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Annual Performance Review-


Key Changes & Tool Walkthrough

: Appraisee
Objectives of Performance Management System

 Helps in reviewing accomplishments of individuals & teams.

 Acts as a forum where Appraiser / Reviewer gives feedback on Performance and Career.

 PMS output is used for many other aspects like Career, Training, Counseling , Relative

ranking etc.

The iPERFORM tool can be accessed through the below path → MyCareer → iPERFORM (Self) → MyCareer → iPERFORM (My Team)

Users of the System

 Appraisee Individual who is undergoing appraisal

 Appraiser Individual who is going to evaluate Appraisers performance
 Additional Appraiser: Any employee of higher band with whom the Appraisee has spent a
considerable working relationship
 Reviewer: Individual who will review the appraisal done by the appraiser
 L4 Head: Heads of L4 org units who will give final recommendation on
compensation, rating and promotion
 ISD Head: ISD Stage to be provided for all employees aligned to ISD/MSD Accounts.

 HR Representative: The respective HR representatives will have the responsibility of providing

proposed designation related inputs in an event of promotion and or
 C&B Representative: The C&B Team is responsible for completely auditing the data and
release of compensation letters
 HR Service Centre : Central Support Global helpdesk that will provide support in all issues related
to iPerform and other areas pertaining to Program First.

Appraisal Process in Brief

Self Assessment by Appraisee

Discussion & Assessment by Appraiser learning-
& Sign off by Appraisee eLearning
Module getting
launched. This
course presents
Review of output by Reviewer and promotion guidelines about
HCL performance
recommendation (if any) management
processes and
offers feedback
and evaluation
Final Normalized rating & Compensation strategies that
recommendation by L4 Head along with inputs are simple,
balanced and
from ISD/ MSD heads actionable.

HR Closure

C&B –Letter Release

Key Changes – Annual Appraisal FY13-14

 i4Excel application name changed to iPERFORM

 Links on MY HCL also renamed

 iPERFORM (Self)
 iPERFORM (My Team)
 CDP status displayed for E0-E3 employees from Career Connect Portal

 Expectation exchange & Mid-Year Links will be made available on iPERFORM so that it can be used as a
reference material to view employee’s holistic performance in the entire year

 Ideapreneurship Assessment completion status & Ideapreneurship Profile will be available.

 Introduction of Innovation section in the form through which employees have an opportunity to
project/record their ideas in the review form which would in turn help Appraiser to Differentiate Talent.

 L4 head name and Ecode has been added in the employee personal details section of iPERFORM

 Employee Bench Details will be made available

 5 star rating scales have been incorporated in the form at discussion stage for Appraisee to rate appraisal
discussion quality.

 Scheduler to auto fwd. records after default of SLA from each stage including discussion sign off.
 Default rating for Auto moved records from Appraisee Stage will be TP

Key Changes – contd.

 Upload KPP section – Renamed as Upload additional support document

 Additional Appraiser view: Instead of sharing all the KPP's with additional appraiser, an option to employee to
share selected KPP's only for feedback.

 Appraiser will have a view of Finalized Aspired job to be provided from Career connect while selecting the

potential job.

Rating Scale

Tool Walkthrough – Appraisee

iPERFORM Path - → MyCareer → iPERFORM

iPERFORM view on

iPERFORM – Appraisee Stage

Appraisee Action – Click on edit & proceed to fill the Review form

iPERFORM – Appraisee Stage-Personal Details & Update
Reporting Structure

Window to update Employee Reporting

Structure: Appraisee will have an option to
update the Appraiser & Reviewer Mapping as long

as the record is pending at Appraisee Stage. 11

iPERFORM – Appraisee Stage – Personal Detail Section

Additions: CDP Status ,L4 Head Name, Link to Career Connect & Tool Tip on Deployed Job
Tool Tip- The Deployed Job and Job Family as displayed in the your personal details section in PMS is the mapping signed off for you
by your HR BP and DU Head and will remain static for the purpose of the current ongoing appraisal. If you want to get your job
mapping updated in the organizational systems, the standard process of update of job mapping is through RAS (Resource Assignation
System).Please connect with your Project Manager for that. For employee based in US Geo, this update happens through RAT ( Role
Alignment Tool)
If you have to comment on your Deployed Job / Job family please give this through the comments section to your Appraiser &
Reviewer/ connect with your HR BP
iPERFORM – Appraisee Stage -Key Performance Parameters
(KPP) (E0-E1)

Appraisee is expected to reflect on last year highlights & lowlights

 Mid Year inputs wherever available will be pre-populated /3 KPP categories will appear pre-populated.
 Additional KPP categories can be chosen by Appraisee if required
 A KPP category can be selected multiple times
 “KPP description” (a free text box input)- for detailed KPP explanation by Appraisee
 Weightage for each of the KPP Categories will be user input
 Evaluation by employee will be done on each Key Performance Parameter on a scale of 1-10
 Placeholder of Appraisee Comments at the end of this section.

iPERFORM – Appraisee Stage– Key Performance
Parameters (KPP) (E2-E3)

Appraisee is expected to reflect on last year highlights & lowlights

 Mid Year inputs wherever available will be pre-populated, else a blank form will be available.
For INFRA employees wherever Mid year template is same as Annual template, mid year form will be
populated/ else role based template will be assigned.
 Appraisee need to fill KPP categories, KPP Description, Results achieved , Weightage and self rate
Minimum 3 KPP’s needs to be filled for submission
Edit KPP description (free text box input) for detailing, or chose additional items
Placeholder of Appraisee Comments has been moved from bottom of the form to this section.
iPERFORM – Appraisee Stage – Expectation Exchange &
Bench Details

Employee Bench details & Expectation Exchange will be visible here

iPERFORM – Appraisee Stage–Key Performance Parameters

 Provision for user to refer KPP Definitions with examples

 KPP Categories:
1.Task Execution 5.Solutioning 9.Monitoring / Supervising
2.Process Adherence / Compliance 6.Customer Interface 10.Learning & Certification
3.Improvement (Internal) 7.Customer Sign-Off 11.Team Capability Building – Training & Interviewing
4.Conceptualizing / Defining 8.Customer Value Creation/Innovation 12.Others
iPERFORM – Appraisee Stage -Behavioral Competencies

Appraisee can choose from the 7 competencies for behavioural rating, using 4 parameters and 5 levels of
increasing proficiency.
 Appraisee to select 1 or 2 descriptors in each parameter by clicking the space

 Incase, any competency is not applicable to Appraisee, “Not Expressed/Observed” box to be checked.

 Appraisee is allowed to choose “Not Expressed/Observed” for maximum two competencies which are not
demonstrated in your current role.

 The level descriptor for the competency will be auto computed based on the parameter level selections.
These are further edit-able by the appraiser

 Appraiser can overwrite Appraisee selection of description

iPERFORM – Appraisee Stage - Upload Additional Support

Appraisee will be able to upload KPP/other relevant supporting


iPERFORM – Appraisee Stage - Add Additional Appraiser

•Appraisee will have an option to add up to 2 additional appraisers

•KPPs need to be saved before employee adds additional

iPERFORM – Appraisee Stage -Additional Appraiser

Appraisee will have an option to select relevant KPPs against respective additional appraiser.

iPERFORM – Appraisee Stage -Ideapreneurship Profile

Ideapreneurship Assessment completion status will be available on the Review Form

so that the Appraisee & Appraiser have a comprehensive view of quadrant that the
employee belongs to.

iPERFORM–Appraisee Stage-Discussion sign off

Appraisee is required to close the discussion with appraiser on the application as per the acceptance level i.e.
• Satisfied
• Not Satisfied

5 star rating scales have been incorporated in the form at discussion stage for Appraisee to rate appraisal
discussion quality.
iPERFORM on Mobility Platform

To bring View only status of iPerform workflow on all Mobile platforms which aims to
improve the SLA compliance by providing the ability to view now or later and not as likely
to be lost as an email.

Appraisee View Appraiser/Reviewer/L4/HR view

iPERFORM-Annexure I-SSD & Service Centre Support

 In case of any process /mapping related queries/ clarifications please contact HR

Service Centre representative → Smart Service Desk→ Application Issues→ HR→ Program First→

Performance Management→ Performance Appraisal (iPERFORM related queries)

 For Technical Issues → Smart Service Desk→ Application Awareness→ iPERFORM

Support Duration

Duration of Support 0900 - 2100 hrs. (IST)

Voice support

Scope Details
Voice Helpdesk Support enabled for below GEOs:
IVR / Voice Support (for employees) · USA: 001 – 8663650577
· India: 1-800-102-0565
Note: The US & India toll free numbers are reachable from any part of the globe but shall be charged
to the caller as per the local telco norms.

Thank You


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