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Classroom Observation Form

Instructor: John Sorenson Course: MYP I&S

Peer/Observer: Patrick Boekhoud Date and Time: Oct 24, 2017

Use criteria that apply to format of course observed. Criteria in red were observed directly

Review Section Description/Comments

• Good introduction on mosquito device, leading to deeper thinking regarding label and ethics of using
the device (why and how it could be used)
1. SUBJECT MATTER CONTENT • Could emphasize command terms when explaining assessment and expectations
(shows good command and knowledge of subject matter; • Could tie in to unit more by emphasizing how lesson relates to concepts/context/inquiry (or having
demonstrates breadth and depth of mastery) students make those connections)
• Students referenced prior knowledge (scaffolding) regarding human rights (referenced poster in
class) – learning building upon what students know and can do

• Lesson objectives or goals could be communicated at start of lesson so students are aware (tie into
2. ORGANIZATION unit more explicitly)
(organizes subject matter; evidences preparation; is thorough; • Good progression of lesson from brainstorming to informing to applying
states clear objectives; emphasizes and summarizes main points, • Could use brainstorming activity as a ‘Do Now’ activity at start of class so students arrive and begin
to work on something rather than waiting for others to be ready
meets class at scheduled time, regularly monitors on-line course)
• Good use of OneNote as teaching tool

• Good interaction with students and rapport
(holds interest of students; is respectful, fair, and impartial; provides
• Variety of students included in discussions
feedback, encourages participation; interacts with students, shows

• Start with brainstorming activity to tune in students (5 minutes)

4. TEACHING METHODS • Use of a variety of activities/resources during lesson
(uses relevant teaching methods, aids, materials, techniques, and • Good discussions regarding video watched and ethics/fairness (principled)
technology; includes variety, balance, imagination, group • Clear instructions given for students
involvement; uses examples that are simple, clear, precise, and • Some students off-task during discussions and/or brainstorming activity
• Good overview of assignment and marking criteria for summative assessment so all students are
appropriate; stays focused on and meets stated objectives) clear on expectations

(establishes online course or classroom environment conducive to
• Clear and concise instructions and presentation to students
learning; maintains eye contact; uses a clear voice, strong
projection, proper enunciation, and standard English)
Review Section Description/Comments

6. MANAGEMENT • Grouping of students at start of lesson (ability grouping or behavior management?)

• Could circulate more to ensure students are on task
(uses time wisely; attends to course interaction; demonstrates
• Ensure all students are listening before giving instructions for next task
leadership ability; maintains discipline and control; maintains • Encouraged students to take responsibility for own actions (being principled/reflective/respect)
effective e-platform management)

(exhibits sensitivity to students' personal culture, gender differences • All students included and catered to
and disabilities, responds appropriately in a non-threatening, pro- • Differentiation for EAL students could be more prominent
active learning environment)

• Checked in with several students throughout lesson
(assists students with academic problems)

(evidences self-confidence; maintains professional comportment and • Good all around

10. PHYSICAL ASPECTS OF CLASSROOM (optional) • Statement of inquiry, concepts and global contexts all posted in classroom (could be more prominent
or referenced during lessons so students are reminded of focus of unit)
(state location and physical attributes of classroom, number of
• Key command terms for I&S could be posted around room so they’re emphasized more (analyze,
students in attendance, layout of room, distractions if any; list any define, summarize, etc.) and also referenced often for EAL students (help them learn vocab and
observations of how physical aspects affected content delivery) meaning)

Strengths observed:
Good interaction with students and facilitating discussions regarding topic of lesson. Strong content knowledge and progression during lesson from tuning in to informing to applying knowledge. Critical
thinking skills developed during student discussions and presenting of different perspectives regarding the topic. Clear instructions and overview of assessment and success criteria. Good use of ICT
involving SMART board, OneNote and completing assessments digitally.

Suggestions for improvement:

Good overall, but perhaps clearer differentiation/accommodations for EAL students. Some students off-task during lesson but could be due to the classroom dynamics. Clearer ties to the overall unit
concepts/context/inquiry would keep students focused on the goals of the unit and how the individual lessons relate to the overarching concepts they’re exploring. Good circulating during the observed
lesson, but ensure it happens regularly in classroom (some teachers have switched to standing desks to encourage this). Overall great lesson and addition to our staff!

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