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Your distance learning course

from Astutis
About the NEBOSH National Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety

Successful completion of the NEBOSH National Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety requires you to undertake around 500 hours of learning and revision of the
topics specified in the course syllabus, in preparation for the NEBOSH final assessments … 3 exams and a workplace-based assignment.
A1. Principles of health and safety A2. Principles of health and safety
11 elements: A3. Criminal law
management law
Unit A Recommended study time: 188 hours
(11 hours) (22 hours)
(16 hours)

Managing health and safety A5. Loss causation and accident A6. Measuring and reviewing A7. Identifying hazards and
A4. Civil law
assessed by a 3 hour written exam investigation health and safety performance evaluating risks
(22 hours)
(11 hours) (16 hours) (20 hours)
A11. The role of the health and
A8. Risk control A9. Organisational factors A10. Human factors
safety practitioner (NOT in exam)
(15 hours) (26 hours) (18 hours)
(11 hours)
B2. Identification, assessment and
B3. The control of hazardous
Unit B 10 elements: B1. Managing occupational health evaluation of hazardous
Recommended study time: 115 hours (12.5 hours) substances
Hazardous agents in the (12.5 hours)
(14 hours)
B4. The monitoring and measuring B6. Physical agents 1 – noise and
assessed by a 3 hour written exam B5. Biological agents B7. Physical agents 2 – radiation
of hazardous substances vibration
(9 hours) (10.5 hours)
(10.5 hours) (17.5 hours)
B8. Mental ill-health and dealing
B9. Musculoskeletal risks and B10. Work environment risks and
with violence and aggression at
controls controls
(9 hours) (9 hours)
(10.5 hours)
C1. Workplace and work C3. Workplace fire risk
10 elements: C2. Fire and explosion
equipment safety assessment
Unit C Recommended study time: 120 hours
(12 hours)
(9 hours)
(10 hours)
Workplace equipment and safety C4. The storage, handling and
C7. Mobile, lifting, access and
assessed by a 3 hour written exam processing of dangerous C5. Work equipment C6. Work machinery
work at height equipment
substances (15.5 hours) (15.5 hours)
(10 hours)
(12 hours)
C9. Construction and works of a
C10. Workplace transport and
C8. Electrical safety temporary nature – hazards and
managing work-related road risk
(12 hours) controls
(10 hours)
(14 hours)

Unit DNI The workplace-based assignment requires you to apply the knowledge and understanding developed in Units A, B and C to a workplace, and to
produce an overall review of the arrangements for managing health and safety and justified recommendations to improve health and safety
Application of health and safety
performance within the workplace.
theory and practice (77 hours) 2
© Astutis Ltd 2017 NEBOSH National Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety
About your Astutis distance learning course

The Astutis distance learning course for the NEBOSH Diploma aims to provide you with the essential course materials and support to guide you through your
500 hour learning and revision journey, with your ultimate destination being successful completion of the NEBOSH National Diploma exams.

Unit A Unit B Unit C Unit DNI

Hazardous agents in the Workplace equipment and
Course materials

Managing health and safety Application of health and

workplace safety safety theory and practice

 Full-colour, digital  Full-colour, digital  Full-colour digital  Full-colour, digital guide

course notes for the 11 course notes for the 10 course notes for the 10 to help with the
elements of Unit A elements of Unit B elements of Unit C completion of the Unit
 Exam questions and  Exam questions and  Exam questions and DNI workplace-based
answers booklet for answers booklet for answers booklet for assignment
Unit A Unit B Unit C
 Mock exam paper for  Mock exam paper for  Mock exam paper for
Unit A Unit B Unit C

© Astutis Ltd 2017 NEBOSH National Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety
How we support you

Planning advice We offer study planning guidance and support resources to help you get organised before
you begin.

As soon as you start the course you will be assigned a tutor who will be your main point of
Your own tutor contact and support through the course. Your tutor will offer on-going support via email,
telephone or Skype. Your mock exam will be marked by your tutor and their feedback on
your performance will be shared with you. Your tutor will also be taking an active part in the
discussion forums.

A mock exam You will have the opportunity to sit a mock exam for each unit of the course. Once you have
completed the exam simply send it to your tutor, who will mark it and return it with detailed
feedback about what is good and what you could improve upon.

The discussion forums give you the opportunity to share your experiences, thoughts and
Discussion forums questions with fellow distance Diploma learners. Astutis tutors will be taking part in the
discussions too, but the main purpose of the discussions is to enable you to learn from and
support each other.

We offer additional online revision sessions for Units A, B and C and a support session for
Revision sessions
Unit DNI, via our live, online classroom (webinars). Contact us for more details.

Our distance learning advisor will always be happy to help you with any general queries relating to your course.

© Astutis Ltd 2017 NEBOSH National Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety
Accessing your course materials

All of the course materials can be accessed via the Astutis Resources area:

Download course notes, exam questions and

answers, and the mock exam.

Once you have logged in with your username and

password you have a number of choices …

You can change your password or the email address we contact you with,
choose to be informed when new files are added or updated, and subscribe
by email to discussion posts.

Join the discussions.

You can access all of this on your computer or on a mobile device.

© Astutis Ltd 2017 NEBOSH National Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety
Downloading and using your course materials

Remember: You can only

download each of the
Click on the file name to The number of downloads available for each documents from this website
download it to your computer or file, the subject of the file and the file size are once, so saving the
chosen device. all detailed here. documents as soon as you
have downloaded them is
very important.
Note: When we update course
materials we will let you know
and you will be given an
The digital course notes and the
additional download.
exam question and answer
booklets have all been designed
to enable you to use and
We have created a video to help
navigate them as easily as
you get the most out of our
possible. Highlight text and add sticky notes digital course notes when
just as you would if you were annotating opened in Adobe Reader,
a printed copy of the notes. including searching for
Bookmarks make it easy for
keywords and having the text
you to jump to different parts
read to you. You can watch
of the notes quickly.
Astutis e-learning: Getting the
most out of PDFs on our You
Tube channel at:

Hyperlinks to relevant web resources make it easy for

you to find out more about a particular topic.

© Astutis Ltd 2017 NEBOSH National Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety
Joining the discussion

Enter keywords or phrases into

the search box to find out if
Click on the title of a discussion anyone has been discussing a
post to see what everyone is specific topic.
talking about.

Start a discussion of your own.

Add your comments or questions

to any discussion.
Subscribing to discussions means you will be emailed when
anyone posts a new comment. You can choose how often you
are emailed (see the next page about changing your details).

Remember: Everyone, including tutors, can read your posts.

© Astutis Ltd 2017 NEBOSH National Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety
Changing your details

Here you can change how your name is displayed in discussion posts and in any automated emails you receive … you
can update your email address if it changes … or you can reset your password.

You can choose to receive an automated email if new files are added to the Astutis Resources area.

If you have subscribed to a discussion because you want to know when people have commented on posts you are
interested in, you can choose how often you receive email notifications here.

© Astutis Ltd 2017 NEBOSH National Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety
Getting the most out of your course

As a distance learner you will already be motivated and prepared to use the course materials and support we have provided to ensure you get the most out
of the course … but in case you would like a bit of help getting started, here is what we suggest …

Start by downloading all of the course materials from the Astutis Resources area.

 Units A, B and C are split into elements and each element has a separate set of course notes (PDF).
 Each element is split into sections, based on the learning outcomes from the NEBOSH Diploma syllabus.
 Each element contains all of the essential course information, diagrams, tables, etc. but it also contains web links to reference
resources and relevant exam questions from past exams, which tell you where to find the answers in the Exam questions and
answers booklet.

 The exam questions and answers in the Exam questions and answers booklet have been divided into elements too.
 As well as referring to this booklet to check the answers as you work through the course notes, it is also a handy revision tool in
itself, as you practise answering exam questions in the run up to the exams.

Make sure you take advantage of the additional support we offer.

The mock exam Discussion forums to Revision sessions

Your own tutor
so you can check your share your with one of our tutors
for additional 1:1
progress towards the experiences with via our live, online
exams fellow learners classroom (webinars)

© Astutis Ltd 2017 NEBOSH National Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety
About the NEBOSH National Diploma exams

When can I sit the NEBOSH National Diploma exams? Where can I sit these exams?

 Unit A, B and C written exams take place twice a year, in January and July. You can sit the NEBOSH National Diploma exams with us at the
 Unit DNI written assignment can be submitted several times in a year. following venues:
The exam and assignment submission dates are published on the NEBOSH Bristol Cardiff Central London Edinburgh
website every year. Glasgow Heathrow Wakefield Warrington

What do I have to do to sit a NEBOSH National Diploma exam or submit my assignment with Astutis?

The NEBOSH National Diploma exams and assignment submission only happen a few times during the year so everything you have to do in
preparation has deadlines. The full details (with deadlines) are on our NEBOSH Diploma Exams webpage, but as an overview, there are 3 things for
you to do:
1 You must be enrolled as a Diploma student with NEBOSH before we can register you to take any examinations or submit your Unit DNI written
assignment. The NEBOSH National Diploma Student Enrolment form can be completed online.
2 You need to advise us which of the 3 exams you want to sit, when and in which location, so we can register this with NEBOSH.

3 You need to let us know which date you are going to submit your Unit DNI assignment by, so we can register this with NEBOSH.

Important things to remember:

 Once you have been enrolled as a Diploma student with NEBOSH, you have 5 years to successfully complete the Unit A, B and C exams
and the Unit DNI written assignment.
 If you are not enrolled as a Diploma student with NEBOSH by the date specified on our exams webpage, you cannot sit the exams or
submit your Unit DNI assignment.

How much do the NEBOSH Diploma exams cost?

If you haven’t already done so, contact our sales team to find out about the cost of enrolling for and sitting the NEBOSH Diploma exams.

© Astutis Ltd 2017 NEBOSH National Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety

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