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Berlitz Pro Edition


Berlitz Pro Edition

Berlitz Languages, Inc.

Princeton, NJ
Adapted by: Berlitz Custom Solutions
Original Author: Denise Kruelle
Original Layout and Design: Page2, LLC
Original Illustration: Thomas Stefflbauer, Dimitri Karetnikov

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First Digital Edition — May 2016

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Berlitz Languages, Inc.

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Berlitz Pro Edition

Table of contents Beginner


1. Nice to meet • Introductions and greetings • Introduce yourself • I am ... / You are ...
• Countries and nationalities • Say where you are from • Are you ...? / Am I ...?
you! • Numbers 0 -10 • Give your name, address, • yes / no
• Alphabet and spelling phone number • What’s your name?
Academic Skills • Check names and

2. I’d like you to • Personal descriptions • Introduce others • He / She is ...; We /

• Colors (hair and eyes) • Describe people You / They are ...
meet my friend • Personal details • Ask for and give personal • have / has
Alan • Numbers 11-100 details • his, her, its, our, your,
Academic Skills • and, but
• Plurals: children,
people; -s,-ies

3. What would you • Food and drink • Offer something to eat and • Offers and requests
• Meals drink with would like
like? • Menus and ordering • Talk about food preferences • with,without
• Order a meal • Plurals: -s, -es, -ies
• some / any
Academic Skills

4. Is Ms. Waker in •Classroom and office • Describe this office • there is / there are
• Location of people • Say what people are • this, that, these, those
tha classroom? and objects doing • in, on, under, next to
• Colors • Say where a person is • Present progressive: ... is
sitting, I am standing,
Academic Skills • here, there

Audio script
Answer Key
Chapter 1

Nice to meet you!

Topics Speaking Goals Grammar
Introductions and greetings Introduce yourself I am … / You are …
Countries and nationalities Say where you are from Are you …? / Am I …?
Numbers 0-10 Give your name, address, yes / no
Alphabet and spelling phone number What’s your name?
Check names and numbers

In this chapter,
you will …
■■ Introduce

— Hello. — Hi! — Hi, I’m … — Nice to meet you.

■■ Say where you RIO DE JANEIRO

are from OSAKA


CITY Osaka Rio de Janeiro Miami

COUNTRY Japan Brazil the United States
NATIONALITY Japanese Brazilian American

SE Diane Harper
Director 4

1 a name
■■ Give your name, Sinclair Enterprises 2 an address
address, phone
number SE
628 North Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60611
a phone number
a website
an e-mail address
2 tel: 312-555-0603
e-mail: [email protected] 5

1 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Beginner 1 • Chapter 1

Introduce yourself and say where you are from

1 Nice to meet you

— Hello. I’m Tina Lee. — Are you Richard Clark? — Excuse me. Are you Amy?
— I’m Andy Cooper. — Yes, I am. — No, I’m not. I’m Jill.
Nice to meet you, Tina. — Hi. I’m Alice Morton. — Oh, sorry.
— Nice to meet you, too. Nice to meet you.

— Are you …? — Am I …?
— Yes, I am. — Yes, you are. I am  I’m
No, I’m not. No, you’re not. you are  you’re

2 Where are you from?

— Where are you from, Mr. Peña? — What country are you from?
— I’m from Mexico. — I’m from the United States.
— Are you from Mexico City? — What city are you from?
— No, I’m from Monterrey. — I’m from Los Angeles.

3 What nationality are you?

Canada Canadian Japan
China Chinese Mexico
France French Spain
Germany German the U.K.
India Indian the U.S.

Level 1 • Beginner 1 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 2

Give your name

4 What’s your name?

HELLO I’m Mark Harris. — Is your name …?

my name is
My name is Mark Harris. — Yes, it is. / No, it’s not.

Mark Harris My first name is Mark.

My last name is Harris.
— What’s your name?
— It’s …

— Is your name Lisa Parker? — Is your first name Tom? — Is your last name Miller?
— No, it’s not. — No, it’s not. — No, it’s not.
— What’s your name? — What’s your first name? — What’s your last name?
— It’s Lisa Baker. — It’s Harry. — It’s Milton.

5 Hello, it’s nice to meet you! (Track 1)

— Hello. (1) my name is Kevin Davis.

— (2) i am Patricia Jackson. Nice to meet you.
— It’s nice to meet you, too, (3) ms Jackson.
— (4) where are you from?
— I’m from Boston. (5) and you ?
— I’m from (6) orlando .

What city are you from? Is your name …?

Yes, it is. And you?

I’m …
What’s your name? Hello.
No, I’m not. I’m …

Are you from … Where are you from?

No, it’s not. It’s … Are you …?

What country are you from? Yes, I am.

Nice to meet you, too.

6 What number is this?

0 zero 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five
6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten

3 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Beginner 1 • Chapter 1

Give your phone number

7 Please leave your name and number (Tracks 2–3)

Charles Brady
_________________________ name
Mr. Tanaka, GenTek

telephone telephone
number number

Hi. This is Susan. Hi, Susan. This is Tom.

Please leave your Please call me back.
name and number. My number is
Thanks. 555-2390. Bye!

a voice–mail message a phone message

8 What’s your phone number?



cell / mobile



9 The alphabet

a b c d e f g h i j k l m
n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Beginner 1 • Chapter 1 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 4
Give your address

10 What’s your address?

Springer & Shaw Mr. Frank Kessler

1650 Magnolia Street 46 North Franklin Street
ter Inc.
Preston, CT 06365 Wooster, OH 44679
y Car
MarIn es,
dustri e
Ace Avenu 32
lwood Y 105
364 Ethorne, N101-7141 m
Haw e: (914) [email protected]
phonail: mcart

Mr. James Burton Ms. Karen Riley

Mary Carter
275 Coverview Drive Marketing Director
Ace Industries, Inc.
Rolling Hills, CA 90274 ALX Associates, Inc.
364 Elwood Avenue
1933 Oak Street
Hawthorne, NY 10532
Victoria BC V8X 3W4
phone: (914) 101-7141
e-mail: [email protected]

11 What’s your e-mail address?

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

at dot underscore dash / hyphen

Contact Information

First Name
Last Name
What’s your name, please?
Street Address My name is …

What’s your address?
State / Territory My address is …
Zip / Postal code


5 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Beginner 1 • Chapter 1

Check names and numbers

12 How do you spell that?

— What is your name, please?

— Patrick Gilmore.
— Is that G-I-L-L-M-O-R-E?
— No, it’s G-I-L-M-O-R-E.
— Thank you. And what is your phone number?
— It’s 312-555-8743, extension 922.
— 312-555-8743, extension 922?
— Yes, that’s right.

Jackson Wright

Rink Limited
 20 Sunset Street
Galveston, TX 77554 — What’s your last name?
• T el: 409-555-3542 — Chesterfield.
— How do you spell that?
E– m a i l : j w r i g h t @ r i n k . u s
— C-H-E-S-T-E-R-F-I-E-L-D.

— Is Jackson your first or last name?

— My first name.
— And how do you spell your last name?


— W-R-I-G-H-T.




13 Is this …? (Tracks 4–7)



1 . last name: Mary Collins

2. phone number:

3. city:

4. address: Main Street.

Level 1 • Beginner 1 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 6

Chapter Summary

Vocabulary & Expressions

yes first / last name Hello.
no Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. Hi.
I number My name is …
you phone number Nice to meet you.
it phone message Excuse me.
my home phone Sorry.
your cell / mobile phone please
a, an office phone Please leave your name
city fax and number.
country letter (alphabet) This is …
nationality address wrong number
name e-mail
or too

• I am … / You are … / Are you …? • My name is … What’s your name?
I am Ann. R I’m Ann. — My name is Ann. What’s your name?
You are Jane. R You’re Jane. — It’s Michael.
— Are you Ann? — Nice to meet you, Michael. How do you
— No, I’m not. I’m Jane. spell that?
— Are you American or Canadian? — M - I - C - H - A - E - L.
— I’m Canadian.
• What country are you from? • What city are you from?
— Are you from Canada? — Are you from New York?
— No, I’m not. — No, I’m not.
— What country are you from? — What city are you from?
— I’m from the United States. — I’m from Chicago.
• Where are you from? • What nationality are you?
— Are you from Germany? — Are you Mexican?
— No, I’m not. — No, I’m not.
— Where are you from? — What nationality are you?
— I’m from Italy, from Rome. — I’m Colombian.
• a / an
a business card a city a country a name a phone number a website
an address an extension an e-mail address an office phone number

Use Your English!

• Look at a world map. Make a list of country names in English. Write the nationality next
to each country.
• Look at a telephone book, an address book, or business cards. Say and spell the names.
Say the phone numbers. Say your name, address, and phone numbers.
• Write an English message for your cell phone or voice–mail. Record it.

7 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Beginner 1 • Chapter 1

Academic Skills Section: Chapter 1

1 I am, you are

Is Mr. Baker a teacher? Yes, he is.

Is Miss Campos a student? Yes, she is.

Are you a teacher? No, I am a student.

2 Grammar exercises

Read the information and answer the questions:

She is not Mrs. Thomson. She is Sonia Campos. She is not

Mexican, she is Brazilian. She is from Sao Paulo. Sao Paulo is not
a small city, it is a big city.

1. Is Sonia from Mexico?

2. Is she from Brazil?
3. Is Sao Paulo a small city?
4. Is Sao Paulo a big city?

They are Mr. Baker and Mr. Cooper. They are students. They are
Brazilian. They are from Sao Paulo. Sao Paulo is a small city.

1. Who are they?

2. Where are they from?
3. Is Sao Paulo a small city?

Beginner 1 • Chapter 1 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 8a

Academic Skills Section: Chapter 1
3 Reading strategy: Make connections

What’s in Chapter 1?
What is the title of the reading activity on page 1?
What do the pictures tell you?

This reading is about:

A. Nationalities
B. Places
C. People
D. Countries

4 Reading

Hello, my name is Sonia Campos.

I am a student in New York.
I am Brazilian.

Hi. My name is Mr Baker. I’m not a student.

I’m a Berlitz teacher.
I’m not Brazilian. I’m American. I’m from

8b ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Beginner 1 • Chapter 1

Academic Skills Section: Chapter 1
5 Comprehension

1. Where is Sonia from?

2. Is Sonia a teacher or a student?
3. What nationality is Mr. Baker?
4. Is Mr. Baker a student?
5. Where is Mr. Baker from?

1. Is Sonia a Berlitz student? a. She is a student.

b. Yes, she is.
c. No, she isn’t.

2. Is Mr. Baker a student? a. No, he isn’t.

b. Yes, he is.
c. He is a teacher

6 Grammar

What’s your phone number? My phone number is 724-656-9874.

What’s the phone number? The phone number is 123-456-7819.

7 Grammar exercises

Read and answer the questions:

Hello, this is Steven Thomas. Please leave your name and phone
number. (Beep!)
Hi Steven. This Claire. My number is 412-587-9123. Please call
me back. Thank you. Bye.

1. Who does Claire call?

2. Does Steve answer the phone?
3. Does Claire leave a message?
4. Does Claire leave a phone number?

Beginner 1 • Chapter 1 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 8c

Academic Skills Section: Chapter 1
8 Grammar

What’s your phone number? My phone number is 724-656-9874.

What’s the phone number? The phone number is 123-456-7819.

9 Reading

Hello. My name is Jack Kent.

I’m in Auckland, New Zealand.
I’m American. I’m from Dallas, Texas.

My address in Auckland is 90 Federal Street,

Auckland 2148, New Zealand.
My telephone number is 649-363-0055,
extension 220.

My address in Dallas is 1179 Nelson Drive,

Irving, Texas 75038, USA.

My telephone number is 214-555-7413.

10 Comprehension

1. Jack Kent is________________.

a. American b. from New Zealand c. Australian

2. Jack Kent is from ______________.

a. Auckland b. Dallas c. Sydney

3. 220 is __________.
a. a phone number b. an address c. an extension

4. 1179 Nelson Drive is___________.

a. a city in the U.S. b. an address c. in New Zealand

8d ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Beginner 1 • Chapter 1

Academic Skills Section: Chapter 1

11 Writing

Introduce someone you know. Write five sentences.

Include the following information:

- Name - Country - Phone number

- Nationality - Home address






12 Writing

Hello. My name (1) _______ Thomas Baker. I am (2) ______

Toronto. Toronto is a (3) _______ in Canada. (4) ______ am
Canadian. (5) _______ am a Berlitz teacher. My (6) _________
is 123 Highland Park, Toronto Canada. My (7) _____________ is

1. 2. 3. 4.
a. am a. Canadian a. city a. I
b. is b. am b. country b. you
c. are c. from c. nationality c. he

5. 6. 7.
a. I a. phone number a. phone number
b. you b. address b. address
c. he c. zip code c. zip code

Beginner 1 • Chapter 1 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 8e

Chapter 2

I’d like you to meet my friend Alan

Topics Speaking Goals Grammar
Personal descriptions Introduce others He / She is …, We / You / They are …
Colors (hair and eyes) Describe people have / has
Personal details Ask for and give personal his, her, its, our, your, their
Numbers 11-100 details and, but
Plurals: children, people, -s, -ies

In this chapter,
you will …

■■ Introduce others

This is Roger. This is Isabel. This is Mr. and Mrs. Cook.

He’s from England. She’s from Mexico City. They’re from Australia.

■■ Describe people wife


■■ Ask for and give

This is Lisa Evans.
personal details
She is 30 years old.
She has blond hair.
Her eyes are blue.

9 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Beginner 1 • Chapter 2

Introduce others

1 I’d like you to meet …

— Frank, this is Teresa Neal. — Mr. Bright, I’d like you to — This is Jim and Lisa Baker.
Teresa, this is Frank. meet Jim Martin. They’re from Nevada.
— Hi, Teresa. It’s nice to — Pleased to meet you, Jim. — Are you from Las Vegas?
meet you. — Nice to meet you, Mr. Bright. — No, we’re from Reno.
2 We’re from Mexico

— Is she …? — Is he …? — Is it …?
— Yes, she is. — Yes, he is. — Yes, it is.
No, she’s not. No, he’s not. No, it’s not.
she is R she’s he is R he’s it is R it’s
he’s not = he isn’t
she’s not = she isn’t

— Are you …? — Are we …? — Are they …? you’re not = you aren’t

— Yes, we are. — Yes, you are. — Yes, they are. we’re not = we aren’t
No, we’re not. No, you’re not. No, they’re not. etc.

we are R we’re you are R you’re they are R they’re

3 This is our family

I’m Michael. My name is Michael. I R my we R our

This is my mom. Her name is Ann. he R his you R your
This is my brother. His name is Steve. she R her they R their
I have a sister. Her name is Karen.
We are the Bennett family. Our address is 314 Garden Street.
We have a dog and a cat. Their names are Lucky and Tiger.

— What’s Mrs. Meyer’s first name? — Whose phone number is this, Paul?
— Her first name is Sharon. — It’s John’s cell phone number.

— Tim, I’d like you to meet my friends, — Is Mark’s last name Jennings?
Greg and Pam, and their cousin, Jared. — No, it’s not. His last name is O’Connor.
— Nice to meet you. Jennings is his friend’s name.

Beginner 1 • Chapter 2 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 10

Describe people

4 I have brown eyes

— What color are your eyes? — Does Charles have brown eyes?
— My eyes are blue. I have blue eyes. — No, he has green eyes.

have brown eyes. She has green eyes.
They It

— Do you have brown eyes? — Does Bill have blue eyes? — Who has gray eyes?
— Yes, I do. / — Yes, he does. / — I do. /
No, I don’t. No, he doesn’t. They’re brown. Carmen does.

5 Who has long hair?


Kathy has short, blond hair. Jeff has long hair and a beard. Erica has short, dark brown hair.
John has short hair, too. He doesn’t have a beard, but he has a moustache.

— What color is your hair? — It’s red. I have red hair.

— Is it straight or curly? — It’s curly. I have curly, red hair.

— Is it long or short? — It’s short. I have short, curly, red hair.

11 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Beginner 1 • Chapter 2

Ask for and give personal details

6 Who am I? (Tracks 8–11)

A. C.

B. D.

7 Numbers 11-100
11 12 13 14 15 16
eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen

17 18 19 20 21 22
seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two

30 33 40 44 50 58
thirty thirty-three forty forty-four fifty fifty-eight

60 70 80 90 99 100
sixty seventy eighty ninety ninety-nine one hundred

8 Is she tall or short?

— Is the woman tall or short? — Is the man young or old?

— She’s short. — He’s young.

— Happy birthday, Frank!

— Thank you.
— So how old are you today?
— I’m 20.

Beginner 1 • Chapter 2 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 12

Ask for and give personal details

9 How old are you? (Tracks 12–14)

1 . It’s ’s birthday today. He’s years old.

2. Susan’s is six years old.

Her daughters are two and years old.

3. Brian is very . He’s years old.

10 These are our children

a girl. girls.
This is a boy. These are boys.
my boyfriend. our boyfriends.

a man. men.
a woman. women.
a child. children.
This is These are
a person. people.
a family. families.
my girlfriend. our girlfriends.

— Who are these people? — Are these your parents? — Whose glasses are these?
— They’re John’s friends. — Yes, this is my mom and dad. — They’re Tim’s.

11 What do they look like?

Paul He has brown hair and a moustache.

What does Paul’s girlfriend look like? R She’s tall and blond, and she has blue eyes.
Paul’s friend He is short and has red hair.

I Your hair is black and curly.

you I have brown hair and I wear glasses.
What do look like? R
we We’re short and have long, blond hair.
they They’re tall. They have short, gray hair.

— What do your parents look like? — What does Bill Mason look like?
— They’re tall with long, black hair. — He has short, blond hair and blue eyes.

13 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Beginner 1 • Chapter 2

Ask for and give personal details

12 Is she tall or short? (Tracks 15–16)

— What does look like?
— She has and .
— Is she tall or short?
— She’s .
— And is she?
— She’s years old.

— What does Mark look like?
— He’s tall, and he has and brown eyes.
— How old is he?
— He’s my age, .
— Is he ?
— Yes, and he has .

13 These are my friends

1 . _




Beginner 1 • Chapter 2 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 14

Chapter Summary

Vocabulary & Expressions

he / she / it beard, moustache girl / boy
his / her / its glasses adult
we / you / they cat / dog child (children)
our / your / their person (people) married
blue, brown, green family (families) single
black, gray (grey UK) boyfriend tall / short
blond, red, white girlfriend(s) young / old
color (colour UK) son / daughter sister / brother / cousin
eyes, hair friend I’d like you to meet …
long / short man (men) I’m … years old.
curly / straight woman (women) I have … eyes / hair.

• What country is Barry from? • Who is this?
— He is from the United States. — It’s Alice.
— Is he from Atlanta? — Is she American, too?
— Yes, he is. — No, she’s not. She’s Canadian.

• Are you and Barry married? • Are Sophia and Peter dating?
— Yes, we are. Our last name is King. — Yes, they are.
— Do you have a son? — Do they have brothers or sisters?
— Yes, we do. His name is Tony. — Yes, Sophia has a sister. Her name is Erica.

• Are you and your wife tall? • Does your family have a dog?
— Yes, we are. / No, we’re not. — We don’t have a dog, but we have two cats.

• What does Sheila look like? • What do you look like?

— She has brown eyes and long, straight, — I’m tall. I have short, curly, blond hair.
black hair. — What do your sons look like?
— What does her husband look like? — They’re tall. They have short, brown hair.
— He has short, gray hair, and he wears glasses. — Tim has a beard, but Sam doesn’t.

Use Your English!

• In English, introduce a classmate to people at the Berlitz Learning Center.
• Think about two people you know. Write a short conversation to introduce them.
• Find some pictures in a magazine. Write a description of the people in the pictures.

15 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Beginner 1 • Chapter 2

Academic Skills Section: Chapter 2

1 Where are you from?

This is Olga. She’s from Berlin, Germany.

This is Xavier. He’s from Barcelona, Spain.

This is Scott and Michelle Griffin. They’re from Pittsburgh,


2 Grammar exercises

Read and then answer the questions:

Dan: Craig, this is Pierre Sable.

Craig: Nice to meet you, Pierre.
Pierre: Pleased to meet you, too.
Craig: Are you from Paris?
Pierre: No, I’m from Bordeaux. Where are you from, Craig?
Craig: I’m from Chicago, Illinois.
Pierre: Where are you from, Dan?
Dan: I’m from Cleveland, Ohio.

1. Who introduces Craig and Pierre?

2. Where is Pierre from?
3. Where is Craig from?
4. Where is Dan from?

Beginner 1 • Chapter 2 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 16a

Academic Skills Section: Chapter 2
3 Writing

Think about two people you know. Write a short conversation to

introduce them.
















16b ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Beginner 1 • Chapter 2

Academic Skills Section: Chapter 2
4 What color...?

What color are your (his/her/their) eyes?

My (his/her/their) eyes are blue (green/brown).

What color is your (his/her/their) hair?

I have blond hair.
S(he) has brown hair.
They have gray hair.

Is it straight or curly?
I have straight, blond hair.
S(he) has curly, brown hair.
They don’t have straight hair.

Is it long or short?
I have straight, long, blond hair.
S(he) has curly, short, brown hair.
They don’t have long hair.

Does he have a mustache or a beard?

He has a mustache, but he doesn’t have a beard.

5 Reading strategy: Make connections

What’s in this chapter?

What is the title of the reading activity?
What do the pictures tell you?

This reading is about:

A. Introductions
B. Personal descriptions
C. Numbers
D. Countries

Beginner 1 • Chapter 2 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 16C

Academic Skills Section: Chapter 2
6 Reading – What do they look like?

Hello, my is Courtney Bannon.

I’m from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
I have straight, long, blond hair.
I don’t have brown eyes. My eyes are blue.

Hi. My name is Brian Connor. I’m from Dublin,

Ireland. I have short black hair. My hair is a little
curly. I have brown eyes.

7 Comprehension

16d ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Beginner 1 • Chapter 2

Academic Skills Section: Chapter 2
8 Grammar

Are you tall? No, I’m not tall. I’m short.

Is s(he) tall? S(he) isn’t tall. S(he) is short.

How old are you? I’m 29 years old.

How old is s(he)? S(he) is 16 years old.

Are they young? They aren’t young. They are old.

9 Practice

Hello. My name (1)_______ Ben Marconi. I am (2)______

Italy. I (3)________short, (4)_______, brown hair. I don’t have a
I (6)_______have blue eyes, but my (7)______ are brown. I am
(8)________ and (9)_________22 years old. I am
(10) _____________.

1. 2. 3. 4.
a. am a. Canadian a. have a. curly
b. is b. am b. has b. blond
c. are c. from c. do c. long

5. 6. 7. 8.
a. beard a. don’t a. hair a. tall
b. old b. do b. tall b. blue eyes
c. long c. has c. eyes c. long hair

9. 10.
a. I have a. 22 years old
b. I am b. mustache
c. long hair c. young

Beginner 1 • Chapter 2 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 16e

Academic Skills Section: Chapter 2
10 Writing

Think about someone you know. Write five sentences.

Explain what s(he) looks like.




11 Reading: The Rivera family

This is the Rivera family.

Carlos Rivera is tall and has
gray hair. He’s 45 years old.
His wife, Elena, has long, black hair and
brown eyes. She’s 40 years old. The
Riveras have a son and two daughters. Their son, David, is 12
years old. He has short, brown hair. Diana is 15 years old. She
has short, brown hair, too. The Riveras’ other daughter,
Olivia, has long, brown hair. But her hair isn’t dark brown. It’s
light brown. Olivia is 7 years old.
12 Comprehension

1. How many children do Carlos and Elena have?

2. What are their names?
3. How old is Diana?
4. Who has long, light brown hair?
5. How old is she?
6. Who is 12 years old?

16f ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Beginner 1 • Chapter 2

Chapter 3

What would you like?

Topics Speaking Goals Grammar
Food and drink Offer something to eat and Offers and requests with would like
Meals drink with, without
Menus and ordering Talk about food preferences Plurals: -s, -es, -ies
Order a meal some / any

Breakfast Lunch Dinner

In this chapter,
you will …

■■ Offer something
to eat and drink

What would you like? Would you like What would you
a sandwich? like to eat?

■■ Talk about food Daniel likes fruit.

preferences He doesn’t like vegetables.

— What would you like?

■■ Order a meal — I’d like the roast chicken
with potatoes, please.

17 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Beginner 1 • Chapter 3

Offer something to eat and drink

1 Would you like some coffee?

— Would you like tea or coffee? — Would you like a bottle of wine?
— Coffee, please. / No, thank you. — Yes, please. / No, thank you.

— How would you like your coffee? — Would you like some juice?
— With milk and sugar, please. / Black, please. — No, thank you. Just a glass of water.

2 would like

I an apple. I’d like …

You a banana. You’d like …
He some fruit. He’d like …
She would like a cup of tea. She’d like …
We a glass of wine. We’d like …
They a bottle of beer. They’d like …

3 What kind of juice would you like?


— What kind of juice would you like? — What kind of pie would you like?
— I’d like some apple juice. — I’d like some cherry pie.
— How much juice?
— One glass, please.
Beginner 1 • Chapter 3 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 18
Talk about food preferences

4 What would you like for breakfast?


for breakfast

for lunch

for dinner

5 One or two salads?

-s -es -ies
one egg — two eggs one glass — two glasses one cherry — two cherries
one muffin — two muffins one sandwich — two sandwiches one French fry — two French fries
one banana — two bananas one tomato — two tomatoes one strawberry — two strawberries

— How many eggs would you like? — How many glasses of wine would you like?
— Just one, please. — Two, please. One for me and one for my friend.

6 What do you like?

— Do you like apples? — What’s your favorite meal?

— Yes, they’re my favorite fruit. — My favorite meal is breakfast. I like
— How many apples do you eat every day? cereal, toast and jam with coffee.
But I don’t like eggs for breakfast.

19 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Beginner 1 • Chapter 3

Order a meal

7 Sorry, we don’t have any

I an apple pie. I apple pies.

You a glass. You glasses.
have don’t have any
We an orange. We oranges.
They three forks. They forks.

some tea. tea.

He coffee. He coffee.
has doesn’t have any
She a piece of cake. She cake.
a bottle of water. water.

— I’d like a banana muffin, please. — Do you have any strawberry ice cream?
— I’m sorry. We don’t have any banana — We don’t have any strawberry ice cream,
muffins. but we have chocolate and vanilla.

8 Do you have tomato juice? (Track 17)

— — A glass of grape juice, please.

— — Do you have tomato juice?
— — I’d like some juice, please.
— I’m sorry. We don’t have any
— tomato juice.
— — We have orange, grape, and apple.
— — What kind of juice do you have?
— What kind of juice would you like?

9 I’d like the chicken soup

— What kind of soup do you have? — Do you have any soft drinks?
— We have chicken, tomato, vegetable, and — Yes, we have Coke and Sprite.
French onion. — I’d like a Coke, please.
— I’d like the French onion soup, please. — Very good.

Beginner 1 • Chapter 3 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 20

Order a meal

10a What would you like?

— May I take your order? — Would you like French — What would you like to eat?
— I’d like a chicken sandwich. fries or a salad? — I’d like the grilled salmon.
— And to drink? — French fries, please. — Would you like a salad with that?

10b And to drink?

11 May I take your order? Check all that apply. (Tracks 18–21)

A. The woman would like … B. The man would like …

toast with butter. a steak with cheese.
two eggs. a steak and cheese sandwich.
some toast. some soup.
coffee with sugar. a salad.
tea. salad with cheese.

C. The man and the woman would like … D. The man would like …
some strawberry ice cream. a hamburger.
some vanilla ice cream. French fries.
one cup of coffee. some rice.
two cups of coffee. the grilled salmon.
two cups of tea. a glass of wine.

21 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Beginner 1 • Chapter 3

Order a meal

12 The Fairfax Restaurant


Fairfax Restaurant
Appetizers Main Courses Desserts
■ Shrimp Cocktail Served with fresh ■ Apple or Lemon Pie
■ Crab Cakes vegetables and roast ■ Ice Cream
■ Grilled Scallops potatoes, French fries, (vanilla, chocolate,
or rice. strawberry)
■ Filet Mignon with
■ Chocolate Cake
Served with fresh bread mushroom sauce ■ Fruit Salad
or crackers.
■ Grilled Lamb Beverages
■ Tomato Chops in mint sauce
■ Chicken Vegetable
■ Cappuccino
■ Roast Chicken ■ Espresso
■ Clam Chowder

■ Soup of the Day

■ Grilled Salmon in ■ Tea
white wine sauce ■ Soft drinks
■ Lasagna ■ Wine – Please ask
Dressings: for our wine list
Oil & Vinegar, French,
Italian, Ranch

■ House Salad
■ Caesar Salad
■ Pasta Salad

Beginner 1 • Chapter 3 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 22

Chapter Summary

Vocabulary & Expressions

coffee, tea meals: breakfast, pasta I’d like (some) …
with / without lunch, dinner vegetables: green Yes, please. /
~ sugar / milk / lemon (a bowl of) cereal beans, broccoli No, thank you.
black (coffee) egg restaurant Here you are.
just toast / bread, muffin server Thank you.
beer, wine chicken, fish, steak customer You’re welcome.
juice, water hamburger menu Sorry. We don’t
soft drink potato appetizer have any …
a bottle / cup / glass French fries (chips UK) main course May I take your
~ of … rice dessert order?
fruit: apple, banana, soup What does it come
cherries, grapes, etc. salad, to eat with?
a piece of cake / pie salad dressing to drink How much / many ...?
ice cream: vanilla sandwich
chocolate, strawberry ham and cheese ~

• What kind of tea would you like? • What would you like for breakfast?
— I’d like Earl Grey, please. — I’d like scrambled eggs and coffee, please.
— With or without lemon? — Would you like some orange juice?
— With lemon, please. — No, thank you.

• May I have a piece of cake? • Do you have any green tea?

— Yes, of course. Here you are. — We have tea, but we don’t have any green tea.
— Thank you. — Do you have grape juice?
— You’re welcome. — I’m sorry. We don’t have any grape juice.

• I’d like … • How many … would you like?

a sandwich / a salad / a cup of coffee — I’d like …
two sandwiches / three glasses of water one hamburger three hamburgers
some water / salad dressing / soup one tomato two tomatoes
some cake / two pieces of cake one strawberry twelve strawberries

Use Your English!

•M ake a supermarket shopping list in English.
• Write a list of what you eat and drink today.
• Find an English menu online. What would you like to order?

23 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Beginner 1 • Chapter 3

Academic Skills Section: Chapter 3

1 Would you like ...?

Would you like some pizza?

No, I wouldn’t, but I would like a sandwich.

What would s(he) like for dessert?

S(he)’d like a piece of pie, please.

Would they like their coffee with cream and sugar?

They’d like it with cream but without sugar.
2 Grammar exercises

Read the following dialogue and answer the

questions below:

Emma: What would you like to eat for lunch,

Colleen: I’d like to eat a turkey sandwich
Emma: OK, me too. Would you like chips or
French fries with your sandwich?
Colleen: I’d like chips, please.
Emma: And would you like water to drink?
Colleen: No, thank you. I’d like a cup of coffee.
Emma: Would you like it with cream and sugar?
Colleen: Yes, please.

1. What would Colleen and Emma like to eat for lunch?

2. Would Colleen like French fries also?
3. What would Colleen like to drink?
4. Would she like her coffee without cream and sugar?

Beginner 1 • Chapter 3 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 24a

Academic Skills Section: Chapter 3
3 Writing

It’s your turn to make dinner. You don’t know what to 

cook. Write an e-mail to your roommate. Ask what s(he) would
like toSend
eat. Draft Cancel

Send Draft Cancel



4 Grammar box

What kind of cake do you like?

I like vanilla cake.

What kind of fruit does s(he) like?

S(he) likes apples, cherries, and blueberries.

24b ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Beginner 1 • Chapter 3

Academic Skills Section: Chapter 3
5 Writing

You want to have a birthday party for your friend.

What kind of food and drinks would you like to have at
the party?
Write five sentences.






6 Grammar

May I have a piece of cake? Sure.

How many pieces would you like? I’d like one piece, please.

Do they have any ice cream? Yes, they have

some chocolate ice
cream but, they don’t
have any vanilla
ice cream.

Beginner 1 • Chapter 3 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 24c

Academic Skills Section: Chapter 3

7 Grammar exercises

Complete the text with the correct word:

(1)_________________some pizza, please?
Absolutely! (2)______________ of pizza would you like?
(3)________________have cheese pizza? Yes, of course!
We (4)_________ cheese, pepperoni, and mushroom pizza.
OK. I (5)_________ cheese and mushroom pizza, please.
(6) _____________slices would you like? (7)__________one
slice of cheese and one slice of mushroom pizza.

1. 5.
a. Would you like a. don’t like
b. What kind of b. has
c. May I have c. would like

2. 6.
a. Would you like a. How many
b. What kind b. What kind of
c. How many c. May I

3. 7.
a. Do you have a. How many
b. May I? b. I’d like
c. What kind of c. May I

a. has
b. have
c. don’t

24d ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Beginner 1 • Chapter 3

Academic Skills Section: Chapter 3

8 Reading strategy: Usage

Pick out three words from the reading passage and

write a sentence.
Share your sentence with the class.




9 Reading: At the café

Kim and her friend Alice are at the Blue Moon Café after class.
They would like to have lunch.

Kim would like the chicken salad with French dressing, some gar-
lic bread, and a bottle of mineral water.

Alice would like a turkey and cheese sandwich with French fries
and a glass of lemonade.

And for dessert? Kim would like some lemon cake and a cup of

Alice would just like some coffee.

Beginner 1 • Chapter 3 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 24e

Academic Skills Section: Chapter 3

10 Comprehension

1. What meal would Kim and Alice like to eat?

a. breakfast b. lunch c. dinner

2. What would Kim like with her salad?

a. toast b. cheese c. garlic bread

3. What would she like to drink with her meal?

a. a glass of wine b. mineral water c. a cup of coffee

4. What would Alice like for lunch?

a. a salad b. a bowl of soup c. a turkey and cheese

5. What would she like with that?
a. French fries b. garlic bread c. onion rings

6. Who would like some cake for dessert?

a. just Alice b. just Kim c. Kim and Alice

11 Grammar exercises

You are at a bakery. You want to buy three different

desserts to share at a college event. Write a short
conversation between yourself and the baker.
Share your conversations with the class.





24f ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Beginner 1 • Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Is Ms. Walker in the classroom?

Topics Speaking Goals Grammar
Classroom and home Describe your bedroom there is / there are
Location of people Say what people are doing this, that, these, those
and objects Say where a person is in, on, under, next to
Colors Present progressive: ... is sitting,
I am standing, etc.
here, there

In this chapter,
you will …

■■ Describe this

Where’s the printer? Where’s the magazine? Where’s my cell phone?

It’s on the table. It’s under the telephone. It’s next to the books.

Beth Walker is a teacher.

She’s in the classroom.

Ms. Walker is standing.

The students are sitting.
■■ Say what people
are doing and
She is speaking.
where a person is
They are listening.

She is asking questions.

They are answering

She is teaching English.

They are learning English.

25 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Beginner 1 • Chapter 4

Describe your classroom

1 Whose phone is this?

This is Ms. Martin. R Ms. Martin’s first name is Ann. Her first name is Ann.
Ellen has a cell phone. R Ellen’s phone is red. Her phone is red.
Bill has an old computer. R Bill’s computer is old. His computer is not new.

— Is this Jennifer’s computer? — Whose cell phone is this?

— No, it’s not her computer. It’s John’s. — It’s Eric’s. He’s in Mr. Freeman’s office.

2 Is there a printer?

— Is there a printer? — Is there a TV? — Are there any pencils? — Are there any pens?
— Yes, there is. — No, there isn’t. — Yes, there are. — No, there aren’t.

— How many printers are there? — How many pencils are there? — How many pens are there?
— There’s only one printer. — There are five pencils. — There aren’t any pens.

3 What color is it?

4 Is that your briefcase?

That’s my briefcase.

This isn’t my briefcase.

— Is this your briefcase? — Are these your keys?

— No, it’s not. That’s my briefcase. — No, they’re not. Those are my keys.

Beginner 1 • Chapter 4 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 26

Describe your classroom

5 in, on, under, next to

— Where’s my coffee? — Where’s your phone? — Where’s my magazine? — Where are your glasses?
— It’s on your desk. — It’s in my bag. — It’s under the notebook. — T
 hey’re next to my keys.

6 Where is the clock? (Tracks 22–27)

1 . No, it’s not. It’s .

2. .

3. .

4. .

5. .

6. .

7 Which phone?

— Which phone is old? — Which monitor is new? — Which pens are red?
— The black phone is old. — The gray monitor is new. — These pens are red.

— Which phone is old? — Which monitor is new? — Which pens are red?
— The black one is. — The gray monitor is. — These are.

27 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Beginner 1 • Chapter 4

Say what people are doing

8 Spot the difference!

9 Are you reading?

— What are you doing? — What are Ted and Jane doing? — What is Amanda doing?
— I’m writing a letter. — They’re watching TV. — She’s drinking coffee.

am I I am
you You sitting.
are we We are standing.
What they doing? They reading.
he He listening.
is she She is speaking.
it It

— Are you speaking? — Are Ed and Joan writing an e-mail? — Is John reading?
— Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. — No, they’re not. They’re reading — Yes, he is. / No
I’m listening. Mr. Hart’s e-mail. he’s not.

Beginner 1 • Chapter 4 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 28

Say where a person is

10 What are they doing? (Tracks 28–31)

1 . Mike is .

2. Isabelle is .

3. David’s children are .

4. Karen is to a customer.

11 Where is the counselor’s office?

My cell phone is here. My cell phone is there. My cell phone is over there
on the chair.
— Excuse me. I’m looking for the counselor. — Is Ms. Blake here?
Is this her office? — No, she’s not.
— No, it’s not. Her office is over there. — Where is she?
— Thank you. — She’s there in her office.

12 Which woman?

— Excuse me. Which person is Jack? — Which woman is your girlfriend, Ron?
— He’s the one with blond hair and — My girlfriend? She’s the young woman
blue eyes. with long, black hair.
— Thank you. — Really? Anita is your girlfriend?

29 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Beginner 1 • Chapter 4

This is my class

13 What’s in our classroom?


14 Who is this?

Beginner 1 • Chapter 4 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 30

Chapter Summary

Vocabulary & Expressions

computer chair to read, to write map
printer new, old to listen to the radio key
paper, piece of ~ colors (rev.) to watch TV music
pen, pencil yellow, orange to speak the same, different
folder pink, purple classroom here, there
wastepaper basket this, that teacher, to teach over here / there
calendar these, those student, to learn
clock briefcase question, to ask There aren’t any.
newspaper, magazine handbag answer (n., v.) Stand up.
table book, notebook lamp Sit down.
desk, drawer wall, floor picture I don’t know.

• Is there a printer in your classroom? • Are there any pens in the drawer?
— Yes, there is. / Yes, there is. It’s here. — Yes, there are. / Yes, there are three.
— No, there isn’t. / No, there’s not. — No, there aren’t. / No, they’re over there in that box.

• How many pencils are there? • What’s gray?

— There aren’t any (pencils). — The telephone is (gray).
— There is only one (pencil). — Karen’s notebook is (gray).
— There are three (pencils). — The computer and the lamp are (gray).
— I don’t know. — Our chairs are (gray).

• Where are the folders? • Which books are on the desk?

— They’re in the classroom. — The new books are (on the desk).
— They’re on the chair. — This / That book is (on the desk).
— They’re under the table. — These Berlitz books are (on the desk).
— They’re next to the printer. — Those old books are (on the desk).

• What am I doing? • What is Jeff doing? • What is Ms. Walker doing?

— You are eating a hamburger. — He is asking a question. — She is teaching.
— You’re drinking coffee. — He’s learning English. — She’s standing in the classroom.
— You’re answering questions. — He’s sitting at the table. — She’s writing an e-mail.

• What are you doing? • What are we doing? • What are the children doing?
— I am looking for my keys. — We are speaking English. — They are watching TV.
— We’re speaking to the teacher. — You’re listening to music. — They’re reading magazines.

Use Your English!

• Watch the people at the Berlitz Learning Center during the coffee break. Where are they?
What are they doing?
• Make a list of the things in your bedroom. Write where they are.

31 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Beginner 1 • Chapter 4

Academic Skills Section: Chapter 4

1 Is there / Are there ...?

Is there a computer in your office?

Yes, there is. It’s on the desk.

Are there pens in the drawer?

No, there aren’t, but there is a pencil.

Where are the books?

They’re on the bookshelf.

2 Grammar exercises

Read the dialogue and answer the questions :

Amelia: Brendan, is there a printer in your office?

Brendan: No, sorry, Amelia, there isn’t a printer in my office.
Amelia: Oh OK. Where’s there a printer?
Brendan: There is a printer in the hallway. It’s next to the
secretary’s desk.
Amelia: Great, thanks!

1. Is there a printer in Amelia’s office?

2. Is there a printer in Brendan’s office?
3. Where is there a printer?

Beginner 1 • Chapter 4 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 32a

Academic Skills Section: Chapter 4
3 Writing - Where is it?

Make a list of 10 items in your home and/or office.

Write where they are.
Share your list with the class.

Item Where is it?

4 Grammar box

How many dogs are there? There are two dogs.

Which dog is outside? This brown dog is outside, but

that black dog is inside the

How many lamps are there? There are four lamps.

Which lamps are on the desk? These red lamps are on the
desk, but those blue lamps are
on the bookshelf.

32b ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Beginner 1 • Chapter 4

Academic Skills Section: Chapter 4
5 Practice

Complete the text with the correct word:

Hi. I would like to buy a new computer. (1)______________

a computer on sale at the store today? Yes, (2) ________ two
computers on sale today. (3)________ a gray computer and
a black computer. (4)_________ gray computer is small, but
(5)_________black computer is big. (6) _____black computer
has a big hard drive, but (7) _____________gray computer
doesn’t. I would like (8)___________black computer, please.

1. 5.
a. Is there a. this
b. Are there b. that
c How many c. how many

2. 6.
a. there is a. This
b. there are b. That
c. how many c. How many

3. 7.
a. Which a. this
b. How many b. that
c. There is c. how many

4. 8.
a. This a. this
b. That b. that
c. How many c. how many

Beginner 1 • Chapter 4 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 32c

Academic Skills Section: Chapter 4

6 Writing

Write five sentences. Use this / that / these / those.

Example: This blue car is big but that red car is small.








7 Grammar

What are you doing? I’m working.

What is s(he) doing? S(he) is talking with her/his


What are they doing? They are exercising

What are you doing? We are studying.

32d ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Beginner 1 • Chapter 4

Academic Skills Section: Chapter 4

8 Reading strategy: Changes

Change the highlighted words for words that mean

the same from the list:




looking at


reception area


9 Reading: At the Berlitz Learning Center

I am at the Berlitz Learning Center. Gail Blair, the Center Director,

is in her office. She is speaking to a teacher. Hannah, the
receptionist, is talking on the phone. And Barbara, the Assistant
Director, is writing an e-mail. Some students are watching a
movie in the big classroom. In one classroom, two women are
listening to their teacher. Mr. Fuentes is in the next room. He
is teaching Spanish. There’s a man standing in the lobby. He is
drinking a cup of coffee. There is a woman reading a book in the

Beginner 1 • Chapter 4 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 32e

Academic Skills Section: Chapter 4

10 Comprehension

1. Ms. Blair is talking ____________.

a. to the director b. to a student c. to a new teacher

2. Barbara is writing ______________.

a. a letter b. an e-mail c. on the board

3. The woman in the lobby is __________.

a. reading a book b. listening to music c. speaking to a

4. Two women are listening to ____________.

a. their classmates b. their teacher c. music

5. Some students are ______ in the big classroom.

a. speaking Spanish b. reading the newspaper c. watching a

6. Mr. Fuentes is teaching ________.

a. French b. Spanish c. English

11 Grammar exercises

Watch the people at your college and/or around you

during the coffee break. Where are they? What are they
doing? Write six sentences. Share your sentences with the class.





32f ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Beginner 1 • Chapter 4

Audio Script 1

— I have a beard and long, brown hair.
— Hello. My name is Kevin Davis. TRACK 10 | C
— I’m Patricia Jackson. Nice to meet you. — I have short, blond hair and green eyes.
— Nice to meet you, too, Ms. Jackson.
— Where are you from? TRACK 11 | D
— I’m from Boston. And you? — I have short, straight hair and glasses. And
— I’m from Orlando. I have a moustache.

TRACK 2 | ACTIVITY 7 | Message 1 TRACK 12 | ACTIVITY 9 | One

—H  ello. This is 212-555-6891. Please leave — How old are you, Tom?
a message. — I’m 40 years old today.
— Hi, Linda. This is Charles Brady. Please — Happy birthday!
call me back. My number is 908-555-7784. TRACK 13 | Two
Thank you. Bye. — Are you married, Susan?
TRACK 3 | Message 2 — Yes. And I have a son and two daughters.
—T  his is Thompson Limited. Please leave — Really? How old are they?
your name and number. Thank you. — My son is 6 years old and my daughters
— Hello, this is Mr. Tanaka from GenTek. are 2 and 3.
My number is 312-555-8607. Please call TRACK 14 | Three
me back. Thank you. Good-bye. — Who’s this in the picture?
TRACK 4 | ACTIVITY 13 | One — That’s Sharon’s son, Brian.
—W  hat’s your name, please? — He’s tall! How old is he?
— Jason Saunders. — He’s 18.
— Is that “Summers?” TRACK 15 | ACTIVITY 12 | A
— No, it’s “Saunders.” — What does your daughter look like?
— How do you spell that? — She has blond hair and green eyes.
— S-A-U-N-D-E-R-S. She’s very pretty.
TRACK 5 | Two — Is she tall or short?
— Is this 234-4335? — She’s tall.
— No, it’s 234-4345. — And how old is she?
— I’m sorry. Wrong number. — She’s young. She’s 21 years old.

TRACK 6 | Three TRACK 16 | B

— What city are you from? — What does your friend Mark look like?
— I’m from Wheaton. — He’s tall, and he has black hair and brown eyes.
— I’m sorry. How do you spell that? — How old is he?
— W-H-E-A-T-O-N. — He’s my age, 36.
— Is he married?
TRACK 7 | Four — Yes, and he has two children.
— What’s your address?
— Two oh seven six Main Street. CHAPTER 3
— 276 Main Street?
— No, two – zero – seven – six Main Street. TRACK 17 | ACTIVITY 8
— Got it. Thank you. — I’d like some juice, please.
— What kind of juice would you like?
CHAPTER 2 — Do you have tomato juice?
— I’m sorry. We don’t have any tomato juice.
TRACK 8 | ACTIVITY 6 | A — What kind of juice do you have?
— I have short, curly, brown hair. My eyes are — We have orange, grape, and apple.
brown. — A glass of grape juice, please.

Beginner 1 • Audio Script ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 33

Audio Script 1


— Good morning. What would you like? — What is Mike doing?
— I’d like two fried eggs and some toast, please. — He’s eating lunch.
— Would you like coffee or tea?
— Tea, please. TRACK 29 | Two
— How would you like your tea? — What are you doing, Isabelle?
— With milk and sugar, please. — I’m reading the newspaper.
— Which newspaper is it?
TRACK 19 | B — It’s The Guardian. It’s a British newspaper.
— What would you like for lunch?
TRACK 30 | Three
— The steak and cheese sandwich, please.
— Where are your children, David?
— Would you like soup or salad with that?
— They’re in their room.
— Soup, please.
— What are they doing?
TRACK 20 | C — I think they’re watching TV.
— What would you like? TRACK 31 | Four
— Two cups of coffee, please. — What is Karen doing?
— And some ice cream. — She’s on the phone. She’s speaking to
— What kind would you like? a customer.
— Vanilla, please.
— OK. I’ll have that for you right away.

TRACK 21 | D
— What would you like?
— I’d like the grilled salmon.
— Would you like French fries or
rice with the salmon?
— I’d like rice, please.
— Great. And to drink?
— A glass of white wine, please.
— Very good, sir.

The map is under the clock.

TRACK 23 | Two
The pens are on the desk.

TRACK 24 | Three
The lamp is on the wall.

TRACK 25 | Four
The printer is on the floor.

TRACK 26 | Five
The picture is next to the map.

TRACK 27 | Six
The cell phone is in the drawer.

34 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Beginner 1 • Audio Script

Audio Script 2


What’s your phone number? Whose hair is black?
—W  hat’s your phone number? My name is Henry. I have blue eyes and short,
— It’s 885-9034. curly, black hair. I don’t have a beard, but I have
— Thank you. a moustache.
TRACK 2 | Two TRACK 11 | B
—A  nd your cell phone number? Hi, I’m Ann. I have long, straight, blond hair. My
— It’s 623-7160. eyes are green. And I have glasses.
— 6 - 2 - 3 - 7 - 1 - 6 - 0.
TRACK 3 | Three That’s my daughter Lilly
—W  hat’s your fax number? — Who is the girl in the photo?
— My fax number? It’s 518-9634. — That’s my daughter Lilly.
— Thank you. — She’s so pretty! How old is she?
— She’s 13.
TRACK 4 | EXERCISE 9 | One — Does her mother have red hair, too?
How do you spell it? — No, my wife has brown hair and green eyes.
—H  i, my name is Alicia Cordero.
— Cordero. How do you spell that?
— C-O-R-D-E-R-O.
TRACK 5 | Two
What would you like?
—W  hat’s your last name, please?
— What would you like for breakfast?
— Fitzgerald.
— I’d like a blueberry muffin and a glass of
— Is that F-I-T-Z-G-E-R-A-L-D?
orange juice.
— Yes, that’s right.
— Would you like some coffee or tea?
TRACK 6 | Three — Yes. Tea with milk and sugar, please.
— Is your last name Okamura?
TRACK 14 | B
— No, it’s Okumura. O-K-U-M-U-R-A.
—W  ould you like a hamburger for lunch?
— Oh, thank you.
— No, I’d like a chicken sandwich with French fries.
TRACK 7 | Four And you?
— Is your first name Sebastian? — I’d like soup and a salad.
— No, it’s my last name.
— How do you spell it?
At the restaurant
— S-E-B-A-S-T-I-A-N.
— May I take your order?
TRACK 8 | Five — Yes, I’d like the steak, please. Could I have that
—H  ow do you spell your first name? with green beans?
— It’s Y-O-L-A-N-D-E. Yolande. — I’m sorry. We’re out of green beans. Would you
like a salad instead?
TRACK 9 | Six — Do you have broccoli?
—Y  our last name is Likhatchev, right? — Yes, we do. So the steak with broccoli?
— Yes, that’s right. — Yes, thank you.
— How do you spell it?
— L-I-K-H-A-T-C-H-E-V. TRACK 16 | B
—W  ould you like some cake for dessert?
— Could I have ice cream instead?
— Yes, of course. What kind would you like?
— Vanilla, please.
— Would you like some coffee?
— Yes, black coffee, please.

Beginner 1 • Audio Script ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 35

Audio Script 2

What are they doing?
—W  hat are you reading, Helen?
— I’m not reading.
— Oh, what are you doing?
— I’m writing an e-mail.
TRACK 18 | Two
—W  here’s Peter?
— He’s in his office.
— What’s he doing?
— I don’t know. He’s sitting at his desk.
TRACK 19 | Three
—A  re you speaking to me, Rose?
— No, I’m answering Jim’s question.
— Oh, OK.
TRACK 20 | Four
— Is this a Japanese book, Candice?
— Yes, my husband and I are learning Japanese.
— How interesting!
TRACK 21 | Five
—W  ho are Isabel and Frank speaking to?
— To the new client.
— Do they have all their information?
— Yes, they do.

36 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Beginner 1 • Audio Script

Practice Chapter 1 Answer Key

1 Hi, I’m Eric Ross

Example: Philadelphia / this / is / ? Is this Philadelphia?

1 . to / meet / you / nice

2. from / where / you / are / ?

3. city / from / you / what / are / ?

4. you / what / are / nationality / ?

5. are / me / . / excuse / Thomas / you / ?

2 Countries and nationalities


England English France U.S.A.
Austria Australian German
Korea Japan Spain
Mexican Canada Brazilian

3 Numbers 0-10

1 . seven 7 3. four 5. one 7. zero 9. six

2. nine 4. three 6. eight 8. ten 10. five

4 What’s your name?

1 . ____
My name is Sharon Coleman. a. Good-bye. b. Hello. c. And you?
2. What’s your ____
number? a. nice b. nationality c. phone
3. My ____
is Juan Rivera. a. first name b. name c. last name
4. Please call me ____
. a. back b. message c. mobile
5. Is ____
name Steven Bishop? a. not b. you c. your
6. ____
you. a. Thank b. Please c. What

37 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Beginner 1 • Practice

Practice Chapter 1 Answer Key

5 This is my address

1 . Is this home number?

2. What’s your number?
3. This is office number. your
4. What is your e-mail address, ?
5. Is this a telephone number a fax number?

6 What’s your phone number? (Tracks 1–3)

1 . 2. 3.

7 A business card

NAME What is your name?

COMPANY What is your school’s name?
What is your address?
What is your phone number?
telephone number • mobile number What is your cell phone number?
What is your e-mail address?

8 What’s your first name?

Conversation A Conversation B
No, it’s not. It’s Phillip.
1 Hello? Yes, that’s right.
I’m sorry. Wrong number. 1 What’s your first name?
Is this 333-1290? Is that P-H-I-L-L-I-P?

9 How do you spell it? (Tracks 4–9)

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Beginner 1 • Practice ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 38

Practice Chapter 2 Answer Key

1 Are they Japanese?

Examples: Armin is from Germany. He is from Munich.

Satoshi isn’t from Japan. He’s American.

1 . Elena is not from Chile. from Colombia.

2. — Is Marcos Brazilian? — Yes, .

3. Sheryl and I are from the U.S. American.

4. — Are Paul and Sophie French? — No, Swiss.

5. — Maria, are you and your husband from Spain? — No, from Italy.

2 Who is it?

Examples: Mark is married. His wife is Jenny. (he)

Mark’s wife is Jenny. (Mark)

1 . This is Jennifer and this is sister Carole. (she)

2. brother is William. (we)

3. Olivia is my cousin, James is my brother, and Julia is friend. (they)

4. We have a cat. name is Mittens. (it)

5. This is family. (Mary)

6. Johannes and girlfriend are Austrian. (he)

3 Do you have green eyes?

Examples: — Do you have green eyes? — Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

1 . — Does Sophie have long hair? — No, she .

2. — Do you have brown eyes? — Yes, we .

3. — Do you have a beard? — Yes, I .

4. — Do they have curly hair? — No, they .

5. — Do I have white hair? — No, you .

6. — Does Michael have glasses? — Yes, he .

4 Whose hair is black? (Tracks 10–11)

A. Henry’s
 eyes are . He has , , black hair.

Henry has a moustache but doesn’t have a .

B. Ann has , straight, hair. Her eyes are . She glasses.

39 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Beginner 1 • Practice

Practice Chapter 2 Answer Key

5 and, or, or but?

1 . Jeremy has a beard, he doesn’t have a moustache.

2. Eileen has red hair green eyes.

3. Does Michael have curly hair straight hair?

4. Do you your sister have blue green eyes?

6 Numbers 20-100

1 . sixteen 16 3. twenty 5. ninety-one 7. 39 9. 48

2. eleven 4. forty 6. eighty-two 8. 56 10. 72

7 Opposites

1 . tall d a. young
2. curly b. adult
3. old c. straight
4. long d. short
5. single e. black
6. white f. boy
7. girl g. short
8. child h. married

8 That’s my daughter Lilly (Track 12)

1 . Lilly is ____ years old. a. 13 b. 30 c. 33

2. She has ____ hair. a. red b. black c. brown
3. Lilly’s mother has ____ eyes. a. gray b. blue c. green

9 what, how, where, whose or who?

1 . old is your son?

2. has red hair?
3. does Lucy look like? Who
4. are they from? How
5. eyes are blue?

Beginner 1 • Practice ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 40

Practice Chapter 3 Answer Key

1 What is this?

a. b. c. d. e.

f. g. h. i. j.

1. tea d 3. lemon 5. coffee 7. sugar 9. water

2. beer 4. bottle 6. milk 8. wine 10. glass

2 Coffee, please

— How would you like it? — Thank you.

— You’re welcome. — I’d like some coffee, please.
— Here you are. — With milk, please.
1 — What would you like?

3 What would you like? (Tracks 13–14)

A. B.

— What would you like for ? — Would you like a for

— I’d like a blueberry and a lunch?

of orange . — No, I’d like a sandwich

— Would you like or tea? with fries. And you?

— Yes. Tea with and sugar, please. — I’d like and a

4 One cake or two cakes?



apples glass cups sandwich

strawberry bananas cherry pie
egg piece lunch grapes

41 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Beginner 1 • Practice

Practice Chapter 3 Answer Key

5 Would Christine like some tea?

1 . We don’t have ____ vanilla ice cream. a. some b. a c. any

2. My friend would like ____ ice cream. a. any b. some c. piece
3. Would you like ____ sandwich for lunch? a. an b. some c. a
4. Jason eats ____ bowl of cereal for breakfast. a. a b. an c. any
5. Would Virginia like a ____ of apple pie? a. bowl b. piece c. cup
6. I’d like ____ apple juice, please. a. some b. a c. any

6 Alice doesn’t like grapes

Examples: you / eat / eggs / for / lunch / ? Nicole / like / cheese / + Brad / eat / steak / –
Do you eat eggs for lunch? Nicole likes cheese. Brad doesn’t eat steak.

1 . Mr. Lewis / drink / coffee / ?

2. you / like / green tea / ?

3. I / eat / fruit / for breakfast / —

4. We / drink / wine / with / dinner / +

5. Lisa / and / Jack / like / green beans / ?

6. David / eat / rice / ?

7 Customer and server

1 . Would you like a salad with it? a. A glass of red wine, please.
2. May I take your order? b. Just one, please.
3. And to drink? c. No, I’d like French fries.
4. What does the chicken come with? d. Chocolate, please.
5. How many pieces would you like? e. Yes, I’d like the steak and potatoes.
6. What kind of cake would you like ? f. Vegetables or a salad.

8 At the restaurant (Tracks 15–16)


A. 1 . The customer would like the steak with a salad.

2. She likes green beans and broccoli.

B. 1 . The customer would like cake for dessert.

2. He drinks coffee with milk.

Beginner 1 • Practice ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 42

Practice Chapter 4
1 Answer Key

1 Where is the newspaper?


1 2

9 10
11 12 5
7 8
6 18 19
16 17
14 15
13 25 26
23 24
21 22
29 30
27 28

1 4 7

1. 3. 5. 7.

2. 4. 6. 8.

2 Is there a table in the office?

Example: Are there any chairs in the office? (yes /no) Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.

1 . Are there any pens in the drawer? (no)

2. Is there a laptop on the desk? (yes)

3. Is there a calendar on the wall? (no)

4. Are there any drinks on the table? (yes)

5. Is there a desk in Martin’s office? (no)

3 This is my office

in are on next to under drawer

In your teacher’s office, there (1) two chairs. There is a printer (2) the

table, but there is no paper (3) it. There are two books. They’re in the desk

(4) . There is a newspaper on the floor (5) the table. There

is a key (6) the telephone.

4 Which one?

1 . The pens are the table. (in / on) 4. The calendar is the wall. (in / on)

2. The book is the printer. (in / on) 5. The keys are the drawer. (in / under)

3. The papers are the floor. (on / under) 6. The phone is the magazine. (in / on)

43 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Beginner 1 • Practice

Practice Chapter 4
1 Answer Key

5 What are we doing?

Example: What is David eating? (ice cream) He’s eating ice cream.

1 . What is Ms. Moore reading? (the newspaper)

2. What are you listening to, Bill? (music)

3. What is Patrick drinking? (water)

4. What are Ann and Amy writing? (an e-mail)

5. What are you teaching? (Spanish)

6. What are we answering? (Michelle’s questions)

6 Who is reading?


1 . Elena is ice cream. 3. Celia is a book. 5. Laura is TV.

2. Brian is milk. 4. Kate is a card.

7 What are they doing? (Tracks 17–21)

1 . What is Helen doing?

2. What is Peter doing?

3. What is Rose doing?

4. What are Candice and her husband doing?

5. What are Isabel and Frank doing?

8 Which man is Mr. Brown?

1 . Whose cell phone is that? a. He’s the young man with the long hair.
2. Which man is Daniel Foster? b. I don’t know.
3. How many computers are there in your office? c. No, they’re different.
4. Who is the woman with the curly hair? d. The two small, blue ones.
5. Are these documents the same? e. It’s Julia’s. She’s in Mr. Blake’s office.
6. Which notebooks are you reading? f. There are two.

Beginner 1 • Practice ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 44

Answer Key

Exercise 1
1. Nice to meet you. 2. Where are you from? 3. What city are you from? 4. What nationality are you?
5. Excuse me. Are you Thomas?
Exercise 2


England English France French U.S.A. American
Austria Austrian Australia Australian Germany German
Korea Korean Japan Japanese Spain Spanish
Mexico Mexican Canada Canadian Brazil Brazilian

Exercise 3
1. 7 2. 9 3. 4 4. 3 5. 1 6. 8 7. 0 8. 10 9. 6 10. 5
Exercise 4
1. b 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. a Return to questions
Exercise 5
1. your 2. phone 3. an 4. please 5. or
Exercise 6
1. 885-9034 2. 623-7160 3. 518-9634
Exercise 7
Answers will vary.
Exercise 8
A. B.
(1) — Hello? (1) — What’s your first name?
(2) — Is this 333-1290? (2) — It’s Phillip.
(3) — No, it’s not. (3) — Is that P-H-I-L-L-I-P?
(4) — I’m sorry. Wrong number. (4) — Yes, that’s right.
Exercise 9
1. Cordero 2. Fitzgerald 3. Okumura 4. Sebastian 5. Yolande 6. Likhatchev Return to questions

Exercise 1
1. She’s / She is 2. he is 3. We’re / We are 4. they’re / they are 5. we’re / we are
Exercise 2
1. her 2. Our 3. their 4. Its 5. Mary’s 6. his
Exercise 3
1. doesn’t 2. do 3. do 4. don’t 5. don’t 6. does
Exercise 4
A. blue; short; curly; beard B. long; blond; green; has Return to questions

45 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Beginner 1 • Answer Key

Answer Key

Exercise 5
1. but 2. and 3. or 4. and; or
Exercise 6
1. 16 2. 11 3. 20 4. 40 5. 91 6. 82 7. thirty-nine 8. fifty-six 9. forty-eight 10. seventy-two
Exercise 7
1. d 2. c 3. a 4. g 5. h 6. e 7. f 8. b
Exercise 8
1. a 2. a 3. c
Exercise 9
1. How 2. Who 3. What 4. Where 5. Whose Return to questions

Exercise 1
1. d 2. c 3. g 4. i 5. b 6. a 7. j 8. f 9. h 10. e
Exercise 2
(1) — What would you like?
(2) — I’d like some coffee, please.
(3) — How would you like it?
(4) — With milk, please.
(5) — Here you are.
(6) — Thank you.
(7) — You’re welcome.
Exercise 3
A. breakfast; muffin; glass; juice; coffee; milk B. hamburger; chicken; French; soup; salad
Exercise 4


apple apples glass glasses cup cups sandwich sandwiches
strawberry strawberries banana bananas cherry cherries pie pies
egg eggs piece pieces lunch lunches grape grapes

Return to questions
Exercise 5
1. c 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. b 6. a
Exercise 6
1. Does Mr. Lewis drink coffee? 2. Do you like green tea? 3. I don’t eat fruit for breakfast. 4. We drink
wine with dinner. 5. Do Lisa and Jack like green beans? 6. Does David eat rice?
Exercise 7
1. c 2. e 3. a 4. f 5. b 6. d
Exercise 8
A. 1. no 2. yes B. 1. no 2. no Return to questions

Beginner 1 • Answer Key ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. 46

Answer Key

Exercise 1
1. printer 2. calendar 3. computer 4. cell phone / mobile phone 5. clock 6. lamp 7. desk 8. pencil
Exercise 2
1. No, there aren’t. 2. Yes, there is. 3. No, there isn’t. 4. Yes, there are. 5. No, there isn’t.
Exercise 3
1. are 2. on 3. in 4. drawer 5. under 6. next to
Exercise 4
1. on 2. on 3. on 4. on 5. in 6. on Return to questions
Exercise 5
1. She’s reading the newspaper. 2. I’m listening to music. 3. He’s drinking water. 4. They’re writing
an e-mail. 5. I’m teaching Spanish. 6. We’re answering Michelle’s questions.
Exercise 6
1. eating 2. drinking 3. reading 4. writing 5. watching
Exercise 7
1. She’s writing an e-mail. 2. He’s sitting at his desk. 3. She’s answering Jim’s question.
4. They’re learning Japanese. 5. They’re speaking to the new client.
Exercise 8
1. e 2. a 3. f 4. b 5. c 6. d Return to questions

47 ©2016 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Beginner 1 • Answer Key

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