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UMTS Data Collection Guide

Issue 01

Date 2017-09-19


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UMTS Data Collection Guide About This Document

About This Document

Change History
Changes between document issues are cumulative. The latest document issue contains all the
changes made in earlier issues.

Issue 01(2017-04-05)
This issue is used for first office application (FOA).
UMTS Data Collection Guide Contents


About This Document....................................................................................................................ii

1 OMStar Data Source Overview..................................................................................................1
1.1 Data Source Description.................................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Data Sources Required for UMTS Features and Collection Methods...........................................................................2
1.3 Security Precautions.....................................................................................................................................................13
1.3.1 Impact of the Anonymous Policy on OMStar Service Features................................................................................14
1.3.2 Enabling the Anonymization Function......................................................................................................................14

2 General Principles for Data Collection...................................................................................17

2.1 NIC Data Collection.....................................................................................................................................................17
2.1.1 Starting the NIC.........................................................................................................................................................17
2.1.2 Creating a Collection Task........................................................................................................................................19
Collecting UMTS Data.......................................................................................................................................................19
Collecting GSM and UMTS Data......................................................................................................................................23
Collecting Data for RNC and NodeB PMI.........................................................................................................................27
2.1.3 Data Collection Based on Customized Collection Items......................................................................31
2.1.4 Viewing the Collection Result...................................................................................................................................37
2.2 Manual Data Collection................................................................................................................................................39
2.2.1 BSC/RNC Configuration Data Collection.................................................................................................................39
2.2.2 RNC Performance Data Collection...........................................................................................................................41
2.2.3 RNC Alarm Log Collection.......................................................................................................................................42
2.2.4 RNC MML Report Collection...................................................................................................................................43
2.2.5 RNC CHR/MR Data Collection................................................................................................................................44
2.2.6 RNC Operation Log Collection.................................................................................................................................48
2.2.7 UMTS RTWP Data Collection..................................................................................................................................48
2.2.8 Co-Site Information Collection.................................................................................................................................49
2.2.9 Engineering Parameter Collection.............................................................................................................................50
2.2.10 NodeB Configuration Data Collection....................................................................................................................50
2.2.11 NodeB Performance Data Collection (.mrf)............................................................................................................51
2.2.12 NodeB Performance Data Collection (.csv)............................................................................................................54
2.2.13 NodeB Alarm Log Collection..................................................................................................................................57
2.2.14 NodeB MML Command Collection........................................................................................................................60
UMTS Data Collection Guide Contents

2.2.15 NodeB License Collection.......................................................................................................................................61

NodeB License Collection on the M2000..........................................................................................................................61
NodeB License Collection on the U2000...........................................................................................................................63
2.2.16 BSC/RNC Performance Data Collection (U2000)..................................................................................................65
2.2.17 Property Data Collection.........................................................................................................................................68
Precautions for Preparing Property Data............................................................................................................................68
Preparing Property Data.....................................................................................................................................................69
Verifying the Feature Database Based on DT Data............................................................................................................75
Exporting Property Data.....................................................................................................................................................76
2.2.18 Terminal Library Data Collection............................................................................................................................76
2.2.19 eNodeB Configuration Data Collection..................................................................................................................76
2.2.20 PRS Perf Data Collection........................................................................................................................................80
2.2.21 UMTS Signaling Data Collection...........................................................................................................................81
UMTS Data Collection Guide 1 OMStar Data Source Overview

1 OMStar Data Source Overview

1.1 Data Source Description

The OMStar V5R14C10U3 provides comprehensive analysis of NE configuration,
Performance Data, alarm logs, and MML reports. The collected data must meet the interface
specifications of the OMStar. The following data lists the data types supported by the OMStar.

NE Type Data

Controller (BSC/RNC) Configuration data

Performance data (original or PRS performance data)
Alarm logs
MML reports
Property data
Terminal data
GSM UL FreqLog data
Increase factor
NodeB Configuration data
Performance data
Alarm logs
MML reports
NodeB License
UMTS Data Collection Guide 1 OMStar Data Source Overview

EGBTS Configuration data
Performance data
eNodeB Configuration data
Performance data (original, U2000, or PRS
performance data)
Alarm logs
MML reports
CellRic data (including reverse spectrum CHR data)
SIG data
Signaling logs
LTE BrdLog

1.2 Data Sources Required for UMTS Features and

Collection Methods
Feature Data Source Mandatory Link of Collection Methods

UMTS KPI Subject Configuration data Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC

Configuration Data
Engineering No 2.2.9Engineering Parameter
parameter data Collection
Performance data Yes(one of the 2.2.2RNC Performance Data
two types) Collection
U2000 Performance 2.2.16BSC/RNC
data Performance Data Collection
Alarm data No 2.1NIC Data Collection
OPT data No 2.1NIC Data Collection
NodeB Performance No 2.2.11NodeB Performance
data Data Collection (.mrf)
NodeB Alarm data No 2.2.13NodeB Alarm Log
UMTS Data Collection Guide 1 OMStar Data Source Overview

UMTS KPI Analysis Configuration data Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC

Configuration Data
Engineering No 2.2.9Engineering Parameter
parameter data Collection
Performance data Yes(one of the 2.2.2RNC Performance Data
two types) Collection
U2000 Performance 2.2.16BSC/RNC
data Performance Data Collection
Alarm data No 2.1NIC Data Collection
OPT data No 2.1NIC Data Collection
No 2.2.11NodeB Performance
NodeB Performance Data Collection (.mrf)

NodeB Alarm data No 2.2.13NodeB Alarm Log

UMTS KPI Weekly Configuration data Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC
Report Configuration Data
Performance data Yes(one of the 2.2.2RNC Performance Data
two types) Collection
U2000 Performance 2.2.16BSC/RNC
data Performance Data Collection
UMTS KPI Daily Configuration data Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC
Report Configuration Data
Performance data Yes(one of the 2.2.2RNC Performance Data
two types) Collection
U2000 Performance 2.2.16BSC/RNC
data Performance Data Collection
UMTS Uplink Configuration data Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC
Interference Detection Configuration Data
and Recognition Collection
Engineering No 2.2.9Engineering Parameter
parameter data Collection
Performance data Yes(one of the 2.2.2RNC Performance Data
two types) Collection
UMTS Data Collection Guide 1 OMStar Data Source Overview

U2000 Performance 2.2.16BSC/RNC

data Performance Data Collection
Yes 2.2.7UMTS RTWP Data
RTWP Collection

Geographical Display Configuration data Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC

of UMTS Parameters Configuration Data
Engineering Yes 2.2.9Engineering Parameter
parameter data Collection
UMTS Configuration Configuration data Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC
Parameter Viewing Configuration Data
NodeB No 2.2.10NodeB Configuration
Configuration data Data Collection
UMTS Intra- Configuration data Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC
Frequency Configuration Data
Neighboring Cell Collection
Engineering No 2.2.9Engineering Parameter
parameter data Collection
MR data Yes 2.2.5RNC CHR/MR Data
PCHR data Yes 2.2.5RNC CHR/MR Data
UMTS Antenna Configuration data Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC
Reverse Detection Configuration Data
Engineering Yes 2.2.9Engineering Parameter
parameter data Collection
Performance data Yes(one of the 2.2.2RNC Performance Data
two types) Collection
U2000 Performance 2.2.16BSC/RNC
data Performance Data Collection
UMTS Antenna Fault Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC
Detection RNC configuration Configuration Data
data Collection

No 2.2.7UMTS RTWP Data

RTWP Collection

No 2.2.10NodeB Configuration
NodeB Data Collection
UMTS Data Collection Guide 1 OMStar Data Source Overview

configuration data

No 2.2.4RNC MML Report

MML Collection

UMTS PSC Analysis Configuration data Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC

Configuration Data
Engineering No 2.2.9Engineering Parameter
parameter data Collection
PCHR data No 2.2.5RNC CHR/MR Data
UMTS Call Drop Configuration data Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC
Deeply Analysis Configuration Data
PCHR data Yes 2.2.5RNC CHR/MR Data
No 2.2.18Terminal Library Data
Terminal data Collection

UMTS Access Failure Configuration data Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC

Deeply Analysis Configuration Data
PCHR data Yes 2.2.5RNC CHR/MR Data
No 2.2.18Terminal Library Data
Terminal data Collection

UMTS Access Call Configuration data Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC

Drop Basic Analysis Configuration Data
Performance data Yes(one of the 2.2.2RNC Performance Data
two types) Collection
U2000 Performance 2.2.16BSC/RNC
data Performance Data Collection
UMTS Terminal Configuration data Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC
Analysis Configuration Data
Yes 2.2.9Engineering Parameter
Engineering Collection
parameter data
UMTS Data Collection Guide 1 OMStar Data Source Overview

No 2.2.16BSC/RNC
Property data Performance Data Collection
MR data Yes 2.2.5RNC CHR/MR Data
No 2.2.18Terminal Library Data
Terminal Collection

UMTS Network Configuration data Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC

Geographic Configuration Data
Observation Collection
Yes 2.2.9Engineering Parameter
Engineering Collection
parameter data

No 2.2.16BSC/RNC
Property data Performance Data Collection
MR data Yes 2.2.5RNC CHR/MR Data
PCHR data No 2.2.5RNC CHR/MR Data
UMTS Coverage Configuration data Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC
Analysis Configuration Data
MR Data Yes 2.2.5RNC CHR/MR Data
UMTS Traffic Configuration data Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC
Forecast Configuration Data
Performance data Yes(one of the 2.2.2RNC Performance Data
two types) Collection
U2000 Performance 2.2.16BSC/RNC
data Performance Data Collection
CHR Data No 2.2.5RNC CHR/MR Data
No 2.2.18Terminal Library Data
Terminal data Collection
UMTS Data Collection Guide 1 OMStar Data Source Overview

Yes 2.2.20PRS Perf Data

PRS data Collection

UMTS Voice Quality Configuration data Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC

Analysis Configuration Data
CHR data Yes 2.2.5RNC CHR/MR Data
UMTS CHR data No 2.2.5RNC CHR/MR Data
UMTS Neighboring UMTS Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC
Cell Check configuration data Configuration Data

UMTS engineering No 2.2.9Engineering Parameter

parameter data Collection

No 2.2.1BSC/RNC
GSM configuration Configuration Data
data Collection

No 2.2.9Engineering Parameter
GSM engineering Collection
parameter data

No 2.2.19eNodeB Configuration
LTE configuration Data Collection

No 2.2.9Engineering Parameter
LTE engineering Collection
parameter data

No 2.2.2RNC Performance Data

U2000 handover Collection
traffic statistics
Inter-cell handover counters
VS.SHO.SuccASU.NCell and
VS.SHO.AttASU.NCell are
required in traffic statistics.
The method of collecting
U2000 handover traffic
statistics is the same as that of
RNC traffic statistics. During
data collection, two required
counters are available in the
RNC traffic statistics by
UMTS Data Collection Guide 1 OMStar Data Source Overview

No 2.2.2RNC Performance Data

UMTS performance Collection

Neighboring Cell UMTS Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC

UMTS/GSM Analysis configuration data Configuration Data
No 2.2.9Engineering Parameter
UMTS engineering Collection
parameter data

No 2.2.9Engineering Parameter
GSM engineering Collection
parameter data

Yes 2.2.5RNC CHR/MR Data

UMTS MR data Collection

UMTS Inter- UMTS Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC

Frequency configuration data Configuration Data
Neighboring Cell Collection
No 2.2.9Engineering Parameter
Engineering Collection
parameter data

Yes 2.2.5RNC CHR/MR Data

UMTS MR data Collection

UMTS Accurate Configuration data Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC

Optimization RAB Configuration Data
Function Collection
No 2.2.9Engineering Parameter
Engineering Collection
parameter data

Performance data Yes(one of the 2.2.2RNC Performance Data

two types) Collection
U2000 Performance 2.2.16BSC/RNC
data Performance Data Collection
No 2.2.4RNC MML Report
MML Report Collection

CHR/MR data Yes 2.2.5RNC CHR/MR Data

No 2.2.18Terminal Library Data
Terminal data Collection
UMTS Data Collection Guide 1 OMStar Data Source Overview

No 2.2.10NodeB Configuration
NodeB Data Collection
configuration data

No 2.2.11NodeB Performance
NodeB Performance Data Collection (.mrf)
2.2.12NodeB Performance
Data Collection (.csv)
NodeB License data No 2.2.15NodeB License
UMTS Accurate Configuration data Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC
Optimization RRC Configuration Data
Function Collection
No 2.2.9Engineering Parameter
Engineering Collection
parameter data

Performance data Yes(one of the 2.2.2RNC Performance Data

two types) Collection
U2000 Performance 2.2.16BSC/RNC
data Performance Data Collection
No 2.2.4RNC MML Report
MML Report Collection

CHR/MR data Yes 2.2.5RNC CHR/MR Data

No 2.2.18Terminal Library Data
Terminal data Collection

No 2.2.10NodeB Configuration
NodeB Data Collection
configuration data

No 2.2.11NodeB Performance
NodeB Performance Data Collection (.mrf)
2.2.12NodeB Performance
Data Collection (.csv)
NodeB License data No 2.2.15NodeB License
UMTS Accurate Configuration data Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC
Optimization Configuration Data
Throughput Function Collection
No 2.2.9Engineering Parameter
Engineering Collection
parameter data
UMTS Data Collection Guide 1 OMStar Data Source Overview

Performance data Yes(one of the 2.2.2RNC Performance Data

two types) Collection
U2000 Performance 2.2.16BSC/RNC
data Performance Data Collection
No 2.2.4RNC MML Report
MML Report Collection

CHR/MR data Yes 2.2.5RNC CHR/MR Data

Yes 2.2.10NodeB Configuration
NodeB Data Collection
configuration data

Yes 2.2.11NodeB Performance

NodeB Performance Data Collection (.mrf)
2.2.12NodeB Performance
Data Collection (.csv)
NodeB License data No 2.2.15NodeB License
UMTS Accurate Configuration data Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC
Optimization UTOG Configuration Data
Function Collection
No 2.2.9Engineering Parameter
Engineering Collection
parameter data

Performance data Yes(one of the 2.2.2RNC Performance Data

two types) Collection
U2000 Performance 2.2.16BSC/RNC
data Performance Data Collection
No 2.2.4RNC MML Report
MML Report Collection

CHR/MR data Yes 2.2.5RNC CHR/MR Data

No 2.2.18Terminal Library Data
Terminal data Collection

No 2.2.10NodeB Configuration
NodeB Data Collection
configuration data

No 2.2.11NodeB Performance
NodeB Performance
UMTS Data Collection Guide 1 OMStar Data Source Overview

2.2.12NodeB Performance
Data Collection (.csv)
NodeB License data No 2.2.15NodeB License
UMTS Accurate Configuration data Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC
Optimization Configuration Data
CallDrop Function Collection
No 2.2.9Engineering Parameter
Engineering Collection
parameter data

Performance data Yes(one of the 2.2.2RNC Performance Data

two types) Collection
U2000 Performance 2.2.16BSC/RNC
data Performance Data Collection
No 2.2.4RNC MML Report
MML Report Collection

CHR/MR data Yes 2.2.5RNC CHR/MR Data

No 2.2.18Terminal Library Data
Terminal data Collection

No 2.2.10NodeB Configuration
NodeB Data Collection
configuration data

No 2.2.11NodeB Performance
NodeB Performance Data Collection (.mrf)
2.2.12NodeB Performance
Data Collection (.csv)
NodeB License data No 2.2.15NodeB License
UMTS Config Configuration data Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC
Parameters Check Configuration Data
UMTS Baseline Configuration data Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC
Config Check Configuration Data
UMTS Multicarrier Configuration data Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC
Parameter Check Configuration Data
UMTS Data Collection Guide 1 OMStar Data Source Overview

UMTS Config Configuration data Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC

Compare Configuration Data
UMTS Engineering Configuration data Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC
Parameter Check Configuration Data
Yes 2.2.9Engineering Parameter
Engineering Collection
parameter data

UMTS CHR PCHR/CallFault Yes 2.2.5RNC CHR/MR Data

Browsing data Collection
UMTS MR Browsing MR data Yes 2.2.5RNC CHR/MR Data
UMTS Signaling Yes 2.2.21UMTS Signaling Data
Browsing UMTS Signaling Collection

UMTS Operation Log Yes 2.2.6RNC Operation Log

Browsing UMTS Operation Collection
Log data

UMTS Alarm Log Yes 2.2.3RNC Alarm Log

Browsing UMTS Alarm Log Collection

UMTS_Indoor_Cell_ Configuration data Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC

RF_Optimization Configuration Data
MR data Yes 2.2.5RNC CHR/MR Data
Yes 2.2.9Engineering Parameter
Engineering Collection
parameter data

UMTS_NetworkAudit Configuration data Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC

Configuration Data
Performance data Yes 2.2.2RNC Performance Data
Yes 2.2.4RNC MML Report
MML Report Collection

No 2.2.9Engineering Parameter
Engineering Collection
parameter data
UMTS Data Collection Guide 1 OMStar Data Source Overview

Increment Factor The data is generated by the
data traffic forecast feature on the

Yes 2.2.10NodeB Configuration

NodeB Data Collection
configuration data

Yes 2.2.11NodeB Performance

NodeB Performance Data Collection (.mrf)

NodeB License data No 2.2.15NodeB License

PCHR data Yes 2.2.5RNC CHR/MR Data
UMTS_Swap_Rollout Configuration data Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC
_FeatureAuditing Configuration Data
RNC License Yes 2.2.4RNC MML Report
Yes 2.2.10NodeB Configuration
NodeB Data Collection
configuration data

NodeB License data No 2.2.15NodeB License

UMTS_Terminal_Au Configuration data Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC
dit Configuration Data
Yes 2.2.5RNC CHR/MR Data
PCHR data Collection

UMTS_To_LTE_Exp Configuration data 2.2.1BSC/RNC

ansion Yes Configuration Data
Performance data Yes 2.2.2RNC Performance Data
User define data Yes N/A
ASP/ 6D Model Configuration data Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC
ACP Evaluate Configuration Data
Data Collection
ysis CHR data Yes 2.2.5RNC CHR/MR Data
UMTS Data Collection Guide 1 OMStar Data Source Overview

MR data Yes 2.2.5RNC CHR/MR Data

Yes 2.2.9Engineering Parameter
Engineering Collection
parameter data

No 2.2.16BSC/RNC
Property data Performance Data Collection
UMTS Configuration data Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC
Capacity Configuration Data
Evaluate Collection
Yes 2.2.9Engineering Parameter
Engineering Collection
parameter data

Performance data Yes 2.2.2RNC Performance Data

UMTS Configuration data Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC
Coverage Configuration Data
Evaluate Collection
Yes 2.2.9Engineering Parameter
Engineering Collection
parameter data

MR data Yes 2.2.5RNC CHR/MR Data

No 2.2.16BSC/RNC
Property data Performance Data Collection
No N/A
Map data

UMTS User Configuration data Yes 2.2.1BSC/RNC

Rate Evaluate Configuration Data
Yes 2.2.9Engineering Parameter
Engineering Collection
parameter data

MR data Yes 2.2.5RNC CHR/MR Data

Performance data Yes 2.2.2RNC Performance Data
NodeB Performance No 2.2.11NodeB Performance
UMTS Data Collection Guide 1 OMStar Data Source Overview

No 2.2.16BSC/RNC
Property data Performance Data Collection
No N/A
Map data

AGPS Yes 2.2.9Engineering Parameter

Feature Engineering Collection
Library parameter data
MR data Yes 2.2.5RNC CHR/MR Data

1.3 Security Precautions

 Before collecting data, you must obtain the written authorization from customers.
Standard authorization must include the products or issue items, purposes, contents,
scopes, time limits, and other stipulations.
 Before collecting data, you must obtain anonymized personal data at the NE side. Ensure
that collected data has been anonymized.

 According to data sources required for themes to be analyzed, data collection must
comply with the principle of minimum range collection.

 Data can only be used within the authorization scope and time limit. Data use must be
dedicated for a specified person, and records can be queried.
 You are advised not to transmit raw network data out of networks of security sensitive
countries and to China.
 After an analysis task is complete, yon need to immediately delete raw data and the
OMStar project. Saving raw data or backing up the database is not allowed. Delete the
project in the Project Manager window.
 To protect user privacy, the OMStar displays scrambled personal data.
 The OMStar can export or save analysis results. Export the analysis results of features
containing personal data with caution. Ensure that the exported analysis results are only
used for network problem analysis. By default, the OMStar exports scrambled analysis

1.3.1 Impact of the Anonymous Policy on OMStar Service

Impact of the MSISDN Anonymous Policy on Fuzzy Search
The MSISDN anonymization policy affects NDC-based analysis and MSISDN-based fuzzy
search. (NDC is short for national destination code.)
UMTS Data Collection Guide 1 OMStar Data Source Overview

An example is described as follows: With MSISDN-based fuzzy search, users can obtain
8613612345678 and 13612345678 by entering 136. However, after being scrambled, the
preceding numbers might become E806AABCE0B44EC25128DB and
3698FD5BC48C1E36BEBE64 which have nothing in common.
Affected features are CHR browsing and signaling browsing.

Collision Possibility of the IMEI Anonymous Policy

The IMEI anonymization policy anonymizes 6 to 8 digits excluding the IMEI TAC of an
IMEI. It allows the OMStar to compress an 8-digit code into a 4-byte code and obtain a
resulting HASH 32-byte code by using the HMAC-SHA256 algorithm. Then, the OMStar
takes and decodes the preceding 4 bytes as the anonymization result.
In theory, collisions are possible because the obtained HASH codes are one eighth of the
original codes in length. A collision occurs if two different 8-digit numbers are converted into
the same new 8-digit hexadecimal number after they are anonymized. Based on laboratory
data, the probability of collisions is approximately 0.012%.
Two different IMEIs might be regarded as the same IMEI in the statistical results if their IMEI
TACs are the same. This affects the accuracy of terminal analysis results.
Affected features are call drop deeply analysis, access failure deeply analysis, signaling
browsing, and CHR browsing.

1.3.2 Enabling the Anonymization Function

Before collecting personal data containing IMSIs, enable the anonymization function on the
U2000 client and then collect data. Perform the following operations to enable the
anonymization function:
Step 1 Choose Monitor > Signaling Trace > Anonymous Policy Management.
UMTS Data Collection Guide 1 OMStar Data Source Overview

Step 2 The Anonymous Policy Management window is displayed. Click Anonymous policy, select
Enable anonymous policy, and click OK to enable the anonymization function.
UMTS Data Collection Guide 1 OMStar Data Source Overview
2 General Principles for Data Collection

Based on the onsite tool deployment situation, you can use the NIC tool to automatically or
manually collect data. You are advised to use the NIC tool for data collection. If the NIC tool
is not available, you can manually collect the data.
Description of the M2000 and U2000: The U2000 is the network management system on the
RAN side. In versions earlier than V200R014, it is called M2000. The product name M2000
is changed to U2000 from V200R015 and later. In this document, the operation on the U2000 is
used as an example. The operation on the M2000 is almost the same as that on the U2000. If the
operations on the U2000 and M2000 greatly differ, they are described separately in specific

2.1 NIC Data Collection

2.1.1 Starting the NIC
Step 1 Start the Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE). Type IP address/nic and press Enter.
In SSL mode, you need to type IP address: 31040/nic in the address bar of the
The server IP address refers to the IP address of the U2000.
In the Security Alert dialog box, click Yes. In the Security Information dialog box, click
If U2000 established SSL to register safely, then need to set certificate in the IE. The method is as
1. Open the IE tool > Internet option > content > certificate > import the right certificate
2. You can obtain the certificate files from the U2000 install path:
P.S Consultation the manager of U2000 to obtain the password of client.p12.
Step 2 In the NIC login window, type the user name, password, and verification code. Click Login.
Overview of NIC in Co-Deployment Mode

1. Task Management: Used to create a collection task (for selecting the collection scenario,
the NEs from which data is collected, and the time range of collection).
2. Scenario Management: Used to customize a collection scenario that the SOP collection is
unavailable (optional).
3. NE Management: In Co-Deployment Mode cannot create or delete an NE.
4. NE Mediation Version Information: Check the NE Mediation Version information on

2.1.2 Creating a Collection Task

After preparations, use the NIC stand-alone version to collect data in the specific collection

Collecting UMTS Data

Step 1 Click the Task Management tab. Select Unfinished Tasks in the Navigation Tree, and select
Based on Scenario from the Create Task drop-down list box in Task List.
Step 1 Set Task Name, and select UMTS from the Product Type drop-down list box, and select
BSC6900_SOP from the Scenario(Group) drop-down list box.

Step 2 Click Next to set Data collection time range.

Data collection time range: You are advised to collect data of three to seven days (if the time
range is too large, the collection and analysis efficiency is affected).

Step 3 Select Display by NE type. Select an RNC under the BSC6900 UMTS node in Optional
NEs, and move the selected RNC to Selected NEs. Then, click Next.
During routine inspection and maintenance SOP, you need to select only BSC/RNC. If
Display by Topo structure is selected, the BTSs/NodeBs under the selected BSC/RNC are
also selected when you select a BSC/RNC. As a result, the total number of NEs may exceed
the upper limit.

For R12 version and earlier, click each NE in the left pane, ensure that the parameter settings
of each NE are correct, and click Next.

Step 4 Set additional information such as Name and Email, and click Next.
Do not select Download collection results by NEs. Otherwise, the OMStar cannot identify
the downloaded packet.

Step 5 After ensuring that the collected information is correct, click Finish to start executing the
collection task.
Collecting GSM and UMTS Data
Step 1 Click the Task Management tab. Select Unfinished Tasks in the Navigation Tree, and select
Based on Scenario from the Create Task drop-down list box in Task List.

Step 6 Set Task Name, and select SingleRAN from the Product Type drop-down list box, and
select BSC6900GU_SOP from the Scenario(Group) drop-down list box.

Step 7 Click Next to set Data collection time range.

Data collection time range: You are advised to collect data of three to seven days (if the time
range is too large, the collection and analysis efficiency is affected).
Step 8 Select Display by NE type. Select an RNC under the BSC6900 UMTS node in Optional
NEs, and move the selected RNC to Selected NEs. Then, click Next.
During routine inspection and maintenance SOP, you need to select only BSC/RNC. If
Display by Topo structure is selected, the BTSs/NodeBs under the selected BSC/RNC are
also selected when you select a BSC/RNC. As a result, the total number of NEs may exceed
the upper limit.

For R12 version and earlier, click each NE in the left pane, ensure that the parameter settings
of each NE are correct, and click Next.
Step 9 Set additional information such as Name and Email, and click Next.

Do not select Download collection results by NEs. Otherwise, the OMStar cannot identify
the downloaded packet.
Step 10 After ensuring that the collected information is correct, click Finish to start executing the
collection task.
Collecting Data for RNC and NodeB PMI

 The UMTS_SOP V5.2 script package (matched with OMStar V500R008C00SPC200)

supports the NodeB preventive maintenance inspection
(DBS3900WCDMAV200R013C00/BTS3900WCDMAV200R013C00). The OMStar
whose version is earlier than V500R008C00SPC200 does not need to collect the NodeB
The NIC in co-deployment mode provides the access of all NodeBs in the following versions. The NIC
in co-deployment mode in the OMStar of earlier versions does not support the NodeB data collection.
iManager U2000 V200R011C01SPC240 and later versions
iManager U2000 V200R012C00SPC220 and later versions
 The following section uses the UMTS NE as an example. The data collection method for
the SingleRAN is the same.
 The method described here also applies to the NICs in stand-alone and co-deployment
You are advised to collect data of one RNC and its corresponding NodeBs for the RNC and NodeB
preventive maintenance inspection. It is recommended that you create multiple collection tasks for
multiple NEs.
 Before collect the NodeB performance data, you should make sure the U2000 let the
NodeB performance to be saved.

Collecting RNC and NodeB Data in One Task

 In BSC6900 V900R014C00SPC200 and later versions, the Scenario(Group) names of
RNC and NodeB are both SOP. For RNC and NobeB co-collection task, see step 3.
 In BSC6900V900R014C00SPC200 earlier versions, As the UMTS_SOP and the
NodeB_SOP collection scenarios belong to different groups, they cannot be selected
concurrently when you create a collection task. You can modify the groups that the
UMTS_SOP and NodeB_SOP collection scenarios belong to ensure that the two
collection scenarios belong to the same group by performing the following operations.
Then, the RNC and NodeB data can be collected concurrently in one task.
 One task collects the data of 1 RNC and 249 NodeBs at most. (In U2000
V200R012C01SPC230 and later versions, when the NIC is co-deployed with the U2000,
a collection task can support the data collection of one RNC and 999 NodeBs, and the
NIC automatically divides the task to four subtasks.)
Step 1 Modify the group that the UMTS_SOP scenario belongs to.
Choose Scenario Management > UMTO_SOP to view the scenario configuration of the
BSC6900UMTS_SOP. Change the default group UMTS_SOP to SOP and click Save As. In
the displayed dialog box, change the scenario name to BSC6900UMTS_SOP_NEW.
If the number of existing scenarios in the NIC exceeds 200, the modification cannot be saved.
Collect data by referring to section "Collecting the RNC and NodeB Data Separately and
Creating a Data Package."
Step 11 Modify the group that the NodeB_SOP scenario belongs to.
Choose Scenario Management > NodeB_SOP to view the scenario configuration of the
NodeB_SOP. Change the default group NodeB_SOP to SOP and click Save As. In the
displayed dialog box, change the scenario name to NodeB_SOP_NEW.

Return to the Task Management window to create a collection task, choose the SOP scenario
group, and select the UMTS and NodeB collection scenarios.
Step 12 Collecting the RNC and NodeB Data Separately and Creating a Data Package
If you cannot concurrently collect RNC and NodeB data in one task in the methods described
in section "Collecting RNC and NodeB Data in One Task" collect the RNC and NodeB data
separately and manually create a data package to perform the PMI.

1. Create a UMTS_SOP collection task and obtain an RNC data package.

2. Create a NodeB_SOP collection task and obtain a NodeB data package.

You can select a maximum of 1000 NodeBs in one task. The NIC automatically collects data
of 1000 NodeBs per subtask.

3. Compress the UMTS_SOP and NodeB_SOP collection results into a data package by

performing the following operations.

The UMTS_SOP and NodeB_SOP collection tasks obtain the following two collection

Drag the data folders in the UMTS compression package to the directory of the NodeB
compression package. Then, you obtain a combo data package.
2.1.3 Data Collection Based on Customized Collection
Collecting LTE configuration data, Performance Data, and internal CHR data is used as an
example. The data collecting method for other RATs is similar.
Step 1 Select Based on Customize Collection Item on the Task List tab page.

Step 2 Set the task properties in the Custom Task Creation Wizard window.
Step 3 Set the time range for data collection.
Step 4 Select NEs whose data needs to be collected.

Step 5 Select collection items.

Collecting configuration data, Performance Data, and internal CHR data is used as an
example. The selected collection items are eNodeB configuration, Obtain Performance
Data of the U2000, and Call log collection. If you need to collect other data sources, select
an item from Available collection items and move it to the list of Selected collection items.
Step 6 Set detailed parameters of collection items.
Step 7 Set additional information about the task.
Do not select Download collection results by NEs during the settings. Otherwise, the
OMStar cannot identify the collected data.
Step 8 Confirm information about the data collection again and click Finish to start data collection.
2.1.4 Viewing the Collection Result
During collection, view the progress of the whole collection task and the progress and running
status of each NE.

The data collection results are saved.

The NIC stand-alone version collects and saves data.
The save path of NIC V100R006C00SPC500 and later versions is Installation directory of
the NIC\NIC\var\nic\task ID.

 Task IDs are generated randomly, for example, 10002, 10003, and 10004.
 Check whether the task ID folder saves the collection task created by the user based on the
collection task name in the folder.

After data collection by using the NIC in co-deployment mode, collection results are
downloaded and saved through a web page, as shown in the following figure:

Collection results are downloaded in .zip format. The naming convention of the data package
is collection task name_timestamp, as shown in the following figure:

The data packet downloaded by the NIC in co-deployment mode from the GUI must be copied to the
directory that is used as the database directory when you create a task in the OMStar V500R009. The
version earlier than OMStar V500R008C00SPC200 does not support the download of data packet by the
NIC in co-deployment mode.
Record the directory for saving the data collection results for the further analysis of the
OMStar in one-click mode.
If the online deployment mode is used (that is, the NIC and the OMStar are installed on the
same PC), record only the directory for saving the collected data.
If the offline deployment mode is used (that is, the NIC and the OMStar are installed on
different PCs), copy the data in the task ID folder to the PC where the OMStar is installed,
and record the directory for saving the collected data.

2.2 Manual Data Collection

This section mainly describes how to manually collect RNC data and NodeB data required by
the OMStar.

2.2.1 BSC/RNC Configuration Data Collection

The BSC/RNC configuration data result files used by the OMStar are MML configuration
scripts (*.txt), which are exported from the RNC using MML commands.
Step 1 In the address bar of the Internet Explorer, enter the IP address of the BSC, log in to the Web
LMT, and click MML.

Step 2 Enter and run the EXP CFGMML command. In the command output, the save directory for
configuration data is displayed.
Step 3 Start the File Manager tool to download configuration files.

In the File Manager window, find the configuration data in the directory displayed in the
EXP CFGMML command output and click Download to download the files to the local PC.
2.2.2 RNC Performance Data Collection
In the File Manager window, BSC and RNC Performance Data are stored in the
\bam\common\MeasResult directory. The Performance Data can be directly downloaded.
You need to download only the files whose names contain EMS-NORMAL.

For Neighboring UMTS Cell Analysis, UMTS Antenna Fault Detection and UMTS Antenna
Reverse Detection, you need to start the Measurement of Neighboring UMTS Cell
Performance by U2000. Perform the following steps:
Step 1 Log in to the U2000 client, and choose Performance > Measurement Management.
Step 2 Select the Measurement of Neighboring UMTS Cell Performance and RNC that you want
to collect, and select all counters in the module of Setting->60 minutes on the right of
window. Click button Apply to start the performance measurement. The performance files on
the next period will contain the counters of Measurement of Neighboring UMTS Cell

2.2.3 RNC Alarm Log Collection

Step 1 Use the Web LMT to run the COL LOG command. Set Log File Type to
HISTORY_ALARM. Retain the default values of other options. The system collects alarm
logs of all levels and all time by default.
Step 2 Use the File Manager tool to download alarm logs. The file directory is
\bam\version_b\ftp\COLLOGINFO\ALM-LOG. Click Download to download the files.

2.2.4 RNC MML Report Collection

Use the Web LMT to run the MML commands, such as DSP LICUSAGE. Store the
command output information as a .txt file or select Save Result to save the command output
information directly.
2.2.5 RNC CHR/MR Data Collection

Raw data contains personal user data (such as IMSI). Before collecting the data, you must obtain
the written authorization from customers and anonymize personal data at the NE side. Ensure
that collected data has been anonymized.

Use the File Manager tool of the Web LMT to download CHR\MR files. The file directories
are as follows. Click Download to download the files to a local PC.
UMTS PCHR data directory: \bam\common\fam\famlogfmt\pchr\
If UMTS PCHR data is used for UMTS in-depth call drop analysis and UMTS access failure
analysis, ensure that the event functions for call drops and access failures in the PCHR have
been enabled. Event functions to be enabled and MML commands to be run are as follows:
Event functions to be enabled:
MML commands to be run:
UMTS MR data directory: \bam\common\fam\mr
To use UMTS MR data for neighboring cell analysis, run the SET UMRCTRL and SET
UMRSCOPE commands to enable MR collection of neighboring cells. For details about the
commands and the impacts of the commands on NEs, see the related MML command
In the SET UMRCTRL command, set MR Trace Traffic Type to TRAFFIC_AMR, MR
Intra-freq Measurement period to D12, and MR Report Configure Switch to a proper
value based on actual situations.
In the SET UMRSCOPE command, specify Scope Type to set the NE objects to be enabled.
For V9R12\V9R13\V9R14
For V9R15 and the later version
The commands for turning on the switch for detecting missing inter-frequency and inter-RAT
neighboring cells are as follows:
 R13: Run the SET UAUTONCELLDETECT command to set the GSM BSIC scope
and BCCH ARFCN scope.
 R13.1: Run the SET UAUTONCELLDETECT command to set the switch for
detecting missing neighboring cells and parameters in the SON.
 R14: Run the SET UAUTONCELLDETECT command to set the switch for detecting
missing neighboring cells and parameters in the SON.
 R15: Run the ADD UCELLAUTONCELLDETECT command to set the switch for
detecting missing neighboring cells and related parameter groups, and run the ADD
UAUTOGSMNCELLGROUP command to set the BSIC scope and BCCH ARFCN
 R16: Run the ADD UCELLAUTONCELLDETECT command to set the switch for
detecting missing neighboring cells and related parameter groups, and run the ADD
UAUTOGSMNCELLGROUP command to set the BSIC scope and BCCH ARFCN
 R17: Run the ADD UCELLAUTONCELLDETECT command to set the switch for
detecting missing neighboring cells and related parameter groups, and run the ADD
UAUTOGSMNCELLGROUP command to set the BSIC scope and BCCH ARFCN

The impact of enabling the MR collection function by running the SET UMRCTRL
command is as follows:
Enabling the MR collection function increases the processing overhead on the control plane of
an NE. Therefore, you are advised to set the MR period parameter with caution. The
following example is a typical CPU usage scenario: If the MR period is set to 12s, the SPU
CPU usage on the RNC increases by about 10% when all types of cell-level MR collection
functions are enabled on the RNC.
The impact of enabling the MR collection function by running the SET UMRSCOPE
command is as follows:
 After the MR collection function is enabled for cells, the amount of control plane data to
be transmitted increases. This increases the probability of congestion exceptions
occurring over the Uu and Iub interfaces for such cells during control plane data
 If the number of cells for which the MR collecting function is enabled increases, the
processing overhead on the control plane on the RNC increases.
 After the MR collection function for specified areas is enabled by running the SET
UMRSCOPE command, the CPU usage increases.
For details, refer to the MML Command Reference.
After the data collection is complete, run the preceding commands one by one to disable each
MR collection function. In addition, the SET UMRSWITCH command is added in RAN15.0
and later, and can be used to enable all MR collection functions at a time.

2.2.6 RNC Operation Log Collection

Step 1 Use the Web LMT to run the COL LOG command. Set Log File Type to OPT_LOG.

Step 2 Use the File Manager tool to download alarm logs. The file directory is
\bam\version_b\ftp\COLLOGINFO\OPT-LOG. Click Download to download the files to a
local PC.
2.2.7 UMTS RTWP Data Collection
The RTWP data in the OMStar is used for analysis of the UMTS Uplink Interference
Detection and Recognition and UMTS Antenna Fault Detection themes.
You can obtain UMTS RTWP Data Collection Guide from the following URL:
You can obtain the Scripts Maker Tool for RTWP Log Collecting from the following URL:

2.2.8 Co-Site Information Collection

Step 1 On the U2000 main topology, choose Configuration > Report > MBTS Relationship

In the displayed dialog box, select MBTS(GL) NE Report, MBTS(GU) NE Report,

MBTS(GUL) NE Report, and MBTS(UL) NE Report. Then, click OK.
Step 2 Click Save to save the displayed MBTS relationship reports in .xlsx format.

2.2.9 Engineering Parameter Collection

Engineering parameters are maintained by onsite engineers. The OMStar can identify the
engineering parameter files in .xlsx format. Obtain the engineering parameter template using
the following method:
On the OMStar GUI, choose Template Management > Engineering Parameter Template
Export and export the GSM/UMTS/LTE engineering parameter templates separately.

2.2.10 NodeB Configuration Data Collection

Step 1 On the U2000 topology, choose Maintenance > Backup Management > NE Backup.

Step 2 In the NE tree in the left pane, select a NodeB and click Backup to back up the configuration
data of the NodeB. The backup process is displayed in the Immediate Task list in the lower
part of the window. After the backup is complete, the FTP directory storing the NodeB
configuration data is displayed in the NE Backup List. You can obtain the configuration files
from this directory using the FTP. The file name is NodeBCfg.xml. The system downloads
the NE description information file neinfo.xml at the same time. You do not need to pay
attention to it.
2.2.11 NodeB Performance Data Collection (.mrf)
The NodeB Performance Data files in .mrf format are stored in a fixed directory on the
U2000, /export/home/sysm/ftproot/nbi. You can directly access this directory on the U2000
using the FTP.
In this directory, the Performance Data files are stored by NodeB. The Performance Data of
each NodeB is saved in one folder named after the NodeB FDN.
In the folder of each NodeB, the raw and compressed NodeB Performance Data file in .mrf
format is stored in the gz folder, which can be directly obtained.

On the U2000 main topology, right-click a selected NodeB and choose Properties from the
shortcut menu to query the FDN of the NodeB.
2.2.12 NodeB Performance Data Collection (.csv)
Currently UMTS Accurate Analysis use NodeB csv performance only. The NodeB
Performance Data files in .csv format can collect on the U2000, the operation as below.
Step 1 On the U2000 topology, choose Performance > Query Result.
Step 2 On the Query Result, choose a user name and right click New Query.

Step 3 On the New Query, set the parameter according to the red region setting as below. And then
select the counter to export the result file.

The counters which are need to collect as below

Counter Name Object type

VS.NackTotal Measurement of Local Cell Performance

VS.DtxTotal Measurement of Local Cell Performance

VS.AckTotal Measurement of Local Cell Performance

VS.CQI.0~VS.CQI.35 Measurement of Local Cell Performance

VS.ScchCodeUtil.Mean.Data Measurement of Local Cell Performance

VS.PdschCodeUtil.Mean.Data Measurement of Local Cell Performance

VS.PdschCodeUtil.Mean Measurement of Local Cell Performance

VS.PdschCodeAvail.Mean Measurement of Local Cell Performance

VS.AckRemain Measurement of Local Cell Performance

VS.PdschPwrRatio.Data Measurement of Local Cell Performance

VS.SCchPwrRatio.UserData Measurement of Local Cell Performance

VS.HSDPA.QPSKCfg.ActedNum Measurement of Local Cell Performance

VS.HSDPA.All.ScheduledNum Measurement of Local Cell Performance

VS.HSDPA.16QAMCfg.ActedNum Measurement of Local Cell Performance

VS.HSDPA.64QAMCfg.ActedNum Measurement of Local Cell Performance

VS.HSUPA.UnHappyUserNumRatio Measurement of Local Cell Performance

Measurement of Local Cell Performance

VS.HSUPA.NACKTotal Measurement of Local Cell Performance

VS.HSUPA.ACKTotal Measurement of Local Cell Performance

VS.HSUPA.MaxPwrLmtUserRatio Measurement of Local Cell Performance

VS.ATMDlAvgUsed.1~VS.ATMDlAvgUsed.4 Measurement of NodeB Performance

VS.ATMDlMaxUsed.1~VS.ATMDlMaxUsed.4 Measurement of NodeB Performance

VS.ATMDlTotal.1~VS.ATMDlTotal.4 Measurement of NodeB Performance

VS.IPDlAvgUsed.1~VS.IPDlAvgUsed.4 Measurement of NodeB Performance

VS.IPDlMaxUsed.1~VS.IPDlMaxUsed.4 Measurement of NodeB Performance

VS.IPDlTotal.1~VS.IPDlTotal.4 Measurement of NodeB Performance

Measurement of NodeB Performance

Measurement of NodeB Performance

Measurement of NodeB Performance
Measurement of NodeB Performance

VS.ATMUlAvgUsed.1~VS.ATMUlAvgUsed.4 Measurement of NodeB Performance

VS.ATMUlMaxUsed.1~VS.ATMUlMaxUsed.4 Measurement of NodeB Performance

VS.ATMUlTotal.1~VS.ATMUlTotal.4 Measurement of NodeB Performance

VS.IPUlAvgUsed.1~VS.IPUlAvgUsed.4 Measurement of NodeB Performance

VS.IPUlMaxUsed.1~VS.IPUlMaxUsed.4 Measurement of NodeB Performance

VS.IPUlTotal.1~VS.IPUlTotal.4 Measurement of NodeB Performance

Measurement of NodeB Performance

Measurement of NodeB Performance

Measurement of NodeB Performance

Measurement of NodeB Performance

VS.HW.ULCreditAvailable Measurement of NodeB Performance Measurement of CNOperator Performance Measurement of CNOperator Performance

VS.LC.ULCreditAvailable.LicenseGroup.Dedicated Measurement of CNOperator Performance

VS.LC.ULCreditAvailable.Shared Measurement of CNOperator Performance

Measurement of UL Resource Group


2.2.13 NodeB Alarm Log Collection

Step 1 Choose Topology > Main Topology from the U2000 main menu.
Step 2 In the NE tree in the left pane, right-click a selected NodeB and choose Query Alarm/Event
> Alarm Logs from the shortcut menu.
Step 3 Right-click in the Query Alarm Logs result page and choose Save > Save All Records from
the shortcut menu. In the displayed dialog box, select the .csv file format.
2.2.14 NodeB MML Command Collection
Step 1 On the main topology of the U2000, right-click any NodeB and choose MML Command
from the shortcut menu.
Step 2 In the MML Command window, select one or more NodeBs for MML command issuing, and
the MML command execution result is displayed in the information display area.

Step 3 Select and right-click the result content and choose Save As from the shortcut menu to save
the result as a default .txt file.

2.2.15 NodeB License Collection

NodeB License Collection on the M2000
Step 1 On the M2000 main topology, choose License > NE license Management > NodeB.
Step 2 On the NodeB License Management tab page, select all records in the Shared/BASIC area.
Right-click the selected records and choose Export from the shortcut menu.

In the displayed dialog box, click Export and the files are exported as .csv files by default.
NodeB License Collection on the U2000
Step 1 Log in to the U2000 and choose License > NE License Management > NodeB.

Step 3 In the NodeB License Management window, select a NodeB to view related license
information. Click Export License. In the displayed Export License File dialog box, select
NEs to be exported in the NE list, choose the save path, and click Confirm to save the license
file on the local PC.
2.2.16 BSC/RNC Performance Data Collection (U2000)
Obtaining a Collection Template
In the data import window of the OMStar, right-click U2000 Perf Data and choose U2000
Pert Template Management from the shortcut menu, as shown in the following figure.
Export the template as required.

Importing a Collection Template

Log in to the U2000 and select the function performance management query, Select a statistic
template in U2000 performance management query interface, right-click Query, and choose
Specific Query from the shortcut menu.
Select the collection template import to the U2000 from the OMStar install path:

Modifying Template Attributes

Right-click a template and choose attribute from the shortcut menu and modify Counter

There are three tabs in the attribute

 Object: you can select NE objects in this tab. Click the left arrow to move all objects
under Selected Objects in the right pane to the Available Objects area in the left pane.
On the Object tab page, select required objects in the left pane and click the right arrow
to add them to the Selected Objects area in the right pane.
 Counter: you can select Counter items in this tab.
 Other: you can set the collection time and period in this tab.
Click the button of Query after attribute setting.

Exporting the Data

 Method 1: Custom Query
Select a statistic template, right-click it, and choose Custom from the shortcut menu.

Click Export to export the collection data.

 Method 2: Export default result
If you have set the attribute in the , you can right-click the template and choose Export
Result from the shortcut menu.

2.2.17 Property Data Collection

You can use the U-Net to create property data for MapInfo interaction. You can also export
the planning results from the U-Net to Google Earth.

Precautions for Preparing Property Data

Before preparing property data, you need to observe related precautions.

I. Precautions
 If no geographic data is imported before you calculate property data, the exported
property data is based on ground coordinates. If geographic data has been imported when
you calculate the property data, the exported property data is based on longitude and
latitude coordinates.
 The property data is exported as TXT files. Each property data file contains the file head
and file body.

II. Head of a Property Data File

The head of a property data file describes information when the file is generated. A parameter
and its value are separated by pressing Tab. For details about the file head format, see Table

Table Format of the property data file head

Parameter Description

type RAT of the feature data.

timestamp Time when feature data is exported. Format: hh:mm:ss dd-
resolution Precision of exporting feature data. The unit is meter.
xmin Northwest longitude of the area from which feature data is
exported. Feature data is exported based on the WGS84
coordinate system.
xmax Southeast longitude of the area from which feature data is
exported. Feature data is exported based on the WGS84
coordinate system.
ymin Northwest latitude of the area from which feature data is
exported. Feature data is exported based on the WGS84
coordinate system.
ymax Southeast latitude of the area from which feature data is
exported. Feature data is exported based on the WGS84
coordinate system.
x_num_pixels Number of grids from which feature data is exported in the
horizontal direction.
y_num_pixels Number of grids from which feature data is exported in the
vertical direction.

III. Body of a Property Data File

The body of a property data file records the feature value of each geographic location.
Currently, it records the latitude and longitude, cell information, and received signal level of
each grid center.
Each line in the body of a property data file is organized in the following format:
longitude; latitude; index of the cells in the grid located in the preceding longitude and
latitude coordinates; LAC-CI; downlink received signal level in the primary BCCH

Preparing Property Data

You can prepare property data by creating a prediction group and calculating related counters
in the group.

 The geographic data has been imported.
 Base station information has been created or imported, including sites, transceivers, and
 The calculation area is created.

Create a prediction group and calculate related counters in the group. You need to calculate the
CPICH RSCP prediction counter for UMTS.

Step 1 Optional: Set global parameters for prediction.

After you set global parameters for prediction, the new prediction groups have the same
global parameters. The following figure shows an operation example.
Figure Properties

The prediction precision affects the reliability of prediction results and the duration of prediction
calculation. A smaller value of prediction precision indicates higher prediction precision and longer
duration of prediction calculation.
You are advised to set the prediction precision to be the same as the path loss calculation precision and
the map precision.

Step 2 Create a prediction group.

The following figure shows an operation example.

Figure New

Step 3 In the displayed dialog box, set prediction group name, whether to calculate immediately, and
select prediction counters.
Figure shows an operation example (GSM). For counter description, see
Figure Creating a prediction group (1)

In 3, you can right-click a counter and choose the related menu item from the displayed shortcut menu to
show or hide the counter:
 To show a hidden counter, choose More Coverage from the shortcut menu.
 To hide a counter, choose Clear More from the shortcut menu.

Step 4 In the displayed dialog box, set the prediction group properties.
Figure shows an operation example. For parameter description, see Table, Table, and Table
Figure Creating a prediction group (2)

Table Parameters on the General tab page in the UMTS Group Properties
dialog box
Parameter Description

Resolution (m) Prediction precision.

Polygon Area calculated in prediction.
Cell Edge Coverage Probability of cell edge coverage, which is the probability that
Probability the receive signal strength is stronger than the threshold at the
edge of a cell.
With Shadow Specifies whether shadow fading is considered during
Indoor Coverage Specifies whether penetration loss is considered during
Compare With Specifies whether to compare prediction results with one or
DT/CW more pieces of DT/CW data on the live network.
The U-Net compares prediction results with DT/CW data on the
live network only when DT/CW data has been imported and the
counter Best Server, CPICH RSCP, CPICH Ec/Io, HSUPA
RLC Peak Throughput, or HSDPA RLC Peak Throughput is
counter(DT/CW) indicates the value of this counter in DT/CW
data. For example, DL RSRP (DT/CW).
counter(Prediction - DT/CW) indicates the counter difference
between the value to be planned and the value in DT/CW (the
difference is obtained by subtracting the value in DT/CW from
the planned value). For example, DL RSRP (Prediction -
After this option is selected, the prediction result area is the
same as the area of the selected DT/CW data.
With MR/DT Specifies whether to calculate link loss based on MR/DT data
LinkLoss on the live network.
You can click Advanced LinkLoss Parameter to set path loss
parameters. For parameter description, see Error: Reference
source not found.

Table Parameters on the Condition tab page in the UMTS Group Properties
dialog box
Parameter Description

Signal Level (dBm) Receive threshold of the downlink reference signal.

Terminal UE type.
Service Service type.
Mobility Mobility type.
DLFrequencyBand Downlink frequency band.
ARFCN Absolute radio frequency channel number (ARFCN).

Table Parameters on the Advanced tab page in the UMTS Group Properties
dialog box
Parameter Description

HSUPA Schedule TTI TTI for HSUPA scheduling

MacroDiv Gain Macro diversity gain
Min CPICH Ec/Io Threshold for the minimum signal to interference
plus noise ratio (SINR)
Pilot Pollution Margin Threshold for pilot pollution
SHO Threshold Threshold for soft handovers
TopN Signal Level Number of top receive levels to be ranked
UL Cell AVG Ioc/Ior Uplink neighboring cell interference factor.
Table Parameters in the Advanced LinkLoss Parameter dialog box
Parameter Description

LinkLoss DT / MR: calculation based on DT/MR data.

Matrix Creation DT / MR + Prediction: calculation based on DT/MR data and
Type propagation model prediction.
If a cell has DT/MR data, the link loss matrix for the cell is
created based on the DT/MR data. If a cell does not have DT/MR
data, the link loss matrix for the cell is calculated using the
propagation model.
DT/MR DT first: preferentially uses DT data.
Priority MR first: preferentially uses MR data.
DT/MR Data Available DT/MR data.
Polygon Area for calculation.
Source Layer Source network layer for calculation. The path loss at the source
network layer is used as the basis for calculating the path loss of
the target network layer.
Target Layer Target network layer for calculation. The path loss of the target
network layer is calculated based on the path loss of the source
network layer.
Offset (dB) Path loss offset of Target Layer relative to Source Layer.

Step 5 Calculate a prediction group.

If... Then...

Select Calculate now The U-Net automatically calculates the prediction group.
Deselect Calculate now You need to right-click a prediction group in the navigation
tree and choose Calculate from the shortcut menu to start

 If you right-click a prediction group that is being calculated and choose Stop from the shortcut
menu, counters will not be automatically locked.
 After a prediction group is calculated, counters are automatically locked. If all counters in a
prediction group are locked, the prediction group cannot be calculated.
 After you modify attributes for a prediction group, all counters in the prediction group are
automatically unlocked.
 You can right-click a prediction group or counter and choose Studies Locked from the shortcut
menu to manually lock the prediction group or counter. When prediction needs to be performed
again, you can clear Studies Locked to unlock the prediction group or counter. Then, the prediction
group or counter can be calculated again.
Verifying the Feature Database Based on DT Data
After a coverage prediction group is calculated, you can use DT data to adjust the group to
improve the accuracy of feature data and positioning. If no DT data is to be adjusted, you can
skip this section.

Step 1 In the Explorer window, click the tab.

Step 6 Choose Predictions > Groupx > DL RSRP from the navigation tree.
Step 7 Right-click DL RSRP and choose DT Adjust Feature Database from the shortcut menu. The
DT Adjust Feature Database dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure

Figure DT Adjust Feature Database

Step 8 Set related parameters in the displayed dialog box. For details about parameters, see Table

Table Parameters in the DT Adjust Feature Database dialog box

Parameter Description

Drive Test File DT data file.

Selected from a drop-down list. The default value is All.
Clutter Resolution (m) Indicates the clutter resolution. The default value is 300.
Clutter Shift Indicates the clutter shift threshold. The default value is 50.
Threshold (%)

Step 9 Click Adjust.

Exporting Property Data

Step 1 In the browser window, click the Operation tab page.
Step 10 Choose Predictions > Groupx > CPICH RSCP from the navigation tree.
Step 11 Right-click DL RSRP and choose Export BIN By > Top Signal Level from the shortcut
menu. The dialog box shown in Figure is displayed.
Figure Export By Top Signal Level

Step 12 Set the minimum value and the top N maximum receive levels to be exported.
Step 13 Click Export.
Step 14 Set the save path, file name, and file type. Then, export the preset information.

 To export top N receive levels within the lattice, you must set TopNSignalLevel when creating a
prediction group. This parameter indicates that the top N maximum receive levels will be calculated.
 The minimum level value in the exported property data indicates the smaller value between the
value of Min Signal Level (dBm) in the Export By Top Signal Level dialog box and the minimum
level value you have set when creating a prediction group.


2.2.18 Terminal Library Data Collection

You can click download Terminal LIB and Terminal Type from RuleStore (Choose
Help > Script Update from the OMStar main menu).

2.2.19 eNodeB Configuration Data Collection

Step 1 Log in to the U2000 client and choose Maintenance > Backup Management > NE Backup.
Step 2 In the NE Backup window shown in the following figure, select eNodeB from the NE type
drop-down list. After all NEs of the eNodeB type are displayed in the NE navigation tree in
the left pane, select the check box of NE to select all NEs and click Backup.

Step 3 Click Yes. In the Confirm dialog box shown in the following figure, click Yes to back up
It takes an extended period if a large number of NEs are selected for backup. In addition, the backup is

The backup progress is displayed in the Progress column, as shown in the following figure.

Step 4 When the backup progress for all NEs becomes 100% and Succeeded is displayed in the
Information column, the backup is complete. The NEs whose data has been successfully
backed up will be displayed in the NE Backup List in the right pane. After the backup, all
XML configuration files of the NEs are saved on the U2000 server and the save path is
displayed in the Path column.

Step 5 In the NE Backup List, select all NEs and click Download to OMC Client at the right
corner of the window to download the configuration files from the U2000 server to your local
In the Select Folder dialog box shown in the following figure, specify Directory and click

The download progress is displayed in the Progress column. When Succeeded is displayed in
the Status column, the configuration files are successfully downloaded to your local PC.

The downloaded configuration files are saved in the structure shown in the following figure.
The first-level node is the name of the folder for saving the configuration files. The second-
level node is the name of a base station displayed on the U2000. The third-level node is the
backup date. The backup XML configuration files are all named U2000.XML.

2.2.20 PRS Perf Data Collection

Step 1 Export the corresponding performance data files in CSV format from the PRS according to
the data analysis requirements.
Step 2 Edit the performance data files.

The default coding format of the exported CSV file is UTF-8. The coding format is changed if the CSV
file is edited in Excel format. The CSV file can be queried by the text editor if the following
requirements are met:
 The first line of the file is empty, the seventh line is the header, and the data line starts from the
eighth line. Alternatively, the first line is the header, and the data line starts from the second line. The
rest of the lines cannot be identified.
 The header line and data line are separated using a comma (,), and other separation modes are not

The levels and formats of the GSM data:

 BSC level:
BSCNAME Time TCH Traffic counterA … counterN

 CELL level:

The levels and formats of the UMTS data to be imported:

 RNC level:
RNCNAME Time Subscriber counterA … counterN
 CELL level:
RNCNAME NODEBNAME CELLNAME Time Subs counterA … counterN

The levels and formats of the LTE data to be imported:

 ENODEB level:
ENODEBNAME Time Subscriber counterA … counterN
 CELL level:
ENODEBNAME CELLNAME Time Subscriber counterA counterN
s …

The fields in green in the above tables are mandatory. The NAME columns, such as
ENODEBNAME and CELLNAME, can correspond to the ID columns in the data. The
reference indicators in yellow are optional.
The format of time: MM/dd/YYYY hh:mm:ss (for example: 06/29/2012 21:00:00), or
YYYY/MM/dd hh:mm:ss or MM/dd/YYYY.

2.2.21 UMTS Signaling Data Collection

Step 1 Choose Monitor > Signaling Trace > Anonymous Policy Management in the panel of
U2000 to set the collection anonymous policy.

Step 2 Select Anonymous policy and Enable anonymous policy in the Anonymous Policy
Step 3 Select Monitor > Signaling Trace > Signaling Trace Management in the panel of U2000 to
collect signal data.

Step 4 Clicking UMTS Standard UE Trace is used as an example. Select Standard UE Trace in
UMTS at left tree and click New.
Step 5 Select the NE, Trace Duration, and Running Mode in the Standard UE Trace window for
signal collection, and then click Next.

Step 6 Set the RNC ID, Trace type, and IMSI for Signal collection, and then click Finish.
Step 7 After data collection task running, select a collection task and click Export to obtain the
signal data.


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