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FCM newsletter vol3/2004 (july-sept)

NEWSLETTER VOL 3/2004 (July-Sept)

Revival! by Clement
Read Nehamiah 8

Revival! That is a keyword that is frequently being echoed around Christendom today.
In the name of “revival”, numerous revival crusades and gospel gatherings have been
organised by churches and Christian organisations around the world, some even boasting of
filling entire stadiums, and garnering thousands of conversions overnight. Even the local
Bible-Presbyterian scene is calling for revival, with various camps discussing revival in the
church. Some claim that Christianity today is undergoing a major revival. Is this true?

In this short article, we shall examine

what are the characteristics of true revival
from Nehemiah chapter 8. It all started
during the twentieth year of the Persian rule
of King Artaxerxes, who had reigned over
the exiled Jews. Nehemiah was initially the
appointed cupbearer for the king. Upon
hearing of the state of the walls of Jerusalem,
Nehemiah could not help but feel greatly
burdened for the city. After obtaining
permission from the king to return to
Jerusalem, Nehemiah gathered some of the
exiled Jews to restore the walls of Jerusalem.
The people faced fierce opposition, ranging
from mockery, to armed raids and blackmail.
However, armed with nothing more than
faith in their God to prosper them, the
returnees arose and built (Nehemiah 2:20), sometimes with one hand working, and the other
hand holding a weapon (Nehemiah 4:17). Because of their trust in God and their
determination to complete the project, the walls of Jerusalem were restored in an amazingly
short period of 52 days! All praise be unto God! It is now the first day of the seventh month in
444B.C, which is the time for the Feast of Trumpets (Leviticus 23:24). A great
revival is waiting to happen!

Let us now make some observations of this great revival.

(1) Firstly, there was a burning desire for the Word of God.
Notice in verse 1 that it is the people themselves, and not any other
leader, who took initiative to ask for the book of the law. More
importantly, they did it as “one man” (v.1). What a show of
unity! When the law of God was read to them, both the men and
women, and all those who could understand, paid full attention

FCM newsletter vol3/2004 (july-sept)

to what was being said from morning till midday (v.3). Such a congregation would be any
faithful pastor’s dream. This was a people who were on fire for God’s Word! There were
no complaints about lengthy sermons or Bible Study Sessions! Rather, they were filled
with great joy when “they had understood the words that were declared unto them”
(v.12). They were like newborn babes, desiring the sincere milk of the Word, so that they
may grow thereby (2 Peter 2:2). Beloved reader, is that also your desire?

One very good indication of a person’s spiritual state is His love for God’s Word.
David in Psalm 19:10 describes His desire for the
Word of God to be more than much fine gold. To Him,
the Word of God is sweeter than the honey and the
honeycomb. On the contrary, a person who is
rebellious despises the Word of God. Such would
rather hear smooth things and deceit rather than the
truth (Isaiah 30:9-10). This was the situation during
Jeremiah’s ministry. The prophets were declaring
deceitfully about “peace, peace; when there is no
peace” (Jeremiah 6:14; 8:11). When Jeremiah
preached the judgements of God to his own people, they
chose not to repent. Instead they accused him of seeking
the hurt and not the welfare of his people (Jeremiah 38:4).
They took God’s ordained prophet and cast him into a
dungeon where there was no water but mire. In the end
it took a Gentile, Ebed-melech the Ethiopian, to take pity on him and save him out of the

From Nehemiah 8, we make another amazing observation about the revived

returnees. Their desire to hear the Word did not last just one day. The “chief of the
fathers of all the people, the priests, and the Levites” gathered unto Ezra the next day to
seek understanding of the law (v.13). Here were a people who will not be satisfied with
just pure superficial understanding of the Scriptures! They were determined to study to
show themselves approved unto God, as workmen that need not to be ashamed, rightly
dividing the Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15). How much time do we spend meditating on
the grand truths that are contained in God’s Word, that we might grow in grace and in the
knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18)? Dearly beloved, the Bible
is not to be read like a storybook. It contains gems of wisdom so fine that are waiting for
us to discover. Let us seek rather to learn from the returnees’ positive example and spend
much time in the study of God’s Word.

Verse 13 also teaches an important principle to all men. Fathers of homes and
spiritual leaders in churches are to set an example by taking an active initiative to seek
understanding of the Bible. By this, they can inculcate a zeal for the Word of God in their
families or their flock. An example speaks a thousand words.

Note also from the passage that the Levites took effort to cause “the people to
understand the law” (v. 7). Before the exile of the Jews, the people had many pastors who

FCM newsletter vol3/2004 (july-sept)

fed their flock with lies and deceits, causing them to turn away from their God to worship
false idols. Now, the people finally had dedicated and faithful teachers (and rightful ones,
too, for the teaching ministry was only committed to the Levites) to feed them with
spiritual food. What a blessing from God! By way of application, we have an important
lesson here for spiritual leaders. Peter says in 1 Peter 5:2,3 – “Feed the flock of God
which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not
for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; Neither as being lords over God’s heritage, but
being ensamples to the flock”. A minister must always be willing to work for nothing,
with only God’s glory in mind. Faithfulness in ministry is what God is looking for. Paul
writes in 2 Timothy 2:2 – “And the things that thou hast heard of me among many
witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also”.
Any church, ministry, or fellowship group must be committed to teaching the Bible and
making disciples for Christ. The Bible must always be in the centre for any Christian body.
Any Christian group whose focus is on numbers or “relevance” (such as the seeker-
sensitive movement that is popularised by Rick Warren of Saddleback Church) rather than
the Word of God, will ultimately fail in producing spiritual fruit. Rev (Dr) Timothy Tow
illustrates this vividly by describing the disciples as being first trained in JESUS Bible
College before graduating for mission work. Yet another example would be Apollos who
was taken in and trained by Aquila and Priscilla before being released for missionary
work (Acts 18:24-19:1). According to Dr. Jeffrey Khoo: “The Church needs faithful
pastors, not ‘payful’ preachers whose motto is ‘more pay more preach, less pay less
preach, no pay no preach’ ‘whose God is in their belly’ (says Paul in Philippians 3:19)
and ‘whose religion is in their kitchen’ (adds Calvin).” A church will soon cease to
function if its leaders are only out for self-glory and personal gain. How can there be
revival if the leaders are only concerned for filthy lucre and their own honour rather than
striving for the glory of God?

(2) Secondly, there was a sincere, humble and reverent devotion towards God.
After Ezra blessed the LORD, the people answered, “Amen, Amen” while lifting up their
hands. Following this, they bowed down their heads and worshiped the LORD with their
faces to the ground (v.6). The people were aware that they were dealing with a thrice-holy
God. This is heavenly worship (c.f. Revelation 4)!

What a far cry this is from the worship we have

in churches today! For some, anything goes so long as
the “experience” is right. Let the drums and the
electric guitars enter the churches! Any music goes –
even if it is loud and jarring music that distracts the
congregation’s attention. Any lyrics go – so long as
the name of Jesus is mentioned. Any doctrine is
tolerated. Protestant and Roman Catholics – aren’t
they one in Christ? What is the difference?
Charismatism – we shouldn’t be too hard on it because it is a “non-essential” doctrine. Let
the people worship anyway they want so long as “their heart is right”. What a myriad of
excuses and false teaching! Allow me to ask, where is the reverence to God?

FCM newsletter vol3/2004 (july-sept)

The sad truth, however, is that so called conservative reformed and fundamental
churches are not fairing any better either. What we often see is dead orthodoxy. Worship
service becomes a matter of procedure. The singing of hymns is done with no
comprehension of the meaning behind the lyrics. Everything is just a matter of going
through the motion. Is it not a common sight to see people nodding off in the pews while
the sermon is being preached? Allow me to ask, where is the reverence to God?

Let us now consider even our own devotion time. Do we not often
have to drag ourselves to do our own personal devotions? Communion with
our Father is supposed to be the sweetest time of the day. Is it not
ironic that our devotion time becomes a big boredom and a
burden? How about our attitude in our devotions? Do we
want to rush through our prayers? Do we want to quickly finish reading
our Bible and get on with our work? If we are honest, we have to admit that
some time, if not often, we are very haphazard in our devotions. I am guilty of
this. Allow me to ask, where is the reverence to God?

Dearly beloved, let me submit to you that our impression of Jesus is often too one-
sided. Many would like to think of Jesus as mild, meek, long-suffering and compassionate.
Indeed, this is true. But let’s not forget that this same Jesus “who healed the broken-
hearted, and set the captives free” is also the same Jesus who pronounced woe after woe
against the Pharisees. In fact, He pronounces woe upon them eight times in Matthew 23.
In Revelation 5:5-6, Jesus is described as both a Lion and a Lamb. In Revelation 19, Jesus
is pictured as a returning warrior who judges and makes war. Indeed, it is true that the
Lord “is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should
come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). But His longsuffering is not limitless. One day, He
shall come and have His vengeance on those who reject Him.

Beloved brethren, it is important for us to understand our position before a holy

God. Before Him we are nothing but dust. All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags
(Isaiah 64:6). We deserve eternal damnation and punishment in hell-fire! That should
really humble us down on our knees. The returnees certainly understood their position
before God. When the words of the law were read out, all the people wept (v.9). They
realised the depth of their sin and mourned for their condition. The Word came to them
not just in “word only, but also in power” (1 Thessalonians 1:5). They were a people of
broken and contrite hearts, of such God will not despise (Psalm 51:17). John Bunyan puts
it most appropriately – “A spirit rightly broken, a heart truly contrite, is to God an
excellent thing”. They are a people in whom repentance is strongly
manifested. Repentance is necessary for salvation. Have you repented
from your sins? To such a one, God will surely heal and bestow
blessings upon Him.

However, the wonder does not end here. Notice that despite the
mourning of the people, they were able to find joy in the Lord. “The joy
of the Lord is your strength” (v.10). Why are they able to do so? It is
because they realised that the Lord has showered them with grace and

FCM newsletter vol3/2004 (july-sept)

mercy. They realised with that they are justified before Him. The LORD JEHOVAH has
accepted them! Oh, what wondrous love! Oh, what amazing love! It is this joy that filled
the disciples’ hearts so that they count it worthy to suffer for Christ’s name (Acts 5:41). It
is this joy that caused Paul and Silas to sing praises unto God even when in prison (Acts
16:25). How very often do we see Christians with sad countenances! It is because we fail
to realise the abundant riches that are available to us in Christ Jesus. Our Father has
blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ (Ephesians 1:3). Most
importantly, we have fellowship with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ (1 John
1:3). What better blessing and privilege can we have than that! Is that not a cause for great

From this passage, we see that the children of Israel truly

know who their God is. Their theology was not just in their
heads but also in their hearts. A common problem that besets
many churches with strong doctrinal teaching is
“intellectualism”. Such have Christ in their minds, but not in
their hearts. They may have much knowledge of what is written
in the Bible, but they have never truly believed in what is written
in the wondrous Book, nor have they received spiritual insight to
know the spiritual truths that are in the Word. Their works and
actions testify against them. As Leonard Ravenhill puts it, there
is a world of difference between knowing the Word of God and
knowing the God of the Word. Have you known God, and Jesus
Christ whom He has sent (John 17:3)? “That I may know him,
and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made
conformable unto his death.” ~ Philippians 3:10!

Beloved reader, do you realize your position before God? Do you realize the depth
of your sins? Do you mourn for your lost condition? Have you humbled yourself before
God? Have you repented of your sins? Have you come to Christ and find joy in Him?
Have you truly known Him? Dearly beloved, if you have not done so, do so now. Without
doing so, you can never expect revival.

(3) Thirdly, there was zeal in obeying God’s Word. When the children of Israel
realised that they were supposed to keep the festival of the booths (v.14, see also Leviticus
23:34-42; Deuteronomy 16:13-22), they immediately proceeded in keeping the feast. They
also kept the feast with great gladness (v.17). This is in contrast to him who goes about
keeping God’s Word with great grumbling in his heart. This is also in contrast with the
Pharisee who goes about keeping the law just to magnify his own righteousness. How did
the people manage to keep God’s commandments with such gladness? It is because they
do it not out of a sense of duty, nor because they wanted to magnify their own
righteousness, but out of love to God. Jesus put this principle most simply in John 14:15 –
“If ye love me, keep my commandments.”

By way of illustration, consider two servants who work for a master. One of them
loves his master, while the other is apathetic towards his master’s cause. Which one of

FCM newsletter vol3/2004 (july-sept)

them will enjoy his work? Surely it is the one who loves his master. The other will only
do his work out of a sense of duty, perhaps just to collect his wages. I am also sure that the
one who loves his master will produce more “fruit”. Do you agree with me?

A common fault that we have among ourselves is that we often do not display
much practical goodness in our lives. We may have all the scriptural knowledge, but
Christ fails to shine through us. Why is that so? According to Leonard Ravenhill, many
have adopted the convenient theory that the Bible is a Book to be explained, whereas first
and foremost it is a Book to be believed (and after that to be obeyed). I agree with him.
Far too often we have treated the Bible to be nothing more than a theological textbook.
We have forgotten that true Christianity is often very practical.

The importance of obedience to God cannot be over-emphasised. “And why call ye me Lord,
Lord, and do not the things which I say?” says the Lord Jesus Christ in Luke 6:46. James
exhorts us in James 1:22 to be doers of the Word and not hearers only, deceiving
ourselves. He then goes on in James 1:27 to declare that “pure religion and undefiled
before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction,
and to keep himself unspotted from the world”. “Hereby perceive we the love of God,
because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the
brethren…My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed
and in truth” (1 John 3:16,18).

Remember the example of Jeremiah earlier on? The people tried to kill Jeremiah
because they did not like the Word of God that was brought to them. Rather than obeying
the Word of God and repent, the people rebelled. Did their actions prevent God’s
judgement from coming down upon them? Not at all! “God is not a man, that he should
lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it?
or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good” (Numbers 23:19)? God says it, that
settles it, I better believe and obey. Our unbelief and disobedience will never change the
truth of God’s Word. Truth remains truth, and you can never destroy the truth.
Do you desire revival? If so, let the love
of God constrain you to obey His Word, and let
us shine as lights for Christ in this ungodly
world of darkness (Matthew 5:16).

After considering the characteristics of true

revival from a study of Nehemiah 8, it should be
apparent to us now that Christendom today is NOT
undergoing a major revival. Many of the so-called
“revival meetings” have only temporal effects.
Those who “professed” Christ during these “revival
meetings” do not even understand the gospel
message. Rather, one who is honest will observe
that Christianity today is generally in a state of
apathy. Our love towards Christ is cold and
unfeeling. Moreover, truth and error is hardly distinguished among our churches today. Some

FCM newsletter vol3/2004 (july-sept)

churches have fallen into the ecumenical movement. Others have lapsed into Charismatism.
Some have welcomed the world into their churches via neo-evangelicalism. Lately, churches
are facing two new “doctrines” that are threatening to invade the church. One of them is open-
theism, which claims that God does not know everything about the future, openly attacking
the omniscience of God. The second is neo-fundamentalism who portrays a God that is
incapable of preserving all the inspired Words of His Scripture, subtly questioning the
omnipotence and providence of God. In the face of so many errors, will there be any in the
present generation who will have the courage of Nehemiah to rise up and proclaim the truth,
earnestly contending for the faith as it was once delivered unto the saints (Jude 3)?

In the face of such apathy in the Christian community, what can we do to have revival?
Firstly, we must note from the passage that revivals are always “Word-centered” and “God-
centered”. We must never lose focus on these two aspects of revivals. Following these, we
must have:

• PERSEVERANCE. How can we expect revival to come if

we do not ever seek Him sincerely in prayer, and proclaim
His Word? How can we ever expect revival to come if we
do not put in effort to understand His Word? There are no
short cuts. We must fulfill our human responsibility to
actively seek His face, and ask for the Holy Spirit to revive
us. The LORD said to Israel in 2 Chronicles 7:14 – “ If my
people, which are called by my name, shall humble
themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from
their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will
forgive their sin, and will heal their land”. God also said to the Israelites in Jeremiah
29:13 – “And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your

• PATIENCE. We must remember that revival only comes in God’s own timing and will.
Remember that the empowering of the disciples by the Holy Spirit only came at the
appointed day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1). The problem of many seeking spiritual growth and
change is that they expect change to appear in a twinkling of an eye. Not so, my dear
friends. We must be patient.

• Lastly, one must apply the first principle that is echoed by both Calvin and Augustine –
“HUMILITY, HUMILTY, HUMILITY”. God looks to one that is of a contrite heart,
even to one that trembles at His Word (Isaiah 66:2). “For thus saith the high and lofty
One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place,
with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble,
and to revive the heart of the contrite ones. For I will not contend for ever, neither will
I be always wroth” (Isaiah 57:15-16a). “Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and
he shall lift you up” (James 4:10).

Lord, send the old time power, The Pentecostal power!

Thy floodgates of blessing on us throw open wide!

FCM newsletter vol3/2004 (july-sept)

Lord, send the old time power, the Pentecostal power!

That sinners be converted and Thy name glorified!

How long do we have to wait for Thy reviving presence? Revive Thy work, O Lord!


1 Tim 1:15
19 May 2004

*This article is specially dedicated to the FEBC Young People’s Fellowship and the
Fundamental Christian Ministry (FCM).

Bible Baffle Questions:

1. Which prophet said to a king: “Thou art weighed in the

balances, and art found wanting.”?
2. Who in the OT had a vision of the Son of man coming with
the clouds of heaven?
3. Which OT prophet forecast an “abomination of desolation”?
4. In which book was the equation seventy times seven used to
prophesy in advance of the year of the coming Messiah?
5. Who was given a vision to explain what would befall his people in the latter days?
6. What OT prophet foretold in detail 200 years of history of the Greek Empire?
7. Which book makes the following prophecy: “And the king shall do according to his
will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god”?
8. Which book prophesies about a latter day despot, saying “the Libyans and the
Ethiopians shall be at his steps”?
9. Which OT book says that multitudes asleep in the dust will awake to everlasting life or
10. Which OT prophet said that at the time of the end: “Many shall run to and fro and
knowledge shall be increased.”?
Ans on page 22

Report on Missions trip to Kemaman

Life B-P Church (1st – 4th June 2004 ) -- testimonies

1) Report cum Testimony by Charmaine

When Brother Jun Sheng first sent out the email appealing for volunteers
to go to Kemaman, I was not keen at all. The prospect of having to conduct a
DVBS for the children there with people I hardly knew, and in a language I

FCM newsletter vol3/2004 (july-sept)

was barely conversant in (Mandarin!) was daunting to say the least. Nonetheless, thank God
that by His providence, I was led to sign up for the trip, for it has proved to be a rich blessing
unto all who went.

The team comprised Brother Jun Sheng, Clement & Herbert, Sister Christine, Ailin,
and myself. During preparation, we divided ourselves into three groups, with Brother Clement
and Herbert preparing to minister to the youths, Sister Ailin in charge of the Upper Primary
kids, and Sister Christine and myself tasked with teaching the Lower Primary students.
Brother Jun Sheng was to be the team leader and facilitator, which allowed the rest of us to
concentrate solely on teaching. The theme of the DVBS for the children was to be ‘The 10
Commandments,’ which we hoped would convict their young hearts of the need for
salvation. The knowledge of God’s laws would also be practical guidelines for them to please
Him in their daily lives.

1st June Tuesday

We met early, and managed to catch a yummy kopitiam breakfast before setting off.
Even though the trip had barely begun, we had prayer requests aplenty to lay before God. Sis
Christine and myself had been plagued with cough and flu symptoms ever since the FCM
camp just a week earlier, and with most of us tired out from the camp and preparations for the
trip, the appeal for God to sustain us was very urgent. Thankfully, we were able to get some
rest on the bus, as most of the day was spent travelling.

Upon arrival in Kemaman, we headed straight for the one and only A&W restaurant to
fill our empty bellies. Dr Wee very kindly agreed to put us up at his house, and we were able
to rest (and eat somemore!) there before Bible Study in the evening. This was a
weekly Bible Study session usually conducted by Dr Wee,
but since Brother Jun Sheng was around, Dr
Wee was able to take a rest! Brother
Jun Sheng shared from 1 Samuel
16, about how the LORD led Samuel
to anoint young David as the next king.
The study was conducted in an
interactive manner, and many
thought- provoking and
relevant issues were raised. After
this followed a short time of sharing,
where each of us spoke of the lessons
we had learnt from the night’s session
and raised various prayer requests. I found the
evening’s discussion and exhortation from God’s Word particularly
appropriate as we prepared our hearts for the start of the DVBS. We were reminded
that in every instance God is in control, and will provide, just as He provided a king for the
Israelites after Saul turned away from Him. Personally, I was prompted to set my heart right
before God as I prepared to serve Him, for “the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man
looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart” ~ 1 Samuel 16:7.
High on the prayer lists was the request that God grant us journeying mercies and that the

FCM newsletter vol3/2004 (july-sept)

camp would run smoothly, especially as Dr and Mrs Wee were to be held responsible for the
safety of all the children.

2nd June Wednesday

Thank God that all of us arrived at the campsite without mishap, and the camp
schedule proceeded as planned, albeit with some delay due to the hotel’s tardiness in
preparing lunch. This repeated delay of mealtimes was to plague us throughout the camp,
though it caused only minor hiccups in the programme, thanks to Bro Jun Sheng’s constant
efforts to keep the kitchen staff to task. However, the greatest challenge we experienced
during the camp came from the discovery that there had been some miscommunication
regarding the grouping of the DVBS classes. Instead of dividing the children according to
ages, we now had to divide them according to language proficiency, as some children were
wholly unable to understand English. Thus, Sis Christine and I found ourselves faced with the
task of conducting all our lessons in Mandarin. Also, as a result of the new grouping, we
would be dealing with kids within a wide age range of 7 – 13, which made it difficult to tailor
the lessons for the needs of each age group. It was a humbling experience to have to relearn
the basics of Christianity in Mandarin, and we found ourselves stumbling over phrases like
‘Our Father in Heaven’ and ‘In Jesus’ Name’ as we tried to pray in an unfamiliar tongue. All
glory must go to God that despite the language barrier, Christine and I were able not only to
minister to the children, but also to establish rapport with them through games, songs, and
friendly banter. Through it all, I could not help but think of what God said to Moses, “Now
therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say.” ~ Exodus
4:12. More than ever, I realized that God’s work goes on in spite of us and our weaknesses,
and it is but a privilege if He chooses to let us serve Him in any way.

Otherwise, the rest of the

day’s programme ran smoothly,
and we ended with a time of
Dorm Fellowship with the youths.
As Sis Ai Lin was Dorm i/c for
the girls, she led us in a few
favourites from ‘Then Sings My
Soul,’ and we all took turns to
share our testimonies following
that. The girls were rather shy
and quiet, but we were moved to
share with them how each of us
came to commit our lives to God,
and were touched to see how
many of them had a simple,
child-like faith in Him.

3rd June Thursday

This was the second last day of the DVBS, and the most packed of them all. The kids’
programme included three lessons, one handicraft session, and sports and games. There was
also to be a barbeque at night. Thank God for granting us the energy to conduct the various

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programmes, for when I look back now, I find it difficult to see how we lasted, when even one
normal Sunday school lesson is enough to leave me tired. Perhaps some credit must be given
to the children as well, for I found them much better behaved than those back here in
Singapore. During the handicraft session, it was heart-warming to see the effort they put into
decorating a simple poster printed with the 10 commandments. Conducting the games for
them was also a joy, as they participated enthusiastically even when we made them do silly-
looking things like skipping to and fro with pieces of raffia! I was somewhat saddened that we
could not stay longer, as their need for guidance and instruction in the Christian walk is very
evident, especially as the church has a lack of Chinese-speaking workers in the children’s
ministry. However, I am directed once again to think of 1 Samuel 16. Indeed, the LORD will
provide the workers. Could it be that one of you reading this might be called to help? The rest
of us can also do much by keeping this little church in our prayers.

Once again, the busy day came to an end as the girls met for Dorm Fellowship.
Though we were all tired, especially the youths, as they had been busy cooking during the
barbeque (20 chickens!), our final night together was sweet. It was only the second time we
had met with most of them, but the LORD blessed us with frank sharing. I found them so
earnest and sincere in their faith, even at such a tender age, and I pray that God will continue
to guide these young sisters as they seek His will in their lives.

4th June Friday

The morning was a blur of lesson summaries and fond
farewells as we prepared to leave the campsite. Tired as we
were, the team was grateful for time to rest and recharge when
we finally returned to Dr Wee’s house. For me, it was a time to
reflect on the LORD’s many providences and blessings.
Though by this time, Bro Clement too had fallen ill, God had
sustained the entire team throughout the camp such that as we
carried out His work, we were able to take no thought for our
own minor afflictions. Once, when Sis Christine was teaching
the kids to play a game, I remember being sure that she was
about to lose her voice, as it had become hoarse, but she
herself seemed to be oblivious to it, caught up as she was in
the children’s excitement. Truly, God’s blessings have far
outweighed any ‘suffering’ we have had to endure on this trip.
The fellowship among the team members has also been sweet,
and it is undeniable that it was God’s grace which allowed us
to laugh and share with each other even while suffering from
fatigue and stress.

As the trip drew to a close, we were treated to a sumptuous dinner by Dr and Mrs Wee,
before attending the Friday worship service. The team presented the song, ‘May the Lord Find
Us Faithful,’ which hopefully ministered to the congregation as much as it convicted us even
as we sang it. After the service, it was a rush to catch the bus back home to Singapore. Thank
God that all of us arrived home safely, albeit tired, but with a renewed conviction to serve

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In the past two weeks, first with the FCM camp, and then with this Kemaman
missions trip, I have been forced to rely on God’s strength in ways in which I might not have
been willing to yield otherwise. If there’s one lesson I’ve learnt, it is to keep one’s hands and
feet willing and ready to serve God, for it is only through service and dedication that He is
able to mould us into whom we must become in Christ. The recent FCM camp theme verse
comes to mind:
“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your
bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And
be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye
may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” ~Romans 12:1-2.

May we all go out and do something for the LORD, that we may see
His words come to life in our lives!

In His love,
FCM Arts/Engineering
New Life Bible-Presbyterian Church

2) Report by Clement

The following is a report concerning the Kemaman Youth Camp

that was held concurrently with the Daily Vacation Bible School for the children. It serves as
a supplementary to Charmaine’s report on the missions trip.

Both Herbert and I were assigned to teach on the topic “Knowing God’s Will” to the
youth, ranging from ages 13-19. We prepared a total of five theme messages, namely:

Knowing God’s Will – An Introduction (Ephesians 5:1-18)

God’s Word – Our Sure Guide (Psalm 119:105, 2 Timothy 3:16)
Do All Things For God’s Glory (1 Corinthians 10:31)
In Every Thing Give Thanks (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
A Living Sacrifice (Romans 12:1-2)

In our messages, we focused on the various aspects of God’s will (directive,

cooperative, punitive, preceptive, permissive, desiderative and decretive), minus the
terminologies of course. We encouraged them to read the Word as the means of knowing His
will, as well as to draw out practical applications in life regarding God’s will for His children.

Besides the five theme messages, we also prepared two night messages:

Not Willing that All Should Perish (2 Peter 3:9)

No Fellowship With Darkness – Biblical Separation (2 Corinthians 6:4-7:1)

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Learning from my previous experience in teaching the youth in Kemaman during the
earlier missions trip in 2003, we
were able to prepare some of the
problems and peculiarities we
might face while teaching the
youth. As such, we decided to
adopt a more discussion-style
approach to all the messages. The
youth are generally shy and quiet.
Hence, it took us quite some
effort before we could get them to
start talking. However, after the
initial shyness, they were a lot
more open with us when we tried
to engage them in discussion. We
were able to understand them
better and minister more
appropriately to their current situations and problems. They were also very attentive during all
the messages, sitting humbly to hear the Word of God. I do not recall seeing any of them
yawn during the messages, despite being very tired. This is something positive which we
should try and learn from.

Besides the messages, we also held a forum concerning Christian decisions. We thank
God that Aunty Helen (the wife of Rev. Wee Eng Moh, who is the Bible Study leader of
NTU/NIE FCM) is able to join and help us in answering the questions from the youth. Her
experience helped us address a lot of questions that we would otherwise have much difficulty
in answering. Questions that were posed to us included topics on Christian Liberty, Assurance
of Faith, Relationships with Parents and Personal Evangelism.

Besides the messages, we also had time for fun and games. The youth played
“Captain’s Ball” on the second day of camp. I did not join them, as I was sick. However,
Herbert, Charmaine and Christine joined in the game. I heard that the game was played at a
very fast pace. It must be true because I hardly see Herbert so tired after a game (he was a
basketball player). Well, what a pity that I could not join in the fun . Maybe next time…

We also had morning devotions during the camp. The first morning devotion was by
Jun Sheng who spoke on Daniel 1. He also engaged the youth with various object lessons.
One of them was a tissue paper that was emerged in some “special formula” so that it will not
burn when placed under a flame. The second was a torch that does not work on batteries. I am
sure that some who attended the FCM camp can recall the latter. Still wondering how it works?
Let me give you a hint: Recall Lenz’s law. Sorry, I can only reveal that much as I am not
supposed to reveal trade secrets ☺. On the second day, I gave a devotion from Luke 19:1-10,
showing how God calls a sinner (in this case Zaccheus) unto repentance.

In conclusion, it was a very fruitful experience serving the Lord in Kemaman. Both
Herbert and I truly enjoyed ministering to the youth. The only pity was that time could only

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permit us to deliver 4 out of the 5 theme messages.

Nevertheless, all of us found great joy learning from the
Word of God and we pray that the Word might indeed
dwell richly in our hearts, changing us so that we might be
more conformed to the image of Christ. Do pray for the
youth, as many of them will leave the small town of
Kemaman after Form 6 to further their studies, or to work.
Pray that they might form strong convictions to continue in
the faith even as they enter into new surroundings.

How about us who want to find out more about

knowing God’s Will? I can recommend two books. The first
is “Steps for Guidance” by Dr. Peter Masters and published
by Wakeman Publications. The second is “The Clock of the
“You’e better come for the FCM camp,
or else..”

Sevenfold Will of God” by Rev. (Dr) Timothy Tow, published by Far Eastern Bible College
Press. These two books have been invaluable help to me. I hope that those who read might
indeed find much edification in reading them too. More importantly, if one seeks to know His
will, one must continue to read His Word and abide in it. “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet,
and a light unto my path” (Psalm 119:105).

“And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth
for ever” (1 John 2:17). Amen.

1 Timothy 1:15
FCM NUS (Science)
FEBC Lord’s Day Service Congregation at RELC

3) Testimony by Clement

It is my joy to give a short sharing about my

experience in the FCM missions trip to Kemaman Life
Bible-Presbyterian Church from 1 June to 4 June 2004.
This is my second time taking part in the yearly
endeavour by FCM. In my sharing last year, I wrote that
I would definitely make another missions trip to
Kemaman if I had another chance to do so. Indeed, God
has been gracious to give me the opportunity and
privilege to serve Him again in Kemaman Life BPC. I
can only give Him all praise and thanks. It is also my

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privilege to serve with the following FCMers – Junsheng (our group leader – who else?),
Herbert, Ai Lin, Charmaine (the reporter of the group) and Christine. They are all wonderful
team members. ☺

I recall during the last missions trip, I was not at all prepared to teach the youth as I
had never taught the Bible before. I had to cast my care on God and depend on His grace. For
this missions trip, both Herbert and me were assigned to teach the topic “Knowing God’s
Will” to the youth. This is by no means an easy topic to teach to any youth group in Singapore,
let alone to the youth in Kemaman who have limited command of English. Nevertheless, by
God’s grace, we were able to complete the preparation of the messages before the trip. Both
Herbert and me are co-labourers in the same ministry, so we are very familiar working with
each other. This rapport helped a lot in our preparation, and also the holding of the youth
camp in Kemaman. Thank God that I have such a like-minded brother in Christ to work with
on this missions trip.

Upon returning to Kemaman, it is very comforting to see that many of the youth I had
taught a year ago were still around. In fact, some of them have matured so much in the faith
that I could not almost recognise them. What an encouragement to see that they have grown
spiritually within a year! Some of them who were kids a year or two ago are now fine men
and women of Christ. God’s work in them is indeed marvellous.

For the rest of the days, both Herbert and me were busy conducting the youth camp.
Both of us enjoyed interacting and learning about God’s will together with the youth from
Kemaman. For further details, please refer to the report on the youth camp.

What are the lessons that I have learnt from this missions trip?

1. God’s providence and grace. I fell sick with flu and a sore throat on the afternoon of the
third day in Kemaman, and I feared I would lose my voice. Nevertheless, by His
wonderful care and grace, He sustained my voice and health to last through the entire
youth camp. “My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in
weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9). This brings into mind the words of a hymn which I have
come to love:

I hear the Saviour say,

“Thy strength indeed is small!
Child of weakness, watch and pray,
Find in Me thine all in all”.

I am very grateful that He took care of me so well in my trip to Kemaman. I will also
like to thank all who have prayed for the missions team to Kemaman. Your prayers for us
were invaluable.

2. To be thankful of what we have in Singapore. At the place where we were staying, the
meals were often delayed. The water heater and the air-conditioner in the rooms were
initially spoilt. There was also a lack of drinking water. The temptation is to complain

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about all the things around us. But we took heart from Aunty Helen’s (Rev. Wee’s wife)
sharing that the conditions in Kenya were 100 times worse. Thinking about Kenya makes
things all the more bearable. “In everything give thanks” (1 Thessalonians 5:18a).

In Kemaman Life BPC, there is no full-time pastor or preacher to lead the church. The
church has to depend on various ministers who travel from Singapore to preach to them
every week for their Friday Lord’s Day service. In Singapore, we have faithful pastors,
preachers and teachers who minister God’s Word to us week in and week out. Do we
appreciate them? Do we thank God for the blessing of faithful ministers? Do we pray for
more to enter into full-time ministry? Do we pray for our leaders who have charge over
the affairs of the church? This is indeed great food for thought.

Besides the lack of ministers of the Word, Kemaman Life BPC only has one pianist
for their worship service. Should the pianist not be around, the whole congregation would
have to sing acapella! In Singapore, we have an abundance of people who can play the
piano and the organ for our worship services. We also have people who can play the guitar
for our youth meetings. Do we give thanks to God for all these people? Let us appreciate
their service!

3. Faithfulness to God. It never fails to

amaze me how a deacon and his wife
can run the entire church by
themselves. Dr. Wee leads two weekly
Bible studies for the adults and youth.
Mrs. Wee runs almost the entire
church administration by herself. It is
only lately that they have an FEBC
graduate, Merlin, to help them out.
Their faithfulness is both an
encouragement and a rebuke to me.
When the Lord comes, will He find us

In addition, Kemaman Life BPC is taking a stand for the verbal plenary preservation
of the scriptures. This truly takes a lot of courage. Taking such a stand can mean
deprivation of fellowship from some churches. For a church that is much dependent upon
ministers in Singapore for help, taking such a stand may mean many difficulties in the
future. Yet, the church takes the stand for the Word of God in full confidence that the
Lord will definitely provide. If you honour God, God will honour you in His own good
time and way. Which Christian will not face problems in life? I know not one. If a small
church as Kemaman can take a stand for the perfect “jot and tittle” preservation of God’s
Word, what is stopping us from doing the same in Singapore? “For do I now persuade
men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the
servant of Christ” (Galatians 1:10). Will our generation stand for the Word of God?

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I have truly learnt much from the trip to Kemaman. I am not able to put down all my
thoughts in this short sharing, but I thank God for all that He has taught me in this missions

Besides all the lessons, I will remember this missions trip for one thing - the amazing
number of videos and digital photos taken. Yes, our main way of relaxing was to take photos
and videos. Some of these videos are rather interesting too. Should you be interested, try
obtaining these photos and videos from the nearest Kemaman Mission Trip member.
Hopefully, the person will oblige. ☺

We went to Kemaman Life BPC to

minister and to encourage, but we end
up being encouraged by our Malaysian
brethren instead. What more can we ask?
All praise and glory be unto Him, and to
His Son the Lord Jesus Christ. Please
continue to pray for Kemaman Life BPC.

1 Timothy 1:15
FCM NUS (Science)
FEBC Lord’s Day Service Congregation at RELC

4) Testimony by Ai Lin

Kemaman missions trip 2004 had proved to be a spiritually fruitful and fulfilling one
for me. The 3 day camp was one that was packed with lessons to teach the children the Ten
Commandments, which was also our DVBS theme. Amongst the 11 children I taught, all of
them were very attentive to the Bible stories that were shared with them. For their
attentiveness I deeply appreciate, as our team was short of the visual resources we need to
show the children the Bible stories we were narrating. Much of what I taught the children was
done verbally and through the reading of Bible passages. (This is a stark contrast to the
children I teach in Sunday School in Singapore, where our children are very visual learners,
partly because they are so widely exposed to the MTV age.)

Also, I was greatly encouraged by the children's interest in knowing more about the
Word of God. Although many of the sentences in the Bible were difficult for them to
understand, the children seemed to have even more perseverance than me the teacher, to find
out and know more Bible stories! Some of them were even asking me, "Sister Ai Lin, when
is the next lesson starting?" It was simply one word for description - encouraging. :)

I thank God for helping me to relate our theme for the DVBS to the gospel message,
which is so important to convey to the children that without God's salvation grace, we can

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never obey God's law with our own human strength. I also found out that some of the
children in my class have not accepted the Lord Jesus as their personal Saviour, and pray that
the Holy Spirit will move their hearts to turn to God for repentance of their sins and accept the
Lord Jesus Christ as their only Lord and Saviour.

Through the rigorous teaching schedule the 6 of us were put through for the 3 day
camp, I have personally grown and benefited spiritually from my own teaching preparations.
Bible passages which I thought I already knew began to shed new perspectives on my
understanding of God's Word as i read through them again. I thank God that for using my
teaching preparations to help me know how to be more effective in my ministry to my own
students in Singapore.

I thank God for using the 6 of us to minister to the children and the youths in
Kemaman Life B-P Church. Presently, the church is in great need of Chinese-speaking
preachers and teachers, as majority of the residents in Kemaman are Chinese-speaking. I like
to encourage those of you who can speak, understand and communicate in Chinese well
to consider ministering to our brethren in Kemaman. The Lord will bless your service too, and
sacrifice for Him, if you know you have responded to the right calling.

In closing, I like to share this verse from the Psalmist,

Ps. 119:97 – “O how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day.”

May God's Word be the meditation in our hearts all of today, and everyday.

Yours in Christ,
Ai Lin

5) Testimony by Christine

This was my first trip to Kemaman though I’ve heard of

the ministry there before. Thank God for a smooth journey and
we arrived safely, to enjoy the very welcoming food of A&W
having missed lunch. The first day was spent settling in and the
real work only started on Day 2. That was when Charmaine
and myself were told we’d have to teach in Mandarin instead,
but thank God for the few teenage girls and Charmaine who
helped to translate a little along the way. We were then put in
charge of teaching kids from P1 to Sec 1 but by God’s grace it
went on smoothly despite the worry of ‘neglecting’ the older
Sec 1 youth.

The children were less boisterous than I thought they’d

be, thank God they were relatively obedient. This trip gave me an insight into the Malaysian

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‘kampung’ kids’ behaviour - they were unique in their own way and I came to like
them as the days went by. I got to worry less about being a disciplinarian instead of a teacher.
That was maybe due to the fact that the specialized position was already prudently and clearly
established and assumed by brother Junsheng from the first day of the DVBS. By God’s grace,
we managed to conduct the lessons rather smoothly without many hiccups- despite the
language barrier (eventually provided for) and this being only my second time teaching
children. I was a little fearful initially due to inexperience and not knowing what to expect
from an unfamiliar environment but I took comfort that I could hide behind His Cross and
also remember that “Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it”
(Ps127:1a), which a sister lovingly sms-ed me the day before the trip.

The trip also provided a good opportunity to experience what it was like to rely on the
Lord to provide, to make pathways smooth because He has assured us that He will go before
us. At the outset, it was a little daunting that the FCM camp and this trip were so near each
other, for fear of lethargy as I was involved in both and that I also developed a persistent bad
throat the weekend before (the very fruitful) FCM camp. But 1 Cor 10:31 “Whether therefore
ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God” kept recurring to me and
somehow I had the peace and assurance that since I was doing His work and it was all for His
glory and Name’s sake only, I knew that He would take care of my health in His own good
time. So I just brought along a whole bunch of lozenges, mints and vitamin C and just trusted
that He would watch over me as He even watches over the sparrows. And I truly thank the
LORD for His bountiful grace towards me as my cough stopped the day I was to start
teaching, no earlier, no later. The LORD answered my
many prayers. Indeed, His grace is sufficient for me
and I was very thankful for that.

Charmaine and myself not only taught the

children in the day but also had the opportunity to
meet the older sisters for a sweet time of dorm
fellowship at night. It was a mutually edifying time as
we got to fellowship with some who are attending
church regularly or currently serving, and got to share,
encourage and spur each other towards more fervent
service for Him and towards a closer walk with our
Heavenly Father.

I also thank God for the team members that

went, that we could all get along and got to know each
other a little better. This missions trip was notably
more light-hearted than others I’d been on, possibly
because we were all peers. Yet, the most distinctive
feature, the balance between work/play/feeding on God’s Word (morning devotions, bible
study etc. by the brothers) was still maintained and it was a good experience.

My simple testimony is that I have been blessed in various little ways in going for this
missions trip to provide assistance in conducting a DVBS for the Kemaman brethren. It might

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not be all about giving as it would seem. But through it some receiving in ways we may not
be able to understand now. God works in His mysterious, but omniscient ways. Indeed, it is
more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35). The harvest is plenteous but the labourers
few. If the Lord has placed a burden in you, do support the Kemaman brethren in the next trip
or anytime with your labour of love as they need co-labourers in various areas especially
those who can cope with Mandarin, as Dn Wee mentioned the schools are teaching less of
English nowadays. The seed has been sown and needs to be watered with prayers. Continue to
uphold the children, youths and adults in prayer as we all serve Him and are one in the Body
and Mind of Christ.

6) Testimony by Herbert

To be able to serve the King of kings and Lord of

lords has always been a great honour and privilege for me.
This is because God being sovereign can choose anyone to
serve Him. The fact that He has chosen me, a wretched
sinner saved by His grace, is indeed a remarkable privilege.

First and foremost, I thank God for giving me the mental strength to prepare the
lessons. For quite a while, my thorn in the flesh has been my poor mental stamina. Like Paul
in 2 Cor 12:8, I often begged the Lord to take this thorn away. But God is ever faithful.
Despite my weakness and struggles, He sustained me until the last day of preparation. Truly
His grace is sufficient for us. In the end, I can only humbly stand in awe and amazement
before His throne of grace!

As this was my first trip to Kemaman and for that matter my first youth camp, I was
inexperienced and did not know any of the youths there. As such, I was a little nervous
initially. However, the Lord was gracious. He caused me to fix my eyes upon Him, constantly
reminding me that I am only a channel and that He will be the One who will empower and use
me. What a comfort from the Lord Most High! This greatly strengthened my confidence in
Him and helped me to rely solely on the Lord for strength. With that, my often cry unto the
Lord before my lessons begin is “Use me to help them, O Lord! And may all glory be unto
Thy name!”

My first lesson was scheduled to start at 8.00pm after dinner on the first day of camp
(02/06/04). As the time allocated for dinner is 2 hours, I thought I could have a quick dinner
and then use the remaining time to refresh and prepare myself for the lesson. This was
because my first lesson: “Not willing that any should perish” is a gospel cum repentance
message and it is most vital to be as well prepared as possible. However, the lesson was
brought forward due to the fact that dinner was delayed. It had to start on the spot! As such, as
much as I would like to, I did not have time to prepare myself. Praying more earnestly in my
heart for the Lord to help me do my best for Him, I went in faith.

Indeed, the Lord is merciful and honours those who honour Him. He gave me the most
appropriate thoughts and words to speak! Most of which I do not think I would have thought

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of by my own human wisdom. This same wonderful and matchless grace is the one that
preserved me for my second and third messages as well. Proverbs 16:1, 3 says: “The
preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from the LORD. Commit
thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established.” Truly, time and time
again, the Lord proves that He is ever true and faithful to His Word. Praise His holy name!

During this trip, I was greatly encouraged by Deacon Dr Wee’s service to the Lord.
Not only does he conduct the prayer meeting, lead the Bible studies for the adults and youths
every week, Dr Wee also types the weekly and chairs every worship service! Though battered
mentally and physically at times, Dr Wee continues to labour on for the Lord. From his
service to his interaction with the adults and children and our time with him, I realized that he
loves the Lord and is burdened for our Saviour’s work. His example encourages and
challenges me to be more burdened for the Lord’s work. It is indeed my heartfelt desire and
prayer that God will send more people into the harvest field in Kemaman, for the harvest truly
is plenteous but the labourers are few.

All in all, I want to thank the Lord for this missions trip to Kemaman Life BP Church.
I am grateful for fellow co-labourers – Jun
Sheng, Clement, Ailin, Christine and
Charmaine. All of whom have been a great
The FCM Newsletter
Do you have any ideas for the next issue
blessing to me and have made my trip a most
of the newsletter? Do you think the
enjoyable one. I am also thankful to God for
newsletter can be improved? Do you
using me to share His Word at the youth
know how this newsletter came about?
camp: both the preparation and the
For any feedback or ideas, please DO
proceedings. It has indeed humbled and
contact Junsheng at sa_jurong@hotmail.
taught me to depend more on our Lord Jesus
com or hp at 90265218.
alone. “He must increase, but I must
decrease” (John 3:30). But how can God
increase if we do not first decrease? Indeed, we must be firstly humble ourselves and be
brought low before God can be exalted in our lives!

“So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say,
We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do.”

Luke 17:10

May the Lord help us. All glory and honour be unto our Lord Most High alone! Amen.

His unprofitable servant,

Herbert Goh
FEBC Lord’s Day Service at RELC

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1. Daniel (Daniel 5:27)
2. Daniel (Daniel 7:13)
3. Daniel (Daniel 9:27; Daniel 12:11)
4. Daniel (Daniel 9:20-27)
5. Daniel (Daniel 10:12-14)
6. Daniel (Daniel 11)
7. Daniel (Daniel 11:36)
8. Daniel (Daniel 11:43)
9. Daniel (Daniel 12:2)
10. Daniel (Daniel 12:4)

“Leaving” FCM -- testimonies

1) Testimony by Shujian

Finally, like many of the “veterans”, my FCM “career” has come to an end. For I am
ready to be donning green soon, the time of my departure is at hand. Now, what lies ahead of
me is a cap of Green Beret (God willing), and of course a pair of shining black boots and so

I can only use the apostle Paul’s address to young Timothy in II Timothy to express
my feeling of “departure at hand”. Well, maybe this is a poor comparison as Paul in II
Timothy was going to face the wrath of baneful Emperor Nero in Rome, “parading” with
lions in the circus. While I am going to “enjoy” and parade in the more glamourous parade
ground of the Singapore Armed Force, God willing.

Sometimes, no one will cherish something as it is, until when he is deprived of it, then
he feels the urge to treasure it. My first encounter of FCM was through “word of mouth”,
spoken by Phoebe Goh, my fellow YFer (Calvary Youth Fellowship) and certainly my
coordinator in Poly FCM. She spoke of a strange bible study of the tertiary group who met
regularly during their school term. As she spoke, it seem her eyes brighten up, face shone,
with heart brimming and burning of Christian Fellowship.

Strange but true, I never see her behave like that before. And since I witness her
“dramatic” change in facial expression, I decided to give FCM a “try”. I must say that before
that I was a bit skeptical as I am serving in my YF at that time, and do not really believe in
joining a “second” bible study and fellowship group.

With this “harden” heart like the one of Pharaoh, attended NTU FCM the first time,
and saw the “infamous” Jun Sheng for the first time. Astonished by the relatively numerical
weakness in the group as compared to my YF, yet at the same time amazed by the tireless Rev

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Wee and Aunt Helen (Rev Wee’s helpmate) in fetching the far-scattered potential members in
their humbled church van.

Really feel the burden of “just to make up the number”, but at the same time enjoying
the bible study. The bible study is deep, and the group is small, (true, even to this day). Hence,
individual needs are being catered. Therefore, sometimes “small”, indeed is beautiful.

If you harden your heart, God in turn will harden it too. I was happily feeding on
spiritual food and had not really wished to serve. Until a trip to “Emmaus”. The “Emmaus”
turn out to be a return bus journey from Old Airport Road. There was I on the bus, alone with
a big, intimidating, former commando, all right, this man needs no introduction, Junsheng. So
actually what can happen between, a colossus, brave-hearted, spiritual giant and a “slow of
heart”, fool, small, thin dwarf?

It is not a classic case of David versus Goliath where a

physical war was conducted, but simply a war of words and
breaking of a harden heart. I remember actually what he said to me.
He encouraged me to come for the FCM Retreat, where there is an
Exposition Workshop is conducted and revealed to me the purpose
of having one. To train up male leaders, church future leaders and
servant of God. He emphasized on the need of male leading in Bible
study, church activities as in accordance with the Scripture. Never
see him so serious before, he meant what he said.

Who am I? Am I not the least in my church and YF, and

maybe now extend to FCM? That was my heart’s answer to him;
even right now the answer is still the same. However, God uses us
not of what we are, but despite of what we are… The heart broke and new frontier of combat
is conducted in the spiritual realm.

Battle rages to and fro, a Christian life is never a bed of roses, yet never too thorny.
For God is gracious, never test to the limit that we cannot bear the weight of the burden.
Simple words, hard to follow yet full of God’s Truth. How many times did we not like the
Israelites in the wilderness, complain and murmur? However, thanks be to God, who in our
distress, provide Manna, “What it is” to feed us and even angels to make the path before us

FCM really opened my eyes to realize that there are so many B-P churches around, so
many areas need service, yet few serve. Indeed, B-P churches are blessed with so many
elders ,pastors, bible study leaders, preachers, yet they find it hard to break the complacent,
harden hearts of members to serve and re-ignite their heart’s flame to rededicate
themselves(me included) to God.

Once I was a child, I was naïve, little did I realize the importance of unity amongst
church leaders and its blessings. Indeed, so many things happened in the space of 3-4 years,
that I have to put away childish things and became a man, feeding solid meat, not milk in the

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truth of God. Enjoy many Christian fellowships, what’s a blessing! Been to many B-P
churches too, fulfilling one of my childhood desire.

As kingdoms rise and fall, cohort comes and goes…. An inquisitive mind will always
question…. So what’s next? I don’t know but I know the Lord will provide…… The Lord
will always keep a remnant for His own use. And what will happen? No one knows, but all I
can say is God reigns, and is in His Holy Temple, let all the earth keep silence before Him.

Zheng Shujian
10 June 2004, the day for “Departure at Hand”

2) Testimony by Ying Tien

I really thank the Lord for FCM and never regret the day I chose to join FCM. I
remembered my very 1st meeting when brother Jun Sheng invited me to join the combined
NTU-Poly FCM meeting at Rev Wee`s house. I came not knowing if this group is really
going to be right for me. As a young believer, I have very limited understanding of the Bible
and was gripped by fear of sharing and praying aloud. All these bring a sense of anxiety and

Week by week as I learn new truths from God`s word and began to share openly, I
find acceptance and love. I thank the Lord for granting me the sincere desire to join FCM. I
thank the Lord for His sufficient grace and the joy of fellowship with the Poly FCMers. In
these 3 years, God has sufficiently provided for all my needs. Although painful experiences
were not avoidable, although sleepless night were hard to bear, although many problems
unsolved but thank God for His mercy, He had led me along the way. I have learnt that trials
are tests of our faith in Him, and we are to receive every trial as from God, and to go to Him
for strength to bear it.

Before I end, I would like to thank Preacher Ho Chee Laifor his guidance and teaching,
and to all FCMers who were always supportive. Thank you. May we always seek His
kingdom and His will in future and may we always keep in touch and be bound within the
love of the Lord.

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3) Testimony by Sharon

'How time flies' is the phrase that comes to mind, as I look back at my 3 years in
Nanyang Polytechnic. God has indeed been gracious in seeing me through my diploma
studies, and guiding me along life's narrow way.

I thank the Lord that I have a Christian family, who encourages me emotionally as
well as spiritually. I realise that I have sadly taken them for granted, as well as the gospel
message and its meaning. I was 'stuck' when some of my classmates started asking certain
questions about Christianity, to which the answers I didn't know. I realised how immature and
shallow my knowledge of the Bible really was, and the need to be ready to witness as we are
in the end times.

When I met the group of poly FCMers in 2001, my life was

blessed and changed. Not only were they fervent in serving the Lord,
they were also an encouragement to me in my studies and spiritual
growth. There were many times when assignments took my time
away from God, and my spiritual life was full of ups and downs, but
FCM was my anchor, without which I would have been washed
astray. To be a shining light in this world of darkness - is what my
fellow brethren have encouraged me to be. And though my
sanctification may be gradual, I strive to serve God to the best of my
ability, and to consecrate my life to Him. (Romans 12:1,2)

God led me to this path of poly studies though I thought I

would go to JC originally. If I had gone to JC, I would have missed
out the warm fellowship and friends in poly FCM, and missed all
the valuable lessons learnt. I sincerely hope that future and current
FCMers can and will enjoy the same comfort of Christian fellowship
that I was blessed with.

God indeed had a plan for my life, and yours as well. We probably cannot see the
whole picture now, but in His time He will reveal some to us. God knows the end of each path
that you or I take, and so we need to learn to have complete trust in Him and tune ourselves to
His plan, and let Him have dominion over us. Only then will we discover his wonderful way
of working in and through us for His glory.

Mat 5:16- Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works
and glorify your father which is in heaven.

4) Testimony by Phoebe

“The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. Though
he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the LORD upholdeth him with his hand.” –
Psalm 37:23.24

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“Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say on
the LORD.” – Psalm 27:14

“Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? And one of them shall not fall on the ground
without your Father. Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.” –
Matthew 10:29,31

These 3 verses sum up the lessons that God has taught me in the past few years.
Indeed, there are many times when I fail and attempt to do things on my own strength but God
has always pulled me up from those depths of problems and reassured me. He has shown me
that he still provides for me and will never forget me even though I have done so many
displeasing things in my life.

FCM Poly has been a blessing during my tertiary education and I have tasted of the
fellowship and goodness of studying God’s Word together with his people. Well, not to
mention the NTU group too, when I first attended FCM. Though the Poly FCM joined the
NTU FCM initially and later split into our own FCM group, God has answered many prayers
and provided people and resources to any situation.

It is really true that we only understand the practical lessons and bible studies when we
try to apply them into our dire circumstances and are at a loss of what to do. Otherwise,
memorizing and sitting for a few hours at an FCM meeting without application will not do our
spiritual lives any good.

I really appreciate the guidance of Preacher Ho Chee Laias a BS leader in our group as
God has really used him to help all of us grow. He is always thinking of new ways to improve
the poly structure and getting to know the FCMers. I will miss the quizzes, discussion and
fellowship and cottage meetings that we had in the group. As the group is getting more
hyperactive and enthusiastic for the coming semesters, I do hope that they will really
experience God’s hand in FCM and fuel them to have a closer walk with God.

May this ministry continue to be a learning ground for young Christians, especially at
this age where many youths are ‘lost’ and are drawn to the attractive things in the world. Press
on with God for it is indeed not an easy life to lead as a Christian.☺

Poly FCM

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FCM camp 2004

Date: 24th -29th May 2004
Theme: “A Living Sacrifice”

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SMS Broadcast Service

• SMS broadcast is a new service provided by MyTengah IT ministry to enable
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• To subscribe to the service, please follow the instructions below:

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To unsubscribe, simply type “Quit” and send to 96341214. Your handphone no. will be
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2. Will my handphone be spammed by junk messages?

This will not happen since the access code is only accessible
by responsible people designated by church Elders. In any
case, you can always unsubscribe from the service by
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For more updates and announcements, log on to now!

Overall FCM Coordinator: Elder Boaz Boon (Calvary Tengah B-P Church)
Tel: 6892 2865 (H) 6823 3546 (O) 9824 7681 (HP)
E-mail: [email protected] or
[email protected]

Nanyang Technological University/ National Institute of Education

1. NTU/NIE Group
Comprising students in all the faculties of NTU & NIE
Bible Study Leader : Rev Wee Eng Moh (Pastor of Berith B-P Church)
E-mail: [email protected]
Student Coordinator : NTU/NIE: Cen Zhihui [9741 4915(HP)]
E-mail: [email protected]
Meeting Place : Hall 11, Block 54, #04-1049
Meeting Time : Every Monday, 6.30pm
Dinner : Canteen 11, 5.30pm

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FCM newsletter vol3/2004 (july-sept)

National University of Singapore

2. Science Group
Comprising students of the Science, Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Information & Computer
Science Faculties
Bible Study Leader : Bro. Nelson
Student Coordinator : Desmond [9457 8622 (HP)] & Lijin [9822 3083 (HP)]
E-mail: [email protected] (Desmond)
Meeting Place : Science Block 16, 5th Floor, NUS Science Faculty
Meeting Time : Every Wednesday, 5.00pm

3. Arts/ Engineering Group

Comprising students from the Arts, Engineering, Architecture, Building & Real Estate, Law &
Business Administration Faculties
Bible Study Leader : Rev Ronny Khoo [9411 1120 (PG)]
Student Coordinator : Daniel Tee [9636 2255(HP)]
E-mail: [email protected]
Meeting Place : Engineering Block 1, 6th Floor, NUS Eng. Faculty (E1-06 tut room)
Meeting Time : Every Friday, 6.00pm – 9.00pm

4. Polytechnics Group
Comprising students from Ngee Ann, Singapore, Nanyang and Temasek.
Bible Study Leader : Pr. Ho Chee Lai (Gospel Light B-P Church)
E-mail: [email protected]
Student Coordinators : Phoebe Goh [6560 9186(H)]
E-mail: [email protected]
Sharon Ng [9173 1821(HP)]
E-mail: [email protected]
Meeting Place : Life B-P Church
Meeting Time : Every Wednesday, 7.00pm
Dinner : 6.30pm

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