MECH3423 1516 09-HVAC Water-Side Systems

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MECH3423 Building Services Engineering II

HVAC Water-side Systems

Dr. Sam C. M. Hui
Department of Mechanical Engineering
The University of Hong Kong
E-mail: [email protected]
Jan 2016

• Pipe Systems and Design

• Water Systems in HVAC

• Centrifugal Pumps

• Pump Arrangements
Pipe Systems and Design

• Common types of HVAC piping systems

• Chilled water (CHW) system
• Condenser water (CW) system
• Sea water system
• Hot water supply system
• Steam pipes, gas pipes
• Similar systems in other building services
• Water supply & distribution (plumbing)
[Source: Kreider, K. F. (ed.), 2001. Handbook of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.]
Pipe Systems and Design

• Two major concerns:

• Size the pipe (e.g. from charts & tables)
• Determine the flow-pressure relationship
• To analyse the system, e.g. to find out pump pressure
• By using manual or computer-based methods
• Calculations for pipelines or pipe networks
• Can be very complicated for branches & loops
• Basic parameters: pipe diameter, length, friction
factor, roughness, velocity, pressure drop
Pipe Systems and Design

• Basic equations
• Darcy-Weisbach Equation (for fully developed
flows of all Newtonian fluids)
 
L  ρV 2
  
L  V 2

∆p = f    or ∆h = f   
 D  2 g   D  2 g 
• Colebrook-White Equation (for transition region):
1  9 .3 
= 1.14 + 2 log( D / ε ) − 2 log 1 + 
f  Re(ε / D) f 
• * The equation is implicit in f (appears on both sides), so
iterations are required to solve for f.
Pipe Systems and Design

• Basic equations (cont’d)

• Hazen-Williams Equation (alternative to Darcy-
Weisbach formula; empirical)
1.852 1.167
V   1 
∆p = 6.819 L    ( ρg)
C   D
• C = roughness factor (typically, C = 150 for plastic or
copper pipe, C = 140 for new steel pipe, C < 100 for
badly corroded or very rough pipe)
Pipe Systems and Design

• Valve and fitting losses

• May be greater than pipe friction alone
V 2  V 2 
∆p = K L ρ   or ∆h = K L  
 2   2g 
• KL = loss coefficient (K factor) of pipe fittings
• Geometry and size dependent
• May be expressed as equivalent lengths of straight pipe
• Valve coefficient (Av):
• Volume flow rate Q = Av ∆p / ρ
(Source: Larock, Jeppson and Watters, 2000: Hydraulics of Pipeline Systems)
Pipe Systems and Design

• Practical design issues

• Select a pipe size for desired total flow rate and
available or allowable pressure drop, e.g.
• Often assume 2.5 m / 100 m pipe length
• Velocity limit 1.2 m/s for pipe < 50 mm dia., pressure
drop limit 400 Pa/m for pipe > 50 mm dia.
• Rule of thumb for practical design:
• Assume design pipe length is 1.5 to 2.0 times actual to
account for fitting losses; after pipe diameter is selected,
then evaluate the influence of each fitting
• Other considerations: e.g. noise & water hammer
(Source: ASHRAE Handbook Fundamentals 2005, Chp. 36)
(Source: ASHRAE Handbook Fundamentals 2005, Chp. 36)
Water Systems in HVAC

• HVAC water systems can be classified by

• Operating temperature
• Flow generation
• Pressurization
• Piping arrangement
• Pumping arrangement
Water Systems in HVAC

• Open water systems, e.g. using cooling tower

• Closed water systems
• Chilled water (CHW) system [4-13 oC, 825 kPa]
• Condenser water (CW) system
• Dual temperature water system
• Low temp. water (LTW) system [Max. 120 oC, < 1100 kPa]
• Medium temp. water (MTW) system [120-125 oC, < 1100
• High temp. water (HTW) system [> 175 oC, > 2070 kPa]
• Once-through system, e.g. sea water system
Basic components of water (hydronic) system

(Source: ASHRAE HVAC Systems and Equipment Handbook 2004)

Series circuit with load pumps

(Source: ASHRAE HVAC Systems and Equipment Handbook 2004)

Primary-secondary loop and pumping

(Source: ASHRAE HVAC Systems and Equipment Handbook 2004)

Multiple chiller variable flow chilled water system

(Source: ASHRAE HVAC Systems and Equipment Handbook 2004)

2-pipe direct return 2-pipe reverse return

(Source: ASHRAE HVAC Systems and Equipment Handbook 2004)

4-pipe system (dual temperature)

(Source: ASHRAE HVAC Systems and Equipment Handbook 2004)

Water Systems in HVAC

• Heat transfer in water systems

• Terminal units/devices that convey heat
from/to water for heating/cooling
• Common heat exchangers
• Water-to-air finned coil
• Water-to-water
• Heating load devices, e.g. radiators
• Cooling load devices, e.g. fan coil units
Calculate Heat Transferred to or from Water:
Water Systems in HVAC

• Design issues
• Design water temperature
• Flow rate
• Piping layout
• Pump selection
• Terminal unit selection
• Control method
Water Systems in HVAC

• Design principles
• Constant flow? Variable flow? Intermittent flow?
• Direct return piping or reverse return piping
• Direct return riser & reverse zone piping
• Design factors
• Pump speed controls
• Pressure distribution
• System balancing
• Thermal expansion & joints (or loops)
Water Systems in HVAC

• Piping materials
• Chilled water: black & galvanized steel
• Hot water: black steel, hard copper
• Condenser water: black steel, galvanized ductile iron, PVC
• Flow rate measurements
• Venturi, nozzle & orifice flowmeters
• Variable area flowmeters (rotameters)
• Turbine flowmeters
Water Systems in HVAC

• Other design considerations

• Makeup water (from city water or wells)
• Safety relief valves (for pressurised systems)
• Air elimination (e.g. by air separator/vent)
• Drain (at low points) & shutoff (for isolation)
• Balance fittings (allow balancing of sub-circuits)
• Strainers (remove dirt)
• Insulation (reduce heat loss & condensation)
• Condensate drains (to drainage system or recover)
Water Systems in HVAC

• Practical design process (see reference)

• See “Practical Guide to HVAC Building Services
Calculations” - water flow distribution
systems: overview of system design process
• W1 Pipe sizing – general
• W2 Pipe sizing – straight length
• W3 Pipe sizing – pressure drop across fittings
• W4 System resistance for pipework – index run
• W5 Pump sizing
• W6 Water system pressurisation
Centrifugal Pumps

• Centrifugal pump
• Most widely used in HVAC applications, e .g.
• Hot water systems
• Chilled water systems
• Condenser water systems
• Boiler feed and condensate return pumps
• Operation
• Electric motor’s output torque => impeller’s rotation
• Coupling to the pump shaft
• Centrifugal force & tip speed force
Chilled water pumping system

(Source: Fundamentals of Water System Design)

Cooling tower pumping system

(Source: Fundamentals of Water System Design)

A double-suction, horizontal split-case, single-stage centrifugal pump

Pump motor Centrifugal pump body

Pump Shaft

(Source: Wang, S. K., 2001. Handbook of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration)

Centrifugal pump

* Video: How does a Centrifugal pump work ? (4:37)

(Source: ASHRAE HVAC Systems and Equipment Handbook 2012)

Centrifugal pump, impeller and volute

(Source: Fundamentals of Water System Design)

Impeller action on fluid

* Video: Centrifugal Pump Working (5:54)
(Source: Fundamentals of Water System Design)
Centrifugal Pumps

• Variable speed pumps

• Less expensive nowadays
• Centrifugal pump characteristics*
• Total pressure-capacity curve
• Flat curve: applied on closed piping systems with
modulating valves
• Steep curve: usually for open piping systems (cooling
towers), w/ high pressure, constant flow
• Family of pump performance curves
* Video: Centrifugal Pumps | Design Aspects (5:32)
Total pressure-capacity curve

(Source: Fundamentals of Water System Design)

Flat versus steep pump curves

does this
(Source: Fundamentals of Water System Design)
Characteristic curves for pump models

(Source: Fundamentals of Water System Design)

Selected pump pressure-capacity curve

(Source: Fundamentals of Water System Design)

Centrifugal Pumps

• System pressure characteristic curve

• Compared w/: fan-duct system characteristics
• System operating point: intersection of fan curve
& system curve
• Pump power (W) = flow (L/s) x pressure (kPa)
• Pump input power
• Pump efficiency
• Matching pump to system curve
• Best efficiency point
Pump curve and system curve

(Source: ASHRAE HVAC Systems and Equipment Handbook 2004)

Increase of pumping power required with pump flow

(Source: Fundamentals of Water System Design)

Pump efficiency

(Source: Fundamentals of Water System Design)

Pump efficiency curves

(Source: Fundamentals of Water System Design)

Centrifugal Pumps

• Similarity relationships
• Pump affinity laws (c.f. fan laws)
Function Speed change Impeller diameter
Flow Q2 = Q1 (N2/N1) Q2 = Q1 (D2/D1)

Pressure p2 = p1 (N2/N1)2 p2 = p1 (D2/D1)2

Power P2 = P1 (N2/N1)3 P2 = P1 (D2/D1)3

Centrifugal Pumps

• Pump affinity laws (example)

• A pump is rated at 15 L/s at 200 kPa with a 24 rpm
electric motor. What is the flow and pressure if
used with a 16 rps motor? Assume no system static
• Solution:
• Flow: Q2 = Q1 (N2/N1) = 15 (16/24) = 10 L/s

• Pressure: p2 = p1 (N2/N1)2 = 200 (16/24)2 = 88.9 kPa

Region of best efficiency and best efficiency area

(Source: ASHRAE HVAC Systems and Equipment Handbook 2004)

Pump Arrangements

• Pump selection process

• Determine the load to be pumped
• Determine design ∆t & calculate required flow
• Sum up the load flows to determine total flow
• Determine the “critical path” (most resistant)
• Determine mounting method & support
• Select a pump from manufacturer
• Flat curve & steep curve, pump operation & motor
• Check overflow capacity when staging multiple pumps
Pump selection regions

(Source: ASHRAE HVAC Systems and Equipment Handbook 2004)

Reduction of theoretical Euler head due to losses

(Source: Grundfos)
Increase in power consumption due to losses

(Source: Grundfos)
Pump performance data

(Source: Fundamentals of Water System Design)

Pump Arrangements

• Pumping arrangements & control scenarios

• Multiple pumps in parallel or series
• Standby pump
• Pumps with two-speed motors
• Primary-secondary pumping
• Variable-speed pumping
• Distributed pumping
Pump curve for parallel operation

(Source: Fundamentals of Water System Design)

Operating conditions for parallel pump installation

(Source: Fundamentals of Water System Design)

(Source: ASHRAE HVAC Systems and Equipment Handbook 2004)
(Source: ASHRAE HVAC Systems and Equipment Handbook 2004)
Pump curve for series operation

(Source: Fundamentals of Water System Design)

Operating conditions for series pump

(Source: Fundamentals of Water System Design)

(Source: ASHRAE HVAC Systems and Equipment Handbook 2004)

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