Complete Lab Sand Casting

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Sand Testing Preparation (Green Sand)


The objective of this experiment is:

 To analyse the green compression strength and permeability of moulding


 To train student using the theoretical method such us calculation method

to get the best result to make the specimen of experiment.


Casting is one of the process engineering methods to produce product either

mass production or small production. There are a lot of type of casting in
engineering such as sand casting, plaster mould casting, investment casting and
etc. The most popular type of casting is sand casting. Before conducting the sand
casting process, there are some of sample of sand that need to tested. The
purpose of testing is to check or determine the sand whether it is suitable or not
for the molten metal to be poured in the moulding. There are several tests for
green sand such as green compression strength, permeability, clay content test,
moisture content test and etc.

Clay content test is responsible for bonding of sand particle together because
it will affect the strength, permeability and moulding properties. Otherwise,
moisture content test is to defined amount of water present in the mould. Low
moisture content show sand mould does not develop strength properties and
high moisture content decreases permeability.

For this sand testing preparation, we run only 2 tests that are the green
compression strength and permeability.

Green Compression Strength

Sand testing preparation is the measure of holding power of various

ingreen and dry sand. However, sand casting is consists of two parts which is
green sand casting and carbon dioxide process. During green sand casting, it
has 4 elements which are silica sand, bantonite (clay), coal dust and water in
ratio of 4:2:2:1. Water plays a role as bonding between molecules. Its principal
use is in making molds for metal casting.As the water lesses, the air defect will
increase. The largest portion of the aggregate is always sand, which can be
either silica or olivine.

Green sand is is not green in color, but "green" in the sense that it is used
in a wet state (same as green wood). According to the Cast Metals Federation
website, an alternative casting method is to heat-dry the molded sand before
pouring the molten metal. This dry sand casting process results in a more rigid
mold better suited to heavier castings. As examples, the engine parts,
components and casings in automotives sector, and also electronics housings.

This test determines the strength and natural bonding of the sand grains
and also required the sand specimen to ruptured under compressive loading.
Usually, there are 4 types of test for sand strength: (1) compression,(2) shear,
(3) tensile, and (4) over-hang bar test. Of these tests, the compression test is
most widely used and is very convenient for routine testing of all types of
national bonded and synthetic moulding sand. Also for this experiment, we have
to get the exact height of specimen to make sure it is suit for the compression

For green compression strength test, the test is performed on the sand
specimen by using Universal Sand Strength Testing Machine. While, preparing
the sand specimen, the sample are required to be taken out quickly from the
specimen tube to avoid the sample from drying which will cause increase in the
strength of the sample. The machine consists of a pusher arm and weight arm,
both hanging from a pivot bearing at the top of the machine. The weight arm
applies load on the specimen while pusher arm pushes thespecimen against the
weight until the specimen breaks. Then the compression strength psi may be
read from the magnetic marker. The green strength of sand is generallyin the
range of 0.03 to 0.16 MPa.

Here are some of advantages and disadvantages of Green Sand Mould Casting:

Advantages :
1. Less expensive Method. (Very economical)
2. Sand can be reused many times after reconditioning with clay and
3. Preferred and suitable for simple, small and medium size castings.
4. Suitable for mass production.

Disadvantages :
1. Moulds prepared by this process lack in permeability, strength and
2. They give rise to many defects like porosity, blow holes etc. because of
low permeability and lot of steam formation due to their moisture
3. Moulds cannot be stored for appreciable length of time.
4. Not suitable for very large size casting. It is for a simple design of mold.
5. Surface finish and dimensional accuracy of castings are not
6. Mould erosion is common in Green Sand Mould Casting.
7. Difficult to cast thin and complicated shapes.

Permeability can be defined as physical property of the moulded mass of

sand mixture which allows gas to pass through it. It is the rate of air or gas that
determines whether the permeability of the specimen is too high or too low but
depends on the contents of water. Sometimes sand casting process is the
mixtures of ferrous and non-ferrous for a better bonding.

It is determined by measuring the quantity of air that passes through a

given sample of sand in a specified time and under a standard condition.
However, standard permeability is determined by measuring the time necessary
for 2000cm3 of air to pass through the standard specimen while it is confined in
the specimen tube. Permeability of moulding sand depends on several factors
including shape of sand grains, fineness, degree of packing, moisture content
and amount of binder present.

The permeability (unit of cc/min) of a specimen can be determined by

using this formula:-

P= VxH
Volume of air, V = 2000 cm3

Height of sand specimen, H = 50.82 mm (last specimen)

Pressure, P = 10 gm/cm2

Cross sectional area of the sand specimen, A

Time, sec for 2000 cm3 air to pass through specimen, T

Apart from that, this formula also can be used to calculate the permeability of
the specimen.
This equation also can be reduced to AFS permeability:

P= 3000.7
T (sec) for old machine with Hg

These formulas reduce to AFS Permeability for Ridscale-Dieter:

P= 30557
air pressure in cm of water x time in sec

P = 30557

1. Pour green sand in the Weighing Machine. Starting with approximately

150g and onwards.
2. Clean specimen tube before use it.
3. Transfer the green sand inside the Specimen Tube by using Sand Cone
with covered by Pedestal on specimen tube’s bottom.
4. Proper place the bottom inside the rammer. Ram sample three times using
Sand Rammer.
5. Pull out the sample form specimen tube.
6. Placed sample on the Electric Permeability Meter. Push the on/off switch.
Let the meter moving for seconds, then adjust the needle to 0 point. Start
the permeability test by push the lever.
7. Measure the length using Vernier Caliper.
8. If the measurement is within . The sample could proceed to next step 9.
9. Put the sample in the Universal Moulding Sand Strength Tester (UMSST).
Place between placed Arm and Swing Weight.
10. The (UMSST) would test the strength just before the sample fail, and
would leave the Magnetic Iron Piece behind before Swing Weight return to
its initial position.
11. IF, step 7 does not qualify within the measurement, repeat step 1 until 7.
The experiment must fulfilled required length of the sample before proceed
to next step.

Number of Mass (g) Permeability Height (mm) Strength (psi)

1 150.83 55 49.56 N/A

2 158.08 68 52.30 N/A

3 155.44 60 51.36 N/A

4 153.98 60 51.0 N/A

5 152.00 59 50.36 N/A

6 152.45 62 50.82 11.8

Table 1: Reading for 6 trials on the Green Sand specimen

By observing the Table 1, it shows 6 trials in which it shows the weight of the green
sand, permeability and the height. In the laboratory work, reproducing ramming condition are
achieved by the use of a standard sand rammer and specimen tube accessories. The sand is
placed in the specimen tube and rammed by impact with three blows of a standard weight. The
required height for the specimen is 50.8 with tolerance of ±0.125mm.
From the experiment that has been conducted, our group managed to obtain 50.82mm.

Trials Mass (g) Permeability Height (mm) Strength(psi)

6 152.45 62 50.82 11.8
Table 2: Reading for sixth trials

On the sixth trials, we are managed to obtain the required sample of height
which is 50.8 mm. The value that we have obtain are 50.82 based on Table 2. From the results
that we have obtain in table 2, it produced a strength of 11.8 psi which is equivalent to
0.081MPa in SI unit which is also still in the ideal range of (0.03Mpa to 0.16MPa) .

6.1 Sample Calculation

The permeability number, P are calculated by using the formula of,

P= VxH
P x Ax T

P= 30557

Parameters Value
Volume of air, V ( cm³) 2000
Height of sand specimen,H (cm) 5.08
Pressure,P (gm/cm²) 10
Cross section area of the sand specimen, A (cm²) 6.4516
Time , T (minute) 1

P = 30557
10 x 60

= 50.93

Percentage error, % = |P experimental -Ptheoretical|x 100


Percentage error, % = | 62-50.93 |x 100

= 21.7%


From the experiment conducted, data was obtained. 6 times of testing at last
satisfied the criteria needed to get specific height of 50.8mm(±0.125mm). The 6th
testing shown 50.82 of height with 11.8 Psi of strength and 152.45gram of mass.
Permeability obtained is 62 cc/m. The experiment shown increasing of
permeability value when the mass of green sand increases, except for the 6 th
sample, where the permeability value supposedly lower than it was.

The height of each specimen was varies even though the mass of some
specimen almost the same. This is due to the surrounding effect. Green sand
contains of 4% of silica sand, 2% of bentonite, 2% of coal dust and 1% of water
acting as bonding agent. Water may vary due to surrounding. The longer the
sand was leaved to the surrounding, the lower water contain. Water will dissolve
with clay and provide strength to the molding sand enable to retain it shape as
molding cavity. The strength of the molding product is greater when the sand is

Percentage error of permeability is 21.7% which can be consider higher than

perfect percentage error which only 20%. In our experiment, 62cc/m shown that
our permeability was low. High degree of permeability allows better molding
process . The gas could escapes to the atmosphere when molten metal is poured
into the mold without interfering with rigidity and strength of the mold. The less
gas trapped in the mold the better. Gas trapped would occur defects in molding.
Gases trapped in can cause porosity leading to product crack, cavity and
defective surface.

The Sand Testing Preparation experiment was conducted to determine the

value of green compression strength and permeability of the moulding sand. The
sample sand preparations have been done by prepares the sand at weight’s
range about 145g to 175g. The preparation of sample sand need to be repeats
until we get the height that is required in this experiment. The height required is
50.80mm (±0.125mm).

In order to get the required height, we had made six samples. The
interpolation method is used to determine the accurate value of weight in order to
get the required height, 50.80 mm. During conduct the experiments; there are
some errors that have occurred. Parallax error is occurred during take the
measurement height of samples by using Vernier calliper. It caused by the
improper technique is applied during take the readings. In order to overcome this
error, eye level must be perpendicular to the scale during taking the readings.
Another error is occurred during prepared the sample is systematic error. It is
very difficult to get the accurate weight of sand in order to have required height
because the mass measurement machine that used is very sensitive.

The permeability of the moulding sand is be tested by using permeability

machine. All the samples are tested on the permeability machine to determine
their value of permeability. The green sand are prepared with the composition
ratio of 4:2:2:1 made up of silicon sand, bentonite, coal dust and water. The value
of permeability that can be observed in this experiment is 62 gm/cm 3. Based on
theory, value of permeability with range about 0 to 50 gm/cm 3 is too low, range
about 60 to 80 is optimum value. So, the value of permeability for samples of
moulding sand that is tested in this experiment is at the optimum level.

The best result is should be below than 20% of percentage error .The
percentage error that is determined from the calculation for this experiment is
21.70%. This error occurs because of the some errors during conduct the
experiment. The improper skill of measurement is applied during read the scale
reading on Vernier Calliper, permeability machine and strength testing machine
can be one of the errors. For overcome this problem, the eye level must be
perpendicular to the scale reading during do the measurements and take
average readings in order to get accurate result. The next error that is occurred is
systematic error. This error is happen during using some of instrument such as
Digital Weighing Device. This instrument has very sensitive scale reading and it
make so difficult to adjust the weight of green sand before sand is being tested.
The value of green compression strength that was determined from the experiment is
11.8 psi or 82 kPa. That value of strength is determined from the test for sample number six. The
suitable types of material that can be used in pouring moulding sand is depend on value of green
compression strength. So, the suitable type of material is non-ferrous metal. These moulding
sand samples are capable to withstand with low melting point of material such as Aluminium.


Based from the experiment, we had to measure the properties of green sand,
its permeability and green compression strength. The sand is dark green in
colour due to the coal dust which happen to be in its sand composition. Other
than that, black rammed sand was harder rather than ordinary rammed sand due
to bentonite and coal dust in its sand composition. These two materials increase
the specimen strength.

The green compression strength can also be defined as the capacity of the
rammed sand during pouring process. Permeability is a property by which we can
know the ability of material to transmit fluid or gases. This permeability is usually
tested whether the material is suitable for the use of casting conditions. Green
compression strength and permeability are important factor to be considered as
an important aspect in the sand casting mold preparation.

The trials to get the complete result ends with 6 trials. The experiment had
been repeated just to obtain the suitable height which is 50.8mm. On the sixth
trial, we managed to obtain suitable height, 50.82mm. From the height that we
obtained, the value of green compression test also had been obtain which is
11.8psi equivalent to 0.08MPa. The suitable pressure for green compression test
is between 0.03MPa to 0.16MPa where that value obtained are considered as a
success. The permeability for the sixth trial is 62cc/min.

After obtaining the required result, the value of the permeability of the
experiment has is 50.93cc/min. In the term of percentage error, the percentage
should be under 20%. The percentage error that we have obtained is 21.7%. One
of the errors that causes this percentage error that the experiment that had been
conducted is at the evening where the green sand is slightly dry due to humidity
loss towards the environment. Each time that the experiment had been
conducted, the reading for permeability increase each and every time. This
shows the loss humidity due to time and environment factors.Next, there might
be an error while pouring process. The sand might stick at the funnel while we
were pouring it to specimen tube. This decrease the mass that is measured

Based from this experiment, the sand testing preparation (green sand) is
about the preparation that we had to measure the properties of permeability,
green compression strength clay content and moisture of the clay. The value for
permeability is depends to the rate of air to pass through the standard
compression specimen. If the value of permeability is high, the mould maybe
excessive with water and will create mold defect when do the casting. The
permeability of specimen must be in optimum condition between this value (60-
150). While for green compression strength value is depend on the type of metal.
For non-ferrous metal must be high value than ferrous metal value in green
compression strength and vice versa. Bentonite and coal dust is the important
material for strengthen the sand.

That have a different in the actual and the experimental value of permeability
and green compression strength in this experiment. These different are cause by
several factor such as moisture contain in the sand specimen could be has dried
up by time and temperature surrounding. The experiment was done with six
dissimilar value of mass and for each value of mass the time taken are depend
on us to take measurement of the size of specimen. As a result, the water contain
in specimen box are considered to the atmosphere because we not lock up the
box after take some sand from specimen box. there also has other error that
influenced by the loss of sand due to the handling the experiment. Since the
moisture was condensed and the loss of sand will effect to the dimension of the
specimen that our desired height is 50.8mm with tolerance 0.125mm were hard
to achieved it in 1st test.

For the green compression strength test, the specimen may be not being
accurate and will be fails at inappropriate force because of the specimen keeps
drying by time. It is because of the cold dust, Bentonite and water mixture are not
optimum ratio.

Based on the experiment conducted, we conducted the sand testing

preparation (green sand). After the experiment was done, we can say that the
percentage error is 21.7 %. The permeability number is 50.93 cc/min. After we
get 6 specimens, the suitable height is 50.82 mm. The desired height is 50.8 mm
with tolerance of ± 0.125 mm. Meanwhile, the strength of 6 th specimen is 11.8 psi.
The strength 11.8 psi is equivalent to 0.081 MPa in SI unit. It is in an ideal range
of 0.03 to 0.16 MPa. These values were obtained after we measured the suitable
mass which is 152.45 g.
In terms of percentage error, it should be below than 20%. The
experimental value must be very close to the true value. It is showed that the
accuracy of experimental value based on true value. As the percentage error
smaller, the accuracy value is more closer.
During this experiment, we have determined the important mechanical
properties in terms of permeability and compression strength. Thus, the optimum
moisture is vital to ensure a better strength in casting.
The compression strength in the study of strength of material, the
compressive strength is the capacity of a material or structure to withstand loads
tending to reduce size. Meanwhile, permeability is the property by which we can
determine the ability of material to transmit fluid or gases. The high value of
permeability is because of less presence of water. Water is main as bonding
during casting process. The theoretical value of green sand permeability is 62
Apart from that, we also measured the properties of molding sands, green
compression strength in psi units, and the permeability of the specimen (rammed
sand). The sand in dark in colour because of the addition of coal dust inside the
mixture of sand. For this experiment, we only have to rammed 3 times only as
stated in laboratory manual. Thus, it improved the strength of the specimen due
to the presence of bentonite.
Green compression strength material normally has a high melting point. In
order to find a good material that will be able to withstand high temperature
cause by the material, the strength of must be larger than it melting point. If the
melting point is higher, we can imagine that the material is not a good quality and
need a lot of maintenances costs.
However, there are some errors that happened during this experiment. In
terms of permeability, it is higher because of surrounding. The sand should not
be too dry, but it should be in an optimum moisture condition. Secondly, the
cleanliness of the cylindrical steel tube when refill the sand. Before rammed the
sand, the cleanliness is important to avoid the defects during strength test.
Otherwise, the mass reduction will happen if this error is not awared. Next, when
it is being rammed in the sand rammer machine, the same thing may happen
where a small number of sand will also stick at thehead of the rammer. Again, the
mass of the specimen will be reduced.

As precaution measure, the cleanliness of apparatus during conducting

experiment is the first step should be done. Secondly, the measurement must be
accurate. Otherwise, it will affect the sample calculation. Third, safety measure
also vital. Wear the personal protective equipment, do not spill any metal onto the
floor to avoid explosions (for concrete floor), and be cautious in surroundings.
Prevention is better than cure.
(Done By: SOFIA BINTI MOHD SHARIFF 2014821822)

The experiment conducted is sand testing that is then divided into two which are
green compression strength and the permeability of the compressed sand. The
percentage error after conducting the experiment is 21.7%, whereas the desired
percentage error should be less than 20%. After testing 6 specimens, the 6 TH trial is
success as the suitable height achieved is 50.82mm, making it within the range of
50.8mm ± 0.125mm as this is the requirement of the machine. To achieve this suitable
specimen, the mass tested was 152.45g. Using this specimen, the strength of it was
11.8psi which is equivalent to 0.081MPa in SI unit. The ideal range for the strength
should be between 0.03 to 0.16 MPa.

The properties of the sand that is vital in preparing the sand for casting is the green
compression strength, permeability, clay content and the moisture content of the sand.
These factors are important as to avoid the defects that may happen during the metal
forming process. Some of the defects examples are pin holes, shrinkage cavity and
penetration of the molten metal through the sand.

The permeability of the sand is the ability for gases to pass through the standard
compression specimen. The amount of water in the sand mixture is vital as the water
acts as the bonding factor of the sand particles thus effecting the permeability. The range
of the permeability should be around 80 - 150 for it to be optimum for the pouring of the
molten metal. The bentonite affects the hardness of the sand, where this factor is
calculated for in the green compression strength. If the sand is not strong enough, it
might no withstand the molten metal that is poured into the mold. As for the types of
molten metal, non-ferrous metals should have a higher value of green compression
strength compared to ferrous metals.

The errors that occur affects the outcome of this experiment. One of the errors might
be caused by the sand itself as the sand may have lose moisture due to the surrounding
atmosphere. Due to this factor, the experiment has to be repeated 6 times before the
desired values are achieved. Besides that, the method of reading the vernier caliper may
not be correct due to parallel and human error, making the calibrations of the specimen
incorrent and not accurate. The electric permeability meter may also contribute to the
error happened as an incompetent person that handles the machine may stopped the
machine a little bit too early or too late.


In a nutshell, permeability is really important element in molding process to

achieve better product. The value of 62cc/m which can be considered as low
permeability and higher percentage error shows us that the specimen and its
sand is not really suitable for molding as the trapping of gas could be high. In
order to increase the better product, permeability value must be higher than
62cc/m within 80-150 range. Water also acts as vital role for bonding agent. Thee
less water contain would result higher strength of molding product.


As a conclusion, we can prove that the Sand Testing Preparation experiment is an

important method in order to make a mould and produce high quality of products. From this
experiment, we can determine the value of permeability and green compression strength. The
value of permeability that is recorded from the experiment is about range 50 gm/cm3 to 60
gm/cm3. The values are category as optimum level. That occurred might cause
by water ratio is greater in the green sand. The percentage error that is
calculated from the result is 21.70 %. The value of green compression strength
has been determined by test the sample on the Universal Sand Strength Testing
Machine. The value that obtain is 11.8 psi or 82 kPa , it is a smaller value of strength.
The type of material that is capable to withstand with this strength is aluminium
because it has low melting point.

As a conclusion, green compression strength and permeability of the molding

sand has been determined. The permeability value is effected by the humidity of
the environment. When the sand are exposed too long, the permeability value
increase since it becomes dry. The green compression strength value that we’ve
obtained is 11.8 psi equivalent to 0.08MPa. The percentage error that we’ve
obtain is 21.7% which are slight higher that ideal percentage error which is below
20%. This causes by some error affected by environment and inaccurate
measure in process of the experiment


In the end of this experiment, we can conclude that the permeability, the
green compression strength and the properties of the specimen are important to
do preparation appropriately. This is important because in this experiment, we
found a lot of factor that could affect the results. The main error that could
produce is the loss of sand. Some of little sand maybe stick at the funnel or head
of rammer while do the processing of the specimen. Even the loss of sand is very
little, it is still affected to the whole processed especially to the sand volume.
Since the sand volume drops, the dimension of the specimen required will not be
accurate to the desired height of 50.8 ± 0.125mm.

For the permeability test, the first trials we get the value of permeability is 55 cc/min
while at the last trials we get 62 cc/min. This will conclude that’s specimen has been condensing
to the surrounding while we do the processes of the experiment. The first trial is too low and
second trial took the lowest and highest value of permeability more than others. The value for
the second trials is 68 cc/min.

For the green sand compression strength, a machine is being used to test the specimen’s
strength. The specimen that undergoes this test was the 152.45 g specimen which states the
reading of 50.82mm in height. The specimen is tested until it fails at 81.358kn/m^2.
Lastly, to obtain good quality of product, the material for the green sands must be
mixed with the correct amount of bentonite, coal dust and water. Excessive amount of water
would make the sand harder in uniformly condensed even in a short while. Besides that, we
must do research for what type of material for that product because the green compression
strength between non-ferrous and ferrous is difference and will affect to the amount of ratio of
material to do preparing.


In conclusion, we achieved the objectives. First, we obtained the strength

and permeability of the molding sand. Second, we explored the process of
molding and the standard procedures to the students. Third, we enhanced the
proper method when handling equipment.

Besides, the green compression strength and permeability and the

properties of the sample are well measured and observed with desired
characteristics. The strength of the specimen is 11.8 psi. While the permeability
obtained is 62 cc/min. However, the strength is still in the range of 0.03 to 0.16
MPa. Next, the percentage of error is 21.7 %. It is a bit different from actual value
because of some errors.

(Done By: SOFIA BINTI MOHD SHARIFF 2014821822)

The objectives of this experiment is achieved as we amanged to obtain the

green compression strength and the permeability. The procedure of preparing the
specimen is also exposed to students by learning the proper way of handling the
machines and apparatus.

The value of the properties that are achieved as follow; green compression
strength: 11.8 psi @ 0.081MPa and permeability: 62 cc/min. The strength is
within optimum range which is between 0.03 to 0.16MPa while the the optimum
range for the permeability is between 60-150. Although the percentage error still
exists, this can be fixed through proper handling of the specimen and

To further enhance the accuracy of the experimental values, one of the ways
is to keep the sand in a vacuum container if possible to avoid further loss of
moisture. The equipments should also be checked and maintained regularly to
avoid systemic errors. For the accuracy of the calibration, the traditional vernier
calipers can be replaced with a modern, digital vernier calipers. Lastly, the sand
should be changed into new ones more often to avoid the loss in the strength of
the sand. The values of the bentonite and the clay content should be supervised
at all times to maintain the proper ratio of the sand.

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