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The PAN-Based Carbon Fiber

Carbon Fibers

Broad Base. Best Solutions.

C Carbon is Future.
SGL Group – The Carbon Company.

Carbon has unique properties. It is indispensable in the

production of steel, aluminum and solar energy systems.
Carbon increases the performance of wind turbines and
Carbon Fibers & Composites

The business area Carbon Fibers & Composites

(CFC) encompasses the complete value chain
of carbon fiber products – from precursor via
carbon fibers, fabrics and prepregs to finished
CFRP composite parts.

We are the only European-based carbon fiber

producer and have secured our own precursor
supply. CFC has established a full range of
downstream production technologies to provide its
customers with a broad range of carbon products.
Our materials portfolio is completed by glass
fiber-based non-crimp fabrics and special
technological developments like automated braiding
in our joint venture SGL Kümpers.
reduces the weight of airplanes, cars and sports equipment.
Our subsidiary Hitco Carbon Composites has
been supplying composite parts to the aerospace
industry for many years now. The automotive
industry is supplied through our joint ventures
Benteler SGL and Brembo SGL Carbon Ceramic
Carbon substitutes other materials and contributes to a Brakes.
reduction in CO2 emissions.
We strive to be the leading carbon supplier to
strategic growth industries with customized solu-
tions from our broad product portfolio.

SGL Group is one of the leading manufacturers of carbon-

based products and has the broadest product and technol-
ogy portfolio, a global sales network and state-of-the-art
production sites in Europe, North America and Asia.
The PAN-Based Carbon Fiber

Carbon fibers supplied by SGL Group form the basis of fiber- Key benefits of carbon fiber
reinforced composites and are the key components in products • High tensile strength
used in wind energy generation, in the aerospace and automotive • Excellent electrical conductivity
industries, in motor racing and in the manufacture of adhesives • Low density
and other industrial applications. • Light weight structural
Derived from a polyacrylonitrile (PAN) precursor, SIGRAFIL C
is a carbon fiber that combines high strength, high modulus
of elasticity and low density for maximum performance.
SIGRAFIL C is ideal for weaving, prepregging, filament winding,
carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) components, advanced
composites, multiaxial production, unidirectional tapes, extrusion,
pultrusion and other conversion processes.

PAN precursor Oxidation Carbonization Surface Sizing Carbon fiber

treatment spool winding

Production process of SIGRAFIL® C

Typical properties of SIGRAFIL® C

Fiber type Number Fineness Density Filament Sizing Sizing Tensile strength Tensile modulus Elongation
SIGRAFIL of of yarn ­diamet. type level at break
[tex] [g/cm3] [µm] [%] [GPa] [ksi] [GPa] [Msi] [%]
C40 24k 1600 1.81 7 Epoxy 1.0 4.8 700 240 35 2.0
Standard modulus

C50 24k 1600 1.81 7 Epoxy 1.0 5.0 725 270 39 1.9
Enhanced modulus

C30 50k 3300 1.80 7 Epoxy 1.0 4.0 580 240 35 1.7
Standard modulus

C30 50k 3200 1.80 7 Epoxy 1.0 4.0 580 253 37 1.6
Enhanced modulus

Other sizing types and levels by agreement

Carbon Fibers for Prepregs

Carbon prepregs

Major benefits of SIGRAFIL C Carbon prepreg materials manufactured using SIGRAFIL C

• Reduced production cycle times carbon fiber combine maximum strength and performance
• Ease of processing with minimum weight. Optimum handling features make
• Sizing to suit most applications these high-performance materials the products of choice
for innovative companies worldwide.
Material quality is a crucial factor in modern lightweight
• Wind energy industry
textiles from 100 – 800 g/m2 achieving innovative high-tech
• Industrial engineering
designs with cost-effective fibers.
• Automotive industry
• Medical technology
• High-performance sports equipment
• Anti-ballistic technology

Typical prepreg properties using SIGRAFIL® C30 50k

Test method Unit Result

Fabric areal weight g/m² 600
Resin content % 35
Volatiles % <1
Prepreg areal weight g/m² 920

Typical laminate properties using SIGRAFIL® C30 50k @ 23 °C

Test method Unit Result

Tensile strength 0° MPa 2100
Tensile modulus 0° GPa 130
Elongation % 1.2
Interlaminar shear strength MPa 80

Carbon Fibers for Woven Fabrics

Woven fabrics

Major benefits of SIGRAFIL C Carbon fabrics manufactured using SIGRAFIL C carbon fiber
• Reduced weaving cycle times are suitable for high-performance textile products made from
• Ease of processing carbon.
• Can be combined with other yarns
Woven fabrics are suitable for the production of carbon fiber
Applications reinforced plastics (CFRP) by wet lamination processing, RTM
• Civil engineering molding or prepregging.
• Marine technology Woven structures can be combined with aramid and glass
• Industrial applications fibers to give hybrid materials.

Typical properties of woven fabrics using SIGRAFIL® C40 24k

Unit Value
Type of yarns Carbon, glass, aramid
Nominal areal weight g/m² 300 – 800
Type of weave Plain, twill
Theoretical thickness mm 0.50 – 1.30
Nominal width cm 30 – 120
Roll length m min. 50

Carbon Fibers for Multiaxial Fabrics

Multiaxial fabrics

Major benefits of SIGRAFIL C Multiaxial fabrics manufactured using SIGRAFIL C carbon fiber
• Reduced production cycle times enable our customers to achieve higher stability with less fiber
• Better properties due to high modulus compared to traditional woven fabrics.
of reinforcing fibers Multiaxial fabrics provide better mechanical properties due
• Fabric areal weight from 300 – 800 g/m2 to improved alignment of reinforcement fibers.
• Ease of processing

• Wind energy industry
• Marine technology
• Automotive industry
• Mechanical engineering
• High-performance sports equipment

Typical properties of multiaxial fabrics using SIGRAFIL® C30 50k

Fiber orientation Weight per layer Weight per unit area

[°] [g] [g/m²]
Unidirectional carbon fabrics 0 300 320
Unidirectional carbon fabrics 0 472 519
Biaxial carbon fabrics ±45 145 296
Biaxial carbon fabrics 0/90 200 407
Multiaxial carbon fabrics 0/±45 200 608
Multiaxial carbon fabrics 0/±45/90 200 808

Carbon Fibers for Filament Winding

Filament winding

Major benefits of SIGRAFIL C Filament winding using SIGRAFIL C carbon fiber has proven
• Reduced production cycle times very versatile in the manufacture of rollers, drive shafts, films,
• Cost-effective production LPG/CNG tanks and hydrogen storage systems.
• Ease of processing
• Adjustable fiber content
• Good wettability with resin

• Automotive industry
• Mechanical engineering
• Paper industry

Typical properties of filament wound components using SIGRAFIL® C

Fiber type Tensile modulus Fiber volume content Density

SIGRAFIL [GPa] [%] [g/cm3]
C30 130 55 1.52
C40 130 55 1.54
C50 149 55 1.54
Calculated values with standard filament winding epoxy resin system

Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 18
86405 Meitingen/Germany
Phone +49 8271 83-2160
Fax +49 8271 83-1427
[email protected]

SGL Carbon Fibers LLC
1600 West 135th Street
Gardena, CA 90249-2506 / USA
Phone +1 310 970-5452
Fax +1 310 516-5776
[email protected]
Free phone 1-877-CFIBERS

SGL CARBON Far East Ltd.
12/F, Shanghai Oriental Plaza, 31
Wujiang Road, Shanghai 200041
P.R. China
Phone +86 21 5211-0333
Fax +86 21 5211-0085
[email protected]

® registered trademark of SGL CARBON SE 02 2014/0 9NÄ Printed in Germany

This information is based on our present state of knowledge and is intended to provide general notes on our products and their uses. It should
there­fore not be construed as guaranteeing specific properties of the products described or their suitability for a particular application. Any existing
industrial property rights must be observed. The quality of our products is guaranteed under our “General Conditions of Sale”.

Carbon Fibers & Composite Materials

Söhnleinstraße 8
65201 Wiesbaden/Germany

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