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Liber Anaxeiraxz

‘The Beginning of The End’

Written by Chris Paige & Austin Blackstone

Art by Von Kurt and Gary Rosenberg
Table Of Contents:
The introduction
The acknowledgments
The spheres of the the forbidden tree
Opening the nexion for the keeper of gates.
Thaumiel initiation: elimination of the duality of
Opening rites to the parallel planetary gates.
Litanies of the sphere.
Correlations between the vaults of zin and the
forbidden tree.
The vampire of dispersion.
The conclusion pre- atlantian magick.

Liber Anaxeiraxz
‘The Beginning of The End’


Coleton Mccaul, our good friend who

helped bring (the forbidden tree) to life.

A big thanks to Gary Rosenberg and Von

Kurt for their conrabutions to the current

We dedicate these workings to Anaxeiraz,

the many, and nothing…..

-Orriginal artwrok from Coleton Mccaul
-Orriginal artwrok from Coleton Mccaul
The Introduction
T he experiences one can have with these entities is
a complete alteration of reality within the eyes of the ad-
ept.. the change that occurs upon initiation of this current
is forced, but only because the initiate accepts the breaking
through of the internal and external veils of perception...
These beings are the personification of the fall of man,
which the end result due to the application of this alchemy
is to rise as an immortal.
Not just as in an astral manifestation, but immortality its
The main factor that one should ponder is, are you will-
ing to accept the harsh alchemy that is produced through
severe stages of decent?
there is an alchemical change through the litanies that
corresponds to the planetary energies. I have found that
these beings are not something you want to keep in your
temple indefinitely, however a direct evocation of the
spirits of this pantheon in conjunction with a proper Ini-
tiation is necessary to wield the power of the 24th current
as needed.
But as grimoires imply there is danger amongst the path,
this is not a gimmick to interest you further.
This is something that you should seriously think about,
however all that is need to pathwork the spheres will be
made obvious throughout the text. Just know you've been
warned and I don’t envy you, although I salute you.

As I’ve said in the beginning welcome to the void…

The Vaults of Zin and Forbidden 13
The Vaults of Zin for most are merely a legend. An
obscure labyrinth beneath the Qliphoth which are rarely
elaborated upon or even spoken of. Some say they have
been, others have never heard of such a thing. A system of
tunnels so intricate and complex, you will be lost within
the maze without a guiding spirit.

There are specific spheres and pathways that will take

you to the Forbidden Tree. You can access it through,
Gasheklah, Nehemoth, as well as the Tunnels of Set.
Thaumiel is the most logical entrance to the system.
Thaumiel, my most recent obsession, I refer to as the god

The Qliphotic equivalent to the god-head, and

through Thaumiel you can experience the Qliphotic Tree
from a God’s point of view. What if I told you that we
have found what no living vessel has been able to even
begin to comprehend? The Forbidden Tree lies within the
center of the Vaults, closer to the primordial source than
anything we know of.

The Forbidden Tree is the roots of the Tree of Death,

the coals that keep the fire burning. The diagram below
is obviously two dimensional, however we laid it out in
such a way for further understanding of what lies beneath.
We have mapped it out for you, and soon these vaults will
be known to everyone, and accessible to anyone.
The seeds have been sown
The Spheres Of The Forbiden Tree
(The defiler’s of god)
The step of releasing yourself from duality, which only exists within the
concept of god. At this point you have surpassed separation, only to embrace
immortality in it’s most pure form. The duality is the main hindrance of
mankind, so god must be annihilated to preserve the self in its totality. God
is dead, god is void. In this way we can Force unlimited potential, as our will
breaches existence.

(The severed ones)

Are the epitome of damnation, in this case this sphere focuses severing your
ties with all that is human.
But to become more than human, you must first become less. This is the
reverse engineering of the human condition, and the emergence of the new

(The harbingers of chaos)

The Alteration of perception, and the clarity of consciousness. This is
achieved Through the metamorphosis that consists of catastrophe and rebirth.

(The decayed ones)

The thoughtless predator has been unleashed through the decaying of the
soul, and the un-fulfillment of
the spirit. This permeates through all, and is fulfilled by none. The insatia-
ble predator awakens.

(The eye of primordial being)

This is the final step in this Fivefold alchemy. This is not the end of your
evolution, but it is the
completion of the reconfiguration. This is the actualization of the form
that required you to be reverseengineered
to attain. You devolved so that all limits, and all parts that allowed those
limits to exist within you, could be removed. This is the correction of what
went wrong in your human evolution. In this state, there is no limit to the
heights(or depths) that you can evolve towards. To call this an “end”
step is a gross over-simplification, because this is simply the end of the lim-
iting concept of endings. Your Evil Eye is now completely opened, and you
will peer into eternity.
he spheres of the forbiden tree

-The branches spheres of the forbidden tree, and the spirits align with each
planet in this system, the spheres are as follows.

(Gate 1) Saturn (The defiler’s of god) Egul-Cala, and Loh-Az.

(Gate 2) Black sun (The severed ones) Namir-Ha, Sib-Lii, Nara-Ghus, Abu-Fays

(Gate 3) Uranus (The harbingers of chaos) Tak-Yah, Ahr-Tyn, Ihaj-Za.

(Gate 4) Mars (The decayed ones) Yada-Misha, and Akahd-

(Gate 5) Jupiter (The eye of primordial Mih-Ajla, Kad-Nuk,


1. 5.
-Recommended Seal-
Initiation Into The Path
I call to the burning Twin-Throne! I who walk the pathways of separation depart
beyond eternal night
into the immortal threshold of the forgotten! King BELIAL approach the Mighty
Bull! M-O-L-O-CH!(vibrate name 11 times)

I profess to thee horned infernal twin crown of Thaumiel! To cross Beyond

the Limitation of duality so that I may walk behind the throne & step through the hid-
den door to the
Tree beyond! Through eradication of the human condition I pass into the King-
dom of Crystalized Fire, into
the blackest shadow of Saturn! LEPACA THAUMIEL x11 with the key of Lohaz
I open the gate!

Hail Belial, hail Satan, hail Moloch, hail Lohaz, hail Egulcala! LIFTOACH



Envision Moloch standing before you at the gate of Thaumiel. Moloch will not let
you pass until you give
him blood. You give him blood & then you are guided to a temple, where you are
then instructed to sit
on a throne. Golden serpents then manifest & wrap around you to hold you in
place while Moloch has a
private conversation face to face with you. Then, the throne rotates 180 degrees,
revealing two
pathways. The golden serpents unwrap from you & release you from the throne be-
fore you proceed to
step into the left pathway into the caverns of crystallized fire. The deeper you go
into the caverns, the
more intensely you feel fire in one nostril, & ice in the other nostril as you breathe.
You find an ancient
gate in the caverns with the sigil of Loha z in the center, glowing red & surrounded
by strange
otherworldly glyphs. Your attention is caught by a keyhole on the gate that is emit-
ting red & blue smoke.
The key of Lohaz then manifests in your hand. You place the key in the hole &
turn it................

Opening The Nexion
The Keeper Of Gates, Egul-Cala.
1. A live raven.

2. A machete to sever the head.

3. A knife suitible to cut out a heart.

4. 5 black candles.

5. A bottle of everclear, to burn the heart.

6. A box of matches.

7. A shovel to dig a hole.

8. A black chalice, for sacrificial blood.

Find a place that most have forgotten, and dig a hole 3 feet deep. Surround-
ing the hole 5 black candles, in the formation of an inverted pentagram. A
candle for each point of the dying star. Now Light the candles, and recite
this 3 times.

(‘aseaa ‘iilaa almanzil almuzlim beyda ean aldaw’ alkuni, alzalam kama
baladay alsyf masasi aldama’a. ‘iinsaniati tukasiru, wafarisatan taemal fi
alkhawf. biaism lwsyfwj, bawwabatan ‘iilaa majal zahl, fath alan)

Now sever the head of the raven, and place it within the hole, drain every
last drop of blood into the chalice, and then cut out the heart. Then place
the heart, right below the head, and poor the everclear over the heart. strike
a match and drop it into the hole, until the heart burns out. Cut the wings,
and place them on top of the now scorched heart. Poor the contents of the
chalice, over the sacrifice. Now place the remaining pieces of the raven into
the hole, and poor some more everclear on top. Light the match and let the
remains burn out.

After you have done so place the dirt back over the hole, And perform the
litany of Saturn. Come back in 3 weeks time, dig up the grave and breathe
in the death essence, and evoke EGULCALA.
Planetary Opening Rites:
w hen setting up for these rites, have 3 black candles in the formation of an inverted triangle.

-Rite to open the gate of Saturn-

Stepping into the dark, and gazing into the new vampiric dwelling. Expulsion
of cosmic light, the beginning of vampiric becoming. The heart becomes cold,
and the presence of fear engulfs your victims like a plague. You will feel the de-
vouring force at the gates of your subconscious mind.

‘aseaa ‘iilaa almanzil almuzlim beyda ean aldaw’ alkuni, alzalam kama bal-
aday alsyf masasi aldama’a. ‘iinsaniati tukasiru, wafarisatan taemal fi alkhawf.
biaism lwsyfwj, bawwabatan ‘iilaa majal zahl, fath alan x3

Rite to open the gate of The Black Sun:

alshaytan al’aswad aleazimu, hayth yashtahir gh yr almakhluq ‘an yulida, eu-

budiat alkuniat baladay kasr yamuru min khilal hdha almajal dath. biaism bilial-
in, majal alshams alsuwda’i, maftuhat alan x3

Rite to open the gate of Uranus:

‘ana sahaq alnizam albshri. ‘ana mutaharir min alquyud albashariati. ‘ana
yatanaghamun mae alfudaa jueaa yanmu ‘ana sawf ‘iighwa’ w alsaytarati. biaism
bilzbuth, bawwabat ‘iilaa majal ‘uwranus, maftuhat alan.x3

Rite to open the gate of Mars:

tam takid baldi quat masasi aldama’. ‘arfud alkhawfa, tatahaqaq algharizat al-
muftarisatu. ‘ana ‘aqbil aldima’ wasasitir. aishtaealat li alshatayim ealaa ‘aeday-
iy. ‘ana ymkn ‘an yusabib alsirae fi nazuat. biaism ‘asmudiwis, bawwabat ‘iilaa
majal almarikhi, maftawhat. x3

Rite to open the gate of Jupiter:

‘ana altalaeub walhimanat mae alshrf. ‘ana tuzadahir watatatawar mn hdha

aldma‘. wayatajalaa balday maysanthrubi tamama. ‘ana al’arsatiqratia alshayta-
nia warafiqi sayati lierifni. laqad aiktasabat alruwyat alliyliatu, ytmu fath aleayn
alsharirati. ‘ana alnakhbati, ‘ana masas dama‘. fi ‘asma‘ ‘astaruth wabadun, baw-
wabat ‘iilaa majal kawkab almushtari, maftawhat.’ x3

Litanies to the Planetary Gates:
w e encourage you to follow up each Planetary Gate opening Rite with a Litany cor-
responding to the Gate. However, just the Litanies themselves are powerful & effective.
We encourage this so that you can tear bigger holes through the fabric of the Cosmos.

(Each of these litanies should be done for 13 consecutive days each for the desired al-
chemical results.)

Litany of Saturn:

kama ‘asir fi dakranis alsahiq alkamil aldhy yantazirni ealaa masar baldi aljahanamiat
min la shay’. ‘ahraq aismuk ‘iilaa alramadi, wakul ma tabaqaa min aldhdhat yatalashaa fi
alhawiat dakhil. ‘adeu ‘iilaa ‘iighwl, kala w lawh, ‘az lisahb li ‘iilaa ‘aemaq ‘aemaq alfara-
gh, walshams la yartafieu, huna, wadu‘ alnahar yamuta. ‘ana lm takun mawjudatan hataa
hadhih allahzat bialdhaati, walwaqt yaqifu la yazal ealaa hafat alhayat walmawti. laqad
han alwaqt, wa’ana alghaws awla ‘iilaa la shay’. Yahasla Alalil Alwa Sawaglah Anaw
Takal Nadakal Itamla Tayahla. Tafaw Aalii Lazay Alufikay Taklaaw, Itaabid Tazallah
Hidah Ata Nataduja Nukat Mlana Atumay Raanla Udaw, Anuk, Ifataaral Maslaw, Gara-
fla Kama-Kama Aali Basiil Za-Wallak, Ligiwah Aalii Kumsla-Kara. Yasla Nimtamanaja
Idaltak Kisla Sihaar-Kaad Ifrisa Amak! x3

Litany of the Black Sun:

rabt baladayun maksurat wa’ana ‘udkhil alshams alsuwda’a, wa’ana jaradat min alkun.
wa’ana ‘adrak ‘anani last al’iinsani, al’iinsan hu mjrd safina. waqad tahatamat aldiniui-
at min qibal ‘ashieat alfawdaa min alshams alsuwda’i, wa’ana ‘ujib ealaa daewat sifarat
al’iindhari, ‘an tusarikh min almiah alshyq. ‘ana ‘aqbil hqyqtan ‘anani mjrd juz‘ min la
shay’ wakulu shay’. wasawf nafsaa wara‘ wujud nafsiha, wabian nafsi fi alsuwrat alkhasat
bi. Ibtasak Tarusla Ifsifah Nabaw, Isfinaah Dujuu Aarra Aasfan Fasaw. As-Ulukuu Nat-
Kay Libka Ana. Kiyisla Haamla Nimkirusutan, Iira-Diilah Tarafis Taawad Aalii Dijuu
Aanaaw, Idusla Masla Nimaadak Tiisa Labik Nimtumdal, Inasanii Tali-Anna Karda
Anawtur Usak Nudala-Taarunak! x3

Litany of Uranus:

wa’ana ‘amshiun min khilal bawwabat ‘uwranus ‘ana sahaq alnizami, watahrir nafsak
fi alkhuruj ealaa alqanun. ‘ana jue lilfawdaa walkhilafi, wa’iiteam alfaragh. mafhum al-
waqie yusbih madningh, wa’ana ‘abhath ean rahat albal w ‘uwthrnays. jaeal masar baldi
aljahnmiati, wa’ana jaeal ‘aerif ‘ana ‘an takun alquat altaalifat alty yuthir fi aljuz‘ alkh-
ilafii min eaqlik. sa’ajeal alealam yueani min raghbat alwahm yuaf nafsi. aistayqaz ealaa
altasawur alkamil min la shay’ wakula shay’. ‘ana ‘ananiat mae qadiati, ‘ana fi kli shay’ fi
‘iifrithingha. alsharu la yahda, ‘uwranus tuaqiz lia, min baladay alnuwm al’abdiat. Tabalak
Mun-La Yadalab Niimail, Zikut Sunaru, Adayal Alurasla. Agniitifu Ifyasilkif Ana, Ita-
dak Amak Tinan Ana. Yasulkaw Yaslaniim Limaak-La Rasatla Aalii Zaak-Yatis. Isfan
Fu-Yam Malak Tagaar Num-Inu Malae Laj-Aazii. Kil-Kae NumIfaalk Zuj-La Ifir-
tu Yatla Tafilaak Taaklah Nukat Na Ana Firae La-Jaak Ana, Itemajla Idalbik Rasaam
Lajurkiif. Santi Labla Ta-Haar Nae-Taab Ana, Nindaam Hibsu Iklah Mufam. Gaarafam
Maatii, Aalii Juruklah Ifa-Kasaan Rirata, Imazinla Kahas Ana Sunaru Tabawak La-Lika
Nim-Nusma Ana! x3
Litany of Mars:

kama kunt takhudh alghaws fi almiriykh ‘aghrisiun w shahwat alharb sawf alaistihmam fawq li,
‘ayqaz gharizat almuftarasat w ‘asbahat alfudaa, wa’iitlaq aleanan dakhil aldhaat. ‘ana allaenat alty
taqfa, kl khatwat ‘iilaa aleudm. ‘asheal raghbati albidayiyat, watatatawar ‘iilaa qatal fi tamwiih. ‘asba-
hat almuharib huna walana, fi hadhih allahzat jiddaan alkhawf hu wahum aldhy yaekis hadhih alttay-
irat aleiqliati. ‘ana mirshirnt almawt Siifrumiti Adhak Laliik Nim-Lifarnuka Ana, Kiramla Ziikuu
Ana. Malaela Baagray Amlik Aanii Butam-La Yasla Ana. Dizreetah Nimta Ris-Ram Ana. Italik
Taryat Hidan Sikay Yadla Muhal Ufaak Naadij Tazallah Hidah, Anala An-Hu Dirumla Taba-Saak
Hikama-Taak Litaak Aalii Rakatakon, Talidiyat Itagaar Li-Shaak. Midla Aalii Takat, Afit-Takov
Tanla Ana. Tadlak Likaad Nanla Kaltii Udafla Tabak-Saka Tasrumlaak Taziraag Zaakya, Ilkwaf
Mamiitzal Fasbla Taniiraag Kiirimla Ifsaag Dukaat Tunkox Amak!min ‘uwthirzyd. ‘ana la shay’
almatlub wa’iinaa kl ma yarghab alealam. ‘ana ‘uwqiz almarikh, wa’ana ‘akunrafil min khilal hdha
mitamurfisis. Siifrumiti Adhak Laliik Nim-Lifarnuka Ana, Kiramla Ziikuu Ana. Malaela Baagray
Amlik Aanii Butam-La Yasla Ana. Dizreetah Nimta Ris-Ram Ana. Italik Taryat Hidan Sikay Yadla
Muhal Ufaak Naadij Tazallah Hidah, Anala An-Hu Dirumla Taba-Saak Hikama-Taak Litaak Aalii
Rakatakon, Talidiyat Itagaar Li-Shaak. Midla Aalii Takat, Afit-Takov Tanla Ana. Tadlak Likaad
Nanla Kaltii Udafla Tabak-Saka Tasrumlaak Taziraag Zaakya, Ilkwaf Mamiitzal Fasbla Taniiraag
Kiirimla Ifsaag Dukaat Tunkox Amak! x3

Litany of Jupiter:

wa’ana khatwat fi kawkab almushtari ‘asbah alfaraghi, ‘araa min khilal jmye al’aqnieat wal’awham,
wa’ana faqat wakula ma sawf tatamis min qibal ‘iiradatay, ‘ana aistiebad al’aghnami, kama yabki taht
qadmi. t quat altatawur ealaa tawsie aldhaati. ‘ana ‘ueti nafsi alsultat alkamilat lileayn alsharirat,
wa’anzurah ealaa alealam. ‘ana aleaysha, wa’ana alan mayt. masas dima‘ laqad ‘asbahat, waeatshi
lilaistihlak hu al’abdiatu. fi tariqi hu alwahid wajamieu, ‘aqaf mae wahid muharamin, watuadiy ‘iilaa
nihayat alealami, kawkab almushtari tuaqiz fi alnafs. ‘iikmal li fi baladay altahawul khatiat, ‘iikmal
baladi ‘ay shay’ kamilin. Niimak Yasya Idalb Laamkii Titaak Lu-Hatla Yadalab Ifil Mamkii. Fansla
Ifzikaat Irat-Sumla, Dawalok, Imalaela Tayinita Aalii Yitataw, Nimaraka Dehaem-Faka, Uma-
jawDihallah Ikiratif. Uta-Dibah Ukal-Tasli Itae-Wah, Tahabas Dukal Amida Sasam Tayam-Nala
Ana, Aysla-Ana. Malae Aalii Haruzaan, Tari-Raaslah Yanlae Talimakla Tatlusla Isfan Itu-Ana.
Itadla Iswat Aalii Rutatatla Tak-Ti. Imdak Ikbay Amak, Imangoal Badtisa Ana, Aatad-Ari Libak
Nimsim-Atat Fasaw Amulka Takag Ana, Mahawala Taniklah Jaenaah Lalik Nim-Aara, Igaar-Afak,
Haab-Sakh Iratsumla Iftatakae Ana! x3
(Chants, Methods for self- empowerment of the chakras, &raising vampiric energy):

While chanting (Daw‘ Min Niythruruld), focus on the infernal energy

empowering your chakras & shooting up your spine. Visualize your aura
expanding while tendrils sprout from your astral body.
Chants Of The Forbidden 13
Call to The Forbidden 13, to rise and devour at your command:
Yariawt Eamilyiov Nama Tikinom Hakhar Mijdar

(Repetition of calling The Forbidden 13 infused with strong intent and vibration aids in baneful
rites, particularly in ones of destructio

Anaxeiraz chant of destruction :

Anaxeiraz, mihatamahatla dak kanakil, iharfii nala utam dakal muhatalatak dakal. Ahawhumib
muk. Muhumutuk. Muhumihatlat. Muhallatka. Amuhalatka. Amuhalatka. Amihifartanim muhifarta
kizim. Mihikanea ifkanansa karga. Mihidikaam nim muhinuyuk fatan. Amihirudus nim Muhubu-
luk kizmat. Yiyadak karahay. Itat. Itat. Itat. Itat. Itat. Adwafla Nim Rashek Tahatalahat Balak,
sonoyatinal ramas Yahidla ninatla. Abajila nukizamuyan adwusla raanla nusafanatay kisuruk nim-
lak. Unuyunutla hibsutaw duhawat rashet tahatlinhut unmam. Nitasaarib nayanat reshetek tatlahat
itayak Anaxiraz!

(Chants to Egulcala):
-To enhance perception “Egulcala Irusat Zizeatak!”.
-To feed him curses to save for later “Egulcala Ila Talasra Tanaella Mahitla!” .
-To send the harbored curses to a target “Egulcala Anizkumla Miyatasla Lasrii!”

(Chant to Lohaz):
-To reap an enemy “Lohaz Uda-inuj!”
Namir-Ha chants: For gnosis “Namir-ha Asa-Yatla Tafiremla Baaj!”.
-To inflict fear & terror upon an enemy “Namir-Ha Bur-Law Udael Ifak-Razat!”

(Siblii chants):
-To look through time “Siblii Bisanumla Tawla Tabukum Rarsael Niyabut!”.
-To call his legions to crush/kill enemies “Siblii Imusuk Lutkat Sanayil!”

(Naraguhs chants):
-To drive a foe insane “Nunam Numusuk Efad!”.
-To crush an enemy “Nara-Guhs Dayabala Kinasahid Tabaela!”.

(Abufays chants):
-To drain an enemy lethally “Abufays Mihitakat Ilka!”.
-To enchant a talisman “Abufays Samla Namasayata Ahada Atayli!”

(Takyah chants):
-To call upon hellhounds “Takyah Iilat Sadunilyat!”.
-To send purgatory spirits to an enemy “Rak-Yah Daedala Muhal Nayabata!”

(Arhtyn chants):
-To give a foe nightmares “Arhtyn Sibakla Muhanam!”.
-To give a foe illness “Arhtyn Daramla Muhuyata!”.
-To destroy foe “Arhtyn Muhumatah!”.
-To attune yourself to chaos “Arhtyn Ilunatla!”

(Ihajza chant):
-For vampiric Gnosis “Ihajza Idagatal Idumallael!”
(Yada-Misha chants):
-For sex magick “Yadam isha Isnijla Inunak Laliik Numlatael!”.
-To curse a foe with impotence “ Yadamisha Zijael Niidalab Udael Laeljoth!”

Chants Of The 13
(Akahadiza chants):
-For self-mutilation based alchemy “Akahadiza Amarahumla Taelimhikla
Hiidak Laelsii!”.
-To learn secrets about yourself “Akahadiza Aferaam Rayhege Rarsat
-To manifest dark desires “Akahadiza Amilazumla Itabgarael Ridahakh!”.

(Mihajla chants):
-For insights into metaphysical warfare “Mihajla Airhisla Brakla Rarsak
-To decimate an enemy “Mihajla Idiyakil Ikifla Nim Kuzamat!”.
-To empower a curse “Mihajla Awkael Natanael Nolaelkon!”

(Kadnuk chants):
-To trigger an astral projection “Kadnuk Yamjan Takasin Yahelshan!”.
-To manipulate a target “Kad-Nuk Nubael Bulatla Yatadisum!”.
-To learn ways to manipulate “Kadnuk Ahubas Kayukal Bijayun Yatla
Ratwala Iham Aminirak!”

The Vampire Of Dispersion.
Astral project out of your body, then meditate on dividing into three separate
conscious energies.

Then form tendrils from your body extend them towards your target, when your ten-
drils extend so will your duplicated forms of consciousness. (Project the tendrils into
the body of your victim, visualize it!)
With each breath inhale the energy from your target. Through the eyes, nose, tendrils
and mouth. (Remember to visualize you and the three forms of consciousness you have
projected to drain your victim simultaneously)
Potent and effective points of entry.
1.(Heart chakra)

2.(Third eye)

3.(Root chakra)

4.(Throat chakra)

5.(Solar plexus)
The Eye Of The Void.
The eye of the void is a vampiric method ABUFAYS taught me to feed at an expo-
nential rate, while simultaneously stimulating my psychic senses for a hell of a boost!

step 1.

Envision your third eye caving in and taking it’s place, a vortex or a black hole spin-
ning counter clockwise.

Step 2.

Visualise multiple black tendrils shooting out from it, impaling your target deeply.

Step 3.

Now once you have impaled the target and have made an energetic link, dig deeper
and root the tendrils. spread them through out the body, Like an infection, or a cancer.

Step 4.

Inhale and flow the energy to you, while absorbing their essence through the tendril

It’s a very parasitic method, and most certainly wouldn’t be healthy for the host. but it
is most beneficial to the vampiric adept
The Evoking Forbidden 13
You will need a staff carved from wood & enchanted
with the essence of Egulcala. After carving the staff from
wood, enchant it with the essence of Egulcala by smear-
ing your own blood upon it while chanting: "Egulcala
Ila Talasra Tanaella Mahitla!" 13 times.

Draw out the one you wish to evoke sigil & have 3
black candles in the formation of an inverted triangle
upon your altar. Have a chalice or an obsidion offer-
ing bowl and a blade you can draw blood with to shed
13 drops of blood upon the sigil, 13 drops into the chal-
ice(filled with a drink of your choice), & finally 5 drops
into the offering bowl. Chant "Amarahumla Ninat-
la Takat-Sat Timalzum Tarikasla Ani" & visualize a
dark energy going into the chalice, causing the drink to
glow a fiery crimson red. Now drink from the chalice
& declare "I am of True Chaos Spirit!". Now begin
the rite of evocation.

For a rite of evocation, recite the litany of the sphere

corresponding to the Forbidden One you desire to
evoke before calling the name of the deity 13 times,
tapping your staff on the ground each time you call the
name. Then focus your energy & project it into the sig-
il, then pull back with your energy as if you are pulling
or guiding the Forbidden One towards you while you
recite their evocation rite.

The thirteen united into a thriteen headed black dragon


Evocation Of Anaxeiraz

ANAXEIRAZ come from the abysmal depths

you dwell, mother of nothing! Embodiment
of all!! devourer of duality, and bringer of the
black light! Come down and peer into my
soul, so that your obsidian eyes will become
mine, and fiery venoms of the void spread
throughout my very being like a disease that
seems to be the cure for all that is human! Agia
Void mother of unlimited potential, through
the singularity of nothingness and the full-
ness of all! Let me become one with you O 13
headed, in this ceremony of unholy union! Ha
ma ta agia ha ma itat ANAXEIRAZ
(We encourage a consistent evocation of the ANAXEIRAZ in which the calling upon has
an alchemical change in itself. We recommend a devotional evocation of 13 times a month,
throughout the span of a year to aquire the deepest of results.)
He appears as a fit man, with the head of a raven. His black aura spreads as if they
are wings. He enhances levels of perception and can consume and harbor curses, that
have been sent for later use. He dwells in abandoned lands of the forgotten and is
known for enchanting magickal tools and fetishes.
Evocation Of Egulcala

Egulcala I call you from forgotten

lands, cloak me from thine enemies with your
blackened wings, and allow me to be forged
from ash so I may rise as the true warrior of
chaos! The ravens fall from the crimson
sky, as the the blood drips from my finger tips.
I open the gate to the defilers of god, tear me
from all that is mundane, and the comforts of
the illusion I call home! Manifest before me,
bless me with your infernal presence! Tear the
veil with your might, as Saturn burns through
I open the nexion, come Egulcala! X13

He sits on a throne of crystallized fire, he does not forgive, nor does he forget.
He is of royal stature and dwells within the hollows of man. He comes to reap the
souls of his enemies, know that yours are his as well. He teaches lessons of ego, and
distortion of self.
Evocation Of Lohaz

Lohaz, lord of the Kingdom of crystalized

fire! Throw me into the fire so I may wake
from my dormant state of limitation! And
cast me into the ice of solidity so immortal-
ity and the blessing of undeath you’ve awak-
ened me to can forever be preserved! Slaugh-
ter me! Cut me loose so I may transcend the
flesh! I open the gate to the defilers of god!

I open the nexion, come Lohaz! X13

Namirha is one of the severed ones. One of the three wives of Siblii, and also quite possibly his most
terrifying bride. She comes as a storm of shadows and fear, and will bring your own fears out from
your subconscious to face then. She can also bestow this fear upon an enemy. With her comes legions
of many, and this is not to be taken lightly. She holds knowledge of past lives and bloodlines, and
can sever your ties to them.
i, the severed Ghoul-King. He has three wives: Namirha, Naraguhs
and Abufays. He appears as half-man and half-ghoul. Atop his
head he wears a golden crown bound with human bones and the feet
of dead crows. He bears truth of illusions and time, and can sever
your bindings to linear spacetime. He is said to be unstoppable, and
commands legions of dead warriors. The power the magician weilds
with this is devastating
Naraguhs is one of the severed ones and ones of the wives of Siblii.
She comes riding a pale horse; in one hand she holds a heart, sym-
bolizing humanity being ripped from the magician. In her other
hand she weilds a bow which delivers a critical strike against your
ties to humanity. She scream blasphemy so loud it can drive one
insane. Curses with her are self-explanitory.
Abufays is one of the severed ones, and possibly the deadliest wife
of Siblii. Any remaining ties to humanity you have held onto at this
point, she will drain from you. She comes as a beautiful woman with
the tail of a serpent. The locks of her hair whisper secrets and for-
gotten tales. She has knowledge of talismans and baneful methods of
vampirism. She is known as a trickster who draws her prey in with
seductive energy, and she attacks with stealth. Remember this: DO
NOT get stuck in her trap, and DO NOT become her prey.
Evocation Of Namirha

Namirha, Storm-Queen of severed of ones I

call to you, she who confronts
the Black Adept with the the shade within! I
call to you, she whose legions expand innu-
Queen who holds all knowledge of
bloodlines & past lives within the Infinity
of The Black Sun! Tare the veil as the Black
Sun burns through you!

I open the nexion, come Namirha! x13

He appears as half man and half ghoul. He wears a gold crown, bound with hu-
mane bones, and the feet of crows. He bears truths of illusions and time. He is said
to be unstoppable, and the provocation of possibility becomes an addiction. He com-
mands legions of dead warriors, and the power the magician wields with this one is
Evocation Of Siblii

Siblii, ghoul king! I call to you, king of the

severed ones! And ruler
of the legions of undeath who dwells outside
of time & blackens the sands with the Light
of The Black Sun! Let me gaze upon your
golden crown of bones & feet of crows so that
we may stand face-to-face as spirits of chaos!
Lay seige upon the veil as The Black Sun
burns through you!

I open the nexion, come Siblii! X13

She comes riding a pale horse, in one hand a bow, the other a heart. The eyes
manifest, as the darkest burrow of the soul. She screams blasphemy, so loud it can
drive one insane. Curses with her, are self- explanatory as well as the Impact she has.
She has two daughters that bear no name, they come as she goes.
Evocation Of Naraguhs

I call to you, mother of the nameless! Show

yourself mistress of the severed king!
I call you to ride to me on your pale horse &
allow me to hear the heart that beats within
your hand! Allow me to see the darkest
burrows of the soul within your eye, emanat-
ing all that is void!
Puncture through the veil with the black-fire
arrows of your bow as The Black Sun
burns through you!

I open the the nexion, come Naraguhs! x13

Ihajza is a spirit resonating with the vampiric feminine, and is easily the most vampir-
ic of The Harbingers of Chaos. She comes with serpents rising from her chest cavity.
She is transpare t, and by that we mean that she does not hide. She resonates primarily
with those who have preverse bloodlust. She can teach powerful methods of vampir-
ism, and you can feed your victims to her as well.
Evocation Of Abufays

Abufays: Abu-Fays, beautiful Serpent

Queen of forgotten tales! You whose locks
whispers dark secrets! Vampiric trickster
queen of traps & talismanic sorcery! Come
forth &
burn through the veil with your Black Solar
venoms as The Black Sun burns through you!

I open the nexion, come Abufays! x13

Takyah is one of the three Harbingers of Chaos. She comes with seven rabid wolves
and teaches necromancy of dead sinners, and she can grant the black magician author-
ity in the realms where dead sinners dwell. If you build a relationship with her, her
wolves will become one of the deadliest weapons in your arsenal.
Evocation Of Takyah

Takyah, queen of forgotten souls!

I call you so that I may gaze upon your
white gown! I call you so that the souls of the
lost can be found within me. I call to you so
that I may run among your 7 rabid wolves as a
ravenous hunter of the night!
beautiful queen of chaos! By the shadow of
Uranus may your rabid wolves sink their teeth
into the veil!

I open the nexion, come Takyah! x13

Arhtyn comes as a necrotic nightmare manifested before you. She is a Harbinger of
Chaos who knows of, and can teach of, poisons, herbs, and baneful oils. Her respect is
quite difficult to for most to earn, but once it is earned it is well worth the wait.
Evocation Of Arhtyn

Arhtyn, nightmare Queen of

Poison! O Vortex of Undeath & Nightmare
Queen of the most vile & baneful herbs!
Come forth & come hither so that I may
know Forbidden Black herbalism! By the
shadow of Uranus, kill the veil with your poi-
necrotic vortex!

I open the nexion, come Arhtyn! x13

This spirit resonates with the vampiric feminine, she comes with serpents that rise
from her chest cavity. She is transparent, as in she does not hide. She resides within
ones who have a perversion for bloodlust. She can elaborate on methods of feeding,
you can feed your victims to her as well.
Evocation Of Ihaza

Ihajza, vampiric Queen of perverse blood-

lust! I call to you so that the serpents may
rise from the cavity between your bloodied
breasts! You who does not hide her nature,
come to me so I can know what it is to be
vampire! By the shadow of Uranus, Let the
serpents from the necrotic hole within your
chest spit their venoms upon the veil so that it
may rot as you do!

I open the nexion, come Ihajza! x13

adamisha is onr of The Decayed Ones. He comes are a gargoyle standing roughly
eight feet tall, wearing the flesh of dead loved ones. In his sockets are the eyhes of tor-
mented souls; one eye ripped from a Mother, one eye ripped from a Father. He teach-
es alchemy of sex and warfare. It is best to make offerings of pain and pleasure and to
channel him through self-flagellation and intense
sessions of BDSM.
Evocation Of Yadamisha

Yadamisha, Malefic gargoyle of pleasure &

pain! Come and present yourself, so that I
may gaze upon your outfit in the likeness
of the flesh of loved-ones, so that I may be
shown not only joy but horror just as you
show pleasure & pain! You who has the
eye of a weeping mother in one socket & a
wrathful father in the other! Gargoyle of sex-
ual Black Alchemy of pleasure & pain! By
the shadow of Mars, counter-create the veil
through your backwards procreation!

I open the nexion, come YadaMisha! x13

Akahadiza is the most destructive of The Decayed Ones and potentially the most
traumatic step in this pathworking. He shows the underlying sinister perfection that
lies beneath your deepest and darkest desires. He appears as a man with a snake’s head,
wielding a scythe. He loves self-mutilation and teaches forbidden rites of internal
Evocation Of Akahadiza

Akahadiza, who dwells in shadows of Mars

& Jupiter! Come so that I may know the
ways of self-creation through self-mutila-
tion! Bring to my conscious mind that which
has been kept in my subconscious from my
knowing! Ignite your brutal alchemy so that
I may become you! With your Martian wrath,
& your Jupiterian Evil Eyes, slice through the
veil with your scythe!

I open the nexion, come Akahadiza! x13

Mihajla is the darkest glimmer in The Eye of Primordial Being. He is the leader of
the Forbidden 13 as well as the most powerful among them. He comes as a tall man
wearing war paint and a robe soaked in the blood of his enemies, and wields a spear
made from the spine of his brother. He is found in wastelands and is known to collect
the bones of fallen soldiers. He speaks of metaphysical warfare and tactics, and can
gear the magician for an astral attack. Over time, he may
grant you his spear. If you wield his power, DO NOT let his
power wield you, or he will take EVERYTHING from you

Channeled words, of the infernal king MIH-AJLA…

I am hidden in the spaces, beneath the desolate lands
within. The daunting force, that whispers what you
may become. The path of flames that blaze with each
step, burning the pits for you to fall. Laughing in the
backround, only for you to think twice before you
make your next move. Come to the darkside of self,
come out through the scars I leave behind. I am only
here to break you, I will see if you fade into nothing.
I won’t leave until i am done, for you are not whole
without me now.
- mih-ajla
Evocation Of Mihajla
Mihajla, Warrior-King of the 13 Forbidden
Ones! Come so that I may see you in your
robed & blood-soaked majesty! Walker of
Jupiterian wastelands! Collector of bones!
Master tactician of metaphysical warfare!
Wielder of painfully restored honor! Come
to me so that I may know how to attack my
foes with a devastation unparalled! Come to
me so that I may wield your power & strike
my foes with your spear bringing devastation
unbound! By the shadow of Jupiter I call you
so we may meet face-to-face, war-painted

I open the nexion, come Mihajla! x13

Kadnuk is the iris of The Eye of Primordial bring. He teaches advanced methods of
astral projection and knows of all hidden realms in the Nightside. He is a master of
manipulation, and can give the black magician tools and insights into doing so as well.
Offerings can be of sexual fluids, blood and pain, and in return he will teach you to
practice advanced astral sex magick.
Evocation Of Kadnuk

Kadnuk, skinless walker of the astral! Come

& show me your hidden ways through all
realms! Fleshless Lord of manipulation &
bloody sex magick! I call you so that I may go
beyond the limits this flesh imposes upon me!
I call you so that this flesh can no longer pre-
vent me from being able to explore the realms
furthest removed from this causal plane!
By the shadow of Jupiter, turn the veil into
shreds like flesh torn asunder!

I open the nexion on, come Kadnuk! x13

Chants Of The 13
(Chants to Egulcala):
-To enhance perception “Egulcala Irusat Zizeatak!”.
-To feed him curses to save for later “Egulcala Ila Talasra Tanaella Mahitla!” .
-To send the harbored curses to a target “Egulcala Anizkumla Miyatasla Lasrii!”

(Chant to Lohaz):
-To reap an enemy “Lohaz Uda-Yinuj!”
Namir-Ha chants: For gnosis “Namir-ha Asa-Yatla Tafiremla Baaj!”.
-To inflict fear & terror upon an enemy “Namirha Bur-Law Udael Ifak-Razat!”

(Siblii chants):
-To look through time “Siblii Bisanumla Tawla Tabukum Rarsael Niyabut!”.
-To call his legions to crush/kill enemies “Siblii Imusuk Lutkat Sanayil!”

(Naraguhs chants):
-To drive a foe insane “Nunam Numusuk Efad!”.
-To crush an enemy “Naraguhs Dayabala Kinasahid Tabaela!”.

(Abufays chants):
-To drain an enemy lethally “Abufays Mihitakat Ilka!”.
-To enchant a talisman “Abufays Samla Namasayata Ahada Atayli!”

(Takyah chants):
-To call upon hellhounds “Takyah Iilat Sadunilyat!”.
-To send purgatory spirits to an enemy “Rakyah Daedala Muhal Nayabata!”

(Arhtyn chants):
-To give a foe nightmares “Arhtyn Sibakla Muhanam!”.
-To give a foe illness “Arhtyn Daramla Muhuyata!”.
-To destroy foe “Arhtyn Muhumatah!”.
-To attune yourself to chaos “Arhtyn Ilunatla!”

(IhajZa chant):
-For vampiric Gnosis “Ihajza Idagatal Idumallael!”

(Yadamisha chants):
-For sex magick “Yadamisha Isnijla Inunak Laliik Numlatael!”.
-To curse a foe with impotence “ Yadamisha Zijael Niidalab Udael Laeljoth!”
(Akahadiza chants):
-For self-mutilation based alchemy “Akahadiza Amarahumla Taelimhikla
Hiidak Laelsii!”.
-To learn secrets about yourself “Akahadiza Aferaam Rayhege Rarsat
-To manifest dark desires “Akahadiza Amilazumla Itabgarael Rida-

(Mihajla chants):
-For insights into metaphysical warfare “Mihajla Airhisla Brakla Rarsak
-To decimate an enemy “Mihajla Idiyakil Ikifla Nim Kuzamat!”.
-To empower a curse “Mihajla Awkael Natanael Nolaelkon!”

(Kadnuk chants):
-To trigger an astral projection “Kadnuk Yamjan Takasin Yahelshan!”.
-To manipulate a target “Kadnuk Nubael Bulatla Yatadisum!”.
-To learn ways to manipulate “Kadnuk Ahubas Kayukal Bijayun Yatla
Ratwala Iham Aminirak!”.
The Necromantic Initiation Of Arh-Tyn.
(The rite of chosen death)

This rite will take place at dusk, it is a time of

confliction. It is the time where light wages war with
the devouring forces of darkness.
you could say this is vampiric in nature, a rite of
deification that is influenced by a powerful act of
Becoming the devourer, initating into the
necromantic path, and an attunemnt to the
whispering vibrations of deat h.
Walk to your local cemetary bring with you a blade,
8 black candles, a shovel, and a compass.
Take your compass and your blade, find a grave in the
north, the west, the east, and the south.
Cut yourself and mark each of the four graves with
your blood over the name of the chosen dead, and
leave one black candle lit over the top of every grave
bed. This is to create an energetic link between you and
the chosen four deceased. The black candles on each
grave bed represent the black flame, the spirits you
call may be ressurected through the black flame and
their former consciousness transmuted through your
current intentions as each candle is placed.
Now take the shovel and dig four small holes in the
shape of a cross represnting the four corners of the
crossroads, and center the ritual spcace as
accurately as possible within the chosen grave sites.
once you have dug the four holes, place four strands
of your hair as well as four drops of blood in each
hole. now take the shovel and cover the holes with
graveyard dirt from the chosen four graves.
On top of every covered hole a candle is placed, then the
alchemical process can begin.
Now you can begin the calling.
I call to (name of the deceased) awake and be reborn
through the black flame ive bestowed upon you! Come
forth and manifest before me. Spirit of the north
stand before me and manifest!
I call to (name of the deceased) awake and be reborn
through the black flame ive bestowed upon you! Come
forth and manifest beside me. Spirit of the west stand
beside me and manifest!
I call to (name of the deceased) awake and be reborn
through the black flame ive bestowed upon you! Come
forth and manifest behind me. Spirit of the south
stand behind me and manifest!
I call to (name of the deceased) awake and be reborn
through the blac k flame ive bestowed upon you! Come
forth and manifest beside me. Spirit of the east stand
beside me and manifest!
As the spirits gather around you and begin to present
themselves, begin a trance state through thoughtless
meditation. once you feel you have lost track of time
and have completley faded into the abyss of self. Then
exhale and Push out every last bit of energy you have,
while visualizing the projection as a black plauge
enveloping and consuming the 4 spirits surrounding
you. Then with one last deep breathe, inhale the vile
cloud of energy you projected containing the souls of
the four chosen and devour the essence. You will
become attuned to death, through becoming death.
Alingning your vibrations, or in a sense merging your
vibrations with the void within and without. the
adept can only achieve this through self sacrafice,
and accepting the foul wings of death as your own.
Initiation into Forbidden Necromantic Mysteries
This is a rite meant to attune you to Death energy & bring necromantic gnosis. You will
be in the presence of Lohaz & Ahrtyn, offering them decay & pain to ignite an alchemi-
cal change towards a state of undeath. Know that the changes from the rite described below
are irreversible & that this rite should not be performed if you are not ready to thrive off of
Death Energy; these energies can cause physical harm to your body if you bring them into
yourself ill-prepared.

(Some materials that will be needed include):

-Tobacco, Wormwood & Alcohol offerings
-A flogger
-A knife sharp enough to draw blood
-Grave soil
-Decayed carcass(es)
-A shovel

Find a secure area outdoors, preferably a graveyard or a secure spot in a forest, & dig a
hole at least large enough for the rotted carcass(es). Draw blood with your knife, & then
put blood on your brow & on the three candles. Place one candle next to the hole you have
dug, & then the other two candles on opposite sides of the hole. Now, mix the ash with the
grave soil & cover your body with it before drawing out the sigils of Lohaz & Ahrtyn in
flour on the opposite sides of the hole. While drawing the sigils, vibrate “Lohaz Asta-Yatla
Tafiremla Baaj” for the sigil of Lohaz, & “Ahrtyn Ilunatla” for the sigil of Ahrtyn. After
you have drawn each sigil, proceed to burn tobacco & wormwood offerings next to the sigils,
while also smoking tobacco & wormwood yourself, & then throw the carcasses into the hole.
Pour an alcoholic drink into the hole after first taking a drink yourself.

Now meditate on the stench & presence of Death. Take deep breaths & imagine your mortal
limitations decaying & falling off of you, while the essence of Undeath begins to fill you.

Take your flogger & whip yourself to your threshold while repeating “Lohaz Ahrtyn Ilu-
natla!”, envision your mortality being murdered & your human weaknesses rotting away.

When you have reached your threshold of the amount of pain you can offer, silently bury the
carcasses. Then, go to the sigils you drew in flour, & smear the flour all over you. When you
leave the ritual site, do not look back. Find the nearest lake, pond, spring or ocean, remove
any clothing & jump into the water. Envision the water as thick & black churning chaos
water & eager to engulf you. But it is not engulfing you in the manner of causing Death but
rather inducing Undeath. It is drowning your mortality in a Baptism of Undeath.

You emerge from the water changed irreversibly into an Undead vessel for Necromantic
Conclusion Austin
I will be straight-forward and blunt in saying this: being one of the ves-
sels to unleash these Trans-Qliphotic nightmares into this plane traumatized me
greatly. This is not someyhing we sought out, this is something that chose to tap
into us on it's own accord for whatever reason. Unleashing these names, chan-
neling these sigils, acquiring this gnosis, and putting these rites together opened a
Pandora's Box that put us into a living Hell. Speaking for myself, I found myself
making decisions I normally would never have made. I found myself thrown into
absolute insanity in ways that I had not been in my past black magickal expe-
riences had not, and experienced extreme paranoia as well as physical suffering.
I am admittedly in my natural state off less sound mind than my co-author and
magickal brother, so the psychological Hell of this was certainly the greatest strug-
gle for me.

Also, to be brutally honest, these forces terrified me, and to an extent, they still
do. A few times I even found myself wondering how and why I had damned my-
self with a Hell beyond Hell itself. I found myself questioning if this could even
be trusted at all, and wondering if I, for lack of a better way of putting it, would
be completely screwed in the end no matter how far I ascended. But ultimately,
I was born damned. It was, for whatever reason, my destiny to play a role in this
coming day of wrath. I realize now, more than ever, that there is a cycle of apoc-
alyptic events, and if these Pre-Atlantian forces tap into someone completely on
their own accord, that means something is about to happen that NEEDS to hap-
pen. These 13 Forbidden ones couldn't have, and most certianly did not, destroy
Atlantis for no reason. This current is a weapon that MUST be unleashed, and I
welcome, and fully embrace my damnation. My damnation is my birthright.

"Before the dawn, before the fall...

the forces which the Old Tribe called.
The primal limitlessness before the All.
Road so long overgrown,
till a swords sliced the brush and the path was shown.
To fragments shattered, to fragments scattered,
for aeons dancing through bloodied trails,
frenzied slicing at the veil.
Impossible, till it broke the limit,
possible, because they Will it.
Shards assemble, the cosmos trembles,
13 floodgates, 13 bloodgates,
their arrival brings astral earthquakes.
13 heads, their wings now spread.
Now we call.
Order will fall.
Infinite No-Thing, consume the All!"

-Austin Blackstone
Conclusion Chris
One thing that I need to emphasize on is the fact that these spirits tapped
into us, not the other way around. What have my experiences been you may ask?
Well it all started when I got a vision of a tree, and of some entities whose en-
ergies resonated with me deeply. They resonated with my because of their vam-
piric nature, and vampirism is one of the main things I had in mind to immerse
myself into the occult in the first place. Their manifestations were alien to me,
and at first their presence otherworldly and chaotic. My interest started to grow,
as I noticed them showing themselves more and more within the confines of my
temple, other sorcerers I know started to notice them too throughout conversa-
tions we’ve had over video chat. Overtime I would consciously forget they were
there even though their presence was intimidating, I guess because of normalcy,
and subconsciously telling myself they’re not real. Every time I came to the
realization that they were still surrounding me, and became consciously aware, it
seemed as if they were downloading entire hard drive worth of information into
my subconscious, only to raise into the conscious mind to destroy my entire
perception of reality once more. I had no idea what I was getting myself into,
but I was about to find out.

My entire life was destroyed, and a sign I have become familiar with to know
when it’s about to get worse, is seeing the numbers 13 and 24 throughout my
day. They removed me from all the comforts, that most of the occult would per-
ceive as comforts of a mundane nature. I lost my home, most of my family , and
“real” friends I have known for years. It came to the point were suicide was on
my mind, not because of depression, but due to the brutal awakening that was
so intensely forced upon me, became all most too hard to process. This tore me
internally, and effectively hit every aspect surrounding my entire life. I wanted
to check myself into a mental institution, and I kept coming to a point were
insanity was about to settle in. I had lost everything, only to realize I already
had everything. It made me become comfortable with myself, and able to survive
a harsh reality.

Throughout this path my consciousness has expanded exponentially, but not
without severe physical, and mental trauma. These spirits predate qliphoth, but
are not sovereign from it by far. These beings are the pre-atlantian equivalent
to the qliphothic rulers.
We have come to the conclusion that these beings were the main cause of the fall
of man (Atlantis), and it is not of coincidence that they have come back to find
vessels for their forbidden current. We are in what is known as the kali yuga,
which is a precursor to the inevitable apocalypse. The time has come for one cy-
cle of being to end, so a new state of being can make over. We are coming upon
a mass awakening because we are forced to, but only because we chose to open
the door, even if it was merely one of the subconscious. As I said in the begin-
ning, welcome to the void.

-chris paige.

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