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Module: 4

Dr. N. K. Patel
Lecture: 21 Phosphoric acid

Module: 4
Lecture: 21



Phosphoric acid (H3PO4), also known as orthophosphoric acid or

phosphoric(V) acid, is a mineral (inorganic) acid. Orthophosphoric acid molecules
can combine with themselves to form a variety of compounds which are also
referred to as phosphoric acids.

Amongst the mineral acids, phosphoric acid stands an special status as it is

used for specialty application including anticorrosive and food industry out of
number of processes available only the latest are discussed below which includes
applications of electric furnace, blast furnace and process including oxidation and
hydration of phosphorous or the wet process which uses sulfuric acid and rock

The continuous process of phosphoric acid production uses liquid white

phosphorous at the boiling condition for 5 to 6hrs so that about 35 - 50 % white
phosphorous is converted to red phosphorous. The hot red phosphorous is taken in a
screw conveyer which along with inert gases gives a solid pure red phosphorous as
product. Red phosphorous finds the application in manufacturing of matchsticks,
chlorides of phosphorous as PCl3, PCl5, phosphorous oxide as P2O5 and phosphor
bronze etc.

The modern manufacturing methods of phosphoric acid are following:

1. Using phosphate rock and blast furnace

2. Using phosphate rock and electric furnace
3. Oxidation and hydration of phosphorous
4. Wet process or from sulfuric acid and phosphate rock

1. Using phosphate rock and blast furnace

The blast furnace process was widely used in the first three decades of 20 th
century. Resulting phosphoric acid can be used in manufacturing of insecticide,
pesticides, detergents etc. but not for fertilizers.

Module: 4
Dr. N. K. Patel
Lecture: 21 Phosphoric acid

Raw materials
Basis: 1000kg phosphoric acid (100%)
Phosphate rock = 2290kg
Sand (Silica) = 6800kg
Coke = 3175kg
Briquette binder = 227kg
Air = 450000ft3

Ca3(PO4)2 + 3SiO2 + 5C 2P + 5CO + 3CaSiO3
2P + 5CO + 5O2 P2O5 + 5CO2
P2O5 + 3H2O 2H3PO4 85-90% yield


To phosphorous plant

Dust Phosphporous Steam Water

collector vapour boiler

Binder Coke

Phosphate Water

rock pressure
5000 psi Compressed



Figure: Manufacturing of Phosphoric acid using blast furnace

Block diagram of manufacturing process

Diagram with process equipment


Phosphate rock is pulverized and mixed with coke powder and binder is
compressed to 5000 psi resulting into the briquettes. Briquettes are dried and
charged along with sand and additional coke powder from top of the blast furnace.
The preheated air (1000 – 11000C)is charged from bottom of the blast furnace via
tuyere. A tuyere is cooled copper conical pipe numbering 12 in small furnace and
up to 42 in large furnace through which hot air is blown in to the furnace. Preheated
air leads to burning of briquettes giving temperature rise up to 13700C. The coke acts

Module: 4
Dr. N. K. Patel
Lecture: 21 Phosphoric acid

as reducing agent as well as fuels. About 760kg of coke is consumed in reduction of

phosphate rock to phosphorous and remaining generates heat by combustion with
air. Reaction is completed in the furnace itself producing P2O5 and calcium silicates
as slag. The product gases also contain carbon monoxide and nitrogen along with
dust particles. For purification, it is passed through cyclone separator and
phosphorous condenser. Thus, P2O5 and elemental phosphorous are separated out.
Hot P2O5 gases are cooled in the heat exchanger. Therefore, superheated steam is
produced and a part of gas is taken into regenerative blast furnace. As a result the
entire phosphorous and phosphorous pentoxide is cooled and purified before taken
into hydrating towers. Purification of phosphoric acid includes removal of arsenic by
hydrogen sulfide treatment followed by filtration.

Engineering aspects
Blast furnace
Blast furnace is made of high temperature resistant refractories brick. Blast
furnace have accessories of hot blast stove for supply of compressed preheated air
having temperature 1000 – 11000C, briquette press for preparation of briquettes of
Phosphate rock and coke, dust collector (cyclone separator) for removal of dust
particles from product stream. Also, two outlets for removal of slag and
ferrophosphorous are provided at the bottom of the furnace.

The top of the blast furnace is closed as it operates at high top pressure. There
are two different systems are used for charging of briquettes, coke and silica. One is
having double bell system which is often equipped with movable throat armour and
other is bell less top as shown in figure.

Also, there are two construction techniques to support the blast furnace as
shown in figure.

Module: 4
Dr. N. K. Patel
Lecture: 21 Phosphoric acid


One utilized lintel or support ring at the bottom of the shaft upon which the
higher level of the furnace rests. The other is free standing construction requiring
and independent support for the blast furnace top and gas system. The required
expansion both thermal as well as pressure for the installation is below for the lintel
i.e. in bosh/belly area in lintel type furnace, while compensator for expansion in the
free standing furnace is at the top.

2. Using phosphate rock and electric furnace

Raw materials
Basis: 1000kg phosphoric acid (100%)
Phosphate rock = 2225kg
Sand (silica) = 680kg
Coke breeze = 400kg
Caron electrode = 8kg
Air = 100000ft3
Electricity = 4070KWH

Ca3(PO4)2 + 3SiO2 + 5C 2P + 5CO + 3CaSiO3 ΔH = - 364.8 kcals
2P + 5CO + 5O2 P2O5 + 5CO2
P2O5 + 3H2O 2H3PO4 87-92% yield ΔH = - 44.9 kcals

Module: 4
Dr. N. K. Patel
Lecture: 21 Phosphoric acid

Water CO2

Coke Sand
breeze filter




Size Electric
Ferro Furnace Purifier
phosphorous 2400 oF H2S / H2O
Phosphoric acid 85 %

Figure: Manufacturing of Phosphoric acid using Electric furnace

Block diagram of manufacturing process

Diagram with process equipment


The phosphate rock is reduced to elemental phosphorous by the action of

coke and heat in the presence of sand in electric arc furnace subsequent oxidation
of phosphorous gives phosphorous pentoxide which on hydration gives the product
phosphoric acid.

Phosphate rock after proper grinding and primary purification is taken into
sintering oven where it is nodulized and granulized so that fast oxidation of the
separated phosphorous takes place. Temperature of 10950C is maintained in electric
furnace so that maximum amount of elemental phosphorous extracted out and
oxidation takes place. Since fluoride of phosphorous and calcium are the common
impurity which reacts with sand giving flourosilicates as the slag.

The gases from the furnace, phosphorous and carbon monoxide are
removed by the suction process and the oxidation product P2O5 is taken into
hydration column which gives P2O5 to H3PO4 at about 850C. Purification of
phosphoric acid is carried out by H2S to remove Arsenic, H2SO4 to remove calcium
salts and Silica to remove fluorides. All the byproducts are removed before
concentrating the acid and filtering it as final product.

Module: 4
Dr. N. K. Patel
Lecture: 21 Phosphoric acid

Advantages of electric arc furnace over other methods

The advantage of the electric furnace process lies in its ability to use a low-
grade phosphate rock, provided the major impurity is silica. Also, iron and aluminum
oxides are not objectionable as in the wet process. Siliceous rocks containing 24%
phosphorus as P2O5 are acceptable. The by-product carbon monoxide, is used as a
fuel for calcination.

3. Oxidation and Hydration of phosphorous

Raw materials

Basis: 1000kg phosphoric acid (100%)

Phosphorus = 300kg
Air = 46000ft3
Steam = variable
Water = variable


2P + 2½O2 P2O5
P2O5 + 3H2O 2H3PO4 (94 – 97% yield)


At the locations away from phosphate rocks mines from purified elemental
phosphorous is oxidized and hydrated to give phosphoric acid. In the manufacturing
process molten phosphorous is sprayed into combustion chamber along with
preheated air and superheated steam. Combustion of phosphorous increases the
temperature up to 19800C. Furnace design depends on the requirement with
respect to quantity and quality. They are made of acid proof structural bricks,
graphite, carbon and stainless steel.

Block diagram of manufacturing process

Diagram with process equipment


Module: 4
Dr. N. K. Patel
Lecture: 21 Phosphoric acid




Glass wool



85% Phosphoric acid

Figure: Manufacturing of Phosphoric acid by Oxidation and Hydration

The gases from furnace which mainly contains P2O5, steam, N2 and small
quantity of oxygen is taken into a hydration column where counter current mixing of
dilute phosphoric acid and the gases gives the product concentrated H 3PO4 of 75%
to 85% concentration. Remaining acid is trapped into packed column or
electrostatic precipitator.

4. Wet process or from sulfuric acid and phosphate rock

The wet process is according to the acids (sulfuric acid, nitric acid or
hydrochloric acid) used to decompose the phosphate rock. The process using
sulfuric acid is the most common among all particularly for producing fertilizer grade
phosphoric acid.

The wet process phosphoric acid, also called as green acid. Depending upon
the hydrate forms of calcium sulfate produced during the wet process, it is classified
as anhydrate, hemi hydrate and dihydrate. The hydrate form is controlled mainly by
temperature and acid concentration.

Module: 4
Dr. N. K. Patel
Lecture: 21 Phosphoric acid

Anhydrite (n=0) process is not commercially viable due to high temperatures

requirement and the higher rate of corrosion.

The dihydrate process is the most popular due to simplicity and ability to use
a wide variety of phosphate rocks in the process. Hemihydrate processes produce
phosphoric acid of a relatively high concentration without the need of the
concentration step. There is also some attentiveness in the two-stage processes that
involve crystallization in the hemi-hydrate form followed by recrystallization in the
dihydrate form, with or without filtration or centrifugation.

Raw materials
Basis: 1000kg phosphoric acid (100%)
Phosphate rock = 1635kg
Sulfuric acid = 1360kg

Ca10F2(PO4)6 + 10H2SO4 + 20H2O 10CaSO4.2H2O + 2HF + 6H3PO4


There are two processes i.e. dihydrate and hemihydrates (CaSO4.2H2O and
CaSO4.1/2H2O) are used for production of phosphoric acid.

Aspect Dihydrate process Hemihydrate process

Strength of sulfuric acid 78% 95%
Operating temperature Below 800C 1000C
Resistance to material Less High
Digestion time High Short
P2O5 content in product 33% 38%
Quantity of calcium sulfate High Small

Sulfuric acid on reaction with phosphate rock along with precipitation of

calcium sulfate results into the formation of phosphoric acid. The process is simple
and requires grinding of phosphate rock reacting with dilute phosphoric acid so that
melt is produced which in a reactor as mixed with concentrated sulfuric acid for 4 to
8hrs in the temperature range of 75-800C. Lot of air is required to control the
temperature. Resulting gases includes HF and P2O5 which in the absorption tower is
separated and finally treated to give fluorosilicates and dilute phosphoric acid. The
main product in the liquid form which is phosphoric acid and calcium sulfate is
filtered and washed. Thus, gypsum and phosphoric acid are separated and after
minor purification the phosphoric acid is concentrated into the evaporator.

Module: 4
Dr. N. K. Patel
Lecture: 21 Phosphoric acid

Recycled Weak Phosphoric Acid

Sulphuric acid Cooling Air

To Fluorine
Phosphate rock Scrubber

Tank Reactor Filter


Air Water
Suction Water


Titing Pan Filter

To Product acid
Figure: Manufacturing of Phosphoric acid by Wet process

Block diagram of manufacturing process

Diagram with process equipment


Throughout the plant, corrosion resistant materials of construction must be

used. The most common ones are structural carbon or nickel alloy for evaporator
heat exchangers; rubber or carbon-brick for reactor linings; polyester-fiber glass in
pipes, ducts, and small vessels. Yield of phosphoric acid based on phosphorus
content of raw material is 95%

Module: 4
Dr. N. K. Patel
Lecture: 21 Phosphoric acid

Kinetics and thermodynamics

The average retention time in the reactor system is about eight hours. The
direct contact between phosphate rock and sulfuric acid are prevented, so that
maximum phosphorous is extracted from the rock and formation of easily filterable
crystal of gypsum. A high concentration of free sulfuric acid would result in the
formation of a coating of calcium sulfate on the phosphate rock, thereby blocking
further reaction. On the other hand, a high concentration of calcium ions in the
slurry would increase the amount of phosphate co- crystallized with gypsum. In order
to maintain a uniform composition of slurry, the incoming stream of sulfuric acid and
phosphate rock is mixed and agitated as rapidly and as completely as possible to
ensure homogeneity. Most of the modern plants use about 96 % pure sulfuric acid. Its
mixing with dilute phosphoric acid generates heat which is used to evaporate the
water and volatilize fluorine compounds (mainly SiF, and HF).

Three methods of cooling are generally in use: (a) blowing air on to the slurry,
(b) blowing air across the slurry, and (c) flash cooling under vacuum.

The fumes emerging from the reactors and the digesters are sent to the
fluorine recovery unit, while the suspension of the digesters are filleted in the first
compartment of a continuous filter, which yields phosphoric acid containing about
33% of P2O5.

Engineering aspects
Selection of phosphate rock
The plant is designed in such a way that can be used for blend of rocks from
different sources. The plants have extra capacity for grinding, filtration and slurry
handling systems to take care of variation in the rock composition. As phosphate
rock is a complex raw material that affects plant operation in numerous ways, a
thorough chemical and mineralogical evaluation of the quality should be made
before selecting a phosphate rock or changing the source to another. However, a
trial run in a pilot plant is needed for complete evaluation of the rock. The
phosphate rock used in the process is of as high a grade as possible, usually ranging
from 30 to 35 % P2O5 and 1 to 4 % iron and aluminum.

Before attack by acids, mineral must be crushed so that 60 – 70 % of it passes

through 200 mesh sieve. Crushed mineral is calcined to remove organic impurities,
because the presence of organic substances promotes the formation of foams
which makes it difficult to filter off calcium sulfate. The purified mineral is again
crushed to powder form by milling and is premixed first with recycled phosphoric
acid and then fed with sulfuric acid. The recycle phosphoric acid contributes to
attack on the mineral and disperse both heat of reaction and heat of dilution of
H2SO4, thereby facilitating crystallization of the calcium sulfate. Also, these steps
favours both precipitation, of readily filterable chalk consisting of minutes crystals of

Module: 4
Dr. N. K. Patel
Lecture: 21 Phosphoric acid

CaSO4.2H2O or CaSO4.1/2H2O which act as crystallization nuclei, as well as digestion

in suitable containers, after the attach of reaction mixture.

Grinding of rock materials

Wet or dry grinding of Phosphate rocks is required depending upon the raw
materials. Fine grinding is required in case of multi-compartment digesters and poor
sulfate control. Most of the old plants use dry grinding, and a majority of the new
plants use wet grinding with a ball mill or ring roller mills having air classification. Slurry
containing 62 to 70% solid is produced. Wet grinding requires about 30 to 40% less
power and there is no atmospheric pollution by dust. The main disadvantages of this
process are that the balls and the mill lining wear out faster, and the amount of
recycled waste water that may be required in phosphoric acid production is
reduced. Also, it is necessary to maintain the ratio of solids while grinding.

Handling and storage of phosphate rock

Phosphate rock are stored in dry conditions and protected against rain, wind
and freezing weather. Relatively coarse rocks can be stored in piles. To ensure the
constant supply, the storage capacity should ideally be 1.5 times the largest

Amount of sulfuric acid

As the by-product acid may contain some impurities, most phosphoric acid
plants have on site facilities for producing sulfuric acid from sulfur or pyrites. Sulfuric
acid of 93 to 98% concentration is used. The sulfuric acid requirement is calculated
assuming its amount required to combine with calcium present in the rock to form
calcium sulfate. Also, considering that about 15% of fluorine combines with calcium
oxide to form calcium fluoride, the sulfuric acid requirement is calculated. For a high
grade phosphate rock, H2SO4 required is 2.5 tons per ton of phosphorus; and for low
grade rocks, it is 3.15 tons per ton of phosphorus.

Filtration of gypsum
Filtration is carried out as efficiently and economically as possible. All modern
plants use continuous horizontal vacuum filters. The other widely used filters are tilting
pans, rotary filters, rotary table filters and belt filters. Some of the product acid is
recycled to the digestion step to control the percentage of solids in the slurry, which
is normally 35 to 45 %.

Filters are characterized by their surface area and the rate of rotation (in a
rotary filter) or the rate of travel (in a belt filter). The filtration rate is also affected by
the size and shape of gypsum crystals which, in turn, are decided by the type of
phosphate rock, crystal shape modifiers, control of reaction conditions, sulfate
concentration, slurry re-circulation, phosphoric acid concentration, etc.

Module: 4
Dr. N. K. Patel
Lecture: 21 Phosphoric acid

The filtration rate is also affected by temperature, concentration, viscosity of

the acid, the desired recovery, the amount of vacuum, the design of the filter and
insoluble impurities in the rock like clay. The normal filtration rates reported in the
production are 2 to 18 tons/m2/day.

Phosphoric acid which is intended for use in fertilizers does not require any
purification but for chemical and food products it must be purified. The block
diagram of purification processes is as follows.

NaOH or Na2CO3 (Impure)

Adjustment to pH
Adjustment to pH
As2S3, BaSO4, PbS, etc.


Adjustment to pH
Al(OH)3, Fe(OH)3, Mn(OH)2,
= 8.5
H2SO4 MnO(OH) etc.

Precipitation of
anhydrous and hydrated

Filtration Removal of precipitates


Figure: Purification of Phosphoric acid

Sludge disposal
The sludge usually contains gypsum, fluosilicates, iron and phosphate
compounds. Acids containing sludge can be used for onsite fertilizer (triple

Module: 4
Dr. N. K. Patel
Lecture: 21 Phosphoric acid

superphosphate) production. Most of the phosphorus (as P2O5) in the sludge is

citrate-soluble but not water-soluble.

The sludge may be used in the production of non- granular mono-ammonium

phosphate which is used as an intermediate in the production of compound
fertilizers. There is no economical method for using sludge solids where phosphate
fertilizers are sold on the basis of water solubility. Precipitation after concentration to
54 % phosphorus (as P2O5) is slow and never so complete as more precipitate will
form on standing.

 Molecular formula : H3PO4
 Molecular weight : 97.994gm/mole
 Appearance : White solid or colourless viscous liquid above 420C
 Boiling point : 1580C (decompose)
 Melting point : 42.350C (anhydrous)
29.320C (hemihydrate)
 Density : 1.885gm/mL (liquid)
1.685gm/mL (85% solution)
2.030gm/mL (crystal at 250C)
 Solubility : Soluble in water
 Viscosity : 147cP (100%)


 Used for preparation of hydrogen halides

 Used as a "rust converter", by direct application to rusted iron, steel tools, or
surfaces. It converts reddish-brown iron(III) oxide, Fe2O3 (rust) to black ferric
phosphate, FePO4
 Food-grade phosphoric acid is used to acidify foods and beverages such as
various colas.
 Used in dentistry and orthodontics as an etching solution, to clean and
roughen the surfaces of teeth where dental appliances or fillings will be
 As an ingredient in over-the-counter anti-nausea medications that also
contain high levels of sugar (glucose and fructose).
 Used in many teeth whiteners to eliminate plaque.
 Used as an external standard for NMR and HPLC
 As a chemical oxidizing agent for activated carbon production
 As the electrolyte in phosphoric acid fuel cells and is used with distilled water
(2–3 drops per gallon) as an electrolyte in oxyhydrogen (HHO) generators.
 Also, used as an electrolyte in copper electro polishing for burr removal and
circuit board planarization.
 As a flux by hobbyists (such as model railroaders) as an aid to soldering.

Module: 4
Dr. N. K. Patel
Lecture: 21 Phosphoric acid

 As common wet etching agent in compound semiconductor processing,

 Hot phosphoric acid is used in micro fabrication to etch silicon nitride (Si 3N4). It
is highly selective in etching Si3N4 instead of SiO2, silicon dioxide.
 As a cleaner by construction trades to remove mineral deposits, cementitious
smears, and hard water stains.
 As a chelant in some household cleaners aimed at similar cleaning tasks.
 Used in hydroponics pH solutions to lower the pH of nutrient solutions.
 As a pH adjuster in cosmetics and skin-care products.
 As a dispersing agent in detergents and leather treatment.
 As an additive to stabilize acidic aqueous solutions within specified pH range


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