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Yelp gave it four stars, but Nancy said

“the chicken was so dry”, but Bob

raves about the customer service...
There was a time, not so long ago, when a restaurant opened and,
viola! A line up of curious customers, with no knowledge of the service
or menu would be willing to try something new. They might not even
know the type of food you served. They might ask a friend who’d been
if they enjoyed their experience.

While classic marketing tactics like promos, events, and word of mouth
aren’t going anywhere, we’re now living in the information age, with
countless ways to learn about new restaurants online. Review sites like
Yelp and Google yield thousands of voices weighing in, celebrating
- or berating - their experience. Social media chatter celebrates
culinary aesthetics or publicly blasts poor management. Menus are
readily available on websites for the world to see. And now, with digital
marketing, restaurants exist online before they exist in real-life.
So the question is how does this impact the dining choices of
restaurant goers?

01 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

Survey Goals
At TouchBistro, we’re committed to helping restaurants around the
world be successful. Our products, services and resources are all
based around enabling, educating and growing restaurateurs and
the businesses they run.

We know that getting customers through the door is half the

battle, so we set out to understand how today’s restaurant goers
choose the restaurants they dine at, including their dining habits,
decision makers, and deal breakers.

Working with an independent research firm, we surveyed 521

participants across the US of varying ages, geographies and life
stages to find out what’s getting people in the door... and what’s
pushing them out.

02 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

Participant Criteria: Must dine out at least once a 18-34: 156 HOUSEHOLD INCOME:
week to have participated in the study. 35-54: 182 $50K: 135
55+: 182 $50K: $100k: 231
100K+: 135

Female: 260
Male: 261 Single: 107
Living with Significant
Other/ Married: 358
LOCATION Separated/ Divorced/
Northeast: 82 Widowed: 56

Midwest: 122
South: 194
West: 122 CHILDREN
Female: 260
Male: 261

03 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

Key Findings
Restaurant goers are eating out multiple times
per week and are regularly looking for new
places to eat.

Almost half of participants eat out between 2-4 times per week (48%)

Restaurant goers occasionally look for somewhere new to dine (64%),

while only a slim percentage stay with the same restaurants (18%).

Food is first: Restaurant-goers choose restaurants

first and foremost on type of food and will return if
the food is good.

The majority (63%) of restaurant goers say that the type of food would have
the biggest impact on their restaurant choice, ahead of the other four ranked
factors, including location, recommendations from friends, online reviews and
popularity on social media.

The YUM Factor: Almost three-quarters (70%) agreed that they would re-visit a
restaurant that had bad customer service if their food was good.

04 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

Restaurant-goers take recommendations from
friends very seriously.

9/10 restaurant-goers had visited a restaurant they’d never been to purely

based on a friend’s recommendation. Almost three-quarters said they would
avoid a restaurant if their friend gave them negative feedback.

Most restaurant-goers regularly look at online reviews

to help make new restaurant decisions.

The majority of participants (68%) said that they had tried a new restaurant
based on positive online reviews.

Almost half (45%) regularly check online reviews before deciding on a

new restaurant.

Millennial restaurant-goers are more likely to look at reviews when deciding

on a new restaurant than others (67%).

The majority of restaurant goers look online in some

capacity before going to a new restaurant.

Over half look at the online menu (59%) and website (51%) before
stepping in the door.

Almost (24%) look up a new restaurant on social media

before committing.

05 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

Recommendations from friends have the most
influence when deciding on a new restaurant,
ranked above both online reviews and social media.

87% agreed they would take a recommendation from a friend more

seriously than online rating.

91% tried a new restaurant based entirely on a recommendation from

a friend, as opposed to 68% who tried based entirely on positive online
reviews, and 41% who tried based entirely on positive feedback on
social media.

Locally sourced food and live music options attract

restaurant goers.

When it comes to food options that attract restaurant goers, locally sourced
food would have an impact on the restaurant choices of almost half of surveyed
restaurant-goers (49%).

For entertainment, live music is a compelling attraction for nearly half of

surveyed diners (44%).

Discounts and promotions continue to fill seats.

Classic marketing mainstays still fill seats, with 80% of restaurant goers visiting a
new restaurant based entirely on receiving a discount or promotion.

06 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

Restaurant-goers are deterred by restaurants
who’ve had a recent health warning or if they’ve
received feedback from a friend that the food is bad.

Health inspection warnings (70%) and hearing the food is bad from a friend
(69%) were the most frequently stated deterrents.

Waiting for a table longer than 30 minutes (55%) and bad online reviews (51%)
followed as top reasons a restaurant-goer would not consider a restaurant.

Millennials have substantially different habits than

Gen Xers and Baby Boomers.

More Millennials (66%) eat out than Gen Xers (50%) and Baby Boomers (54%)

Millennials are much more likely to look at online reviews (67%) and social
media (34%) than their Gen X and Baby Boomer counterparts.

Baby Boomers are significantly less driven by specific food options, like
gluten-free, locally sourced, and vegetarian.

07 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

Urban restaurant-goers have substantially different
habits than small town and rural diners.

Urban diners frequent restaurants more often, are more likely to try
somewhere new every time they go out, and perform online activities
before settling on a new restaurant.

Small town and rural dwellers are less likely to use review sites, are
less influenced by online reviews, and are less attracted to restaurant
entertainment options.

Ballers - or those in high income brackets - have

finicky tastes.

Ballers are more finicky about where they eat – they more frequently check
online menus and reviews than other income brackets before committing to a
new restaurant.

08 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

Restaurant-goers are
skipping the stove-top.
Only frequent diners (those who indicated that they dine
out at least once a week) were eligible to participate in this
research study. But what we found was that many frequent
diners eat out a whole lot more than once a week! 48%
2-4 times
a week 44%
56% dine out
more than once a week
Once a week

Dine out 5x +
per week

10 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

While restaurant goers have their ol’faithful go-tos,
they’re also on the hunt for something new.
How frequently do you choose a restaurant you’ve never been to?




11 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

Table for ? Not that often.
Only a quarter (27%) of restaurant diners said they at
Significant Other
least sometimes dine alone.
While nearly three-quarters (71%) of diners can be
found dining out with their significant other.



Who do they typically dine out with?

12 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017
Frequent restaurant-goers are
influencers in their social circles.
Frequent diners believe they have a high influence
when they recommend a restaurant to a friend.

say their friends or colleagues of surveyed restaurant goers say

63% rely on their opinion or follow

their recommendation most
times when they’re out to eat.
74% their family / significant other
relies on their opinion when
deciding on a restaurant.

13 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

These boots are made
for walk-ins....
Walk-ins are favored over reservations.

60% rarely or never make a


26% a reservation
occasionally make

14% make a reservation

always or most times

14 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

Today’s diner is digital.
How often do you do the following
And curious. before deciding on a new restaurant?
Frequent diners are doing quite a bit of research
online before settling on a restaurant.
59% look at the restaurant menu online

51% look at their website

45% check their online reviews

24% on social media

look them up

16 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

17 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017
Cravings always win. Popularity on
social media
63% of restaurant goers said that the “type of food”
that restaurants offered has the biggest influence on
their dining decisions above all other factors.
Online reviews
How would you rank the following factors in terms 7% Type of food

of the impact they have on your dining decisions?

63% Type of food Reccommendation
15% Location from friend

12% Recommendation from friend Location

7% Online reviews
3% Popularity on social media
18 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017
The YUM Factor:
Good food to the rescue

70% would re-visit a restaurant that had bad

customer service if their food was good.

19 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

Social media: “Is this thing on?”
Social media was ranked last for factors that
impact restaurant-goers dining decisions including:

recommendations, online reviews, type of food, and

Dead last
Only 3% ranked social media as the most impactful in
their decision making process.

How would you rank popularity

on social media in terms of the
impact it has on your dining
First place

20 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

When asked
“Have you ever made a decision to try a new
restaurant based entirely on any of the following”
restaurant-goers said:

91% Recommendations from your friends

y es ! 80% A promotion or discount

68% Positive online reviews

41% Positive feedback

on social media
22 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017
Recommendations from friends
beat online reviews everytime.

said they would take

87% a recommendation from

a friend more seriously
than an online rating.

23 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

Biggest Influencers:
Reviews vs. Recommendations vs. Social Media

Would try a new restaurant Has decided to not go to a restaurant

based entirely on: in the past because:

91% A recommendation from a friend 74% Negative feedback from a friend

68% Positive online reviews

57% Read bad online reviews

41% Positive social

media feedback 32% Negative feedback
on social media

24 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

Please pass the Yelp.

73% of diners have used at least one online

review source in the past 3 months.

25 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

Which restaurant review
sources have you used in the
past 3 months?
32% 35%
20% 21%
Zomato A local blog OpenTable A local Trip Advisor Google Yelp
newspaper Reviews
26 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

The Coupon Lives On… PINTS

HALF $10
PRICE bottles
of wine

of restaurant goers have tried a new

80% restaurant based entirely on receiving

a discount or promotion.

27 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

Half of diners said they would be more
likely to choose a restaurant that had
locally-sourced food options.

If a restaurant provided the below food options, how 49% 36%

Locally sourced
would it affect your likelihood to choose that restaurant? Low Calorie

49% Locally sourced

36% Low Calorie

20% Vegetarian Gluten Free

18% Gluten Free Vegan

17% Vegan
29 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017
Hey Mr. Restaurant Man,
play a song for me.

30 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

That old song and dance…
gets diners in the door.
If a restaurant provided the entertainment
options below, how would it affect your
likelihood to choose that restaurant? 39% Live music

36% WiFi
Games or


31 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

Hold the rats, roaches, and rust.
Health warnings were the top reason
diners would forego visiting a restaurant,
with 40% citing it as their top deterrent.

33 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

Which of the following, if anything, would be most likely
to deter you from going to a restaurant?

A recent health inspection warning 40%

Heard from a friend that the food was bad 23%
A table wait time over 30 minutes 12%
Bad online reviews 8%
Distance greater than 30 minutes away 6%
Auto gratuity 4%
No bill splitting 2%
34 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017
A diner’s friend bad mouths
your restaurant?
Consider yourself blacklisted.

35 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

Nearly three-quarters (74%)
said they would decide not to
go to a restaurant if a friend
gave them negative feedback
about it. 26%
Have you ever made the decision NOT to go to
a restaurant based entirely on negative feedback
from friends?

36 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

“What’s good tonight?”

of Millennials are eating out more than
once a week. That’s 16% more than Gen
Xers and 12% more than Baby Boomers.

38 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

Millennials are less
driven by their cravings.
Millennials are far less likely to say that the
type of food has the biggest impact on their
dining decision.

54% 70%
Ages 18- 34 Ages 55+
39 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017
… but Millennials are How would you rank the following factors
in terms of the impact they have on your
more driven by online dining decisions?

reviews and popularity

on social media.
31% 8%
Ages 18- 34 Ages 55+

Media 15% 0%
Ages 18- 34 Ages 55+

40 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

Maybe they’re just hungry, but far more
Millennials seek out restaurant menus online.
How often do you look at a restaurants online menu
before deciding on a NEW restaurant?

81% Millennials

56% Gen X

42% Boomers

41 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

Millennials are much more likely to look at
online reviews than others before deciding
on a new restaurant.

Gen Xers
44% Millennials Check online reviews before
deciding on a new restaurant.
Boomers 67%

42 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

Where’s the ‘unlike’ button?
While negative feedback on social media isn’t a big
deterrent overall, Millennials were more deterred by
negative social media reviews than other demographics.

43 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

32% of restaurant goers have
chosen not to go to a restaurant because
of negative feedback on social media.

This is especially true for Millennials (45%)

and significantly less true for
those 55+ (17%).

44 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

Picky palates? Not Baby Boomers.
Baby Boomers are far less likely to be influenced by
specialty menu offerings when choosing a restaurant.

18-34 35-54 55+

Gluten-Free 24% 21% 11%

Locally Sourced 52% 53% 42%

Vegetarian 26% 21% 14%

Low Calorie 44% 35% 31%

Vegan 18% 20% 15%

45 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

Turn it down vs. Turned up?
Restaurant entertainment is less important for Baby
Boomers and more important for everybody else. Millennials
Gen Xers
If a restaurant provided the entertainment options
Baby Boomers
below, how would it affect your likelihood to
choose that restaurant?

55% 52%
47% 46%
40% 42%
26% 26%
Live Music TV WiFi Games / Billiards
46 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017
Empty fridge syndrome. How often do you usually dine out?
Urban diners frequent restaurants most often.


Urban Suburban Small town/Rural

More than once a week

48 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017
Something old, something new ...
An unfamiliar menu vs.
a menu tried and true.

49 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

Urban diners are more likely
to try somewhere new. Urban
How often do you choose a restaurant Suburban
you’ve never been to? Small Town/Rural

66% 65%

10% 10%
Always/Most times Occasionally Rarely/never
50 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017
“You can’t sit with us.” Urban
Urban diners are more likely to dine alone or with Suburban
friends and colleagues, while rural diners often Small Town/Rural
dine with their families or significant other.

Who do you typically dine out with? 90%

41% 43%
Alone With friends With family or
or co-workers significant others
51 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017
The real reason young people are
glued to their phones on transit. Urban
Urban restaurant-goers perform significantly more Suburban
online activities before deciding on a new restaurant. Small Town/Rural

How often do you do the following before

deciding on a new restaurant?
66% 66%
41% 40%
18% 36% 26%
Look them up on social media Look at their website Look at their online menu Check their online reviews
52 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017
When urban restaurant-goers check out
reviews online, this is where they go.
Which restaurant review sources have you used in the past 3 months?

72% Suburban
51% Small Town/Rural
43% 39%
39% 34%
31% 32%
23% 28% 26% 27%
18% 22% 19%
17% 15%
10% 11%
4% 5% 5% 3%
Yelp Google Trip Advisor A Local OpenTable A Local Zomato Have not used
Reviews Newspaper Blog any reviews in the
past 3 months

53 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

A digital thumbs up
goes a long way for urbanites.
Online reviews and social media are
more likely to drive the decisions of
urban restaurant goers.

54 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

Have you ever made a decision to go Have you ever made a decision
to a new restaurant based entirely on to not go to a restaurant based
the following: entirely on the following:


65% 62%
61% 60%
47% 48%
27% 25% 24%
Positive online reviews Positive feedback on Negative online reviews Negative feedback on
social media social media

Urban Suburban Small Town/Rural Urban Suburban Small Town/Rural

55 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

Healthy, local food options are
more important to urban dwellers.
If a restaurant provided the following food options,
would it affect your likelihood to choose that restaurant?

64% Suburban
Small Town/Rural
43% 48%
33% 32% 33% 31%

12% 12% 13% 17% 14%

Gluten-Free Locally Sourced Vegetarian Low Calorie Vegan

56 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

Urbanites love their food
with a side of entertainment.
If a restaurant provided the entertainment options below,
would it affect your likelihood to choose that restaurant?

56% Urban
53% Suburban
43% Small Town/Rural
27% 27%

19% 18%
TV WiFi Live Music Games or Billiards
(darts, pool table, etc.)

57 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

Ballers are more likely to seek out
new dining experiences.
How often do you choose a restaurant you’ve never been to?

<$50K $50K-$100k 100K +

Always/most times
59 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017
Ballers want to know what
they’re getting themselves into.
Diners with a household income of 100k+ are more likely to
look at the menu online before deciding on a restaurant.

48% 42%
38% <50K
$50K - $100K
I look at the menu online first I don’t look at the menu
online first
60 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017
Diners on a dime are less likely to
avoid a restaurant just because
it has negative reviews.

Have you ever made a decision to not go to a restaurant

based entirely on negative reviews?

60% 62%
<$50K $50K-$100k 100K +
61 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017
“Honey, I feel like Thai”:
Put food first! If you take away one thing from this research report it’s that
the type of food you offer is the main draw towards your restaurant. Diners
value food first and good food can be your saving grace when it comes
to saving a bad service scenario or combatting poor online reviews. No
matter what age, location or dining circumstance your customer is coming
from, the results are in and ‘type of food’ is the biggest influencer on
choosing restaurants.

You can’t please everyone all the time…

so get to know your diners and know
them well:
Use analytics to your advantage. Sales data and customer profiles provide
you with key intel into who is frequenting your restaurant. If your customer
base is primarily Millennials, you’ll know they’re more inclined to value
what’s being said about you on social media. They’re also more likely to
attend your karaoke night – so perhaps you should put out an ad on social
media! Skip the gluten-free options if you’re attracting a largely Boomer
customer base.

63 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

In terms of reviews, recommendations
from friends are the most important:
We all know that negative word-of-mouth can cause substantial harm.
But equally as detrimental is silence. If you’re not being talked about,
do you even exist? Restaurants should find a way to make a positive
impression through a combination of food, service, and marketing
strategies to get people to return and tell their friends. A positive
recommendation goes a long way.

Showcase your goods online:

The numbers speak for themselves. While some online activity – like
constantly scouring through online reviews – might have less impact on
dining choices in comparison to others, most restaurant-goers perform
some kind of activity before venturing to your spot for the first time. Having
an updated menu and an easy to use website is a must-have.

Take advantage of good PR:

They had a good time and you know it. Don’t let that supremely satisfied
customer slip through your fingers. Sweeten the deal with a coupon, a
discount or another incentive, so not only will they have a higher chance
of returning, but they’ll tell all their friends.

64 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

Urban restaurants should provide
a variety of healthy food options:
Urban restaurants have their jobs cut out for them. More competition, more
choices, more pressure to perform well in all avenues than their small town
counterparts. But at the same time, they have a larger customer base and
more opportunity to get people in the door. We know urban diners are
attracted to food options, so it’s best for urban restaurants to cater to a
variety of dietary restrictions, while keeping sustainability top of mind. By
the numbers, rural restaurants don’t have to worry as much about catering
to vegans, however across the board locally sourced was a stand out for
many diners so they should keep that top of mind.

Social media matters… but not in

comparison to other factors:
With social media’s relative lack of importance revealed in the survey, it’s
function can become more of a reminder that you exist and less of a lure
to get people in the door. If you’re targeting new customers on social
media, you might want to change your strategy to retention and focus
more on building your website and presence on online review sites.

65 TouchBistro Restaurant Insights Report 2017

This study was conducted by Maru Matchbox research firm on
behalf of TouchBistro. Results are from 521 Americans aged 18+,
who indicated that they dine out at least once a week.

The survey was conducted June 2017.

TouchBistro helps full and quick service restaurants, bars,
cafes, breweries, and food trucks succeed by providing both
the tools and knowledge needed to increase sales, improve
service, and inform key business decisions.

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