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Time Remaining :

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History :
the source of information is the mother of 1 yo m, who c/o her child has diarrhea
-Started 3 days ago watery diarrhea that is getting worse now with blood and mucus, no previous
episodes, several episodes uncountable the mount of diarrhea
-No alleviated, no aggravated
-has greenish vomiting, foul smelling stool, fever, pt is extremely irritable,daycare children with same
-Denied rash
ROS: no urinary habits changes, no antibiotics use,no rash.
MEDS: acetaminophen
travels: travel recently to india
Birth: 39 week w/o complications
Growth: normal
Immunization: up to date

Physical Examination :

Diagnosis 1 :

History Findings Physical Exam Findings

1) daycare children with same
2) watery diarrhea
3) fever

Diagnosis 2 :
bacterial diarrhea

History Findings Physical Exam Findings

1) fever
2) watery diarrhea
3) vomiting

Diagnosis 3 :
travel's diarrhea

History Findings Physical Exam Findings

1) travel recently to india
2) watery diarrhea

Diagnostic Study/Studies - Labs

1) stool culture with leukocytes
2) cbc
3) stool for blood occult
4) u/s abd

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