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Time: 3 Hours Maximum marks: 100

1) Design and simulate a 4-bit ripple carry adder using Verilog and verify its
functionality using a test bench and implement the same in FPGA. (100)

2) Design and simulate a 4-bit carry save adder using Verilog and verify its
functionality using a test bench and implement the same in FPGA. (100)
3) Design and simulate a 4-bit Carry look ahead adder using Verilog and
verify its functionality using a test bench and implement the same in FPGA.

4) Design and simulate a CMOS inverter using a cadence tool and verify the
DC transfer characteristics’ and transient analysis. (100)

5) Design and simulate a 4-bit array multiplier using Verilog and verify its
functionality using a test bench.(100)

6) Design and simulate a 4-bit up counter using Verilog and verify its
functionality using a test bench and implement the same in FPGA. (100)

7) Design and simulate a 3 to 8 decoder using Verilog and verify its

functionality using a test bench and implement the same in FPGA. (100)
8) Design and simulate a 4-bit Asynchronous counter using Verilog and
verify its functionality using a test bench. (100)

9) Design and simulate a 8 to 3 encoder using Verilog and verify its

functionality using a test bench and implement the same in FPGA.(100)

10) Design and simulate a 1 to 8 de-multiplexer using Verilog and verify its
functionality using a test bench and implement the same in FPGA.(100)

11) Design and simulate a Wallace tree multiplier using Verilog and verify
its functionality using a test bench.(100)

12 a) Design and simulate the full adder using two half adders using Verilog and
verify its functionality using a test bench. (50)
b) Design and simulate the full subtractor using Verilog and verify its
functionality using a test bench.(50)

13) Design and simulate a 4 bit booth multiplier using Verilog and verify
its functionality using a test bench.(100)

14 a) Design and simulate a RS Flipflop using Verilog and verify

its functionality using a test bench.(50)
b) Design and simulate a D Flipflop using Verilog and verify
its functionality using a test bench.(50)

15) Design and simulate Mealy model using Verilog and verify its
functionality using a test bench. (100)

16) Design and simulate Moore model using Verilog and verify its
functionality using a test bench. (100)
17) Design and simulate a 4 bit signed multiplier using Verilog and verify
its functionality using a test bench.(100)

18) Design and simulate a up-down counter using Verilog verify its
functionality using a test bench and implement the same in FPGA. (100)

19) Design and simulate a 4 bit Johnson counter using Verilog verify its
functionality using a test bench and implement the same in FPGA. (100)

20 a) Design and simulate a JK Flipflop using Verilog and verify

its functionality using a test bench.(50)
b) Design and simulate a D Flipflop using Verilog and verify
its functionality using a test bench.(50)
Mark allotment pattern

Aim/Identification - 10

Procedure/Algorithm -10

Program - 30

Execution/Outputs - 30

Results - 10

Viva - 10

Total - 100

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