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Good nutrtion allows children to grow, develop, learn, play, participate and contribute

to all activity, while malnutrition robs children of their futures and leaves young lives
hanging in the balance

In 2016, wasting continued to threaten the lives of an estimated 7.7 % or nearly 52 milion
children under 5 globally, while 22.9 % or 154.8 million children under 5 are stunting. In
asia, the ratio of stunted, overweight and wasted children are about 4.5 : 1 : 1.8

Wasting in children is the life-threatening result of hunger and/or disease. Children

suffering from wasting have weakend immunity and are susceptible to long term
developmental delays, and face an increased risk of death.

These are the best an individual criteria to capture the state of malnutrition

 Feeling weak and loss of appetite

 Losing weight without trying (which can be measure using anthropometry)
 Becoming sick more often
 Long recovery from illness
 Having digestive problems
 Slow wound healing

Many factors can cause malnutrition, most of which relate to poor diet or severe and
repeated infections, particularly in underprivileged populations (poverty), an illness
changes consumption habits, difficulty chewing or swallowing and unintended weight
loss/gain of 5 kg in 6 months

References :
Cederholm, T., Bosaeus, I., Barazzoni, R., & Bauer, J. (2015). Diagnostic Criteria for Malnutrition - An
ASPEN Consensus Statement. Clinical Nutrition, 335-340.

UNICEF and WHO. (2017). Levels and trends in Child Malnutrition. Washington DC: UNICEF, WHO and
World Bank Group.

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