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PGD Idea Day : "Investing on Youth: Generate

Venua Sheraton Grand Jakarta Gandaria City Hotel

Participants: 176 Delegates and 50+ Committee from University of Indonesia

No Time Activity
1 17.30 – 18.00 30 Registration
2 18.00 – 19.00 60 Dinner and free time

3 19.00 – 19.10 10 Opening

4 19.10 – 19.15 5 Introduction about speakers

5 19.15 – 19.40 25 Talkshow 1

6 19.40 - 19.45 5 Ice breaking
7 19.45 - 20.10 25 Talkshow 2
Questions and answers
8 20.10 - 20.25 15
9 20.25 - 20.30 5 Review and summary
Certificate and Recognition to
10 20.30 - 20.33 3
the Speaker

11 20.33 - 20.38 5 Documentation

12 20.38 - 20.50 12 Performance

Winner announcement
13 20.50 - 21.00 10
Winner announcement SE-
14 21.00 - 21.10 10
MUN Conference
15 21.10 - 21.25 15 Games
Winner announcement
16 21.25 - 21.35 10
Winner announcement
17 21.35 - 21.45 10
18 21.45 - 22.00 15 Closing

* = topics may change

Youth: Generate Ideas into Business"

ty of Indonesia

PIC Additional Info

Ops Team
Participants are allowed to take pictures and dinner while
Ops Team
enjoying live music by band
Opening and introduction from PGD Committee (include
singing Indonesia Raya)
MC Brief introduction about speaker
Presentation lead by speaker from Accenture: "The Success of
Failure" *

Presentation lead by speaker from P&G "Generate Ideas into

Business Prospect" *
MC Participants are allowed to ask three questions in Q&A session
Speaker and MC are asked to review the essential points and
summarize all the content
Certificate and Recognition Frame are given by Project Officer
PGD (Nafila Wajdi) to the speaker
Photo session with speaker and all participants. Speaker and
Documentation Team
all of the participants are allowed to exchange the name cards.
Event Op-Clos Singer/Dance
MC Winner will give 1 minute speech

MC Winner will give 1 minute speech

MC Games; Kahoot!
MC Winner will give 1 minute speech

MC Winner will give 1 minute speech

MC Video closing PGD, final photoshoot, etc
Country Delegates
SE-MUN (Student Energy - Model United Nations)
India 11
Vietnam 1
Sri Lanka 1
Malaysia 1
Filipina 6

Indonesia 30
PETRONATION (Petroleum Integrated Smart Competition)
Sri Lanka 3
Malaysia 6

Indonesia 48
INSPECT (International Student Paper Competition)
India 6
Malaysia 3
Rusia 2
Indonesia 11
CPDC (Chemical Product Design Competition)
Indonesia 47

Total 176
SE-MUN (Student Energy - Model United Nations)
Vellore Institute of Technology
Petro Vietnam University
University of Moratuwa
Universiti Teknologi Petronas
University of Asia and Pacific, De Lassale, Central Phillipine University
UI, ITB, UGM, ITS, UMY, UNPAD, Universitas Pertamina, President University,
Universitas Brawijaya,
PETRONATION (Petroleum Integrated Smart Competition)
University of Moratuwa
Universiti Teknologi Petronas
ITB, UI, ITS, UPN, Trisakti, UNPAD, UNDIP, Akamigas Balongan, Universitas Pertamina,
STEM Akamigas CEPU, Sunan Kalijaga
INSPECT (International Student Paper Competition)
National University of Technology Calicut, UPES, VIT
University Teknologi Petronas, University of Technology Malaysia
Ufa State Petroleum Technological University
CPDC (Chemical Product Design Competition)

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