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A famous film director (R+L)

There are FIVE more missing forms of “be” and THREE missing forms of
“have” in this text. Put the missing verbs in the correct positions.

Pedro Almodovar a famous Spanish film

director. His most famous films “Talk to Her”

and “Bad Education”. His films popular in

Spain and many other countries but they not

in English; they in Spanish. Pedro grey hair

and brown eyes. He lives in Madrid and he not married. He doesn't any

children but he a brother, Agustin Almodovar. ___ / 8

A day in the life of Li Wand. (R+L)

There are mistakes in this description. Find and correct them - as in the
example. When there’s no error, put “V”.

Ling Wang read (0) __reads__ the evening news

on a Beijing TV channel. She lives (00) ___✓_______
in a beautiful apartment in the centre of the city.
She don't (1) ______________' get up early. She likes
sleep (2) ______________ late, until 10 or 11 a.m. She
have (3) ___________ three cups of green tea for
breakfast. At (4) _________ 11.30 a.m. she go (4)
______________ for a swim in a pool in her apartment
block. Then she relaxes (5) ______________ until
lunchtime. "Sometimes I meet friend (6) ____________ for lunch," she says. "We
talk about our job (7) ______________, and music and films and things. I know a
lovely ________________ (8) restaurant near my apartment..."
___ / 8
Two conversations. (R+L) ___ / 9
I. A music student introduces herself to Julie. Put a number where the
missing word should be.

(0) DIANA: Hello, my name's Diana. I'm studying here at 0 moment. (the=0)
(1) JULIE: Hi! I'm Julie. I come these concerts every week. What
instrument do you play? (to=1)
(2) DIANA: Well, I normally play the violin, but I'm learning to play
the piano year, too.
(3) JULIE: I love violin music. But the piano is difficult (a=3)
instrument, isn't it?
(4) DIANA: Yes! I have a class Tuesdays. It isn't easy. What about (on= 4)
you? Do you play anything? (is=5)
(5) JULIE: Not really. My husband teaching me the piano at the
moment. He plays every day. (to=6)
(6) DIANA: It's not easy find the time, is it?
(7) JULIE: We're all working very hard days. Too hard. But these (these=7)
concerts after work are great. (have=8)
(8) DIANA: Good. We sometimes concerts at lunchtime, too.
(9) JULIE: Lunchtime! What that mean? (does=9)
(10) DIANA: Oh dear! You're working a bit hard at the moment!

II. People at a conference are making small talk, trying to get to know
each other. Look at the example and add seven more questions.
0. Are you staying near here?_________________________________________
- Yes, we've got a room in a hotel on Oak Street.
1. ______________________________________________________________________________________________?
- I play tennis sometimes, but I don't have much free time!
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________________?
- I'm a doctor.
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________________?
- We really love Indian food. There's a great restaurant near here.
4. ______________________________________________________________________________________________?
- I'm from Portugal, actually. What about you?
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________________?
- Yes, we've got a flat in the town centre.
6. ______________________________________________________________________________________________?
- No, not really. I commute (=travel) every day to London.
7. ______________________________________________________________________________________________?
- Yes, I'm trying to learn Chinese. ___ / 7
Listening 1: Practically speaking
You work for the Freebird Corporation in Lisbon. A customer is
visiting you for the first time. Listen to their conversation.

1). Match sentences 1-7 with phrases from the list.

A. Did you find ... B. Where… C. Did you get … D. Welcome…

E. How long… F. Did you have … G. Would you like …

____D___ to Freebird!
–Thanks very much. It’s nice to be here.___________________________
________ a good trip?
________ your way here all right?
________ are you staying?
________ are you here for?
________ something to drink before we start?
________ the programme I sent you?
___ / 12
2). Listen again and write down the visitor's responses.

3). Listen to a longer version of the conversation in 1). Then complete

follow-up questions 1-7.

1. Is this ________________________________________________________________in Lisbon?

2. What time ___________________________________________________________last night?
3. How did you __________________________________________________________- by car?
4. Is it _____________________________________________________________________for you?
5. Will you have time______________________ around Lisbon while you're here?
6. How do you ____________________________________________________________________?
7. Would you like_______________________________________________________changes?

___ / 7
TOTAL listening _____ / 43
Listening 2: Practically speaking
I. Listen to four conversations and match each one with a place where
it took place.

a). outside a hotel – Conversation # _______________

b). by a hot drinks machine – Conversation # _______________
c). in a company Reception – Conversation # _______________
d). in a manager's office – Conversation # _______________ __ / 4
II. Complete invitations and offers 1-4 and responses a-d from the
conversations. Then match each invitation or offer to a response. Listen
again and check your answers.
1. __________________________________________________ join us?
2. ___________________________________________________get you a glass of water?
3. ___________________________________________________ a coffee?
4. _________________________________________________book a ticket for you?

a. Yes, please. That's very__________________of you

b. No, thanks I'd __________________have tea.
c. Yes. please. That would be ___________________. __ / 12
d. Thanks for the_____________________________, but …
III. Listen to a representative from the Work Association give a talk on the
typical workplace in the year 2020. Tick the right columns in the table.

In 2020 ... will May/might May/might won't

0.The working population/be older

1.There/be many management

2.Colleagues/see each other often

3.Most people/work from home

4.There/be a lot of offices in office

5.Office buildings/contain a gym

6.Employees/stay with the same

7.Employers/be offered better
8.Employees /take career breaks
__ / 8
Samsung: From Dried
In the 1970s Samsung (5)_______________
Fish to High Tech (invest) in heavy industries like chemicals and
(R+L) shipbuilding, but then in the 1980s they (6)

Put the verbs into the correct form. ________________ (begin) to focus more on
technology and electronic products. In 1987 Kun-
In 1938 Byung-Chull Lee (0) started (start)
Hee Lee (7) __________ (take) the place of his
a business in Korea called “Samsung“. He (1)
father as Chairman of the company. In 1988 he (8)
_____________ (sell) vegetables and dried fish
________________ (announce) the
to China. Ten years later he (2) ___________
'Second Foundation' of the company, and
(have) his own manufacturing and sales
before long Samsung (9) _______________
operations, and the business (3) ___________
(become) a world-class 21st century corporation
(grow) quickly. Over the next few decades
Samsung (4)
___ / 9
______________ (buy) several insurance
companies and department stores.

A business opportunity.
___ / 6
Choose the correct tense(s) to complete this business e-mail.

TO: [email protected]___________________________________
RE: construction of new line for Bucharest metro______________
CC: [email protected]__________________________________________

Jim - (0) have you heard ___ (you/hear) about the plans to extend the Bucharest metro?
The European Union (1) _______________________________ (announce) that they will provide
funding for another line. All construction companies are invited to make a bid. Several
points occur to me.

1. Our big competitors like Alstom and Bechtel (2) _____________________________

(not/make) public statements yet, but I'm sure they will be interested.

2. What about us? Should we put in our own bid? (3) I _______________________________
(prepare) a short report with my own ideas. It's attached to this email. Let me
know what you think.

3. It would be good to talk to Dimitrie about this, but he (4) ____________________________

(not reply) to my last few emails. (5) __________________________________ ( you/see) him

Anyway, my secretary (6) _________________________ (schedule) a meeting on this issue at the

end of March. Please discuss the matter with your team members before then.
READING: comprehension (R+L)
Look back at the letter in the previous task. Answer the questions below.
T=true, F-false, NS = not stated
1. The EU is planning to sponsor the construction of one more line of the Bucharest
underground. T/F/NS
2. The allocation of finances will be done as a result of a tender. T/F/NS
3. The person who is writing would like to take part in the tender. T/F/NS
4. A partner – Dimitrie – shows no interest in this project. T/F/NS
5. Jim must talk to his team about the project before the official meeting takes place.
___ / 5
Looking for a shoulder to cry on (R+L)
I. One word is missing from every line. Write this word in
the space opposite the line, like in the example.
What ___ terrible day!
I haven't replied ___ all my emails yet
and I've been here ___ eight o'clock! And
I have ___ write a report this afternoon.
My boss has ___ reminded me about it
three times this week. Honestly, I've been in this job ___ three years
and I've ___ had so much work to do. I haven't complained yet, but if
things continue like this, I'm going ___ say something. Oh sorry, I must
go now. I've ___ seen my boss come in and I don't want him
___ hear me chatting on the phone.
Maybe we could go out for a drink one evening. Have you been ___
that Salsa Bar near ___ cathedral? They say it’s very good.
Anyway, speak ___ you soon. Bye.
___ / 12
II. Complete each sentence with a verb: become, decide, finish, get, put,
renovate, work – and a time preposition: at, in, on. Put the verbs in the
right forms. More than one correct option may exist
1. We _________________________________ to have the conference call I Friday morning.
2. I __________________hard last year and I _________________a good bonus I December.
3. We _________________________________the meeting I seven o'clock I the evening.
4. They say that they ___________________the money in our account I the 21 of May.

5. We_________________________________________ the building I the beginning of the year.

6. Klaus Knielfield _______________________________ chief executive of Siemens I 2005.

TOTAL reading + language use: _________/ 78 ___ / 14

Complete the paraphrases using ONE, TWO or THREE words only The second
sentence in each pair must mean exactly the same as the first one.

0. Skiing is not as dangerous as kitesurfing.

 Skiing is ________more_________ dangerous than kitesurfing.

1. A smartphone is Sarah's favourite possession.

 Sarah likes her smartphone more ______________ any of her other
2. The Italian restaurant is cheaper than the Greek restaurant.
 The Italian restaurant costs _________________ than the Greek
3. Their father was given his first pony by his grandmother.
 Their father's grandmother ______________________ his first pony.
4. A free documentary film is included in the exhibition.
 The exhibition __________________________ a free documentary film.
5. It's too hot to play football.
 It's not cool _____________________ to play football.
6. Each section has three parts.
 In each section _______________________ three parts.
7. Nick's golf club had an important competition last month.
 There _______________important competition at Nick's golf club last
8. There are three tennis courts at the sports centre.
 The sports centre ________________ three tennis courts.
9. Covent Garden is close to Oxford Street.
 Covent Garden is not ________________ Oxford Street.
10. Soccer is a very easy game to learn.
 It is not very ________________ to learn how to play soccer.
11. School trips can teach you a lot.
 You can ________________ a lot on a school trip.
12. It costs 30 Euros to visit the aquarium in Valencia.
 You have to ________________ 30 Euros to visit the aquarium in
13. My teacher has lent me a great book.
 I have ________________ a great book from my teacher.
14. Everyone in our class loves watching cartoons in English.
 In our class, all of us ________________ watching cartoons in English.
15. She doesn't have that car anymore.
 She _______________________ got that car anymore. ___ / 15
TOTAL writing ______/ 45
I. Read this part of a fax from David Parkinson, a company director, who will
be arriving from the UK to visit your company next week.

As you know, I will be arriving on Tuesday afternoon next week, and I wonder if you
could answer a few questions for me. Will someone be able to meet me at the airport? If this
is possible, I would be grateful. It would be a lot easier than trying to get a taxi in a strange
Can you tell me the name of the hotel and where it is? I will need to leave this
information with my secretary.
Do you have any plans for dinner after I arrive? If you are free, would you care to join
me? It would be a good opportunity to get to know each other.
Could you confirm the time of the meeting the next day, and let me know exactly
where it will be taking place?
Looking forward to hearing from you.

Write a fax to David:

 saying who will meet him at the airport, and where; ___ / 30
 giving him the name and location of the hotel;
 explaining the arrangements for dinner after he arrives;
 confirming the time and venue (place) of the meeting the next day.
Write 60-80 words. Please mention all of the 4 points.

_______________________________________________________ ___________
_______________________________________________________ ___________
_____________________________________ _____________________________
TOTAL TEST _______ / 166

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