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Personality and Individual Differences 33 (2002) 1325–1342

Do personality factors predict job satisfaction?

Adrian Furnhama,*, K.V. Petridesa, Chris J. Jacksonb, Tim Cotterc
Department of Psychology, University College London, 26 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AP, UK
School of Psychology, University of Queensland, Australia
Management Technology Consulting Group, Auckland, New Zealand

Received 31 May 2001; received in revised form 4 December 2001; accepted 3 January 2002

Two studies investigated the relationships between personality traits and aspects of job satisfaction. In
Study 1, job applicants (n=250) completed the Eysenck Personality Profiler and the Work Values Ques-
tionnaire (WVQ), which requires respondents to rate various work-related facets according to the extent to
which they contribute to their job satisfaction. These facets were combined into two composites (hygiene
and motivator) based on previous research. The three personality superfactors accounted for a small per-
centage of the variance in importance ratings (about 5%). In Study 2, employees (n=82) completed a
measure of the ‘Big Five’ personality traits and the Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (JSQ), which assesses
both what respondents consider as important in their work environment as well as their satisfaction with
their current job. Importance ratings were again combined into two composites while job satisfaction rat-
ings were factor analyzed and three factors, differentiated along hygiene versus motivator lines, emerged.
Personality traits again accounted for a small percentage of the total variance both in importance ratings
and in levels of job satisfaction. It is concluded that personality does not have a strong or consistent
influence either on what individuals perceive as important in their work environment or on their levels of
job satisfaction. # 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
Keywords: Personality; Job satisfaction; Intrinsic and extrinsic job motivation

What features of a job do people rate as important contributors to their happiness at work and
how does one’s personality bear on what he or she perceives as important? Does personality
influence what job seekers look for in a job? The present studies examine these questions and also
look at the relationships between personality traits and actual job satisfaction, i.e. the degree to
which job features that are highly valued by individuals are present in their work environment. A

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +44-20-7679-5395; fax: +44-20-7436-4276.

E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Furnham).

0191-8869/02/$ - see front matter # 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.

PII: S0191-8869(02)00016-8
1326 A. Furnham et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 33 (2002) 1325–1342

number of recent studies have looked at personality trait correlates of job satisfaction (e.g. Con-
nolly & Viswesvaran, 2000; Hart, 1999; Judge, Higgins, Thoresen, & Barrick, 1999). Because
earlier research demonstrated the dispositional nature of job satisfaction (Arvey, Bouchard,
Segal, & Abraham, 1989; Bouchard, Arvey, Keller, & Segal, 1992; Keller, Bouchard, Arvey,
Segal, & Dawis, 1992), researchers (e.g. Brief, 1998) have called for an examination of the psy-
chological processes underlying this trait. The purpose of the present paper is to investigate the
extent to which personality traits can predict what work-related aspects employees perceive as
important to their job satisfaction.
Probably the best-known popular ‘‘theory of job satisfaction’’ is that of Herzberg, Mausner,
and Snyderman (1959). Herzberg et al. (1959) argued that job satisfaction and dissatisfaction
depend on substantially different sets of work-related conditions and are therefore influenced by
different factors. This position, along with a range of relevant empirical evidence, have been
partly reviewed by Brief (1998, p. 21), who noted: ‘‘I will reconsider job satisfaction as affect and
introduce evidence suggesting that positive and negative affect likely are independent of one
another. Thus, of the ideas advanced by Herzberg, I remain somewhat attached to the possibility
that job satisfaction in not necessarily the opposite of job dissatisfaction.’’
According to Herzberg et al.’s (1959) two-factor1 theory, workers have two major types of
needs: hygiene and motivator. Hygiene needs are said to be satisfied by certain conditions called
hygiene factors or dissatisfiers (supervision, interpersonal relations, physical working conditions,
salary, benefits, job security, etc.), which concern the context in which the job has to be done. The
theory suggests that job dissatisfaction ensues in those cases where hygiene factors are absent
from one’s work environment. Conversely, when hygiene factors are present, e.g. when workers
perceive that their pay is fair and that their working conditions are good, barriers to job satis-
faction are removed. However, the fulfillment of hygiene needs cannot in itself result in job
satisfaction, but only in the reduction or elimination of dissatisfaction.
Motivator needs are fulfilled by what Herzberg et al. (1959) called motivator factors or satisfiers
(achievement, responsibility, advancement, etc.). Whilst hygiene factors are related to the context
of work, motivator factors are concerned with the nature and consequences of work. Compared to
hygiene factors, which result in a ‘neutral state’ (neither satisfaction nor dissatisfaction), the pre-
sence of motivator factors is thought to result in job satisfaction. However, when recognition,
responsibility, and other motivator factors are absent from a job, the result will not be dis-
satisfaction, as with the absence of hygiene factors, but rather the same neutral state associated
with the presence of hygiene factors. The theory also implies that if motivator factors are present
and hygiene factors absent, the job incumbent will still be dissatisfied.
Herzberg et al.’s (1959) two-factor theory led to widespread enthusiasm for job enrichment
schemes, i.e. the design of tasks in such a way as to build in the opportunity for personal
achievement, recognition, challenge, and individual growth (e.g. job rotation and enlargement).
Job enrichment programmes provided workers with more responsibility and autonomy in carry-
ing out tasks as well as with timely feedback on their performance. However, studies in the 1970s
failed to provide evidence in support of the two-factor theory and reviewers became very critical
of Herzberg’s methods, conclusions, and discount of individual differences (Locke, 1969, 1976).
Early research failed to provide support for the theory or replicate Herzberg’s findings (e.g.

The term ‘factor’ should not be interpreted in a statistical sense in this case, but rather as a synonym for ‘type’.
A. Furnham et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 33 (2002) 1325–1342 1327

Hulin, 1971) and it was shown that both types of factors could influence both satisfaction and
dissatisfaction (Wernimont, 1966). Korman (1971, p. 179) concluded that disconfirming evidence
had ‘‘effectively laid the Herzberg theory to rest’’. More importantly, many studies that have tried
to distinguish between the two types of factors have found them highly correlated.
King (1970) also pointed out conceptual problems in the theory by offering five slightly differ-
ent hypotheses derived from it. He concluded that three of the hypotheses were either invalid or
not tested in the original studies where defensive bias in self-reporting was not controlled. Waters
and Waters (1972) in fact tested four of the five hypotheses, but failed to find any support for
them. Nevertheless, they concluded that motivator/intrinsic variables are generally more potent
than hygiene/extrinsic variables and that job satisfaction is more predictable than job dis-
satisfaction. Kerr, Harlan, and Stogdill (1974) found that people systematically differentiated
motivator from hygiene needs in a hypothetical interview situation devoid of concrete features
that could warrant such a distinction. The fact that people preferred motivator over hygiene
factors in this situation led the authors to suggest that Herzberg’s theory is little more than an
(attribution) error of attributing satisfaction to internal factors and dissatisfaction to external
Despite the criticisms, the ideas of Herzberg et al.’s (1959) two-factor theory have not passed
out of the literature. Many researchers currently differentiate between ‘intrinsic’ and ‘extrinsic’
aspects of various job-related attitudes and beliefs (Amabile, Hill, Hennessey, & Tighe, 1994;
Judge et al., 1999; Judge & Larsen, 2001; Pelletier, Fortier, Vallerand, Tuson, Brere, & Blais,
1995). Knoop (1994b) factor analysed measures of job satisfaction and work values completed by
386 adult educators. He found evidence of five factors, which he labelled ‘intrinsic work-related
values’ (e.g. exercising responsibility, doing meaningful work); ‘intrinsic work-outcome values’
(e.g. job status, recognition for work well done); ‘extrinsic job-outcome values’ (e.g. benefits like
vacation and pension, job security); ‘extrinsic job-related values’ (e.g. convenient hours of work,
good working conditions) and, finally, ‘extrinsic people-related values’ (e.g. satisfaction with
supervisor and co-workers, promotions). Knoop (1994b) argued that these results supported and
extended the two-factor theory, with the two intrinsic factors concerning motivator variables
(satisfiers) and the three extrinsic factors concerning hygiene variables (dissatisfiers).
In a second study, Knoop (1994a) tested two predictions from the two-factor theory, i.e. that
intrinsic work values would have an inverse relationship with stress (individuals with a strong
sense of achievement, recognition, responsibility, etc., should experience less stress) and that the
presence of extrinsic work values would not lead to stress reduction. Knoop’s (1994a) study was
based on a sample of 607 teachers and administrators, who completed measures of work values
and stress. He found that stress correlated negatively with most of the intrinsic work values, but
was not consistently related to extrinsic ones. Nevertheless, it should be noted that not all authors
use the terms ‘intrinsic’ and ‘extrinsic’ as synonyms of the Herzbergian hygiene and motivator
Although this paper takes into consideration some of the more influential of Herzberg’s ideas
and uses his terminology (in this case, synonymously with intrinsic/extrinsic satisfaction), it is
certainly not an attempt to revive his theory. Rather, it aims to replicate and extend Furnham,
Forde, and Ferrari’s (1999) research on the features that applicants tend to personally value in a
job. The findings of that study indicated that Extraversion is related to intrinsic factors of job
satisfaction, whereas Neuroticism is mainly associated with extrinsic factors. However, as Furnham
1328 A. Furnham et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 33 (2002) 1325–1342

et al. (1999) noted, their sample size was small and the results needed replication. Thus, Study 1 is
a straightforward replication of Furnham et al. with a bigger sample, whereas Study 2 extends
this research by examining job satisfaction in relation to the Big Five rather than the Eysenckian
three. Furthermore, Study 2 looks both at ratings of importance for 37 work aspects relevant to
job satisfaction as well as at ratings of actual job satisfaction. In other words, in addition to rat-
ing how important each of the 37 facets are, participants also rated the degree to which each facet
is actually present in their current work environment. Thus, the primary aim of the two studies
presented herein is to examine the effects of basic personality traits on judgements pertaining to
job satisfaction.

1. Study 1

In a study of 92 job applicants, Furnham et al. (1999) found theoretically meaningful relation-
ships between personality traits and aspects of job satisfaction. They asked job applicants to
complete the Eysenck Personality Profiler and rate various work-related facets according to how
much they contribute to their happiness at work. These facets were then combined into two
internally reliable composites (hygiene/extrinsic and motivator/intrinsic) based on Herzberg et
al.’s (1959) two-factor theory. Regression analysis showed that extraverts were sensitive to moti-
vator factors, while neurotics were sensitive to hygiene factors. The third Eysenckian dimension,
Psychoticism, was marginally related to the hygiene composite, with tender-minded (low Psy-
choticism) individuals giving higher ratings of importance to external aspects of a job. The three
superfactors collectively explained about 20 and 30% of the variance in the motivator and
hygiene composites, respectively. These results, however, were obtained on a sample of limited
size (n=92). Study 1 will examine the extent to which the findings of Furnham et al. (1999)
replicate on a substantially larger sample of adult job applicants.

2. Method

2.1. Participants

In total, there were 250 participants in the study of whom 165 were female and 85 male. Their
mean age was 32.93 years (SD=8.91 years). The majority of participants were white, middle-class
New Zealanders.

2.2. Materials

2.2.1. The Eysenck Personality Profiler (EPP; Eysenck, Barrett, Wilson, & Jackson, 1992)
The EPP is a 420-item questionnaire measuring 21 primary factors, i.e. seven for each of the
three Eysenckian superfactors (Psychoticism, Extraversion, & Neuroticism). The labels of the
primary factors, along with a brief description, are presented in Table 1. The test is usually
administered by personal computer and items are responded to on a trichotomous scale (Yes/
Can’t Decide/No). In addition to the 21 primary and three higher-order factors, the test provides
A. Furnham et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 33 (2002) 1325–1342 1329

Table 1
Two-tailed correlations for the variables in Study 1

EPP scales Brief description Hygiene Motivator

composite composite

Inactive Get easily tired, prefer to perform tasks one at a time, and 0.033 0.176**
tend to be good finishers of work.
Unsociable Enjoy solo activities, often have difficulty finding things to talk 0.033 0.114
to other people, sometimes appear withdrawn in social occasions.
Inhibited Reserved, even-tempered, detached, and generally controlled. 0.023 0.028
Submissive Humble, timid, and non-assertive. 0.049 0.169**
Unambitious Place little value in competitive performance or creative output in 0.163** 0.285**
their area of work.
Dogmatic Rigid, likely to see things in black and white, and intolerant of 0.157* 0.001
Aggressive Argumentative, sometimes sarcastic, and likely to ‘get back’ 0.076 0.100
at anyone who transgresses against them.

Introversion 0.120 0.181**

Self-Esteem Confident, think highly of themselves, believe they are well liked 0.077 0.173**
by others.
Happy Optimistic, cheerful, tend to find life rewarding. 0.029 0.197**
Calm Placid, serene, resistant to anxiety and irrational fears. 0.084 0.183**
Autonomy Independent, like freedom to make their own decisions, masters of 0.098 0.104
their fate.
Sense of Health Do not worry excessively about their health, resistant to stress. 0.037 0.075
Guilt Freedom Disinclined to punish themselves or regret their past behaviour. 0.052 0.114
Casual Easy going, little need for order, routine, or ritual. 0.124* 0.011

Stability 0.094 0.162*

Careful Risk averse, show preference for familiarity, safety, and security. 0.179** 0.038
Control Consider matters carefully before taking decisions, systematic, 0.027 0.063
orderly, and cautious.
Responsible Careful, considerate, reliable, and trustworthy. 0.054 0.117
Empathy Warm-hearted, trusting, and sensitive, but perhaps also a little 0.005 0.025
naı̈ve or gullible.
Unadventurous Have little need for excitement or adventure, prefer the secure and 0.092 0.071
familiar comforts of home.
Tender-minded Easily upset by bugs, blood, and brutality, tend to have interest in 0.166** 0.025
delicate matters such as art, clothes, and flowers.
Reflective Interested in ideas, abstractions, and philosophy, generally thoughtful 0.205** 0.151*
and introspective.

Psychoticism (low) 0.171** 0.075

Dissimulation (high) 0.131* 0.136*

‘‘Can’t Decide’’ (high) 0.090 0.062

* P <0.05.
** P <0.01.
1330 A. Furnham et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 33 (2002) 1325–1342

scores on dissimulation (lie scale), response latency (total time recorded in minutes and seconds to
complete the test), and the number of ‘‘can’t decide’’ responses. The latter three variables have
themselves been shown to relate to personality traits (Furnham, Forde, & Cotter, 1998). The EPP
has satisfactory evidence of both reliability and validity (Costa & McCrae, 1995; Eysenck et al.,
1992; Jackson, Furnham, Forde, & Cotter, 2000). In this study, the internal consistencies for the
three Eysenckian superfactors were 0.64, 0.89, and 0.66 for Extraversion, Neuroticism, and Psy-
choticism, respectively.

2.2.2. Work Values Questionnaire (WVQ; Mantech, 1983)

This questionnaire consists of two parts that require job applicants to rate 24 work-related
aspects (e.g. convenient hours or work, feedback concerning the results of your work, job security,
etc.) in two different ways. First, participants are invited to rate on a six-point scale how important
each aspect is to them personally. Second, they are asked to indicate the extent to which they
expect each of the aspects to be present in the job for which they are applying. The present study
will consider only the former type of ratings. Following Furnham et al. (1999), 18 of the 24
aspects were classified into a hygiene/extrinsic composite and a motivator/intrinsic composite
based on Herzberg et al.’s (1959) two-factor theory.

2.3. Procedure

Respondents were job applicants participating in a professionally run assessment centre. They
were assessed for jobs in a wide range of occupations most of which in the service section. Each
respondent was debriefed about the content of these and other tests they were required to

3. Results

The internal consistencies for the hygiene/extrinsic and motivator/intrinsic composites were
satisfactory (=0.80 and =0.84, respectively). The two composites were subsequently corre-
lated with the EPP 21 primary scales, the three Eysenckian superfactors, dissimulation, and the
number of ‘‘can’t decide’’ responses. These correlations are presented in Table 1.
The results showed that Extraversion (r=0.18) and Stability (r=0.16) correlated with the
motivator composite, while low Psychoticism correlated (r=0.17) with the hygiene composite. As
regards the primary scales, seven (three from Extraversion, three from Neuroticism, and one from
Psychoticism) correlated with the motivator composite, while six (two from Extraversion, one
from Neuroticism, and three from Psychoticism) correlated with the hygiene composite. The
dissimulation score indicated that individuals with high scores on social desirability tended to
give higher ratings on both composites (r=0.13 for hygiene/extrinsic and r=0.14 for motivator/
The two composites were subsequently entered as dependent variables in two regression equa-
tions, with the three Eysenckian superfactors, dissimulation, and the total number of ‘‘can’t
decide’’ responses as independent variables. Table 2 presents the results of the two regressions in
compact form.
A. Furnham et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 33 (2002) 1325–1342 1331

The regression of the hygiene/extrinsic composite was significant (F(5, 243)=3.45, P<0.01;
R2adj=0.05). In the presence of the other four variables in the equation, low Psychoticism was a
significant positive predictor of the hygiene composite (=0.172, t=2.41, P<0.05). The only
other reliable predictor in the equation was Introversion (= 0.144, t=2.25, P<0.05). The
equation with the motivator/intrinsic composite as the dependent variable was also significant
(F(5, 244)=3.96, P<0.01; R2adj=0.06). Introversion was a reliable negative predictor in this case
too (= 0.175, t=2.73, P<0.01). The other predictor that reached significance levels in the
equation was Stability (=0.157, t=2.49, P<0.05). Neither dissimulation nor the total number
of ‘‘can’t decide’’ responses was a reliable predictor of either composite in the presence of the
Eysenckian dimensions.
A second set of two regressions was carried out, this time excluding dissimulation and number
of ‘‘can’t decide’’ responses from the equations. The purpose of this analysis was to derive a pure
estimate of personality effects, independent of the influence of dissimulation and number of
‘‘can’t decide’’ responses. As can be seen in Table 3, the results were not appreciably different in
respect of the significant regressors in the two equations. The shrunken squared multiple corre-
lation indices (R2adj) indicated that the effects of personality on what people perceive as important
elements in their job environment are rather limited, explaining only about 5% of the variance in
the two criteria.

4. Discussion

The correlations obtained in Study 1 were generally in line with those reported in Furnham et
al. (1999) for Extraversion and Psychoticism, but quite different for Neuroticism. In particular,
extraverts seem to be more sensitive to motivator aspects of a job, such as praise and recognition
for their contributions. This result makes good sense in the context of Gray’s (e.g. 1981, 1982)
theory, which predicts that extraverts will be responsive to rewards while introverts will be

Table 2
Regression of the hygiene and motivator composites on the three Eysenckian superfactors, dissimulation, and total
number of ‘‘can’t decide’’ responses

Hygiene/Extrinsic Motivator/Intrinsic

F(5, 244)=3.45**, R2adj=0.05 F(5, 243)=3.96**, R2adj=0.06

Beta t Beta t

Introversion 0.144 2.25* 0.175 2.73**

Stability 0.102 1.61 0.157 2.49*
Psychoticism (low) 0.172 2.41* 0.064 0.91
Dissimulation (high) 0.048 0.67 0.075 1.05
‘‘Can’t Decide’’ (high) 0.039 0.60 0.054 0.85

* P< 0.05.
** P< 0.01.
1332 A. Furnham et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 33 (2002) 1325–1342

Table 3
Regression of the hygiene and motivator composites on the three Eysenckian superfactors

Hygiene/Extrinsic Motivator/Intrinsic

F(3, 246)=5.47**, R2adj=0.05 F(3, 245)=5.92**, R2adj=0.06

Beta t Beta t

Introversion 0.157 2.51* 0.193 3.08**

Stability 0.105 1.69 0.154 2.49*
Psychoticism (low) 0.198 2.41** 0.104 1.67

* P< 0.05.
** P< 0.01.

responsive to punishment. This prediction has received adequate support in research unrelated to
occupational settings (e.g. Boddy, Carver, & Rowley, 1986; McCord & Wakefield, 1981), but it
seems that the extravert’s responsiveness to positive reinforcement influences his or her behaviour
across a wide range of environments. A low positive correlation between Extraversion and the
hygiene composite replicates the earlier finding by Furnham et al. (1999) and shows that extra-
verts may also be sensitive to some extrinsic aspects of a job. Indeed, the regression analysis
indicated that Extraversion was a significant positive predictor of both composites. There is
plenty of evidence to suggest that extraverts would highly value certain extrinsic aspects in a job,
such as opportunities to interact with others and rewards in the form of pay rises and benefits
(e.g. Eysenck & Eysenck, 1985; Furnham & Heaven, 1999). Furthermore, this finding is in accord
with evidence that the core feature of Extraversion is reward sensitivity, rather than sociability
(Lucas, Diener, Grob, Suh, & Shao, 2000).
In contrast to the strong negative correlations between all seven primary scales of Stability
and the hygiene composite reported by Furnham et al. (1999), in the present study, Stability
correlated (positively) with the motivator, but not with the hygiene composite. This discrepancy
was also manifested in the regression analyses, where Stability was a significant positive predictor
of the motivator composite, but was not reliably associated with the hygiene composite. It should
be noted that, in general, Neuroticism (negative affectivity) tends to be negatively associated with
job satisfaction (e.g. Brief, Butcher, & Roberson, 1995; Levin & Stokes, 1989; Watson & Clark,
The results on Psychoticism support the findings of Furnham et al. (1999) in showing that
individuals with low scores on this dimension tend to emphasize hygiene rather than motivator
aspects in a job. The same conclusion can be drawn from the regression analyses, which revealed
an incremental negative association between Psychoticism and the hygiene composite, but no
relationship with the motivator composite. It is likely that meek, compliant, and non-impulsive
individuals are more interested in the contextual (external) aspects of a job. However, it is not
possible to establish through the present data whether individuals low on Psychoticism are more
sensitive to hygiene/extrinsic aspects or whether they have to present themselves as such (i.e.
meek, compliant, etc.) because this would increase their chances of attaining favourable external
conditions (e.g. high pay) in their job.
A. Furnham et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 33 (2002) 1325–1342 1333

To summarize, on the basis of the present evidence, it can be said that Extraversion bears on
what people think is important at work, with extraverts emphasising the importance of motivator
aspects of the work environment while also valuing, to some extent, certain hygiene aspects.
Tender-minded individuals (low Psychoticism), on the other hand, are more concerned with the
hygiene aspects of work. As regards the effects of Neuroticism, the results in this study are not
accordant with those in Furnham et al. (1999), which may be due to the relatively small sample
size in the latter study (n=92). In Furnham et al. (1999), Neuroticism was associated with the
hygiene factor, but in the present study, it was associated with the motivator factor. In other
words, in the present study, stable individuals (happy, autonomous, with good self-esteem) were
more interested in motivator factors like advancement, regulation and responsibility. Another
noteworthy discrepancy concerns the R2adj indices, which were considerably smaller in the present
study (about 5%) than in Furnham et al. (1999; between 20 and 30%), but that may also be
partly because of differences in the two samples. Nevertheless, the present R2adj are not unlike
those reported by Hart (1999), who found that Neuroticism and Extraversion accounted for
about 3% of the variance in job satisfaction. It therefore seems that the influence of personality
traits on judgments relating to job satisfaction is, at best, modest.

5. Study 2

This study investigates the links between job satisfaction and the Big Five model of personality
on a sample of job incumbents rather than job applicants. Many researchers (e.g. Costa &
McCrae, 1992; Digman, 1990) believe that more than three dimensions are necessary to tap basic
individual differences in personality. It is therefore important to examine whether dimensions that
are not fully represented in the Eysenckian model (e.g. Openness) influence perceptions and rat-
ings of job satisfaction. A secondary aim of this study is to obtain another estimate of the var-
iance that personality traits explain in importance ratings.
In addition to providing importance ratings, participants were also asked to indicate how
satisfied they are in their current job with respect to each of the items in the questionnaire. Thus,
the second part of the present study explores the trait correlates and predictors of actual job
satisfaction. More specifically, it examines the links between the Big Five and the degree to which
people are satisfied with their current work environment. The main objective of this part of the
study is to investigate the relationships between basic personality traits and job satisfaction.
Furthermore, we will also examine whether the various aspects that are thought to affect job
satisfaction tend to factor along the lines hypothesized by Herzberg et al. (1959), viz., in hygiene/
extrinsic and motivator/intrinsic clusters.
As noted, several studies have shown that items pertaining to job satisfaction and work values
tend to factor into hygiene/extrinsic and motivator/intrinsic clusters (e.g. Furnham, Petrides,
Tsaousis, Pappas, & Garrod, submitted for publication; Hauber & Bruininks, 1986; Knoop,
1994b). There is also some evidence that personality affects job satisfaction. In particular, extra-
verts and neurotics are, respectively, more and less likely to report job satisfaction (Brief et al.,
1995; Cropanzano, James, & Konovsky, 1993; Furnham & Zacherl, 1986; Tokar & Subich, 1997).
The other three of the Big Five personality dimensions have received less attention and their
effects on job satisfaction are on the whole unclear (Tokar, Fisher, & Subich, 1998).
1334 A. Furnham et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 33 (2002) 1325–1342

6. Method

6.1. Participants

A total of 82 participants took part in the study. Of these, 30 were male and 52 were female.
Participants ranged in age from 20 to 55 years. Age was measured by means of a 5-category scale,
ranging from 12 to 25 years (category 1) to 56–65 years (category 5). The distribution of the
sample across the five categories was 27.2, 37, 25.9, 9.9, and 0%, respectively. All participants
were full-time employees in one of three different companies in positions ranging from adminis-
tration to senior management.

6.2. Instruments

6.2.1. The Big Five Inventory (BFI; John, Donahue, & Kentle, 1991)
This is a 44-item questionnaire measuring the Big Five personality traits (Neuroticism, Extra-
version, Openness, Agreeableness, & Conscientiousness). On this sample, the alphas were 0.75 for
Neuroticism, 0.85 for Extraversion, 0.71 for Openness, 0.69 for Agreeableness, and 0.83 for

6.2.2. The Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (JSQ)

This questionnaire consists of 37 questions about work-related facets that are believed to con-
tribute to work satisfaction. It is an expansion of the 24-item Work Values Questionnaire (Man-
tech, 1983) with similar format and instructions. Participants were asked to indicate on a 6-point
scale both how much each facet would contribute to their ‘feeling happy at work’ (importance
ratings) as well as the extent to which each facet is actually present in their work environment
(actual job satisfaction ratings).

6.3. Procedure

Questionnaires were compiled and e-mailed to participants who were requested to reply by e-
mail or by post if they wished to remain anonymous. Participants were given the opportunity to
request feedback and be debriefed about the content of the questionnaire. The response rate was
about 91%.

7. Results

7.1. Importance ratings

First, 16 of the items in the JSQ, rated for importance, were combined into a hygiene/extrinsic
and a motivator/intrinsic composite as per Furnham et al. (1999). This allowed for a direct
comparison between the two studies. The items making up the two composites, along with their
reliabilities, are presented in Table 4. The two scales correlated at r=0.42. It should be noted that
because this study was based on the revised version of the WVQ, the items in the two composites
A. Furnham et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 33 (2002) 1325–1342 1335

do not correspond exactly either with those in Furnham et al. (1999) or with those in Study 1. For
example, the item ‘Co-workers (pleasant fellow workers)’ in the WVQ was substituted with the
JSQ item ‘Relationships with colleagues.’ However, the differences are on the whole minor and
do not prevent comparisons between studies. The correlations between the two composites and
the Big Five are presented in Table 5.
Two regressions were performed with the hygiene and motivator composites as the dependent
variables and the Big Five as the independent variables. For the regression with the hygiene
composite, F(5, 75)=2.47, P<0.05; R2adj=0.08. Both Conscientiousness (=0.241, t=2.16,
P<0.05) and Openness (=0.236, t=2.16, P<0.05) were significant positive predictors in the
equation. For the regression with the motivator composite, F(5,75)=3.47, P<0.01; R2adj=0.13.
Conscientiousness (=0.290, t=2.16, P<0.05) and Openness (=0.236, t=2.16, P<0.05) were
significant positive predictors in this equation too. None of the other Big Five dimensions, viz.,
Extraversion, Neuroticism, and Agreeableness reached significance levels.

7.2. Actual job satisfaction

First, the 16 JSQ items, rated for the extent to which they are present in the participant’s current
work environment, were combined into a hygiene/extrinsic and a motivator/intrinsic composite.

Table 4
Items and internal consistencies for the hygiene and motivator composites

Hygiene/Extrinsic (Cronbach’s Alpha=0.82) Motivator/Intrinsic (Cronbach’s Alpha=0.76)

Job Security Opportunities for personal growth

Job Status Use of ability and knowledge in your work
Supervisor (a fair and considerate boss) Recognition for doing a good job
Benefits (vacation, sick leave, etc.) Responsibility at work
Relationships with colleagues Achievement at work
Pay (total income) Influence in the workplace
Work conditions (comfortable, clean) Job interest (interesting work)
Physically safe conditions at work Advancement (chances for promotion)

Table 5
Correlations for the hygiene and motivator composites and the Big Five

1 2 3 4 5 6

Hygiene –
Motivator 0.418** –
Extraversion 0.086 0.019 –
Agreeableness 0.092 0.114 0.067 –
Conscientiousness 0.260* 0.265* 0.219* 0.179 –
Neuroticism 0.089 0.175 0.020 0.260* 0.093 –
Openness 0.221* 0.261* 0.102 0.104 0.054 0.085

* P< 0.05.
** P< 0.01.
1336 A. Furnham et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 33 (2002) 1325–1342

The two composites had satisfactory reliabilites (=0.77 and =0.91, respectively). The corre-
lations between actual and importance ratings were low and positive: actual and importance
hygiene r=0.16, actual and importance motivator r=0.19. Interestingly, although the said cor-
relations were not statistically significant, that between actual hygiene and importance motivator
was (r=0.35, P< 0.05).
Following this, the two composites were entered as dependent variables in two regressions with
the Big Five as independent variables. For the regression with the hygiene composite, F(5,
76)=2.86, P<0.05; Radj=0.10. The only reliable predictor in this equation was Conscientiousness
(=0.311, t=2.84, P<0.01). The regression with the motivator composite as the dependent
variable did not reach significance levels (F(5, 76)=2.23, P=0.06; R2adj=0.07) even though both
Agreeableness (= 0.244, t=2.14, P< 0.05) and Conscientiousness (=0.289, t=2.59, P<0.05)
appeared as significant predictors in the equation.
Subsequently, the 37 JSQ items, rated for actual job satisfaction, were factor analyzed in order
to examine their factor structure. Three factors accounting for 55% of the variance were extrac-
ted and rotated via the direct OBLIMIN algorithm. Table 6 has the factor pattern matrix, where
it can be seen that the first factor clearly concerns motivator/intrinsic items, whereas the other
two comprise mainly hygiene/extrinsic items. It should be noted that it is often difficult to label
the factors when both hygiene/extrinsic and motivator/intrinsic items load on them. In the case at
hand, none of the three actual job satisfaction factors comprises solely intrinsic or solely extrinsic
items. This may account for the fact that the correlation between the intrinsic and the first
extrinsic job satisfaction factors was considerably higher than that between the two extrinsic
factors (0.40 and 0.21, respectively; see Table 7).
Three subscales were constructed based on the factor analytic results by summing up the high-
est loading items (see Tables 6 and 7). The items, along with the internal reliabilities of the scales
and the correlations between the three factors, are presented in Table 7.
The 37 items were first summed up to yield a global actual job satisfaction score. The alpha for
the total scale was 0.95. Following this, the total score was regressed onto the Big Five, gender,
and age. The regression equation was significant, with the independent variables accounting for
about 11% of the total variance. Age (= 0.323, t=2.77, P< 0.01) and Conscientiousness
(=0.341, t=3.06, P< 0.01) were significant predictors, indicating that younger and more con-
scientious employees reported greater overall job satisfaction.
As regards the three subscales, the results in Table 8 show a coherent pattern, with age and
Conscientiousness being consistent predictors of both intrinsic and extrinsic job satisfaction.
Controlling for the effects of the other regressors, younger and more conscientious employees
were more likely to report job satisfaction. Openness, along with age, appeared to be associated
with the second extrinsic factor, but it must be noted that the regression equation did not reach
significance levels in this case. None of the other independent variables reliably predicted actual
job satisfaction scores.

8. Discussion

The first part of the study considered the relationships between the Big Five and what people
perceive as important in their work environment. The results were clear, albeit not consistent with
A. Furnham et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 33 (2002) 1325–1342 1337

Table 6
Factor pattern matrix for the actual job satisfaction ratings

Item and a priori classificationa Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3

Factor 1
2. Advancement (M) 0.836
1. Achievement (M) 0.789
17. Influence in work group (M) 0.763
36. Use of ability (M) 0.755
24. Opportunity to meet people (H) 0.746
32. Responsibility (M) 0.720
22. Managerial respect (M) 0.671
20. Job status (H) 0.643
16. Influence within organization (M) 0.620 0.355
9. Esteem (H) 0.616
5. Chance to use skills (M) 0.602 0.393
25. Participation in decisions (M) 0.601
28. Recognition for doing a good job (M) 0.536 0.385
34. Training opportunities (M) 0.536 0.344
7. Clarity of work goals (M) 0.509
35. Trust (M) 0.508 0.347
26. Pay (H) 0.492 0.470
3. Autonomy (M) 0.492
18. Job interest (M) 0.458 0.314

Factor 2
11. Fatigue avoidance (H) 0.824
37. Work conditions (H) 0.787
13. Flexible benefits (H) 0.719
31. Resources (H) 0.611 0.324
14. Human resources (H) 0.610
6. Company image (H) 0.599
21. Harmony (M) 0.599
10. Fairness (H) 0.301 0.584
23. Personal growth (M) 0.525 0.533
33. Supervisor (H) 0.510
12. Feedback (M) 0.340

Factor 3
30. Relationships with subordinates (H) 0.370 0.678
27. Physically safe (H) 0.643
8. Contribution to society (M) 0.371 0.621
29. Relationships with colleagues (H) 0.347 0.600
15. Independence (M) 0.320 0.557
4. Benefits (H) 0.490
19. Job security (H) 0.482
Loadings less than |0.30| are suppressed. M=motivator/intrinsic; H=hygiene/extrinsic.
1338 A. Furnham et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 33 (2002) 1325–1342

Table 7
Items, alphas, and correlations for the three subscales based on actual job satisfaction ratings
Factor 1 2 3

1. Intrinsic Job Satisfaction (Factor 1) –

2. Extrinsic Job Satisfaction (Factor 2) 0.396 –
3. Extrinsic Job Satisfaction II (Factor 3) 0.259 0.209 –
Items in scalea 2, 1, 17, 36, 26, 32, 22, 20 11, 37, 13, 31, 14, 6, 21 30, 27, 8, 29, 15, 19, 4
Cronbach’s alpha 0.91 0.85 0.81
Numbers correspond to items in Table 6.

Table 8
Regression of actual job satisfaction scores on the Big Five, age, and gender

Total score (Alpha=0.95) Factor 1 (Alpha=0.90) Factor 2 (Alpha=0.85) Factor 3 (Alpha=0.81)

F(7, 74)=2.46*, F(7, 74)=2.58*, F(7, 74)=3.31**, F(7, 74)=2.05,

R2adj=0.11 R2adj=0.12 R2adj=0.17 R2adj=0.08

Beta t Beta t Beta t Beta t

N 0.002 0.02 0.179 1.63 0.030 0.28 0.073 0.65

E 0.018 0.14 0.202 1.65 0.071 0.59 0.148 1.18
O 0.105 0.78 0.087 0.65 0.002 0.02 0.339 2.50*
A 0.105 0.94 0.086 0.77 0.048 0.44 0.023 0.20
C 0.341 3.06** 0.276 2.49* 0.358 3.32** 0.117 1.04
Gender 0.095 0.50 0.253 1.81 0.041 0.30 0.137 0.96
Age 0.323 2.77** 0.264 2.28* 0.328 2.90** 0.332 2.80**

* P< 0.05.
** P< 0.01.

those reported in previous studies (Furnham et al., 1999), at least with respect to Extraversion
and Neuroticism. Thus, neither of these two traits correlated or predicted the two composites in
the present study. In contrast, Conscientiousness and Openness were associated both with the
hygiene/extrinsic as well as with the motivator/intrinsic composites. Interestingly, Salgado (1997)
found that Conscientiousness (a manifestation of a strong sense of purpose, obligation, and per-
sistence) was the best personality predictor of job performance in a meta-analysis of data col-
lected in Europe. Earlier, Barrick and Mount (1991) reviewed 117 studies and found that
Conscientiousness was a strong predictor of job proficiency and performance across a wide range
of occupational groups. It therefore seems that this personality trait is a powerful predictor of
work-related behaviour. Of course, Conscientiousness is not part of the three Eysenckian super-
factors, although Eysenck has argued that along with Agreeableness it can be found at the
negative pole of Psychoticism.
In regard to the magnitude of the effect of personality traits on what people perceive as
important at work, the results of this study indicated again that it is limited. Taken together, the
Big Five explained about 8 to 13% of the variance in importance ratings, values that are somewhat
higher than those obtained in Study 1, but considerably lower than those reported in Furnham et
A. Furnham et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 33 (2002) 1325–1342 1339

al. (1999). The fact that personality is not a strong predictor in this context explains, to a certain
extent, the inconsistencies in the findings. None of the traits seems to have a powerful enough
association with what people perceive to be important in their job environment in order for its
effects to be highly consistent and replicable. However, explaining around 10% of the variance in
such perceptions is by no means trivial. Indeed, the various meta-analyses of personality pre-
dictors of work-related behavior have shown that this is the typical amount of variance accounted
for by personality factors (Salgado, 1997). In this sense, the findings of Furnham et al. (1999)
might be the exception rather than the rule, although others (see Connolly & Viswesvaran, 2000)
have reported similarly high values. Nevertheless, the point made in Study 1, i.e. that personality
traits seem to be, at best, modest predictors of judgments concerning job satisfaction is upheld by
the results of this study as well as by previous findings in the literature.
The second part of Study 2 investigated the structure of job satisfaction ratings as well as their
relationship to the Big Five, age, and gender. It should be noted that the results of this study must
be interpreted with caution due to the small size of the sample. The regressions with the hygiene/
extrinsic and the motivator/intrinsic composites, based on ratings of actual job satisfaction,
showed that the Big Five are not particularly powerful predictors of either composite, accounting
for about 10% of the variance in the former and 7% in the latter. Conscientiousness seemed to be
associated with both composites, however, the regression concerning motivator/intrinsic work
aspects was not statistically significant.
Consistent with previous findings (e.g. Furnham et al., submitted for publication; Hauber &
Bruininks, 1986; Knoop, 1994b), the factor analysis showed that job satisfaction ratings tend to
cluster along hygiene/extrinsic and motivator/intrinsic lines. Thus, these data revealed three fac-
tors, one concerning motivator/intrinsic and two concerning hygiene/extrinsic aspects of job
satisfaction. The results from the regressions of the global actual job satisfaction score and the
three subscale scores, derived from the factor analysis, were clear. There were only two predictors
of global job satisfaction, viz., Conscientiousness and age. These two variables were also sig-
nificant in two of the three equations based on the subscales of actual job satisfaction. Younger
and more conscientious employees consistently reported higher levels of job satisfaction. With
respect to the link between age and job satisfaction the findings in the literature are equivocal.
Thus, various relationships have been reported including positive and negative linear, U- and J-
shaped as well as cases of no association (Bernal, Snyder, & McDaniel, 1998). In the present
study, the results clearly indicated that younger employees were more satisfied with their jobs, but
given the size and composition of the sample (only eight participants were over 46 years) this
finding should be interpreted with caution.
Conscientiousness was also a consistent positive predictor of global actual job satisfaction, a
result that echoes findings from Judge et al. (1999). Salgado (1997) noted that nearly all meta-
analyses aggregating over different samples in different countries with different outcome criteria
show that Conscientiousness is probably the best trait predictor of work-related behaviour. It is
worth pointing out that, on this sample, Conscientiousness was positively associated both with
the intrinsic and with one of the extrinsic job satisfaction factors. However, the causal direction
of this relationship cannot be determined by means of concurrently obtained data. Indeed, a
reciprocal relationship, whereby Conscientiousness leads to pay rewards and promotions that, in
turn, spark higher levels of Conscientiousness (e.g. increased perseverance, dedication, and a
higher sense of duty), seems particularly plausible in this case.
1340 A. Furnham et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 33 (2002) 1325–1342

It is interesting to note that, with the exception of Conscientiousness, none of the other per-
sonality traits predicted either the global or the subscale scores of actual job satisfaction. Thus, in
contrast with previous findings in the literature (e.g. Furnham & Zacherl, 1986; Tokar & Subich,
1997) neither Extraversion nor Neuroticism predicted levels of job satisfaction. As has been sug-
gested elsewhere (Furnham, 1994), it is quite possible that the predictive validity of personality traits
will vary depending on the composition of the various samples (e.g. Extraversion may be a parti-
cularly powerful predictor of performance on jobs that require a lot of interaction with others).
In conclusion, it seems that ratings of job satisfaction tend to factor into dimensions resembling
those postulated by Herzberg et al. (1959), but that personality traits do not have a particularly
strong or consistent influence either on what individuals believe is important in their job envir-
onment or on their level of job satisfaction. Furnham (1997) listed eight reasons why personality
variables do not predict behaviour at work. These include systematic errors or biases related to
self-reports, personality traits acting as moderators rather than as direct predictors, and the cru-
cial fact that job-related cognitions and behaviours are subject to the influence of a host of other
variables unrelated to personality. The results of the present studies imply that other factors, no
doubt job-specific or relating to the personal experiences of individuals, are more powerful pre-
dictors of job satisfaction than personality. We note that the standard deviation of actual ratings
(28.4) was substantially larger than that of importance ratings (16.9), suggesting that some of the
aforementioned factors may play an especially important role in judgements of actual job satis-
faction. It is not unlikely for such factors to interact with personality traits and it is through these
interactions that personality may perhaps account for more variance.


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