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Searched for : avatar
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Results : 8 document(s) with 62 instance(s)
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File : Andrew Rollings, Dave Morris-Game Architecture and Design_A New Edition-
New Riders Publishing(2004).pdf
Title : 00 3634_FM_Intro
Subject :
Author : uschugl
Keywords :

Page:  1

to occur automagically. Avatar—A player’s alter-ego in a virtual world (such

File : Bernard Perron, Mark J.P. Wolf-The Video Game Theory Reader 2-Routledge
Title : The Video Game Theory Reader 2
Subject : 9780415962827
Author : Bernard Perron and Mark J. P. Wolf (edt)
Keywords : # Publisher: Routledge
# Number Of Pages: 456
# Publication Date: 2008-11-07

Page:  7

the study of avatars as part of computer-mediated communication has generated provocative findings

has found that avatars are generally considered to be as rich as audio and

and further that avatars might be a valuable tool for contextualizing social interaction and

visual information. Thus, avatars can help us communicate better online by returning some of

also found that avatars in online games as well as offline games influence not

based on the avatars we have chosen. Communication theory also looks at issues related

Page:  23

characters and player avatars include content analysis of hypersexualized physical representation,
gender-stereotypical roles,

and customize their avatar. Thus, depending on the game, players can choose to appear

Page:  39

player and her avatar undoubtedly adds to or modifies the existing narrative points of

Page:  47

to the player’s avatar (the graphical representation of the player in the game)

Page:  54

. Appendixfemale avatars are portrayed within the space of the game as well

Page:  55

the use of avatars. Examining video games through a subcreative approach produces a more
File : Ernest Adams- Fundamentals of Game Design- New Riders (2009).pdf
Title : 0321685385.pdf
Subject :
Author : mickei
Keywords :

Page:  2

the real world. avatar A fictional character in a game with whom the player

be a vehicle. avatar-based interaction model An interaction model in which the player

only through the avatar and, therefore, only those regions of the game world where

world where the avatar is present. Bbackgrounder A document that describes the personality,

Page:  3

that makes her avatar invincible, she has enabled a cheat. cheat (verb) (

at which the avatar will be reincarnated if he dies. collectible A game world

to produce an avatar action. Usually found in fighting games. competition mode One of

Page:  4

world or the avatar. continuous scrolling A characteristic of scrolling 2D camera models where

Page:  7

always used with avatar-based interaction models in which the virtual camera displays the

view of the avatar’s own eyes. first-person shooter (FPS) A shooter game

Attributes of an avatar or other character that influence gameplay through their effect on

Page:  9

interaction models include avatar-based, party-based, multipresent, contestant-based, and desktop.

interactive fiction

Page:  12

is not an avatar for a player. The behavior of an NPC is normally

Page:  13

of the player’s avatar or units that lasts for the remainder of the game.

either to an avatar or a game world. For example, the camera in a

relative to the avatar. The previous edition of this book referred to all camera
which a common avatar action involves jumping on and off platforms in the game

(usually the avatar), gives that character added powers. presentation layer Another term for

Page:  15

of options. His avatar says the line, the nonplayer character (NPC) responds, and

or construct an avatar, thus defining the player’s imaginary self in the game. shadow

Page:  16

normally used with avatar-based interaction models in which the game’s virtual camera follows

camera follows the avatar through a 2D game world presented in a side view.

skills to his avatar or the characters in his party in a role-playing

pictures of the avatar; as the player gains or loses lives, pictures are added

locations where the avatar reappears after dying, typically in multiplayer first-person shooter games.

Page:  17

of a player’s avatar or units that lasts for less time than the remainder

for use with avatar-based interaction models in which the virtual camera follows behind

follows behind the avatar as he moves around the game world. tilt To cause

often used in avatar-based gameplay modes involving vehicles. toy A physical object that

Page:  18

performance of his avatar or units or as a new action that was not

or behind, the avatar in response to his movements. Contrast with continuous scrolling. vector
File : Grant Tavinor(auth.), Dominic McIver Lopes(eds.)-The Art of Videogames-Wiley-
Blackwell (2009).pdf
Title : Grant Tavinor(auth.), Dominic McIver Lopes(eds.)-The Art of Videogames-Wiley-
Blackwell (2009).pdf
Subject :
Author : 4<8=8AB@0B>@
Keywords :

Page:  9

character (or avatar): A term, derived from role-playing games such as Dungeons
File : Handbook of Virtual Environments_ Design, Implementation, and Applications,
Second Edition.pdf
Title : Handbook of Virtual Environments: Design, Implementation, and Applications,
Second Edition
Subject :
Author : Handbook of Virtual Environments: Design, Implementation,,Applications, Second
Keywords :

Page:  1

a human operator. Avatar: an interactive representation of a human in a virtual reality

Page:  7

people construct an avatar that represents themselves and interact socially in an online VE.

an on-screen avatar rather than being fully immersed in the environment. Semantic unification:


Aukstakainis, S., &
File : Janet H.Murray- Inventing the medium_ principles of interaction design as a
cultural practice-The MIT Press (2012).pdf
Title : Inventing the Medium: Principles of Interaction Design as a Cultural Practice
Subject :
Author : Janet H. Murray
Keywords :

Page:  3

in computer programs. Avatar Derived from the Hindu concept of a god embodied in

beings. A digital avatar is a character within a virtual world who represents the

interactor or player. Avatars can be specifi ed by gender, appearance, affi liation, personality,

and skills using avatar-builder programs that allow the user to pick and choose

Page:  4

role-playing games avatars often belong to fanciful “ races ” like elf, vampire,

Page:  6

control of an avatar with a joystick) or with the human imitating the computer

Page:  10

player ’ s avatar) and map them onto actions that suggest rich story possibilities

Page:  16

in which female avatars are constructed in virtually worlds. Other areas of contested ideological

Page:  28

money, weapons, land, avatar -building skill points) to distribute among a range of

and to the avatar-building phase of games in many genres. Respawning The generation

Page:  31

variable content. Game avatars are constructed with substitution systems that allow players to
File : Jason Jerald- The VR Book_Human-Centered Design for Virtual Reality, NextGen
Interactions, 2014.pdf
Title : The VR Book: Human-Centered Design for Virtual Reality
Subject :
Author : Jason Jerald
Keywords : Publisher: Morgan & Claypool Publishers, Compositor: Windfall Software

Page:  3

(Section 28.3.4) avatar. A character that is a virtual representation of a real

File : Michael Erlhoff, Michael Erlhoff, Timothy Marshall-Design
Dictionary_Perspectives on Design Terminology, Birkhäuser Architecture,
Title :
Subject :
Author :
Keywords :

Page:  356

replaced by multilingual avatars—customers are asked to serve themselves and have fun doing

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