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Training Within Industry (TWI)

Lean Manufacturing Series

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•  Disclaimer
▫  This presentation is intended for use in training individuals within an organization. The
handouts, tools, and presentations may be customized for each application.

•  Copyright
▫  This presentation is copyrighted by Gemba Academy LLC.

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•  Introduction
•  Background and History
•  Components and Implementation
•  Knowledge Check

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•  TWI provides a systematic approach to sustain changes
and continuously improve by
▫  Indoctrinating people into an “improvement” frame of mind.
▫  Teaching people how to identify opportunities for improving
their jobs.
▫  Training people how to generate ideas to take advantage of
these opportunities.
▫  Showing people how to get these ideas into practice right away.
▫  Creating ownership for people to maintain standard work.
•  The program is one of utter simplicity
•  It uses a blueprinted procedure that requires a minimum of time
•  Adheres to the learn by doing principle
•  Built in multipliers to spread the training

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Background and History
•  TWI was developed by a U.S. Government Service after
the fall of France on June 22, 1940 that signaled a U.S.
involvement in the war in Europe was inevitable.

•  The purpose for TWI was “to help industry to help itself
to get out more materials than have ever been thought
possible, and at constantly accelerating speed” to win
the war.

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Background and History
•  Actual data reported by over 600 client companies
monitored throughout the war attributed the following
results to TWI:
▫  86% increased production by at least 25%
▫  100% reduced training time by 25% or more
▫  88% reduced labor-hours by over 25%
▫  55% reduced scrap by at least 25%
▫  100% reduced grievances by more than 25%

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Background and History
•  Discontinued in 1945 as US manufacturers focused on
getting product out of the door to fill a world wide
demand for consumer products.

•  The U.S. Occupation Government brought TWI to Japan

to “quickly” rebuild their industrial base to avoid mass
starvation that the U.S. feared would further the cause
in worker communism.

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Background and History
▫  1951 to 1960 – Toyota utilizes TWI to train their employees in
the Toyota Production System.
•  NOW
▫  2001 - Toyota KY received over 100,000 improvement
suggestions from employees, 98% of which were used resulting
in a savings of $18,000,000, and returned $3,000,000 for
individual awards of $25 to $25,000.
▫  “The Toyota Way of going to the source, observing in detail, and
learning by doing were all very much influenced by TWI (Dietz
and Bevens, 1970) and became the backbone of Toyota’s
standardization philosophy.”
The Toyota Way (P141), 2004, Jeffrey Liker

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Components and Implementation
•  The Problem of Sustainability

•  Components of TWI
▫  Job Instruction (JI)
▫  Job Methods (JM)
▫  Job Relations (JR)

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The Problem of Sustainability
•  We know about waste
▫  Henry Ford
▫  Earned unprecedented profits in 1926 by eliminating waste to
gradually reduce the production cycle to 81 hours from iron ore
to finished product.
▫  Toyota Production System
▫  Eliminate non-value-added waste to continuously reduce the
time-line between Order and Cash.
▫  Kaizen
▫  Elimination of Muda (non-value adding waste) epitomizes the
low-cost, commonsense approach to continuous improvement.
▫  Lean
▫  Do more with less by eliminating non-value-adding activities.
•  We don’t know how to sustain improvement
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The Problem of Sustainability
•  A crisis may be the best way to get people to
understand the need for change, but it is a very poor
way to run daily operations.
•  Implementing Lean reveals problems and internalizing
policies for corrective action, but it does not ensure
that everyone continuously works on these problems.
•  Lean Manufacturing relies on the involvement of
everyone and Kaizen Events alone will simply take too
long to involve everyone.

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The Problem of Sustainability
•  Continuous Improvement never seems to be continuous
•  People resist change and this mindset will cause people
to backslide and abandon improvement.
•  Supervisors and managers often leave improvement
until after “making the numbers.”
•  People typically rely on others for improvements.
•  Even when people want to improve they don’t have
improvement skills.
•  Companies tend to rely on Kaizen Events to make even
small changes.

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The Problem of Sustainability

Event #3

What Standard should be

Event #2

What Standard should be

Event #1 Maintenance
What actually becomes
the Standard when people
do not sustain the changes.
Work Standard

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Components of Training Within Industry
•  Job Instruction Training (JI)
▫  teaches supervisors how to quickly train employees to do a job
correctly, safely, and conscientiously.
•  Job Methods Training (JM)
▫  teaches supervisors how to continuously improve the way jobs
are done.
•  Job Relations Training (JR)
▫  teaches supervisors how to develop and maintain positive
employee relations to prevent problems from happening and
how to effectively resolve conflicts that arise.

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Impact of TWI
Output Innovation
What the Standard becomes

Gradually Improve Productive

the Standard, TWI JM & JR Potential of
New Standard
Maintain the Standard


Current Work Standard

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Job Instruction (JI)
•  Objective: Develop a well-trained workforce resulting
▫  less scrap and rework,
▫  Fewer accidents, and
▫  less tool and equipment damage.
•  Results
▫  Reduced training time
▫  Increased production
▫  Fewer accidents
▫  Less scrap
▫  Less rework
▫  Less tool and equipment damage
▫  Increased job satisfaction
▫  Improved quality
▫  Increased profits
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JI: Four Steps
1.  Prepare the worker to learn
2.  Present the operation
3.  Try-out performance
4.  Follow-up

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JI: Present the Operation
No. __________


Operation: ____________________________________________________

Parts: ________________________________________________________

Tools & Materials: ______________________________________________


Anything in a step that might—

1. Make or break the job
A logical segment of the
2. Injure the worker
operation when something
3. Make the work easier to do, Reasons for each key point
happens to advance the work.
i.e. “knack”, “trick”, special
timing, bit of special

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Job Methods (JM)
•  Objective: Make the best use of
▫  the people
▫  Machines
▫  and materials
•  Results
▫  Reduced cost
▫  Reduced WIP
▫  Reduced inventory
▫  Increased throughput
▫  Increased sales
▫  Increased profits
▫  Continuous improvement

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JM = Immediate ROI
•  ROI for a manufacturing company as the result of Job
Investment: Training, December 2002 $5,000
Employee time (est. 120 hrs.): 6,000
Total Cost (est.) $11,000

Savings realized within 30 days $34,300

Immediate Return on Investment 312%

Projected Annualized Savings $124,690

Potential Return on Investment 1134%

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JM: The 4 Steps
1.  Breakdown the Job
2.  Question Every Detail
3.  Develop the New Method
4.  Apply the New Method

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JM Step 1: Breakdown the Job
Job Breakdown Sheet








Write them down, don’t try to remember.




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JM Step 2: Question Every Detail
•  Why is it necessary?
•  What is its purpose?
•  Where should it be done?
•  When should it be done?
•  Who is best qualified to do it?
•  How is “the best way” to do it?

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JM Step 3: Develop the New Method

•  Why?
•  What?

•  Where?
•  When?
•  Who?

•  How? Simplify

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JM Step 4: Apply the New Method
1.  Sell the change to others
2.  Obtain necessary approvals
3.  Put the new method to use right away
4.  Credit those involved
5.  Continue to improve the new method

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Job Relations (JR)
•  Objective:
▫  Build positive employee relations by effectively resolving
conflicts that arise.
▫  Maintain positive employee relations by preventing problems
from happening.
•  Results
▫  Better employee relations
▫  Improved morale
▫  Fewer grievances
▫  Improved attendance
▫  Less equipment damage
▫  Improved quality
▫  Increased production
▫  Reduced cost
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JR: Handling a Problem
▫  Step 1 - Get The Facts
–  Get the whole story
▫  Step 2 - Weigh And Decide
–  Don’t jump to conclusions
▫  Step 3 - Take Action
–  Don’t pass the buck
▫  Step 4 - Check Results
–  Did your action help production?

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JR: Preventing a Problem
•  Let each worker know how he/she is doing
•  Give credit when credit is due
•  Tell people in advance about changes that will affect
•  Make the best use of each person’s ability

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The Simple Learning Process
1.  Preparation
a.  make the learner think to aid comprehension of the new idea.
2.  Presentation
a.  add the new idea to those already in the learner’s mind.
3.  Application
a.  train the learner to apply what was presented and check
4.  Testing
a.  test the ability of the learner to apply the new idea alone.

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TWI: Common Procedures
•  A common thread runs through all TWI programs as the
result of much trial and error learning during
▫  Each program has a similar 4-Step Method.
▫  The method is stated in shop terms, not in academic language.
▫  Each participant must use the method to solve a current
problem in class to get immediate use and acceptance.
▫  Small groups of 10 to practice the method under guided
assistance to “learn by doing”.
▫  An outline of what and how and time sets a universal standard.
▫  Ten hours of class are best delivered in five 2-hour meetings
without a break.
▫  Compact scheduling of the 5 meetings to keep the subject fresh
and not keep people away from their jobs over long periods of

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TWI: Learning by Doing
•  The TWI approach is not a matter of schools or classes
or lessons – it is individual and/or group work on
current day problems of output, quality, lost-time,
scrap, re-work, maintenance, and working relations.

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TWI: Multipliers Spread the Training
•  The TWI Program utilizes a standard method to
▫  Train people from industry to become TWI Trainers
▫  TWI Trainers train the people who direct the work of others
(supervisors, team leaders, managers, etc.)
▫  Supervisors spread the training to other people in the
workplace by involving them as required in the process.

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TWI: The Five Basic Needs of Supervisors
•  Unique knowledge to the Company and/or the Industry
that supervisors must know to do their job:
1.  Knowledge of the Work
2.  Knowledge of Responsibilities
•  Skills that are required for supervisors to perform
within their role, regardless of the industry:
3.  Instruction
4.  Methods Improvement
5.  Leading

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Knowledge Check

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How does TWI provide a systematic approach to sustain
changes and continuously improve? (Mark all that apply)

a)  Indoctrinating people into an “improvement”

frame of mind.
b)  Teaching people how to identify opportunities
for improving their jobs.
c)  Training people how to generate ideas to take
advantage of these opportunities.
d)  Showing people how to get these ideas into
practice right away.
e)  Creating ownership for people to maintain
standard work.

© 2013 Gemba Academy LLC. All rights reserved. 35

TWI was developed by which
of the following countries?
o  A) France
o  B) United State
o  C) Japan
o  D) Germany

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What year was TWI developed?

o  A) 1930
o  B) 1940
o  C) 1950
o  D) 1960

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What makes it difficult to sustain continuous
improvement activities? (Mark all that apply)
a)  People resist change and this mindset
will cause people to backslide and
abandon improvement.
b)  Supervisors and managers often leave
improvement until after “making the
c)  People typically rely on others for
d)  Even when people want to improve they
don’t have improvement skills.

© 2013 Gemba Academy LLC. All rights reserved. 38

Match the component of TWI with its definition
by dragging the definition to the component.

•  TWI Component •  Definition
B Job Methods Training (JM)

A.  Teaches supervisors how to
develop and maintain
C Job Instruction Training (JI) positive employee relations

□  A Job Relations Training (JR)

to prevent problems from
happening and how to
effectively resolve
conflicts that arise.
B.  Teaches supervisors how to
continuously improve the
way jobs are done.
C.  Teaches supervisors how to
quickly train employees to
do a job correctly, safely,
and conscientiously.

© 2013 Gemba Academy LLC. All rights reserved. 39

What are the results of Job Instruction?
(Mark all that apply)

a)  Reduced training time

b)  Increased production

c)  Fewer accidents

d)  Less scrap

e)  Less tool and equipment damage

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What are the results of Job Methods?
(Mark all that apply)

•  Reduced cost

•  Reduced WIP

•  Reduced inventory

•  Increased throughput

•  Increased sales

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What are the results of Job Relations?
(Mark all that apply)

a)  Better employee relations

b)  Improved morale

c)  Fewer grievances

d)  Improved attendance

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Match the step in the Simple
Learning Process with its description by dragging
the description to the step.

•  Step in the Simple •  Description

Learning Process A.  Test the ability of the

□  C
learner to apply the
new idea alone.

B.  Train the learner to

Application apply what was
D presented and check

Preparation results.
A Testing C.  Add the new idea to
those already in the
learner’s mind.
D.  Make the learner think
to aid comprehension
of the new idea.
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How can you implement TWI in your

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•  You have completed the course.

•  Visit Superfactory ( for more

information on manufacturing excellence.

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