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a+u 569 - David Adjaye 2007-2018

a+u Publishing Co. Ltd. 2018 no ISBN Acqn 28375
Pb 22x29cm 182pp 250ills 200col £31

Featuring more than 25 designs by the Ghanaian-British architect, this instalment offers an in-
depth look at the direction his practice has taken over the past decade, and includes an essay by
the architect on his approach to light and density. "The light determines how the building will be
seen and understood, and influences how I decide to format the construction," explains Adjaye. It
is a formidable list of projects from around the globe, such as the Moscow School of Management
in Skolkovo, IBA Hamburg, Beirut's Aishti Foundation, Museum of Contemporary Art Denver,
Wakefied Market Hall in West Yorkshire, and Sugar Hill mixed-use development in New York

[email protected]

An Illustrated Guide To Japanese Traditional Architecture And Everyday Things

Tankosha 2018 ISBN 9784473042378 Acqn 28391
Pb 13x21cm 144pp 250col ills £19.95

Various things related to traditional Japanese architecture and everyday life are the focus of this
illustrated guide. Interestingly, it is intended not only for English readers but also Japanese
people who would like to be able to better explain certain things to people from outside their
country. A huge number of items, objects, materials, structures, decorative elements, and so on
that one encounters while visiting or living in Japan, but might be too obscure or specific to
remember the names, or to even imagine from the term, are included in an accessible and very
informative format. For each, the Japanese name, English name, and pronunciation are
accompanied by an explanation.

[email protected]

North North West 02 - Zeinstra Van Gelderen Architecten

Architectura & Natura Press 2018 ISBN 9789461400505 Acqn 28409
Pb 24x29cm 168pp 185ills 150col £56

Zeinstra van Gelderen architects works on a variety of commissions that include architecture,
urbanism, public space, and interior design. The practice is drawn towards exploring the issues
that somehow are related to architecture, art, and society. Subsequently, they try to pursue the
realisation of the designs that follow from this exploration. It's not so much the particular scale,
but more the experimental challenge they set themselves as designers. The cooperation between
Mikel van Gelderen and Jurjen Zeinstra started in 1990, when both were working as editors for
the architectural magazine Oase. After winning the Europan competition with their entry 'High-
density open space' (1996, together with Ira Koers) this cooperation has become solid and
resulted in the design and realisation of many projects.

[email protected]

Nemo Factory 2018 ISBN 9791188529018 Acqn 28413
Pb 15x21cm 300pp col ills £50

Today, collaboration takes place in many fields, including fashion, science, music, industry, and
architecture. 'Archi-Culture: Culture in Architecture' is the sixth exhibition of the Union of
Architecture University in Seoul. Its goal is to display a space with richer experiences through the
collaboration of architecture and various cultural contents. Teams of architecture students from a
number of Korean universities selected different cultural contents (art, music, games, social
networks, etc.), reinterpreting these to realise them as spaces. Banpo Han River Park, an open
and familiar place in Seoul, served as the site to showcase the pavilions and their colourful,
visionary stories.

[email protected]

Homes - Ensembles – City

Arkitektur B 2018 ISBN 9788792700179 Acqn 28527
Pb 23x30cm 396pp col ills £59.95

'Homes|Ensembles|City' envisages the coming housing projects of Copenhagen. The book

shows 36 building projects of the near future after a thoroughly introduction by the author on the
three scale-modules of the dwelling, the housing ensembles, and the city, suggesting that the city
is to be perceived, conceived, and lived in terms of the relationship between the home and the
public realm. Hence not only public spaces but also housing ensembles become essential
elements in defining the morphology of the city.

[email protected]

Investigate - Villardjournal 01.018

Quodlibet 2018 ISBN 9788822901170 Acqn 28530
Pb 13x20cm 192pp 30ills £19.75

Published by the Villard de Honnecourt PhD in design and theory, based at the Universita Iuav di
Venezia, 'villardjournal' is dedicated to criticism, theory, and research in the field of design at
different scales. It aims at addressing more directly the contemporary condition of research and
theory today, offering articles written by various experts and scholars. This issue's theme is
"investigate", and is approached from diverse perspectives across nineteen texts. Subjects range
from urban mutations in Bucharest, waste disposal and recycling sites, and tools for heritage
landscapes, to interdisciplinary processes and the Mediterranean's influence on architectural

[email protected]

Transformation Strijp-S
Lecturis 2018 ISBN 9789462262775 Acqn 28532
Pb 23x30cm 384pp col ills £45

From Philips industrial area all the way to creative heart of the city of Eindhoven (Brainport
region): this is the result of a complex metropolitan transformation. Strijp-S was Philips' largest
industrial area (27 hectares). It was home to the first glass factory and also the NatLab, the
Philips research centre. The first plans for the area, made after Philips had announced it wanted
to sell, included words like 'Agronica', 'high tech favela', 'groene wig', 'Park Strijp' and 'Super-
village'. In 2003, housing corporation Trudo felt that the Brainport region had a significant need
for a metropolitan area. Together with around one hundred creative minds, and with lots of trial
and error, this new area has gained its own unique identity, with optimal use of its industrial

[email protected]

[email protected]

Arkitekt Axel Hoeg-Hansen

Arkitektur B 2018 ISBN 9788792700209 Acqn 28533
Hb 25x31cm 272pp col ills £51

Architect Axel Hoeg-Hansen is "the man who built the modern Aarhus", the second largest city of
Denmark. He did this in the years 1909 to 1937, when Aarhus was developing from a provincial
town into the main city of Jutland. Hoeg-Hansen designed most of his buildings in a personal neo-
classical style and was thereby contributing to the popularization of this style in Denmark, which
soon became mainstream. Unlike other architects, for him this was not a just a style, it was "the
only style" and he never made the switch to modernism. This is the first book on Hoeg-Hansen,
written by Mogens Brandt Poulsen, illustrated with original drawing material from Hoeg-Hansen's
archive, black&white pictures taken by Hoeg-Hansen himself and new pictures taken by
photographer Aage Lund Jensen.

[email protected]

Architectural Element 1 – Entrance

Damdi 2018 ISBN 9788968010743 Acqn 28555
Hb 24x29cm 480pp col ills £100

Architecture is a mixture of individual elements. Some have been around for thousands of years,
while others are much more recent, emerging from today's cutting-edge technologies. To explore
the elements of architecture in depth, DAMDI offers a sweeping, three-part survey of
contemporary case studies from around the world. The first volume deals with the "Entrance", the
second looks at "Stairs", and the third examines the "Roof". Through models, photographs,
technical drawings, and sketches, hundreds of featured works represent the spectrum of
architectural elements today. Includes interviews with NL Architects, Moussafir Architectes,
Stefano Corbo Studio, and more.

[email protected]

Architectural Element 2 – Stairs

Damdi 2018 ISBN 9788968010750 Acqn 28556
Hb 24x29cm 496pp £100

Architecture is a mixture of individual elements. Some have been around for thousands of years,
while others are much more recent, emerging from today's cutting-edge technologies. To explore
the elements of architecture in depth, DAMDI offers a sweeping, three-part survey of
contemporary case studies from around the world. The first volume deals with the "Entrance", the
second looks at "Stairs", and the third examines the "Roof". Through models, photographs,
technical drawings, and sketches, hundreds of featured works represent the spectrum of
architectural elements today. Includes interviews with NL Architects, Moussafir Architectes,
Stefano Corbo Studio, and more.

[email protected]

Architectural Ethnography - Japanese Pavilion Venice Biennale 2018

Toto 2018 ISBN 9784887063716 Acqn 28573
Pb 17x21cm 200pp 600ills 300col £22.50

Modernisation in the 20th century has deeply transformed Japanese society, bringing economic
wealth and social well-being, but also increasing divisions and specialisation in society. This
transformation has been increasingly questioned in recent years, and finds expression in
architectural projects. The catalogue for the Japanese Pavilion at the Venice Architecture
Biennale, curated by Momoyo Kaijima, one of the founders of Atelier Bow-Wow, this volume
examines the role of architectural drawings in this reappraisal, as they form the basis on which a
common approach in the design of individualised yet shared environments in today's globalised
society can be formulated. It proposes architectural ethnography as a methodology of social

[email protected]

Atlas Of The Copenhagens

Ruby Press 2018 ISBN 9783944074245 Acqn 28583
Pb 16x24cm 480pp col ills £53

This publication explores the urban territories of Copenhagen, often identified as the world's most
sustainable and liveable city. Such claims position it as an opportune site to engage in a wider
debate on contemporary urban ideals, prompting questions about the nature of sustainability and
liveability. Yet the increasing authority attributed to city-ranking metrics prompts a second line of
inquiry. How are the territorial and conceptual limits of a city drawn to define it as an object of
measurement, and how does this impact our understanding of something as complex and
manifold as a city? This series of texts, maps, and infographics offers reflection on these themes
across multiple Copenhagens.

[email protected]

Hidden Landscapes - The Metropolitan Garden As A Multi-Sensory Expression Of Place

Architectura & Natura Press 2018 ISBN 9789461400611 Acqn 28584
Pb 17x21cm 432pp col ills £51

Authored by Saskia de Wit, this book examines the enclosed garden as an expression of the
'genius loci'. How can this can be made accessible in the contemporary metropolitan landscape?
Included are analyses of the spatial, sensorial, and narrative craft patterns of metropolitan
gardens ranging from traditional Japanese masterpieces to contemporary European landscape
architecture. The metropolitan garden, as a defined space in the continuous metropolitan field,
provides an alternative way to access the landscape horizon, references to nature, and
connections to the underlying landscape, providing a new perspective on two quintessential
themes: nature and place.

[email protected]

Paulo Mendes da Rocha. Residential Masterpieces 27

A.D.A.Edita Tokyo Co. Ltd. 2018 ISBN 9784871405607 Acqn 28594
Pb 24x35cm 68pp 74ills 39col £30

[email protected]

Petra Gipp - Passage/Shaft/Niche/Lining/Nave – Wandering

Arvinius + Orfeus Publishing 2018 ISBN 9789187543647 Acqn 26479
Hb 22x24cm 224pp col ills £56.50

For architect Petra Gipp, working with models is pivotal. It is a method for approaching
architecture, often independently of scale. Seamlessly working with one material allows her to
shape an architectural concept on the basis of that material. Space is sculpted through a focus on
volume, elements, and details, where everything can be reduced to a single idea, blending
architecture with place, body, and thought. This approach adds clarity and a personal voice to the
rooms and volumes that she creates. Gipp's plaster castings are here combined with newly
written poems by Ann Jaderlund, plus critical reflections by Peter Bjerrum, Helena Mattsson, and
Sune Nordgren.

[email protected]

OASE 100 - The Architecture of the Journal

nai010 publishers 2018 ISBN 9789462084315 Acqn 28405
Pb 17x24cm 256pp 50ills col £45

The 100th issue of OASE takes the journal’s long-standing collaboration with its graphic designer
Karel Martens as a starting point to explore the relationship between architecture journals and
graphic design. In doing so, it challenges the conventional idea that architecture journals are
mere carriers of information, showing instead how these journals play a defining role in the
message they convey. Adhering to Marshall McLuhan’s famous maxim ‘the medium is the
message’, it considers the graphic space of the journal, its materiality, its production, and the
physical experience of reading.

[email protected]

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