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Swedish Institute

The SI Summer Academy for Young Professionals 2018
LAST NAME Savanović
CITIZENSHIP Bosnia & Herzegovina
MAIN FOCUS AREA OF WORK National BiH entity, Republic of Srpska

The letter of motivation is a personal enclosure to your application for participation in the SI Summer Academy for
Young Professionals Western Balkans (SAYP WB). Your answers in the questions below should reflect your
professional background and interests, but may also indicate your ambition to work with issues that, within your context
and field of expertise, contribute to global development in general, and development of your home country or region in
particular. The letter of motivation is your possibility to explain why you qualify for participation in the programme,
and elaborate on driving forces, issues and topics that inspire you.

1. Describe your platform (e.g. experiences, engagements, skills, drives, goals) from which you
have the potential to contribute to a positive development in your home country.
[Max 800 characters incl. spaces]

I am an on result orientated individual, who thinks outside of the box and who is more than wiling
to take the initiative. I am individual with full understanding of Project cycle management, and with
relevant work experience in implementing, managing and reporting projects. As an organized and
methodical person I have a long track record on identifying problems, and preparing solution
proposals. I learn fast and I am very flexible in new and unforeseen situations. I am someone who
enjoys challenge. I speak good English and Greek, and German at basic level. I also own many
certificates from field of project writing, and I also have an ECDL certificate on IT knowledge. I am
Phd candidate at University of Banja Luka, Economic faculty. I work at City of Prijedor, public

2. Evaluate and describe your possibilities (e.g. position, role, and mandate) to influence and
develop processes and work carried out within your agency/organisation/network/community.
[(Max 800 characters incl. spaces]

I have many volonteer functions, starting from the President of the Board of the Youth Council
Prijedor, where I am in the second term 2015-2019., the President of the Board of the Youth Council
of Republika Srpska, in the second term 2016-2018., I was a member of the Youth Council of the
Government of the Republic of Srpska in the period 2015-2017. year. In the positions at which I
have been I have always worked for a better position of a young man and woman in the
environment in which he lives and consumes his human rights. As the greatest achievements of this
struggle, I must mention The Youth Policy of Republic of Srpska for the period 2016-2020. which is
the Strategy Paper for Youth and Youth Policy, and the Youth Policy of the City of Prijedor for the
period 2018-2022.

3. Connect your participation in the programme to your present work/commitment, describe a

current challenge, important for your home country to address.
[Max 800 characters incl. spaces]
I see my connection with the program in a large number of bridges between my activities and
convictions and the available information about the Swedish Institute program. The principles that
lead my work in all fields are transparency, efficiency and expediency. Through numerous projects I
came into contact with topics such as public governance, transparency, efficiency, gender equality,
leadership and public ethics. I would like to deepen my knowledge and make up for the program
planned by the Swedish Institute. It will be an honor for me to be part of the network in which the
program participants will be involved. Important challenge for my country is to stay in connection
with youth and to create them new opportunities in our country.

4. Explain how SAYP will empower you to address the above mentioned challenge in your
current or future work position.
[Relate your answer to a concrete suggestion for activity/action or process that you wish to commit to. Max 1 000
characters incl. spaces]

I think that at the Summer School of the Swedish Institute will contribute and expand my aspects
and knowledge, and that after returning in my country I will be able to create new opportunities for
young people in my country in order to be more satisfied with their life and quality of life. Project
management is a discipline of the present and the future without which any dealing with serious
things is almost impossible. Project budgeting is a necessity that will lead to savings and greater
transparency and, therefore, greater efficiency and effectiveness of funds from citizens. A joint
project to be written at workshops and to be implemented in all the countries of the Western
Balkans is a good idea for tim building. With the knowledge that the participants will acquire or the
existing ones will improve the important thing when attending this program are contacts and a
platform for cooperation in the future.

Swedish Institute

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