. Agency for
began an Ebola vaccination cam- International Development has
paign Monday in a northwest said that it has provided an initial
provincial capital in a major effort $1 million to combat the Ebola
to stem an outbreak that already outbreak. The funds are going to
has spread from rural towns into a WHO in support of its joint strate-
city of more than 1 million people. gic response plan with Congo’s
The vaccination drive started a government.
day after the health ministry The spread of Ebola from a rural
announced that a nurse had died area to Mbandaka has raised alarm
from Ebola in Bikoro. The rural since the virus can spread more
northwestern town is where the quickly in urban areas. The fever it
outbreak announced in early May causes can lead to severe internal
began. The death toll now stands at bleeding that is often fatal.
“It’s concerning that we now
There are 49 hemorrhagic fever
have cases of Ebola in an urban
cases: 22 confirmed as Ebola, 21
center, but we’re much better placed
probable and six suspected, accord-
to deal with this outbreak than we
ing to Health Minister Oly Ilunga.
were in 2014,” WHO’s director-
“We have established surveil- general, Tedros Adhanom
lance mechanisms and are follow- Ghebreysus, said at the U.N. health
ing all cases and contacts,” he said. agency’s annual meeting in Geneva
“The response is well-organized on Monday. “I am pleased to say
because we have also put in surveil- that vaccination is starting as we
lance measures at the entry and exit speak today.”
points of Mbandaka.”
In a hopeful sign, two patients Tedros said he is “proud of the
who were confirmed as positive for way the whole organization has
Ebola have recovered and are responded to this outbreak, at head-
returning to their homes, where REUTERS
quarters, the regional office and the
they will be monitored, Ilunga World Health Organization (WHO) workers prepare a center for vaccination during the launch of a campaign aimed country office.”
said. They have left the hospital at beating an outbreak of Ebola in the port city of Mbandaka, Democratic Republic of Congo. This is Congo’s ninth Ebola out-
“with a medical certificate attesting break since 1976, when the disease
received the vaccine Monday at a ing Congolese and Guineans who doses will be available in the com- was first identified. The virus is
that they’ve recovered and can no
ceremony presided over by offi- administered the vaccine in their ing days. initially transmitted to people
longer transmit the disease because
cials. country during the 2014-2016 out- The vaccine, provided by U.S. from wild animals, including bats
they have developed antibodies
against Ebola,” he said. “I’m glad I have received the vac- break, are in Mbandaka to start company Merck, is still in the test and monkeys. It is spread via con-
The virus, however, remains cine against Ebola,” he said. “I ask injecting the 540 doses that have stages, but it was effective toward tact with the bodily fluids of those
longer in semen in many cases and the others (contacts and nursing arrived, the health minister said. the end of the Ebola epidemic that infected.
therefore can be transmitted staff) to get vaccinated to protect It will take five days to vaccinate killed more than 11,300 people in While Congo has contained sev-
through sexual contact for some themselves. Everyone must adhere about 100 registered patients, Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia eral Ebola outbreaks in the past, all
months after recovery. to this vaccination campaign with including 73 health care staff, who from 2014 to 2016. A major chal- of them were based in remote rural
Congo’s health delegation, the goal of protection.” have had contact with patients and lenge will be keeping the vaccines areas. The virus has twice made it to
including the health minister and Guillaume Ngoie Mwamba, direc- their relatives in the Wangata and cold in this vast, impoverished, Kinshasa, Congo’s capital of 10
representatives of the World Health tor of the Expanded Program on Bolenge health zones of tropical country where infrastruc- million people, but was effectively
Organization and the United Immunization, was the first Mbandaka, he said. ture is poor. contained.
Nations, have arrived in Congolese to receive the vaccine The vaccination campaign will Congo President Joseph Kabila There is no specific treatment for
Mbandaka, the northwestern city in Mbandaka. then move to the other two affected and his Cabinet agreed Saturday to Ebola. Symptoms include fever,
of 1.2 million where Ebola cases “This is to give a message of areas, the Bikoro and Iboko health increase funds for the Ebola emer- vomiting, diarrhea, muscle pain
have been identified, to launch the safety and assurance to all of the zones. gency to more than $4 million. and at times internal and external
vaccination campaign Monday. population exposed to the epidem- More than 7,500 doses are avail- The Cabinet also endorsed the deci- bleeding. The virus can be fatal in
Dr. Eric Ekutshu, a doctor in the ic,” he said. able in Congo, WHO said Monday, sion to provide free health care in up to 90 percent of cases, depend-
Wangata health zone in Mbandaka, Two dozen vaccinators, includ- adding that an additional 8,000 the affected areas and to provide ing on the strain.


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020 0522 tue:0522 tue 235 5/21/18 9:07 PM Page 1

20 Tuesday • May 22, 2018 DATEBOOK THE DAILY JOURNAL

ures designed to improve the school’s

Continued from page 1
Hannig cited opening a new campus
in Tracy, offering business classes
Library. 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. San Mateo
online and collaboration with local Gentle Yoga. 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Public Library, 55 W. Third Ave., San
community colleges among the efforts New Leaf Community Market, 150 Mateo. Free. For more information
Along with the course cuts, school designed to better suit the needs of San Mateo Road, Half Moon Bay. call 522-7896.
officials also agreed to eliminate five Cost is $10. For more information
local students, while potentially gen- call 726-3110. Behavioral Health Symposium:
full-time positions, including reli- erating more revenue, according to the Under standing Substance Use
gious studies professor Marianne press release.
Hawaiian Music Jam. 9 a.m. to 11 and Mental Health. 4 p.m. to 9 p.m.
a.m. San Mateo Senior Center, 2645 Filoli Gardens, 86 Cañada Road,
Delaporte who is president of the Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo. Woodside. Free. For more informa-
Meanwhile, Delaporte suggested
school’s SEIU chapter. For more information call 522-7490. tion call 513-1509.
school officials should seek to collab-
Delaporte said the board’s decision The Groovy Judy Band Grooves. 7
orate more closely with faculty mem- Energy Healing through the
confirms the fears and frustrations Chak ras. 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. San p.m. to 10 p.m. The 7 Mile House,
bers in the effort to rectify the finan- Mateo Senior Center, 2645 Alameda 2800 Bayshore Blvd., Brisbane. Free
shared by faculty members.
cial issues. de las Pulgas, San Mateo. for all ages. For more information
“To overcome the challenges facing Registration required. $29-$34. For call (415) 467-2343.
our university, the administration and “The budget challenges we face more information call 522-7490.
the trustees must be willing to listen many students, officials claim they are aren’t insurmountable, and I believe First Annual Salsa Ball. 7:30 p.m. to
The 30’s — San Francisco’s 10:30 p.m. Beresford Recreation
and collaborate with the faculty,” she opting to refine their offerings to we can reach a compromise that saves Amazing Decade. 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 Center, 2720 Alameda de las Pulgas,
said in a prepared statement. “By mov- focus on psychology, education, busi- jobs and prioritizes the needs of our p.m. San Mateo Senior Center, 2634 San Mateo. $50 per couple.
Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo. Presented by The Pacific Skyline
ing forward with program cuts and fac- ness, science and education programs. students and campus community,” she $60 cost. Repeats every week on Council, Boy Scouts of America. For
ulty layoffs without listening to the To improve enrollment, officials said. Tuesday until July 10. For more more information call 341-5633.
information call 522-7490.
faculty’s concerns, the administration also agreed to hire Hernan Bucheli as She noted though such efforts have ‘Three Days of Rain.’ 8 p.m. Dragon
has demonstrated its disregard for the provost and senior vice president for been rebuffed by administrators. Contraption: Rediscover ing Productions Theatre Co., 2120
California Jewish Artists. 7 p.m. to Broadway, Redwood City. General
quality of the academic programs academic and enrollment affairs from “We’re requesting to meet with the 8 p.m. Burlingame Public Library, admission is $35. Student admission
offered at NDNU.” Saint Mary’s College in Moraga, Board of Trustees but the administra- 480 Primrose Road, Burlingame. is $27. For more information call
Discover 16 artists of Jewish 298-9165.
A school official declined to identify where he managed enrollment and tion is refusing to even give us contact descent born in California.
the rest of the staff members whose communication issues. information to reach our own trustees. FRIDAY, MAY 25
It’s not too late for us to turn this A Visit with ‘Uncle Toisan.’ 7 p.m. to Free Hearing Screenings. 9 a.m. to
positions were eliminated, citing con- Greig said in a prepared statement 8 p.m. Menlo Park Main Library, 800 3 p.m. 88 N. San Mateo Drive, San
fidentiality restrictions, but a union Bucheli will help officials meet their around and work together, if the admin- Alma St., Menlo Park. Performance Mateo. In support of May being
goal of drawing students to Notre istration does the right thing.” by storyteller Charlie Chin, bringing Better Hearing Month, come in and
representative said they work in the history to life as ‘Uncle Toisan,’ a have your hearing screened for free.
philosophy, theater arts, French and Dame de Namur. Such a perspective reflects previous Chinese-American immigrant. For For more information call 342-9449.
musical performance fields. “Attracting and retaining students concerns raised by faculty members more information call 330-2501.
Bay Area’s R egional Science
The programmatic cuts mirror a sim- with high quality academic programs who claim officials have not been WEDNESDAY, MAY 23 Fiction and Fantasy Convention.
ilar decision which caused faculty will ensure our future,” she said. “We willing to collectively address the Free Pet ‘Fixes.’ 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. Pet San Mateo Marriott, 1770 South
Food Express, 6925 Mission St., Daly Amphlett Blvd., San Mateo. Runs
uproar two years ago, when officials can overcome the economic forces that issues facing the school. City. Free spaying and neutering through Sunday, May 28. $80 cost.
trimmed majors in philosophy or the- seem daunting to higher education For her part, Greig suggested offi- clinic hosted by the Peninsula For more information visit
Humane Society. Surgery per-
ater arts and master’s degrees in institutions if we work together.” cials are doing the most they can to get formed by a licensed vet in an SPCA
English, musical performance and sys- Greig has noted previously the eco- the San Mateo County’s only four-year surgery vehicle. One pet per family. ‘Three Days of Rain.’ 8 p.m. Dragon
Cats and dogs only. For more infuri- Productions Theatre Co., 2120
tems management and more from the nomic hurdles facing the Belmont university back on a path toward sus- ation call 340-7022. Broadway, Redwood City. General
course menu. school are common across many tainable, financial viability, accord- admission is $35. Student admission
Drop In Computer Help. 10 a.m. to is $27. For more information call
Regarding cutbacks, officials claim small, private Catholic institutions in ing to the press release. noon. Redwood City Main Library, 298-9165.
they are necessary to address budget California. Beyond the new hire and “We are moving forward in deliberate 1044 Middlefield Road, Redwood
City. Come have your questions Magic and Comedy Night. 8:30
limitations invited by a shrinking programmatic reductions, officials are ways to ensure that we can continue to answered regarding your laptop, e- p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Angelicas, 863
enrollment. Rather than continue seeking a variety of other revenue offer our high-quality academic pro- reader, tablet or mobile phone. This Main St., Redwood City. Cost is $22.
offering classes which do not attract enhancement and cost-saving meas- grams long into the future,” she said. free one-on-one help meets in the Two hour show of sophisticated
Small Conference Room on the first magic, illusions and comedy. For
floor of the library. For more infor- more information call (408) 246-
mation email gsuarez@redwoodci- 8422.
“We have reached a crisis that must this room who doesn’t want to do

Continued from page 1
be addressed,” said Assemblywoman
Eloise Gomez Reyes, a Grand Terrace
Democrat and one of the bill’s co-
something, ” the Lake Elsinore
Republican said. “But whenever any-
body says, ‘We have to do something,’
San Mateo Professional Alliance
Network ing Lunch. Noon to 1 p.m.
Central Park Bistro, 181 E. Fourth
Author V isit with Hoang Chi
Truong. 10:30 a.m. to noon. Belmont
Library, 1110 Alameda de las Pulgas,
authors. “No child should have to be that usually means they don’t know Ave., San Mateo. Free admission, Belmont. Author of TigerFish. For
lunch ordered off the menu. For more information call 591-8286.
worried that when they go to school in what to do.” more information contact
ally send some action to students and the morning that they are entering a Assemblyman James Gallagher, a [email protected]. Guitar Session. Noon to 1 p.m.
families who really are scratching war zone.” Yuba City Republican, said he believes
Grand Avenue Library, 306 Walnut
Toastmasters Public Speak ing Ave., South San Francisco. Free. For
their heads and wondering what we can If a judge issues the restraining restraining orders can be effective, but and Leadership Sk ills more information call 877-8530.
do to stem the violence at our order, the gun owner would have to sur- law enforcement isn’t doing enough to Development. Noon to 1 p.m. BKF
Engineers, 255 Shoreline Drive, Suite Craftshop: Simple Slippers. 4 p.m.
schools,” Ting said. render the guns and ammunition to law enforce them. to 5:45 p.m. Millbrae Library, 1
200, Redwood Shores. Join us in a
friendly and supportive atmosphere Library Ave., Millbrae. Materials pro-
The San Francisco Democrat also enforcement. People can find out who Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed while learning to improve your vided. Sign up online. For more
mentioned the shooting earlier this requested a gun violence restraining a similar bill last year, arguing that it communication and leadership information call 697-7607.
order against them, Ting’s spokes- was too soon to expand the state’s skills. For more information call
year at a high school in Parkland, (202) 390-7555. Dance Night with DJ B lake
Florida. If school officials, family woman said. existing law on gun violence restrain- Merkes. 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. Odd
Fellows Lodge Half Moon Bay, 526
members or police could have request- Assemblywoman Melissa Melendez ing orders, which was passed in 2016. Caminar's Expressive Ar ts Ar t
Main St., Half Moon Bay. For more
Show Opening Night Reception. 5
ed a restraining order against the said she doesn’t think the bill gives According to Ting’s office, 200 such p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Philz Coffee, 113 B information call 219-3522.
Parkland shooter, who had demonstrat- gun owners enough opportunity to restraining orders have been issued St., San Mateo. For more information
‘Three Days of Rain.’ 8 p.m. Dragon
email [email protected].
ed violent warning signs, he might defend themselves. She said she other- since the law was passed. Productions Theatre Co., 2120
wise might have supported the bill. Broadway, Redwood City. General
not have been able to legally possess The Assembly passed the bill 46-23. Expressive Ar ts Ar t Show
admission is $35. Student admission
Opening Night Reception. 5 p.m.
a firearm. “I don’t think there’s a person in It now heads to the Senate. to 7:30 p.m. Philz Coffee, 113 B St., is $27. For more information call
San Mateo. Free. For more informa- 298-9165.
tion call 513-1509.
8=BCAD2C8>=B)5 5X]SPPb\
\P]hff^aSbPPbhh^dRRP]Q Qh[[X]ZX]V ‘Fight for 52 cents.’ 7:30 p.m.
1 D ? [TccTabd
S^f]bbXSTc^bXSTPP]SS SXPV^]P[[hf faXcX]Vff^aSb Storyteller Dovie Thomason: The
7 Spirit Survives. 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Dragon Productions Theatre, 2120
Q[P]ZbbWTTc^ ^U_
H^d\\Ph^^][hd dbTT
F > 8 B ^]RTf fXcWX]PPbbX]V[Tf
fXcWPPUUaXT]SPP]SRR^\_PaT Menlo Park Main Library, 800 Alma Broadway, Redwood City. Solo per-
formance about the life of Vincent
6 > : 4 f^aSUUX]SbRRa^bbX]V^ ^dcRR^\\^]f f^aSb St., Menlo Park. A tragic Native
Raymond Dunne. Cost $5 to $20. For
American boarding school experi-
0 6 ; <

1>66;4 H>DA1

ence. For more information call 330- more information contact tick-
B20;4 A0C8=6 2501. [email protected].
, _
_^X]c $   , 2WWP\_ TUESDAY, MAY 29
_^X]cb    $ ,  4  g_Tac NAMI SMC General Meeting. 6:30
p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Mils Health Center, Gentle Yoga. 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
:]daTZ $[[TccTab,
_^X]cb %    ,  ?  a^ 100 S. San Mateo Drive, San Mateo. New Leaf Community Market, 150
_^X]cb "  % %,
, 66P\Ta Co-sponsored by Mills Health San Mateo Road, Half Moon Bay.
Cost is $10. For more information
_^X]cb !  " ",
, AA^^ZXT Center. For more information con-

< > D C
tact [email protected]. call 726-3110.
, _
_^X]cb  !
 0 \PcTda
, $_
_^X]cb  , ,
 Caah PV
VPX] Get Ready: Disaster Preparedness Film Screening: ‘Milk.’ 6 p.m. to
Class. 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. San 8:10 p.m. Menlo Park Main Library,
800 Alma St., Menlo Park. A drama
1^]db Mateo Senior Center, 2645 Alameda

starring Sean Penn. For more infor-

B 2 7
de las Pulgas, San Mateo. SMFD staff

FT_ _dcb
VaXS will teach how to prepare yourself, mation call 330-2501.
h^dUUX]SccWT\. your family, home and workplace for
a disaster. For more information call Learn to Play Bridge this Summer.
F>A3BA A4;0C43C C>C C74 522-7490. 6:30 p.m. to 8: 30 p.m. San Mateo
Senior Center, 2645 Alameda de las
7D<0=5 5024XX]ccWTV

4 8 5
Pulgas, San Mateo. Early registration

Gentle Yoga. 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. is encouraged. Registration is

NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN    New Leaf Community Market, 150 required. $125 for residents, $153 for
San Mateo Road, Half Moon Bay. non-residents. For more information
Cost is $10. For more information call 522-7409.

call 726-3110.

H 4 A 1
Author Panel with Elaine Castillo,
Are you read to go? 10:30 a.m. to Kirstin Chen and Shobha Rao. 7
11:45 a.m. San Mateo Senior Center, p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Burlingame Library,

2645 Alameda de las Pulgas. Learn 480 Primrose Road, Burlingame. For
to secure rights and final wishes more information call 588-7400.
while participating in this one day
7PbQa^88]R $!! ' class. For more information call 522- WEDNESDAY, MAY 30
!! '7
ATbTaeTS 7490. San Mateo Professional Alliance

Networking Lunch. Noon to 1 p.m.

fffQ^VV[TQaPX]QdbcTabR^\ 10AA4=1
10AA4311DAA>F554AA4C??0AA>C= =0AA>F Central Park Bistro, 181 E. Fourth
Potluck Luncheon Hosted by the
Foster City 55+ Club. 11 a.m. to Ave., San Mateo. Free admission,
noon. $6 for non-members. Foster lunch ordered off the menu. For
City Recreation Center, 650 Shell more information contact
Blvd., Foster City. For more informa- [email protected].
tion call 286-2585.
Meet an Author: Channy Chhi For more events visit
Laux at the San Mateo Public, click Calendar.
021 0522 tue:0522 tue 235 5/21/18 12:37 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL Tuesday • May 22, 2018 21








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022-027 0522 tue:Class Master Even 5/21/18 3:19 PM Page 1

22 Tuesday • May 22, 2018 THE DAILY JOURNAL

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022-027 0522 tue:Class Master Even 5/21/18 3:22 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL Tuesday • May 22, 2018 23

110 Employment 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices Tundra Tundra Tundra
Notice of Public STATEMENT #277696
The following person is doing business
Hearings as: Black Lick Rich, 660 Cambridge
Road, REDWOOD CITY, CA 94061.
Registered Owners: 1)Kenneth B Seydel,
The San Carlos School same address 2)Gail Ann M Waldo, 240
District will hold two sepa- Harbor Blvd Apt. C, Belmont, CA 94061.
The business is conducted by Copart-
rate public hearings on the ners. The registrant commenced to
proposed Local Control Ac- transact business under the FBN on N/A.
/s/Kenneth B. Seydel/
countability Plan (LCAP) This statement was filed with the Asses-
and the proposed budget sor-County Clerk on 5/11/18. (Published
for fiscal year 2018-19 on in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 5/15/18,
5/22/18, 5/29/18, 6/5/18).
Thursday, June 7, 2018 at
6:45 p.m. at the San Carlos FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
School District Board STATEMENT #277766
Room located at 1200 In- The following person is doing business Over the Hedge Over the Hedge Over the Hedge
as: OPENCOPY, 31 Airport Blvd, Suite
dustrial Road, 9B, San Car- C, SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA
los, California. A copy of 94080. Registered Owner: Foothill & Hal-
leck, LLC, CA. The business is conduct-
the LCAP and the pro- ed by a Limited Liability Company. The
posed budget will be avail- registrant commenced to transact busi-
able for public examination ness under the FBN on 05/24/2013.
/s/Coraima Rivera/
at the San Carlos School This statement was filed with the Asses-
Caregivers Wanted
Caregivers Wanted District Office, 1200 Indus- sor-County Clerk on 5/18/18. (Published
in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 5/22/18,
Home C
Home are Jobs
Care trial Road, Unit 9, San Car- 5/29/18, 6/5/18, 6/12/18).
los, California from June 4,
(650) 600-8108 2018 through June 7, 2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
mail: jobs@starligh
EEmail: [email protected] between the hours of 9:00 STATEMENT #277763
The following person is doing business
w a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Any as: Detail Plumbing, 630 S. El Camino
pply online or w
alk-in stakeholder affected by the Real #10, SAN MATEO, CA 94402. Reg-
istered Owner: Oly Ribeiro, same ad-
4600 EEll CCamino
amino Real
Real,, # 211,, Los
Los Altos
LCAP or the San Carlos dress. The business is conducted by an
School District budget may Individual. The registrant commenced to
transact business under the FBN on N/A.
appear before the San Car- /s/Oly Ribeiro/ 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices
los School District Board of This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 5/18/18. (Published they have waived notice or consented to NOTICE OF PETITION TO NOTICE OF PETITION TO
Trustees and speak to the in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 5/22/18, the proposed action.) The independent ADMINISTER ESTATE OF ADMINISTER ESTATE OF
LCAP or the proposed 5/29/18, 6/5/18, 6/12/18). administration authority will be granted Hiromitsu Ogawa Maria Guadalupe Nava
Day or Night
Night Shifts,
ts, Immediate
Shiffts Immediate Placement
Placement budget or any item therein. unless an interested person files an ob- Case Number: 18-PRO-00532 Case Number: 18-PRO-00528
years paid experience
Required: 2 years
Required: experience To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, con- To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, con-
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME jection to the petition and shows good tingent creditors, and persons who may
or current
current CNA Certification;
Certification; STATEMENT #277765 cause why the court should not grant the tingent creditors, and persons who may
5/22/18 The following person is doing business otherwise be interested in the will or es-
otherwise be interested in the will or es-
Must Drive
Drive Car;
Car; Speak
Speak and write
write English
English CNS-3131853# as: Peninsula Mobilvet, 420 Upton St., authority. tate, or both, of Hiromitsu Ogawa. A Peti-
REDWOOD CITY, CA 94062. Registered A hearing on the petition will be held in tion for Probate has been filed by An- tate, or both, of Maria Guadalupe Nava.
SAN MATEO DAILY Owner: Mobilvet Corporation, CA. The this court as follows: JUN 12, 2018 at drew S. Ogawa in the Superior Court of A Petition for Probate has been filed by
JOURNAL business is conducted by a Corporation. California, County of San Mateo. The Esperanza Rivera-Nava in the Superior
NEWSPAPER INTERNS The registrant commenced to transact
9:00 a.m., Department 28, Superior
Court of California, County of San Mateo.
Court of California, County of San Mateo, Petition for Probate requests that Andrew
JOURNALISM business under the FBN on 02/20/2003.
400 County Center, Redwood City, CA S. Ogawa be appointed as personal rep- The Petition for Probate requests that
The Daily Journal is looking for in- /s/Gregory Drake/ resentative to administer the estate of Esperanza Rivera-Nava be appointed as
terns to do entry level reporting, re- This statement was filed with the Asses- 94063. the decedent.
sor-County Clerk on 5/18/18. (Published If you object to the granting of the peti- personal representative to administer the
search, updates of our ongoing fea- The petition requests the decedent’s lost
tures and interviews. Photo interns al- in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 5/22/18, estate of the decedent.
5/29/18, 6/5/18, 6/12/18).
tion, you should appear at the hearing will and codicils, if any, be admitted to The petition requests authority to admin-
so welcome. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME and state your objections or file written
STATEMENT #277563 probate. The lost will and codicils are ister the estate under the Independent
We expect a commitment of four to The following person is doing business objections with the court before the hear- available for examination in the file kept Administration of Estates Act. (This au-
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ing. Your appearance may be in person by the court.
eight hours a week for at least four as: Mijouri Sushi Bune, 1230 El Camino STATEMENT #277597 thority will allow the personal representa-
months. The internship is unpaid, but Real #B, SAN BRUNO, CA 94066. Reg- or by your attorney. The petition requests authority to admin-
intelligent, aggressive and talented in-
The following person is doing business
ister the estate under the Independent tive to take many actions without obtain-
istered Owner: Ling Lin, 78 Williams as: Fix Auto Daly City, 6888 Mission If you are a creditor or a contingent cred- ing court approval. Before taking certain
terns have progressed in time into Administration of Estates Act. (This au-
paid correspondents and full-time re- Ave., San Francisco, CA 94124. The Street, DALY CITY, CA 94014. Regis- itor of the decedent, you must file your very important actions, however, the per-
business is conducted by an Individual. tered Owner: Ademir Vila, 210 Hamp- thority will allow the personal representa-
porters. shire Ct., Daly City, CA 94015 . The
claim with the court and mail a copy to tive to take many actions without obtain- sonal representative will be required to
The registrant commenced to transact the personal representative appointed by
business under the FBN on 4/30/2018. business is conducted by an Individual. ing court approval. Before taking certain give notice to interested persons unless
College students or recent graduates The registrant commenced to transact the court within the later of either (1) four they have waived notice or consented to
are encouraged to apply. Newspaper /s/Ling Lin/ very important actions, however, the per-
experience is preferred but not neces- This statement was filed with the Asses- business under the FBN on 2/13/2018. months from the date of first issuance of sonal representative will be required to the proposed action.) The independent
/s/Ademir Vila/ letters to a general personal representa- give notice to interested persons unless administration authority will be granted
sarily required. sor-County Clerk on 4/30/18. (Published This statement was filed with the Asses-
in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 5/1/18, tive, as defined in section 58(b) of the they have waived notice or consented to unless an interested person files an ob-
sor-County Clerk on 5/2/18. (Published in
Please send a cover letter describing 5/8/18, 5/15/18, 5/22/18). the San Mateo Daily Journal, 5/22/18, California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days the proposed action.) The independent jection to the petition and shows good
your interest in newspapers, a resume 5/29/18, 6/5/18, 6/12/18). from the date of mailing or personal de- administration authority will be granted cause why the court should not grant the
and three recent clips. Before you ap- unless an interested person files an ob-
ply, you should familiarize yourself livery to you of a notice under sectioin authority.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME jection to the petition and shows good A hearing on the petition will be held in
with our publication. Our Web site: FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 9052 of the California Probate Code.Oth- cause why the court should not grant the
STATEMENT #277500 this court as follows: JUN 26, 2018 at
The following person is doing business STATEMENT #277743 er California statutes and legal authority authority.
as: Green Light Auto Wholesale, Inc., The following person is doing business may affect your rights as a creditor. You A hearing on the petition will be held in 9:00 a.m., Department 28, Superior
Send your information via e-mail to as: Emperial Ink, 1754 El Camino Real, Court of California, County of San Mateo,
[email protected] or by reg- 7469 Mission Street, DALY CITY, CA may want to consult with an attorney this court as follows: JUN 22, 2018 at
San Bruno, CA 94066. Registered Own- 400 County Center, Redwood City, CA
ular mail to 1900 Alameda de las Pul- 94014. Registered Owner: Green Light er: Ramon Reyes, 233 Hazelwood Dr., knowledgable in California law. 9:00 a.m., Department 28, Superior
gas #112, San Mateo CA 94403 Auto Wholesale, Inc., CA. The business So San Francisco, CA 94080. The busi- You may examine the file kept by the Court of California, County of San Mateo, 94063.
is conducted by a Corporation. The reg- ness is conducted by an Individual. The court. If you are a person interested in 400 County Center, Redwood City, CA If you object to the granting of the peti-
istrant commenced to transact business registrant commenced to transact busi- the estate, you may file with the court a 94063. tion, you should appear at the hearing
under the FBN on N/A. ness under the FBN on N/A.
Request for Special Notice (form DE- If you object to the granting of the peti- and state your objections or file written
/s/Al Bastanmehr/ /s/Ramon Reyes/ tion, you should appear at the hearing objections with the court before the hear-
This statement was filed with the Asses- This statement was filed with the Asses- 154) of the filing of an inventory and ap- and state your objections or file written ing. Your appearance may be in person
127 Elderly Care sor-County Clerk on 4/22/18. (Published sor-County Clerk on 5/18/18. (Published praisal of estate assets or of any petition objections with the court before the hear- or by your attorney.
in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 5/1/18, in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 5/22/18, or account as provided in Probate Code ing. Your appearance may be in person
5/29/18, 6/5/18, 6/12/18). If you are a creditor or a contingent cred-
5/8/18, 5/15/18, 5/22/18). section 1250. A Request for Special No- or by your attorney. itor of the decedent, you must file your
FAMILY RESOURCE tice form is available from the court clerk. If you are a creditor or a contingent cred-
claim with the court and mail a copy to
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Attorney for Petitioner: itor of the decedent, you must file your
the personal representative appointed by
The San Mateo Daily Journal’s STATEMENT #277730 Michael J. Kallis claim with the court and mail a copy to
STATEMENT #277537 The following person is doing business the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four
twice-a-week resource guide for The following person is doing business as: La Rouge Spa, 135 S B St., SAN 63 East Fourth Ave. months from the date of first issuance of
children and families. the court within the later of either (1) four
as: BEBAZ BRANDZ, 44 Oakmont Dr, MATEO, CA 94401. Registered Owner: SAN MATEO, CA 94401 months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representa-
Every Tuesday & Weekend DALY CITY, CA 94015. Registered Own- La Rouge Spa LLC, CA. The business is (650)340-0102 letters to a general personal representa- tive, as defined in section 58(b) of the
er: Bethlehem Peace Mission Import, conducted by a Limited Liability Compa- FILED: 5/9/18
Look for it in today’s paper to ny. The registrant commenced to trans- tive, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days
LLC, CA. The business is conducted by (Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour- California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal de-
find information on family a Limited Liability Company. The regis- act business under the FBN on May 1st
2018. nal on 5/14/18, 5/21/18, 5/22/18) from the date of mailing or personal de- livery to you of a notice under sectioin
resources in the local area, trant commenced to transact business livery to you of a notice under sectioin
including childcare. under the FBN on N/A. /s/Ha Thuy Nguyen/ 9052 of the California Probate Code.Oth-
This statement was filed with the Asses- 9052 of the California Probate Code.Oth- er California statutes and legal authority
/s/Awad Faddoul Jr./ sor-County Clerk on 5/16/18. (Published
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR er California statutes and legal authority
This statement was filed with the Asses- in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 5/22/18, CHANGE OF NAME may affect your rights as a creditor. You
may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney
sor-County Clerk on 4/27/18. (Published 5/29/18, 6/5/18, 6/12/18). CASE# 18CIV01922 may want to consult with an attorney
203 Public Notices in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 5/1/18, SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, knowledgable in California law. knowledgable in California law.
5/8/18, 5/15/18, 5/22/18). COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, You may examine the file kept by the You may examine the file kept by the
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME court. If you are a person interested in
STATEMENT #277549 STATEMENT #277716 400 COUNTY CENTER RD, court. If you are a person interested in
The following person is doing business REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 the estate, you may file with the court a the estate, you may file with the court a
The following person is doing business FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
STATEMENT #277280 as: Quin Sandwiches, 832 Antoniette Ln PETITION OF Request for Special Notice (form DE- Request for Special Notice (form DE-
as: Zcoffee, 1715 Lake St., SAN MA-
TEO, CA 94403. Registered Owner: Da- The following person is doing business AP F, SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA
Morgan Adams Kalakosky 154) of the filing of an inventory and ap- 154) of the filing of an inventory and ap-
vid Zahriya, same address. The busi- as: British Swim School, 701 Foster City 94080. Registered Owners: Divino Caix- praisal of estate assets or of any petition praisal of estate assets or of any petition
eta, same address 2)Ocimar Da Maia, TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: or account as provided in Probate Code or account as provided in Probate Code
ness is conducted by an Individual. The Blvd, FOSTER CITY, CA 94404. Regis-
registrant commenced to transact busi- 3400 Richmond Park Apt. 1509, Rich- Petitioner: Morgan Adams Kalakosky section 1250. A Request for Special No- section 1250. A Request for Special No-
tered Owner: P&S Aquatics LLC, CA. mond, CA 94806. The business is con-
ness under the FBN on 2003. The business is conducted by a Limited filed a petition with this court for a decree tice form is available from the court clerk. tice form is available from the court clerk.
ducted by a General Partnership. The changing name as follows:
/s/David Zahriya/ Liability Company. The registrant com- registrant commenced to transact busi- Attorney for Petitioner: Attorney for Petitioner:
This statement was filed with the Asses- menced to transact business under the ness under the FBN on N/A. Present Name: Morgan Adams Kalakos- Susan von Herrmann Luis G. Molina
sor-County Clerk on 4/27/18. (Published FBN on N/A. /s/Divino Caixeta/ ky PERKINS CO1E LLP
in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 5/1/18, One Embarcadero Center, Suite 500
/s/Pamela Resser/ This statement was filed with the Asses- Proposed Name: Morgan Adams 505 Howard Street, Suite 1000
5/8/18, 5/15/18, 5/22/18). sor-County Clerk on 5/14/18. (Published SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111
This statement was filed with the Asses- (415)647-6003
sor-County Clerk on 4/3/18. (Published in in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 5/22/18, (415)344-7038
5/29/18, 6/5/18, 6/12/18). THE COURT ORDERS that all persons FILED: 5/18/18 FILED: 5/18/18
the San Mateo Daily Journal, 5/1/18, interested in this matter shall appear be-
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 5/8/18, 5/15/18, 5/22/18). (Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour- (Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour-
STATEMENT #277727 fore this court at the hearing indicated nal on 5/22/18, 5/29/18, 5/30/18) nal on 5/22/18, 5/29/18, 5/30/18)
The following person is doing business NOTICE OF PETITION TO below to show cause, if any, why the pe-
as: Cordial Spirits, 63 Lorelei Lane, FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ADMINISTER ESTATE OF tition for change of name should not be
MENLO PARK, CA 94025. Registered
Owners: 1)Norma Arias, 2918 Cosgrave STATEMENT #277557 Robert Chun Chien granted. Any person objecting to the
Ave., Oakland, CA 94605 2) Michael The following person is doing business Case Number: 18-PRO-00281 name changes described above must file
Crager, 63 Lorelei Lane, Menlo Park, CA as: Vader Wear, 100 Newcastle Lane, To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, con- a written objection that includes the rea-
94025. The business is conducted by a BELMONT, CA 94002. Registered Own- tingent creditors, and persons who may
er: Supriya Kumar Vaderhobli, same ad- sons for the objection at least two court
General Partnership. The registrant otherwise be interested in the will or es-
commenced to transact business under dress. The business is conducted by an days before the matter is scheduled to
the FBN on N/A. Individual. The registrant commenced to tate, or both, of Robert Chun Chien. A be heard and must appear at the hearing
/s/Michael Crager/ transact business under the FBN on NA. Petition for Probate has been filed by De- to show cause why the petition should
This statement was filed with the Asses- /s/Supriya Kumar Vaderhobli/ bra Chien in the Superior Court of Cali- not be granted. If no written objection is
sor-County Clerk on 5/15/18. (Published
in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 5/22/18,
5/29/18, 6/5/18, 6/12/18).
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 4/3018. (Published
in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 5/8/18,
5/15/18, 5/22/18, 5/29/18).
fornia, County of San Mateo. The Peti-
tion for Probate requests that Debra
Chien be appointed as personal repre-
sentative to administer the estate of the
timely filed, the court may grant the peti-
tion without a hearing. A hearing on the
petition shall be held on 06/06/18 at 9
a.m., Dept. PJ at 400 County Center,
decedent. Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this Fictitious Business Name Statements,
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME The petition requests the decedent’s will Order to Show Cause shall be published
The following person is doing business
as: My Marketing Coordinator, 785 Port-
STATEMENT #277477 and codicils, if any, be admitted to pro- at least once each week for four succes- Trustee Sale Notice, Name Change, Probate,
The following person is doing business
walk Place, REDWOOD CITY, CA as: Studio One Party & More, 116 E 25th
bate. The will and any codicils are avail-
able for examination in the file kept by
sive weeks prior to the date set for hear- Notice of Adoption, Divorce Summons,
94065. Registered Owners: 1)Gilbert Or- ing on the petition in the following news-
aha, 420 Chapman Lane, San Mateo,
Ave, SAN MATEO, CA 94403. Regis-
tered Owner: Kevin Moreno, 1769 Eisen- the court. paper of general circulation: Notice of Public Sales and More.
CA 94403 2)Giang Doan, 785 Portwalk The petition requests authority to admin- San Mateo Daily Journal
Place, Redwood City, CA 94065. The hower St., San Mateo, CA 94403. The
business is conducted by an Individual. ister the estate under the Independent Filed: 4/25/2018
business is conducted by a General Part-
nership. The registrant commenced to The registrant commenced to transact Administration of Estates Act. (This au- /s/Susan Irene Etezadi/ Published in the Daily Journal for San Mateo County.
transact business under the FBN on N/A. business under the FBN on 4.20.18. thority will allow the personal representa- Judge of the Superior Court
/s/Kevin Moreno/
/s/Gilbert Oraha/
This statement was filed with the Asses- This statement was filed with the Asses-
tive to take many actions without obtain-
ing court approval. Before taking certain
Dated: 4/23/2018
(Published 5/1/18, 5/8/18, 5/15/18,
Fax your request to: 650-344-5290
sor-County Clerk on 5/21/18. (Published
in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 5/22/18,
sor-County Clerk on 4/20/18. (Published
in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 5/8/18, very important actions, however, the per- 5/22/18) Email them to: [email protected]
5/29/18, 6/5/18, 6/12/18). 5/15/18, 5/22/18, 5/29/18). sonal representative will be required to
give notice to interested persons unless
022-027 0522 tue:Class Master Even 5/21/18 3:19 PM Page 3

24 Tuesday • May 22, 2018 THE DAILY JOURNAL

203 Public notices 296 appliances 303 electronics 304 furniture 310 misc. for sale 316 clothes
order to sHoW cause for coffee maker $15.00 white, Kitchen antares doLLars Bill Changer ma- tabLe 24"x48" folding legs each end. sLr Lens Pentax 28-90mm f3.5-5.6 faux fur Coat Woman's brown multi
cHange of name Gourmet, makes up to 12 cups (650)533- chines never used for small bus. $95 Melamine top, 500# capacity. Cost Pentax K Mount $25 (650)436-7171 color in excellent condition 3/4
CASE# 18CIV02248 0907 (650)992-4544. $130. Sell $50. 650-591-4141 length $50 (650)692-8012
SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, sLr Lens Sigma 28-105mm f3.8-5.6
COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, coLeman Lxe Roadtrip Grill - bLauPunkt am/fm/cd Radio and Re- tHree incH egg crate foam twin bed Sigma SA Mount $25 (650)436-7171 genuine Ladies Mink Fur Jacket,
400 COUNTY CENTER RD, Red Brand New! (still in box) $100 ceiver with Detachable Face asking mattress for sound sleep, perfect condi- $50.00 Call: (650)368-0748.
REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 (650)918-9847 $100. (650)593-4490 tion, $20, 650-595-3933 train-coLor Print by John Hugh
PETITION OF Coker $50 Call (650)344-4756 goLf sHoes, FootJoy, black & white
Mayra Violeta Aguilar Viruell eLectric stove From Sears kindLe fire 8 in. Case and Charger tWin bed frame-black wrought iron saddle, 91/2, good condition, $5;
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: uniden HarLeY Davidson Gas Tank (650)591-9769
Excellent Condition $225 incl. 64 gig $40 Jeff (650)208-5758 from Crate & Barrel $65 (650)631-1341 phone. $100 or best offer. (650)863-8485
Petitioner: Mayra Violeta Aguilar Viruell Please Call (650)244-9267
filed a petition with this court for a decree motoroLa bravo MB 520 (android tWin bed, mattress, box spring, frame Water storage tank, brand new, kaYano men’s Running shoes size 11
changing name as follows: HotPoint HeavY Duty Dryer excellent 4.1 upgrade) smart phone 35$ 8GB SD $ 50. (650)598-9804. 275 gallons. 48" x 46" x 39" $155. good condition $20 (650)520-7045
Present Name: working condition Burlingame $50 Call card Belmont (650)595-8855 (650)771-6324
Mayra Violeta Aguilar Viruell Dan (408)656-0958 used bedroom Furniture, FREE. Call Ladies cLotHing, some w/tags.
Proposed Name: Violet Viruell onkYo av Receiver HT-R570 .Digital (650)573-7381. $99.00 (650)589-0764.
maYtag WasHer excellent working Surround, HDMI, Dolby, Sirius Ready,
WaLL unit/room Divider. Simple
311 musical instruments Ladies sequin dress, blue, size XL,
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons condition Burlingame $50 Call Dan Cinema Filter.$95/ Offer (650)591-2393
interested in this matter shall appear be- lines. Breaks down for transportation. pure silk lining, $40.00, (650) 578-9208
(408)656-0958 $25.(650)712-9962 leave message 1929 antique Alto Selmer, Cigar Cut-
fore this court at the hearing indicated Panasonic-39” Led TV, Slightly ter, Newly Refurbished $6,000 OBO Call men's stetson hat, size large, new,
below to show cause, if any, why the pe- mfg H20Labs Model 300 exc cond Used, Ex. Condition,$250.00 (650)238- (650)742-6776. rim, solid black, large, great gift. $40
tition for change of name should not be 7961. WaLnut cHest, small (4 drawer with
counter top $25 Burl (650)248-3839. upper bookcase $50. (650)726-6429 (650) 578-9208
granted. Any person objecting to the cHromatic Harmonica: Horner
name changes described above must file room Heater Electric 1320 Watts, Ar- samsung fLat TV 20" WHite Wicker Armoire, asking $100, The 64 Chomonica, German Made $180, mink stoLe - Excellent condition. Was
a written objection that includes the rea- vin Air Fan Forced Automatic $5. VCR ,set up $70. (650)992-4544 great condition, text for picture (650)571- (650)278-5776. rarely worn. $50. San Bruno. (650)794-
sons for the objection at least two court (650)952-3500 0947 0839
days before the matter is scheduled to tosHiba 48” 1080 HD,w/remote, Very
be heard and must appear at the hearing seWing macHine-roYaL XL 6000 Sharp $99, (650)737-9334.
Wood - wall Unit - 30" long x 6' tall x ePiPHone Les Paul 100th neW WitH tags Wool or cotton Men's
to show cause why the petition should Dressmaker Sewing Machine. $150. 17.5" deep. $90. (650)631-9311 Anniversary Custom Electric Guitar. pullover sweaters (XL) $15/each
not be granted. If no written objection is (650)342-8436. 304 furniture Mint. $600.00 650 421 5469 (650)952-3466
timely filed, the court may grant the peti-
tion without a hearing. A hearing on the sHoWtime rotisserie used once 2 WaLnut 3-drawer nitestands. Tops 306 Housewares fender mustang I guitar amplifier tuxedo size 40, black, including white
petition shall be held on 06/22/18 at 9 $90. Call (650)347-1458 no ans/eave need work but very good cond. $20/ea 70 watts 8-guitar settings.with cover. shirt, excellent cond. $50 (650)355-5189
a.m., Dept. PJ at 400 County Center, message. (650)952-3466. comPLete set OF CHINA - Windsor $80. (650)421-5469
Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this Garden, Noritake. Four place-settings, WiLson LeatHer Lady Jacket. Small,
Order to Show Cause shall be published unitaP standard centerset bath- 20-pieces in original box, never used. fender mustang ll guitar amplifier like new. $45. (808)863-1136.
at least once each week for four succes- room chrome faucet, complete, $10, antique dining table for six people $250 per box (3 boxes available).
with chairs $99. (650)580-6324 110 watts 8-guitar settings, with cover.
sive weeks prior to the date set for hear- (650)595-3933 (650)342-5630 $130.00 (650)421-5469 WiLson LeatHer, burgundy lady jack-
ing on the petition in the following news- antique moHaganY Bookcase. Four et, Small, like new $45 (808)863-1136
paper of general circulation: vacuum cLeaner (reconditioned) crYstaL (Leaded glass) lamp $30. for saLe: Epiphone Les Paul Cus-
$20 Call Ed (415)298-0645 feet tall. $75. (415) 282-0966.
San Mateo Daily Journal
Filed: 5/10/2018
Can send picture. (650)464-7860 tom Prophecy Electric Guitar. Mint. 318 sports equipment
Western WasHboard Sales made armcHair good condition $55. $625.00. (650)421-5469.
/s/Susan Irene Etezadi/ (650)266-3184 griLLing Wok stir fry. high quality
of brass and wood, Golden Beam #25-C. steel. Brand new $27 contact 650 592- 15 sf Giants Posters -- Barry Bonds,
Judge of the Superior Court Huge LudWig Drum Set Silver Sparkle Jeff Kent, JT Snow. 6' x 2.5' Unused. $4
Dated: 5/8/2018 $75. phone 650-369-2486. bedstead singLe, poster style, box 2648 & Chrome, Zelgian, Pasite & Sabian each. $35 all. (650)588-1946 San Bruno
(Published 5/15/18, 5/22/18, 5/29/18, spring, mattress available. $40.00. Cymbals, 24 in. Timpany $4,300
6/5/18) WHirLPooL WasHer DRYER, GE JuLiska Hand-crafted 6 7/16"
Refrigerator all working and in good con- (650)593-7408 (650)369-8013.
plates. 2 bxs, of 4 ea. NEW $15.00 boW fLex Max Trainer M-3-Very Good
dition all for $99.00 (650)315-3240. (650)344-4756 Condition, Like New, Assembled, Paid
beige sofa $99. Excellent Condition Piano, uPrigHt, in excellent condi- $1200 asking $800 Call Michael
WHirLPooL-drYer gas Coin Oper- (650) 315-2319 tion. Asking $345. (650)366-4769 (650)784-1061.
kitcHen craft Cutter with five differ-
ated Laundry $99.00 (650)948-4895 or bunk beds for sale. Cherry Wood, 2 ent cones, brand new, 5 different knives. Piano-1955 baLdWin Acrosonic 36”
order to sHoW cause for (650)302-2456 camPing bed, inflatable. "Lazy sofa".
cHange of name years old. Includes Mattresses. $600 or $35 contact 650-592-2648 High, Free for anyone to pick-up
B/O (650)685-2494 (650)295-9121. Like new. $15.00 (650)588-0842
CASE# 18CIV02397
SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, 297 bicycles Lace tabLecLotH. 84" x 64". Like
new and lovely. Rarely used. $35. San camPing tent, pop up sleeps 2-3
COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, commode, good condition. $20 obo. uPrigHt Piano. In tune. Fair condi- "Quechua, Fresh Black. Co. Waterproof.
400 COUNTY CENTER RD, aduLt bikes 1 regular and 2 with bal- Please call (650)745-6309 Bruno. (650)794-0839 tion. FREE. (650) 533-4886. Like new. $70.00 (650)588-0842
REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 loon tires $30 Each (650) 347-2356
PETITION OF comPuter desk (glass) & chair. Like sink doubLe cast iron. Good condi- vintage Lingerie Washboard circa
tion. $99.00. (650)593-7408 1920’s The Zinc King #703. Suitable for comPetitor WeigHt BenchNever
Julia Kaplan bmx mongoose Outer Limit Bike, new $75 OBO (650)704-4709 or used Still in box. $35.00 (650)593-1261
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: looks almost new, $29 (650)595-3933 [email protected] strumming $50 (650)369-2486
Petitioner: Julia Kaplan filed a petition 308 tools YamaHa acoustic Guitar, model
easton aLuminum bat.33 inches, 30
with this court for a decree changing cHiLd’s scHWinn bicYcLe, bLue in comPuter desk For sale $99 oz, 2 3/4 barrel. $30. (650)596-0513
name as follows: good condition. $20. (650) 355-5189. (650)520-4650 FG830 electric. $400.00 (650)421-5469
antique iron Hand Drills. 3 available
Present Name: Julia Kaplan at $30 each. (650)339-3672 Ron everLast 80# MMA Heavy Bag and
girL's 24" Schwinn bicycle. Good con- comPuter sWiveL CHAIR. Padded ziLJian cYmbaLs with stands, 21” Stand. Like New. $99 (650)654-9966
Proposed Name: Julia Kaplan Dietmar ride, 18” crash. Paistie 18” crash - $99
dition. $25 (650) 387-8121 Leather. $80. (650) 455-3409 craftsman 9" Radial Arm Saw with 6" (916)826-5964 goLf bag travel protector, black, $5;
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons neW 12" girls bike w/ training wheels desk, gd. cond. $99.99 or b.o. dado set. No stand. $55 (650)341-6402
interested in this matter shall appear be- (650)591-9769
$75.00 (650) 347-1458 no ans/leave (650)458-3578 sHoPsmitH mark V 50th Anniversary 312 Pets & animals
fore this court at the hearing indicated mes goLf bag with 22 clubs. Great for peo-
below to show cause, if any, why the pe- most attachments. $1,500/OBO.
(650)504-0585 ple just learning to play. $90 (650)592-
tition for change of name should not be airLine carrier for cats, pur. from 2648
dining tabLe (36"x54") and 4 match-
granted. Any person objecting to the 298 collectibles ing chairs, sturdy oak, cost $600, sell for
Southwest Airlines, $25, 2 available. Call
name changes described above must file vintage craftsman Jig Saw. Circa (505)228-1480 local.
$250 .(650)-654-1930. 1947. $60. (650)245-7517 goLf baLLs, good condition, 100 for
a written objection that includes the rea- 2 adorabLe 1950's girl dolls ."Ginny" $10; (650)591-9769
sons for the objection at least two court doll Knock-offs. Stands & clothes. $20. one kenneL Cab ll one Pet Taxi ani-
days before the matter is scheduled to dresser 4-draWer in Belmont for vintage sHoPsmitH and band
(650)888-9314 $75. Good condition; good for children. mal carriers 26x16. Excellent cond. $60.. goLf cLubs {13}, Bag, & Pull Cart all--
be heard and must appear at the hearing saW, good shape. $300/obo. Call
Call (650)678-8585 (650)342-6993 (650)593-2066 $90.00 (650)341-8342
to show cause why the petition should 80’s toPs Complete Factory Set All
not be granted. If no written objection is Years $99 Call Rick (415) 999-4474. Parrot cage, Steel, Large - approx goLf cLubs, used set with Cart for
timely filed, the court may grant the peti- dresser W/mirror & chest, mid- $50. (650)593-4490
century, blond/tan. Both for $99. Night- 4 ft by 4 ft, Excellent condition $300 best
tion without a hearing. A hearing on the a-team figurines Plus Jeep $20 offer. (650)245-4084
stands also available. SSF. (650)392- HeaLtH rider. Exercise machine. Ex-
petition shall be held on 06/27/18 at 9
a.m., Dept. PJ at 400 County Center,
(650)591-9769 San Carlos
4841 309 office equipment cellent condition. $95. San Bruno.
Pet carrier for small dog or cat in ex-
Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this coLLectabLe memorabiLLia from cellent condition $30. Claudia (650) 349- (650)794-0839
entertainment center for $50. LaPtoP case or bag. Black. Like new.
Order to Show Cause shall be published the Bay Meadow. 9 items at $10 each. Hardly used. $25. (650)697-1564. 6059
at least once each week for four succes- 650-346-9262 for inquiries. Good shape, blonde, about 5' high. HeaLtHrider (originaL 90's equip-
sive weeks prior to the date set for hear- (650)726-4102 Pet taxi Animal Carrier. Brand: Delux ment). Good condition. $25 (650) 387-
ing on the petition in the following news- Lennox red Rose, Unused, hand 310 misc. for sale Nature Miracle - Excellent Condition for 8121
paper of general circulation: painted, porcelain, authenticity papers, free Wooden Bed frame, good condi- $25. Call (650)349-6059.
San Mateo Daily Journal $12.00. (650) 578 9208. tion pictures available (650)322-9598 500-600 big Band-era 78's--most mint, men's rossignoL Skis. $95.00,
Filed: 5/16/2018 email [email protected] no sleeves--$50 for all-(650)574-5459 good condition, (650)341-0282.
/s/Susan Irene Etezadi/ miLLer Lite Neon sign , work good 316 clothes
Judge of the Superior Court $59 call (650)218-6528 free Wooden Cabinet 73"Wide, bessY smaLL Evening Hand Bag With one dozen Official League Diamond
Dated: 5/14/2018 16"Deep and 29"Wide. Built with 2X6 Beige Cord $75.00 (650)678-5371 5 boxes male & female square dance Baseballs. Brand New. $35. Call Roger
musicaL doLL in a Box! "Soft Impres- Lumber. Art at (415)467-7353 Brisbane. (650)771-6324.
(Published 5/22/18, 5/29/18, 6/5/18,
bifoLd sHutters 2x28”x79 $10.00 clothing. Excellent Condition. As a
6/12/18) sions" Porcelain/Bisque.Mint.
Cond. $5. (650)888-9314 gLider rocker and ottoman, oak, excel- (650)544-5306 bunch $200 Maryann (650)574-4439. Prince tennis 2 section nylon black
lent condition. $100 (650)345-5644. Bag with Prince Pro Graphite Racket-
scarLett o'Hara Doll. by "Gambina" casH register Parts; Much Skin Not beautifuL siLver clutch evening $55.(650)341-8342
Mint condition. 12" ht.. $10. (650)888- ikea dresser, black, 3 shelf. 23" x Guts $500 (415)269-4784 bag. Never used. $20 (650)794-0839
9314 15"deep x 50" high. $65. (650)598-9804. totaL gYm XLS, excellent condition.
210 Lost & found corks for wine bottles. New, never
used. 5 bundles of 100 each. $50.00. box of used men's Levi's and misc. Paid $2,500. Yours for $900. Call
star Wars Action figure: Qui-Gon ikea tabLe, black 58" x 21" x 14" high. (650)588-0828
Lost cat. Black and White. Black Jinn (Jedi Knight), mint-in package. $10 $ 30. (650)598-9804. (650)593-7408 jeans $99.00 or best offer fair condition
patch on right eye. REWARD. Steve (650)518-6614. (650)589-0764 touredge reaction ii uniflex sys-
Call (323) 439-7713. Love cHair, velour, tan. $45. costco PLaY Pen with travel bag. tem 8 irons 3-9 and pitch irons
(808)631-1365. Used once $35 (650)591-2981 daWgs brand Kaymann black and new $75. Call May (650)349-0430
299 computers white snake print loafers size 7 (9.3”) $25
books neW deLuxe Twin Folding Bed, Lin- drum -décor ONLY Brass cylinder & Woman’s ski Boots, Nordica, size 8
19" coLor Monitor with stand VG con- ens, cover, Cost $618. Sale $250. Must fittings, wood frame. Has age. $25.00 (650)369-2486 $30 (650)592-2047.
James Patterson hardback books. dition power cord/owners manual includ- Sell! (650) 875-8159. (650)344-4756
2 @ $3.00 each. (650)341-1861 ed $60.00 OBO 1-415-279-4857
neW tWin Mattress set plus frame LioneL cHristmas Holiday expan-
nicHoLas sParks hardback books. i-Pad keYboard. $25.00. (650)588- $30.00 (650) 347-2356 sion Set. New OB $99 (650)368-7537
2 @ $3.00 each. Call (650)341-1861 0842
niagara vibrating Adjustable bed LioneL Western Union Pass car and
quaLitY books used and rare. World recordabLe cd-r 74, Sealed, Unop- good condition Burlingame $90 Call Dan dining car. New OB $99 (650)368-7537
& US History and classic American nov- ened, original packaging, Samsung, 12X, (408)656-0958
els. $5 each obo (650)345-5502 Lorex 14” B&W Surveillance System
(650) 578 9208 Model SG14S1042C-A $75 (415)407-
office tYPe 34"X 60" heavy solid
tHe HaLo Forerunner saga. 3 books. wood with formica wood grain top $25 2360 RWC loction.
Like new. Great gift! $25. (650) 204-0587 300 toys (650) 787-9753 Luggage, red, 21" NEW Samsonite
v.Logvinov, unusuaL Journey to the 100 tHings for little children to do on a Spinner,$50.00. (650)729-3000
ornate Large bookcase: Two
Country of Cyclic Arithmetic, 2017, Rus- trip. 4"X6" cards with instructions. Used. Pieces 5Ft across by 7ft tall Paid $2500
sian, 104p $25 (650)638-1695 FREE (650)595-3933 asking $500 CALL(650)345-9199. makes 6"x6" potholders, frame and
loops included. FREE. 650-595-3933
295 art american fLYer locomotive runs retro HutcH Needs refinishing other-
good #21085 $75.00 (650) 867-7433 wise good condition. Top detaches from meiLink safe-fire Proof,
brusHed finisH, 15" X 20" frame bottom $25. (650)712-9962 50”x31”X31”, 2200lbs $1200
holds 18 various size photos. Never Large stuffed ANIMALS - $3 each (415)309-3892
used. $20. 650-369-2486. Great for Kids (650) 952-3500 seWing storage cabinet, Custom
made wood perfect condition $75.
296 appliances originaL american Girl Doll - Molly, (650)483-1222 negrini fencing Epee mask size M
complete with clothing, accessories, and & France Lames 5 epee blade $95
sofabed, veLour, tan, Excellent (415)260-6940
air conditioner 10000 BTU w/re- books $50. (650)515-1931. condition. $75. (808)631-1365.
mote. Slider model fits all windows. LG
brand $199 runs like new. (650)235- samsonite 26" tan hard-sided suit
star Wars Celebration 3 Darth Vader soLid Wood Dining table with exten- case, lt. wt., wheels, used once/like new.
0898 $20 new w/case Dan (650)303-3568 sion great piece great condition black $45. (650)328-6709
$80 (650)364-5263
air conditioner, Portable, 14,000 siLk saree 6 yards new nice color.for
BTU, Commercial Cool model
CPN14XC9, almost like new! All acces-
302 antiques soLid Wood Entertainment Center- $35 only. Call(650)515-2605 for more in-
TurnTable, Am-Fm, Eight Track, Built In formation.
sories plus remote included. maHoganY antique Secretary desk, Speakers, Sony 26’ Smart T.V.(68.75 in.
20” x 16-5/8” x 33-1/2” $245 OBO. 72” x 40” , 3 drawers, Display case, bev- X 25.5inch X28inch) $500 o.b.o sink, 33”x22” Top mount with faucet,
(650)345-1835 elled glass, $150. (650)766-3024. (925)482-5742 $15.00 (650)544-5306
022-027 0522 tue:Class Master Even 5/21/18 3:26 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL Tuesday • May 22, 2018 25

318 Sports equipment 515 office Space 625 Classic Cars 640 Motorcycles/Scooters 670 Auto Service 680 Autos Wanted
treAdMill-horizon liKe New, limit- CAdillAC ‘85 Classic El Dorado BMW ‘03 F650 GS, $3899 OBO. Call Wanted 62-75 Chevrolets
ed use, Paid $750-Asking $450 OBO

VintAge nASh Cruisers Mens/ Wom-

lAW 44,632 original miles. Needs body work
and headliner $2,975 OBO (650)218-
(650) 995-0003

MotorCYCle SAddleBAgS,
with mounting hardware and other parts
WeSt CoASt
Auto Services
Novas, running or not
Parts collection etc.
So clean out that garage
Give me a call
ens Roller Skates Blue indoor/outdoor sz
6-8. $60 B/O. (650)574-4439
YAMAhA rooF RACK, 58 inches $75.
oFFiCe CheVY ‘55 BEL AIR 2 door, Standard
Transmission V8 Motor, non-op $22,000
obo. (650)952-4036.
$35. Call (650)670-2888

645 Boats
Cash discounts, DMV
Joe 650 342-2483

1220 Howard Ave. CheVY ‘86 CorVette. Automatic.
93,000 miles. Sports Package.$6,800 2003 P-15 West Wight Potter sailboat,
excellend condition. $4,500. Call
786 El Camino Real
340 Camera & Photo equip. Burlingame obo. (650) 952-4036.
(650)347-2559 South San Francisco, CA 94080
niKon 18-140 zoom lenses (3), excel- $850.00 a month CorVette ‘69 350 4-SPeed. 50K
MAliBu 24 ft with tower. Completely re-
MileS. $19,000 OBO or trade for ‘50
lent condition. $200 each. (650)592-9044 built and re-finished. Boat and Motor.
oMegA B600 Condenser Enlarger, In-
(including Parking) Oldsmobile Cpe.. (650)481-5296.
20K obo. (650)851-0878.
Ford 1938-CluB Coup, Restored, 42
struction Manual & 50mm El-Omegar En-
larging Lens $95 (415)260-6940 (650)401-8080 motor, Hydraulic Brakes, $19,000 SeA rAY 16 Ft . I/B. $1,200. Needs 670 Auto Parts
(650)773-1778. Upholstery. Call (650)898-5732.
ViVitAr V 2000 W/35-70 zoom and
original manual. Like new. $99 SSF
norman harris MerCedeS 1974 450 SEL, One owner, 670 Auto Service
BridgeStone AlenzA 235/65R17,
$50. Excellent condition, 80k warranty,
No Accidents, Needs Engine, Pale Yel-
(650)583-6636 low, $4,000 (650)375-1350. used less than 10k. (650)593-4490

345 Medical equipment

620 Automobiles
MerCedeS ‘79 450 SL with hard top.
Completely rebuilt. 20K obo. (650)851-
AA SMog Mini CooPer- Hood Best offer-www.el- Call Don(415)309-3892
0878 Complete Repair & Service
hoMediCS duAl Shiatsu Massage
1986 MerCedez 420 SEL 4-dr Black $29.75 plus certificate fee
Cushion. 3 Zone. $45.00. (650)207-4162
(most cars)
PeerleSS tire Chains, used a few
103k miles $5,000-Don (415)309-3892
635 Vans 869 California Drive . times. Fits several sizes P165-225. $20
Medline exCel K1 Wheelchair fold-
down back 18” desk length elevating leg Burlingame obo. (650)745-6309
toYotA ‘08 SIENNA LE, excellent con-
rests $50 (510)770-1976 1994 MitSuBiShi 3000 GT- VR4 Twin dition, camera, bluetooth, trailer, 94K
Turbo Perfect Cont. Asking $30,000 miles. $9,000. text (925)786-5545 See (650) 340-0492 White StAr Tire Chains, never used.

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

garage Sales (650)315-2959 (650)558-8555 craigslist for pics. P195/75R14. $25 obo. (650)745-6309.
1999 CAdillAC DeVille Contour-Paid
$6,000 Sell $3,000 Good Condition
(650)315-2954 or (650)558-8555
gArAge SAleS
eStAte SAleS don’t lose money
on a trade-in or
Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
Make money, make room! consignment!
List your upcoming Sell your vehicle in the 35 Nautical speed 47 Stun gun brand
garage sale, daily Journal’s 1 Far from 1 Bashful pal unit 50 Winnebago
moving sale, Auto Classifieds. homogeneous 2 Texter’s “If you 36 Cross-sectional relative
estate sale, 8 Fight back ask me” X-rays 52 Pakistan’s
yard sale, Just $45 14 Threatening 3 Vigor’s partner 38 Development site national
rummage sale, We’ll run it
15 Red hot chili
clearance sale, or ‘til you sell it! 4 “Terrible” French 39 Metallica language
whatever sale you pepper kid drummer Ulrich 54 Mt. St. Helens
have... reach 83,450 drivers 16 Bed buyer’s 5 Crucifix 40 Woman with a output
from South SF to concern 6 Foolproof habit? 55 Mobster’s piece
Reach over 83,450 readers Palo Alto 17 Still on the plate 7 Guinness suffix 44 Nantes native 56 “2 Fast 2 Furious”
from South San Francisco Call (650)344-5200 18 Suffix for Gator 8 Carted off to jail 45 Flier’s window actress Mendes
to Palo Alto. [email protected]
in your local newspaper. 19 Like cactus- 9 Looked at closely alternative 57 Sleep acronym
friendly climates 10 “The __ is calm 46 Iranian faith 58 Indian title


Call (650)344-5200 BMW ‘11 328i Coupe, M package, white 20 “__ making a tonight”: “Dover
black, $12,700. (650)302-5523
list ... ” Beach” opening
BMW ‘11 328i, white M package, 105K
miles, $12,500. (650)302-5523 21 Family guy 11 Coming up
379 open houses
‘ 23 “Oliver Twist” 12 Show contempt
CheVrolet ‘86 ASTROVAN,
miles, $3800 (650)481-5296
63K criminal 13 Present perfect,
25 “Sommersby” for one
oPen houSe CONDITION. $8888. (650)274-8284. star Richard 15 Saving one’s
liStingS CheVY 2007 Malibu 4-Door Sedan Grey
200K Miles Excellent condition Premier
26 Deeply absorbed bacon?
List your Open House coated protection $1,800 (650)871-8596 27 Clickable pic 19 Really excited
in the Daily Journal. CheVY hhr ‘08 - Grey, spunky car 28 Skippy rival 21 Polynesian nation
Reach over 83,450
loaded, even seat warmers, $9,500.
29 Roadie’s load 22 One who strikes
potential home buyers & dodge ‘99 MAintenAnCe Van, ,
30 San Antonio while the iron is
renters a day, $2,500 OBO Good condition. Call Spurs coach hot
from South San Francisco (650)481-5296
to Palo Alto. 24 Top pitcher
in your local newspaper. got An older 31 Worth having 25 Birthday present
CAr, BoAt, or rV? 34 With 36-Across, 26 Risqué
Call (650)344-5200 Do the humane thing.
Donate it to the mass-produced 28 Soup du __
Humane Society. ... and what each 30 Essence
Call 1- 800-943-8412
of four black 32 Vintage hue on a
470 rooms
squares in this photo app
hYundAi 2013 Tucson Limited Edi-
hiP houSing tion White, Automatic 6-cyl, naviga- puzzle is? 33 Scary-sounding
Non-Profit Home Sharing Program
San Mateo County
tion, heated front seats, panoramic
roof, leather interior 79k miles excel-
36 See 34-Across lake
(650)348-6660 lent condition $12,950 OBO. Text or 37 “Spun” tales
leave msg (650)533-0671.
38 Arm
515 office Space bone-related
MAzdA ‘12 CX-7 SUV Excellent con-
dition One owner Fully loaded Low 41 News letters
-VirtuAl oFFiCeS- miles reduced $16,995 obo (650)520-
4650 42 Trike rider
$59 - $150 43 Having no slack
*Business Internet *Phone Answering
MAzdA 2016 Sky Active one owner per-
fect condition 4DR Silver Low miles
44 Soft French
*Conference Rooms *Offices $19,995 OBO (650)520-4650 wheel
*Complete IT Services * Mail 45 Bump up against
toYotA ’12 Rav 4, Sport, Silver, 52k
(650) 373-2000
miles, 1 owner, $13,950.00 (650)212-
47 Coastal flock
Bay Area executive offices
toYotA 2013 Corolla-Royal Black,
48 Blues-rocker Int/Ex Like new, Automatic, One owner Chris
49 Somerhalder of
“The Vampire
50 Two in a row?
51 Prompt on stage
53 Massage
meaning “finger
pressure” in
55 Stocking
59 Rodeo ropes
60 Massachusetts
site of Phillips
61 This one or that
By Debbie Ellerin
©2018 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
62 Dangerous wave
022-027 0522 tue:Class Master Even 5/21/18 3:27 PM Page 2

26 Tuesday • May 22, 2018 THE DAILY JOURNAL

Cabinetry Construction Construction Housecleaning Hauling Landscaping


Junk & Debris Clean Up
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022-027 0522 tue:Class Master Even 5/21/18 3:27 PM Page 3

THE DAILY JOURNAL Tuesday • May 22, 2018 27


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28 Tuesday • May 22, 2018 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

North Beach Pizza - That’s Italian

pizza and pasta means making them
happy, which makes me happy. If I don’t
keep improving my business, someone
else will,” he says wryly.
Regulars know chicken parmigiana is
by Sunamita Lim prepared from scratch, and don’t mind

waiting. People also love chicken marsala
orth Beach Pizza San Mateo steeped in a rich mushroom wine sauce
at downtown’s busy intersection with red onions. Chicken piccata with
of B Street and Third Avenue capers is luscious in a white wine lemony
arguably serves some of the best sauce.
pizza and traditional Italian fare
on the Peninsula. Also conveniently Appetizers
located a block from the Cinemark Customers love their traditional Italian
Theatre. appetizers. The ever popular fried calamari
A charming family trattoria with an is lightly battered and served with
inviting ambiance, friendly service and marinara or tartar sauce, along with fresh
aromatic fresh sauces greeting guests even lemon wedges. Breaded chicken breast
before they step over its threshold, this is strips are delish; so are buffalo wings.
an authentic find. But not to longtime
regulars. Pizza with Pizzazz
Since 1994 Adriano Ferreira has dished Indisputably, the pièce de résistance are
up house classics such as chicken North Beach Pizza’s award-winning
parmigiana and prized pizzas. His brother
Renato Gouveia took over on the first of handcrafted pies. The top three pizzas are
2018, determined to keep improving and Barbary Coast, Cable Car and North
innovating on the family legacy. Beach, each with its own signature
Renato is no stranger to the pizza world. sauce—BBQ, ranch-style and traditional
Since 14, he’s been learning and earning red.
his chops in chains, steadily rising from Barbary Coast is redolent in a tangy
managing local fronts to regional sweet-savory BBQ sauce with moist
management, including opening pizza chicken and “the perfect amount of red
places in faraway China and SoCal. onion,” says a customer. Cable Car pizza
What’s the secret? “Handspun dough,
prepared the day before, that’s allowed to has a ranch-style dressing with chicken,
rest and rise overnight,” Renato explains. bacon, tomatoes and green onions. North
“We have thick, thin and extra thin crusts.” Beach, studded with pepperoni, green
He’s jazzed that on rare occasions when pepper, sausage, olives, mushrooms and
leftovers are brought home, reheating pies red onion, zings with the traditional red
in the oven hold up like fresh ones. sauce.
Moreover, people are excited creating their
own pizzas, and seeing how they’re made Ceaselessly Innovating
through the open kitchen. Always innovating, Renato’s take on
It takes a dedicated team to continue dessert pizzas are getting very popular,
raising the bar. Chef Guilhermo Sandoval too. “Once people try them, they come
has been masterminding the kitchen 15 back, often not getting the savory ones,” Above: the most popular pizza, the Cable Car; owner Renato Gouveia serves it up.
years. So has service manager Cleuma he says. Both dessert pies have thin crusts. Below (clockwise from left): The North Beach dining room; fettucine fruiti de mare; an
Guilhem in graciously attending to
customers. Banana Special, lined with light array of tasty appetizers; calamari appetizer; house specialty Chicken Parmigiana.
Not surprising, catering is catching on mozzarella is topped with banana,
given customer raves. In Silicon Valley, it condensed milk and cinnamon. Chocolate
means attracting software companies Special also has mozzarella, but comes traditional Bolognese or marinara sauces, fettucine frutti de mare (prawns in pink
drawn to spectacular pizza. Customers are with Nutella and strawberries. or try it with meatballs, ‘shrooms or sauce) and fettucine chicken in alfredo or
delighted his team always arrives on time, clams. If you’re hankering for something
setting up a fabulous feast. Pasta-licious! marinara sauce will be holdovers.
Fettucine frutti de mare is this simple, get the aglio e olio—Naples’ Stay tuned for calzones and other
Living a Dream restaurant’s signature pasta entrée. A beautifully full-flavored pasta dish sauced specialties to debut.
“I’m living my dream, happy to own my mouthwatering presentation of prawns and with a saute of garlic (aglio) in olive oil Meanwhile, take a bow, wowing guests
place, finally,” Renato enthuses. Just 30, clams in pink sauce, the seafood is sautéed (olio) and shaved parmesan.
this foodie balances family life with wife at North Beach Pizza San Mateo—an
Bruna and three daughters, Isabella (10), with onions, tomatoes and bell peppers. unrivalled destination for some of the
Fettucine chicken in alfredo or marinara Variety, the Spice of Life
Kayla (5) and Charlotte (6 months). For Never content with everyday fare, Peninsula’s best Italian food—open Friday
fun, he kicks off at soccer games. sauce also offers mouthfuls of gustatory
Renato is experimenting with a new menu and Saturday 11-11, and Sunday through
Renato’s driven to excel for two reasons. satisfaction.
“Offering customers the freshest, tastiest Spaghetti lovers can indulge in for November. Traditional classics such as Thursday 11-10.

240 E 3rd Ave, San Mateo | 650.344.5000

Sunday – Thursday 11am – 10pm | Friday & Saturday 11am–11pm

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