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Advice for foreign home buyers County’s medical therapy units: A place for miracles Filipino films spice festival
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Award-Winning Newspaper • Your No. 1 Source of News and Information on Filipinos

September 25 - October 1, 2010

FilAmFest gears up for 6th FILAMFEST 2010

FilAmFest is a Filipino-Amer-

year with ‘Bayanihan Spirit’

ican arts and culture festi-
val. It is one of the largest
inter-generational arts and
cultural events in San Diego.
When: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.,
Returning acts from previous
Organizers expect festivals will also perform, in-
Saturday, Oct. 2
Where: Potomac Park, Paradise
cluding hip-hop dance crew In-
record crowds for arts decisive Dance Krew and local Vally Road (between Woodman
Street and Gilmartin Avenue)
reggae band Monday’s Alibi.
and cultural festival Hosting the first portion of
the festival will be actor, model Entertainment
SAN DIEGO, Calif. — The and singer Michael Copon, best 11 a.m.: Opening ceremony,
6th annual Filipino-American known for his role as Felix in the Risen Beingez
Arts & Culture Festival, popu- Michael Copon Justin Rivera hit series “One Tree Hill.” Noon: Katriz Trinida, Lil Desi,
larly known as FilAmFest, kicks Joining Copon as master of Defcase, Allysse
off its day-long celebration this 15,000 people, according to or- ceremonies is comedian and 1 p.m.: Micheal Copon, Joseph
year with the theme “Celebrat- ganizers, who are expecting an magician Justin Rivera of Chi- Vincent, Abrina, Bell Middle
ing the Bayanihan Spirit.” even larger crowd this year. no Hills, who has appeared on 2 p.m: Bambu, Hopie Spitshard
The festival takes place from Scheduled performers on the Comedy Central’s “The Gong 3 p.m.: Seefor Yourself, Nate
11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, main stage include YouTube sen- Show with Dave Attell.” Burns, Trish, IDK
Oct. 2, at Potomac Park on sation Gabe Bondoc, “American FilAmFest is continuing 4 p.m.: Ramiele, Gabe Bondoc,
Paradise Valley Road (between Idol” season seven finalist Ra- its youth program with arts Monday’s Alibi
Woodman Street and Gilmar- miele Malubay, hip-hop artist and crafts, where they can Photo: Areeluck Parnsoonthorn 5 p.m.: Joey Casora, Rising
tin Avenue). Bambu from the Native Guns, Jazz singer Charmaine Clamor entertains the crowd at FilAmFest 2009. Last Stars
Last year ’s festival drew and emcee Hopie Spitshard. See fest on 11 year's festival drew 15,000 people. Organizers expect as many as 20,000 for
this year's festival.

Obama names 2 Fil-Ams to
White House advisory posts

The manong
WASHINGTON — President Obama has ap-
pointed two prominent Filipino-Americans
as White House advisers on Asian-American
issues, ABS-CBN News reported recently.
Rozita Villanueva Lee, a familiar face on Capitol
and the

The dictator
Hill during the fight for Filipino World War II
veterans rights, and Hector Vargas Jr., a well-
known gay rights activist, were named as new
members of the Advisory Commission on Asian
Americans and Pacific Islanders.
“These are distinguished and highly-respected
leaders of the AAPI community who have
demonstrated a strong commitment to the
White House initiative’s goal of improving the
lives of underserved Asian Americans and Pa-
45 years ago this month, Phillip Vera Cruz kicked
off the farm-worker strike that led to the
cific Islanders," said Greg Macabenta, national
chair of the National Association of Filipino
American Associations.

Filipino Press seeks entrants creation of the United Farm Workers.

for writing competition
NATIONAL CITY, Calif. — The Filipino Press is Sadly, the late labor leader is hardly remembered
launching what it hopes will become an annual
writing competition honoring the literary excel-
lence of young Filipino-American writers. DELANO MANONGS By Benjamin Pimentel
Filipino American History Month, also
known as the Filipino American Heritage

The contest, dubbed Gawad Panulat News Month, is celebrated in the United States
Story Team Competition, will begin in Novem- during the month of October. The Filipino
ber and run through January 2011. The paper e remember two key nar- American National Historical Society es-
ratives in the Filipino ex- tablished Filipino American History Month
is actively seeking young aspiring writers
perience this month. in 1988. In California and Hawaii, where a
between the ages of 13-18 to apply for the One tells of brutal dictatorship. The large number of Filipino-Americans reside,
compeition. Young writers of Filipino descent other celebrates the courage of Fil- Filipino American History Month is widely
are encouraged to apply for the competition by ipino-American migrant farm work- celebrated. Many Filipino-American orga-
submitting a writing sample to contest coor- nizations in these states often initiate their
ers and the troubling flaw of a revered
own independent celebrations.
dinator Allure Llorente by e-mailing allure@ Mexican-American icon. by Nov. 1. Tuesday, Sept. 21, marked the 38th Some argue that October as Filipino Amer-
anniversary of the declaration of mar- ican History Month has not yet attained
For more information, see our ad on page 19 the prestige of other similar minority cel-
tial law and the rise of one of most des-
or contact Llorente at (619) 565-9500. Informa- ebrations, such as the Black History Month
potic regimes in history.
tion on the contest will also be posted on our But one would think it was a glo-
in February, Women's History Month in
“Delano Manongs” tells the story of farm labor March and the Asian Pacific American
Facebook page (Filipino Press). organizer Larry Itliong and a group of Filipino rious time to remember from the way Heritage Month in May. This is evidenced
farm workers who instigated one of the Ameri- Imelda Marcos was recently beam- by the fact that no U.S. Congress has ever
can farm labor movement’s finest hours — the ing, as she celebrated her son Bong- resolved to recognize Filipino American
inside this edition Delano Grape Strike of 1965 that brought about
the creation of the United Farm Workers Union.
bong’s political rise and what she History Month. However, the House of the
While the movement is known for Cesar Chavez’s sees as the eventual return to power 111th Congress has introduced a House
BOXING LEGEND JOE FRAZIER leadership and considered a Chicano movement, of the Marcos forces. Resolution 155 (H.R. 155) to officially rec-
ognize October for Filipinos.
“I'm truly happy to see Bongbong
RECALLS 'THRILLA IN MANILA' Filipinos played a pivotal role that began it all.
Filipino labor organizer Larry Itliong, a 5-foot-5, here in the senate following the foot- The celebration in 2006 was a pivotal year
The Filipino Press cigar-chomping union veteran, organized a group steps of his father,” she was quot- as it marked the centennial celebration
interviews Joe Frazier of 1,500 Filipinos to strike against the grape ed as saying in the Philippine Dai- of Filipino migration to the United States.
on the 35th anni- growers of Delano, Calif.
ly Inquirer. Bongbong aiming for the Throughout October, the Filipino Press will
versary of his match
For eight days they struck alone, getting thrown presidency, she noted, “is a matter of feature stories celebrating Filipino Ameri-
with Muhammad Ali. can History Month. We begin in advance
Frazier will be in San out of their labor camp homes, and facing vio- destiny, a divine plan.”
Amid such silly, scary talk, we shift with the story of famed Filipino labor
Diego on Oct. 2-3 to lence from growers’ hired thugs and the sheriff’s
leader Phillip Vera Cruz.
sign memorabilia at department. Yet Larry’s story — and the story of focus to the small central California
Horton Plaza. the Filipinos and their union organizing efforts town of Delano.
SEE PAGE 20 that began in the 1920s in the U.S. — have virtu- Forty-five years ago, on Sept. 8, of the United Farm Workers, one of
ally been forgotten. Told from Itliong’s perspec-
1965, Filipino farm workers, led by the most influential labor unions in
tive, the documentary follows Larry’s life arriving
in the U.S. at age 15 and immediately becoming Phillip Vera Cruz, Pete Velasco and American history.
involved with Filipino labor unions in the canner- Larry Itliong, kicked off the farm-
ies and farm fields on the West Coast. The story worker strike that led to the creation See VERA CRUZ on 11
of Larry and the Delano Filipinos is a history un-
known to most Filipinos in the U.S. Visit the film's
website at

Photo illustration: Bill Ramsey Photo: Smithsonian Institution

2 THE FILIPINO PRESS September 25 - October 1, 2010

Verzosa, Puno named ‘ultimate Government to adjust fourth quarter borrowing program

recipients’ of jueteng money

MANILA, Philippines – The government will make appropriate adjustments
in its fourth quarter borrowing program, following the successful issuance
of 10-year peso-denominated global bonds recently.
National Treasurer Roberto Tan said the government would have to review
its projected cash flow. “We will review our projected cash flow with the
expected inflow from the global peso issue and make appropriate adjust-
ments on our fourth quarter auction program as necessary,” Tan said.
Market investors expect the government to reduce its issuance of Treasury
bills (T-bills) and bonds in the fourth quarter following the successful sale
of 10-year bonds in the global debt market.
Tan also said the Treasury may issue longer-dated debt papers in the
fourth quarter as part of efforts to lengthen maturities now that investors
prefer to park their funds in longer-dated securities. The government re-
cently raised $1 billion worth of peso-denominated global bonds, the first
local currency issue for the Philippines and for an Asian country.
Finance officials said the government decided to issue peso-denominated
bonds to help cushion the economy from the external uncertainties and
developments in the global environment such as dollar fluctuations.
Global investors tendered a total of $13.3 billion for the $1 billion is-
suance or 13 times oversubscribed.
The newly issued bonds, which were priced at 99.607 percent with a
coupon of 4.95 percent and a yield of five percent, will mature in Janu-
ary 2021. By geographical allocation, 37.1 percent of the orders came
from Asia, 32.6 percent from the US and 30.3 percent from Europe.
Proceeds would be used to finance the government’s budgetary require-
ments and is part of the government’s management of external liabilities,
particularly with respect to reducing its vulnerability to foreign currency risk.
Photo: The Aquino administration is staring at a widening budget deficit that
A recent Senate hearing revealed that retired police chief Jesus Verzosa (left) and Interior Undersecretary Rico Puno receive payoffs from jueteng operators. is projected to hit P325 billion this year or 3.9 percent of gross domestic
product (GDP) from the original target of P300 billion.
By Maila Ager al Eugene Martin and May- Archbishop Cruz recent- to the request. The budget deficit can narrow to P226 billion or 2.5 percent of GDP next
or Domogan in Baguio; Danny ly faced the Senate to expose “This is the moment of year if the economy grows by as much as seven percent or more than the
MANILA, Philippines — Soriano in Cagayan; a retired government officials who have truth. Let's bring out the official growth target for next year of five percent. (
Retired police chief Jesus Ver- general Padilla in Pasay, Pa- been allegedly receiving pay- truth. No matter how pain-
zosa and Interior Undersec- ranaque, Muntinlupa, and offs from jueteng operators. ful. Let's name names,” En-
retary Rico Puno have been San Pedro; a governor Espino But at the start of the joint rile said.
More projects to lose perks in 2011 IPP
named as "ultimate recip- in Pangasinan; and a Boy Ja- hearing by the Senate blue rib- Cruz confirmed that he MANILA, Philippines — Some priority economic activities that enjoy
ients" of jueteng money at a landoni in Bacolod. bon, local government, and has a list of government offi- tax and fiscal incentives under the 2010 Investment Priorities Plan
recent Senate hearing. The names of Verzosa and rules committees, Cruz ex- cials who have either been re- (IPP) may lose such perks under the 2011 IPP as the Aquino adminis-
Ve r z o s a a n d P u n o w e r e Puno were listed under the pressed hesitation about his ceiving bribe from jueteng op- tration is expected to further trim down incentives and grant perks to
among those in the list sub- "national jueteng payola revelations and requested for erators, or directly involved limited and deserving projects only.
mitted by Archbishop Oscar flow," along with a certain Ed- an executive session so he could in jueteng, or in collusion This developed as the Board of Investments is set to convene next month
Cruz and read by Senator die Fontanilla (“collector on identify the officials on the take. to allow the proliferation of the technical committee of the IPP to start crafting the IPP framework. The
Teofisto Guingona III, chair- the ground”) and a retired “So in case the chair would jueteng in the country. IPP is an annual list of government priority economic activities that would
man of the Senate blue ribbon general Cachuela (“interme- allow, I'd ask for an executive “Question 1 and 2, I have be entitled to a package of juicy tax and fiscal incentives.
committee. diate recipient”). session where I give all the the list of the people. Question
BoI executive director Efren Leano, however, said the 2011 IPP will be
The same list named the Guingona said the "sources names in the upper bracket of 3, yes,” he told the committee.
dependent on the Medium Term Development Plan.
following operators of the of information" were Charlie this whole racket and all the Asked by Guingona if he
multi-billion-peso illegal “Atong” Ang for jueteng and names in the lower echelon of was willing to reveal the con- “We expect the 2011 IPP to be tight and short but if government says we need
numbers game: Lilia “Baby” jai-alai and Manuel “Manol- the syndicate,” he said. tents of the list, Cruz said, “I to help more investors then we have to widen the list. This will largely depend
Pineda in Pampanga; Paul ing” Morato for small-town But Senate President can easily do that. It's in front on the MTDP because it will be basis in the crafting of the new list,” Leano said.
Dy in Isabela; retired gener- lottery (STL). Juan Ponce-Enrile objected of me.” ( Trade and Industry Secretary Gregory L. Domingo, who is chair of the
BoI, also made clear earlier that he would limit the grant of incentives by
further tightening the lPP list to specific projects that are really priority. The
tightening of the IPP would be imposed under the 2011 IPP, he said.
Industries that Domingo would prioritize are tourism, IT-BPO type indus-

Government Mayor Lim admits failure but

tries, electronics, mining, housing and agriculture. These industries are
chosen based on their high local value content, export revenue genera-
tion and jobs generation potentials.

borrowings disputes hostage crisis report Projects under the IPP are granted a maximum of 8 years income tax
holiday, zero duty on the importation of capital equipment, additional
tax deduction on expenses for training and labor, employment of foreign
hit P585B MANILA, Philippines – Ma-
nila Mayor Alfredo Lim admit-
ready to face charges that might
be slapped against me. I can't
Lim particularly elaborat-
ed on the first critical incident
nationals, among others.  The annual IPP has undergone a tightening belt
over the years by ridding it off of economic activities that are no longer
ted that his team failed in han- do anything about it," Lim said. ó the failure to activate the city government priorities or activities that no longer require government tax
By Iris C. Gonzales dling the August 23 hostage Lim and Moreno were among of Manila’s crisis management and fiscal assistance. (
crisis but contested the findings the 12 government officials, po- committee (CMC).
MANILA, Philippines — of the Incident Investigation lice officers, and media workers "The statement in the IIRC re- BOP posts $3.478-billion surplus from January-August
Total government borrow- and Review Committee (IIRC). held responsible by the IIRC port with the heading First Criti-
ings rose to P584.67 billion in Lim recently said some por- for the mishandling of the Au- cal Incident... is totally false. We MANILA, Philippines — The country’s balance of payments (BOP) surplus
the first eight months of the tions of the IIRC report were gust 23 hostage crisis in Manila activated the CMC at the city went up by 25.3 percent in the first eight months of the year due to robust
year, more than double the "too sweeping," false, and wherein eight Hong Kong tour- hall. It was supposed to be acti- remittances from overseas Filipinos as well as strong foreign exchange
P269.15 billion recorded in lacked basis. ists, and the hostage-taker, Ro- vated here and not there in the inflows from investments, data released by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
the same period last year, At a press conference at the lando Mendoza, were killed. site of the incident," Lim said. (BSP) reported recently.
latest data from the Bureau Manila City hall, Lim also said "The Vice-Mayor’s and my in- Lim also puts the blame on Data showed that the BOP position posted a surplus of $3.478 billion from
of the Treasury (BTr) showed. "pumalpak kami" (we failed) clusion, and even the negotiator, the Manila Police District leader- January to August this year or $703 million higher than the surplus of
Data also showed that bor- but stressed that he and Vice- on the list of those found culpa- ship, particularly on MPD chief $2.775 billion registered in the same period last year.
rowings increased during the Mayor Francisco Domagoso ble by the IIRC is too sweeping Gen. Rodolfo Magtibay, saying The BOP refers to the difference of foreign exchange inflows and outflows
eight-month period because (Isko Moreno) should not be and totally lacking in factual the CMC, which Lim headed, on a particular period and represents the country’s transactions with the
of the P68.5 billion the gov- blamed for the incident. and legal basis," said Lim. was merely an "advisory body." rest of the world.
ernment raised through the Lim asked authorities to Lim belied several points in "(The MPD team) was the op-
BSP Governor Amando M. Tetangco Jr. said the improved BOP posi-
sale of global bonds and the spare Moreno from the charges. the IIRC’s summary of critical erational group as distinguished
tion was registered in the first eight months of the year despite the 24.5
P51.74 billion it raised from "Please spare the vice may- incidents that led to the failure from the policy making body which
percent drop in BOP surplus to $40 million in August this year from $53
the issuance of Samurai or or. He has no culpability. I am of the hostage negotiations. was the CMC," he said. (MNS)
million in the same period last year.
yen-denominated bonds.
The government borrowed “The BOP is relatively low for August as inflows from BSP’s income and
P158.107 billion from foreign foreign exchange operations were offset by significant payments by
creditors and P426.557 billion
from local lenders.
In the same period last
Radio station rejects hostage police movements on the bus
television set.
The networks declined imme-
the National Government of its maturing foreign exchange obligations,”
Tetangco stressed.
The country’s BOP surplus plunged to $89 million in 2008 from $8.67 billion
year, the government bor-
rowed P142 billion from ex-
ternal sources and P127.15
phone-hogging allegations diate comment on the inquiry,
which recommended prosecutions
against 13 people including police
in 2007 due to the full impact of the global financial crisis. The BOP position
recovered last year with a surplus of $5.295 billion. This year’s surplus would
stablize as the growth of imports would outpace the growth of exports.
billion from domestic lenders officers, government officials, and
The BSP’s Monetary Board sees the country’s BOP surplus hitting $3.7
for a total of P269.15 billion, MANILA, Philippines — A ra- link to the hostage-taker and media employees deemed culpa-
billion instead of the original target of $3.2 billion due to robust foreign
data also showed. dio station recently rejected ac- stopping a police negotiator from ble for the bloodbath.
exchange inflows from the higher investment inflows, disbursement of
Of the P158.107 billion it cusations that its live interviews getting through to him to put for- The findings also present-
official development assistance (ODA) loans from multilateral lending
borrowed from foreign sourc- with a hostage-taker holding a ward a deal. The hijacker began ed a scathing indictment of the
agencies, and the money sent home by Filipinos abroad.
es from January to August busload of Hong Kong tourists shooting shortly afterward. police response to the August
this year, project loans from had prevented a negotiator from "The interview by (radio re- 23 hijacking, accusing the force As early as June, the original BOP surplus target of $3.2 billion set by the
various multilateral agencies contacting the hijacker. porter) Michael Rogas gave the of negligence, insubordination, BSP for 2010 was already breached.
accounted for P18.010 billion Aquilino Pimentel, lawyer for hostages an extra few hours to and failing to gather intelligence “Inflows from portfolio investments, remittances, and export receipts for
while program loans amount- Radio Mindanao Network, criti- live," Pimentel, a former senator, as the crisis unfolded. the balance of the year are likely to result in continued surplus in the exter-
ed to P19.843 billion. cized an official inquiry's call for told the station. Ex-Manila policeman Ro- nal position,” Tetangco added.
Government borrowings three of its staff to be prosecut- The official inquiry into the lando Mendoza hijacked the Latest data showed that money sent home by overseas Filipino workers
are expected to shoot-up by ed for holding phone interviews disaster, released Monday, also busload of tourists in central (OFWs) went up by 7.1 percent to $10.679 billion in the first seven months
end-September following the with the hostage-taker. Eight called for the country's top Manila, aiming to force the gov- of the year from $9.973 billion in the same period last year. The BSP has
sale of $1 billion worth of peso- tourists were killed in the fiasco. three television networks to be ernment to give him his job already upgraded its growth forecast for the amount of money sent home
denominated global bonds ear- The probe accused the radio punished, saying their reports back after he was sacked for al- by overseas Filipinos to eight percent instead of six percent due to the
ly this month. ( station of monopolizing the phone allowed the hijacker to follow leged extortion. (MNS) strong demand for Filipino skilled workers. (
September 25 - October 1, 2010 THE FILIPINO PRESS 3


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4 THE FILIPINO PRESS September 25 - October 1, 2010

Fannie, Aggressive
Freddie: real estate
Reluctant Advice for foreign agent joins
By Nick Timiraos
home buyers McMillin
Realtor John O. Ronis
will be putting his extensive
Two years after they were knowledge of the South Bay
taken over by the federal gov- to work for McMillin Realty
ernment, Fannie Mae and as he recently joined the com-
Freddie Mac face a new chal- pany’s network of agents. A
lenge: The mortgage-finance gi- 46-year South Bay resident,
ants are becoming two of the na- Ronis has lived in National
tion's largest home sellers at a City, Chula Vista, Bonita and
time when the housing market now Eastlake Greens and
shows new signs of softening. says he knows the neighbor-
Realtor Brett Barry said hoods and surrounding areas
of a recent price reduction like only a local can.   
to $200,000 from $265,000:
'They're definitely pushing the
envelope on price. But they're
doing it at the wrong time.'
Fannie and Freddie have al-
ready taken back nearly as many
homes in the first half of the
year as they did all of last year.
They owned more than 191,000
homes at the end of June, double
the year-earlier total. That num-
ber will grow because they are
taking back homes faster than
they sell them.
In recent weeks, Fannie Mae By June Fletcher ican citizens: You find a home, lenders from seeking redress erences instead. You have some
has warned that it could get make an offer accompanied by should you default. flexibility here, since no specific

tougher on lenders that are tak- I am a non-perma- a deposit, obtain a mortgage, Assuming you don't have dip- documents are required to prove John O. Ronis
ing too long to reclaim homes nent resident alien. pay for inspections and apprais- lomatic immunity, get your pa- these things. You also should be
once they have determined Do you foresee any als, and—when all contingencies perwork in order. Expect lend- prepared to show your passport, “As somebody who was
that the home is vacant or once difficulties, and will I be able have been removed and the fi- ers to ask you to show at least a a valid visa, and, if you have it, born and raised and contin-
they have exhausted foreclo- to get a mortgage from an nancing is in place—close. two-year history of employment work authorization. ues to live in the South Bay,
sure alternatives, such as mod- American lender? It's a very straightforward and credit history in the U.S. or If you need a jumbo loan to I have a great commitment to
ifications. Mortgage servicers, —Vancouver, Canada process if you pay all-cash. If you another country. You'll also have buy a high-end property, lend- this community that extends
which collect fees from Fannie, A: For you, and for every for- need a mortgage, the process to prove legal residency in the ers are likely to demand at least into all facets of my life and
could face fines if the process is eigner looking to buy a home, the will be challenging. It will be im- U.S. for at least two years; if you a 20% down payment and may work,” he said. “I saw great
home-buying process is essen- possible if you have diplomatic haven't lived here that long, some
See fannie on 5 tially the same as it is for Amer- immunity, which would prevent lenders will accept two bank ref- See home buyers on 5 See mcmillin on 5
September 25 - October 1, 2010 THE FILIPINO PRESS 5

fannie ly July. But, like many of Bar- home buyers mcmillin

Continued from p­­­­­age 4

unreasonably prolonged.
ry's bank-owned listings, the
three-bedroom home has still
received no offers. "They're def-
Continued from p­­­­­age 4

charge you a higher inter-

Continued from p­­­­­age 4

opportunity to work with Mc-

Fannie's recent reminder to initely pushing the envelope on est rate than they would an Millin Realty because of its
banks signals a growing impa- price," he said. "But they're do- American citizen. But if you're similar strong commitment to
tience with delays that have be- ing it at the wrong time." applying for a conforming loan the South Bay.”  
come "exaggerated and unman- If demand remains weak, guaranteed by the govern- Prior to becoming a Real-
ageable," said Edward Delgado, Fannie and Freddie could face ment-sponsored entities Fan- tor, Ronis owned a restora-
a former Wells Fargo & Co. ex- pressure to take more aggressive nie Mae or Freddie Mac, you tion business for more than
ecutive who is now chief execu- steps to hold homes off the mar- will have the same access as 20 years where he toned his
tive of the Five Star Institute, a ket. Fannie, for example, is test- an American citizen to all of superior customer service
provider of training programs ing an effort in Chicago where their programs, at the same skills.  Ronis brings to his real
for mortgage professionals. it will rent vacant foreclosures interest rates, and with the estate career the same prin-
Fannie is effectively saying rather than list them for sale. same terms and fees. ciples of serving each client
"we need to jumpstart the sys- Such a "lease-and-hold" ap- You also should investigate with the utmost respect and
tem. We need to be more expedi- proach could make sense in cer- Federal Housing Administra- putting their needs first that
ent," Delgado said. tain markets where "you believe tion loans. Loan limits differ made his restoration business
Once they take homes back, the supply will take a long time throughout the country, and such a success.  His stance on
Fannie and Freddie must not to absorb, but there's going to be are higher in expensive plac- customer service helped him
only cover the utility bills and an increase in employment going es like California. Moreover, earn the Rookie of the Year ti-
property taxes, but they are also forward," said Douglas Duncan, down payments for borrowers tle his first year as an agent.  
relying on thousands of real-es- chief economist at Fannie Mae. with excellent credit can be An avid baseball player
tate agents and contractors to But renting could prove tricky as low as 3.5%. But act quick- since high school, Ronis likes
rehabilitate homes, mow lawns for firms that have little experi- ly. At this time, you do not to compare athletic training
and clean pools. Fannie had ex- ence as property managers. have to provide a Social Secu- to the real estate industry.
penses valued at $487 million The companies face other bal- rity number to borrow funds. “To be a successful athlete,
on foreclosed properties that ancing acts. To promote neigh- But in Congress, H.R. 5072, you have to have the drive to
had a value of $13 billion dur- borhood stabilization, they have known as the FHA Reform Act practice and improve – this is
ing the second quarter. instituted a program that al- of 2010, has passed the House true of the real estate profes-
While it is expensive for Fan- lows offers only from owner-oc- and been referred to the Sen- sion. To be the best agent possi-
nie and Freddie to hold on to more cupants and community groups ate. As now written, it will re- ble, you have to constantly keep
unsold homes, they nevertheless during the first 15 days that a quire that non-permanent res- up with the market and prac-
want to avoid costly delays. Attor- property is listed. To move sales ident aliens have both a Social tice the skills necessary to tran-
neys' fees can pile up and vacant along, Fannie offers financ- Security number and be au- sition as the market moves.”
homes risk falling further into ing on its own properties with thorized to work in the U.S. to Ronis can be reached at
disrepair. Fannie issued the no- just 3% down payments and no qualify for an FHA loan. (wsj. (619) 565-5616 or jronis@mc-
tice to remind servicers to "min- mortgage insurance. ( com)
imize processing delays," said a
company spokeswoman.
Delays also add to the un-
certainty over the housing
market, which faces a back-
log of loans that are at least 90
days past due or in some stage
of foreclosure. Analysts at Bar-
clays estimate that this "shad-
ow inventory" sits at around
four million loans.
Already, as borrowers fail
to qualify for permanent mod-
ifications, newly initiated fore-
closures at Fannie and Freddie
have risen for three consec-
utive months to more than
150,000 in July, up nearly 60%
from April, according to LPS
Applied Analytics.
That creates an increas-
ingly delicate balancing act.
The costs of managing those
homes are adding up, but the
companies are reluctant to
slash prices and dump lots of
homes at big discounts.
"Freddie Mac probably owns
loans on the same street. We
don't want to create a down-
ward spiral for values in a giv-
en neighborhood," said Chris
Bowden, the Freddie executive
in charge of selling foreclosures.
Banks are also entering a
less favorable environment for
disposing of rising inventories.
While mortgage rates contin-
ue to fall to record lows, home-
buying activity stalled earlier
this year when tax credits to
spur sales expired.
"One year ago, you couldn't
even keep them on the mar-
ket," said Brett Barry, a re-
al-estate agent who sells fore-
closed homes for Fannie Mae
in Phoenix. "That's so done."
Fannie has reduced the
price three times on a proper-
ty at the end of East Phelps
Road in suburban Phoenix, to
$200,000 from $265,000 in ear-
6 THE FILIPINO PRESS September 25 - October 1, 2010

The time tested recommenda-

tion to beat the cold — chicken
soup — even doctors can’t ex-
plain. But it works like magic in
beating the cold and acts a com-
fort food. Drinking lots of fluids
and of course getting plenty of
rest helps beat the blues and the
symptoms of cold.
Mostly, we need to practice
common sense. While every sea-
son brings its challenges, fall

Seasonal changes:
and winter can do the most dam-
age to your system if you don’t
prepare and protect yourself.
Thankfully, we live in beauti-

Don’t ‘fall’ with season ful San Diego, the envy of many
in other parts of the country, and
we don’t suffer the harsh effects

here’s been a sudden and if you are not watching it of winter as much.
change of weather late- your immune system weakens. Still, the old adage “an ounce
ly if you haven’t noticed. This season, you have to pay of prevention is worth a pound of
It’s getting cold in the after- more attention to what you wear cure” remains true.
noon. Sometimes time flies so and what you eat to make sure Be good to yourself this fall,
fast that you don’t realize that that you are dressing appro- take care — and enjoy the sea-
the season changes. The next priately to beat the cold weath- son.
thing you know there’s an on on- er and that your head is not ex- Does you have any time-
slaught of pollen or symptoms posed. Although it is fall, we tested tips for keeping yourself
of cold. You may feel under the don’t have to “fall” with the sea- healthy? Send them along with
weather. That is exactly what son. If we are proactive, we’ll re- your comments or suggestions.
I’ve been feeling lately, though I alize that every seasonal change E-mail me at susands4@yahoo.
think stress has something to do requires adjustments on our com. And don’t forget to visit us
with it. When you get busy you part in terms of what we eat, at and on
become exposed to free radicals, wear and drink to keep healthy. our new official Facebook page.

for secretary of DILG. To fill the Indeed, Puno must really be Also “invisible” were Puno and Jueteng payola exposed
Co m m e n ta r y void, P-Noy took over the top enjoying his new role keeping an then PNP chief Jesus Verzosa Then, in an unrelated inci-
post at DILG temporarily while eye on police matters. He was on who, in the midst of the hostage dent on September 11, 2010,  re-

Double whammy he was mulling over whom to ap-

point from a pool of three candi-
dates. With himself as ad interim
top of the world. Then, suddenly
the world turned upside down…
and all hell broke loose!
crisis, flew to Cagayan de Oro to
attend a “function.” Robredo was
around in the periphery but was
tired Archbishop Oscar Cruz
dropped a “bombshell” right in
front of Malacañang Palace al-

hits Puno
secretary and Puno overseeing Luneta bloodbath not involved directly in the nego- leging that two trusted aides of
security matters, the “shooting At 10:00 AM on August 23, tiation with the hostage-taker.   P-Noy were each receiving P2
buddies” were ready to roll. 2010, Rolando Mendoza, a dis- In the aftermath of the Lune- million   monthly payola from
A few days later, P-Noy ap- missed senior inspector in the ta bloodbath, a “lynch mob” in jueteng lords. While he refused
By Perry Diaz tics.   He was one of P-Noy’s clos- pointed former Naga City May- Manila Police Department, hi- the administration singled out to name names saying that he
  est friends and they share a com- or Jesse Robredo as DILG secre- jacked a tourist bus carrying Robredo for the fiasco and tried would do it at the right forum,

ittle did Rico E. Puno real- mon interest as gun enthusiasts.   tary. However, he made it clear 25 Chinese tourists from Hong to “hang” him.  But Robredo de- ABS-CBN published the names
ize that when he joined the “Shooting buddies” that his “point man” for the “In- Kong.  Eleven hours later, after fended himself saying that he of the two officials who alleged-
administration of his long-  So, it did not come as a sur- terior” -- security matters – side a botched rescue operation by an was “not in the loop,” claiming ly were receiving jueteng pay-
time friend president Benigno prise when P-Noy asked his of DILG would be Puno; thus, “elite” SWAT team, eight tourists that it was Puno who was given ola:  DILG Undersecretary Rico
“P-Noy” Aquino III, he would find trusted “shooting buddy” to work limiting Robredo to the “Local were murdered by the hostage- sole authority and responsibility Puno and just retired PNP Chief
himself the target of the Depart- for him. And what a better place Government” side of DILG. It taker and the hostage-taker was over police matters.  Jesus Verzosa. ABS-CBN’s sourc-
ment of Justice’s investigation to put him than in a plum posi- effectively split DILG into two fatally shot by police sniper fire.  Consequently, P-Noy or- es claimed that Puno and Verzo-
concerning the Luneta hostage tion overseeing the 120,000 gun- agencies.    Although Puno ad- The incident put P-Noy in an dered Justice Secretary Leila sa were receiving as much as P5
crisis and also accused of receiv- toting policemen of the Philip- ministratively reported to Ro- awkward and embarrassing po- de Lima to conduct a fact-find- million a month given in tranch-
ing payola -- or protection money pine National Police (PNP). bredo, P-Noy was just a phone sition for being “invisible” dur- ing investigation and promised es --every 8th, 15th, 22nd, and
-- from gambling lords.  What the Puno’s appointment as under- call away. It was an “arrange- ing the hostage-taking episode that “heads will roll.” De Lima 29th of the month.
hell happened? secretary of the Department of ment” that gave comfort to P- which was televised worldwide.  then formed the Incident Inves- Last September 15, P-Noy
 Less than three months ago, the Interior and Local Govern- Noy knowing that his “shooting His leadership was questioned tigation and Review Committee told reporters, “I still have con-
Puno was as virtual unknown in ment (DILG) was made before P- buddy” would take a bullet for and many believed that he failed (IIRC), which included Robredo
Philippine government and poli- Noy could   decide on his choice him should things go wrong. the first test of his presidency.  and three others. See diaz on 18

only to find themselves exploited federal complaint alleged that able. Eventually, some wound ed,” knowing the workers faced
and abused by unscrupulous re- the victims were recruited by the up in Avoyelles Parish and other serious economic harm and pos-
cruiters on a distant shore where couple with promises of work in school districts around the state. sible incarceration for non-pay-
they feel hopeless and helpless. the U.S., and then smuggled into Each teacher was charged about ment of debts in the Philippines.
And I thought slavery was abol- the U.S. on transit visas. Once $5,000 by Navarro in placement When the workers arrived at
ished after a bloody civil war in the victims arrived, they were fees to obtain a job, and was then Manuel and Baldonado’s Florida
1865 with the 13th amendment forced to work entire days for as required to sign a contract obli- residence, the couple confiscated
to the U.S. Constitution. many as seven days a week with gating them to pay 10 percent of their passports and “housed them
Just consider the following little pay. Additionally, the cou- their second-year salaries to the in overcrowded, substandard con-
news reports this year alone to ple confiscated the victims’ pass- company. Teachers who could not ditions without adequate food or
gauge how prevalent human ports and threatened to harm afford to pay the fees up front drinking water; put them to work
trafficking into the U.S. from the their families and/or deport them were directed to loan companies at area country clubs and hotels
Philippines has been: if they left prior to paying off by Navarro and were charged ex- for little or no pay; required them

Modern-day • A Filipino couple, identified

as Maximino “Max” Morales,
44, and his wife, Melinda Mo-
their debt. According to the affi-
davit, the caregivers worked 24-
hour shifts with no regular days
orbitant interest rates.
• A Florida couple plead-
ed guilty on Sept. 17 to conspir-
to remain in the defendants’ ser-
vice, unpaid, when there was in-
sufficient work.”

slavery rales, 46, were arrested by the

FBI in April in Paso Robles, Ca-
lif., after an investigation found
that the couple smuggled Filipi-
off and slept in closets, hallways
and garages with no heat.
• A Philippine-based recruit-
ing company, Universal Place-
ing to hold 39 Filipino employ-
ees against their will working in
country clubs and hotels. The U.S.
Justice Department said Sophia
• POEA Administrator Jenni-
fer Jardin-Manalili said the Phil-
ippine Embassy in Ottawa has
received complaints from several

ately, we have been read- cruited in the Philippines pur- no nationals and forced them to ment International, with satel- Manuel, 41, and Alfonso Baldona- Filipino nurses who were alleged-
ing disturbing reports of portedly for good-paying jobs in work as caregivers in their nurs- lite office in Los Angeles, and its do Jr., 45, were owners of a labor- ly recruited by an agent from the
Filipino workers being re- the United States and Canada, ing homes for little or no pay. The Filipino owner, Lourdes “Lulu” contracting service based in the U.S. named Agerico Casey Ga-
Navarro, were ordered on April Florida city of Boca Raton. Man- briel (aka Casey Gabriel) or un-
16 in Baton Rouge, La., to pay an uel and Baldonado promised the der the name of Medical caregiv-
estimated $1.8-million in illegal- workers high wages and two to er Management. Gabriel’s modus
ly-charged placement fees, a well three years of steady work in the operandi is to introduce him-
as a $500 fine and $7,500 in at- U.S., then had the workers pay self as an agent of Medical Link
torney fees for allegedly cheat- “substantial recruitment fees, in- or other legitimate U.S.-based
Email Address: [email protected] • Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2226, NationaI City, CA 91950
ing 200 Filipino teachers of thou- cluding their airfare,” which put nurse recruiting agency. He usu-
Office: 600 E. 8th St. Ste. #3, National City, CA 91950 • Telephone: (619) 477-0940 • Fax: (619) 477-1024 sands of dollars in recruiting fees them in debt to their U.S.-based ally holds a recruitment confer-
Website: • Email: [email protected] for sending ad materials and held them in virtual ser- employers. Once the workers ence without asking any money
vitude for keeping their visas. were in the U.S., the defendants from the victims. After gaining
Editor-in-Chief Emeritus ERNIE FLORES, JR. • Executive Marketing Director SUSAN DELOS SANTOS Some of those teachers arrived “compelled the victims’ labor and their trust, he then asks for mon-
Managing Editor: bill ramsey • Assistant Editor: Brandi Perez in the U.S. only to find that the services through threats to have
Contributing Writers: JENNIFER ANARETA-BURMAN • FE SELIGMAN • ALICIA TORRES DE LEON promised jobs were not avail- the workers arrested and deport- See abelgas on 7
FRANCINE MAIGUE • Valerie Farnal
Graphics & Design Community Outreach: Ruby Chiong • Lorna delos Santos Layout & Design ARMI GUZMAN • tess adams BRANDI PEREZ/JASON AGUIRRE
Jason aguirre bill ramsey

Columnists/Contributors Webmaster:

The Filipino Press is published every Saturday. We welcome news, features, editorials, opinions and photos. Photos must be accompanied by self-addressed,
postage-paid envelope to be returned. We reserve the right to edit materials. Views and opinions by our writers, contributors does not necessarily reflect
those of the publisher, management and staff of The Filipino Press.
September 25 - October 1, 2010 THE FILIPINO PRESS 7

First and foremost, I have an first or diving headlong into um of memory never fail to as- Allow me to remind you all of
October birthday. So, fall became the pile. And if he or she has sist us in evaluating the way something you may have forgot-
my season when I first came a dog like my youngest son’s, we were and establishing the ten. At the root of any agenda
here to America. Before you go Bauer,” it would probably join manner we want to be. This is always this promise. Think of
thinking that sounds selfish, we in, too, rollicking and burrow- implies change; another reason it as a sort of guarantee. Re-
all have our seasons. With birth- ing. Yes, that scattered leaves autumn seems to represent a member, it takes four seasons
days in January and February, in the cool autumn breeze, but season of reflection. It’s dur- to make a year here in our won-
my late, lamented Mama, my el- boundless energy gathered ing this period of time the foli- derful adopted country.
der sister Nora, and the young- them again for another round. age turns over a new leaf. And The autumn season of your
est in the family, Dana, share a Certainly, crisp, frosty morn- the weather shifts the scene. life may be uncomfortable. Un-
season together, which is win- ings also help. What a refresh- And the time gives a turn to. employment might be your lot.
ter. My youngest son Randy’s ing change from oppressively Birds make their annual jour- It could be a broken romance.
May birthday singly gave him hot afternoons and swelter- ney southward. Squirrels fin- Perhaps you are grieving over a

Spirit of change spring. My wife Zeny, with a

June birthday, nailed down the
summer season for herself. But
ing nights! Then there is a
helpful return to routine as
school starts. And along comes
ish storing their nuts. Salm-
on start their phenomenal
swim back to their spawn-
recent loss. Maybe you’re lone-
ly or hungry or cold. You feel
anxious about those ugly clouds

casts seasonal spell

Papa, who passed on, my young- Thanksgiving, a nostalgic re- ing grounds. And many of the over the horizon that indicate
er brother Angel, my own sec- minder that God has indeed larger animals take their final an ominous tomorrow. The
ond son Rommel and my one “shed His grace on thee.” The stretch before curling up for a winds of adversity are picking
and only grandson Jacob and I firewood is cut. The pumpkins long winter’s nap. With incred- up and you feel afraid.
The falling leaves drift by shorten,and people set out pre- were fall guys — and I certain- are getting bigger. ible consistency, all these crea- Someone famous once said,
my window, paring for the cold of winter. ly reveled in that rare, selfish And although it may be a tures in the natural world act “The roots grow deep when the
The autumn leaves of red The spirit of change casts a time when attention was solely little ahead of schedule, it's out their individual pageants winds are strong.”
and gold, seasonal spell and we’re hav- on the five of us — four genera- not too early to give thought without external instruction or We l l , g u e s s w h a t . I f a u -
I see your lips, the summer ing our usual amazement that tion of Reyes men. to Christmas, too. Not just some script to follow. tumn — the season of reflec-
kisses, the previous period is only as I absolutely loved the leaves of Christmas Day, but during the Quietly, without flair or fan- tion — has come, expect your
The sun-burned hands I close as a recent memory, i.e., autumn, both on the tree and off. days leading up to December fare, most of us move upon our roots to deepen.
used to hold, it’s over. Fortunately, a lot of us Those leaves are definitely 25. We could call these daily very own lives, taking us all Count on it.
Since you went away, the find fall fascinating. And so the part of it. What color, what art- gifts “our Christmas projects” from summer to autumn, a Our hope is to grow strong
days grow long, dance of life continues. istry! On the tree they were like — maybe one per day from season when we mysterious- and taller as our roots dig
And soon I'll hear old win- The colorful season of Indi- the robes of royalty, jewels shin- now until then. ly write our various agendas deeper in the soft soil along
ter's song, an Summer is upon us again, ing in the woodlands around My heart is truly overflowing. on the tablets of our hearts. the banks of the river of life,
But I miss you most of all, and I am reminded of why au- a little country home. As the That’s surely the sign of fall We patiently wait for change so we can all boldly declare,
my darling, tumn is the apple of anyone’s leaves changed from verdant season, isn't it? to commence. Without excep- “Come wind, come weather,
When autumn leaves start eye. Sept. 22 is the first day of green to red, orange and yellow, It is time to ponder. tion, it does. And we all con- welcome autumn!”
to fall." fall 2010. Of all the season, au- whatever I am doing at the mo- Let’s think of autumn as a template on that as well. Come to think of it, may
— “Autumn Leaves” by tumn is my favorite. There’s a ment often took leave as I gazed season of reflection. It is that Has autumn arrived in your these “autumn thoughts” en-
Johnny Mercer feel about it, a distinct and un- at the artistic canvas of God. time to gain new perspective. heart? courage and strengthen you
deniable aura that surrounds Off the tree the leaves It is the spell to stroll along Think before you answer. all, dear folks.

t’s that time of year again. it. Being a Chargers football might seem to be a chore. But the back roads of our minds. Close your eyes for a minute I am a grateful man, myself.
It is the juncture when fan, I naturally would favor au- I am quite sure any child who It is the point to think about or so and consider what has Thankful I had taken time
temperatures start dip- tumn. But of course it’s much hated to rake leaves never what — and where — and why. been doing deep within your to reflect.
ping, leaves begin falling, days deeper than that. knew the joy of jumping feet- Such visits through the muse- own heart. Happy Fall, everyone!

down to the provincial officials, dislike, at the moment: vertising, all of that free public- As you can see, if there were no
declare that they welcome the a) Taunt the new administra- ity is worth a fortune and quite crusading bishop, media and Con-
opportunity to go after the gam- tion and the president and de- useful in the next elections. gress would have to invent one.
bling lords and to put an end to clare that the rackets are alive As you know, name recog- But what about the citizen-
illegal gambling. and well, but with new patrons nition is the magic ingredient ry? What do the Filipino peo-
But, first, they want the cru- and protectors; in politics. And the most effi- ple get out of this flurry of ac-
sading bishop to name names. b) or defend the new admin- cient and cheapest way to gain tivities? Plenty.
Some sparring in media en- istration and the president name recognition is to jump In the first place, everything
sues over who should make the and castigate the political op- into a controversy, conduct an is supposed to be for their ben-
next move. Both sides dare the position for making capital of investigation and get inter- efit. The crusading bishop
other side in a game of chicken. the issue. viewed by the media. wants to preserve their mor-
That’s the clue for the Sen- c) or launch a debate on the Third, it justifies a bigger al- als. The members of Congress

The jueteng
ate and the House to join the whether or not jueteng should location for the intelligence fund want to preserve their morals.
fray and declare that they will, be legalized, the pros giving as of the PNP, the DILG and the of- The president wants to pre-
forthwith, conduct a congressio- lucid a set of reasons as the cons. fice of the president, the better serve their morals. The media
nal investigation in aid of legis- d) Or all of the above. to combat the scourge of illegal want to preserve their morals.

game lation. They also announce that

they will summon the crusad-
ing bishop, his witnesses, the
Meanwhile, no arrests are
made. The betting goes on, un-
hampered. And uncounted mil-
gambling more intelligently.
Fourth, it gives the media
priceless readable and view-
Everyone wants to preserve
their morals to ensure they
will become better citizens. So,
police brass, the unnamed offi- lions continue to pass from the able materials that translate that’s good for them.

t’s all a game. The jueteng named culprits based on his un- cials who are on the take and unnamed gambling lords to into ratings for TV and radio On the other hand, the gam-
game. revealed findings. the unnamed gambling lords. the unnamed officials. No one shows and circulation for print bling lords simply want to offer
A crusading bishop As soon as the crusading Eventually, names are spilled misses a beat. media, which in turn translate them a chance to hit the jack-
makes very loud noises about bishop leaks his unexposed ex- and every single one reacts with Through all of this, the Fil- into advertising lineage. pot. That’s good for them, too.
the proliferation of jueteng in posé, the media runs the story righteous indignation. Who, ipino people are kept waiting Fifth, it reinforces the image The gambling lords also
his neighborhood and all over in bold type on the front pages me? A gambling lord? Who, me, for something to come out of of the columnists as intellectu- simply want to give public of-
the country. He claims to have of their newspapers and in sen- on the take? Never. I swear on all the sound and the fury over als, crusaders, and guardians ficials, the police and mem-
proof and the names of promi- sational breaking-news reports my mother's grave. jueteng. of morality. It also gives them bers of the clergy some spend-
nent local and national officials, on TV and radio. Reporters in- Put on the defensive, the top You may then ask, to para- something to write about (be- ing money in exchange for
politicians and the top brass of terview officials in Malaca- brass of the PNP promptly an- phrase Macbeth, do all the lieve me, it’s not easy coming up protection.
the Philippine National Police. ñang, the PNP brass and prom- nounce that they are intensify- sound and fury signify nothing? with interesting column topics). Which makes the citizens
He declares that millions are inent members of the Senate ing their campaign against il- Of course not. Consider the ben- Sixth, it gives the political op- stop to think: Do they want to
passing from the hands of gam- and the House, as well as the legal gambling. A task force is efits that are reaped. position ammo against the party become better citizens or do
bling lords to the pockets of cor- crusading bishop. organized and the PNP spokes- First, it reestablishes the in power and prevents their de- they want to hit the jackpot?
rupt officials. And he decries  Every turn of phrase, every man goes on television to an- reputation of the crusading terioration into irrelevance. It also makes the public
the decay of the morals of the conjecture, every theory is giv- nounce the impending arrest of bishop. He may never succeed Finally, it gives the new ad- officials, the police and the
poor Filipino people. en an intriguing meaning, the the unnamed gambling lords. in stopping jueteng, but no one ministration, from the presi- members of the clergy stop to
He also declares that he will better to make the headlines The country’s most knowl- can say he didn’t try. dent to the concerned members ask: Do they really want to
release the incriminating docu- more exciting. edgeable columnists and opin- Second, it gives the prom- of the cabinet, an opportunity to stop receiving their spending
ments at the proper time — but The authorities, from the ion-makers weigh in on the inent members of the Senate draw attention away from such money?
not quite yet. president and the members of burning issue and do one or and the House an opportunity minor issues as poverty, the Even the crusading bish-
He then challenges the au- the Senate and the House, to more of the following, depend- to become even more prominent. economy, health, education, so- op knows the answer to that.
thorities to go after the un- the top echelon of the PNP and ing on which side they like or With the high cost of media ad- cial services and the like. ([email protected])

day, which, De Guzman said was State and the Department of including brothels, the State
abelgas near impossible to finish. De Guz- Homeland Security, these re- Department report added.
Continued from p­­­­­age 6 I am aghast at the courage of these illegal
man said the recruiters confiscat- cruiters have been able to forge The desperation and willing-
ey allegedly for escrow payments ed their passports and threatened documents and smuggle these recruiters to challenge the tough laws of the ness of Filipinos to pay huge
required for visas to “complete the to have them deported if they re- workers into the country. sums for uncertain jobs are a tes-
process.” However, the president sisted the new jobs. And I thought it could happen
U.S. against human smuggling and trafficking. tament to the failure of the Phil-
of Medical Link and Sam Swit- Donn Duero, welfare officer of only to workers being recruit- I am amazed that despite strict rules, these ippine government to provide
zer of another agency have denied the Overseas Workers Welfare ed for Middle East and South- jobs to its people.
any on-going recruitment for for- Administration in the U.S. who east Asia, where tens of thou- recruiters have been able to forge documents The continued exodus of
eign nurses and any knowledge of is currently based in Los Angeles, sands of Filipinos have to suffer and smuggle these workers into the country. hundreds of thousands of Fili-
one Agerico Casey Gabriel. said that one of the avenues used physical, emotional and sexual pinos yearly to find better jobs
• The FBI is investigating a by illegal recruiters to bring in abuse from employers because in countries all over the world
complaint filed by Rufino de Guz- Filipino workers into the U.S. is of cruel deception by illegal re- ed despite the rampant crimes- signed to enforce laws against remains unabated and the gov-
man Jr. who said he and 23 oth- the H2B visa (temporary workers cruiters, and where tens of thou- that they commit. The U.S. human trafficking permitted ernment seems to encourage
er Filipinos were recruited as sea- and trainees/seasonal agricultur- sands more are stranded be- State Department 2010 Traf- trafficking offenders to conduct them despite the risks that
sonal worker for a big American al workers), He said that in 2007, cause there was no work waiting ficking in Person report said of illegal activities, either tacitly or these Filipinos face and the ad-
company. They paid their recruit- a total of 2,480 Filipinos entered for them and they have no mon- the 228 human trafficking cas- explicitly,” it added. verse social and emotional im-
er $6,000 for a job contract that the U.S. using an H2B visa; 3,684 ey to go back home. es reported by law enforcement The U.S. State Department pact that the departures leave
guaranteed a salary of $7.25 an in 2008; and 1,870 in 2009. And that’s only one side of agencies to the Philippine De- urged the government to work on the workers’ families.
hour. The workers arrived in the Duero, who is helping De Guz- the problem. Think of the par- partment of Justice, only eight harder in efficiently investigat- Just like it should in jueteng,
U.S. in July. But instead of go- man while awaiting investiga- ents and other relatives who had individuals in five sex traffick- ing, prosecuting and convicting the Aquino administration must
ing to Virginia, where they signed tion of his complaint against his to pawn or sell properties, get ing cases were actually convict- both labor and sex trafficking show its resolve to eradicate
contracts to become waiters, they recruiters, is asking others with loans at usurious rates and bor- ed, and that includes two per- offenders involved in the traf- the problem of human traffick-
were driven to Mississippi, where similar problems to contact his of- row from friends and relatives. sons who remain at large. ficking of Filipinos in the coun- ing and illegal recruitment. The
they were told to sign another fice. OWWA e-mail: owwausa@ya- Think of the pain and frustra- A major hindrance, the report try and abroad. It is widely be- country owes so much to over-
contract — but not for the jobs or Phone: (661) 878-6149. tion that these soulless illegal said, was “widespread corrup- lieved that some government seas Filipino workers, whose
salaries for which they signed up. I am aghast at the courage of recruiters are inflicting on their tion” and “an inefficient judicial officials partner with traffickers nearly $20-billion annual remit-
They were hired as housekeepers these illegal recruiters to chal- victims and the victims’ families. system” that severely limits pre- and organized trafficking syn- tance has been buoying up the
instead of waiters for $4.75 per lenge the tough laws of the U.S. Think of the vanished dreams vention and prosecution of cas- dicates, or at least permit traf- Philippine economy for decades.
room, instead of $7.25 per hour. against human smuggling and and the shattered future. es. “Corruption remained perva- ficking operations in the coun- It is only fair and proper that the
Their new contract with Roy- trafficking. I am amazed that de- What is even more revolt- sive in the Philippines, and there try, and that law enforcement government protect them from
al Hospitality Services required spite strict rules and regulations ing is that the recruiters in the were reports that officials in gov- officers often extract protection these predators. They deserve no
them to clean up to 18 rooms a imposed by the Department of Philippines are never prosecut- ernment units and agencies as- money from illegal businesses, less. ([email protected])
8 THE FILIPINO PRESS September 25 - October 1, 2010

Men’s County’s medical therapy

agents key
hair loss to website’s
solutions units: A place for miracles success
or a child they thought lift Delaney’s arms for simple By Janet Trautwein
About 85% of men will have would never walk and tasks like bathing and dress-
significant hair thinning by the might even struggle just ing him. But determined Federal officials recently un-
time they’re 50, according to the to move, it’s hard to keep up parents and weekly sessions veiled a key component of the
American Hair Loss Association. with 4-year-old Delaney Cer- with the occupational and health reform package — a new
Some men begin to lose their vantes nowadays. Every time physical therapists at the website called
hair before they even turn 21. he visits the San Diego Coun- MTU have Delaney walking The site aims to be a one-
Uncovering hair loss myths ty Health and Human Servic- and even riding a bike. stop shop for health care
Does wearing a baseball cap es Agency’s (HHSA) Califor- “At first it was real hard to information, briefing Ameri-
cause baldness? Nope. Someone nia Children Services Medical see him struggle and cry, but cans on the insurance options
running their fingers through Therapy Unit (MTU), he has his first therapist here put in available to them — as well
your hair won't cause it either. to make laps around the build- so much effort and I saw how as the new law’s benefits. But
Neither will combing, brush- ing when he gets there and be- much she worked with him it won't meet that goal unless
ing, twisting, or styling. But fore leaving – handing out hugs and pushed him,” said Salga- it guarantees consumers ac-
avoid being too rough to pre- and smiles to the therapists and do-Cervantes. “He would fall cess to licensed health insur-
vent hair breakage. staff that have worked with him on his face and she would say, ance agents and brokers.
Quit smoking and save your hair? since he was eight months old. ‘no, you can do it,’ and now A mind-boggling amount
Several studies show a sig- Delaney has been through he’s really confident and nev- of information is available on
nificant relationship between a lot. He was born with a er afraid of falling down. the website, including details
smoking and how fast male- congenital heart defect, suf- “If he does, he gets right back on government-sponsored
pattern baldness gets worse. fered a stroke when he was up. They have taught him to programs and plans from over
So if you need one more reason just three months old, has a never give up and he’s always a thousand private insurers.
to quit smoking, add early hair pacemaker and suffers from confident he can do anything.” Unfortunately, the gov-
loss to your list. hemiplegic infantile cerebral Sharon Kunugi is one of the ernment isn’t helping con-
What hair loss says palsy, which causes him to fa- therapists that works with Del- sumers make sense of all
about your health vor his right side. aney. She works on his fine mo- that new information.
Fortunately, in most cases, “I was hoping that he would tor skills and has been his oc- That’s where professional
hair loss -- known as alopecia -- be able to move around, and I cupational therapist from the health insurance agents and
doesn't signal a medical prob- wasn’t even sure he would be beginning. “He came in as this brokers come in.
lem. And it poses no health risk. able to do that,” said Vianey little guy,” she said. And now? The insurance marketplace
But worries about hair loss's Salgado-Cervantes, Delaney’s “He has a lot of spunk and is has grown incredibly complicat-
impact on first impressions or mom. “The love that he re- motivated. He’s just a go-getter ed, and the new law will only
whether balding makes you look ceives here (at the MTU) and and always up for a challenge.” add to the confusion. Agents
older are common. the time they spend working Kunugi spends time work- and brokers can help people
What causes hair loss? with him and listening to him ing with Delaney on tasks such navigate the dizzying array of
More than 95% of male hair is incredible. He comes in and as matching shapes, connect- options and find the health plan
loss is due to male-pattern bald- hugs them all, and it’s every- ing items and playing with that suits their needs.
ness, a genetic trait. The gene one, not just the therapists. Theraputty to increase finger Photo: Courtesy photo Some agents even function
can come from either parent. In He loves to come here.” strength and other motor skills Michelle Aquino, left, a physical therapist with the San Diego County as virtual human resources
other cases, certain medications, Salgado-Cervantes describes Health and Human Services Agency’s California Children Services, departments for small busi-
how it was a struggle to even See therapy on 9 works on a coordination exercise with 4-year-old Delaney Cervantes. nesses. As the Congressional
See hair loss on 9 Budget Office put it, agents
and brokers often “handle
the responsibilities that larg-
er firms generally delegate
to their human resources de-
partments — such as finding
plans and negotiating premi-
ums, providing information
about the selected plans, and
processing enrollees.”
The individuals and busi-
nesses that rely on agents are
overwhelmingly happy with the
service they receive. A survey
commissioned by IBM found
that three-quarters of those in-
terviewed were very satisfied
with their agents’ work.
Another survey, conduct-
ed by Assurant Health, found
that 64 percent of consum-
ers who purchased individu-
al medical insurance through
a professional agent found
their experiences “helpful.”
Some argue that the gov-
ernment could provide these
services more effectively and
at lower cost. But the federal
government has a poor track
record in this regard.

See agents on 9
September 25 - October 1, 2010 THE FILIPINO PRESS 9

agents hair loss to your scalp. It slows the rate slowing down the body's pro- and side of your head to the products may add volume to
Continued from p­­­­­age 8 Continued from p­­­­­age 8 of hair loss in men, and some duction of DHT. Some men top to restore a natural look. your hair. Eating a balanced
men even grow new hair. But have been able to grow new Hair transplants can be cost- diet and handling your hair
Consider the federal having too much vitamin A, or once you stop using it, hair hair while using it. In gener- ly and you may have to gently will also help.
1-800-MEDICARE call center. not getting enough protein can loss returns. al, it's considered to work bet- have several procedures. Af- Accentuate the positive
A Senate investigation found that cause hair to fall out. Dramatic Male-pattern baldness: ter than minoxidil. Pregnant ter two months, most of the Hair does not make the man.
consumers waited up to an hour shedding of hair known as telo- What to expect women should not handle the transplanted hair is shed, but Remind yourself of all you have
to speak with someone. Customer gen effluvium can be caused by A tell-tale sign of male-pat- drug since it can cause birth new hair grows back. Within to offer others. Or take care of
service representatives spoke from illness or stress. In men, hair tern baldness is a receding, M- defects in male fetuses. Like six months the hair starts to things you can control, such
scripts littered with errors and jar- loss not due to male-pattern shaped hairline. Next, the hair minoxidil, it works only as look normal. as staying in shape. It's OK
gon. Worst of all, callers often re- baldness often reverses itself. on top of your head also starts long as it's used. Make the most of to look to others for support.
ceived incorrect information. Work to keep the hair you have to thin, leaving a bald spot. Should you wear a hairpiece? the hair you have If you need a boost, think of
Consumers deserve the best Preventing hair loss is eas- Eventually, the two meet, leav- Hairpieces have come a There are some styling bald men (or those who shaved
information available when ier than replacing it once it's ing a horseshoe pattern of hair long way in how they look. tricks you can use to make their heads) like Ed Harris,
shopping for something as im- gone. If you want to find some- around the sides. The Norwood Finding the right one, though, your hair loss less noticeable. Patrick Stewart, and Michael
portant as health insurance. The thing that will work for you, do Scale, seen here, is used to rate takes time and study. There's Cutting thinning hair short Jordan, who ooze confidence.
government’s new web portal your homework. But be care- male-pattern baldness. a wide range in cost and qual- lets you avoid obvious comb- Then consider yourself in good
can certainly help in that effort. ful. Most miracle products and Male-pattern baldness: ity. And hairpieces require overs. Hair care and styling company. (
But this new initiative will be in- treatments are shams. When Blame hormones regular maintenance which
complete without including ac- in doubt, your doctor or a der- With male-pattern baldness, can run between $60 and
cess to licensed insurance agents matologist may be able to help. a hormone called DHT causes $300 per month. When
and brokers — the very experts Hair loss medication: Minoxidil hair follicles to shrink. Eventu- shopping, look to match
who can help Americans make Although there's no way to ally, the follicles shrink so much your own hair color, thick-
sense of an ever-more complicat- cure male-pattern baldness, that no hair can grow in them. ness, and curl.
ed insurance marketplace. you can slow it down with Hair loss medication: What happens with
J a n e t Tr a u t w e i n i s C E O some medications. Minoxidil Finasteride a hair transplant
of the National Association of is an FDA-approved over-the- Taken as a prescription pill, A doctor will move
Health Underwriters. counter medication you apply finasteride slows hair loss by healthy hair from the back

Salgado-Cervantes. “I was real

therapy impressed and now he’s been
Continued from p­­­­­age 8 asking me for a bicycle.”
– the necessary skills that will The skills Aquino is work-
help Delaney in every day func- ing with Delaney on have al-
tions such as dressing himself lowed him to do such things
and opening doors and drawers. as ride the school bus to pre-
“ H e ’s m a d e l o t s o f p r o g - school and play on the play-
ress with using his hands and ground with other children,
grasping,” said Salgado-Cer- according to his mother. He
vantes, noting that Delaney just finished his first year of
gets out his shoes and socks inclusion preschool and was
and helps get himself dressed promoted to year two.
now. “People will ask which “Being in this program has
side the paralysis is on be- been a big help,” said Salgado-
cause they can’t tell anymore. Cervantes. “I would recommend
That’s just awesome.” it to any parent. They should
Michelle Aquino is the talk to somebody here and they
physical therapist working will be able to help you.
with Delaney. Her task is to “I feel so fortunate,” she con-
improve his mobility and abil- tinued. “It’s a real comfort to
ity to get around on his own. us to know someone else cares
She spends her time with Del- about us and knows what we
aney having him walk on a se- are going through.”
ries of buckets, climb stairs California Children Servic-
and Delaney’s latest accom- es (CCS) is a statewide pro-
plishment – riding a bike. gram that provides treatment
“He rode a bike for the first for children with certain phys-
time (at the MTU’s recent ical limitations and chronic
adapted summer camp),” said health conditions or diseases.
10 THE FILIPINO PRESS September 25 - October 1, 2010

that you need God is itself an made the Pharisees believe

invitation from God to come their own press. They seem-
AURORA SORIANO-CUDAL home. No matter what hurt, DANNY HERNAEZ ingly had it all together. Do we
what harm, what sin you may act that way too?  When asked,

My Personal
have committed, the desire “How are you?” Do we put on a
for peace of heart is the be-
ginning of God’s work in you.
From Whom All happy face and respond, “Fine,”
when in fact, all is not fine?  Do

Testimony The second thing to remem-

ber is summed up in this tra-
Blessings Flow we fear what people will think
or how they will react if they
ditional bit of wisdom: Pray as know we messed up again? It's
you can, not as you can’t. There easy to think, “My issues are

Praying in
is no right or wrong way to
pray. Our prayer may last but
a second, or we may toss and
Look at HIM! nobody's business.” Truth is,
they are God's business because
you belong to Him.

turn through the night calling or whoever exalts him- give it a nicer title like “keeping Lesson #4 - Clean the inside

times of illness out to God with every breath.

Structure may be helpful to
some, while others will want to
make it up as they go along.
self will be humbled,
and whoever humbles
himself will be exalted.” (Mat-
thew 23:12)
up with the Jones” or “climbing
the corporate ladder,” but being
upset with someone else's success
is a bone-rotting toxin. Proverbs
“Woe to you,” Jesus repeat-
ed over and over to the Phari-
sees throughout Matthew 23.
The junk that was brewing inside

picked up a book that I ing emotions boil up within Both the desire to pray and I love Stacie Orrico's song “Don't 14:30 confirms it saying, “A heart their hearts didn't resemble the
found lying on the table of us: fear, frustration, regret, our feeble attempts at prayer Look at me.” She sings, “Don't look at peace gives life to the body, but righteous life they claimed to live.
disposal things at the re- cannot be simply ignored or are the work of the Holy Spir- at me if you're looking for perfec- envy rots the bones” (NIV). Everyone sees our pretty
ception room of the Congre- pushed below the surface. On it within us. As St. Paul said in tion. Don't look at me, I will only Lesson #2 - Practice outside attire, but God knows
gational Tower. I was attract- a spiritual level, the feeling the Letter to the Romans: “The let you down.  I'll do my best to what you preach what's going on beneath the
ed by the title, “In Times of of comfort or the assurance of Spirit helps us in our weak- point you in the right direction.  The leaders were busy bark- surface. When He cleans house,
Illness”. I thumbed through faith that we seek may seem ness, for we do not know how to Don't look at me, look at Him.” ing legalistic orders to others, but He starts on the inside. What's
it and found words of com- like just a faint memory. pray as we ought, but that ev- These lyrics remind me of a didn't apply the rigid rules to their lurking in your dark corners?  If
fort and prayers of hope and resounding theme I noticed re- own lives.  Legalism is a strict ad- self indulgence, self-reliance, or
strength. The author, Rob- cently in Mark 15:9-10, Matthew herence to the law and rules, and self-centeredness has camped
ert M. Hamma, organized the 23:1-39 and Luke 18:9-14: lead- usually packs a punch of guilt if out in your heart, let the house-
content of the book in such a
No matter what hurt, what harm, what sin you ers who shined the spotlight on the regulations aren't followed to cleaning begin! Soon your outer
way that the reader can focus may have committed, the desire for peace of themselves. They had no inter- the letter. James 1:22 says, “Do beauty will radiate your new in-
on particular feelings that we est in making Jesus the main at- not merely listen to the word, and ner beauty.
often experience when we are heart is the beginning of God’s work in you. traction. God pulled a few lessons so deceive yourselves. Do what it This mirror test revealed
sick or in pain. out of each passage for me to do says” (NIV). The leaders of Jesus' some junk in my life. What did
Here are some of the in- the mirror test on my heart. The day had great amounts of scrip- you see in your reflection? A
sights I gained from reading At times like this it is help- ery Spirit intercedes with sighs problem that tripped up the lead- ture memorized, but did not live prideful heart, or a passion for
this book. ful to remember two things: too deep for words.” Sometimes ers in Jesus' day might look fa- it out.  They focused on the rules Christ? Are you wanting others
Times of illness challenge The first is that the desire the very best prayers are the miliar to you and me: and making others follow them, to look at you, rather than God?
us on many levels. We often to pray is itself a prayer. We simplest. Did not Jesus hear Lesson #1 - Envy rather than on pleasing God. If we Psalm 10:4 says, “In his pride the
feel physically, psychologically would not long for God, we the prayers of these people in The chief priests were burn- are focusing on keeping rules and wicked does not seek him; in all
and spiritually drained. Under would not want to pray, if God the gospels who called out to ing with envy over the popular- rituals, instead of building a rela- his thoughts there is no room for
such circumstances, prayer had not already put that de- him: “Lord, that I may see.” ity of Jesus. He had only been on tionship with Jesus, we too are God.” Pride is a venom. Making
can be especially difficult. It is sire in our hearts. No matter “Lord, that I may hear.” “Lord, the scene for three years, yet the missing the point.  Maybe shift- room for God takes deliberate ac-
hard to focus our minds when how weak or infrequent that that I may walk.” “If you will, marketplace was always buzzing ing our angle is in order.  Look tion.  As the song says, “Don't
we are sick and words elude desire may be, it is a grace of you can heal me.” with the latest Jesus story!  Per- up. Let Bible study move us past look at me, look at Him.”
us. Lack of sleep added to the the Spirit. No matter if you The best way, indeed the haps the chief priests wondered, just reciting scripture to allow- Dear Lord, pride can camp
side effect of medications may have not prayed in years and only way to pray is from our “Why is HE the center of atten- ing its life-giving Spirit to pene- out so easily in our hearts. Will
make us drowsy and the pains feel guilty about turning to hearts. If we do that, any tion? What makes HIM the au- trate our actions. you clean us from the inside out
in our bodies are a constant God now that things are fall- prayer we make is a true and thority figure?” Envy is a poison Lesson #3 - All for show and let us reflect You? In Jesus'
distraction. A host of conflict- ing apart, the recognition genuine prayer of faith. we may not even recognize. We Dressing up and looking good Name, Amen.

Chapel of Roses

Glen Abbey Memorial

Park & Mortuary
Nature Garden
September 25 - October 1, 2010 THE FILIPINO PRESS 11

Get Results
The term “Bayanihan” orig-
Continued from p­­­­­age 1 City declares Oct. 2 FilAmFest Day inated in the Philippines and
refers to a community work- The

learn how to make parols and On Tuesday, Sept. 28, San Diego City Councilmember Tony ing together to achieve a com-
write their name in Alibata Young will present a special resolution declaring Saturday, mon goal. It is reminiscent of
(hosted by AF3IRM/GABRIE- Oct. 2, FilAmFest Day during the council's regular session. people in the community car- A free weekly publication that
LA Network San Diego) and Festival Director, J.R. Melchor said it is important to re- rying a bahay kubo, or nipa serves the 150,000 plus Filipino-
a children’s area featuring ceive a proclamation to recognize FilAmFest Day because, hut, from one place to anoth- Americans of San Diego County.
carnival games and prizes “our community has earned and deserves this recognition. er. In essence, the task cannot Call (619) 477-0940
hosted by Gawad Kalinga. “It acknowledges all the hard work that the FilAmFest be done single handedly. or check us on-line
The Kabataang maka-Bay- Organizing Committee members and its many partners FilAmFest embraces the
an (KmB/Pro-People Youth) have tirelessly contributed over the year,” Melchor added. Bayanihan spirit with its
is hosting the senior program “The recognition helps to make the unprecedented ac- four goals: to foster a sense
with bingo, a dancing area, a complishment of gathering so many members of the Filipino of community and enhance
videographer (who will be inter- community and their friends and family in ‘Celebrating the pride in the Filipino cultural
viewing and documenting peo- Bayanihan Spirit,’ ” he said. heritage; to build inter-gener-
ple’s stories) and a photo booth. ational collaboration and cul-
Also on the grounds will be tural understanding among
a health and wellness program spective students with any in- Performing Arts Company, a children, youth, adults and
hosted by Operation Samah- formation they need. martial arts exhibit by Doce seniors; to promote effective
an. There will be information The art program will be Pares San Diego, SAMAHAN networking among individu-
booths and testing areas that hosted this year by Thumb- Filipino-American Perform- als and various groups rep-
will address health issues in print Gallery. Artists will ex- ing Arts, an education center resenting businesses, civic
the community. hibit work ranging from digi- and more. organizations, local govern-
In an effort to increase tal prints, photography, acrylic There will also be a desig- ment, educational institu-
awareness of higher education and spray paint. Some of the nated area in the cultural tent tions and public agencies;
and positive well-being with- artwork displayed will reflect that showcases Filipino he- and to revitalize the Paradise
in the Filipino-American com- the festival’s “Celebrating the roes, Filipino-American his- Hills community as a place to
munity, FilAmFest is awarding Bayanihan Spirit” theme. tory, political issues, games, raise families, operate busi-
selected scholarship applicants The cultural program, comics and a photo booth. nesses and collaborate with
$500. Students can still apply spearheaded by the Kuya Ate The purpose of the cultural diverse peoples, groups and
online at Mentorship Program, will tent is to educate festivalgo- institutions.
There will also be booths feature workshops hosted ers on the beauty of Filipino For more information visit
from area schools to assist pro- by the PASACAT Philippine art and culture.

vera cruz “Why don't we know

So much so that it led him to
break with Cesar Chavez,
Disgusted and disillusioned,
Vera Cruz later left the UFW,
Continued from p­­­­­age 1
who turned out to be a bril- though he remained a steadfast
Sadly, it’s a chapter in U.S. about the Filipino liant but flawed leader. advocate of farm-worker rights.
history in which the role of strikers? This is the part of the story The real reasons for
the Pinoy has largely been where the dictator comes in. Chavez’s decision to embrace
downplayed. Why are their While Chavez clearly saw Marcos have remained un-
When people hear of the the injustice suffered by U.S. clear. But the incident under-
Great Grape Strike of 1965,
contributions not farm workers in the 1960s, scored Vera Cruz’s greatness
they hear the na me Cesar heralded in the history he apparently did not under- as a selfless, unflinching advo-
Chavez, the revered Mexican- stand and appreciate the in- cate for the oppressed.
American labor leader. books or passed down." justice endured by Filipinos in He saw farm workers — Fil-
F e w h a v e h e a r d o f Ve r a general in the 1970s. ipinos, Latinos, and other eth-
Cruz, Velasco and Itliong, the ond-in-command during the In 1977, Chavez did some- nicities — being exploited in
manongs, the Pinoy farm work- most powerful era in farm la- thing that stunned many Filipi- the fields of California and oth-
ers who, after years of oppres- bor organizing?” nos in America, including Vera er states, and joined them in
sion, took a stand against exploi- When Chavez died in 1993, Cruz: Chavez visited Manila as fighting for justice.
tation — and who inspired their he was honored as a hero of a guest of Ferdinand Marcos. And he saw the people of
Mexican counterparts to rise the farm workers and civ- And that’s not all. the homeland they left behind
against an unjust labor system. il-rights movement. He de- At a time when Filipinos being bullied and abused by
A new documentary, “Del- served the honor, and his sto- were being jailed and tortured a dictator, and took a stand
ano Manongs: Forgotten He- ry surely should be known by and brutalized, Chavez public- with them in their struggle to
roes of the UFW,” by Fil-Am all Americans. ly praised the Filipino dictator. be free. (
filmmaker Marissa Aroy ex- When Vera Cruz died the In his memoir, Vera Cruz
plores this chapter in Ameri- following year, his passing was said, “What Cesar did there
can history. largely ignored. And he cer- in the Philippines is the sad-
“Why don’t we know about tainly did not deserve that. dest day in the history of the
the Filipino strikers?” she Thanks to Vera Cruz and oth- farm workers movement in this
asks in the trailer for the er Filipino farm workers, farm country. It was a disgrace.”
documentary. workers emerged as a major In a 1993 profile in Filipinas
“Why are their contribu- political force in the 1960s. magazine, he recalled: “We in
tions not heralded in the histo- Phillip Vera Cruz himself the union believed in the gener-
ry books or passed down from epitomized the Filipino as a al principle of freedom. Cesar’s
generation to generation? And warrior for justice. trip to a dictatorship was in di-
why hasn’t anybody heard of His sense of justice and de- rect contradiction to those prin-
Larry Itliong, the UFW’s sec- mocracy was deep and broad. ciples we stood for.”
12 THE FILIPINO PRESS September 25 - October 1, 2010

Old Classics & Broadway Hits

Concert on tap for Oct. 2
GET LISTED: To have your event listed in Save the Date, e-mail your
information (include date, time, location, cost, and phone) to filpress@ Keep in mind we publish on Saturdays, so ensure your event
happens on the day of publication or during the following week.

September 26
Rosegold International Inc. school's operetta program un- The development of her 21st Annual AIDS Walk San Diego
and its affiliated companies der the direction of Professor unique style is the result of a San Diego County’s largest one-day HIV/AIDS fundraiser will take place on
present Old Classics & Broad- Elena Reyes. lifetime of musical influence. Sunday, Sept. 26 at Balboa Park.
way Hits Concert. The con- Rosa enrolled in the school Growing up in a talented mu-
The 21st annual event will raise funds for more than 20 San Diego County
cert, held in honor of all Filipi- of Science in Education at sical family meant that Rosa
HIV/AIDS service organizations.
no-American professionals and Far Eastern University for was always surrounded by dif-
businessmen, will be held Sat- her Bachelor’s and continued ferent forms of music. Her fa- AIDS Walk San Diego is a program of The San Diego LGBT Community Cen-
urday, Oct.2 at 7:00 p.m. It will her education at Centro Esco- ther was a classically trained ter. More information is available by calling (619) 291-WALK.
take place at the Scottish Rite lar University in Manila. She violinist, his brother a jazz pia- September 26
Concert Hall located at 1895 took advance courses in music nist with various bands. Rosa
Camino Del Rio South, San Di- at the Manila Conservatory of was exposed to a wealth of mu- Changemaker Festival
ego. Music and exclusive studies at sic as a child, all of which influ- The Changemaker Festival at El Prado Patios will take place Sunday,
The concert features Profes- University of Sto. Thomas, Ma- enced her development. September 26 at Balboa Park from 3:00 - 7:00 p.m.
sor Terri B. Dela Rosa. nila where she later became Rosa is a member of the The event is organized by the Foundation for Change. It will feature
Rosa started her musical one of the Music Directors. At Music Teacher Association of music by Super Sonic Samba School and a "Farmers' Market" style
career at the age of 7 and has the same time she still con- Northern Virginia, USA, Cal- feast by Coronado Catering. Individual tickets are $35 or $60 for a pair.
played both classical and con- tinued studies in Piano under ifornia Association of Profes-
temporary music for the last 60 the German-Filipino Professor sional Music Teachers and
September 26
Rose Gold
years. Marcelino Carluen. She held a "ASCAP"-American Songwrit- CFAC Candidate's Debate Forum for chula vista
Born in 1938 in the Philip- piano concert at PHIL-AM Au- sey and Virginia State. Aside ers Composers Authors and The Concern Filipino American Club (CFAC) Candidate's Debate Forum for
pines, her parents are Profe- ditorium in Manila and was in- from singing, Rosa is also an Publishers. Chula Vista City Council will take place on September 26, 2010, Sunday
sor Clemente Contrerars Basa vited many times at different arranger and composer of both In addition to Rosa, the con- at 12:00 p.m. at Point Point Joint Restaurant in 916 E. 8th Street, Unit 1-2,
and Ricarda Lucero Encarna- secular organizations such as contemporary and gospel mu- cert will also feature guest art- National City, CA 91950. Lunch $7 and up.
cion from Cavite City and Pan- the Kiwanis Club, Lions Club sic. She has been a very pop- ists Tenors Adolfo and Luigi Chula Vista City Council Candidates: Larry Breitfelder (attending) and Pat
amitan Kawit, Cavite. They International, Doctor's Associ- ular figure and judge in many Luevano, Linda Jabling (So- Aguilar (pending). For more information contact MarissaAcierto.CFAC@
were teachers at Malate Catho- ation Meetings and Programs choral competitions. She also prano) and Erano Resty Yong- or (619) 549-0014.
lic School and under their guid- and also at the Inauguration of taught many piano students co (Tenor). The affair will also
ance, Rosa’s natural gift in mu- the Philipine Heart Center by in her spare time showing both be graced by prominent per- September 30
sic flourished. the wife of the late President kids and adults how to express sonalities and government of- Candidates' Forum for the City Council
She attended Pedro Guevar- Ferdinand Marcos, Imelda. themselves through music. ficials.
ra Elementary School and Jose Rosa continued her studies "Don't play, sing" is her man- Tickets are $25 or VIP for
of National City
The Candidates' Forum for the City Council of National City will be held
Abad Santos Binondo Manila in the U.S. attending different tra. She means that metaphor- $35. For tickets, call (619) 410-
on Thursday, Sept. 30 from 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. at the Fellowship Hall, First
High School where she was seminars and training in music ically. Her passion for what she 7146, (619) 381-3795 or (619)
United Methodist Church, 242 E. 8th Street, National City, CA.
chosen as the pianist of the and composition in New Jer- does really plays into that. 405-2550.
The event is free and open to the public.
The annual Mater Dei Bazaar & Carnival
New community organization The annual Mater Dei Bazaar & Carnival will be held on October 2 and 3
from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. It will be held at the Mater Die Catholic Parish

offers Filipino language classes

located at 1571 Magdalena Ave., Chula Vista.
The event will include carnival rides, Spam Musubi, Plate Lunch, Ha-
waiian food, Mexican food, Filipino food, pizza, popcorn, cotton candy,
pies, shave ice, halo halo. It will also feature entertainment, including
SAN DIEGO, Calif. — A pines, but did not grow up with attendees participating 3-4 local hula halaus, St. Augustine High School Band, Mater Dei Steel
group of community volunteers speaking Filipino,” he said. in fun exercises in a positive Drum Band, Mater Dei Island Crew Band, karaoke contest and more.
have formed a new Filipino “This school definitely fills a setting. The next mixer will

Admission is free.
language organization called need.” held at 5:30 p.m., Thursday,
Mag-Filipino Tayo (Let’s Speak However, Mag-Filipino Tayo September 30, 2010 at Quiz- October 17
Filipino). is not just for beginners. It is no’s, 5252 Balboa Ave.

with us
Tribute for Walter Pennington
The organization, operat- also for those who already un- The organization’s first
A “Tribute for Walter Pennington" will be held on Sunday, October 17,
ing as a non profit California derstand the language or can six-week classes, twice each
2010 at 3:00 p.m. It will be held at Southwest Lodge Masonic Center 1040
public benefit corporation, will actually converse in the lan- week, will begin on Oct. 5,
B Ave. National City, CA 91950 (on the corner of B Ave. and 12th Street.
be focusing on promoting the guage, such as intermediate or from 6 to 7:30 p.m., Tuesdays

GET RESULTS learning and use of the Fili- “heritage” speakers. and Thursdays. The 18-hour A potluck will be held with a requested $10.00 donation, which will be
pino language for individuals Genevieve Esmende, one of “crash course” is designed for given to Walter’s widow.
at all levels who do not nec- the volunteer organizers, is one adults in learning common The tribute will include performances from the following bands: Time-
(619) 477-0940 essarily have access to public
schools where it may already
“I understand fluently be-
phrases used in different re-
al-life situations relating
piece (Walter’s last group), Bits and Pieces, Robins, Rubbersound, Imperi-
als, BeatJacks, Mindinterprotation and others.

or visit us be taught.
The organization will target
cause my parents spoke to me,”
she said. “But I did not always
to the culture and tradition
for everyday conversation.
November 6
Filipino-Americans who were reply back in Filipino because, The cost is $99, but some fi- Early San Diego Regional History Conference
online born or raised here who either
want to learn the language,
unfortunately, I was not confi-
dent enough. An organization
nancial assistance has been
made available by anony-
The Early San Diego Regional History Conference will take place on Sat-
urday, November 6 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Old Town Cultural and
filipinopress. or just want to improve their
skills, but have few or no op-
like this would help me gain
more confidence.”
mous donors.
For more information and
Historical Program Campus, 3939 Conde Street, San Diego. CA 92110.
The event is brought to you by the Early San Diego Regional History
com portunities to learn or improve.
Vince Bumanglag, one of the
The organization has al-
ready organized Filipino mix-
registration, please contact
Dr. Juanita Santos Nacu at
Collaborative, the SDUSD Old Town Program, and local historical parks.
Come discover San Diego’s lost history & local gems. This year’s confer-
organizers, is a business own- ers, where people at all levels (858) 335-5024 or e-mail at
er who wants to learn the lan- have showed up at a restau- [email protected] or Vicente ence theme is El Pueblo Perdido: The Lost Heritage of Early San Diego,
guage so he can relate better rant to practice the language Bumanglag at (760) 224-4635 Focusing on 1769-1848 and beyond.
with his Filipino customers. in an informal setting. So far, or e-mail at vbumanglag@aol. For more information call Angela at (619) 423-7248 or email Karla at
“I was born in the Philip- the mixers have been popular, com. [email protected].
COV 28897 Filipino Press_SD_MECH:Layout 2 6/10/10 12:02 PM Page 1

SDG&E introduces new bill design

Don’t slip SAN DIEGO, Calif. — San
Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E)
• Improved appearance
and larger paper size for
To help smooth the transition
to the new format, SDG&E is in-

up when
customers will receive new reading ease; cluding new reference fact sheets
bills that are designed to be • Easier-to-find account in- in this month’s bill for residential
easier to read and understand. formation, including account and business customers. More

choosing a
“Our goal with this rede- number, bill amount, payment information is available at www.
sign effort is to help our cus- due date, and receipt of previ- Additional-
tomers better understand the ous month’s payment; ly, residential customers can call

charges on their SDG&E bill, • Enhanced graphics for SDG&E at (800) 411-7343 and
so they can more effectively easy comparison of energy us- business customers can call (800)
manage their energy usage on age for a 13-month period; 336-7343 with any questions
a monthly basis,” said Caroline • More prominent con- about the new bill.
A. Winn, vice president of cus- tact information for SDG&E; SDG&E is a regulated pub-
tomer services for SDG&E. • A clearer and more de - lic utility that provides safe
With as little as $2,000 down, you can own a commercial The re-designed bills were de-
veloped based on input from a
tailed breakdown of charges;
• And, new front-page mes-
and reliable energy service to
3.4 million consumers through
cleaning franchise.* broad range of stakeholders, in- sage section highlighting key 1.4 million electric meters and
Join one of the leading commercial cleaning service franchise companies in the world, with over cluding SDG&E customers, the billing details and information. more than 840,000 natural
9,000 Franchise Owners servicing more than 50,000 customers through a network of 90 Support Centers. California Public Utilities Com- Bills will continue to be gas meters in San Diego and
• Financing available mission's Consumer Services printed on recycled paper stock southern Orange counties. 
• Comprehensive training and Information Division and and billing envelopes are made The utility’s area spans 4,100
• Initial customer base the Division of Ratepayer Advo- with recycled paper. The new square miles. SDG&E is com-
• Billing & collection services cates, as well as consumer advo- bills will not affect customers' mitted to creating ways to help
cacy groups, such as Disability current billing cycle, payment our customers save energy and
San Diego Support Center Rights Advocates and the Utility due date or rates. money every day.  SDG&E is a
7801 Mission Center Court, Suite 300, San Diego, CA 92108
Consumers' Action Network. Customers enrolled in pa- subsidiary of Sempra Energy
* This offering is made by prospectus only. Franchise opportunities range from $2,000–$27,000 down. See disclosure document for details. Limited guarantee. The new SDG&E bill de- perless billing also will see (NYSE: SRE), a Fortune 500
sign includes a number of the new bill design online, energy services holding com-
Call 619-866-3078 today. enhancements: starting today. pany based in San Diego.
September 25 - October 1, 2010 THE FILIPINO PRESS 13

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14 THE FILIPINO PRESS September 25 - October 1, 2010

Filipino films GET LISTED: To have your concert, club or event listed in What's
Happening, e-mail your information (include date, time, location,
cost, and phone) to [email protected]. Keep in mind we publish on

spice festival
Saturdays, so ensure your event happens on the day of publication
or during the following week.

The Greatest Hitmakers perform Sept. 26 at Pala Casino.

Rico J. Puno • Marco Sison
Rey Valera • Nonoy Zuniga
When: 3 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 26
Where: Pala Casino
Tickets: $38-$98.
Online: www.usasiamediacenter.
In "If I Knew What You Said," a rebellious rocker com.
girl dabbles in romance with a deaf boy who
Phone: 1-888-874-1719. Tickets
loves to dance. The movie is one of four films
featured during the upcoing San Diego Asian also available at Pala Casino.
Film Festival. ANG GANDA DIVA?
Lani Misalucha and Vice Ganda
When: 7:30 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 16
Courtesy photos Where: Pala Casino
Tickets: $48-$98.

11th San Diego Asian Film Festival features four Filipino films
Julius Obregon
Online: www.starmediaentertain- KARAOKE
Phone: 1-818-549-1456.

he San Diego Asian Film Tickets also available at Pala
Festival (SDAFF) is
launching its 11th season, TO THE KICKOFF
When: Saturday, Oct. 23
which runs Oct. 21-28 at the RECEPTION THEATER Where: Seafood City, 1420 E.
Mission Valley UltraStar Cine-
The festival is hosting its COPLEY SYMPHONY HALL Plaza Blvd., National City,
mas. As one of the largest film
annual kickoff reception at Bayanihan Philippine National (619) 477-6080
exhibitions of its kind in North
6:30 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. Dance Company
America, the SDAFF kicks off a EL JUAN RESTAURANT
29, at Viejas Casino’s Dream- When: 2 p.m.Sunday, Sept. 26
brand new decade and 11th fes- Eric de Leon one-man band
tival with more than 140 films
Catcher Theater and want you Where: 750 B St., San Diego
When: 6-9 p.m. Thursdays
to be there. Be the first to get Tickets: $15-$65.
from 20 countries, including Where: 2316 Highland Ave.,
an exclusive sneak peak at the Online: www.sandiegosympho-
Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, National City, (619) 477-6262
11th season with free food,
Japan, India, Ireland, Iran, Kyr-
entertainment and giveaways. Phone: (619) 235-0804. GAPORESTO & KARAOKE
gyzstan, Mexico, North Ko-
The festival is giving away two Also available at box office. When: 7 p.m.-midnight, Tuesdays
rea, Pakistan, Philippines, Sin-
pairs of invitations to this ex- to Sundays
gapore, South Korea, Taiwan,
citing party. To enter to win, e-
Thailand, Vietnam and the U.S. Bayanihan
mail [email protected] with
This season, in particular, the A scene from "Ninoy Aquino and the Rise of People Power." The documentary “VIEJAS” in the subject line.
festival will be showcasing some traces Benigno Aquino's fight to free the Philippines from a martial-law dicta-
extraordinary Filipino cinema: torship in the Marcos era.
• “If I Knew What You Said”
— A love story between a deaf
boy who loves to dance and a re-
bellious rocker girl.
• “Manila Skies” — Inspired
by a true story, a lone, deranged
hijacker struggles to survive in
modern Philippine society.
• “Ninoy Auqino and the Rise
of People Power” — A documen-
tary about Benigno Aquino, who
fought to free the Philippines
from a martial-law dictatorship,
co-presented by The Filipi- CLUBS Where: 933 S. Harbison Ave.,
no Press. CAFE LA MAZE STEAKHOUSE National City, (619) 267-3746
• “The Mountain Thief” — Julius Obregon and Friends JASMINE
Set in a Filipino “dump town,” Show When: 9 p.m -1 a.m. Wednesdays
a single father is wrongfully ac- Set in a Filipino "dump town," a single When: 7 p.m. Sundays Where: 4609 Convoy St., San
cused of murder. father is wrongly accused of murder in Where: 1441 Highland Ave., Diego, (858) 268-0888
More than 100 filmmakers "The Mountain Thief." National City, (619) 474-3222
and actors are scheduled to at- SIZZLER JULIUS OBREGON
tend including John Cho (“Har- ner on Oct .23, live music show- LUCKY STAR SHOW ROOM
old and Kumar,” “Star Trek”), case and a panel celebrating the Wednesdays Filipino Night with When: 7 p.m. Fridays
Aaron Yoo (“21,” “The Wack- art of dance in films and music Eric de Leon Where: 1325 E. Plaza Blvd.,
ness”), Daniel Dae Kim (“Lost”), videos. Thursdays: Moonlight Serenade National City, (619) 477-2590
Justin Lin (director, “Fast and “We are especially grateful to Orchestra Big Band
the Furious”), Justin Chon our top sponsors – Toyota, our Fridays: Ballroom dancing/ SPORTS
(“Twilight”), Danny Pudi (“Com- Official Car Sponsor, Barona Karoke TOP GUN FLAG FOOTBALL
munity”), Ellen Wong (“Scott and Wells Fargo — for support- Where: 3893 54th St., San Diego, Register now for five-man, all-
Pilgrim vs. The World”) and ing our vision. Thanks to the (619) 229-8228 passing flag football leagues in
Harry Shum Jr. (“Glee,” “League generous support of many cor- Chula Vista, Mira Mesa, North
Inspired by a true story, "Manila Skies" focuses on a lone, deranged hijacker MCDINI'S DINER & EVENTS
of xtraordinary Dancers”). The porate partners, we are able to County/San Marcos and Santee.
struggling to survive in modern Philippine society. Filipino food every Saturday Evening and weekend leagues
festival will also honor the Co- present a high quality, mean- with live Filipino Bands
alition of Asian Pacifics in En- ingful festival experience,” said begin in late September. Inter-
tertainment. SDAFF Executive Director Lee FILIPINO FILMS LINE-UP, SCHEDULE Where: 105 E. 8th St., National league playoffs with neighboring
City, (619) 474-6771 counties. Call toll-free (877) 846-
The festival is book-ended by Ann Kim. “If I Knew What You Said”
the opening night film on Thurs- Since the festival ends less A love story between a deaf boy who loves to dance and a rebellious TROPHY LOUNGE 3178 or visit TopGunFlagFootball.
day, Oct. 21, with the U.S. pre- than a week before the gener- rocker girl. Staring Joseph Balan. (Romance/Drama) Rising Star com. Must be 18+ to play. Refer-
miere of “Legend of the Fist,” an al election, the SDAFF is also When: 8 p.m. Thursdays ees needed.
When: 5:30 p.m., Friday, Oct. 22, 7:40 p.m., Monday, Oct. 25
epic Chinese martial arts film promoting civic responsibili- Where: 999 National City Blvd.,
starring Donnie Yen, and the ty and democratic participa- “Manila Skies”    National City, (619) 477-9862
closing night film on Thursday, tion through a campaign called Inspired by a true story, a lone deranged hijacker struggles to survive
Oct. 28, with Taiwanese crowd- “Reel in the Vote,” showcasing modern Philippine society. (Drama/Thriller)                                                                       
pleaser, “Au Revoir Taipei.” public service announcements
When: 8:40 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 23 Lani Misalucha and Vice Ganda
Other highlights include: that were created by artists to star in "Ang Ganda Diva?" at
• Spotlights on trans-racial encourage Asian-Americans to Pala Casino on Oct. 16
 “The Mountain Thief”
adoption (four feature films) vote.
with most directors in atten- Discounted tickets are avail- Urban drama about people who climb the mountains of trash.
dance for a question-and-answer able online until Oct. 17. Tick- (Drama)
session. ets can be purchased at the Haz- When: 6:30 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 24; 9:35 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 27
• “Free Films at Four,” every ard Center UltraStar box office
weekday at 4 p.m. films are free beginning on Oct. 19. For ticket- “Ninoy Aquino and the Rise of People Power”
to the public. ing info, film details and sched- Through People Power, Benigno Aquino made nonviolence into a
• All 14 short film programs ule, visit the festival website at method for driving out national dictators and strengthening the
will be presented in high defini- cause of democracy. He set off a wave that rippled around the planet.
tion for the first time. Mission Valley UltraStar Cin- (Documentary) Co-presented by The Filipino Press.
• Special events each night, emas is located at 7510 Hazard When: 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 26
including the Gala Awards Din- Center Drive.
September 25 - October 1, 2010 THE FILIPINO PRESS 15

Pala Casino presents WCK MuayThai Oct. 2

PALA, Calif. — Ten profes- lez (Temecula, Calif.). Grachev, lar MMA fighter, who’s fought is also a part of the Chinese secured an IAMTF US Na-
sional and amateur Muay Thai an IKF (International Kickbox- in King of the Cage and WEC National Muay Thai team. His tional Welterweight Cham-
fights will be center stage at
Pala Casino Spa & Resort on
Oct. 2.
ing Federation) World Light
Heavyweight Champion, for-
mer European champion, has a
promotions. His MMA record
stands at 17 wins and eight
pro record comes to 26 wins
and 12 losses.
Luis Bio vs Terris James is
pionship Title, and who will
debut as a pro in California
against a fighter from Texas
Check us
Muay Thai, the fastest-
growing, adrenaline-rushing
professional Muay Thai record
of 15 wins, nine of them by way
One of the most decorat-
ed fighters, Romie Adanza (7
a bout a lot fight fans can get
excited about. Bio, an Ensena-
Van “Tactic” Vo.
All bouts are subject to
out online
striking sport, also known as
the art of eight limbs, allows
of knockout, and two losses.
His last memorable fight was
wins, 2 losses) will defend his
IKKC MuayThai Internation-
da, Mexico fighter is coming off
of several consecutive wins. He
change. Fights start at 7:00
p.m. Tickets are priced at at:
fighters to utilize hands, el- against Joe Schilling of Los An- al Super Bantamweight title is a cool-headed technical fight- $40 and $100 ringside. Tick-
bows, knees and shins to bring geles, which ended in Schilling against Haigang Huang of Chi- er, who will be met in the ring ets are on sale now, with no
the opponent down.
The event is headlined by
being knocked out. Grachev
also holds a perfect boxing re-
na. Adanza is coming off of a
win against a Brit, Andy How-
by a quick, explosive James, a
former IKKC World Champion
service charge, at the Pala
Privileges Center in the casi-
the Light Heavyweight Muay cord of eight wins and zero son, which brings his record to from Albuquerque, New Mexi- no, or call 1-877-WIN PALA
Thai vs. MMA five-round bout losses. His opponent, Fernan- seven wins and two losses total. co. (1-877-946-7252) or (877) The

between Denis “The Pirate” do “The Menifee Maniac” Gon- Adanza will square off with the Also on the card is Artem 446-7962.
Grachev (Russia by way of San zalez is a professional Muay National Muay Thai Champion “The Russian Experiment” Fans must be at least 21
Diego) and Fernando Gonza- Thai fighter and a very popu- of China, Haigang Huang, who Sharoshkin, who has recently years old.

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16 THE FILIPINO PRESS September 25 - October 1, 2010

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September 25 - October 1, 2010 THE FILIPINO PRESS 17

L01_Fishing_BW_F_13x21_outlined.indd 1 New Master SCG Legend 4/5/10 4:18 PM Page 1 7/30/10 5:40 AM
18 THE FILIPINO PRESS September 25 - October 1, 2010

Center for Pop Music tial to be better than what we

are presently and it is our task
and responsibility to polish and
Stephanie Lanare Maxwell to
Founder passes away host new Christian talk show
enhance our God-given talents.”
According to abs-cbnNEWS.
com, Albarracin’s remains lie in
state at Sanctuarium in Que-
zon City. His burial was held on SAN DIEGO, Calif. — San Diego will encompass a full It will enable those who want or
By Rowena Joy A. Sanchez ter for Pop in 1984. A number Sept. 24 at Himalayang Pilipi- Diego’s, own Stephanie La- myriad of those who are liv- desire a new walk with Christ
of its graduates are now certi- no, Quezon City. nare Maxwell will host a new ing through and working for the opportunity to do so.
MANILA, Philippines — fied stars in their own right in- As if in tribute to Albarra- Christian Talk Show entitled, Christ in their businesses, Host, creator, writer, and
Butch Albarracin, founder of cluding Sarah Geronimo, Erik cin's contribution to OPM and “Around San Diego”. ministries, and lives. producer, Stephanie L. Max-
performance training school Santos, Sheryn Regis, Rachelle its artists, one of CPMP stu- “This show will feature Around San Diego will also well will develop show topics
Center for Pop Music Philip- Ann Go, Jonalyn Viray, Jimmy dents, Charice continues to some of the best and the feature some of the best in Gos- that will state our human con-
pines (CPMP), passed away Bondoc, Roselle Nava, Geneva shine bright in the US. She is brightest in the Christian pel music, and Christian en- dition, address our daily trials,
Sept. 16 at the Makati Medical Cruz, Frenchie Dy, Rhap Sala- featured in the latest edition of community. It will capture the tertainment, as well as actors and tribulations, and discuss
Center due to lung cancer. He zar and Charice Pempengco. U.S. magazine Newsweek. Ti- essence of what’s really going and actresses, and a full host them in both a biblical, as well
was 64. In a tribute piece posted tled “Asia’s Rising Pop Star,” on in our streets, in our city, of those in the entertainment as spiritual manner that at the
Albarracin put up Cen- on the website of the Philip- the piece written by Sonia Kole- in our communities, and ulti- field who are living their lives end of the day lends itself to a
pine Marketing Association, of snikov-Jessop talked about the mately our world,” said host through, and for Christ also. life being lead to Christ!
which Albarracin was a mem- new “Glee” star ’s Cinderella- Stephanie Maxwell. The show will allow attend- Taping begins in October,
ber, he was described to have like story, from her humble be- The show will entertain ees to testify on the goodness of check your local public access
run CPMP “with the same ginnings to her astonishing rise guest from all walks of life. Jesus Christ, and share genuine channel for airdates and times.
hands-on passion that he gave to superstardom. From pastors and preachers, stories of how Christ healed, re- For more information about
to it when he established it 23 “In my opinion, she will to storytellers and ministers, stored, repaired, and complete- Around San Diego, contact
years ago.” put the whole of Asia on the to community developers, and ly ratified their lives, while de- Stephanie L. Maxwell at (619)
More, “he also personal- map as a huge global super- entrepreneurs, Around San livering them from a life of sin. 563-2018.
ly hired his voice coaches and star,” Charice’s mentor and al-
handled the training of the cen- bum producer David Foster was
ter’s 200-plus staff by himself.” quoted in the article as saying.

Fil-Am journalist plans

In connection to this, he put up The last paragraph of the ar-
the CPMP Coaches Academy. ticle looks to be a piece of advice
From their house’s garage in for the young songstress:

first-ever Fil-Am International

Cubao, Quezon City, Center for “To avoid the fate of countless
Pop went on to expand into 20 young stars who made it and
branches all over the country as then let it all slip away, she will
well as more than 30 extension have to keep her head firmly on
classes in numerous schools
particularly in provinces. And
from 30 enrollees, CPMP now
her shoulders. But with Foster
having officially taken on the
role of godfather, and Oprah in
Book Festival in San Francisco
has 4,000 students. her life as her quasi fairy god-
PMA also vouched for Albar- mother, it looks like this Cin- By Neni Sta. Romana Cruz
racin’s encouraging spirit. “He derella could continue her hap-
Butch Albarracin believed that we all have poten- py fairy tale.” SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. —
One need not have a special rea-
son for visiting a library apart
from the obvious love for the
written word. It was for that

Get your scare in Old Town and other special reasons that
my San Francisco-based jour-
nalist friend Gemma Nemen-
zo and I ventured out to the

this Halloween season

new Walnut Creek Library in
the East Bay two days after its
much-touted opening. We both
had decided that this would be
our own private celebration of
Get a good fun fright and a Ghost tours ning, October 18, at 7:00 p.m. National Children’s Book Day.
bit of history with the lineup of Michael Brown leads San Di- Quoth the Raven will feature Truly a library for contem-
spooky events this Halloween ego’s only real ghost tours. Dur- stories and poems of mystery, porary times, it features 94
season at one of the most haunt- ing his walking tours, guests fantasy and delusion brought public computers with Internet
ed areas in San Diego, Old Town will get to visit various paranor- chillingly to life by profession- access and a 65-inch television
San Diego State Historic Park mally active places in Old Town al actors. Authors include Ed- screen. But the most heart-
and Fiesta de Reyes. State Park such as the Whaley gar Allan Poe, Ray Bradbury, warming observation was that
Séance at the Seeley Stable House, a park that used to be Lafcadio Hearn, H.P. Lovecraft despite the glitz and allure of
Old Town San Diego State cemetery, and a haunted broth- and Jerome K. Jerome. Tick- technology, the most popular
Historic Park will be host- el located on the Whaley House ets cost $15 for adults and $13 preoccupation of the students
Photo: Joe Mabel
ing “Séance at the Seeley Sta- property. He shares tips, tricks for students, seniors and active who came for the opening was
ble. Is Anybody There?”. Dur- and techniques to find ghosts military. For more info, please seeking a favorite nook to sit The atrium of the main branch of the San Francisco Public Library. Filipino-
American journalist Gemma Nemenzo hopes to organize the first-ever
ing this performance, audience and other paranormal happen- and read a book.
Filipino-American International Book Festival at the library on Oct. 1-2, 2011.
members will hear scary, fun- ings in Old Town State Park. Old Town Theatre: On the day of our visit, it was
ny, and tragic stories of people His tours are every Thurs- War of the Worlds a very busy place, still inviting pecially since the Filipinos are to making a storage room in the
who once lived in early San Di- day through Sunday in Octo- Presented by Cygnet Theater many visitors, especially the the second largest Asian minor- consulate premises available for
ego during the 1800s. Patrons ber. Walking tours begin at 9:00 Company, War of the Worlds is youth who were still on summer ity group next to the Chinese. the books from the Philippines
will be present at a “séance” led p.m. in front of the Fiesta de a staged radio play that re-en- break. There were library fly- It envisions opening up the especially for the event.
by Madam Stolichnaya as she Reyes fountain.  Adults are $19 acts the day of Oct. 30, 1938, ers, library stickers being given U.S. market for Philippine pub- The FilBookFest will go be-
attempts to summon “real live” and children 6-12 are $10. Kids when millions of radio listen- out, summer reading program lishers whose titles do not have yond being a mere sales event
ghosts who will tell their sto- 5 and under free. For more info ers were shocked when news booklets. A little boy was asking a presence here. Amazon, the for books, although sales cannot
ries in a fun and spooky way. visit: www.oldtownsmosthaunt- alerts announced the arrival for a bookmark, which sent the online shopping giant, requires but be a gauge of success. Add-
Performances take place Octo- of Martians forging a ferocious librarian scurrying around so as an available inventory of titles ing a special dimension will be
ber 15, 16, 22, 23, 29, 30, and Old Town Theatre: and seemingly unstoppable at- not to disappoint. for these to be marketed and de- workshops on writing, publish-
31 at 6:00 and 7:30 p.m. Adults Quoth the Raven tack on Earth. The War of the Nemenzo’s special reason for livered with its known dispatch; ing, storytelling for kids, culi-
are $10 per ticket and children Write Out Loud will pres- Worlds performance is on Oct. the library visit is her current on the other hand, Philippine nary talks and demos, alterna-
12 to 18: $5.00. For reservations ent “Quoth the Raven” in the 25 at 7:00 p.m. at the Old Town endeavor to organize a first- publishers are discouraged to tive therapies like the hilot and
visit: www.brownpapertickets/ Old Town Theatre on Satur- Theatre. Tickets are $10 for all ever Filipino-American Inter- ship these books because of the herbal remedies.
event/12812 or for more infor- day afternoon, October 16 at ages. For more information vis- national Book Festival at the costs of shipment and maintain- The time is ripe for the rich-
mation: (619) 220-5422. 12:30 p.m. and on Monday eve- it, or San Francisco Public Library ing a storage area in the Unit- ness of Philippine literature to
call (619) 337-1525. on Oct. 1-2, 2011 — and her ul- ed States, with no certainty of go beyond our shores. There
Movie night and timate goal of having Filipi- sale. With the book festival idea are more interested readers
costume contest no-authored books in all pub- conceptualized by Nemenzo and out there than we think. And
Everyone is invited to get lic libraries in California. She writer Mila de Guzman, that perhaps, we, back home, will
in the ghoulish mood with a strongly feels that Fil-Am kids perennial obstacle will hope- gain a better appreciation of
free spooky movie night under should have access to their her- fully be overcome, thanks to books and reading.
the stars. Bring lawn chairs, itage while non-Filipinos ought the Philippine consulate in San For more information, e-
blankets and your bravest to feel the presence of the com- Francisco. Consul General Mar- mail [email protected].
face and enjoy a family-rat- munity in the United States, es- ciano Paynor Jr. has committed (
ed spooky movie under the
stars. The movie night will be
held Friday, Oct. 29, and Sat-
urday, Oct. 30 at 8:00 p.m.
in the Fiesta de Reyes court-
diaz tial Legal Counsel to make a
thorough review of the IIRC’s
However, nothing came out of
those investigations.
Continued from p­­­­­age 6
yard. Before the movie on Sat- recommendations.” Double whammy
urday, there will be a costume fidence in him [Puno] but I will On Sept. 21, the Senate start- The hostage crisis and the
contest for all ages featuring talk to him as soon as I get back ed its own fact-finding investi- jueteng payola scandal hit Puno
prizes from merchants in the to Manila and I’ll ask him about gation on the jueteng payola is- like a double whammy.  While he
park for the various catego- these allegations and see what sue. Called to testify, Archbishop is presumed innocent until prov-
ries of costumes. Admission is his responses are.”   Puno de- Cruz identified Puno and Verzo- en guilty in a court of law, it’s
free. nied the allegations.  However, sa as the recipients of “nation- the opposite in the court of pub-
Trick-or-Teat he indicated that he was will- al jueteng payola flow.” Cruz lic opinion; that is, he is guilty
Trick-or-treaters are invit- ing to resign his post or be reas- also named the following as sus- until proven innocent. It all boils
ed to come out Saturday , Oct. signed to spare P-Noy from fur- pected jueteng lords in their ar- down to perception and in poli-
30, and Sunday Oct. 31. from ther embarrassment.  eas: Pampanga governor Lilia tics perception is reality. 
4:00 p.m. to 6:30 to collect On Sept. 17, the IIRC com- “Baby” Pineda; Paul Dy in Is- The bottom line is: The
goodies from participating pleted its work and submitted abela; retired general Eugene jueteng payola scandal could be
shops and museums through- its recommendations to P-Noy. Martin; Baguio Mayor Mauricio the defining moment of P-Noy’s
out the park. Admission for The report cited 12 persons Domogan; Danny Soriano in Ca- presidency. Either he eradicates
this is free. and three networks.  Puno and gayan; a retired general Padilla jueteng — as he promised dur-
There is free parking avail- Verzosa were named in the re- (involved in Pasay, Parañaque, ing the campaign — or jueteng
able in the Caltrans parking port. In a press conference prior Muntinlupa and San Pedro); would spell doom to his anti-cor-
lot on Taylor Street in Old to his departure for the United Pangasinan governor Amado ruption crusade.
Town after 5:00 p.m. on week- States, P-Noy said, “The report Espino; and, a certain Boy Ja- At the end of the day, Puno
days and all day on week- is recommendatory in nature. I landoni in Bacolod. Pineda is can protect his “shooting buddy”
ends. For more information have forwarded it, and its rec- married to the reputed “Jueteng by falling on the sword.  That
about any of these events, vis- ommendations, to a legal team King” — Rodolfo “Bong” Pineda would be a noble act.  That is
it or composed of the Executive Sec- — who was investigated by Con- also the price of true friendship.
call (619) 297-3100. retary and the Chief Presiden- gress in 1998, 2000, and 2005.  ([email protected])
September 25 - October 1, 2010 THE FILIPINO PRESS 19

Regine Velasquez begins

filming ‘Mrs. Recto’
MANILA, Philippines — Alcasid said President Benig-
Asia’s Songbird Regine Velas- no Aquino III, Megastar Sha-
quez recently began filming ron Cuneta and businessman
her upcoming movie titled Manny Pangilinan will be
"Mrs. Recto." part of their entourage.
Coney Reyes, Jazon Gainza Alcasid said they would
and Christian Bautista are ask Lea Salonga to sing in
also part of the movie project. their wedding.
According to Velasquez, Alcasid’s marriage to former
the movie follows the life of a beauty queen Michelle van Ei-
female vendor who sells fake meren was annulled in June.
college diplomas along C.M. Alcasid and van Eimeren
Recto Avenue. met during the 1994 Miss
She is expected to finish the Universe pageant where she
project before her wedding in was a contestant. They got
December. married in 1998 and have
Velasquez is set to wed two daughters. The two an-
her long-time boyfriend Ogie nounced the end of their mar-
Alcasid. riage in 2007, but they report-
In his previous interview, edly remain friends. (MNS) Regine Velasquez
20 THE FILIPINO PRESS September 25 - October 1, 2010

Boxing legend Frazier recalls ‘Thrilla in Manila’

San Diego to sign Joe Frazier will visit San Diego to sign autographs and take pictures
(for a price) with fans on the 35th anniversary of his legendary match

autographs on with Muhammad Ali, dubbed the "Thrilla in Manila."

When: 5-7 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 2; 5:30-7 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 3

anniversary of fight Where: American Icon Autographs, 324 Horton Plaza Space No. 31
(on the first level next to 24 Hour Fitness and Ritz Camera)
Cost: $99 - Flat items up to 16" x 20"; $129 - Other items;
$29 - Inscriptions; $69 – Photo Opportunity
By Brandi Perez Phone: (619) 955-5777
Filipino Press Staff Writer Online:

egendary boxing great Joe
Frazier still has some fight the world thanks to a successful His best-known punch was a
left in him. Thirty-five boxing career that lasted from powerful left hook. The orthodox
years after the historic “Thril- 1965 to 1976, with a brief come- fighter was known for adopting
la in Manilla” fight against Mu- back in 1981. the bob-and-weave defensive
hammad Ali, the winner of the His launching point was in style.
bout still remains questionable. 1964 when he won the United The International Boxing
“The fight was a good fight,” States’ only Olympic boxing gold Research Organization rates
Frazier said. “I thought I won medal in Tokyo, Japan. Frazier among the 10 greatest
the fight up until the bell rang. “In 1964 I was the only guy heavyweights of all time. He
I was going blind in one of my who won a gold medal for the was inducted into the Interna-
eyes. I couldn’t see. Somehow United States,” Frazier said. “I tional Boxing Hall of Fame and
Ali found out about that, so he fought the big boys. I got a pat the World Boxing Hall of Fame.
closed my other eye.” on the back from the world.” Frazier spent several years
The fight was stopped before Afterwards, Frazier turned training fighters. He backed
the 15th and final round. Fra- Photo: Courtesy photo professional and went on to win off from training in 2007. Since
zier said he didn’t want to stop Joe Frazier, left, lands a hard left punch to the face of Muhammad Ali during one of their three bouts in the 1970s. The 29 consecutive fights and be- then, he’s had to put his gym up
the fight but he couldn’t get mad third and final bout, dubbed the "Thrilla in Manila," took place at the Araneta Coliseum in Quezon City, Philippines, on came the undisputed heavy- for sale.
at his corner because he knew Oct. 1, 1975. Frazier is in San Diego on Oct. 2-3 to sign memorabilia at American Icon Autographs in Horton Plaza. weight champion in 1970. Although he is no longer
they were protecting him. When asked if he wished But Frazier takes no offense. off to those guys,” Frazier George Foreman broke Fra- training fighters, Frazier keeps
The epic fight was the third he could have fought Ali a few He tries to keep things light, said. “They’re real champions. zier’s undefeated streak on busy. He travels about two or
time Ali and Frazier faced each more times, Frazier was quick even now. They’re all great guys.” Jan. 22, 1973, in Kingston, Ja- three times a month for person-
other. The Oct. 1, 1975, bout was to respond, “I could go for a fight “My job is to smile upon ev- Boxing has endured several maica. Foreman dominated the al appearances.
held at the Araneta Coliseum in right now.” erybody,” he said. changes through the years. One bout and the fight was quickly “People want to see the guy
Quezon City, Philippines, for the There has always been ten- Frazier prides himself on area Frazier sees a big change in stopped in the second round. He who beat up Muhammad,” he
Heavyweight Boxing Champi- sion between the two fighters. sportsmanship. He said one of is sportsmanship. took away Frazier’s world cham- smiled. “It’s a great feeling.”
onship of the World. Ali was aggressive while Frazier the great things about boxing is “When guys fell down the op- pionship title. The light-hearted legend said
Frazier won the first fight took a more respectful approach. that race has never been an is- ponent would go to the corner,” In 1976, Frazier (32-3) fought he is in great shape. He has a bit
on March 8, 1971, at Madison “I thought he was a real- sue. Frazier said. “Now guys want to and lost to Foreman for a second of a limp when he walks but he
Square Garden with a 15-round ly rude guy,” Frazier said. “He “I’ve never had a racial prob- beat them up. I think they need time by a fifth-round knockout. says it’s due to spinal injuries he
unanimous decision. called guys fighting names. He lem,” he said. “I’ve fought white to take it back to the old way. It After that he retired. sustained in a car accident. Oth-
Ali won the second fight on would change their names. He guys and black guys. They al- would make men men.” In 1981, Frazier attempted a er than that, he said he still has
Jan. 28, 1974, again at Madison gave me the nickname ‘Tom.’ ways come up to me afterwards Despite his age, Frazier said comeback against Floyd “Jum- some fire left in him.
Square Garden with a 12-round That’s not what my momma and say, ‘good job.’ My job is to be he's still in fighting shape. bo” Cummings in Chicago, Illi- “I’m 66 years old and I weigh
unanimous decision. named me.” a good man.” “I’m 66 and I’m feeling good,” nois. The fight went 10 rounds 225 pounds, nothing but muscle
Frazier didn’t mind facing Ali Frazier (32-4-1) was never The 66-year-old could not pin- Frazier said. “I’m as strong as and Cummings took the win. Af- and bone,” Frazier laughed. “I’m
three times. one to boast about his accolades, point who he thought the great- two ass mules. I’ve been to some ter that, Frazier retired for good. like a rail.”
“It was fun. I loved fighting something that set him apart est boxers of all time were, rath- of the greatest places in the “Smokin’ Joe” won 32 of his Frazier will sign memorabil-
him,” he said. “He says he won from him rival. er he chose an era. world. I’ve met a lot of great peo- 37 professional fights. Of them, ia in San Diego on Oct. 2-3 at
two out of three of the fights. I “Ali thought he was greater “All those guys from the ple.” 27 wins, or 73 percent of his vic- American Icon Autographs at
say I won all three of them.” than the Lord,” Frazier said. ’70s, I’d have to take my hat Frazier has been able to see tories, came by way of knockout. Horton Plaza.
September 25 - October 1, 2010 THE FILIPINO PRESS 21
22 THE FILIPINO PRESS September 25 - October 1, 2010

The Greatest Hitmakers tour Seafood City

stores, meet San Diego fans prior to concert

Photos: Susan delos Santos

The Greatest Hitmakers, in San Diego for their performance on Sunday, Sept. 26, at Pala Casino, made the rounds at
area Seafood City markets to sign autographs and greet fans last week. In these photos, The Hitmakers greet fans at the
Mira Mesa branch of Seafood City on Tuesday, Sept. 21 and Seafood City in National City on Wednesday, Sept. 22. For
more photos, see our Facebook page (Filipino Press).


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