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This is to certify that I have completed the Project titled “Customer Preferences towards Different
Brands of Soyabean Oil” under the guidance of “Ms. Pooja Arora” in the partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the award of the degree of “Masters in Business Administration” from “M.R.S.
Punjab Technical University”

This is an original work and I have not submitted it earlier elsewhere.

Daler Singh
MBA 2nd Sem

This is to certify that research project titled “Customer Preferences towards Different Brands
of Soyabean Oil” carried out by Ms. Pooja Arora under my guidance and supervision is an
original research work. It is based upon both the primary data as well as secondary data and
references are from published sources hence it proves authenticity of the research project.

This research work is original and is an unpublished report.


The research on “Customer Preferences towards Different Brands of Soyabean Oil”, was
assigned to me as my major project.

I have tried my best to present this information as clearly as possible using basic terms that I
hope will comprehended by the widest spectrum of researchers, analysts and students for further

I am thankful to Ms. Pooja Arora for his guidance and support. Mere acknowledgement may
not redeem the debt I owe to my parents for their direct/indirect support during the entire course
of the project.

S.No Contents Page No(s)

1 Executive Summary 1

2 Edible oil market in India 2-6

3 Processing of Soya Oil 7-8

4 Major Player (Company Profile 9-26

5 Preferable brands and price 27

6 Retailers and customers want to say 28-37

7 Objectives of the study 38

8 Scope and Limitations 39

9 Research Methodology 40

10 Analysis of Data and Findings 41-58

11 Suggestion of Retailers &customers, 59-60

Conclusion and Recommendations

12 Bibliography 61

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