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Ultrasound Repair and Troubleshooting


1. Begin Ultrasound Flow Chart Begin Ultrasound Flow Chart

2. Does it turn on? Does it turn on?

3. Troubleshoot Power Supply See power supply flowchart

4. Does the screen turn on? Does the screen turn on?

Troubleshoot the circuit (see

5. Check circuit components
troubleshooting guide)

6. Does the probe work? Does the machine show an image?

7. Check gel. Is there enough of the proper gel.

Ensure that the probe is properly

8. Check probe.
connected and undamaged.

Solder the broken connections or

9. Repair or replace probe.
replace the probe.

Do the dials properly control the

10. Do the dials work?

11. Replace dials or use anticorrosive Replace or use anticorrosive contact

contact spray on dials. spray on dials.

Does the image on the screen have

12. Is there a flickery or partial image missing sections? Does the screen

Gently pull on the cable at different

points to see when the image flickers.
This is where the cable is broken.
13. Check probe.
For composite probes wave a pencil
across the transducer. If not seen, this
is where the transducer is not

Solder the broken connections or

14. Repair or replace probe.
replace the probe.

15. Go to begin. Go to begin.

Is there distortion in the produced

16. Is there a noisy signal?

Replace the motor or bearings if they

17. Replace motor or bearings
are broken or damaged.

18. Is there major image

Is the image severely deteriorated?

Does the oil in the probe have air

19. Are there air bubbles in the probe?
bubbles in it?

20. Replace oil. Replace oil.

21. Is there a sudden worsening Does the image have sudden changes
quality of the image? in quality?

22. Check the preamplifier. Check the preamplifier.

23. Check the mains voltage range. Check the outlet voltage range.

24. Check that the probe is connected Check that the probe is connected
securely. securely.

25. Is there a random change in Is there a random change in greyscale

greyscale quality? quality?

26. Check the monitor and the Check the monitor and the
preprocessing unit. preprocessing unit.

27. Can you change programs or make Can you change programs or make
measurements on the machine? measurements on the machine?
28. Check the digital processor. Check the digital processor.

29. Is there a partial image despite an Is there a partial image despite an

intact probe? intact probe?

30. Check the digital memory and the Check the digital memory and the
microprocessor. microprocessor.

31. Is the image wavy? Is the image wavy?

32. Is the machine calibrated

Is the machine calibrated correctly?

33. Go to begin. Got to begin.

34. Calibrate the machine. Calibrate the machine.

35. End End

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