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Six weeks of knee extensor isometric training improves soccer related

skills in female soccer players

Article · October 2017

DOI: 10.17338/trainology.6.2_52


1 94

4 authors:

Leah Bimson Louis Langdown

University of East Anglia Southampton Solent University


James Fisher James Steele

Southampton Solent University Southampton Solent University


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Short Communication

Six weeks of knee extensor isometric training improves soccer

related skills in female soccer players
Leah Bimson, Louis Langdown, James P. Fisher, James Steele
Objectives: Resistance training (RT) programs are often utilized to improve strength and power and thus enhance soccer perfor-
mance. However, there is little research examining isometric knee extensor RTs effects upon soccer related skills.
Design: The aim of this study was to examine the effects of knee extensor isometric training in female soccer athletes.
Method: Sixteen female, university level, amateur soccer players (age 20.5 ± 1.1 years) were assigned to either a control or exper-
imental group. The experimental group trained 1x/week for 6-weeks performing repeated maximal voluntary isometric con-
tractions (MVIC) for the knee extensors alongside regular soccer training and the control group participated in soccer training
alone. Knee extension MVICs were performed at seven joint angles and peak torque measured.
Results: Outcome measures included, countermovement jump (CMJ), kicking distance (KD), straight sprint speed and zigzag
sprint speed, with (SSB and ZSB, respectively) and without (SS and ZS, respectively) a ball. Significant increases (p < 0.05) in
knee extensor MVIC (28.9%) occurred in the experimental group. Significant differences (p < 0.05) between the experimental
group and control group were found for change in CMJ (2.24% vs -0.78% respectively) and KD (8.8% vs -2.5% respectively);
however, change in SSB, ZSB, SS, or ZS were non-significant for both within- and between-group comparisons.
Conclusions: Results indicate that a 6-week isometric knee extension RT intervention can improve jump height and kicking abili-
ty of amateur female soccer players.
(Journal of Trainology 2017;6:52-56)
Key words: strength  anaerobic power  speed  agility  change of direction

INTRODUCTION rence.7 However, females may be more susceptible to injury

Soccer is the most popular sport in the world and the most than males. Knee injuries are more common in females and
popular team sport for women.1 In 2006, 4.1 million women 82% of female injuries occur in the lower extremities with
were playing within organised structures; a 54% increase from 22% of major injuries occurring at the knee.8 Indeed, RT has
the year 2000.2 The development of recreational and profes- been shown to effectively reduce sports injuries risk.7
sional soccer leagues has provided opportunities for women to Knee extension is a repetitive movement in soccer, with
train and compete at a higher standard. Despite this increase in running, jumping and kicking all requiring this action. The
professionalism, there is still a gap in the amount of research instep kick is considered to be an important skill for long
involving female players. distance passing, free kicks, shooting and the penalty kick.9
Soccer involves intermittent high intensity of effort activity. Improvements have been found to occur in lower limb strength
Strength and anaerobic power, particularly of the lower limbs, and ball velocity through RT of the knee extensors in isola-
likely affects the explosive efforts of jumping, kicking and tion.10 Knee extension may also be important for jumping
sprinting, which it has been argued may be key determinants which is regularly used as a measure of anaerobic power in
of successful soccer performance.3 As such, it may be impor- soccer players.3 However, it is unclear whether knee extensor
tant to consider training of these characteristics. Sprinting and strength affects other soccer related skills such as COD perfor-
high intensity efforts only represent 10–15% of covered run- mance with and without a ball.
ning distance; however, they can be the most critical and deci- Most research on the effects of specific training on soccer
sive movements affecting the outcome of a game.4 related skills has involved male participants, limiting applica-
Strength and rate of force development in the leg muscles tion to amateur female soccer populations. Furthermore, many
might impact change of direction (COD) at speed, acceleration studies have investigated the effects of plyometric training and
and jumping performance. This ‘speed-strength’ is thought to examined outcomes which resemble the training performed.
be important for explosive, anaerobic movements,5 and resis- Thus, performance improvements might be a result of specific
tance training (RT) of the knee extensors has positive effects practice of movements mimicking the tests; not necessarily
on jump and sprint performance of professional soccer play- due to any one underlying component adapting. For example,
ers6. Strength and conditioning also plays a role in decreasing jumping in plyometric training would likely improve jump
risk and severity of injury, and preventing injury re-occur- height as an outcome, as would sprint or COD training likely

Received July 26, 2017; accepted September 25, 2017

From the School of Sport, Health, and Social Science, Southampton Solent University, UK (L.B., L.L., J.P.F., J.S.)
Communicated by Takashi Abe, PhD
Correspondence to Dr. James Steele, School of Sport, Health, and Social Science, Southampton Solent University, East Park Terrace, Southampton,
Hampshire, UK, SO14 0YN. Email: [email protected]
Journal of Trainology 2017;6:52-56 ©2012 The Active Aging Research Center

Bimson et al.  Knee extensor isometric training improves soccer related skills 53

enhance acceleration and speed as well as COD testing. As CMJ, SS, ZS, SSB, ZSB and KD were performed in that order
such the role of knee extension strength improvements alone for each session. Both pre- and post- soccer-related skill tests
are not well understood in their translation to soccer related were completed in one single session each (20:00 – 22:00
skills such as kicking, jumping and COD. Therefore, we chose hours) with sufficient recovery for each player to rest between
to examine the effects of a neutral isolated knee extension the CMJ, KD and SSB, ZSB, SS and ZS tests. Post-tests were
training intervention, and thus the role of increasing strength organized so each participant had at least three days recovery
without specific motor schema transfer, upon soccer related following the final training session. All participants were
skills performance. required to wear full kit with appropriate soccer boots during
testing. Tests were performed on 3G artificial turf, a familiar
METHODS surface to the players. Prior to testing, all protocols were
Methodological Design explained thoroughly and a standardized warm up was
A randomized controlled trial design was used to determine enforced. This consisted of jogging, dynamic stretches, transi-
the effect of isometric knee extension training on soccer relat- tional movements, sprints and ball drills. Practice trials were
ed performance variables within female participants. allowed for habituation.
Outcomes included counter movement jump (CMJ), kicking
distance (KD), sprint speed and a zigzag, with (SSB and ZSB, Countermovement Jump:
respectively) and without (SS and ZS, respectively) a ball. CMJ was assessed using the portable Just Jump mat (Just
Participants completed a 6-week intervention consisting of Jump, Probiotics Inc, Alabama, USA). The highest jump (cm)
either once weekly maximal isometric knee extension training from 3 maximal efforts, with a 2-minute recovery between
alongside current soccer training, or continuation of their cur- each trial was used for analysis.
rent soccer training. Ethics committee approval was obtained
from the author’s institution (ID No. 366). All participants Zig Zag with and without ball:
were provided with a participant information sheet and The zig zag test was based on the previous protocol used by
informed consent was obtained prior to any testing/training. Young et al.11 but its implementation was adapted to include
only two stages of the original test. First, a straight 30m sprint
Participants with and without a ball and second, using the fourth stage of
Sixteen female undergraduate university students playing the test, with and without a ball. This involved slalom around 4
soccer in the British University and College Sports (BUCS) cones, turning at 100º angles. Cone placement was determined
league volunteered. On average, participants took part in two using trigonometry. Figure 1 displays the cone placement of all
soccer-training sessions and played one competitive 90-minute original 7 stages, however, for this study only stages 1 and 4
match per week. All participants had at least 5 years of soccer
training experience playing at county level. Participants were
Test 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
randomized into an experimental training group (EG; n = 8) Angle 160º 130º 100º 100º 100º 100º
and a control group (CG; n = 8). The CG took part in regular # changes 2 2 2 3 4 5
soccer practice and the EG completed additional once-weekly
isometric training. Participants reported having no current or
recent injury that may have affected their efforts in the training
programme. None of the players had any experience in isomet-
ric exercise before the tests; however, 6 out of 8 participants in
the EG group and 7 out of 8 participants in the CG group had
previously taken part in some form of RT. See table 1 for par-
ticipant demographics.

Testing was conducted during the soccer mid-season. Pre-
and post-tests were completed at the beginning of the first and
end of the last week of the 6-week intervention respectively. Figure 1 Z
 ig Zag test layout.

Table 1 P
 articipant Demographics and Descriptive Statistics.
Experimental Group Control Group
(n = 8) (n = 8)
Age (yrs) 20.5 ± 1.19 20.9 ± 1.12 0.529
Mass (kg) 72.9 ± 14.61 64.4 ± 2.31 0.147
Stature (cm) 166.9 ± 6.38 169.3 ± 3.10 0.349
Results are mean ± SD.
54 Journal of Trainology 2017;6:52-56

were required. onds, and to then relax. A rest period of 10-seconds was per-
Two trials were completed at both stages, with the average mitted between angles. Verbal encouragement was given to
of the 2 used for analysis. A 5-minute rest between the first motivate the participants. The peak torque recorded for each
and second stage was enforced to allow full recovery. A angle was used to calculate a Strength Index (SI) by the MedX
Brower TC Timing System (Utah, USA) was setup with one software where SI represented the area under the torque curve
gate at the start line and one at the end to record times. Each using the trapezoidal method.
participants’ trial was self-initiated; starting with their front
foot positioned 0.3m behind the first pair of Brower gates. Statistical Analyses
Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS (version 22.0;
Kicking Distance: IBM, Portsmouth, Hampshire, UK), with alpha for signifi-
A starting point was marked on the midpoint of an end zone cance accepted at ≤ 0.05. The independent variable was the
line, with a regulation soccer goal centered on the pitch 70 group and the dependant variable was the absolute change in
yards (64 metres) away. An 8 yard (7.32 metre) wide target the outcome variables (post- minus pre-test scores). Data met
lane (width of a FIFA accredited soccer goal) was marked assumptions of normality (examined using a Shapiro-Wilk
from the end zone line to the goal posts with cones. Kicks test). Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to compare
landing outside the target lane were disqualified. First ball absolute change in each outcome variable between groups with
contact with the ground was used and the distance recorded. pre-test scores used as a covariate. Further, 95% confidence
Subjects had 10 trials using their dominant leg and a 1-step intervals (CI) were examined for within group change.
approach, with 30 seconds rest in between attempts. The best 5 Significant within group change was considered to have
kicks were averaged and used for analysis. occurred if the 95%CIs for changes did not cross zero.

Knee Extension Strength & Intervention: RESULTS

The 6-week isometric knee extension intervention was per- Change in Soccer Related Skills:
formed on a knee extension/flexion dynamometer (MedX, Between groups comparisons using ANCOVA for absolute
Ocala, Florida, USA). Participants in the EG group completed change detected significant differences between the EG and
isometric training sessions once per week for the 6-week train- CG for CMJ (F (1,15) = 7.019, p = 0.02) and KD (F (1,15) = 11.774,
ing period. During each session participants performed repeat- p = 0.004) but not SS (F (1,15) = 0.759, p = 0.4), ZS (F (1,15) =
ed maximal voluntary isometric contractions (MVIC). The 0.215, p = 0.651), SSB (F (1,15) < 0.001, p = 0.998), or ZSB
dynamometer used for training recorded torque during each (F (1,15) = 0.631, p = 0.441). Significant within-group changes,
MVIC allowing examination of changes in strength across the as indicated by 95%CIs, occurred in the EG group for absolute
training intervention for the EG group (change from week 1 to change in CMJ (0.25 to 1.19 cm) and KD (1.32 to 4.15 metres)
week 6). Each session began with a dynamic, bilateral warm but no other outcomes. No significant within-group changes
up of knee extensions at 81.35Nm using a 2-s concentric, 1-s occurred for the CG group. Results of the change in soccer
isometric and 4-s eccentric repetition duration through the par- related skills are presented in Table 2 below.
ticipants full range of motion. Before MVICs, participants per-
formed 3 practice isometric contractions at 50% of perceived Change in Strength Index for the Experimental Group:
maximal effort at 3 angles (108º, 60º, and 12º). Subsequently, Descriptive statistics show that average change in SI values
participants then performed MVICs at 7 angles through their for the EG group from week 1 to week 6 were 5067.25 ±
range of motion (108º, 96º, 78º, 60º, 42º, 24º, and 12º). The 4119.57 Nm. 95% confidence intervals indicated that change
participants were instructed to build up to maximal effort over in SI was significant (1240.78 to 7879.72 Nm).
a 3-second period, to maintain that effort for a further 3 sec-

Table 2 C
 hanges in Soccer Related Skills Between the Experimental and Control Group.
Experimental Group Control Group p
Change in CMJ (cm) 0.72 ± 0.22 -0.15 ± 0.22 0.003
Change in SS (seconds) 0.00 ± 0.07 0.09 ± 0.07 0.281
Change in ZS (seconds) 0.05 ± 0.06 0.09 ± 0.06 0.656
Change in SSB (seconds) 0.04 ± 0.11 0.04 ± 0.11 0.937
Change in ZSB (seconds) 0.13 ± 0.07 0.05 ± 0.07 0.359
Change in KD (metres) 2.73 ± 0.65 -0.58 ± 0.65 0.001
Abbreviations: CMJ, countermovement jump; SS, sprint speed without ball; ZS, zigzag speed without ball;
SSB, sprint speed with ball; ZSB, zigzag speed with ball; KD, kicking distance; Results are marginal
means ± standard error
Bimson et al.  Knee extensor isometric training improves soccer related skills 55

DISCUSSION cer and the quadriceps femoris recognized as potentially

The present study examined the effect of 6 weeks isometric important for its performance.25 Despite this, knee extension
RT of the knee extensors on soccer related performance in strength alone is likely not the single determinant of ball
amateur female soccer players. CMJ and KD performance velocity. However, knee extension imparts a large proportion
improved significantly in the EG group compared with the of the force to a kick and typically, males can produce higher
CG. However, there were no changes or between group differ- peak forces than females.26 Therefore, kicking may be an area
ences for SS, ZS, SSB, and ZSB. requiring development in females. In the present study KD
The EG had a mean post CMJ height of 36.84 ± 4.73 cm increased 8.8% for the EG while the CG did not change. Prior
similar to that reported in amateur female soccer players.12 research reports increases in KD of 11.5% after 7-weeks of
CMJ increased 2.24% in the EG, in comparison to no change plyometric training in female adolescent players13 and 22.5%
in the CG. Prior research found 7 weeks of plyometric training after 12-weeks of plyometric training in pre-adolescent boys.24
produced increases in CMJ in amateur female soccer players Whilst such rapid increases could potentially be due to age and
of 8.3%.13 However, whilst isometric knee extensor training maturation, Haldankar et al.27 reported 12-weeks of RT signifi-
may be less effective than plyometric training for increasing cantly improved KD in adult amateur soccer players (11.5%).
CMJ, isometric training is evidently an approach that may still Increased strength likely contributes to an explosive knee
benefit jump performance and some have argued that explo- extension motion increasing force production during the final
sive training (such as plyometrics) may represent an unneces- kicking phase.28 Despite arguments that isolating specific com-
sary injury risk.14,15 Potential mechanisms for improved CMJ ponents of the kicking action do not transfer well to kicking
may include increased tendon stiffness and rate of force devel- performance29 the present results suggest isolated isometric
opment.16 training of the knee extensors enhances kicking performance.
Fast onset of activation of the leg muscles is beneficial for The increase in knee extensor strength was substantial
CMJ as this increases impulse and consequently, jump (28.9%) despite low volume and frequency of training.
height.17 Knee extensor electromyography during the first However, a limitation in this study was the lack of strength
100ms of the rise in ground reaction force is associated with data for the CG. Lack of improvement in other variables in the
jump height.18 This suggests a relationship between the force CG group suggests change in strength was unlikely, though it
applied in a jumping movement with knee extension. Indeed, remains possible that strength increased with regular soccer
our results suggest improving isometric knee extension practice.
strength, even without specific movement training of the
stretch-shortening cycle (i.e. plyometrics), has a positive CONCLUSION
impact upon jump performance. Isometric strength has a The present study appears the first to investigate the effects
strong positive relationship to numerous dynamic performance of isometric knee extensor training on soccer related skills per-
measures.19,20 Further, isometric training at multiple angles formance. Improvements in knee extensor strength from the
throughout knee extension ROM produces similar isokinetic intervention may have contributed to improved CMJ and KD.
strength gains to traditional dynamic repetition training.20 However, no improvements were observed in SS, ZS, SSB, or
Isometric knee extension training may therefore have applica- ZSB. As such, isometric training might be incorporated within
tions over short training cycles where higher impact, weight soccer training programmes to enhance jumping and kicking
bearing training such as plyometrics might be ill advised (e.g. ability in amateur female soccer players. A low frequency (1 × /
leading up to an important cup match) for fear of potentially week) and volume (7 MVICs per session) intervention could
increased injury risk.14,15 In female populations, this may be be easily implemented alongside existing training or soccer
particularly important due to their increased injury risk.8 specific practice as used in this study. Further, the short inter-
No significant changes were observed in either group for SS, vention duration suggests this could be used in short training
ZS, SSB, or ZSB. Indeed, there is debate regarding the impor- cycles (e.g. in preparation for key competitions where higher
tance of knee extension strength to speed or COD ability.21 impact activities such as plyometrics might be undesirable due
Studies examining changes in speed and COD ability in soccer to the potential for injury).
players after RT, plyometric, and other interventions alone or
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