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Acknowledgments 9


Woman, Science's Unknown 13
How Can They Immediately Be So Sure?, 13. The Anatomical Model,
14. A Science That Still Cannot Make Up Its Mind, 15. A Question of
Method, 16. What Is Involved in (Re)production, and How It Aids and
Abets the Phallic Order, IS. A Difference Not Taken into Account, 2I.
The Labor "to Become a Woman," 24.

The Little Girl Is (Only) a Little Boy 25

An Inferior Little Man, 25. The Cards Turned Over, 26. The Dream
Interpreters Themselves, 27. Penis Masturbation: A Necessarily Phallic
Auto-eroticism, 2S. The Change of "Object" or the Crisis of a
Devaluation, 3 I. The Law of the Self-same, ]2.

Is Her End in Her Beginning? 34

An Unsuspected Love, 34. The Desire to Have a Child by the Mother,
34. The Father's Seduction: Law but Not Sex, 37. The "Reasons" Why a
Girl Hates Her Mother and a Boy Goes on Loving His, 40. An Economy
of Primal Desire That Cannot Be Represented, 42. One More Child, 44.

Another "Cause" -Castration 46

As Might Be Expected, 46. The Gaze, Always at Stake, 47. Anatomy Is
"Destiny," 4S. What the Father's Discourse Covers Up, 49. The
Negative in Phallocentric Dialectic, 50. Is Working Out the Death Drives
Limited to Men Only? 53.

"Penis-Envy" 55
Waiting in Vain, 55. An Indirect Sublimation, 56. "Envy" or "Desire"
for the Penis? 57. Repression, or Inexorable Censorship? 5S. Mimesis
Imposed, 59.


A Painful Way to Become a Woman 61

And the Father, Neutral and Benevolent, Washes His Hands of the
Matter, 61. A (Female) A-Sex? 62. Is the Oedipus Complex Universal or
Not? 63. Free Association on Onanism, 65.

A Very Black Sexuality? 66

Symptoms Almost Like Those of Melancholia, 66. A Setback She Cannot
Mourn, 67. That Open Wound That Draws Everything to Itself, 70.
That Necessary Remainder: Hysteria, 71.

The Penis = the Father's Child 73

The Primacy of Anal Erotism, 73. Those Party to a Certain Lease, 74·
Woman Island Also Mother, 76. Forbidden Games, 77. The Hymen of
Oedipus, Father and Son, 78.

The Deferred Action of Castration 81

Capitalism without Complexes, 8 I. The Metaphorical Veil of the Eternal
Feminine, 82. The Other Side of History, 83. The Submission of a Slave?
87. A Super-ego That Rather Despises the Female Sex, 88.

An Indispensable Wave of Passivity 90

A Redistribution of Partial Instincts, E-specially Sadistic-anal Instincts, 90.
"There Is Only One Libido," 93. Idealization, What Is One's Own, 95.
The (Re)productive Organ, 96. Confirmation of Frigidity, 97.

Female Hom(m)osexuality 98
The "Constitutional Factor" Is Decisive, 98. Homosexual Choice Clearly
Expounded, 99. A Cure Fails for Lack of Transference(s), 100. Female
Sameness, 101.

An Impracticable Sexual Relationship 104

An Ideal Love, 104. Were It Not for Her Mother? 105. Or Her Mother-
in-law? 106. Squaring the Family Circle, 106. Generation Gap, or Being
Historically out of Phase? 109. Woman's Enigmatic Bisexuality, IIO.

"Woman Is a Woman as a Result of a Certain Lack

of Characteristics" 112
An Ex-orbitant Narcissism, II3. The Vanity of a Commodity, II3. The
Shame That Demands Vicious Conformity, 115. Women Have Never
Invented Anything but Weaving, 115. A Very Envious Nature, 117.
Society Holds No Interest for Women, 119. A Fault in Sublimation, 123.
"La Femme de Trente Ans," 127.


Any Theory of the "Subject" Has Always Been Appropriated

by the "Masculine" 1 33
Kore: Young Virgin, Pupil of the Eye 147

On the Index of Plato's Works: Woman 15 2
How to Conceive (of) a Girl 160
Une Mere de Glace 168
" ... and if, taking the eye of a man recently dead. 180
La Mysterique 19 1
Paradox A Priori 20 3
The Eternal Irony of the Community 214
Volume-Fluidity 227

PLATO'S Hystera
The Stage Setup 243
Turned Upside-down and Back-to-front, 244. Special Status for the Side
Opposite, 245. A Fire in the Image of a Sun, 245. The Forgotten Path,
246. Paraphragm/Diaphragm, 248. The Magic Show, 250. A Waste of
Time? 252. A Specular Cave, 253.

The Dialogues 256

One Speaks, the Others Are Silent, 256. Like Ourselves, They Submit to
a Like Principle of Identity, 258. Provided They Have a Head, Turned in
the Right Direction, 260. What Is = What They See, and Vice Versa,
26I. The A-Ietheia, a Necessary Denegation among Men, 262. Even Her
Voice Is Taken Away from Echo, 263. A Double Topographic Error, Its
Consequences, 265.

The Avoidance of (Masculine) Hysteria 268

A Hypnotic Method, 268. That Buries and Forbids "Madness," 270. A
Remainder of Aphasia, 273. The Misprision of Difference, 274. The
Unreflected Dazzle of Seduction, 275.

The "Way Out" of the Cave 278

The "Passage," 278. A Difficult Delivery, 279. Then Whence and How
Does He Get Out? 28I. A World Peopled by Ghosts, 282.

The Time Needed to Focus and Adjust the Vision 283

Impossible to Turn Back (or Over), 283. Were It Not, Right Now, for a
Sophistry Played with Doubles, 286. A Frozen Nature, 289. The
Auto ... Taken in by the A-Ietheia, 29I. Bastard or Legitimate
Offspring? 293.

The Father's Vision: Engendering with No History of Problems 294

A Hymen of Glass lIce, 294. The Unbegotten Begetter, 294. Exorcism of
the Dark Night, 296. Astrology as Thaumaturgy: A Semblance (of a)
Sun, 297. A Question of Property, 298.

A Form That Is Always the Same 303
The Passage Confusing Big and Little, and Vice Versa, 303. The
Standard Itself/Himself, 304. Better to Revolve upon Oneself-But This
Is Possible Only for God-the-Father, 304. The Mother, Happily, Does
Not Remember, 307. A Source-mirror of All That Is, 308. The Analysis
of That Projection Will Never Take (or Have Taken) Place, 310.

Completion of the Paideia 3I I

The Failings of an Organ That Is Still Too Sensible, 311. A Seminar in
Good Working Order, 312. An Immaculate Conception, 315. The
Deferred Action of an Ideal Jouissance, 316. The End of Childhood, 318.

Life in Philosophy 319

Always the Same (He), 319. An Autistic Completeness, 321. Love
Turned Away from Inferior Species and Genera/Gender, 322. The
Privilege of the Immortals, 324. The Science of Desire, 325. A Koye
Dilated to the Whole Field of the Gaze and Mirroring Herself, 327.

Divine Knowledge 330

The Back Reserved for God, 330. The Divine Mystery, 330. This Power
Cannot Be Imitated by Mortals, 334. How, Then, Can They Evaluate
Their Potency? 334. Except over Someone Like Themselves? 336. The
Father Knows the Front Side and Back Side of Everything, at Least in
Theory, 337. The Meaning of Death for a Philosopher, 339.

An UnarticulatedlInarticulate Go-Between: The Split between

Sensible and Intelligible 339
A Failure of Relations between the Father and Mother, 339. A One-way
Passage, 341. Compulsory Participation in the Attributes of the Type,
343. A Misprized Incest and an Unrealizable Incest, 343.

Return to the Name of the Father 346

The Impossible Regression toward the Mother, 346. A Competition the
Philosopher Will Decline to Enter, 347. Two Modes of Repetition:
Property and Proximity, 349. Better to Work the Earth on the Father's
Account Than to Return to It: Metaphor/Metonymy, 352. The Threat of
Castration, 353.

"Woman's" Jouissance 353

A Dead Cave Which Puts Representation Back into Play, 353. That
Marvelously Solitary Pleasure of God, 356. A Diagonal Helps to Temper
the Excessiveness of the One, 357. The Infinite of an Ideal Which Covers
the Slit (of a) Void, 361. Losing Sight of "the Other," 362. The
Vengeance of Children Freed from Their Chains, 364.

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