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Incoming Government Brief

The Treasury Portfolio

Treasury Support Services

August 2010
PART A: THE TREASURY PORTFOLIO ............................................................................. 1
Treasury Mission ................................................................................................................................ 1
Treasury Policy Outcome ................................................................................................................... 1
Treasury Management Structure ........................................................................................................ 2
The Executive Board ..................................................................................................................... 2
The Treasury Management Model ................................................................................................ 2
Treasury Management Contacts ........................................................................................................ 3
Ministerial Responsibilities ................................................................................................................. 5
The Treasurer ................................................................................................................................ 5
Assistant Treasurer ....................................................................................................................... 6
Minister for Financial Services, Superannuation and Corporate Law ........................................... 6
Minister for Competition Policy and Consumer Affairs .................................................................. 6
Minister for Sustainable Population ............................................................................................... 6
Ministerial Meetings ............................................................................................................................ 7
Legislation Administered by Treasury Ministers ................................................................................. 8
Treasurer ....................................................................................................................................... 8
Assistant Treasurer ....................................................................................................................... 8
Minister for Financial Services, Superannuation and Corporate Law ......................................... 11
Minister for Competition Policy and Consumer Affairs ................................................................ 13
Legislation Before Parliament........................................................................................................... 14
Treasury Portfolio Outcomes ............................................................................................................ 16
Portfolio Financial and Management Accountability Act 1997 (FMA Act) Agencies ................... 18
Portfolio Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997 (CAC Act) Agencies ................ 24
Other Portfolio Statutory and Non-Statutory Bodies ................................................................... 25
Portfolio Agencies by Responsible Minister ................................................................................ 30
Membership of Portfolio Agencies and Other Bodies for which the Treasurer has Appointment
Responsibilities............................................................................................................................ 31
Statutory appointments ............................................................................................................... 31
Non-statutory appointments ........................................................................................................ 38
Expiring Appointments ...................................................................................................................... 40
PART B: TREASURY SUPPORT SERVICES...................................................................... 43
Corporate Services ........................................................................................................................... 43
Ministerial Office Staff ....................................................................................................................... 43
Coordination Between Treasury and Ministers ................................................................................ 44
Policy advice and briefing ............................................................................................................ 44
Routine policy advice, briefing for meetings and speech notes .................................................. 44
Managing emerging issues ......................................................................................................... 44
Ministerial correspondence — coloured folder system ............................................................... 44
Ministerial correspondence ......................................................................................................... 45
Media releases and speeches ..................................................................................................... 45
Ministers’ websites ...................................................................................................................... 46
Publishing .................................................................................................................................... 46
Budget lockup .............................................................................................................................. 46
Parliamentary Services ..................................................................................................................... 47
Question Time Briefing ................................................................................................................ 47
Cabinet documents (including briefing) ....................................................................................... 47
Parliamentary questions .............................................................................................................. 47
Legislation process administrative support ................................................................................. 48
Office Support ................................................................................................................................... 48
Information technology ................................................................................................................ 48
Property ....................................................................................................................................... 49
Security ........................................................................................................................................ 49
Courier service ............................................................................................................................ 50
Freedom of Information ............................................................................................................... 50
Financial services ........................................................................................................................ 50
Procurement ................................................................................................................................ 51
Library and research support ...................................................................................................... 51
Business cards ............................................................................................................................ 51
Senate Continuing Order No. 10 ................................................................................................. 51


The Treasury seeks to add value to the Government decision-making process by ensuring that Treasury
ministers, and through them the Cabinet, are well informed about the policy choices made, and by assisting
with administrative responsibilities and implementation of Government decisions.

Agencies within the Treasury portfolio such as the Australian Taxation Office have specific responsibilities.
Advice in relation to activities of portfolio agencies is generally directed through the Treasury.

There are also a range of advisory bodies that contribute to policy and administrative processes within the
Treasury portfolio. For example, the Board of Taxation, the Commonwealth Consumer Affairs Advisory
Council and the Financial Sector Advisory Council.

The Treasury’s mission is to improve the wellbeing of the Australian people by providing sound and timely
advice to the Government, based on objective and thorough analysis of options, and by assisting Treasury
ministers in the administration of their responsibilities and the implementation of Government decisions.

In carrying out its mission, Treasury seeks to promote informed decisions on the development and
implementation of policies to improve the wellbeing of the Australian people, including by achieving strong,
sustainable economic growth, through the provision of advice to government and the efficient administration
of federal financial relations.

Treasury has four policy groups – Fiscal, Macroeconomic, Markets and Revenue – and two support and
operational areas – Corporate Services Group and the Policy Coordination and Governance Unit.

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio

The Executive Board
Treasury’s Executive Board comprises the Secretary, six Executive Directors and the Group General
Manager, Corporate Services Group. The Executive Board considers high level policy issues relating to the
strategic leadership and management of the department.

The Executive Board members are:

• Dr Ken Henry, Secretary;

• Mr Michael Callaghan, Executive Director, Macroeconomic Group (International Special Envoy);

• Ms Deidre Gerathy, Group General Manager, Corporate Services Group;

• Dr David Gruen, Executive Director, Macroeconomic Group (Domestic);

• Mr Jim Murphy, Executive Director, Markets Group;

• Mr Richard Murray, Executive Director, Corporate Services Group and Policy Coordination and
Governance Unit;

• Mr David Parker, Executive Director, Revenue Group; and

• Mr Nigel Ray, Executive Director, Fiscal Group.

The Executive Board generally meets weekly to discuss current issues and more frequently when
circumstances require. Monthly meetings are held to consider organisational and policy strategy issues. The
Board is supported by an Audit Committee chaired by one of the Executive Directors.

The Treasury Management Model

The Treasury Management Model establishes Treasury’s people values, arrangements for performance
management and career development, and principles for organisational and management arrangements.
The Treasury Management Model sets out the role accountabilities of the five levels of the management

Treasury’s management levels and primary role accountabilities are:

• Secretary: accountable for the department’s management and strategic leadership;

• Executive Director: accountable for a group’s management and strategic leadership;

• General Manager: accountable for a division’s management and strategic leadership;

• Manager: accountable for a unit’s management and leadership; and

• Adviser and Analyst: accountable for provision of technical expertise, team leadership and contribution
to unit outputs.

Essentially, sign-off accountability for most policy briefings rests with the manager. More complex policy
briefings to the Treasury ministers may be signed off at higher levels.

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio

Secretary: Ken Henry (6263 3738)
Executive Officer to the Secretary: Marisa Purvis-Smith (6263 3093)

Macroeconomics Group (MEG)

Executive Director David Gruen (6263 3741)
Executive Director and International Special Envoy Mike Callaghan (6263 3771)

Domestic Economy Division (DED) Paris Minister-Counsellor

General Manager: Steve Morling (6263 3730) (Economic) Matthew Flavel (6263 6016)
Macroeconomic Policy Division (MPD) London Minister-Counsellor
General Manager: Tony McDonald (6263 3326) (Economic) Kerstin Wijeyewardene (6263 6470)

International and G20 Division (IG20D) Tokyo Minister-Counsellor

General Manager: Bill Brummitt (6263 3011) (Economic) Hector Thompson (6263 6019)
International Finance and Development Division Beijing Minister-Counsellor
(IFDD) (Economic) Adam McKissack (6263 6600)
General Manager: Paul Flanagan (6263 3757) Jakarta Minister-Counsellor
Macroeconomic Modelling Division (MMD) (Financial) Neil Richardson ( 6263 6588)
General Manager A/g: Robert Ewing (6263 2112)
Overseas Operations
Overseas Posts Solomon Islands: Mark Wiggins (6263 6672)
Washington Minister-Counsellor Papua New Guinea: Colin Johnson (6263 6660)
(Economic) David Pearl (6263 6012) Nauru: Tim Drown (6263 6680)

Fiscal Group (FG)

Executive Director Nigel Ray (6263 3745)

Budget Policy Division (BPD) Social Policy Division (SPD)

General Manager: Jan Harris (6263 3747) General Manager: Peta Furnell (6263 4401)

Commonwealth-State Relations Division (CSRD) Sustainable Population Strategy Taskforce

General Manager: Sue Vroombout (6263 3744) General Manager: Luise McCulloch (6263 3204)
Industry, Environment and Defence Division (IEDD)

General Manager: Steve French (6263 3818)

Revenue Group (RG)

Executive Director David Parker (6263 3740)

Business Tax Division (BTD) Indirect Tax Division (ITD)

General Manager: Paul McCullough (6263 3820) General Manager: Brenda Berkeley (6263 3013)
Tax Analysis Division (TAD) Tax System Division (TSD)

General Manager: Maryanne Mrakovcic General Manager: Christine Barron (6263 4479)
(6263 4495) Board of Taxation Secretariat
International Tax and Treaties Division (ITTD) Secretary: Brenda Berkeley (6263 3013)
General Manager: Mike Rawstron (6263 4374)
Personal and Retirement Income Division (PRID)

General Manager: Michael Willcock (6263 2512)

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio


Markets Group (MG)
Executive Director Jim Murphy (6263 3739)

Australian Government Actuary (AGA) Foreign Investment and Trade Policy Division (FITPD)
General Manager: Peter Martin (6263 4127) General Manager: Patrick Colmer (6263 3763)
Infrastructure, Competition and Consumer Division Standard Business Reporting Management Group
General Manager A/g: Bruce Paine (6263 2713) Program Director: Paul Madden (6263 3612)
Corporations and Financial Services Division (CSFD) Takeovers Panel

General Manager: Geoff Miller (6263 3970) Director: Allan Bulman (03 9655 3501)
Financial System Division (FSD)
General Manager: John Lonsdale (6263 3974)

Corporate Services Group (CSG) and Policy Coordination and Governance (PCGU)
Executive Director Richard Murray (6263 3843)

Corporate Services Group (CSG)

Group General Manager Deidre Gerathy (6263 3911)

Financial and Facilities Management Division (FFMD) Information Management and Technology Services
Chief Financial Officer/General Manager: Rob Donelly Division (IMTSD)
(6263 3170) Chief Information Officer/General Manager: Alaine King
Human Resources Division (HRD) (6263 3722)

General Manager: Pamela Henderson Ministerial and Communications Division (MCD)

(6263 3881) General Manager: Mary Balzary (6263 4014)

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio


As outlined in the Administrative Arrangement Orders of 6 May 2010.

The Treasurer
The Treasurer has overall responsibility for all of the policy matters falling within the Treasury portfolio.
These include:

• economic, fiscal and monetary policy;

• taxation;

• borrowing money on the public credit of the Commonwealth;

• international finance;

• foreign exchange;

• financial sector policy;

• currency and legal tender;

• foreign investment in Australia;

• superannuation and retirement savings policy;

• business law and practice;

• corporate, financial services and securities law;

• corporate insolvency;

• competition and consumer policy;

• prices surveillance;

• excise;

• census and statistics;

• valuation services;

• Commonwealth-State financial relations; and

• consumer credit.

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio

Assistant Treasurer
Assists the Treasurer in the development, implementation and administration of policies, including:

• taxation;

• international finance;

• census and statistics;

• foreign investment in Australia; and

• other responsibilities.

Minister for Financial Services, Superannuation and Corporate Law

Assists the Treasurer in the development, implementation and administration of policies in the following

• financial sector policy;

• corporate, financial services and securities law;

• business law and practice;

• superannuation and retirement savings policy;

• consumer credit;

• corporate insolvency; and

• other responsibilities.

Minister for Competition Policy and Consumer Affairs

Assists the Treasurer in the development, implementation and administration of policies in the following

• competition and consumer policy; and

• price surveillance.

Minister for Sustainable Population

Assists the Treasurer in the development, implementation and administration of policies to meet Australia's
future population needs by developing Australia's first Sustainable Population Strategy.

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio


The Treasurer and other portfolio ministers attend a number of international and national meetings
throughout the year. The table below outlines the meetings that are scheduled to be attended by a minister
or a senior Government representative from September 2010 to September 2011. Senior Treasury officers
usually accompany ministers attending these meetings.

Minis ter Meeting Date P lac e

Treasurer IMF/World Bank Annual Meetings 9-11 October 2010 Washington,
Treasurer G20 Finance Ministers' and Central Bank Governors' 22-23 October 2010 Gyeongju
Meeting (Kyongju),
Assistant Treasurer Pacific Islands Forum Economic Ministers' Meeting 25-27 October 2010 Niue
Minister responsible for Ministerial Council for Corporations 4-5 November 2010 Canberra,
Corporate Law Australia
Treasurer APEC Finance Ministers Meeting 6 November 2010 Kyoto, Japan
Treasurer G20 Leaders’ Summit 11-12 November 2010 Seoul, Korea
Republic of
Treasurer G20 Finance Ministers' and Central Bank Governors' 11-12 February 2011 France
Treasurer Ministerial Council for Federal Financial Relations March 2011 (TBC) Canberra,

Treasurer G20 Finance Ministers' and Central Bank Governors' 15 April 2011 Washington,
Meeting USA
Treasurer IMF/ World Bank Spring meetings 16-17 April 2011 Washington,
Treasurer OECD Ministerial meeting May 2011 France
Minister responsible for Australia and New Zealand Closer Economic Relations June 2011 New Zealand
Corporate Law meeting
Treasurer Annual bilateral meeting with New Zealand TBC (originally Australia or New
scheduled 5 Aug 2010) Zealand
Treasurer IMF/World Bank Annual Meetings 24-26 September 2011 Washington,
Treasurer G20 Finance Ministers' Pre-Summit October 2011 Paris, France
Treasurer APEC Finance Ministers Meeting 10 November 2011 Honolulu, Hawaii

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio


As outlined in the Administrative Arrangement Orders of 6 May 2010.

Car Dealership Financing Guarantee Appropriation Act 2009
Charter of Budget Honesty Act 1998
Commonwealth Grants Commission Act 1973
Commonwealth Volunteers Protection Act 2003
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Act 1990
Federal Financial Relations Act 2009
Guarantee of State and Territory Borrowing Appropriation Act 2009
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (General Capital Increase) Act 1989
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (Share Increase) Act 1988
International Finance Corporation Act 1955
International Financial Institutions (Share Increase) Acts
Loan (Temporary Revenue Deficits) Act 1953
Loans Redemption and Conversion Act 1921
Northern Territory Grant (Electricity) Act 1989
Northern Territory Grant (Special Assistance) Act 1983
Northern Territory (Lessees' Loans Guarantee) Act 1954
Papua and New Guinea Loan (International Bank) Acts
Papua New Guinea Loan (Asian Development Bank) Acts
Papua New Guinea Loan Guarantee Act 1973
Papua New Guinea Loan (International Bank) Acts
Papua New Guinea Loans Guarantee Acts
Papua New Guinea (Transfer of Banking Business) Act 1973
Queensland Grant (Special Assistance) Acts
Reserve Bank Act 1959
States Grants Act 1927
States Grants (Capital Assistance) Acts
States (Works and Housing) Assistance Acts
Treasury Bills Act 1914

Assistant Treasurer
A New Tax System (Australian Business Number) Act 1999
A New Tax System (Bonuses for Older Australians) Act 1999, Parts 1 and 5 insofar as they relate to
Australian Taxation Office customers and Part 4
A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999
A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax Imposition — Customs) Act 1999
A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax Imposition — Excise) Act 1999
A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax Imposition — General) Act 1999
A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax Imposition (Recipients)—Customs) Act 2005

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio

Assistant Treasurer (continued)

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax Imposition (Recipients)—Excise) Act 2005
A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax Imposition (Recipients)—General) Act 2005
A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax Transition) Act 1999
A New Tax System (Managing the GST Rate and Base) Act 1999
A New Tax System (Luxury Car Tax) Act 1999
A New Tax System (Luxury Car Tax Imposition — Customs) Act 1999
A New Tax System (Luxury Car Tax Imposition — Excise) Act 1999
A New Tax System (Luxury Car Tax Imposition — General) Act 1999
A New Tax System (Medicare Levy Surcharge — Fringe Benefits) Act 1999
A New Tax System (Wine Equalisation Tax) Act 1999
A New Tax System (Wine Equalisation Tax Imposition — Customs) Act 1999
A New Tax System (Wine Equalisation Tax Imposition — Excise) Act 1999
A New Tax System (Wine Equalisation Tax Imposition — General) Act 1999
Aircraft Noise Levy Act 1995, subsection 6(1) insofar as it relates to levy unit, subsections 6(3) and 6(4) and
section 8 in relation to the foregoing
Aircraft Noise Levy Collection Act 1995, section 7
Asian Development Bank Act 1966
Asian Development Bank (Additional Subscription) Acts
Australian Bureau of Statistics Act 1975
Bills of Exchange Act 1909
Census and Statistics Act 1905
Cheques Act 1986
Commonwealth Authorities (Australian Capital Territory Pay-roll Tax) Act 1995
Commonwealth Authorities (Northern Territory Pay-roll Tax) Act 1979
Commonwealth Borrowing Levy Act 1987
Commonwealth Borrowing Levy Collection Act 1987
Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Act 1911
Commonwealth Places (Mirror Taxes) Act 1998
Commonwealth Places Windfall Tax (Collection) Act 1998
Commonwealth Places Windfall Tax (Imposition) Act 1998
Crimes (Taxation Offences) Act 1980
Crown Debts (Priority) Act 1981
Currency Act 1965
Development Allowance Authority Act 1992
Excise Act 1901
Excise Tariff Act 1921
Excise Tariff Validation Act 2009
Extension of Charitable Purpose Act 2004
Family Trust Distribution Tax (Primary Liability) Act 1998
Family Trust Distribution Tax (Secondary Liability) Act 1998
Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975
Franchise Fees Windfall Tax (Collection) Act 1997

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio

Assistant Treasurer (continued)

Franchise Fees Windfall Tax (Imposition) Act 1997
Fringe Benefits Tax Act 1986
Fringe Benefits Tax (Application to the Commonwealth) Act 1986
Fringe Benefits Tax Assessment Act 1986
Fringe Benefits Tax (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1986
Fuel Tax Act 2006
General Interest Charge (Imposition) Act 1999
Income Tax Act 1986
Income Tax Assessment Acts
Income Tax (Bearer Debentures) Act 1971
Income Tax (Deferred Interest Securities) (Tax File Number Withholding Tax) Act 1991
Income Tax (Diverted Income) Act 1981
Income Tax (Dividends, Interest and Royalties Withholding Tax) Act 1974
Income Tax (Former Complying Superannuation Funds) Act 1994
Income Tax (Former Non-resident Superannuation Funds) Act 1994
Income Tax (Fund Contributions) Act 1989
Income Tax (Mining Withholding Tax) Act 1979
Income Tax (Offshore Banking Units) (Withholding Tax Recoupment) Act 1988
Income Tax (Royalties) Act 1977
Income Tax (Securities and Agreements) (Withholding Tax Recoupment) Act 1986
Income Tax (TFN Withholding Tax (ESS)) Act 2009
Income Tax (Transitional Provisions) Act 1997
Income Tax (Withholding Tax Recoupment) Act 1971
Income Tax Rates Act 1986
Infrastructure Certificate Cancellation Tax Act 1994
Inspector-General of Taxation Act 2003
International Tax Agreements Act 1953
Mint Employees Act 1964
New Business Tax System (Franking Deficit Tax) Act 2002
New Business Tax System (Over-Franking) Act 2002
New Business Tax System (Untainting Tax) Act 2006
Payment of Tax Receipts (Victoria) Act 1996
Pay-roll Tax (State Taxation of Commonwealth Authorities) Act 1971
Petroleum Excise (Prices) Act 1987
Petroleum Resource Rent Tax Act 1987
Petroleum Resource Rent Tax Assessment Act 1987
Petroleum Resource Rent Tax (Interest on Underpayments) Act 1987
Petroleum Resource Rent Tax (Instalment Transfer Interest Charge Imposition) Act 2006
Petroleum Resource Rent Tax (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1987
Product Grants and Benefits Administration Act 2000
Productivity Commission Act 1998

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio

Assistant Treasurer (continued)

Productivity Commission (Repeals, Transitional and Consequential Amendments) Act 1998
Qantas Airways Limited (Loan Guarantee) Acts
Qantas Sale Act 1992, sections 14, 16 and 17
Sales Tax (World Trade Organization Amendments) Act 1994
Shortfall Interest Charge (Imposition) Act 2005
Statistical Bureau (Tasmania) Act 1924
Statistics (Arrangements with States) Act 1956
Tax Agent Services Act 2009
Tax Bonus for Working Australians Act (No. 2) 2009
Taxation Administration Act 1953
Taxation Boards of Review (Transfer of Jurisdiction) Act 1986
Taxation (Deficit Reduction) Acts
Taxation (Interest on Non-Resident Trust Distributions) Act 1990
Taxation (Interest on Overpayments and Early Payments) Act 1983
Taxation Laws Acts
Taxation Laws (Clearing and Settlement Facility Support) Act 2004
Taxation Laws Improvement (Substantiation) Act 1995
Taxation (Trustee Beneficiary Non-disclosure Tax) Acts
Tax Law Improvement Acts
Termination Payments Tax (Assessment and Collection) Act 1997
Termination Payments Tax Imposition Act 1997

Minister for Financial Services, Superannuation and Corporate Law

ANL Guarantee Act 1994
Appropriation (HIH Assistance) Act 2001
Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Act 1998
Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001
Authorised Deposit-taking Institutions Supervisory Levy Imposition Act 1998
Authorised Non-operating Holding Companies Supervisory Levy Imposition Act 1998
Bank Integration Act 1991
Banking Act 1959
Banking (State Bank of South Australia and Other Matters) Act 1994
Banking (Transitional Provisions) Act 1959
Commonwealth Bank Sale Act 1995
Commonwealth Banks Act 1959
Co-operative Farmers and Graziers Direct Meat Supply Limited (Loan Guarantee) Act 1978
Corporations Act 2001, except to the extent administered by the Attorney-General
Corporations (Compensation Arrangements Levies) Act 2001
Corporations (Fees) Act 2001
Corporations (Futures Organisations Levies) Act 2001
Corporations (National Guarantee Fund Levies) Act 2001
Corporations (Review Fees) Act 2003

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio

Minister for Financial Services, Superannuation and Corporate Law (continued)

Corporations (Securities Exchanges Levies) Act 2001
Financial Agreement Act 1994
Financial Agreement Validation Act 1929
Financial Agreements (Commonwealth Liability) Act 1932
Financial Corporations (Transfer of Assets and Liabilities) Act 1993
Financial Institutions Supervisory Levies Collection Act 1998
Financial Sector (Business Transfer and Group Restructure) Act 1999
Financial Sector (Collection of Data) Act 2001
Financial Sector (Shareholdings) Act 1998
General Insurance Supervisory Levy Imposition Act 1998
Health Insurance Levy Assessment Acts
HIH Royal Commission (Transfer of Records) Act 2003
Housing Loans Guarantees (Australian Capital Territory) Act 1959
Housing Loans Guarantees (Northern Territory) Act 1959
Housing Loans Insurance Corporation Act 1965
Housing Loans Insurance Corporation (Transfer of Assets and Abolition) Act 1996
Insurance Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1991
Insurance Act 1973
Insurance Contracts Act 1984
International Monetary Agreements Acts
International Monetary Agreements (Quota Increase) Act 1980
International Monetary Fund (Quota Increase) Act 1983
James Hardie (Investigations and Proceedings) Act 2004
Life Insurance Act 1995
Life Insurance Supervisory Levy Imposition Act 1998
Loans Securities Act 1919
Loans (Taxation Exemption) Act 1978
Medical Indemnity (Prudential Supervision and Product Standards) Act 2003, except to the extent
administered by the Minister for Health and Ageing
Medicare Levy Act 1986
Occupational Superannuation Standards Regulations Application Act 1992
Retirement Savings Accounts Act 1997
Retirement Savings Account Providers Supervisory Levy Imposition Act 1998
Small Superannuation Accounts Act 1995
Superannuation Contributions Tax (Application to the Commonwealth) Act 1997
Superannuation Contributions Tax (Application to the Commonwealth — Reduction of Benefits) Act 1997
Superannuation Contributions Tax (Assessment and Collection) Act 1997
Superannuation Contributions Tax (Members of Constitutionally Protected Superannuation Funds)
Assessment and Collection Act 1997
Superannuation Contributions Tax (Members of Constitutionally Protected Superannuation Funds)
Imposition Act 1997
Superannuation Contributions Tax Imposition Act 1997

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio

Minister for Financial Services, Superannuation and Corporate Law (continued)

Superannuation (Departing Australia Superannuation Payments Tax) Act 2007
Superannuation (Excess Concessional Contributions Tax) Act 2007
Superannuation (Excess Non-concessional Contributions Tax) Act 2007
Superannuation (Excess Untaxed Roll-over Amounts Tax) Act 2007
Superannuation (Financial Assistance Funding) Levy Act 1993
Superannuation (Government Co-contribution for Low Income Earners) Act 2003
Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992
Superannuation Guarantee Charge Act 1992
Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993
Superannuation (Resolution of Complaints) Act 1993
Superannuation (Self Managed Superannuation Funds) Taxation Act 1987
Superannuation (Self Managed Superannuation Funds) Supervisory Levy Imposition Act 1991
Superannuation Supervisory Levy Imposition Act 1998
Superannuation (Unclaimed Money and Lost Members) Act 1999
Terrorism Insurance Act 2003

Minister for Competition Policy and Consumer Affairs

Commonwealth Functions (Statutes Review) Act 1981, section 234
Competition Policy Reform Act 1995
Energy Grants (Cleaner Fuels) Scheme Act 2004
Energy Grants (Credits) Scheme Act 2003
Loans (Australian Industry Development Corporation) Act 1974
Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency Act 1997
Mutual Assistance in Business Regulation Act 1992
National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009
National Consumer Credit Protection (Fees) Act 2009
National Consumer Credit Protection (Transitional and Consequential Provisions) Act 2009
Payment Systems and Netting Act 1998
Payment Systems (Regulation) Act 1998
Prices Surveillance Act 1983
Trade Practices Act 1974, except to the extent administered by the Minister for Broadband, Communications
and the Digital Economy, the Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, and the Minister for
Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio

As at 29 July 2010

B ill Meas ures S tatus

Non-T ax L egis lation
Corporations Amendment (No. 1) Amends the Corporations Act 2001 in respect to The Bill was introduced into the
Bill 2010 access to member registers, the penalties for House on 24 June 2010.
market offences and the search warrant power in
the Australian Securities and Investments
Commission Act 2001. To amend the
Telecommunications (Interception and Access)
Act 1979 to include market offences.
Corporations Amendment (Sons of The Corporations Amendment (Sons of Gwalia) The Bill was introduced into the
Gwalia) Bill 2010 Bill 2010 amends the rights of persons bringing House on 2 June 2010.
claims for damages in relation to shareholdings
under the Corporations Act 2001.
Competition and Consumer Legislation This Bill clarifies the operation of various The Bill passed the House of
Amendment Bill 2010 provisions of the Trade Practices Act 1974 Representatives on 24 June 2010.
related to mergers and acquisitions, unifies the
business and consumer related unconscionable
conduct provisions of the Australian Consumer
Law and the ASIC Act 2001 and introduces
interpretative principles that apply to the
unconscionable conduct provisions.
Federal Financial Relations Amendment Amends the Federal Financial Relations Act The Bill was introduced into the
(National health and Hospital Network) Bill 2009, and for other purposes. This bill House on 23 June 2010.
2010 implements new federal financial arrangements
that are set out in the National Health and
Hospitals Network (NHHN) Agreement,
endorsed by COAG, with the exception of
Western Australia, on 20 April 2010.
Insurance Contracts Amendment Bill The Bill amends various provisions of the The Bill was introduced into the
2010 Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (IC Act), to Senate on 24 June 2010.
improve the regulation of insurance contracts
(and parties to such contracts), chiefly in
response to recommendations of an independent
review of the operation of the IC Act
Reserve Bank Amendment (Enhanced To enhance the statutory independence of the The Senate passed amendments
Independence) Bill 2008 RBA Governor and Deputy Governor. to the Bill on 23 June 2008 and
returned the Bill to the House.

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio


B ill Meas ures S tatus
T ax L egis lation
International Tax Agreements Amends the International Tax Agreements Act The Bill was introduced into the
Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2010 1953 to give the force of law to a Second House on 23 June 2010.
Protocol with Singapore
Superannuation Legislation Amendment Schedule 1–Superannuation unclaimed money The Bill was introduced into the
Bill 2010 Schedule 2–Superannuation — transitional relief House on 24 June 2010.
for income tax deductibility of total and
permanent disability insurance premiums paid by
superannuation funds
Schedule 3–Superannuation and relationship
Schedule 4–Other superannuation amendments
Tax Laws Amendment (2010 Measures Schedule 1–GST amendments to third party The Bill was introduced into the
No. 4) Bill 2010 payment adjustment provisions House on 23 June 2010.
Schedule 2– Capital gains tax treatment of water
entitlements and termination fees
Schedule 3–Amendments to the taxation of
financial arrangements and foreign currency
gains and losses provisions
Schedule 4–Scrip for scrip alignment
Schedule 5–Increase in the medical expenses
tax offset claim threshold
Schedule 6–Deductible gift recipients
Schedule 7–Extending gift deductibility to
volunteer fire brigades
Tax Laws Amendment (Confidentiality of The Bill consolidates, into a single framework, Introduced in the House on
Taxpayer Information) Bill 2009 taxation secrecy and disclosure provisions 19 November 2009.
currently found across 18 taxation law Acts. The Bill was referred to the Senate
Economic Committee which
handed down its report on 11
March 2010.
The Bill was referred to the Senate
Privileges Committee which
handed down its report on 4 June
Tax Laws Amendment (Research and This Bill introduces a new R&D tax incentive The Bills were introduced in the
Development) Bill 2010 and the Income which provides more generous benefits for Senate on 21 June 2010.
Tax Rates Amendment (Research and eligible activities than the existing concession
Development) Bill 2010 and is better targeted towards R&D that benefits
Australia. It is also substantially simpler and
accompanied by improved administrative

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio

Department of the Treasury
Dr Ken Henry AC, Secretary: (02) 6263 3738
Informed decisions on the development and implementation of policies to improve the wellbeing of the
Australian people, including by achieving strong, sustainable economic growth, through the provision of
advice to government and the efficient administration of federal financial relations.

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)

Mr Brian Pink, Statistician: (02) 6252 6705
Informed decisions, research and discussion within governments and the community by leading the
collection, analysis and provision of high quality, objective and relevant statistical information.

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC)

Mr Graeme Samuel, AO, Chairperson: (02) 6243 1129
To enhance social and economic welfare of the Australian community by fostering competitive, efficient,
fair and informed Australian markets.

Australian Office of Financial Management (AOFM)

Mr Neil Hyden, Chief Executive Officer: (02) 6263 1100
The advancement of macroeconomic growth and stability, and the effective operation of financial markets,
through issuing debt, investing in financial assets and managing debt, investments and cash for the
Australian Government.

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA)

Dr John Laker, Chairman: (02) 9210 3000
Enhanced public confidence in Australia's financial institutions through a framework of prudential
regulation which balances financial safety and efficiency, competition, contestability and competitive

Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)

Mr Tony D’Aloisio, Chairman: (02) 9911 2002
Outcome 1: Improved confidence in financial market integrity and protection of investors and consumers
through research, policy, education, compliance and deterrence that mitigates emerging risks.

Outcome 2: Streamlined and cost-effective interaction and access to information for business and the
public, through registry, licensing and business facilitation services.

Australian Taxation Office (ATO)

Mr Michael D’Ascenzo, Commissioner: (02) 6216 1018
Confidence in the administration of aspects of Australia's taxation and superannuation systems through
helping people understand their rights and obligations, improving ease of compliance and access to
benefits, and managing non-compliance with the law.

Commonwealth Grants Commission

Mr John Spasojevic, Secretary: (02) 6229 8814
Informed Government decisions on fiscal equalisation between the States and Territories through advice
and recommendations on the distribution of GST revenue and health care grants.

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio


Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee (CAMAC)
Ms Joanne Rees, Convenor: (03) 8611 1325
Informed decisions by Government on issues relating to corporations regulation and financial products,
services and markets through independent and expert advice.

Inspector-General of Taxation
Mr Ali Noroozi, Inspector-General: (02) 8239 2111
Improved tax administration through community consultation, review and independent advice to

National Competition Council (NCC)

Mr David Crawford, President: (03) 9285 7474
Competition in markets that are dependent on access to nationally significant monopoly infrastructure,
through recommendations and decisions promoting the efficient operation of, use of and investment in

Office of the Auditing and Assurance Standards Board

Ms Merran Kelsall, Chairman: (03) 8080 7400
The formulation and making of auditing and assurance standards that are used by auditors of Australian
entity financial reports or for other auditing and assurance engagements.

Office of the Australian Accounting Standards Board

Mr Kevin Stevenson, Chairman: (03) 9617 7600
The formulation and making of accounting standards that are used by Australian entities to prepare
financial reports and enable users of these reports to make informed decisions.

Productivity Commission (PC)

Mr Gary Banks, AO, Chairman: (02) 6240 3202
Well-informed policy decision-making and public understanding on matters relating to Australia’s
productivity and living standards, based on independent and transparent analysis from a community-wide

Royal Australian Mint

Mr Ross MacDiarmid, Chief Executive Officer: (02) 6202 6999
The coinage needs of the Australian economy, collectors and foreign countries are met through the
manufacture and sale of circulating coins, collector coins and other minted like products.

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio

Portfolio Financial and Management Accountability Act 1997 (FMA Act)

Australian Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (AUASB)
The Australian Auditing and Assurance Standards Board is responsible for developing high quality auditing
and assurance standards and related guidance as a means of enhancing the relevance, reliability and
timeliness of information provided to users of audit and assurance services. The Financial Reporting Council
is responsible for the strategic oversight of the Board.

Section 227B of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 sets out the Board’s
functions, including to: make auditing and assurance standards; formulate guidance on auditing and
assurance matters; and contribute to the development of a single set of auditing standards for worldwide

The Board was restructured in July 2008 under the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997.
Previously, it was governed by the Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997. The Board
comprises a part-time Chairman (appointed by the Minister for Financial Services, Superannuation and
Corporate Law) and 12 part-time members (appointed by the Financial Reporting Council). The Chairman is
Ms Merran Kelsall, who has been appointed for a further three-year term from 10 August 2010.

Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB)

The Australian Accounting Standards Board is responsible for developing accounting standards for Australia
and contributing to the development of international accounting standards, under the strategic oversight of
the Financial Reporting Council.

Section 227 of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 sets out the Board’s
functions, including to: develop a conceptual framework for evaluating proposed standards; make accounting
standards; and contribute to the development of a single set of accounting standards for worldwide use.

The Board was restructured in July 2008 under the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997.
Previously, it was governed by the Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997. The Board
comprises a Chairman (appointed by the Minister for Financial Services, Superannuation and Corporate
Law) and 12 part-time members (appointed by the Financial Reporting Council). The Chairman is
Mr Kevin Stevenson, who was appointed for a five-year term from 1 July 2009.

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)

The Australian Bureau of Statistics is Australia’s official statistical organisation. It assists and encourages
informed decision-making, research and discussion within governments and the community, by providing a
high quality, objective and responsive national statistical service.

The Bureau operates under the Australian Bureau of Statistics Act 1975. Under sub section 6(1) of the Act,
the Bureau’s functions are:

• to constitute the central statistical authority for the Australian Government and, by arrangements with the
governments of the States, provide statistical services for those governments;

• to collect, compile, analyse and disseminate statistics and related information;

• to ensure coordination of the operations of official bodies in the collection, compilation and dissemination
of statistics and related information, with particular regard to the:

– avoidance of duplication in the collection by official bodies of information for statistical purposes;

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio

– attainment of compatibility between, and the integration of, statistics compiled by official bodies; and

– maximum possible utilisation, for statistical purposes, of information, and means of collection of
information, available to official bodies;

• to formulate, and ensure compliance with, standards for the carrying out by official bodies of operations
for statistical purposes;

• to provide advice and assistance to official bodies in relation to statistics; and

• to provide liaison between Australia, on the one hand, and other countries and international
organisations, on the other hand, in relation to statistical matters.

Consistent with paragraph (6)(1)(a) of the Act, the Australian Government is the chief client of the Bureau.
The Australian Statistician is appointed up to a seven-year term by the Governor-General and enjoys a high
degree of autonomy in controlling the operations of the Bureau.

Chief officers are: Mr Brian Pink, Australian Statistician; Mr Ian Ewing, Deputy Australian Statistician
(Macroeconomics and Integration Group); Mr Peter Harper, Deputy Australian Statistician (Population,
Labour, Industry and Environment Statistics Group); and Mr Trevor Sutton, Deputy Australian Statistician
(Social Statistics Group).

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC)

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is an independent statutory authority. The
Commission enforces the competition and consumer provisions of the Trade Practices Act 1974. It is also
the regulator in relation to infrastructure access arrangements under the Act. The Australian Energy
Regulator is a constituent part of the Commission. In relation to the consumer provisions of the Trade
Practices Act, the Commission complements state and territory consumer agencies which administer similar
legislation in their jurisdictions. Under the new Australian Consumer Law (commencing on 1 January 2011),
the Commission and the State and Territory consumer affairs agencies will jointly enforce a single, national
consumer law.

Chief Officers include: Mr Graeme Samuel AO, Chairman; Mr Michael Schaper, Deputy Chair; Mr Peter Kell,
Deputy Chair; and Mr Brian Cassidy, Chief Executive Officer. Appointments to the Commission involve
Australian, State and Territory governments.

Australian Office of Financial Management (AOFM)

The Australian Office of Financial Management is a specialised agency responsible for the management of
Australian Government debt and associated financial assets. Its activities include the issue of debt securities
such as Treasury Bonds and Notes, management of the cash balances and the undertaking of financial risk
management and compliance activities, financial reporting and portfolio administration.

The Chief Executive Officer is Mr Neil Hyden. The Australian Office of Financial Management is accountable
to the Secretary to the Treasury, but its finances and management are separate from those of the Treasury
and it reports separately to the Parliament. The Australian Office of Financial Management has an Advisory
Board which is chaired by the Secretary and advises him on debt management policy matters and
operational strategy and performance.

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio

Australian Energy Regulator (AER)

The Australian Energy Regulator regulates the wholesale electricity market and is responsible for the
economic regulation of the electricity transmission and distribution networks in the national electricity market.
The Regulator is also responsible for the economic regulation of gas transmission and distribution networks
and enforcing the national gas law and national gas rules in all jurisdictions except Western Australia. It will
also regulate retail markets (other than retail pricing) in all states except Western Australia and the Northern

The Australian Energy Regulator is established under Part IIIAA of the Trade Practices Act 1974.
Section 44AG of the Act provides that the Regulator consists of a Commonwealth member and two
State/Territory members. In accordance with the Australian Energy Market Agreement the Commonwealth
member is to be recommended by the Chair of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.
State/Territory members are to be nominated by members of the Ministerial Council on Energy who
represent States and Territories that have elected to be subject to the jurisdiction of the Regulator.
Section 44AR of the Act provides that one member of the Regulator is to be appointed as the Chair.

The current Chair and State/Territory member is Mr Andrew Reeves. The current Commonwealth member is
Mr Ed Willett. The remaining State/Territory member position is currently vacant.

The Australian Energy Regulator is legally separate from but administratively integrated with the Australian
Competition and Consumer Commission. That is, the Regulator is supported by staff made available by the
Commission and is part of the Commission for the purposes of the Financial Management and Accountability
Act 1997.

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA)

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority is the prudential regulator of the financial services industry. It
oversees the prudential conduct of Australia’s banks, credit unions, building societies, life and general
insurance companies and reinsurance companies, friendly societies and most of the superannuation
industry. In exercising its functions and powers, the Authority is to balance the objectives of financial safety
and efficiency, competition, contestability and competitive neutrality.

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority currently supervises institutions holding approximately
$3.6 trillion in assets for 22 million Australian depositors, policyholders and superannuation fund members.

It is funded largely by the industries that it supervises through supervisory levies. Each sector supervised by
the Authority is levied on a broad cost recovery basis. A Treasury minister determines the levy rates each
year (normally in May/June).

Pursuant to the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Act 1998, the Australian Prudential Regulation
Authority was established on 1 July 1998 following the recommendations of the Financial System Inquiry
(Wallis Inquiry). The Authority’s governance arrangements were amended in July 2003, with a three person
executive group taking the place of its previous non executive board and Chief Executive Officer.

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority executive group comprises: Dr John Laker, Chairman;
Mr Ross Jones, Deputy Chairman; and Mr Ian Lauchlin, Member.

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio

Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)

Australian Securities and Investments Commission enforce and regulate company and financial services
laws with a view to improving the efficiency and integrity of Australian markets.

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 requires the Commission to:

• maintain, facilitate and improve the performance of the financial system and the entities within it;

• promote confident and informed participation by investors and consumers in the financial system;

• administer the law effectively and with a minimum of procedural requirements;

• enforce and give effect to the law;

• receive, process and store, efficiently and quickly, the information given to it under the laws that confer
functions and powers on it; and

• make information about companies and other bodies available to the public as soon as practicable.

The Commission is an independent government body, operating under the direction of six full time
commissioners appointed by the Governor General on the nomination of the Minister. The commissioners
are Mr Tony D’Aloisio, Chairman; Ms Belinda Gibson, Deputy Chair; Mr Greg Medcraft, Commissioner;
Dr Peter Boxall AO, Commissioner; Mr Michael Dwyer, Commissioner; and Mr Shane Tregillis,

Australian Taxation Office (ATO)

The Australian Taxation Office is the Australian Government’s main revenue collection agency. Its aim is to
manage and shape the revenue systems that sustain social and economic policy and fund services for

The Tax Office’s main role is to administer legislation for taxes, superannuation and excise (but not customs
duty). It also addresses broader issues affecting Australia’s revenue systems, such as aggressive tax
planning, persistent tax debtors, globalisation and the cash economy.

The main areas of legislation administered by the Tax Office are:

• income tax;

• goods and services tax;

• fringe benefits tax;

• higher education funding (on a joint basis);

• excise duty;

• grants and schemes in relation to diesel and alternative fuels;

• superannuation (including the Superannuation Guarantee, small superannuation accounts, ‘lost’

members, superannuation co-contribution and self-managed superannuation funds);

• tax administration provisions supporting these taxes (including pay as you go withholding and
instalments); and

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio

• Australian Business Number and Australian Business Register.

Australian Taxation Office chief officers are: Mr Michael D’Ascenzo, Commissioner; Mr Bruce Quigley,
Second Commissioner; Ms Jennie Granger, Second Commissioner; Mr David Butler, Second Commissioner;
Mr Paul Duffus, Chief Operating Officer; Mr Robert Ravanello, Chief Finance Officer; Mr Bill Gibson, Chief
Information Officer; and, Mr David Diment, First Assistant Commissioner.

Commonwealth Grants Commission (CGC)

The Commonwealth Grants Commission is a statutory authority whose role is to provide advice to the
Australian Government in response to terms of reference. The main subject on which advice is sought is the
allocation among the States and Territories of the goods and services tax revenue. Terms of reference for
are decided by the Australian Government in consultation with the States and Territories. From time to time,
the Commission is also asked to report on the finances of Australia’s external territories, local government
matters and the financing of services for Indigenous people.

The Commonwealth Grants Commission operates under the Commonwealth Grants Commission Act 1973.

Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee (CAMAC)

The Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee is an advisory body established under Part 9 of the
Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001. Section 148 of the Act sets out the
Committee’s functions, which are to advise the minister, and to make such recommendations to the minister
as the Committee thinks fit, about any matter connected with:

• a proposal to make corporations legislation or to amend that legislation;

• the operation or administration of that legislation;

• law reform in relation to that legislation;

• companies or a segment of the financial products and financial services industry; or

• a proposal for improving the efficiency of the financial markets.

The Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee generally publishes advice that is provided to the

The Advisory Committee is a body corporate, comprising part-time members appointed by the Minister for
Financial Services, Superannuation and Corporate Law. Ms Joanne Rees is the Convenor. The Committee
is supported by a full time secretariat. Mr John Kluver is Executive Director and Mr Vincent Jewell is Deputy

Inspector-General of Taxation
The Inspector-General of Taxation is an independent statutory office that reviews systemic tax administration
issues and recommends improvements to tax administration for the benefit of all taxpayers.

The Inspector-General of Taxation may invite submissions from the public, or from particular groups of
taxpayers or tax professionals, on a matter that is under review. He may receive submissions in confidence
and is also able to hold meetings with taxpayers, tax professionals or their representatives.

Mr Ali Noroozi is the Inspector-General of Taxation. He commenced his five-year appointment on

6 November 2008.

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio

National Competition Council (NCC)

The National Competition Council is a statutory body established in November 1995 as a part of the National
Competition Policy, to advise on access regulation and to assess the progress of governments in
implementing the competition reform agenda.

With the establishment of the COAG Reform Council to report on the COAG reform agenda, the National
Competition Council’s principal role is now to advise on the regulation of third party access to services
provided by monopoly infrastructure, under the National Access Regime and the National Gas Law.

The President of the Council is Mr David Crawford.

Productivity Commission
The Productivity Commission, established pursuant to the Productivity Commission Act 1998, is the
Australian Government’s principal advisory body on all aspects of microeconomic reform. The Commission’s
work covers all sectors of the economy. It extends to the public and private sectors and focuses on areas of
Australian Government as well as state and territory responsibility.

The statutory functions of the Commission are to:

• hold public inquiries and report on matters related to industry and productivity, including safeguard

• provide secretariat services and research services to government bodies at the Treasurer’s discretion,
such as the Council of Australian Governments;

• investigate and report on complaints about the implementation of the Australian Government’s
competitive neutrality arrangements;

• advise the Treasurer on matters related to industry and productivity as requested;

• initiate research on industry and productivity issues; and

• promote public understanding of matters related to industry and productivity.

The Chairman of the Productivity Commission is Mr Gary Banks AO.

Royal Australian Mint

The Royal Australian Mint) is the sole supplier of Australia’s circulating coinage.

In addition, the Mint produces a range of high quality collector coins, together with non-coin products,
including medals and medallions. The Mint’s collector coin and non-coin business is commercial within
Government-set parameters. The Mint is also a major Canberra tourist attraction with a public gallery,
museum and shop that attracts around 200,000 visitors a year.

The Chief Executive Officer of the Mint is Mr Ross MacDiarmid.

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio

Portfolio Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997 (CAC Act)

Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation (ARPC)
The Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation was established in response to the withdrawal of commercial
terrorism insurance cover by insurance companies following terrorist attacks around the world. The Scheme
commenced on 1 July 2003. Reviews of the Terrorism Insurance Act 2003 were undertaken in 2006 and
2009. The Government has agreed that the Act should continue until at least the next review in 2012, and a
number of recommendations from the 2009 review are currently being progressed.

Mr Joe Gersh is the Chairman and Ms Marianne Cavanagh is the acting Chief Executive Officer, pending the
completion of a recruitment process.

Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA)

The Reserve Bank of Australia is Australia’s central bank. It conducts monetary policy, works to maintain a
strong financial system and issues Australia’s currency.

The Reserve Bank is a statutory authority, established by an Act of Parliament, the Reserve Bank Act 1959,
which gives it specific powers and obligations. In terms of the Act, there are two Boards: the Reserve Bank
Board and the Payments System Board.

The Reserve Bank Board makes monetary policy decisions, with the objective of achieving low and stable
inflation (with the current target of keeping consumer price inflation between 2 and 3 per cent on average)
over the cycle. The Act requires the Reserve Bank Board to conduct monetary policy in a way that, in the
Reserve Bank Board’s opinion, will best contribute to:

• the stability of the currency of Australia;

• the maintenance of full employment in Australia; and

• the economic prosperity and welfare of the people of Australia.

The Reserve Bank Board is made up of the Governor (Chairman), the Deputy Governor (Deputy Chairman),
the Secretary to the Treasury and six external members who are appointed by the Treasurer.

The Payments System Board is made up of the Governor of the Reserve Bank (Chairman), one
representative of the Reserve Bank (Deputy Chairman), one representative of the Australian Prudential
Regulation Authority and up to five other members (appointed by the Treasurer for a term of up to five

As well as being a policy-making body, the Reserve Bank also provides selected banking and registry
services to a range of Australian government agencies and to a number of overseas central banks and
official institutions. It manages Australia’s gold and foreign exchange reserves. The Reserve Bank also
provides information including statistics on interest rates, exchange rates and money and credit growth, and
a range of publications on its operations and research.

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio

Other Portfolio Statutory and Non-Statutory Bodies

Australian Competition Tribunal
The Australian Competition Tribunal (the Tribunal) is an independent statutory tribunal whose primary role is
to reconsider certain matters on which the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has made a
decision. It only does so if a person who is not happy with the decision the Commission made and requests
the Tribunal to do so. Decisions of the Commission which may be referred to the Tribunal for reconsideration

• decisions on whether or not to grant immunity (authorisation);

• decisions to take away immunity (revocation of authorisations or notifications); and

• arbitration decisions in cases involving access to essential facilities.

The Tribunal also has the power to reconsider decisions by ministers on whether or not a particular service
should be opened to third parties and to grant merger authorisations on direct application.

The Tribunal consists of three members when it is hearing a case and the chairman is a judge of the Federal
Court of Australia. The current president is the Hon. Justice Raymond Antony Finkelstein and the deputy
presidents are the Hon. Justice John Ronald Mansfield, the Hon. Justice Peter Michael Jacobson and the
Hon. Justice John Eric Middleton.

Australian Statistics Advisory Council (ASAC)

The Australian Statistics Advisory Council is made up of a part-time chair, the Australian Statistician
(ex officio), and up to 22 part-time members, including one nominee from each State Premier or Territory
Chief Minister. The chair and members are appointed by the responsible minister for periods of five years
and up to three years respectively, and are eligible for reappointment.

Board of Taxation (BOT)

The Board of Taxation is a non-statutory advisory body charged with contributing a business and broader
community perspective to improving the design of taxation laws and their operation.

The Board comprises ten members, seven of whom, including the Chairman have been appointed from the
non-government sector. There are three ex officio members: the Secretary to the Australian Treasury, the
Commissioner of Taxation and the First Parliamentary Counsel. The Board is supported by a small
secretariat located within the Treasury.

Commonwealth Consumer Affairs Advisory Council (CCAAC)

The Commonwealth Consumer Affairs Advisory Council is an expert advisory panel, which provides advice
to the Minister for Competition Policy and Consumer Affairs on consumer policy issues. Council members
are appointed by the Minister for a term of three years and have expertise in consumer law, advocacy,
business and finance. The Council has a chair and around seven other members, plus the deputy chair of
the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission with oversight of consumer issues as an ex officio

The Council’s terms of reference are to:

• consider issues, reports and papers referred to it by the Minister and report to the Minister on their
consumer policy implications, and in doing so take account of the need for well-functioning markets with
confident consumers;

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio

• identify emerging issues affecting Australian markets and consumers and draw these to the attention of
the Minister; and

• when considering consumer policy issues, take account of their competition and other relevant economic

Companies Auditors and Liquidators Disciplinary Board (CALDB)

The Companies Auditors and Liquidators Disciplinary Board is a disciplinary body which receives and
reviews applications made to it by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission or the Australian
Prudential Regulation Authority in respect of the conduct of either registered company auditors or liquidators.
The Board is required under the corporations legislation to determine whether a registered auditor or
registered liquidator has contravened provisions of the Corporations Act, has failed to carry out their duties
and functions adequately and properly, is not a fit and proper person to remain registered, is subject to
disqualification or is otherwise ineligible to remain registered.

The Board consists of a Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, six accounting members and six business
members who are appointed by the Minister for Financial Services, Superannuation and Corporate Law on a
part-time basis. Mr Donald Magarey is the Chairperson and Mr Howard Insall SC is the Deputy Chairperson.

The Financial Literacy Board

The Financial Literacy Board is a non-statutory body that provides advice to the Government and the
Australian Securities and Investments Commission on financial literacy issues. The Board comprises twelve
members, including the Chair, Mr Paul Clitheroe AM, who are appointed by the Minister for Financial
Services, Superannuation and Corporate Law. Members are appointed in their own right, rather than as
representatives of particular organisations, and give their services on a voluntary basis. The Board meets
quarterly. The meetings provide an opportunity to discuss financial literacy initiatives with local business,
education and community representatives.

Financial Reporting Council (FRC)

The Financial Reporting Council is a body established under Part 12 of the Australian Securities and
Investments Commission Act 2001. It is the peak body responsible for the broad oversight of the accounting
and auditing standards setting processes for the public and private sectors in Australia, monitoring the
effectiveness of Australia’s auditor independence requirements, and advising the Minister on these matters.

The Council’s members are appointed by the Minister on the basis of nominations made by key stakeholders
in the business and investing communities, the professional accounting bodies, governments and regulatory
agencies. As at 30 June 2010, the Council had 19 members, all of whom had been appointed on a part-time

As part of its role of overseeing the standards setting processes, the Council’s responsibilities include
appointing the members (other than the chairs) of the Australian Accounting Standards Board and the
Auditing and Assurance Standards Board, determining the broad strategic directions of the two Boards, and
giving advice or feedback: to the Boards on their priorities, business plans and procedures; and to the
Offices of the Boards on their budgets and staffing arrangements. The Council is supported by a secretariat
provided by the Treasury.

Financial Sector Advisory Council (FSAC)

The Financial Sector Advisory Council is a non-statutory advisory body that was established in 1998 as part
of the financial sector reforms responding to the 1997 Financial System Inquiry. Its role is to provide
confidential advice on appropriate policies to maintain an efficient, competitive and dynamic financial sector.
It also provides assessments of current market conditions and sentiment in the sector. The Council’s current

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio

membership spans the financial sector, including top tier and regional banking, credit unions, superannuation
and insurance, enabling the Council to provide a broad perspective.

Task forces may report through the Council on particular matters and the Council may appoint and convene
working parties to research and explore issues.

The Council is supported by a secretariat provided by the Treasury.

Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB)

The Foreign Investment Review Board is a non-statutory body established in 1976 to advise the Treasurer
and the Government on foreign investment policy and administration. The Board examines proposals by
foreign interests to undertake direct investment in Australia and makes recommendations to the Government
on whether those proposals are suitable for approval under the Government's policy.

The main functions of the Board are:

• to examine proposals by foreign interests for investment in Australia and, against the background of the
Government's foreign investment policy, to make recommendations to the Government on those

• to advise the Government on foreign investment matters generally;

• to foster an awareness and understanding, both in Australia and abroad, of the Government's foreign
investment policy;

• to provide guidance, where necessary, to foreign investors so that their proposals may be in conformity
with the policy; and

• to monitor and ensure compliance with foreign investment policy.

The Board’s functions are advisory only. Responsibility for the Government's foreign investment policy and
for making decisions on proposals rests with the Treasurer. Many of the decisions requiring ministerial
consideration are made by the Assistant Treasurer.

The Board is assisted by an executive which is part of the Treasury and also has available to it advice from
other Commonwealth and State Government departments and authorities.

Payments System Board (PSB)

The Payments System Board is responsible for determining the Reserve Bank’s payment system policy. The
Board must exercise this responsibility in a way that will best contribute to:

• controlling risk in the financial system;

• promoting the efficiency of the payments system; and

• promoting competition in the market for payment services, consistent with the overall stability of the
financial system.

The Board’s responsibilities and powers are set out in four separate Acts. These are: Reserve Bank
Act 1959; Payment Systems (Regulation) Act 2998; Payment Systems and Netting Act 1998; and Cheques
Act 1986.

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio

Superannuation Advisory Committee (SAC)

The Superannuation Advisory Committee was established on 3 March 2008 as a non-statutory advisory
group, to provide a sounding board for the Government in its policy considerations.

The Committee complements broader stakeholder consultations and provides an opportunity for the
Government to regularly obtain a range of views on key topics which have a significant impact for the
superannuation industry.

The meetings provide a confidential forum for the Minister to consult on policy proposals which are relevant
to the superannuation industry. The views and comments put forward by members in the meetings are not

The Committee aims to meet three times a year.

The Committee comprises nine members appointed by the Minister for Financial Services, Superannuation
and Corporate law. The Minister is also the Chairperson of the Committee. Treasury supports the Committee
by providing secretariat services, preparing briefings for the Chair, undertaking reviews of appointments (as
directed), organising agendas, and undertaking other duties as directed by the Chair.

Superannuation Complaints Tribunal (SCT)

The Superannuation Complaints Tribunal is an independent dispute resolution body established under the
Superannuation (Resolution of Complaints) Act 1993 to, amongst other things, inquire into a diverse range of
superannuation-related consumer complaints and to try to resolve them by conciliation. It deals with
complaints relating to decisions and conduct of trustees, insurers, and other decision-makers in relation to
regulated superannuation funds, approved deposit funds, annuities, life policy funds and Retirement Savings

The Tribunal’s conciliation of complaints provides a free, 'user-friendly' alternative to the court system. The
Tribunal is required to provide mechanisms that are ‘fair, economical, informal and quick’ for the purpose of
inquiring into, conciliating, and reviewing complaints.

Ms Jocelyn Furlan is the Tribunal’s Chairperson, and the Deputy Chairperson is Mr Rod Smith. The Tribunal
has 19 part-time members who assist in hearing complaints.

Takeovers Panel
The Takeovers Panel is a peer review body that regulates corporate control transactions in widely held
Australian entities, primarily by the efficient, effective and speedy resolution of takeover disputes. It was
established under Part 10 of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001. Prior to
13 March 2000, it was known as the Corporations and Securities Panel.

The Panel has various powers under part 6.10 division 2 of the Corporations Act 2001, primarily in
circumstances of a takeover, or to the control of an Australian company under unacceptable circumstances.
The Panel also has the power to make orders to protect the rights of persons (especially target company
shareholders) during a takeover bid and to ensure that a takeover bid proceeds (as far as possible) in a way
that it would have proceeded if the unacceptable circumstances had not occurred.

There are currently 54 part-time members of the Panel, drawn from legal and commercial backgrounds. The
current President of the Panel is Simon McKeon (who is to resign on 31 August 2010). Ms Kathleen Farrell
has been appointed by the Governor-General to commence as President on 1 September 2010.

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio

Tax Practitioners Board (TPB)

The Tax Practitioners Board is responsible for regulating the provision of tax agent services (including BAS
services) across all Australian States and Territories. This new regulatory regime for tax agent services
commenced on 1 March 2010.

Section 60-15 of the Tax Agent Services Act 2009 sets out the Board’s functions, these are to:

• administer the system for the registration of tax agents and BAS agents;

• investigate application for registration and breach of the Code of Professional Conduct;

• impose sanctions for non-compliance with the Code of Professional Conduct; and

• issue guidelines to assist the Board perform its functions.

The secretariat to the Board is provided by the ATO. The Chair of the Board, Mr Dale Boucher, and ten
Board members commenced their three-year appointment on 22 October 2009. Another member was
appointed on 13 July 2010 for a period of two years and three months (to 22 October 2012).

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio

Portfolio Agencies by Responsible Minister

As at 30 July 2010

Australian Office of Financial Management (AOFM)
Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA)
Payments System Board (PSB)
Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA)
Commonwealth Grants Commission (CGC)
Financial Sector Advisory Council (FSAC)
Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB)
Board of Taxation (BoT)
Assistant Treasurer
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
Australian Taxation Office (ATO)
Royal Australian Mint
Inspector-General of Taxation
Productivity Commission (PC)
Australian Statistics Advisory Council (ASAC)
Tax Practitioners Board (TPB)
Minister for Financial Services, Superannuation and Corporate Law
Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (AUASB)
Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB)
Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation (ARPC)
Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)
Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee (CAMAC)
Financial Reporting Council (FRC)
Financial Reporting Panel (FRP)
Professional Standards Council (PSC)
Superannuation Complaints Tribunal (SCT)
Takeovers Panel (the Panel)
Australian Government Financial Literacy Board
Legal Subcommittee of the Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee (Legal Subcommittee of CAMAC)
Companies Auditors and Liquidators Disciplinary Board (CALDB)
Superannuation Advisory Committee (SAC)
Minister of Competition Policy and Consumer Affairs
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC)
Australian Competition Tribunal (ACT)
Australian Energy Regulator (AER)
National Competition Council (NCC)
Commonwealth Consumer Affairs Advisory Council (CCAAC)

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio


Statutory appointments
Agenc y/Organis ation S tart date E nd date Appointed by
Auditing and As s uranc e S tandards B oard
KELSALL, Ms Merran 10/08/10 09/08/13 Minister
TYERS, Mr Jon 01/01/08 31/12/10 Financial Reporting Council
AZOOR HUGHES, Ms Dianne 01/01/10 31/12/12 Financial Reporting Council
BLAKE, Mr Mike 01/01/09 31/12/11 Financial Reporting Council
CLIFFORD, Ms Valerie 01/01/08 31/12/10 Financial Reporting Council
GAVENS, Mr John 01/01/08 31/12/10 Financial Reporting Council
HALL, Mr Chris 01/01/09 31/12/11 Financial Reporting Council
JOHNSTONE, Ms Elizabeth 01/01/09 31/12/11 Financial Reporting Council
JUBB, Ms Christine 01/01/08 31/12/10 Financial Reporting Council
MOTTERSHEAD, Mr Clive 01/01/10 31/12/12 Financial Reporting Council
MURPHY, Mr Colin 01/01/09 31/12/11 Financial Reporting Council
POUND, Mr Greg 01/01/09 31/12/11 Financial Reporting Council
SIMMONDS, Mr David 01/01/09 31/12/11 Financial Reporting Council
Aus tralian Ac c ounting S tandards B oard
STEVENSON, Mr Kevin 1 Jul 09 30 Jun 14 Minister
PORTER, Mr Bruce 1 Jan 08 31 Dec 10 Financial Reporting Council
APPLEYARD, Mr Glenn 1 Jan 09 31 Dec 11 Financial Reporting Council
CLARKE, Mr Victor 1 Jan 09 31 Dec 11 Financial Reporting Council
HIGHLAND, Ms Sue 1 Jan 10 31 Dec 12 Financial Reporting Council
JENKIN, Mr Mark 1 Jan 08 31 Dec 10 Financial Reporting Council
McPHEE, Mr Ian 1 Jan 09 31 Dec 11 Financial Reporting Council
O’GRADY, Mr John 1 Jan 09 31 Dec 11 Financial Reporting Council
PALMER, Mr Frank 7 Jun 08 31 Dec 10 Financial Reporting Council
PEACH, Ms Kris 1 Jan 10 31 Dec 12 Financial Reporting Council
PERRY, Ms Joanna 1 Jan 10 31 Dec 12 Financial Reporting Council
RIX, Mr Brett 4 Jul 09 31 Dec 11 Financial Reporting Council
WILLIAMS, Mr Robert 7 Jun 08 31 Dec 10 Financial Reporting Council
Aus tralian C ompetition and C ons umer C ommis s ion (AC C C )
SAMUEL AO, Mr Graeme Julian 1 Aug 08 31 Jul 11 Minister and Governor-General
KELL, Mr Peter 1 Aug 08 31 Jul 13 Minister and Governor-General
SCHAPER, Prof Michael 30 May 08 29 May 13 Minister and Governor-General
COURT, Ms Sarah 1 May 08 30 Apr 13 Minister and Governor-General
WILLETT, Mr Edward Campbell 30 May 08 29 May 13 Minister and Governor-General
DIMASI, Mr Joe 28 Nov 08 27 Nov 13 Minister and Governor-General
WALKER, Dr Jill Elizabeth 12 Aug 09 11 Aug 14 Minister and Governor-General
Aus tralian C ompetition Tribunal (AC T)
FINKELSTEIN, Hon Justice Raymond Anthony 12 Dec 08 11 Dec 13 Minister and Governor-General
MIDDLETON, Justice John Eric 16 Feb 09 15 Feb 14 Minister and Governor-General
MANSFIELD, Hon Justice John Ronald 30 Jun 08 29 Jun 13 Minister and Governor-General
JACOBSON, Hon Justice Peter Michael 21 Aug 08 20 Aug 13 Minister and Governor-General
DAVEY, Mr Robin Campbell 17 Jul 08 16 Jul 13 Minister and Governor-General
LATTA AM, Mr Grant Frederick 17 Jul 08 16 Jul 13 Minister and Governor-General
ROUND, Prof David Keith 17 Jul 08 16 Jul 13 Minister and Governor-General
MARSDEN, Dr John Sidney 12 Dec 08 11 Dec 13 Minister and Governor-General

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio

Statutory appointments (continued)

Agenc y/Organis ation S tart date E nd date Appointed by
Aus tralian C ompetition Tribunal (AC T) (c ontinued)
SHOGREN, Mr Rodney Francis 12 Dec 08 11 Dec 13 Minister and Governor-General
STARRS, Ms Margaret Mary 12 Dec 08 11 Dec 13 Minister and Governor-General
STEINWALL, Mr Ray 12 Dec 08 11 Dec 13 Minister and Governor-General
WALSH, Prof Clifford 25 Feb 10 24 May 10 Minister and Governor-General
Aus tralian E nergy R egulator (AE R )
REEVES, Mr Andrew 19 Jul 10 18 Jul 13 Minister and Governor-General
WILLETT, Mr Ed 17 Jul 08 29 May 13 Minister and Governor-General
Aus tralian P rudential R egulation Authority (AP R A)
LAKER AO, Dr John Francis 1 Jul 08 30 Jun 13 Minister and Governor-General
JONES, Mr Kerry (Ross) 1 Jul 08 30 Jun 13 Minister and Governor-General
LAUGHLIN, Mr Ian 1 Jul 10 30 Jun 13 Minister and Governor-General
Aus tralian R eins uranc e P ool C orporation (AR P C )
GERSH AM, Mr Joseph (Joe) Israel 1 Jul 09 30 Jun 12 Minister
AZARIAS, Ms Patricia 22 Apr 08 24 Apr 11 Minister
MURPHY, Mr James (Jim) Andrew 25 Apr 08 24 Apr 11 Minister
KARP, Mr Tom 29 Aug 08 28 Aug 11 Minister
VOGT, Mr Geoffrey Telford 29 Aug 08 28 Aug 11 Minister
BOWE, Ms Janette (Jan) 1 Jul 09 30 Jun 12 Minister
MICALIZZI, Ms Marian Maude 1 Jul 09 30 Jun 12 Minister
Aus tralian S ec urities and Inves tments C ommis s ion (AS IC )
D’ALOISIO, Mr Anthony (Tony) 13 May 07 12 May 11 Minister and Governor-General
GIBSON, Ms Belinda 6 May 10 5 May 13 Minister and Governor-General
DWYER, Mr Michael 12 Dec 08 11 Dec 11 Minister and Governor-General
MEDCRAFT, Mr Greg 12 Dec 08 11 Dec 11 Minister and Governor-General
BOXALL AO, Dr Peter 12 Dec 08 11 Dec 13 Minister and Governor-General
TREGILLIS, Mr Shane 17 May 10 16 May 13 Minister and Governor-General
C ompanies Auditors and L iquidators Dis c iplinary B oard (C AL DB )
MAGAREY, Mr Donald Rees 1 Jun 09 30 Nov 10 Minister
INSALL SC, Mr Howard 1 Jun 09 30 Nov 10 Minister
BARNETT, Mr David 1 Sep 07 31 Aug 10 Minister
BOSTOCK, Mr Tom 1 Sep 07 31 Aug 10 Minister
BRAYSHAW, Mr Geoffrey 1 Sep 07 31 Aug 10 Minister
BURROUGHS, Mr Patrick 1 Sep 07 31 Aug 10 Minister
KEEVES, Mr John 1 Sep 07 31 Aug 10 Minister
RAMSAY, Prof Ian 1 Sep 07 31 Aug 10 Minister
JEFFERSON, Mr Philip Gregor 20 Oct 08 19 Oct 11 Minister
KNOTT, Mr Jeffrey Francis 20 Oct 08 19 Oct 11 Minister
FERGUSON, Mr Robert 29 Jan 10 28 Jan 13 Minister
GLEESON, Mr Bruce 29 Jan 10 28 Jan 13 Minister
PASSARIS, Mr Eric 29 Jan 10 28 Jan 13 Minister

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio

Statutory appointments (continued)

Agenc y/Organis ation S tart date E nd date Appointed by
C orporations and Markets Advis ory C ommittee (C AMAC )
REES, Ms Joanne 1 May 10 30 Apr 13 Minister
GIBSON, Belinda (nominee of ASIC Chairman) 06 May 10 12 May 11 Minister
EDDIE, Prof Ian 10 Jul 08 22 May 11 Minister
NICOLL, Mr Geoffrey 10 Jul 08 22 May 11 Minister
BAFILE, Ms Zelinda 10 Jul 08 22 May 11 Minister
McCLEARY, Ms Alice 10 Jul 08 22 May 11 Minister
VICKERY AM, Mr Greg 10 Jul 08 22 May 11 Minister
RAMSAY, Prof Ian 10 Jul 08 22 May 11 Minister
MICALIZZI, Ms Marian 16 Apr 10 15 Apr 13 Minister
SEIDLER, Mr Robert 16 Apr 10 15 Apr 13 Minister
F inancial R eporting C ounc il (F R C )
LUCY AM, Mr Jeffrey 11 Dec 07 10 Dec 10 Minister
KELSALL, Ms Merran 29 Jul 08 9 Aug 10 Minister
WILSON, Mr Stuart 29 Jul 08 28 Jul 11 Minister
WEST AM, Ms Jan 29 Jul 08 28 Jul 11 Minister
CHALLEN, Mr Donald William 29 Jul 08 28 Jul 11 Minister
DWYER, Mr Michael 3 Jun 09 11 Dec 11 Minister
BROOK, Mr Bruce 3 Jun 09 2 Jun 12 Minister
GETHIN-JONES, Mr John 11 Jun 09 10 Jun 12 Minister
KELLEHER, Ms Noelle 3 Jun 09 2 Jun 12 Minister
MAYNE, Mr Eric 3 Jun 09 2 Jun 12 Minister
MURPHY, Mr James (Jim) Andrew 3 Jun 09 2 Jun 12 Minister
STANHOPE, Mr John 3 Jun 09 2 Jun 12 Minister
ZIMMERMANN, Mr Klaus 3 Jun 09 2 Jun 12 Minister
COLEMAN, Mr Michael 14 Dec 09 13 Dec 12 Minister
COUGHLIN, Mr Mark 14 Dec 09 2 Jun 12 Minister
HELGEBY, Dr Stein 24 Feb 10 23 Feb 13 Minister
LAUGHLIN, Mr Ian 1 Jul 10 30 Jun 13 Minister
SIMPKINS, Mr Kevin 3 Jun 09 28 Feb 14 Minister
STEVENSON, Mr Kevin 1 Jul 09 30 Jun 14 Minister
National C ompetition C ounc il (NC C )
CRAWFORD, Mr David Ian 18 Dec 09 17 Dec 12 Minister and Governor-General
HICKEY, Ms Virginia Sue 18 Dec 09 17 Dec 12 Minister and Governor-General
McTAGGART, Dr Douglas 18 Dec 09 17 Dec 12 Minister and Governor-General
SIMS, Mr Rodney Graham 18 Dec 09 17 Dec 12 Minister and Governor-General
P ayments S ys tem B oard (P S B )
STEVENS, Mr Glenn 18 Sep 06 17 Sep 13 Ex-officio
EDEY, Dr Malcolm 14 Apr 09 Ex-officio
LAKER, Dr John 24 Jul 98 Ex-officio
GERSH AM, Mr Joe 15 Jul 08 14 Jul 13 Minister
McLEAN, Mr Robert 29 Nov 06 28 Nov 11 Minister
WALTER AM, Mrs Catherine 3 Sep 07 2 Sep 12 Minister

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio

Statutory appointments (continued)

Agenc y/Organis ation S tart date E nd date Appointed by
P roduc tivity C ommis s ion (P C )
BANKS AO, Mr Gary Ronald 20 May 08 19 May 13 Minister and Governor-General
WOODS, Mr Michael Colin 8 Oct 08 16 Apr 11 Minister
MacRAE, Mrs Angela 19 Jul 10 31 Oct 10 Minister and Governor-General
MUNDY, Dr Warren 9 Dec 09 30 Sep 10 Minister
STOLER, Mr Andrew 16 Nov 09 15 Dec 10 Minister
COGHLAN, Mr Paul 1 Apr 10 31 May 11 Minister
SAMSON, Dr Clifford 22 Feb 10 14 Mar 11 Minister
WOODS, Mr Michael Colin 17 Apr 06 16 Apr 11 Minister and Governor-General
MACRI, Ms Susanne 15 May 10 31 May 11 Minister
WALSH, Mr John 9 Dec 09 8 Jun 11 Minister
SYLVAN, Ms Louise 1 Aug 08 31 Jul 13 Minister and Governor-General
WEICKHARDT, Mr Philip Leonard 12 Dec 08 11 Dec 13 Minister and Governor-General
FITZGERALD AM, Mr Robert William 27 Jan 09 26 Jan 14 Minister and Governor-General
CRAIK AM, Dr Wendy 4 Jun 09 3 Jun 14 Minister and Governor-General
KALISCH, Mr David 4 Jun 09 3 Jun 14 Minister and Governor-General
McKENNA, Ms Siobhan 4 Jun 09 3 Jun 14 Minister and Governor-General
SCOTT, Ms Patricia 7 Sep 09 6 Sep 14 Minister and Governor-General
P rofes s ional S tandards C ouncil (P S C )
RAYMENT QC, Mr Brian 31 Dec 11 Minister
PLAISTOWE, Mr Hugh 31 Dec 12 Minister
ALTER, Ms Ester 30 Jun 11 Minister
BEATON, Mr Robert 30 Jun 11 Minister
EVANS, Mr Terry 31 Dec 11 Minister
FARRELL, Mr Ronald 31 Dec 11 Minister
METCALFE, Ms Joanne 30 Jun 11 Minister
OGILVIE, Ms Madeline 31 Dec 11 Minister
SUMMERS, Mr Iain 31 Dec 11 Minister
VACANT Minister
VACANT Minister
PSC Members are appointed by State and Territories
S uperannuation C omplaints T ribunal (S C T )
FURLAN, Ms Jocelyn 4 Jun 09 3 Jun 14 Minister and Governor-General
SMITH, Mr Peter Roderick (Rod) 14 Dec 09 13 Dec 14 Minister and Governor-General
ANDERSON, Dr Michaela 10 Nov 08 9 Nov 11 Minister
HART, Professor John 10 Nov 08 9 Nov 11 Minister
KIERCE, Mr Paul 10 Nov 08 9 Nov 11 Minister
LACEY, Mr Brian 10 Nov 08 9 Nov 11 Minister
ABBOTT, Ms Jane 13 Nov 08 12 Nov 11 Minister
DEAN, Dr Catherine Mary 13 Nov 08 12 Nov 11 Minister
MARTIN, Ms Janet 13 Nov 08 12 Nov 11 Minister
OLSBERG, Dr Diana 13 Nov 08 12 Nov 11 Minister
SHANAHAN, Miss Elizabeth (Anne) 13 Nov 08 12 Nov 11 Minister
CASSIDY, Mr Colin 1 Dec 08 30 Nov 11 Minister
DAVIS, Mr Noel 1 Dec 08 30 Nov 11 Minister
ELLIS, Mr Scott 1 Dec 08 30 Nov 11 Minister

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio

Statutory appointments (continued)

Agenc y/Organis ation S tart date E nd date Appointed by
S uperannuation C omplaints T ribunal (S C T ) (c ontinued)
HUMPHRIES, Mr Jeff 1 Dec 08 30 Nov 11 Minister
THOMAS, Dr David John 1 Dec 08 30 Nov 11 Minister
ADAMS, Ms Katherine (Katy) Helen 27 Apr 09 26 Apr 12 Minister
CHRISTIE, Mr Ross 27 Apr 09 26 Apr 12 Minister
de ROOY, Ms Ella 27 Apr 09 26 Apr 12 Minister
GRENFELL, Mr Colin 27 Apr 09 26 Apr 12 Minister
RE, Dr Carolyn 27 Apr 09 26 Apr 12 Minister
T akeovers P anel
McKEON, Mr Simon 8 Mar 08 31 Aug 10 Minister and Governor-General
JONES, Mr David 1 Mar 07 7 Mar 11 Minister and Governor-General
ASHFORTH, Mr Michael Filan 8 Mar 08 7 Mar 11 Minister and Governor-General
CHANG, Ms Diana 8 Mar 08 7 Mar 11 Minister and Governor-General
CREESE, Mr Stephen 8 Mar 08 7 Mar 11 Minister and Governor-General
DOUGLASS, Mr Hamish 8 Mar 08 7 Mar 11 Minister and Governor-General
DOYLE, Ms Susan 8 Mar 08 7 Mar 11 Minister and Governor-General
DWYER, Ms Paula 8 Mar 08 7 Mar 11 Minister and Governor-General
FAST, Mr John 8 Mar 08 7 Mar 11 Minister and Governor-General
LUCAS, Mr Alastair 8 Mar 08 7 Mar 11 Minister and Governor-General
LUMSDEN, Mr Andrew 1 May 08 7 Mar 11 Minister and Governor-General
MASON, Mr Peter 8 Mar 08 7 Mar 11 Minister and Governor-General
McCLEARY, Ms Alice 1 May 08 7 Mar 11 Minister and Governor-General
McFADDEN, Ms Vickki 8 Mar 08 7 Mar 11 Minister and Governor-General
MORDANT, Mr Simon 8 Mar 08 7 Mar 11 Minister and Governor-General
O’SULLIVAN, Mr John 1 May 08 7 Mar 11 Minister and Governor-General
ROCHE, Mr Mike 8 Mar 08 7 Mar 11 Minister and Governor-General
SCOTT, Mr Peter 8 Mar 08 7 Mar 11 Minister and Governor-General
SISSON, Mr Andrew 8 Mar 08 7 Mar 11 Minister and Governor-General
ALCIATURI, Mr Martin 30 Apr 09 7 Mar 12 Minister and Governor-General
BENNETT AC QC, Mr David 30 Apr 09 7 Mar 12 Minister and Governor-General
GREEN, Mr John 30 Apr 09 7 Mar 12 Minister and Governor-General
HAY, Mr Peter 30 Apr 09 7 Mar 12 Minister and Governor-General
JOHANSON, Mr Robert 30 Apr 09 7 Mar 12 Minister and Governor-General
KEEVES, Mr John 30 Apr 09 7 Mar 12 Minister and Governor-General
LEE, Ms Francesca 30 Apr 09 7 Mar 12 Minister and Governor-General
MITCHELL, Ms Sophie 30 Apr 09 7 Mar 12 Minister and Governor-General
PAGANIN, Mr Mark Anthony 30 Apr 09 7 Mar 12 Minister and Governor-General
RAMSAY, Prof Ian Malcolm 30 Apr 09 7 Mar 12 Minister and Governor-General
SEABROOK, Ms Jennifer Anne 30 Apr 09 7 Mar 12 Minister and Governor-General
WITHERS, Mr Simon John 30 Apr 09 7 Mar 12 Minister and Governor-General
WOOD, Ms Karen Joy 30 Apr 09 7 Mar 12 Minister and Governor-General
ZAMPATTI, Ms Heather 30 Apr 09 7 Mar 12 Minister and Governor-General
ALEXANDER, Mr Guy David 8 Mar 10 7 Mar 13 Minister and Governor-General
BATHURST, Mr Tom QC 8 Mar 10 7 Mar 13 Minister and Governor-General
BESSON, Mr Garry 8 Mar 10 7 Mar 13 Minister and Governor-General
BRADLEY, Mr Graham John 8 Mar 10 7 Mar 13 Minister and Governor-General
BRENNER, Ms Catherine 8 Mar 10 7 Mar 13 Minister and Governor-General
BRUNSDON, Mr Geoff 8 Mar 10 7 Mar 13 Minister and Governor-General

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio

Statutory appointments (continued)

Agenc y/Organis ation S tart date E nd date Appointed by
T akeovers P anel (c ontinued)
CROUCH, Mr Ewen 8 Mar 10 7 Mar 13 Minister and Governor-General
DAY, Mr Peter 8 Mar 10 7 Mar 13 Minister and Governor-General
DICKSON, Mr James 8 Mar 10 7 Mar 13 Minister and Governor-General
DULHUNTY, Ms Sarah 8 Mar 10 7 Mar 13 Minister and Governor-General
FRIEDLANDER, Mr David 8 Mar 10 7 Mar 13 Minister and Governor-General
HALSTEAD, Mr Rod 8 Mar 10 7 Mar 13 Minister and Governor-General
KOSTER, Mr Byron Wolter 8 Mar 10 7 Mar 13 Minister and Governor-General
LEVY, Mr Rodd 8 Mar 10 7 Mar 13 Minister and Governor-General
O’BRYAN AM SC, Mr Norman John 8 Mar 10 7 Mar 13 Minister and Governor-General
SCHEINKESTEL, Dr Nora 8 Mar 10 7 Mar 13 Minister and Governor-General
SHERIDAN, Ms Jane 8 Mar 10 7 Mar 13 Minister and Governor-General
SHERVINGTON, Mr Laurie 8 Mar 10 7 Mar 13 Minister and Governor-General
SULTAN, Mr Robert 8 Mar 10 7 Mar 13 Minister and Governor-General
SWEETMAN, Mr Anthony 8 Mar 10 7 Mar 13 Minister and Governor-General
WATKINS, Ms Alison 8 Mar 10 7 Mar 13 Minister and Governor-General
FARRELL, Ms Kathleen 18 Aug 10 7 Mar 13 Minister and Governor-General
Aus tralian S tatis tic s Advis ory C ounc il (AS AC )
ALLEN, Mr Geoff 1 Mar 07 28 Feb 12 Minister
PINK, Mr Brian 5 Mar 07 4 Dec 12 Ex-officio
DAVOREN, Ms Pam 18 Nov 08 17 Nov 11 ACT Chief Minister
SMITH, Mr David 15 Feb 08 14 Feb 11 WA Premier
STUBBIN, Mr Tony 9 Apr 09 8 Apr 12 NT Chief Minister
WILSON, Mr Ben 12 Jun 07 11 Jun 10 SA Premier
WILLIAMS, Dr Lynne 30 Oct 07 29 Oct 10 VIC Premier
BELCHAMBER, Mr Grant 24 Jul 08 23 Jul 11 Minister
DOHERTY, Mr Clem 24 Jul 08 23 Jul 10 Minister
HENRY, Ms Elaine 12 Dec 08 11 Dec 10 Minister
MOODY, Dr James 24 Jul 08 23 Jul 11 Minister
SYLVAN, Ms Louise 24 Jul 08 23 Jul 10 Minister
VERWER, Mr Peter 24 Jul 08 23 Jul 11 Minister
BEAUCHAMP, Ms Glenys 22 Feb 10 21 Feb 13 Minister
HUGO, Prof Graeme 22 Feb 10 21 Feb 13 Minister
TAYLOR, Mr Michael 22 Feb 10 21 Feb 13 Minister
YU, Mr Peter 22 Feb 10 21 Feb 13 Minister
Wilson, Ms Serena 22 Feb 10 21 Feb 13 Minister
Gruen, Dr David 18 Jun 10 17 Jun 13 Minister
R es erve B ank of Aus tralia (R B A)
STEVENS, Mr Glenn 18 Sep 06 17 Sep 13 Minister
BATTELLINO, Mr Ric 14 Feb 07 13 Feb 12 Minister
CORBETT AO, Mr Roger 2 Dec 05 1 Dec 10 Minister
McGAUCHIE AO, Mr Donald 30 Mar 06 29 Mar 11 Minister
McKIBBIN, Mr Warwick 31 Jul 01 30 Jul 11 Minister
KRAEHE AO, Mr Graham 14 Feb 07 13 Feb 12 Minister
AKEHURST, Mr John 31 Aug 07 30 Aug 12 Minister
BROADBENT AO, Ms Jillian 07 May 1998 6 May 13 Minister
HENRY AC, Dr Ken 27 Apr 01 Ex-officio
Ins pec tor-G eneral of T axation (IG T )
NOROOZI, Mr Ali 6 Nov 08 5 Nov 13 Minister and Governor-General

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio

Statutory appointments (continued)

Agenc y/Organis ation S tart date E nd date Appointed by
Tax P rac titioners B oard (T P B )
BOUCHER PSM, Mr Dale 22 Oct 09 21 Oct 12 Minister
ADDISON, Mr Matthew 22 Oct 09 21 Oct 12 Minister
COLEMAN, Ms Cynthia 22 Oct 09 21 Oct 12 Minister
COOPER AM, Professor Gordon 22 Oct 09 21 Oct 12 Minister
COTTON, Mr Roger 22 Oct 09 21 Oct 12 Minister
DOOGAN AM, Mr Chris 22 Oct 09 21 Oct 12 Minister
EVANS, Mr Michael 22 Oct 09 21 Oct 12 Minister
FOX, Mr George 22 Oct 09 21 Oct 12 Minister
HOLMES, Ms Miriam 22 Oct 09 21 Oct 12 Minister
PINTO, Professor Dale 22 Oct 09 21 Oct 12 Minister
SMITH, Mr Russell 22 Oct 09 21 Oct 12 Minister
SNEDDON, Ms Yvonne 13 Jul 10 22 Oct 12 Minister
C ommonwealth G rants C ommis s ion (C G C )
HENDERSON AM, Mr Alan 1 Jul 10 30 Jun 15 Minister and Governor-General
WILLIAMS, Professor Ross 1 Apr 06 31 Mar 11 Minister and Governor-General
WESTACOTT, Ms Jennifer 27 Jul 06 26 Jul 11 Minister and Governor-General
SMITH, Mr Greg 7 Aug 06 6 Aug 11 Minister and Governor-General
APPLEYARD, Mr Glenn 24 Jun 09 23 Jun 14 Minister and Governor-General
Note: ‘Appointment by Minister’ means nominated by Minister and approved at Cabinet; ‘Appointment by Minister and
Governor-General’ means nominated by Minister and approved at Cabinet and then signed off the by the Governor-General at
Executive Council.

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio

Non-statutory appointments
Agenc y/Organis ation S tart date E nd date Appointed by
C ommonwealth C ons umer Affairs Advis ory C ounc il (C C AAC )
NEAVE AM, Mr Colin 21 May 08 21 Jul 11 Minister
BOND, Ms Carolyn 22 Jul 08 21 Jul 11 Minister
CORONES, Prof Stephen 22 Jul 08 21 Jul 11 Minister
HEALEY, Ms Deborah 22 Jul 08 21 Jul 11 Minister
MALONE, Mr Michael 22 Jul 08 21 Jul 11 Minister
RENOUF, Mr Gordon 22 Jul 08 21 Jul 11 Minister
STEINWALL, Mr Ray 22 Jul 08 21 Jul 11 Minister
KELL, Mr Peter 1 Aug 08 31 Jul 13 Minister
F inancial L iterac y B oard
CLITHEROE, Mr Paul 24 Feb 09 23 Feb 12 Minister
DUNN, Mr Craig 24 Feb 09 23 Feb 12 Minister
ELKINS, Ms Linda 24 Feb 09 23 Feb 12 Minister
HENRY OAM, Ms Elaine 24 Feb 09 23 Feb 12 Minister
KELL, Mr Peter 24 Feb 09 23 Feb 12 Minister
BROWN, Mr Robert 24 Feb 09 23 Feb 12 Minister
THOMAS OBE, Mr Michael 24 Feb 09 23 Feb 12 Minister
MACKAY, Mr Tony 13 Jan 09 12 Jan 12 Minister
SILK, Mr Ian 19 Nov 08 18 Nov 11 Minister
SMITH OBE, Mr Michael 18 Nov 08 18 Nov 11 Minister
F inancial S ec tor Advis ory C ounc il (F S AC )
SHEPPARD, Mr Richard 1 Jul 09 30 Jun 11 Minister
CURRAN AC, Mr Charles 1 Jul 09 30 Jun 11 Minister
MACKAY, Mr Chris 1 Jul 09 30 Jun 11 Minister
LIDDY, Mr David 1 Jul 09 30 Jun 11 Minister
BINSTED, Mr Paul 2 years Minister
DUNN, Mr Craig 4 Jun 10 3 Jun 12 Minister
EVERS, Mr Peter 4 Jun 10 3 Jun 12 Minister
HIRST, Mr Mike 4 Jun 10 3 Jun 12 Minister
KELLY, Mrs Gail 2 years Minister
SARGENT, Mr Steve 4 Jun 10 3 Jun 12 Minister
SILK, Mr Ian 4 Jun 10 3 Jun 12 Minister
VILGIN, Ms Rosemary 2 years Minister
WILKINS, Mr Michael 2 years Minister
F oreign Inves tment R eview B oard (F IR B )
PHILLIPS, AO Mr Mervyn (John) 16 Apr 07 15 Apr 12 Minister
WOOD, Ms Lynn 3 Apr 05 2 Apr 10 Minister
DOUGLASS, Mr Hamish 10 Dec 09 10 Dec 14 Minister
WILSON, Mr Brian 10 Dec 09 10 Dec 14 Minister
BUDDS, Ms Anna 5 years Minister

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio

Non-statutory appointments (continued)

Agenc y/Organis ation S tart date E nd date Appointed by
B oard of Taxation (B oT )
WARBURTON AO, Mr Richard (Dick) 15 Apr 10 30 Jun 12 Minister
JORDAN AO, Mr Chris 21 Jul 09 30 Jun 11 Minister
CHAPLAIN, Ms Annabelle 21 Jul 09 30 Jun 11 Minister
EMERSON AM, Mr John 21 Jul 09 30 Jun 11 Minister
JAMES, Mr Keith 15 Apr 10 30 Jun 12 Minister
JAMESON, Ms Elizabeth 15 Apr 10 30 Jun 12 Minister
RENDALL, Mr Curt 15 Apr 10 30 Jun 12 Minister
D'ASCENZO, Mr Michael 1 Jan 06 Ex-officio
HENRY AC, Dr Ken 27 Apr 01 Ex-officio
QUIGGIN PSM, Mr Peter 19 Jan 04 Ex-officio
S uperannuation Advis ory C ommittee (S AC )
PIGGOTT, Prof John 3 Mar 08 8 Feb 11 Minister
CLARK-MURPHY, Prof Marilyn 3 Mar 08 8 Feb 11 Minister
VAMOS, Ms Pauline 3 Mar 08 8 Feb 11 Minister
WEAVEN, Mr Gary 3 Mar 08 8 Feb 11 Minister
BROGDEN, Mr John 11 Aug 09 8 Feb 11 Minister
VILGAN, Ms Rosemary 3 Mar 08 8 Feb 11 Minister
McCREDDEN, Mr Terry 3 Mar 08 8 Feb 11 Minister
SLATTERY, Ms Andrea 3 Mar 08 8 Feb 11 Minister
BLOCH, Ms Jo-anne 3 Mar 08 8 Feb 11 Minister
Note: ‘Appointment by Minister’ means nominated by Minister and approved at Cabinet; ‘Appointment by Minister and
Governor-General’ means nominated by Minister and approved at Cabinet and then signed off the by the Governor-General at
Executive Council.

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio

22 August 2010 — 31 August 2011

Appointee Position Held Term Commenced Term Expires

Aus tralian C ompetition and C ons umer C ommis s ion (AC C C )
SAMUEL AO, Mr Graeme Chairman 01/08/08 31/07/11
Aus tralian R eins uranc e P ool C orporation (AR P C )
AZARIAS, Ms Patricia Member 22/04/08 24/04/11
MURPHY, Mr James (Jim) Member 25/04/08 24/04/11
KARP, Mr Tom Member 29/08/08 28/08/11
VOGT, Mr Geoffrey Member 29/08/08 28/08/11
Aus tralian S ec urities and Inves tments C ommis s ion (AS IC )
D’ALOISIO, Mr Anthony (Tony) Chairperson 13/05/07 12/05/11
C ompanies Auditors and L iquidators Dis c iplinary B oard (C AL DB )
MAGAREY, Mr Donald Chairman 01/06/09 30/11/10
INSALL SC, Mr Howard Deputy Chairman 01/06/09 30/11/10
BARNETT, Mr David Member 01/07/07 31/08/10
BOSTOCK, Mr Tom Member 01/07/07 31/08/10
BRAYSHAW, Mr Geoffrey Member 01/07/07 31/08/10
BURROUGHS, Mr Patrick Member 01/07/07 31/08/10
KEEVES, Mr John Member 01/07/07 31/08/10
RAMSAY, Prof Ian Member 01/07/07 31/08/10
C orporations and Markets Advis ory C ommittee (C AMAC )
EDDIE, Prof Ian Member 10/07/08 22/05/11
NICOLL, Mr Geoffrey Member 10/07/08 22/05/11
BAFILE, Ms Zelinda Member 10/07/08 22/05/11
McCLEARY, Ms Alice Member 10/07/08 22/05/11
VICKERY AM, Mr Greg Member 10/07/08 22/05/11
RAMSAY, Prof Ian Member 10/07/08 22/05/11
F inancial R eporting C ounc il (F R C )
LUCY AM, Mr Jeffrey Chairman 11/12/07 10/12/10
WILSON, Mr Stuart Member 29/07/08 28/07/11
WEST AM, Ms Jan Member 29/07/08 28/07/11
CHALLEN, Mr Donald Member 29/07/08 28/07/11
P roduc tivity C ommis s ion
WOODS, Mr Michael Deputy Chair 08/10/08 16/04/11
MacRAE, Mrs Angela Acting Commissioner 19/03/07 31/10/10
MUNDY,Dr Warren Associate Commissioner 09/12/09 30/09/10
STOLER, Mr Andrew Associate Commissioner 16/11/09 15/12/10
COGLAN, Mr Paul Associate Commissioner 01/04/10 31/05/11
SAMSON, Dr Clifford Associate Commissioner 22/02/10 14/03/11
WOODS, Mr Michael Commissioner 17/04/06 16/04/11
MACRI, Ms Susanne Associate Commissioner 15/05/10 31/05/11
T akeovers P anel
JONES, Mr David Member-NZ 01/03/07 07/03/11
ASHFORTH, Mr Michael Member 08/03/08 07/03/11
CHANG, Ms Diana Member 08/03/08 07/03/11
CREESE, Mr Stephen Member 08/03/08 07/03/11
DOUGLASS, Mr Hamish Member 08/03/08 07/03/11
DOYLE, Ms Susan Member 08/03/08 07/03/11
DWYER, Ms Paula Member 08/03/08 07/03/11

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio


Appointee Position Held Term Commenced Term Expires
T akeovers P anel (c ontinued)
FAST, Mr John Member 08/03/08 07/03/11
LUCAS, Mr Alastair Member 08/03/08 07/03/11
LUMSDEN, Mr Andrew Member 08/03/08 07/03/11
MASON, Mr Peter Member 08/03/08 07/03/11
McCLEARY, Ms Alice Member 08/03/08 07/03/11
McFADDEN, Ms Vicki Member 08/03/08 07/03/11
MORDANT, Mr Simon Member 08/03/08 07/03/11
O’SULLIVAN, Mr John Member 08/03/08 07/03/11
ROCHE, Mr Mike Member 08/03/08 07/03/11
SCOTT, Mr Peter Member 08/03/08 07/03/11
SISSON, Mr Andrew Member 08/03/08 07/03/11
Aus tralian S tatis tic s Advis ory C ounc il
CROSSMAN, Dr peter Member 15/05/08 14/05/11
RAYNER, Mr Andrew Member 01/06/08 31/05/11
SMITH, Mr David Member 15/02/08 14/02/11
WILLIAMS, Dr Lynne Member 30/10/07 29/10/10
BELCHAMBERS, Mr Grant Member 24/07/08 23/07/11
MOODY, Dr James Member 24/07/08 23/07/11
PENSABENE, Mr Tony Member 24/07/08 23/07/11
VERWER, Mr Peter Member 24/07/08 23/07/11
R es erve B ank of Aus tralia
CORBETT AO, Mr Roger Member 02/12/05 01/12/10
McGAUCHIE AO, Mr Donald Member 30/03/06 29/03/11
McKIBBIN, Mr Warwick Member 31/07/01 30/07/11
C ommonwealth G rants C ommis s ion
WILLIAMS, Prof Ross Member 01/04/06 31/03/11
WESTACOTT, Ms Jennifer Member 27/07/06 26/07/11
SMITH, Mr Greg Member 07/08/06 06/08/11
C ommonwealth C ons umer Affairs Advis ory C ounc il
NEAVE AM, Mr Colin Chair 21/05/08 21/07/11
BOND, Ms Carolyn Member 22/07/08 21/07/11
CORONES, Prof Stephen
HEALEY, Ms Deborah
MALONE, Mr Michael
RENOUF, Mr Gordon
F inancial S ec tor Advis ory B oard
SHEPPARD, Mr Richard Chairman 01/07/09 30/06/11
CURRAN AC, Mr Charles Member 01/07/09 30/06/11
MACKAY, Mr Chris Member 01/07/09 30/06/11
LIDDY, Mr David Member 01/07/09 30/06/11
B oard of Taxation
JORDAN AO, Mr Chris Deputy Chairman and 21/07/09 30/06/11
CHAPLAIN, Ms Annabelle Member 21/07/09 30/06/11
EMERSON AM, Mr John Member 21/07/09 30/06/11

Part A: The Treasury Portfolio


Appointee Position Held Term Commenced Term Expires
S uperannuation Advis ory C ommittee
PIGGOTT, Prof John Member 03/03/08 08/02/11
CLARK-MURPHY, Prof Marilyn Member 03/03/08 08/02/11
VAMOS, Ms Pauline Member 03/03/08 08/02/11
WEAVEN, Mr Gary Member 03/03/08 08/02/11
BROGDEN, Mr John Member 11/08/09 08/02/11
VILGAN, Ms Rosemary Member 03/03/08 08/02/11
McCREDDEN, Mr Terry Member 03/03/08 08/02/11
SLATTERY, Ms Andrea Member 03/03/08 08/02/11
BLOCH, Ms Joanne Member 03/03/08 08/02/11

Corporate Services Group’s mission is to provide efficient and effective corporate services, products and
advice to the Treasury, Treasury ministers and other clients to enable them to meet their objectives.

Corporate Services Group is responsible for the provision of corporate services, products and advice
including accommodation and facilities management; administrative support management; communications
advice and support; financial management; human resource management, training and development;
information management and technology services; media management and monitoring; ministerial and
parliamentary support; procurement; publishing; security and travel.


• Deidre Gerathy, Group General Manager (6263 3911)

• Robert Donelly, Chief Financial Officer and General Manager, Financial and Facilities Management
Division (6263 3170)

• Pamela Henderson, General Manager, Human Resources (6263 3881)

• Alaine King, Chief Information Officer and General Manager, Information Management and Technology
Services Division (6263 3722)

• Mary Balzary, General Manager, Ministerial and Communications (6263 4014)

Ministerial staffing entitlements are agreed between the Prime Minister and individual ministers. Asset
Management and Parliamentary Services of the Department of Finance and Deregulation (Finance) are
responsible for payment of salaries of official ministerial staff. Finance and home departments provide a
range of entitlements and services. Details may be sought from the Entitlements Management Branch of
Finance, contact 6215 3542.

In addition, each minister who has Treasury responsibility is provided with a Departmental Liaison Officer by
the Treasury. The Assistant Treasurer is also provided with a Departmental Liaison Officer from the
Australian Taxation Office. Arrangements for the appointment of Departmental Liaison Officers are
discussed with the Policy Coordination and Governance Unit Manager, Simone Abbot on 6263 3816.

Short-term relief for administrative staff may be arranged through the Parliamentary Services Unit. Contact
Rena Spears on 6263 2993 or Parliamentary Services Unit Acting Manager, Michael Price on 6263 3765.

Part B: Treasury Support Services


Policy advice and briefing
Treasury provides advice at the request of Treasury ministers or their offices. Briefing is also provided by the
department when issues and events need to be brought to the attention of a minister and for matters going
before Cabinet and related processes.

Treasury senior executives may meet with portfolio ministers regularly to discuss policy matters that are
before ministers.

As appropriate, General Managers meet with ministers to provide oral briefings on high priority issues with
the purpose of reaching key/urgent decisions. This is in accordance with the Treasury Management Model
which sets out the roles and accountabilities for all staff in Treasury. General Managers and Managers are
accountable for the provision of policy advice to ministers and to senior staff on the high-level matters
covered by the division. The contact details for Treasury’s senior management are in Part A on page 5.

Routine policy advice, briefing for meetings and speech notes

Any request for briefing should be sent using the briefing request proforma accessed through Word
templates>Ministerials and emailed to [email protected].

Adequate time for research and preparation should be allowed. It is desirable that as much direction as
possible on the nature of the briefing required is provided. It is also desirable that for more complex matters,
ministers’ office staff discuss requirements with divisional general managers.

Managing emerging issues

The Policy Coordination and Governance Unit assists in actioning significant portfolio issues that traverse
policy groups, and provides an interface with ministers’ offices. The Unit provides an immediate point of
contact for issues that require a timely or coordinated approach across the department, where a responsible
division is not immediately evident. The Unit can also assist ministerial staffers in developing their
departmental networks and key contacts. Contact: Policy Coordination Governance Unit, Unit Manager
Simone Abbot on 6263 3816.

Ministerial correspondence — coloured folder system

Material is sent to Treasury ministers in coloured plastic folders indicating relative priority. The colour codes

• red — urgent matters requiring a 24-hour turnaround or some other specified timeframe — this includes
minutes and ministerial correspondence for signature;

• green — all non-urgent ministerial correspondence for signature by ministers;

• blue — minutes of particular significance — requiring particular ministerial attention to policy issues and
for decision;

• yellow — copies of minutes addressed to other Treasury ministers;

• brown — briefings for appointments, meetings and visits;

• black — draft Cabinet submissions and briefing on matters for Cabinet consideration; and

• purple — all ministerial correspondence for signature by ministerial staff.

Part B: Treasury Support Services

All minutes sent to ministers are recorded in the Minute Register system. The register can be viewed by
ministers and their staff through the Treasury’s intranet. Annotated minutes are also captured on the Minute
Register system on return from the ministers’ offices.

Contact: Parliamentary Services Unit Acting Manager, Michael Price on 6263 2971.

Ministerial correspondence
An electronic recording, monitoring and answering system is available to the department and ministers’
offices to assist in handling the flow of correspondence to and from Treasury ministers. Training is available
for ministerial staff in the use of the system.

All correspondence received by a Treasury minister is centrally recorded in the Parliamentary Services Unit
and allocated to Treasury officers for preparation of draft replies. Ministerial correspondence is prepared in
accordance with the Treasury Style Guide available on the Intranet.

Contact: Parliamentary Services Unit Acting Manager, Michael Price on 6263 2971.

Media management and monitoring

Media management including events, lockups and enquiries are managed by the Communications Unit.
Treasury media enquiries should be directed to: [email protected] or 6263 2300.

The Communications Unit monitors the media and question time to identify potential and emerging issues
relevant to Treasury and Treasury ministers. This includes:

• Daily media summary (by 8:30am)

• Afternoon media summary (3pm)

• Weekend media summary (Monday 8:30am)

• International media summary (by 11am)

• Question Time (House of Representatives and Senate) summaries (by 5:30pm)

The Communication Unit also manages Treasury’s contract with Media Monitors.

Contact: Communications Unit Manager Tony Murray on 6263 3736.

Media releases and speeches

The Publishing Unit coordinates the electronic publication of Treasury portfolio ministerial media releases
and speeches and maintains an electronic index of all releases and speeches. The ministers’ offices
distribute hard copies of releases to the Parliamentary press gallery.

Press releases, speeches and media transcripts to be published on the Internet should be sent to the
Internet/Intranet Services Team at [email protected]. Ministers’ offices should number and date
press releases. Treasury also notifies interested parties of ministers’ releases on the Internet via a
subscription list.

Contacts: David Scarano, Internet/Intranet Team Leader on 6263 3374 or Publishing Unit Acting Manager,
Elizabeth Cameron on 6263 2997.

Part B: Treasury Support Services

Ministers’ websites
The Internet/Intranet Team maintains the Internet sites for the Treasury portfolio ministers. The Internet sites
provide the public with free access to information released publicly from the ministers’ offices. The sites are
linked to the Treasury’s website ( and are updated regularly. The information placed on
the Department’s and Minister’s Internet sites includes:

• ministers’ biographical details and portfolio responsibilities;

• contact details for Treasury and the ministers’ offices; and

• publications, speeches, press releases and media transcripts.

Contacts: Internet/Intranet Services Team Leader, David Scarano on 6263 3374, or Publishing Unit Acting
Manager, Elizabeth Cameron on 6263 2997.

Publishing provides print and web publishing and graphic design services, including management and advice
related to Treasury’s Intranet and Internet sites, publications and templates.


• Publications Unit, Lani McMahon on 6263 3254

• Graphic Design and Internet/Intranet, David Scarano 6263 3374

• Publishing Unit Acting Manager, Elizabeth Cameron on 6263 2997.

Budget lockup
The Ministerial and Communications Division is responsible for all non-policy aspects of the Budget process,
including the printing of Budget documents and arranging all the associated lock-ups.


• Parliamentary Services Unit Acting Manager, Michael Price on 6263 3765

• Communications Unit Manager, Tony Murray on 6263 3736

• Publications Unit Acting Manager, Elizabeth Cameron on 6263 2997.

Part B: Treasury Support Services

Question Time Briefing
One week before the commencement of each sitting of Parliament, the department provides a set of
briefings to Treasury ministers on matters likely to be raised during Question Time. Some briefings cover
standard issues while others cover issues in the media, or are requested by Treasury ministers or their staff
in anticipation of expected questions without notice.

A briefing folder is sent to the Treasury ministers and the ministers representing the portfolio in the Senate at
the beginning of each sitting of Parliament. During a sitting week daily updates are sent to each office
electronically and are also available on the intranet and Q drive. The name and telephone number of a
contact officer in the relevant division is included at the foot of each briefing.

A roster system for senior officers in each policy group is in place to ensure that there is someone available
to respond to requests for clarification or further information on briefings, especially in the few hours before
Question Time. A copy of the roster is provided to each minister’s office prior to sitting weeks.

Contacts: Paul Atkinson on 6263 2715 or Parliamentary Services Unit Acting Manager, Michael Price on
6263 3765.

Cabinet documents (including briefing)

Cabinet documents are transmitted electronically via CABNET to ministers’ offices by the Cabinet Secretariat
of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. Each minister’s office is responsible for the printing,
handling, custody and destruction of these documents.

The Treasury Cabinet Liaison Officer receives copies of documents (including business lists) to assist the
department in briefing the Treasury ministers for Cabinet and Cabinet Committee meetings. The department
provides briefings on major Cabinet submissions or memoranda. However, where issues are minor,
straightforward or do not have significant implications from a portfolio perspective, briefings are not generally
provided. Current procedures require that policy briefings for agenda items are provided to the minister
24 hours before the meeting, if possible.

Submissions by a Treasury minister are lodged with the Cabinet Secretariat by the Cabinet Liaison Officer
via CABNET for circulation to ministers and other departments.

The Cabinet Liaison Officer (unless directed otherwise for specific items) provides the Cabinet Secretariat
with a periodic forecast of likely submissions to be lodged in the near future.

Contacts: Kim Harrington on 6263 3930 or Parliamentary Services Unit Acting Manager, Michael Price on
6263 3765.

Parliamentary questions
The Parliamentary Services Unit monitors the daily Hansards and Notice Papers for questions asked of
Treasury ministers, and the ministers representing in the Senate. Draft answers prepared by the department
are sent to the chief of staff in the respective minister’s office for the minister’s approval. Once approved,
answers are returned to Treasury for forwarding to the respective Table Office.

Contacts: Paul Atkinson on 6263 2715 or Parliamentary Services Unit Acting Manager, Michael Price on
6263 3765.

Part B: Treasury Support Services

Legislation process administrative support

The Parliamentary Services Unit in Ministerial and Communications Division and the Legislation
Management Unit in Revenue Group provide administrative support in the preparation of the Treasurer’s
legislation programme, as well as arrangements for the printing and lodgement of associated documents.


• Kim Harrington on 6263 3930 or Parliamentary Services Unit Acting Manager, Michael Price on
6263 3765

• Kevin McNamara, Legislation Management Unit on 6263 2853 for taxation legislation

• Legislation Management Unit Manager, Evan Bitmead on 6263 3822.

Information technology
Computers, laptops, software, communications and mobile phones
The Treasury computer network includes computer systems located in ministers’ offices at Parliament
House, ministers’ interstate offices and residences, all Treasury offices and overseas posts. Every office is
interconnected to allow common access to information.

The Treasury is responsible for providing all IT equipment including computers, laptops, printers and mobile
phones to the ministers’ offices.

Ministers’ offices should direct all requests for computer, laptop or Blackberry assistance to the Ministerial
support number on 02 6263 3999, or the IT Help Desk on 02 6263 3000. Alternate contacts: Danny Prime,
IT Help Desk Manager on 6263 3944 or 0423 826 369 or Chris Reis, IT Operations Manager on 6263 3338
or 0419 146 027.

Printers, photocopiers and faxes

ATI (print and document management) maintains Treasury's printers, photocopiers, faxes and multi-function
devices located in the ministerial offices, electorate offices and ministers' residences. The ATI Help Desk
operators can be contacted on 1300 880 404 between 8.00am and 6.00pm on normal business days. The
ATI representative attends Parliament House each day between 8.00am and 8.45am.

When logging a service call to the ATI Help Desk please provide: your name, location and contact details;
the model of the device; and the asset number and/or serial number of the printer.

• Requests for support logged early in the morning will be attended to that afternoon; calls logged later in
the morning or in the afternoon will be attended to the next business day;

• Faults or service calls that require a service technician will be attended to within 24 hours of the call being
logged to the ATI Help Desk; and

• Printers, photocopiers and faxes cannot be repaired outside normal business hours.

In the event of an emergency, or if unable to contact the ATI representative, you can contact the IT Help
Desk on 6263 3000.

Part B: Treasury Support Services

Treasury is a subscriber to the Fedlink private government network. The Treasury computer network can be
used to prepare and circulate non-national security information classified up to and including ‘Protected’.
Fedlink can be used to communicate via electronic mail at the levels of ‘X In Confidence’ or ‘Protected’ with
other government agencies that are also connected to Fedlink.

A list of government departments and agencies on the Fedlink network, is at Attachment A.

IT Training
The IT Training Team provides information technology training for staff in the ministers’ offices on the
standard Microsoft suite of applications used in the department and on ‘in house’ developed systems, such
as the Treasury Ministerial System and the Minute Register System.

Regular training courses are conducted in the main Treasury building. Information on upcoming training is
available on the Intranet. If required, essential IT Training may be provided in ministers’ offices.

Contacts: Percita Dittmar on 6263 3028 or Unit Manager, Russell McCaskie on 6263 3130.

The Facilities Team provides services relating to office accommodation, provision and maintenance of office
equipment (excluding IT equipment, printers, mobile and fixed telephones services, fax machines etc) and
general office consumables. The Facilities Team is also responsible for the administration of fleet vehicles
services for the Treasurer.

Contact: Liam Kirby on 6263 3160 or Unit Manager, Michael Ellery on 6263 3319.

The Security Team provides and maintains security containers, for example B and C-Class safes, and
shredders in ministers’ offices. The team also allocates and changes combinations on security containers
when necessary. Other services provided by the team include secure communication, security education and
security awareness training.

It should be noted that:

• security clearances for Treasury staff seconded to the ministers’ offices are the responsibility of the

• security clearances of other ministerial staff are undertaken by the Ministerial Security Branch of the
Department of Finance and Deregulation;

• any security issues relating to the office(s) of ministers are the responsibility of the Treasury; and

• security issues relating to the home(s) of ministers are dealt with by the Attorney-General’s Department,
as are those relating to ministerial appointments, visits, or trips.

Contact: Steve Hogan on 6263 2839 or Unit Manager, Michael Ellery on 6263 3319

Part B: Treasury Support Services

Courier service
A safe hand courier system is provided for movement of material between Treasury ministers’ offices and the
Treasury. The times of the runs from Treasury are 9.00am, 11.30am, 2.00pm, 3.30pm, and if required during
sitting weeks, 6.00pm. Other portfolio agencies make their own delivery arrangements. Contacts:
Bob Beazley on 6263 2811 or Parliamentary Services Unit Acting Manager, Michael Price on 6263 3765.

An external courier service is available to Ministers’ offices. The Document Management and Records Team
manage the contract with Australian Air Express and sets up the account with Australian Air Express for
ministers’ offices. Contacts: Tania Hughes on 6263 2822 or Unit Manager, Russell McCaskie on 6263 3130.

Freedom of Information
The Policy Coordination and Governance Unit provides advice and management of risks associated with
Freedom of Information (FOI) and privacy issues in accordance with legislative requirements.

Significant reforms to existing FOI legislation were passed by the Parliament in 2010 and are due to
commence on 1 November 2010. Each Ministerial office will be required to implement these reforms.
Treasury will provide further briefing early in the life of the incoming government regarding the steps that
ministerial offices will need to take to implement these reforms.

Contact: Bronwen Urban on 6263 2976 or Unit Manager Simone Abbot on 6263 3816.

Financial services
The department manages a budget on behalf of portfolio ministers for items directly related to their portfolio
business, including but not limited to computers, mobile phones, business cards and postage. The
Department of Finance and Deregulation has a separate budget for other entitlements governed under the
Members of Parliamentary (Staff) Act (MOPS Act).

The Financial Accounting and Support Team coordinates and administer the financial delegations and
financial processing for the Treasury. The Team provides the following services:

• processing invoices into the department’s financial management information system (SAP);

• checking of outstanding items as reflected on supplier statements;

• ensuring payments are made by the due date;

• reimbursement of staff expenditures;

• petty cash reimbursements;

• responding to questions about office expenses; and

• recording and tracking of assets.

Contact: Chris Garner on 6263 3844 or Acting Unit Manager, Jennifer Jacobs on 6263 3848.

Part B: Treasury Support Services

Ministerial offices request the purchase of goods and services as they are needed from the Parliamentary
Services Unit. Subject to the relevant legislative and budgetary requirements, the Unit will arrange for the
purchase and delivery of goods and services to the Office. The following is an indicative list of items which
might be paid for from departmental funds (as opposed to MOPS funds).

Departmental expenditure Not departmental expenditure

√ — Office supplies (including stationery and x — Hospitality for office staff only
water) x — Items of political nature
√ — Cabcharge x — Items of private or personal nature
√ — Plants and flowers x — IT/asset related items, unless consultation with
√ — Media monitoring Treasury IT or Asset Manager has first
√ — ComCar occurred.
√ — Newspapers x — Travel allowance related items
√ — Ad hoc items for Parliament House Office
√ — Leaseplan (ministers cars in Canberra only)
√ — Additional furniture or assets
√ — Printing of official stationery
√ — Postage and freight
√ — Mobile phones, blackberries and laptops
√ — Home phone and internet lines for Ministers
√ — Expenses of the Departmental Liaison Officer
√ — Portfolio related business hospitality (for
example Budget night drinks) — refer Chief
Executive Instructions

Reports outlining the expenditure relating to each Minister’s office are provided monthly.

Contact: Rena Spears on 6263 2993 or Parliamentary Services Unit Acting Manager, Michael Price on
6263 3765.

Library and research support

The Library and Research Support Team provides a wide range of library services including reference,
inter library loan and research support services. The library subscribes to a wide range of journals in both
print and electronic format and can offer training on individual products as well as training customised to
ministerial officers’ needs.

Contacts: Jan Bordoni on 6263 3182 or Unit Manager, Russell McCaskie on 6263 3130.

Business cards
Ministers’ offices should refer all requests for business card printing to the Business Card System
Administrator in the Information Services Unit. Allow five business days for the printing of business cards.

Contact: Marion Watts on 6263 3229, Sian Hadabas on 6263 3193 or the Unit Manager, Stacey Pondes on
6263 3887.

Senate Continuing Order No. 10

The Document Management and Records Team coordinates the Treasury and portfolio agencies indexed
lists of files pursuant to the Senate Continuing Order No. 10. Contact: Tania Hughes on 6263 2822 or Unit
Manager, Russell McCaskie on 6263 3130.


As at August 2010

S ec urity L evel Des c ription

Adminis trative Appears Tribunal (AAT )
Protected *
Attorney-G eneral’s Department (AG )
Protected and Restricted *
Protected and Restricted *
Protected and Restricted *
Protected and Restricted *
Protected and Restricted *
Auditing and As s uranc e S tandards B oard (AUAS B )
In Confidence *
Aus tralia C rime C ommis s ion (AC C )
Protected *
Aus tralian Ac c ounting S tandards B oard (AAS B )
In Confidence *
Aus tralian Agenc y for International Development (Aus AID)
In Confidence *
Aus tralian Antarc tic Divis ion
In Confidence *
Aus tralian B ureau of S tatis tic s (AB S )
In Confidence *
Protected *
Aus tralian C entre for International Agric ultural R es earc h (AC IAR )
In Confidence *
Aus tralian C ommunic ations and Media Authority (AC MA)
In Confidence *
Aus tralian C ompetition & C ons umer C ommis s ion (AC C C )
Protected *
Aus tralian E lec toral C ommis s ion (AE C )
In Confidence *
Aus tralian F ederal P olic e (AF P )
Protected *
Aus tralian F is heries Management Authority (AF MA)
In Confidence *
Aus tralian G overnment Information Management Offic e (AG IMO)
Protected and Restricted *

Aus tralian G overnment S olic itor (AG S )

Protected *
Aus tralian Human R ights C ommis s ion
In Confidence *
Aus tralian Ins titute of C riminology (AIC )
In Confidence *

Attachment A: Fedlink List


S ec urity L evel Des c ription
Aus tralian Ins titute of Health and W elfare
In Confidence *
Aus tralian Maritime S afety Authority (AMS A)
Protected *
Aus tralian National Audit Offic e (ANAO )
Protected and Restricted *
Aus tralian Nuc lear S c ienc e and T ec hnology Organis ation (ANS TO)
In Confidence *
Aus tralian Offic e of F inanc ial Management (AOF M)
Protected *
Aus tralian P es ticides and V eterinary Medic ines Authority (AP V MA)
Protected *
Aus tralian P rudential R egulation Authority (AP R A)
In Confidence *
Aus tralian P ublic S ervic es C ommis s ion (AP S C )
In Confidence *
Aus tralian S ec urities and Inves tments C ommis s ion (AS IC )
Protected *
Protected *
Protected *
Protected *
Aus tralian S ec urity Intelligenc e Organis ation (AS IO)
Protected and Restricted *
Protected and Restricted *
Protected and Restricted *
Aus tralian S ports Anti-Doping Authority (AS ADA)
In Confidence *
Aus tralian T axation Offic e (AT O )
Protected *
Protected *
Aus tralian T rade C ommis s ion (Aus trade)
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
In Confidence *

Aus tralian T rans ac tion R eport and Analys is (AUS T R AC )

Protected *
Offic e of the Aus tralian B uilding and C ons truc tion C ommis s ion (AB C C )
In Confidence *
Aus tralian C us toms S ervic es (C us toms )
Protected and Restricted *
C anc er Aus tralia
In Confidence *
C entrelink
In Confidence *
Protected *

Attachment A: Fedlink List


S ec urity L evel Des c ription
C ivil Aviation S afety Authority (C AS A)
In Confidence *
C omc are
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
C ommonwealth Direc tor of P ublic P ros ec utions (C DP P )
Protected *
C ommonwealth G rants C ommis s ion (C G C )
In Confidence *
C oms uper
Protected *
Protected *
Protected *
Protected *
Protected *
Protected *
C rimT rac (C rimT rac )
Protected *
C R S Aus tralia (C R S Aus tralia)
In Confidence *
Department of Agric ulture, F ores try & F is heries (DAF F )
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
Department of B roadband, C ommunic ations and the Digital E conomy (DB C DE )
Protected *
Department of C limate C hange
Protected *
Protected *
Department of Defenc e
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
In Confidence *

Attachment A: Fedlink List


S ec urity L evel Des c ription
Department of E duc ation, E mployment and W orkplac e R elations (DE E W R )
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
Protected *
Protected *
Protected *
Protected *
Protected *
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
Department of F oreign Affairs and Trade (DF AT)
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
Department of Immigration and C itizens hip (DIAC )
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
Department of P arliamentary S ervic es (DP S )
In Confidence *
Department of E nvironment, W ater, Heritage and the Arts
In Confidence *
Protected *
Department of the Hous e of R epres entatives
In Confidence *
Department of the S enate
In Confidence *
Department of V eterans ’ Affairs (DV A)
In Confidence *
E qual Opportunity for W omen in the W orkplac e Agenc y (E OW A)
In Confidence *
Department of F amily, Hous ing, C ommunity S ervic es and Indigenous Affairs (F AHC S IA)
In Confidence *
Protected *
In Confidence *
F air W ork Aus tralia (F W A)
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
F air W ork Ombuds man
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
In Confidence *

Attachment A: Fedlink List


S ec urity L evel Des c ription
F amily C ourt of Aus tralia (F C oA)
In Confidence *
F ederal C ourt of Aus tralia
In Confidence *
F ood S tandards Aus tralia New Zealand
In Confidence *
F uture F und Management Agenc y (F F MA)
Protected *
Department of F inanc e and Deregulation (F inanc e)
Protected and Restricted *
Protected and Restricted *
G eos c ienc e Aus tralia (G A)
In Confidence *
Department of Health and Ageing (DoHA)
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
Department of Human S ervic es
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
Department of Innovation, Indus try, S c ienc e and R es earc h (DIS S R )
Protected *
In Confidence *
Protected *
In Confidence *
Protected *
Indigenous C oordination C entres (IC C )
In Confidence *
Ins olvenc y and T rus tee S ervic es Aus tralia (IT S A)
In Confidence *
Ins pec tor-G eneral of Intelligence & S ec urity
Protected *
IP Aus tralia
Protected *
Medic are Aus tralia
In Confidence *
Murray-Darling B as in Authority (MDB A)
In Confidence *
National B lood Authority (NB A)
In Confidence *
National C apital Authority (NC A)
Protected *
National Health and Hos pital R eform C ommis s ion (NHHR C )
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
National Health and Medic al R es earc h C ouncil (NHMR C )
In Confidence *

Attachment A: Fedlink List


S ec urity L evel Des c ription
National Indus trial C hemic als Notific ation and As s es s ment S c heme (NIC NAS )
In Confidence *
National W ater C ommis s ion (NW C )
Protected *
Protected *
Offic e of National As s es s ments (ONA)
Protected *
Offic e of P arliamentary C ouns el (OP C )
Protected *
Offic e of S patial Data Management (OS DM)
In Confidence *
Offic e of the C ommonwealth Ombuds man
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
Offic e of the P rivac y C ommis s ioner
In Confidence *
Offic e of the R egis trar of Indigenous C orporations (OR IC )
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
In Confidence *
Offic e of the R enewable E nergy R egulator (OR E R )
Protected *
Offic e of the S ec retary to the G overnor G eneral (G G )
In Confidence *
Department of the P rime Minis ter and C abinet (P MC )
Protected and Restricted *
Protected and Restricted *
Protected and Restricted *
P roduc tivity C ommis s ion
In Confidence *
R es erve B ank of Aus tralia (R B A)
In Confidence *
R oyal Aus tralian Mint
In Confidence *
Department of Infras truc ture, T rans port, R egional S ervic es & L oc al G overnment
Protected *
Protected *
Protected *
T he T reas ury (T reas ury)
Protected *
Protected *
Protected *
Protected *
T herapeutic G oods Adminis tration (T G A)
In Confidence *
In Confidence *


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